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hey guys I hope you're having afantastic do so far and I hope so backto get a little bit better today I'mgoing to be talking about my favoriteMac products and I have them all in alittle basket here those of you thatdon't know I used to work for Mac Ithink it was actually like six years agoand also before we get into it I justwanted to mention that I in real timehave just undergone lower jaw surgery Ihad jaw surgery on Saturday to 29th sothis video I think should be going uplike the day after I've had the surgeryI film this in advanceobviously I filmed this a week before mysurgery and I actually have like and asyou can see what I have like button andbrackets along the front of my teethI've got braces and the inside of myteeth and I have them on the front of myteeth on the outside for post surgerythey're going to be like elastic elasticaiding wiring my mouth shut essentiallyfor for like a week and also any othervideos that you see for pretty much thenext month have all been pre-recorded Ihave been working like a maniac tryingto pre film so that I have contentscheduled for a while I'm recoveringafter my surgery I'm going to be superswollen and stuff so I won't be able tofilm for about a month okay now thatthat's out of the way let's get on tothe favorite Mac products I realize thatI have so many skin products and likenot a whole lot of anything else kind ofinteresting first up I'm going to startwith strobe creamI think strobe cream is in most makeupartist kit it is a moisturizer that youcan use as a primer or a body lotion andit has the most beautiful sheen and it'slike a metallic kind of duochromepearly Sheen and it makes skin lookamazing it makes it look so glowy reallylit from within and it works beautifullyon the body to highlight the body acrossthe collarbone on like shoulders andlegs it looks amazing in photographs andso a lot of makeup artists use it forshoot and I only have one foundationkind of in this and it is Mac's face andbody so I don't really get on well witha lot of Mac foundations because theytend to break me out an awful loss but Iabsolutely love Mac's face and bodyfoundation it's a really really thinwatery formula like so liquidy when youput it on it's really really sheer butthen if you start to blend it inkind of starts to almost thicken andthen it sets and once it's set it'sreally long wearing it looks like skinlike it does not look like makeup at alland you can build it up to be kind of amedium coverage that will never go fullcoverage and you can use it as like amixing medium with other more fullcoverage foundations or you can mix itwith like and like shimmery pigments tocreate like a shimmery body lotion witha bit of coverage like it's just it's agood kind of versatile product to havein your case it does have a really shinydewy finish so so I find the only time Ican ever really use this on my skin iswhen I'm in a very cold dry climate ifI'm ever on holidays in Europe at winterI do use this foundation but most of therest of the time my skin is too oily forit alright next these are the Mac Proconceal and correct palettes these areamazing I swear I use this probablyevery day but this is a concealerpalette and it's got its the studiofinish concealer that's in here so youcan buy them in little individual potsas well but I absolutely love thesepalettes so you get four shades ofconcealer you have two pink base twoyellow base and you put two colorcorrectors if you've got a pinky salmoncolor corrector and a yellow colorcorrector you would be surprised howmuch I use every single shade I tend touse the yellow tone concealers forredness on my skin and then the pinktone concealers for like dark areas ofmy face so if I have like pigmentationcaused by a breakage or under my eyesand then you have the color correctorsand it is just such a beautiful textureso creamy blends amazingly and it reallystays put like it's surprising how longit lasts considering how creamy it is Ijust love being able to like give anddab my brush which you can probably tellis what I do because it's absolutelyfilthy and disgusting next is a productthat I use in a recent tutorial on howto keep makeup on a breakout and I'lllink that in a card and in thedescription box but this is the prep andPrime's can refine them and this is askin primer you use it underneath yourfoundation your concealer but it isunlike any other primer I've ever usedit's more like an eyeshadow primer thana skin primer so when you apply it it'svery liquidy very fluid E and then itdries and it's sex and it's- like a griffie kind of rubberizedfinish but it's got salicylic acid in itso it helps to keep kind of oily areasof your skin from getting congested butit is unbelievable at keeping makeup inplace and it holds on to the makeup andit does not budge and it's great acontrolling oil in those areas – next isanother skin product like I said so manybase products it is Mac Studio Fixpyrrha plus foundation this is like oneof the OG Mac products such a greatpowder it is a full coverage powderfoundation and it is super fine superlike almost creamy powder and it is sohigh coverage so you can easily wear itby itself as a foundation or you can useit to set your foundation to add morecoverage I use it sometimes as aconcealer like with a little pencilbrush just to add a little bit morecoverage I just love it I use it for somany different things and it is theultimate handbag like emergencytouch-ups compacts because it has thecoverage it mattifies and it blendsreally easy so absolutely love thatproduct and then another powder slightlydifferent but also beautiful is the Macmineralized skinfinish this is a minerala bacon mineral powder it doesn't haveas much coverage as the Mac Studio Fixbut you can wear it by itself and itjust gives like a it just kind of filledwith something on your skin it's like apowder version of a tinted moisturizerwhen you put it over a foundation itmattifies but it doesn't flatten theskin so you still have actually I'mwearing it on my skin and across myt-zone right now and I still have likeyou can see like a little bit of a sheenthere so if you if you like setting yourfoundation but you don't want your skinto look totally masked then this is agreat option move away from skin I dowant to just say that I love Maceyeshadows and I love Mac blushes but Ifeel like they're no better than amakeup geek eyeshadow there are so manydifferent brands that do amazingeyeshadows now I think it used to bethat Mac kind of has not Leone color Idon't think that's the case anymore Ithink there are just tons of companiesdoing amazing eyeshadows Anastaciomakeup keep like but I do still have areal soft spot for mac lipsticks I thinkin terms of color selections they'repretty much unbeatable like you can getalmost any color and their formulas arereally lovely too I just went through mywhole classI think my three favorite or at leastthe three colours that I probably usethe most are one that I'm wearing rightnow which is review you probably alreadycan guess I'm going to say kind of sexywhich is a really lovely kind of nudiePT pink gorgeous warm kind of 60s colorand then relentlessly red which is likemore of a Coralie kind of hot pink redit's a beautiful I wore this in myvacation makeup tutorial if you want tosee what that looks like on can you hearthat I think that's a motorbike goingpast and then while we're talking aboutlips I also absolutely love the Mac lippencils again I just think they have areally great selection of color and Ireally like the texture like they arethey're just like regular pencils thatyou sharp and although they do have arange of retractable like mechanicalpencils as well which I don't like asmuch because I feel like they set andthen they go a little bit like clumpywhereas the regular pencils that yousharpen are just they're just a littlebit smoother a little bit creamier butthey're not so smooth and creamy thatthey rub off like they're very longwearing and you can sharpen them to anice point like they're nice they'requite hard so you can get a reallyreally good point so you can get areally nice precise edge next is Mac'spainterly paint-potso this is a cream eyeshadow that I useas a primer some people find it's greatas a primer other people don't think itlasts long enoughfor me it works well this is just theperfect color for me it is exactly myskin color I have freckle skin well nowthat I've had freckles not so much but Istill have a lot of like freckles anduneven tone on my eyelid because Ididn't get Fraxel there and I also havelike veins and I have a lot of differentcolors going on my eyelids so when I usea primer I really like one that even outmy skin tone as well as provides like anice grip for the eyeshadow and helps itto last longer so this I find when I usethis well I thought it just looks betterblended it looks smoother it the colorscome it more vibrant and I just I justhaven't found one that I've preferred soI really really like that and thenfinally of course I have to mention acouple of brushes again I feel like Macfor the longest time really held amonopoly on brushes for makeup artistsand they had the best selection ofbrushes but that's not the case anymorelike you've got zoeva you've got Sigmathere's tons of brands moresee that you can buy like very specificbrushes for a lot less than what Maccharge but there are still a couple ofbrushes that I haven't really foundequivalents for and that I always I willalways use and the first is the Mac oneis is called the 138th brush this is atapered like teardrop shaped brush it'sso soft and it's just the perfect shapefor so many different things you use itI use it for powder for contour forbronzer for blush for highlights andthere is this process the Sigma F 25which is very similar to it but it'sjust a little bit pointy err so it Ijust it's great and it is the closestthing I sign to it but it's just not asnice and then there's also the zoevalooks face to finer and if you can seethe looks face finer is a lot fatterit's a lot kind of chubbier the Sigmaone is a lot skinnier and then themasculine is just like it's just likeGoldilocks it's just perfectit's just right and then finally the Mactwo one seven Mac 217 like the iconiceyeshadow blending brush I I have somany equivalents of this brush betweenlike so many different brands and yet Ialways always will use my 207 if it'sclean before I would use any of the restof them I feel like it's just thepositioning of the hairs the densitykind of the resistance the shape it'sjust perfect for my eye shape and ofcourse that's going to be different foreverybody but it's just like sits soperfectly into my pocket I will justlove this brush till the day that I goand there you go there are my favoritemy top picks from Mac there are some ofthe products that I would recommend acomplete newbie to Mac to go and check aso I really hope you enjoyed that videoI hope it was worth the like 6-yearweight of me being on YouTube to make itfor you and if you're curious about myjaw surgery and how I'm getting on thencheck out my Instagram I feel likethat's probably the one place that I'mgoing to be keeping you updated on likehow I'm looking so I will leave a linkto my Instagram page down below hope youenjoyed watching that and I will see youvery soon bye


Smart eCommerce Trends That Are Going to Rule the Market of 2018

By Rob Stephen | Submitted On February 15, 2018

Expert Author Rob Stephen

According to a recently made survey, by 2020 the industry of eCommerce would grow following an exponential graph. A successful and effective eCommerce business is capable of providing you such a ROI (Return on Investment) that would leave you amazed! Today’s market is full of plenty of such eCommerce development firms that would cater your business to grow and expand in a remarkable way. However, to stay ahead of your competitors and to stand out in the crowd, you would need to understand the ongoing trends in this eCommerce development field. Here is a list of a few smart eCommerce trends that are going to rule the market of 2018.

#1 Rise in Mobile-Based Traffic

This is an undeniable fact that mobile technology is booming in a noticeable way. The rate of mobile transactions is also increasing following an exponential graph. According to a recently made survey report by Statista 2017, by the year 2020, the mobile traffic would increase almost by 8 times! Hence, it is easily understandable if your eCommerce website is not responsive in nature or does not work well with the mobile environment, it would not attract the attention right amount of visitors that it should.

#2 AI Chatbots

With the enhanced technological innovations and inventions, proper implementation of Artificial Intelligence is taking a very crucial role in this eCommerce business. This enhanced technology is improving the communication process on the websites between the consumers and the brands. The advanced AI-enabled chatbots are capable of offering the consumers the right product they want by communicating or asking them their preferences. In this way, you can not only improve the customer relationship management but can also make satisfactory and profitable business.

#3 Same Day Delivery

The faster you can deliver the products to your customers, the happier and more satisfied your customers become. Research made on customer behaviour shows that almost 90% of the customers want to get the products in their hand either on the same day or within the most time limit of 24 hours. Hence, your eCommerce business would shine successfully if you pay attention to all such aspects and take necessary steps.

#4 Video Content

One of the latest trends that is becoming pretty much popular in the market of online business is the use of video content. When users or visitors go through a well-made product video, they can understand the product better. Rather than going through a monotonous product description, visitors would enjoy a well-made video on the product explaining everything there within a short span of time. Such video content would not only increase the user or visitor engagement on your website but would also increase the sales by almost 70%.

Apart from all the above-mentioned aspects, there are other crucial things that would leave a huge impression on an eCommerce business. Some of these aspects are analysing the user behaviour, using a single network of eCommerce, mobile apps built with AR (Augmented Reality) and so on.

Rob Stephen is a dedicated and professional software developer of Visions & Solutions, a Sydney-based well-esteemed software development company and a ready partner of Odoo that would let clients hire Odoo developer within a pocket-friendly budget. He has years of experience in serving this Odoo eCommerce field and has the knack of sharing his experience and knowledge through interesting and informative write-ups.

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The Stages of System Analysis and Design of an eCommerce Website

How to get started?

Designing an eCommerce website is certainly the best thing for the website designers, because it allows them to use their creativity to the fullest. Today, the eCommerce website has become the great trend setter and is more associated with the customer’s morals and emotions. Every eCommerce website has a USP and something that clinches buyers to visit the website.

Whether it is Amazon, eBay or Alibaba, history tells that every successful eCommerce website has written their own success stories at the time of designing only. All these websites are so popular among the users not just because of their services or the range of products they offer, but because of their great user interface and extremely friendly website design.

Even a person who doesn’t know much about the computer or the internet can spend hours on these websites simply because they provide a very friendly design and architect. This signifies how important is the designing and analysis of the eCommerce website.

How does it all start?

Getting started with the design of an eCommerce website is a big challenge for the designers and also for the people who have initiated this idea. Having your own eCommerce store sounds quite resounding, but it takes a hardcore approach to materialize the idea in the real world. Before you began with the designing of your own eCommerce store, you must have the answers of these questions ready, so that you will end up in providing a great product to your audience.

What is the objective of your store?

What would be your target audiences?

In which area or demographics you are targeting your customers?

What products or categories of products you want to sell through your store?

Which major brands you want to associate with?

What would be the initial budget of your store?

Site Architecture and Wire Frame

Now, since you have all the answers ready with you that means you can move ahead and get into the real part of the designing. The site architecture and the wireframe are the most critical part of the eCommerce store. How much you invest your brain and creativity in designing the site architecture will write your success story. History tells that even after investing millions of dollars, many eCommerce stores have failed to get attention from the customers because of their poor architecture and wireframe. Though, you could take every bit of the technology for designing a great friendly UI and website architecture, but your own creativity will be the key to success.

Some of essential and vital elements of a good wire frame and the site architecture

Site Navigation

Site Home Page Feasibility

Menus, Sub Menus and Product Pages

Shopping Cart feature

Secured and fast Payment Gateway

Bradcrumb and Side bars

Header and Footer structure

Visualizing the design

All the great programmers or designers always take the blueprint of their design and use their visualizing skills to create a replica of the design in their minds. This will give them the sheer thought in which way they are moving and isn’t they are moving in the right direction. Most of the occasions, during the stage of the wireframe and site architecture, people get diverted from their original ideas and objectives. Here, visualization helps them to end up in a mainframe design that resounds well with their initial idea.

Began with the programming

The zest of the entire design is the programming. Once you have the sound visualization about the theme and concept of your website design, then it’s now time to do some ground work and get started with the programming. Doesn’t matter which language or framework you are using like Php or.Net, but it is important that programming must go with your initial idea.

The most important part of the programming is the workflow and work management. Designing an eCommerce store is really a tough deal for the programmer because they have to create thousands of pages and embed tons of functionality for designing a great user friendly website.

CMS and Content Delivery Networks

The highly critical part of any website is its database. While designing the eCommerce store, you must give a thought of having a comprehensive and extended database to accommodate all the information on the website. If you don’t want to have a static Data Base then you can certainly go with the CDN’s (Content Delivery Networks), that will help you in providing an effective database with a good uptime on the server that means your users’ will enjoy browsing on your website.

Make precise and good CSS and Java elements

The Cascade Style Sheet or popularly known as CSS will help you in involving the great design elements that will really cherish your users. Every user wants to browse through the website and have their preferences for the various design elements. Be it the font colour, font style, or header colour or may be the colour of your main navigation menu, every CSS design element makes an impact on the users. Like CSS, the Java elements specially the flash images also make a positive impact on the user mindset, but make sure that you must not involve too many javascripts or flash because it may increase the website load time and user doesn’t like this.

Uploading products on the website

The products are the zest of every eCommerce store; therefore a special care should be taken while uploading the products on the website. It is really an exhilarating job for the designers, if you are uploading the huge bunch of the products under different categories. Here you should have the high definition images of every single product and those images should be fragmented and processed by a professional designer. Though, it is also important that every image should be compressed before uploading otherwise, it will increase the load time on the server and user won’t be able to see the product images properly.

Testing and Launching of the website

Now it’s time to launch the website, but before that you must consider your website for testing. Testing is often the final funnel through the website goes before going live on the web. The professional website engineers conduct various tests on the website and suggest better ways to improve the feasibility of the website for the users.

After your website successfully passed through the testing, then it’s now time to take your website live on the web for the users with a bang. Make sure that you must consider various display marketing, PCC and digital marketing techniques for promoting your website to the users.

Rohit Shrivastava is a professional writer, blogger and a technology enthusiast. He has written and published many blogs and articles on different topics across the leading content publishing websites. His possess more than 5 years experience in creative and technical writing.


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Make Your Internet Marketing Promotions Almost Unbeatable With This 100% Free Marketing Tool

By Michael Senoff | Submitted On August 01, 2006

Expert Author Michael Senoff

Although I’m not a big fan of “image” advertising on the Internet, I am a big fan of personality or “identity” advertising.

Reason why is because every brand, every product, every service has a distinct personality whether you know it or not.

And one awesome way to start punching up your Internet marketing ads another notch or two (as far as response goes) is to start combining your personality with your offers.

Why does this work?

Because of the simple fact that if you can get your product’s identity — and not just your offer — into someone’s head when you are trying to sell to them, they will respond differently to your offers than if you don’t get into their head.


Because when people are exposed to your personality, they will feel like they already know something about you. They will feel more familiar with you and what you’re selling. Even if they have never heard of you before, and even if they have never heard of your product before.

And that familiarity makes the chances of them buying from you go straight up almost 100% of the time.

Reason why is because people like people and places they are familiar and comfortable with. We don’t like buying from complete strangers. We like to buy from people we feel like we already know and trust.

Many politicians have this down pat.

It’s why some politicians with little or no campaign money can rocket to the head of the polls after one appearance on television. Because people feel like they know him or her.

And it’s the same with your ads.

Try it yourself and see.

Inject a personality in your ads — combined with your offer. I think you will find your personality to be one of the best and cheapest marketing “tools” you can use.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

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