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Internet Marketing System – 3 Fool Proof Tips For the Best Internet Marketing System

By Vern How Chan | Submitted On January 22, 2009

Expert Author Vern How Chan

What Does It Take To Run The Best Internet Marketing System For Today?

Many web experts argue that any decent Internet marketing system has to have certain applications of third party services in its business processes. I beg to differ because the society of today is vastly different than it was a few years back.

Mainly it has to do with the growth of the Internet in general and how people interact with each other on a regular basis. Notice that even some of the best experts are turning to ride the wave of this social trend.

Tip 1: Trend Spotting For The Latest News

Information can be delivered at the speed of light but there are just some things that people are searching for which is constantly in demand. The search for the latest news, everything latest I believe.

So, even if you operate within a specific niche such as kite flying in the weekends, people are often searching for the latest news about this. You can grab this opportunity to truly boost your results by integrating an instant news updating device on your site.

Tip 2: Constant Communication To Earn Trust

Did you know why some people are just highly favored above others? The same principle applies to certain government bodies too and that is the level of trust from others create synergy for success.

You earn your customers trust by putting in place a way to constantly communicate with them. Writing emails and posting regular newsletters digitally can all be employed to give ‘updates’ in order to gain trust and tell them you still care for them.

Tip 3: Dare To Sell Often (Enough)

Notice that I had in brackets the word ‘enough’. Most people just think that selling is like pounding on your prospect over and over again until they eventually buy. Yes, they will buy but just to get you off their back forever.

In the same way, you also need to balance and know how to schedule into your Internet business system a way to promote your products on a regular basis. Such as you promote your product every 3rd week or the month or each time there is something new you share with them.

Think Like A Business Person

Running any kind of good Internet marketing system is not so much different than that of running an offline business. Hence, if you haven’t already noticed people don’t just get success because they are hardworking ants. You need to think about basic profit and loss principles as well and learn how to control income versus expenses.

Want to learn the secrets of profitable Internet marketing? Download your free report: Secrets Of Marketing Online []

Vern How is a webmaster, author and web traffic generation expert. He helps thousands of individuals overcome their personal obstacles in marketing online.

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Top 5 Internet Marketing Books 2017

yo what's going on guys it's Bashar putoand in about nine hours time 2018 willbe upon us so I just wanted to take thisopportunity before I get into the videoto wish everyone a Happy Happy New Yearand also a Merry Christmas in case Ididn't get to say to you so with thatbeing said I wish 20/80 brings you lotsof positivity lots of great success andwith that being said let's jump intoday's video so in today's video I'mgoing to be sharing with you what Ifound to be the top 4 internet marketingbooks that I've come across this yeahnow they may not have come outnecessarily this year but these arebooks that are that I've read and I'vefound really resourceful on my internetmarketing journey okay so they're notthey're not going to be in anyparticular order so let's just jump intothe first oneso book number one is dot-com secrets byRussell Brunson and this is a must readif you're in the internet marketing bookin the internet marketing world even andit's just packed full of value and oneof the three key takeaways that I gotfrom Stockholm secrets by RussellBrunson is how to sell a sales funneland create a a funnel of value so forexample if you take a dentist a dentistmight offer like a free checkup and thenhe might offer some teeth whitening fora little bit more and then after that hemight offer like braces which cost a bitmore and then he might offer somethingwhere the whole your whole self teethcan be replaced which is the highestthing that he might sell for a cup oflike $5,000 he teaches you well it makesyou think about what kind of productscan you offer to your clients to kind oftake them through this funnel of valueand the second thing that I I reallyliked about this book was it tells youhow to communicate with people via emailhow to tell stories the right way how toget people to want to read your nextemail and the stuff that I've learnedfrom this book I've also implementedwith my messenger marketing'sand how I can tell stories via messengerand the other great thing is it givesyou scripts so it gives you full emailscripts on how to do on how to sendemails and you can just tailor that towherever whatever is that you'reoffering and the last thing that Ireally like about this book is how doyou create an attractive character I'mnot attractive aesthetically like me butattractive in the sense that how you cancreate a personal brand where peopletrust you like you and want to buy forme and there's there's a lot of advicebook number two is by the same authorRussell Brunson and that is expertsecretsand this is a second book which actuallycame out not too long ago a couple ofmonths ago and as it as you can tell bythe name expert secrets this book isgoing to teach you how to become anexpert within a given niche and and thegreat thing is it teaches you how tobecome an expert but in a in a new nichewhich you can create in your own so itmakes you think how can you go deeperinto a certain niche and create a a subniche which is brand new and you can bethe leader off that leash the next thingthat I really liked about this is thatit it goes deeper into how to create anattractive character and how to have amass following of people who kind ofbelieve in you and believe in your kindof like how you create your own tribe sothat's the other thing I love love aboutthis book and one of the most importantthings that I got from this book wasthat when you're trying to sellsomething online you want to try in andexplain it like you're explaining it toa baby okay so let's just say you'retrying to sell this laptop okay what youwant to do is you don't want to explainit technically but you want to explainit in a way that even the child canunderstandand that was a big epiphany for mebecause what I was doing was I wastrying to sell my bought products and myBOB services and I was explaining it ina way that only a hardcore internetmarketer would would understand and whatI did was I switched it and I explainedit in a very layman's term kind of waythat even a baby could understand andthat way you're gonna reach more peopleand make more sales so number three islaunched by Jeff Walker and this guy'sbeen around in the internet marketinggame for a very long time and I thinkthis one's a best seller as well and oneof the biggest things that I learnedfrom launch was the importance of havinga list either via email or messenger butnot just having a list for a sake ofhaving a list by list that is fullyengaged in what you're communicatingwith them so you can have a list of ahundred thousand people but if no one isengaging with you and reading yourcommunications then what's the pointwhere it's not going to make you anymoney right and this book basicallyshows you how to kind of build thatrelationship with those people and andmake money from your list of but thisbook is all about launching your productand how to create an insane amount ofhype before your product is is islaunched and how to get people who aredying and and desperate for what youhave to offer and your product is thenrelease yeah so what what happens is itgives you the kind of the build up thatyou need on the day that your yourproduct is launched and that's wherethis book really shines it's also gotgreat section on joint ventures so jointventure is when you partner up withsomeone or another company and you worktogether to sell a product or a serviceand then you split that with them andthere's a great section on line numberfour is confessions of an advertisingman by David oh gee I don't know how topronounce his second name so I'm justgonna call in oh gee now this book waswritten nothing quite a while back andyou can definitely tell in the languagestyle but there is so much fundamentalknowledge that you can gain from thisbook it's going to- how to get clients how to keep clientsand what makes a good advertisingcampaign so he talks about advertisinglike on the TV and stuff like that butthe fundamental principles apply eventoday and that's what I love about thisbook it's not like some fancy magicalthing that's gonna make you like Xamount of money but it gives you a goodfundamental understanding on what makesa good ad the title number five is abook that I read about two three yearsago and I wanted to put it in this listin case some of you guys have missed outon it and it's Jab Jab Jab right hook byGary Vaynerchuk and you might have heardof it but if you haven't you have toread this book because it's going toexplain to you the key differencesbetween all the different social mediaplatforms and how specifically you needto be posting on them so the type ofcopy you should be writing the type ofimages you should be using the type ofcall to actions you should have on thesespecific social media platforms andthere's a bunch of examples screen justturned off there's a bunch of exampleson there that's going to tell you whatyou need to be posting on social mediaso if you haven't read that definitelycheck out Jab Jab Jab right hook by GaryVaynerchuk so that concludes this videoI'm gonna try and leave links in thedescription where you can check out someof these books definitely do and withthat being said I'll see you guys in2018 have a lovely new year and makesure you subscribe for lots more newvideos in the New Year peace


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Internet Marketing – Making Podcasting Work For You

By Randall A Magwood | Submitted On March 21, 2012

The marketing concept of podcasts came on strong in the early years of the 20th century. And as of today, it’s used by thousands of business owners who want to increase their sales and profits simply and easily. Plus, podcasting is a free tool to use that can dramatically help to boost your traffic count, the number of new email subscribers that you have gained, and the number of people who go on to buy your products.

In my opinion, podcasting is a lot like posting videos on Youtube. You have to create the video, display your website address at the bottom of the video, and then hope that someone types in your domain name into their web browser so that they can get to your website. But nowadays with Youtube, you can list your website address in the description portion of the video, and it will turn it into a clickable link.

But podcasting is still kind of primitive if we’re going to compare it to Youtube. YouTube is the number 3 ranked website on the internet entire in terms of website traffic. And the largest podcast directory on the internet (iTunes), is the number 32 ranked website on the internet (according to the traffic service called Alexa).

Nevertheless, you can still get tons of traffic to your website simply and easily using iTunes and podcasting. In the same way that you will want to submit your video to other video sites other than Youtube… you will want to submit your podcasts to other podcast directories other than iTunes. It’s just a great way to get more exposure for your content.

When creating your podcasts, you will want to pick a niche that best suits your personality, knowledge, and potential amount of income that you can make. There are a ton of niches that you can enter into, but you will want to find one that is obscure and low in competition. That way you can attack the market with a variety of different internet marketing strategies, and quickly acclaim dominance in that niche.

Now when signing up to get your podcast marketing strategy together, you will want to get yourself a blog and podcast RSS feed. The easiest way to do this is with a company called “Feedburner”. Feedburner is a great service that can help you to launch your podcast marketing strategy simply and easily.

Luckily Feedburner is free, and you can take advantage of everything that it offers for you today. Once you acquire an RSS feed from Feedburner, you will want to go and submit it to the podcast directories, and also ping your podcast blog on a service like “pingomatic”.

Marketing your products and services using podcasts are a great way to earn the money that you are looking for in your business. I believe the popularity of podcasts will evolve over time, and it’s a smart thing to do if you want to use this medium as a part of your marketing strategy. Use it today and watch how your sales and profits increase.

Good luck with using these podcasting tips to earn the kind of money that you’re looking for in your business.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He currently has a free book about internet marketing that helps small business owners market their business online successfully. To learn more and to download this free book, simply visit his website here:

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Killer Content System * $3.52 Epc * By Socrates Socratous

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99.9% Of eCommerce Products Will NEVER Sell Without this! | eCommerce Marketing Strategy

– If you wanna make money from the web,it's not as simple as
setting up a Shopify storeand just generating sales.If it was that easy, no one
would be going into an officeand working in the normal workforce.Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel and todayI'm gonna share why 99% of eCommercewill never sell without this.(calm beat music)Before we get started,make sure you subscribe to this channel.That way when we release
more marketing tips,you'll get notified.Question for you.How many sales are you generating?Leave a comment below with the number.Could be five sales, 10 sales, 50 salesbecause once you listen to this video,you're gonna be getting way more sales.So you wondering what that one thing is?It's persuasive copy.No, I'm not talking about a
tool or anything like that.It really is copy.Just think of it this way,
someone lands on your site,whether you do ads or
SEO or email marketing,they check out this product
that you're selling,but then, they don't see much.They just see a few
sentences, maybe a picture.You think they're gonna buy?No, that's why over 95, 98, 99%of your visitors don't convert.And it's why you're
creating eCommerce products,putting them on your
store and you're like,huh, why am I not getting any sales?It's because of the copy.You're not interacting with the person.When you go to a physical
store, you're interactingpotentially with a salesperson.That salesperson guides
you, they help you,they, oh, you need this size
to try on for this shirt?Oh, this looks good,oh no, that doesn't look
good, you shouldn't get that,but instead, you should get this.You don't have that on the web.So, what do you have to do
to convince people to buy?You need persuasive copy.So now that you know that
it's persuasive copy,let's go over a few things that youcan do to make sure that your
copy is truly persuasive.One, talk about the benefit.It's not just about hey,
I'm selling this product,it's about the solution that, that productis giving people to their problems.For example, if you're
selling toilet paper,and toilet paper, the one
that you're selling is so softpeople don't have a rough bum from that,your solution is ultra-soft toilet paper.It'll make you feel like your
bum is sitting on clouds.I'm making it up.And if your reviews on
that page enforce that,you're gonna get more sales, right?So, you have to talk about the solutionand the benefit that your
solution is providing.The second tip I have for you,persuasive copy isn't just copy.A picture says a thousand words.So, if your pictures are amazing in youreCommerce product, you'll do really well.Taking professional pictures,360 degree view cameras,
showcasing your products,all this stuff will help
boost sales and conversions.The third thing, reviews.The copy isn't just about how much can youconvince people to buy your product,it's also how much can other peopleconvince others to buy your product.You need a lot of reviews on your site.Whether they're bad
reviews or good reviews,let them all through because
they'll help tell other peopleif they should be buying your product.And the fourth tip when it
comes to persuasive copy,you need to make sure
you go really in-depthon every little thing that
your product provides.Every feature, every
nook and cranny of it.Think about any objections
someone has when itcomes to buying your product.If you answer all those
objections in the copy,you'll get more sales.And the last tip I have for you,your copy doesn't end
on your product page.From your checkout page
to the thank you page,all of that's copy.If you can optimize your checkout pageand be like get this delivered to youwithin two days,
emphasizing free shipping,things like that can
help boost your sales.Using a two-step checkout
instead of a one-step checkout,that of course, helps boost sales as well.Doing things like on your thank you pageafter they checkout, upselling
more products and services,that of course, boosts sales.If you do those things,
you'll start seeing that moreof your products will start selling.If you need help with you eCommerce site,check out my ad agency,
Neil Patel Digital.And if you enjoyed watching this video,make sure you like it, share
it, subscribe to the channel,and leave a comment below
if you have any questions,and I'll be there to answer
you and help you out.


Shuttle – XPC Slim DH270 Barebone Desktop – Black

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XPC Slim DH270 Barebone Desktop: Build a space-saving desktop with this Shuttle barebone mini computer. The high-quality motherboard accepts 6th and 7th Gen Intel Core processors, and the three HDMI ports support multiple displays. This Shuttle barebone mini computer holds up to 32GB of DDR3L RAM, and the heat-pipe cooling module enables efficient temperature control for lasting performance.

SEO, Social Media and Online Reputation Management

By Kabbyik Mitra | Submitted On June 09, 2017

Expert Author Kabbyik Mitra

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media and Online Reputation Management (ORM) are sometimes confused, with the great number of people think that these three are same. Moreover, there is some obvious cross-over, the three have entirely different focuses and follow very different outcomes. Here, in this article, we are about to discuss a little more about their importance and uses.

It is said search engine optimization, online reputation management and social media are the trinity of internet marketing. Let us discuss a little about SEO, Social Media and ORM first.

Why Search Engine Optimization?

SEO is generally concerned about getting a website rank in search engines or to rank better for products and/or services related search terms. It is nothing but a process of increasing the chances of your website to be listed in the first page or first in the search results of popular search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and so forth.

  • Importance of SEO: It is a viable marketing outlet that can bring your business more qualified leads as well as customers. It can have better return on investment than traditional forms of marketing, for example television and/or print advertisement. It is good for business visibility and branding. SEO can bring traffic to business and give unmatched insight into customers.

Why Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is a bunch of techniques and strategies for promoting awareness of a brand, publication, product, etc. (the brand, publication or product can be personal or for business), on social media, particularly by encouraging the sharing of content that help attracts the end number of people to a specific website.

  • Importance Of Social Media: Social media sometimes used for marketing, especially for online marketing, then social media transformed its name as social media marketing. It can increase your brand awareness. Social media can help online marketing to validate the brands. When your company’s social media presence executed correctly, it tells customers that your company’s brand is active and focused on thriving communication with the customers. It provides a targeted way to promote your brand to your potential customers. It can boost traffic to your individual or business website, grow a huge community of fans and followers and can quickly generate new business. It can help your search ranking as well.

Why Online Reputation Management?

Online reputation management is about improving your personal or business name or good standing of your brand. This is by countering or eliminating the negative feedback found in the internet – defeating them with more positive feedback, comments or reviews to improve your credibility and customers’ trust on your name or brand.

  • Importance of ORM: Online reputation is your image on internet. In these days, online reputation has become imperative for business of all types for monitoring, identifying and influencing the digital reputation of brands. It is important and not just about protecting what you already have, but using your online reputation as a part of your marketing campaign to drive new business and increase sales.

The technology around us is developing at an exponential rate. At no point in human history have we had the real capability as both organizations as well as individuals to reach, engage, interact and connect with end number of people, locally and globally, and certainly in real time. Digital media has out and out transformed the concept of modern marketing, making it more condemnatory than ever for business organization and institutions both small and large to have a voice within the online realm.

Digital media and marketing, for instance, search engine optimization, social media marketing and online reputation management have proven its value to businesses of all sizes and types by offering the following powerful features.

  • Instant communication – Digital media and marketing allows real-time conversions between business and organizations and their customers and members.
  • Feedback – Businesses can get qualitative and quantitative information about the things going on the targeted market by engaging and requesting for feedback.
  • Advertising – Digital media provides a targeted way to promote your brand name to potential customers.

Benefits of Using SEO, Social Media and ORM

When it comes to increasing search ranking, promoting business and building positive awareness, they take lot of time and effort to build as well as maintain company’s online reputation. SEO, Social Media and ORM can give that. The benefits are:

  • Help increase traffic, i.e. visitors to the targeted website and exposure.
  • Encourage followers and fans.
  • Improve search ranking.
  • Build online reputation, build name and brand value.
  • Expand business and improve sales.
  • Give marketplace insight.
  • Build trust and credibility.

SEO and Social Media is not online reputation management

. No doubt, reputation management services include SEO and social media component. But, when it comes to comprehensive online reputation management campaigns, SEO is far from the whole story. Let us take a look at the key differences of SEO, Social Media and Online Reputation Management.

To understand the basic differences of SEO, Social Media and ORM, we need to understand the buyers’ journey. The buyers’ journey consists of three important stages:

  • Awareness: The buyers can easily articulate a need or a problem, but not even aware of any possible solution. He or she likes to go to southeast Asia but may or may not have ideas where to stay or what to do there, so he or she can search for “destination in Southeast Asia,” “things to do in Southeast Asia,” etc.
  • Consideration: He or she now knows to have a week to spend and a specific budget in mind, but does need to create an itinerary, like the place to visit, thins to do, food to eat, things to buy etc. He or she searches for “things to do in Hong Kong” and “motels or restaurants in Shanghai”.
  • Decision: The buyer has an itinerary and needs to find particular providers in his or her destinations, like “Hyatt in Hong Kong,” “cable car in Hong Kong,” “CCTV Tower in Shanghai,” etc.

Last, but certainly not the least, online reputation management often uses what might be considered or something hardball tactics that fall outside the purview of conventional SEO and Social Media. Whether your business lives and dies by reviews on impactful online publications, then you need to optimize such sites properly and address those negative entries, like defamatory remarks, copied content, improper material etc. that you do not control.

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