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Sylvie Fortin Confronts More Internet Marketing Sins

By Rahul Majumdar | Submitted On March 30, 2009

Expert Author Rahul Majumdar

The final part of Sylvie Fortin’s “Internet Marketing Sins” is a two and a half hour slideshow, organized in manageable chunks that retain their flavor even if you need multiple sittings to digest it all. Bringing voice to such an incendiary industry topic brings authenticity to Fortin’s rant and shows the audience that she is not hiding behind her words. Fan and foe alike can dissect their meaning and react accordingly.

“You are responsible for your own actions.”

Internet Marketing Sins – Part 3 is subdivided as follows to whet your appetite:

  1. Teleseminar Idiots.
  2. Brainless Freebie Seekers.
  3. Coaching Addicts.
  4. Time Sucking Vampires.
  5. Slave Owners.

Fortin doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to destructive internet marketing practices. Want to ride the “Expert” interview wave to untold riches? Think again. Sylvie advises us to first build our subscriber lists and use our creativity to stand out in a well-defined niche. Only after building some independent cash flow and establishing your reputation should you consider approaching established marketers.

Seriously, the “gurus” have all the leverage, i.e:

Time, content, experience, knowledge, resources… and a list!

Conversely, you have nothing in the beginning. Without anything tangible to offer them, you are at best a potential affiliate with no customers. If you are solely dependent on other people’s stuff, you lose. Plain and simple.

Sylvie skewers “free” learning; while some generic skills can be developed without great effort, it’s only when you invest your time and money in serious skills that serious results occur. To truly learn for free, concentrate on one or two important activities (i.e. blogs, articles, video marketing, etc.) and take massive action!

Taking from One Hand, Stealing with the Other…

There are many unscrupulous cyberspace “coaches” who will gladly take your money without earning it. At the same time, many coaching students fail to follow a systematic approach after acquiring legitimate course material. So, to improve the value and payback of Internet Marketing coaching, Sylvie advises legitimate mentors to refuse and even refund money to cut out problematic students as soon as possible. On the other hand, buyers should take the initiative to work their courses studiously and diligently.

It’s not all Gloom and Doom.

Contrary to what you may think, Fortin agrees that money is a good thing. After all, we need it to satisfy our basic needs and participate in life’s various pleasures. However, she advises that making a buck should not compromise basic human values and customer relationships. Decision-making that improves the bottom line is part of business life, but the trick is to make sound, ethical choices. Acknowledge those who help you get to where you want to go, and be good.

Sylvie Fortin is optimistic about building and growing your online business in the midst of the current worldwide recession. Why? Personal experience – Sylvie’s business actually increased during the last recession; conversion rates went up, and refund rates decreased.


Beware of pesky customers who waste your time by moving away from product-related queries. Purchases and follow-up support do not entitle them to free coaching. Use effective outsourcing to delegate non-core tasks, and pay fair prices to retain good contractors. These are just some of the essential nuggets offered by Sylvie Fortin. While “Internet Marketing Sins” continues to raise the ire of some, most serious online entrepreneurs would be wise to heed its advice moving forward.

To read and listen to Sylvie Fortin’s “Internet Marketing Sins”, visit:

Rahul Majumdar is a full-time Information Marketing Specialist and author of Barack Obama: From Obscurity to the Presidency [].

Copyright © 2009 – Info-entrepreneur RM. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article provided you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, give author name credit and follow all’s Terms of Service for Publishers.

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What are the hottest trends in e-commerce in 2019?

[Music][Music]you[Music]I think the biggest trend and by that Imean sort of tension that we're gonna becontending with in 2019 is Big Data andby that I mean how we personalize theonline experience with the data pointsthat we have and by trend I also meangolly sort of pros and cons so theconsumer experience can be tracked canbe measured in so many ways and you haveall these tools that do that you canfrom the basic you know algorithmssaying recommended for you topersonalized email marketing to specificlanding pages being customized to usersso a vegetarian might be looking forlooking at knives and they might see animage of a knife chopping a cabbageinstead of a knife chopping a steakright we can be so personalized with bigdata but and people want this peoplereally want this in a cloud IQ studyrecently over over half of people saidthey want personalized shoppingexperiences online but they're alsoafraid of it and so we have the gdpr istaking us for victims we have a similardata privacy law just passed inCalifornia we have more countries andStates looking at data privacy issuesand we also have Cambridge the Cambridgeanalytical scandal which really tookdown Facebook in a way and make peopleeven more afraid of data so people wantit and fear it and I think that is goingto be the biggest thing we're dealingwith in 2019I think perhaps one of the hottestreturns if not the hottest trend is themove to voice for our customers forcustomers overall customers areexpecting that they're going to be ableto search through voice and to interactwith brands through voice as well and wesee that both on the customer the demandside but we also see that a lot ofe-commerce companies are planning tomake their move they're both on themobile side but also on these boys firstplatforms like Alexa and Googleassistants I like the questionbecause it is I mean on the fair hereyou can you can take a walk around andyou see all the OD trends in 2019 oreven further on and what I really thinkin my or my own opinion is that yeahartificial intelligence it is actually amust have at the end of this year andthere are also voice commerce I thinkthat is coming with Alexa with Cortanabut GRE etc there's so much potential ininvoice commerce which some companiesalready use but most of them right startgetting into it so and yeah we have anice pretty showcase with us broughtwith us the hololens where you can seewith the microsoft hololens someapplication and you can take out partsand order single parts out of a completecomplete machine for example increaseimportance of ai and mushroom learningright and this is basically giving thepersonalized content on the websiteprediction analysis for each shoppersright so when the customer will buy nextthis is what I think would would becoming in next year and the third thingI would like to mention is RCS richcommunication services so this issomething like text message but itcontains a rich messaging right soimagine that you can send over differentcolors of the background of the textmessage you can add 100 people to theconversation you can send for exampleclick to action button in the message soI think this is something that Googlehas worked on in the recent you knowthree or four years so I hope it willcoming soon to the market I think itwill be everything around theintelligent customer experienceeverything needs to be tailored aroundthe customer experience we see a lot ofgreat ecommerce players who would tailortheir offerings in order to provide areally great custom expertand to make that intelligent to makethat scalable I think this is one of themain challenges and one of the hottesttrends in 2019 I think this this trendgoal will prevail for a couple of yearsand yeah will be absolutely interestingto see how companies are going to tacklethat topic I think that what we see inthe e-commerce business right now isthat it's going to be quite a narrowfield everybody is going into e-commerceeven if they the companies we used tojust sell in their own channels beforeright I also think that what we see is aSalaamu is a good example of this whereactually a lot of the retailer's want togo more into marketplace action so tospeak in order to be able to handle muchmore products but not necessarily haveto do the fulfillment themselves for myto my point of view I think there are afew interesting trends one trend isabout the growth of the b2b market we'redealing with a lot of b2b customers andthey now heavily investing in in onlineinfrastructure because today they stilldo a lot of a lot of the businessactually offline and I think this is aninteresting moving movement it's alsovery challenging because the purchaseron the other side and your b2b is aprofessional purchaser so they put a lotof let's say high expectation on theexperience and also on the product datawhich we are actually supporting so Ithink everyone is trying to reduce theirstock risk we see shorter and shortercollections thinner and thinner stocksand many retailer is moving into eitherback orders or drop shipping as theirfulfillment methods in a way tocompletely avoid any having any stockmm-hmm so this is pretty tricky but fromour past experience we have some clientsthat asked us the same question or weasked them that same question andbasically the most important thing forthem is to interact with the client sobasically you need to adapt to the needsof the client that's probably the mostimportant thing that we need so how canwe do that we dovia random channel so you have Omnichannels right so basically we are herewith web push notification channel soour successor is email marketing so wego well together with those and we'rekind of the next big thing when it comesto that to just reach a person from adifferent perspective because that's fore-commerce the most important thing isto finalize the person bring them toconvert them and that's how that worksyou


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Ebook Internet Marketing Strategy – 5 Vital Elements Of A Successful Campaign

By Fabian Tan | Submitted On June 09, 2011

Expert Author Fabian Tan

Are you planning your eBook Internet marketing strategy or are planning to do so soon? Planning a strategy to market your ebooks requires a lot of careful thought and decision-making to ensure that your eBook campaign is a success. Writing an eBook takes a lot of hard work, and you will want to make sure it gets into as many hands as possible, as well as making it a profitable venture for you.

Here are 5 vital elements of a successful eBook Internet marketing strategy:

1. A High-Converting Sales Page

Having your own sales page to sell your eBook is very important. The purpose of this page is to sell your ebook, nothing else. It should contain an eyeball-grabbing headline, benefits, a powerful call-to-action and the order button. Getting your own website these days is very easy, as domain registration costs and hosting costs are very low nowadays.

2. An Affiliate Program

Having your own affiliate program can help you to explode your sales exponentially. An affiliate program lets other marketers promote your eBook for a share of the profits, called an affiliate commission. For ebooks, typical commission rates are 50% up to even 75%, but this is because of the low costs involved in producing ebooks. It is worth it to give away 50% of your profits to an affiliate, because it is free advertising for you. They are doing all the hard work in marketing and advertising your ebook, and you only pay commissions when they make sales, which makes it a win-win for everyone.

3. List Building

List building can increase your sales dramatically if you do it right. You can add an opt-in form on your sales page or after your customers order your product, to build a list of subscribers and customers. You can queue up broadcasts which promote your eBook again to those who did not buy it the first time around, and you can also promote other products. The list will probably end up being the most vital asset in your business, so treat it right.

4. Free Traffic

Web traffic is the fuel for any online business. Without traffic, there is no business. Just like an offline store needs foot traffic to survive, an Internet business needs visitors coming in to the website to make sales. Thankfully, there are many methods for getting free traffic to your website online, including article marketing, free classified ads, forum marketing and social media marketing. Study these methods so you can implement your free traffic campaigns.

5. Paid Traffic

The next level of traffic is paid traffic, which allows you to expand your business even further. While free traffic can be great for getting visitors and sales, with paid traffic, you can expand your business faster. With free traffic, you are spending time to acquire that traffic, and we all only have 24 hours a day. However, with paid traffic, you are leveraging your resources to get traffic on autopilot. Some top traffic generation techniques that require funds, but are very profitable, are pay-per-click advertising, email solo advertising, Facebook ads, banner advertising and offline advertising in newsletters and magazines.

Now that you have a good idea of what a successful eBook internet marketing strategy looks like, it’s time to make your name in the online field. Writing your eBook is just the first step. Promoting it is where the rubber meets the road. Are you ready to stand up to the challenge? Then it’s time to start taking massive action!

Discover techniques to implement in your ebook internet marketing strategy [] by downloading your FREE report called “Lazy Traffic Blueprints 2: Discover The Insider Secrets & Tips For Getting 1,000+ Targeted Visitors Per Day!” at []

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Curso Ecommerce do Zero – O Passo a Passo para Iniciar seu Negócio


Quando a gente fala que alguém começou do zero, não significa que essa pessoa não tinha um centavo no bolso. Zero é o ponto zero, é o ponto de partida. Não estou falando que precisa de muito nem de pouco, mas começar sem nem um centavo não dá. Você precisa de capital pra começar esse negócio, mas você pode começar do PONTO ZERO.


Como você faz um planejamento eficiente? Eu quero que você comece com um planejamento bem simples. Você precisa, pra começar, escolhe um nicho de mercado pra você atuar. Links para ideias do que vender e como escolher nicho no final da descrição.

As pessoas acabam procurando fornecedores no Google, mas esse não é o melhor lugar. Tem dois caminhos pra você encontrar fornecedores: online e offline. Procure por essas 4 categorias: fornecedores, distribuidores, importadores e fabricantes.


Você pode começar como MEI ou como Limitada, lembrando da limitação do faturamento.

Faz parte os meios de pagamento e os meios de envio. Você pode utilizar, por exemplo, o Pagseguro como meio de pagamento e os Correios como meio de envio. A maioria das pessoas começa assim. Mas outra opção de envio é usar o Melhor Envio, que tem parceria com os Correios e outras transportadoras.


Os canais de audiência são a parte mais importante do seu negócio, pois é aí que você vai começar a impactar os seus clientes.

Aqui você vai colocar conteúdo relevante para a sua persona, engajar pessoas e construir um relacionamento. Eventualmente, publicar ofertas e vender.

Cria o Instagram, cria a fanpage no Facebook e começa a produzir conteúdo e gerar engajamento e aumentando progressivamente a sua base de fãs.


Você vai construir respostas personalizadas, construir um email profissional, criar listas de transmissão em um Whatsapp empresarial, você vai se relacionar com clientes e com prospectos.

Cria um script pro Whatsapp, cria um momento do dia em que você vai responder todas as suas mensagens no Instagram e no Facebook e se você já está usando sua loja virtual, cria um chat online na sua página. Tem alguns apps que você já consegue ficar online no seu celular, então é bem tranquilo fazer isso.

Com isso rodando 24 horas por dia, você começa naturalmente a vender.


Aqui é a parte que você vai começar a sorrir, porque vai vender bastante. Aqui você vai focar em poucos produtos pra começar. Compra de 1 a 3 produtos pra você criar um marketing mais direcionado e se especializar mais nesses produtos. A variedade você deixa pra depois.


O jeito certo de fazer impulsão é sabendo as métricas que você tem hoje. Se, por exemplo, você vendeu 5 produtos e 100 pessoas viram, você já tem uma métrica e sabe que isso vai se multiplicar. Ou seja, já está funcionando e você vai só impulsionar essas vendas.


Aqui é uma parte mais de mindset. Sem a sua parte, esse conteúdo não vai valer de nada. Existe essa brecha no mercado e a gente quer que você aproveite essas técnicas pra você agir agora. Toda semana praticamente eu gravo um vídeo com um passo a passo pra você fazer alguma coisa. Com esse passo a passo, você pode chegar nos seus primeiros 10 mil reais em 90 dias.

É claro que tem muitos detalhes desse passo a passo, essa aula já ficou um pouco longa. Cada passo desses que eu falei é um módulo do Ecommerce na Prática desdobrado em várias outras aulas pra que você saiba todos os detalhes de cada uma dessas etapas. Lá você vai encontrar tudo que você precisa fazer, inclusive links pra você clicar na tela e ir pras páginas que precisa ir.

Independente disso eu quero que você deixe um comentário. Gostou dessa aula? Fez sentido pra você? Por que você não está agindo agora?


Links citados:

Os 10 Maiores Mercados do Ecommerce no Brasil

O que vender na internet? 67 Ideias para a sua loja virtual



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Internet Marketing Has Tangible Benefits

By Lonnie Minton | Submitted On April 25, 2009

Expert Author Lonnie Minton

You may be involved in an affiliate internet business to make money online but you will find that the marketing rules are the same no matter how big or small your business. Let’s look at some of the tangible benefits of internet marketing.

The dictionary uses the following terms to define tangible:

a. that can be touched or felt

b. definite

c. objective

d. assents having real substance

f. able to be appraised for value

Let’s use that definition, the terms, to examine the tangible benefits or results of internet marketing:

a. That can be touched or felt.

Here are some ways to make your online business yours, something that you can touch and feel. Something that reflects you and what are trying to do in your online business.

1) brand your product,

2) determine your target audience and how they relate to your product or products,

3) obtain sales (that means that you get to feel the income) and build a relationship with your customers, and

4) turn customers into repeat customers.

Internet marketing is very effective in allowing you to implement all of these areas.

b. Definite.

The very definition of internet marketing provides a definite benefit to your efforts to make money online.

The definition is simple. It is you placing your business or products on the world wide web, or internet as we generally refer to it today. Once there the potential for millions of internet users to become your costumers exists. You benefit by turning your web presence into a definite tool to maximize your sales and increase your business potential.

c. Objective.

In order for your online business to be successful you must do more than just establish a definite presence on the internet. You need online goals. You need to establish an objective and/or objectives for your business. Now that may be as simple as to make money online. And that is OK, but refine it a bit to say how much, over what timeframe, and the process you will use to accomplish your goals.

Other objectives might include; establishing that there is a need for your service or product, how will you advertise your product, will you use a normal website or a blog, will you try to make all the sales of your product yourself or turn it into an affiliate product as well, etc.?

d. Assents having real substance.

Your online presence or website/blog is an assert and it must contain real substance; that translates to content. if you are using a blog, for example, it must provide useful and pertinent information to your readers.

Your eBook or whatever your product is must have substance that is perceived by your customer as something that he can truly use in his own efforts or maybe just something that will make him more content with life. He must feel that your product will in some way enhance his quality of life. Maybe it will help to make him more healthy, wealthy, etc.

f. Able to be appraised for value.

You must do more than just advertise your product online. Your marketing efforts must include communicating with your customers. They must perceive that your product is valuable for them; but, they must also perceive that your follow up with them is of value. If they do not, you will not have repeat customers.

That is one of the main asserts of any affiliate internet business online. There is a lot of detail to it but it is called list building. As you build your list and your subscribers or current customers come to realize that you are giving them value some of them will buy again.

You won’t need a lot of money to make internet marketing work for you, but you will need to insure that your products and the information that you provide result in tangible benefits for your potential customers. That in turn will provide tangible benefits for you and your efforts to make money online.

Lonnie Minton writes about Promoting Affiliate Programs and Affiliate Marketing in his newsletter, eCourses, and eBooks. Visit his blog at [] Sign up for his Promoting Affiliate Programs Ezine at [] Copyright 2009 by Lonnie Minton, All rights reserved.

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