Simply Explained: Lone Worker Protection with ecom

hello my name is hello my name isChristopher limbruner and I am KeyAccount Manager at pepper land folkstoday I'd like to show you how to make aloan worker safe using our hardware andwith no need for double staffingespecially in the oil and gas chemicaland pharmaceutical industries employeesoften work in hazardous areas speciallycertified hardware from the new pepperland folks brand EECOM lets you enterthose areas without worrybut risks still remain anything fromreleased gases to general risks likebreaking your leg or having a heartattack using special software on ourrobust and explosion protected devicesyou can keep your loan workers safe inthis video I'd like to introduce you toan overall solution that combineshardware and software so how does analarm work on the one hand theapplication on the device communicateswith the Emergency Center on the otherhand the app uses the existing sensortechnology and the buttons on the smartphone we distinguish between two typesof alarmsfirst there's the voluntary alarm theemployee is still able to set off thealarm himself for example by using thered button then there's the automaticalarm that can use the position sensorto detect if an employee is motionlessfor a long time in a horizontal positionadditionally it's possible to set atimer that will trigger a pre alarm oncethe set time has passed if the employeedoes not deactivate the pre alarmanother alarm is set off the thirdoption is an acceleration detection thedevice is able to detect rapidacceleration within a short period oftime when it comes to software wecollaborate with different companiestoday I'd like to show you a solutionfrom our partner Swiss phone on thisdevice you can see the Swiss phoneapplications there's a bar in the middlethat shows an overview of the parametersthat are currently active in my examplethe localizationand the man down aren't active and youcan see the yellow emergency buttonwhich has the same function as the redbutton there are also several settingsoptions that allow alarms countdowntimers and other features can be definedand configured and you can use the homebutton to go back to the main menu anduse the device normally in the statusbar on the top of the display you cansee that the app is still active andthat the user is still protected whileusing the smartphone normally let's talkabout the emergency center in ourexample the emergency center is runningon an explosion protected tablet fromEECOM in companies it is usuallyconnected to the control room or thegates it's also possible to outsourcethe emergency center control to serviceproviders as you can see there areseveral personal alarm devices listednext to the status you can see whichperson has been assigned to the deviceadditionally you can see the emergencycalls the incoming alarms and at thebottom of the screen there's an actionplan that has to be executed in case ofan alarmnow let's simulate a man down emergencyto do that we'll put the device in ahorizontal position in effect anemployee is now lying on the groundmotionlessly and not able to set off analarm himself after 30 seconds the prealarm goes off if the employee isunconscious and not able to switch offthe pre alarm or bring the device backto an upright position an emergencyalarm will be sent out automatically dueto the loud alarm employees around mightbe able to help immediatelyadditionally the emergency appears inthe emergency center there an employeehas to answer the call on a map he cansee where the device is which allows himto see where the employee is the nextstep is to read the rescue plan so thatthe employee knows exactly whatto do this action plan is definedindividually and set up with everycompany in advance now the employee canenter a protocol and save it to thearchive after that he can complete theemergency call in our case the emergencywas detected via GPS but GPS is limitedindoors especially where there areseveral floors so we offer anotheroption Bluetooth beacons allow devicesto be detected with an accuracy of up toone meter indoors the complete solutionthat you've seen now combining hardwareand software is certified by the Germansocial accident insuranceaccording to VG are 139 if you have anyquestions please feel free to contact usthanks for watching and see you nexttime


Lenovo – IdeaCentre 520-27ICB 27″ Touch-Screen All-In-One – Intel Core i5 – 8GB Memory – 1TB HDD – Black

Regular Price: 899.99
Sale Price: 899.99
Manufacturer: Lenovo
Model number: F0DE00A4US
Unleash your creativity with this all-in-one Lenovo IdeaCentre desktop computer. The Intel Core i5 processor and 8GB of RAM deliver solid power for running multiple windows simultaneously, and the 1TB HDD offers ample storage space. This Lenovo IdeaCentre desktop computer has a 27-inch QHD capacitive display for crisp, detailed visuals and accurate touch operation.

4 eCommerce Development Platforms That Are Trending in the Market

By Rob Stephen | Submitted On November 02, 2017

Expert Author Rob Stephen

In today’s tech-savvy era, even if you don’t have a sheer technical knowledge and commendable grasp in writing codes, building and managing online stores is not that difficult using feature-rich and impeccable eCommerce development platforms that are available in the market. While remarkable user-experience, search engine optimisation, design are crucial, such eCommerce development platforms mainly focus to take the full advantage of social and mobile commerce trends. Here is a list of 4 eCommerce development platforms that are gaining immense popularity in today’s business market.

#1 Magento

Nowadays, Magento is not really an unfamiliar name in the eCommerce business sector. Since the time of its invention, due to its top-notch features, Magento has become immensely popular among the web developers. If you look into the details, this hugely known eCommerce platform successfully holds nearly about one-fourth of the total market share at present time. For its scalability along with mentionable reliability, most of the professional Magento developers are rooting for this brilliant web development platform. Worldwide famous brands like Liverpool F.C., Burger King, Pepe Jeans adopted this platform as the underlying technology of their respective official websites. Here are some of its alluring benefits that you can avail if you choose Magento as your web development platform.

– It is an Open Source platform. Hence, this platform is open to any kind of customisation.

– It is not only utterly easy-to-use but easy to manage as well.

– It offers an excellent user experience.

– It provides almost 9000+ extensions or plugins using which you can easily scale your business.

– It offers far-reaching resource library that caters in overall store management, preparing demos along with maintaining business growth.

– To make the product selling more efficient, Magento offers some free extensions, which efficiently enable the social commerce.

#2 Shopify

According to the recent market trend, Shopify is arguably the best eCommerce development platform. It focuses more on the mobile shopping along with social commerce. Today, this eCommerce development platform is successfully hosting almost 325,000 online stores that are not only in active status but doing business fruitfully. Here are some of Shopify’s remarkable features mentioned below.

– More than 100 store themes (templates) are available.

– It has the special feature to connect the e-store with the Facebook page you have. Thus, you can sell your products directly on the Facebook.

– To boost the functionalities of the online store, more than 1500 extensions or plugins are available.

– 24X7 support is available via tutorials, live chat, community forum of Shopify as well as via a phone.

– It offers built-in shopping cart that is utterly mobile-friendly.

#3 YoKart

If you are thinking of starting a startup eCommerce business, this YoKart platform is definitely a good choice for you. This eCommerce development platform seamlessly provides multi-vendor online stores like Etsy and eBay. Go through the below-mentioned lucrative features of YoKart.

– Not only the framework but you can own the source code as well. More importantly, when you go with YoKart you can efficiently customise the portal according to the requirements.

– It offers detailed manuals for the merchants and store owners, provides FAQs, video tutorials along with free of cost support for the store management for one year.

– YoKart platform is extremely mobile-friendly. It offers dedicated Android application for the marketplaces.

#4 BigCommerce

Irrespective of the size of online stores, BigCommerce is successfully hosting more than 55,000 e-Stores in today’s vying market. If you are from a non-technical background or do not have an in-depth grasp in writing codes, yet want to build and manage an online store, BigCommerce is undoubtedly the best available option for you. Here are some of its remarkable features mentioned below.

– You do not have to pay any transaction fee.

– It provides vast built-in features that includes tax, shipping, analytics, coupons, newsletters and much more.

– All paid and free templates are responsive. BigCommerce offers an amazing and seamless mobile experience.

– The support service that BigCommerce provides is brilliant. Educational videos, setup wizard, guides having remarkable visual representations etc. form an exceptional support system in this eCommerce development platform.

– Using this, integrating the online store with eBay, Facebook, Google shopping etc. becomes smoother and easier.

So, these were some of the best eCommerce development platforms that are successfully ruling in the business market of 2017.

Rob Stephen is a proficient software developer working at Visions & Solutions, an esteemed software development company that is pretty well-known in the market for eCommerce development in Sydney. He has remarkable grasp over this field and has years of experience serving in this industry.

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FIVE BEST eCommerce Business Models Of 2019

what is going on guys Cody hak-su todaywe're gonna talk about five of the bestbusiness models when your game startedany of your e-commerce business nowthere is a ton of different businessmodels you can utilize win getting yourbusiness going so you might be thinkinghey I've heard of dozens of businessmodels well we're gonna do five of themost popular four of them I highlyrecommend one of them I certainly do notrecommend can you guess which one thatis you've ever seen any of my videos youjust might be able to do just that butit is in the top five so we do need tobe fair so let's go ahead and get intonumber one of the top 5 business modelsyou can look at when you're startingyour e-commerce business so number oneis actually drop shipping now if you'refamiliar with me you know that I am NOTa fan of drop shipping I think it's ahorrible business model now that soundsgreat it sounds like the pie in the skyit sounds like you can just you justlist thousands and thousands of productsyou just sign up to one of thesewebsites and you're just you know you'vegot thousands of prime maybe you couldbe the next Amazon but the fact of thematter is there's several issues andcomplications with drop shipping I don'twant to waste a lot of time on that I'vedone three or four videos about why dropshipping is not a great business modelone of them is drop shipping will getyou drop-kicked type that in and you'llsee that video that's a great video towatch why don't recommend drop shippingnow the negatives to drop shipping areoverwhelming there is dozens butpositive to drop shipping is well thepositive is there there there reallyisn't any positive so let's go ahead tobusiness model number two now before wedo that I do need to say that if youhaven't already started your ownbusiness because the fact is building abrand is what it's all about there's alot of platforms you can sell on but ifyou're relying on a platform you reallydon't have a business you have kind of aside hustle and there's nothing wrongwith that I personally have friends andknow people that have six-figure sidehustles but if you're looking to buildsomething you can really scale and youcanthat's not gonna have massive ups anddowns building a brand is key now ifyou're looking to do that I recommendpersonally Shopify you can go toecommerce a forward slashShopify for a free trial I recommend allyou guys do that because it allows youto play around with the website andlearn I get you a free extended trialand the best rate you're gonna get overat e-commerce Descamps forward slashShopify and if you don't like it there'sno credit card required so you can justnot sign up because really the freetrial you're not even really signing upfor anything once you play at the siteyou can go ahead and get your site goingbecause you're gonna need a site ifyou're really serious about e-commercebut number two is private label now I'ma huge advocate of private labelI've been private labeling for a longlong time and it's a great option to beable to build a brand to be able tobuild you know anything I mean I'vebuilt several companies over the yearsI've built I mean this is this is mythis is my so like even a lot of theclothing I have multiple clothingcompanies like this hoody that's from myclothing company this is a hat it's mineI have multiple lifestyle companies inFitness meal prep company and and youknow different things and so privatelabeling products is a great option toreally be able to build a strongbusiness foundation it's the number oneoption I recommend to most of my clientsdepending upon their situation but it'sthe number one option I recommend tomost of my clients and I've had hundredsof clients this year alone go from youknow working a job to being able toactually be able to quit that job or getclose to quit their job now the thing iseverybody's income is different so Iwill tell you private label is notovernight success don't let anybody tellyou otherwise there is work involved itis a lot to it but if you do it properlythere's nothing you can do and you'reactually building a brand also keep inmind most of the biggest brands in theworld private label so it's not likesome new fad thing that's been going onfor a little while private labels beenaround forever and will be around prettymuch foreverprivate label white label are two themost popular – the most populartitles you'll hear it under now the nextone we're gonna talk about is verypopular and it's something that I usedto do a ton of and I still do quite abit of and that is wholesale nowwholesale is a great option this is thedefinition of wholesale just becausethis video is brought to us by Shopify Ifigured I would use Shopify'sdefinitions for these but wholesale is agreat option because it allows you toget going a little bit quicker thanprivate label you know financially thethe thing with private label is longterm you're gonna be able to grow a lotbigger typically with private label notalways there are some big wholesalebusiness out there but if you're lookingfor big picture private label is a goodoption there's another option where youdo kind of a hybrid so what I recommendyou a lot of people is a hybrid of youknow private label and wholesale and andin doing that you can actually have thebest of both worlds so a lot of myproducts will will have some someprivate label where we build our ownproducts and then we wholesale otherproducts so for example I sell a smallline of skateboards we have a handful ofskateboards that we sell and wemanufacture and produce but the thing iswe don't make our own trucks so Ipartnered with a few different truckscompanies so we can sell those as wellso we still able to have a complete setbe able to build a complete skateboardbut we don't manufacture or privatelabel all the parts we do about 75% ofthem and then a couple of things wewholesale so it gives us the best ofboth worlds that's just a small exampleof being able to use private label andwholesale also if you're starting awebsite on WordPress or on Shopify orany platform one thing to keep in mindis having the ability to wholesale andprivate label you'll have your flagshipproducts which would be our privatelabel products maybe you'll have one twothree four private label products andthen you can have a handful of wholesaleproducts what this does is it adds moreproducts to your website which just morepotential for bigger bigger cart sizeswhich is extremely important when you'regoing through this process you want tohave a bigger cart size or cart valuethat way it's going to allow you to beable to get moreincome per customer and you're gonna beable to provide more valuable more valueto each customer more more options moreyou know a little bit more of everythingmore of a one-stop solution in yourniche which is really important becausea lot of people you know selling oneproduct is fine and if all you have asone there's nothing wrong with that andget going the key is getting going butwhen you can add two three four five tenproducts it really just adds more valueto the actual customer which you knowfor most people is really reallyimportant now the next thing we're gonnatalk about here is actuallymanufacturing and making so the makermovement is huge I do a lot of makingmyself I've been you know in love withyou know the whole maker movement allthat stuff for a long time I've beendoing a lot of that to the point where Iliterally set up my own maker space I'vebeen shooting some videos over therejust kind of here and there but a lot offun build a lot of projects butultimately like prototyping and andactually designing products being ableto do there's people who's so customproducts there's people who doembroidery there's people who dohandmade stuff out of like wood and andmetal and there's people who dosmall-scale manufacturing so thereactually is Amazon handmade so if yourhand makes stuff pretty much competeswith that see but also you can dofull-blown manufacturing so that that isan option for people if you're lookingfor a little bit different businessmodel or you have something you canmanufacture I've actually got a clientwho's a really really good knife makerand it was kind of interesting to seebecause he was able to you know he wasable to do kind of his own manufacturingof these knives and I had another clientwho is he makes tools he makes a lot ofreally cool wooden handle you knowdifferent types of tools and he doesblacksmithing things like that nowthat's a little more in-depth and a lotof people are gonna do but it is anoption and there's there's just a lot ofreally good options out there and that'swhat I want you guys to know so the nextone is recurring memberships and I'vebeen seeing this more and more I thinkeveryone's been seeing this more andmore the last handful of years recurringmemberships has gotten really reallypopular this is actually a great Shopifyapp calledrecurring member ships so it's actuallya really good one I've had a few clientsuse it I personally have never used itbecause I don't have a recurringmembership business myself so I don'thave a company that does recurringmemberships as far as physical productsbut it is a great option I've workedwith a lot of people who do thisbusiness model and it works reallyreally good so there's something youcould think about and this is a greatapp for Shopify also and once you getyour Shopify store set up you can go toecommerce forward slash getsales got some awesome sales growthplugins and apps basically for Shopifythey're called apps for WordPressthey're called plugins virtually it'sthe exact same thing but a lot of otherreally cool features some of them freesome of them paid but some awesome sweetof the actual sales tools I use from myShopify stores because there's a lot ofthem out there but there's only ahandful that are actually really reallygood and if you go to ecommerce is calmforward slash get sales you'll see themain ones that I actually use for that Ihighly recommend you check out mail BOTSand there's a few others that help mereally increase my conversions andreally build out my funnel but that'sjust my two cents on and I meanultimately the key is getting going alot of people ask me the best businessmodel and quite frankly the bestbusiness model is the one that you'reactually doing the reason it's the onethat you're actually doing is becauseyou're actually taking action you'reactually have the ability to grow yourbusiness I mean the fact is you can sithere and analyze and and go all crazy onevery single business model that existsbut until you actually go out and do oneof these business models until youactually take action it's it's reallynot gonna do anything for you it'sreally not gonna matter so go ahead andcruise over to e-commerce com4 slash getsales also e-commerce does calm for sizeShopify if you're looking at setting upa shop five store or just playing aroundwith it again you can get a free trialno credit card required so you can justliterally put in your name and email andand build a store which I highlyrecommend if nothing else you get theexperience and for most of you once youdo it and you see the ease of use thebiggest the biggest benefit to Shopifyif you're a coderif you know how to program I wouldprobably strongly recommend WordPress /Shopify but if you are a a pretty muchyou know 90 95 percent of populationwho's not a coder who's not a programmerthen Shopify is a great option becausethey have probably the best shoppingcart even my WordPress sites i integrateversions of Shopify which is a greatoption because they have the bestshopping cart in my opinion they alsohave a great payment gateway they canplug into all of them so Apple payamazon pay of course PayPal you knowcredit cards all the different paymentgateways you can do you can even dooutside stuff for like andthings like that and then also the greatthing about Shopify is it does have alot of ease-of-use so even if you're nota programmer you could build your ownsite they have a lot of really goodtemplates the only downfall to Shopifyis it's not as customizable as WordPressin my opinion but you know there's stilla lot of value across the board so youknow but again it doesn't matter if it'snot quite as customizable if you're notour programmer because there's not asmuch you're gonna be able to do now ifyou're a programmer you can do a lot inShopify as well there's a lot of codingand and stuff you can do as well butWordPress is just so it's just it's justbuilt so much you just be your own thingit's just like a skin and you can justbuild it into anything where Shopify wasmeant to be a little bit moreplug-and-play it was meant to getecommerce stores up and going quickly soanyway those are my five favoritebusiness models – one but again I haveto be fair because drop shipping isreally popular but I will say this dropshipping also has the highest dropoutrate because the business model rarelyworks because again the only waydropshipping works I've said this beforebut I'm gonna say it one last time isall you're doing is becoming a marketerso if you want to spend 8 10 12 hours aday marketing then drop shipping is foryou but if you actually want to build abrand or an e-commerce business dropshipping is the last thing you should bedoing but anyway guys that's just mytake on this hopefully you guys arehaving an amazing day make sure youtaking action guys again the bestbusiness model is the one you're doingit if you're not taking action you knowwhat are you doing I mean there's somany opportunities out there for forstarting a business for growing abusinessfor becoming an e-commerce seller forjust just for doing something in yourlife there's just so many options andI'd love to see you guys actually beable to go out there and make it happenbut it's never gonna happen unless youget started so really appreciate yourguys support let me know your favoritebusiness models are if you guys arelooking for coaching as well first linkdown in description we got the newprogram up got a few more discountedspots then the rate does go back up butnonetheless just keep hustling ifnothing else do nothing else just keephustling have an amazing day guys makesure you take an action and I'll see youguys in the next video


Dell – Inspiron 21.5″ Touch-Screen All-In-One – Intel Core i3 – 6GB Memory – 1TB Hard Drive – Black Bezel

Regular Price: 584.99
Sale Price: 584.99
Manufacturer: Dell
Model number: I32643062BLK
Highlight your entertainment space with this Dell Inspiron all-in-one desktop. Its Intel Core i3 processor and 6GB of RAM keep up with everyday browsing and leisurely gaming, and its 1TB capacity stores plenty of Windows 10 applications and files. The 21.5-inch Full HD touch-screen display of this Dell Inspiron all-in-one desktop provides quick navigation and high-quality video streaming.

Magento Development For Developing Ecommerce Websites

By Paddy Jones | Submitted On December 19, 2012

Availability of several ecommerce solutions in the business industry can create a critical condition for business owners in the selection of best one to meet online business needs. Ecommerce solution is said to be very successful when it satisfies the visitors, sellers and buyers in all aspects of business on the web. Among various ecommerce solutions, the most popular and effective is Magento. In the world of online business, it is having a decent position. It is a unique system for doing ecommerce over the web having great features for the management. Magento is an open source ecommerce solution.

With an introduction of magento in the internet market, website development becomes easy and cheap. Going for magento development while creating a website is a good option as it includes attractive design along with functionality. The magento ecommerce platform brings the flexibility with industry leading features and provides merchants control over online store operations. Most of the reliable service providers offer:

  • Entire Magento installation
  • Configuring and customization of solutions
  • Template design, version upgrades and maintenance of magento based stores
  • Store optimization
  • Developing SEO friendly magento solutions

Magento development is very necessary part for ecommerce success. The technology with high end features gives online sales booming. Companies that have experienced and professional magento developers provide customized ecommerce application solution. Creating online ecommerce website is not an easy task. It is not a just design simple product website and integrate payment gateway, but complete ecommerce solution is one that gives you functionality of your website. In addition, a complete ecommerce solution also gives you success over the market competition.

According to experts, who have experimented a range of solutions of past years, doing ecommerce business by using magento. These experts have realized that it provides great professional environment to online businesses. It results in high profits in monetary terms and elevates performance ability in an industry. For developing the ecommerce website, one can hire professional magento developer from reputed web development firm to get the experience of powerful solution.

Hiring professional developer provides optimum utilization of ecommerce technology such as one can experience the automatic SEO, price change effect to whole site quickly, single page check out feature, ship to multiple addresses, easy-to-use admin system and administration of multiple sites. Expert designers will help you to build an attractive design for ecommerce store and developers will offer perfect integration to make it unique from others.

There are several benefits can be gained by hiring reliable magento developers from reputed magento development company.

  • An organize merchandising
  • Improved online store functionality
  • Business promotion
  • Beautiful visualization of online ecommerce store
  • Market expansion
  • Customer review, etc are some benefits which ultimately takes your business to the next level.

Not all the developers have the ability to deal with magento technology, so it is better that you choose the right company to obtain maximum benefits. Get the services at one point at affordable prices by making a thorough research online and decrease your hassles.


In this world of online searching and shopping, you should not stay behind. Get ready to adopt cost-effective magento services.

We are one of the fastest growing website design [] and development NY services company providing magento development NY [] services that make batter your website at affordable price.

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Dell – Inspiron 23.8″ Touch-Screen All-In-One – AMD A6-Series – 4GB Memory – 1TB Hard Drive – White

Regular Price: 699.99
Sale Price: 699.99
Manufacturer: Dell
Model number: I34558041WHTC
Provide versatile entertainment for the whole family with this Dell Inspiron all-in-one desktop. Its Windows 10 Home operating system runs efficiently with a quad-core AMD A6 processor and 4GB of RAM, and it has a large storage capacity of 1TB. This Dell Inspiron all-in-one desktop lets you perform tasks intuitively with its 23.8-inch Full HD touch-screen monitor.