How to Start an eCommerce Business

hey everyone I'm Jamie Davidson with amzinsiders a little bit about ourselvesmyself and my two fellow co-foundersJason and Brad we combine to sell overseventy five million dollars on Amazonjust last year and this year we're onpace to sell over 100 million dollarsall via selling on Amazon and a questionwe get very frequently is how do youeven get started in e-commerce all rightwe have so many friends family peopleall over the globe asking us how do youeven get underway what are the firststeps oh you know frankly the mostsimple step would be would be to getmentorship for someone who can actuallyshow you everything right you thinkabout anything how do how if you want tolearn how to do something find someonewho can just teach you at all from A toZ and you can certainly do that and Ireally encourage you at the end of thisvideo we have a free workshop that's ata link below here that you can check itout and I go through everything from Ato Z how we we help people and that inthat area but before we even get to thatis you know in terms of how to getstarted with with e-commerce the firstthing really is you're educatingyourself because you know most the firstthing I do is kind of understand whatthis is is it right for you is justsomething you can do is it something youwant to do is it something that you knowyou think you could have some fun withbecause you know when you get into a anykind of business it's got to besomething that's sustainable you don'twant to get into it for you know a monthand then say yeah I don't even like thisand drop out but you know now we're alittle biased because we absolutely lovee-commerce we think it's awesome it'sbeen life-changing for us and we thinkyou know again there continues to bemassive massive opportunity in in thespace you know in particular when wetalk about e-commercewe always think you know Amazon we wereAmazon Amazon Amazon even though weactually have like a 10 million we havea 10 million dollar plus business onthese other platforms but Amazon is somuch bigger because by far it's the mostpowerful platform there there arecertainly other platforms out there youcan look at and there may be some reasonif you only wanted to sell you know on awebsite for example it's just so muchmore difficult because you have to drivetraffic Amazon has all the traffic rightwhen you want to go buy something you goto Amazon right so if you're gonna sella product where you want to sell it youwant toon Amazon all right so it's just so mucheasier so much more lucrative in termsof the potential for sales andeverything else but you know you'vereally got to do some homework you knowinitially to get a sense of where youhave it you know one thing I would sayif you're gonna sell on Amazon is ifyou're gonna launch any business youknow this day and age the beauty of itit does not require nearly as muchcapital as it used to so you know 20years ago if you want to start abusiness and there's so many you lookedat all the opportunities to say you wantto start you know start a car wash youwant to start an oil change you want tostart you know a franchise and all thoseopportunities exist today as well – anyof those opportunity may be a net youknow maybe a tutoring business whateverit is most those business probably gonnarequire 50 100 200 thousand dollars toinvest to get started right and so ifyou're thinking about getting into ane-commerce business it does not requirethat much money but if you can't investany money into your own learning or intoyour business self then it's probablynot you know you should probably shouldnot be looking at trying to start abusiness really any business rightbecause it's it's not a lot of money toget going but you have to do typicallyhave probably you know three thousand tofive thousand dollars to torealistically get under way with abusiness you know which really isn't alot of money but and part of that moneyyou know I would encourage you to investin and someone you trust and can rely onto actually show you the ropes so youdon't make $10,000 mistakes or you cando things that you know make you tenthousand fifty thousand a hundredthousand dollars right so you know bothyou need money to launch your businessto promote your business and you alsoneed you know some portion of money toinvest in yourself to train yourself andteach yourself how to actually best goabout it so that's why I say upfront interms of you know how to get started alot of it is educating yourself rightunderstanding it and again there's tonsof free resources here your our YouTubechannel here we've got tons ofinformation on it so we teach you kindof A to Z so many different thingsthere's a we have a Facebook group youknow our amz insiders we've got largecommunities so there's lots of placesyou can learn from for free to getstarted with and just kind of understandis this something you want to do youknow in general I would say if if someis you know motivated to do well topotentially create financialindependence to have control of buildingsomething of your own have the controlof actually picking something maybe thatyou have a passion about or you haveinterested in or you have some insightin a certain category that you know thatthe general population does not it givesyou a little bit of an edge all thosethings and you're again willing to putsome time in you can absolutely you knowbe successful in e-commerce but you havethose things if you don't if you don'thave any interest to like put any timeinto it you have absolutely no moneywhatsoever then I would say ecommerce isyou know ecommerce are really any kindof entrepreneurial endeavors probablynot the thing for you you shouldprobably you know go back and just kindof keep working the job try to save upand then get to that point where you cando it but but truly you know ecommerceto get started is really hard I mean wehave a separate YouTube video literallyon how to set up an Amazon account I gostep by step on how to actually set itup so if you want to get going yourAmazon account is only $40 a month youcan literally set up a seller's accountfor a professional sellers account for$40 a month and actually begin sellingon Amazon and begin learning right awaybut again to me the most important stepthe first thing to do is to reallyeducate yourself and learn the you knowthe basics learn about the opportunity Ican tell you definitely the opportunityis absolutely there it's still a longways to go as I've said before that youknow we're very much still in the veryearly stages of e-commerce there's goingto be huge growth and if you can educateyourself and take the right steps andyou know you're motivated to buildsomething of your of your own you canabsolutely absolutely be successful withit and you know in that case then Iwould definitely encourage you reallyjust to make sure you take action andtake kind of those first steps oflearning and taking and you know thoseinitial steps of getting underway tosell on e-commerce and again we stronglyrecommend that first platform beingbeing Amazon for for numerous reasons soif you're interested in selling onAmazon or an e-commerce in generalreally encourage you click the linkbelow check out our free workshop allabout selling on Amazon where we showexactly our exactprocess how we built a 75 million dollarbusiness on Amazon and more importantlythe exact techniques and steps that youcan use to get under way with your veryown e-commerce business and Amazonbusiness and if you've already have someexperience or how you can take yourbusiness to the next level and reallyreally grow and have a successfule-commerce business of your ownso if you like this video be sure togive us a thumbs up and I reallyencourage you to subscribe to ourchannel here because every week we comeout with brand new content all aboutinsights and tips and how you can besuccessful with Amazon showing you theexact techniques and topics that we useto grow our business to 75 million nowpaste over a hundred million and we'dlove to hear from you be sure to commentbelow with any questions you have aboutthe e-commerce space any insights thatyou have as well – again we love we lovethe feedback and we'd love to hear anyquestions you have[Music]you


Benefits of Ecommerce Web Development

By Alan L Smith | Submitted On April 28, 2012

Whether it’s a small company or any big organization, everyone wants to grow their business in all possible ways and ecommerce web development helps them to get closer with their potential clients or consumers through internet. Today, ecommerce applications and solutions are becoming a vital organ for every business or organizations to realize their online presence, also helps one to endorse their services and products all around the globe with ease.

There are countless ecommerce websites and applications are created everyday to fulfill different requirements of business, but to survive in such a highly competitive environment one should come up with immense and impulsive ecommerce web design. Increased business revenue and sells, these two are signs of a well designed and user friendly ecommerce website. Ecommerce Web applications are booming due to its tremendous flexibility and due to its agile and easy to customize nature. In this article we are going to see some crucial benefits of ecommerce web development.

Advantages of Ecommerce development:

• Helps businesses to reach through their target audience beyond the boundaries! This is first major benefit of Ecommerce development. It allows any organizations located at any place to reach through their consumers spread all around the globe with ease.

• Makes your services or products available to potential users 24×7/365 days. It helps you to be in touch with your consumers all time, also the users can get your services anytime they wish.

• E-Commerce Applications are SEO friendly! SEO has become immortal in this neck to neck competition of internet marketing. Ecommerce website development provide great exposure to your business through its SEO friendliness and makes it more visible in different search engines, which will increase chances of your products or services to be noticed by every potential user.

• It helps business, users/clients as well as society.

• Helps to get effective marketing at affordable rates which reduces overall budget that one may spend for publicity and advertisement.

• It allows customization with ease. One can easily change or modify the contents with very less efforts.

• Highly scalable and secure process to expand your business online.

• Helps to boost up the business revenues. It is user friendly and thus allows more users or potential buyers for your website, which in turn increase sales volume.

• High performance with fewer attempts.

• Ease of managing the in and outs of your business! One can easily track the overall sales reports as well as user interest through it.

So, above we see how ecommerce web development can be beneficial to businesses or organization to get quality performance.

SPINX – A DIGITAL AGENCY: Be it customized software development, Magento Shopping Cart Integration, Sweepstakes, Online Promotions or designing a complete web strategy for you, we do it all.

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Hi everyone! Today I am sharing my most repurchased skincare, makeup, and hair products at Sephora. Check out my Top 10 Most Repurchased Products at Ulta here:

*I get a lot of my high end makeup for a discounted price from Nordstrom Rack under their beauty section. They currently have products from Buxom, Urban Decay, bare Minerals, Stila, Smashbox, and more for 50-60% off. Just make sure to check under the beauty section!

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-Ole Henriksen Banana Bright Eye Crème ($38.00)
-Drunk Elephant Protini Polypeptide Cream ($68.00)
-Urban Decay The Velvetizer Translucent Mix-In Medium ($34.00)
-Fenty Beauty Pro Filter Soft Matte Longwear Foundation ($35.00)
-Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blushes ($40.00)
-Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed Highlighters ($38.00)
-Anastasia Beverly Hills Eyeshadow Palettes ($42.00)
-Buxom Full-On Lip Polish ($21.00)
-Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair! Deep Conditioning Hair Mask ($36.00)
-IGK First Class Charcoal Detox Dry Shampoo ($27.00)

-elf Oil Control Face Primer
-Fenty Pro Filt’r 140 Foundation
-Flower Beauty Light Illusion Foundation in L1
-Too Faced Born This Way Concealer in Almond
-Flower Beauty Light Illusion Powder in Porcelain
-theBalm Take Home the Bronze in Oliver
-Flower Beauty Luminous Bronzer in Heatwave
-Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Opal
-Tarte Clay Play Eyeshadow Palette
-No mascara because I’m wearing lash extensions
-ABH Brow Wiz in Dark Brown
-ColourPop Brow Boss Gel in Dark Brown
-Urban Decay Brow Blade in Dark Drapes
-ColourPop Lip Liner in Oh Snap
-Fenty Gloss Bomb in Fenty Glow

This video is not sponsored. Affiliate links are used for product links or otherwise designated by an asterisk.

Email for business inquires: [email protected]


The Future of eCommerce Business in Sri Lanka

By Qunson Marynathan | Submitted On October 15, 2015

Expert Author Qunson Marynathan

eCommerce is not new to the world but it is relatively new to Sri Lanka. There have been the global players of the eCommerce market who have been serving the needs of a few Sri Lankan people, but that was not enough. The need of the people, the vacuum existed in the market and some skilled businessmen made it possible for the eCommerce business to emerge in the country. The local players are still at their beginning stage.

Considering the world market for eCommerce , the Sri Lankan market is pretty small. This is one of the major facts that are in favor of the local players. If it were something like the Indian market with several millions of customers for eCommerce , the local players would have been taken away by the international players. However, the fact is that the Sri Lankan eCommerce market is still considered by many international players.

It is well recognized by the Sri Lankan companies that the future of Sri Lankan eCommerce business is very positive and hopeful. Some people at the higher management levels from these companies think that it is only a tip of the iceberg now. There is much to be experienced in the future.

It is quite true that the market has not been reached by the local players. In fact not even five percent of the market has been reached by all local players combined. Within the reached market, around ten percent is covered by the international players. What this means is that although the international companies are not giving considerable effort to keep targeting the Sri Lankan market, they still have an impact on it. One reason for this trend might be the spreading of Sri Lankans who live all around the world. These people have a worldwide presence so that makes them to order products through internationally known eCommerce businesses to be sent to their friends and family back in Sri Lanka. This in turn gives exposure to the locally residing people who then start continuing.

Sri Lanka is one of the developing countries in Asia. Especially the post conflict conditions have favored businesses to hype in an exponential rate of growth. If you had visited Sri Lanka within the past two years, you could have witnessed new building projects everywhere; specially in the capital city, Colombo.

People are moving from a third world status to a more advanced status. The lifestyles of people are changing dramatically. For a country that was affected by internal conflicts for over half a century, the literacy rate is surprisingly high at 92 percent. This is another important factor that makes eCommerce more than possible. These people are moving towards a more technologically advanced lifestyle. Also the global impact of technology has made it possible for people to carry the entire internet literally in their hands. People can just place an order online from their phone while they are travelling. Someone might not be wealthy enough to own a car in this country but they still place an order while travelling in a public transportation bus.

One of the other major reasons why eCommerce is going to skyrocket in Sri Lanka in the coming years is that the businesses of the country which have developed enough to contribute new products to the local market. There have been many restrictions in the last decade for imports. Now that the country has come out of the internal mess, the international businesses are more than welcome there. There have been many foreign business vendors who have placed their products in the market with quite a few successful business stories.

Sri Lanka does not have a greying population unlike most developed countries. This is another opportunity for the nation to adapt to new trends. It is relatively hard for elderly people to adapt to new trends. Youngsters are instinctively inclined towards adapting to new trends. Since the Sri Lankan population consists a larger proportion of youngsters, it is clearly visible that their fashion would change towards an eCommerce market than a traditional shopping place. This is already happening in the country, but not the eCommerce is not perfect yet.

The market has not been reached in full because most of the internal players are beginners and have no sufficient funds to meet a bigger portion of the market. Apart from the financial concerns, the local eCommerce businesses do not have enough experience to learn from and then adapt to new tactics. Despite lack of adaptation from the local eCommerce businesses, the customers do change their service providers. This is one of the indications that not all the customers are satisfied with just one such service provider. It is common for almost all Sri Lankan eCommerce businesses because they are indigenous and have no place to build a business model based upon. They cannot simply copy the international businesses and their business models because the conditions on the ground are not similar to what existed while the international players started their businesses.

It is a unique field where the first ones to enter the right position will harvest more than half of the potential eCommerce market in Sri Lanka. There will be not much competition between the first ranking service provider and the second ranking services provider. This is because of the smaller population of the country and the trust is mostly built by word of mouth in the culture. Once the first ranking service provider reaches the first rank; the people will spread the word.

It is a peak time now in Sri Lanka than ever before. As mentioned, the market was very open and was very much unattended in the past. Now the local players are starting to attend the market. In the process, the people are experiencing first hand and first time experience. This is very important that the service providers must retain their reputation. If a customer comes to an eCommerce business for the first time, and the first experience is not satisfactory then it is more likely that the customer will not turn to that particular provider again. So, the real competition between the local players now is not to build up their sale volumes, but to build up their reputation by fulfilling every single order to the highest of expectations from the customers.

Once the customer base is built, the sale volume will automatically take over. If the customer base is destroyed, then the effects will be long term. A not so satisfied customer will always be spreading the negative thoughts. We humans have a tendency to listen and to be worried about negative things. This will lead potential customers to turn away from the service providers.

The exponential growth of the eCommerce business will be there for a time until when there is nobody left who has never heard about eCommerce business. There are enough people in Sri Lanka that have no idea of what an eCommerce business is. It is these people who are the potential customers for the exponential growth. Once these people are all reached, the exponential growth will cease. Given the media, the campaigns run by the local eCommerce businesses and the population of Sri Lanka, this would continue up to the first quarter of 2017. That is the possible timeline when the exponential growth will cease.

After that time, it would be impossible to change the ratings of the service providers. Whoever leads at the time when the exponential growth ceases will remain the market leader. The reason is because even if the second leading provider made enough efforts, there will be no fresh customer base to support the growth. There would still be growth, but not an exponential one. It is now, that everyone in the eCommerce business should build up their reputation so that they become the leaders in two years and then remain so for almost ever.

If you are someone residing out side Sri Lanka and wanted to send some gift to your friends and family living in Sri Lanka, then it would be the right choice to order your gift online with some of the leading Sri Lankan eCommerce businesses. The Sri Lankan eCommerce business market is growing very fast as the people are moving into it every single day. There are all kinds of offers and discounts by almost all eCommerce businesses. You can find some of the interesting offers at

Also you can read the blog article at

Article Source:


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DAY 39 How to Find the Top Ecom Stores and Model After Their Success for Your Own

what's up what's up everybody hey Chrisrecord here with another episode of the90 day EECOM challenge and today acompany from the board room here at TECAdemyx headquarters we are driving awaymaking amazing things happen and today Iwant to talk to you about how to findtop EECOM stores and how to be able tosort of reverse engineer and find theirtop products and get ideas and findniches and find passions and find topproducts and really how to look at theoverall structure that top stores thatare questioned about millions of dollarswhat they are using and how to modelafter that so what I want to do is jumpright over if we will and I want to jumpover and actually kind of go through andwalk through this with you okay so withthat being said I want to jump over tothe 90 day challenge group right now andsome of you might have questions we aregoing to we are going live so some ofyour going to be able to jump right inhere right now it looks like we arealready live and what I'll do is I'llkeep this up for people to be able toask questions while we go okay so we'llleave this up and I'll be able to comeback in here if you have questions alongthis training just go ahead and let meknow okay so first things first I put aURL in the description of that videoright there let's see actually we couldfind it it's right here the URL is topEECOM stores com so the first thing Iwant you to do is I want you to clickthat link top EECOM stores it'll bringyou to this page right here you scrolldown a little ways and it'll show you alot of stores here okay so this is topbecome stores it'll show you essentiallya ton of Shopify stores a lot of the topstores ranked on traffic ranked onpopularity and I'm going to show youkind of what to do with each of thoseokay so so go ahead and go ahead andclick on that if you will in fact I'mgoing to go back and chat with you guysa little bit a minute while you guysjump on board okay go ahead and click onthat link and open that up and startbrowsing through that list because whenyou browse through that list you'regoing to notice a lot of like kind ofbig selling big looking stores stufflike that and um you're going to seekind of a lot of ideas you're going tofeel a lot of cool stuff and I want toshow you some cool things that you cando okay I'm going to show you how tokind of reverse engineer and stuff likethat so just kind of browse throughtheir browse out list in fact goingI'm gonna walk through it with you but Iwant you to pull it up in the backgroundif you can browse that list you can hearme talking in the background and thenyou can also watch my screen to kind ofsee what I do okay so let's go back toit really quickly here alright so as youcan see here we are on this top-sellinglist and we can always take a site likelike this one here like Jim shark calmits number four so you can go ahead andclick on that in our case you won't beable to see it so let me just type it inJim shark calm okay you can go ahead andclick on a site like Jim shark and it isa Shopify store and it's big so thefirst thing is look at the valueproposition look at how look at howvaluable it looks it looks like a verybig website it looks like a big storeits Fitness related they got their logohere men's women's and accessories andthen they've got their collections itlooks like a lot of clothing and theygot an email list right here and theywant to get your birthday so they cangive you birthdaydiscounts and stuff like that they'vegot their Instagram where you can tagthem when you're wearing outfit sothey're building a brand here rightthey're really focusing on like thewoman's like the yoga pants style forwomen's right the flexible clothing forwomen so you can go in here and you canstart looking at it men's women'saccessories so you click on this you goto women and see I got a really nicegraphic they got a lot of fit womenwearing their stuff and you go into anyone of these going to leggings orwhatever it might be and you can startlooking at their products okay so youcan kind of see what they're doing nowin this case they might have all of thisin stock they may not be drop shippingbut it's still worth modeling becausethey look and feel like a big site nowwhen you're on these big sites one ofthe first things that I want you to dois anytime to have this sort by featureokay anytime they have this sort byfeature I want you to look at this youknow they have sort by the newestproducts they have prices high to lowprices low to high sort by popular andsort by bestsellers popular andbestsellers is where you're going towant to start you're going to want tostart sorting by let's say bestsellersokayand now it's going to pull up thesebestsellers okay it's going to pull upthe bed of bestsellers in the categoryof women's bottoms and leggings now yougo over here to all products and let'sgo in their whole entire site and thenyou go to all products you get even justto race the women's if you wantjust go to all products together allproducts gay not men not women notfilter it anyway just straight-up shopall products and then you can go to sortby best sellers and now what you have ifyou have a list of their best sellingproducts that they are selling on theirsite which may include some men's stuffin here see its concluding some men'sbottom to men's shirts it's not justlimited it's all stuff it's evenincluding this little sort of waterbottle right here that Jim shark waterbottle you start to get an idea forstuff that they're selling gift cardsthey're selling gift cards here likejust tons of cool stuff so this is amodel that you can you can often find onpeople site if they have a church now ifthey don't have this visible it stillmight be turned on for some sites if youlook at the URL all Shopify sites kindof follow the same kind of URL structureyou have the domain name okay they'vemapped the domain name Jim shark calmbut it probably started as like Jimshark my Shopify dot-com okay in fact wecould even try it really quick dotthat's how a lot of sites that might notbe their user name but let's say Jimshark dot my shop I don't know it didn'twork um but that's a lot of that's a lotof them are going to um are going tostart will see really quick in thesource code I'll be able to see reallyquick or it looks like I don't knowmaybe it's just not even loading myinternet doesn't seem to be loaded ohthere it is okay so um oh that was Jimshark USA so real quick watch so Jimshark USA my Shopify dot-com was thereoriginal was the original URLs so Jimshark got my us Jim shark USA my Shopifydot-com I don't know why it's notpulling up right nowokay there it is Jim shark sealed atwork Jim shark Jim shark USA my Shopifycom forward to their domain name so itall starts is in my Shopify store okaythat's where it starts now after theymap a domain name it's going to be theirdomain name so the first part of the URLis either your user name dot my Shopifycomm or the domain name after you getthe first part of the URL there's aslash then it goes into theircollections collections are groups areprodthey may have so it'll be collection sono matter what your domain name is youcan see people's collections now thenext collection they have is allproducts this is all products okay theseare like basically all the productswhether it's women's clothing men'sclothing hoodies jackets you name itthey might be shut selling shirts phonecases socks tank top whatever it isthese are each different categories soif you look at the collections buttonright here it'll say collections allproducts these are all their productsbut if you look at click on hoodies andjackets now you got collections slashhoodies and jackets now this is actuallyjust a collection of hoodies and jacketson Shopify but it follows the samestructure inside of their site they haveall of these different collections ok soif you go to the domain name.comslash collections you're able to go toalmost any Shopify store and see all thecollections that they've put together inthis case you can see how many itemsthere are ok so you know all productsthey have 435 items right here so allyou do is you go to the domain name.comslash collection so I'm showing you theURL structure okay after the wordcollections is going to be the name ofthe collection in this case all productsokay that's a universal name allproducts just generally stands for allproducts on their site now after thatthere's this other piece of code thatsays sort by best-selling okay sort bybest-selling what this is is this is afeature this is a sorting feature sortby high to lowyou know price descending sort by low tohigh price ascending sort by popularit'll say sort by manual or I could saysort by bestsellers then it will saysort by best-selling so this gives youan idea of the different ways you cansort of site so once you have thisinformation you can generally come inhere and swap out the domain name now itdoesn't work on all sites but on manymany many sites it will like on probablylike at least like half the sites youtry this on so all you do is you swapout this domain name and go so do thisas a do this for yourselfgo to Jim sharp calm as a web site justgo straight to Jim sharp calm okay andthen type in slash collection and justsee what happensokay slash collection and there it is itputs you into the collectionthen click on all products and then itput you into all products and then goover to sort by best sellers okay nowonce you have this this link you cancopy this link and then you can save itbecause now when you come across othersites that you want to just put it in anotepad or something when you comeacross other sites that you want to youknow look into just replace Jim sharkwith their domain name so let's go backto this let's go back to this post andlet's see go to when you go to top econstores com it will open up a list ofthese topping EECOM stores so now youcan start to go through them okayMVM tea watch is calm okay so m VMTwatches calm okay they're obviously inthe watch niche okayso here's their site you can look at itthey got a banner up on topthey've got men's women's instagram ablog they've got more kind of some coolstuff men's watches women's watchesluckily clip sunglasses so you can startto see a lot about them right sosometimes you can go in here and you canjust type in collections okay and whatit'll do is it'll bring up sometimes itwon't bring up anything sometimes itwon't bring up any collections sometimesit will now go to shop men's bestsellers okay and there it is collectionslash bestsellers okayanother chart again I'm not sure why Ididn't bring up collections at firsttime so we see MVT watchescollections oh maybe I put a slashafterwards no I don't know why it's notpulling it up a lot of times it does butit doesn't matter because once you clickon a collection you'll be able to see itI guess in this case they have to happenthey don't have a page setup just fortheir individual collections so sorryabout that but that's how this isorganized right now they have theirbestsellers so just like that I was ableto go in here and find their bestsellersnow try this okay you want to be able totry this on your ownokay so let's talk about this for aminute why is before we go any furtherlet's talk about why is this importantwhy is it important to be able to UM tobe able to go in here and do this youknow it's because it's you want tobasically see what other people aredoing you want to see what are theirbestsellers what are their products whatarethings that they're selling what is hotwhat is popular what is trending theseare sites that are organized based ontraffic so when you go to these copystores they're organized based ontraffic you want to now see of thesesites that are doing very well what aresome of their popular products how doyou kind of reverse engineer and you dothis by going on the site and goingthrough some of their collections and ifthey have a best sellers category do itnow a lot of times we get is copy thatURL and change the domain name and itcould work about half the time it worksand you'll see that as we start goingthrough this you'll see that a lot okayso let's go through and let's look atsome more really quick okay you gotfashionable you got phone DB you guysassume use phone BB in a lot of exampleJim shark MEP watches Kylie cosmeticsthat's probably the Kardashian girl youknow birds kiss City social Yeezys youknow shoes pop sockets as they kind oflook through a lot of these and lookeven RadioShack how crazy is that usinga using shop fight sister James you cankind of go through here and let's lookat go in and look at some examples ofsites in here and go through and kind ofsee like what are some examples that youmight be able to learn from you know andgo several pages in because these aresome of the big sellers so go like sixpages in and start looking at this kindof stuff okay like wigs okay and youmight go okay that might be good wigsand get ideas from it so like let's evenlook over here on all the Express andjust search for wigs and a lot of youmaybe you weren't thinking of wigs andlook at this they got tons and tons andtons of wigs okay so now you can startto look at these sites and kind of startto reverse-engineer from them okay vaporauthority right planet of debates so youmight go okay vapes might be a goodbusiness you know to get into okay soyou can start looking a lot of these andgo through these you know clothing sitesrecipe sites all kinds of stuff you knowso go through and there's there's a lotof value in here you can kind of gothrough when you have some time likewhile while your family is watching amovie or something like that pulp inyour laptop and just and just jumpthrough and like just kind of kick it ona couch and go through some of the stuffwhat you're looking for is you're notlooking for a traditional retaileryou're looking for somebody who's knitspecific who you can get in here and youcan kind of learn a lot from okay so itdoesn't matter like let's just chooseone rebel girl's code it really doesn'tmatter which one it is rebel girls co Ihaven't had a chance to look at allthese but you can basically kind of lookand see the themes that they're usingokay so here's a Shopify store they'regetting really creative with it okay itdoesn't look like a Shopify store soright off the bat by looking at thisyour mind can expand and you can say wowyou can really have a lot of creativefreedom in the design of a Shopify storethis one's really well designed okaylook at this they're doing they're doinga great job with design they're sellingthis this book they probably have a lotof traffic is probably pretty prettycreate pretty creative they're sellingpackages the books they've got a goodInstagram pictures stuff like that soyou could what I was on right off thebat is branding when the time is rightthis brand right here rebel girls couldbuild up and could sell this as a brandto somebody okayso that's I would look at this and Iwould say okay there's a lot I can learnfrom branding from this so as I'm goingthrough wow there's a good one brandingand you just kind of go through a lot ofthese drop dead Co who knows what theseare hopefully I don't hope anything youguys don't that's not family friendlydrop dead Co and you kind of see whatwhat they're doing and what they'redoing with their site so here we gotsome cool fashion it looks like fashionokay you got guys girls they got likeit's a cool fashion coat company jumpershoodies outerwear okay so it's likethey're really big on clothing so yougot this nice clothing company kind ofsee how it's all organized right so youcan kind of learn from this clothing isgoing to be a little bit harder todropship so what I would do is I wouldavoid when you go through I would avoidclothing okay well I don't know whatI'll do amazing likes calm you're goingto go through here and you don't have totype in and like I'm doing amazing likescalm you don't have the type of minutejust opening up in a new tab when I doit so you can't see it look at the UMlook at the branding of this right lookat the branding look at how well this isa nice pop up nice email capture itlooks really clear look at the way thatthis is lighting look at the Lighting'sthey have here all this stuff is cleanokay they got their bestsellers theirglove sets so you come right in heretheir bestsellers and look what they'redohere they got these really cool glovesthat they're selling so look at thesethese light-up gloves right so you cankind of look at those you can go over toall the Express and see all the Expressdon't look at what kind of like light-upstuff they have so let's see likelight-up gloves and see if they haveanything like that look at this justalmost exactly like they're selling onthat side to have light-up glove but seethe difference look at how boring thispicture is see how boring this is thispicture is really boring versus look atthe way that they have these picturesright so if you're selling light-upgloves you might want to take the timeto pay someone on five or upwork to dosome sort of really cool things say saybasically show them like this kind ofstuff they got it when you mouse-overbut see how much cooler this looks and aboring like look at these images reallyquick and then look at what they looklike here look what they look like heresuper boring so that is the power ofselling right these people are doing agreat job by increasing the value oftheir sell and that's what you can learnfrom you can learn from this and go okaythen you can really go okay this couldbe an interesting niche right they'vegot these glove sets all these differentpremium glove sets they got these lightsthese battery lights you could do flowart these glow sticks and things you canuse gear all kinds of light-up gear andand the thing is is they can probablyhave a whole bunch of this stuff here onAliexpress and so what you can do is youcan go through and look at some of thesesellers go through and click on some ofthe sellers and see maybe you can find aseller that has a whole bunch of stuffyou know party supplies festival lightshome party decoration and there'sprobably a great way to be able to findthat a great way to be able to find thatright so you can go in and look at thisnow here's the thing you can model aftera site like this but this is the numberone leader in in gloving and light showso this is a number one leader in theworld so the whole point is yourmodeling after a top site right yourmodeling after a top site that does veryvery well probably millions of dollarsin revenue okay they probably domillions and millions of revenue withtheir own brand but you want to reverseengineer you want to be able to take alook and go okay you don't need to makewhatever they make you know tens ofmillions of dollars but you can you behappy probably with thousands at allover tens of thousandso what you can do is you can learn tothe modeling it's not hard to take theseimages and have somebody on fire orupwork design these some images likethis so instead of having this on yoursite instead of having these littleimages here that look boring okay do youhave them create your own images likethis really cool glowing ones or youknow what order some yourself turn offthe lights in your house and make a coollittle video of yourself doing it make awhole bunch of videos put them onYouTube and show how you're able to dotricks or get a friend maybe you know afriend that's really into raving orreally into dancing it's not like thatand say hey maybe maybe a really cutegirl or something or somebody that looksyou know easy on the eyes male or femalethat these young bike you know what youdo is you have them saying hey could youdo some dancing with this or give them ahula hoop and say hey can you hula hoopwith this LED hula hoop and then you goover here to and you find like LED typein LED and look at all this kind ofstuff look at all these LED light stuffthat they could have there's so muchstuff that can light up LED blink LEDshoes you know so now you can basicallyhave somebody do some dancing with someLED shoes right look at this stuff theygot shoes that light up and you can havea whole entire light store so the pointis is that by knowing the popular sightswe're going to taking sites that aredoing millions of dollars in sales andwe're able to reverse-engineer modelafter them with your own site you giveyourself the look and feel of amulti-million dollar company while atthe same time all you're doing is dropshipping products from China or you'remaking eventually might be pre-orderingyou know bulk ordering and shipping fromthe United States to get to them butthis is powerful this right here is areplicatable model what they're doing isthey're using images to sell more thananything but again that's probably theirown brand they're probably killing thegame with that so this is what I'mtalking about you go through and you gothrough all this kind of stuff so youcan really have a lot of fun there's alot of searching that you can do there'sa ton of stuff you can do in here so youcan do part of their website name orpart of their any kind of name rightthereso whatever it might be you know you cansearch for like a word like canvas youget your search word like print you cansearch a word like shirt you get shirtall do all kinds of stuff so right hereI just typed in the word canvas now I'vegot canvas home store comm the canvasworks canvas arts rocks onto your canvassee all these canJunction so maybe you want to sellprint-on-demand canvases right so youjust can basically start looking at thesite and start looking at how they lookokay so switching over here you mightwant to sell print-on-demand canvasesokay and there's companies like printfoal interest print if you've watchedour print on demand there's a lot ofthem and notice how they're selling itthey're basically selling through abeautiful-looking picture like this upsome modern art and then they've got thefive panel canvas or the four panelcanopy behind it so what they're doingis they're taking an image and printingit across several panels and they'reputting it with a nice backdrop this issomething that you can do okay this isdefinitely something that you can do andyou might be looking on the internet forphotos but you know what the reality isyou can actually have you can actuallyhave a somebody on Fiverr be making youphotos like this for five bucks and youcan basically find like a really cleanstock image of just some rooms and thenbasically just put the paintings behindthem or even find images like this stockart with paintings behind it and swapout the image go to the designer andstay instead of a cheetah or a leopardor bicycle motorcycle errs on this canyou make one like this for me butinstead of motorcycles can you do itwith this image and so now you see whatlike a canvas shop can look like you canhave a whole store niche type 4 canvasesor a category on your store next operacanvases and you can go through and lookat a lot of these you know look at thedifferent styles these are all Shopifystores you know canvas freaks and stufflike that so that's what you're lookingfor right so let's go canvas freaks andyou just kind of keep looking on yoursite you'll be able to just click thoseand open them but you can see these areall Shopify stores so you can learnthese are all stores you can model outthere with no coding whatsoever you canhave your own see I don't know if youguys are resonating yet but you can havea store like this that has all of thesecanvases and you don't have anyinventory you have no inventorywhatsoever all it is it'sprint-on-demand you're uploading animage to canvases it's print on demandyou know there's so many companies thatyou can use like this one right hereinterest print you know interest printhands look at allthese different things that you can dothere's tons of different stuff likeyou're down here wall art and canvasprint and look at this you can go in andyou can um you can literally go in andchoose different canvas print sizesokay hundred percent camera it's underpretend cameras look at all these rightso this is just an example there's somany there's so many examples of whatyou can do right and there's companiesthat connect right with Shopify likeprintful okay so you can come here andlook at t-shirts sweatshirts they'llprint your custom design on all kinds ofstuff canvases see they'll do canvasesfor you okay so you can go in here andyou can literally go in and print yourprint your designs or whatever just ontoa canvas just like this so what you'redoing is you're coming up with nicheideas and just uploading the image andyou can instantly put it on a wholebunch of stuff okay this is the power sowhat you want to do you want to go inhere now maybe canvas isn't your isn'tyour niche right so now maybe in so theword canvas maybe you're in the pitbullniche so you just type in pitbull okayand this gives you the ability to beable to you know look at different siteslike pit bull gear calm loving your pitbulls pit bull store pitbull clothingpitbull mansion my pit bull shop so youcan look at a lot of these okay and seewhat they're doing like let's go to pitbull gear calm and you can do it foralmost every breed of dogs and you getto see an example of what a good sellingsite looks like okay look at this theygot all the different categories men'swomen's leashes harnesses callersthey've got print-on-demandhoodies for dogs you know you click onthis they got all kinds of cool stuffthat you can have and they have allthese like you get it's literally chooseone to choose it's saying look at allthese sayings right here they got itnice right nice cool idea okay look atall those kind of stuff harnesses theysell all these different types ofharnesses and now you go over to all theexpress if you have a pitbull shop yougo over Aliexpress with your pitbull andlook at all the typical stuff they haveright they've got all kinds of pitbullstuff they got a like a nice like littlepit bull ring right there that would bea good seller pit bull ring they've gotum like a light on here retractableleash would light look at these gotspikes dog collars and you can do thatyou could do like type in pitbull andspace and love pickle necklaces ringstickers t-shirts jewelry dogs phonecases bracelets you know and you canbasically do like you can all search anykind of word like you can do maybe youwant to do callers rightpitbull callers and you type in pitfallcallers just like this okay and you canstart to it you look at this this isinexpensive these things are you know afew bucks for a few bucks and you canmark them up to ten bucks or you giveaway free plus shipping these literallycould qualify for free plus shippingoffers spiked dog collars so there's alot you can do here you can model afterthese side to look so what I encourageyou to do is I encourage you to go to goto this link let's could do it once morefrom the beginning go to this link topEECOM stores comm go in here and type inwhatever niche you're in nurse ornursing or whatever niche you're in andgo through and look at these differentthings you know like look at thedifferent things like awesome nursescalm patriot the patriot nurse calm youguys got it like the patriot nurse calmand you go in here to just startreverse-engineering these sites okay andstart looking at all kinds of thingsthat people are doing okayyou kind of look well that might not bethe best example actually that one let'swrite nurse that back well and you tostart learning okay their sites down ori spelled it wrong or something likethat nurse FX calm let's go nurse homesupplies nurse home supplies calm andjust kind of go through oh I guess I'mnot I'm guess I'm doing a bad job herelet's type in a better word like nursingbut you guys get you guys get the pointrightI'm live so and I'm just freestyling sonursing Nirvana stuff how about let's dolike let's do like the words phone forlike the phone niche phone cases allkinds of phone stuff okayheadphones own magnet phone cable calmlook at that magnet phone cable calm andlike look at this product right here sohere's what here's a great example I'veshown this product already twice duringthe 90 day challenge and look look whatthese guys did these guys basically saidhey this is such a hot sellingthey're willing to pay an entire Shopifyfees of $79 per month just for this oneproduct just to basically lock it uporiginal magnet magnetic phone cableright magnet phone cable and let's seemagnet phone cable maybe it's an SEOplay maybe they're trying to optimizefor it you know so look at this righthere magnet phone cable when you whenyou type it in it's literally right hereit's this is the vid right here of paidadvertising so then you have magnetphone cable magnet phone cable see sothey're number one for that term magnetphone cable okay then if you go magneticfoam cable they're right here magnetphone cable magnet phone cable so thisis them as well okay so look at thisthey what they did was they did an SEOplan so they what they did was theyliterally built an entire store just offof the focus on this one product rightso that's a kind of a cool idea it'skind of a cool concept it's somethingthat some of you might want to mightwant to consider as well if you if youcan ever come in what they did was theysaid you know what we're going to driveSEO and look at that they've got a niceBig Easy theme focused right there onthe product really simple really easy upand look at how simple that is okay yougo to the catalog it's just one productthey're putting all the focus around theone product right original magneticphone cable this is a cool idea if youhave a top seller you could take yourtop seller and branch it out and runmassive campaigns for this and you couldbuild an entire pixel just for thisentire campaign and they could sell bitand all they got to do is the orderstock of this since they have oneproduct they probably ordered you knowtens of thousands of units of this andthey're just shipping it probablyshipping it out themselvesyou guys can always try by adding it tocart and purchasing yourself one thingyou could always do is learn from othersif you ever want to reverse engineer thecompetition go ahead and spend ten bucksand order it for yourself okay so thisis what you can learn from just off whatI did right thereokay so hopefully you guys takeadvantage of this hopefully you guysjump in here and learn from this all yougot to do is go to top EECOM stores andrun with that okaytalk to you calm scores and there you gohome let me go saw so that was thetraining I wanted to give you guys todaywe don'tspend a whole lot of time the trainingon to give you guys today is simple islearn to reverse engineer top stores outthere okay and then build your ownbrands you if you have a print on demandif you model after print on demand onethen you might want to use a site likegear bubble or viral style or printfulor any of these sites that have said ifyou're modeling after a store like thatLED lights company that you might wantto jump in and type in LED lights orrave or type in stuff like that and findlight-up shoes light up watches light upjewelry light up necklaces light upeverything until the whole sort if youdon't want to do a niche store then juststarted out as categories on yourgeneral store and go from there okay sowe wanted today's training to be directstraight to the point get you guys asmuch value as possible we come out hereevery single day to serve our communityhopefully you guys enjoyed it and I lookforward to catching you on the nextepisode of the 90 day EECOM challenge


6 High-End OpenCart Extensions to Boost Your eCommerce Sales

By Sanjay Nandy | Submitted On December 16, 2016

Expert Author Sanjay Nandy

With the eCommerce industry growing at its peak, numerous development platforms have come to the scenario including OpenCart. OpenCart hosts a myriad of high-end features, which facilitate seamless eCommerce development. However, to upgrade your OpenCart-built eCommerce store, you can deploy a set of compatible extensions.

Following here are some of the most efficient extensions to take your online business to the next level.


The page speed is the determining element behind different fundamental growth factors

Like search engine ranking, user experience, usability and conversion rates. One effective way to optimize the speed of web pages, products and categories is by installing a caching tool. However, NitroPack is not merely a caching tool as because, it acts as a comprehensive optimization framework with all its features needed for maximizing the loading speed of your OpenCart-built website.


Pre-ordering is an effective attribute included in an online store which, allows customers to know the status of product availability and avail a positive experience. This would prevent customers from not experiencing a negative feeling by adding the preferred product at shopping cart and then finding it to be out of stock.


Blogging is the most widely-accepted way of generating online traffic to your website. Free knowledge is acceptable by all and if, the articles are helpful and good, then you can even opt for generating subscribers to the newsletter. iBlog is a typical intuitive session by which, you can add a blogging section to the eCommerce store, thereby allowing you to publish articles about your products, business and the industry.


Branding the images and products is a crucial part of promoting your business and protecting the images against misuse. With this extension, it becomes very simple to add a brand logo to the product images, thereby making them appear professional.

The module hosts a complete customization tool package which, includes text, position, image opacity, color options and rotation as well.


It is a lightweight integration along with Google Analytics meant for your online store, which helps in keeping track of all the reports and metrics directly from the store’s admin panel. You will gain an abundance of data to track, use and analyze for planning the next move. Moreover, it aids in tracking the flow of viewers, traffic sources, conversion rates, most ordered products and most used keywords.


It not only lets the customers submit reviews, but also helps in sending them emails thereby, inviting to share their individual experiences with the store and the ordered products. Reviews plays a significant role while operating an online business. It helps online merchants to get the assurance that the product was worth buying and customers are happy.

Final word

OpenCart boasts a set of revolutionizing features which, will help you in both improvising your existing online store and develop a new eCommerce store. However, installing these aforesaid extensions will lead you to fetch greater online success. Thus, consider to try these high-end and feature-packed extensions, the next time you consult an OpenCart developer.

Sanjay Nandy is an adroit OpenCart developer working with PHPProgrammers who likes to pen down the various features and benefits of deploying OpenCart in eCommerce development.

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