Usability of Ecommerce Web Design

By Wade Henderson | Submitted On March 05, 2009

Expert Author Wade Henderson

The world of business has been re-written by the use of today’s World Wide Web. Not that long ago the thought of a business trading globally was not really a realistic concept. But now with the introduction of e-Commerce Web Design there has been a drastic revolution in the market trends.

These days, many companies use e-Commerce Website Design as part of their day-to-day operations to reach to the millions of web users across the world. In reality, small business operations have been given a more level playing field to compete with the multinational giants out there in the world.

Heightened competition across the cyber-world has accelerated up the expansion of new technological advances not to mention Cheap Web Design. E-commerce Web Design has become the ideal choice for existing and emergent business concerns due to its flexibility and user friendliness.


One of the most significant features of E-commerce Web Design is that it is so user-friendly. Furthermore, an E-commerce Website is a very streamlined solution for the web owners. Key components of the Usability of an E-commerce Website Design are:

· Immediate price modification – The prices of the product displayed on the website must be easily modified. Competition can happen or be reacted to immediately with not need of major efforts to change pricing lower or higher.

· Uncomplicated payment transactions – Payment of goods done over the Internet via credit card all showing up in the customer’s account.

· World market – E-commerce Websites a force of their own now in the global market. Flourishing E-commerce Websites create help improve the image of the company in the eyes of the global consumers.

· Cost-effective – An E-commerce Website is highly cost-effective for the website owner. Website owners can do business with their global customers with effortlessly. These website owners are not bothered with the setting up brick and mortar business location, manpower etc.

· Fast marketing – Website consumers can effortlessly shop in the Internet. The goods for sale are displayed on-screen within seconds. The website users submit their order through the on-line shopping and make their payment for the goods right there in seconds.

· Ultimate in convenience – Internet shopping is the most convenient kind of shopping. The website shopper can browse products from various websites across the world according to their desires while sitting in a room anywhere in the world.

· Simple product upload – New products for sale must be easily uploaded. The E-commerce Website Design must take into consideration that the users of the Website must be usable to the most novice computer users. These new products are stored in a database of the website are loaded in no time with a few click of the mouse according to requirement.

Less time-consuming – Internet businesses make the time spent shopping more efficient and less time-consuming.

Wade Henderson

Wade Henderson is a recognized Expert in Business Finance with over 16 years Experience in the Commercial Lending Field and a strong reputation for getting the deal done. Visit his Commercial Finance Website to put his experience to work for you.

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How to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Online Store

It’s all too familiar a story.You’ve created a beautiful online store
and you’re carrying products that you knowpeople will love but the only problem is,
no one is coming to your store.Why is that? There could be several reasons
but one of them is probably because you’renot doing a good enough job of actively driving
visitors to your site.In this video, we’ll show you 6 practical
and proven methods, that you can use, to drivetraffic to your online store today.Tip #1 Send free samples to Instagram influencers.
Instagram is quickly becoming one of the mosteffective marketing channels for ecommerce
merchants. In fact, a recent study found thatInstagram provides brands with 25% more engagement
than any other social platform.Additionally, using instagram is a great way
to drive traffic and awareness to your store– especially if you know how to target influencers.
So, how do you do that? Well, a great placeto start is by using the free online program
Websta.Let’s say we want to start a business selling
hair products online. We’ll do a quick searchfor “hairstylist”.As you can see we’re able to pull the following
list of popular related hashtags as well asusers who have the word “hairstylist”
in their usernames or bios. The idea hereis to search through the results and try to
uncover accounts with large followings – tryto aim for accounts with 20 000+ followers.Take a look at their profile pages, paying
special attention to ones that include anemail address. This will typically indicate
that they are open to product placements,partnerships and advertising opportunities.Additionally, if a web address is included,
you can easily navigate to their site andlook for a contact page to find an email or
mailing address.Keep in mind not every Instagram user with
a lot of followers is willing to feature productsfrom users. Take a look at their past activity
to see if it’s something they’re regularlydoing and if it is don’t hesitate to reach
out and see if they might be willing to acceptsamples.Tip #2 Reach out to Bloggers and Press. A
great way to drive traffic to your store isby getting featured on a blog or mentioned
in the press. Now, you don’t have to targetthe biggest and most successful people. In
fact, your chances of getting featured arebetter if you aim for people with small to
medium audiences, because they’re not constantlybombarded with pitches. Keep in mind that
the loyalty of the audience matters almostas much as size.To find bloggers and influencers in your industry,
simply head over to Google.As an example, we searched “Hairstyle Blog”
and as you can see there are several blogsdedicated to hairstyle. Take your time looking
through the results to see which blogs postregularly on hair products and feature product
reviews.Another great place to look for influential
bloggers is on youtube. Try searching fordifferent keywords like “hair advice”,
“hair tips” and “hair care”. Thensee whether the makers of these videos are
regularly posting hair product features orreviews. Just like with Instagram, you should
reach out to see if they are willing to accepta sample of your product.Another tried and true method for getting
traffic is landing your business in the press.A good starting point is to target local news
sites, community papers and smaller publicationsspecific to your industry. Pay particular
attention to journalists that have writtenabout products similar to yours or your competitors
in the past.A great online tool you can use to find local
journalists or writers who cover your areaof interest is followerwonk.Followerwonk allows your to search for keywords
in people’s twitter profiles. Let’s saywe’re trying to find a local journalist
in Toronto, we could do a quick search for“Toronto Journalist” and look through
the results. You can also narrow your resultsby adding keywords specific to your industry.Often times, you can find their email right
in their twitter bio, so you can easily sendthem an email. We suggest that you keep your
email short and compelling, and focus on tellinga unique story. Highlight what makes you different
and position yourself as a local success story.Tip #3 post your store on Reddit. The whole
internet hangs out on reddit and in additionto its front page which aggregates the most
popular content on the web, it also has thousandsof category specific subreddits. In fact,
you can find a subreddit on nearly any subject.To find relevant subreddits, use reddit’s
search feature and type in your keywords ofchoice. Let’s stick with the hair products
scenario and do a quick search for “hairadvice”. As you can see a number of different
subreddits have been found from our search.Let’s take a quick look at the “female
hair advice” subreddit.Within this subreddit , there is a lot of
discussion on all aspects of hair care. Youcan also take a look at the related subreddits
like “haircarescience”, “curlyhair”,or simply “hair”. As we said, there are
a lot of niche subreddits out there.Once you’ve located a subreddit or two specific
to your industry, look for ways to contributecontent without coming off as spammy or salesy.
That might mean submitting a blog post youjust wrote or a link to a video tutorial you’ve
just created.In other words, try and give and not just
take and the community will be much more accepting.Also, it’s important to note that each subreddit
has specific rules and are displayed in thesidebar on the right . Some subreddits don’t
allow promotional material – so posting what’sbasically an ad for your store is not allowed.Tip #4 get friends and family to share. Are
you at the age yet when all of your Facebookfriends are posting pictures of their babies?
Isn’t it annoying? Many people are sickof looking at baby photos, but you can probably
get away with sharing your online store. Peopledon’t launch businesses too frequently,
so it’ll probably be quite unique withinyour circle of friends.We suggest you reach out to your friends and
family in a targeted way with personalizedmessages. Don’t focus on getting them to
buy your products but instead ask them toshare your store with their networks. You’ll
have a higher success rate than reaching outto strangers, and if enough of them share,
you might get some sufficient momentum.Additionally, you can talk about your store
in a status update, but try not to post toofrequently to avoid irritating your friends.
A good rule of thumb is update your personalpage only once a day with a business related
post.Tip #5 Pro-Actively Engaging on Twitter. A
great way to get on people’s radars is byactively engaging with them on twitter. Here’s
what you can do:First, you can generate some follow-backs
by following select people on twitter whomyou determine may be interested in your store.
To do this, we’ll head back to Followerwonk.Simply log in through your twitter account,
and search for relevant keywords in people’stwitter bios and profiles. You can then follow
the users who you believe would be interestedin your store.Additionally, you may want to try searching
twitter for keywords related to your productofferings and then look for chances to help
people or add value in a way that doesn’tsound like a sales pitch. Remember to remind
your followers every so often about your productofferings, and you’ll be well on your way
to building an audience of interested peoplewho will be curious to check out your store.Tip #6 Write a Blog Post featuring people
with audiences and send it to them. Our finalsuggested tactic for getting traffic goes
back to reaching out and connecting to peoplewith audiences – bloggers in particular.But instead of targeting them by sending a
sample of your product, – you do it by writinga blog post about them, and sending it to
them in an email or on twitter.You’re going to be looking for the influencers
in your industry anyway. So write up the toppeople you find and turn that into an easy
blog post featuring the most popular instagramusers, bloggers, vloggers and twitter accounts.For example, You could write a top 10 list
of the most important hairstyle bloggers youshould be following or top 15 twitter accounts
you should be following to discover new hairstyles.In the blog post, list them and come up with
a short blurb describing what they’re allabout. Next, tweet the post to them or send
them an email . Try not to be too obviousthat you’re just trying to get their attention.
As long as your post is thoughtful, they’llbe flattered and if they send it out to their
network, all the better.Try putting these 6 traffic driving methods
into practice with your business and be sureto keep us posted with your progress. If you’re
looking for more information on starting andrunning your own business, be sure to subscribe
to our Youtube channel and join the ecommerceuniversity email list. Thanks for watching
and if you found this video helpful let usknow by clicking like or leaving a comment


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Internet Marketing Secrets

I'm so excited!- Well, Dan, I'll never forget the dayI was sitting on my floorand I was so broke it hurt,and I remember having the realizationthat if I was allowed to work,because I'm Canadian,
from Vancouver Canada,and I was in America and I was thinking,you know, if I was allowed to work,like, it's such a privilege
to be able to work.Like, I got that in that moment.Like, it's such a privilege to work.If I was allowed to work in AmericaI could do anything I want.So, when I look at my back
journey all the way up,I actually never thought I was going tonecessarily be an entrepreneur.I just knew that I was made for more,there's like a knowing inside youwhen you know that you're supposed to be,I mean, as weird as the word is, rich.Like I knew that I was
supposed to be wealthy.I knew I was made for more.But, where my life was sittingwas sitting on an empty apartment floorin Las Vegas so broke that it hurt.And when I had that realizationthat I was not only made
for more but my bank accountwas not representing where I wanted to go,I started seeking anything I could doto figure out how to get
really good at sales,get really good at talking to people,landing with people.I don't think balance is real,but I do think the way you
strategize your businessmakes a big difference.I sell one product very well,and then I cross sell
products that they need.- Can you maybe walk us through your modellike, what's your signature product,and then what's the ascension?How does that work?- We do have an info product.We don't push it very much,even though I think it's great,we're probably missing
the mark on some of that.Again, sometimes you let
things bleed as you scale up.So then you pick it back upand add it into the strategy,but we typically sell a year longprogram called PACE Private.And we teach them how to build email liststhat are super targeted,right, they're all
referral based email lists.And then we teach them
how to sell to that.So it has a high ROI.I'm about to do the same type of build,I'll probably have about 100,000 opt insin the series of about ten days,and it's all referral based.I like that because it's hot.It's kind of hard to screw up hot traffic.I mean, even if you're
bad at your marketing,it's still hot trafficso it gets the
entrepreneur's cash flowing.So we bring them through that program,we teach them to sell to that email list,teach them how to build it,and then create products and selling them.- You're creating that
audience first, right?That's your signature program.- Exactly.So that's what we do in that program,but what we're committed tois we're committed to teaching themhow to be generous entrepreneurs,which creates a culture
inside of our companywhere all the entrepreneurs
are hiring each otherand they're not just a community.I mean, to give you an idea,in ten weeks they referred 700 people,that 700 showed up of the 900 peoplethat they invited to my last event.Like, we are a community
that shows up like that.So I'm actually teaching them
leadership in that program,like, hidden underneath
the monetization plan.The email list and the seller.- I love it, I love it.- So once we go through that
year they choose in or out.About 70% of those people,we add anywhere between 40 and 70,sometimes a hundred people
a month to that program.Once they go through that program,70% of them come to a
Mastermind that they dobetween the 9th and 12th month that they,like, towards the 9th or 12th
month of ending that program,does that make sense?- Got it, yeah.- It's like their year end Mastermind,but we time it so that it's betweennine and 12 months, 'cause— Got it, so they've already
gone through materials,the implementing, you're getting results.- That's right, that's
right, that's right.In that Mastermind, we teach
them 12 month ascension plans,and all this stuff,but what we do is is in those two days,we make them an offer,and the way I make the offer is,I'll pitch them in PACE,I pitch, pitch, pitch to
get them in PACE CLUB.So when they go through
PACE, through that year,they get to end, they
go to their Mastermind.At that Mastermind, I'm
not pitching them anymorebecause I want them off the bottle.You know, I want them to
be thinking for themselves.Did you gain value here,do you wanna be with us,do you wanna spend the next
four to five years with meso that I can really help you
build a significant companyversus coach hop?You know?And so 70% come to that,60% of those people say
yes to another year programand they stay with us for three
to five years at that point.- I know you, you're
very structured, right?How do you manage, how to
do structure your companyin a way that you could do that?That could apply to all
entrepreneurs, right?'Cause most of the time, you know,they hit the glass ceiling
and then they're stuck,and they're the control freakor they can't let go, what do you— Yeah, and you know,everybody knows you gotta innovate,but first of all, I really
focus on growing my leadershipmore than trying to add new
strategies to my business.And I grew multiple millionsby just selling three
and a half months a year.And I have my own sales team.It used to be one person,
then it was two people,then it was three people,
and now it's grownand continues to grow.And so the strategy, again,
was selling one thingand selling it really
well, and it still is.But it's infrastructure in the team.So we focus on leadership.My whole team has been
through leadership trainings.We actually bought a leadership training,brought it in-house because
at the end of the day,if you can't think smart,
you can't get there.I mean, think about it,if you know a formula worksand you run so many people through it,why does a certain amount of peoplesucceed and others don't?Well, they have a certain
base level of leadership.Even said control.When I exploded in real estate,not to like, throw this interview
in a different direction,but I went from being completely stuck,not being able to sell anything,to 170 million dollars in salesand I was the only person who sold.And I had an assistant in my office.And what I did was a leveragedother investor bases databases.Whole 'nother story,but how did I explode to that?Well, I mean, I stopped
controlling conversations.I mean, I literally
would get on a phone calland I would cut people offbecause I thought I knew better,and nothing was coming together.There's nothing worse than being ambitiousand feeling like the rug keeps gettingpulled out from underneath you.But that's typically a
sign of being too intense.There's a difference between
intensity and driven.So I actually think
the game is leadership,and that's all I focused on.So went from three and a half
months a year of selling,and that's all I sold,and did a multiple seven figure company,and then moved it to now
we sell every single month.For me, it doesn't work for meto deliver products that
don't have coaching,for me, just for me.Because I don't feel like
enough people go through them.And because I know that I didn'tcreate my success in two years,I created it by staying on one thingfor five to eight years,
you know what I mean?So I have to enroll my
clients to just stay here.And so which means, that
I've gotta get them results.So I over deliver in coaching.So we have a whole coaching
department right now,and the coaching department,now we're working on
monetizing that departmentbecause it's an expense to the company.But all the way growing the company,I watched my profit margins.So I wasn't like, oh, my God,that's the way to grow,I'm just gonna risk, risk,
risk, risk, risk, risk.I literally was like, we have to stay ata 30 to 35% profit margin.And I still get paid.So that's been my measurement.Even when I didn't understand my P and Ls,I just understood that profit margin.And I focused on the step that I was inand the thing I could controland if that profit margin went down,I went and sold more
and then I would like,look at where am I investingand make sure that I'm
investing in lead gen,or on people.- Yes.So what I'm hearing is,number one, you're very focused
on just one thing, right?You're very focused on getting that downand very good on lead gen just for thisand very good at converting, right,and also delivering the program, right?- That's the base.Nothing works without that.- Yes, and then from there,now when you say that
you went from selling itin a few months a year
to like once every month,talk to us a little bit about that.- So I delivered the product
live through conference calls.I'd sell for three months,and in that three months,that wave would go through for the year,and I would teach them
live until I had a groupthat we had a bunch of peoplego from startup to six figures, right,and that is not an income claim.But we had a bunch of people pop.And I was like, you know what,take all those recordings
and put them in (mumbles),make them a system for
people to go through.And one of the challenges people had iswhen you had really ambitious people,they didn't wanna wait til the next weekto get the next step.And so they wanted to go.And I'm like, sorry, like- You gotta focus.- this is the structure.So now they can unlock modulesand go as quick as they
want and rock it out.But then the problem
we have to innovate isI know myself, I mean,I've bought info products and
they are still not opened.Because of the fact that
it's hard to create timeeven if, like, I probably
have three Pinterest accounts,or three Pinterest trainings,'cause I know Pinterest is a new,I think it's an untapped
market for lead gen.- Also for your audience, too, right?- Yes, and so I finally hired somebody,but it took me forever
to find a Pinterest teamthat actually knows what
they're doing around traffic.And so I bought like three programsand it's like, it is
not my best use of timeto figure out how to
run a Pinterest account.You know what I mean?Like, it doesn't make sense.It makes more sense
for me to do, you know,nine, ten events in a month.That makes way more sense
than me learning how to do…So when I look at just that, I'm driven.And I look at that, I'm like,they're never gonna watch these modules.(laughs)So even though I can get them to buyand get them excited,the amount of leadership it will take me,as far as connecting with
them and inundating themto keep them motivated,
is more than I wanna give.So I built a coaching
team that meets with themevery 10 to 14 daysand they have to watch
at least two modulesbefore they met with their coach.And then once a week, I
meet with all the coacheson a Zoom call, 'cause
we're all around the world,on a Zoom call and I coach the coaches.And I wanna know what's
goin on with their peopleso I can coach the coaches.Now our next step is we're
gonna actually createa certification program
for our PACE coaches.They don't have to pay for
it, they get it for free,but it actually even
systemizes them even strongerto go out there and just
really make an impact.At the end of the day, our
focus is really, truly,everything we think
about in the company is,how do we get more people successful?We don't obsess about how to growbecause we compound 'cause
people stay with us.So I don't have to do as
much on the front end,even though we're kinda
(mumbles) in that area,we've figured out traffic now.But even before I figured out traffic,I don't have to do as muchbecause we compound, because
we do such a good jobat helping people get their results.And I don't think entrepreneurs,
many of them, get that,they work really hard on one aspectand they forget that people
really have to get the resultsand they get frustrated
when people complain.It's like, the client is
one of those, a PR company,and she's like, God, I
have all these clientsand they're all complaining
'cause they feel confused.I'm like, stop, it's just feedback.- Yes.- I'm like, well tell me
what did you give them?She told me, I'm like, girl, like,that one question, like,
what's their vision.Ask Jesse Itzler, a friend of mine,Sara Blakely who owns Spanx, her husband,I asked Jesse Itzler before he
launched his endurance thing,I did the first two
endurance programs with him.And we sold it to our communityand he got really clear
in what he was doing.Guy is so inspiring.But asked him, well, what's
your vision for this,when I was talking to himand he was brainstorming what to do next.And he's like, I mean, he
didn't know what his vision was.It's like he couldn't
answer that question,what he could answer is what he loved.Which was empowering people,living his life and his life resume.So I'm like, to my client I'm like,you just asked them a loaded questionand you wonder why they're confused'cause you gave them three
other steps with that.- That's correct, I can
see that, I can see that.It's such a good point
because if you think aboutwhere entrepreneurs when they're stuck,they lack the vision or
they lack clarity, right,and always, you lack clarity,you lack the ability to take action.And I love how also hearing the wayyou structure your business,you structure your businessaround your lifestyle preference.- Hundred percent.That's why I'm not on
the speaking circuit.- Yeah, right.And I think I made a mistake
myself as well earlier onwhere I structured my life
around my business, right.It's always the business pulling me.Okay, the business requires me to do this,it requires me to do this,it requires me to do a
lot of different things.And when I realized, no, no, no,why am I even doing this, right?What am I doing it for?Is it just for like, ego, dollar amounts,I can compare, or awards
and all these things,what am I doing it for?If I'm doing it for other peoplethen I have to ask myself,do I enjoy the process, right?Like you said, you
could do so many events,but if you do too many eventsthen you get exhausted,then you don't like it, you get burn out.


iMMACC Reviews – The Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching Center Review

By Shawn Stoik | Submitted On September 02, 2010

Expert Author Shawn Stoik

What is the iMMACC?

Learning online marketing is perhaps one of the most crucial aspects of having a successful business and building a well-known brand, but figuring out how to really do it can sometimes present a challenge. Addressing this need, a team of entrepreneurs, headed by well-known internet mogul, Gerald Van Yerxa, created the Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching center. But what is it exactly and can it really help you to promote your existing business online? Read on to learn more about the iMMACC.

What is the Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching Center:

According to Gerald Van Yerxa, the iMMACC was created to provide business owners with the knowledge and tools to learn how to market more effectively online. According to their website, they are arguably the world’s largest online marketing and mentoring school available and teach the most effective and current marketing techniques to enable business owners to market and promote their services and products and stay ahead of the competition and at the front of the search engines.

What Tactics does iMMACC Teach?

The Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching Center provides ongoing live training and support as well as an enormous back office library of training seminars. They teach over 51 different on and offline marketing tactics including:

  • Video marketing

  • Article marketing

  • Blogging

  • Social Media Marketing through such sites as Facebook and Twitter

  • Social Bookmarking

  • Back-Linking/Anchor-Texting and more

  • and Most importantly, Keyword Research (how to select the best keywords and use them in the most strategic way to ensure your online marketing campaigns will stay at the top of google.)

Additionally, the Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching Center focuses on instructing business owners in the exact specifics of keyword research and other critical search engine optimization techniques to ensure that these online marketing campaigns will not only be effective but really put the respective business where they want to be; which is in front of their target audience and clients.

The stand apart feature with the iMMACC as well is that the training is on-going and at multiple times throughout the week as opposed to other online marketing programs that last only a few months and provide limited support, access and resources.

The Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching Center Compensation and Referral Program:

The iMMACC has a compensation plan that allows people who are participating in the mentoring and marketing program to refer people to also enroll in the program and receive $1,000 USD for each person who also comes in. So for someone who doesn’t already have a product or service to market, this may open the door for either a second stream of income or an entirely separate program to promote and market as well.

So as you can see, the Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching Center provides a unique opportunity to learn how to really blow away the competition online and make huge strides in your internet marketing strategies. If you really want to stand out online and create massive success for your business, then the iMMACC may truly be a program to look at.

Next, continue learning more about the iMMACC Review [] and Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching Center.

Shawn Stoik is an Online Marketing Coach and Corporate Trainer for what is arguably the World’s Largest Internet Marketing School available today, the Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching Center. Shawn trains both Total Beginners and Seasoned Pros around the world to achieve Financial Freedom through proven business tactics and on-going education to stay ahead of the trends and remain competitive in the marketplace.

Fill in the form on the first page and watch the videos on the second page to see the Top Internet Marketing Strategies that You can start using Now to start improving and promoting your business Today!

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Top 10 eCommerce Product Page Mistakes and How to Fix Them

would you like to know the top tenmistakes that you're doing on yourproduct page that are absolutely justkilling your conversion plus of coursehow to fix them if so stay tuned[Music][Music]hi I'm Elle McCann from curious teamsweb development studio in NashvilleTennessee and I've been a Shopify expertfor over five years now I am so excitedto be collaborating with Lisa frompretty fabulous to bring you this jointyoutube video collaboration so whatwe're doing is I am doing my top fivetips for how you can best optimize yourproduct page and the mistakes thatyou're making and then she's doing fiveon her channel as well so Lisa is agraphic designerwho helps online businesses createbeautiful digital downloads using AdobeInDesign and she has a great youtubechannel that's really focused on helpingyou so I'm so excited to be sharing herwith you today and again I'm going to belinking her video in the descriptionbelow as well as the info cardssomewhere and so make sure you check outher top 5 tips after you watch thisvideo so of course the goal withe-commerce is to get people on your siteand get them converting into a salequickly but there are some things thatyou're doing on your product page thatmay be preventing that so my top 5 tipsthat I'm going to be giving as well assome pet peeves in there as well aregonna help you get those people toconvert better on your online store somy first tip is about your productdescriptions I see so many stores onlinewhere the product descriptions read likea boring spec list like it's for like acar or some kind of super manufacturinglingo where yes it's important to putyour features and sizing if that'sappropriate however you don't want tomake it sound like a robot wrote it youwant to make sure that you're writingyour product descriptions with youraudience and mine so think about how youcan incorporate your branding into yourproduct descriptions and yourhighlighting those features in a reallynice way so think about exactly whatyour customers hopes or fears are andhow can you incorporate that into thedescription itself to make it a lot morerelevant to your customer and make themreally interested in that product mysecond tip is about your productdescriptions actually being too long Isee this as well if it's either this bigor it's this big and because of thatyou're just not going to convert peopleso you have to think that there are alot of people that are on mobile devicesor they're just distracted actually in2017 over 47% of e-commerce sales weremade on mobile devices so what thatmeans is is there's a lot of people thathave small screens or they're on the goand they're not going to read a hugeproduct description so my tip here is tomake sure that your product descriptionsare easily scannable so you want to havesome bullet points you want to have yourparagraphs a lot shorter instead ofthese huge long paragraphs so that wayif someone is on the go they can quicklyscan your descriptions to make sure thatyou know the product is going to berelevant for them and that way they'renot stuck there reading this huge thingthat they're probably just gonna clickoff of my third tip is that your productphotos just aren't good quality I seethis so many time especially if you aredrop shipping products of bringing inthe drop shipping products and it'sgreat that they already allow you to usetheir product images that they have ontheir site however a lot of times theimages aren't really nice or they're notlifestyle images or they're super smallso whenever you put them on your sitethey turn out being super pixelated youhave to think about it in the sense ofthis is your customers or potentialcustomers first interaction with thisproduct so having really greatphotography is going to sell them ordetract them so you want to make surethat you have great product photographyand this is easily done by just orderingthe products if you're dropshipping themand getting your phone out and takinggreat photos with them there's so manysmartphones that have really nice lensesand produce really great quality photosso just slap on a white backdrop andtake some really nice close-up photos mytip also here as well is to make surethat you have a product zoom enabled onyour site so whether you're doing a shopstore are another ecommerce platform alot of them offer this functionalitywhich is where you can kind of hoverover the product image and it zooms infor you so you can see a lot more detailinto the product imagesagain if someone's going to bepurchasing something especially if it'sa higher end product you want to makesure that they know exactly what it isthat they're going to be getting sohaving these really nice zoom andquality images let people look at thingslike the the gears or the mechanics ofsomething or stitches if it's soimprovin the quality of the productwhich is great so to do zoom in ofimages you need to make sure again thatyou have really nice high quality imagesthat you're uploading to the site so youget that nice zoom in and it's notpixelated my fourth tip is that you haveway too much color on your site so itkind of looks like a rainbow justvomited everywhere because there's somany colors and you're not really surewhere to click so my tip here is to makesure that you are adding in acall-to-action color on your site soLisa in her video which again make sureyou check out over here she goes overthe benefits of Add to Cart versus buynow and that lingo for your product pagebutton which is great and I also want toadd to that of having a specific colorso by having a specific call to actioncolor on your site it's going to reallybring in that action of letting yourcustomer know hey this is what I wantyou to click on again we're alsodistracted and we're super busy and whatwe're doing they say that the averageattention span is seven seconds which iscrazy so you really need to give yourcustomers kind of subtle hints throughcolors of what you want them to click onso if you have so many colors on yoursite they're not going to know where toclick they're not going to know what isa link and what's not so having yourlinks all a specific color that you keepsite wide and making it a very prominentcolor is going to really help increasethat conversion rate as well my fifthand final mistakes that I wanted to highlight of what you're doing wrong on yourproduct page is that there's no socialproof so if you think about it wheneveryou go on Facebook now how many times doyou see people that are your friendsasking for recommendations ofrestaurants to go to or businesses tovisit or places to travel to you seethat so many times because people arelooking for recommendations andreferrals so why not incorporate that onyour site so a great way to do this iswith reviews already on your site soyour customers that have alreadypurchased from you can leave a reviewand that helps your new potentialcustomers feel really safe aboutpurchasing from you and they knowexactly what they're going to be gettingso there are a lot of great testimonialapps in the Shopify app store if that'sgoing to be your platform that lets youadd in that functionality on your siteand also some of them lets youautomatically email them after theirproducts been shipped out to ask forthat review if you don't want to doreviews on your site you could dotestimonials from past customers overalland not have it just as a review on thatproduct or even embedding an Instagramfeed to where you're highlighting yourproduct images and you're seeing theengagement on those Instagram postshaving some kind of social proof isgreat and it lets people know thatyou're credible that if they enter theircredit card information on your sitethey're actually going to get thatproduct in the mail and that you aresomeone to be trusted so I hope youfound these five mistakes and how to fixthem on your product page super helpfulnow remember there's ten total so I didthe first five and Lisa is doing thenext five on her channel so make sure tocheck that out again a link in thedescription below thank you so much forwatching and if you haven't yet makesure to subscribe and check out ourother videos over here more tips andtutorials all about Shopify and how togrow your online store


Lame Internet Marketing Guru Tricks of the Trade

By Ben Settle | Submitted On May 17, 2010

Expert Author Ben Settle

To guru or not to guru?

That is the question.

Personally, I’d suggest NOT — especially if it means using any “killer” tricks. In fact, below are a few you may want to ESPECIALLY avoid if you want to be taken seriously by anyone but the most rabid, “frothing-at-the-mouth” prospects (i.e. the ones who’d jump off a bridge if their favorite Internet guru said they tested it and it works).

Here goes…

* Using “I just got off the phone with” in an affiliate offer when you didn’t get off the phone with anyone

* Putting “Re:” in front of every single email (what is it with these people?)

* Selling traffic related courses with joint ventures being your sole source of traffic (hat tip to Terry Dean for bringing up this one on Twitter a while back)

* Claiming there is an obviously inflated number of people on tele-seminars to give the illusion of “social proof”

* Asking people to joint venture with you with a lame form email that’s obviously not personal (I guess in guru land you can just cut and paste your way to success?)

* Blatantly swiping (word for word) every ad with a pulse

* Sending people to blog posts and forums to talk up what a swell chap you are (the ultimate epitome of lameness)

One could go on and on with this.

These are just a FEW that people have showed me lately. It’s a good thing I’m not actually on any guru lists, otherwise methinks this would be a VERY long article!

Anyway, I’m not one to tell people what to do.

If the guru shoe fits, by all means wear it.

But people who do this stuff “because the gurus do” are kind of like the wannabe bad-boys in high school who wore sunglasses at night to parties.

Amusing… but lame.

And, eventually, easily ignored.

There are hundreds of free tips just like this one waiting patiently for you over at

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