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Start Your Internet Marketing Business The Fast, Easy And Painless Way

By Michael Senoff | Submitted On July 26, 2006

Expert Author Michael Senoff

If you are just starting out looking to make money on the Internet, then this article will save you a lot of time, money, frustration and guesswork.

Here is why:

The key to making money on the Internet quickly and easily, without hassle…is to simply sell something to a market that is in dire need of something.

For example:

I have a relative with really bad asthma. So bad that he sometimes has to be taken to a hospital and put in an oxygen tent so he can breathe.

And let me tell you, he is desperate for something — anything — that will relieve his symptoms.

Here’s another example:

There are lonely people all over the world desperate for a date or for someone to connect with.

Some of these people would do literally anything to find someone to love and be loved by, and are willing to shell out thousands of dollars on books and resources on the subject.

Another example is people who are about to have a baby.

This is a huge emotional period where people are both scared and excited, and actively looking for answers to hundreds of questions.

Do you see the idea here?

Don’t try to sell things to people who are only marginally interested in a subject or are only slightly afflicted by a problem.

Go for people who are emotional and even irrational about something — like health problems, a special hobby (golf, for example, is a very passionate market), or a social problem.

Trust me, if you can find a market of people who have a burning desire or need for something, you almost can’t fail if you sell them the right product for that desire or need.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

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Ecommerce SEO Tutorial to Get More Free Search Traffic has nailed their eCommerce SEO
generating over $1,000 in revenue per second.And while a lot of their traffic and sales
come from searches within their own platform,SimilarWeb estimates that search contributes
30% of their overall traffic and Ahrefs’Site Explorer estimates 706 million search
visitors each month.But Amazon didn’t become an overnight success.In fact, their search traffic has grown immensely
year after year.So in this video, I’m going to walk you
through a complete eCommerce SEO tutorial,step-by-step for more rank and more bank.Stay tuned.[music]What’s up SEOs?Sam Oh here with Ahrefs, the SEO tool that
helps you grow your search traffic, researchyour competitors and dominate your niche.Today, we’re going to be talking about eCommerce
SEO and how you can rank your product andcategory pages.So here’s what our agenda looks like today.First, we’ll tackle a couple must-dos for
all online shops.Next, we’ll break down keyword research
for ecommerce.Then we’ll hit on-page SEO, get technical,
tackle link building specifically for productand category pages, and finish it off with
a bit on content marketing for eCommerce.Let’s get to it.So there are two absolute musts that I think
all eCommerce sites should do.The first is to make sure that you secure
your website with HTTPs.The main reasons for this is to keep your
customers information encrypted.And I’m not just talking about credit card
details, but names, addresses, and other personalinformation that you wouldn’t want to have
compromised.And it’s important that all of your pages
are set up correctly because you don’t wantChrome returning a privacy error screen like
this or other warnings like this.And Google has officially stated that HTTPS
will be used as a ranking signal, even thoughit may not be the strongest ranking factor
according to our on-page SEO study.The second must-do is to run a site audit
to identify your technical SEO issues.Ecommerce properties are one of the easiest
types of websites to unintentionally createa whole mess of indexation and cannibalization
issues because of the sheer size.For this tutorial, I’ll be using Kleinfeld
Bridal shop as our example site, which sellswedding dresses and other bridal apparel.So I’ll go to Ahrefs’ Site Audit tool
and set up a simple SEO audit.The only change I’ll be making to the default
settings is to run the audit on the domainwithout subdomains and then click next.And next again to go to the crawl settings.And for the sake of a simple SEO audit, I’ll
leave everything to default, but I'll turnon “Execute Javascript.”Finally, I’ll turn off the scheduled audits
and just run this once.Now, while the audit is running, let’s move
onto keyword research.In this step, you’ll need to choose a keyword
to target for every product and category page.Yes, it is a ton of work, but it’s something
that should be done or outsourced.Now, when it comes to selecting keywords,
there are two different types of pages I wantto focus on.And those are category pages and product pages.So first, you’ll need to get a complete
inventory of your product and category pages.Depending on the CMS you use, whether that’s
Shopify, Magento, Open Cart, Woocommerce,or whatever, you may be able to export these
pages directly from your backend.Or you can go to your Sitemap if you have
one created.So for the bridal site, I’ll just add /sitemap.xml
to the end of the URL and you’ll see a fulllist of all of the pages that they want search
engines to crawl.From here, you’ll want to prioritize these
by the highest revenue generating pages orthe pages that generate the most traffic for
your business.Now, for each of your pages, you’ll want
to look for a head term as well as long-tailvariations.In general, a head term would be a more popular
keyword with a higher search volume.Long-tail would likely have lower search volume
but are modified variations to the head term.You can find these by going to Ahrefs Keywords
Explorer and type in a seed keyword that’sbroadly related to your niche.So I’ll type in “wedding.”Next, you can go to the “having same terms”
report, and you’ll see a bunch of irrelevantkeywords like “wedding invitations.”So you can make it relevant by using the “include”
search box.Here, I’ll type in a few keywords like dress,
dresses, shoes, and accessories which shouldrepresent some of your parent categories that
broadly match the type of wedding relatedproducts that we sell.And I’ll set the dropdown to show keyword
ideas that have “any” of these keywordsin it.And you can see a whole bunch of great keyword
ideas here, some of which would be perfectcategory pages, others that are perfect sub
categories to that parent, and the rare onethat’s irrelevant.So you can match up the best keywords with
the current structure of your site based onthe types of products that you sell.Based on these results, you’ll likely want
to focus on a broader term like “weddingdresses” as the parent category, then add
sub categories like guest dresses, plus size,cheap, beach, and vintage underneath the parent.Keyword selection for product pages is a bit
different.For example, if you sell a branded product
like Gucci shoes or an iPhone 8 Plus, thenyou’d want to include the brand name and/or
model numbers, since they will likely holdsearch volume because of brand recognition
and reputation.And if you’re on the other side of the spectrum
where you’re selling unbranded productsor products from unknown names, then you may
want to stick with more descriptive termsthat people are searching for.For example, if you look at these shoes from
Nordstrom, you’ll see that they’ve namedit “Gabe Pump,” which no one seems to
be searching for.On the other hand, there are around 350 monthly
searches for “vince camuto pumps,” whichcould act as a head term for the product page
with some variations or modifiers like usingcolors, the type of toe or heel, or simply
by prefixing the title with “women’s.”If you look at Amazon’s product pages for
Vince Camuto pumps, you’ll see that they’veput a little bit more thought into their keyword
research and on-page optimization.They’re using the designer’s name, a modifier
keyword, the brand line, and the type of shoewhich is both descriptive as well as keyword rich.A good way to find product keywords is to
search for your brand name as your seed inKeywords Explorer.Then, go to the “Having Same Terms” report
and type in the type of product that you sell.In this case, we’re talking about pumps,
so I’ll type in ‘pump.’Another way to find product and category page
ideas is to analyze your competitors’ toppages.Looking at the top pages report for David’s
Bridal, one of Kleinfeld Bridal’s competitors,you’ll see that some of their top keywords
for their most popular pages in search include“mother of the bride dresses,” “prom
dresses,” and “bridesmaid dresses.”And all 3 of these happen to be categories
that our example site is not yet serving.From here, you can click on the keywords dropdown
and look for the long-tail variations on thesehead terms.Here, you’ll see that even though their
top keyword is “mother of the bride dresses,”that they still rank high for variations like
“mother of the groom dresses” and thisone that uses “long” as a modifier.Now, before you actually select a keyword,
there is one massively important step that youmust take.And that’s to ensure that the search intent
for the keyword matches the page you intendto use it on.Looking back at our list of keyword ideas,
you can analyze search intent by clickingon the SERP dropdown beside any of the keywords.So looking at the SERP for “wedding guest
dresses,” you can see that they’re allcategory pages, so you’d want to stick with
the same format because the search intentshows that people are looking for a list of
different dresses that they can browse through.Looking at the SERP for “meghan markle wedding
dress,” you can see that these are all blogposts, so serving search intent with a product
or category page probably wouldn't be in yourbest interest.Taking 10 seconds to analyze the current SERPs
can save you a ton of time to ensure you’renot targeting the wrong keyword.I could go on with more keyword research techniques,
but this should be more than enough to giveyou a solid list of keywords.So, let’s move on to on-page optimization.First is to optimize your meta titles, descriptions,
and H1 tags.Now, most eCommerce sites use templated versions,
especially those with thousands of differentproducts, which makes sense from a time perspective,
but it isn’t exactly ideal from a search perspective.It’s a bit ugly and none of these really
entice a click from my point of view.In fact, these 3 pages might seem like duplicate
content issues, but they are indeed completelydifferent products.With this, you can go with
somewhat of a hybrid approach.So rather than using the type of wedding dress
for the meta title as they have here, youcan use the title of the product, which you
should be able to easily formulate if youdo your keyword research.As for the description, it looks like they
wrote unique meta descriptions for each product,but they look like they’re the same simply
because they prefix the description with a template.In this case, they could simply move that
part of the template to the end or removeit, so as people start reading the meta description,
they’ll know that they are indeed differentproducts.The h1 tag is pretty simple.Just use the category title or product name.And again, if you’ve done everything correctly
up to this point, then these should fall inplace quite nicely.The next on-page tip is to optimize your URLs.There are certainly different ways to do this,
but my preference is to keep them as cleanas possible.Remember this hierarchy we talked about?You can use these to formulate the structure
for your category pages.So, for example, you might have as the parent.Then you can add your sub category by adding
plus size as a new subfolder.And if you happen to have a plus size product,
the URL can look like this with the productname as the final part of your URL.Other sites often follow the same category
structure, but you’ll also see sites thathave product pages as,
which is also fine and a good way to avoidduplicate content by having the same product
in multiple categories.We’ll get into the more advanced URL features
like filter queries and parameters in thetechnical SEO section.The next part of on-page optimization are
writing unique product and category descriptions.So, product pages, they often lack content.Sometimes they don’t even have any at all
aside from the title of the product.I won’t go too in-depth, but here are a
few copywriting tips:Include your head keyword target in the description;
Sprinkle in long-tail variations and synonymsthat hold semantic relationships with the head term.For a wedding dress product page, you may
include keywords like bridal, gown, the designer’sname, etc.Make sure they’re well-written and readable
for visitors;Tell visitors things that they may actually
want to know.Don’t try and meet a word count quota.Just keep it short, sweet, and on point.And last, use user generated content via.product reviews to add further context.The final on-page tip is to use schema markup.By adding schema markup, you can have your
product pages show up in search like this.Beyond looking more visually appealing, structured
markup has led to increases in click-through-rateby 30%.I won’t get into a coding tutorial, but
you can check out the best practices on schema.orgor use Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper,
which makes an intimidating task, super simple.After you’ve marked up your products, then
you can enter in the URL of your page or pastethe source code into Google’s structured
data testing tool.So for this page, you can see that they’re
using both breadcrumbs and product markup.One important thing to note is that if you
decide to markup products within your categorypage, then according to Google, all of them
should be marked.Schema markup isn’t a must, but it’s certainly
a good way to standout in the SERPs and increaseyour CTR.Alright, we’re onto our technical SEO section.Now, technical SEO is super important for
ecommerce sites simply because it’s a loteasier to create duplicate content, cannibalization,
and other issues that often go unnoticed.We’ve already talked about general navigation
in terms of URL structures, but as an ecommercestore, you need to take special care with
faceted navigation.And by faceted navigation, I’m talking about
parameters that are added to the URL via.filters that don’t exactly have a semantic
relationship.For example, if I’m looking on Amazon for
an iPhone and then I choose a 5 to 5.4 inchdisplay size, only in gold color, and from
this random seller, they don’t really havea semantic relationship when all combined together.While these filters are great for user experience,
they often lead to issues with duplicate contentwhich comes with other problems like how your
link equity is distributed among your other pages.And for bigger sites, crawl budget becomes
something to be aware of.So there are 2 main issues that we need to solve.Number one is duplicate content, which will
affect how your link equity is distributed.And number two, wasted crawl budget.And the most effective way for beginners and
intermediates is to set a canonical URL fordifferent facets that you don’t want to
be indexed as a separate URL.And if you look at the source code for that
Amazon category page, you’ll see that it’ssomething that they set here.But this doesn’t solve our crawl budget issue.So the way you can do that is to add nofollow
internal links on facets that you don’twant to be followed.And you can see that our example bridal site
does that here on certain filters.It’s absolutely vital that you take care
of faceted navigation since Google has explicitlysaid that it contributes to having many
low-value-add URLs, affecting crawl budget.You can check if you have issues with faceted
navigation simply by taking one of your URLswith some filters that you don’t want to be indexed
and then pasting it in as a Google search.Next is to fix other duplicate content issues.Now, if we go back to Site Audit we can head
over to the “Content Quality” report inthe left sidebar, and you’ll see a nice
cluster map of near duplicate pages.The green ones have canonicals matching, and
the red duplicates have mismatching canonicals.And in almost all cases, the green ones can
be left alone, but the red ones will needsome tender love and care.If I click on one of the red ones, then you’ll
see the duplicate pages that do not sharethe same canonical URL.And if I open up a couple of pages, you’ll
see that the pages are indeed the same, buthave different canonical URLs based on the
page number.But they’re using the parameter, pp, which
stands for per page causing a potential SEO issue.So in this case, they can nofollow the internal
links to the number of results per page filter,noindex the pages that contain that filter,
or add some additional conditions in the backendto fix this issue.But there would likely need to be more fixes
throughout the site since these kinds of issuestend to go deep.You can click on the URL that you want to
examine, then click on “inlinks” withinSite Audit, and you’ll be able to see all
of the internal links pointing at this page.There are a lot of options that you need to
weigh out and since I have minimal knowledgeabout this site as a whole, there would need
to be further analysis before making a bigmove like this.There are other kinds of duplicate content issues.A common one you’ll see on ecommerce sites
is having the exact same product page withindifferent categories.For example, you might have a URL that looks
like this, which is in your new-releases section.But that same product might fall into your
dresses category, creating two identical pages.In this case, you could either use the canonical
tag or if it’s no longer relevant, you candelete the page and redirect it to the correct URL.Finally is to find and fix keyword cannibalization
issues and we have a great video and blogpost on that, which includes a free template
that you can download and watch after thisvideo.Because right now, we’re going to hit link
building for ecommerce which is a real strugglefor many of us ecommerce site owners.Building links to your product and category
pages is hard in comparison to getting linksto blog posts.So let’s talk about a few tactics that you
can use that will help you get more linksto your revenue generating pages.The first is to find sites that link to your
competitors’ homepages.And the reason why I’m going for homepage
links is because this is much more commonand easier to get for ecommerce sites over
links to product pages.Using the link intersect tool, you can enter
in your competitors' domain and see whichsites link to them and try and get an understanding
of why they’re linking to them.If you’re not sure who your competitors
are, then you can go to the Competing Domainsreport within Site Explorer and look for sites
that have a lot of common keywords, or justskim through the visual graphic here and look
for lots of green.So you would take these 3 domains here and
paste them into the link intersect tool, whichI’ve already preset.And then in the bottom, you can enter in your domainNext, I’m going to switch all of these dropdowns
to URL mode.Finally, I’m going to switch this filter
to show pages that link to any of these pagesand I’ll run the search.And you can see that there are nearly 5,500
sites that are linking to these competitors,but not to Kleinfeld Bridal.Now, some of these links will be irrelevant,
but you’ll also be able to see that theyhave links from Vogue.Then you’ll see a bunch of links from what
looks like a wedding magazine who are perpetuallygiving them editorial links.These are the kinds of people you’d want
to network with!Another link building strategy is to get featured
on manufacturers’ “where to buy” page.You can do a Google search for something like this:The manufacturer whose product you stock then
intitle:(”where to buy” OR “stockists”).Sometimes you’ll find directory listings
like this, and other times, you’ll be ableto contact the manufacturer who would be more
than willing to list your online shop there.You can also do this in Site Explorer.Just enter in the domain of one of your competitors,
so I’ll put in go to the backlinks profile.Next, type something in the “include”
search box like “where to buy.”And you can see here that there are some decent
opportunities to get some editorial links.The next link building strategy is to search for people who have done reviews on your competitor’s products.Now, the wedding dress industry probably wouldn’t be the best for this search sincethey have high ticket items. So let’s use Tata Harper as an example, who sells natural beauty products.You can do a Google search for intitle:”tata harper” intitle:review.And you can see that there are a good number
of results including YouTube results.You can also do this in Content Explorer.I’ll just type in “Tata Harper” as a
phrase match and set the search parameterto title.And you’ll see a nice list of pages that
weeds out a lot of the junk pages that you’dnormally have to filter through in Google
and in YouTube.A big plus to using Content Explorer is that
you can see all of the SEO metrics to knowwhich site owners and authors are
worth building relationships with.Now that we have a list of prospects, you
just need to reach out to them.You can say something like:Hi [name],Sam here with Sam’s Natural
Beauty and Healthcare Products.I saw your review on Tata Harper’s organic cleanser.Thought you might be interested in doing a
review on our [similar product].Cosmopolitan rated it as the top natural cleanser
in 2018 and Forbes has called us “a skincare company to be reckoned with.”I liked the thoroughness of your Tata Harper
article and thought you might be a good fitto provide an objective review on our “Organicks” line.Let me know if you’re interested and I’d
be happy to send you some samples and a fewgifts for you and your family.Cheers,
SamNow, if they choose to write a review, this
is will naturally lead to a link back to yoursite and/or product page.The last one is a bit different, but it has massive
potential to rank for highly competitive phrases.The caveat is that it’s extremely difficult
to execute.Do you remember #thedress?Basically, a woman saw this dress as blue
and her friend or family member saw it asgold.They posted it on Tumblr and the story went viral.But what store did they buy this dress from?And of course people would go out of their
way to find out.And it was a small-ish store in the UK called
“Romans Originals.”Once people found out, guess what happened?Authority sites like the Huffington Post,
Forbes, BBC, and Mashable started linkingto their product page and home page.And look at their spike of referring domains!Now, ranking for hashtag, the dress, isn’t
going to bring much value for them alone.But look at their “Best by Links” report
to see what they did.They started redirecting all of their viral
links to their /dresses category page.And if we look at the overview page of their
dresses category page, you’ll see that theyhad a massive spike in Google traffic to their
pages when they redirected those pages.Now, creating a viral hit like this is no
easy task.But if you or your team are able to come up
with something creative, you can use a similarpost-viral strategy.So, get the links from virality, milk every
link you can until the buzz fades, then redirectthose pages to a relevant page that can bump
your rankings.The last and final piece to the eCommerce
SEO puzzle is to do content marketing.And by content marketing, I’m referring
to blogging, creating infographics, and toolsthat will be helpful to your prospective customers.As I mentioned earlier, content attracts a
lot more links and a lot more easily thanproduct or category pages.Now, rather than rehashing what I’ve already
said, I highly recommend watching our SEOtutorial, which you can view by clicking the
card and I’ll leave a link to it in thedescription below.So keep grinding away, get results, and I’ll
see you in the next tutorial.


Internet Marketing – Advantages and Disadvantages

By Christopher W Smith | Submitted On August 29, 2005

Everyone seems to be jumping on the internet marketing bandwagon lately. In the race to get their business online, many successful businesses forget to ask themselves some tough questions about what they are doing, what their expectations are and what their plan is to meet those expectations.

The internet can be a powerful tool that can put you on solid footing with bigger companies. On the other hand, the other companies may have more money to pay for advertising. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind as you analyze your internet marketing strategy.

Advantage of Internet Marketing

– your store is open, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Further, your customers are worldwide in reach, and can shop anytime that they want to

– the cost of spreading your message is next to nothing. Emailing your subscription base is more oftne cheaper than sending a letter through the mail

– updating your subscribers can be done almost instantly through email. Visitors to your website can get up to the minute information on each visit. If you are having a sale, your customers can start shopping at the discounted prices literally as soon as they open their email

– if you have an information sensitive business, such as a law firm, newspaper or online magazine, you can deliver your products directly to your customers without having to use a courier

Disadvantages of Internet Marketing

– online marketing is not free. The cost of software, hardware, wed site design, maintenance of your site, online distribution costs and of course, time, all must be factored into the cost of providing your service or product.

– slightly over 50% of households shop online. While that number will continue to grow, you are reaching less than two out of three households.

– the internet is still regarded as a source of information gathering for the majority of your customers. Of the number of visitors to your site, the vast majority of visitors who are motivated to buy will do so in person. Many people prefer the live interaction when they buy. If you have a small business with one location, this may deter customers from buying.

– easier to have outdated information on your site, thus timing of updates is critical

– there is no replacement for good old fashioned customer service. The majority of internet marketers lack customer service and inquiry response programs. As a result, many online visitors to your site will already have painted your site as poor service before they have even contacted you. The majority of websites also have poor navigation, which makes it difficult for your visitor to find what they are looking for. Many sites were created with a marketing view, not a customer service point of view.

– is your site secure? Does your customer know this? There are many incorrect stereotypes about the security of the internet out there. As a result, many of your visitors will not want to use their credit card to make a purchase. The fear of having their credit card info stolen is a clear and present danger in the minds of your visitors

– there is a lot of competition for your product already out there. By the time your visitor finds you, they have already been clicking many links. Unless they can find what they are looking for quickly, they are gone.

– many web visitors expect something for free. What do you have to offer them?

There are many other pros and cons of internet marketing. Its important for you to consider each when creating your internet marketing strategy. Each of the disadvantages can be overcome, but only if you view the customer experience from the eyes of your customer, not as an internet marketer.

Northern Source offers web design services for small businesses. You’ll find more helpful hints at

Christopher Smith has been creating web sites for small businesses for over 7 years. In addition to providing deisgn and consultation services, Christopher also provides tips on search engine optimization, internet marketing and traffic generation.

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The Best Ecommerce Website to Use | SHOPIFY, SQUARESPACE, OR WIX?!

so the real reason why I switched overfrom Squarespace is because Squarespaceserves me well but I'm ready to have adifferent level of a website hey guysNelly welcome back to my channel foranother video so today about from thetitle why did I just clap that[Music]today I'm gonna be talking about fromthe title of this video which ecommerceplatform should you use so let me talkabout Shopify Squarespace and Wix and Ihave experience with all three of themso it's gonna be my honest review myhonest opinion of which ones I preferwhich one I use now um and which one youshould use maybe for your business solet me just art by saying this can befor boutique owners ecommerce storeowners just an online business ownerwhatever your category is whenever yougot going on you can use one of theseplatforms just to give you moreinformationa ecommerce platform is just a platformwhere it's pretty much a build a websiteFactory and kinda like build-a-bearbecause I could build a website Factoryand everything is pretty much done foryou so your cart is there people cancheck out and submit payment there youcan receive payments there you canupload your products yourself you cankind of like customize your website withprovided templates and so all of theseplatforms provide templates for you theyhave their own special like paymentgateway in a sense you can also link upyour PayPal your stripe and your otherforms of payment but it's pretty muchgood I love all ecommerce platforms Ilike them all to be honest but I likethem all for different reasons okay solet's sign up with the one that Istarted off with so from the jump youguys what I did actually so I startedoff with Squarespace but let me gonnagive you some background because Ididn't just pick Squarespace because Iwant to pick Squarespace right soactually I was one YouTube watchingvideos and a lot of influencers weremarketing or promoting Squarespace so Ikind of have the idea in my mind to useSquarespace one day but also if you knowlike I know Shopify is very very popularand it pretty much has always beenpopular I think because it's like thefirst one it was the first ecommerceplatform right so I was like what shouldI use Squarespace should I use Shopify Iwas actually sold on using Shopify justbecause of I heard so much about itright it seems the most legit but Istill wasn't sure so I always tell mycoaching clients I'm gonna tell you guysthe same thing when you're trying toa ecommerce platform they all offer14-day trials two-week free trials rightso I recommend signing up for all thefree trials for all of them at the sametime sign up for all the free trials andwhich ever one you can build your idealwebsite one or get really really closeto building your ideal website one inthose two weeks that's the one you gowith and it's that simple and I did thatso I really really in my heart of heartsone until you Shopify because it waspopular and all of that but I toldmyself Natalie you got a 14-day freetrial says you need to build thiswebsite in those 14 days and decidewhich one you're gonna keep and I didthat and you guys I could not figure outShopify for the life of me I could notfigure out Shopify I use it now don'tget me wrong and we'll get into thatlater but in the beginning I could notfigure it outI could not just figure out how to buildmy website and that alone stopped me inmy tracks so that's why I went withSquarespace so Squarespace I absolutelyadore it it's my first love I used itfor the first 11 months of my businessit served me beautifully the freshreason why I chose Squarespace isbecause they have pre-made templates soShopify also has templates and so doesWix but the way that's great space doestheir templates is once you choose atemplate you have that template as yourwebsite that's nice because all I haveto do is just go in and click delete ontheir picture and just drag in mypicture click delete on their text andthen drag in my text it makes it sosimple for beginners who are beginningto building websites because pretty muchjust drag and drop okay drag and dropnow Wix is also dragging job right butwhat does a lot of different customizingeffects to it that for me is too much inthe beginning for needs okay for me so Imean it simplistic I need it simple easyto the point as Squarespace gave me justthat y'all it was so easy to puttogether so that's number one forSquarespace that's like my favoritething about that but also the ecommerceside to it is beautiful very simple formeSquarespace is simplistic if you justwant to get the job done and get it doneright and efficient and cute and niceSquarespace is your friend another plusfor Squarespace is if you want abusiness emaillike contact extra co-stars calm but touse your domain you probably want to useG suite and I'll put that there you wantto use G suite so Squarespace is theonly one out of all three here that hasa partnership G suite so that your firstyear you can use it for completely freefor the first year using Squarespace Gsuite is free so Squarespace is amazingfor that ass okay quick pause to thevideo you guys I gotta let you guys knowwhat's coming up super soon so did youguys know did you guys know that I'mactually hosting a 2-day online virtualboutique a building event coming upsuper super soon in September listen youguys if you have not already got yourtickets you need to get them right nowthey are selling out so fast okay it'sgonna be a two-day full-day event whereI teach you guys everything frombuilding launching and making sales inyour online boutique okay if you'rewanting to get in there and get yourbusiness before Black Friday startshoney this is for you do not delay donot procrastinate listen I'm gonna beteaching you guys everything frombuilding your online boutique legallygetting your paperwork done how to brandyour business social media marketingemail marketing building a Shopifywebsite building your email list okayalso talking about how to manage yourtime how to manage your finances how tobecome a full-time entrepreneur so didyou guys budgeting finances inventoryokay seasons how to do discounts andsales and how to make the most sales inyour business so this is good if youhave a business already or if you reallyreally want to get started immediatelyyou guys you will not believe the priceof this click the link down below to getmore information but can I tell you guysa little secret you want to be in VIPcan I tell you why VIP first of all anexclusive premium experience where youget one hour of free coaching from meprivately 101 you'll get a website on itwhen you launch you'll get a socialmedia on it when you launch and afterthe event you'll be with me in a threemonth mentorship for the rest of 2019making sure that you don't just buildyour business but that you build aprofitable business you don't just builda profitable business but you're makingcoins honey and you're actuallyexceeding okay and building a brand andan empire for your legacy so if you'reready to get started click the linksdown below you guys VIhe will sell out this week do not ask meafter this week if you can get VIP theissue will be I'm sorry it's gone get itwhile you can you guys the event issuper soon I cannot wait to see you guysthere and I will see you guys back inour video something that you want to payattention to though if you guys can'tpick out your ideal template so what Irecommend you guys do is before you evenget to the building process of yourwebsitego and get pen and paper and I want youto ask to do a very very rough draft ofwhat your ideal website would look likeso of course you know someone be perfectyou know I'm not an artisanal Bachchanbut it's not gonna be perfect but I wantyou guys to draft out your ideal websitewhat is your homepage look like what isyour shopping page look like do you havedifferent shopping pages for differentcategories map that out because on allof these websites you can choose atemplate that template is customizableto an extent to an extent you reallywant to choose something that reallymatches your already pre-made idea foryour website so you want to go into itwith an idea so it is customizable butto an extent if you don't know how to docoding and all that other mumbo-jumbothen you won't know how to edit youryour website to the full extent so youwant to choose one that's already closeto what you want so the next thing is aShopify now I just ii said all thesethings about Shopify but I use it nowy'all and I love it okayI did not steer me wrong now I love itnow but you know it took me some time totry it out again because in thebeginning I don't know why it was sopetrifying for me it was really reallydifficult for me but once I had mySquarespace built up and I hadexperience building websites chapter 5was like so easy for me right sosomething that I was able to do was Iwas able to transport or import mySquarespace store to my Shopify so maybeyou're like some of my students who kindof want to go like the cheaper route andlike the easier route with Squarespaceand if you do that you're able to easilytransport your website over to Shopifywhen you're ready so one weekend I justsat on my counter said you know let mejust try out Shopify I hear so muchabout it let me just try it out andliterally within an hour I was able totransport everything all my products andactually build my entire website andlike an hour and it was done and I justhave not gone back ever sincenot even intent to you Shopify for allthis time I just want to try it outbecause some of my students wanted tolearn about it and of course if I'mgonna teach them I have to know how todo it myselfright so because of my students I wentahead and tried it out for myselfand I absolutely loved it I'm not goingback but there are pros and cons to itright there are pros and cons so some ofthe cons is the price it's kind of moreexpensive than the other options also Idon't think it's that beginner friendlybut luckily if it's not big and they'refriendly if you have troubles with itthey do have videos out now on YouTubein other places where you can gettraining for Shopify speaking of if youguys want specific training on how tobuild your entire website from start tofinish and how to get sales from Shopifyclick out the link down below I actuallyhave an entire course where I puttogether Shopify it's an hour-and-a-halfvideo series and I'll show youstep-by-step how to do it I will saycheck it out it's actually on sale rightnow this week only so check it out and Iwould say like dive in and get your feetwet if you really want to do Shopify ifyou really want to do Shopify and you'rea beginner I think you're gonna needsome pre steps to help you out with thatprocess because for me at least it washard to figure it out okay so check thatout um something that might be also hardand I think a con for Shopify is theyhave the App Store now you might thinkthe App Store is cool if all thesedifferent apps you can add but honestlyShopify's basic store basic website areis missing some of the things that youactually need to run a boutique thingsthat Squarespace already has figured outright things that scrapers already hasput together you have to actually get anapp for that is shocked by so um likefor instance to link up your MailChimpto get email marketing you need apps forthat to do all of these fancy things youneed apps and of course it's not a halfso I can just download the app but if Ididn't already have a boutique I wouldnot know what apps to add so that canalso be a disadvantage for beginners isyou don't really know what apps to addto your store I don't have a list belowmy favorite apps for Shopify check thoseout if you guys are interested um Iwould only use the free apps cuz honeyI'm not paying extra to have somethingthat I need for my store so I only onlyonly use the free apps because I ain'tgot time for theokay just being real okay because Ithink that it should be included like itis in Squarespace but I still loveShopify it's amazing they have amazingcapabilities as an e-commerce platformthe analytics is crazy they have so manyin different ports to learn yourcustomers behavior which I like I saidit's really important for branding andknowing your target audience here's mydifferences between Shopify andSquarespace so if you really really onlysolely want a boutique that's all youwant to do the chakra fire is a greatoption now for me I'm a coach I doconsulting I have courses I do a lot ofYouTube and I have my boutique so for meSquarespace is great to do all of thatbecause they have different things likeequity but the scheduling app you can doevents and all these things you can setup on your Squarespace easily and soit's really good if you want to have abigger brand if you want to do more ifyou want to have a service basedbusiness then Squarespace is ideal forthat I will say Squarespace all the waybut if you just want a boutique thenShopify is great so I'm not gonna sithere and say I prefer this one over thisone I would say try them both out againokay try them both out see how you likethem and whichever one you can do in atime timeframe of two weeks under yourfree trial do that one stick with thatone the point-blank period honey okayanother Pro for Shopify is like theshipping aspects honestly I can get anorder I can go to my orders I could justclick print shipping label and it's donelike all from Shopify interface withSquarespace you have to use and set athird-party app I use ship station whichI absolutely loved and you can also useship station and Shopify it but youdon't need to literally you can justprint from your screen and shop a findyou can just print from your orders pageso that is another Pro for Shopify thatSquarespace does not have is thatshipping capability I absolutely love itokay so there are other things that Ilove about Shopify if you guys haveadditional questions leave them downbelow and check out my Shopify course Ithink it'll really be helpful forbuilding a Shopify store if you guys arewanting to take that route and you are abeginner now the last one is Wix so I'vealso made Wix website so you guys I makewebsites for clients so I make websiteson all plandepending on what they need and if aclient just has a boutique then I wouldmake them a Shopify store if a clienthas like a brand a bigger brand then Iwould make their website when Wix so Wixis really really good for customizingfor editing websites I'll link righthere the website that I made for wix1wix2 have an e-commerce side of Wix thatI personally have never used so I willnot actually recommend it I'm not notrecommending it I just can't give fullfeedback on it because I've never usedthe e-commerce side of wigs if you'resomeone who you have a Wix Boutiquecomment down below and let us know howdo you like it how do you enjoy itwhat's your feedback on itwhat do you like what do you not likeand read the comments you guys and seeif you guys can figure that out but forwigs I think it's great if you have anonline business but and you're and youdon't really care that much about thee-commerce side if I can say that so forinstance I'm myself building a websiteright now and Wix for Natalie Nicolecomm right for my own personal brand andI'm gonna have a shop link but it'sgonna link to my Shopify store right I'mgonna be using Wix and Shopify so that'skind of how I'm gonna be doing it fornow because I really like how Shopifyhas the e-commerce side of things theyhaven't they haven't really down to ascience it's just really really easyonce you haven't figured out how to useso I'm gonna keep my Shopify store butI'm also going to be building a wigstore for the purposes of like my biggerbrand just because I want more editingcapabilities so the real reason why Iswitched over from Squarespace isbecause Squarespace serves me well butI'm ready to have a different level of awebsite so Squarespace I use it mostlylike for my coaching side of things butI'm ready to go to the next level withmy with my editing capabilities and todo that I need Wix so because I need WixI don't think I need wicks andSquarespace I also don't want to onlyuse Wix which is where I'm now using Wixand Shopify does that make senseso I kind of have a little love trianglehere going on with all the platforms Ilove Squarespace if you're a beginner Irecommend it I like Shopify I love it ifyou are able to owner you wanna go tothe next level in your boutique Irecommend it I love Wix if you want tobuild a nice customizable websiteI recommend it as well so what you'regonna have to do listen I'm sorry Ican't give you a clear cut andI'm just giving you my advice in myexperiences or you're gonna have to dois try them all out take a week ticklewe can sing a holiday take a timewhenever you have time try them all outand utilize the free trial time periodand which everyone honey you can get itdown to a scienceuse that one and you can always switchyou can always change you can alwaysmake a different decision later on downthe line like I did honey change it upwhen you want to okay so that is myexperiences you guys that is my truefeedback hope this was helpful for youguys if you have additional questionsleave them down below maybe I can do apart two to this and I will see you guysin my next video bye you guys[Music]


Why Making Money In Internet Marketing Boils Down To This One Simple Thing

By Michael Senoff | Submitted On July 29, 2006

Expert Author Michael Senoff

It’s funny.

When you read all the different ads and sales letters selling one Internet marketing program after another, they make it sound so easy and simple.

And the funny thing is, when you get beyond the hype and inflated claims, it really is easy and simple to make money on the Internet.

The only real thing people have a hard time with is consistently making money online.

By that I mean, a steady flow of money, sales and profits that grow exponentially over time, instead of one shot sales and flash-in-the-pan promotions that die on the vine within a couple weeks.

Unfortunately, the flash-in-the-pan Internet marketer is way more common than the guy who does it consistently and profitably.

What’s the difference between the two?


The first guy — who makes the money over a long period of time — has a passion for his product, his market and the marketing process itself.

While the other guy — who maybe makes a quick bundle of money once and then can’t seem to reproduce what he did to make that money again — lacks passion for the product, market and the marketing process.

This may sound almost elementary, but it’s true.

If you are only in this for the money, and if you don’t really love what you’re doing, your chances of long term success go down dramatically.

So if you are in Internet marketing in any way, shape or form, and if you aren’t making any money consistently, or any money at all, think long and hard about how much passion you have for what you’re doing — and for the marketing process.

It could make the difference between making little or no money, and making a lot of money quickly and easily.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

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How To Quickly And Easily Test Your eCom Products

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When it comes to eCommerce and dropshipping, we live in the best times of history to start selling products that we don’t even own. This allows entrepreneurs to quickly and easily get into the market to see what sells and what doesn’t sell. Today, Fred will explain why you should “rapid fire” testing your products.

About Fred Lam

Fred Lam started his working life over 13 years ago as a dishwasher. Knowing that he wanted more from life, Fred began venturing into the online business world. His knowledge and accomplishments in the media buying field brought him recognition and prestigious positions. He quickly launched to the top as the youngest Marketing Manager for BMW Group Canada. Today, Fred is the CEO of several multimillion-dollar businesses, including iPro Academy. Fred has coached thousands of students around the world and continues sharing his knowledge in Starting From Zero.

What other says about Fred Lam

“I have never seen someone that can simplify an online business the way that Fred can. Imagine, you can put the entire country of China at your disposal! Amazing…” ~ Anik Singal, CEO of Lurn

“I recommend anyone looking to quickly start an online business work with Fred Lam. This man is brilliant. He has already gone out and change so many lives!” ~ Les Brown, #1 Motivational Speaker

Want to learn more from Fred Lam?

Download his 10-part video training series for anyone who wants to start an eCommerce business starting from zero:

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