Vending Business Tactics E Book!

Product Name: Vending Business Tactics E Book!

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कितनी बड़ी है E-Commerce Industry | Case Study | Dr Vivek Bindra

In this video Dr Vivek Bindra talks about the E-Commerce Industry. He share in detail How Big is the E-Commerce Industry, why you should use the E-Commerce Industry and how can you use the E-Commerce Industry.
Watch the video till the end to know about all the details of E-Commerce Industry and how you can expand your business with the help of E-Commerce industry.

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When Internet Marketing Promotions Can Suffer If You Use Audio, Video Or Long Sales Letters

By Michael Senoff | Submitted On July 25, 2006

Expert Author Michael Senoff

I make almost all my money on the Internet using audio, and am a huge advocate of using audio on websites — whether for selling or educational purposes — because I have seen the huge jump in response and profits that result.

Not only do people get exposed to your message on a whole different level than using just text, but you bond with people in ways you can’t get anyway else.

In fact, sometimes when people listen to all the interviews I have done and actually talk to me on the phone, they tell me they feel like they’re talking to a “celebrity.” When in truth, I am far from it.

That’s the kind of raw power using audio on your site gives you.

However, with that said, there are times when having audio on your site will not work. Or at least, depending on audio to the extent I use it will not work.

Such as if you are selling something where there just isn’t that much to talk about. Like, for example, if you sell parts to electronic manufacturers or something like that.

True, you can probably find some ways to make a talk out of it. But really, if someone is at your site because they want “part # 138e7e8e” or something like that, they don’t want a pitch or to hear a 45-minute talk on the subject. They just want the part.

In fact, in cases like that, trying to enhance everything with audio, video or a long sales pitch can actually work against you.

So be careful with how and what you use all the new technology for.

Video and audio are both exciting mediums. But they can work against you in some cases if you aren’t careful.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

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Gray Hair No More – Reverse Gray Hair – 2018 Update

Product Name: Gray Hair No More – Reverse Gray Hair – 2018 Update

Description: Reverse Gray Hair With Gray Hair No More ~ The Best Seller With A 1:20 -1:30 Constant Conversion Rate! Top Affiliates Earn $1000’s By Promoting This Amazing Product.

How Ecom Express Delivers e-Commerce Shipments

[Music]we live in a continuously shrinkingworld where technology is bringingeverything you want right to your palmecommerce is rapidly changing the wayIndian consumers shop reliable logisticspartner with comprehensive reach acrossthe geography of the country is thebackbone of any e-commerce businessbest-in-class technology and automationmakes econ Express your best logisticspartner completely integrated ordermanagement system developed in-houseenables easy shipping and real-timetracking of your orders anywhere inIndia pickups are done using the latesttechnology enabling a smooth andflexible picker process the use oftechnology tracks each order that isselected and pickups are confirmed byclicking each signature[Music]real-time updates are sent to handhelddevices that are powered by ourtechnologydarling weighing and sorting ofshipments are all automated at theprocessing centers and each movement ofan order is tracked in GPS to ensurethey're right on track[Music]orders are further scanned and sorted ateach handle report including destinationhubs and again bases the addresses theyare dispatched to the respectivedelivery center[Music]here the again carefully sorted this isthe addresses and then they get assignedto our delivery sources through a mobileapplication we ensure that orders arelimited on time to the customersverification through TPS guarantee thatorders get delivered to the rightcustomer – is selected tallied againsteach order and remitted to our customersif undelivered Regents are made thisentire process is monitored by a controltower and any exceptions are fixedproactively with timely updates tocustomer support know with EECOM expressand empower your ecommerce businesstoday[Music]


“Fail-Proof” Your Internet Marketing Business With This Simple Secret 90% Of Businesses Ignore

By Michael Senoff | Submitted On July 25, 2006

Expert Author Michael Senoff

If you want to know a sure-fire, almost 100% fool proof secret that will keep your Internet marketing business alive and thriving for years into the future, then this article will show you how.

It’s a simple secret, but a secret most people never understand. And yet, if you know and understand it, you almost can’t fail.

Anyway, here is the “secret:

Success and failure, for the most part, all boils down to selling people what they want and not what they need.

For example, let’s take a multi-millionaire who loves making money and has more money than he could ever possibly spend in ten lifetimes.

He may not need more money, but he wants it. And so, he will be open to ways to multiply his fortune.

On the other hand, let’s say this guy really needs a prostate examination, but is in denial there anything wrong with him.

And doesn’t want to hear about the subject.

Well guess what?

You could show him all the data on his family history with prostate cancer, on people his age and other relevant data that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt he really needs to have his prostate looked at, and it won’t matter to him one bit.

Sure, he needs it.

But he doesn’t want it.

And so, that offer for a free prostate exam or bottle of pills won’t mean jack squat to him. Even though he may need it, and even though he can easily afford it.

The point?

People don’t necessarily always buy what they need. But they will always buy the things they want.

And so, when you’re selling online (or offline) as long as you focus on what your customers wants — and not what they need — you’re going to be in business for a long time.

Like I said, it’s not a complicated secret at all.

And yet, look around you and you will see 90% of Internet marketers doing the exact opposite.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. He is also an expert on showing people how to create their own high ticket information products from scratch using just your telephone. For a 100% FREE REPORT that reveals how you can take your own ordinary book, e-book or even a concept and turn it into a information product you can sell for up to $3,900 or more go to:

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Jim Daniels 2019 Affiliate Marketing Master Swipe File

Product Name: Jim Daniels 2019 Affiliate Marketing Master Swipe File

Description: Earn Reliable Affiliate Income, By Truly Helping People. Send Them To This Hype-free Marketer With 22 Years Experience Making His Living Online. This New 2019 Product For Affiliate Marketers Will Bring You High Epc And Low Refund Rates.

Why Are So Many Of The World's Top eCommerce Marketers Using This Tool?

hey guys how's it going so before wedive into the the ad strategy and how toscale and optimize and tests and all thegood stuffyou know before we do any of that what'sreally important is to actually havethings to sell and so when I did myfirst course come on huggyyou know I did my first course I focusedon all the advanced strategies rightthat was a bulk of the course in thetraining program and I realized I got alot of feedback from people saying wellthis is great Mac so I'm just gettingstarted or I used to do paid traffic foran agency now I'm looking to my ownthing and I don't know what to sell Idon't have a client and that's fineright we are all getting started atdifferent times in our careers so I wantto make sure we had a module beforediving into all the strategies and scaleand all that good stuff that we're gonnaget to where I really covered how tomake money online right like where can imonetize my skills as a media buyer soobviously I can do it working for anagency I can do it working influencermarketing shop but I can also do it asan affiliate marketer I can do with myown e-commerce store I can do it runningfunnels there's a lot of things that Ican do if I have the skills as a as aFlorence marketer that were going totalk about in this course and by thetime you're done with this you're goingto be a rock star I'm especially come tothe trainings right so today what I wantto show you is a really cool tool andthis is not just for people that are newthis is people if you're in the EECOMspace in the print-on-demanddropshipping space and you're lookingfor new product ideas if you're lookingto competitive research this is a reallycool tool so I'm going to be showing alot of cool tools in this module that weuse that we love as platforms to selland make money and build funnels andalso as platforms to do research andmake our jobs easier so at plex it'sbeen around for a while in the affiliatemarketing world they've a lot of cooltools for native and other otherchannels but this is their newest one adplexi e-commerce and it's pretty coolit's pretty powerful so basically whatthis lets me do as somebody that hasecommerce stores that's either lookingto do competitive research or lookingfor things to add to my store lookingfor things to market I can come in hereand see what's really trending rightwhat products what stores what apps aredoing the best right now and so they'vethree product three categories fineproducts fine storespopularand down here they give you a list we'llstart with find products so here's alist from the last 30 days ofessentially the top products theproducts that have the most kind ofstrength that they ring so they calltheir product trends score basicallylooking at the more popular is within aspecific date range and so the biggerthe score the more out Stein's it isfrom kind of average product so you lookthis is like a two point four thousandand you're gonna on here you see a lotof products in the hundred and stuff sothese products up here are really reallypopular right now so we have thisorthopedic bunion corrector 2.0 thispremium anti-theft laptop backpackbackpack this two XL professional woodburning set waterproof soldier wireconnectors best garlic presses so wehave a variety of products down hereheritage Pyrrhic display and so as amarketer I'm gonna be looking and sayinghey do any of these products fit myexisting store in terms of the thememaybe I'm selling things for seniorcitizens hey this might be interestingpeople with foot problems maybe I'm likea gadget II type store I'm looking tosell tech products this is interestingto me they've got like a women's fashionapparel style website with store thislooks interesting me over here right soI have kind of a range of products fordifferent categories so then over herewhat I can do is I can change the viewwindow from today yesterday all timeto see when this was promoted within Ican rank by the product strength so if Iwant to eliminate you know certainscores I can change that I can changethe date of when a product was added toa store so if I want to make sure thisis a relatively new product I can dothat as wellso I can do hey let's do the last 30days instead of the last you know 14 soyou see some things change up here sothis floating pet fur catcher this lookspretty interesting I had this kind ofboxing thing down here I have thesehigh-waisted snapper shorts I've thispredator motorcycle helmet which isreally badass and I'm gonna dive intothat predator helm in a second so that'sreally cool and then down here I canchoose category so let's say I'm in theautomotiveI can look at at products in theautomotive space let's say in you knowor will care I don't know if that's asnows on here or don't care I can dothat and break it down I can make sureit's just products that have taste m'godcopy because I'm gonna see theirFacebook and ads are running too if Iwant to see all products I can do allbut for this example I want to seeproducts that are also advertising onFacebook that I can actually see whatthey're advertising how they'readvertising I can break down whofulfills their product so if it's Amazonif it's big by custom cat guten printfull titi launch top dog all thesedifferent viral style I can see whofills it and then I can also if I have acompetitor in the space or if there'slike a big player in the space that Iknow is killing it I can actually droptheir store here and just look at theirstore and what they're selling right sosuper useful for competitive researchlet me go over here to this predatorhelmet I'm gonna click into it okay sohere's what's gonna show me it's gonnashow me historical price change itchanges so if I really want to follow aspecific product I can enablenotifications and it'll tell me when theprice changes so that way I know hey ifI'm selling the same product I know whatthe competitors of the space are doingprice-wise and I know if they're tryingto undercut me price I can see how it'strending strength wise so is it losingsteam is a gain momentum that's a greatindicator for me I can see what otherproducts this store selling so again ifit's a similar type of store I can seewhat are their kind of cross sells whereI'll stay selling in that store I cansee what the current price is theoriginal price this name of the storewhen the product was added the link toit and how to fulfilled so this isfilled manually this is interested me sothey listed the original price is $350and they dropped it on thirty sevendollars so to me that says the read thetrying to liquidate it it's not sellingor they have some ulterior motive thereor it's like really crappy quality andthey just set the price really highinitially to establish as a premiumoption and then get people in so therecould be a variety of reasons whythey're doing that and then I can comein and look at the Facebook ads runningso they're running just one ad right nowwe'll look at some stores where it showsa lot of ads running so I can see okaythey're using a lot of emojicheck out a predator helmet only 16Styles left to choose from shockedworldwide fast delivery get your own soto me this sounds like you know they'reprobably not based in United States likethe English is kind of weird it's reallygeneric copy its to me it doesn't reallymatch like the style of the productright because this is like a badassmotorcycle helmet right and this is kindof using hearts and like heart emojis Isee a disconnect there like the video[Music]okay so what does it say to me right soif I saw like if I saw this productright and I'm in a similar space let'ssay I'm selling motorcycle products or Ihave a similar demographic customer Ithink this is a really cool product it'sa very unique it's very novel you knowthe predator movie just met a littlewhile ago but what this is showing me soif they're making it workthen there's huge opportunity becausethe ad is garbagethe pricing strategies all over theplace I can actually go look at theproduct okay so it's not even availableso they might have sold out of it orthey might have used the wrong linkthereand so this is also another feature Ican come in and see like about theactual store so how many productsthey've launched in a certain timeperiod the apps they're using theircheapest products number of productsmost expensive product average Christ'slast product added one that was Sonythis looks like a like not a seriousstore there they're obviously not evenaround anymore so a bad example wellit's not a terrible exam because I can'tlook at it but I'll show you another onewe can look at but let's say this was astore that was still in business rightand I think this is a cool product andlet's say it was fulfilled by a bear lowere pronoun you know drop shipper thatI can actually work with this is manualso I can't do anything I would see thisas a big opportunity right because thisis novel it's unique it is trendy it'sgot a high product strength score andthere's a lot of opportunity because ifthis business is making it work theirads garbage right like that was aterrible ad it was the music choices offit was one long video just showing theon the ground the copy was totally wrongfor the demographic I would have createda really good square foot about fivevideo that had quick quick cuts likespliced in images of ArnoldSchwarzenegger fighting the predator andthen showed some dude in like all blackleather with his badass Harley likeputting it on or sports bike just likeflying down the road doing tricks andstuff like I would make it superhigh-energy I've its place in actionscenes in the predator and and likerelate it to the movie I would put likeArnold Schwarzenegger his name in thereI would do some fun stuff and a copy tomake it entertaining engaging andrelatable and show that it you actuallyknow what the predator movies aboutright so that's just me what I would dothere so let's go back and let's see ifthere's an actual one of these thatactually has a store that's alive rightso that if you happen to pick they're abad example so this is good productstrength this is film manually to let mesee their stores aroundokay so they actually do have a store soI can actually now come and look at theproduct page right so I can see theexact product page you're using I cansee their store I can see hey they havereviews up here they have certain appsare using this is the imagery they'reusing this is the kind of side copythey're using the theme they're using Ican see a lot of things they're using weleoI can also obviously seat this has moreanswers those five ads running so I cancome in here and look at the differentads they're running so let's post Museupand actually saw us on Facebook so thisis actually interesting sent ninemillion views I saw this or totallyindependent of this I think this isreally solid video write this total outsort of predator this is a quick 30second video it's got quick cut that'sgot text it's doing a lot of thingsright for this the emojis work becauseit's like pet owners they're used tocute little things this actually workscollect all pet fur hair and Lincoln wonwash reusable recommended to buy two ormore for this washer skinny someinstructions remove now for free so if Ihave a pet store right if I'm selling topet lovers pet parents whatever it isthis would be a great possible productad because it's got a good product scorethey these there's a lot of views rightand so me like coming in I don't agreethat you know there's a first moveradvantage I think first movers usuallylose in the long run first moversusually come in to things blind they'reinnovators right which is great but theymake all the mistakes because they don'tknow what's ahead of them I think it'sthe people that come in second thirdafter the first mover that do it waybetter then end up winning so you lookat any you can look at dozens as does anexample so you look at Facebook rightyet MySpace and Friendster coming insocial networking world first where arethey nowright Facebook came in and just totallydestroyed them you can look at thatacross the board with whether it's videogame consoles whether it's onlinewebsites media companies you look ateverything we're doing now all these bigbrands like Dollar Shave Club Casperthat are coming into old markets they'renot the first movers but they're comingin and doing it way way better so to meI look at this they okay this the storesalready paid to get ten million peopleto view this video they've already donemy job of building brand awarenessproduct awareness for this product Icould come in and with some differentunique angles and grab that audienceshare because people are already lookingfor it they already know about it rightso there's some opportunities there Ithink there's some confusion in thelanguage here like removed now to methat doesn't say click here that's veryconfusing like I know they mean removebut it's like does this mean to removethis for my feed it's it can beconfusing people especially oldercustomersI think the copy itself is emojis butit's relatively boring right recommendit to buy two or more four 7ky likenobody wants there like the details ofhow much to use for their washingmachine nobody even knows what theirwasher sizes right so I think what theycould be doing if I was coming in sayingokay this is a pretty good product it'sgot a good product score clearly peoplelike it there's already a lot ofmomentum on Facebook for it let me comein and let's see you some really cuteanimals and go the the animal directionright so they're going the aftermathlet's go prefer getting on you right sothey're looking at what happens onceit's in the washer let's take somereally cute animals and gets a reallycute kind of viral 15-second videos thatshow like a guy just getting swarmed bypuppies right and then it shows afterhim just covered in fur so I thinkthere's a much better angle to have morefunhumor engagement than technical so sothat's like the products right seeincoming I can do this all day long Ican look at every type of product forevery type of industry I can look bystore right so my buddy Josh who hassnow teeth whitening let me see if itjust comes up like this teeth I thinkit's try snowthere we go so I can come inokay let me try with all timethat's probably why because it's theproducts weren't had in the last 30 daysokay so now this is a specific storethis is my buddy Josh's store andthey're always on I'm pulling Josh'sstore up it's because they have such atremendous lead with this product thatnobody's gonna beat with them right likeanybody here I'd recommend like don'ttry to compete with Josh you're gonnalose I've seen a lot of people that evenapproached us it's like hey you wannarun our teeth whitening offer it's likeno I we don't you don't have the pocketsright now to compete yes such anadvantage he's invested heavily and bigbig influencers he has deals with allhis Nordstrom's it's he's done anincredible job and I'm probably later inthe course I'll talk about what he'sdoing and some of the stuff you canlearn from him but anyway that's why I'mpulling this up because I'm not afraidhe's not afraid to show his productsright so I can come in and let's saythis is your top competitor right I cansee exactly what products save in thestore which of those products arekilling it which ones have the mostmomentum so I can see clearly hey thishas got a crazy product trend score13,000 ones really came before we're inthe hundreds of low thousands and it wasworth of top so this is his at home kitit's two hundred five dollars it's beenon the store for three years now he hassome newer stuff this is added threemonths ago this is a pre sell for hisnew wireless teeth whitening kit I havethis like little mobile one I have therefills I have this new XO liter addedtwo months ago and clear with himlooking at this and saying okay it's onegot a twenty so this is a new productcategory for them they may haven'tfigured it out yet so I'm not gonna tryto get into this air or maybe it showsthat's an opportunity for me rightbecause me going head-on with thisprobably is gonna be challenging but ifI see the direction they're starting togo and I see they're not really doingwell with it yet maybe I can beat themto that and dominate that side of thebusiness so this really just gives you alot of ideas of where should i neva getproduct wise marketing wise with mystore with my affiliate iPhone runningaffiliate traffic for products it alsogive me ideas for app for copy fortargeting for all kinds of things solet's click into the top productso this is what's going to look like fora like a really popular product on themarket for a few years you're gonna seea lot more data here so I can see allthe price change historically I can seewhen they're making price changes whatthose changes are right so I can I canreally see trends it's like okay they'reyou know they're going deep discountsgoing into the holidays that makes senseto me they're doing some some you know4th of July sales looks like so a lot ofstuff going on I can see when theproduct strength spiked right so whenare things most popular so this isinteresting it was actually in June thatthey really started crushing it likeproduct strength wise it was a big popthere so I might want to go back andlook at their Facebook page you look attheir emails look at look at a lot ofthings that happened during that timeperiod to what was going on there I cansee the other products I got down hereand then finally we can look at theirads as well so again I can see a lot oftheir ads and you can already do this ontheir Facebook page by going in phoneads but this is just an easy way to geteverything all in one let's see what therunning plus here I can see theengagement so on in phone ads you can'tsee the actual engagement on the ad youcan just see the ad itself so here I cansay I'm ready to use the video has likescomments shares all that good stuff so Iget a little more insight there than Ido on in phone ads okay like I said wehad the fine stores which is again justlike buying products same filter samesearches but now it's based on the storelevel not the product level I can lookat stores with specific keywordsspecific products based on the number ofproducts the average price point thecheapest price and this is helpful ifI'm in a specific industry right solet's say I'm in theI wanted they'd store it by like shrimpit might be political yeah so let's saygearing up to do another we're doing abig thing in the Trump for 2020 we didit for 2016 and we're thinking about letme just go political actually maybe alittle broader there we gopolitical go last 60 days and this isgonna give me some insight into whatsome stores are doing in the politicalspace right now it's like in view youknow how many they've had products atall time promoted in the last 60 days ifI won't open this stuff I can go alltime but again 60 days I want to see thestores are actually making momentum andactually doing things if it's all timeit could be stores are out of businessright it's like I'm down here to see okAmerican pride tea this looksinteresting it's got a relatively highscore it's got a wide variety of 5,000products American pride tea let's seethere's any others that look promisingthis one looks promising because it'sgot stuff out in the last two days it'sgot some super high ticket stuffthese are flags so American flags thisis a mug company starting on six 1776 sothis is a you know American patriotismstore this might be interesting becauseit's got you know six days ago althoughthe scores low so it's probably notcrushing it so let's go up to this oneAmerican pride tea this looks to be themost promising right nowokay so again this will show me the holeall their categories so what are theyselling what types of products so I knowthey're selling you know coin noncurrency coins which we're gonna doTrump coins this is interesting to methey're doing garden plaques they gotrings they got challenge coins baseballcaps hoodiesthey got basically everything I can seetheir average price one of the productwhat currency they're using productslaunched by day so I can see like let'slook at the last you know three monthssix months okay so I can see hey they ifthey launched the product back inNovember they didn't watch anything yetI can see what apps they're runningright now I can see the top products andthe store so they got these blankets andthen I can obviously go look at thesestore itself and it's down four mainit's just doesn't doesn't want to workwith us today but I can also then seemost promoted products so which otherproducts are getting you know the mostspend behind them so I see hey thesethese blankets are doing really wellthese military stuffs doing very verywell so this gives me some ideas of ofwhat to do for our store when we launchit right so there you go so you can doproducts stores you can also do apps adplexi for e-commerce this is a greatplace to start if you're looking to getinto the affiliate marketing space theEECOM space and trying to figure outwhat products to launch what store tolaunch or if you have a store and you'relooking at how to expand doing somecompetitive research great app to lookat there'll be a link below for you tocheck it out as well thanks


Internet Marketing Guru Bashing

By Jeanette S Cates, PhD | Submitted On March 14, 2010

Expert Author Jeanette S Cates, PhD

There seems to be an attitude among many online marketers that “gurus” are mean, bad people. After all, they are making lots more money than the bashers and they are not giving their products away to everyone who asks nicely. So they must be big meanies.

Beware. Often the more vocal the bashing someone is doing, the less successful these bashers are in their own online business.

Don’t fall into the trap of believing all the bad things you read about the gurus.

First, if you look at the definition of “guru”, you’ll find that essentially a guru is a teacher, a mentor, a leader, an expert.

So by definition a guru is someone who has achieved success and a position of leadership – and who has been generous enough to reach back and help others follow in her/his footsteps. By my standards, a guru is a good guy.

Second, there seems to be glory in some circles in criticizing anyone who has achieved guru status. They use titles and comments like “secrets the gurus don’t want you to know,” “what the gurus are hiding,” “don’t fall into the gurus’ trap.” These are just sales hype in disguise.

The people using this approach are often

1) not financially successful in their online business

2) resent that others are more successful

3) not willing to follow someone else’s lead

4) come across as small-minded and mean-spirited

Third, I know many of the “gurus” personally. And I will personally vouch that they work HARD for what they achieve. Because they worked hard to get where they are, they now have choices. Some choose to continue working full-time while others take time off for more leisurely activities.

While it might appear that they “do nothing” to earn a substantial income, that is not the case when you look deeper. And even though they are willing to share their knowledge and information – they are not willing to give it away!

That goes back to the basic attitude of many people online that everything should be cheap or free so that they can build their online business. That’s the “poor me” attitude – and you’ll find it pervasive among people who are not making a lot online.

Just because you are building an online business doesn’t mean it is free. Building a sustainable business takes an investment of time and money, whether it’s online or offline. Those who recognize this succeed much faster.

So is there a connection between their attitude and their results when it comes to guru-bashers?

I think so. When you build your success by beating down other people, it may appear that you are growing your business. But in reality you won’t go far. After all, at some point you may actually want one of the gurus you’ve been bashing to promote your product!

So let’s stop the guru bashing and recognize it for what it is – a sales tactic. You’ll hear many people talk about gurus in a negative sense. Just accept that they are using it to create a “we” versus “them” attitude so that you’ll get on the “we” side and buy their product.

It’s not all bad, but it’s not a tactic that I would employ. Nor is it one I would recommend to my students. Sometimes you have to look beyond the guru bashing language to find quality products. After all, even non-gurus make mistakes, but they may still offer a quality product.

Dr. Jeanette Cates is an Internet strategist who helps new and intermediate marketers create their Online Success. Claim your free copy of her monthly news magazine for Online Business Owners at

Article Source:,_PhD/22299


Discover Beekeeping – A Beginner Beekeepers Guide

Product Name: Discover Beekeeping – A Beginner Beekeepers Guide

Description: Beekeeping Is The Big Buzz Word Right Now, Learn How To Become A Beekeeper With This Easy To Follow Guide. Author Provides Full Email Support And Owns One Of The Largest Beekeeping Forums On The Internet. Top Converting Product.