Top 5 Ecommerce Business Ideas

if you're eager to start your owne-commerce businessbut struggle to come up with a relevantand unique idea of what to sellwe have great news for youwe have prepared a list of five types of
productsthat are going to take over the market in 2018and make your business
venture a successall the ideaspresented in this videocan be easily turned realwith ready-made website templatesby TemplateMonsterchoose from over 26,000 templatesfor various types of businessesand enjoy the ease
of creating a website in a couple clickslet's dive into itsmart home products and accessoriesover the last couple yearssmart home products have becomeincreasingly popular in 201780 million smart home devices weredelivered worldwideand the number increases every yearthose products include camerasdoor locksalarmaudio systemsspeakersthermostatsand morethe demand for these products will grow
more and more in the following yearsas people will get used to themand realize their valueso starting to sell thistype of goods nowwill definitely mean getting increasing profita our VR headsetsappsan accessory storethis nisha is very closeto the previous onebut is still being a completely separate
marketaccording to the statistics provided by Googleover 40% of adults are interestedin giving VR a trythis type of products is entertainment
orientedincluding video content in gamesand opens a space for a big number
of accessoriesand side productsbeing relatively new for consumers AR and VRrelated niche attracts a lot of attentionand has a huge potential for
future developmentfitness store and/or sports nutritionsince more and more people get engagedinto a healthy and active lifestylethe items they use while working out andthe food they eat to get in shapeare the ones that are in demandthis trend has already been presenton the market for some timeand shows no signs of slowing downselling HIIT equipmentsports appareland other goodsincluding some items for outdoor activitiesmay turn out to be a highly profitable businessphone accessoriesand other phone related productsnow with new smartphones and tabletsof different sizes and shapes beingconstantly releasedthe market for such items asphone cases is hugealmost every single model requires a special oneso if you provide a wide choiceand update your stock regularlyand you will definitely win the trust of
your target customerother products such as power banksOTG cablesphone chargersprotective glasses are always in demandonline grocery storeand / or a fresh meal deliveryboth the grocery store and afood delivery companybelong to a very demanding type of business venturebut still become very rewarding in a
long-term perspectiveyour product choices depend on the region you are going to coverand selling some specificor rare types of food such asinternational cuisinevegan or vegetarian foodhealthy mealsyou may win a lot of loyal clientsalso providing fresh meal delivery is gonna increase your client basewrapping upthese days it's important to stay on top
of everythingthat's going on in the e-commerce worldfollow the trendskeep up learning what people want to buyand you're gonna make itthanks for watching this videogive us your thumbs upleave a comment and don't forgetto check some of our other videos


3 Smart Ways to Revamp Registration Process of Your ECommerce Site

By Rob Stephen | Submitted On January 17, 2018

Expert Author Rob Stephen

Before getting into the details of making registration process easier, you need to clearly understand why such eCommerce registration is important. Well, if a user completes the registration process, even if he or she doesn’t buy anything from your online store, you can get the details of that particular visitor. This information would help you in making a future marketing strategy for that visitor. You can approach that potential buyer with a personalised approach in future. Here is a list of a few smart ways to revamp the registration process for your eCommerce website.

Make it Easily Visible

When you offer the users or the visitors a smooth navigation process, they would automatically love your website a bit more than other websites where they become confused with the complex navigation process. Make registration or the login button clearly visible. You should not make your visitors look for it. Moreover, try to avoid fancy words for the registration button, use simple and clear words so that the viewers can understand at the first glance that “OK! This is the button for signing up”. There is no fixed place to keep this button. However, the common practice is to place it in the right upper corner of the page.

Shorten the Forms

You should ask only such user information that is relevant for updating your database and that would help you in making marketing strategy. If you ask the visitor to fill up unnecessary, irrelevant and too much information, that would take too much time and the visitors would not give a second thought before leaving your eCommerce website. Asking for the name, email id, to some extent asking for a mobile number is fine. However, if the users find out that they need to put up their bank details to register on your website, they won’t feel safe and would immediately leave it. Hence it is advisable to keep it short, simple and precise.

Make Proper Use of Social Logins

Today, using different social logins to complete the registration process on an eCommerce website is pretty much trending on the market. Using such social logins not only saves a lot of user time but the users don’t need to remember another login password and username as well. Thus, the users become happy as well as you also get the information you needed. More interestingly, such social logins are more valuable as these not only give you a particular user’s information but you get access to his or her friend list along with the products and brands they follow and like. All these information would help you in devising your next marketing strategy or approach that would leave an impact on your eCommerce business growth.

Apart from all these above-mentioned aspects, You should keep in mind that the more distractions you use on your registration page, the users would get more distracted by those. Keep the page simple. More importantly, you should not assume that your visitors know everything about the form fill up process. You should give them clear instructions throughout the process.

Rob Stephen is a veteran software developer of Visions & Solutions, one of the leading software development companies in Sydney that has years of experience in serving diverse businesses with business-driven eCommerce solutions in Sydney. He keeps himself updated with the latest technological enhancements and loves to pen down his thoughts on the ongoing market trends.

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5 Things To Know Before You Start An Ecommerce Business

[Music][Applause][Music]hey guys Greta here and today I'm goingto be covering five things that you needto know before you start an e-commercebusiness over the last six years Ifounded for multi-million dollarecommerce brands including skinny meatyv and drop model and scaled these brandsinto the eight figures I've also madesome huge mistakes along the way theseare mistakes I see new ecommerceentrepreneurs making again and again nowI've also taught a course alongsidefound are called start and Scalia onlinestore to thousands of students so I'venot only learnt from my own mistakes butalso send thousands of e-commerceentrepreneurs just starting out maketheir own the best thing about making amistake are the lessons that you learnin doing so so today I'm not only goingto identify five things that you need toknow before you start an e-commercebusiness but also give you someactionable tips around them where I canso let's list them quickly now so thatyou know what the agenda is for todaynumber one your product is the solutionto a problem number two your productneeds to be viable for e-commerce numberthree you need to be able to communicatehow you're differentnumber four your customer is noteveryone and number five you can buildyour audience before you have a productso I'm going to take you through all ofthese with an example of a newe-commerce brand and how you'd applyeach of these learnings to that brandlike I said this is going to be veryactionable then I'm going to let youknow how you can get started today solet's dive straight into it number oneyour product is the solution to aproblem so the first thing that you needto know when starting an e-commercebusiness is that you're not justcreating a product you're solving aproblem the world does not need moreproducts what it does need is bettersolutions to existing problems one ofthe most common mistakes I see newentrepreneurs making again and again iscreating a solution before identifyingthe problem so before thinking whatproduct can I sell first think aboutwhat problem can I solve so what we needto do is find a problem that you knowexists or better yet you've experiencedyourself ideally this will be a nichethat you're truly passionate about asthis is going to be something that youwant to be able to do day in day out forthe foreseeable futureso let's use an example I'm interestedin protecting our shared environment forfuture generations this might be becausemy mom was a bit of a hippie and alsolike a lot of mums the person I look upto most in this world so a hugeenvironmental issue is waste bothlandfill and recyclable for differentreasons my mum has taken to doing thingslike lighting have been with oldnewspaper instead of plastic bags andshe religiously takes her own reusablebags to the supermarket including theones that you put your fruit and veggiesin to be weighed so the problem I'd likemy brand to solve is decreasing wastefrom everyday disposable items so a goodway to come up with your product typehere is by turning your problem into aquestion and your product type over theanswer to that question so the questionwould be how can i decrease waste fromeveryday disposable items and one answerwould be to make those items reusable sonow let's start to think of some itemsthat use daily that are disposable thatyou could make reusable so the first fewthings that come to mind just off thetop of my head of razors toothbrushestakeaway coffee cups and straws so nowyou want to begin to have a think and dosome research around each potentialproduct idea and which you think has thebiggest market potential and which isn'tbeing done as well as the others solet's fast forward and go for the itemof those which has the least marketsaturation which is disposable strawsthen we want to focus in and start to dosome additional research around ourproblem and solution so we want to lookinto some of the facts and figures thatyou can focus on to highlight theproblem of disposable strollersapparently an estimated 500 millionstraws are used everyday in the US alonethis is a powerful number and will helpyour potential customer instantlyunderstand the importance of making achange then you want to highlight thefact that plastic straws can not berecycled and that they sit in landfillfor years or pollute our waterways soyou're starting to create a compellingreason for your prospective customers toswitch to a reusable straw by getting totheto understand and even empathize withthe problem now your customer just needsto understand how your product isdifferent to every other reusable strawon the market which we'll cover in pointnumber three but first we need to makesure our product is viable fore-commerce so moving on to point numbertwo not all products are viable fore-commerce now that you've come up withthe problem in it you're solving and thesolution your product you need to makesure that your product is viable toe-commerce so the number one thingthat's going to determine whether yourproduct is going to be viable fore-commerce or not is whether it's ableto be shipped worldwide so it needs tonot be too heavy or your shipping willcost a lot it needs to not be toobreakable or you'll be issuing a lot ofrefunds so let's take our product ideainto account here is it like to ship yesit's reusable so you'll only me needingto send one or two items at a timerather than items of bulk and is itbreakable this is going to depend onwhat the straw is made of there are twomain kinds of reusable straws glass andplastic the e-commerce viability let'sstay away from glass as it's far morebreakable plus it could be quite adangerous product if it was to break insomebody's mouth for example so a metalreusable straw is a viable ecommerceoption it's also a financially viableoption as it's relatively cheap toproduce and has a high perceived valueso you might be thinking there arealready very usable straws on the markethow is my product different this takesus onto topic 3 so topic number three isthat you need to differentiate yourselffor your competition the next thing thatyou need to do is be able to communicatehow you're different from other brandsor products on the market what we'relooking to do here is to create yourunique value proposition a unique valueproposition is a single clear compellingmessage that states why you're differentand worth buying a common misconceptionin e-commerce is that you need a crazynew product idea to be successful thisis not true at all and actually the mostsuccessful e-commerce brands are theones that have taken existing problemsand sold them in a new way so what'simportant to note here is that you don'tneed to reinventthe wheel you just need to find a pointof difference the way that I do this isby taking my product and considering howI could make it different by changing asingle dimension only the dimensionsthat I take into account a designfunction price and time so let's take alook at how we could make our reusablestraw different to others on the marketstarting with design an option to changethe design of our metal reusable strawcould be making it in a differentcolorway especially a trending colorwaylike rose gold or Chrome but again thesemay already exist another morespecialized design option could beplaying on the design trend ofpersonalization and each straw could beengraved with your customer's initialsfor example this makes the product feelmore like their own and is a great waynot to get your straws mixed up and inthis way it could encourage bulk ordersfrom families and offices etc so movingon to a way that we could change ourproducts function the best way to goabout changing a products functionalityis to take a pain point into account soagain off the top of my head I canimagine that a straw floating around ina bag or day might get quite dirty orthat you might not even be carrying abag and you might not want to take along awkward straw with you everywherethat you go so a functional way to helpsolve these pain points could be bydesigning a straw that's retractable andable to be folded down to fit in a smallcase maybe around the size of a matchboxand in turn this case would help protectyour straw off and dirt so maybe evenmaking the case from an antibacterialsubstance like copper the next dimensionthat you want to consider as a point ofdifference is the price of the straw andit kind of surprising you want toconsider whether you're going for alower direct-to-consumer price pointwhich is more accessible to the massesor a more exclusive price point forhigher exclusivity I generally go forthe lower direct-to-consumer price pointfor a product like this and you canalways bring out a more expensivelimited-edition version of your productlater for example a solid metal ratherthan a Polish metal straw and finallythe last dimension that I consider istime in particular the amount of timethat your product is available for saleat my company the fifth watches we wereable to differentiate ourselves from thehighly saturated watch market bychanging this single variable only theamount of time that our watches wereavailable for we decided to only sellour watches on the fifth of each monthfor five days the scarcity of thiscreated demand and the exclusivityincreased the saved value othercompanies have done this through limitededition models like jay-z's or the flashsale model like gilt with thisparticular product I think it wouldn'tlend itself to only being available fora certain amount of time except like wediscussed for maybe a limited editionversion so there you have it some ideasaround how to differentiate your productfrom others already on the market so wehave our product now we have to considerour market which brings us to pointnumber four your customer is noteveryone so you know the problem you aresolving you know how your product canserve as a solution to that problem andhow to differentiate yourself from yourcompetition now it's time to startthinking about who you're going to beselling your product to something that Ihear again and again is that because anew entrepreneur thinks that theirproduct is so amazing and as it'llappeal to anyone therefore their targetmarket is everyone but the thing is thatnobody can afford to market to everybodyso to get more ROI out of your marketingyou need to find the group of people whoyour offer is the most compelling forthis is your target market one way tothink about this is in an ideal worldwho would love your product and want totell all of their friends family andfollowers about it this is the groupwe're looking for first so there are alot of different ways about going tofind your target market you can createcustomer personas you can do research onyour competitors and who they'reactively targeting or speaking to butbefore you launch the easiest way willbe by reverse analyzing your productfrom your audience's point of view youcan do this by ever taking an audiencecentric or product centric approach sofor an audience centric approach themain things that you're going to beconsidering are your audience'sdemographics so things like their agelocation gender income level ethnicityetc and your audiences psychographic sothings like their personality values andinterests and for a product centricapproach you want to take apart yourproduct and its core offerings againthis could be in turndesign time function and price anddetermine who these would appeal to mosteither way as a starting point beforeyou've launched and have any data aboutwho your customers actually are we justwant to come up with a few basics somaybe one or two demographic basedfactors and one or two psychographicfactors so let's say for our reusablemetal straw that were wanting to targetpeople predominantly based in the US dueto our initial messaging around 500million straws being used daily in theUS aged between 25 to 34 as these couldbe young adults wanting to take moreresponsibility for maintaining ourshared environment for futuregenerationsso they'd value the environment andfillers that they can make a differencetogether this is definitely enoughinformation about our target audience toget started with so let's go find themwhich brings us to the fifth thing thatwe need to know before starting ane-commerce business you need to buildyour audience before you launch yourproduct one of the biggest myths ine-commerce and with any business reallyis the idea that if you build it theywill comethis is that if you have the rightproducts a beautiful website and greatproduct photography that people will notonly find you but actually followthrough and make a purchase in realitythis could not be further from the truthand it's a reason that a lot of brandsdo fail so creating a product andwaiting for your market isn't the rightway to go about it but what if we flipthis on its head and focused on buildingan audience before we launched a productand this is where my concept of marketproduct fit as opposed to product marketfit comes in this concept highlights theimportance of building an audience or amarket before you launch your productrather than the other way around so Idid this with my brand drop bottle I hada really big Instagram account witharound eight or nine hundred thousandfollowers at the time called app detoxwater which featured fruit infusedwatersso I created a product for this audiencewhich is a double world glass fruitinfuser drink bottle that product waschosen as one of Oprah's Favorite Thingsa couple of years ago and was featuredon the front page of Amazon atChristmastime and as a result we sawsales skyrocket so building an audiencebefore you launch your product is agreat way to get started and where I'vestarted with all of my brands has beenInstagramInstagram is still a very powerfulmarketing platform where you can buildan audience for free or with a veryminimal budget if you're usingtechniques like shoutouts or Instagraminfluences over the last six years I'vegrown my combined Instagram following toover 16 million followers across 25different accounts including app vineswith 5.7 million followers but the mostimportant question is how do you goabout growing your social following togrow your social following you need tofocus on what I call the three C's ofcommunity the first C is content thecontent that you post is greatly goingto determine the type of followers thatyou attract to your account so you wantyour content to be both relevant andvaluable to your target audienceso take a look at what other brands youaspire to be like a posting these don'tnecessarily have to be a directcompetition just other brands withinyour niche the second C is collaborationand I'd suggest collaborating withinfluencers other accounts in your nichefor shoutouts or another branding yourniche to host a giveaway and the third Cis consistency posting consistentlydoesn't only help to establish frontEmine positioning for your brand throughrepetition but is also favored withinthe Instagram algorithm in other wordsaccounts that post consistently willreceive more organic reach on their postmeaning Instagram will show their poststo more people so keep the three C'scontent collaboration and consistency inmind here founder actually runs the bestInstagram course on the market thatteaches you step by step how to growyour Instagram following calledInstagram domination so if you'd like tofind out more about that I'll put thelink in the description as well and forthe record I'm in no way associated withthe course and I'm not an employee offounders I just strongly recommend thiscourse so when thinking about buildingan audience on Instagram for examplebefore we launch our reusable straw wewant to keep what we know about ournation target audience in mind so wewant to be engaging with environmentallyconscious people from the US agedbetween 18 and 34 first we need to finda theme for our Instagram page we don'twant to create a product page yet as wedon't have our product and we don't wantto be posting other brands so to pickthe theme via page a goodidea is to go back to the problem you'resolving this is so that when weintroduce our product to this page it'llbe relevant and seem like a goodsolution to our followers so for us itwas decreasing waste from everydaydisposable items first when thinkingabout content we might want to begin byBri searching other environmentallyfocused pages on Instagram within theniche and also active hashtags withinthe niche both to use in our posts andto identify viral trending content wecan repost to our page with credit soafter doing a little research I found awhole Instagram movement aroundminimizing waste and there are all kindsof hashtags for this movement likehashtag zero waste with over 1.5 milliontagged posts hashtag zero waste homehashtag zero waste life the list goes onso the content on my account would becentered around promoting reusablesubstitutions to everyday disposableproducts so I'd begin postingconsistently around this theme and interms of collaboration I could do a minitag to win competition around some ofthe items that I feature that wouldn'tcost me much I could also buy some shoutouts or influencer posts from some ofthe larger pages in my niche or even getthem to run a competition on my behalfin this way you'll be able to slowly butsurely start to build an audience thatyou can then introduce your product tolater when you're readyif you switch this account to a businessaccount on Instagram this will also helpto validate your target audience as youmight end up with analytics that showthat your audience is predominantlybased in the US aged between 25 to 34and predominantly female for examplethen what you want to do is startgetting this audience to sign up to thewait list for your product which youmight not even have in stock yet thisway you'll have an engaged group fromwithin your target audience to email outto come launch day so there you have ita way to begin building your audiencebefore you launch your product so thoseare the five things that from myexperience you need to know beforestarting an e-commerce store if you likebeing guided through today is step bystep with an idea in mind then you'lllove my color start and scale withfounder start and scale your onlinestore will take you through everythingthat you need to know to launch and growyourown successful e-commerce business fromscratch from finding a trending productto how to brand and validate your ideamanufacturing your product creating astore using Shopify building an audiencebefore you launch your store all the waythrough to launching and scaling youre-commerce brand start and scale we'lltake you through step by step withactionable advice along the way so we'llput a link below where you can find outmore about starting scale so thanks forwatching guys and if you want morecontent from myself and the founder teambe sure to hit subscribe below thefounder mission is to help you create anass-kickin business and help you learnstraight from the mouths of world-classfounders get your free printed editionof founder magazine featuring SirRichard Branson just cover shipping andhandling at founder com Ford / Branson


Internet Marketing Techniques Beginners Should Consider

By Ramon Tarruella | Submitted On March 13, 2018

Expert Author Ramon Tarruella

Relatively of an oxymoron.

Website marketing for newbies is relatively of an oxymoron. This is considering that whilst in theory the ideas at the rear of Online marketing may be truly simple and easy, performing powerful tactics could very well be incredibly hard. This can certainly actually be difficult for the ones who are incredibly qualified in the universe of Digital marketing. Being mindful of this, this article will try to clarify the idea of Website marketing for newbies and will summarize a few fundamental tactics which usually can easily support a business owner to release his personal Online marketing campaign. We will certainly go over ideas including forming a site, putting banner ads, sending out e-newsletters, orchestrating an email marketing advertising campaign and enhancing your web page for Google.

By far the most standard actions: develop a website.

One of the simple steps for beginning a Digital marketing campaign is to make a web page. If you don’t have an internet site or have a badly designed internet site you should consider constructing or re-designing a site to properly promote your products. If you do not have experience in web design, there are numerous software packages which usually help to make it straightforward for individuals with no design experience to make an useful web-site. Nevertheless, using the services of a web designer is beneficial mainly because he/she could very well work to produce a web page which is appealing, practical and appropriate to your products and services. He/she can certainly equally help you involve even more complex features on your internet site.

Banner ads, one other favorite choice.

Banner ads are one more famous choice for advertising your organization using the web. Banner ads are advertisements which will commonly appear along the top of an internet site yet it might also contain smaller sized ads in additional spots. Banner ads commonly consist of graphics and text which in turn attract Cyberspace users to mouse click on the advertisement. Once a consumer clicks on the ad, they are aimed to your site. This kind of advertising may be extremely successful once care is taken to set the advertisements on large traffic websites which usually appeal to a crowd who may well have a desire in your products.

Distributing out e-newsletters.

Mailing out e-newsletters can certainly as well take part in a good Website marketing technique. E-newsletters are generally emails which may possibly consist of a range of details incorporating useful articles, beneficial quizzes, ideal advertising or any kind of different info which is considered useful for the receivers of the e-newsletter. The importance of these types of newsletters is that they can easily be applied as advertising tools that happen to be not seen by the customers as an advertisement. A method to do this is to include links or various other soft sale methods right into the copy of the e-newsletters. Nevertheless, care should be taken to hold these recommendations little so the e-newsletter is not seen as spam.

Email marketing campaigns.

Email marketing campaigns could be an additional effective element of an Online marketing campaign. Email marketing mainly entails sending out emails to a group of people who might be thinking about your products and services. Care should be taken in mailing out these emails to avoid sending emails which can be unsolicited and will be seen as spam. One of many ways to do this is to merely send the emails to end users who also have wanted inclusion on an email mailing list. An additional method to do this is to present value in the emails instead of simply incorporating advertisements. This may be performed by providing important guidance in your emails and additional beneficial data which might be of fascination to the people of the email.

Enhancing your web page for the search engines.

Finally, enhancing your internet site for search engines like Google is a crucial facet of a Digital marketing campaign. Search engines rank websites as outlined by top quality and significance for special search terms. Various Word wide web end users value the effort by search engines and so make use of these search engines to discover the greatest websites on a special subject. This translates to the Web users will probably simply check out websites which rank very well with search engines. Consequently if your site is not great ranking, you are not really most likely to create a tremendous deal of traffic from Internet surfers who use search engines to look for focused websites. Best ranking websites will probably get the most traffic coming from search engines and all websites falling on the first web page of the search engine results will probably enjoy a few degree of achievement in enhancing their traffic.

Learn Internet Marketing and start making money right now! Take my Free Internet Marketing Email Mini Course. Also make sure you visit my Internet Marketing Blog [] to read more similar articles of this topic.

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3 Ways to Enhance Your Ecommerce Business Sales

By Alex Sharma | Submitted On July 26, 2017

Expert Author Alex Sharma

You may be very glad that your dream of setting up an ecommerce firm has been fulfilled and it is up and running. But if you have thought that it was the ultimate challenge and you have overcome it, then you are wrong. You endeavour should always be to squeeze out the maximum profit and that you cannot achieve without store optimization and devising the right strategies for engaging customers.

One way to enhance the revenues is by generating new businesses. But there is much more that you could do for your existing customers than this. Here are some ways to boost up your sales especially through the online mode.

  • Eliminate Abandoned Carts – Did you know that for every 100 customers who visit your website 50-60 percent will leave behind their shopping carts? This is one of the most common causes where ecommerce firms suffer and lose potential revenues. There are a lot of reasons why shoppers abandon carts and one of the main reasons is the added fees and high price. If they can find the same products at a cheaper price elsewhere they will immediately go for it. There are a number of ways to stop this and one of the most effective ways is to follow-up emails. You can go for a simple automated sequence starting from reminding the customers what they left behind in the cart, using great headlines and attention grabbing copy and photos. You also opt for discount codes and also hold their items, especially if your stock is low.
  • Upsell and Cross-sell Products – Feature related products have become the new trend of this platform. Upselling is the art of encouraging a buyers to purchase a product similar to the one that he or she is intending to buy but with a higher margin or a higher selling price. Cross-selling, on the other hand, is the process of encouraging customers to buy the complementary stuff with the item that they are intending to purchase. This process is mainly conducted on the product details page during the checkout process. You can use the sales affinity data for encouraging the shoppers for adding items to their shopping cart and thus, boosting their shopping value.
  • Slow Moving Items Should be Closed Down – Products that sit on your shelf for quite a long time and sell slowly can slow down the growth of the business and reduce the cash flow. This is the reason why brick-and-mortar retailers have closeout sails. And for the same reason, close-out sales are vital for ecommerce, too. These should include those products in the inventory that are perishable, are seasonal, sell less through each quarter, have been replaced with a newer version or model or that haven’t sold online in a month or more. Try to offer these items on special prices on your website.

The above are some of the ways in which you can boost up your ecommerce business sale. Always stay updated and leverage the latest technology so that you can stay ahead of the rest in the industry and be on top of your game.

Alex Sharma has been a passionate writer whose area of expertise covers a plethora of subjects including technology and ecommerce. He has been working with the online designer tool for quite some time now and staunchly recommends this software for the development of ecommerce businesses.

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The Best Ecommerce Platform in 2019

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In this video, I will share with you the different advantages and disadvantages of the top 12 ecommerce platforms to guide you which one would best fit your business.

SHOPIFY – This is the most popular platform for successful ecommerce entrepreneurs. This was built from the ground up with ecommerce in mind, unlike others where ecommerce is added as an afterthought.
Other Pros: It has a 14-day free trial. There are also many useful apps and plugins available.
Cons: It is more expensive compared to other platforms. It is around $29/month.

BIG COMMERCE – This is similar to Shopify but with lesser features and integrations.
Pros: It has built-in features that Shopify may not have.
Cons: It is also expensive. Price is more or less the same with Shopify.

BIG CARTEL – This is a good option for those with few products like artists, craftsmen, and other creative people.
Other Pros: Free plan is available if you have 5 products or less. It is also easy to create a simple store.
Cons: There is not enough features and integrations for serious ecommerce entrepreneurs. Not ideal for those who would like to make ecommerce as the main livelihood.

VOLUSION – This is the ecommerce platform that I used for my first company, BDancewear. It has a lot of good built-in features which you have to pay for in Shopify.
Other Pros: It supports multiple SKUs and color swatches.
Cons: I’ve experienced some dubious practices with this platform like jacking up our prices without us knowing. We’ve had some issues with the “Add To Cart” button as well.

SQUARESPACE – One of the ecommerce platforms that has recently been getting a lot of hype.
Pros: This is made for people who want a beautiful website. It is also easy to use.
Cons: This is not ideal for ecommerce. It is good for those who would want to sell products on the side, but not as the main focus of the site.

MAGENTO – This platform used to be very popular because it is highly customizable. With this, however, comes the need to hire a web designer.
Pros: You can have it customized to suit your taste.
Cons: More money will be spent to customize the website.

GODADDY – This is not meant for ecommerce. If you want to buy a domain name, then this is the site for you.

WIX – This is the same with GoDaddy. It is great for creating a website but not for ecommerce. This was not built for ecommerce as the main function.

WOO COMMERCE – This is the next most talked about ecommerce platform. The reason for this is that it’s free. Users tend to gravitate towards it because of this.
Other Pros: It has the most number of users, making it the most popular platform. It also has lots of plugins and add-ons available. Some are already coded in so you do not have to spend on hiring a designer.
Cons: You have to pay for some company to host your site. It is also not easy to use especially if you do not have the technical ability (e.g. knowledge of HTML and CSS). There is also a greater chance of encountering issues and risks like your account being hacked. It is also not entirely free as you may need to pay for some of the features that you want.

AMAZON, EBAY, and ETSY – The pros and cons of these three platforms are similar to each other.
Pros: It is easier to get started on these platforms than creating your own website.
Cons: You don’t own the customers and you can get kicked off anytime. They also charge high fees.


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[HOW TO] Make Your First Successful Shopify Store – Product Research & Store Design

if you're trying to get intodropshipping you're much more likely tomake money by copying what's alreadyworking you don't need to reinvent thewheel to help you make your firstsuccessful store today I'll be teachinghow you can find successful productsthat are selling right now and how youcan design a Shopify store for thehighest chances of success hey guys johnfrom beer me come here and today you'llbe getting a first-hand view of how Idesign stores as I build a new store inthis video from finding a product todesigning the actual store hopefully bythe end of this video you'll haveeverything it takes to build your ownShopify store and start losing moneylet's get started[Music]so when you're making a store it'sobvious like finding a winning productis super important it's the foundationfor everything you'll be doing so Ithink you should really take the time todo some research so let me show you howI find successful drop shipping productsthat are actually selling right now mystrategy involves finding hot productsand essentially copying what is alreadyworking that's exactly how weconsistently make successful stores likemosquito trap eggs and mr. pastor calmand it's a strategy that continues towork well late into 2019 so how shouldyou find products to copythe first step is finding severalpotential products to do this you shouldscroll to your Facebook newsfeedlooking for dropshipping ads with lotsof engagement find whatever you can andwe'll narrow it down later for now youjust want a list of potential productsthat people are already advertisingbefore you ask copying an existing storethat's already running advertisementsmight seem like a bad idea since thatmeans you'll have lots of competitorsbefore you even begin but the truth is acompetition is actually a really goodtoolit shows that the product is selling andthat means you should be able to sell ittoo if you want proof that you can solveproducts that other people are alreadyselling check out our previous videowhere we do a case study on our storethat sold a product that everyonethought was too saturated anyways beforeyou start scrolling through yournewsfeed looking for products that areselling you want to go to facebook.comslash ads slash preferences here you'llfind a list of items that Facebookthings that you're interested in if yousee drop shipping and I only expressedas an interest you should remove thembefore scrolling through your newsfeedlooking for ads since a lot of dropshippers want to hide their ads fromother drop shippers though exclude dropshipping and Aliexpress and their adstargeting so if you skip this step tomiss out on a lot of potential productsthat you can copy I didn't haveAliexpress listed as an interest becausewe've been using a private supplier fora while now but they should be listed ontheir business and industry if you haveit just make sure to click on see moreuntil you get the full list of interestunder this category once you have thoseinterests removed go to the Chrome WebStore and get the turbo I find ourextension I know a lot of you guys havesaid that it's no longer working but ifyou get it from the Chrome Web Storerather than from their website it shouldwork fine let me know if it doesn'tbecause there's an alternative but itdoesn't work as well I go to theFacebook newsfeed and turn on turbo atblender enabling this extension shouldremove any content from your newsfeedthat isn't an advertisement this isgoing to save you a lot of time whenyou're looking for dropshipping ads asyou're scrolling look for any productsthat you can source from Aliexpressthere are alternative sources fordropshipping products but in terms ofselection and price it's hard to beatAliexpress especially when you're juststarting and can't really buy more I'mnot gonna lie they're not known for thebest quality and a lot of vendors areactually pretty bad in terms of shippingthings on time but you can definitelyfind some quality products to dropshipon there that's how I got started and Ithink it's the best place for you to getstarted too so as you're scrollingthrough the newsfeedyou're probably not going to be able totell if they product this fromAliexpress by just looking at the adespecially with some of the nicerlooking ads out there so here are sometips for identifying Aliexpress productstip number one see if the name of theFacebook page makes sense if the page iscalled little tiger but sells foldingstools it's probably a drop shippingstorytip number two check the website mostdrop shipping stores are easilyidentified by bad product imagessales timers and big savings placedeverywhere and tip number three checkthe product images to see if the store'slogo is printed on the product if itisn't then most likely it's a dropshipping store and you'll easily findthe same product on Aliexpress now thatyou can identify drop shipping adscompile a list of all the ads you findby using the save video function onFacebook while you're doing thisFacebook might stop feeding you adsafter you scroll for a whileif that happens you should just refreshthe page to get a new set of ads also iffacebook isn't showing you any dropshipping ads then check out the casestudy i mentioned earlier for a methodon how to optimize your feed form ordrop shipping ads now once you have yourlist of at least five different dropshipping ads you're ready for the nextstep in step two we'll beat out anythingon our list that isn't something low andnarrow it down to just one product thenwe'll take the final product and designa store around it using a one productstore strategy to save you guys sometime I went ahead and found sixdifferent drop shipping ads for avariety of products that we can comparewe found advertisers that are selling ababy diaper bag a folding stool lineupexcellent aisles a smart Fitness watch amini projector and a custom dog harnessand just in case you think that theseproducts can't be sourced fromAliexpress I found listings for eachproduct now once you have a list of adslike the ones we found the first thingyou should do is check the number ofviews on the ad all views aren't themost accurate measurement for telling ifthe product is selling well if an ad hasover a million views it's probablyselling at least somewhat well thereason it's not too accurate is becauseworldwide views are dirt cheapespecially when you're running a PPCcampaign but a million views is a goodindicator that they're running more thanjust PPE campaigns from our list of adsthe custom dog harness and the smartFitness watch are the only ones thathave over a million views you won'tsplit the other products from our listyet well just note that these twoproducts might be doing the best thenyou should take a look at the Facebookpage that's running the advertisement ifthe page is over a thousand likes andit's been running for more than threemonths then it's probably doing prettywell since people can buy fake likes fortheir Facebook page you should not usethis as an absolute indicatorthat the store is doing well I did butin our experience most people includingourselves don't buy fake lights for ourstore pages either way you should usethe number of page likes as a way toweed out wheat products for six examplesthe baby diaper bag has close to fourthousand likes and has been running forabout a year plus the engagement on someother page posts show that the pagelikes are legit we'll keep this on thelistthe folding stool page only has sevenhundred likes but has been running forclose to half a year that's close enoughwe'll keep it on the list for now aswell the light-up excellent Isles onlyhas a few likes and just running thepage which makes me skeptical about theproduct I'm probably going to take itoff the list but just to make sure I'lltake a quick look at Aliexpress and seehow it's doing as you can see the hotit's listing only has a couple hundredsales which is not good you want itemsthat have multiple listings with overeight thousand orders the pricing isalso way too high at twenty five dollarsfor four pieces meaning I would have tosolve them for at least fifty dollarsand even then margins would be razorthin and the product would be overpricedin my opinion about hexagon tiles aren'tlooking like the best option so I'llcross it off the list the Smart Fitnesswatch page is over five thousand likesand it's been running for a year and ahalf these metrics look really good andtheir marketing angle is reallyinteresting they're selling it as aproduct for veterans and veteransupporters I'll keep this one on thelist for sure the mini projector has1200 likes and has been running for amonth and a half they also seem to haveGerman and French versions of theirstore which is really interesting sincethey probably wouldn't expand into thesemarkets until their english markets weredoing well I'm thinking this is a prettyviral product so I'll keep it on thelistlastly the custom dog monitors page hasbeen running for over a year with over7,000 page likes I'll definitely keep aneye out for this one as well so far theonly products that we have crossed offthe list is to light up hexagon tilesyou don't want to be too picky aboutyour options at this point because youwant multiple choices for the finalselection process now you should take alook at the other ads that the pages arerunning for each of your products go tothe Facebook page and under transparencyclick on see more then go to ads libraryfor the page you should look for a fewdifferent things here one how longthey've been running the same creative -how many different ads they have for thesame product and three how hard they arescaling unfortunately you'll only beable to get reliable information on thiswhen an ad features a bitly linkI'll show you how when I second joinstates library for the different pages Ifound for the baby diaper bag they'vebeen running the same ads sinceSeptember and they also have a fewdifferent variations of the creativethese are both really good signs sincethey wouldn't keep running their ads ifthey were losing money plus the factthat they released all these videos onthe same day and kept running that meansthe product is created selling itself ifthe product wasn't great at selling theywould have only been able to get one ortwo of these creatives to work not allof them this is looking like a potentialwinner looking at the page for thefolding stool it looks like they'retesting three different thumbnails butthey don't have multiple differentvideos running the only other ad they'rerunning is this children's toy the factthat they're testing multiple itemscombined with the fact that they juststarted running these ads makes me thinkthat they're still on the testing phasealso notice that their links use bitlywhenever you see a Billy link usuallycopy and paste a link in your browserwith a plus sign at the end to check fortraffic I'll show you the number of linkclicks over time and as you can see theyaren't really pushing big numbers I'llalso take a look at their website to seewhy they can't scale since I think thatboth the product and ad actually aren'ttoo bad just looking at their pricingit's pretty obvious where they aren'tselling 50 bucks is way too expensivefor a stool we'll go ahead and crossthis one off the listtaking a look at the ads library for thesmart Fitness watch we see that they'retesting three new products including themosquito trap that we sold in the pastand made a free course on which you canfind on our YouTube channelunlike the folding stool page though Idon't think they're in the testing phaseas you can see they've been running thefitness watch for over a month and haveseveral different ads running for it itlooks like they're doing really well andare just looking to find more productsto sell to even have an ad selling thisball from February that's still runningthis product is definitely lookingreally promising looking at the ads forthe mini projector it looks like theyran these ads for less than a week theyhave one ad for coal traffic and anotherfor retargeting this doesn't look toogood but we'll keep it on the list fornow I'm guessing with a number of pagelike saving able together in such ashort amount of time this product isactually doing really well plus runninga retargeting campaign is really onlyeffective but once you've scaled to atleast a few hundred dollars per day inthat spend like I said you want to keepyour options open for the final phase ofselection lastly looking at that for thecustom dog harness we see that they haveads that have been running since Aprilthey also have tons of differentvariationsvery creative they even have an ad witha vertical format beginning they musthave been scaling pretty high to includea creative specifically for Instagramstore ads without a doubt this productis selling really well after looking atthe ads library for each page we havefour products left on the list thediaper bag Fitness watch winningprojector and dog harness they're alldefinitely selling but now we're lookingfor the best option to narrow it down toone product you should go to Aliexpresslook up each of your products and sortby orders here we'll try to way a fewdifferent factors to come up with thebest product to sell you should belooking at the following things marginnumber of orders media content andquality each of them are important toconsider margins are the biggest factorwhen it comes to scaling high since youradvertising cost per purchase willincrease as you scale budgets operatinga razor-thin margins won't give you muchroom to grow that is if you can even getlow margin products to be profitable Ilike to look for products that I canstall for at least 300 percent of theproduct cost with absolute margins beingat least 25 dollars the number of orderson a product shows that it sells wellonline and that it probably can't befound at stores too easily personally Ilike to sell items that have at least afew thousand orders already because thatmeans it's been tested before Plusreviews mean a lot more when a listinghas a few thousand orders since it'shard to inflate ratings with so manyreal customers you should know thathaving multiple listings with thousandsof orders is also a really good signsince suppliers and Aliexpress tend tohop on products that sell well theamount of copyright free media contentis important when it comes to makingyour website and advertisements whileyou can get away with using YouTubevideos and other calculated media forsome time I would highly recommendlooking for items that have mediacontent ready to use having a lot ofcontent readily available from Chinesesuppliers it's also a good sign that theproduct is selling well since supplierswon't invest into making photos orvideos unless a product has a good salesrecord the quality of the product you'retrying to sell should be an importantfactor sure you can make a quick bucksomething subpar items but you'll neverbe able to have a sustainable storesince Facebook is rolling out surveys tobuyers very quickly these days they'llknow when customers are upset with whatthey receive you'll also have to dealwith way more customer service requeststhan you would with a product thatcustomers are happy with with enoughchargebacks this could result in largeholes on your payments or the advancefrom FacebookShopify and your payment processors inthe end this could mean you will neverbe able to try drop shipping againyou should use these factors to get anoverall picture for each product andthen try to compare them there's noabsolute formula for this you just wantto go with what feels like the bestoption so let's take a look at each ofthe four products we have left startingwith the diaper bag I see that they'reselling for 17 dollars and I think I candefinitely sell them for at least $50which will leave me with about 33dollars to spend on ads it's not thebest margins but definitely doable thenumber of orders on the top listing isover 11,000 so this has definitely beenselling super well and there's alsoseveral other listings with over athousand orders in terms of mediacontent available for the bag I see thatthe biggest listing which is the one Iwould probably sell has really greatproduct imageswhich I can definitely use for my adsand my site there's also a ton of otherlistings with similar bags that I cantake photos and videos from this wouldbe great for making some high qualityads without coming up with my own videosand without running the risk of takingcopyrighted Media Plus these bags mustbe something really well for so manysuppliers to be creating their owncontent looking at the reviews for thisbag it looks like it's a really goodquality with 4.9 stars and the supplieris considered a top brand meaningshipping times are probably fast andreliable for Aliexpress standardsI definitely don't imagine running intoany problems with people dissatisfiedabout the product with this one overallthe bag looks like a good candidate withlots of sales tons of media content andgreat reviews the only part that's nottoo good is the margins but it's not toobad either next up on the list is afitness watch looking at the listingsfor this product it looks like thesewatches are only nine dollars at mostmeeting margins could be upwards of fivehundred percent at a minimum or aboutthirty six dollars conservatively thiswould be great for scaling there are agood amount of orders on these listingsbut not as many as the bag thissurprises me since I know that thesewatches are probably selling way moreunits and has me a little skepticalabout the quality of the product youshould know that with low qualityproducts and especially electronicssuppliers will remove listings afterreviews dropped to low they will thenreopen the same listing fake the firsthundred or so reviews then rinse andrepeat as far as media content goes itlooks like there are plenty of listingswith a wide variety of photos and videosavailable just like the bag this wouldbe great for my website and ads now backto the quality of the watches which hasme concerned the reviews are rangingfrom a 4.3 to a 4.7 but that's not toogreat considering how many orders aroundeach of the listings I have a strongsuspicion that these reviews are fakedplus I'm careful about electronicsbecause I know they're usually not thebest quality in this price rangeconsidering these watches are meant tobe waterproof and contain a variety ofsensors for a heartbeat and bloodpressure I'm going to say that thesewill probably get me in trouble laterdown the line especially if I'm tryingto solve them at the margins I waspredicting I'm going to cross this oneoff the list since I don't want to runinto any Facebook or Shopify troublewith this door and other storesassociated with my name next up is themini projector before we go over all thedetails again it looks like there's onlyone listing with good enough margins andthe reviews for it are not that greatI'm also very skeptical with the qualityof this product since it looks like allthe other listings are at least threetimes the cost plus the one potentiallisting doesn't have too much mediacontent that I can use I would probablyhave to make my own video or run therisk of using pieces of the ad fromearlier which I would rather not do I'mgoing to go ahead and cross this one offthe list for questionable quality aswell last up is to custom dog harnessthese harnesses look like they wouldhave really good margins if we sold themfor $50.00 which i think is superreasonable at that price I would have$40 for ads which i think is funny for acustom product like this the number oforders on this product aren't the bestbut there are multiple listings with acouple thousand orders so this doesn'tconcern me in terms of media contentthere really isn't much for this productthere are a few photos but nothing thatreally showcases a dog wearing theharness well looking at the storeadvertising the harness it looks likethey have a lot of original photos andvideos for both their advertisements andstore if I were to sell this Idefinitely have to come up with my ownphotos and videos to use the qualitylooks on point with a 4.8 are almost allthe listings for this product with allthe photo reviews I'm not reallyconcerned about big reviews for this oneand unlike electronics I don't think aharness will break too easily in the endit comes down to a baby diaper bag thathas great media content but ok marginsalright dog harness would essentially nomedia content and slightly highermargins both the products look like thequality is on point if you were in thissituation you could pick either one andI think it would be a great choice aslong as you knew that the dog harnesswill require a little more work withhaving to take some photos and videospersonally though I'm going to roll witha diaper bag since I'm making a storefor the purposes of this video and Idon't want to take the extra time totake photos and videos for the productthe baby diaper bag also fits thecriteria I gave in our winning productsvideo it solves the problem fornew moms and it's a evergreen productthe audience eyes it isn't absolutelymassive since it targeted for new momsonly but if I sold it worldwide there'sdefinitely enough room to scale if youwant more details on the criteria for awinning product check out the winningproducts video on our channel now thatwe have a single product it's time forus to design a Shopify store to sell iteffectively I'll be showing you guys howI think about store design as you watchmy screen during the entire process forour store today we'll be using the debuttheme the free theme that Shopify comesto it so that you can go out there anddo this for yourself without spendingany money just sign up with a free14-day Shopify trial in the descriptiondown below and you should be able to dothis too but before we get started Ijust want to remind you guys to hit thatlike button if you enjoy the content andsubscribe to this Channel for free dropshipping videos just like this one alsoif you want free personal help from meand the vmu comm team make sure to joinour Facebook group where we activelyanswer all your questionsnow let's get on to making this storyalright so I just started a free Shopifytrial to make a store for this babydiaper bag now to design your store youwant to go to the themes section on theleft hand side of your screen and thengo to the customize section where youcan start designing the store as you cansee it's a completely blank story now Ialready have a name picked out for thiswebsite but for now it's called biramshop because that's the name I signed upwith will actually be calling thisnormal McQueen so let's go ahead andmake a logo I personally use Photoshopbut honestly any photo editor shouldwork it's just what I'm familiar with ifyou guys haven't use Photoshop beforeit's not too hard to pick up on thebasics just watching for YouTubetutorials and I really only know thebasics myself anyways for the logo thefirst thing we want to do is pick out afont if you've watched my videos where Irevealed my past stores then you knowthat most of my logos are text-basedtext levels can look great but it'sabout picking the right font to find anice font that will fit with the storeyou should go into the typographysection and take a look around I'll beusing quicksand for this doorit's a font that I've used before and Ithink it really has a nice premium lookto it which is what I want to use forthis door to match the text on the storeI'll make the logo using that font aswell so I'll do a quick Google search todownload the fileso then I'll go ahead and start by justtyping McQueen in caps using thequicksand font I just downloaded I'llalso use the semi bold option because Iwant the logo to stand out of it fromthe rest of the text on the story thislogo is looking a little bit plain butthat's alright it's really easy to bringyour text logos up a level by eitheradding some color or an icon in thiscase I think a crown would really fitthe logo nicely since it does containthe word Queen its while Google Queencrown PNG to find a crown to put abovethe letter Q adding the word PNG to theend of a Google search should help youfind graphics to place in your image asyou can see a copyright free crown isone of the first results now I'll justquickly place the crown above the Q andalso delete this bottom portion of thecrown so that it fits a little bit nicerthen I'll crop the image so it fits inthe header of the website in the headersection I'll upload the crown logo andadjust the sizing to fit the header Ithink it looks pretty nice so we'll goahead and start picking out colors I'mgonna go for gold accents because that'sa rural type color that fits the MacLeanbranding I'll change the primary buttonsand sales price to a gold because that'swhat I want to stand out the body textdefaults to blue which kind of clasheswith the yellow so I'll change that todark grey to fit now for the faviconwhich is the little icon that you see inyour browser tab I'll use the crown andjust shrink it down to a 32 by 32 imageI could also do mq4 a McQueen but Ithink the crown looks nice so for thetop banner on the homepage debut teamhas kind of a weird feature it willautomatically scale your banner to asquare when you switch to mobile viewluckily the slideshow element willactually keep your banners aspect ratiothe same for both desktop and mobile soI'll actually use that as the mainbanner I'll delete the image with textoverlay that the view gives you as themain banner and I'll put in a slideshowfor the slideshow I'll delete the secondimage set the slide height to adapt tothe first image and delete the defaulttext next I'll look for a stock image toshow off like a premium new-mownlifestyle feeling I like to use Adobestock because they have professionalstudio great photography but you canalso use sites like unsplash the onlyproblem with free stock photographysites is that there's a lot of amateurphotography so you might have to do somedigging around in Adobe stock I'mlooking for a good image of a mom with astroller because I think it will relatea lot with my target audienceI'll use this image because it's alifestyle type image I'm looking forthis is looking a little bit plain sowe'll put some custom text here nowaccording to the research I did one ofthe biggest problems that new moms haveis being prepared with all their babyessentials if you're looking for how Ido my research for my new stores thencheck out my last video where I do acase study on my storemr. posture so to relate with theproblems that new moms have I'll usealways be prepared as the headline sincethe right side of the image looks prettyplain all along the text to the rightand then place it on the right side aswell I'll then save the image as a JPEGbecause I want my file sizes to be smallyou want to make sure to make your filesizes as small as possible so that yoursite loads fast especially if you planon targeting worldwide since a lot ofcountries don't have great internetafter uploading the banner to the homepage I'll turn off the overlay option tojust get the image showing after that Idug around Aliexpress to look foranother image to put on the homepage I'dlike to use a lot of images with minimaltext because it keeps the site lookingvery clean and easy to read luckilythere's a ton of images to use fromAliexpress for this product which is oneof the reasons I chose it I like thisimage because again it's a lifestyletype image for the audience I'mtargeting before I put the image in I'llmove this section to second and alsodelete the featured collection becausethis is a one product store for the textto use with this image I have some copyprepared but if you're wondering how Icame up with all my writing watch thecase study I mentioned earlier I'll thenmake the bottom label say shop now tofunnel buyers to the product page andthen set the link to the backpacklisting then I'll go ahead and add sometestimonials that I found on Aliexpressjust to make sure that people end up onthe product page I'll add another bannerunderneath the testimonials well use theimage with text or overlay section againjust like at the top of the page forthis banner I'm going to go findsomething nice and sweet since I'm alsogoing to be putting a customer guaranteeover it I like this image and Adobestock so I'll download it and crop it tothe same size as the top banneronce I upload it I'll just type in ourguarantee as the headline and copy andpaste a return policy then I'll add inanother shop now button with the productlink then I'll edit the footer a littlebit this is pretty self-explanatory it'sjust information about the site next upis the product page since I didn't useoverload for thisthere's no images yet but letsorry about the description first I'dlike to use some emojis towards the topwith the most important stuff so peopleread it you can get emojis to copy andpaste from emoji PDF com if you wantthen I lead with one or two sentencesfrom our research and then follow upwith the most important features of thebag since I want to keep the text simpleand not overload my product page I'llput a link what the text says see thefull list of features hereI haven't actually made the page yetwith all the features but we'll do thatin a second I'll leave it off with aguarantee again just so people know thatwe offer it then I'll finish by addingthe secure checkout page that I use inall of my descriptions if you want touse the same badge I have it posted in alink pin to the top of our Facebookgroup now we don't have the productimages yet so I'll get those fromAliexpress I use clipping magic toremove the background but you guys canjust use two default images if you wantor try clipping it some other way justto make the image look a little bitnicer I'd like to use a slightly graybackground because it really lets yourproduct image stand out from the rest ofthe site then I'll add a little shadowto give it a really professional look todo that I just duplicate my backpacklayer add a black color overlay and thenmove the layer down a touch there notdelete the sides a bit and blend theblack shadow layer with the graybackground just to make it look naturalto add some finishing touches I'lladjust the shadows opacity and move ituntil it looks just right then I'll dothis for the rest of my images butluckily I can just reuse the same shadowfor all the bags once I'm done I'llupload the bags to Shopify and also linkeach variant with the right image so theproduct page looks pretty good as it isnow but I think one more image in thedescription would really round it out Ifound this image on Aliexpress thatreally shows the bags functionality inone picture but it has this Chineselettering all over it so I'll have tomodify it by stretching this portion ofthe image towards the top then I'll addour logo and product name to really makeyou feel like a branded product lastlyI'll add a little touch of gold withlimited release on it to give it somescarcity now I don't like to use timersand big sales everywhere since it doesfeel a little spammy and low quality butI think something like this still has apremium feel to it I'll put the image wejust made at the bottom of ourdescription and center align it next upis making the features page which I'lllink to the text in the description forthis page I'm going to make it simpleagain and just add some images Ifrom aliexpress all I did to theseimages was add some text describing theimage all I'm doing here is making alist of images and adding another linkat the bottom to the product page thenI'll make another page for the contactform so that people can email us sinceShopify has templates already made all Ihave to do is make a new pH and set thetemplate on the left side to pagecontact then I'll edit the menus for theheader to include the contact page andfeatures page I also linked the featurespage to the text I made earlier in thedescription I'll do one last glance ofthe site and as you can see it's lookingpretty good it's super easy to get tothe product page from the home page andeverything on the product page isworking well the images changed byvariant and the description is formattedwell I did notice though that the menuis missing a link to the actual productpage so add that in just to make sureeveryone gets funneled down to the salespage it's all about making it super easyfor a customer to make a purchase nowbefore I call this done I do notice thatI'm missing some reviews and the imageat the bottom of my product descriptionhas some Chinese text on it so I'll usean app called looks to add some reviewsreal quick all I do for reviews is takecustomer photo reviews from Aliexpressusing the import extension they providefor the app it's super simple and that'sall you have to do as for removing theChinese text at the bottom of the imageI'll just crap it out and re upload itto the description now I think the siteis actually done as you can see it'slooking really good for a free theme andI really didn't use any paid tools thatyou absolutely need when I first startedI was using free stock images from siteslike unsplash and pixels I've alwaysused Photoshop but as you guys saw theonly major things I used was a textfunction and some blending for theshadows I'll have the links in thedescription for all the stuff Imentioned down below so that you guyscan get started by the way thanks forwatching guys I hope you can takeeverything from this video and getstarted on making a story if you wanthelp on anything I covered in this videodon't forget that we have a very activeFacebook group or you can learn a lotfor free the link is down in thedescription along with links for all thetools I mentioned in this video lastlymake sure to hit that subscribe buttonand like the video if you haven'talready thanks again for watching guysI'll catch you guys in the next onepeace


Top 5 Advertising Services to Promote Industrial Automation Products

In today’s B2B marketing world, advertising services facilitate cutthroat advantages to enhance your business. These services may attract your customer base that matter to your business before, during and even after procuring your products or services. They make you evolve continuously with the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing. Promote your products or services to a highly targeted segment of audience across the web with these services such as email direct marketing, social media marketing, e-newsletters, video marketing, and digital marketing.

Grow your business globally by finding out what your customers really want!

Your products can be promoted to specified buyers, suppliers, manufacturers that are actively searching for the industry-specific products that you recommend.

Here are the top 5 advertising services to promote industrial automation products:

· Email Direct Marketing

· Social Media Promotions

· Video Marketing

· Content Marketing

· Banner Advertising

1) Email Direct Marketing

You can make your products/services reach every corner of the world choosing email direct marketing services. Conceptualized/personalized emails can help you attract the right customers and convert them into leads and boost your business productivity.

Here’s what Email Direct Marketing can do for you:

Target industry-specific audiences

Keeps you in front of your prospects

Enhances your visibility of being found everywhere

Helps in Increasing Revenue (Profit)

Eliminates Distance Barriers

If you have not subscribed or chosen these services, you may not be able to:

· Track conversions

· Follow up sales

· Increase customer engagement

In case, if you have not subscribed to email direct marketing services, make your every click count without any delay.

2) Social Media Promotions

Social Media Promotions accelerate your business efficiency and help you achieve your unique business goals. Instead of focusing on boosting your business at the starting of the sales cycles, social media marketing makes you connect with business prospects, decision-makers who have a high possibility of converting to qualified leads.

Social Media channels help to:

Execute marketing techniques that motivate audiences to consider your products/brands

Keep your brand on top-of-mind with buyers, suppliers, manufacturers

Generate leads and increase ROI of your business

Increase brand awareness

Give quick response to clients via messages

Without social media promotions, you cannot:

· Gain marketplace insights

· Increase brand loyalty

· Get more exposure to your brand

As long as you wish to promote your business globally and obtain a really good ROI, social media marketing is the right fit for you!

3) Video Marketing

Video marketing is the fastest-growing and in-demand forms of marketing that have been using to augment your business conversion rates. Content-based video marketing helps to enhance your website’s search engine optimization by driving people to your homepage. It is the best possible way to impact your audience and keep your dollars working at peak competence.

How does video marketing help you?

à It is a simple and very efficient way to know your target audience and provide them a basic idea about your product or its functionality. When it is done perfectly, it provides cost-effective solutions for your business.

à By using this marketing platform, you can reach the global audience and enhance your customer base.

If you do not opt these services, you may miss out:

· Creating connections with your global customers

· Improving visibility

· Boosting your traffic

To keep your brand/products on top-of-mind of your potential customers, start using video marketing services.

4) Content Marketing

Content marketing is all about creating useful, engaging and value-adding content that helps readers. It is used to sustain reader’s attention through various ways. Well written content needs marketing to be done properly to get traction from the audience.

“It’s not the best content that wins; it’s the best-promoted content.”

Content must be reliable as it directly addresses the company’s image. Content marketing helps to achieve the following pointers:

Content Marketing is an asset to build your company’s credibility in the marketplace

Customer focused

Quality content can help you grow your viewership

Eventually enhance your brand presence online

Content marketing demands persistence so keep making quality content and don’t forget to promote it, promoting content is also very important.

5) Banner Advertising

Banner Advertising helps to build your brand story that will resonate across the globe. Your ideas can be brought to life with perfectly executed creative banner ad tactics. Banner ads are innovative, eye-catching, aesthetically appealing and affordable. They help to make an impact on your target audience making them take a decision.

With banner ads, you can:

Entice your target audience

Build brand recognition

Encourage visitors

If you want to increase your presence across the globe, opt banner advertising services.


Top 5 Internet Marketing Strategies in 2019

By Akshay Puri | Submitted On September 01, 2019

Expert Author Akshay Puri

Internet marketing and digital advertisement have gained prominence throughout the past couple of years like wildfire. With the huge digitization of media and entertainment industry among many others, internet marketing gained prominence. It has grown to become a popular choice of advertisement strategy alongside banners, billboards, and commercials, etc. Every day, with over 3.5 billion search queries, there is no doubt that Internet Marketing Strategies is among the trending topics.

Thus here we are going to enlist top 5 internet marketing strategies to implement in 2019. They are listed below:-

1. Chat-Bot Marketing –

In this era of being a busybody, running a company and interacting with each and every customer becomes a real challenge. This is where the chat bots come into play. You can create your own chat bots, with automated replies via text or message, and the customer will not even realize whether they are interacting with a customer care provider or a bot.

The Facebook messenger connects over 2 billion people, so Facebook chat bots have become a real and popular solution to boosting up the digital market. Since chat bots can be used to generate human dialogue, it can be used to reply to customer queries, spread important information, and to provide user-friendly assistance to the buyer/page visitor.

2. SEO –

Search engine optimization is the best way to remain on the top of the search list by using and enabling certain keywords which increase the hit score according to the type of business. For long-term strategies, this is possibly the best way out, as it is cost-effective also. The investment is not indefinite as once a site gets ranked, it will remain so; increasing the influx of traffic and in turn, increase in sales. If a company is looking for outsourcing on a digital platform, opting for SEO is no doubt a suitable choice, given it is maintained regularly.

3. Inbound Marketing –

Human judgments integrate emotions. So emphasizing on the attachment of value and sentiments to a product and not only superficial advertising also plays a major part in successful digital marketing. Not interrupting the thought process of a customer, rather giving choices for personalized products is the base of inbound marketing. It is also a long-time investment, with high returns if the market is consistently maintained.

4. Influencer Marketing –

People nowadays not only look for the popularity of an influencer but also look for the quality of follower. Classic marketing strategies like word-of-mouth marketing and advocate marketing, are now being popularized in the digital marketing field. An advocate influencer instructing and convincing the people who are completely away from the world of advertising does a great job in gaining organic customers. Reaching out to the masses on social media, promoting a product, and creating a good community of netizens in bulk, influencer marketing is sure a bold and new technique.

5. Digital PR s-

Everybody, nowadays, spend a lot of time on digital platforms. With a lot of spam messages and time-consuming news and contents, digital PR plays a very crucial role in creating a niche for brands and businesses. Though it is not a very new technique, and public relations date back to the beginning of marketing; still, PR cannot be ignored nonetheless. It is just about the right exposure to the target customers in a positive light. A personal brand can also be popularized using digital PR. It takes less work than traditional PR but is more effective.

Due to global digitization Internet Marketing Strategies, like the ones listed above, have grown to become prominent contributing factors in the field of media and mass communication. The better you have your strategies figures out, the better shot you have in reaching the boulevard of success.

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How I Became Successful In 34 Days (Ecommerce)

you know what is going on guys welcomeback to another video so this videogonna break down exactly how I wassuccessful in like the first 34 days ofme starting an online business I'm gonnabreak down exactly what that onlinebusiness is how it works and like I saidhow I was successful in the first 30days I've told this story before on mychannel if you guys don't know i grossedlike something over 5,000 it was likefive thousand two hundred or fivethousand four hundred dollars orsomething like that that's what igrossed the first month of this businessand I'm gonna just explain how I did allthat break it down and I'm gonna tellyou my story and all that so there'sgonna be a lot of information in hereand maybe I could actually resonate witha lot of people watching this because Ithink that most people watching thiswere probably or are probably in myshoes when I started my first month so Ithink that if you just pay attention andlisten to what I did and how I found myissues and fix them maybe you could fixyour own issues as well and startgrossing more with your business orprofiting more with your business orwhatever the case may be so I'm actuallyjust gonna pull up my phone really quickI didn't clear my notifications fromlast night I'm not gonna put it tooclose to the phone because you guys willsee my store and I don't want you guysto see it but if you see I didn't clearmy notifications from last night andthese are all my Shopify notificationsso there's one for $30 they're $18another $30 notification they're a tonjust another $32 right there I'm stillscrolling down 25 25 so that was alljust from the short night that I had Ionly stopped for like six hours andthere's just a ton more so I literallyget paid to sleep now and I havemultiple stores running I have threestores running currently and so it'sgreat to just wake up two to multiplesales and multiple stores running allthe time I want to show you all thatit's possible and that you can get paidto sleep and drink Starbucks coffeeanyway so let's get into our won't wasteany more of your time so I love thisstory and I've told it a couple timesbut here we go my first store that Iever started if any of you guys know thestore or the website this is why I'mbroke it's just a website with a bunchof stupid gag gifts right it's just likea bunch of things like a five poundgummy bear or some just some dumb thingsthat like people would get for theirfriends or for people that they lovejust to make them laugh or somethinglike that I knew about that store and italways made me laugh because I wouldjust browse through their products and IwouldI'm gonna buy this Aria I'm gonna buythis but I never actually boughtanything but they made me laugh so whatI did with my first Shopify store was Iactually I actually modeled that storeoff – after this is why I'm broke solike I had a product that was like itlook made you look like you were nakedlike a towel I had a bunch of stupidproducts on my first store and I wassuper proud of it but at the end of theday it was a completely terrible ideaand that's not how Shopify works at allbut I showed it off to all my family andall my friends and they're like oh yeahthis is so stupid you're never gonnamake any money and I was like whateverlike it's not a big deal but anywaymoving on so I did that store I realizedvery quickly that that was not going tomake any money so I actually I'm veryquickly before I even ran any ads justcompletely took down that store and thenrestarted so I found other youtubers onYouTube that would talk about Shopifyand would say hey you should start aniche store so for those of you thatdon't know in each store is just morespecific towards like a collection ofproducts like maybe watches braceletsmaybe leggings maybe hats maybe likeBuddha items I don't know but that'sniche so it's just a specific group ofcollection so my second store it was anice store I uhit started with men's fashion so I soldwatches bracelets sunglasses I found acouple of other people selling this thissame thing successfully and all I didwas I actually just modeled their storesas well so I saw their stories and itwas really attractive and I was like yesI would probably buy something off thisstore and I wanted my store to looksimilar to their store because if Iwould buy something off their store thenI was pretty certain that other peoplethat saw my store would feel the sameway so I was like okay I want otherpeople to look at my store and say Iwould buy something off that so that'sall I did was I modeled like three orfour of my competitors in terms ofproducts and in terms of just like thecolor and the overall layout of thestore I just modeled my competitors thatwere doing well so moving on from thereI started with influencers I didn't runany Facebook ads I didn't any do anyTwitter I didn't do any snapchat Istarted with only influencers first timeI ran an influencer ad I ran it for abracelet now most of you guys know whoRory Gannon is he talked a lot about thelion bracelet he blew that up thatproduct was super trending like a yearago but that's one of the products I hadin my store and what I did was Iactually took that line bracelet and Iwent- a lion page on Instagram and I triedpromoting it and I think I got to salesbut I was still in the negative I thinkI made like I think I was selling forlike ten dollars and I spent like $40 onthe shoutout and I only made like twosales and then I went and I foundanother influence or another lineinfluencer and I did it again and Ithink I spent like $60 and I only madelike three sales maybe like 30 bucks andprop there were like $32 or somethingnot profit $32 of gross so at this pointthis was like the first week and a halfI was like okay this like obviously Ican get sales but I'm not profitable andI don't know why so I was starting toget confused but I decided I was likeokay well maybe I'm just not gonna sellthis product I'm just gonna go and trysomething elseso I created a whole new ad for a watchthis time and then what I did was I wentto a men's fashion influencer now thiswas completely like out of my thinkingnobody told me to do this I was justlike okay if the line bracelet on a linepage isn't working I'm gonna take awatch to like a men's fashion page andsee what happens so that's exactly whatI did I took it to the first men'sfashion page that I found on Instagram Iliterally typed in men's fashion in thesearch bar and the first one had liketwo million followers I think I spent$80 or something like that are 70something dollars just under $100 and Ipromoted the watch and I made like twoor three sales so I was like for somereason I was convinced at this point Iwas like okay this is like this is soweird I just it's it's like working butI can't make money like obviously thethe process works but I can't make moneyand I didn't realize that the time thereason that it wasn't working wasbecause the influencers were saturatedbecause it was the first influencerI mean how many people have searchedmen's fashion and ran an ad on the firstaccount that pops up like probablyhundreds of people so it was alreadysaturated I didn't understand that atthe time but before giving up I decidedI'd give it one more try and I went to asmaller influencer like 350 K so I wentto the smaller influencer I didn't askany questions as I just said hey likehow much for a 24-hour post I think thathe charged me about 50 or 60 bucks Ithink it was $60 and so this is wherethe famous story that I tell a lot ofpeople when I'm speaking at events whenI'm doing all these things I tell a lotof people this story so at the time Iwas working as a caregiver making $10 anhour from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Iwould make $10 so 12 hour shifts or 120bucks todayafter taxes probably like in 90 orwhatever so work was a 10-minute Drivein the morning the night before I talkedto the influencer and I scheduled thatpost for early in the morning early thenext morning so basically white rightwhen I woke up is right when he postedit like 10 minutes after I woke up iswhen he made the post go live because uma lot of the people on his page werefrom East Coast it was three hours aheadso I will go back the six am I the postwent live and a lot of people saw thatat 9:00 a.m. and on the way to workwhich was a ten minute drive I actuallymade $60 and so I was driving my FordFusion and I was like I was just in thecar and I just heard that sound the Kingand then I was like okay what like Imean that was quick I came in to anothersale and by the time I got to work I hadalready made like $60 and I think thatwas like five four or five sales I'm acouple people a couple people werebuying more than one product and while Iwas talking to the people there rightbefore I was starting my shift I madelike another one and then I made anotherone and so basically throughout theentire day I was making sales in Manoaand I cannot tell you how happy I was soby the end of the day by the time Istopped working by 6:00 p.m. I had madelike like I said a hundred bucks fromcaregiving and then my Shopify storeactually for the first time grossed $400in one day so that completely blew mymind for the first time I was profitablebecause of that day like I caught upwith all the other bad days I have andlike I think maybe I broke even orsomething at that point I was justbarely profitable but I immediatelycaught up all my stuff and I was justeither broken even or barely profitableI don't remember but throughout thatentire day I was writing down everysingle order what they ordered what timethey ordered it and I you know for theinfluencer I would write the influencerat the very top of my page I literallyhad a notebook and the notebook isfilled with pages now sorry I had anotebook it was filled with pages ofdifferent influencers and different adsand different copies and differentoffers and I wish I could find thenotebook I can't find it and if I dofind out one day I'll show you guys andI'll make a youtube video about itmoving on so I started to post on himevery single day I bought like fiveshoutouts in advance because he wouldgive me a deal if I if I bought five andthat would just make the advertisementscheaper which would make me more moneyhe would just make my margins bigger soI bought five more shots and then I kepton going and I kept on going and thatinfluence has started to get a littlebit less everyall day because that's what happens ifyou promote the same offer and the samepicture in the same product daily isthat people will start to get annoyedand I didn't know that at the time butthe way you should be doing it is youshould be promoting like maybe two orthree times a weekdifferent pictures different offersdifferent products just so that youdon't saturate or annoy all thefollowers that are following thatinfluencers so moving on um I decided tostart looking for other influencers andI found one with 800,000 followers andhe was charging $100 for 24 hours and Iimmediately said no and I waited acouple days and I'm you know scheduledanother post with that old one and itdidn't do it as well so I came back tothis guy and I said all right you knowI'll give it a shot I was like let's doit for 80 bucks for 24 hours see whathappens so that's what we did I did itfor $80 24-hour posts and I think thatday I made like seven hundred and eightydollars off that influencer so that wasinsane I remember I was actually on myway to play volleyball with mybrother-in-law and my two friends in theback and I was literally just gettingsales and they were all so confused andI was like I was like dude seven hundredand eighty dollars it was like 7 p.m.and I was on my way to play body puffsbut anyway at that point I realized howto isolate variables and that's a veryimportant thing that I preach a lot thatmost people don't talk about but I wasable to figure out that the influencerswas one of the most important things andthe reason I was able to find goodinfluencers is because I talked to themand I would say how long have you beenadvertising for and if they said notvery long at all I knew that they wouldnot be saturated and I could make moremoney off them so that is something thatI really stretch so go find influencersthat haven't been advertising foreverbecause your chances to be profitableare a lot higher and then I found veryshortly that the product I promoted onthat big influencer with 800,000followers that specific watch was just avery good product so I know I had a goodinfluencer I know I had a good product agood offer and basically just doingthose things building up thoseinfluencers and having a notebook withall my successful influencers and all myunsuccessful influencers it was veryeasy for me to isolate all the variablesthat are bad and good and take the goodones and make them work so when Ieventually moved over to Facebook andTwitter I already had a good product Ialready had a good offer I knew mywebsite was good and it was basicallyeasier it was like 50 percent easier forme to go to Facebook and work because Iwasn't completely blindyou know if say for example you startedwithand you have no knowledge at all it'sgoing to be harder because you don'tknow if you have a good project and youdon't know if you have a good offer butthe way I started enabled me to go intoFacebook not 100% blind which made iteasier for me on Facebook as wellso I've told that story multiple timesand like I just kept my own with thatinfluencer and I think the first monthlike I said I made I grow staff I'vebrand and overall like thisI just really love telling the storybecause it's super fun like it's supermotivating and I like seeing people'sreactions to it I remember on BlackFriday I ran the same the sameinfluencer with the same product and allI did was change it to Black Friday saleand then I gave like a higher percentageoff and then that day I gross like $1300on that first store that I had so itdidn't take me more than 30 days tostart seeing some pretty cool resultsand I think that the reason was becauseI was so dedicated and so like I'm goingto make this work no matter whatI literally just wrote down every singleminut detail and I planned everythingand I mapped out everything and I justhad like an entire drawing board in thisnotebook of what went well and what wentwrong and how to focus on the goodthings and it was just crazy it was justa really crazy experience but I wouldsay that the reason I was successful andhow I became successful in the first 30days is because I tested because I triedso many different things and everythingthat I tried I wrote down and I was sodedicated to to get resultant to seeresults that I didn't care aboutanything else I was just like I'm goingto test test test test absolutelyeverything I tested like ten differentproducts like ten different add picturesI eventually ordered those products andtook my own pictures and I tested thosetoo and it worked really welldifferent copies different influencers Itested everything and I wrote everythingdown and I think that's what enabled meto be successful and I think that mostpeople don't do that I think most peopledon't put in the effort to writeabsolutely everything down I mean I hadlike I had an entire book basically withjust dates and decimals and numbers andmoney and and profit and gross and howmuch I made I literally had like anentire book it was like a notebookfilled with stuff and I just don't thinkthat most people will go through theextra step or take the extra step to dothat and to put in that much effort soif I were to say what if I were to saythat one thing that made me successfulin 30 daysI would just say that that the thedesire to have it the I will do anythingI will test anything I didn't care Ijust wanted to get results was more thananything and then I would say anotherthing was just writing everything downnot making the same mistake twiceanybody that does something does thesame thing twice and expects a differentoutcome is insane according to AlbertEinstein so I didn't do the same thingtwice I was always trying new things andI think that's what enabled me to dowell my very first month so I'm gonnacut it at that guys I hope that youenjoyed this video just recording thisvideo I made another shop of myself fromfrom this store and it was $48 so I justlike that and it's even going slow rightnow it's been 15 minutes I only had onebut I just want to show you guys thatit's possible I just want you guys to beaware especially that Black Friday iscoming up right now and I think thatit's the perfect time to get into itbecause it's q4 and if you're ever goingto learn it's going to be easier nowthan ever until next q4 but other thanthat guys I'm gonna end the video thereif you guys want go ahead and check thedescription for some juicy stuff inthere there's a couple of links I addedthat's new there's a couple of PDFs thatyou guys can download for free and thensome other links to some other funnelsthat you guys may be interested in somake sure you guys go check that videoif you enjoyed this video make sure youdrop a like because that's how I knowthat you like the content I judge myvideo by the amount of likes anddislikes it gets so if you like it likethe video and if you don't thensubscribe to me make sure you subscribeanywayit's free it's literally free and I giveaway free value that could help you makemoney so I don't see why you wouldn'tsubscribe so make sure you click thosetwo buttons like and subscribe and Iwill see you guys all in the next videoHappy Thanksgiving and I'll see you guysin like three days
