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Which eCommerce Platform Is The Best For Beginners 2019

[Music][Laughter]hey guys welcome back to another episodeof moolah boss empowering youre-commerce success so in this video Iwant to talk about why ecommerce is soimportant to the global economy and alsorich in commerce platforms is best forsmall businesses okay or for people whoare just starting out so let's start offwith why ecommerce is so important andyou should and why you should get on ityou know so I just want to share apersonal story here so my dad this is 63year old traditional thinking man rightChinese man and he never placed a lot oftrust in online transactions but hewould you know purposefully drive out tothe bank just to you know do somebanking transactions and he would neverever buy things online because heprefers to touch and view the productsthat he'll be buying before actuallytaking always wallet and paying theprice okay but in the last two yearsthings have tremendously changed youknow shops almost exclusively onlineeven groceries clothing electronicsgadgets and stuff like that but beforethat he was always thinking I was alwaysworried like what if he paralyzed allright what if someone steals my creditcard information what if you know thescience is not right when buying clothesright and these are valid valid concernsbut right now our conversation on thedinner table is mostly about you knowtelling me oh which online vendor whichecommerce store is the best for buyingthisbuying that so that is our dinnerconversations now so what happened whatreally happened to my traditionalthinking dadokay so right now guys everyone cases alot more trust on e-commerce it's notlike you know four or five years agobecause back then ecommerce Giants likeAmazon Alibaba there were still smallcompanies and people are still veryskeptical online and they prefer to buybuy stuff directly on retail shopsshopping malls and stuff like that sonowadays ecommerce has penetrated almostevery single household and the digitalbuyers in the world are growing at astaggering 20 percent per year everyyear there are 20% more people watchshopping online and that's crazy guys soecommerce is experiencing tremendousamount of growth and penetration whichis why five years to start if like thebest time to start ecommerce those fiveyears ago but now it's the second besttime so don't miss on this boat andstart an e-commerce business today okayso the next thing that you'll bewondering will be which ecommerceplatform is best for small businessesand also startup entrepreneurs right soI've personally fiddle around and launchproducts across four or five differentecommerce platform namely you know mucommerce Magento is a big color theseartists have below ones but in the pastfew yearsone particular ecommerce platform hasactually grown tremendously because ofhow good a product and the platform isit's called Shopify and if you haven'theard it already you can check out thelink down below I'll put it in thedescription and right now I've got sixecommerce stores running now and all ofthem areShopify and my previous business wasbuilt on newcomers and while newcomersis good it's free to use it's actuallyreally clunky and not very beginnerfriendly so the learning curve was veryvery steep and I took maybe about a yearor two and I still haven't actuallymastered it but Shopify is intuitiveenough for the ecommerce store ownerwhich is you and me and it's also veryintuitive for bias is wrong when I madethe shift from newcomers to Shopify forone of my businesses our revenue in theLeapPad Drupal because Shopify places alot of focus on page loading speed whichis very very important for SEO it alsohelps with conversion ratesso moving Shopify using Shopify is a nobrainer it's one of the best e-commerceplatforms out there yeah so that'spretty much it for this lesson I'll seeyou in the next lesson okay make sureyou check out with Shopify and you haveany questions at all or you have anyfeedback remember to leave a commentdown below and click on the subscribebutton and the notification button ifyou want stay updated arm hey bye[Music]you[Music]


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My Top 5 KILAY Products!

hi guys top 5 favorite eli products so apoem among top recommendations calledpanda exactly i mostly pencils case adon't wanna toot OS AXA eyebrow penciland mass madame de paris ahead withoutline a key light especially couplecoccolino is barely there contrivanceahead from smelling my drawing 90 likewith pencil beastexperience go Mel I love of dynamic ohmy own sake like oh I'll settle mixDamon frame so I don't know if I like itthe rapid me aplasia action MichiganCopic melted kinda build up good Medusabrush panel on here up Coonan young hulaAugusto or sick or in Manila moonshadeand abu-bakr da me D toes apart no totala drokken era banditos area not okay lailaha problema Perdita on here ahunshaved an akuna for his chocolatesaguru head up and practice to seefirsthand belong dimension dynamic pairof Pelican extra gallo capito supportnot oh I don't know let me know cocainedementia a telecom denying key Li Kuitapas pin up on patent finish are my newpal a UMKC Palpa not on Fatima Shamaslalom begin patching in even new issueright now so the heat up at the Houdinimeet abortion and brush brush now hangon bastardso for now in addition Augusto hadbetter anyway he and kasam suit up fivegoals no Punk it column is a big levelin a sequin a good mornin top 5 playproducts tapas la pelea passaglianothing cooked I hope you forgive meokay Lance I know I know okay so let'sdo this number 5 my favorite celebrityoh is it on revlon brow fantasy forsupporting and cusamano eyebrow pencilsis you William greatest in William or ngbottomporridge now cool eggs to cook brown asin brown landfill ever almost close togray because I knew cool lane move onlateral after young Revlon brow fantasyso exhibit a almost close to gray oryour conviction red dish while an orangeSonia so that'll cure Lee brown fadedbrown local area but a deliciously likeopen up a person and blend well you pulla man kill a coil original or younatural color in a pink delay becauseeyebrow pencil at all Plus Marin tensionksama gel brow gel amazing walk the bypermit inches so in your action Unionpurpose now and para McClendon coolingand lush lashes but blending : and helay with pencil alright so yeah thereason why I like this cocina de is ashave nah it's perfect actually latinumSabine bone pencil my own yes I am coolI so recommend recommended recommendedcut alga recommend encode a lager thishas been a go-to eyebrow pencil JessicaMcDonald shocking kill a OBC naho andoily at the end of the day well I ownnot appear soon l'école animalhad a guide number hahaha posh Englishincome high light blue moon is about thebogeys not gonna speed up I was withllama Bernanke life marijuana the grayeyebrow pencil again also so far acommon recommendation school whileanimal Ghana Ghana another thing that Ilike about this is mad initially applyso I wanna call who died Missoni ofSuhani apparel super delay superdeleting a brush after to be growing ina condition a boom okay okayOh me I can Anna okay next one is nosensor with eyebrow pen maganda dimpleguys in Akasaka electric fantasies overin the hindi chaya very very vivid inAmanda corner pain so next one is it allsides and twist eyebrow pen and I'm sureit iswhat is your shame hmmlong ago brownie pan about opening upanyways just watch kana Lhasa in yourpattern McDaniel eyebrow pencil in atall straight track the ball game in theshower the Sahel it's really good to saysell headland new ROM funky like amariner who live in her from a bidetmaybe this only 110 pesos so moreimmoral and Alicia a good a good not afactor I know if you're on a budgeta cigar depend on new regime of the linePapa girl sell enough in ethnic arrowgive us a Pilipinas sense and pullingthe open the magwell of moviereddish-orange winner you wantokay Logan Lerman shot okay come on heremore black you see must close chassé andnatural coloring on hereexcellent is it all nature republicphoto eyebrow in brown 0-3 buildingthickness it's flat yeah Massimo D'Alemadroving monkey light especially ifbeginner car they're gonna dip plus itsretractable so inhale air pass ahead andmary jean cusamano brush so I love youevery time you get a guy beautiful andgo home tonight and when you post thepost of a long photos are Facebook orInstagram but Etienne gramma Cola givena tanzanite running in amicus feeding asilicon body n eyebrow at meadow noproblempero means Ibiza in a comment elastichealing good evening I'm guessing aPakeha yadi yadi Telegraph IRL until acouple de noir editing dynamic oh verynatural looking as your life chat soofficial home a cooler in here no let'ssay brown Camaro cool like a or or myhighlights in blood or a sheAshley brown minimal wanna go lay ashbrown ash brown color number two is theMaybelline fashion bra 3d brow and nosepalette this one is dark brown for manykinds of photos of the I don't like abeauty like oh and we're gonna go okayremember that papazilla night engine andpick at the lashes Scott I love our longso fog moganda so in comparison with theKnicks diamond frame my grammaMasum a deletion outlines he lay and guybut patent patent English ah it doesn'tapply but there it doesn't affect yourchildren L pan tapering of July ofcourse we did major darker pero at leastinitially giving patching Magaddino butkaha daddydonkey-like open Union Army Depotalthough munition open data rise so Iwouldn't recommend this for everyday usemust obey call Victoria alcohol attendCana former chief a young year Irecommend cause I'm Olympic a go ateliminating Diane from professionallooking you hungry no I knowprofessional swatch a snack a team gelevery you oh Vanessa did non court thisone happier and the new nandito AlinaMachado routine idea Amy Gilligan acoupon nose contouryes to matigan dementia satin the wholedaytime LED number wanna play meetingmeanwhile a sample you shouldn't do so anew children not going up thereno major para uma Holika shy again plusmodel in action hand happen so any mebill encounter it's available and for299 pesos Borella no naka de Moutonlagging a fantasy with the dry up enginepartner or was partner generalengineering works partner you having top100 quad is a guru first love never diesin advance perfect eyebrow neato ornobuta Makela LM Nova went on a firsttime combination grocery check red onionfifty-five best for election that the orcincuenta matter belong in a metastasisde Paris Masha let's swatch but a Makitano hi eat any book no okay okay andsixty pea sauce it's my first love youdon't have practice you happyEli scales the only thing nine equinoxTanzania measure parallax Isha immuneAlpena public public holiday promisingoils face cool or sudden opal you makeit up shiny I also had a pair other thanthat it's my first love this is what Iwill recommend especially similarbeginners and I think majority nominalaudience Commodore a phenomenon giversfor beginners at all I think I recommendif you are a beginner who goes toplentiful and all n depend upon sparseyour eyebrows normalcy this one isreally good oh by the way bunk eating 11veto awesome Adela stood at anOccidental it from brush Nagila gamutfor this one this is a small angled browbrush because my nationality no melaninglasha I got this from every billionaireRobinson's department store I'm Orlando135 nobility kosher motion gimme tenfrom pencil but rocks from powder allaround shot buses at elie-san AnahataLancome video in at all Diane Allenboomerang the greatest ways mysuggestions for for the he like onMegan's own products out there nowlocally available no Madeline happenmore up a sock so budget when I'm inMiami silhouettes unalloyed and see youagain on my next video


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How to Make a Beautiful Landing Page That Converts | 5 Tips for Optimizing Your Website (2018)

– You're driving traffic to your website,or even worse you're paying for traffic,and these visitors aren't converting.What should you do?Well, if you don't do
the following five tips,those visitors are going to be wastedand you're not going to
be able to convert them.Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and today,I'm gonna share with you, how to createa landing page that converts over 40%.I know what you're thinking,
40% conversion rate,on a landing page, that's insane.Well that's possible.Sure if you're selling a product for $100,you're not gonna get
a 40% conversion rate.But let's say you're just starting outand collecting leads like
name and email address,you can get over 40%.And even if you're selling productsyou can boost your conversion ratesif you follow these exact tips.So tip number one, use toolslike Instapage and Click Funnels.The cool part about Click
Funnels and Instapageand even Lead Pages is they
break down the landing pagesin their system that convert to the best.And they're not making this up by sayingoh this landing page converts better thanthis other one cause it looks cooler.They're using data, they
have so many customers,thousands and thousands if
not hundreds of thousands,that they're basing it off theirexisting customer base and
their current conversion rates.So they know all their customers areusing this one landing page
that's converting betterthan all the other ones out there,that should tell you, hey you shouldstart with this landing page first.The second tip I have for you ishave an amazing unique value proposition.Not a bullshit one like
put in your name and emailand I'll send you a free pdf,or I'll send you weekly updates.That value proposition sucks.It has to be amazing.Such as, with a lot of my
offers I give free courses.I give free guides that
I've spent $30,000 creating.Now I'm a crazy person.You don't have to go
above and beyond like me,but my stuff converts
better than most people.Why?Because I go above and beyond.With your value proposition, it needsto resonate with people, if you're notsolving a problem that they're facingat a really deep problem, they'renot gonna opt in or buy from you.If you're just scratching the surfaceand you're not breaking
down why they should opt inor why they should buy
your product or serviceand why it solves this
problem they've had forever,they're much less likely to buy from you.So really focus on your copy.Everything that I've tested
when it comes to landing pagescopy and value proposition
is one of the biggest factorsthat effects the conversion rate.The third tip I have for
you is keep it simple silly.One of my companies was
called Kiss Metrics.Why?Because I found that in marketing,everyone tries to over complicate stuff.There's no reason for it.Why not keep things super simple?For example, if you have 10 form fields,when you only need two, remove theextra stuff that you don't need.If you have tons of copy and
you're saying the same stuffover and over again, remove the fluff.Get to the point.Landing pages that are super
simple tend to convert betterthan long ones that go
on and on and ramble.Now I'm not saying you should
have short landing pages.Instead what I'm saying is
you should get to the point.If you need to have a longer landing pagebecause it helps you answer objections,objections are concerns people havebefore they opt in or buy from you,then that's fine, have
a long landing page.But get to the point and remove the fluff.That's called keeping it simple, right.You don't want really
fluffy long landing pagesthat go on and on like I am
right now with this point,because you're gonna lose people.The fourth tip I have for
you is show social proof.There are so many different
versions of social proof.They could be testimonials,
they could be case studies,it could be results that
other people are experiencing,it could even be videos.I was talking to a buddy Sam Evans,and he has this website
called,he has over 3,000 video testimonials.That's crazy, that's a
shit ton of social proof.There are so many different
variations that you could use.It depends, based on
the type of landing pageyou have and the business you have.So if you're unsure on the
best type of social proof,for your landing page,
leave a comment belowon what you're thinking,
and I'll respond backon if I think that's good or if that's bador if you should be doing
something else instead.The fifth tip I have for
you is to create a video.Not everyone enjoys reading.Some people love looking at pictures.But a picture isn't gonna cause
tons more people to convert.You need a video that
should explain everythingthat they're gonna get when they opt in,or buy your product, or
sign up for your service.That video should be
short and to the point.Under three minutes,
ideally under one minute,but worse case under three minutes.It should answer any
objections people havebefore they sign up or buy from you.And it should describe
everything in a logical order.You don't wanna be bouncing aroundand making your video
pitch really confusing.And when you do videos,
what you'll find is,it can sometimes decrease
your conversions.But the quality of the
customer that you end upgenerating is much better and they tendto spend more over the lifetime value.So you have to test video.So follow those tips, you're gonna havean amazing landing page
that's gonna convert better.If you're collecting emails
you should be over 40%.If you're selling a product,
depending on how targetedthe traffic is, you could be at numberslike three, four, five, and
sometimes upwards at 10%depending on the price point.Make sure you subscribe to this channel,leave a comment, share,
and tell all your friendsand colleagues about this video.


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El estado del eCommerce en el mundo en el 2019

Entra al curso de Curso de Introducción a los Negocios Online:

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Entender las tendencias del eCommerce en el 2019 no solo te ayudará a proyectar tu marca, también te mostrará el camino para llevarla al siguiente nivel. Freddy Vega nos cuenta en este PlatziLive cuáles *son* los eCommerces efectivos en la actualidad, qué se está vendiendo y qué necesitas aprender para desarrollar estrategias de marketing que impulsarán tu eCommerce.
Todo esto y más, en

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How to Create an Ecommerce Store with Shopify

hey guys on the channel I like tointroduce you guys to new ways to makingmoney and what the hot ways of makingmoney right nowis creating a ecommerce business a lotof people like to use Shopify because itmakes it very convenient to open yourwebsite to get up and running and alsodo you do the sales my guest today isEtienne he is a co-founder of moosebicycle and what they do is they buybicycles in bulk from Alibaba importthem to Canada and then sell it on theirShopify website so I'm going to have himtalk to us about what you got to do toopen your e-commerce business hey guystoday Etienne go um mooska moosebicycles and today he's gonna tell ushow he created a successful businessusing Shopify as their website andPhil's platform so yesterday we're goingto discuss a little bit about how to runa successful e-commerce with the help ofthe good people of red Shopify so it'svery simple I want you to think aboutyour online business as a car engineokay in order for it to work you needthree thingsEQ compression and I need a spark thefuel being a product that's interestingthe compression being the efficiency ofyour sales platform and the spark beingthe traffic that you generate eitherorganically or through what we call thefilius marketing so for the purpose ofthe presentation I'm going to assumethat you know this is a good product youfind something that's interesting youknow at your view or at your targetaudience and we're just going to diveinto how to run in e-commerce so we'regoing to start with a basic first of allthe best advice I could give you is notsee with Shopify but with all of them isnot a cheap out there's a lot of freealternatives that exist out there youknow when it comes to domainregistration when it comes to e-commercewhen it comes to marketing much easiersometimes it simply pay a flat fee andto get better service and it's notuncommon for an e-commerce that emergeto you know startmonthly fifty hundred dollars per monthplus transaction see this way you knowyou get support and you also get awebsite is going to be able to supportthe traffic you generate over what wecall flash sales now the second aspectof your e-commerce you need tostreamline your operation and how you dothat and why is it important very simplestreamlining is important because you'regoing to find that having an e-commercecan be very time consuming let me put itto you this way if you're sitting infront of Mike in your computer and youget an order then send this order toyour warehouse so they package up andthen they ship it they send you thetracking number it then sends thecustomer the twenty thirty min that youspend there is a time that you waste forevery order what's good with the Shopifysolution is most of the vendor thatyou're going to use and by that I meancourier company I mean order fulfillmentcenter already have what we call builtan API to go directly in this store andthis way for instance us when we receivea in order an email gets dispatcheddirectly to the warehouse the warehousedeals with FedEx we've already has itbuilt in a shell defy API so once thewarehouse inputs umthe tracking number in the FedEx appthen my customer is notifiedautomatically and I get notifiedautomatically and you get actually textmessage notification of the where aboutof its package this third type ofoptimization is arm is neat and you'llfind it is something that's going tosave your time because you know thisstuff is done of course allautomatically so you know when you wrapup your day on Friday afternoon youdon't have a ten fifteen order to inputit's all being taken care of you cantake your time and spend it somewhereelse somewhere will you be more creativebut you're going to find that you'llneed to keep up with books and now thismeans that we need to generate a salesreport and ship in to your accountantsagain the Shopify you get an API thatuses basically QuickBooks which is usedbyso I'll be used by our accountant by theprevious one and by pretty much everyaccountant that I know and for them theycan download through the server exactlywhat they need to file in your tax andjust to comply with that sort of thingautomation is the key all right anotheraspect to beat your address ispresenting your project well now Iunderstand that some of you might havesold you know a product through eBayperhaps through Amazon but on yourecommerce is a little bit different youcan just use a very generic picture youknow on a blank background it's cool tohave you know for us you know our bikein a very lively urban area and this forthis piece you might want to chat withyou or one of your friends ofphotographer you're going to go out withthem you get to say hey listen I havethis beautiful new watch that we'retrying to launch all right and what ourof an environment that would really makeit pop when we do our photo shoot youknow usually we get the sonographer inthe car and then we drive around andthen we try to you know take coolpicture with urban surrounding but wereally pick colors usually of graffitiwe're going to make the bike stand outthis sort of the match this sort oflittle tweak it's time to have a verypositive impact on conversion prior toyou know only having pictures that aretaking in front of a blank screen sothis is something you need to do lookinto another aspect that you need towork with and this may be you know notevidence you might want to think how youcan perhaps have somewhat a storefrontand let me explain that a lot of peoplewhen they buy especially and thisespecially for either expenses productsuch as bicycle this one or if you'reselling you know items that there's areal risk that they might be compensatedsuch as acres for instance what youmight want to do is either put anaddress somewhere on your website andmaybe have a phone number to which youcan reach that at least where thecustomer can leave a messagethis will reinforce his knowledge thatnot only someone who has a pop-up storeanyway is not reachable news anonymousbut either you know a business ownerwell is there who can be reached at thisnumberin case there is anything and this waypeople understand that you know they'renot buying some knockoff shoe off theinternet they're probably buying needlereal sin from a real guy that doesn'thave any have any problem presentinghimself as a business so this issomething that might be interesting butagain I think it's more important forpeople you know are selling much moreexpensive thing or you know like I saidsneakers or you know sunglasses ifyou're dealing with items that I call inthe impulse purchase territory you knowsuch as I don't know like hand creams orstuff like that that are inexpensive youmight not need this step maybe it'll beokay with just nice ecommerce so youhave your nice but we bring back mymetaphor the car engine you have yourfuel you have your compression now youneed the spark and the spark is trafficI work with a few of my friends or anycommunication that are in marketingcompany I remember this guy telling meabout a very large corporation whoproduces milk looking at an oilcorporation besson massive amount ofmoney in a ecommerce platform and thenthey were complaining because they weregetting poor sales because they thoughtthat you know they spend fifty thousanddollars in an online store and they gotnice you know pictures of people youknow doing exercise while drinking milkand stuff like that and then theystopped there they should have went onestep further and spend the extra youknow funds to generate traffic becauseit's one thing to have your nice stylistor friend out there for the world to seebut if you were not able to drag anybodyon the website then you know you won'thave Excel and you can't really you knowshare it with your friends on Facebookit's not going to work at least to theextent that you want it to work so howyou do that you do that with PPC what isPPC PPC stands for pay-per-click mindyou you know might not need to do thatexplain that to your viewers but sobasically you need to either work withan affiliate that's going to beknowledgeable with search engineoptimization to have a good referencingon Google and then you need to buy a fewPPC's that are relevant to your theproduct you're sellingand then I find to that copywritingworks quite well and look on your videoMatthew and I know you did a quickinterview a couple of weeks ago a guynamed Charlie and you know what Charliewas saying is basically you can hire alot of you know freelance copywriter isout there we're going to you knowprovide like an honest review of yourproduct and this sort of thing getsposted you know here and there throughthe internet will catch the youinterested reader convert into trafficto your website and then maybeultimately conversion which is what youwantamazing amazing would you say thatrunning pay-per-click ads and was a verycrucial part of generating traffic foryour business I find is that itgenerates about eighty percent of all ofourselves and because the beautifulthing about pay-per-click ad is that youcan monitor your inventory and as youknow Yamin more bigger availability in acertain product you can use the PPC tocontrol this inventory by doing a flashsale on this product and sending thecustomers on making this product andthis is what I find the sort of beautyof it is you're able to master itproperly you get basically you knowtraffic on demand and this is this issomething that you know has beenthriving at our business a lot it's notdone by me personally it's done by youknow one of my colleagues greatprecision proficient in it but I domonitor it so I know little bit my wayaround not bad at alland you're telling me before we wentlive about your first initial sales withmoose bicycles how did you get yourfirst few sales with your product ourfirst year sell was quite what's quitefunny actually because the basic if yougot together us three and we decidedthat we know that wanted to build singlespeeds because um we all three of usworked for a another company was makingthose who were salesmen and after a fullsummer I think we ended up likesomething like eight hundred dollarseach which is fairly low so we sent downtogether and then we were like welllisten you know we know the productthere's the world former cyclist we knowyou know what stores life or you knowdon't like to replace because weworking some of them and then we're likeboth we're going to make this bike withthis specs and hopefully people wouldbuy it so we had a few crates ship – itwas my mother's house and we sold themoff Craigslist it really and then it waskind of funny because you know peoplewould come around me bats and then theythey wanted to buy the bike but I had toexplain them that you know we were wewere indeed am a company so I had tocharge them sell taxes and some are likewell listener you aren't you trying tosqueeze an extra $50 out and there'slike no look I will make you you knowsales receive and you get a warrant inhere things cool and some of it gotturned away are the ones you knowthought it was me and they went with itand you know I got an email last weekfrom a guy bought a bike like on thesecond year of operation until all it'sbeen stolen fortunes like I don't knowhow is it in the middle of it inMontreal bike huge problem but um butyeah so we bought another one and thethis is something else so that you knowI'm going to pop back into the equationhere there is a lot about you know ofcourse generating traffic maintaining athing maintaining your you know youre-commerce your reputation is on socialmedia but you have to remember too thatas a business this is a very generaladvice I find that you know your firstkind or the most important because theyyou know they they make they make theirresearch sometimes most of the time theymake their research and they know thatyou know you're the new kid on the blocksome of them will give you a chin youhave to deliver the merchandise and thenone you don't deliver the merchandiseyou have to work with them you know tounderstand how you can optimize yourproduct okay so let me fill up the tipsthat you gave and I think there's a lotthat you guys did right first is thatyou guys are sales experts in anindustry that you guys already know andyou guys care about yes then you got thefirst sale testing it out from boughtsome from Alibaba still don'tCraigslist just to see if you can get asale at all yes figures testing istesting what anybody bought this at allbefore making a huge investment yes thenyou guys didn't keep out on yourecommerce platform that's also a commonproblem I see when I'm an avid courseI'm selling called out how and I pay I pay for myplatform q also on teachable I pay $100flat fee and you know people have askedme like oh like how'd you make thecorrespond I told them I oh yo know thisyou use teachable and then they want totake the the cheaper route of usingWordPress with a bunch of plugins andall this stuffyo but you're going to waste so muchtime dealing with that you must create ahundred dollars in one and it's well atthe time so anyway that's thinking aboutshipping out and not paying for Shopifyshell provides the most well-knownplatform for e-commerce for a reason andthey're going to worth any any pricebecause the amount of time I saved youwhich what you discussed earlier they'resending the orders through the API toFedEx queue the fulfillment center iscompletely worth it and also yourwebsite looks great and I guarantee youthat's Shopify right like Shopify designI mean layout other okay when you whenyou sign up to a Shopify thing of courseyou get a template that you know you candownload you can do Stephan looks greatif you want to go next level you can doa foreign custom thing and as we workwith a marketing agency so they did thewhole skin the whole design but you knowdoing the migration was not a lot ofwork I can it look like something likethree weeks and then result set it upbecause the thing is you know on our oldplatform was killing us just because youknow like I told you a little bit belike photography very much and you knowwe use a lot of IRS picture and therewas really heavy for the sales and justalways crash but now um you know theygot no they guarantee that they got nodowntime and think about that becauseyou know I know a guy who has awordpress e-commerce and crashed onBlack Friday and that was oh it was allfine for about eight hours well that youknow that's eight hours which like youknow you're not even float like youdon't exist as far as anyone's concernedIthanks Etienne for being a guest andalso presenting the information of howto run a shelter fly business and tadarun as smoothly and tell us what tellingyour story of how moose bicycle cameabout so thank you for your time okthank you very much Matthew it was apleasure having you all right I hope youguys found that interview with Etienneinformative if you want to try openingup your own shopify ecommerce business iincluded an affiliate link in thedescription below and that's it I'll seeyou guys next week


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