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AMAZON AFFILIATE MARKETING for Beginners in 2019 (Tutorial) – Make $100 A Day

Make sure you watch this video ‘til the
end because I will be sharing with you a lotof secrets that I’ve learned of doing affiliate
marketing for over seven years.Well who am I to even teach you affiliate
marketing, right?Well I have been doing affiliate marketing
for over seven years now, and I have a portfolioof over 11+ websites, apart from that I also
do paid consulting, I’m a speaker and atrainer.And now comes the big question, what is affiliate
marketing?In affiliate marketing, three parties are
involved.There’s a merchant or an affiliate network,
let’s consider it to be Amazon.Then there will be you, as an affiliate.Where you will be promoting the products of
the merchant through a special affiliate link.So when someone purchases a product through
your affiliate link, you get a commission,that is, you make money.Now in my affiliate marketing playlist, I’ll
show you step-by-step on how to sign up tothe affiliate network, how to generate your
links, how to promote these links to thousandsof people for free and then make money from
your links.Almost all popular companies use affiliate
marketing to drive customers.Be it Amazon, Flipkart, Ola, Uber, Swiggy,
FoodPanda, Zomato- almost all popular companiesare doing it.But the important question is, how affiliate
marketing will help you.Well the biggest benefit is definitely online
earning on autopilot.Today my websites are driving free traffic
every month from Google and making me affiliatecommission.So now let’s talk about who can learn affiliate
marketing.You don’t need any special qualifications,
you don’t need any technical background.All you need is one laptop, or a computer,
and an internet connection.This is all you need.The best part about affiliate marketing is
that you are making money from the comfortof your home.There is no age limit, no massive course fee,
only your willingness to learn, and your willingnessto earn money online.I’m friends with people who are making $100,000
per month to $300,000 per month from affiliatemarketing.So now let’s talk about what is the best
way to learn affiliate marketing.Well when I started there was no one to guide
me.No one to tell me the best tips, tricks, tools
or strategies that actually work.Well lucky for you, I’ll be teaching you
and guiding you in every step.You need a guide, a person who has made the
mistakes, so that you don’t repeat thosemistakes.So now let’s talk about which affiliate
network to focus on.There are thousands of affiliate networks
in the market.I myself use 50+ affiliate networks to make
money for my affiliate websites.So which one should you choose?While there are more complicated ones like
Clickbank and the Commission Junction, whereyou need the knowledge of advanced digital
marketing in order to make money.This is because the competition is just way
to high.For beginners, who are just starting out,
the one I recommend is Amazon Associate.It’s easy to run and promote and now I’ll
be showing you why you should be focusingonly on is the world’s biggest ecommerce is driving more than 2.5B visitors
per month.Amazon India or is driving more
than 360M people per month.The best part is that every experienced affiliate
marketer is only targeting in theUS market.But there’s usually zero competition in
Amazon India.So making money from an Indian Amazon associate
account is a hundred times easier than promotingin on the US market.Apart from this, there is many other reasons
why you should join the Amazon affiliate network.Once you promote your Amazon affiliate link
the cookie period is for 24 hours.So whatever the customer ends up purchasing
in the next 24 hours, you will be gettingthe commission for that.The second good point is that you will be
getting paid the affiliate commission forthe entire cart.So let’s say you refer someone to buy a
t-shirt.But the person ends up buying a jeans, a cap
and the t-shirt as well.You will be getting the affiliate commission
for the entire cart value and not just theproduct that you recommend.This is the best part about the Amazon affiliate
link.And since Amazon has so much data and optimization,
majority of the people end up buying so manyother products and not just the product you
recommend.You can see in the image on the screen that
majority of the products that I sold are notthe products that I was promoting but the
other products that people purchased whenI referred them and I still got the commission.The third benefit is the Amazon brand.Amazon is now one of the biggest ecommerce
website in India.They spend millions in advertising and now
everyone knows about Amazon.So there’s a trust from the consumers from
Amazon, so the conversion rate of people buyingfrom Amazon is very high.This also helps in getting more sales and
hence, making more affiliate commissions.I am getting a massive 3.5% conversion rate.So every hundred people I refer to Amazon,
almost 3 – 4 people end up buying the products.So that’s just amazing.So now let’s talk about how can you make
money from affiliate marketing.The easy answer is create a website and scale
it.Don’t worry, I won’t just tell you this
and end the video, in our next lesson of ouraffiliate marketing playlist, I will tell
you how to select a profitable niche.In lesson three I’ll show you a step-by-step
in how to create an Amazon affiliate websitelike a pro.I will be sharing all my strategies that I’ve
learned in the last 7 years of building andscaling affiliate websites.So make sure you watch our complete playlist.I even created a comprehensive ebook on how
to scale an Amazon affiliate website from$0 – $1,000 per month and also how to scale
it further to $10,000 per month.If you want this ebook, all you have to do
is like the video, subscribe to our channeland comment with “Yes, I want it” in the
comment section below.Once we reach a thousand likes, subscribers
and comments, I will make the link of thisebook public on the description section of
this video.There are many benefits of starting and scaling
affiliate websites.Just as I mentioned, the competition in India
is very low.So if you watched our lessons and follow them
to the heart, then I can guarantee that withinfew months, you will be making money.You don’t even have to work on your website
when your article ranks on Google search results.It’s free traffic, month on month.Unlike other platforms that come and go, Google
is not going anywhere.So you don’t have to worry that Google will
go out of fashion in a few months.People will keep on searching on Google.There are many others ways apart from affiliate
links that you can make money from your affiliatewebsite.You get sponsorship opportunities, branches
will start emailing you… you’ll also bemaking money from sponsored links, sponsored
reviews.Like I am charging Rupees, Rs10,000 – Rs20,000
for one sponsored review.And also in the end, let’s say you decide
you don’t like the Amazon affiliate website,and you want to sell it.Then the website sells for 30x its monthly
revenue.So let’s say you’re making Rs10,000 from
your website on a monthly basis you can sellit for Rs300,000.Now I know that many of you will ask me in
the comment section the other ways of doingaffiliate marketing.Like opening a YouTube channel or doing it
through Instagram.So let’s take each option one-by-one and
share its pros and cons.So let’s start with opening a YouTube channel.Yes, you can open a YouTube channel in any
niche.Like many other YouTubers are doing, and they
are also making good affiliate revenue.You can create a fashion-related channel and
promote fashion-related products.You can also create a technology-based YouTube
channel and promote just like Technical Gurujiis doing, but the main point to stress is
that YouTube is getting competitive.Already for all the popular categories, be
it fashion, be it gardening, be it technology,already YouTubers are dominating that niche.It was easier a couple of years back when
the competition was low, and also becauseof the Reliance Jio wave.Now already majority of the profitable niche
has a channel dominating.Now, I’m not saying that you won’t be
able to do it.Yes, you can open a YouTube channel and you
will be able to scale it.But it is extremely difficult.It will be difficult to scale, you’ll have
to be patient.You also have to show your face and you’ll
also have to invest in expensive equipment.I will be creating a YouTube marketing course
very soon on this channel so make sure yousubscribe to get notified about that…But then again YouTube is more competitive
compared to the Amazon alternative that I’mtelling you.Now, let’s talk about promoting affiliate
links through Instagram.One thing that I should mention is that every
social media platform comes and goes.So Instagram might not be able to survive
in a couple of years.Also getting followers in 2019 is extremely
difficult compared to a couple of years back.Every social media platforms is going with
the pay-to-play mode.Like the case of Facebook, earlier the organic
reach was very high.So let’s say you have 10,000 page likes,
if you post a new post, you’ll be able toreach that 10,000 people.But now Facebook wants you to pay money in
order to reach the people who even like yourpage.Now the competition on Instagram is also growing
because the people know that there’s moneyto be made.And also Instagram wants you to pay money
to get those followers.So the organic growth is down.And the worst part about Instagram is that
there is only one place where you can addthe affiliate link that is the bio.So the number of links of the affiliate links
will be far less and hence the oral commissionthat you make in a month will be much lower.And this is why I don’t recommend Instagram
as the only source of promoting your affiliatelinks.The same goes for a Facebook page or a group.The organic reach is dead, so you won’t
be able to promote your affiliate links ina profitable manner.So I don’t recommend either going into Instagram
or YouTube or a Facebook page or a group…rather the smart strategy is to go into a
low competition area and dominate it beforeit gets too competitive.Also, once your affiliate sites start getting
traffic, you can move to these verticals eitherYouTube channel or Instagram account.Trust me I’ve been doing this for almost
7 years, I have tried and tested everything.The best strategy is to first start a website,
scale it, and then move to the various verticalsof YouTube and Instagram.This has given me the best results.So what is the process of making money from
affiliate marketing through a website.Everything is explained in detail in our affiliate
marketing course playlist.But right now, I’ll be giving you a general
overview of how all these works.The process will be something like this.The first step is to do niche research.I will help you find a low competition and
profitable money-making niche.Then in the next lesson I’ll share with
you how to start a pro affiliate website.I’ll be sharing with you my tips, tricks
and strategies that I’ve learned in thelast 7 years of doing affiliate marketing.Also, I’ll be telling you the mandatory
things that you need to follow so that youraccount doesn’t get banned.The third step is keyword research.I’ll share with you the exact strategy that
I use to find low competition keywords thatmake you money not in years, but in months.The fourth step is to write articles.Either you can write it yourself, but I’ll
also tell you how you can outsource it tosomeone else.I have spent thousands of dollars in knowing
the best article structure.How many words your article should have?What should be the button color?I have tested everything.And I’ll be sharing the perfect article
template with you in one of the lessons.The next step will be signing up to the Amazon
Associate account.How to sign up?How to get approved?And how to not get banned.The next lesson will cover the most important
detail.How to get your article on rank number one
on Google search results.So let’s say your website is about guitar
and you write an article like “best guitarsin India”.So I’ll share with you all the strategies
that I use to rank number one for my targetkeyword.And the last step is for you to send me a
thank you email for introducing you to affiliatemarketing.I would love to see some success stories if
I like your site, I might even collaboratewith you for other projects.So now let’s talk about money.How much many can you make?Now this depends entirely on you.How much time you are willing to invest on
your website.The more time you invest, the more money you
will be making.If you follow our complete playlist then I
can tell you for sure that you will be makingmoney in few months.In the beginning, it might look a bit complicated
because you are new at this.But given a few days of implementing, you
will become a pro.Once you scale the website, then you already
know all the secrets.Then you can create many more websites, build
a team, and scale even further.Like I started as a one-man-army, but today
I have 9 full time people working on my affiliatewebsites.You are planting a tree.Once it’s grown up, all you have to do is
spend a few hours on your website and it willkeep giving you fruits for many years to come.Now let’s talk about common affiliate marketing
mistakes.New affiliate marketers make these following
common mistakes.Even I made them when I got started.The first mistake is not showing patience.You won’t start making money on day one.Rather, slowly and steadily you will be scaling.The second mistake is not implementing.Majority of you will just be watching the
lessons, but very few of you will be actuallyimplementing.But the people who implement, will be getting
the best results.So make sure you don’t just watch the lessons,
but also implement everything I tell you.And not just implementing, you’ll be getting
a lot of questions in your mind.So don’t just implement, you can ask your
questions in the Facebook group or you canalso ask them in our YouTube live sessions.And I’ll try my best to answer all of you
guys.Third mistake is getting greedy.Now few of you might watch our complete free
affiliate marketing course playlist and thenstart implementing everything on multiple
websites.If you’re a beginner or just starting out,
even if you are an experienced affiliate,I would recommend you to open only one single
website, and try to focus entirely on that.Your goal should first be able to create a
website and scale it.Learn all the advance strategies, then build
a team, and then open multiple websites.You don’t have to work hard, you have to
work smartly.I have already made the mistakes, so you don’t
have to make the same mistakes again.Rather follow the working strategies that
actually work.One big advice that I can give to all of you
is that practical is what matters the most.Don’t just watch the videos but also implement
everything that I tell you in this free affiliatemarketing mastery course.This is the right thing for you guys.Don’t be confused, I am here for you.I’m so happy to have a new member who will
be our future success story.I’ll make sure that this journey of helping
you, making money from affiliate marketingis fun, exciting and as easy as possible.So what are your next steps?Click here to watch the next lesson of our
free affiliate marketing mastery course.And click here, if you want to watch all the
videos of our complete free affiliate marketingmastery course.Where I show you on how to scale an Amazon
affiliate website from $0 – $1,000 per month.


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The First Rule of Marketing Online

so what's the secret to marketinganything online whatever you want tomarket let's talk about it I'm gettingready to go to a Seth MacFarlane the guywho started her or the creator of FamilyGuy he's doing a party with Charlie'sTheron at his house so I usually wear aseersucker shirt but I wanted to recordthis real quick for my daily vlogbecause here's the dealwhatever idea you ever have in lifenumber one obstacle will be marketing itbecause humans have a natural aversionto anything new that's why brands likecoca-cola keep winning because if youcome up with a sodanobody naturally trusts it until it'sbeen proven over and over so marketingbecomes the key to anything no matterhow great your idea if you're an artistmusician social media personentrepreneur online entrepreneur you'vegot pizza restaurant you know whateverit is you have to acquire clients andkeep them happy and so here's the numberone rule that everyone forgets don'tmarket narcissistically what I mean bythat is don't market something that onlyyou're interested in and I know thatsounds so obviouspeople are like I already know that timebut not really people don't reallyunderstand the extent to which I'mtalking about ah I'm walking here's alittle cooler that are light peopleunderstand the extent to which our brainwill naturally build our marketing onnarcissistically selfishly so let's justtake an example I saw the other day thismattress commercial you seen those everlate at night look how nice it is outtoday they call this the magic hourbecause the lights real nice but thismattress commercial has the owner andhe's not very good he's not very good oncamera and he's there talking about whyyou should buy a mattress from him and Iwas thinking dude nobody really wants tosee you like you know you're not good atdoing your commercial why don't you staybehind the scenes and I know why becausehe thought it would be cool for him tomarket himself in that way but muchbetter to make a persuasive marketingpiece you know commercial you don't seethe shirt you don't see the CEO ofcoca-colain all the commercials now there is atime if you're good on camera you canuse your own you know you can use yourown images your own videos but that wasjust an example that came to mind I wasthinking who's this guy building themarketing for himself and at the end ofthe day if you build your market foryourself you're gonna be broke period sohow do you get into the minds of peoplethat's what it really comes down to andI'll tell you the simplest way to getinto the minds of potential customers isto do rapid experimenting Rapide RapideRapide you know I did some of you haveseen some of my youtube videos thatwoman viral and they've had I justlooked check my stats in the last yearyear and a half did 540 million minuteswatched it's a lot YouTube told me theywon't tell me if it's the most but it'sa lot half a billion minutesnot just views minutes and part of thatpaid advertising and part of thatvirality there's a formula I'll talkabout that another video but when Ifirst made my very first video I evenwon with the Lamborghini it didn't notthat many people liked it it was me andJeremy just driving around and it wasn'tthat persuasive of marketing so you knowmaybe got a hundred thousand viewsversus the other one got over 100million and I was in Paris I shot thatone first one that did not go viral andI went to Paris for New Year's and thenI came back and I was like let me justkeep experimenting get inside the mindof people but instead of me presupposingI knew what was inside the line I builtsome rapid test I record about 20 30more tests and one of them was the herein my garage video which was kind of thebeginning of a lot of the social mediavideos that I did and that one's gottenno one knows exactly how many peopleviewed it maybe 100 million peopleglobally lot 50 to 100 probably more butI'll be conservative with that and thatcame from rapid experimentation Iexperimented that whole process was intwo months I did enough experimenting soif you can experiment then you won'tbuild this selfish narcissisticmarketing that just doesn't work muchtime you watch TV you'll see it all daylong and then you'll see those fewcommercials that really catch yourattention so whatever you're trying tomarket get inside through rapidexperimentationI was talking to I got a guy a friend ofmine kind of a were loosely affiliatedand his name is Adrian Morrison and hebuilt out a system what he does he goeson Facebook and he just like rapidlyexperiments products that people want tobuy he does Facebook advertising adifferent internet advertising and hediscovers through a process of trial anderror but rapid trial and error whatpeople want to buy and he can buildbusinesses extremely quicklyyou know ecommerce businesses someonewill make whatever thousand bucks amonth ten thousand and fifty thousand Idon't know the numbers are fairly big Imean he's out making 100 million bucks ayear but it's making seven figures maybeeight I'm not sure I'll have to ask himhis exact numbers doesn't matter makes agood living just selling all kinds ofstuff that you wouldn't think thatnecessarily it would be able to makethat much money but he does and heactually wrote a book I'm gonna put alink to his book he I got him to give afree download of it it's like how tobuild a profitable ecommerce businessand it's this whole system of testing alot of you asked me for how to stuff andthe daily vlog is more just generaladvice I don't have time to always layit all out especially because I got toleave in a second but I'll put a linknow he's gonna take this link down I gothim to put it up for much for how manymore days but a few more days I got himto give it away you can get the e-bookfree so he can read all the stuff and healso has a link for a workshop you canwatch I told him I'd be an affiliate forit because he's done some stuff for meon Facebook marketing because I do a lotmore on other channels but he reallyhelped me with getting my Facebookmarketing up we work with them everyweek just giving tips and advice so he'shelping me I can tell you that and somaybe it'll help you out there'll be alink somewhere here annotation or belowclick that link get his free ebook it'scompletely free and then you can sign upfor the free workshop he has a paidversion of it but you don't have to dothat if you don't want you could justget the free stuff and then for those ofyou really interested I think he has alink to some paid more advanced programbut start with the free stuff checkget out and just remember whateveryou're trying to do you must be amarketing guru a marketing master youmust understand persuasionyou must understand the mindset of yourtarget market and very few people can dothis but those who can get a huge rewardso wish you luck on what you're tryingto do trust me I've been in themarketing game my first mentor JoelSalatin was a direct marketer I was 19years old I've been learning andlearning you know from mentors alldifferent type of mentors that firstmentor and I was a 19 Joel Salatin andon and on and on and go everybody I meetwho knows a thing or two about marketingI'm picking their brain tell me I'mshowing up at their conferences I'mlooking at their online you know I readyou know I read a book a day I'm readingbooks I'm investigating I'm watching TVcommercials I'm watching and clicking oninternet banners trying to rereverse-engineer what the heck it isthese guys are doing and and I look atcelebrities look at how Oprah markyourself now Ellen Ellen DeGeneres Showyou know dj khaled now killing it onsnapchat I watch movie stuff on office Iwas in a movie yesterdaypop star that big movie Andy Sambergcame out funny as hell if you watch mysnapchat I posted it but I watched howthey marketed that thing Judd Apatow isa genius he did trainwreck so makeyourself a follower and a seeker ofevery marketing technique and tip as youcould ever come up with marketing it'snot cheesy marking his way of persuadingpeople if you're selling something goodto do what's in their best interest I'mso happy thankful that there's goodmarketing out there especially for goodstuff you know like this Rolls Royce Ijust got it's Branson custom look at 11miles just came off the boat the goseries – it's on my snapchat and stuffum I wasn't going to get a Rolls Royceyou know I was going to get him aglaring and then I was at the dealershipand they were telling about this RollsRoyce and they were so persuasive on howwell it drives and all that and I waslike maybe I need to look into thisthat's marketing and I'm glad they didbecause it's a badass cars better than aMcLaren in terms of quality ride andstuff like that little different appsTurin jizz but everything I'm glad youknow Joel Salatin marketed to me to goand work on his farm I'm glad he waspersuasiveI'm glad differmentors at different times persuading meto take a different path than then Iwould have gone on naturally so clickthe link download his ebook learn how touse the Internet is powerful look I'mhere on the internet connecting with youI looked at 103 countries I'm connectedto people I'm following my stuff andthat's all ecommerce that's the power ofe-commerce so learn how to do it foryourself even if you don't want to be ahuge entrepreneur you know you could useit for art use for reading book I meanyou can use it for art you can use itfor your music you could use it like Isaid stores you can use it even as anemployee if somewhere elsethe better to market yourself the morepromotions you can get so download itcheck out his but make sure you go intohis free workshop – I told her I'm beingaffiliate because I like his stuff andthen he's got a paid program that Ipartnered up with them so you know ifyou decide and he shows you even if youdon't know what to do in business heshows you how to figure it out how tosource and decide what products willsell easily that aren't that hard tomarket and so it's kind of a you knowstep by step approach click the link letme know what you think leave a commentbelow after you check out his ebook andworkshop what you thought of it okaytalk to you soon


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Top 3 Niches To Sell In 2019: Best Ecommerce Shopify Niches For 2019

Hey, what is up guys, it's Rafael hereAnd today you're going to learn the top three niches to sell products online for 2019Let's go to my computer and find out. All right, so the three best niches to sell online it closed in nineteenWe're gonna go over the three right now as you're seeing them. The first one is home in kitchen. The second isgarden slash gardening productsandthen the third one isApparel slash print on the man now, you may be thinking okay these three niches I get itThey're the best but why why are they the best nations, right?So we're gonna go one by one and seeing why they are good to sell line, especially nowrightSo home and kitchen it is a niche where people buy things out of impulseone first first of all impulse buysSo for example, one of the top products online right now is a drain plug and I'm gonna show you right nowLet me go into the pageI'm using peg start right now. If you don't have pegs up then you can get your your accountLet me actually go into the of Express page and check it out. Wait. OhI have to login for it. But this is one of the top products as you can see it selling for 1495I've seen some people sell for 995 andThis product brought me over ten thousand dollars in a single monthJust by promoting it on Facebook right in facebook ads. So essentially products that you can buy out of impulseThey're also products that you can essentially people buy them withDisposable income let me write that outdisposable income buysWhat does that mean? Right someone that has a nine-to-five job that has some extra incomeYou know has savings has a little bit of money coming inThey can buy things like this that will make their life easier. That is also one pointIt makes life a little bit easier makes life cooking, you know makes life cooking cleaningCleaning a little bit and fasterThat's also a very big reason why these products sell really well home in kitchenyou know products that are less than twenty thirty dollars their disposable income by some people by you know, they're likeOh, this product looks pretty coolLet me buy that and then it makes life a little bit easier and faster, right? Also, the fourth thing is it is womenCentric most of the times right?So the best videos that perform for me and the best Facebook ads that perform wereTargeting women with women in the video, right? Why because women tend to buy more online andWomen tend to buy more things for the home for the kitchen to clean and to cook, rightI'm now beingI'm not generalizing but this is something that does happen when you start testing products and when you start selling onlineSo home and kitchen is definitely one of the top onesWhy home and garden right? Let's go into home and garden right nowHome and garden the thing with home and garden is a very passionate niche. So we write that our passion nicheSo people that like gardening and that like, you know gardening their home and creating creating beautiful gardensThey're very very passionate about itand the absolutely lovely and the thing with this is that if you sell them a product to makeGardening easier to make that niche and that passionEasier then they're gonna buy it like crazyIt's also a disposable income by people can buy something pretty cheap for about twenty or thirty dollars if you can sell it for thatIn order to improve their garden to make their garden more beautiful and make it better right now that we're going into the winter2018 to 2019You're in spring 2019. You're going to see a huge demand for burning productsJust because the winter just fast people now are like, okay. I need to get my garden beautiful and people that have gardensUsually have a pretty decent amount of money. They don't live in a little apartment a room. They live in a house, right?So people have moneyTo spend on products for their guard right? So you're targeting people thatHave money have disposable income have a job in order to buy products for their gardenThis is why it works so well and why I recommend now the third one apparel and print on the matWhy is this right you might be thinking? Okay apparel were not a man. Why?becauseOnce one it's a very passionateNiche or very passionate category to go into specially print on the matRight. If you start print on the mat, you will start seeing that some niches have an insane amount of passionSome people are just extremely passionate about dark shirtsYou know me for exampleI love dogs and I buy dog shirts and I buy shirts that are funny about dogsFor example have a shirt that says can I pet your dog?With a question mark I love that shirt and I bought it for about 16 dollars online from e-commerce shopSo essentially it's passion in each. It has a lot of demand from next year for 2019 and also general a pair, right?There are multiple companies including my companies that do really really well sellingApparel online and selling clothes for both women and men I definitely recommend going the women centric recommend itIn terms of apparel, rightWomen's apparel sells way more than men's apparel doesso for example if you were going and to go to the print on the man write searching forshirts and hoodies andLeggings to sell you will want to gear yourself and your efforts towards women not men in this case, right?so definitely recommend it because it's a niche category and also why it's good into the 7:19 specifically because nowWith essentially all the the trending topics that are coming in, you know, 2018 was a crazy year has been a crazy year2019 has a lot of topics to make sure it's about right things like, you know, I get triggered or things IYou know all these memes that are coming out right you can even do mememeans print on a manIt has a lot of spaceTo get into and it has a lot of space to make a lot of money with rightSo that's definitely why I recommend it. It's a very passion women centric and you can you know, you can use the trends of2019 in order to make a lot of money quitsSo definitely I recommend those three niches if you have no idea which needs to go withChoose one of these three if you still want to check. Okay, let me seeWhat other niches there are you can check my other?YouTube video how to find a profitable ecommerce niche if you like this video Linea likedown below give me a thumbs up and a comment below andThen subscribe to my channel if you haven't subscribed yet hit the bell for notificationsThank you so much for watching this check out the other videos and trainings and the free webinar down belowThank you for watching and I see you in the next one


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Indian E-commerce is about to change | Reliance E-Commerce | Case Study

Recently if you have seen news, you might know thatThat mukesh ambani is entering the ecommerce field.Here he is going to compete with amazon,flipkartPaytm , big players.But there's a twist hereWhen did he declared this news?When government changed some rules of FDI. Because they were doing some illegal activities.I've already told you about this in the last video.Governement has declared that these companies can not work on inventoryBecause 100% FDI doesn't exist in the ecommerce field. And they created a loopholeand they were operating illegallyand also they were providing enormous discounts.Which affected the offline stores.side by side monopoliesand there were many products that were being sold in these stores only Now this rule is not new.This rules was made in 2008.Where government declared thatAny wholesalercan not sell more than 25% of his products. and what were they doing? They were selling amazon exclusive products.Means all their products on amazon.This violated the ruleThis was stopped too.But this is only for international companies If any indian owns , then not to worryIf a person's 50% stakes is owned by foreign company Here Mukesh ambani is using his own moneyHe'll have the controland all these new rules won't be important for him.(indian companY)Now what does he want to do?He has an offline retail channelWhere they are selling these products.Whether electronics, clothesOr groceries.Side by side they've jio networkOnline users. Today in india,If a person is able to use an internet, then it's because of JIOSo JIO has created a barrier in this field(telecom)People went crazy for free internet.Earlier internet planswere very expensive.Today JIO has more than 25cr. Subscribers.Why because airtel, vodafoneare being sillyRecently they came with a plan thatIf you didin't do recharge of 35rs.Then they'll terminate your number.Basically unlimited validityNow it's not unlimited anymore.This will affect them onlyJIO has made a platformThey've all the databasealong with their offline experienceThey are going to create an ecommerce store.and this wont be a normal ecommerce.I was reading their interview.They are going to give you immersive experience(3d)Immersive experience meansAugmented realityI opened my phone and it took the access of my camera.after thisSuppose i want to buy a sofa set.Now i can examine whether that sofa will look good or not.using the camera.Whether it'll look good or notWhether this curtain will look good or notHere they're talking about VR tooMeans this deviceYou'll think that's real. Now i don't think every person has VR device.After4-5 yearsVR may become common. But personally i think.All the offline retail shopsThey'll keep those devices thereand you can experience the product thereand purchase on the basis of that experienceJust like experience of walkingJust wear the VR deviceand whatever you like , pick that in your cart.Recently in an interview, he saidHe's going to have more than 12 lakh retailersGujratis in his store>and this is going to be started this year.Their store will be launched this year.Let's talk about their distribution channelThey are doing the same thing as Tata CliqThey've their own retail channels and jio networkPeople who use JIO will order.That order will be sent to their offline store.That nearby retailer will deliver to destination.They have more than 10,000 POS( point of sales)Means shopsIn future, this will increase.According to my surveyTheir delivery time will be 3-4hour.3 – 4 Hour delivery.along with the experience.Indian company- What can be better than this?Main point wasSUMMIT because all the actions were discussed in this summit.He said one more thing thatData colonisationwhether you use whatsapp, facebookIt's been stored internationallyNot in our countrySo Mukesh ambani said in this summit thatI appeal to PM that our data should be stored by our country's companies Not outsideBecause there were many rumourss about data leakThat's why i thinkThey are going to enter hosting field also.They'll provide hosting services alsoalso the flipkartruns by singaporeNot an indian companyThey were transferring the money from singaore to india.and here they were working on inventory model.Basically they created loopholes.When govt get to know this, they created strict actions against itand created draft in decemberAnd policy is applied right after januaryPeople are talking about Stay but i don't knowBut no worriesEven if we don't get discountsAfter three months, reliance is going to comeWhen JIO was launched, they gave FREE internet/Now that they are in clothing, they may give you coat for free :p Now JIO will face some challenges.According to me,The fashion industry operated on a good margin.Here ecommerce is profitable, no doubtNot that much profitable in electronics.Less margin.But they have offline channelsand through orders will go through offline channelDelivery through offline shopsProfit can be goodBut groceriesIn this, i think( I have made a video on this too)In india , people prefer fresh vegetables.with you too? rightIf yes, then do tell me in the comments.We don't buy in large amountLike vegetables of 10 days.2-3 days is possibleWhat will happen your average bucket size will be decreased.Two option, company charge delivery cost.If delivery charge is high, they won't buyLess charges, might create lossHere we need to figure outI personally believe their minds are sharp in these things. Today, in cities people do buy via onlinevegetables of even a weekBecause they are busy in their life.But a normal middle class personStill buys for 1-2 dayFresh vegeiesThere won't be much online ordersThis niche will be in lossBut Mukhesh ambani doesn't work in lossOr he wont add this nicheUntil unless market is organised.Or they will comeWhen grocery market will be stableOr they will figure out a waySomething profitableNow i ask you a questionYou tell me in the commetn section and in the poll sectionWill Reliance be able to compete?With flipkart and amazonWill they be able to conquer them?YES or NONo other option than YES or NOLet's see the resultI am with reliance.I trust them and also TATAALthough their products are costlythan amazon and flipkartYou'll see TATA in this field too. I hope you liked this video.Like Share and commentBye Goodnight Goodmorning Goodafternoon whenever you are watching this video.
