Shopify VS Amazon – Which One Is Better For eCom?

[Music][Music]tell me what your number one question isgoing to be hey Fred I'm here andwelcome to our Shopify masterclassseries now in today's topic I want tohave a real comparison between Shopifyand Amazon now before I first go intothe actual comparison I'm going to givea brutal honest comparison I'm not gonnabash either Shopify or Amazon I reallywant to let you know for those of youthat want to start an online businesswhich routes you really wanted to takenow again if you love any of my shuffleflight masterclass series make sure youclick the subscribe button right belowthis video and click that notificationbell so that each time I released abrand new video training you are gonnaget notified right away so like I saidfor those of you that are reallystarting out in the world ecommercethere are two ways for you to actuallyget startedone is Shopify which I do on a regularbasis and the other is Amazon now bothare greats I'm not saying one is betterthan the other but I what I wanted to dois give you a genuine feedback on yourdecision or on helping you figuring outwhich way you can go when you arewanting to create an online businessselling physical products so when youlook at this over here you'll see thecomparison Shopify versus Amazon and themodel a stands for Amazon S stands forShopify so the first thing that we wantto look at is the website right when youwant to sell something the first thingthat you need is obviously a webpresence now when it comes to a webpresence there's a big comparisonbetween Amazon and Shopify so I'm gonnaput website over here now when it comesto website I gotta be honest with youwhen it comes to Amazon you don't reallyhave to doanything okay so I'm not gonna put an Xbecause that is a perk when it comes toAmazon so I will actually put a circleright so for Amazon you don't reallyhave to create your own website youdon't worry I have to worry aboutputting in images or coding and puttingup a webpage because you're essentiallyjust listing on Amazon now when it comesto Shopify what you got to do is you'vegot to actually create it right you'vegot to basically create your owne-commerce sitesyou got to basically have your images upthere you got to have your logo allthose other non fun stuff that we allneed in order for us to actually startselling so in this case I would have tosay Amazon really wins when it comes tothe website because you don't reallyneed one so that's his first part nowlet's look at the second one over herewhich is the most important thing whichis inventory now when you are selling onAmazon okay you have to have yourinventory you got to do your productresearch you got to go and source theproducts you got to get a minimumquantity ordered for that product andship it to Amazon's warehouse and thatwill take around 30 days okay let's behonest it will take 30 days but youwould actually need to invest a goodamount of money in order for you to getstarted maybe 500 all the way to severalthousand dollars to actually have thatproduct shipped to Amazon so that youcan actually take advantage of theirfulfillment by Amazon which is how youget a better ranking when it comes toAmazon all right so now when it comes toShopify here's the beauty you don't haveto worry about inventory right you cansimply arbitrage inventory of defendersall you got to do is just put in theimages put in the products and that's itand when someone buys it then youfulfill the order with defender soessentially when we look at theinventory Shopify there's not really anyinvestment that you need up front inorder for youget started and Amazon you do now here'sthe downfall when it comes to Amazonwhat if that product doesn't sell rightif you think that oh I did all myresearch I think it is going to sell butwhat have you actually entered into avery competitive product listing what ifthat products are sudden it's notselling anymore right that will put youat risk and very vulnerable to actuallyhave you just having money here sittingand collect or having I mean money ininventory and collecting dust so in thiscase I would have to say X spread Amazonand a checkmark for Shopify alright soagain it's either/or now let's look atthe next thing okay the next part that Iwanted to actually have a very genuinecomparison is advertising now I do haveto say I'm gonna give an X for both ofthese and I'll give you a reason whyeven if you have an Amazon listing upand running okayyou still need to advertise okay you'relike huh I thought I'd just put myproduct up no in order for ad actuallygain traction for your products youactually need to advertise on Amazonsponsor listing that's how you actuallyget the UMP and the more sales and themore traffic to your listing whichobviously will help you with yourorganic listing as well if yourconversion rate is going to be highnow as for Shopify again you need toadvertise you need to advertise onFacebook you need to advertise on Googleetc etc etc now the only majordifference between advertising on thesetwo is that Amazon advertising it'seasier because all you're doing is justbidding on the keyword or letting Amazonalgorithm to really take do to work withShopify you got to basically create yourFacebook Ads you go to create yourGoogle Adsetc etc so with both platform you haveto ourin order for you to actually get trafficso that's why I'm giving you both an Xover here now let's talk about one keything that a lot of people don't reallymention and talk about in the industryespecially when they are creatingcomparison which is margins or I shouldsay fees okay fees this is a massive oneall right and I do have to say when itcomes to fees Amazon it's much moreexpensive than Shopify okay let'sexclude out the cost of advertising foran app let's say that you are alreadygetting traffic and they're both gettingthe same amount of traffic at the samecost what happens is that for Amazon itwill actually cost you more money inorder for you to actually fulfill theorder whybecause you got to pay for fulfillmentby Amazon you got to basically pay forAmazon on obviously anytime you made apurchase and that is going to be prettybig of a fee that you got to pay and I'mexcluding advertising right now but withShopify you're essentially just needingto be $29 a month for your websites andevery time that someone actually buysyou actually pay a merchant processingfee which is for Visa card MasterCardAmerican Express PayPal etc etc and thathovers around three percentage dependingon your plans and depending on yoursetup that you have so when it comes tofees Amazon is actually a lot moreexpensive than obviously Shopify allright so again you want to look at thatnow here's one thing though Amazon it'sa great platform for one reason becauseanyone that actually goes on Amazon theyare obviously buyers right you just goon Amazon just to just do nothing youlike you are ready to buy a product sothat's a very big advantage when itcomes to Amazon now shut by on the otherhand you got to worry about advertisinga lot but again like I said the fees aregonna be a lot more on Amazon then onShopify now there if I any continue onit can continue on to talk a lot aboutcomparesbut I want to actually have one morecomparison to actually talk about toactually have you thinking and decidingwhich route you want to take and my lastone is simply longevity now what do Imean by longevity when you are sellingon Amazon okay the problem is you don'town the customer let me repeat thatif you sell on Amazon you don't own thecustomer you would not know what theemail address is you cannot contact thembecause essentially they're Amazoncustomers not yours so when a customeractually bought a product from you foryou to actually generate back endprofits it is going to be tough reallytough because you don't have topoint-to-point connection with yourcustomerswhereas for Shopify you're building yourbrand you are now having customerscontact information their shippinginformation their email addresses sothat you can build a relationship withthem and continue to actually sell themother products that you have in yourstore or you can actually build arelationship with them and sell themdigital products affiliate products etcetc now the other downfall with Amazonagain I'm just being brutally honest andI could be wrong because I don't doAmazon but I know a lot of people thatmakes a lot of money on Amazon and I'mon the sidelines looking at it andwatching what happens with them and allthose other stuff that's why I'm able toactually come over these now thelongevity side is here's the challengepart when it comes to Amazon pricing isking if you guys really look atbusinesses as a whole Amazon reallycreates something called the flywheeland with a flywheel one of the mostimportant thing is lower costs for thecustomer now what if all of a sudden youhave a listing that is absolutelycrushing it but then all of a suddensomeone came in with a far lessexpensive product than you that it'sidentical to yours then you essentiallyyou're gonna be wiped outbecause Amazon's gonna favor the onesthat is gonna be at the lowest cost ofthe highs of abuse so in a nutshell notonly are you not able to actuallycontinue to build a relationship yourcustomers but you can be taken out bycompetitors quite quickly all right sothat's why I will give longevity andeggs for Amazon and a check marks forShopify now again I'm not being biasedon either you should go with Shopify ordo you go with Amazon but Shopify haswhat been what I've been using to becomesuccessful and also well my students areusing to become successful as well soagain there is a lot of people that makea lot of money on Amazon but I want togive you a genuine comparison from myperspective on the comparison for thesetwo so if you're looking to starting anonline business and you're like I justwant to get my feet wet and I want tolearn more about it listen I've got afree course for you where you canactually get your feet wet startexperiencing the process of creating aShopify store step by step findingproducts and start advertising and ifyou are really wanting to actually getstarted with that again there's a linkright below in the video description orsomewhere in this video you can actuallyget access for free all right now againif you're into Amazon by all means go doyour research there's a lot of otherYouTube videos out there that teachesall about this but in my perspective Iwould say start with either-or okayyou start with one first master it andthen go with the other one so if youthink that Shopify is the way that youwant to go go ahead and get my freecourse and start going at it everybodylooking at Amazon then go ahead go watchanother YouTube video that's all aboutAmazon but I want you to actually startwith one business at a time this is achallenge to a lot of people that wantto actually get started to become anentrepreneur is not focusing on the onebusiness model first so again it's up toyou on what you decide either or oververy lucrative business both can make alot of money but again you got a staketo it alright so again this is my honestfeedback in comparison if youor disagree of any of it let me knowwrite in the comment box below and againif you want to have any other videotraining or specific topic that you wantme to share about let me know write inthe comment box right below and makesure you subscribe to my youtube channelclick that notification bell and I willsee you in our next episode bye


Using an eCommerce Payment Provider

By Emmett Brosnan | Submitted On April 24, 2018

Expert Author Emmett Brosnan

The payment options available through your eCommerce website are an integral part of your business. The provider that you choose influences both your processes in terms of processing your cash-flow and the number of orders you have coming in. Fortunately for you, there are plenty of affordable options on the market, whether you’re expanding to add a new payment option or you want to change from your current provider.

While the amount of choice open to SMEs in this aspect is great, it can make it difficult to choose the right eCommerce payment provider for you. We’ve got five key areas that you need to consider when you’re searching for a new partnership.


Your payment system should seamlessly integrate with your website, providing a smooth process for every customer that places an order. As a result, how compatible the provider is should be at the top of your priority list. Choosing a payment provider that already has plugins available for your eCommerce platform can save time and effort.


Don’t underestimate the importance of security when choosing a payment provider. Firstly, it gives you assurances that your sales are safe. Secondly, internet security remains a concern for online shoppers and choosing a provider that’s trusted has a big impact on the decision to go through with an order. Choosing eCommerce payment providers that are well known, such as PayPal, Stripe or Worldpay, can make a difference.


Payment fees matter too. Choosing a provider that offers you a competitive rate means that you’ll be able to grow you margins and price your items at a cost that’s attractive to potential customers. Of course, you need to weigh up the cost with the service delivered to ensure you balance both sides.

Level of service

Do you want an eCommerce payment provider that acts as a simple payment gateway, such as SagePay, or one that acts as a complete payment solution with a merchant account? Which is best for you will depend on the resources you have available in-house and the level of support you want. Typically smaller businesses benefit from having a complete payment solution in a single place, whole businesses with a high turnover can benefit from having a separate service.

Authorisation and capture

If you’re a business that has a delayed fulfilment process, it could be worth your while to investigate eCommerce payment providers that offer authorisation and capture. It allows you to authorise funds to be available but delay the capture until a later time. It gives you more freedom and improved access to cash-flow.

Contact Paramount for more information:

Article Source:


Como Recuperar A Tu Mujer -volver Con Ella- Altas Ventas Y Comisiones

Product Name: Como Recuperar A Tu Mujer -volver Con Ella- Altas Ventas Y Comisiones

Description: Alta Conversion. Carta De Ventas Con Video, Adecuada A Las Necesidades Del Internet Marketing Moderno. Comienza A Ganar Dinero Hoy Con Uno De Los Nichos Mas Rentables: El De Recuperar A Una Mujer. Publico Desesperado Por Ayuda. Alta Comision Del 75%.

How to Make Money With an Ecommerce Store With Gretta van Riel

(upbeat contemporary music)Hi guys, Gretta here.So a common question that
I get asked again and againis how do you make money selling
physical products online?From my experience building
four e-commerce storesand making over eight figuresselling physical products online,I've put together a frameworkthat works extremely effectively.Now I worked with Foundr
to turn that frameworkinto a course called Start
& Scale Your Online Storethat thousands of entrepreneurs have takenand achieved some incredible resultsbut I'll chat to you
more about that later.So now I'm gonna take you
through some of the stepsto get you on the way to making moneyselling physical products
online with an e-commerce storewhich I've taken directly out
of the Start & Scale course.So step one is to find a trending productand a point of difference.Step two is to look at the
viability and validate your idea.Step three is to manufacture
your product locallyto begin with, then move globally.Step four is to create
your store using Shopify.Step five is to build an audiencebefore you launch your store,and step six is to launch and scale.Okay, so let's dive deeper
into each of those steps now.So step one is to find a trending product.There are a few different
ways you can go about this.Some really good places to
start to do your researchare websites like Trend Hunterwhich you can search in niches
that you're interested inand read about innovative products.Another option is looking
at websites like Kickstarterand which products and ideasare receiving a lot of financial backing.This also helps to validate your idea.The next thing that we want to doafter we decide on our niche and productis to make it different.So while you don't need to come up withsome crazy new patented
idea or reinvent the wheel,you can make your product
different or betterby changing a dimension
of an existing productto find your unique value proposition.The things that you want to look at hereare the product's design,
functionality, price,and time it sold for.So let's take a mobile
phone case for example.To change the design we
might wanna use the trendof customization or personalizationwhere you can add your
initials to the caselike the brand The Daily
Edited in Australiawhich is worth around $30,000,000.To change the functionalityyou might wanna add a handlethat you can slip your fingers throughlike the brand LoveHandle has.This helps with people who
often drop their phone,especially while using it
one-handed for a selfie.So when adding a functionalityyou should be trying to
solve an existing pain pointof the product.When it comes to pricing
you want to considerwhether you're going for that
direct-to-consumer price pointwith products starting at
under $100 like Warby Parkeror luxury pricing for higher exclusivity.And then moving onto time,the amount of time your
product is available.Some companies have done this
through limited edition modelslike Yeezy's or a flash
sale model like Gilt.So that's how to come up with
your unique value proposition.Step two is to look at the
viability of your productto be sold online and shipped worldwideand to validate your idea.So when looking at the viabilityof your product for e-commercewe wanna make sure that
your product is light,cheap to produce, and
high in perceived valueso that you can have a good profit margin.This means that your productwill also be financially viable.So you wanna consider these factorsbefore beginning to
manufacture your product.The next thing that you want
to do is validate your idea.There are a few different
ways you can do thisbut I'd just get out there
and start talking to peopleand surveying them, not
just your friends and familybut your actual target audience.To find your target audienceyou can create what's
called a customer personawhich you can Google
to find out more about.So now that we've got our
product idea and validated itwe can move on to step three
which is manufacturing.What I recommend hereis to create a prototype
of your product locallyto begin with and even run
your first order or twowith your local manufacturerand then decide to move globally.The reason to create a prototype
of your product locallybefore going overseasis that overseas manufacturers
in China for exampleare often great at copying a productbut not as great at
creating one from scratch.This could be because there's
a lot of back and forthand there might be a language barrier.Plus they'll usually requiremuch higher minimum
order quantities or MOQsand there's always the risk
of working with somebodyyou've never met before
from another country,and I've learned this the hard waywith my brand SkinnyMe Tea.We placed an order with
a Chinese manufacturerfor 1.3 million dollars' worth of teaand when it turned up
it was basically compostwith metal bolts in it
and all kinds of bacteria.It cost another $14,000
just to throw it outand it cost an additional $80,000when it had been held up in customs.It's hard because I thought
I'd done everything right.I'd placed smaller initial
orders with the manufacturerand even met with him
multiple times in personbefore placing the orderas I was living in Hong Kong at the time.So this is a strong lessonon why to manufacturer locally firstand then only when you're
confident you can go overseasand make sure that your
manufacturer comes well recommended.Step four is creating your online storeand this is gonna be an easier oneas I create all of my
online stores with Shopify.With Shopify you can pick a themethen basically create
your entire store yourselfif you want to.You don't need any technical knowledge,just a computer and an
internet connection.They have a big app store
where you can choose appsto add to your storefor things like a abandoned cart recoveryor specialised popups.I'm a huge fan of Shopifyand we even won their Build a
Business competition in 2013for SkinnyMe Teaand have collaborated with
them again more recently.I know the team well.They're worth billions of dollars nowand they're the best
solution on the market.Step five is to build an audiencebefore you launch your storeand my concept of market product fitas opposed to product market fit.This concepts highlights the importanceof building an audience or a marketbefore you launch your productrather than the other way around.So building an audience
before you launch your productis a great place to startand where I started for all of my brandshas been on Instagram.Instagram is still a very
powerful marketing platformwhere you can build an audience for freeor with a very minimal budget.Over the last six yearsI've grown my combined Instagram followingto over 16 million followers
across 25 different accountsincluding Vines with
5.7 million followers.Foundr actually runs the best
Instagram course on the marketthat teaches you step-by-stephow to grow your Instagram followingcalled Instagram Domination.So if you'd like to
find out more about thatI'll put the link in
the description as well.Okay, now we're at step six,
which is to launch and scale.Before you launch you wanna
build an email wait listto email out to when you're launching.What you can do is create a landing pageand incentivize your
social media followersto sign up for early bird discountsor first access to your brand.What you want to dois build as much hype
and demand as possiblebefore you launch your store.Once your store is live you
want to start scaling it.The two ways that you can
get more sales in your storeis sell more to your existing customersor find new customers.So I'm gonna cover a couple
of techniques for each.So if you want to sell more
to your existing customersyou want to look at ways
of increasing your AOVor average order value with
techniques like up sellingand cross sellingand focus on things like
abandoned cart recovery.To scale your store by
acquiring new customersyou wanna focus on things like
social media marketing again,influencer marketing using a toollike my influencer marketing
platform Hey Influencers,growing your email marketing
list, paid advertising,content marketing, the list goes on.So that's it guys.I've covered quickly step-by-stepthrough how you can make moneyselling physical products online.If you wanna be guided through
my exact repeatable frameworkthat I've used to start and scalemy multiple e-commerce
brands again and againyou wanna check out my course with Foundrcalled Start & Scale Your E-Commerce Storewhich you can find out more aboutin the link in the description.So thanks for watching guysand if you want more content
from myself and the Foundr teambe sure to hit subscribe below.(upbeat contemporary music)- [Presenter] The Foundr
mission is to help you createan ass-kicking business and help you learnstraight from the mouths
of world class founders.Get your free printed
edition of Foundr magazinefeaturing Sir Richard Branson.Just cover shipping and
handling at


Facebook Ads Marketing Course For 2020 – Get Sales Via Facebook Today!

Product Name: Facebook Ads Marketing Course For 2020 – Get Sales Via Facebook Today!

Description: Sell This Course To People Who Want To “work From Home”, “start Their Own Business”, “make Money Online”, Or “start An Internet Marketing Agency”. Watch My Screen And Learn How To Create Facebook “sponsored Ads” & Show Them Your Ideal Target Audience.

The Most Secure and Flexible CMS for eCommerce Development

By Jeevika Singh | Submitted On August 05, 2017

When it comes to eCommerce development, Magento is the KING! It is the most popular open source eCommerce platform utilized to fuel the growth online stores.

Apart from selling a quality product at an affordable price, the success of e-shops depends on its ability to fine tune the selling proposition for customers. Magento is an ideal CMS e-commerce solution that can be utilized to publish dedicated and personalize content for users. It offers a large chunk of data handling for e-commerce businesses, with a vast product catalogue that churns out good revenues.

Magento as an eCommerce CMS solution offers intuitive content creation. It is a great publishing platform incorporating dedicated features:

1. Marketing tools – automated calculators, pricing elements

2. Online Promotion features – Email, newsletters and customer surveys

3. User experience enhancement widgets – Poll and surveys, and product ratings etc.,

Here are the Main Advantages of Magento:

1. Security: Magento Enterprise edition comes with Secure Payment Bridge. It offers PCI Data Security Standard (PCI PA-DSS) ensuring it is secure for payment processing as well as sensitive customer data.

2. Scalability: It progressive platform that suits well for your evolving eCommerce business. It can easily be built upon Moreover the business organizations can have systematic managed growth for their business.

3. Robust Framework: Magento is the most robust open source platform. Its structural design supports a several thousand products together along with users to sustain heavy traffic. It can effortlessly handle thousands of products and orders. Moreover, this capability can be enhanced with further performance optimization and customization.

4. Feature Rich: Magento comes with custom defined features like stock management, up-sell, marketing modules, product bundles, etc. At the same time it offers multi-lingual, multi-currency and multi-stores support.

5. Search Engine Friendly: Magento is very search engine friendly in terms of managing URLs, Meta Description, generating dynamic site maps and so on. Its on-site and off-site SEO optimization can be done very easily.

6. Ease of Third Party Integration: An eCommerce platform requires assimilation of several third parties gateways such as Merchant APIs, Payment gateways, Logistic & Shipping APIs and so on. Magento provides the flawless association with various third party software providers. It means your business implementation is simplified.

7. Open Source: Magento is Open source & it is Free. There are several e-stores making an annual turnover in millions using this platform. Hire the best Magento Web Development Services and generate profits & ROI for your eCommerce business.

8. Huge Community Support: Magento is a widely used open source it has lots of community support for your business growth. It has a very fast growing versatile community that allows you to add new themes and plugins for the same.

When it comes to developing an eCommerce store, you require a powerful, customized and feature-rich online store to integrate into your shopping cart. Undoubtedly, Magento is the first choice for eCommerce developers to develop an eCommerce store.

If you have any Query regarding Magento Web Development Services. We will be happy to assist you to select the best platform for your business.

Article Source:


Day in the life of an internet marketer | Venice Beach

what's up guys John Kristina here I'mactually gonna show you a day in my lifeDayna life of an internet marketer sowe're actually in my office now if youguys see over there what I call myisolation chamber behind me that's whenI just need to stand up grind out somestuff usually I'm the first one in theoffice I come in a little early get somework done generally speaking when Istart my day I like to warm up with somebox and this is my VR setup this is kindof how I get warmed up in the morning Iused to run I don't know it took toomuch time out of my day and kind of likegive me a slow start VR is pretty coolfor those of you don't know VR you cando anything you can you can see on thescreen so what I'm doing and I'm justgonna do basically I do a quick set andwhat's cool is the music goes to thebeat so it's awesome and this is blog[Music]you know so uh basically the few thingson my list for today generally what I dowhen I come into work each morning is Icheck my stats I check my ad campaignsand I make sure everything's running myclick the rates are consistent myconversion rates are consistent andbasically the money's coming in mybusiness I don't know how many peopledon't know but my business is uh it'swhat's called affiliate marketing so I'ma middleman I put up ads for companiesthat want to sell their products I putup I advertise their products I make acommission when these products are soldso my goal is basically I try to spendyou know let's say ten dollars onadvertising and make $20 worth ofcommissions I've gotten interested indoing some YouTube stuff so I'm tryingto build this channel trying to create acommunity here I'm meeting up withsomebody who can help me get higher inthe rankings Lee in my situation I havemore money than time some of you mayhave more time than money so you youknow definitely learn how to do theYouTube stuff but for me it's abouthiring the right people to just executethe jobs for me because I try at thispoint not to do everything myselfotherwise it causes my life you know Idon't know stress and work so I'mmeeting up with somebody interviewingthem just I don't call it interview Icall it like just a meeting you knowbecause I'm not hiring them as anemployee per se it's more of acontractor role one of the things thatconstantly do in my business is I'mtrying to get kind of new ideas freshtalent etc this guy look he even lookedsmart look even look smart he's gotglasses on I'm gonna be actually talkingto Daniel hopefully I'm not making youfeel weird but we have any on camera butwe're gonna be talking she's a YouTubeoptimizer so there's two sides of doinga successfulchannel for me some people do it allthemselves for me this is my mainbusiness so I'm working with otherpeople to do it but basically it's thevideo it's the creative stuff and thenthere's the data stuff so right-brainleft-brain goal we had a productivemeeting I actually actually have to getout now but Daniel thank you so much forcoming by look forward to seeing yourfollow up yeah we'll go we'll go fromthere all right dude great stuffhave a good one thank you yeah and thenthe second thing is I've a friend ofmine who has he was like 800,000subscribers on his YouTube channel or amillion subscribers on his YouTubechannel he really likes what I'm doingin advertising he wants me to teach alittle bit on his course his name'sBrendan Meyers yo what's up guys we areat my boys plays we're gonna be filmingsome stuff here he's starting a wholething called the creative FitnessAcademy people become fitness gurus andsell you know products or physical ordigital or whatever so we're gonna meethim inside and yeah I think he's on acall but this videographer should becoming down and letting us in we'regonna get set up in the studiowhat's up what's going on good to seeyou good to see so let's go in yeah youget to get punched in the faceno yeah yeah you have to get punched inthe face you metallic you made a badgetting punch to the base if I don'tstop smoking before my birthday it youknow what you can you can fly mesomewhere instead you're gonna talkabout that what you're gonna be teachingthe chorus one when you first startedwork were you like financially like Iwas in college and welcome to youryoutube ads module portion about thecritic mist Academy and today we haveJohn Frascati here yeah a beautifulbeard is the big brain upstairs I'vebeen making a lot of money with YouTubeads for a couple of years nowI had one good ad went out to 55 millionpeople last year[Music][Music][Music][Music]so so we are what are we doing we'reheaded out from Graff margaritamargarita bite to eatso I'm starving let's do this[Music][Music]hey guys awesome stuff on making it tothe end of the video now I just want toleave you with a question if you had amillion dollars what sort of car wouldyou buy now answer in the comments belowand hit that subscribe button then hitthe bell to be notified of future videosof mine as well as I do I do frequentlive streams and giveaways so you'll benotified of all of those as well now Iwant to leave you with something on apersonal note now being an entrepreneurand getting to this place in life whereI can just do what I want everyday andlittle like freedom hasn't been an easyhasn't been an easy journey by any meansbut what I decided way back when wasthat you know I looked at my life Ilooked at where I was going and Ithought to myself I would rather takecrazy small percent chance at making itas an entrepreneur living a life offreedom completely on my own termsrather than work my entire life in anine-to-five job and feel like atmy life that I missed living the life Iwanted now I encourage you to too andit's possible I just want to let youknow it's possible for everyone to dothis we are in the most amazing time andplace in all of history the advent ofthings such as the internet and socialmedia and every virtual reality which iscoming up you know not gonna go intothat but these are massive things thatare happening in today's society andevery one of us can take advantage ofthem and just that small percent chanceto live a life of freedom I decided itwas worth it it's up to you to decide isworth it for you so hopefully you guyslike this make sure once again subscribenotification valve and leave a commentlove to hear what you guys are thinkingand I'll see you guys in the next video[Music][Music]


Ecommerce and the Music Industry

By Tina L Douglas | Submitted On June 02, 2010

Music truly can make the world go round. Music has the ability to unify people in a single thought, may it be peace, harmony, joy, or a specific cause, and it has changed the word one song at a time. But music used to be limited and under appreciated by many. Not because music then was of poor quality but because it was not as accessible as it is today. We have a freedom today to gain access to all kinds of music through the help of technology therefore awareness and appreciation of the music industry has grown significantly in such a short span of time.

Long before the internet had its glory, music was confined to a smaller audience. Some of the most powerful songs written were sung and played underground in fear of other bigger issues like communism, capitalism and war. With the emergence of ecommerce, the world became a giant playground for music of different ages, stages, and styles. Ecommerce has opened a new way for music to be heard in other places where it can be appreciated to the fullest. Online music purchase has become so easy and fast that it has broken the barriers of not only geography but perhaps culture as well. When music started its way online, there became a new profit making industry.

Little did we know then that the music industry would be as big as it is now? Today, song sales on iTunes, eBay and Amazon total to billions of dollars daily and that is only counting the United States. Through ecommerce, stars have been born like Coldplay and Beyonce. These artists could have been famous only in their countries but the internet has created them into international super stars because ecommerce has enabled their songs to be purchased by anyone all over the world. Even smaller indie artists and underground bands can now showcase their talent online through ecommerce giving each artist a chance to make it big where the music field is a little more leveled.

Buying songs online has also allowed the consumer more liberty to choose what songs they want to spend on. During the older days, songs had to be bought with the whole album but today, you can buy the song as an individual. This has increased sales more than ever. Not only are the songs available but they too are available as soon as the album hits the market. This makes them available online to anyone around the world as soon as the song is out. This feature of ecommerce helps make music more globally competitive and effective. There is no more discrimination as to who and when these song can only be heard.

Some negative effects though have also hurt the music industry. Because the internet is so accessible and easy to use, the exchange of illegal downloads have also flourished. This development slows down the profits of ecommerce because now, the music can be taken for free. Current ways are being tried to control this phenomenon.

Tina L. Douglas is a skilled writer from California. With numerous experiences in the field of writing for several financial institutions, she is greatly qualified across a variety of economic issues. Her notable pieces of writing involve ecommerce hosting reviews [].

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How I Use Internet Marketing To Build Network Marketing

hey hey what's going on Daniel I seehere from Tanya Eliza calm welcome totoday's episode and today's episode isgoing to be really wacky because I'vegot my whiteboard out and we're going tobe doing some whiteboard training we'regoing to be talking about how I've usedinternet marketing to build my networkmarketing business this is a massivetopic that I get so many people ask meabout so I thought I would show youexactly how I use internet marketing tobuild my network marketing business soif you'd like to learn that stay tunedokay so a huge topic in my world isTanya how have you used internetmarketing to build your networkmarketing business I see the results youhave I see the success you have how doyou do it and is it even really viableto build a network marketing team andhave duplication using internetmarketing and that's a really goodquestion that I get asked all the timeand I want to actually break it down intoday's training episode on exactly howI've done it I want to show you thepieces of the puzzle that you need verysimply not complicated at all to reallybuild a big team in network marketingand recruit and team build and haveduplication and basically make it alittle bit easier for you to talk topeople that are interested about yourbusiness and ways that you can reallyreally rev up those results fast it'ssomething that we've been able to do inour business very successfully right nowwe're the number three recruiters in ournetwork marketing company out of threehundred and sixteen thousand active repsglobally so obviously we're doingsomething right right so I'm going toactually give you something that Inormally do in all of my episodes I liketo give a free be for you I like to giveyou a free resource that you can use andyou can put into action in your businessand in today's episode I have theinternet marketing nap for Networkmarketers so everything that I'm goingto show you most of what I'm going toshow you actually I'm going to putthe guide for you and you can actuallydownload it immediately you can print itout and then you can use that guide whenyou put the pieces of the puzzletogether for your network marketingbusiness and team that you're buildingso every episode I'd like to have afreebie that you can get massive valueout of it in today's episode I'm goingto give you my internet marketing mapfor Network marketers you can secure anabsolutely free copy obviously it's afreebie over all my blog at Tanya Elizacomm 3 download forward slash 3 downloadI'll leave a link probably right here topop up in the video and also if you'rein the United States and you want tomake it really easy pull out yoursmartphone and you can actually text theword 3 download the number 3 downloadall one word 2 4 4 2 2 2 and I'll sendyou the internet marketing map fornetwork marketers it's actually myinternet marketing map so you actuallyhave some insight into my personalbusiness and I share with you a lot ofsecrets and cool things that I do thatwork very effectively in my businessmodel so I'm going to break it downtoday let me grab my pen because Iactually don't have my pen okay so gotmy pen what I want to do is I want toshow you what I was doing before whichwasn't really working and then I want toshow you what I'm doing now so right nowmost of you are probably posting stuffstuff on social media and this isactually a training it's a more higherlevel training that I have it's more orless what I do with my coaching programsbut I thought it was really important toput together for you to understand howthis all works especially in today's intoday's age of the internet so you'reprobably already posting things onsocial media about your business you'resharing your business on social mediasocial media is becoming extremelypopular Avenue for people to promote andmarket their stuff on right but you wantto make sure that you're doing itproperly otherwise you could mess upyour brand people can look at you funnyyou could become you could come acrossas salesy or weird and you don't want todo that that's really important that youactually present yourself as aprofessional marketer or not a spamming/ promotional marketer right so whatyou're doing already a lot of us arealready doing is you're posting on youknow social media so we've got you knowFacebook Twitter Instagram whateverright and you guys probably can't readbut maybe you can maybe we'll zoom in alittle bit on that maybe we'll look atpretty in the editing but we've gotsocial media and you guys are alreadydoing posts on social media now I got alot of great training on my blog I'llleave a link below on what you should beposting on social media to get the mostinteraction and we're not going to talkabout it in this video I'm just going toshow you how it works okay you can go tothe other blog post I'll leave links andresources below on my blogTanny Eliza comm forward slash 3download so you're posting on socialmedia all these great posts that aregetting interaction now what most peopledo is from social media what they'll dois they'll put a link to their businessopportunity their products their servicepage their customer pages whatever rightso they're sharing their link fromsocial their social media posts andthey're taking people to a customerreplicated website you do not want to dothat and this is what I was doing beforeI was taking people to this genericwebsite that we get with our networkmarketing company that is supposed tosell stuff for us or help us generateyou know reps and teammates andcustomers well it's not working rightobviously is probably why you'rewatching this video and I was doing thatbefore – I was sending people to thecompany and replicated website and thatjust wasn't generating a whole lot ofbusiness for me okay just laying it outon the table being truthful with you sowhat I do now okay and this is this isthe formula that I have used for yearsto build my network marketing businessonline is instead of doing social mediaposts and pointing to a generic companyreplicated website what I actually donow is I do great value posts and then Iactually direct everybody over to myblog okay and the blog will control thetraffic okay so what I mean by controlthe traffic is I have way more controlover on my blog then anywhere else thatI send my people I have my about pagethat they're going to and they'relearning about me and they are going tomy products pages there they are seeingmy value and they're seeing me as aperson of authority and credibility thatthey want to learn more about and dobusiness wit now when I was sendingpeople to my company rephated website that just was nothappening people would go there and theyhave seen it before they'll go andGoogle the name of the company and thenwe all know what happens when thathappens right so they have no controlover the traffic this is this iscontrolling my traffic people are thenexposed to my opt-in forms becomingleads and I'm following up with thosepeoplenow there's many different avenues orfacets of why a blog is very importantand I talk about those a lot and a lotof the training that I do I talk aboutblogging a lot but you this builds youup as a credible figure and an authorityyour blog builds you up as an authorityincredible figure even if you don't havesuccess yet in your business if you havea blog and you send people there theyimmediately think of you as the expertthe authority it gives them a differentperceived value of you as the personthat is selling your product service oropportunity so I talked a lot aboutsending traffic to your blog and if youdon't have a blog or if your blog isn'tgenerating you business I'll leave alink on my blog in the resources sectionhere make sure you go to tanni Elizacomm 4/3 download I'll have that therefor you and I actually have a littlefree video series that you can gothrough that'll show you the right wayto set up your blog for business so makesure instead of sending your traffic toa company replicated website that'sgeneric and there's nothing specialabout it make sure you're sending yourtraffic to your blog make sure that youare building a blog on WordPress andI'll do another video here in the nextcouple of days on the right way to do ablog and the wrong way to do a blog I dohave a couple of links I'll leave in theresource section on if you want to buildyour own or have somebody build it youknow you'll you'll have the resourcesbut long story short make sure thatyou're sending them to a blog your blogalright and make sure it's your blogbuilt on WordPress not through a systemor anything like that you don't youdon't want that you don't want a blog orblog or anything like that right butwhat you want to do from the blog andhow it works in my world is people areexposed to my capture forms and mycapture forms have you know obviously aspot where people can opt-in to get apiece of value that they want and itcollects their name and email addressand sometimesphone number and then what happens isonce somebody fills out that opt-in formor capture form or lead magnet whateveryou want to call it then what they do isthey I get an email notification thatsays hey you've got a new leadright that's interested in your stuffright whatever it is that you're sellingor promoting and then I have the abilitynow to follow up with them and when Iget on the phone with people that havebeen generated through this type of afunnel through my blog and they've beenthere and they've understood my storyand they built a relationship with methey've already built trust andcredibility with me when I get on thephone with them here to talk to them andsee how I can help them and see ifthere's an opportunity for them to comeinto my business either environmentproducts my services or join my teamthe conversation goes very differentlyversus buying a cold lead list wherethey don't know you right whenever I geton the phone with somebody generatedthrough my blog or my social mediaavenues they think I'm a celebrity andthey're like oh my gosh Danny I'm soexcited you're calling me is that reallyyou oh my gosh and all I need to say ishey do keep your options open as far asother ways to you know earn an income ordo you keep your options open when itcomes to my products or services thatI'm offering and they go oh my gosh Ican't believe you're asking me of courseI doright and seven times out of ten theconversation will go exactly like thatnow there's a lot of different ways thatwe can monetize the people that also sayno to our primary business opportunityand there's some you know courses andthings like that that'll offer to maybehelp them if they don't see anopportunity over here with me I can sayokay great well how can I help you andthen I can direct them to a spot whereyou know they can actually get more helpand I really like I'll leave a systemthat I really like in the resourcessection of this blog I really like Vincereads my internet traffic system it's areally great system if you don't haveyour own products or anything createdyou can actually use his system and it'sgot really great training in there tocreate that multiple stream of incomefor the people that say no to yourbusiness opportunity but might just belooking for training that you can helpthem with so it's all about reallycapitalizing onthe ability to help people and the onlyway to do that is to put yourself infront of them like this follow up withthem and say how can I help you and thengive them the opportunities and servicesthat will help them with what they wantand that's exactly how it works you knowI'm posting and if you guys follow me onyou know social media you see that I doexactly this I've got people on myfacebook right I'm a big Facebook loveFacebook marketing I bring people overto my blog I even advertise on Facebookbut my advertisements go over to my blogmy blog will help build credibility andTrust and all that with my prospect whois cold now turning into a warm prospectthey're learning about me they'rebuilding trust and credibility with meand then they're going to trust meenough to fill out the opt-in form andonce they fill out the opt-in form I cancall them and I can say hey how can Ihelp youand we can take the next step togetherand I can actually help them but alsocreate a business from that and so ifyou don't have these pieces in placelike this yet then you definitely wantto check out some of the resources thatI have on my blog at Annie Eliza commforward slash 3 download because I'mgoing to actually give you someresources that can help you set this allup I've actually got a really cool videoseries that will help you set all ofthis up so you make sure that you haveit in place properly for your businessand it is converting very well for youand again you know we've done very wellonline since 2010 but it's all in howwe've set ourselves up with that map andmaking sure that the pieces are in placeat the right spot with the rightlanguage for our target audience so makesure that you get the freebie in today'sepisode because it's really going tohelp you put some of those pieces inplace and show you what those pieces areshould be for your business and you canactually go to tanni Eliza comm forwardslash 3 download to get it or you cantext 3 download all one word the number3 2 4 4 2 2 2 and I'll give you thisnetwork marketing map with the resourcesthat we talked about in today's trainingto sort of help you put you on that pathto building your business online ifthat's something that you want to do asa networkmarketer the worlds have changed for usknowing this and when we talk to peopleabout our businesses the conversationsgo a lot different we have more peoplein our world that are actuallyinterested in what we have our productsor services are opportunity and the moreI can show other people how to do thisand set it up and have them have resultsthat's the beauty of lifting ourindustry up in network marketing to ahigher standard and actually helpingmore people to do so so I hope you foundvalue in today's episode if you did Ialways love your comments and would liketo hear some feedback so drop me acomment below and make sure to get yourfree be offered in today's video as welland we'll see you on the next episode ohif you have anybody that you think wouldlike to build their business on theinternet and you want to make sure thatthey do it properly feel free to sharethis episode with them as well beblessed as always and we will see you onthe next episode of Tanya Liza TV
