Best of CES 2019 Awards (Top 10 Products!)

what's up guys I'm Jeff Rosa frombusiness comm and this year just likelast year we teamed up with adorama.comto go check out CES in Las Vegas so thisis our joint list of the best of CES2019 let me know what you think write usdown below in the comments and by theway if you want to see more tech reviewsand awesome products make sure tosubscribe to the channel be one of the400,000 people that love Rizzo's contentand just you know we wouldn't be able togo to events like this and see productsclose up if we didn't work with a muchlarger company so if you want to supportthe channel you really like what we domake sure to check out Adorama'si'll leave a link in the description youcan find all sorts of tech items thereaudio equipment camera gear and morelet's get to the list okay so of thehundreds of products that we saw at CESthese are our favorite the ones they gotour team excited the ones that got theadorama team excited now i will tell youthey are in no particular order all ofthese products are amazing although idid save my personal favorite to the endof the video so make sure to stickaround so first up are these samsungspace monitors which somehow someway ineed to find some money in the budget toget myself at least one of these becausethey're pretty amazing and these are forpeople like me that have OCD thatorganization and hate cables so whatthey do is they clamp onto a table likethis and they actually have two hingesone of the base and one right behind themonitor and they can articulate prettymuch in any direction you want at leastforward and backwards so you can reclaimspace or you can pull the monitor closerif you want to the only thing is theydon't swivel that's on my wish list butstill they're pretty dang amazing theyeven have a channel down the back of themonitors where you can hide your cableswhich is like oh my god I love it somuchthey were just incredible so they'regonna have two different configurationsthey have a 32 inch 4k model which isthe one fingers crossed that I will findsome money to buy and then they have a27 incha 1440p model both of them lookincrediblethink they're gonna be really reallypopular we even saw the demo in unitsthey were a little wobbly but they couldclamp them on anywhere they wanted onthe side of a desk pretty awesome stuffand by the way this isn't just like aconcept you can actually buy these so Ilove seeing the concept stuff at CES butI really like seeing the stuff that inthe next few months I will actually beable to buy because I'm a degenerateconsumer and I buy two of everythingnext is the LG signature OLED TV r whichis the rollup TV so this one comes witha soundbar base that the TV retractsinto and it's incredible two 4k TV itlooks stunning the blacks are deep andrich the color on this thing was justamazing and the fact that it rolls backinto a sound bar was like it was almostlike mind-blowing I've never experiencedanything like that before the TV I knowlast year they had a rollup concept butthis one you can actually buy and theysay it's gonna be at a premium pricepoint which I'm expecting will beseveral thousand dollars so you won'tsee that here on the channel but atleast we got to see it at CES becausethis was one of the coolest products Ithink I've ever seen in personthey have multiple that you could see atCES they had this whole light show setup and it was like probably the coolestTV that they showcased at the entireevent now sticking with entertainmentand in your living room we have the JBLlink bar and this is one of thoseproducts where it's like why didn't Ithink of that because it's for productsin one number one it's a sound bar andby the way it actually sounds reallygood granted it was paired with a subbut it still sounded very very good italso is a Google assistant smart speakerso you can speak to it you can set upmulti-room audio it's pretty awesome wehave I think we have five or six Googleassistant speakers here at the officedeep pain right yeah a lot so we likeGoogle assistants at my house I actuallyhave Sonos but that's another thing butit is a Google assistant speaker numbertwo number three it is actually achromecast and number four it is aset-top box so it actually has AndroidTV built in and what's really cool isthat you plug your TV into this and thenall of your other hdmi cables plug intothe JBL link bar so let's say you'replaying a video game they actuallythis for us but you can still accessGoogle assistance because it's kind oflayered on top everything is goingthrough that sound bar and I think thisis awesome because I like to reduce theamount of tact thats in the way in mylife and rather than plugging in a soundbar and a smart speaker and a set-topbox it's all in one so the link bar waspretty amazing they sell some additionalaccessories for it it is Bluetoothenabled like I said before you can setup multi-room audio with other Googleassistant speakers I did get a littlebit of fun in with the JBL link bar aswell so I asked it to play Rizzo'svideos on YouTube and it did so isperfect but awkwardly it started playingour best workout headphones video andthere aren't any JBL products in thatvideo so everybody was like standingaround from the JBL team asking hey isJBL on this list and I was like no so Igot kicked out right after that but it'sstill pretty awesome product ok somoving on we have the Nikon Z series 14to 30 millimeter f-4s lens so this isthe first Z series lens that's ultrawide-angle zoom so if you use any Nikonmirrorless cameras this is gonna be alens I think you'll really appreciateand really like the Adorama team I knowwas very very excited about this lensnow we don't shoot Nikon we use a Sonycamera but it's still pretty amazingit's like three and a half inches whenit's retracted weighs just over a poundyou can shoot as wide as 14 millimetersand since it has a flat lens on thefront it's not bulbous like the lensesthat we have with our Sony you canactually attach right on 82 millimeterpolarisers and filters there's a lot ofstuff to like about this I know somepeople have complained about the factthat it's an f4 lens not an F 2.8 butstill it was one of the coolest lenses Ithink I've ever seen you know at one ofthese events I'm pretty excited aboutthis onenext is the harley-davidson livewireelectric motorcycle so this is an allelectric motorcycle that does 0 to 60 inlike 3 and a half seconds as a range of110 miles at least in the city and onething that was kind of cool I was I wasasking the guys there at the event doesit have a motorcycle sound because Iknow a lot of people that ride likeHarley's and stuff they probably won'tget this but they want you know youwould want a sound like a motorcycle youdon't want to be completely silentapparently somehow they figure out a wayto amplify the existing sounds of thedrivetrain or whatever it has and itwill sound a little bit like a typicalmotorcycle won't be the same thing but Ithink it was a clever concept and thisthing is gonna be fast as heck and youcan actually buy it and then we have theHouse of Marley get-together speakerthis is a Google assistant speakerthat's made with like eco-friendlymaterials as bamboo and fabric andrecycled aluminum it sounds great itlooks great it's an awesome speaker lookI mean probably the big star of the showyou know you go anywhere at CES thisyear at least hey Google was everywhereI mean it was plastered on the thetrolleys it was all right deep I meanhey Google was everywhereso naturally we saw thousands of youknow[Music]international speakers that were heyGoogle we saw all sorts of stuff that wedidn't even really care about but thecoolest Bluetooth speaker that we sawthat was Google assistant enabled wasthe house and Marley get-togetherspeaker that one I don't know justsomething about the way that it lookedthe way that sounded the materials itjust made it stand out from you know alot of these other Bluetooth speakersthen you have the Bosch eco bike so thiswas something that I don't think theywere really showcasing too much but wewalked by a and villain and were likedang this thing is underrated like thisis a really cool product so it was apedal assist electric bike but I hadthis giant like storage container on thefront so what the guy was telling us wasthat in addition to all the tech that'sinside it's built for people that arecouriers it's built for somebody that'sdoing ubereatsin an urban environment right so whydrive a car in San Francisco or New Yorkwhen you could get a pedal assist bikewith a bunch of different modes like Ecomode where you pedal more or turbo modewhere you pedal less and that way youcan weave in and out of traffic and youcan still store a bunch of stuff on yourbike that has a pretty long range prettycomfortable to ride they actually let mesit on it which you know I I like thatbut I thought it was a really neatconcept in the fact that you canactually buy it obviously piqued myinterest because I could legitimatelysee a lot of people a lot of couriersgetting this bike in particular becauseof the storage container because of therange becauseof the preset modes because of the factthat it mounted your phone on the frontthere so you didn't have to have someother display it used your phone andthen automatically connected with it sothat you could you know make calls anddo all these other things hands-free sothe Bosch eco bike yeah there's a lot ofother cool stuff from Bosch but this wasthe thing that I walked by and notenough people are paying attention toand then you have the orbit beehive sothis is the smart home or smart backyardsystem from orbit irrigation so if yougo in anyone's garage or wherever theyhave their sprinkler system theyprobably are using an orbit and analogorbit system where you can set updifferent sprinkler zones and you canadjust timing and do rain delays andthat sort of thing what this is is asmart version of that there's no monthlycost for it they make a number ofdifferent models like a 12 zone I thinkthey have a 6 own an 8 zone and what Ilike about these is that I personallyhave a rental home so when I'm not theresometimes I keep track of like you knowthe weather or what's happening and Iwant to be able to adjust the sprinklerzones remotely and I can't do that Ihave to go there when the season changeand I have to edit the zone so this issomething that I personally would useand I like the products from beehive soand I think they actually sell themright now and they were just showingthem at CES it was like their big launchand I think there's a lot of homeownersthat will appreciate these smartsprinkler systems two more left we havethe Kodak smile instant print camerathis is like four products and onenumber one it is a camera number two itis a printer like you've seen in thepast right number three it automaticallyuploads any picture you take to the appso that you can see them on your phoneyou can show them an Instagram you canjust save them for later and then numberfour they have an augmented realityportion with the kodak app so let's sayyou take a picture and then that picturewill have a little like QR code embeddedand you can associate a video with thatpicture and then when you go to hoverthat image with the app it'll play thevideo which was amazing I mean I think Iprobably how many times do you think Idid this Dylan like five six times likewhat the heck how is this working but Ithought that was a really neat componentthey were showing off some otherproducts but this smile instant printcamera I think it's called a smileclassicactually was awesome but last up mypersonal favorite product that I saw atCES it won all sorts of awards but I wassitting at their booth like oh my god Iwant to buy this so badly this isamazingit was the Jabra elite 85h so these arenoise cancelling headphones but theyhave a I built-in so what happens is theskin they have like 6000 different audioprofiles and they can automaticallyadjust the active noise cancellationbased on your environment so let's sayyou're on your commute and you're in atrain it will automatically turn up thenoise cancellation and it will turn offthe hear through system or let's saymaybe you're in a public environmentwhere you still kind of want to let somesound in but not that much it'll makenoise cancellation like medium and it'llturn that here threw up a little bit soyou can get a little bit more sound andthen let's say you're in private whereyou you don't need any of that right youdon't need noise cancellation it'll turnthat off it'll turn the here through offso you just have like regular headphonesand it does so automatically so theytold us that they have this whole systemof like 6000 sound profiles that theyare able to scan and they can figure outwhat environment that you're in so Ithought that was cool and then thesecond thing is that it has Amazon Alexabuilt-in so you can just say if yourphones with youyou can just say Alexa and then youcould ask to buy toilet paper or proteinbars or to play music and they're stillcompatible with your phone Siri andGoogle assistance so that was greatthe third thing is they have like thespatial awareness so let's say you havethem on your head and then you take themdown to your neck they willautomatically know that they're not onyour ear so they'll polish your musicbut then the second you go to turn orreorient the headphones and put them onthey'll start playing again I thoughtthat was a pretty clever concept theyhave a fast fuel charger USB see I meanthese things were incredible you cannotstill in like you obviously can't askDylan but if you could ask Dylan I wasgeeking out hard on these thingsI was honestly I was just like takingnotes on these things trying him outthey were amazing I think they'reavailable in april/may and I definitelydefinitely will be doing a review ofthem thereamazing so that's my list or that's ourjoint listAdorama and Riz nose let me know whatyou think write us down below in thecomments I'll see you next timehave a good day[Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause]


Use These CMS To Build An Ecommerce Website

By Gunjan Singh | Submitted On April 20, 2018

Expert Author Gunjan Singh

Ecommerce is a booming sector and in an order to bloom yourself along with it, you need to design a beautiful ecommerce website on an appropriate platform or CMS. CMS stands for Content Management System that helps to build a website that works well and offer unbelievable and pleasant working experience to the users, which increase your chances of conversion. Choosing CMS wisely is hard, as having proper knowledge related to this is compulsory to pass the test. If you are overwhelmed with the options available to you, here is the list of CMS that you can take into consideration and choose according to your requirements. So, let’s have a look out the options available.

  • OpenCart: When it comes to building an ecommerce website, OpenCart is the very first choice of the most of the developers. The reason behind its huge success is, it’s easy to use features, widespread community and proper backend configurations. Additionally, it offers a wide range of plugins to support the design and different categories on your website.
  • Shopify: If you want to create a highly customized ecommerce website, go to Shopify CMS. It’s advanced editing features draw the attention of so many developers from all around the world. Also, it is good from the SEO perspective and has 24*7 customer support to offer, so, if one stuck at a place, they can get the help they require.
  • Drupal Commerce: Drupal offers outstanding features like checkout support and receipt tracking, payment support and SEO support and to name a few. It’s the best option to use for building an ecommerce website and it won’t let you down ever.
  • Magento: It is a popular CMS that is used by the developers across the globe, which meets the diverse needs of the business. Thanks to its features and highly supportive backend, which makes it easier for you to design and develop functional designs.

These are some of the common CMS that you can use for building an ecommerce website that helps you convert. You can partner with a Web Designing Company to get professional support from the experts. Always remember that to hit the goal, you first need to make your base strong, so, if you genuinely want to earn profits from the same, don’t compromise in the designing and development of your website. A professionally built website helps you build a strong presence on different platforms and can be extremely helpful for your business.

For Ecommerce Website Designing Company in India, visit Web Click India or call at 8750587506. One of the ISO certified Website Designing Company in India provides complete web related services.

Article Source:


Meditation Guide With A Difference

Product Name: Meditation Guide With A Difference

Description: Meditation Guide And Multi Part Audio Series From One Of The Usas Leading Hypnotherapists Assures Top Conversions And Epcs With Low Refunds. Promote A Product You Can Be Proud Of! For Tools & More Visit

The Top 3 Reasons People Fail On Shopify | Ecom Insiders

hey guys what's going on it's James heretoday I just want to record a prettyquick video on basically why people feelon Shopify so I've been there missionyou're on six seven months nine I've gota course I've been in other groups I'vebeen in other courses and I see thistrend off you know people complainingthat they're not being successfulthey're not having any success you knowthey're not making seals the coursedoesn't work whether it's my course orsomeone else's I'm the general failureon this is the number one thing peoplejust aren't putting in the effort andit's as simple as that I see it thegroup's you know people are comment andI see it two three times a day askingthese questions but then you follow themand you get that you get to see thesepeople popping up and pop it up and thenyou know after my course I'll go and askthem you know how's things going maybeto exceed or else's the basket all thesequestions and you know you can see thatthey've done awesome they've took notonly advice or a given on board and it'sjust you need to stop asking questionson star just actually implemented youknow otherwise people won't attack mycourse to be whether it's happen tolaptops or just you know have the courseup on screen and have your Shopify storeopen on another string and work throughas you're watching videos get shippeddown there's no point in you know sitand watching the course and not actuallyimplementing that stuff the way I set upthe courses so you can follow along asyou do and whether it's my course orwhether you're just following a tutorialon YouTube you should be implemented inthe eyes your arm because you can watchthese videos but you know there's thisart of contentand it's gonna be hard for contenteverywhere showing you what to do and ifyou're just watching out you knowneither better or just watching it inyour office if you're not implementingthat stuff you're gonna have to readwatch the video running light so did itdo it while you're watching and you'lllearn so much parking lot right and justimplement that's it only real wear thatI actually do this stuff is to implementa tag action and get to work and I thinkthe next biggest thingpoint number two it is people just getup to symbols out like you know when Istarted it took me probably I'm gonnasay three four weeks at least to get oneseal and I tested a lot of products Ithink probably now I've probably tellsthem well over 10 or 50 products threeother products but to get my three bigwinners I test it at least a hundredproducts if not 150 products before Iactually got three big winners which youknow deny that probably done over 100cage but that's is sort of like you haveto test test test test them people cometo me I uploaded three products and it'snot working but you know you can't dothat you have to upload whether it beten products or whether it be 150products you've got to just keep doingthat until you find what works and youknow that I uploaded a lot of productsand passing a lot of stuff I can pickwinners a lot quicker and that justcomes with time and you have takenproducts but your product research willget refined and you'll know what to lookfor in a product but in the end of theday you've got the test test test likenigh when I'm uploading product I'llclue ten products and I start going oddson if two of them are good that's reallygood ratio for me you know if one ofthem is gonna be like a winner so youknowme net profit Tangerang another onesmaybe gonna make three ground you knowthat's goodbut that ones that are gonna make you100 cat to her calf 300k are you knowyou've got work to find them you've gota tassel a lot of stuff to get themproducts it's not fun it's not easy butyou know you just gotta do the work andthat's what like I see this everywhereas people just they're not implement andthey're not taking action they'reuploading three or three productsspending $30 or nods and Sam thisdoesn't work and if that's you andyou're not willing to spend a couplehundred dollars then you probably notgonna succeed it's as simple as that yougotta go on the test we got to bewilling to put some money on the line toactually move forward and have aprofitable store in the future the moreyou test to learn are the quicker you'regonna learn and the more success you'reon top and it's as simple as that guysknow you gotta be persistent and beconsistent and being there in your storeevery day up Lewton mama lies your oddstesting these stuff you've stopped youout there I'm doing that the thirdbiggest point I've got it's you know alot of people can get that their websiteactually mattered so people are sofocused on Facebook guys and you knowit's a big part of it but you're gonnabe the best piece because in the worldbut if your website isn't optimized thenyour Facebook guys are basically uselessso you want to have all the key featuresoff your website done before yousurprise again I say this people sent metheir odds people sent me the websiteand say oh look I'm not gonna stealwhat's going on here on it with theirwebsite and you know that just copy andpasted our productmy express and that doesn't work youcan't do that I mean you felt that goodcopy and there you've got the come upwith some creative descriptions yourshelf but having like words misspelledhaven't always just draw only goodthat's from aliexpress in there isn'tgoing to give you a proper website soagain make sure about good gooddescriptions make sure you've got poundprotection icons for trust and anotherthing would be your start early timersthen there's three biggest things onyour page four is well it'll be goodimages you've got good images you knowyou want it as big as possible showingup on the screen whenever people hityour website like if there's watermarksand the photos or stuff like that scribeyou know find you either ordering theproduct or shelf and take your ownphotos or you'll find some suppliers ofgood photos who take them from now andthat's how you're gonna build a betterwebsite so that it converts better whenyou drive in traffic there's a lot ofkind of a compiler speech frequentlyasked questions all that stuff in therebut this one of the things I see peoplewhere they're going wrong you knowthey're wrong odds are getting trafficbut nothing's converting on the Wonderwidely on Facebook for sentence stupidtraffic but generally that's not thecase it's something on your end probablyyou're a problem so just focus onsorting out your odds sort of like awebsite be persistent guts I'll see youguys in the next videomake sure to LIKE the video blue andsubscribe if you haven't already and Iknow the other than Tom to contact 2017so I'll see you guys there


Supercharge Your Internet Marketing Response By Adding These Few Simple Words To Your Website

By Michael Senoff | Submitted On July 26, 2006

Expert Author Michael Senoff

If you would like to know an almost laughably simple way to significantly enhance the selling power of your Internet marketing promotions, then this article will show you how.

Check this out:

One of the best ways to supercharge your online sales letters is to supplement them with audio. I have been doing this for years and the results have been absolutely phenomenal.

However, one of the reasons for the high response rates my audio brings in has less to do with how clear my voice is or how high tech the equipment I use is (it’s not high tech at all, actually) and has more to do with a few special “extras” I add to the audio.

And one of those extras is I simply say, “Here’s what you’re going to hear on this recording” before saying anything else.

Why do I do this, and why does this make a huge impact on my response?

It’s actually pretty simple:

It helps listeners assimilate and remember the information they are about to hear.

Reason why is because when you tell people what it is they’re going to learn in the intro, it immediately starts them out with an end in mind and a potential result in mind.

It’s sort of like someone looking at the table of contents in a book before reading it. Ask any speed reading expert and they will tell you how looking at the table of contents of a book makes people assimilate information faster.

And it’s the same idea with your audio promotions.

I know it sounds almost too simple, but it absolutely works.

Just say, “hi my name is Bob Jones, and in this recording you are going to learn X,Y, and Z”…and you will find your response levels are much higher than if you just have it start without any pretext about what it is you are going to be saying.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

Article Source:


Intro to Squarespace Ecommerce: Setting Up Shop

hey guys in today's video I wanted togive you an introduction to Squarespaceecommerce Squarespace allows you toeasily set up your own online store andsale not just physical products but alldifferent types of products as well soin this video I'm going to give you anoverview of what you can do as well asshare some tips and show you somespecial features if we haven't met yethi i'm louise of soul open air sidekickcalm and put out new videos every singleweek all about making the tech in youronline business easier so if you have anonline business or you're hoping tolaunch one definitely hit subscribe andhit that little bell icon too so you getnotified every time I post a new videoso let's start with the differentproducts that you can sell inSquarespace you can sell physicalproducts so this is anything that needsto be shipped out to the customer youcan also sell digital products so thisis how you would sell something like ane-book and then if you are a freelanceror service based business you canactually accept payments for yourservices as well and if you're on theSquarespace advanced commerce plan youcan sell gift cards so speaking of whichlet's talk about the Squarespace pricingplans and which one you need to be on inorder to sell products in order to sellproducts you do need to be on thebusiness plan so this is $18 per monthif you're paying annually or $26month-to-month what's great about thisplan is that you can sell unlimitedproducts the only thing is there is athree percent transaction fee so it'slikely that you are going to want toupgrade to one of the online store plansotherwise known as the commerce plans sowith this one you have the basic andadvanced again you can sell unlimitedproducts but now there are notransaction fees one of the main reasonsthat you might want to upgrade to theadvance plan is because then you getaccess to subscriptions or payment plansI'll leave a link for this pricing pagedown below so that you can go and checkout all of the features so you might bewonderingtemplate you need to be on in order tosell products what I love aboutSquarespace is you can sell products onany of the templates so if you alreadyhave a Squarespace website you are goodto go and you can add products to yoursite if you are just getting started Irecommend that you use one of thetemplates in the brine family becausethese are the most flexible and have afew more features that are great forcommerce so after you've picked yourpricing plan and your template it's timeto add products to your store so how doyou do that in Squarespace you're goingto click on pages and then scroll downto the not linked section I'm going toclick on the plus sign and selectproducts so here you can just title thisproducts and this is where you will putall of your products on your site nowwhen you just click right here you willsee your different options for addingthe different types of products then toadd your product you just need to clickhere and then choose which type ofproduct you want to add to your storewhen you do that you're going to clickon it and then enter all of your productinformation here I also want to mentionthat there is a fifth type of productthat you can add to Squarespace and thatis your online course so if you do wantto sell an online course withSquarespace that is definitely possibleand I'll leave a link to this video inthe description below so a few morethings that I want to mentionSquarespace hooks up with a stripe andPayPal so you can accept all differenttypes of credit cards as well as PayPaland for those of you with physicalproducts it has an integration withshipstationso that you can easily and quickly printyour shipping labels so let me show youquickly how to add a product so I'm justgoing to click here to add my firstproduct and let's say that I'm doing aphysical product I'm going to click onthat and then here is where I wouldupload my product images so let's saythat I'm going to sell my launch guideand ship it to you guys so I'm gonnatype in the title over here and then I'mgoing to add my price so I'm going toclick on that you'll see pricing justclick on this and here is where youwould enter your price another reason Ilove Squarespace is because of how easythey make putting something on sale butfor now I'm just going to show you thisand here is where you would add your SKUthe stock the weight in your dimensionsso for now I'm just going to click onstock and change that to unlimitedalright so back to our item we would putour product description here whoops Ican spell okay and then we have a fewother tabs you have additional info ifyou want to add more information on yourproducts you can absolutely do that youcan add videos any type of content belowthe main product image then we haveforum if you need to collect moreinformation from someone at checkout andthen we have options so here you need toadd your product URL so I'm going to addlaunch guide and if you want you canchange the language on the buttons butI'm happy with the default then I needto upload my thumbnail image awesome andthe final tab is social in this tab youcan automatically share your productsthat you add to your store on socialmedia all right so I'm going to clickSave and publish and show you what thiswill look like on your website so if Igo over here as you can see we now haveour product ready for sale and if Iclick on this this is what my mainproduct page is going to look like so itlooks pretty awesomeand as with Squarespace you cancustomize this page a ton so if I gointo design and then site Styles youwill see all these different customeroptions for your products page so forexample if I wanted to change theposition of this image I couldabsolutely do that then you can alsocustomize the fonts and the colors foryour brand as well as choose what youwant to display so for example if Ididn't want to show those share buttonsI could simply turn those off okay greatso another thing I absolutely love aboutSquarespace is that you can add yourproduct to whatever page that you wantso for example let's say you want towrite a blog post and share your mostrecent product you can absolutely dothatso on any page or blog you can add alink for someone to purchase yourproduct let me show you an example onthis test page here so with my insertpoint I can click on that scroll downand add a product block if I click onthat I just need to type in the title ofmy product and it will bring it up forme great okay and so as you can see Ican add this anywhere on my site and Ican choose to show the description aswell as a button awesome so I'm going tochange this to center alignment and youcan also enable quick view which I'mgoing to talk about in a second so letme click apply and show you I'm gonnamake this a bit smaller so you can seeit okay awesomeso yet you can add this product blockhere anywhere that you would like onyour site which makes it really easy forpeople to purchase so now I want to goover a few special features that I loveso the first is that quick view so letme show you what happens when you enablethat if I click on this and then clickapply and then save as you can see whenI hover over my image I'm now going toget this quick View button and ifsomeone were to click on that it's goingto bring up more information about theproduct in this nice pop-up window sothis is especially convenient if youhave multiple products then people don'tneed to actually leave the product pageto view more information on your productso that's the first feature that I lovethe second is the image zoom so if Iclick on this you can determine thatwhen people hover on your image it'sgoing to zoom in so this is really greatif you have a physical product and youneed to show more details so my thirdfavorite feature is the Express Checkoutso at the moment if somebody were toclick Add to Cart this is simply goingto add a number to the cart here andsomeone would need to click on that andthen see their cart page before theycheck out so if you want you can bypassthis step if you go into commerce andthen checkout scroll down and enableExpress Checkout okay so I'm going toclick Save on that remove this item frommy cart and go back to my product pageso now someone is going to see adifferent button and if they click on itthey are going to be instantly led tothe checkout page instead so as you cansee there is tons that you can do withSquarespace commerce if you want tolearn more about how to do this I teachit inside my course website that Wow'swhere I share with you all the differentvariations that you could possibly needin terms of setting up your online storeso click the link below this video andyou'll see a link to the blog post thataccompanies this video in that you'llsee an option to sign up for a freetrial of my online course any importantlinks for you to check out as well as a10% discount code for Squarespacealright guys that's it for mySquarespace ecommerce overview I hopethat you found it helpful if you haveany questions at all just leave thosefor me in thebelow and don't forget to check thedescription because I've left a 10%discount code for Youth Day thank you somuch for watching this video and I'llsee you in the next oneyou


High In Demand Makeup Remover Cloth With Insanely High Conversions!

Product Name: High In Demand Makeup Remover Cloth With Insanely High Conversions!

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Pulp Fiction’s Secret Internet Marketing Lesson

By Ben Settle | Submitted On November 21, 2008

Expert Author Ben Settle

Ever see the movie “Pulp Fiction”?

If not, it’s one of the single most bizarre movies ever created. My favorite part is called “The Bonnie Situation.” Not only because it’s funny (in a disturbing sort of way)…

… But because there’s a HUGE Internet marketing lesson in it.

Here’s what I mean:

The “Bonnie Situation” is the movie’s 3rd “act” where two of the main characters (played by John Travolta and Samuel Jackson – hit men for an L.A. gangster) accidentally kill a man in their car by shooting his head off – splattering his brains and blood and face all over the windows and seats.

(I told you it was a bizarre movie…)

Obviously, they can’t drive around in broad daylight like that. And so they pull into a nearby friend’s garage. Naturally, this friend (whose name is Jimmy) ain’t too happy.

For one thing, it’s only seven in the morning, and Jimmy’s still in his robe.

But even worse is, Jimmy’s wife, Bonnie, is coming home in an hour and a half from her job at the hospital. And Jimmy makes it crystal clear if she finds a dead body in the garage, he’s going to get divorced.

No marriage counseling. No trial separation. He’s gonna get divorced.

Which gives them less than 90 minutes to clean the car (and themselves), dispose of the body, and get out before Bonnie arrives.

An impossible situation?

That’s what they thought.

Until they call their boss – Marsellus Wallace – and beg for help. Nine minutes later a short man in a tuxedo named “Winston Wolf” shows up. And Winston Wolf’s one and ONLY job (as far as we know)… is to solve problems. In fact, “The Wolf” has a reputation for pulling off near-miraculous feats for getting Marsellus’s goons out of impossible situations.

And needless to say, they were extremely happy to see The Wolf at that exact time and place in their lives.

Which brings us to the movie’s hidden Internet marketing lesson:

If you want to be a top Internet marketer – your one and only job is to be the “Winston Wolf” of your niche.

The guy (or gal) who solves problems.


It’s not dazzling people with fancy benefits and claims. It’s not capturing email addresses and phone numbers. It’s not even necessarily selling anything.

Yes, those things are important – and must happen.

But they will happen much faster, easier and more naturally…if you focus FIRST on your market’s most urgent problem(s).

Frankly, if you adopt this mindset – of being the #1 problem solver – I can virtually guarantee your response will be FAR higher.

Even if you don’t have the strongest sales pitch or product. And even if you’re just starting out, with no experience.

Anyway, here’s the bottom line:

Be the “Winston Wolf” of your niche and you almost can’t lose. Even if you aren’t the “best” Internet marketer on the block.

For more Internet marketing tips like this, go to:

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SIMO LIFE: Ecom Local Maroc – التجارة الالكترونية في المغرب

التجارة الالكترونية في المغرب، او الايكوم لوكال، و هو بيع المنتجات عبر الانترنت داخل المغرب فقط، بالاعتماد على اشهارات فيسبوك ادس لجلب الزبائن. سيمو لايف في هذا الفيديو سيشاركنا معلومات حول التجارة الالكترونية في المغرب مع ذكره لمتوسط راس المال للبدء.

E-Commerce Local or Ecom local maroc, mean selling products online in morocco, only, using facebook ads for advertising to reach new customers, simo life in this video will share with us new informations about ecommerce maroc, and what is the best budget to start.

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