5 Ecommerce Optimization Tips to Improve Your Product Page Conversion Rates

As an eCommerce site owner, you're going to
generate almost all of your income from yourproduct pages.That's where people can add something to their
cart and buy.Hey, everyone.I'm Neil Patal, and today I'm going to teach
you how to optimize your eCommerce productpages.The first thing you need to do is optimize
your meta-tags, your title tag and meta-descriptionshould break down what the product is, the
benefits of it, and why people should buyit.This is the stuff that people are going to
read when they're Googling.Any time you do a Google search, you see the
title and the description.That's what Google pulls from your source
code.You want to make sure you have a really attractive
title tag and a meta-description.Again, go over what your product is, why people
should buy it, and the benefits of it.Make sure you include the main keywords of
your product within the title tag and meta-description.The second thing you need to focus on is user
metrics.If someone's coming to your webpage, your
eCommerce product page and they bounce rightoff and go back to Google search, it tells
Google they didn't find what they're lookingfor and your ranking should go down.So, if you want them to stick around and ideally
buy your product, then what you need to dois focus on the product.Make sure description is appealing.If they can read the text and understand why
they should be buying the product, great.If they look at the images or a video review
of it, it's high quality and they can seewhat they're going to get without being there
in person, amazing.If you have reviews from other people so they
know if it's a good product or shitty product,just think about amazon.com, again, amazing.Think about when you go to an eCommerce site
and you're buying a product, you want to seespecific things.Make sure you include all of those within
your eCommerce product page and that's howyou increase your user metrics.The third thing you need to do to rank higher
is leverage headings.You can use H1 or H2 headings.You see them all over sites like Amazon.The heading should describe the product.This again adds a keyword within the page,
it will help you rank higher.The fourth thing you want to do is include
a feature list.People Google a lot of time features when
they're looking for products.By having bullet pointed out features, people
will know what they're going to get.It helps drive more search traffic and it
also helps to boost conversions.Last but not least, make sure you cross-link.One of the most beautiful things about Amazon
is anytime you go into a product page theystart showing you other relevant products,
things that you can add on, things that arevery similar that you can look at.By cross linking, this helps Google index
more of your product pages.They'll all start shooting up in the rankings.You'll get more search traffic, and you'll
get more users and people buying from you.That's how you grow your search engine traffic
for your eCommerce product pages.


A Daily Bible Devotional & Many Other Sunday School Resources

Product Name: A Daily Bible Devotional & Many Other Sunday School Resources

Description: Typeset For Classroom, Homeschool, And Personal Usage Are Devotionals On Hebrews And The Revelation, An Old Testament Activity Book, The Basics Bible Lessons, Bible Word Searches And A Color-a-verse Coloring Workbook. Only The King James Bible Is Used!

The SECRET to My Healthy Hair – Top Products I Would Recommend for Hair Damage (IT WORKS!)

hey guys welcome back to my youtubechannel if you're new here i'm jalisa soyou guys have been wondering what I doto keep my hair healthy you guys knowthat I film hair videos here in mychannel like most of my videos are hairvideos and sometimes I test out hairtools and I have to straighten my hairand I have to put heat on my hair andyou guys sometimes are wondering likewhat am i doing how am i able to curl myhair and straighten it and then curl itagain one thing I'm gonna say my hair isvery thick like naturally my hair issuper thick which is amazing and I lovethat but obviously if I put too muchheat on my hair and if I damage it youcan tell you will notice it when I curlit the ends are gonna be super straightI sometimes cringe watching some videosthat I have still on this channel of melike showing off my curls or likecurling my hair but that ends were sostraight and damaged like I don't evenknow how I used to upload those videosbecause they're very cringy but I amvery satisfied with how my hair looksright now and I have so many goodproducts and tips and tricks that Icannot wait to share with you guys and Ihave been waiting for this moment toreally test out some of these productsfor months like not just one month maybelike two months and so I could justshare them with you guys if you're gonnabuy any of the products that I mentionedtoday guys buy these the ones that I'mgonna mention right now because thistransforms my hair I have been usingthese products for about two months nowand wow my hair just looks way fuller itlooks more shiny it looks stronger likeoh my god I'm like obsessed with theseproducts so my boyfriend's motheractually sells these products frompharmacy these are the products I'mgonna talk about them right now this isnot sponsored I bought this with mymoney it wasn't gifted to me like reallyI don't get commission from this I'mtelling you guys what I think aboutthese products and if I didn't like themI wouldn't include them in here so I'mjust being honest so she gave me samplesfirst she was like try them out they'regood they're this um turkish companyreally good product so I was like surelet me try it out guys just with thesamples I saw such a big differenceright away with my hair and I decided tobuy the big full-size and guys oh my godthis has transformed my hair these threeproducts right here are garlic productslike they have garlic in them garlic hasa lot of benefits but I never thoughtabout putting it on my hair and theseare just so strong and concentrated withgarlic okay so let me just start withthe first step so the first step is thisone this is the pharmacy of vitalizinghair oil so this is the garlic oil sobasically what i do is that i put aboutfive pumps of this i put this all overmy hair it smells a little bit likegarlic the oil the shampoo in the maskdon't but the oil does smell a littlebit like garlic you massage your scalpright put it all over your hair you onlyneed to leave this on your hair forabout 30 minutes okay what I do is thatI sleep with it because I just feel likethe more time you leave it on the betterand then the next morning I'll wash myhair so I'll use the garlic shampoowhich is this one right here so I'llwash my hair with this right with thegarlic shampoo and then I'll go in witha hair mask it says here to leave it forfrom 2 to 3 minutes which is fine toobut I just like leaving stuff on my hairfor even a little bit longer so I leaveit on my hair for like about 10 minutesthis is the first thing that I do when Igo in the shower I wash my hair do themask and then I'll just you know showershave or whatever so this is a mask butit also kind of works as a conditionerso I don't have a conditioner I meanthey don't have a garlic conditioner Idon't think that you need one becauseyou're gonna use a mask and it was inthat'shelp you detangle your hair so so somuch this leaves your hair so soft thesethree products just leave your hair sosoft so shiny and it leaves your hairready for you to curl it or for you tostring in it it is amazing I'll use alsomy tangle teezer to detangle my hairwhen I'm in the shower also when I getout I feel like this is good fordetangling and also for styling I tookthis with me to my Dominican Republictrip my sister loved that she was inlove with this brush is so gentle onyour hair I love itso I'm gonna link this down below I lovethat as well now when I curl my hairI am very you know I try out differentcurly hair products but I always go backto my favorite trio my favorite threeproducts I just think that theseproducts also have helped my hair lookbetter look healthier when I curl it soyeah I just love Zeebo curl I mean guysI know it's a little bit pricier andstay tuned because I actually have beentrying other curly hair brands othercurly hair products that I really likethat are also sulfate free and parabenfree and in the following video I willintroduce a new curly hair line likeit's actually gonna launch the day thatI post it so stay tuned for that videothat is coming up after this one and Iactually really really like those curlyhair products that I talked about butguys z-bo curl is really really good andif you can afford it if you can just tryit out even just get the small ones totry it out this is so worth it this hasalso transformed my curls my hair I usethe leave-in conditioner which is thisright here and then after that I'll usethe super cream this is a coconut curlstyler and this leaves your hair so softand so bouncy and then I'll go in withthe gel this is the ultra defining geland this is to define the curl thesethree are amazing again a really nicetrio that I love also make sure thatyou're on top of your hair cutsI need to get a haircut soon it's beenabout four months since my last haircutand I need to get another curly hair cutI fell in love with that haircut it isso good if you want your curls to bounceback to kind of like come back to life acurly haircut is amazing I'm gonna putdown below the information of the girlwho did my curly hair cut she wasamazingif you're here in the Lehigh Valley Iwould totally recommend Lehigh ValleyPennsylvania I would certainly recommendgoing to her and it was only like $35which is like very affordable in myopinion and after I got that haircut mycurls were just like big transformationanyways let's talk about hair tools Iknow you guys are wondering if I do Ialways say that like I know you guys arewondering I just think that you guys arewondering because I read the comments soI'm like okay I always like remember thequestions that you guys leave in thecomments so I try to like reallyincorporate all the questions in thevideos do you have any other questionsthen comment down below and I willanswer them so you guys know I love myRevlon one-step hair dryer and volumizerhonestly I used to be obsessed with thisI used to use this like every singleweek that damages my hair if you canstay away from the heat a little bit doit because your hair will thank you theRevlon I like it don't overdo it don'tuse it too much because it will pullyour hair I mean at least for me that'swhat happens I really like this but Ican't do this every week so you guysknow I upload a lot of hair twirl videosin my channel so for example I will tryto straighten my hair for a video andthen use that blowout for another videoso for example if I'm gonna straightenmy hair tomorrow I'm probably gonna makelike three videos with that blowout justto kind of bring down a little bit theheat damage or the amount of times thatI put heat on my hair I'm gonna tell youguys in my top two straighteners that Ifeel do not pull my hair like somestraighteners just really pull your hairand like oh so my favorite one is the GHthe Platinum Plus it uses the perfectamount of heat on your hair and it doesnot pull your hair every time use astraightener my hair just feels andlooks healthier it looks shiny I lovethis one I love this one so much but ifyou can't get this one because I knowit's pricey it's $250 but this is theone that I always reach for and I loveit it's my favorite one but if you can'tget that one this is a really reallygood one this is the Atty Mille one inchstraightener oh my god this is so goodand for the price oh my godthis is $40 this is like 40 $45 it's sogood my sister actually used this tooand she loved it she was like wow whatstraightener is that it's really reallygood it doesn't pull your hair and itfeels so so healthy like after you useit your hair looks shiny it looks veryhealthy so this is a really really goodone and this is very affordable okayguys that is it for today's video I feellike this video is super long so I'mgonna end it here I love you guys don'tforget to subscribe to my youtubechannel if you haven't already andcomment down below what type of videosyou want to see next and if you likethis video that I'm sure you're gonnalike these videos as well so make sureyou go ahead and check out those videosbye guys love you[Music]


The 20 Minute Body

Product Name: The 20 Minute Body

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How to Customize Packaging for Ecommerce

I'm Jessie janae this is shipping thingsand today I'm going to share with youall the steps to picking beautifulpackaging for your product somethinglike this I've never done this thisearly an episode not ever but this isimportant I'm gonna do an early and whybecause you need to know that before youtry to start selecting custom packagingnot all 3pls and shipping partners evenwork with custom packaging or allow itso before you get all hopped up on yournew custom box make sure your shippingpartner supports it and if you'realready working with one that doesn't wehave some links to some lit two belownow the rule of thumb for your packagingbudget is to spend between one and threepercent of your total campaign funds ortotal revenue on packaging within thatone to three percent there's a lot ofdesign options I think the simplestthing to do is break it down into twoparts as the inside and the outside ofyour packaging the outside of your boxor mailer it's like a storefront it's anopportunity to make a unique impressionwith your brand so you want to make it Icatching and if you're going to spendmore like that one percent of budget onpackaging there's a few options youcould use rubber stamps to customize ablank box or you could use stickers orlabels to add a nice pop ofcustomization that's easy to apply andlastly but not leastly you can usecustom tape which is an awesome blend ofform and function on the higher end ofthe packaging budget spectrum more likethree percent you can start consideringgetting a custom printed box and you canplay with different finishes and designoptions to make your brand really standout now let's go on inside the box ifthe outside of the box is like yourstorefront then the inside of the boxlike the inside of your very own storefor your brand now your customers havealready bought this from you so youdon't need to keep selling them theinside of the box is a great way to addambience to the whole experience andmake your customers feel special ifyou're shipping in a box you could staythe inside of the lid with a custommessage while still staying in theone-percent rangeother options you have is going withcoloured void fill at colored tissuepaper or colored crinkle to add a nicepop but not break the budget and I'm not3% end of the packaging budget you cando some nifty stuff like play withcustom printed tissue paper or butcherpaper for wrapping your product or gowith some custom printed collateral ornotes inside your boxor play with some fun box options likehere you can print the inside of yourbox the fun custom message or putanother box in a box for gifting or playwith little hang tags there's all sortsof options go wild we're almost done butif I may I'd like to end on a bigpicture whether it's supporting a newidea or product via Kickstarter pledgesor whether it's just regular olde-commerce shopping something undeniableis happening in our world people moreand more products than ever is shippingdirectly from creators out onto customerdoorsteps this is a bunch of packagesthundering at my doorstep just yesterdayand if you notice something a lot ofthem is just in regular old plain craftsthat means it's an unprecedentopportunity to actually stand out withcustom packaging think of it as likepart of your marketing budget so insteadof just investing in fleeting likeonline ads you invest in a tangiblething their customer is actually goingto take a full moment to unwrap andenjoy and treasure that is an incredibleopportunity[Music]


The Chattel Report

Product Name: The Chattel Report

Description: Make Money Buying And Selling Chattel – Personal Property. It’s A Billion Dollar Market – And Easy To Make Money. You Need Very Little Cash To Start. Do It Part-time Or Full-time. You’ll Find Out How To Do It With Little Risk. Get All The Details Here!

Ecommerce Tips and Tricks Part 1 (Actionable!)

Ecommerce Tips and Tricks Part1 (Actionable!)Starting a business is an awesome experience.There’s nothing like waking up to a new
sales alert, or getting an email from a satisfiedcustomer.So what are the most important steps to building,
launching and growing your store?Hey guys, I’m Jessica Guzik with Oberlo,
and today we’re going to look at 10 stepsyou can take right now to optimize your store
for immediate sales and long-term growth.[#1 – Set SMART goals.]Whether you want to have a nice little side
hustle or a monster seven-figure store, makesure that you have S-M-A-R-T SMART goals.SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Realistic, and Timed, and it’s importantto keep these factors in mind when setting
your goals.For example, instead of setting a goal like
“Become a successful ecommerce merchant,”go for something like, “Sell one product
within one month of launching my online store.”Well-defined targets make success easier to
attain – and replicate.And don’t go easy on yourself either.Set tight deadlines for ambitious goals.It’s a little counterintuitive lesson in
psychology: You’ll be more motivated toachieve big goals than small ones.[#2 – Don’t pocket the profits just yet]It can be tempting to pocket your first profits.But if you want your business to grow, you’ll
need to reinvest that money.You know how the saying goes — you have to
spend money to make money.The most successful store owners out there
will tell you to reinvest your first profitsin advertising.So create several small-budget ads — at about
50 bucks a pop or 5 bucks a pop — to seewhich products customers respond to best.Once you’ve found your winning ad, start
spending more on ads to really ramp up sales.[#3 – Don’t hide behind books.]Procrastination is a funny thing.Sometimes people don’t even realize they’re
doing it.Yes, it’s great to be active in ecommerce
communities, read blogs, and take the occasionalonline course.But you’re not going to get your first sale
if all you do is listen to business podcasts.You need to PUT IN THE WORK.Pick your products.Launch your store.Create your first ads.I promise you, you’re going to learn so
much more by DOING than by Googling.And if you mess up?Don’t worry about it.Mistakes are learning opportunities.Commit to figuring things out as you go along,
be patient with yourself, and keep workingat your business until you hit those SMART
goals.I believe you can succeed, and if you need
a little encouragement, just drop a comment.[#4: Pick a popular but reliable niche]Launching a store based on a trend can be
risky.For starters, most people discover a trend
when it peaks.At that point, it might be too late to make
a big profit.It’s also hard to know whether or not today’s
hot items will still be hot in a month.For example, fidget spinners exploded in popularity
and then kinda disappeared.On the other hand, when leggings first emerged,
no one was really sure if they would last.Years later, we know that they did indeed
last.You want something that you can count on for
years to come.You can capitalize on trending products related
to your niche, but don’t base your entirestore on a short-term trend.Focus on evergreen niches that stand the test
of time – products related to fashion, fitness,pets, phone accessories, beauty or jewelry.Your business is more likely to survive year
one, two, and five if you stick to popular,stable niches, with trendy pieces thrown in
only now and then.[#5: Make sure customers have access to relevant
information.]You’ll want to make sure your customers
have access to all the information they needto make an informed purchase.That includes any relevant info about product
sizes, colors and materials, as well as detailson shipping and return policies.Getting these details to your customers straight
away will help set expectations and put thethem at ease.Make a dedicated page for shipping and return
policies, and consider creating a FrequentlyAsked Questions page as well.Make sure you also include a contact page
on your site’s navigation, so that customersknow they can reach out with specific questions
that might pop up.[#6 – Put thought into your copy.]Some Oberlo merchants make the mistake of
importing supplier product descriptions alongwith their products.While it’s great to keep the essential information
in those descriptions, writing original, informativedescriptions about your products will help
you get more sales.After all, people will read the copy if they’re
on the fence about a purchase.For example, if you sell dresses at your store,
you might mention how great your shopperswill look at their next event, or how the
cut of the dress will flatter their figure.When writing product copy, talk about the
best features of the product.Explain how easy the product is to use.Help customers visualize how your product
will improve their life or help them solvea problem.That will turn your store’s browsers into
buyers.[#7: Add a flash sale section]Urgency can help increase sales.And one of the easiest ways to create a sense
of urgency is by adding a flash sale sectionto your store.Apps like Hurrify and Countdown Timer Bar
display a timer next to all of your flashsale products, letting your shoppers know
that there’s no time like the present.Be sure to rotate the products you feature
in this section at least once a week so thatcustomers keep coming back to see what’s
on sale.And make sure you add your Flash Sale section
to your top navigation, so that customerscan easily find your sale products.[#8: Start building relationships with relevant
influencers.]Influencer marketing can be a great way to
broadcast your brand far and wide.However, it can take a few months to build
relationships with high-quality influencersin your niche.While you’re just getting started, make
an effort to find and engage with those topinfluencers.If you need help tracking down the best influencers
for your brand, try checking out an influencerplatform like Hey Influencers, FameBit.There, you’ll get an overview of the most
influential people in your niche, how muchnoise they could make about your store, and
how much it’ll cost you to make that noise.[#9 – Give out discounts]Shoppers love a good price, and if there’s
a discount on top of that good price — hey,all the better.There are lots of ways to give away discount
codes.For example, you can have a popup on your
homepage where you offer 15% off in exchangefor a visitor’s email address.You can post temporary discount codes on social
media.You can also feature an offers page in your
site’s header.No matter which tactic you choose, make sure
you do the math and keep your profit marginssafe.Discount codes should be a win-win for you
and your customers.[#10: Find an ecommerce brand to look up to.]In eCommerce, you really don’t need to find
a mentor to hold your hand.Instead, identify a couple successful eCommerce
stores you love, and study them closely.What do they do that works?What tactics do they avoid that you see in
other eCommerce stores?What is it about these stores that you find
so engaging?You don’t need to copy these stores to succeed.You just need to take notes.Every time your favorite eCommerce store sends
you an email, jot down that email’s headline.Every time you’re compelled to look at their
products, write down what caught your eye.And every time you make an online purchase,
ask yourself why.After all, you’re a customer too–learn
from your own impulses!Alright guys, we think these steps are huge
for launching an ecommerce store, but we'dlove to know what you think.Drop us a line in the comments.And if you’re looking for more ecommerce
tips, look for Part II of our ecommerce tipsseries next week.To get notified when that video comes out,
make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel.Thanks so much for watching, I’ll see you
next week, and in the meantime: Learn often,market better, sell more.


Answers To Raising Chickens – A Complete Guide To Keeping Chickens

Product Name: Answers To Raising Chickens – A Complete Guide To Keeping Chickens

Description: New* 70% Pay Out: An Amazing Step-by-step Guide For The Absolute Beginner In Raising And Keeping Chickens, Plus Bonuses, Guarantee To Turn The Novice Into A Chicken Keeping Expert