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Hire An eCommerce SEO Company For Online Business Success

By Satish Chandra | Submitted On November 28, 2017

Expert Author Satish Chandra

The purpose of every business website is to promote its products and services online. However, eCommerce websites take this purpose one step ahead as it allows your site visitors to buy your products and services directly from the website. Search engine optimization or SEO for eCommerce websites is both the science and arts of getting your website ranked on the pages of search engines for a tactically defined set of keywords. As a professional eCommerce web promotions, internet marketing and SEO for eCommerce services company, reliable and popular SEO firms offer professional & affordable eCommerce SEO services.

Hire a professional SEO company that provides custom-tailored ecommerce SEO services that have been proven to boost the profitability of innumerable online business retailers. The on-page SEO services include eCommerce SEO copywriting services, e-retailer usability, and website design or crawler-friendly eCommerce web development. However, off-page ecommerce SEO services take in link popularity services, social media marketing for SEO and many other services.

Benefits of SEO for eCommerce Sites

An SEO company can help you look at the benefits of organic search engine optimization for eCommerce sites. Start small or go all out. Whatever your SEO budget, they can help you realize the power for organic search engine optimization.

  • Increase Organic Search Visibility
  • Enhanced Brand Value and recognition
  • Increase Sales while reducing Marketing Expenses
  • Get Sustainable High Rankings on Profitable Keywords
  • Get Better On-Page Usability

Lots of eCommerce website owners often forget the basic rule of SEO that is “Content Is King” and simply copy content from other websites or sources without knowing that search engines such as Google can spot plagiarized content easily, and more significantly will penalize your website for duplicate content. Besides, ensure the originality and uniqueness of the content. They can stand your eCommerce site apart from the crowd by building keyword-rich content with compelling category landing pages

They Will Help Your eCommerce Website:

  • Remove copy content issues
  • Build unique keyword-rich content
  • Create strong inbound links
  • Organize content, navigation and URL structure for improved indexing and search crawl-ability.
  • Enhanced conversion rates, and much more

SAM Web Studio is one of the leading ecommerce website designing company offer good SEO Packages and Digital Marketing Services all over the world.

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Internet Marketing for Beginners | Online Digital Marketing Tutorial | Internet Marketing Strategies

so what is internet marketing and whyshould you carewell internet marketing simply entailspromoting your business on the web anymarketing activity that is carried outonline is considered internet marketingand that includes search engineoptimization otherwise known as SEOcontent marketing social media marketingPPC advertising influencer marketingpress releases email marketing and morethese various pillars of internetmarketing can each help you to bringmore visitors to a website or a blog andthat in turn gives you the opportunityto promote your business and hopefullydrive conversions in other words turningvisitors into customerswhat makes internet marketing soeffective is that it doesn't have tocost a huge amount to be successful nowyou can spend an awful lot on SEO oncontent marketing and thereby try to getyour site to the top of Google butsometimes it just takes one smartlyplaced link to drive huge amounts oftraffic to your site and if you'rewilling to put in consistent time andeffort then anyone can build a massiveloyal audience then therebybecome a big influencer in their nichethus internet marketing is the greatequalizer marketing no longer requires ahuge budget is now something that youcan do just as well as the largestcorporations as long as you're smartwith it internet marketing has otheradvantages too it allows you to actuallyengage with your audience for instanceusing social media or running contestsmeans that you're able to interact withthe very customers you're trying toobtain and get feedback from them thenthere's the simple fact that the web iscapable of reaching such a huge audienceincluding people from all around theworld if you are selling something withinternational shipping then this is byfar the best way to reach a globalaudience for all these reasons internetmarketing is for everyone no matter whatof business you're running you should beable to benefit from internet marketingand find that it can help you toincrease your brand disability grow youraudience and to make bigger profits nowsome businesses are only able to existthanks to internet marketing these arethe entirely online businesses such aspeople who sell ebooks now ebooks aredigital products with no overheads bymarketing them correctly it's possibleto make huge amount of sales which wouldbe almost entirely profit ebooks can besomething of a hard sell but the factthat you can reach such a massiveaudience and engage with them directlymeans you can get enough turnover toearn big profits these businesses onlyexist thanks to internet marketing otherbusinesses also rely heavily on internetmarketing if you service online such asweb design or copywriting then usinginternet marketing will allow you toensure that the maximum number ofpotential clients see your website andconsider hiring your services knowinghow to reach that audience online is thedifference between long dry spells whereyou aren't bringing in any cash and asteady flow of orders and income ofcourse the same is also true for ane-commerce business which exists to turnwebsite visitors into paying customersin a similar wayAmazon Ashley spends over 1 milliondollars a day on Google AdWords alonewhich shows you just how much thecompany values its internet marketingbut it's not just online businesses thatcan benefit from internet marketing bigbrands like coca-cola Red Bull MarvelFord Best Buy they all spend hugeamounts on internet marketing becausethey know that it is now more effectivethan spending that same money on printmedia or television and the same goesfor small businesses like hairdressersrestaurants and high street stores andsoul traders like plumbers builders andlawyers as we will see anyone canbenefitinternet marketing and it is the singlemost efficient way to increase footfallfor your company the only thing holdingmost people back of course is the simplefact that they don't know how to goabout internet marketing they don'tunderstand how SEO works they're notsure how to reach influences and theyfind social media awkward if you findyourself in that situation then don'tworry this video series is going toteach you everything you need to know inorder to develop any kind of internetmarketing campaign with confidence bestof all will help you to learn to createsmart internet marketing campaigns theguys that get maximum results with theleast amount of cash and time we justsaid that Amazon spends a milliondollars a day on AdWords and that mightmake you wonder how on earth you'resupposed to compete the answer wellyou're not our aim is not to take onhuge corporations head-to-head butrather to find the path of leastresistance to identify those corners ofthe web where lots of potentialcustomers are waiting and no one iscurrently marketing to them you're goingto learn how to do that and much moreover the course of this seriesspecifically you'll learn how to choosea niche and find your audience how tocreate a stunning website in no time atall how to drive conversions so thatvisitors equal customers how to climbthe ranks of Google using smart SEO howto provide value through a blog andbecome a thought leader in your industryhow to build and run a mailing list howto create a thriving and popular socialmedia channel how to write stunningarticles and killer sales scripts how touse press releases video sales letterssales pages and other tools how to workwith other internet marketers how tocreate your online business and a wholelot more so let's get down to it andwe'll do that in the next videoas we saw in the last video internetmarketing is for everyone and can applyto many different types of businessesfor the purposes of these videos thoughwe're going to broadly categorizedviewers into two groups those with anexisting business they want to promoteand those want to set up an onlinebusiness or make money directly throughinternet marketing and for now we'regoing to concentrate on the second groupif you already have a business this isstill worth watching but if you're in arush to get to the good stuff fastforward to the section on websitecreation if your plan is to build anentirely online business and to makemoney either directly from a blog orperhaps by selling digital products andthe first thing you need to do is tochoose a niche or niche as some peoplepronounce it the term niche in thiscontext essentially refers to a subjectmatter in industry and an audience inother words a niche can be health or itcan be knitting this is what your blogis going to be about its what theproducts you sell should be about and itwill determine precisely who yourbusiness is marketed at choosing yourniche is one of the most important stepsin creating a successful online businessand the reason for this is that it willdirectly impact the amount ofcompetition as well as the size of youraudience so if your subject is healththen you're going to be going up againstmillions of other websites and this isgoing to make your life very difficultindeed when you write a blog post on howto get abs is going to be incrediblydifficult to get that to the top ofGoogle seeing as there are so many otherblog posts on getting abs likewise ifyou post in a fitness forum I mentionyour ebook it's not going to stand outor be interesting because there are somany others conversely though you alsoneed to avoid choosing a niche that istoo narrowif the nisshin's is earwigs asthen it will only be a matter of timebefore you've marketed to the majorityof that audience and there's no one leftto buy from you another importantconsideration when choosing a niche iswhat you can offer the audience and howmuch they're likely to spend whencreating a product it's always useful tothink in terms of the value propositionnow this basically refers to what yourproduct is offering to the buyer andwhat gives it its value which should bemuch greater than the face value whenyou set an e-book on getting fit forexample the value proposition comes inthe fact that your buyer will hopefullybe much fitter after reading your bookand applying the knowledge that theylearn so you're not really selling abook at all but rather a sexy toned bodyyou're selling confidence you're sellingenergy first thing in the morning andyou're selling physical attractivenessto the opposite sex and people arewilling to pay for a lot of thingsmeaning that you can afford to chargemore for your eBookon the other hand if you have a book oncats then you can only charge people forlearning a bit more about their petswhich isn't something people are willingto pay as much for it's also importantto have a very clear target audience inmind draw up a buyer persona and thinkabout the exact kind of person who willbe interested in your product did theyhave enough disposable income and do youknow where you can reach them in orderto market your product if all thatsounds a bit confusing then the best wayto pick a niche is often to find a verybig unpopular niche with a strong valueproposition and we're talking thingslike Fitness finance business dating andso on and then to narrow down to find aspecific section within that niche sofor example you might have fitness forthe over 50s fitness for nerds and as asidebar nerd Fitness comm is a highlypopular website you could have Fitness4x condition whatever you want to put infitness for Marchartists online businesses for studentsmaking money online for stay-at-homemoms you know the list just goes on andon and try and think of something thatis as original as possible while at thesame time making sure that there's a bigaudience there and that you can solve aspecific need at the same time thoughtry and choose a niche that yougenuinely have an interest in and someknowledge about and this will help youto write the better blog posts and itwill ensure that you don't get bored ofyour business over time and this isactually one of the most important tipsso don't be motivated by money alone oryou're likely to find your business likestaying power finally think about anyconnections you might already have andany contacts if you happen to know theage of gardening magazine then creatinga business in the gardening niche justmakes sense likewise if you're aprominent member of a big forum dealingwith health then this is a very logicalniche to choose as you'll be able topost about your blog there and hopefullyget a big reactionin short try to have an entire businessplan ready before you even begin writingknow your strategy know your endgame andlet your niche dictate all that the nextthing you need to do is to create astunning website now this is highlyimportant as your website is what'sgoing to create the first impressionsfor your visitors and give them theconfidence to buy from you now thismakes all the differencethink about your own experience whetheryou're looking online for a place to eatfor a specific prior to buy or a blog toread if the website is well-designedthen the chances are that you'll feelcomfortable there if the font is largeand crisp then it will be pleasant forpeople to read if the logo is welldesigned and high definition then itwill create trust for your brand if thenavigation is simple and fluid thenvisitors will be able to find their wayaround the site and if the Buy Nowbutton looks official and secure thenpeople will be much more comfortableentering their payment details how manytimes have you loaded up a website toget some information or total food onlyto be immediately put off by the dateddesign and leave now don't let this bethe experience that your visitors haveof your website make sure that it looksclean and professional and don't acceptanything that is less impressive thanthe very top players in your niche ifyou want to be taken seriously then thatis what it takes so how do you go aboutcreating such a website well the goodnews is that these days it's very easywith WordPress WordPress is of course acontent management system and sitebuilding tool you install it on yourserver and this is usually availablethrough the tools provided by yourhosting provider or you can download thefiles from here at be sureto come to is wherethey host the site for youand then you'll be able to log into aback-end and choose a theme and layoutwhile adding posts and features easilyand WordPress is by far the most populartool today for building websites and itpowers many of the biggest brands on thenet for example some of the BBC websitesrun on WordPress as do the blogs thatForbes magazine hosts and wired also isrun by WordPress and it's free and ithas a huge number of different featuresit has support from a massive onlinecommunity and nearly endlesscustomizabilityin other words there really is no reasonnot to use WordPress it's a tried andtested commodity and it makes thingsquicker and faster for you while stillresulting in a highly professionallooking end productnow once you've installed WordPress youshould then look into adding aprofessional-looking theme nowthankfully these can also be added verysimply by looking at the themesavailable through WordPress itself or bybuying them from various theme storesand a good one is andyou can see here they've got at the timemaking this video thirty one thousandfifty six website templates and themesand as you can see here prices start ataround two dollars so it's worth a visita professional-looking theme with goodcustomization options will generally setyou back about forty dollars and this isa very worthwhile investment as it canmake your site considerably moreprofessional-looking help it to stayresponsive that it fits the size of thedisplay that's being viewed on andgenerally ensure that it's polished andable to compete with those top playersyou also need a great logo which willhelp you to brand your business and willgive you more marketing options a goodlogo needs to be unique it needs toencapsulate what your business is allabout you know trying to communicate thevalue proposition if you can and itneeds to be crisp and high definition tolook professional if you create yourlogo yourself then it's very importantthat you use vector files via softwarelike Adobe Illustrator in order to makeit look the partbetter yet outsource this job to someoneelseconsider using 99designswhich is 99designs comm or if you're inthe UK like me it'll redirect you to 99designs co-taught UK or perhaps fiberwhich is fibre with two R's comm thereare many different aspects to goodinternet marketing which include SEOpress releases social media marketinginfluencer marketing and more once upona time internet marketing could meansimply picking one of these facets suchas SEO and then trying to spam it untila site got to the top of Google andstarted getting thousands of views todaythough this method just doesn't work andin fact is much more likely to get youpenalized by Google today the only wayto succeed online is by deliveringqualityand the best way to do that is byupdating your blog regularly this is thecentral tenant of content marketing andas you'll see content marketing canprovide the backbone of your entiredigital marketing strategy so just whatis content marketing well essentiallycontent marketing means that you'regoing to promote your website viacontent and you're gonna use this tobring more people to your website andget them to engage with your brandpeople are not going to visit yourwebsite or blog out of the goodness oftheir heart they will go there becausethey're looking for something and thatsomething will normally be contentpeople use the web to find informationfor entertainment or for news all ofwhich means content your core strategyis going to be publishing content on ablog regularly and using this as a wayto gradually bring in more and morevisitors eventually this should allowyou to establish trust and authoritywithin your niche and build up a bigfollowing of regular readers who want tofind your content your content is alsowhat you're going to use to succeed inthe various other types of internetmarketing over the next few videosyou'll see how content is essential forSEO as well as for social media andthat's because content is what peopleare searching for on Google and it'swhat you will mainly share on socialmedia but the aim is not to bring peopleto your site in the short term to makesales rather your aim is to get peopleto subscribe to your site to bookmark itand to read it regularly the way thisworks is simple first a visitor findsyour site on Google or virus socialmedia post the article looks and soundsinterestingthey read it and hopefully they have agood experience but that's not going tolead to a sale and it's not going tolead to a subscriber in most casesrather they would just make a mentalnote that your site was reliable andinteresting andif they see a post on you again on theirtravels they will be more likely to readit next time it's important that yourbranding and web design is strong andthis will ensure that they recognize thefact that they retained to a websitethat they've already been through oncebefore eventually you'll get to thepoint where they have a question andthey decide to turn to you for advicethey know you're reliable they know theyenjoy the way that you write and so itmakes sense that they'll seek you outwhen they want to know something at thispoint you have their trust and it willbe much easier for you to persuade themto make a purchase or to read your siteregularly eventually they'll becomeregular subscribers and they'll startand to be looking into whatever you'reposting next this will mean you have acaptive audience and the next time youwant to sell a product you'll be able toand know this strategy is not just foronline businesses or ebooks thisstrategy can likewise work for a highstreet store or a hairdressing companyit's all about getting more people toread your content regularly so that youhave built that audience and that trustof course some internet marketingstrategies might rely less on contentmarketing than others but this is anactivity that every business should beengaged in and it all revolves aroundproviding value for free that may soundgreat but the next question is how areyou going to go about doing thishow do you go about adding content toyour site that is so exciting thatpeople will want to read your site on adaily basis yep especially if you are awriter naturally well the first thing isto understand the type of content thatgets read and the type of content thatgets shared and a clue here lies in aterm the generally looked down upon bythe community clickbait clickbait iscontent designed to get people to clickand very often it provides little to novalue you'll probably have seen thistype of content on Facebook and theseare posted with titles like you'll neverbelieve what happens next or top 10xnumber seven will shock you these titlesget people to click by leveraging thepower of curiosity the titles arepurposefully vague while also beingemotionally charged you know by tellingyou that you'll be shocked or outragedin some way to look at the articlesappears to offer something completelynew unexpected and shockingunfortunately when we click on the linksvery often we are met with somethingrather disappointing and the realityfails to live up to the hype now I'm notabout to tell you to write clickbaitcontent but what I am going to do is totell you to write content that issimilarly shocking and interesting whatyou must absolutely avoid are titleslike 10 great ab exercises or SEO forbeginners these titles are contrivedwe've all heard similar things countlesstimes before and they just fail to standout or to look exciting your aim is towrite something as intriguing and asshocking as a clickbait title but thento actually deliver on the promise bymaking sure that the reality is everybit as impressive as what you arepromising in the title so instead of 10great ad exercises how about whathappens if you do 100 sit-ups everynight or anatomy of your abs the abmuscles you didn't know you had and howto train them instead of SEO forbeginners how about the psychologicalimpact of making dolla dolla dollaonline or how I make $200 a day from asite I built last year these titles areinherently more interesting becausethey're different because they have ahuman element and because they promisereal value if you use those kinds oftitles you'll get clicks especially ifyou post them to the right forums and ifyou deliver great value within yourcontent people will eventually startseeking you out for more unique andexciting stories oh and stories is avery key word herepeople love stories giving any post andnarrative structure in other wordsstructuring like a story and talkingabout real people who have been affectedby your advice is one of the best waysto ensure that people will want to readyour content some other tips space outyour content well and avoid large chunksof text use lots of highly descriptiveheadings that will inform your readersas to what each chapter is about use anice big font decorate your content withattractive images write in a manner thatis concise entertaining and easy to readand provide lots of links to otherresources within your content from thereit's simply a matter of postingconsistently and I mean at least once aweek ideally more and keeping thequality high the length of each postdoesn't matter as much but occasionallyposting long-form posts that I mean 800words Plus will stand you in good steadwith Google and help you to provide evenmore content to your visitors but whatif you don't know how to write what ifEnglish is at your first language inthat case you need to consider hiring awriter there are lots of writers onlineand they charge anywhere from $1 per 100words to ten dollars per 100 words youdon't need to spend that much but it'shighly recommended that you avoid thevery cheapest writers you know anythingunder $1 50 is risky and that you payfor better quality content this is animportant investment as you won't beable to build trust and find regularreaders if your content is written inpidgin English one concern here is thatyou might not know how to check if thecontent is good seeing as you won't beable to read it in the native languagethe solution here is to find someone whocan tell the difference and to get themto check it for you andI can't stress enough how important thisis the key to effective social mediamarketing is the exact same as the keyto effective content marketing providingvalue unfortunately this is somethingthat a huge number of businesses haveabsolutely no idea how to do and thatresults in some very poorly managedsocial media take a look at the socialmedia pages of your typical local b2bcompanies and you'll find that they tendto post some rather uninspiring andvapid statuses and posts you'll seethings like find out why our contentmanagement solution is the best in thebusiness and order our EP OS systemtoday and start serving your customersbetter well this is nothing but blatantself-promotion and not even interestingself-promotion yet ask yourself whywould anyone be interested in followingthat what are they gaining by readingyour posts one of the single mostimportant questions to ask when lookingat your social media or your content iswould you read it if not then you needto do something to make it moreinterestingthis means your social media now needsto provide some kind of purpose for theviewer it should be interesting itshould be entertaining and it should beuseful or it should be inspiringinspiring social media can workparticularly well take a look atInstagram and you'll find lots ofaccounts filled with people wearingstunning clothes posing to show offtheir rippling muscles or even justshowing off their wealthy lifestyle thenthere are the travel accounts with lotsof pictures of beautiful mountain ragesand sunsets why did these work wellbecause people see those channels andfeel inspired they live vicariouslythrough them and enjoy day dreamingabout having a life like that they knowthat if they follow that account they'llbe shown many more similarly inspiringposts and they continue to live thedreamguess what when you then promote a pieceof clothing or an e-book on how to getfit they listen examples of popularFacebook pages are things like IFLScience which post links to articleswith some really eye-catching titles andgets tons of likes and tons of shares asa result the best Twitter accounts areones run by personal brands that letfans feel as though they're really gainsand know them with insights into theirdaily routines with jokes or with insidethe tips wanna make a splash onPinterest then how about creating aboard to show off life hacks or todemonstrate great outfit choices forworkout inspiration the aim again is toprovide real value and the way to knowif you're doing this well is to askyourself would people be disappointed ifyou stopped posting to your account notjust your blog but your social mediachannels your social media needs to beable to stand on its own two feet and besomething people enjoy in its own rightthat's how you gain followers and sharesand it's how you get people to visityour site and buy your products onceagain from there the key is to postregularly and to be consistently ontopic don't create a blog on fitness butcontinuously post on social media aboutyour love of gardening or people willget tired and leave how frequentlyshould this be well ideally the morefrequently you post the better severaltimes a day is generally recommendedespecially since the likes of Facebookwill only show each post to a smallpercentage of your followers now let'slook at some more tips for getting yoursocial media right one thing you mightbe wondering is how you can provide thiskind of entertaining engaging value whenyou run a website about life insurancewhat could you possibly do on Instagramor Pinterest that would be appropriatewell the answer is not to think aboutthe service directly but rather aboutthe value proposition and the audienceyour aim is to post things that will beinteresting to the same demographic andwill be relevant but this doesn't haveto mean you only ever post directlyabout life insurance one example of thismight be to make an Instagram accountabout all the ways to spend time withyour family and take care of them as amum and dad this has a very broad appealbut it's also directly relevant to lifeinsurance because after all lifeinsurance is all about looking afteryour family once you're gone people whowant to be better mums and dads canfollow your Instagram which will be inthe same spirit as your business andonce you have the rear you can recommendlife insurance policy X likewise youcould do something similar with aPinterest accountno how about making all this about waysto save money as a family you could showmoney saving hacks budgeting tips etcand use that to promote your lifeinsurance as the best financial optionor your website as the best place tolearn about life insurance anotherimportant tip is to think about youraudience and who they are if you wantpeople to share your posts and this isthe best way to ensure they reach themaximum number of people then you needto be sure you're targeting youraudience specifically this is importantseeing as trying to reach to widenaudience will ultimately mean that youdon't specifically appeal to anyone thisis the mistake a lot of people make withtheir posts on how to get abs they thinkthat they need to appeal to everyone andthus they end up with very safe and verygeneric content but content performsbest when it's targeting specifically ata particular type of person this allrelates to the psychology of sharing whydo we ever share content well there aretwo simple reasons to express ourselvesor to communicate we communicate bysharing things that we think will appealto someone we knowif you see a post on how working fromhome turns your brain to mushthen you're gonna share that with yourfriend bill who works from home as acheeky joke as a way to help them workfrom home better or perhaps just a wayto show that you're thinking of them ifyou work from home yourself then youmight post it to express how you feelabout working from home and to helpothers understand you better but noticethat in both scenarios the post onlyworks because it applies so specificallyto people who work from home while beingvery specific might appear to excludepotential customers it makes it mucheasier for you to market to a particulartype of person who is likely to buy fromyou and to make this work you need tospend some time profiling what thatperson is like how old are they whatgender are they what are their hobbieswhat websites did they spend time onyou'll see why this is even moreimportant shortly once you've decidedhow you're going to provide valuethrough sharing your blog posts or byposting images you'll then need to makesure you have a strong brand that willhave some good visibility and tie yoursocial media channels neatly to yourwebsite it's important that when someonesees a post from you they know it's fromthe same website that they saw the otherday so make sure you have a good logoand use that as your profile picture oryour cover image on each accountlikewise use the same name whereverpossible another tip is to integrateyour social media and your website asclosely as possible it'll take a whileto build up momentum on your socialmedia but one thing that you can do tohelp that along is to add social mediabuttons to your website so that peoplecan check out your Facebook pagedirectly from your website ideallyyou'll gain new followers each timesomeone goes to your website that waythey'll be more likely to see yourfuture posts andthem bringing in yet more visitors whocan subsequently become followers alsoimportant is simply to ask people tofollow you on social media this isparticularly effective in video so ifyou have a YouTube channel then don't beshy to simply ask the people watching tofollow you on Twitter and give them somegood reasons to do so similarly at theend of a blog post why not just ask yourreaders to share the post with theirfriends using the Handy sharing buttonsthat you provide it's also a good ideato integrate your various differentposts to save time and to ensure thatyou fill each channel with as muchcontent as possible for example you canmake it so that you post or your tweetson your Facebook page or that each newYouTube video is automatically shared onTwitter don't forget that social mediais still primarily a communication toolone of the best ways to ensure peopleare engage with you is to actually talkwith them and to do something as simpleas just following people or liking theirpictures if you've ever used Instagramthen you'll be familiar with howpleasing it is that someone has startedfollowing you especially if they looklike a professional brand likewise it'sgreat when they comment and say nice picthis will motivate you to check outtheir channel and in many cases tofollow it so just spend some timeposting and of course be sure toactually respond to people runningcontests and surveying your audience canalso be a very good way to increaseengagement and to get a better idea ofwhat your followers want to see from youa good example of a contest is to awarda follower with a free gift if you getover X number of likes this can help youto build more shares and likes as wellas being a great way to thank your fansnow it's time to look at one of thebiggest pillars of internet marketing ofall SEO SEO is search engineoptimizationthis basically means that you're tryingto get your website to show up in thesearch results of course you're notgoing to be able to show up high inevery search resultso this is where keywords and targetingcome in a keyword is essentially a wordor phrase that people are going tosearch in order to find your site whenpeople go shopping online they're almostalways stuck with Google and when theystart with Google they will begin bysearching for the thing that they wantit very often this will mean that theysearch for something like buy hatsonline if you can target that precisephrase so that your page is the topresult you will not only be able toreach the right demographic but you'llbe able to target them at the precisemoment they're actually planning onbuying something the same thing happenswhen someone looks for information theymight search for how to lose weightafter Christmas or they might search forfitness articles again you can bringmore people to your site and that wayhopefully create more loyal followerssimply by making sure your pages come upas top results for those terms so SEOhas the huge advantage of being highlytargeted and allowing you to reachanyone rather than just people who areyour followers or who are part of thesame network as your followers the onlyproblem is that SEO is also arguablymore complicated than the other forms ofmarketing we've looked at so far it'snever guaranteed that is to say you canspend years doing SEO or pay the verybiggest SEO service in the world andstill not see any improvements let'stake a look at why that is and how togive yourself the best chance of successin order to get to the top of Google theaim is to try and understand how Googleworks how Google decides which sites areworthwhile and how you can manipulatethose factors in order to move your siteto the top Google works using spiders orrobots these are small programs thatsearch the web by following from onelink to the next each time they find anew website they add it to a giant indexand we'll assess the subject matter andthe quality of the site by looking atwho is linking to the page how the pageis laid out and what the subject of thecontent appears to be if we knewprecisely how Google's algorithm workedthen we could get at the top of thesearch results with guaranteed certaintyas we don't know this though all we cando is make educated guesses and hopethat these get us to the top of Googlewhen Google first became the dominantsearch engine the algorithm was fairlystraightforward and was generally quitewell understood by marketers back thenwe knew that Google found sites byfollowing links on sites already in theindex Google thought of a link astestimonythe more people link at your site thebetter your site must be Googleattempted some matched search terms withthe content on your pages if yourepeated the same phrase often enoughyou stood a better chance of ranking forthat term back then it was easy enoughto manipulate Google into doing yourbidding all you had to do was to createa website with lots and lots of contentrepeat the same keywords over and overagain and get lots of other sites tolinked you it was literally a matter ofwhoever worked the fastest could get tothe top of Google the quickestunfortunately though this also led tosome very bad practices people wouldstuff keywords into their text repeatingthe same few phrases over and over againpeople will pay for links people wouldsteal content and spin it helped swapwords for synonyms and generallyGoogle's results started to becomedominated by spam so Google clamped downand introduced some smarter rules andalgorithms these updates to its systemwere known as penguin and panda andreally shook up the internet marketingcommunity now Google is much smarterwhen it comes to looking for contentand now values quality over quantity toa large degree a few examples of thechanges first off Google will nowpenalize websites for keyword stuffing adensity of once a 2% is generallyrecommended Google now prefers long-formcontent and will reward it Google willpenalize sites that associate with spamsites low-quality links are worthlesslinks from established authorities meanmuch more a single link from Harvard isworth a million links from spam sitesGoogle now understands synonyms andrelated terms and we'll look for you tohave written around a subject googlepenalizes links that are from sites thataren't related to yoursGoogle clamps down hard on paid linksGoogle clamps down hard on stolen orreworked content Google can now monitorhow long people spent on a website orpage if your visitors are only stayingfor a second before leaving Google willtake this to mean that your site doesn'toffer any real value and you will bepenalized this sudden change resulted ina lot of sites being removed from Googleor together which badly hurt manybusinesses as you can imagine thiscaused quite a lot of outcry but what'simportant to remember is that websiteowners are not the customers Google iscatering to Google is catering to userswho want to use Google in order to findhigh-quality content thus Google's mainand only objective is to ensure that thecontent it shares is relevant andinteresting to the people searching foritso what's the best way to handle goodSEO simple make sure you are providinggreat relevant content when you do thisyou are aligning yourself with Google'sgoals therefore every change Google masewill ultimately help more people to findyour sitewhile the sites that tried to spamGoogle or Trickett will only be damagedeach time that google has an update sowith all that said how'd you go aboutcarrying out SEO for your site in thisday and age we'll cover that in part 2with what we covered in the last videoyou may be wondering whether it reallyis possible to get your site ranked nowhow'd you go about carrying out SEO foryour site in this day and age well let'stake a look at some modern SEO practicesthe first thing to do is to fill yoursite with as much relevant content aspossiblenotice how SEO and content marketingnaturally go hand-in-hand already againthis content should be long-form atleast occasionally and should containlinks to other sites again the samethings that make your content highquality for your readers are the thingsthat Google wants to see do some keywordresearch to find what people aresearching for and what you should try totarget to get the ideal traffic to yoursite you can find the volume of peoplesearching for specific terms by usingGoogle's keyword planner come here toAdWords Google com forward slash keywordplanner and then sign in using yourGoogle ID it's all very straightforwardtry to make sure that the terms yousearch for aren't too competitivehowever otherwise you can end up goingagainst too many other sites and givingyourself an impossible taskas mentioned earlier Google just doesn'tlike you to keep repeating the same keyphrase over and over instead theobjective is to lace it into the contenta few times as naturally as possiblewhile also including synonyms andrelated terminology this should happennaturally and it should never distractthe reader from here you can go aboutbuilding links from high qualityrelevant sites these are certain sitesthat Google already trusts and youcan spot these by looking at which onesare already at the top of Google andwhich ones are featured in Google NewsGoogle also likes big recognized brandsand it likes dot e-d-u and dot o-r-gdomains while it might be hard to getlinks from those sites you can think ofthis a bit like degrees of separation inother words if you can't get a link fromHarvard University look for a site thatdoes have a link from Harvard and see ifyou can't get a link from them one ofthe best strategies you can use to buildlinks is something called guest postinghere you're essentially going to contactbig blogs and offer to write content forthem for free this content needs to berelevant and high quality so they willbe tempted to go ahead and publish itrather than charging for your writingwhat you then do is make it part of thedeal that you'll get a link back to yourwebsite within the body of the text oneway to avoid going head-to-head with thebiggest players in your niche is tofocus on local SEO local SEO is simplySEO that places local keywords front andcenter so if you live in Santa Monicaand you run a hairdresser then you aretrying to rank for Santa Monicahairdresser and you are build links fromother local companies it's much easierto become number one for a specificsearch term like this even if you'rerunning an international business it canbe a good idea to start local and thenbranch out once you've built a localmomentum lastly a few things that canhelp to keep you in Google's good booksavoid anything that looks spammy ormanipulative try to avoid patterns andencourage of visitors to share yourlinks online that's what Google reallylikes to see sites with lots of links onthe strength of their quality one way todo this is to write link bait this iscontent that is so useful so interestingor so shocking that other people want tolink to it and include it in theirdebates or share it with friendswhen creating your links avoid trying touse only your keywords in the anchortextsometimes the best anchor is just clickhere or this article again it looks moreorganic and natural and means Googlewon't think that you're paying for yourlinks now don't try and trick Googlejust create high quality content foryour readers while keeping Google'salgorithms in the back of your mind oneof the great things about SEO is thatonce you've climbed to the top itdoesn't have to cost you all that muchto stay there the problem is it can takean awfully long time to get to thatpointPPC meanwhile offers you that preciseopposite strengths and weaknesses PPCstands for pay-per-click and is the mainform of advertising online pay-per-clickessentially means that as an advertiseryou only get charged each time somebodyactually clicks on one of your advertsso in other words it doesn't cost youanything to have your advert publishedon a website if no one ever clicks on ityou'll never pay a cent but each timesomeone does click on it you'll becharged X amount of money this has a lotof Handy advantages as do many of theother features of PPCso let's dive in and take a closer lookso how much exactly do you pay for eachclick and where will your ads showwhat's the best way to make the mostmoney from it well essentially you getto decide precisely how much you want topay for each click the caveat is theless you pay the lesser advert will getseen that's because ads are shown basedon a bidding system whenever a spacebecomes live all of the relevant adswill be compared and the one that paysthe highest will get shown that meansyou can get clicks for one cent ifyou're in a niche with zero competitionbut for a much more competitive industryyou can end up paying as much as fivedollars per click the good news is youonly pay the amount you need to beat thenext highest competitionif your maximum bid is $5 but there'sonly one competitor who is paying $1you'll get the add for $1 and one centas well as setting how much you'rewaiting to pay which is known as yourminimum bidyou can also set how much you're willingto pay per week or per month this isyour budget and by setting this you canensure that you never spend more cashthan you have the great thing about thissystem is it means you can actuallyguarantee ROI for your business you dothis by calculating how much it's goingto cost you to bring each new visitor toyour site which will be equal to yourCPC or cost per click you then look atyour conversion rate in other words whatpercentage of new visitors become payingcustomers and then you compare thesenumbers so if one in every 100 visitorsbuy something from you in other words a1% conversion rate and your productearns you $50 per sale that means eachvisitor is worth $50 divided by 100 or50 cents as long as you're paying lessthan that per click you should earnprofit from the campaignthis also means you'll need a dailybudget of a certain amount in order tosee daily returns there is another greatbenefits of PPC advertising – it allowsyou to target specific types of visitorsvery precisely targeting means ensuringonly people you really want to see yourads will see them and that can preventyou from wasting money advertising topeople who won't be interested in buyingfrom you if you're selling skateboardsto skaters you should find yourconversion rate goes up significantlyversus trying to sell pens to skaters sohow does all this work well there aretwo main PPC programs out there at themoment these are Facebook ads and GoogleAdWords there are some others but theyaren't so big Google AdWords show ads onsearch termsand in that way it works just like SEOyour aim here is to make sure thatyou're paying for your ads to show up onsearch terms with enough viewers andthat are targeted to your preciseaudience you can do this using localsearch terms again or you can do it byusing search terms that specificallyrelate to your niche and you can see theads are here at the top where it saysadd quite often then also have them downhere on the right-hand side in a searchresult as wellnow Facebook ads on the other hand givesyou even more targeting options withFacebook ads your adverts will show onusers Facebook pages on the right or intheir home feeds you can then ensurethat people only see the ads if they arethe right agents X or if they have theright hobbies and interests or have theright income and if they're in the rightlocation Google has the advantage ofshowing ads to people who are currentlysearching for services and productswhereas Facebook ads can be interruptiveyou can even use Google AdWords as a wayto test whether certain keywords areworth pursuing with your SEO but byclosely targeting only people who arelikely to be interested in your productFacebook ads allow you to avoid wastingmoney on clicks from people who wouldnever have bought from you in the firstplace if you're selling a digitalproduct there is another very effectiveway to gain a lot more sales and that isto get other marketers to promote it foryou and learning about affiliatemarketing is important if you want tostand a lot of the conversation you'llfind in marketing forums and elsewhereessentially an affiliate is someone whopromotes an online product in exchangefor a commission so if you sold ane-book for 40% Commission that will makeyou an affiliate to do this you simplyuse a URL that is unique to you and thenwhen someone clicks on that link theywill be redirected via page that willhave a cookie on their computer and theywill be identified as having been set byyou the great thing about gettingaffiliates to help you promote a productis you're essentially building an armyof salespeople all of whom will be ableto help you get more sales for yourproduct if you can sell 30 ebooks ormonth yourself imagine how many ebooksyou'll sell when you have a thousandaffiliates the keys are getting lots ofaffiliates is not to be greedy create agreat product you know will sell welland that affiliates will believe in -and then be willing to give away a goodproportion of your profits over 50%ideally you can then look for affiliatesby listing your product on affiliatenetworks like JV zoo which is jvzoo.comClickbank which is Clickbank comm or CJaffiliate by conversant this used to becalled Commission Junction and you canfind them at CJ comm making money as anaffiliate is also a very importantstrategy for internet marketers internetmarketers make money by promoting theproducts of other Creators this allowsthem to make big money without having toinvest lots of time or effort intocreating their own products what's moreis that by selecting an existing productrather making one from scratch you canremove the risk element by focusing on aproduct that is already selling verywell affiliate marketing is a great wayto monetize a website and to build abusiness with zero upfront investmentwhether you are an affiliate or aproduct creator you're going to findthere are a few different materials andterms which come up regularly and thatyou'll end up using to build yourcampaign these materials and termsinclude sales funnel now a sales funnelis a selection of free blog posts orarticles perhaps a mailing list maybe afree report followed up by a paid reportand increasingly high ticket in otherwords expensive items the idea is thatyou're gradually introducingpeople's your brand and then helpingthem to invest more and more in yourmessage to become increasinglyinterested in spending more with you intheir sales page a sales page is a pagewhich is entirely dedicated to sellingyour product that means that we knowexternal links no distracting content orimages you know just one sales scriptdesigned to promote the product and makeit sound highly desirable this will beinterspersed with Buy Now buttons andwe'll use persuasive writing then thisfree report and a free report is a smallexcerpt or example of your sales funnelthere's VSL and VSL is a video salesletter this is a spoken script thatworks like sales copy to engage thevisitor and get them to buy and finallythere is squeeze page and email swipesnow email swipes are ready-mademarketing messages will look a littlemore at how a squeeze page and mailinglists work together in a moment as amarketer you can either create thesematerials yourself get them free whenyou sign up as an affiliate or use otherstrategies to promote the productseither way though understanding theseterms is going to come in very handywhen you're learning about internetmarketing it's worth understanding thisconcept as like I said it comes up a lotin forums and online communities in factfor many people internet marketing andaffiliate marketing are somewhatinseparable you'll find this when youcheck out sites like blackhat worldwhich is blackhat WorldCom and thewarrior forum which is warrior forum comthese are forums where internetmarketers can discuss ideas and tipswith one another as well as findingopportunities business partners clientsand services the warrior forum even hasits own affiliate network spending sometime on these forums is a verygood way to get acquainted with theworld of internet marketing and all itentails you also find a ton of goodadvice as well as being able to hirewriters SEO companies web designers andother professionals to help you get yourcampaign up and running here you willoften find lots of people selling linkbuilding services but you should be waryof these as the links are oftenlow-quality spend some time here thoughlearn the ropes and find out what itreally means to be an internet marketerthere are many many more aspects tointernet marketing and we only reallyhave just scratched the surface thatsaid you should now know all of thebasics and have a deeper understandingthan most people regarding what isactually like to work versus whatultimately amounts to spam before we gothough there are just a few moreconcepts you need to familiarizeyourself with if someone lands on yoursite for the first time and you try tosell them a copy of your ebook or aservice you should expect to find thatthis is more likely than anything tojust drive them away think of it alittle bit like asking for someone'snumber before they've even had a chanceto get to know you much more successfulis to spend some time establishing trustand familiarity but you do need toensure that they come back in order todo that and this is where a mailing listcomes in it gives you a way to contactyour visitors directly and moreimportantly it represents permission tomessage them your objective then is toensure your members actually keepreading your mailing list rather thanignoring your messages in order to dothat you need to ensure that you are youguessed it providing value emails can belessons they can be exclusive updates orthey can be full articles just make surethat they are providing value in orderto start collecting emails and save themout you'll need a tool called anautoresponder this is what will enableyou to create forms as wellletting you manage new subscriberspeople who want to leave your list etcetc good examples of autoresponderservices include Aweber which you canfind here Aweber comm get response whichis get respond stock coat UK in the UKand get response comm everywhere elseand MailChimp calm don't ignore thisaspect of your market secure many gurussuggest that this is the most effectivetool in your arsenal press releases areshort documents you send out to bigbloggers and websites the idea is tomake your website or your product soundlike news so that they will considerwriting about it the mistaken a lot ofmarketers make is to think they can justpromote their product and that the newsoutlet is going to be happy to writeabout it and essentially provide themwith free exposure now this is not howit works like you magazines and websitesare predominantly interested inproviding value to their readers so theyonly tell your story if it's genuinelyinteresting or exciting so ask yourselfhow can you make your brand somethingpeople will be interested in readingabout a publicity stunt is one answerdoing something completely unique isanother rather than targeting big blogsthough why not consider targeting thesmaller influences these are individualbloggers youtubers social media stars onthe like who have thousands or evenmillions of followers if you canconvince them to give you a shout outyou can sponsor them to do thisgive them some for free or exchangefavors then that can give you instantaccess to a gigantic audience andpotentially transform your businessovernight finally no matter whatstrategies you are using in yourinternet marketing campaign isabsolutely essential that you areregularly checking your stats andanalytics to ensure that you're actuallymaking progress look at how manyvisitors you're getting daily look atwhich activities are bringing you themost customersuse this information to hone and improveyour campaign over time there areseveral different tools that you can useto do all this but by far the mostpopular and capable is Google Analyticsif you're serious about internetmarketing then the two of you need toget acquaintedthis video series has thrown a lot ofinformation at you all at once andthere's still more to learnunfortunately that's the nature of thebeast internet marketing is a hugesubject and you will never have learnedeverything moreover it's also a subjectthat is continually changing andevolving so you'll never know absolutelyeverything that there is to know butwhat this series has hopefully done isto a give you a solid foundation ofknowledge to get started and be help youto make some smart decisions and avoidsome of the biggest mistakes that newmarketers make the biggest lesson I wantyou to take home from all this is thatyou should work smart not hard now thatdoesn't mean that you're going to beputting out a load of dross though farfrom it the key to getting easy wins isto create things people actually want tosee and want to share content Googlewants its users to find and content towill build trust and authority with yourfollowers this means writing aboutsubjects you're passionate about and itmeans bringing something genuinelydifferent and unique to the table and itmeans creating a stunning website withglorious images and a strong brand goodSEO and good marketing means tellingamazing stories and creating amazingcontent and I wish you every success


Internet Marketing–Various Online Business Models

By Sean Mize | Submitted On September 01, 2006

Expert Author Sean Mize

There are many different methods of making an online income. In reality, they are all very similar to the business models you see in the offline world. You can sell goods and services, you can produce products for wholesale distribution, you can sell information, you can sell tools to help people in their own business model, you can sell advertising, or you can provide consulting services.

Do you see a common theme in all of these models? That’s right—to have a viable business, you have to literally provide some kind of a good or service that adds value to someone or something, either online or offline.

I think that when people think about going into business offline, they look for a need in their community and try to fill it. Online, they tend to think, OK, what can I do to make a lot of money? There is a huge difference between the two. Online, I think people really believe that if they put up a web site and sell something, the money will just come in. It is simply not an accurate thought, but I think that just about everybody has thought it at one time or another.

So to create an income online, you must meet a need, just like you would in the offline world. You meet that need by producing, developing, distributing, or brokering a product or service. That is just about it. You will never earn long-term viable income from schemes and scams, no more than a bank robber will earn a long-term viable income robbing banks.

Here are some of the basic business models you can find on the web:

1) Production model. This is a company that produces value by transforming one good into another for online consumption. An offline equivalent would be a shoemaker or a gold mining firm. The online equivalent might be the development of new software or search technology, or the development of online technology that aids in the execution of some of the other online business models.

2) Merchant model. This is a company that specializes in the sales and organizes the delivery of goods and services to an online market. This can be compared to the offline equivalent of a merchant. Some examples online are bookstores, food stores, catalog web sites and other goods and services sales organizations.

3) Advertising model. This is a company that specializes in providing the service of advertising or promotion to other online firms, for example, those firms that operate using the production or merchant model. This model charges these companies a fee to advertise the goods and services provided by the other online business models.

4) Affiliate model. This is a model that resembles the advertising model, but is different in that it focuses on recruiting many individual companies or individuals to do the advertising in a systematic and piecemeal way. Whereas in the advertising model, the advertiser is paid based on the amount of advertising distributed, the affiliate model pays the affiliate marketer when a sale or step in a sales process is completed. This step may be an online visit, a request for more information, or the actual sale itself.

5) Brokerage model. This model is one that compensates the broker for bringing together buyer and seller, usually in the form of a personal, one-on-one introduction. An example of this might be an online auction or a processor of online payments.

6) Information model. The information business model is one in which the company provides information to a specific field or niche market. This information would typically instruct another company or individual on an easier or more efficient method of performing a task, or actually teach the task or the implementation of the task.

7) Subscription model. This is an overlay model, one which is generally incorporated into one of the other models. This model would provide a good or service over a protracted period of time, and provide a guaranteed and generally consistent level of that good or service for a period of time, for example over the course of several months. Two products that fit into this subscription model might be that of online monthly video rentals or services like food or medicines which are delivered on a regular basis by commitment.

8) Utility model. This model operates in much the same way as an offline utility might operate, offering a product that has, through its use, become a necessity and is often tightly controlled. An example of an online utility model would be that of internet access or telephone service via an online network.

9) Community model. This is a business model that focuses on bringing together individuals or companies of similar interest for the purpose of developing relationships and sharing information. Two examples of the community web phenomenon are the recently created Myspace and the older online forum.

When deciding to go into business online, it is important to determine which of these business models most interest you. To which of these models are you best suited? In which of these models are you most likely to be considered an expert, or in which would you have the willingness to become an expert?

By the way, would you like to get the newbie-friendly insider’s secrets to building a stable, thriving business online… year after year? Swing on by our friendly Business Builders Cafe at for the latest freshly-made marketing techniques… that just plain work beautifully. You’ll love what you receive!

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