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how's it going everybody thank you fortuning in my name is shabaan from'commandand in this video I'm gonna tell younothing but the whole truth what do Imean by this well if you're not gettingenough sales with your Shopify store ifyou have problems scaling up if you havegiven up or if you're closing your storethis video my friend is especially foryou what do I mean by this in this videoI'm gonna give you the top 5 reasons whythe most of the Shopify stores out thereare failing miserably let's do thisfirst of all I want to get this straightlet's define the word fail because a lotof you guys got this wrong failing it'sreally simplefailing means that you have lost moneyon a given period of time this can occureven before you started a business evenafter starting a business this is whyit's really important to not be cockyafter you get your first sale or yourfirst sales because that doesn't meanthat you will be profitable you have tobe profitable on long term in order toconsider your business not failing oklet's get straight to the point andstart with the reason first reason isthat you guys don't have a plan ofattack what do I mean by this I thinkthis is one of the biggest problems andit has to do with the dropshippers withthe people that are doing this not withthe product or the business itself youknow why because you don't have a cluewhere you're going you don't have a planof attack as I told you you only havedreams you don't have goals what's thedifference well having a dream istelling yourself hey I want to make thestore and I want to buy a Lamborghini Iwant to buy a Rolex I want to buy ahouse that's not how it works you needto have goals with your store dreams aretotally different it's okay to havedreams but in order to have a workingstore you have to put some goals and youhave to follow those goals because ifyou don't have any goals if you don'thave a plan of attack you don't knowwhat you're working towards let meexplain a bit let's say you want to sellI don't know fifty thousand dollars withyour store this is a goal but it's notthe best goal to have why becauserather than aiming at this random number$50,000 you could do it this way I justwrote you an example here on the screenif you could follow me that'll be greatlet's say $50,000 it's your suite numberlet's use that $50,000 in 30 days means1 point 6 K birthday in sales and ifyour product is worth $50 we're gonnaneed 33 sales in one day that's the wayto go that's a way better goal you knowyou have it in your head you need 33sales of a product that's worth $50 inone day in order to achieve the $50,000in 30 days this is how it works this wayyou're putting your brain to work andthe gears start running and you gottaknow what you need to do in order toachieve that particular plan of courseI'm repeating myself $50,000 is just aexample that I'm giving you that can be$100,000 that can be $10,000 it can beeven $1000 nobody cares I just told youthe way you should think and know andthe way you should establish a goalreason number two why most Shopifystores are failing is because they haveabsolutely no idea what they are doingand this is the truth let me explainmyself first of all they have no ideaabout technical stuff and second of allthey have no idea how to read data datais crucial in running a dropshippingstore what do I mean by this wellreading data is one of the mostimportant things that you can do inorder to achieve success in a jobshipping store not knowing how to readdata is like going in a war withoutbeing equipped it's like going in a warwith sticks and stones and the enemywill have cannons and shotguns and MForce something like that I think youget the idea the problem is that you youdon't understand how crucial datareading and data understanding is let'ssay you have a running ad set that has aCPM of five dollars and a relevant scoreof three what would you say about this alot of you sayyeah this is really good because it's aDancy piano is not like thatthe problem with this ad set is that therelevant score it's a three which meansthat basically nobody would care aboutyour ad nobody would even click the adnobody would buy something from youbecause the audience is really cheapFacebook is delivering your ad to areally cheap audience and they willcertainly not buy anything from you therelevant score is a really niceindicator in in the drop shipping fieldbut ninety percent of the people don'teven care about it they don't even haveit in their system and this is just anexample of data reading there's hundredsof examples like this ones I'm justgiving you one important thing thatpeople are skipping let's move forwardto the next reason reason number threeis that you're focusing on short-termgain that's a huge mistake that a lot ofjob shippers are doing 99% of people outthere are mistaken dropshipping for aget-rich-quick scheme which is not thebig majority of you only see smallprofits for short terms you want to earnten thousand dollars in the next monthand you think you're gonna get a cup orsomething like that the first place butit's not like that drop shipping it's along-term game and you have to buildbrick by brick this is how it works andthis is why one percent of the peoplehave successful stores and ninety ninepercent of the people don't havesuccessful stores maybe some of them whoare having some short-term profits willremain short-term and that'll be nothingmore okay this is what making a brandmeans making a brand will make you standout and by having a brand by having bymaking a name for yourself you will makesure that those bricks are put in theright way and in one year in two yearsin three years you will have a name foryourself and the profit will be constantyou will earn big numbers constantly notonly on short-term remember this get isin the back of your head because it's areally really important reason let'smove over to the next reason reasonnumber four is thatyou have access to a lot of informationout there and this can really hurt yourdropshipping store if you don't apply itcorrectly well what do I mean by this Ibet you haven't thought about this I betyou were thinking that the moreinformation you have the more knowledgeyou will have yeah that's partly rightbut knowledge can be good or bad rightlet me explain myself not all of theinformation that you find on Internetcan be true especially when people thatare promoting some type of stuff give itto you as information and you're onlybuying stuff without getting valuableinformation from there you're onlyputting money in that person's pocketthe problem is that a lot of jobshippers jump from advice to advice theare getting information from lots ofpeople which don't have any backgroundyou don't know who you're getting it youdon't know what the guy's numbers areyou don't know anything about them butyou take advice from them and this iswhat I mean by too much informationyou're getting it from lots of sourcesyou gather like a bowl of informationand you will apply it to your businessthis is really bad because that bowl ofinformation came from lots of sourcesfrom lots of unknown sources more likelyand your final results will definitelybe bad so he just gotta make sure to getthe right information from the rightpeople from verified people you know letme give you an example ads targetingfinding a winning product you knoweverybody has different of differentopinions in this so you have to be verycareful I'm gonna give you an exampleyou will find a link in the descriptionwe have a university it's called Ecohunt University and it's gonna take youthrough the basics of drop shipping andit's gonna teach you everything you needto know to have a profitable dropshipping business you will find a linkin the description it's called acomponent University it's 100% free andit's really good it's really niceentertaining and you will learn lots ofstuff another example it's like I don'tknow finding a winning product you havea link in the description it's the firstlinkit's the link to ecomcon make sure toclick that and check us out you willhave daily winning products we will posttwo daily winningproducts for you and you will haveplenty of winning products to choosefrom and this is really good it's gonnasave you a lot of time and money let'smove over to the next reason treatingdropshipping like it's not a realbusiness this is a growing issue it'sgrowing really fast and I think thatit's gonna be one of the biggestproblems in a drop shipping scene andwhat do I mean by this well people thinkusually think that drop shipping is asome kind of a get-rich-quick scheme andI think that this is the big picturethat people that are not in the dropshipping think about drop shipping it'ssome kind of business where you can makea store in ten minutesjust slam some products in there throwthem in there no description no imagesno anything and run some five-dollar adsand boom you will become rich instantlynow it's it's not like that it's verymuch harder than this and you should getthat stereotype out of your head ifyou're not if you didn't start at dropshipping yet and you should treat itlike a real business because in dropshipping you will have real workinghours you will have a schedule you willhave to deal with customers you willhave to put effort in your store to growa brand you will have to put effort toassure that you will have a good userexperience you have to search for newproducts all the time because if youkeep the old ones people are gonna loseinterest in your store so you willalways have to bring them something newit's just like a real business maybesometimes it's even harder you're gonnahave to stay up late you gonna have towork late it's sometimes it's harderthan a real business a good advantage isthat you decide when you're working youdon't have a boss and you can work fromanywhere in the world this is reallynice this is why I chose drop shippingbut yeah this is it this was the reasonnumber five thank you for watching thisvideo I hope it helps you and make sureto avoid all of these reasons if you'reavoiding everything I taught you aboutand if you're not being that person whoapplies all of these reasons in theirdropshipping store youwe'll be good to go when you will findsuccess thank you for watching my nameis Siobhan and see you in the nextepisode bye bye
