4 Powerful Reasons to Opt for a Mobile App in eCommerce Business

By Rob Stephen | Submitted On October 30, 2017

Expert Author Rob Stephen

Long gone are those days when using smart phones was a part of leading a luxurious life. Nowadays, most of the tech-savvy people owns smartphones and tends to do most of the things using it. For instance, ordering foods, booking movie tickets, doing banking jobs, checking out new places to visit – everything becomes easier using an effective mobile application. eCommerce business is no exception in this case. Here is a list of 4 persuasive reasons to opt for such apps in the eCommerce business industry.

#1 Improved Brand Loyalty

Installing an app does not mean offering the users a better shopping experience only. It makes sure to build a strong bond with the brand as well. When a customer is installing an application, it means he or she has that trust on the brand and he or she is installing it so that they can continue to shop from that particular brand in future as well. The improved brand loyalty is clearly a potential sign of business growth.

#2 Secured and Easy Payment Options

Online shopping means the customers have to pay either by debit card or by credit card for the things they buy online. Now, such card details obviously involve very sensitive customer information. Hence, until and unless customers are sure that sharing such details with your brand would not do any harm, they won’t buy from you. When you devise a potent mobile app for your eCommerce business, it comes up with more secure and easier payment options than the website. Now, when the customers would find the payment options more reliable, they would buy from your brand resulting in business growth for you.

#3 Online Shopping is Easier

Today, everyone is so busy with their lives that people look for time-efficient ways to buy necessary things. Using an effective mobile application, shopping becomes remarkably easier and faster. The customers just have to scroll through the mobile screen, choose the products they want, add them to their respective shopping carts and checkout by paying the total payable amount. Only a few clicks are enough to get what they want to buy and they can shop anytime they want. Thus, doing shopping using various eCommerce mobile apps is becoming extremely popular.

#4 Better Customer Relationship

This is an undeniable fact that an effective mobile eCommerce app is capable of maintaining better customer relationship. The more you can interact with your customers, the more they would be able to state their issues on your services or products and thus, you can improve those shortcomings. It would definitely help you to enhance quality of your services. Moreover, if the customers have any kind of queries, with the help of the effective interaction system available in the mobile app, they can state it and according to that, you can reciprocate to it. Thus, you can make your customers happy and satisfied and that is indication of business prosperity.

According to a recently made survey, the rate of online shopping using mobile apps is increasing following an exponential graph. Hence, this is clearly understandable that this is the new market trend. Hence, to cope up with the trend and to sustain successfully in this competing business market, an eCommerce business needs a dynamic and potent mobile application.

Rob Stephen is an utterly experienced senior application developer working at GetAProgrammer, an esteemed Sydney-based company that is not only well-known in the field of mobile app development for Android but for iOS as well. He has the knack of sharing his in-depth knowledge and experience in this industry through penning down his thoughts on the latest advancements in the mobile technology.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Rob_Stephen/2369700


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Woocommerce vs Shopify FULL INTERVIEW | Top eCommerce Platform & Increasing Sales!

so this has already happened I want tosay about a year and a half ago I couldbe wrong on the timing but Shopifybasically banned all like gunaccessories from their site so if yousold a holster for just to hold a pistolin Shopify says we don't wannacontribute to that and they shut downall those stores now they gave them likea couple months notice I forgot how longbut they gave them maybe three monthsnoticeand what's really rough is like lots ofstore owner this is their livelihoodShopify said hey we don't sell we don'twant anyone to sell this content so higuys it's Tom day half of day tips calmhelping serious entrepreneurs like youto boost sales to your products andservices online using it simple butsuper effective online marketing tipsand tricks in this video we're going tobe speaking about WooCommerce andShopify what the main differences arebetween the two platforms and also howyou can increase yourselves and leveragethose platforms to the best of theirabilities to increase your sales andprofitability as an e-commerce websiteowner but we also have Patrick as aguest on our show todayso Patrick how's it going today foreverthe thing that I like to say is I'vedone every job I used to build sites forclients I did support for commercedevelopment for WooCommerce ProductManager for commerce I now teach peoplehow to use WooCommerce things that runecommerce courses and events yeah so Ithink I've done everything I'm feelinggood awesome and we actually met not toolong ago doing what we were both doingsome some LinkedIn courses how did youget involved with within LinkedIn sowell it's actually a good story so Istarted in web development over probably10 years ago at my university I was astudent web developer and the very firstday as a student web developer they haveyou sit down it was lynda.com at thetime have you sit down at lynda.com andI learned HTML and CSS andyears later I found a course on Commerceand it was done well and just I thinkthe people who were making the courseswere just too busy to keep them updatedso it was just really out of date and soI just wrote them and said hey I wrote abook about WooCommerce do you want me todo your courses for you and they saidyes so that's how that got startedawesome awesomeand how was your experience what wasyour experience like because I know youyou you said you've done some work withcommerce what was your experience likeworking for them yeah working forcommerce was great there's lots ofreally cool things lots of the lots lotsof cool companies like this wherethey're like distributed which I like soyou can be anywhere in the world likethis is my home office I can work fromhere I really like that I love the theteam the people there's other thingswhich I think we can get into a littlebit later but like also like WooCommerceis open source so every single line ofcode that you write will live forever ina code base which is really cool likebut you never want this to happen but ifthe company ever went under people canstill use the code which is actuallylike a really cool thing to do to addstuff to the humanity can use forever soWow I wanted to kind of speak aboutbecause you specially specialize inWooCommerce but you also in Shopify aswell so I thought it would be a greatopportunity to kind of like speak aboutboth platforms and start off by whatwhat are the main differences reallythat you found between Shopify and wecommerce yeah so I and the biggest thingthat I think is helpful is an analogywhere I always compare Shopify to owningan apartment and I always compareWooCommerce to owning a house and noneof those is better than the other likeit really really really always dependson your needs so if someone saysWooCommerce is the best or Shopify isthe best they probably are only lookingat the problem from one vantage point sowhatever so by the way if anyone eversays this one is the best don't evenconsider the other one their problem I'mgoing to say they're probably wrong theymight be right for your scenario butit's not a good worldview to havethey're both great under different underdifferentcircumstances so as an example I love Ihave a this is a condo I love it I canpaint as I can do all the stuff on theinside I can make all sorts of changeshere I can improve the bathroom but anapartment isn't what I want right now inmy life but sometimes you do you know ifsomething is your business and you're anerdy person you want to get like thefastest page speeds ever I'm probablygoing to recommend to commerce becauseyou can open up the hood and you canpull out every single part of the engineand you can replace it that's what youcan do with commerce with Shopify it'smore like you know if it's a car it'sall put together for you and you canjust change some of the colors soanyways this is kind of that rent versusown business model they're both good butyou just have to evaluate what you wantto do for a lot of new store owners Irecommend Shopify because it's like youlet's change that analogy a little bitto owning a car like most people justwant to get from point A to point Bthat's what a lot of store owners wantto need and if that's all you want isyou just want something that works 99%of the time Shopify is great you justcan't tweak it whereas you can't tweakeverything with awesomeanother question that I see quite oftenon YouTube is people are concerned aboutkind of what you were saying in terms ofhow much you can manipulate the websitebut also how much of that site youactually own so I know as you said withWooCommerce if the chef commerce was tojust was to just go go down then you canstill access the code what about withShopify if I have maybe built up acouple of years kind of you know havinga Shopify website and I want totransition or have Shopify shut me downfor whatever reason what's my bestsolution for that so this has alreadyhappened I want to say about a year anda half ago I could be wrong on thetiming but Shopify basically banned alllike gun accessories from their site soif you sold a holster for toy just tohold a pistol and Shopify says we don'twant to contribute to that and they shutdown all those stores now they gave themlike a couple months notice I forgot howlong but they gave them maybe threemonths noticeand what's really rough is like lots ofstore owner this is their livelihoodShopify said hey we don't sell we don'twant anyone to sell his content so we'regonna kick you off of our platform thegood news is you can take all of yourall of your content you can take all ofyour product photos all of your theproduct descriptions you can export allthat data very easilythe downside is like you kind of have torebuild your site very quickly and canget all your order data and it's justit's just in the e-commerce world waitwe call this reap lat forming and freeplatforming is a beast oh well I don'thave it in front of me I actually have alittle graphic for this one I do this ina presentation but when you start ane-commerce website it's kind of oh youdon't have a problem we start ane-commerce website it's like a verysimple like point a goes to point B it'sjust a little simple wire like you canset up any Shopify site in 30 minutesand it's very simple but as soon as youstart adding into inventory systems andaccounting systems and analytics anduser loyalty programs your ecommercesite is like a jumbled mess of wiresbehind the TV or any site not to shopwith my Shopify WooCommerce youre-commerce site is just a jumbled messof wires it is so much work to aplatform you totally canit's just it's work the good news iswhat conferences is it's GPL is thelicense license is a GPL they canliterally never tell you to stop usingthe software for any reason so I reallylike that right it's nice knowing I alsohas an example I live in Colorado andhere it's legal to sell marijuana in thestate of Colorado but not in the US andso some plugins some people say oh youcan't sell marijuana but it'sfrustrating that the laws in my statelet me do that but certain software saysI can't and that I don't know that thingis gonna happen more in the world so itis nice to have that really flexiblelicense with little commerce no one canever tell you to stop using it also Ithink that that's a great benefit um onething that springs to mindis is there anything so if someonedecided to go with Shopify or even withWooCommerce what's the best kind ofcause of action that they can take toensure that their website is backed upto the best of their abilitysure what do you mean by backed up likejust to make sure it doesn't go down oror to make sure that they've kind ofbecause I know we've we've we commerceand with WordPress you can backup yoursite essentially if you're with yourhost but is there anything similar youcould do kind of like with Shopify or ifnot is there any alternatives yeah youknow it's one of those things so I'd saywith Shopify I haven't talked to toomany store owners who need backups withWordPress you need backups just becauseit's a little bit more brittle rightlike if you're if you're doing if you'rebuilding a garage for your home you haveblueprints you have plans you have youhave tools to make sure it goes well andonce in a blue moon and a plug itdoesn't update the right way and youhave to manually delete it reinstall itor whateverthat's why you need backups withWordPress I don't usually talk to shopwith Shopify store owners who need thosebackups if you did need backups ofanything the most important thing wouldbe your order data that is like the mostimportant thing you can backup and youcan just download that to a spreadsheetyou can connect it with zapier or someother tool to export all your order datathat is like the most important thingyou never ever want to lose then ofcourse there's all of your product datayou can store a lot of this inspreadsheets and there's a million andthen on the other end of spectrum a lotof hosts will back stuff up for youso a well-known WordPress host is calledWP engine and every time I update theplugins on my site I go log into the BPengine I say make up backup on my siteand about four seconds later get anemail saying the backup is complete andthen I update all the things but itbacks up your database back to yourfilesso all of your images and stuff likethat so your hosts can do it and thereare some plugins and there are someservices there's a bunch of options Idon't want to recommend a specific onebecause they're they're all good forslightly different reasons but if if youhave some sort of backup awesome awesomelet's speak a little bit about websitegrowth so this is more to say likepeople who maybe they already have theywork on my store maybe they already havethis Shopify store and they're thinkingok cool what kind of things should I bedoing to kind of grow my store maybeeven if it's to do with maybe marketingtips or even thingssome of the fundamental things likecustomer service and so on and so forthokay so there's three ways to make moneyonline number one is to get morecustomers or to get repeat customers sojust to get literally more sales numbertwo is to for every visitor on your siteyou increase the conversion rate so thatmore of a higher percentage of them buysand number three is to get them to buymore stuff per order so get morecustomers increase the chance sum of avisitor will turn into a customer orsome issues they get more visitorsincrease the chance of visitor turnsinto a customer or increase averageorder per value or AOV average ordervolume there we go all of those work thethe first one in the last one in gettingmore visitors is is probably one of thebest things you should do when you'regetting started if you have less than athousand customers just keep doublingjust get more customers get morecustomers get more customers get morecustomers and there is something aboutright you want to have like a newsletterso you can keep those people coming backthere are some things you should dothere but you really really really wantto focus on marketing because you need alot of data and you need a lot of ordersso you can actually measure conversionrate optimization that's the second onethat's you can take some guesses aboutwhy people aren't converting on yourwebsite as an example I recently set upa Shopify site for a board game I makecalled the site's laid back games rightI said well silly game about stealingfries and I noticed a friend of mineordered the game and and it came throughin the email and it was shipping forwhatever reason I set up shipping wrongand it was nine dollars and it shouldprobably be like five and this is like asmall little game so that's probablysomething that's that's if I can fix myshipping rates that'll probably increasemy conversions but until I get thousandsof customers I don't focus on conversionrate you might notice a couple thingsand tweak them in the meantime but Idon't focus on it and then average orderof elaborate average order value therewe go is something else that you can doand that's just by having good upsellsand good cross-sells so that is justknowing hey when people buy this gamethey also like or this product they alsolike this accessory product so those arethe three ways you can always make moremoney online get more visitors get morevisitors to check to convert andincrease the average order valueI always but usually honestly so manypeople just don't need to double down acustomer acquisition get more customersget more customers get more customersthat's usually the best place to do thatand then when you start getting that andyou start you start the the flywheelthen do look into loyalty programs heywhen you buy for me you get a hundredpoints and after a thousand points youget this this free item or stuff likethat it is helpful it definitely keepspeople coming back and that by the wayis one of the best reasons for people tobuy in your shop site instead of excuseme a site like Amazon com so if you wantto if you want to meet people yourcustomers exclusively the loyaltyprograms are really really great awesomeokay so I want to kind of I want to kindof break this down even further so yousaid the free main ways of of kind ofkind of pushing the your website isgetting visitors increasing conversionsfrom your current visitors and alsoincrease in the amount that people spendwhen they're on your website if we startwith visitors so essentially if I've gota week a week on a store or a Shopifystore what are some of the ways thatyou're seeing people are kind ofsuccessfully driving visitors to theirwebsite so this is gonna vary totally byaudio or totally by industry I shouldsay right so when you're doing aclothing subscription store that istotally different than I make sillyboard games as a hobby like so just asan example in the board game worldinfluencer marketing is one of the bestways to get people to your sitespecifically board game reviewersbecause there's so many games that comeout people can't can't buy them all asimpossible there's thousands thousandsno is that come out every year so boardgame reviewers are sort of the they'rethe people that say get this one don'tget this one so if you wanted to giveour customers in the board game world Iwould just ship one review copy to ahundred reviewers and I would probablysee a pretty big increase in inconversions or in visitors that that'sone of the best ways in my industry formy little side project but it willtotally depend on what you were doinglike Instagram is still really greatFacebook Ads can still work right butwelding's Facebook Ads II tried this with my store I just sellmy products is too cheap it's 15 dollarsso for me to get like to get leads andthen I and then I put them into anewsletter and then I sent send themsome information about my products andthen a week later I pitched them onproduct there's a whole funnel it's justnot enough but if you sell moreexpensive products Facebook ads andhaving a more complex set of funnels andvideos and content might work for you itreally is going to depend on theindustry though this is this is if I cansay the hard the easiest thing to do isto get more visitors to your sorry sitethe hardest thing to actually implementis to get visitors to your site that'sgetting people's attention online is thebiggest struggle that everyone has rightnow yeah and I guess it's uh it's abalance between getting visitors andgetting the right the right kind ofvisitors to your website as well yes yesthere is all were getting the right typeof people you don't want to have amarketing message that's so broad thatno one actually follows through exactlycool cool cool so let's speak a littlebit about I know you spoke about havingthe loyalty program which couldpotentially you know get your customerscoming back and potentially buying fromyou rather than some of the biggercompetitors out there are there anyother ways that we can potentially kindof retain some of the customers thatwe've worked so hard to get yeah we'veall worked really really hard to getthese customers so always have anewsletter right that's pretty easy inShopify Commerce is usually check box at2 newsletter great beyond that there's acouple of do it and I know if anyone'stalked about oh boy I'm gonna get thiswrong discount ladders are none great sogreat so this this this works forindustries where you buy things a coupletimes a year if you work in an industrywhere you buy a fridge refrigeratorevery five years this strategy probablywon't work for you but for everyone elsediscount ladders are where you pay I seeI have 10 games in my catalogue youbought one game three months ago haven'tseen you bought a new game or a newarticle of clothing or new coffee cup ornew whatever in the last three monthshere's 10% off you wait another maybetwo weeks or four weeks or six weeks itdepends there's there some math you canfigure out to see what's best for youlet's say you wait another month and yousay hey you still haven't bought newgame did you see gameX Y & Z now it's 20% off and then youwait another month and if they stilldon't buy hey I see you haven't bought agame in three months here's games a Band C and here's 30% off you so discountladders are a way to get people to buyconsistently from you with some verysmart triggers so there I'm gonna giveyou some fun terminology here if youimmediately give people a 30% off somepeople don't need that they only needed10% off they just needed like they justneeded like the slightest little kick inthe pants just the slightest little andthen they're good to go they're ready tobuy from you againother people do need that huge discountif you give everyone the huge discountthat's called a subsidy cost you want toavoid subsidy costs which is where youyou pay for something that they wouldhave bought from you otherwise basicallyso that's what discount ladders arereally good at you do need good emailmarketing software for this where theywill have them all automated and thenyou can put people you can even havetags you can have groups as soon assomeone buys from you they shouldautomatically be removed from a certaingroup and if they've been in a group forlong they move on to the next group sothere's a there's a whole thing here butif you can look up just Google discountladders you will you'll you'll see somesome pretty good strategies just to keeppeople coming back consistently butagain it only works for products wherepeople buy from you every three monthsor six months it doesn't work if peoplebuy from you every four years yeah yeahyeah no I've been heard of the discountI did some I'm definitely going to dosome research into that as wellokay so conversions quite quickly I knowyou spoke about it is quite easy to kindof look at your the activities that yourvisitors and customers are kind ofhaving on your website and making tweaksthere but do you use any kind ofautomation tools or software's or do yousit recommend any for IVA WooCommerce orShopify owners that can help with kindof conversion tracking or do you kind ofmainly just do it manually yeah so so sofirst of all conversion rate tracking isdone automatically in Google Analyticsjust the one thing you just need to makesure you do with with both eitherWooCommerce and Shopify is turn onecommerce tracking in Google Analyticsand then make sure it's turned on inyour Google Analytics plugin forWordPressand Shopify think does thatautomatically but just make sure it'sturned on in Google Analytics and inyour e-commerce platform and then oldtrack every single ecommerce Eila trackshow much it was sold for it all all thatjazz and then it'll automatically figureout your conversion rate so in terms ofconversion rate the tracking is therethe hard thing is knowing why peoplechecked on why they didn't I like aparticular tool called hot jar it's it'sfree and what it does is it recordspeople's screens and so it knows how biglike so it'll show you know if it's acell phone it'll show you the screenthis big if it's a iPad this big desktopthis big it knows all that it'll showyou what they're actually seeing and itshows you where they're so you can likeI'm gonna highlight this for you so youcan see where they're clicking on thepage and then when they're likescrolling and you can see when they likeI think even when they zoom and whenthey highlight things with a cursor youcan see all this stuffwhat I recommend go on the hot jarrecord 100 videos that's the defaultthere's like a videos record a hundredand then set aside three hours and watchall 100 visitors that's not 100conversions watch 100 visitors and seewhat they do and you will be amazed athow quickly people leave how quicklypeople come III did this for a landingpage front of my games and people signup in seconds like I didn't need likethat was that was like literally in likethree seconds lamech how did you youdidn't even read the headline like threeseconds of people are signing up and Irealized that certain things in thiscase it was a very silly game aboutsealing french fries it's very adorableand I think they they that's all theyneeded they saw the image on a differentFacebook they clicked on it and theysign up to my newsletter that was allthey needed they didn't need 500testimonials now I still had 500testimonials for people who scrolled butit was very helpful for me to see thatactually I think it was like a third ofmy audience literally didn't read asingle word they just signed up on thethey didn't even scroll I'm so hot I'lllet you see and you can see how manypeople scroll you can see when they signup and then they I saw how many peopleshared shared the the contest or sharedthe landing page after signing up and Imade a couple changes and then I sawthat more people shared so I just but Ijust want to clarify here you need atleast like a hundred data points like soset up all this tracking talk to oure-mail you when it's doneand then youdo a couple things like I think I deletesessions less than three secondsautomatically cuz those just don'tprovide any value so you can do a bunchof things and then just take some notesand notice if zero people really look atan image on that pay on a product pageor the home page get rid of that imageor get rid of that section if peopleseem to read the sidebar keep or make itbigger or got a headline or like you canit just it does take some intuitionthough you have to kind of like watchunder videos and see what what pops upthis is this is why I generally don'trecommend conversion rate optimisationuntil you get to thousands ofconversions come for actual sales yeahbecause then that's when you finallyhave enough data to really see what'sgoing the the hot jar that you mentionedis available both on Shopify andWooCommerce aw yeah no worries noworries my next question was literallygonna be the last point that youmentioned about the average order volumeand specifically what people can do tokind of make people leave with with morebasically essentially how do they maketheir website kind of a ask me goodbyeas as you know when we walk into asupermarket imma going in there for apint of milk but then we end up leavingwith so many different things because ofthe way in which the supermarket hasjust been kind of tailored to make uswant to buy impulse buy certain thingsso how can we do thatwhat kind of things can we do to youknow increase the average order valueyeahso very quickly I'm not sure there is anunofficial app but it looks it lookslooking at the reviews it's got aforeign have ratings so I think itshould work the there's a hot jar app onthe App Store as for average order valueso the two biggest things are havingsome good upsells and cross-sellsnow if you have so if you have 10products you can do this manually andit's very easy to know this product willlikely go with this one and let me justdefine these terms upsells are when youencourage someone to buy a higher valuea higher version of the sameso as an example I have a game that's atwo-player game and then I the exactsame game but with twice as many tokensand it plays three to two to fourplayersso that's the exact same product I justhave a couple extra tokens and it costslike an extra five bucks so that is anupsell cross-sell is a different productso that would be like hey you justbought a bike now do you want thissafety recognize a few replicas bycarrying rack for all the store stuff onthe back of your bike that's a crossthough so having good upsells andcross-sells hugely important if you havehundreds or thousands of products thatgets kind of overwhelming right there'sa lot of stuff to doand both WooCommerce and Shopify havesmart defaults they were like oh welllook in a related category and pull thisitem out there is some little bit ofintelligence there I would recommend aservice of these services we'll look atall of your orders and they'll go WOWpeople so there was a study years ago doyou know the two most common itemspurchased are and shopping so shit likea grocery store what was beer and babydiapers well those go together yes butpeople finally studied and they said ohthe two items that are most bought likemost often purchased together thehighest quantities it's because peopleare driving home from work like hey youknow what I got to pick up diapers forthe kid and you know and I will not owna couple beers and you pee you wouldnever know that you would never knowthat that's what you should recommend onyour product page but there is smartsoftware out there that does this foryou I don't I don't have anyrecommendations on this I've seen acouple these companies going by comingby where they've been around for a yearor two and them is shut down I thinkit's hard for them to monetize theseservices but they can look at all yourorder data and figure out which productsalways get purchased with which otherproducts and I know for WooCommercethere's an official one on Congress comeI don't know want to off the top of myhead for Shopify but I am positivethey're out there there are SAS servicesthat they do this for you and look ifit's like 30 bucks a month it's probablygonna be worth it because you'reprobably just by having one or two smartupsellscross-sells you're gonna make back that30 bucks revenue and a couple sales itwill again as with a ring that takes alot of data for these services to figureout what products are connected with alot of other products so for a servicelike this to work if you're starting outwith zero orders it might not work for afew months so you think you have to makesure you have historical data to give tothese services the upsells cross-sellsare huge I'm trying to think of otherthings that you can do so just generallyone thing I'm a big fan of is I'm alwaysa big fan of unlockable unlockable freeshipping so get people free shippingpeople expect it but so for me I have agame that sells for for 15 bucks and Ihave unlockable free shipping at like 25bucks so I do have to buy two copies youhave to buy the nicer version of thegame then I gave you free shipping andas long as you make that clear all overyour store then people are likelythere's a study by UPS if you say freeshipping is little not to a certainpoint I think people add an extra Idon't worry the exact stat but it'ssomething like they will order an extraeight percent so people were willing tospend $100 on your store let's just saythat that's the thing you can get $108by saying unlockable free shipping is alittle bit above their average ordervalue you have to know know what youraverage order value is so if you start anew store you have to wait get a couplehundred orders and see your averageorder value is $35 then set freeshipping to 40 or 45 and you'll makeextra money that way so that's those aresome of the easiest ways to do it theyare a little bit manual ya know somereally some really cool ones this Ithink that the last one as well as onethat I'd never fought before so yeahyeah yeah that's really cool gems thereso lastly are there any tips or advicethat you would give to someone startingout on WooCommerce and Shopify Boise Imean so many tips there there's there'sso many things to do you know what I gotI got one tip for people you just Idon't care what your numbers are peoplealways ask me but I go to a wordpressevent to chopby the events people always ask me heyis uh is five orders a month good andeveryday or is that 50,000 orders amonth good and the answer is always youjust want your numbers to go up and tothe right so if you're consistentlyseeing your numbers go up and to theright you are doing greatthat's all that you want you want to seeyour conversion slowly slowly over timeincrease from by the way the averageconversion rates like one to two percentso if you start at one percent and thenthree months from now you got up to onepoint two five you are doing great andif you started with one order a monthand then two months that's not threemonths for now you're up to ten orders amonth that's also great so just justnumbers gotta go up into the right nowyou're doing goodthere's there's too much to learn ine-commerce because he converses likeit's business right it's you've knowevery single thing about business thatI'm a big fan of there's a word herethere's a phrase forget reading it butit's like learning in the momentslearning nope I'm gone there's there's aprice for this and I forgot you canhopefully try to Google X but just tryto learn things as you need them becausethere's so much to learn that you'lljust be overwhelmed and you'll neveractually do anything if you try andlearn it all ahead of time so launchyour storefigure out the rest as you go greatadvicesome really really great advice there Ithink that that's that's the key tippingpoint as well as most most people areparalyzed by not not doing and you justkind of just got a go of it thank you somuch some awesome tips that you'veshared with us in this video where canwe find more information from you do youprovide any services are you availableonline if if someone needs you yeahgreat yeah so I blog on speaking inbites calm that's B Y tes like computerbites so I chat about will comer and Iprobably have like over 100 articlesabout Commerce had the occasionalarticle about Shopify on there and thenI have my one of my test stores islaid-back dot games and you can checkout my silly Frye game I'm alwaysexperimenting with that store of justchanging the price to this or adding asidebar here it's just my I literallyliterally made this product just like anexperimental e-commerce and trythings out in real life and then I ableto clarity Donna them so if you justwant to grab a 30 minute consulting callwith me I will happily chat with youabout every plugin or every app or everytheme or whatever you want to do or ifyou're choosing between ShopifyWooCommerce pick me up I'm very happy tochat with you unclear date on thatfamine civil way for me to get paid alittle bit for my time so those are thethree places to reach out to meawesome awesome and now leave your linksin the description down below as well soguys make sure you go and you checkthose links out less support truckPatrick hopefully we can get them on thechannel again to give more advice if youhave any specific questions do leavethem in the comment section down belowit's been great having you Patrick but Ireally do hope that this interviewbrought you guys some value in that youcan get something from it again I'll beleaving the links that Patrick hasmentioned in the description down belowso make sure you go and check those outand see where else you can getadditional value from him on line I alsohave the formula which is completelyfree I'll leave a copy of it somewhereon this screen and in the descriptiondown below that's the formula togenerating leads and sales online but ifyou want more videos like this where I'mgonna be sharing tips tricks andtutorials and how you can market youre-commerce website online moreeffectively make sure you subscribe tothis channel and I look forward toseeing you in another video but if thisvideo helps you out then please clickthe like button down below and make sureyou share this video with a friend ifyou have any additional questions orcomments then leave them for me in acomment section but until next timewatch some of my other great videosmakes you subscribe to this channel formore awesome business related contenthave a great day make sure you downloadthe formula and I will see you soon


5 Tips to Run an Ecommerce Business

By Shalini Madhav | Submitted On October 17, 2017

Expert Author Shalini Madhav

If you want to outgrow your competitors in business, know that it won’t be easy. If you want to know how to run your e-commerce business properly, you should have a powerful strategy in place. Given below are a few tips that may help you achieve success as an e-commerce business owner. By following these tips, your chance of achieving success as an online business owner will be higher.

Use SEO For Better Ranking

It’s really difficult to profit from your e-commerce business if your website or store doesn’t show up high in search results. In other words, your website should be ranked for common keywords that prospective buyers may search for when buying online.

Suppose you deal in clothing for kids. Now, if you search for “kids clothing” or children clothing”, your website should show up on first page of search results. According to Optify, most internet users choose to browse first three websites on a search engine results page.

Focus on Mobile

Mobile internet users are increasing day by day. As a matter of fact, most people of today use their phones instead of bulky laptops to search for their desired products online.

If you want to get a higher market share, we suggest that you focus on mobile. According to statistics, the number of mobile users is higher than desktop computer users. So, make sure you get your website optimized for mobile phones.

Embrace social media

If you are not using social media websites, you may lose a lot of business opportunities. As a matter of fact, social media plays a great role as far as growing e-commerce business is concerned.

If you choose the best social media strategy, reaching a wide audience will be easier for you. Aside from this, make sure your online store includes links to your social media pages.

Quality of service

Online buyers have an idea of the quality of customer service of an online store based on a few factors. Some of the important factors include refund process, product delivery, and product questions and so on. You may want to make sure that buyers don’t have any problems related to any of these areas. Not handling these issues will mean bad reviews from customers on review websites and forums.

If you want to make sure that customers won’t get mad at you, you may want to put together a powerful business strategy by keeping your goals, resource and needs in mind. After all, the success of your business is based on the satisfaction level of your customers.


Today, most of e-commerce startups don’t achieve success because they don’t have the right strategy in place. They don’t follow the main practices that are a must for success in today’s online marketplace.

Long story short, if you follow the tips mentioned above, your chance of achieving success as an e-commerce business owner will be higher. This way your business will be more likely to run circles around your competitors and you will have a larger market share.

Do you want help with starting an e-commerce business [http://ecom-entrepreneur.com]? If you need help, we suggest that you try ecom entrepreneur.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shalini_Madhav/2396631


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You Will Learn Internet Marketing For Beginners In This Video…

hey hey how's it going Aaron Chen here
hope you're doing well if you'rewatching this video right now then
you're probably doing a bit of researchon YouTube on internet marketing for
beginners okay so you want to get intointernet marketing you don't really know
how to get started well over the nextfew minutes I'm gonna be talking about
exactly how you can get started ininternet marketing what are some of the
different options that you have ininternet marketing okay and I'll give
you a solution at the end if that's whatyou want to do right for those of you
who are watching my video for the firsttime my name is Erin Chen I'm an online
entrepreneur I've been online for nineyears eight of those nine years though
failed really miserably made a lot ofmistakes really cut my teeth earned my
stripes took me a long time to reallyfigure this stuff out and the thing
about internet marketing is it's a greatindustry to be in but there are very
very few people who really understandhow to do it well because it can be
quite complicated if it's not explainedto you clearly okay so over the last
year though had a lot of successgenerated over a thousand sales in my
business all through internet marketingI want to show you how to do that as
well so if you're looking for moreinformation on internet marketing for
beginners then you're in the right placeand I'm gonna really enjoy sharing this
information with you todayokay so internet marketing what are some
of the things that you can do onlinewell essentially internet marketing is
just I would say promoting any type ofproduct on the Internet
right so it doesn't matter what thatproduct is it could be a physical
product you know like a proper weightloss powder or maybe a green super
powder or whatever it is right maybeeven you know selling clothes online or
doing a bit of e-commerce or it couldalso be selling digital products right
so perhaps some sort of digitalinformation product that teaches you how
to you know lose weight or get a 6-packor stop your dog from peeing on the
carpet or maybe you know you want tolearn how to generate leads on Facebook
these are all digital products that youcan download from the internet from some
sort of membership website okay sointernet marketing has everything to do
with that I mean it could even be youknow some sort of MLM multi-level
marketing or network marketing businesswhere you promote that program
on the internet right so instead of youknow speaking to your friends and family
or your you know your postman orgrabbing someone randomly in a
supermarket you actually learn how togenerate leads on the internet and you
get them into your network marketingbusiness through the internet so that
that's possible too so it can really beany sort of promotion as long as you're
using the internet for it I wouldconsider that as internet marketing
right you could even sell Amazonproducts okay so there are a lot of
people online that are very good atreselling Amazon products so physical
goods from Amazon they become an Amazonaffiliate and every time they sell an
Amazon product they get if they get avery small percentage of commission from
Amazon okay so that's that's prettychallenging to do you can even do a BAE
you can sort of you know buy ebayproducts and then resell them at a
slight profit okay and then you get tokeep that profit and that's kind of how
you generate it on the top right there'salso things like you're creating your
own software so once you reallyunderstand you know the industry and
what internet marketers need in theirbusiness you could actually hire some
sort of software developer to develop asoftware for you and then you become the
owner of that software and then you sellit to internet marketers that that need
that program right I'll give you aperfect example so in internet marketing
you need certain things you need certaintools right you need an autoresponder
right you need a tracking system youneed a funnel builder a website builder
right now if you understood that youcould essentially hire a web developer
to develop some sort of trackingsoftware or funnel building software or
you know autoresponder software and youcould market that you can become the
product owner the software owner and youcould sell this program or these
programs these tools to internetmarketers ok that's also considered
internet marketing there's so manydifferent I would say verticals within
the internet marketing space that youcould get really good at ok but the
thing is is where to get started rightbecause it could it can be very very
complicated if you don't really knowwhat you're doing and that's the whole
thing about internet marketing I wouldsay the easiest thing to to focus on it
and this is what I did so over the lastnine years I've I've tried many many
different business modelsyou know I've tried to fill it marketing
I've tried to talk to your sales I'vetried ecommerce I've done network
marketing you know a lot of differentthings that I've promoted right and I
found that some business models work alittle bit better than others some can
be very complicated and some can be alittle bit more straightforward right
and the one that I like the best isaffiliate marketing
I find that affiliate marketing is themost straightforward it's the one that
you know focuses on selling productinstead of recruiting people so you
don't get shut down by the FTCgovernments are completely fine with
affiliate marketing and affiliatemarketing goes back a long long way and
if you think about a lot of the bigcompanies out there like you know Sears
and Target and Tesco and Amazon allthese big retailers actually offline
retailers a lot of them have their ownaffiliate marketing programs okay so
it's a completely legitimate businessmodel that's what I like about it the
other thing that I like about affiliatemarketing is that you don't have to
create the product from scratch right soyou can eventually you know once you you
get the expertise you can become aproduct owner
but until then you probably don't knowenough to create your own product right
so what you can do is you can go tothese huge affiliate networks like
Amazon or Clickbank or jvzoo and you canliterally grab a product you don't even
have to buy them if you don't want to Irecommend that you do so that you know
what you're selling but if you don'twant to buy them you can literally just
pick them up from these marketplaces andresell them as an internet marketer okay
and when you sell that product issomeone who needs it and you generate a
sale you get to keep a percentage of theCommission now it could be 50 percent
all the way up to 90 percent someprograms even you know give you up to a
hundred percent on the front end and theway that they make money is they make
money on the back end products that yousell once you get people into the funnel
okay so lots of different things butthere are a lot of reasons why affiliate
marketing is one of the best and it'sit's also one of the main reasons why I
continue to market affiliate productstoday because I found that all the years
of marketing and you know makingmistakes and you know having different
accounts shut down and you know having afew network marketing companies that I
was a part of gets shut down over theyears because they were focusing on the
wrong thing they were focusing onrecruitment
of people into the business rather thanselling product right which is the which
is the right thing to doI found that affiliate marketing is the
most stable it's the most long-term andit's the most straightforward business
model – actually it's actually get intowhen it comes to internet marketing for beginners okay now the thing that you have to getreally good at when it comes to
affiliate marketing is you need tounderstand how to become a very good
online marketer okay so you have tounderstand how to pick the right product
and then get very good at sending a lotof traffic and eyeballs to that program
right and some of the ways that you cansend traffic are methods like Facebook
you know you can go to Facebook and youknow buy ads on the ad platform you can
go to YouTube you can do free YouTubevideos rank the videos and get people to
watch them that's how you can generatetraffic you can also pay for YouTube
views as well so you can use the YouTubead platform and pay for your videos to
get ranked for certain keywords you canuse Google Google Adwords so that's
pay-per-click marketing where you knowif you if you actually Google a keyword
right like let's just say you know howto lose weight today right and then when
you go onto Google you'll see a lot ofyou know different organic ranked
searches right AdWords is basicallyright at the top where there's like one
or two or three you're basically payingfor that spot and when people click on
it you pay per click okay now the costof the click depends on how competitive
the keyword that you're going for is sofor example you know a financial keyword
might be a little bit more expensivethan a weight loss keyword for example
okay I don't really know what differentindustries have different it's about
supply and demand and some are moreexpensive than others right what else
you could have a blog or some sort ofwebsite and rank on Google for you know
particular keywords so a lot of peopledo that they have some sort of website
they have some sort of blog and they'veoptimized their website for specific
keywords so maybe you're in the you knowI like to use weight loss because it's
very easy right so weight loss I mean isit easy as an example not as a not as a
niche market but if you're in the weightloss industry you could have a weight
loss blog okay that teaches people howto lose weight or maybe get six-pack abs
or get really ripped as a guy or girlit is and maybe your ranking for
specific keyword terms like how do howto get how to get six-pack abs so it's a
six word keyword phrase and you actuallyrank your articles for specific keywords
like that that's called SEO okay searchengine optimization right it's a little
bit more complicated it's a bit moretechnical but this is one of the ways
that a lot of people generate a lot oftraffic is imagine if you are in the
weight loss niche right and you had ablog that you've been building for the
last you know six twelve you know Idon't know 20 months and you're ranking
on the first page of Google in the firstsecond or third position for keyword
phrases like how to lose weight you knowhow to get six-pack ads how to lose
thirty pounds you know in 2017 or youknow just as an example I mean you would
be driving a lot of traffic because youknow a keyword like how to lose weight
is a very very high volume search termokay a lot of people want to learn how
to lose weight all over the world notjust in you know not just in the US or
in Australia and Asia but all over theworld people are trying to find out how
to lose weight so it depends on whatniche market you're in but that's
basically what SEO is okay so there area lot of different ways you can even
speak to influences right so if youthink of you know places like Instagram
or YouTube right on Facebook there are alot of into influences that have a lot
of traffic a lot of people that arecoming to that they already have in
their network so take Instagram forexample right there are a lot of
different themed channels in Instagramyou know some talked about success so
I'm talking about weight loss I'mtalking to some talk about makeup and
beauty and if you find these influencesand you speak to them and maybe you pay
them a little bit of money to promoteyour website they might get all of their
users to see your particular website andthey might have a million followers so
imagine if they did a post to theirmillion followers saying hey you know
I've got a friend Aaron or you know billor James or Lucy she's got a really cool
website that teaches you how to loseweight you know go and check it out if
you want to if you want to learn how todo it and they send their million
viewers to your link I meanthat can be very very powerful right so
another way to get a lot of traffic isto use what what you call influences
social media influences today rightanother way is is also to get on social
media okay so whether it's you knowFacebook or Facebook or Instagram you
can build a following for free butthat's very very time-consuming okay so
these are some of the ways that youdrive traffic towards your affiliate
offer okay but the important thing hereis is it's not just about doing that
it's about adding a lot of value to yoursubscribers lives right because if
you're just settings traffic straight toyour affiliate program believe me when I
say that a lot of people will they won'tbuy your stuff right because people
online these days are being sold toevery single second of the day you can
imagine how many emails people are beingbombarded with on a daily basis not just
online my offline as well the rightonline billboards when you go into
shopping malls when you're driving onthe road you know when you go into a
supermarket this content advertisingeverywhere right so people are getting
very desensitized to online marketingwhich is why it's very important for you
to understand how to add value to yourprospects life before you ask them for
the sale okay now I call that the valueseries I've built something in between
my traffic sauce and my program I callit the value series okay and that is
basically it's a series of videos thatadds a lot of value to the prospect
based on the topic that they opted infor so if they opted in to your list
your email list for weight loss I createa value series specifically on weight
loss I teach them free tips and trickson how to lose weight and I don't charge
them anything for that I just you know Ilearn about the topic I become an expert
and then I teach them through videoslike this okay it's very very simple if
you know how to do it right and that isthe best way to get very very successful
at affiliate marketing okay because whatpeople know like and trust you they buy
your stuff so I hope you know thislittle crash course you know I don't
want to take too much of your time hereon YouTube but if you want to learn
internet marketing you know forbeginners then this is I would say focus
on affiliate marketingfocus on your personal skill set focus
on getting very good at marketing anddriving leads to some sort of affiliate
offer and understand how to create a lotof value in your prospects lives instead
of just going for the sale because ifyou're constantly just going for the
sale what will happen is people are notgonna buy you're gonna end up spending a
lot of money on your traffic and you'regonna get a negative ROI a negative
return on investment which means thatyour business is going to be in the
negative which means you're not makingany money okay which is why a lot of
internet marketers end up failingbecause they don't understand that they
have to build value and trust andauthority with the people that they're
driving leads to you know their audiencebasically people that are watching your
stuff and getting your emails they'recalled your audience right and if they
don't know like and trust you becauseyou're not adding any value then they're
not ever gonna buy from you okay so letme know what you thought in the comments
below was that you know kind of easy tounderstand you know did I break that
down simple enough for you because Iknow that you know you probably don't
have that much experience so I wanted tokind of break it down show you some of
the options and explain to you the bestways to convert your leads into sales
because I want you to be profitable inyour internet marketing for beginners business okay so let me know in the comments below whatyou thought let me know if you have any
questions does that make sense right areyou gonna try this yourself okay now if
you want to learn how to create a valueseries if you want to learn how I built
my affiliate marketing business how Iturned nine years or eight years of
failure into one year of really bigsuccess I want to show you how to do
that okay so all you need to do if youwant to its click on the link right
below this video you'll see a littlelink there it's gonna lead you to my my
my website and my training program andI'm gonna take you by the hand and show
you step-by-step how I built myaffiliate marketing business I want to I
want to teach you how to do that okaybecause if I can shortcut nine years of
your online marketing career then Ithink I would have done my job
and it would be great to see you havesome success as well alright so let me
know what you thought of this videothumbs up please if if you you you got
some value from this and you cansubscribe to my channel too if you want
there's a redbut just please click on that I'm always
releasing videos like this and yeah ifyou want to learn a little bit more I
would love to teach you that stuff andyou can get access to that by clicking
on the link below so have a great dayyou know today's Saturday I'm going for
a barbecue right now I hope you have anawesome weekend and remember to take
massive action in your business and lifeall right this is our inch and I'll
speak to you soon take care


Internet Marketing Forums And Their Effects

By Mary Dojo | Submitted On July 21, 2013

Expert Author Mary Dojo

Internet marketing and business forums are in abundance of all kinds of information. The information located in forums are very helpful when it comes to your business, but forum topics may vary. Starters and pioneers alike are always visiting various forums to update themselves with the latest news regarding the business that they have.

The topics in these forums are often about affiliate programs, SEO, social networks, money making ways, and advertising. The kinds of members that you usually see in these forums are those with online businesses. Some are just simply engrossed in the subject matter and others are planning on starting a business.

When choosing a forum to join, weigh out your needs and choose it according to your preferences. Make sure that the forum is equipped with all information that you need in order to maximize the benefit from it. Make certain that you go through their rules and FAQs first before posting anything. These rules will make the forum as organized and as peaceful as possible.

Choose a forum that will relate to your business goals and would meet your preferences and needs. Open up topics that would spark up the interest of most people in the forum and share your expert opinions as well. Look for existing icons or description beside topics in order t o see a summary of what the topic is. These details will guide you through the topics and will guide you through the tone upon which you make your topic.

You will definitely enjoy the forum experience as long as you bring the right behavior, attitude, approach, and knowledge. Act properly and in a respectful manner. Avoid being disrespectful and rude. Make sure that your comments are polite and thoughtful. Flooding and also spamming in the forum’s message boards is discouraged, and always make it a point that your grammar is correct. But the most important part of all is the fact that you should enjoy discussing information with the people on your thread, making new friends and possibly partners as well.

A very crucial factor of an internet marketing forum is that it is an excellent hub of all your needed information that could help you with your business. It’s amazing how probably millions of people from across the world can all contribute to the discussion. Tag yourself with a professional brand, letting people know of your capabilities. Benefit from the posts that you are about to create by adding a number of tags and signatures that would link back to your site.

Forums make people aware of the information that you could share. Novices can advantage from mentors as well. Resolving issues is easier if more heads are into it. If one solution is not enough, then you have others to run to.

Hearing of people jumping into forums and becoming members? The reason behind that is plainly internet marketing for most of the online businessmen while others is for learning. Either way, there are a lot of open doors that it brings one. Because of these forums, Mary has found one of the best open doors online and that’s in the name of http://get-paid.com/ where she found one of the best sources of her online income.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mary_Dojo/1626771


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hey guys what's up and welcome back tomy channel and welcome to a video allabout skincare so in today's video we'regonna be chatting about my top 5skincare products that are actuallyworth your money there's so muchmarketing there's so much propagandathere's so many products especiallyexpensive ones in the skincare scenethat just really do absolutely nothinglike it's basically just a scam to getyou to spend your money you guys knowthis happens every day I don't do itblame this out here in front of me I'vegot 5 products that actually genuinelyhave changed my skin life I guess youcould say for the better they work theymake my skin look better they make melook more youthful they help withcontrolling oils and things like thatthey help with anti-aging they help withmaking your makeup in your foundationlooking a lot better like there are 5incredible products that in my opinionare totally worth every cent I've beenrepurchasing them and I will continue tobe repurchasing them because theyactually do work so yes if you areinterested in learning about my top 5skincare products that are actuallyworth your money then please keep onwatching so first up I've got these precleanser by Dermalogica now this is aproduct that you actually use to removeyour makeup at the end of the day now ifyou're anything like me it's actuallykind of tedious to remove your makeuplike I used to actually dread it I'vegot extremely sensitive eyes andremoving my makeup with a lot of eyemakeup removers or removing it with sortof moist makeup remover towelettes oh mygoshit was painful my eyes would water thatwould go so red and bloodshot theywouldn't and it wouldn't just like hurtin the instance like while I was doingit like literally I'd be in bed and I'dbe like whoa my eyes are watering likethis is horrible absolutely horribleever since introducing this product intomy skincare routine are gonna been usingit consistently for two to three yearsnow it is literally changed my life soit's basically like a liquid oilcleanser you pump it out before youremove any of your makeup you basicallylet obviously take your lashes off girlyou know what everyone though but prettymuch pump it into your hand I rub itbetween my hands and then I basicallyrub it over my entire face now what thisdoes is it actually breaks down all ofthe makeup on your face you then wetyour hands and continue rubbing in akind ofinto like a white sort of like milkykind of consistencyit literally dissolves all of yourmakeup without annoying your skinwithout irritating your eyes withoutcausing your eyes to water it's one ofthe only products that I've ever triedthat have actually been able to do thatand then pretty much after it's brokenall the makeup down you grab like a wetface washer or you jump into the showerI pretty much always just jump into theshower and wash it off and literally allof your makeup is gone without anyirritation now it's not like it's not tobe used in place of a cleanser you stillneed to use a cleanser this is like apre cleanser to get rid of you know dirtgunk grime makeup anything like yourskin before you do go in and cleanse butit's just it's an incredible productit's a dream to use it doesn't irritatemy skin I love it so yes the Dermalogicapre cleansernext up the tighter silk cream nowinitially when I first tried thisproduct I was like I didn't understandthe hype like it's it's a facemoisturizer I like what is everybodygoing crazy about I couldn't have beenmore wrong like I'm the first to admitwhen I've been wrong and I wasdefinitely wrong about this product Ihave been loving and using this formonths I'm sure I was broken about it inother videos as well it's a beautifulbeautiful incredibly hydrating and skinsoftening a cream now you can use thisduring the day you can apply it beforeyou go to bed at night whatever suitsyou this is kind of what it looks likeit's sort of like a gel sort of kind offormula it's extremely lightweight likethis product will not leave any kind ofresidue on your skin or whatsoever itcompletely absorbs and it just hydratesthe skin like no other and it reallysoftens the skin like I've definitelyfound since using these like my skinlooks a whole lot more hydrated andlifted and I'm pretty lucky because ofmy oiliness I don't have like stacks andstacks and stacks of fine lines but Idefinitely do get like settling afoundation just through my smile lineshere around my face underneath my eyes alittle bit on my thyroid like I have ahundred percent fan since using thisthat that happens a whole lot less ithas just softened up the skin so muchand it hydrates on such a deep levelthat it just it's a game changer it'stotally a game changer the other thingthat I love about it is because itdoesn't leave that sort of oily residueon the skin it doesn't causeyou know issues with foundationsinteractions with your makeup it doesn'tcause grease eNOS and oiliness orheaviness to the skin like I can applythis before going in with my makeup forthe day don't have to worry aboutanything like it will it will not alteryour makeup in any way but it makes sucha huge difference to the like theoverall like I feel like I look youngerlike I realized I'm only 27 and Itechnically don't have a right to evenbe able to say that yet but I feel likewhat I use this consistently my skinlooks younger and more hydrated and justlike I've been eating my fruit andvegetables and drinking a lot of water Iabsolutely love this and you know it isexpensive 100% this is an expensiveproduct but this is one of the productsfrom Tata that I think is totally worththe money okay next up I've got an eyecream and this is from the brand I neverknow if I'm saying this correctly andyou guys always give me so much about itcuz I never say it right with my stupidAustralian accent um hola Henriksen OlayHenriksen hola Henriksen I'm pretty sureit's lion Rickson um this is theirbanana bright eye cream now this is aproduct that I have definitely spokenabout in a bunch of other videos it'sincredible so this is an eye creamthat's actually based on I guess themagic behind using banana powderunderneath the eyes so the purpose ofthis is to really help with darkunder-eye circles but not only does itdo thatit definitely helps with fine linesunder the eyes it's got a bunch ofvitamin C and collagen in it it's sogood for the skin and keeps the skin sobeautifully hydrated the other thingthat I really love about this is itdoesn't interact with under eye makeupI've had the hardest time you know witheye creams getting them to work on myoily skin type and especially gettingthem to work underneath concealer in theunder eye area for the longest time Ijust found that they were heavy theywere quite greasy they didn't absorbentirely into the skin and they leftresidue and it just caused my concealerto like separate and break up and cakeand settle into fine lines and all alltypes of gross notes like it just reallydidn't work out for me at all but thisstuff is incredible this completelyabsorbs into the skin it smellsbeautiful and fresh and it doesn'tinteract with your makeupin any way whatsoever I've been usingthis one for about 6 weeks now and I'vedefinitely noticed a huge difference inthe fine lines under myand I also feel like the area looks lesslike sunken in and just kind of liketighter tight like a toy gun I don'teven only use it underneath my eyes likeI literally will get it out and I willslather at all underneath my eyes allover the tops of my lidsI've got textured eyelids and sometimeseyeshadows especially if I use a wetbrush in like a foil or a shimmer shadowlooks horrendous on my lids but somehowI feel that this is also helped with thetexture on my eyelids like it's just Ilove it it's amazing one of the best eyecreams I have ever used okay next upI've got another Dermalogica product andyou guys are not gonna be surprisedabout this one at all this is theirdaily micro Foley and this thingfreaking kicks butt this hands down outof all of these products is myhands-down favorite could not recommendit anymore like if you are looking toinvest any kind of money into any kindof skin care product I would try thisfirst I really would recommend you trythis first it's amazing so this isactually like a rice-based powder youpretty much pour the black powder intoyour hand mix it with a little bit ofwater and then you use it all over yourface and what it does is it exfoliatesthe skin this is a chemical exfoliantand it's got a bunch of enzymes from therice powder in it and what it does is itvery like it is a daily micro Foley andso it's perfectly safe to exfoliate yourskin every day with this I wouldn't doit twice only once a day but what itdoes is it really kind of like breaksdown any texture on the skin it breaksdown dead skin cells just any gunk thatyou've got on the skin it helps withclarity of the skin and I kid you notusing this before foundationlife-changing like I I found personallythat this made the biggest differencefor my enlarged pores and for my textureprior to applying my foundation like myskin looks 10 times smoother when I usethis it looks clearer it looks tightersomehow like this has made a huge hugehuge difference to me like I honestlycouldn't recommend it anymore it's abeautiful beautiful product and knowthis video is not sponsored in any waylike literally I just love this stuff somuch like it calms the skin it correctscolor of the skin it corrects brightnessof the skin corrects texture of the skinreally really good product try it doescome in like a little minis you can I'mgetting in a little mini if you want totry it first it doesn't smell amazinglike it's not the most like incrediblespyrixit's just a straight-up product thatworks so yes Dermalogica daily microfoliat goals and then lastly to finish Ihave a mask now I've tried a lot ofmasks from glam glow and I pretty muchswear that not many of them do anythingfor me I've never found any of them totighten or make my paws smaller or makemy skin brighter or make me look moreyouthful or more hydrated or anythinglike that but this one he literally islike black magic and a little Java stuffhe's crazyso this is the glam glow super mudclearing treatment this is a face maskthat smells oh so medicinal like I don'teven know how to explain itit's for sure got licorice in it it'sactually really really refreshing on theskin like it feels amazing when youapply it but it's kind of like a claysslash mud mask so basically what thisdoes is kick the absolute butt of anyacne ever doesn't matter if it's anactive breakout or if it's one of thoseones under the skin that's like comingthrough you put this on that breakoutthe next day it's pretty much gone itfreaks me out how well this works Idon't even know what's in it how itworks what it does now because I'm sucha tight-assand this thing's expensive especially inAustralia like I feel like this cost melike $80 I only exclusively uses as aspot treatment like in my opinion it'sjust too expensive to be smearing itover my entire face I'll only use it asa spot treatment so if I've got abreakout I'll scoop a bit out I'll popit on you know the acne wherever it isand I will literally sleep in atovernight the next day that acne spot isgone hands down guarantee it I've got noidea of these come in smaller samplesizes like I genuinely don't know I'llhave a look online and see if I can findthem so that you can actually like it'sgood to buy like a smaller version soyou're not investing a bunch of money ina product before you find out that itactually works with your skin buthonestly for those of you who havebreakouts or for acne sufferers thesestuff is an absolute GameChangercouldn't recommend it any more adore itand even though it costs so much moneyand I'm typically like really not forthat um it's totally worth it like itreally is I would oh and I will berepurchasing repurchasing andrepurchasing this because it works thatwell so there you have it guys that isit for the video today five skin careproducts that Joanyou only are worth the money genuinelyworth your time and genuinely worthlooking into like I said these fiveproducts have really changed the gamefor me they've really helped me you knownot only with my enlarged pores not onlywith my texture not anything with myoily skin but general you know just thehealth and the look of my skin it looksso much clearer so much more hydrated somuch brighter and lifted and moreyouthful and I'm just so glad that Idiscovered all of these products I hopethat you enjoyed today's video guys Ihope that it was helpful if you do haveany questions about any other of theseproducts or skincare products that youknow you might have been looking intoand researching and keen on trying letme know you know I might be able to helpyou out with that and also let me knowif you want to see a drugstore versionof this video I do have a bunch ofdrugstore skincare favorites that areyou know that actually work a lot adrugstore skincare just basically doesnothing but I found some really goodhidden gems I have so if you want to seethat let me know in the comments downbelow as well give the video a thumbs upif you did enjoy it and I hope you allhave an amazing rest of your day andI'll talk to you all in my next videobye


A Boon to the Ecommerce Industry

By Rahul Sharma | Submitted On March 01, 2018

Expert Author Rahul Sharma

SHOPIFY, a Canadian based eCommerce company with its headquarter situated in Ottawa, Ontario is worldwide famous for its proprietary eCommerce platform establishment for online stores, eCommerce sites and retail point-of-sale systems.

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No doubt, Shopify is famous worldwide, but let us have a look at the points that prove these words valid:

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It is unique as it offers chat, Email along with 24/7 phone support enabling us to actually speak to someone in our moment of need, rather than leaving us to pull your hair in frustration!


The functionality of the Shopify is so advanced that it provides us with an app/plugin style platform which allows us to download, install and fully customize the website and provides the surety to enhance the sales and leverage on social media.

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Marketing Capabilities:

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With most platforms, when we want to develop an eCommerce site, we are going to spend many days to develop the site as per our expectations but Shopify shows the points of figuring out how to use time efficiently with its advanced features. With Shopify, it’s all pretty much intuitive and attractive.

Shopify is an incredibly reliable platform. This platform, for example, brings, even more, options and features for our marketing operations to run as they should but in much effective manner.

The main point because of which Shopify gains all the attention in developing eCommerce site is; Shopify allows us to have full control over the appearance and setup of our store and Shopify truly is great as it is one of the CHEAPEST, fully integrated and fully hosted website solutions.

Basically, SHOPIFY LETS US FOCUS ON WHAT’S IMPORTANT IN RUNNING OUR BUSINESS! Now if you’re struggling with understanding what website hosting is or even how websites work; or if you are concerned and thinking about getting your eCommerce site developed, you are welcomed to Shopify development company.


2018 is the year of action. This is the year to give a great head start to your thoughts on developing a perfect eCommerce site and to convert your thoughts, ideas, and dreams to reality.

So, in order to turn thoughts into reality, you can get in touch with an eCommerce development company and can know the further features and can know about their insights on maintaining an eCommerce site based on renowned “SHOPIFY” platform.

Rahul Sharma is a Digital Marketing Expert at Best SEO Plan, a fast-growing Digital Marketing Solutions provider specializing in Digital Marketing and Web Development Services. Rahul is a tech enthusiast and writes about the various Aspects of information technology.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Rahul_Sharma/2521543
