7 SEO Tips for eCommerce Website

By Pinakin Darji | Submitted On August 03, 2015

Expert Author Pinakin Darji

Whether we speak of old school shopping or the new in town eCommerce wave, the only way customers can reach the place of business is if they can locate the store easily.

Internet thrives on search. Millions of search strings make their way into the internet ecosystem each day. There’s no point in spending money on a fancy website and stocking up on best products at awesome prices if your site isn’t featuring on the first page in Google.

That is where SEO efforts come into the picture. People are more likely to find you, if you have a higher search rank. And the more traffic, higher the probability of making sale.

When it comes to SEO for an online shop, “one size fits all” strategy does not work. Online shopping websites need to carefully assess the needs of their business and plan accordingly. Here are a few tips to help towards making that all-important decision.

The effective keywords

Invest some time and money to identify the most appropriate keywords for your online store. Users tend to be very specific while doing a keyword search. Ensure that the keywords used in your online shopping website’s SEO aren’t too generic. Or else, visitors simply won’t be able to find you.

No duplicate content

Be as original as possible in your product descriptions tags. That’s probably the most important step in eCommerce SEO. Since content duplication in eCommerce stores is inevitable with product descriptions and lists, it is advisable to look for ways to reduce redundancy.

Don’t copy-paste the manufacturer’s product description, take some time to build your own. It may give you a mild headache, but it will save you a migraine later. Ensure that each product description is unique and search engine friendly.

Pay Per Click

Pay per click is the necessary tool in the SEO of online shops. However, it is advisable to not rely on it entirely to create visibility. PPC costs continue to rise with each search and as soon as you stop paying for placement, your online presence disappears. Some customers do not trust sponsored links, banners, and other ads. Therefore, organic SEO is essential along with PPC for online shopping website to improve visibility.

Strengthen your content strategy

Keep adding unique and high quality content regularly to your eCommerce Portal. It will help with your search engine ranking, and an added value for users. Consider having a blog and add relevant content that’s related to products and services on your website.

Optimize images

Use ALT tags liberally on your website. Image search function has gained a lot of popularity and people are using it to find products. Your eCommerce SEO strategy needs to incorporate related keywords for ALT tags of every image on the website. Don’t stuff keywords; ensure that every keyword used is directly relevant.

Meta descriptions for webpages

For onsite eCommerce SEO, use a different meta descriptions for each page. Meta descriptions are written for humans with the purpose of helping to get visitors to your online store once it shows up in search engines.

Remember to optimize anchor text

Use keywords for internal links on your website. This will help enhance your visibility in search engines. Consider doing the same for product descriptions by linking them to other similar products on your website.

To get the complete SEO solution for your eCommerce website, contact at [email protected]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Pinakin_Darji/2161539


Glossier Favourites | Top 5 Makeup and Skincare Products

hello there you can find review videosof almost every single glossier producton my channel I've been a big fan of thebrand for years and always try their newreleases but I'm often asked about mygo-to glossier items my favorites what Irepurchase what I always reach for whatwould make the cut if I actually had towrite a list so here are my top 5glossier makeup and skincare productsthese aren't recommendations everyone'sskin and style and budget is differentthis is just what works well for me soI'll just share some information andpersonal experience and let you be thejudge on what might work for youglossy eyes and your 20% off sale forBlack Friday is just around the corner -it's the only time they ever reducetheir products so it's a great chance tostock up on your favorites try somethingyou've had your eye on or even keepglossier ago for the first time I'llleave details of the sale down belowit's starting very soon on the 29th ofNovember glossy haze message is skincare first makeup second and that'sdefinitely something I believe in – butI'm gonna flip the order around herebecause I feel like that naturalfresh-faced makeup look is what theirmost famous for here are my top 5products I've been using some of themfor years often repurchase them and theysort of complete a classic glossy amakeup look overall but it was genuinelyso hard to choose so I'm squeezing intonew arrivals from glossy a play as wellfirst boy brow this is glossy eyesnumber one bestseller and definitely myHoly Grail product from the brandhonestly this might be my 20th the tubebecause it's the only brow product I'veworn for four years straight usually sowell loved that the labels completelydisappear like this one the differencebetween this and other brow productsI've tried is that boy brow is a pomadenot a gel means it's a little bitthicker definitely creamier it has morepigment and it really keeps brows inplace comfortably so they never feelcrunchy or too stuck down I wear theshade brown the little tiny spooliemeans you can be more precise andcontrol the direction of different partsof your brows if you like them brushedup fluffy or more sleek next perfectingskin tint this little bottle has servedme well for a long time right down tothe bottom now this lightweight fluid isvery sheer so it just evens out yourcomplexion and adds a very slight chewyglow although the coverage will alwaysbe fairly light the beauty of this isthat you can build it up just add moreor less drops I usually go for about 8or 9 sometimes only 5 or 6 for a reallyundetectable look and I think I onceread that the founder Emily Weiss wears10 to 15 drops but you can really justdo what works for you I use the shademedium but they changed the formula andincrease the shade range earlier thisyear so it's far more inclusive nowmedium is the equivalent of the shade g9these dayswhich I bought recently haven't startedusing the new one yet so let me know ifyou noticed any differences between theold and new formula moving on to myfavorite step cream blush cloud paint iscommonly mistaken for little tubes ofpaint in the comments of my videos butthat's the idea a real finger paintingfun way to apply your blush it's notwatery or runny sort of a gel cream theyfeel light on the skin but they'recertainly buildable so pigmented thatoften what's on the top of the tube whenI open it is actually enough for me Ilove the shade dusk a brownie nude thatjust warms up my face a bit but alsoreally enjoy puff the bright baby pinkthat's fun as an eye shadow too if youhave any trouble applying cream blushrather than actually rubbing it into theskin I always like to blend with myfingertips with quick strokes or swipesin a slightly upward motion along mycheekbones next hailer scope the brand'sjus effect highlighter for a glazeddonut sort of glow I'm always drawn tolit-from-within cream highlighters and atwist up stick format like this is sohandy to swipe or dab straight onto theskin these contain crystal extracts andan oil-based core to really give youthat jewy look they're not shimmery justluminous and they really catch the lighthalo scope comes in three shades but myfavorite is quartz the slightly pinktoned pearly champagne Highland movingon to lips to complete the look andGeneration G is such an easy lip colorto throw onit's the brand's sheer match lipstickI've been using Generation G for severalgenerations they started out in a skinnylong tube and have adapted to thethicker bullet these daysactually I only just got my hands on thenew formula I'd been stuck on earlierversions for years and I do find it morecomfortable than the first true whichcould border on feeling a bit drythey give your lips a hint of color in ahurry and a great stained look I lovethe shade like your lips but better pinkand the bright punchy warm summery redzip I reach for these through the mostbut there are six different shades and Iuse them all but with my newfound loveof lip shines this year I had to mentionglossy a play vinyl ich liebe GenerationG's flashy a shinier cousin vinyl itclip is the click up lip like a pen thatcompletely won me over the cushion tipapplies well the formula so barmyuncomfortable not sticky and it has adelicious apricot flavorI absolutely love baby the classicbright red and pony a slightly rosybrown nude both have a great juicy shineand can certainly be built up for morecolor and drama all worn fairly shareanother honourable mention to the glossya plague color slide eye pencils I'veapplied a bit of these to almostevery day for the last six months or sogel formula is long wearing but notdrying and they're just about creamyenough to smudge all over the lidthey come in 14 shades but my favoritesare Candyland a peachy pink shimmer thatreally makes your eye color pop if yousmudge it on top and underneath yourbottom lashes and jumbo a striking matteorange that's perfect for a graphicliner look and a pop of unexpected colormoving on to skin care which is acategory I actually love more thanmakeup but don't talk about too often onmy channel because it's just sosubjective we all have different skinand skin types mine is normal to dry bythe way so the exact same product canwork completely differently on differentpeople so again not recommendations justwhat works well for me so make sure youdo more research on what's right for youmy top of glossier skincare pick isdefinitely priming moisturizer it'spopped up plenty of times on my channelbecause it's the moisturizer I've usedevery single morning for about fouryears every day since I first got it Iget a lot of questions about thisproduct because people seem to find thename a bit confusing but it's definitelya moisturizer not a primer but it's amoisturizer with priming qualities likeprepping your skin nicely for makeup andhelping to reduce redness it's verylightweight more like a fluid than acream and it gives skin such a nicechewy hydrated look a perfect first stepfor me every morning always followed bysunscreen in second and third place isthe mask too I love them both equallythe mega greens galaxy pack andmoisturizing moon masks are soldseparately or as a pair and theycomplement each other really well Istart with mega greens a detoxifyingmask we're the thick creamy texture Iuse this once or twice every week and ithelps my skin feel fresh and clean butnever stripped because it's so creamythere are a little bits of bitter orangepeeling they're true that are meant tobe an exfoliant but I personally don'tget that effect it just feels like agood clean and hitting refresh overall Ileave it on for about 20 to 25 minutesin the bath rinse then follow withmoisturizing moon masks just startedanother pot recently don't know how manyof these do I've gone through I've trieda few much-hyped hydrating face masksbut haven't found anything that beatsthis one for me I always come back to itI think it's probably the hyaluronicacid in this that makes my skin feel sohydrated and insanely soft every timeit's something I apply weekly always onlong plane trips too and it just feelslike it brings your skin back to lifelike a big glass of water I leave a verylight layer on for about 20 minutes thenwipe off the excess but you can also addmore and just let your skin drink it inmore hydration next with their superbounce serum this is truly something Ihoard and reallyupon when I'm in a country glossaryherships to definitely one of the besthydrating serums I've ever used what Ireally like about it is that it's notsticky at all a lot of other hyaluronicacid products have that feel not for methis is super smooth with a cooling geltexture that makes my skin feel sosupple and soft then you follow it withmoisturizer this year they brought out abigger bottle for the same price andtweaked the formula haven't tried thenew one yet so let me know how you'dcompare them if you've used both glossyeyes milky jelly cleanser rounds out myskincare top 5 this is sort of myalternate cleanser I usually prefer afoaming gel formula that really feelslike it cleans your skin at the end ofthe day so this conditioning jelly issomething I swapped to when I want to bea bit more gentle and it's perfect inthe morning just to wake up my face italways feels cooling and refreshing andmy skin is soft not stripped afterwardsit also comes in a smaller size which ishandy for travel or to try out any skincare product for the first time thereyou go my top 5 glossy eye makeup inskincare products I broke it into twosections because my top 10 overall wouldprobably be slightly different maybemore makeup than skin care but as youcan see there are plenty of productsfrom both categories I use on a veryregular basis I'd love to hear whatmakes the cut for you from glossier it'salways so interesting to hear just howmuch people's top products can vary solet me know if we have any favourites incommon and please list your glossier topfives in the comments I'm back inAustralia so I won't be shopping duringglossy a sale this year but let me livevicariously through you please sharewhat you'll be stocking up on or tryingfor the first time they have a wholerange of new sets coming during the saleand the discount also applies in storeeven their pop ups I'd love to see somephotos if you visit the brand new Londonlocation send me a message at Matua onvideo on Instagram and for moreinformation on any of the products inthis video you can find my more detailedglossier reviews linked below thanks forwatching see you next timeyou


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Why to Choose Magento Ecommerce Website Development Services

By Nalini Tomar | Submitted On May 10, 2017

Expert Author Nalini Tomar

Magento is the shopping cart which makes online shopping extremely easy for the users and is indeed the smartest and the most robust ecommerce platform to make the life of an individual easy. An ecommerce website is a viable option for the online businesses looking to facilitate transactions and sales online. Transactions can be carried out easily and conveniently when you design an ecommerce website. Not only your prospective buyers can gain information on your products and services but also they can proceed towards making purchases. If you wish for innovative, functional, creative shopping cart, you may consider Magento ecommerce website development services.

Magento is a platform which offers creative shopping cart system to simplify the process of sales. Your ecommerce shopping site will also appear attractive with this option. Not all the ecommerce platform is considered secure but this one is reliable and secure among the competitors.

Why is Magento thought to be the best?

You may confidently consider this particular platform for your ecommerce website development because of following reasons:

· It is the best open source platform for the ecommerce website. If you are looking forward to ecommerce website development services, you must go for Magento website development.

· Since the source code here is chosen to be ‘public’, anyone can look up the code and read it. Thus, we may say that it offers transparency.

· It is flexible and highly scalable

· It is acknowledged worldwide and is thought to be the finest shopping cart system

· The feature rich platform is used extensively across the globe.

Ecommerce website for an optimized presence online

The use of an ecommerce website has greatly improved or enhanced in the recent times. For instance, credit cards can facilitate easy payment and seamless transaction online. The popularity of the ecommerce site is increasing owing to the advancement, innovativeness in the realm. A lot many ecommerce website development companies deliver well designed, attractive, innovative and appealing websites at reduced costs. They are much easier to navigate to bring you more sales. Service providers and professionals ensure that websites function in an error-free manner with the help of support based and advanced application software. The application functions all the time without any need for human intervention. It is important to choose the best service provider for designing an ecommerce website.

Tips on choosing the service provider

If you are looking to avail the best service providers, you may follow the below stated tips:

· Creativity, capability and the level of specialization: You should look for a company which is professional and bears experience and expertise in delivering the service. Check out the portfolio or the past work accomplished and get to know about the capability of the company. Visit the blogs, collect references and talk to the past clients.

· The kind of services offered by the firm: You must go for a service provider who can offer you an array of services to optimize your website and web content. It must utilize pay per click, search engine optimization to boost traffic to your site.

I am Nalini Tomar, Specialist in web Design and development. I seek information about the latest technologies available in the market and provide necessary updates about the same. If you want to get more information about Ecommerce Website Development you can follow me and read the articles on related topics.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nalini_Tomar/2403927


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Explode Your Internet Marketing Profits With This “Legitimate” Spam Tactic

By Michael Senoff | Submitted On July 29, 2006

Expert Author Michael Senoff

Like most people, I hate spam.

I mean, I can’t stand it. It eats up my time, my patience and my energy in ways only few other things in this world can.

However, at the same time, I have also learned a way to use junk email to make a profit — legally, ethically and legitimately.

This is actually an idea I got from the “father of guerrilla marketing” Jay Conrad Levinson when I interviewed him a couple years ago.

And what he says to do is subscribe to a lot of Internet newsletters and marketing newsletters and get on a lot of lists. Even lists people would consider “spam.”

And what he says is — depending on what market you’re in — that one out of every 20 of those junk emails will have a good idea in it.

Maybe an interesting headline you can swipe for your products, or an idea that intrigues you and, thus, will probably intrigue your own list.

And so, by doing a lot of skimming over junk email like this, he gets all kinds of interesting ideas for his own products, newsletters, books and promotions.

It’s actually a pretty interesting concept that really does work. Try it yourself and see.

Get a free email address — so you don’t put your good email addresses on anyone’s spam list — and start subscribing to everything.

Not just things in your market, but other markets as well.

And then every now and then comb through that junk email and see if you can’t pick a good idea out.

I think you’ll be amazed by the wealth of ideas and strategies you see that you can easily adapt and modify for your business.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website http://hardtofindseminars.com

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Michael_Senoff/21567


10 Cool Things On AMAZON In 2017

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Development Of An Ecommerce Website

By Syed Faris Hussain | Submitted On November 11, 2016

Expert Author Syed Faris Hussain

ECommerce or electronic commerce is the trading in products or services using computer networks. B2C and B2B are common notations for business to consumers and business to business eCommerce and makes use of technologies like mobile commerce, internet marketing, online transaction processing and a few others.

Today, almost everything in this world is sold through the internet and this makes ecommerce and designing websites more relevant than ever before.

An Ecommerce website is as good as a virtual store. Just as when we walk into a shop, the general ambience should appeal to us while doing business. There are always personal likes and dislikes, but the overall appearance of the website should be inoffensive and inviting.

It is recorded that in 1984, Gateshead SIS/Tesco is the first B2C online shopping system and Mrs. Snowball, 72 is the first online home shopper. In 2015 Amazon stood at the world’s largest eCommerce site, accounting for more than half of all eCommerce growth.

Guidelines for a good eCommerce site:

If you are selling one product, you will need only one page or a few pages at the most. How many pages exist between the home page and the final checkout pate is an important consideration. If there are multiple products, multiple pages are a given.

Design – if it is an already established product, some design concepts are already in place and will have to be adhered to meticulously. Match the pictures you are putting up with the feel of the website. They should not clash.

Three essentials of a good eCommerce website

Trustworthiness, simplicity/ease of use and transparency (contact information, merchant’s policies, publishing reviews and answering negative ones)

Good eCommerce websites follow some best practices like

Using good images and lots of them – photos from every angle and zoomable too.

Feature the scarcity of the product.. as in ‘only 2 left’. Many buy so that they don’t want to miss out on what everybody else seems to have bought!

Feature related products too.

What are the drawbacks of a bad eCommerce site?

  • Lack of a clear value proposition and difficulty in conveying what is it that they have to sell
  • Not enough product description
  • Failing to use a good quality photograph
  • No visual hierarchy – those visual elements have to be given importance that call for action,
  • Does not look trustworthy – it doesn’t inspire confidence in the viewer. This is especially true of health related sites, where design is seen to have a greater impact than the content itself! Lack of good customer testimonials and favorable press mentions and absence of any interesting information about the website are the drawbacks of a bad eCommerce site
  • A reluctance to try out fresh new ideas of web design

How do you build a website?

Using a drag and drop website builder tool is a good idea for beginners rather than approaching a developer where there will be issues of a technical nature, plus the huge costs. The other routes are using WordPress which is a premium suite for building websites. Custom built websites are designed by approaching professional web designers/ designing companies that build a unique web for you. The latter two are quite expensive. Ranging from a couple of hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Website Development

There are websites like forcegrowth.ae which help you build your website using web infrastructure based the latest technology and software that increase the value and relevance of your website to customers.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Syed_Faris_Hussain/1180742
