Eight Elements of Internet Marketing

By Abddul R Mohamad | Submitted On September 21, 2011

Expert Author Abddul R Mohamad

Internet marketing or online marketing is transforming into wider mixes of elements any company can use to increase sales. Internet marketing can be utilized whether a company is running a business totally or partly online or totally offline. Today internet marketing is becoming an increasingly important phenomenon of every company’s marketing mix. Here we bring you elements of internet marketing which we believe in order of importance.

Website: Website consists of text, images, audio and video elements used to explain the company’s products and services. Capturing leads is one important feature in any website without which a company may lose potential customers. Website is an equivalent of brochures or mail order catalog and they are a great way to establish your business identity.

Email marketing: This element directly related to website which captures name and email addresses. Information on products and services can subsequently be distributed. It is sometimes called inbound marketing.

Banner advertising: This is placement of ads on a website for a fee. The similarity of this internet marketing element is traditional ads in newspapers, magazines or other electronic media.

Article marketing: You may write or hire online writer to write articles related to your business and having them published online on syndicated article sites. Articles have a viral probability to spread around the internet as article services permit re-publication while maintaining all back links. This is one way to boost traffic to your website and to promote brand to a wide audience.

Social media marketing: It has become an important part of marketing involving social networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and social bookmarking sites like Digg.

Blogging: Blogging is part of marketing involving the act of posting comments and opinions, making announcements in a forum. These activities can be accomplished either by hosting own blog or by posting comments and URLs in other blogs related to your online products or services.

Search Engine Marketing: Search engine marketing is simply marketing a website on the internet through search engines. A company may improve its website’s ranking through search engine optimization, purchasing pay-per-click ads or purchasing pay-for-inclusion listings in website directories. These are similar to yellow page listings.

Online press releases: Online press releases involve placement of newsworthy features about a website, the company, its management team, its products and services with on online wire service.

The internet marketing has tremendous impacts on home businesses to exponentially prosper due to its reasonably lower cost to start, and has enabled home business owners to maintain internet presence. Internet marketing should be part of your business plan and your marketing strategy.

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Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Abddul_R_Mohamad/24137



hey guys welcome back to my Channeltoday we're gonna be doing the best inbeauty20:19 these are the best of the bestcreme de la creme literally top drawercan't be beat products that I have beenloving in 2019 some of them or most ofthem I found in 2019 there might be somethat were released a little bit beforebut these are like the best okay topdrawer if I was traveling this is whatI'm going with I have a little bit ofskincare a little bit of hair care acouple brushes but mostly makeup I'mgonna try to move quickly get to thepoint tell you why I love the productsI'm wearing a lot of them right now soif you're new here I would love for youto subscribe I do a ton of trying newmakeup hauls reviews tutorials all ofthe above and let's go ahead and getinto the best products of 2019 I'm gonnastart off with skincare because I onlyhave a few core products that I love Idon't use 30 you know different skincareproducts I don't slather on 10 everynight I have literally a few productsthat really do it for me and I havefound some crazy gems this year so I ampartnering with Beauty stat on thisfirst portion of the video because Ihave been using this product for ninemonths now I did a sponsorship with themback in March and I've been using itever since let me just show you my stashso I have these three right here andthen I just purchased these myself fromI think they had like a Black Friday 25%off sale so I went ahead and got twobackups I cannot be without this productso when they reached out to me and werelike hey do you want to work togetheragain of course I do I love this productso this is the beauty stat universal Cskin refiner this is a powerhousevitamin C serum that I have literallyfallen in love with I cannot livewithout it has 20% pure vitamin C whichis the highest allowed on the marketpure vitamin C is extremely hard to keepstable that's why you see a lot of timesin serums they turn brown they oxidizeand they lose their effectiveness thishas an encapsulated delivery system soit's really unique every single pumpfrom the first to the last is gonna comeout full strength there's gonna be nooxidation or weird funky smell oranything like that and it's going to beas effective from the first pump to thelast which is a huge thing because it'sreally hard to keep vitamin C stable andpotent so when you do rub this into yourskin it does tingle you can feel itworking and it has a really nice slip toit it is fragrance free that is a hugething for me it doesn't irritate I havesensitive skin and over time andimmediately I notice smoother skin lesstexture even skin tone I feel like myredness was calmed down and that wassomething I was really just embarrassedabout I have rosacea and I felt like Ijust always looked so red in the centerof my face and then white around therest of my face it's really kind of even- everything out it's helped with darkspots fading them scars from acne it'shelped with my acne I will not bewithout this as I said I just have a tonfloating around my house this isprobably the standout product for methis year in terms of doing the most formy skin and I've had some of you guystry it and tell me that you bought itand you loved it and then when you ranout you noticed and you were like oh mygosh I need to get another one so beautystat did give me a 50% off code which isthe biggest I think they've done so Iwill link it down below I'll put thecode up here they also do have amoisturizer that's really nice – it hasa nice slip – it plays nicely undermakeup so overall if I had to pick onestandout product from me skin care wiseit's absolutely this product I cannot bewithout it it's just done wonders for meso I'll have everything linked downbelow I'm excited to see what else theycome out with because this has reallychanged my skin and it's just becomereally a core staple product for me sothank you to beauty staff for workingwith me on this and let's get into allof the rest of my recommendations for2019 I have two masks to mention forskincare so I'm gonna move quickly thefirst one is the ordinary age a 30% BH a2% peeling solution I've talked aboutthis before this is super affordable butthis is a mask it's a 10-minuteexfoliating facial so you just apply itleave it on for up to 10 minutes andwash it off with the cool water thishelps with texture pores anything likethat so this is kind of like a once aweek mask for me or when I feel like myskin just needs kind of like aresurfacing if you will so I reallyreally enjoy this the price point isgreat another option I probably likethis a little bit more this is the imageskincare ageless total resurfacing maskgone through I think three of these thisis really nice because it has like aclay-like texture I guess I could showyou but it has exfoliating in it so youapply it let it sit for what is thislike 20 minutes it says five to thirtyminutesit does tingle a little bit kind of haslike a menthol smell and then when youwash it off it has granules in it so itdoes exfoliate as well so these are mytwo picks if I had to throw away all myother masks these are really the onlyones that I would miss like really theHat I'd be like oh my god I need thoseback because these are like my just whenI want to treat myself or I really feellike I have congestion and I really needto clear out my pores these are greatproducts I have one cleansing balm thatI've fallen in love with and you can getthis at Beauty lish this is goodmolecules instant cleansing balm theysent this over to me this just worksbeautifully it's not super expensive youjust kind of scoop some out apply it toyour makeup and just kind of rub off allyour makeup and it doesn't leave a filmI've tried some that leave a film or youhave to double cleanse and I don't likethatI still do wash my face after this likewith a just like a normal cleanser butthis doesn't leave stickiness or like agreasy film on my face and that's why Ireally love it it's effective and it'snot super expensive so I'll link it downbelow for those of you that get acnespecifically I would say sometimes itworks on cystic but if you get acne ingeneral you have to get these these arethe hand who blemish patchesnon-medicated hydrocolloid spottreatments I have gone through so manyof these you get 72 patches in a pack Ican link these from Amazon you can getthem from Walmart in store that can bedifficult to find so I got them onAmazon last time but this is what theylook like so they're just like littlehydrocolloid packages and what I likeabout them being non medicated is thatsometimes the medicated ones really dryout the skin on your face but they don'tnecessarily get rid of the infection orthe blemish these pull the infection outlike nothing I've ever tried I do likethe zip sticker ones for cystic acnebecause they kind of have little dartsthat kind of like puncture into the skinbut these are for more so acne that isalready it has a head I know it's grossbut you put these on overnight when youwake up there's like white stuff let'ssay gunk that has been pulled out thisflattens my acne I'm telling you theseare phenomenal read the reviews they'rereally affordable as well I cannot nothave these like if I have a littleblemish throw one of these onfor bed in the morning it's flat theseare incredible you can't live withoutthem always have them on hand so I willlink these down below as well I have wonhonorable mention for skin care that Ihad to mention it's new to me likeliterally only a week or two but I am soin love with it and I talked to myfriend Cheryl and she was like oh my godI use that everyday I love it and I waslike why not try thisthis is the foreo luna play this is thesmall one I bought two during theSephora well it was a Black FridaySephora sale I think I paid like 40dollars for this so I don't know if youcan hear that is it ASMRbut this vibrates and you just kind ofuse circular motions and it cleans yourface so this I use morning and nightthis has helped so much I don't know ifany of you guys get that but I get likethese little congested pores right hereand like kind of like the crease of mychin you can't really see them but Ifind myself wanting to pick at them andthen I create like acne for myself I'mlike stop picking at it this has beengreat I think this has like antimicrobial properties so with theClarisonic which I've tried and I hadfor a long time I feel like the brushesare just I don't know collecting justdirt and then you have to replace thebrush heads and all this stuff and withthis you don't have to you literallyjust do this and you're good to go it'slike two minutes you can sync it to yourphone so I have this small one and thenI have a bigger one that I think I paidlike $100 for honestly I think you cango with the small one they really do thesame thing in my opinion so I keep oneagain downstairs and one in my showerand there's been times when I felt lazyand I was like no because it really justit exfoliates my skin without being tooharsh I feel like before I didn't usethis I would be using like a kind offace scrub way too much and you don'twant to do that too much you want to doa face scrub like one or two times aweek so this has been a lifesaver for meI've seen a lot of people do ads andsponsorships and I honestly understandwhy because I'm obsessed with thisproductmoving on to makeup I'm gonna start withmoisturizer / primer so my pick for theyear is the Juno & Co moon shine creamso they say you can use this as a primerI use it really as a moisturizer but Ilove it I like the touch of dewy creamas well this is a more affordable optionand this is just really nice veryscented doesn't irritate really justnice and smoothing a nice moisturizingbase for any foundation so I use thisagain just to moisturize and prep myskin you can use this before bed as wellthis is an everyday just before makeupor if I'm not wearing makeup just tohydrate the skin I truly love thisproduct it's very similar to like theBobbi Brown face base also the CharlotteTilbury magic cream so I actually preferthis one it just has a little bit lessof a fragrance love it had to mention ittop-drawer always in terms of a primer Ireally love this primer this is the NARSradiant primer and I just honestly lovethis it's so beautiful under makeup Ican layer it it's really thin so I canuse this and then put this on top and itjust really hydrates my skin it's just astandout product to me it doesn't helpwith pores but it just gives you a niceradiance and hydration I especially loveloading this up on my forehead becauseit really helps hydrate I get patchinesslike around my forehead because I dohave combo skin I get like oily in thet-zone but I'm really dry up here sothis helps combat that it just laysbeautifully under makeup or if you'renot wearing makeup it has like a nicejust a light pinky glow it's a gorgeousprimer alright for foundation there wasa ton of foundations this year but Ihave two that stand out to me that I usethe most that I feel like always workfor me and my top pick is the L'Orealinfallible fresh wear this is just abeautiful foundation it is a medium tofull coverage it lasts long it's almostlike a more hydrating Estee LauderDouble Wear it just looks good on theskin it's not you know super dewy it'snot super matte it's kind of in-betweenit just looks like skin to me but youcan really use it more sheer foreveryday or you can use it for full glamand it lasts a long time I love thisI've gone through actual multiplebottles of this again for my collectionwhen I do that that's telling me thatthese are hot fire products for me and Imean who would have thought a drugstorefoundation was the top pick for me thisyear my second pick I'm wearing rightnow and this is the urban decay staynaked weightless what is it's calledweightless liquid foundation I have theshade 41 and n I love this foundation itlooks so good you don't have to setthis that is one thing I hear people saythat all the time like you don't have toset this and I roll my eyes because I'mlike yes I do this is one of the veryfew products that me as a combo personthey always sets my foundation I don'thave to set this this lasts a long timeit doesn't accentuate you can do sheerthis has less coverage in the Loreal butyou can build it up I mean right now Ihave it on I have full glam on so youcan build it up I applied it with aBeauty Blender I really have nothing butgood things to say about this product Ithink it's beautiful and it really doeslook like skin so I really think youshould try this out especially if youlike more of like a medium coverage youfind a lot of the foundations are superheavy this is not it really isweightless as it says and I just thinkit's a beautiful finish moving on aconcealer I have a standout product it'sso funny when it first came out I didn'thave the right shades so I didn't reallyfall in love with it but I actually fellin love when I got the right shade thisis the Too Faced Born This Way sculptingconcealer in shortbread which is areally yellow tone and I love thisconcealer this is a full-coverageconcealer so I use this more so when I'mdoing full glam if I want to use it onan everyday basis I just kind of do acouple dots but this is beautiful niceand smoothing high coverage I reallyreally love this if you're looking for aconcealer that has a medium coverageit's buildable but it's thinner and it'snice and smoothing my pick would be theiconic London seamless concealer I'mwearing this right now this is agorgeous concealer very thin so it's notlike a thick hard to blend formula youcan build this up as you can see it'sjust very very thin and you can justlayer it it's not like really thick likea tart shaped tape or even the Too Facedso I feel like you could use this tohighlight down the center of your facethis is kind of a multi-use product butthis beautiful it's really smoothingunder the eye gives me enough coverageas I said I'm wearing it right now justone layer of it it's nice and hydratingI don't find that it accentuates textureI feel like nobody talks about thisbecause not a lot of people are oniconic London PR but this is a standoutconcealer to me I have one that's kindof like an honorable mention but I useit a lot and this is the CharlotteTilbury under-eye corrector in fair soyou can use this on your under eyes as aconcealer for quick gym days if you havedarkness or you can use it under yourconcealer I use it to kind of concealblemishes before foundation also I usethis to clean up my brows this is like agreat product I swear I love this and Ididn't think I would usually like colorcorrectors I'm like nah but I think it'scuz a lot of them are like red and Ifeel like it's a lot of work this reallyjust kind of cancels out blueness andredness I find myself using this a tonit's top drawer I think they have threeor four shades so depending on what yourissue is but this shade works for mebeautifully truth be told I could use itjust as a concealer but I usually use itmore so to conceal clean up my brows orif I feel really dark in here and I justwant to like take the edge off this is areally multi what does it multi-useproduct and I really love it moving intopowders I have one pressed and I have aone loose and I have a lot that I likebut I had to mention then a key of joy avelvet finishing powder you guysrecommended this to me and I love itthis is a beautiful loose powder you canuse under your eyes t-zone all over yourface it does brighten a little bit butit's just so finely milled it's notheavily fragranced it's a beautiful Wowgood job Stephanie I just let herfucking flow as I was saying it's abeautiful kind of like beige yellowcolor I just feel like it's universalit'll work for a lot of people I reallylove this it's quite smoothing verylightweight I feel like there's powderflying everywhere now but this is agreat product I keep it top drawer sothank you for recommending it to mebecause I think it's phenomenal anotherpowder I use all the time is the jcataqua surance powder so this is supposedto be a powder foundation I the shadeivory you can see I've hit pan I don'tuse this alone I don't know I like myfit cover the most just for like allover but this is like setting under theeyes kind of pinching in the nosecleaning up the contour this is like aretouch powder I love this I think youcan get this at Ulta it's a beautifulpowder it's very similar to theCharlotte Tilbury flawless finish powderwhich I absolutely love but obviouslythat one's really expensive this is verysimilar in texture it's not drying it'snice and creamy under the eyes I highlyrecommend if you want to check this outit's a great price and I think they haveI want to say like eight or nine shadesso it's not a huge range but if you canget your hands on this I think you'llreally enjoy it okay so I actuallyalmost forgotbecause it was in my box I have a box ofall my products here and this was at thebottom how could I forget this this isthe by Terry hyaluronic hydra powder sothey have tinted ones this is theoriginal honestly this is such asmoothing finely milled powder I wouldnot bake with this whereas the Nakia joyyou could bake the Nakia joy is kind oflike the Too Faced Born This Wayyou can bake with it or you can setlightly the by Terry you really want touse a brush and set very lightly if youare somebody that is dry I think youwould like to buy Terry very smoothinglightweight and you just dust it underyour eyes in your t-zone and it setseverything beautifully but it's notheavy at all it isso finely milled so I have this and Ihave the tinted really whichever oneworks for you oh my gosh this is a greatpowder I have so much left because alittle bit goes a long way whereas Ibake with the other ones this one islike when I want a light glam or I justwant to lightly set my t-zone this isthe one I'm going for moving on tobronzer this year I had two that reallystuck out to me that I use more thananything the first being the jus a softfocus hydrate and set powder in dark Ihave really gone ham in this this has anice kind of luminescence to it I don'twanna say luminescence but it has asatin finish so it has a little bit oflike that healthy glow this is abeautiful color very soft powderbuildable it doesn't just go on superheavy and then you can't blend it itblends beautifully I did try this powderfor setting like my under eyes and stuffin a lighter shade and I didn't love itas much I truly just like this for abronzer one of my most reached for so Ihad to talk about it another bronzerthat really blew me away and I continueto use this every single day you guysespecially when I'm not filming I havethis on as a contour today this is theNARSsummer lights face palette I've talkedabout it and I've talked about it andI'm talking about it again this is abeautiful palette the bronzer in hereblends incredibly the bronzer shade inhere is called destination unknownif NARS cells that bronzer separately Imight look into it because I'm tellingyou you can't mess this up like youliterally can't mess this up it willblend no matter what you do if you applya big streak it'll blend it's such abeautiful colorthese eyeshadows are great tooespecially for beginners or if you wantneutral looks and you just kind of wantto one end done I've talked about thisthe highlight is nice and light it'sjust like a natural lit from withinhighlight but really the bronzer in hereis my most used something about thecolor it's just the right color for meand the blend ability on this palette isincredible if you're a beginner or youdon't want to mess around with blendingyou hate patchiness and you just don'twant to work hard I'm telling you guysthis palette is a hidden gem I first sawthis palette and I was like oh my godthat's so boring literally that was myfirst thought and then I used it and Iwas like it has not left my top drawermoving on to blushes I have one powderblush and then I have a cream blushformula I'm actually wearing a creamblush today can you believe that someonestart with the powder feel like I'vetalked about these so much but honestlyyou guys these are the shit they're sogood these are the Sephora matteperfection blush duos specificallysnapdragon i cannot get enough of thisthis is such a stunning blush every timeI wear this people are like what are youwearing what blush are you wearing it'sso beautifulI think they have six shades I have Ithink five of them you cannot go wrongthese are so pigmented so blendable sobeautiful highly recommend checkingthese out and they're affordable too Imean because there's the for collectionso they're not like $30 think they'relike $14 so moving on to a cream blushthat has blown me away this brand firstof all has been so just nice I bought acouple of their products then theyreached out when to send me the rest oftheir products they sent it in thesmallest package no waste I'm justreally impressed with the brand so thisis tower 28 which is a clean beautybrand from Sephora the blush I have onright now is happy hour this is thebuildable luminous color for cheeks eyesand lips you guys I put this over afully set face I've done that many timesand it works beautifully this shade ismy favorite because it's that just Idon't know lit from within babydoll pinkshade so I'm gonna blend it out so thisis happy hour you guys it's so beautifulthey also have Magic Hour which is moreof like that muted I would say kind ofpeachy color if you likejust more of a neutral looks I'm gonnaput that in the middle these are sopretty and hydrating but the fact thatyou can put them over set makeup is ahuge deal to me because I'm somebodythat I do like to set my makeup and thenthey also have Golden Hour which is areally burnt kind of orange red why oncea red orange sunset color so you can seeyou have like an orange a peach and thenlike that coral pink these are gorgeousI'm telling you if you like creamblushes or you feel like blush alwayslooks dry on you these are phenomenal Icannot say enough good things about thebrand I can't wait to try more from thembut I had to say these are a standoutbecause the fact that I can use themeven as somebody who sets my face fullyI mean there's no disruption these are aphenomenal product I cannot wait to seewhat else they come out with in terms ofhighlighter I was trying to thinkthere's a lot that I like but if I hadto recommend one that I have usedprobably more than anything I think Irecommended this last year so I'm goingto move quickly this is the Dior backstage glow face palette the first one Iuse these two shades like nobody'sbusiness you can see there's a dent inthem but this is lasted me forever I'mwearing it right now honest to god Ithink this is one of my most usedhighlighters this and the melt cosmeticsI can link them down below they have thesame texture I really just can't evensay enough good things about thisI bought the second palette and I do notrecommend that so I only like this oneyou guyshonest to god I use this so much this isa staple productI'm so glad like money well spent it'sso beautiful it's I mean it's basicallylike the Ofra highlighters or the Machighlighters anything like that thetexture on these is so lightweight itdoesn't enhance your texture heavilyit's not powdery this is stunning so Iwant to move quickly but I cannot seemyself not having this in my makeupcollection so now we're on to shadowsokay so these are like the Big Daddies Iknow everybody gets super into eyeshadow so I'm going to tell you my toppick for like a high-end eyeshadowpalette I can't get enough of this thisis the Natasha – no no metropolispalette I'm whereon my eyes today with another productI'm gonna mention you guys this ballotis just bangin it's so good some ofthese shades in here are like a creamformula so I have this shade on today Ihave a little bit of this shade on I'mtrying to think which other shade I wentin with was it this one yes so these arelike my most used just beautiful creamybrown shades the metallics in here aregorgeous I mean I wouldn't expectanything lessthese blend like a dream I just thinkthis is a beautiful neutral palette youcan go you know with these differentcolors down here or the green routethere's a blue in here I think this is aphenomenal neutral palette and I reallylove it I really do reach for it morethan any other Natasha – no no palette Ithink it's beautiful and when I want aneutral look it just blends easy it'sjust no fuss I love this palette my nextpick I haven't used a ton but I have tosay when I use it it performsbeautifully this is the taki Beautytextured neutrals Volume one palettethis palette is gorgeous for me thestandouts are the mattes this matteblack I've never had a black that workedthis well I used that to smoke out mytop lash line todaythe mattes on this blend incredibly themetallics are really interesting they'revery smooth this gunmetal one kills me Iused this in a video when I did a reviewon this the sequins are not probably theones I'm gonna use the most but I haveseen some beautiful looks with them thisshade zora are just so gorgeous and thenthey have like this really pretty bluekind of pink shift the mattes I think iswhat most people struggle with I meanobviously metallics you just kind of puton the lid or whatevermattes are the hardest to formulate fromwhat I've seen and the hardest to blendthese blend so easily so I think she dida beautiful job it's nice and weightedit feels expensiveI know it's sold out right now but Ithink she's gonna work on a pre-order soI'll just link her website down belowbut I highly recommend checking this outwhen it restocks next up is the hudabeauty mini obsessions palettes this isthe nude medium this is the newest oneto me I purchased I just think these newfood many pallets are so wearable sobeautiful they blend beautifully theyhave great pigment I also love her neonones and not the green one though I likethe neon pink and the neon orange reallyany of her mini palettes I like theformula they're beautiful metallic easyto use I think this is such a nice justconcept because you do get nine shadesso you can kind of do a ton of differentlooks with these little palettes they'retravel friendly and the price isn't toobad these were recently on sale so Idon't know if they are anymore but Iwould pay full price for these so Ireally really enjoy these really any ofwho desires I enjoy I like her colorstories I think the packaging isbeautiful they're easy to work with soif you haven't tried hooter shadows Iwould look into those and then I alsodid want to mention this whateverpalette from colour-pop I think thiscolor story is absolutely gorgeous thisis like fall holiday just yumminess anycolor pop palettes honestly they'relittle twelve dollar palettes or thesepalettes I love I mean I like thekathleenlights they're collaborations Ijust think they're formula is beautifulI only struggled recently with that goldpalette one shade in there but usually Ihave no problem with color pop shadowsthey blend beautifully they're pigmentedsometimes there's glitters super shockthey have different formulas so I lovethe color story in this palette but Ilove a lot of color pop palettes Ididn't want to sit here and go throughlike 10 same thing with the hooterbeauty I just let know that I liked theformula I like the color story sowhatever color story speaks to you Ithink color pop palettes are beautifullyformulated I do have a code with colorpop it's an affiliate code and it issite-wide now it used to be not oncollabs but it is now so anythingKathleen's makeup Shayla Becky G any ofthat I am Becky G any of that you canuse my code site-wide which i think isgreat and gets you 10% off so this wouldbe my top pick in terms of color storybut really any color pop eyeshadows Ilove I have a one kind of finisher ortopper that I'm wearing on my lid rightnow that I cannot get enough of andthese are from artist Couture they'rethe diamond lights finishers these areso pretty I'm wearing diamond bronzeright now and I have golden hour also Isee girl I think I have like four ofthese these are so beautiful you don'tneed a glitter glue you don't needanything but your finger or broI'm gonna swatch for you so they lookkind of crumbly in the pan we're not inthe pan and the little jar there like aloose pigment and then when you applythem I mean wow you could use these as ahighlight as wellso this one is Golden Hour and then theone I'm wearing is Diamond bronze let meswatch it for you so here is the diamondbronze which is on my lid and thengolden our beautiful you guys honest toGod if you just have like a matteeyeshadow palette but you want somethingto beef it up these are beautiful why doI always say beef it up it kind ofgrosses me out whenever I say that I'mthinking of like a cow like if you wantto amp it up and make it look morebeautiful and iridescent and you justfeel like your looks are kind oflackluster these are incredible they dohave a set right now I can't rememberwhich shade I think it's golden hour andit comes with their new gloss that isbeautiful it's like a nude gloss so I'lllink that down below as well it's areally good deal but these are sobeautiful you can use them as highlightsin her corner on the lid love thesemoving onto mascara I have one to talkabout I really love the Too Faced damngirl but then this one came along anddethroned her even though I still dolike herthis is the Javan she volume disturbiamascara oh my word this makes my lashesactually show up which is like theimpossible okay this has done more formy lashes than any other mascara Icannot even tell you I did a video and Iwas like looking in the viewfinder andI'm like you can see my lashes like itwas insanity so this is top drawer it'sreplaced everything else I'm obsessedwith it it has that really kind ofplastic spiky wand that almost like youcan feel it on your lashes and you'relike woah like it kind of like ticklesyour eyelid but this is such a goodmascara I just think that this does morefor my lashes than any other mascaraI've ever tried so this is my top pickif you wanted to look for a mascara andyou really struggle and you just likedon't have much to work with check thisone outmoving on to setting sprays I have twothat I want to talk about this one isthe Catrice HD active freezing spray Iam down to here this is super affordablethey say this is a long lasting one andit's not and I think that's why it haskind of weird reviews this is truly ahydrating setting spray ifjust really gives you that dewy lookmelts your powders in it's superaffordable and almost out and I willrepurchase and then also the force Ollyfarce Ollyrose-gold skin mist I love this this ismy second bottle and I'm down to herebeautiful hydrating again very similarthey both do similar things you don'tsee any of the gold flecks or anythinglike that it just really melts into theskin these are beautiful setting spraysmy top two picks moving into lips I'mreally gonna narrow this down to thebest of the best because I love lipproducts and I could go on for days myfavorite lip liner right now is the meltcosmetics lip liners so I have two hereI have foxy and headbang I'm wearingfoxy right now and then head bang isright here head bang is a great kind ofwarm nude if you don't know where to goI would go for head bangthese are dupes literally it has to bethe same formula as the Pat McGrath lipliners I think I even prefer these alittle bit more and then I have foxy onright now which is more cool toned so itreally gives you that contoured lookthese are long-lasting very creamy theydon't tug they're easy to get thatprecision I love these like I'm seriousI love these I purchased these myselfand I'm obsessed so if you're lookingfor a beautiful lip liner that's creamybut where's a good amount of time youcan shade in your lips beautiful shadesI would start with headbang and if youwant more of a cool tone contour go forfoxy in terms of lipstick I had a fewformulas I want to mention so this oneis the Bullitt lipstick choice for methis is the Frankie rose cosmetics andthis is the shade apricot or apricot I'mwearing this right now and every time Iwear this on Instagram everybody's likewhat are you wearingwhat's on your lips this is a greatformula it's not super drying it's notslippy slide II it stays on for a goodamount of time beautiful beautiful colorso I had to mention this because this istop drawer it was in my purse actuallybecause I love it this would be one thatI would take with me because I want toreapply itso this shade apricot I adore in termsof liquid lipstick I'm realizing that Ilike different unique formulas more sothan the typical like dry down liquidlipstick formula that we used to see sothis first product is clay 2po I knowit's expensive but you guys the shadethis is theget cream crush radiant liquid Rougematte I am in love with this formulawhen I first watched it I was like oohthat's dry it's not super crazypigmented but you guys this lasts on thelips so well it's not drying it doesn'tgive you that but whole lip which I knowwe all hate like that line in the middleof your lips this is such a long we're abeautiful comfortable product so whenyou touch it there is a little bit oftransfer because it's not like full drydown matte but it looks matte on thelips it has like a mousse II feel to itso beautiful I love this formula I optedfor this over any of like that reallydrawing like the a BH or anything likethat because I feel like they get reallycrumbly and crusty and long-term I justwouldn't choose those because I feellike they would just crumble off rightget that line and this is a safe bet towear all day and you can reapply it Ilove this I know it's pricey but this isone of my top picks for the year my nextpick are the new Patrick taw lip creamsI have she's unapologetic she'sindependent right here these are a satinkind of liquid lipstick so very verypigmented and they do not dry down liketo a matte so these are reallycomfortable if you can't get on boardwith the super matte lips I wouldrecommend checking these out highpigment I would go in store if you canor research the shades that you wantbecause they all kind of have a veryunique undertone to them so this isshe's independent which is more Brownand then she's unapologetic which islike a light kind of pinky shade veryvery pretty I love these these arebeautiful to kind of put in the centerof your lips and blend out they have agood wear time on them again they willtransfer though because they have ahydrating feel to them so they're notlike the suction dried down my lastlipstick pick is the Lime Crime plushiesI love this I love rosebud these arelike a watery stain again super thinformula and they leave this beautifulcolor on your lips and because they'reso thin they don't bunch up you don'tget that line and they're so comfortableso right here I have theshade rosebud which is my favorite andthen I also have Turkish Delight so theyalso do have like nude shades they havea ton of different shades these arestunningso maybe I'm kind of into the morehydrating or the thin formulas becausethey're really thick pigmented kind ofcolors just get so thick and then I getthat line and they crack these do not dothis this is like a stain almost and itgives me kind of that popsicle lip I cando like a really brown nude lip linerand then I put rosebud in the center andI love it in terms of lip gloss I stillam in love with my k'kaw glosses I stilllove the bronze the super nude I'mobsessed so I didn't want to berepetitive but my new kind of favorite Ireally like this but I have to say it'svery thick like she thick girl like ifyou don't like sticky thick do not buythese but if you like like a maclipglass something that's gonna hang onforever the Alamar cosmetics the colorsare so pretty so here's the shade cokeEtta and this is what I have on on topof that Franky rose lipstick these arehigh shine I love the colors and then Ialso have I think I have all the shadesactually this is chula which is a reallylight like little goes a long way theseare really pigmented oh my gosh theseare so beautiful though I just love theformula they give you those blastsreally like juicy lips again very stickyvery thick but I enjoy that they justmake your lips look so juicy and theyhang on forever like these are a longlasting because they're not like an oilthey're not like a bomb these are thicksticky but I love that formula so theseare probably like one of my top picksthese in the k'kaw glosses are probablymy top picks so I have three brushesthat changed my makeup game this yearand I have to talk about them I neverreally was a believer in the high-endbrushes and now I feel like some of themare overpriced but some of them reallyare so worth it the standout brush forme this year that I had to talk about isthe Soniaji face one this brush isincredible I honestly have never felt asofter brush this is perfectfor if you go overboard with your youknow contour or your blush and you wantto blend it out if you want to set yourface with powder if you want to touch upthis brush is the softest brush I'veever feltI loved the Kevin of Kwan I think it waslike having a Quan powder brush thisblows it out of the water it's expensivebut it's so worth it I use it everysingle day you guys I'm not kiddingevery single day since I got it I want abackup like that's how much I love it soI just use it to you know touch-up I useit to set my face if I'm not using asponge I'll just use this all over thisbrush is incredible it's so worth theinvestmentI've used some other Soniaji brushes andI thought they were nice but this onestands out to me it's top drawer one ofmy favorite brushes this next brush isfrom chicka hodo and this is the t2 facepowder brush I am in love with thisbrush for bronzing something about thisyou could use it for blush bronzerreally a ton of different things I justfeel like this blends my powder in sowell I was having issues with patchycontour patchy bronzer and this solvedthat for me it's so soft I use it everysingle time I do my bronzer now and Ijust really think it makes a differencein blending things out I have a cheekbrush from them like a blush brush and Ido like it but this stands out to mejust helps me get rid of that patchinessand that's skipping for my contourbronzer you could use this for blush youcould use it to powder your face I justthink it's really worth the investmentit just blends like a dream and then thelast brush I've mentioned before is theChicka hodo contour brush this is themost interesting brush probably in mycollection it is so small but it isincredibly soft and I've shown this anddemoed it in videos but I just kind ofapply my contour I don't use this everyday I use it for like full glam if I'mfilming stuff like that but I apply mycontour and I just kind of blend it backand forth and then I sweep up to reallyblend it up and this gives you that likesharp chiseled contour look it's so softI can't even begin to describe itbecause it just blends everything out soagain no skipping no patchinessI just think this is a game changer whenII thought this shape is so bizarre likehow is this gonna work but it's so softthat it really just buffs and you canjust buff it up and make sure thatthere's not like a harsh line but youstill get that really sharp effect so inan effort to not make this video so longso I feel like it's already crazy long Iwill link down below like shampoosolaplex my purple shampoo the stuff thatI use cuz I've mentioned this in mySephora recommendations video so I don'twant to be repetitive so I'll link thosedown below but I have one hair tool thatI've gotten since then or I purchasedsince then and I'm obsessed with so asyou guys know I've been kind of waitingmy hair a lot recently I just feel likeit's super easy it lasts for a coupledays I really like the style of it so Ioriginally bought a hair like a threebarrel hair waver off Amazon and itwould not heat up it would like heat upand then stop working in the middle ofme doing my hair I would have to holdthe clamp down for like 20 seconds toget it to do anything took forever itjust kept turning on and off it wasn'tworking and I was frustrated and I waslike you know what I'm gonna go aheadand get the expensive one this is fromAmica so you can get this at Sephora andthis is their 3 barrel waver which ishow I have my hair styled right now andwhenever you see my hair like this thisis amazingI don't even turn it on the highestsetting I believe it goes up to like 400or 450 even I keep it on 180 the lowestsetting it heats up quickly it neverstops working and I literally just holdit 1 2 3 and then I go down 1 like thisis so fast it's worth the money for mebecause it's functional it heats upquickly it works quickly I have it on myhair for less time at a lower settingthe other one I would like Jack up to450 and I was like it's not hot like itwasn't working and I was like forgetthis like I know that sometimes youdon't want to spend a lot of money on aproduct and I totally get thatbut for me it not working I wastedwhatever it was $30 on it and I couldn'tget my money back like it just wasn'tworking so I would rather invest insomething that works because I do stylemy hair like this a lot so I had to talkabout this I purchased this myselfabsolutely swear by this if you wantyou know the crimped hair it's notcrimped the wave tear that everybody'skind of wearing latelythis is my top pick of course you canget a more affordable option but I frommy experience it didn't work it was likebreaking and it just wouldn't heat upand I would spend like 45 minutes tryingto do this with this I can do my hair inlike 15 and to wrap this up I almostforgot to talk about perfume but I haveone that I've really been loving ofcourse there's a bunch that I like but Idon't want to be here forever and theone that I would recommend if you justwant like a sweet just like cozy scentthat works anytime you never get aheadache I love this so this is theariana grande cloud perfume I purchasedthe small spray size and it's abouthalfway done so I went ahead and gotthis well I don't think it's the fullsize this is the one ounce because Ihave so many perfumes I didn't want toget like the 3.4 ounce one first of allthe packaging is beautiful but this isso yummyit has pear in it has vanilla it hascoconut it's just like a musky sweetscent it's not super super fruity it'smore of like that coconut vanilla Iabsolutely love this never gives me aheadacheI just feel like the smells incredibleyou can mix this with other perfumes Ilike to mix so this is my top pick rightnow I just find every time I sit down atmy vanity I want to spray this on me cuzit just makes me feel good so I thinkwe're finally to the end of the best of2019 these are the products that standout to me that I reach for more thananything elsethere's so many products to choose frombut these are like the best of the bestso if I didn't talk about a product Imight link it down below it's like anhonorable mention because I really thisvideo is gonna be so long and I'm gonnatry to like keep it short as I can or asshort as I can so I'll have everythinglinked down below thank you guys so muchfor watching let me know if you triedthese products or what your Holy Grailczar for the yearcheck out Beauty stat that vitamin Cserum has changed my skin I'm tellingyou thank you guys again so much forwatching I'll see you guys in the nextvideoyou


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24.97 Commission!!! How To Flip Websites Home Study Course

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Internet Marketing Articles – Slow Down, Step Back, and Take a Deep Breath

By Dan Iverson | Submitted On February 24, 2008

Expert Author Dan Iverson

I guess one of the reasons that I love article marketing so much is that it helped me to stop and think a little about the many online business opportunities that I was looking at. It’s as simple as this, when you write, you have to stop and think about what you are going to say. This forces you to look at it more objectively.

Objectively speaking, it doesn’t take long, before you find it hard to write anything at all if you’re not really on board in the first place. It takes even less time if you don’t really understand how the marketing or compensation plans actually work. I recently read an email that reminded me of some things I had written when I built my first website.

I had just interviewed over one hundred people that were looking for or had just started a home based business and I was a little disappointed at how, I am not sure of the best way to say this, misinformed all of these people were. I decided to try to write a guide that might help other people get a little better understanding of the basics of business.

Anyway, the email I just read contained a series of questions that I think do a better job than anything I tried to write. So I thought I would share the questions with you — hoping they might help you make an informed decision about any online business opportunity you might be looking at.

Is the business you are considering delivering a real product or service?

Does the product or service help people achieve meaningful goals?

Do you understand how the business works? (The marketing, the compensation)

Can you explain the business to your best friend easily and be comfortable?

WOULD you share the business with your best friend and still be friends afterwards?

If you answered yes to all of these questions you may have the beginnings of a real business.

If not, run.

I want to thank Charlie P. for the questions, and the inspiration.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He’ll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That’s right, click on this link and you’ll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free [http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html]. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques. [http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dan_Iverson/146624


10 Best eCommerce WordPress Themes [2019]

What if I told you you could build a custom, stylish eCommerce site with no coding knowledge?That’s right folks, today’s list looks at 10 WordPress themes that you can drag and drop to ecommerce website perfection.All items featured today are available with a subscription to Envato Elements.Find the link in the description below.Adiva by joommasters offers 10 different homepage layouts to choose from, with bold slider options to greet visitors to your store.Wishlist and shopping cart notification badges and subtle hover animations help complete the package.Trendify by KL-Webmedia is a fashion-forward theme with six homepage options that are perfect for a clothing or accessory shop.Responsive design ensures your site will run beautifully on desktops, tablets and phones.Responsive design ensures your site will run beautifully on desktops, tablets and phones.This theme is great if you get decision fatigue with design options and just want a reliable store without all the fuss.EOVO by ArrowHiTech is crammed with 11 homepages and three shop layouts, each with a distinctly different feel.Start your visitors off on an elegant landing page where they can learn more about your company’s story,or get straight down to business with a grid of new and popular items.Built with a luxury goods store in mind, Gem by torbara will dazzle your customers with its sleek elements and less-is-more layout.The soft-toned color design can act as an ideal backdrop to complement your high-end products.Minimalism is the name of the game with Maison by ApusTheme, which offers up five home page designs and a variety of shop layouts to pick from.Harness the power of white space to present your products with an air of confidence and sophistication.Put a smart-casual, quasi-hipster spin on your fashion or electronics store with Raboda by roadthemes.The seven pre-defined homepage layouts will help you hit the ground running,while a smorgasbord of icons, sidebar options, and color presets will get your store the rest of the way into its niche.If “option overload” is an oxymoron to you, then you’re gonna love Zuka by LA-Studio.The theme comes with more than ten homepage styles and header designs, and a whole range of shop and product pages for everything from department stores,to beauty shops, to organic healthfood marketplaces.Seese by VictorThemes offers design options that’ll display your home and lifestyle products without stealing attention from them.Fire up this theme to stylishly show off your boutique collection both as a group and on chic single-product pages.LA-Studio caps our list today with Oasis, a versatile theme that’s brimming with style and functionality.Simplify site navigation with a powerful mega menu right out of the box,and help customers find exactly what they’re looking for with an intuitive and detailed product filter in the sidebar.An included step-by-step guide for shop setup is the icing on the cake.That about does it for our list of the 10 best ecommerce WordPress themes for 2019.You’ll find links to all the items featured in this video in the description below.Did we leave out any of your favorite themes?Let us know in the comments, and make sure to like and subscribe if you found this video helpful.And if you’re game for more, check out this next video from Envato, selected just for you.


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The Unholy Trinity – 3 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing to Avoid

By Kevin W. C. | Submitted On March 17, 2013

Expert Author Kevin W. C.

Many people hear rumours about the fast, easy and excellent income that is possible with internet marketing. They get excited and jump on the bandwagon to start an online business themselves. Some pay a steep tuition fee and invest in workshops promising an easy system and website setup. Others embark on a never ending journey to ‘learn’ how to “do things”. Soon frustration sets in as results are not seen or slow. Eventually, a majority just decide that it was a mistake, just too hard, an expensive lesson or a mis-investment and drop out. There are many reasons for this but the deadliest are these 3.

Easy Money mind set. Many people do not know that making money; yes even internet marketing, takes effort. They have the delusion that the only ‘work’ required is to go to the bank to withdraw the money that they made. This cannot be any further from the truth!

Like all other businesses, internet marketing requires some ground work to be done even before launching. Research into the correct niche, setup of the proper website system, obtaining and organizing content and the continuous process of traffic generation just to name a few.

The Never Ending Research and Learning trap. This is another one of those ‘bumps’ that almost everyone who tries internet marketing will face. There is almost a guaranteed certainty that someone new to online marketing feels overwhelmed by the huge amount of knowledge and skill necessary to set things up. It is more than likely that people will attempt to learn every single detail before taking the leap to actually start the business.

Yes, it is true that research and learning is essential before starting up an online business. But at some point, you will need to take the necessary actions to actually do something and get the business running. The actions taken can be small and slow. But isn’t it better to go slow than to have no progress at all? The truth is that the learning will never end. You will pick up new ideas and skills as you go along.

Then there is the big one – Procrastination. This is the mother of all reasons that people fail! There are a whole lot more people who want to start an online business then we are aware of. Many of these people know exactly what needs to be done and probably even have the skills and know-how to do it. Unfortunately they wait and do nothing. Procrastination turbo charges all excuses that people have and creates a trap that very few can escape from.

Before starting the business, ask yourself what are the real reasons that you want to do it? If the reasons are not clear, then there is no drive to get the momentum you need to make any progress. Once you know the reasons, it makes it easy to gauge how badly you want to succeed in internet marketing. This in turn helps you to set goals that will pave the way to a successful online business. From here, you can even go a step further by often reminding yourself of the very reasons you are in the internet business. Some examples are to use the computer’s desktop wallpaper, paste pictures or notes on the dressing mirror, anything… as long as you see it often.

The reality is that there are thousands of reasons people give for their failure in internet marketing. These are nothing more than excuses. Very often whatever the excuse, it is a subset of the 3 deadly ‘sins’ in internet marketing as discussed above. Now that you know it, remind yourself every time you find yourself wondering off your path in your journey. Train yourself to be aware and you would have moved that much closer to a successful internet business.

Kevin W. C. is an Online Marketing [http://www.midas-wealth.com/a/art3.html] expert. Equip yourself with his tips and tricks to sidestep the 3 deadly sins of internet marketing from the following site [http://www.midas-wealth.com/a/art3.html]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kevin_W._C./1479638


Top Ecommerce Platforms [2019] Speed Dating Style

top ecommerce platforms so
congratulations to finally needing ane-commerce platform today I'm going to
cover my top 20 best online storebuilders it's gonna be kind of like a
speed dating for online platforms solet's get into that right nowbefore we continue take a quick second and subscribe to the channel so you'll be
notified every timeI put out a new video also make sure and watch this video to the end because I'm going todiscuss a couple of e-commerce platforms
that are kind of sleepers that youwouldn't think of also I'm going to show
you which two platforms I use to getresults like this in online sales okay
not all online platforms are createdequally obviously and depending on what
it is you are trying to achieve it'sgoing to dictate what kind of e-commerce
platform you're going to choose ifyou're a local Baker who really just
needs to have some local presence andnot a lot of online e-commerce Elling
and to use the entire breadth of appsthat are available to you then something
as inexpensive or easy to use as Wix orWeebly might be your solution but if
you're a big store who's looking for achange and moving over to a more robust
platform then maybe something likeMagento might be for you so it all
depends on what you're trying to dolet's start my list and this is in no
particular order but let's start my listwith big commerce so with any website
builder ecommerce platform I think whatyou really need to if you want to boil
down what it is you're looking for youwant to make sure that it has
ease-of-use for you the end user areyou're going to need to hire a technical
manager or somebody to come in and dothis or is this something that you can
handle so ease of use is a big one thesecond one is security you have to make
sure that your website is secure becausethe bigger you get the more interest you
get the more attention you draw frompeople that are trying to hack your
business so security is number two andnumber three is speed really it all
comes down to speed these days mobileusers especially will leave your site if
something isn't working the way theythink it should within about three
secondsso speed ease-of-use and security and
BigCommerce has all three of thoseoptions
I would certainly rank BigCommerce veryvery high on my list from anywhere from
a first-time novice user all the way upto an experienced pro so big promise
makes the cut on my top 20 list the nexton my list is Shopify now Shopify hits
all of those same metrics thatbigcommerce does especially with the big
three ease of use site speed andsecurity they handle all that stuff on
the back end I actually did a completevideo guide on BigCommerce versus
Shopify should be a card somewhere inthe upper corner of this video if you
want a more detailed video explanationabout those two platforms these two
platforms but Shopify hits all of thesame markers that BigCommerce does I
think that you could go with either oneof these guys and not hit any kind of
hurdle with setting up an e-commercestore especially one that you're looking
for long-term growth and usability ifthey have a ton of apps that are
available to available to them asthird-party plugins so you the sky's the
limit with shopify bigcommerce now thenext on my list is WooCommerceWooCommerce is also one of my favorite
platforms however it is self hosted youhave to have your own website hosting
you have to do your own security andprevent against hackers and the speed is
up to you so and it depends very largelyupon what hosting company that you go
with but WooCommerce provides a ton ofalmost an unlimited set of customization
because it's an open source platform youcan built on WordPress you can virtually
do anything that you can imagine and youcan keep it running fast you can keep it
running secure but to keep it runningit's going to be all up to you so if you
are more comfortable with doing a littlebit of coding and looking up on YouTube
how to videos for WooCommerce then thismight be the platform
for you because it's essentially freeyeah you have to pay for hosting but
hosting packages are far less than whatShopify or big commerce packages start
at so I really like WooCommerce I havesome low commerce stores running today
as I do with the other platforms butWooCommerce definitely makes the cut on
my top 20 list all right coming in nexton my list is 3d cart a 3d cart has been
around for a long time since about 1997I believe and they were one of the
pioneers for this software as-a-serviceonline store builder ecommerce based
store builder one of their biggestshoutouts is their claim to fame is that
they are super SEO friendly and thattheir stores rank higher due to SEO
performance then most other of thebuilder platform services like we just
talked about you know it's it is a userfriendly system their site speed is
adequate in my opinion although I havenot used 3d car in a long time so it's
on the lower end of the pricing programsfor some of these other platforms but it
makes my top 20 list for surenext on my list is Magento Magento has
been around for a long long time but itis another self-hosted type of platform
just like WooCommerce or WordPress inthat you're gonna need your own hosting
to run it now it is an Adobe companyAdobe acquired them some years back so
if you're a big fan of Adobe thenthere's a leg up for you they do have
free options available but Magento to meseems a little clunky you really need to
have some resources in place to reachout and have help with the technical
aspects because Magento can be a littlecumbersome in my opinion but it is very
much soscaled at our focused at scaling and
towards large business structuresobviously you can use it for a beginning
startup and growth but you're reallygoing to need to have some resources in
place to run the technical side ofMagento ok next on my list is PrestaShop
PrestaShop has both a software as aservice solution like a Shopify and it
has a self hosted solution like aWooCommerce so they do have a variety of
options that will appeal to just abouteveryone and they do have a lower price
point option so if price point issomething that you're concerned with yet
you still want an expanded option ofthemes and resources and apps and things
like that then PrestaShop woulddefinitely be one to at least explore on
your way to making a decisionok next on my list is Squarespace
Squarespace is a pretty big known namebrand you've probably seen their
commercials on the Superbowl and etcthey've been around since about 2004 or
so and they're a software-as-a-servicecompany so everything is hosted with
them shopping cart everything isincluded with their system and it is
pretty easy to use I've seen some reallyelegant looking Squarespace websites
that have been put out but they'resquarely focused squarely focused get it
on e-commerce and if you choose themI don't think that it would be a bad
choice at all okay next on my list isVolusion Volusion is a
software-as-a-service it is a hostedoffering so they take care of everything
the shopping cart they have apps themesyou know it's just a plug in play and
show sort of deal in my opinion I thinksorry the Volusion guys but in my
opinion I think that there are at theirprice point a lot of other systems like
Shopify or big commerce that reallywould be a more seamless or initial
choice than starting with Volusion butit is worthy enough to make my top 20
listokay so next on my list is Weebly Weebly
is a super easy drag-and-drop build yourown theme deal they have some themes
that you can plug in obviously a fewlittle apps and things like that but
Weebly is going to be on your moresimple end of the choice spectrum they
also offer a free version of Weebly itis not super robust but if you're just
looking for something that is free andyou're just starting out
Weebly might be a choice for you if youmaybe have one or two products only in
your store that you're trying to promoteset up with the free option and give
weekly Weebly a try okay and next on mylist is Wix Wix is very very much like
Weebly they offer a free version it is adrag-and-drop interface it it's almost
exactly like Weebly the thing that Idon't like about Wix is it doesn't SEO
really well it's not really SEO friendlya lot of the site links are specific to
Wix and not specific to your SEO thingsthat you're trying to accomplish
so I would not put Wix high on my listjust like I wouldn't we bleep but that's
because I am where I am with mye-commerce journey so I'm a little more
advanced than these guysbut it's nice to have a free website
builder platform in your back pocket tochoose if you choose to choose if you
choose to choose fromand next on my list is x-cart x-cart is
one of the older platforms you can seeright here it's been around since 2001
so going on 18 years of being in themarket x-cart has they boast about the
the cost of ownership for theirparticular platform you just pay a
one-time licensing fee for their systemhowever you do have to have your own
hosting so there will be an Associatedcost with that also there is some range
of technical aspects that you're gonnahave to be comfortable with with x-cart
so knowing that going in it is not astaples easy button push-button solution
like some of the first options on mylist okay next on my list is ecwid and
ecwid is kind of a unique platform theyhave traditional online software as a
service programs that you would expectand they have free ones they start with
free that are pretty robust but whatmakes ecwid unique is that if you
already have an online presence andyou're looking to add a shopping cart to
it a mobile arena a platform ecommerceplatform to your existing website say
you had a nice thirty thousand dollarwebsite built for you five years ago but
it does have does not have any commercecapability you could simply go with
ecwid and that kind of adds on ane-commerce layer to your existing set up
which is certainly nice to have forfolks that haven't had any e-commerce
capabilities in the past okay next on mylist is a bot a cart now they have a
solution very similar to the previousone that I mentioned ecwid and that
allows you to set up says right here youcan sell on your existing website quick
and easy so again if you have anexisting website that does not have an
e-commerce solution you can implement abhante cart right into that and
instantly be selling online probably oneof the biggest hurdles with these guys
is that it takes some technical liftingto get this thing implemented so you
would definitely need to hire some sortof webmaster or program
to implement a bhante cart but theirsolution is definitely sound and sound
enough to make my top 20 listokay next on my list is Big Cartel so
basically if you are in the cartel thisis the e-commerce platform for you
kidding Big Cartel has free options theyare pretty much software as a service so
it's hosted online just plug and playand you can tap right into instantly
having an e-commerce platform they havesome nice-looking templates so Big
Cartel if you're looking for especiallya low you know free entry points
ecommerce platform you could certainlyconsider Big Cartel although it is not
the most robust package at the freelevel you certainly look at exploring
Big Cartelokay next on my list is Drupal Drupal
Commerce Drupal is a online self hostedmeaning you have to host it yourself
open source platform just like WordPressWordPress and Drupal were the big two
years and years and years agoI think Drupal has fallen off a little
bit just by the rise in popularity ofWooCommerce but certainly they have a
very sound back in open sourcetechnology and Drupal chrome Drupal
commerce is a nice complement to that sothey have free options available you
have to get your own hosting andprobably need to get a webmaster to help
set it all up for you but if you areinterested again in a free open-source
version of e-commerce platform thenDrupal certainly should be one of your
top couple considerations for youre-commerce platform next on my list is
GoDaddy so GoDaddy ecommerce GoDaddywouldn't be my first choice but they are
so heavily infused in or dominant in thedomain name space that so many people
have accounts with GoDaddy and the nicething about GoDaddy is you know that
they are going to be around for a longtime a lot of these little website
builder platforms they rise and thenthey fall and they close down so where
does that leave you it leaves you withneeding to export all of your
information and find a new host andmaybe that's why you're watching this
particular video butback to Go Daddy go daddy is one it's
not the most intuitive website builderalthough they tout it to be and it may
have improved over the last few yearshas certainly been three or four years
since I've used it last for a client andI wasn't the happiest with it then but I
think it's worthy enough noteworthyenough to mention on my top 20 list due
to the fact that they're such a big namein the space ok next on my list is moon
fruit moon fruit they have a very ifvery sleek sophisticated looking
websites that they put out it is hostedso they take care of the security and
the speed and things of that nature butthey do also have free options available
again any free hosted software as aservice program that you look into is
not going to be the most robust but itis nice to have that option especially
when you're small and starting out youjust need to be sure that you can grow
into all of the feature sets and thingsthat these platforms offer but moon
fruit would definitely be a good one tolook at to start out with next on my
list is open cart open cart again is aopen source ecommerce platform very much
like Magento or WooCommerce and thelikes you'll need your own hosting so
that'll be a cost but open cart has avery neat and robust service set you can
see with their dashboard and all kindsof management extensions that they have
Open Cart would definitely be one tolook at they have what I do like about
them is they have a lot of videos toreally help you get off the ground and
get started without the need it istechnical but without the need of
potentially hiring a web host or sorry awebmaster to help you get this thing up
and running so opencart makes my top 20list
next on my list is ultra cart ultra cartmakes my top 20 list as a self-hosted
got to host it yourselfplatform it is squarely designed at
small businesses and one-man shops it isfairly easy to get up and running and
make all kinds of modifications andchanges as you go but you know again
anything that's self hosted you're goingto need to be sure that speed and
security of your hosting package thatyou select is paramount so you really
want to make sure that you have thosethings dialed in so that a solution like
ultra cart would run really good for youand last on my list is Yola now Yola is
a hosted solution they do have freeofferings so again if it's a budget
minded decision that you're going afterthen Yola might just be for you it is
certainly worth making my top 20 listand it's worth a minute to peruse their
feature set and see if it's somethingthat appeals to you but Yola is yet
another website ecommerce builderplatform that you might not have thought
of in the first place so rounding out mylist at number 20 Yola hey if you've
made it this far all the way to the endthen be sure and subscribe to my channel
also I have a free ebook on how tolaunch knockout products on Amazon you
can click it free and instant accessjust click the link below in the
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