How does Internet Marketing work – Simple Break down

but they're damn a call here from DefraNew Jersey you know one of my talk toyou guys today is you know how doesinternet marketing work and I'm going toexplain how it works in a nice easysimple way and I there's there's a fewways that marketing works I'm just goingto talk about one particular way which ithink is the best way for like thebeginner you know to begin sorta withinternet marketing to be talking aboutinternet marketing like slash affiliatemarketing not like flipping domain namesor selling stuff on eBay because ofcourse that's that's internet marketingtoo but I'm not going to you know betalking about that I'm gonna be talkingabout like internet marketing slashaffiliate marketing so how does internetmarketing work first first off you needto have something to sell and it couldbe it could be anything just aboutanything but what I want to recommend isyou know as you buy something that has agood system so something has a goodsystem as good internet marketing toolsalready in place if you have otherthings you would like to sell online ifI were you I'd actually sell them morelike on the back end you know have thisas more of a front end product so youwant to have a good internet marketingsystem and the systems themselves areall are very a very popular thing itsells it sells sells very very well soanyway I want to break down how it worksreal quick first off here's a systemwhich is very asked for system sothat'll be the system ok and the systemis going to have a couple the system isgoing to have a couple things that we'regoing to go over and as we go but we'rejust going to start from scratch accountworks okay so for first thing we needyou know once you have a system the nextthing you need is to get traffic to yoursystem okay and then I'll show you howyou know the system works so you needtraffic first you know to get here toget to your site you know obviously needyour site first but as far as the wholeprocess after that you need traffic toget to your site right so you know soyou want to get traffic okay there's acouple different ways to get trafficI'll just get it namely for real quickone one is on SEO – is a paid trafficthree is like social media episode m4media and number four is our socialengagement like prospectus conversatingwhat people things like that these areall these are four four different waysyou get eyes you know when you're onyour site you know just this sounds likea simple simple way here so you got acouple ways here okay to get traffic solike I said I'm gonna try to have anendeavor to keep this short and sweet tothe point so you have a nice easyconcept okay and then once you get yourtraffic what you want to do is this iswhy I said is good to go with a systembecause systems carry all aspects of theprocess usually um they'll be a systembelow this video you can actually clickthat'll have all these pieces of thepuzzle in place for you you know so youcan get an endeavor some sales and makesome money on here at okay so anywayfirst you're going to take traffic andyou're gonna send that traffic over tolet's call it a squeeze page or a leadcapture page right so I'll just writeyou know your lead capture page okayI lead capture page so he can you seethat so that's where you'll set yourtraffic over to a lead capture page andlead capture page is something thatsomething looks kind of like it's like apage and there's like a spot to put anemail that makes sense I'm sure you'veseen slides like that you put your emailright here or whatever that's a leadcapture page right so that's whereyou're going to set them set them firstthen next what the lead capture page isgoing to do is going to take them overto a sales page to a sales page okayonce they opt-in and put their emailit's going to take them over to a salespage but that's also want to send theiremail over to what's called a surveysense now that I explained that partthat's how I send their email over towhat's called an autoresponder responderokay an autoresponder so what's going tohappen is they might they might purchasewhatever you send them over to and theymight not well if they don't no big dealbecause this autoresponder here now thecatch of your email that's going to sendthem an offer and keep resetting themback to a sales page okay so you knowmost people don't buy things the firsttime they look at me in the final youknow somewhere between three and seventimes so you see how this works righthere this is this is what you callautomation a lot of people you know getinto you know internet marketing becausethey want automation but nothing is 100%automated this small part right here isthe part that you need to focus on righthere okay I'm getting leads getting youknow traffic any eyes on your stuff youknow this is what you need to learn thisis what you want to learn when you'refirst you know if you're first get sortof internet marketing do you want tohave to learn how to build up how tocreate a lead captureyou want to have to learn to do your ownsales and to make our own sales page doyou want to build an autoresponder fromscratch now you just buy these thingsand you want to buy a system like I wastalking on the beginning that actuallyhas these things see you see that so youbuy a system that already has all thesethings like the one that we actuallybelow this video you can get to clickthat link and actually get that systemit's very um very good system okay sothis is pretty much all internetmarketing works you know how it does theinternet marketing work I mean this isthis is a really simple breakdown righthere okay so I just want to give it youknow give you guys a little lesson youknow on how internet marketing works ontoday I want to encourage you to makemoney online it's a great a great way tobe I really enjoy I like to be able tobe with my family when I want to be withmy family and doing what I want to dowith them you know what I want to do ityou know so what freedom you know I'msaying you can see the sermonso anyway Dan will call here I'll seeyou guys on the next video bye for now


Recursos Para Ganar Dinero En Internet

Product Name: Recursos Para Ganar Dinero En Internet

Description: Buscas Iniciar Tu Negocio En Internet O Apuntalar El Que Ya Tienes?, Te Invito A Ser Parte De Esta Comunidad Donde Ganarás El 60% En Cada Uno De Estos Productos Y Al Mismo Tiempo Aprenderás. Alta Conversión, Marketing En Internet Con Derechos De Reventa.

Top Nipple Bleaching Creams & Products to Lighten Dark Nipples

By Lauren Gibson | Submitted On May 27, 2009

Most women like to flaunt pink and light colored nipples. Nipple bleaching creams helps in lightening the color of your nipples with panache. The trend of bleaching dark intimate areas such as the vagina, anal area and the underarms is gaining momentum. People are become more beauty conscious and exceptionally hygienic. The process of removal can be performed from the comfort and convenience of your home. You can easily buy these products online anonymously.

It is advisable to look at the ingredients of the bleaching creams. Nature based products are always preferred. Most of these creams contain FDA banned ingredient Hydroquinone, which can be extremely harmful for your body. It can cause leukemia, thyroid disorder or liver damage.

Top Skin Lightening creams Review

* Skin bright by Premium Naturals: This cream is developed through years of research. It is made up of Alpha Albutin, Kojic acids and natural moisturizers. It soothes, protects and decreases the production of melanin in our body, which consequently leads to skin lightening.

* Revitol Skin Brightener: This cream protects your skin from discoloration and uneven skin tone. You can easily buy this product online. It is always advisable consult a physician before buying this product.

* Meladerm: This cream is touted be one of the most effective skin lightening cream. This product contains natural ingredients such as Vitamin B3, Mulberry Extract, bearberry extract, lemon juice, emblica powder, locorice extract, lactic acid and glycolic acid that can easily rejuvenate our skin tone. This product contains no Hydroquinone, steroids and mercury. Most of the bleaching and skin lightening creams nowadays contain harmful substances, which can be extremely dangerous for our body. Meladerm is completely a nature-based cream, which can diminish age spots, hyper pigmentation, freckles, knuckles and dark elbows with ease.

Sensitive area bleaching needs to be done with caution & care. To know more about the best skin Lightning creams that work & have no side effects

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FREE TRIAL offers are for a limited time only, so get yours today.

Article Source:


How to Make an Online Store (A-Z eCommerce tutorial + BONUS eCommerce Hacks)

Learn how to start an online store in this A-Z tutorial (table of contents below in description) Starting an ecommerce store is one of the BEST ways to earn a living online! You can build a brand around products you love and have a chance to live the life of your dreams.

In this video I give you every resource and principle you’ll need to start a successful online store. In two hours you’ll learn all the KEY LESSONS I painstaking discovered on my journey growing an eCommerce store into the 7 figure++ annual revenue mark. Hopefully this inspires you and helps you along your path.

4:16 Table of Contents
11:00 My Personal Story
23:57 The Startup Curve
0:27:30 3000% productivity principle
0:33:13 eCommerce ‘Must Knows’
0:39:30 Picking a niche and finding suppliers
0:55:52 How to set up your online store

*use the startuptakeoff affiliate link for 10% off for LIFE!

1:09:12 How to list products that SELL (+ conversion hacks)
1:06:30 Cart abandonments
1:08:20 A/B testing essentials (split testing rules)
1:13:20 Paid Traffic Sources (ppc, media buys, sponsored posts)
1:14:27 Free Traffic Sources (social, referalls, affiliates, email)
1:15:45 Amazon FBA and wholesale brick and mortar
1:23:50 Viral Growth Hacking strategies
1:27:45 Pricing strategies
1:26:45 Distribution and shipping
1:26:45 Scaling up and automating your business
1:29:00 Hiring and training staff
1:29:00 Building a brand for lifetime value
1:29:50 Optimizing your back end funnel
1:32:00 Customer service 101
1:38:20 Sustainability and your competitive advantage
1:41:00 Q&A (get more in video below)

Check out the MASTER CLASS where we build a store from scratch with you side-by-side! We record our brainstorming sessions all the way to profitablity (see INSIDE the black box as we record LIVE every major milestone along the way)

You asked us for it, and we delivered. This is EVERYTHING we know about eCommerce in 100+ videos of a 12 week follow along, learn about it here:

I’m easy to contact if you have any questions! Email me
[email protected]

Thanks for watching!



Vioniko Plataforma De Marketing Colaborativo | 75% Comisiones

Product Name: Vioniko Plataforma De Marketing Colaborativo | 75% Comisiones

Description: Vioniko Es El Primer Sistema De Internet Marketing Colaborativo En El Mundo. Sistema Único En El Mercado, Somos Pioneros. Sistema De Ventas Efectivo, Embudo De Marketing, Comisión 75% Herramienta De Marketing Profesionales Http://

4 Important Tips to Consider for Ecommerce Website Development

By Gaurav Jain | Submitted On April 14, 2018

Expert Author Gaurav Jain

Ecommerce shopping is the buzzword of our times with millions of customers across the globe opting for online shopping over brick and mortar shops. This has made it imperative for retailers to go for entrepreneurs are still focusing on ecommerce website development or finding a reliable turnkey solution to take their business online.

The task of website development for any business model is complicated. It needs analysis of several aspects from user-experience till the performance. If the ecommerce website is not good enough to offer a simple way of shopping to the users then customers are likely to choose some other site for shopping.

One effective way to save time and create an online store at an affordable cost is by choosing ecommerce platform providers. They provide a readymade solution for all your ecommerce website creation needs with multiple attractive features. Before choosing an ecommerce platform, there are several points to be considered to make the outcome fully functional.

Let’s take a look at some of those key points.

User friendly platform- An easy to use platform that allows existing as well as new users to search for the desired products and checkout easily is always the first choice of customers. In the ecommerce website development process, the convenience of the customers while using the platform should be prioritized. As per statistics, 30% of customers use the search option to find their desired products. Hence easy navigation, quick search option, and seamless checkout are mandatory for attracting customers and should not be missed.

Security- The biggest concern while making transactions on the internet is security. Customers share their confidential details like credit/ debit card number, passwords etc with the trust that their data is secured. Ignoring security can even lead to the loss of money of the customers which can ultimately have adverse effects on the reputation and sales of the online store. In the ecommerce website development process, it becomes necessary to implement SSL encryption for ensuring the security of the personal information of customers.

Responsive Design- Ensuring that the ecommerce website is optimized for mobiles is important as the majority of the customers use their mobile phones for shopping nowadays. Implementing responsive designs such that the ecommerce site is easily accessible on every device is important for making it successful. If the online store is not optimized for all the devices and does not provide a good user experience then the site is likely to lose the ever-growing group of customers.

Site performance optimization- According to statistics, a site that takes more than 3 seconds to load is abandoned by 40% users. This can happen often with mobile users who often access multiple websites at any time of the day. Losing customers due to the slow load time of the site should not happen with any online site. Hence, site optimization is one feature which needs to be considered during the ecommerce website development process. Techniques like using compressed images, combining a site’s JavaScript and CSS files in a single file can help in speeding up the site.

Creating an online store with all the mentioned features is not a task that can be accomplished in a single day. But making the process easier can be done with the help of ecommerce platforms that provides multiple features and saves time.

If you are looking for an affordable solution for building an online store, you can choose Store Hippo- a SaaS based DIY platform. We provide all the listed features and can help you in taking your ecommerce business to a new level of success.

Gaurav Jain is an ecommerce marketing strategist with 5+ years of experience. He writes extensively about the latest ecommerce trends and encourages people to take up the new ways to make their online business a better one. His articles regarding ecommerce website development come from the rich experience of strategizing and handling online business across industry verticals.

Article Source:


Top 20 Dropshipping Niches in 2020 | Oberlo Dropshipping

in today's video I'm going to talk about20 niches that you can start selling inin 2020 now if you're new to this aniche is like a category of store and ifyou're drop shipping with overload andShopify you get to choose what to selland therefore you get to choose whatcategory you want to sell in howeverjust because you can choose doesn't meanthat choosing is easy choosing the rightniche takes some research but we didthat for you so if you're looking forsomething to sell in 2020 but aren'tsure what niche to sell in we've got20/20 vision on what's trending withthis list of 20 dropshipping niches[Music]we've got 20 niches to go through todayand so I'm not gonna waste a whole lotof time with it intro I just want to letyou know how we organized this videowe're going to go through several broadniches like men's clothing accessoriesand Home & Garden and then within thoseI will share some sub niches if you willthese dishes are a little bit morenarrow than a broad category like men'sclothing and accessories but that'sexactly why I recommend them becausethese niches are more narrow it's easierto find your target audience and sell tothem now niche ideas can get prettycrazy and you've even told us about somekind of weird ones in the comments Itried not to get too crazy with thislist but I welcome your comments withoutfurther ado let's jump right into itwe're gonna start with the men'sclothing and accessories niche the firstniche I recommend you sell in in 2020 istech friendly Fitness clothes here's whythere's been a big boom in fitness appslately and these apps have gotten reallysophisticated so more and more peopleare bringing their phones to theirworkouts so that they can follow theirfavorite fitness influencers workoutplans track their calories burned andthings like that the way to target thismarket is to find clothing that makes iteasier to work out with your phone nextto you and one good example of somethingto sell in this niche are these gymshorts with a hidden pocket for cellphones products like these are greatbecause they help people who love towork out and use fitness apps on theirphones to do both at the same timewithout the apps and the phone gettingin a way of the workout now I'mcategorizing this niche in the men'sclothing and accessories nation but youcould also consider it health andfitness you can definitely find clothesfor women that help them carry theirphones into the gym as well so it'sreally your call if you want this to bea men's clothing and accessories storeor a fitness store oh and a no untyinganything related to fitness is going toboom in the new year so if you're justgetting started with Shopify and over loand you feel like you're gonna miss outon some Black Friday sales because youdon't have your store up that's noreason not to start start building astore in the fitness and wellness nicheand then go hard with advertising inJanuary and February and Marchthe next niche that I recommend sellingis shield sunglasses now it's not oftenthat I recommend selling sunglasses inyour drop shipping store because it'seasy for consumers to walk into anymen's clothing an accessories store inthe mall and find sunglasses there butthe reason that I'm suggesting these iswell twofold first this style ofsunglasses is definitely trending so youknow that you're hopping on a trend thatyou can use Instagram influencers topromote but second it's really hard tosearch for specific designs in thosebig-box stores think about it if acustomer sees a design of sunglassesthat they love they're going to want tobuy it then if they think it's going tobe difficult to find that unique pair ofsunglasses in a store so the key toselling products in this niche is tofind really really unique designs usereally unique people and stylisticInstagram influencers to sell them andto stay confident that you can in factsell something like sunglasses online wesee it happen everyday it's possible youjust want to be smart with the productsthat you're choosing the last niche thatI recommend selling within men'sclothing and accessories is thecrossbody bag niche just like thoseshield sunglasses the crossbody bag issomething that a lot of fashionmagazines are really expecting to blowup in the new year and there's differentangles that you can sell these bags theycan be stylistic or they can befunctional something that helps mencarry all their stuff around with themif you didn't catch our interview withdropship or Ryan Carroll then check itout because he recommended his dadwho had never started a drop shippingstore before start selling crossbodybags and in that first Shopify store hisdad made seventy five thousand dollarswith that store it was pretty cool tosee that happen from him literallyknowing nothing except the businessmodel and like being there from from thestart that just goes to show thatthere's a lot of potential for thisproduct that hasn't really been exploredyet okay now let's move categories andtalk about the health and wellnesscategory and some niches that you shouldsell in in 2020 in this category thefirst one is sound bathing I know thissounds weird but I'm seeing it pop upall over the place in fact there was anarticle in Harper's Bazaar that notedalmost a 300% increase in searches forsound bathing this is a new AG thing andso one of the things that you can do ifyou sell in this niche is create contentexplaining what it is and how people canuse your products to experience thehealing benefits of sound bathing aproduct that I particularly like forthis are crystal singing bowls and thegreat thing about these bowls is thatthey come with a video that you can useto help advertise and explain what thesecrystal bowls do the next bitch in thehealth and wellness category is actuallya niche that I think is going to explodeand there's tons of potential fordropshippers to get creative here thatniche is sleep actually people arespending a lot more time thinking abouthow they can get better sleep and thereare big brands going after this marketjust because there are big brands inthis market doesn't mean you can't carveout a place for yourself as well becausea lot of these big brands are sellingthings like textiles or mattresses andyou're not gonna dropship mattressesanyway what you want to do is key in onthis concern for a better night's sleepand figure out what accessories you cansell to help customers solve the problemof tossing and turning at night thoseaccessories can range from pillows likethis one to anti snore devices and ifyou'll remember anti snore devices werea huge huge seller in 2018 a device likethat can definitely come back but Ibring this up just to show you what aproblem bad night's sleep is and howdesperate customers are to solve itwhere there are customers desperate tosolve a problem there is money makingopportunities for you another health andwellnesssnitch that's really worth exploring isswimming now yes you can sell swimtrunks and bikinis that's true but I'mthinking more of swimming as a fitnessniche more and more classes are poppingup in this space and swimming is greatbecause it's low-impact so people withinjuries can turn to swimming to startbuilding their strength in a way that'ssafe for their joints accessories likethese swim resistant gloves are cheapfor you to sell and help customers whohave an interest in swimming get moreout of their workouts what's great is asport like swimming is fairly easy totarget on Facebook so it won't be hardfor you to find your target market andget started with these accessories andthe last Beach that I recommend in thehealth and wellness category are portioncontrol accessories this again is goingto be one of those niches that has a lotof potential in the new year when peopleare paying more attention to their dietsnow you don't ever want to dropshipingestibleso no detox teas no pills nothing likethat and by the way while we are on thesubject of things not to dropship makesure that as you're choosing productsfor your store no matter the niche youstay within some parameters for yourlegal liabilities and the safety of yourcustomers as well you can just watchthis video here for the full list ofproducts not to dropship in 2020 if thisisn't nice to interest you I really likethis portion control tool I'm not reallysure what to call it and that's a goodthing because it means there's a lot ofroom for you to be creative and brandthis as your thing as you're trying toadvertise this product be creative withthe problem that you highlight forexample list out the number of caloriesin popular dishes and then list outcalories and healthy portions of thosedishes and do the math in the Facebookad copy people stop scrolling when theysee numbers trust us that's how we putnumbers in all of our YouTube titles itworks ok we're gonna stay kind of on thetopic of health and wellness but we'removing categories and we're talkingabout kids and babies if you want tosell products related to children andbabies remember that you are selling toparents so what you want to do is thinkabout what the parents are interested inand just as parents are concerned abouttheir own healthy eating habits they'realso concerned about the healthy eatinghabits of their childrenmore and more frequently parents areactually making their own baby food ortrying to have more control over whattheir children eat rather than relyingon whatever snacks are at hand whenthey're out shopping for example that'swhy a product like this is so great ithelps parents prep snacks and meals fortheir children so that they can makesure that their children are eatinghealthy the whole time if you sellsomething like this or if you get intothe healthy children eating nichecontent is a great marketing tool comeup with recipes or lists of good snacksand promote them on Facebook onInstagram even on reddit or some reallycreative places the beautiful thingabout content is you're not quiteselling anything so it's easier to playby the rules on sites like Reddit andFacebook communities by sharing yourcontent the other niche I recommendwithin the kids and baby category isnursery decor but not just any nurserydecorI recommend gender-neutral nursery decornowadays parents are much more consciousabout gender neutrality and that goesall the way into the furniture andaccessories that they're buying fortheir children's rooms now your dropshipping and so you don't want to a dropship big bulky items it's not practicaland it's not profitable instead go forreally easy accessories I love theseaccessories because they aren't infrilly Pink's or blues and yet theystill look elegant and clean and greatfor a nursery as you see here you candrape them over coat hooks or you caneven nail them to the wall you can tellparents your ideas for how they can usethese accessories to warm up theirnursery in a gender-neutral way anothergreat thing about this niche inparticular and not just the genderneutrality niche but nursery decor isthat you're targeting parents who liketo spend money on their kids however youare not asking them to spend their moneyon anything that could be a liabilityfor you so for example you're notselling them car seats where parents areentrusting your product to protect theirchildren and you're not selling anythingthat kids could put in their mouths sothis is an excellent category to sell inif you want to sell to parents but youwant to be safe about it what if youwant to sell to people who have furbabies instead of or in addition to realbabies I can't blamebecause the pet industry is huge andtons of dropshippers have found lots ofsuccess selling within ithowever carving out a space for yourselfin the pet category can be kind of hardand that's why I love this next niche itis the pet memorial niche now I knowit's kind of sad to think about petsdying but what you can do with petmemorial products like this one is helpowners remember and honor the memory oftheir beloved pets I think because thisis kind of a sad product not a lot ofdropshippers touch it but if you can doso in a way that's tasteful and joyousand talking about memories and nottalking about death then there's a lotof money to be made here especiallybecause you can even sell customizedproducts in this niche I don't see a lotof dropshippers going in this directionso if you're willing to be creative thenI think you can make a couple sales herenow I want to move to the home andkitchen category and there's two nicheshere that are really worth exploring ifyou want to sell in 2020 the first nichehas to do with children's birthdayparties parents are under a lot ofpressure to host Pinterest worthybirthday parties for their children andwhat I love about this Nisha isaliexpress has started to put togetherthese party kits where people can buyone product or in this case you can sellone product that's actually a bundle ofeverything parents would need to hostsay a safari themed birthday party thereal problem that you're solving is oneof time time and frustration becauseparents know that they can go to thestore and try to pick out all thedifferent elements so the differentstraws the plates the balloons andeverything to put together a thematicparty but that sounds like a giantheadache so what you're doing here isgiving parents the ability to providetheir children with a fun birthday partyhowever you are saving them the trip tothat big-box store you're saving themtime and giving them a lot ofinspiration on how to host a fun partyalong the way the cool thing about thisniche too is that there's tons ofseasonal sale opportunities so if aparent is planning a birthday party inthe winter maybe there's a differentsnow theme if it's in the summer it'sprobably a beach theme so you'll havenew and fresh products to promote thatare seasonal and very relevantthroughout the year anda lot of Nicias offer that potential thesecond dish I recommend in the home andDecker category are luxury dining setswe've actually had some success storymerchants have tons of success with thiskind of product because what they'redoing is they're finding products thatlook really high-quality and top dollaron Aliexpress and selling them at amarkup on their own stores under theirown premium luxury brand now a lot ofhome decor magazines are predicting thatthis trend of luxury is going tocontinue into 2020 and really pick upspeed so now's the time to sell thosegold dipped Forks and other nice touchesthat make everyday dining experiencesfeel a little bit more glamorous on thesubject of glamour let's move into thewomen's fashion and accessories categoryand in this category a niche that I'mreally excited about for 2020 is facejewelry mmm or crystals yeah they'reactual crystals you stick on there yeahexactly well that's what I'm tellingthem we don't know what to call itwhether its face jewelry or facecrystals so if we don't know what tocall ityou guys can make it up I think of areally good name by the domain and youcan really own this space if you sellthese then try targeting people who lovethe show you forea a character ineuphoria wears a lot of these facecrystals and it's been inspiring lots oftrending face crystals on instagram tictoc and other social media categorieswhen you sell a product like this Ihighly highly recommend that you alsogive people content let them know whatkind of patterns they can experimentwith as they apply these face crystalsor jewelry or whatever you decide tocall it second niche in the women'sfashion and accessories category isstatement jewelry statement jewelry isreally fun to shop for on Aliexpressbecause there's a ton of variety hereand yes I know jewelry is one of thosethings that people can go into a big-boxstore and buy but again when you'retalking about something as unique asstatement jewelry you're gonna makepeople want to buy on the spot whenpeople see a unique piece of jewelrythey'll assume that they can't find itanywhere else or at least that theydon't want to bother figuring out how todescribe this piece of jewelry so theycan search for it elsewhereby the way that is an important tip forcompeting against Amazon and if you wanta lot of other tips to compete againstAmazon hit subscribe we're coming outwith a video soon that will tell youspecifically how you can make moneyinstead of Amazon through differentproduct and marketing techniques finallythe third niche in the women's clothingaccessories category that is really highpotential for 2020 are wide belts we'reseeing wide belts pop up all over themedia and the cool thing about thesebelts is that they give new life tooversized sweaters so a lot of customersin this niche will already have theseoversized sweaters and maybe they'refiguring out other ways to wear them andthat's exactly where the wide belt comesinto play it's not only a trend but it'salso kind of a thrifty cost-savingmeasure it helps someone make twooutfits out of what used to be one somake sure you play up that fact in yourads phone accessories is the nextcategory we're gonna move into now andthe niche within phone accessories thatyou should be thinking about our Creatortools tic toc is gaining popularityevery month and a lot of you have askedhow you can take advantage of tic toc totry to mark it on there but that mightnot be the best way to think about usingthis platform because while there are aton of people consuming tic TOCs contentthere are also a ton of people who wantto make it big on tic toc this is thecrowd that you're marketing to withcreator accessories what I mean bycreator accessories is like selfielights and other accessories that helppeople make really good high-qualityvideos with their cell phones if you didwant to market this on tik-tok you couldcreate before-and-after videos showingwhat a video looks like before usingyour Creator accessories and after andof course make sure everyone looks greatin the after and not-so-great and poorlylit in the before photos the other nichethat I'm really excited about our phoneholders and stands I know you see theseeverywhere but there are always newdesigns coming out and there are alwaysnew phones coming out 2020 will see therelease of a lot of exciting new phonesand when people get these new phonesthey're going to want new accessories soit's up to you to be savvy and timeproduct releases with those new phonereleases so that you take advantage ofthose shoppers who want torushon up their new phone with anaccessory that makes it easier to usethat phone if you've been payingattention to this nice you've probablyseen those pop sockets everywhere and Iknow you think it's saturated which iswhy I love this particular product it'smore like a buckle it's a little bitmore subtle more minimalistic kind ofcool and products like these are exactlywhat you want to keep your eye out forwhen you're looking for the next bigthing in the cellphone accessoriesmarket because this category of phoneaccessories isn't going anywhere so it'sup to you to find the cool products andthe audience that wants them and makethe big bucks the last three niches Irecommend for 2020 are kind of wildcards Matheson's that I don't think youcan sell products in them I do but theydon't really fall into a broadaliexpress category like the other onesdothe first niche that I recommend isllamas or alpacas I think either one isdoing pretty well but Google Trendstells me llamas is the word that morepeople are searching for Oprah evenasked if llamas are the new unicornsthis is an animal that's getting a lotof attention so what does that mean foryou well there are tons of accessorieson Aliexpress in llama shapes fromstuffed animals to party decor and morethis is one of those stores that you setup and it's really easy to know who yourtarget audience is one thing that Iwould consider though if selling withinthis niche is setting up a Facebook pageor an Instagram community dedicated tollama lovers once you do that delivercontent not ads that feed that love ofllamas it can be memes it can be giftswhatever get people talking once you'vebuilt that community that's when you goin with products that you know thiscommunity will love this tactic takes alot of time but it's free so if you'reon a budget and have not a lot of moneyput a lot of time consider thismarketing tactic for this niche or someof the other niches that we've mentionedin this video for the last two nichesthere are two movies coming out in 2020that you need to know about because theywill provoke buying frenzies the firstone is a movie called on word and it's adisney pixar film that has pretty muchevery magical creature you can imaginefrom elves to unicorns and everything inbetween now you don't want to sell anything copy written however there is alot of magical woodland creature stuffon Aliexpress so what you can do isbuild a store with fun accessories orhome decor items that fit this magicwoodland creatures theme and then targetpeople who love and are excited aboutthis film will this store have legsbeyond 2020 I don't know but this is acool opportunity to make some money offof what is going to be a really hottrend and get used to riding trends andbuilding that instant memento that trendspring finally the last niche that Ithink is going to blow up in 2020 isthis spy gadgets niche and that'sbecause we've got a new James Bond filmcoming out next year build your storeand again avoid anything with copywritten stuff on it but put stuff in itthat a James Bond fan would appreciatethis includes sell things like spygadgets or even things with the UnionJack British flag on it anything thatreminds people of the James Bond brandwithout explicitly being about the JamesBond brand alright that's it for ourlist of 20 Nisha's that you can startdrop shipping in in 2020 let me know inthe comments below if you plan to startselling in any of these niches or ifyou're already selling in these nichesI'd love to hear from you and I willrespond with my thoughts thanks forwatching and until next time learn oftenmarket better and sell more


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The Importance of Internet Marketing In the Modern Business

By Adhika Dwi Pramudita | Submitted On January 30, 2011

Expert Author Adhika Dwi Pramudita

Are you willing to take your brand on the next level? Then you should read on how you can do that. The internet marketing is developed in a higher phase that brings you great benefits to your business.

In the digital world, internet plays a very important role in marketing. The idea of using internet to sell is likely to be the first choice in a marketing business today. Most of businesses in the world have a website as a way to promote their products and services, which means, more websites are built everyday.

Entrepreneurs compete against each other to improve the traffic on their websites because the more traffic you get, the more visible your website in search engine. If your website draws attention, then you know what will happen next. This is why Search Engine Optimization was born; to optimize the content quality and improve the rank of your website.

For a small business, internet marketing does give a positive outcome. Since internet is used widely without borders, everyone can browse through and seek what they want no matter how far they are. This means, you can have customers across borders and lead to a bigger market. Moreover, as long as you can create a great traffic, your site will eventually be the first site that the user sees when they type certain keywords.

Entrepreneurs choose marketing via internet as a way to promote better. It does not require printed brochures and save time to explain since your site shows all of the services you offer. Internet marketing cuts down all of the operational cost and lets you have higher revenue.

In a nutshell, attractive website is good, but without marketing, your website can be nothing because nobody knows it. Thus, internet marketing brings many benefits. It is necessary for your business to grow larger. And even possible to perform expansion.

Please visit [] if you’re looking for registered internet marketing company.

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