What is E-Commerce?

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Blue Ribbon Mastermind 2018: Top Ecom Advice from Purple Mattress & More

Bob's your uncle Roberts your mother'sbrotherhey as we're here behind the scenes atthe blue-ribbon mastermind I don'talways say it like that but this time Ithought I would come with a little powerit's a group of 7 and 8-figure ecommercebusiness owners half a more Amazonbusiness owners have them aretraditional like e-commerce Shopifyretailers and we get together and weshare what's working in our businesses Italk about marketing and what I'm doingand what I'm up to and how I'mdeveloping products that are sort ofgood for the world and profitable youknow businesses that have a missionattached to them and some of the stuffthat we focus on like direct responseand Facebook Ads video and we hear frommembers about like what they're doinghow they're winning on Amazon howthey're winning in e-commerce howthey're going to retail how they'reusing television as a means ofvisibility for their products and so Ithought it'd be fun to sit some of themdown and ask them like hey what are youguys doing in 2018 what are you lookingforward to what do you have yourattention on so this will just be someinterviews some of my members help youenjoy itBrian Garvin I'm the director of YouTubesearch and display advertising at purpleI also run a consulting and trainingbusiness called stacked ads 2018 lookscrazy we have actually invented anacronym called BSCit stands for bat crazy like people arelike hey er you got an aggressive nowe're going BSC and that's really purplelike as an example right how quick getsgrown from zero to where it's at todaythe same thing with everything else I'mworking on is just crazy growthstretching the limits of what we can doone of the most important pieces thateverybody misses especially when talkingabout YouTube advertising is everybodytries to put it into the adwords squarepeg or the facebook square peg and it'sreally around and it just doesn't fitright because people that are going toyoutube are completely different thanthe people that are going to Facebookthey're there to do one thing watchvideo and you're interrupting thatexperience so the likelihood thatthey're going to click on your ad and goto your site like they made with aFacebook ad or a Google Display Networkat or even the search ad right is veryslim but what does happen is it buildsawareness for your brandfounders in this space a lot of timescome up with an idea and that theydevelop in their kitchen or their garageand the thing with a product basedbusiness is you can get goingquite quickly which leads a lot ofopportunity but it also leads to a lotof challenges they'll pivot too much orthey'll try too many different tacticsat too many times or not do it for longenoughdeveloping the mindset of how do youassess something in your business tokeep that focus and knowing when youshould pivot when you should persevereor is this something you actually needto stop and you need to pause to moveforward and these businesses becausethey are predominantly online founderscan work in a silo and so really getputting yourself out there to askquestions and really develop a networkand get the help that you need issomething that I see a lot of founderstruggling with as well my name isMichael lahat I'm a serial entrepreneurwe have a EECOM business we run it on aShopify store yes selling selling youknow I mean the stuff it takes to sellor market it has been the same thingscavemen we're taken or whatever you knowme I mean and for thousands of yearspeople have been persuading each otherwhen I want someone I learn something mystudy everything yeah I've just dive offI'm like a bulldog with a dirty sock Iwon't let go it's all figured out and soI start studying I got new AdrianMorrison was doing e-comm and then asroads you know big Big Daddy and he comeand a lot of other guys so I'm just sortof following everybody because I knew Ineeded to learn how they were doing Iknew how to sail and had a market Ididn't know how to do it with thephysical product online efficientlyeffective correctly and all that andonce I fit all those pieces togetherit's all I needed you know you can't bea one-man show for long because I likeour company I took it to 1.5 million amonth and did everything on the digitalside alone so but by that point you'relike an octopus on roller skate youcan't continue that you've got a higherteam you got to find your weaknesseshire and replace better talent and ourgoal this year is actually 250 milliontotal I don't know if we'll hit itthat's like I was saying in theretrying you know but I've never for surewill probably do a hundred milliononline I think people are looking for aneasy button there is no easy but you getrun over looking for an easy button myname is will Mitchell I run startup roseand simply organic Beauty 2018 for us isan exposure year we have a message thatwe know resonates with people and Ithink when you have a message that youknow is resonating is making an impactin the people's lives that you're tryingto affect the game becomes scale thegame becomes getting that message out toas many people as you can a business isjust a way for me to communicate amessage to someone if that message thatI'm communicating is not having animpact on that person if they're theircore identity is not resonating withwhat I'm saying no amount of marketingis gonna fix that[Music]my name is Jonathan bulk and I have ane-commerce business an automotiveecommerce business in terms of SEO a lotof business owners are really sleepingon it they're focusing mostly on paidtraffic I feel like and SEO is one ofthose legs in a stool that's gonna helpincrease your valuation and also just beanother platform for you to grow onexplosive growth has come from SEOstrategies that we've implemented butit's really it's um it's a layer youreally gotta layer things upon eachother and there's no one particularstrategy that's gonna build you intothis like overnight success it's along-term play I think we're all tryingto build long-term income we're not justtrying to make cash and clicking get outbuild quality products and so if that'sthat's what you're trying to do SEOmakes a lot of sense[Music]call it Saran cuz it's a rapkind of always wanted to say that onvideo that means that it's over or tothe end of the video I hope you'veenjoyed this if you're interested inBlue Ribbon mastermind you have to be ayou know $50,000 or or over a monthretailer check it outyou know smartmarketer.com forward slashmastermind it's a really amazing groupthis is not meant to be like a pitchvideo for blue room mastermind but whilewe're talking about it I thought hey whynot tell you about it so we are the onlygroup of 80 plus 7 and 8-figuretraditional e-commerce retailers andwe're great we're open we share with oneanother we help each other I believethere are power in groupsI believe that community is where it'sat in life and that you want to gettogether with folks who are like-mindedwho are you know gonna support you onyour journey so if you're not at thatlevel and you're just interested in youknow more free courses and content abouthow to grow your business please staytuned to the smart marketer blog ifyou're not watching this on the blog andif you are interested check outsmartmicro com forward slash mastermindmy name is Ezra Firestone thank you somuch for watching[Music]you


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Top 10 Products That Are DESIGNED to FAIL


There are many planned obsolescence products on the market today – meaning, these products are built NOT to last. From cars to lightbulbs to textbooks to pantyhose, there are countless shameless examples of consumer items being engineered to fail. WatchMojo counts down ten products designed with planned obsolescence in mind.

If you want to see consumer products done right, check out our lists of the Top 10 Best-Selling Retail Products: https://youtu.be/rYwAQ-tboz0, Top 10 Products That Killed Competitors: https://youtu.be/LhJE4TA9DD4 and Top 10 Brands Synonymous with a Product: https://youtu.be/Idzb40omzVU.

00:35 #10: Refrigerators
01:30 #9: Video Games
02:29 #8: Pantyhose / Tights
03:17 #7: Textbooks
04:15 #6: Light Bulbs
05:13 #5: Televisions
06:14 #4: Cars
07:03 #3, #2 & #1???

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Top New JL Jeep Wrangler Products of SEMA 2018

hey Robbie ever quarter techcom on theshow floor SEMA 2018 I'm gonna bebringing you guys some of my favoritenew products from around the show now ifyou watched last year I kept that listto about 10 of my most favorite productswell guys the show this year there is noway I could do that there is just toomuch new product for the all-new JeepWrangler Jail here at the showthere's the good the bad I'm going to befinding you some of my most favoriteproducts we're gonna start right here inthe JCR booth under that great 8-bitlogo up top there with bandit and we'rechecking out their half doors they havethese available for both the two and thefour-door Jeep Wrangler jail whateverreally like about these doors is thatthey're simple clean and functional sothey follow the lines of the Jeep reallywell they function well no rattles onthere because what's more annoying thana tour that is rattling when you'reheaded down the road in the trailthey're gonna come with these greathinges here featuring the logo they'vegot some mere options available as welland they use a nice and simple TJ styledoor latch on there easy to openfeatures a ball latch inside again easyto open from inside the Jeep as wellthey've got a couple rubber bumpers inhere that are helping keep those rattlesat bay they also got a great littlearmrest right on the top here from whenyou're cruising down the road and theyshut just as easily as they open now Ialso notice that they have their brandnew fenders on this jail here fronts andrears the Front's are a total bolt onsolution no drilling required the rearswill require a couple nut certs to beinstalled I'm told but they also followthe lines really well incorporate somegreat LED lights up front they've alsogot some inner fender liners in thereoverall the guys at JCR did a great jobof these two products and we're gonna gohit the show floor and find everythingelse for you guys right here[Music][Music][Music]so we're checking out warns new line ofrigging accessories including theirSidewinder and hyperlink starting withthis Sidewinder I think this thing isawesome it is meant to totally replaceyour winch hook and shackle combiningthem into one unit and that means youhave less things you need to carry withyou on the trail it also means yourrecovery situations are going to becomemuch safer now this thing totallyreplaces that winch hook on here uses ashackle pin that allows you to directlyconnect this to your recovery point onanother bumper or of course you can feeda strap through here if you're wrappingit around a tree they also have theseadditional Isolators available not onlygoing to help keep dirt and debris outof there but also it's going to keep itquiet when you're running down the trailthe hyperlink is a shackle replacementhere with two pins again it'seliminating some of that recovery gearthat you need to carry here into onenice compact unit they're both availablein this great black polish or gunmetalgray finish we're here in the ruggedRidge booth and they have a ton of newstuff on this two-door jail here thatcaught my eyethey've got bumpers they've got theirheavy-duty tire carrier totallyredesigned on the back of this thingtaillight guards but a few things reallystood out to me and right here you'llnotice on the CAO they've got their coldair snorkel intake system now this thingis a 100% bolt on modification that'sright you're not cutting you're notdrilling you don't have to do anypaintwork you don't have to replace yourhood it ties right into the factory airbox under the hood and that means youcan decide what kind of filter you wantto run in that air box believe the stockfilter in there or maybe upgrade to ahigh-performance high flow filter nowone of the other really cool thingsabout this here you'll notice check outhow low profile that is guys you canstill fold down the windshield I know Ilove that feature and they've evendesigned this to be a modular system soyou can take this low profile intake offreplace that and you can actually runthe full classic looking to snorkel onthe side now if we move downwe've got tube doors on here they're twodoors for the JK have been great foryears they've made them even betterthey've upgraded to this really heavyduty looking tube here I think looksgreat with the lines of the jail butcheck out this part here this all newdoor handle hereone finger to open it guys one finger toclose it a great feeling you can tellthey definitely spent some time in heredesigning a really great mechanism nowthe last thing I want to point out toyou guys here up frontthey've got Rubicon fender flares onhere but if you'll notice guys thesethings have been bobbed they've beentrimmed you've got a lot of extra wheelwell clearance in here this is aprototype part if you guys want to seethis come to market you have to let usknow leave some comments below we willpass them along some rugged ridge hereso you're not losing any of your daytimerunning light any of your marker lightfunctions here you get a great-lookingLED light in here really simple installwith those factory Rubicon flares allright here from rugged Ridge[Music]here in the rock slide engineering boothof course you know these guys from theirpower Rock sliders step combo here notonly functions as a step but also a rockslider that you can beat on they've beenavailable for the for dirt well nowthey're available for the 2-doorwrangler jail but that's not all they'vegot this thing called my eye right herethey're brand-new replacement fenderflares this is an all aluminum fenderflare so you're not going to worry aboutrock chips causing any type of corrosionon these things and you're going to gainan additional inch and a half ofclearance over the factory Rubicon HighLine fender and you'll gain animpressive three and a half inches ofadditional clearance over the factorysport style fender flare and they'vedone all that while eliminating thatvalley that was created by that Rubiconstyle fender the tkachuk rocks in thebrain here scratching up your fenderthere using a nice rubber gasket in hereto protect the body and they installusing all the factory mounting locationsno drilling required you are going tohave to trim your plastic inner fenderliner just a bit to work with these oryou can choose an aftermarket innerfender if you like they also include allthe replacement LED marker lights on thefront here to keep those great looks ofthe JL lighting up front and they plugright into the factory connector withoutany cutting or splicing required to workwhether your Jeep came with the standardincandescent lights or the led packagegreat replacement fenders here from rockslide engineering so we're here in therip superchargers booth with what looksto be almost a tame JL build behind me Ipromise you it as far from that there isa ton of je8 parts underneath of thisthing we've got axles front and rearwe've got those j8 bumpers with thehelicopter hooks even and there's evenleaf springs that's right I said thatleaf springs underneath the back of thisjail you want to get more informationabout this really cool build you can gocheck out our top jeep builds I've seenthe video by clicking on that infobutton but right now what I want to talkto you about of course this would not bein the rip superchargers booth if it didnot have something really coolunderneath the hood the world's firstrip supercharger Forge al tuckedunderneath it here I've heard someunconfirmed numberso this thing maybe pushing 400something to the wheels that soundspretty impressive to me and I hear itdoes amazingly well with that 8-speedtransmission of course sitting here inthe booth doesn't do it justicehopefully we're going to see this thingout on the trail sometime soon but fornow let's go check out more of the show[Music]so we've seen a bunch of new axleupgrades and options available for theall-new Jeep Wrangler Jo g2 has our lineof core 44 axles there are some otheroptions available from Dana Spicer aswell speaking Dana Spicer well righthere we have the brand new Jeepperformance parts ultimate dana 44 ofcourse built by Spicer as well but builtfor Mopar and the Jeep performance partsline meaning it's coming right from yourdealership of course available from usat Quattro tech as well giving you thegreat G performance parts name on hereyou can see they've made a ton ofupgrades to this over the standard 44now we have a version of that rightbelow here this is a Rubicon crate frontaxle this is what you would find in aRubicon straight off the dealershipfloor up top here is that new ultimate44 you can see they're using thickeraxle tubes they've upgraded all of thebracketry on this thing two quarter inchso it's gonna be really heavy-duty foryou using chromoly axle shafts as wellas larger 1410 u-joints they've alsodeleted that axle disconnect here makeit a little bit stronger for you whenyou're off-road of course you can alsosee you get this great heavy-dutynodular iron cover on your differentialhere and that differential cover hasalso been rotated to give you about ahalf inch more clearance when you'reoff-road as well and it's availableright here from G Performance Parts[Music]we're here at ARB we are checking outtheir whole lot of new products for theWrangler jail of course they've got anew front bumperthey've got Rock sliders but what I'mreally excited to show you guys here isthe jack now this thing takes theclassic off-road farm style mechanicaljack to a whole new level made of thesame aircraft grade aluminum as their Bp-51 shocks this thing is superlightweight that means it's easy tocarry it also features an extra widemounting jacking point on the bottomhere it's going to keep it really stableno matter what kind of terrain you findyourself on and it features a full 48inches of lift with this adjustable foothere but where this thing really shineshere is just how simple easy and safe itis to use and because it's hydraulicbased not mechanical you get an infinitelevel of adjustment now check this outyou and Jack your Wrangler up here onefinger and you can lift your Jeep up noproblem it's just that easy and like Isaid because this is hydraulic base wellI can go a little or I can go a lotthere's no mechanical stopping pointwhen it's ready to go back down againone finger right back down it's justthat easy and safe this is the jack fromARB so we are here in the smittybiltwith my good buddy Glen how you done howyou doing I'm doing awesome it's SEMAhow can you not have a good time youknow what we love this show because thisis where we get to showcase and show alot of people you got a man and speakingof new products we got something specialright here the new gen 3 winch tell me alittle about this thing manwell obviously everyone knows about thesmittybilt wench right 95 winch it isit's a mainstay in our industry surewhat we need to do is now now it's timeto elevate it but still keeping thefantastic price points yeah some of theelevation we did let's get straight tothe pointyeah I'm sweet to the point is when youlook at a jeep phone down the road yousee a beautiful bumper you also see abeautiful Winchester it's one of thefirst things you see yep so not only dowe build a lot of functions on this wegot to make sure we build in some styleoh yeahsure first in the industry to providearmor for winch so this is elevated uplet you know what it looks like rightwent when you were to remove it yep andwhen you install that it'll go rightdown here over the motor yepso what this allows a Jeep owner to doif you think about it and in the winchindustry yeah it's probably well thelast component that you can customizefor you everyone loves to customizetheir jeeps sure I don't think there'sever two jeeps identical other now onthe dealership yeah but what does itallows you to review is to take thearmor off sure and then you get toeither color match or contrast yourvehicle sure bolt it back on yeah itallows us also the downline to do somespecial additions with some specialcoloring also into that againenhancing the look and appeal of it yepyeah one of the other things I noticedhere tell me about this winch remoteover here this is pretty pretty radicallooking oh yeah radical is what we'reshooting yeah and one of the things wewanted to make sure that a lot ofconsumers see is we got this from thepower tool industry if you think aboutitwhat's what's more intuitive and then apower tools you have here in ya outpower yeah instead of having and togglesyou go back and forth that you may behitting the wrong way right this is getstremely intuitive yeah we have a buttonhere for a light that will come on usalso magnetic so as you can see on anysurface you can just mount it so we'rehere with bolt checking out some oftheir brand new accessories for the JeepWrangler jail these guys have beenmaking some great locking accessoriesfor the Wrangler for a number of yearsnow some great things like hitch-pinaccessories spare tire locks as well ascable locks and the best part about themis that they automatically key to yourfactory GP the first time you insert itwell they've got two brand new productsthis year they've got a joint venturebetween them and monster hook with thesegreat locking recovery hooks for yourrecovery points on your bumper they alsohave a great new hood lock it goes righthere in the front grill of the WranglerJo again the first time you put that keyin there it's going to key to yourfactory key they even include the greathexagon mesh surround for the centersection of your grill here so it givesyou that cutout for the lock and matchesthe factory pieces perfectly all thatnew fromso we're here in the Teraflex boothearlier we swung by those guys with JC Rwe checked out their jail that featuredthe teres 60 axles under the front andrear well Teraflex did not stop therethey have created a whole line of brandnew products for the all-new JeepWrangler jail of course they arefeaturing their bright green Slimerbuild in here belonging to Dennis thatmojito green two-door jail with some ofthese great new products on it I randown the line real quick they've gotsome fantastic new Alpine control armsyou're calling them as their Alpine IRwhich stands for infinite rotation thosethings are super flexy they're going todo a great job out on the trail theyalso have a brand new geometrycorrection drop bracket for thosecontrol arms that does really welloffroad they've got some brand new bigbrakes featuring 14-inch rotors and fourPistons talked about stopping powerthose things are gonna be awesome andI've been told they fit inside a stock17 inch wheel they've also got thatgreat new Alfa heavy-duty tire mountthat thing has a ton of adjustability init for carrying oversized tires alsofeatures an extended mount for yourfactory backup camera so that you canstill see past those large tires andit's got a really cool quick-release onthat third brake light and one of thethings that really caught my eye howeverin the booth here is their brand newNomad wheel this is a 17 inch wheel withsome features that I've never seen builtright into a wheel you're gonna noticeright off the bat we've got two redknobs on this wheel well one of them issimply a cap that's protecting astandard valve stem however the otherone is a quick deflator built right intothe wheel you can preset that orwhatever pressure you decide down to 10psi and by simply turning that knob it'sgoing to air your tires down by the timeyou make it around the vehicle you'regonna be aired down and ready to hit thetrails this is a 17 inch wheel it'savailable in a couple different finishesand it also has this really great rockrash ring that's a heavy duty plastic onhere it's dyed all the way through soeven if you scuff this thing up on therocks it's still going to look great ifyou go as far is totally destroying thiswell all the pieces of this wheel areavailable individually as well so youcan replace those rings as you need itoverall totally blown away by everythingbrand new here from Tara flex we'regoing to keep making our way around theshow bringing you all these great newproducts[Music]here in the Daystar booth we arechecking out a couple new productsthey've got for the Jeep Wrangler JK butthey're not good just for the JK theyare a universal part available as wellbut what we've got here is the completeradio package for your JK consisting ofa 25 watt gmrs radio as well as anadditional 5 watt handheld 2-way gmrsradio of course if you're not familiarwith GES similar to CB but it's atwo-way radio system and it actuallytransmit a lot cleaner clearer signaleasier to hear and talk and with havingthe handheld radio and the base radiofor your Jeep it's a great way tocommunicate with your spotter whenthey're outside of your Jeep or maybeeven a Jeep that's following behind youon the trail so the thing that I reallylike about this setup here is thatDaystar is not only providing you withthe radio but also with a mountingsolution designed to put the radio upabove your every mirror between yourvisor that also even incorporates fouradditional rocker switches here so thatyou can wire up some additionalaccessories in your Jeep you're gonnaget everything you need to get thatmounted up you're also going to get theantenna and the bracket for the side ofthe Jeep but they didn't stop there theyhave this all available on a cart aswell so if you've got an older Jeep ormaybe even a newer Jeep like a WranglerJL well you can purchase just the baseradio by itself and just the handheldradio by its up and come up with yourown mounting solution awesome new radiosright here from Daystar we're here inthe JW speaker booth with something veryexciting guys there's been a lot of newstuff around the show today a lot ofstuff has really impressed me I tell youwhat man this is over-the-topthis is the brand new 8700 Evolution j-3headlight from JW speaker not just forthe jail not just for the JK this thingis going to be able to go into any seveninch round housing speaking of that newJL well I got a little glimpse JWspeaker is working on an adapter ring toget this into the jail very soon butlet's start with the features that wegot in the light right here we have twoversions of it there are going to be twoversions available one standard and onewith a heated lens now one of the firstthings you're going to notice when youlook at these lights they feature anasymmetric design so theyleft and right lens here they're notusing one headlight and just putting iton both sides of the vehicle and whatthat allows them to do is customize andtailor the light output of this so thatyou get the best light out on the roadand the trail now this looks likenothing we've ever seen before there areover the 35 LEDs packed into this thingwith a number of different functionsyou got your high beam your low beam youhave a daytime running light you'll alsohave an integrated turn signal and allof those are 100% street-legal nowbeyond that they've also built in atrail function so we can start here withsome output numbers they've increasedthe output of the high beam over theprevious generation headlight by 50% nowthe output on the low beam they bumpthat up by 75% those are impressivenumbers they've also built in Bluetoothtechnology into these things and thatallows you to take these headlights to awhole new level by activating thatBluetooth app you can put these lightsinto an off-road mode where you can bumpup the light output to 100% across theboard to give you the most light outputon the trail and that will activate yourtrail optics here giving you great lightoutput right in the front of your Jeepthe only way to do that is right throughthe Bluetooth app now what you can alsodo with that app is move some of thepower around in the headlight so you canbump up the power to your high beamthrowing that light farther down thetrail in front of you if you're crawlingat a lower speed you can bump that powerdown to the low beam giving you greatwide output in front of your vehiclethere's also like I mentioned a daytimerunning light function in here and partof that is a great start up sequence andthat allows you to just kind of createsome fun startup sequences here getpeople to notice your Jeep of coursethey've also built in that great turnsignal and by doing that they've openedup a whole world of possibilities notonly to other manufacturers creating newfender flares for the JL but also withthe JK Wrangler you can now remove thosestock turn signals in the grille andreplace those with their all-new trailsix light there are three versions ofthat light available they have theirstandard trail six light and that isgoing to give you the most light outputavailable you can step up to theversion of that light which incorporatesagain that great Bluetooth technologyallows you to customize the output ofthat light and even allows you to switchfrom a white to an amber light both ofthose versus the lights come with threedifferent interchangeable lensesallowing you even further customizationand like I mentioned they will boltright into the factory grille on your JKWrangler or of course you can use theuniversal style bracket to mount them upon the a-pillar the bumper reallywherever you choose they even haveanother version of that light moredesigned for the off-road industry highspeed power sports to be mounted on theback of a vehicle it would be a greataddition to the back end of yourWrangler if you're doing some high-speedoff-road stuff features an integratedonboard deceleration sensor that's gonnaflash a brake light for you doesn'trequire being tied in to your Wranglersbraking system at all overall guys anabsolutely fantastic product from JWspeaker here I can't wait to see whateveryone out there in industry does withthese things the possibility it opens upwith other products for the new Wranglerjl i've at an absolutely blown away hereguys we've seen a ton of stuff out atthe show this week i know we haven'teven scratched the surface I would needa full month here at the show I hope webrought you guys a ton of great stuff tolook forward to of course you want tomake sure you hit that subscribe buttonso you're sure to catch all of ourlatest coverage right here from the 2018SEMA Show and plenty more until nexttime guys I'm Rob I'll see you out onthe trail[Music][Applause][Music][Applause]


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before we get started I have the hookupwith both of these companies and I havea better deal for you then you can findanywhere else so stay till the end whereI'll share that deal with you and I'mgonna be going over in depth the prosand the cons for both of these platformsas well as answering the top five mostcommon questions I get about both ofthese platforms now if you want to skipahead to the summary to the results youcan do that but I recommend watchingthis entire video so you can make aninformed decision let's get started withthe pros of Shopify and Shopify is agreat platform and in my opinion theyhave better templates now this isarguable WooCommerce has some reallygood templates as well but I think theShopify templates are just a little bitmore professional Shopify is also alittle bit easier to use Shopify hasbeen built from the ground up fore-commerce to make it as simple aspossible for people to put theirproducts and sell them online part ofwhat makes Shopify easier to use is theyhave 24/7 customer support which is areally big deal with WooCommerce you'rea little bit more on your own becauseWooCommerce is a free plug-in toWordPress there's not a ton of supportthereShopify also has better add-ons andbetter apps than WooCommerce WooCommercedoes have a lot of apps it does have alot of add-ons but I would definitelysay that Shopify has better moreprofessional add-ons and apps it alsoseems like Shopify just integrates withmore things like it seems any kind ofemail provider you want to integratewith Shopify can do that pretty muchanything out thereShopify seems like it integrates withthat I think this is because Shopify isnot free and because you have to pay forit their team is a little bit moremotivated to go out there and make theconnections and make the integrationsthe last Pro for Shopify is less can gowrong I have mu commerce websites and Ihave Shopify websites and it doesn'tever seem like anything major goes wrongwith my Shopify site part of that isbecause you can't change the checkoutpage too much with WooCommerce you cantinker with it a little bit more butthere's a bigger chance that somethingwill break now what Commerce has somebig pros as well the biggest beingWooCommerce is free kind of WooCommerceis a free plugin for WordPress so tohave a WooCommerce site you need to havea wordpress site and tohave a wordpress site you're going toneed to pay a little bit for hosting soWooCommerce is still cheaper and it usedto be that you could get really cheaphosting from companies like I page butnow with WooCommerce you need an SSLcertificate and so I recommendpersonally going with site ground butstill paying for that hosting on siteground is a lot cheaper than it is to bepaying for a Shopify site and this isprobably the biggest Pro withWooCommerce is that it's a lot cheaperto have an e-commerce website withWooCommerce than it is with Shopify nowI have links down below to SiteGroundnow you don't need to go with Sai crownfor hosting your WordPress websitethere's a lot of companies out thereBluehost Hostgator a bunch of differentones I have links down below to all ofthem but I highly recommend I've done acomparison video where I compare all thedifferent hosts and I personallyrecommend Sai crown but it's up to youpick whatever host works best for youanother Pro with WooCommerce is that youcan change just about everything on yourwebsite with Shopify there's certainthings like the checkout pagethat they don't let you change too muchand this is because they don't want youto break it but with WooCommerce theydon't care root Commerce is open sourcewhich means that there's a lot ofdifferent developers out there workingon it trying to improve it and it alsomeans that if you want to change it youcan change it also WooCommerce willnever shut you down the benefit ofhaving your own WooCommerce website isyou don't have to go through a thirdparty now I think it's super rare for aShopify site to get shut down but itdoes happen especially it seems like indeveloping countries or people sellingkind of shady products and the last Profor WooCommerce is it's built onWordPress and WordPress is great forblogging so if you're gonna be doing alot of blogging with your ecommercestore if content marketing is a big partof your company then WordPress is gonnamake it really easy for you now let's goto the cons of Shopify and one of thefirst big cons of Shopify is it's moreexpensive now funny enough it's actuallycheaper to start because if you're gonnabe starting with the WooCommerce site alot of the hosting companies make youpay for a full year all at once so it'sa little bit cheaper to start withShopify but in the long run WooCommerceis gonna be a lot less expensive now Iam always trying to negotiate for abetter deal for you guys on Shopify socheck the link below I'll update that asIget better pricing for you another confor Shopify as I mentioned is they canshut down your site if you wanted to soif you're in a high-risk country oryou're selling high-risk products do notgo with Shopify they can potentiallyshut you down I've also found that thethird-party apps are more expensive onShopify than they are on WooCommerce forinstance a third-party app you mightwant is an app that recharges yourcustomers every month you have to pay athird-party company for theirintegration for their app on Shopify sothat you can do this and like I said alot of the apps seem to be moreexpensive with Shopify than they do withWooCommerce but that being said theyseem to work better on Shopify than theydo with Roo commerce but I'll talk aboutthat in just a secondthe last con is the fees now Shopifydoes charge a fee if you want to use athird-party payment gateway but youdon't need to do that Shopify has itsown built in payments basically the wayit works is every time you get a saleShopify takes 2.9 percent fee and thatfee goes to pay the credit cards it goesto pay everything now a lot of peoplethink that with WooCommerce there's nofee like that and that's not truewith WooCommerce you still have to pay afee but you're paying it too straightinstead of WooCommerce or with Shopifyyou're paying it directly to Shopifytechnically now depending on which planyou have that percentage will go downbut no matter what store you open you'regoing to have to pay a percentage feeevery time someone makes a credit cardtransaction on your website that's justthe way it works now let's talk aboutthe cons with WooCommerce and one of thefirst big cons with through commerce isyou're going to have technical problemspretty much everyone I've ever knownthat use WooCommerce at some point theircheckout doesn't work for a few days andthis recently happened to me I updatedsome plugins and for some reason that'sunknown to me my checkout stoppedworking and for I think three or fourdays I didn't realize it wasn't workingbut I wasn't getting any sales andthat's scary so keep that in mind atsome point with WooCommerce you may havetechnical problems it also seems likewith WooCommerce there's just lessintegrations there seems like there's alot of functions that I can get withShopify that I just can't find a lot ofapps add-ons things like that I justcan't get with WooCommerce or they don'twork as well as I would like and it alsoseems like even the loopon the surface is cheaper you have tobuy a lot of the functions that arebuilt into Shopify built into thatmonthly fee you have to buy them kind ofpiecemeal and you're hoping thateverything works well together but itdoesn't always do so and the last conwith WooCommerce is you're gonna have toset up payments through either stripe orPayPal either way there's gonna be a twopoint nine percent fee on everytransaction again a lot of people thinkthat there's no transaction fee withWooCommerce and that there is atransaction fee with Shopify and that'snot true no matter what any time you'reaccepting a credit card or any kind ofpayment online someone wants a piece ofthat action PayPal wants a transactionfee stripe wants a transaction feeShopify wants a transaction fee so in myopinion that's a con for both platformsand it's just part of doing businessonline now I have and currently use bothof these platforms and to be honest itreally just depends on the circumstanceson why you're starting an e-commercewebsite exactly what you want to do formy main company my main passion productbusiness I use Shopify because I want tomake sure nothing goes wrong I'm doing adecent amount of volume on sales and Ijust want to make sure that everything'sas smooth as possible and I'm willing topay more to make sure that everythinggoes well now recently I helped mygirlfriend saw her own passion productcompany and she mostly sells on Amazonand we don't expect to get a lot ofsales on her website so it didn't makesense to pay $29 a month on Shopifyinstead we decided for her to just havea WooCommerce website it's a lot cheaperultimately the decision is kind of likeAndroid verse iPhone it's not that oneis better or ones worse it just dependson the person in the in thecircumstances if you're willing to paymore for a website and e-commerce sitethat just works that has less issues andhonestly is it a little bit moreprofessional then Shopify makes a lot ofsense on the other hand if you're on atight budget if you're someone that'srelatively technical and you don't mindgoing in tinkering around on yourwebsite to fix things or if you'relooking to start multiple small websitesthen WooCommerce makes a lot of sense asI said I have the hook up with thoseShopify and SiteGroundand you can use the links up here ordown below to get that special offer nowI'm always trying to get a better dealfor you so use those links to check onlike what the latest deal is like thebednegotiated pricing I can get on top ofthat when you use these links to sign upI'll give you a free 30-minuteconsultation session just for using mylinks you can also check the prices forthe other hosting companies forWooCommerce and I have them listed belowin the description now this is not apaid video I don't care which platformwhich hosting company you go withwhatever platform you've decided on takethat first step today sign up getstarted on your dream starting ane-commerce website was the best thingI've ever done and I guarantee you'regonna be happy that you took that steptoday so sign up and remember to enjoythe journey


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