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How to Make a Ecommerce Website Landing Page Utilizing HTML CSS & JS|Landing Page
In this tutorial, we’ll be producing a landing page for our ecommerce website utilizing HTML, CSS, and JS. Landing pages are a vital part of a successful ecommerce site, and this tutorial will assist you develop a landing page that converts!
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Develop and Deploy an AI-Powered 3D Website Using React|2023 Three JS Course Tutorial for Beginners
Lots of big corporations already utilize 3D graphics to display their items. Find out how to develop your own ThreeJS 3D product website and instill it with the power of artificial intelligence!
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@AndersonMancini’s material:
Course: https://www.udemy.com/course/react-three-fiber-configurator/
YouTube Announcement: https://youtu.be/vn8saiyxZV8
In this course, you’ll discover the following:
– ThreeJS – an effective 3D graphics library for rendering and animating the 3D design
– React 3 Fiber – a popular library for producing 3D graphics with ThreeJS in React
– TailwindCSS – a popular utility-first CSS styling structure
– Motion – the most popular library used to bring your React site to life with animations
You’ll also learn how to:
– Load, create and customize sensational 3D designs and geometries with various lights, in addition to understand the 3D world with a video camera and positioning of an item in area.
– Make your code reusable and scalable using Higher Order Components (HOCs) and other industry-standard best practices
– Include custom-made color and file support.
– Create and utilize images through DALLE AI
– Download the resulting t-shirt model image
– Ensure responsiveness throughout all gadgets and enhance your site’s performance
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Follow JSM on Twitter – https://twitter.com/jsmasterypro
Follow JSM on Instagram – https://instagram.com/javascriptmastery
Company Inquiries: [email protected]
Time Stamps:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:08:51 Setup
00:20:37 Homepage
00:36:49 Customizer
00:48:01 3D Canvas
00:56:02 ThreeJS Electronic camera
01:07:05 ThreeJS Lighting
01:23:49 Color Picker
01:27:01 File Picker
01:46:23 AI Backend
01:59:12 AI Dalle Picker
02:12:24 Deployment
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