How to Start a Drop Shipping Business

Many people shy away from starting an online
store because of the initial start-up costs.But imagine if someone offered to pay your
up-front inventory costs on thousands of itemsand manage all your shipping and fulfillment
operations for you. It'd be much easier toget started, and you could run your business
from anywhere in the world.Sound too good to be true? Well, it's not,
if you know about drop shipping.In this video, I'm going to explain exactly
how drop shipping works, show you how to finddrop shippers for your products, and give
solutions to some common problems associatedwith drop shipping.
And if you stick around until the end of thisvideo, you’ll get access to “The Ultimate
Guide to Dropshipping” a free bonus guidethat shows you exactly how to start a dropshipping
business. Alright, let’s dive in.What is drop shipping? Well, drop shipping
is a retail method in which you don't keepproducts in stock. Instead, you partner with
a wholesale supplier that stocks its own inventory- you transfer customer orders and shipment
details to them, and they ship the goods directlyto the customer.
The biggest benefit of drop shipping is youdon't have to worry about fulfillment or inventory
issues. Also, most customers don't know you'redrop shipping, since “private label shipping”
lets you ship from the wholesaler with a returnaddress and invoice customized to your ecommerce
store. Let’s quickly go over a few otherbenefits of drop shipping.
One – You don’t need buckets of money. Dropshipping makes it amazingly easy to get started
selling online. You don't need to invest heavilyin inventory, yet you can still offer thousands
of items to your customers.Two – Convenience and efficiency. Successfully
launching and growing an ecommerce businesstakes a lot of work, especially if you have
limited resources. Not having to worry aboutfulfillment is incredibly convenient and frees
up your time to concentrate on marketing,customer service, and operations
Three – Mobility – with all the physical fulfillmentissues handled, you're free to operate your
business anywhere you can get an internetconnection.
Four – It’s a trusted model. You might bethinking that this sounds like some sketchy,
fly-by-night model – but it's not. Plentyof online stores, and even major retailers
use drop shipping to offer a wider selectionof products to their customers without having
to deal with increased inventory hassles.How do I find drop shipping wholesalers? Well,
first off, in the United States, most supplierswill ask you for your business EIN number
and a copy of your state sales tax and/orresale certificate. So you may want to consider
having your legal ducks in a row before contactingsuppliers. However, this isn’t always the
case and there’s no reason why you can’tstart contacting drop shipping suppliers immediately.
Now, if you already know what products you'dlike to drop ship, contacting the original
manufacturer is the easiest way to find qualifieddistributors. Not all distributors will be
willing to drop ship, but it will give youa list to follow up with.
Unfortunately, the market is littered withscams and low-quality information. If you
do decide to invest in a directory, we recommendthe paid directory World Wide Brands as a
reputable source of drop shipping wholesalers- but it's still very important to exercise
caution.Additionally, if you’re using Shopify you
can access a variety of apps in our app storethat will connect you directly with reputable
dropshippers. I’ve linked to a few of thesein the description of this video.
How to use Google to find wholesalers. Googlecan also be an effective tool for finding
drop shippers, but you need to keep a fewthings in mind. Here are some tips you can
use to find a wholesaler through google.The first thing you’ll want to do is Search
Extensively. Wholesalers and drop shippersare notoriously bad at SEO and marketing,
and usually aren't going to pop up on thefirst page of Google for a term like “handbag
wholesaler.” Instead, you'll need to digdeep into the search results, often going
through 10 or 20 pages of listings.Additionally, you should use lots of modifiers:
As you hunt for suppliers, don’t stop witha search for “wholesale” – make sure to
use other terms, including “distributor”, “reseller” , “bulk” , “warehouse”
and “supplier.”It’s also important to note that suppliers
also tend to have outdated, late ‘90s-erawebsites. So don't be scared away by abysmal
design and layout. While a sleek, modern sitecould signal a great supplier, a low-quality
one doesn't necessarily indicate a bad one.Now, despite our glowing recommendation, drop
shipping isn't ecommerce nirvana. Like allmodels, it has its challenges and downsides,
which we’ll quickly go over now.One – There will be loads of competition and
weaker margins. It's true. Products that canbe drop shipped will spawn a lot of competition.
Usually this will lead to cutthroat pricingand diminishing profit margins, making it
hard to build a viable business.To be successful, you typically can't compete
on price. Instead, you'll need to offer valuein a different way, usually through top-notch
product education, service or selection.Two – syncing inventory is difficult and leads
to out-of-stock items. The best way to mitigatethis problem is to work with multiple suppliers
with overlapping product lines. It's inherentlydangerous to rely on a single supplier. Having
two suppliers doubles the likelihood thatan item will be in stock and available for
shipment.Many sophisticated suppliers offer a real-time
product feed, and you can use a service likeeCommHub to easily sync your Shopify website
with the warehouse.Eventually, you’ll sell a customer an out-of-stock
item. Instead of canceling the order, offerthe customer an upgraded product or discount.
You might not make much – if any – moneyon the order, but you'll likely build a loyal
brand advocate.Three – It’s hard to sell products that
you never see, however In today's world, it'spossible to become an expert in just about
everything through information online. Sellingproducts from manufacturers with detailed
websites will allow you to become intimatelyfamiliar with a product line without ever
having touched a physical item. And when youdo need to answer specific question about
a product, a quick call to your supplier ormanufacturer will give you the answer you
need.You can also buy your most popular items to
get acquainted with them, and then resellthem as “used” or “refurbished,” often
recouping most of your investment.Four Third party errors. Involving a third
party will result in more fulfillment errors,mistakes, and logistical problems. Even the
best dropshippers make occasional mistakes,and mediocre ones make a lot of them. Suppliers
are fairly good about paying to remedy problems,but when they're not, you need to be willing
to spend what's necessary to resolve the issuefor your customer.If you try to blame your supplier for a fulfillment
problem, you're going to come off as amateurishand unprofessional. Similarly, if you're unwilling
to ship out a cheap replacement part to acustomer because your supplier won't cover
the cost, your reputation is going to suffer.One of the costs of drop shipping convenience
is the expense of remedying logistical problems.If you accept it as cost of doing business
– and always make sure to put your customerfirst – it shouldn't be a long-term issue.
Is drop shipping the path to overnight ecommercesuccess? Of course not. As with any successful
online store, you'll need to invest over timein a quality website, marketing, and customer
service.But drop shipping does provide an easy way
to get started and the ability to leverageother people's capital without having to invest
thousands of your own. When managed correctly,it can form the foundation of your own successful
online store.If you’re looking to learn more about drop
shipping – check out our “Ultimate Guideto Drop shipping” , a free comprehensive
guide that covers everything you need to knowabout building and running a successful drop
shipping business.Thanks for watching and if you found this
video helpful please be sure to let us knowby clicking like or leaving a comment below.


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How To Achieve Success With Internet Marketing

By Donna Gain | Submitted On November 01, 2016

Expert Author Donna Gain

Success With Internet Marketing – Here Are Some Tips You Should Implement This Coming Year To Really Get Your Business Going…

To achieve your targeted audience, Online Marketing is probably the most affordable strategies that you can use, helping you to obtain qualified leads and convert prospects into buying customers. The way in which these sorts of strategies are worked with, though, may help figure out what the result will take.

While affordability is a big element of Web marketing if you look for the proper methods for your business niche, you have to recognize that consistency is essential. There are certain practices which should be used as a way to increase a campaign’s effectiveness and lift its return on your investment.

Being Strategic

Developing a strategy into position in advance is the first step which needs to be taken for an internet promotion to be successful. Or else, you’re likely to find yourself having campaigns that fizzle out quickly and never really arrive at the meat of the things they’re supposed to do for your business. Mediocre effects are all you can anticipate if your marketing attempts are not preplanned.

Your blueprint has to cover your intended audience, your unique goals, and just how you might achieve these. Appropriate metrics can be used for measuring progress and also to determine regardless of whether the campaign is meeting its goals.

Finally, throughout the planning phase, also think of tips on how to add a little creativity to the process. It really is only once you have created this strategy your marketing efforts can be documented, enabling you to ascertain exactly what is actually working.’

Using Multiple Channels

Internet marketers get access to several channels, and you will utilize this to your benefit. Each one of these has their particular amount of attractiveness, and will target specific audiences. For nearly all cases, a campaign that utilizes multiple channels will be significantly more successful when compared to a single-channel effort.

When executing an online campaign, the necessity to include social media had become increasingly more evident. Creating a good online reputation and taking advantage of effective search engine optimization would be the other two essentials in an online success marketing. One more great technique to use is local marketing, especially for companies that have a physical representative office in the area.

This Content Is Vital

Old fashioned marketing and outbound marketing are gone. Promotion in past times was direct and straightforward. However, today audiences demand some thing from interaction with brands. When making content, marketers must consider how they can make it engaging and interactive for anyone.

Content has to be relevant and constructed in such a way it grabs the attention of those that look at it. Images and videos can be utilized alongside a highly written article to present a boost in engagement. Interaction in this way enhances the reputation of the brand helping the company establish itself being a leader of a particular industry.

The net campaign should have creative and original content. The most effective opportunities, those who should go viral, or those that will help you focus on the largest possible targeted audience.

Measuring The Response Rate Of the Audience

Through the Internet, it is possible to get feedback in regards to a campaign very quickly. This info can be used to boost targeting, and also making the campaign far better, even though it is still live.

Marketing professionals should have a good idea of which metrics are the most useful ones to analyze. There are many forms of information that can be tracked, including visitor demographics and which kinds of social networking are reaching the very best number of people.

The ROI, and effectiveness of your campaign, could be observed while it is active online. The campaign should deliver, if not, then adjustments will be necessary to be sure the targets are met as well as the ROI reaches adequate levels.

This kind of promoting gives people the most effective possibility to be strategic within their execution. The campaign outcome, will much depend upon the development of an excellent plan, in addition to dedicated and detailed involvement.

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Donna Gain is a well respected home based business owner herself for over 15 years. She has been in several different home based business helping others grow with herself the solid foundation to having a successful business. To discover all the internet marketing keys to success you need to know to explode your business, and to claim your free copy of “How To Create Your First 6 Figure Month In Network Marketing,” click on the link above…

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Top 10 BEST Products at the Dollar Tree! Save Hundreds a Year

hello everyone and welcome back to mychannel so we're gonna start this videowith a little story time the hottest dayof the year was last week it was 113degrees outside over a hundred degreesin the house so I go to turn on theair-conditioning and no cool air iscoming through so we called the guy inand sure enough our air conditioningunit breaks so good thing we had a homewarranty right to cover it no no wedidn't so there goes our vacation fundand moral of the story I'm on a budget amajor budget today I'm going to besharing with you the 10 best items thatyou should be getting from the dollarstore these are all things that I'veused before the quality is good and youcan save so much money and I actuallywant the extra step and I compared theseitems to comparable items at Walmart andTarget to show you just how much moneyyou end up saving I've got all of theseat the Dollar Tree but there's 99 centsonly there's dye so there's differentversions of the dollar store all aroundthe world I think if you live in adifferent country outside the US let meknow if there are dollar stores therealso do me a favor and let me know whatare your top favorite items to get atthe dollar store just in case there'sanything and that I didn't cover ormaybe looked over so if all of that saidlet's jump into my top picks for bestitems to get at the dollar store I'mgonna talk about these in no particularorder starting with what's right infront of me these guys dish brushes andcleaning brushes this brush I use toclean the inside of my sink every nightand these guys I used to clean tilegrout and my tub they're great qualitybrushes and they are less than half theprice at the dollar store the leastexpensive one I can find a Target withtwo dollars and thirty-nine cents andthe least expensive I could find atWalmart was two dollars and 37 cents soyou can save quite a bit of money nextare certain hair accessories startingwith this brush this is a new fine thatI am pretty darn excited about becauseit looks shockingly similar to my wetbrush so this is an awesome wet brushdupe for just a dollar versus the wetbrushes that start at $7.99 I believethe other hair accessory that I alwaysget at the dollar store are hair clip Ithese in every room I use them all thetime especially when it's hot out I liketo put my hair up these hair clips areawesome twofer dollars so 50 cents eachsimilar hair clips at Target are fourdollars and fifty cents and at Walmartare two dollars and 83 cents this nextcategory of items will come as nosurprise if you watch my channelregularly and that is organization binsI have so many different options at theDollar Tree shapes sizes colors and Ihave organized my entire bathroom vanityarea and pantry only using dollar storeitems I will leave those videos linkeddown below you should definitely checkthose out if you haven't seen them myfavorite of all the organization finsand products they have are these drawerdividers because they have this rubbergrip on the inside so it keeps whateveryou're organizing in place as you openor close your drawers and almost thisidentical product at Target sells for$5.99 and at Walmart for 394 so you saveso much money by getting these at thedollar store I have these all over myhouse and they are awesome certainoffice and back-to-school supplies aregreat to get at a dollar store I saycertain ones because not everything hasworked out for me which I will talkabout for example some of the Pens I'vegot there have been a little bit iffythey don't work extremely well but I didfind that these particular pens they arethe clip click pens work well they havedifferent color options I have them inblack blue and multicolored I use themfor everything I used to get a lot of myblank notebooks over at the Dollar Treebut upon further research I actuallyfound out that they cost less at bothWalmart and Target over there is between50 to 75 cents for a very similarproduct there's a big party supplysection at the Dollar Tree but actuallysome of those items are not the bestdeal you can get paper plates andplastic utensils for less I'd eventarget but there are certain party decoritems that are amazing finds for exampleyou can get two of these happy birthdaybanners for a dollar and at Walmart oneof these banners will run you twodollars and a Target the least expensiveone I could find was $5 for just one upnext are greeting cards there is a hugegreeting card sectionand this is one of those things thatdespite how digital our society becomesthere's nothing that replaces ahandwritten note I'm really big onthank-you cards and they had a greatselection at the dollar store so I got abunch of these nice hard stock cards andthese are two for a dollar so they're 50cents each amazing deal and at moststores Target in particular the pricesof cards are just going up and up theyalso have packs of cards so these Ithought were really cute blank notecards eight of them for a dollar relatedto that are gift bags the Dollar Tree ismy number one go-to spot for gift bagsfor any occasion they have all differentshapes sizes and occasion gift bagsthey're great quality they're nice andthick I thought this one was really cutehappy birthday and then this one wasalso adorable it says love on itI think the cutest gift bags they haveare for babies and baby shower when Ilooked online at the prices at Walmartare actually comparable but they didn'thave quite as big of a selection and atTarget they range from three to eightdollars per gift bag also the dollarstore is my number one go-to forseasonal decor item I like to go therefirst see what I can find and then fillin from there at other stores because ifyou can get it for less you might aswell right now is in between holidaysthey've taken away the fourth of Julyitems and they haven't quite yet put outthe fall items but once they put outthose fall items maybe I will do adollar store fall decor video my numberone hygiene product that I get at thedollar storeare these floss picks I've recentlyjoined the floss pick train I love thatthis one is called cool floss with a Kso these are about half price at thedollar store versus both Walmart andTarget this next one may surprise youbut there is a lot of information outthere it's not just me who feels thisway and it is the dollar store pregnancytest these work actually my very firstpregnancy test I took when I found out Iwas pregnant with Carter was a dollarstore test I saved my personal favoritecategory of items for last and those arecertain kids toys and activities I saycertain because I'm personally gonnastay away from plastic toys that havesmall parts to them that Carter mightwantput in his mouth or may not be safe butcertain things I think are great so forexample they have a variety of beachtoys I found this big bubble maker thatI think looks so fun there's a backyardbug kit a friend of mine told me thatthe dollar store bubbles are awesomewhat I am the most excited about I hadno idea they had these at the DollarTree but they have kids learningflashcards and notebooks and coloringbooks that I think are awesomeI was buying similar pre-k workbooks onAmazon for like five to seven dollars Ialso go car to some of these hot wheeltrucks but when I looked online you canget them for the same price around adollar at Walmart all right so those aremy top picks of the items that you cansave a lot of money by getting at thedollar store if there's anything Imissed that you love the mostlet me know down in the comments if youare new here to my channel and you'vewatched it this far in the video I hopeyou will consider joining me as asubscriber if you want to see moredollar store related videos I will havethem posted here my dollar store vanityorganization and dollars to our pantryorganization if you want to check thoseout next and with all of that said thankyou as always so much for watching and Iwill see you soon with a new video bye


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Increasing Smartphone Usage for eCommerce

By Emmett Brosnan | Submitted On April 24, 2018

Expert Author Emmett Brosnan

The mobile revolution is nothing new – we’ve known for the last two years that mobile internet usage was increasing, with Google’s announcement that it would implement a default mobile index in 2018 as the ultimate confirmation of this sea change. What is new however is the role smartphones now play in eCommerce with shoppers using their devices at all stages of the buyer journey, from research and comparison right through to check out.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday confirmed the unassailable truth with Adobe reporting a record 39.9% of web traffic to retail sites originating on smartphones on Cyber Monday, with a bumper £1.13 billion of sales being transacted on mobile devices – a huge 12% higher than previous years.

Popular devices

As you’d expect from the market leader, Apple devices lead the way when it comes to smartphone use for eCommerce. The Cyber Monday figures show that Apple users also spent more on their smartphones than their Android counterparts, suggesting that eCommerce retailers might be best served optimising sites and marketing campaigns for those with iPhones.

Number of people accessing eCommerce sites from their smartphone

eMarketer calculates that more than half of all UK digital buyers transact via a smartphone, making eCommerce a significant portion of all online sales. In fact, the report suggests that mCommerce accounts for as much as £35.31 billion in revenue. This number is also expected to rise as consumers become more comfortable transacting from their smartphone and mobile payment options become more sophisticated. By 2021, mCommerce is predicted to be the majority source for retail sales with forecasts suggesting that it will be responsible for 56% of total retail mCommerce sales.

Conversions from smartphone visits

Despite the increase in smartphone use and the rapid growth of mCommerce, conversion rates from smartphones can still be difficult to pinpoint and in some industries are not as high as you might expect. There is a similar explanation for this however – consumers are omni-channel creatures by nature and there is a long established pattern of multiple screen use.

Mobile conversion rates are currently lower than those recorded from desktop devices, with Marketing Land figures suggesting that smartphones are responsible for just 20% of conversions. When you consider that mobiles rein supreme when it comes to actual screen time, this figure seems surprisingly low. What’s important to remember however is the roles smartphones play in the discovery and research process, fuelling the ultimate desktop or tablet conversion.

Smartphones are particularly useful in micro-moments with data suggesting that optimising key facets of the mobile experience can lead to conversion lifts. Focusing on improving page load speed for example is critical to keeping smartphone users engaged while responsive design elements such as large buttons eliminate much of the friction that prevents mobile conversions.

For further information please contact Paramount

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What is Internet Marketing? In Simple English

[Music]what is internet marketing in simplelanguage so what is internet marketingwell depending on whom you ask the terminternet marketing can mean a variety ofthings at one time internet marketingconsisted mostly of having a website orplacing banner ads on other websites onthe other end of the spectrum there areloads of companies telling you that youcan make a fortune overnight on theinternet and who try to sell you someform of internet marketing program todayinternet marketing or online marketingis evolving into a broader mix ofcomponents a company can use as a meansof increasing sales even if yourbusiness is done completely onlinepartly online or completely offline thedecision to use internet marketing aspart of a company's overall marketingstrategy is strictly up to the companyof course but as a rule internetmarketing is becoming an increasinglyimportant part of nearly every company'smarketing mix for some online businessesit's the only form of marketing beingpracticed essentially internet marketingis using the Internet to do one or moreof the following communicate a company'smessage about itself its products or itsservices online conduct research as tothe nature such as the demographicspreferences and needs of existing andpotential customers and to sell goodsservices or advertising space over theInternet there are several internetmarketing components you should knowcomponents of internet marketing oronline marketing may include setting upa website consisting of text images andpossibly audio and video elements usedto convey the company's messages onlineto inform existing and potentialcustomers of the features and benefitsof the company's products and/orservices the website may or may notinclude the ability to capture leadsfrom potential customers or directlysell a product or service onlinewebsites can be the internet equivalentsof offline brochures or mail-ordercatalogs and they are a great way toestablish your business identity thenthere is search engine marketing whichis marketing a website online via searchengines either by improving the site'snatural rightgetting through search engineoptimization buying pay-per-click ads orpurchasing pay for inclusion listings inwebsite directories which are similar tooffline yellow page listings we willlook at these in more detail in latervideos then we have email marketingwhich is a method of distributinginformation about a product or serviceor for soliciting feedback fromcustomers about a product or servicethrough email email addresses ofcustomers and prospective customers maybe collected or purchased variousmethods are used such as the regulardistribution of newsletters or massmailing of offers related to thecompany's products or services emailmarketing is essentially the onlineequivalent of direct mail marketinganother component is banner advertisingwhich is the placement of ads on awebsite for a fee the offline equivalentof this form of online marketing wouldbe traditional ads and newspapers ormagazines we also have online pressreleases which involve placing anewsworthy story about a company itswebsite its people and/or its productsand services with an online wire servicethen there is blog marketing which isthe act of posting comments expressingopinions or making announcements in adiscussion forum and can be accomplishedeither by hosting your own blog or byposting comments and/or URLs and otherblogs related to your product or serviceonline we also have article marketingwhich involves writing articles relatedto your business and having thempublished online on syndicated articlesites these articles then have atendency to spread around the internetsince the article services permitrepublication provided that all of thelinks in the article are maintainedarticle marketing can result in atraffic boost for your website and thedistribution of syndicated articles canpromote your brand to a wide audiencefinally there is social media marketingwhich can involve social networks likeTwitter LinkedIn Facebook and socialbookmarking sites like Digg so as youcan see there are many parts to internetmarketing to consider we will coverthese in more depth later[Music]


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How to Build an Ecommerce Website – Start an Online Store

Hi, I’m Lucas and in this video I’m going
to show you how to get your own, custom brandedecommerce website up and running on the shopify
platform in under 25 minutes, even if youhave no design or coding skills.For those of you who don’t know, Shopify
is a fully hosted, turnkey ecommerce solutionthat allows you to easily setup and run a
beautiful online store.I’ll take you through the process of starting
a store from scratch, including how to addproducts, how to customize the look and feel
of your site, how to set up your shippingoptions, how to add a custom domain and more.By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have
a fully functional ecommerce website readyto accept orders. And the cool thing about
it is; we can do all this while using shopifyon a free 14 day trial.Alright, let’s get started.We’ll want to type our email into the box
there and then create our password and thename of our store. Don’t worry if you haven’t
decided on the name of your store yet – youcan easily go back and change your store name
later. I’m going to be selling shopify t-shirts,so I’ll go with Shopify T-Shirt Co. and
click “create your store now”.And it will just take a few moments to create our storeSo Shopify wants to know where we would like
to sell – we have the option of an onlinestore and or a retail store or pop up location.
Again, we’ll focus on creating an onlinestore for this tutorial. We’ll want to add
our address so we can set up our shop’s currency.Again Shopify just wants to know a bit more
about our plans so they can better cater toour needs.
Do we have products to sell? I’ll be startingfrom scratch – so I’ve selected “I haven't
yet started selling products.” but of courseselect the one that best describes your situation.And “what will you sell?” I’ll be selling
t-shirts so I’ll select physical products.And then I’ll click “take me to my store”.Now that we’ve created our online store
we’ll find ourselves within the shopifyadmin dashboard. It’s best to think of the
dashboard as the control center for all theoperations we’ll perform on our shopify
store.If at anytime we want to see what your store
will look like, we can easily click on thishandy icon here.And also it’s worth noting that our store
will be password protected until we are readyto launch, at which point we can very easily
disable our password and make our store liveto the public.Alright, let’s get started.
So the first thing we want to do is add aproduct – even if we don’t have a product
to sell yet, we’ll want to add a test one,so we can start to visualize our store.To start, we’ll select the products tab
from the panel on the left.So on this page we can add all the details
of our product. The first thing we can dois name our product.Next up is product description and this information
will be displayed with our product images.If you’re carrying products that are not
your own, we suggest you avoid copying themanufacturer’s description, because you’ll
want your product pages to look unique toa search engine.The product type; in our case T-shirts.Vendor – this refers to the manufacturer or
the vendor who sold the product to us. ThisOkay, so next we have the inventory and variants
section. In this section we can set up thedifferent options for our product. The first
thing we can do is add the price of our t-shirt,let’s say $15 and if we had a price that
was higher before, or if we want our customersto see our product as on sale -we can add
a higher compare at price.If we have a SKU or bar code for our product
we can add it here.“Require shipping address”. If we’re
selling a digital product or service or reallyanything that’s not going in the mail we
can uncheck “require shipping address”but we’ll leave that checked off.If we are shipping our product we should add
the weight. It’s best to include the weightof the packaging as well. Let’s say 0.5kg.So Shopify gives us the option of whether
or not we want to track our inventory. Wecan easily add our quantity and when our quantity
reaches zero – subtracted once for every productsold – our product will be marked as sold
out and customers will no longer be able toorder that product. We actually have a few
variations of this T-shirt so we’ll revisitinventory in just a second.We also have the option to allow customers
to order our product even if it’s out ofstock – this creates a back order type of
situation.Okay, Product Options: This allows us to add
the different variables or different optionsof our product. Here we can add our sizes
– simply type them in and separate them witha comma.We plan to sell small, medium and large shirts
and we can also add other options like colour.And Shopify automatically create the variants
for this shirt, giving us 6 options.We can take a closer look by unclicking the
automatically creates 6 variants box and nowwe can add how much inventory we have of each
product. Let’s say we have 10 in each variationof this shirt.Next, we’re going to upload our product
image. Now, we already have our product photosbut if you need some tips on how to take great
product photos, we have some great resourceson our blog – which I’ve linked to in the
description of this video.Okay, so like I said, we’ve got a blue shirt
and a green one. Let’s add both these photos.So our product image has been added, and I'm going to go aheadand save our progress by scrolling up to the top and clicking the save button. Okay, let's head back down and we can decide which photo we want featuredby grabbing it with our mouse and moving it over.
This will be the only image that is shownbefore we click on this particular product.- so let’s head back to our inventory
and variants and let’s tell Shopify whichimages are the blue t-shirt and which are
the green ones.To do this, we’ll click the camera icon
here and you can see our variants pop up.I’ll click the appropriate one and hit save.Okay, Collections – collections are used to
organize our products into relevant groupsor products that have things in common. This
is our first product and we haven’t setup any collections yet but there is a default
“frontpage” collection – which will actuallyfeature this product on our home page – so
let’s add it to that for now.Tags. So product tags are used as any easy
way to organize products within our store.We’ll try to include a bunch of relevant
information – again enter each tag and separatethem with a comma.Okay, Search Engines – this section is for
Search Engine Optimization. Shopify automaticallygenerates a page title and page meta description
based on the information we’ve entered inthe product details sections – but of course
you customize it if you wish. These detailshelp determine how our products show up in
search engines like Google, or yahoo.Visibility. If this is a product we are working
on ahead of time and not ready to launch tothe public we can leave this hidden. But if
we want it to appear in our store, we’llselect visible.When we’re done we can click save and just
like that we’ve added our first product.Now,I’m going to quickly go through the process
a few more times and add 5 more products justso we can better visualize our store. I’d
encourage everyone to do the same.Okay so we’ve got 6 products now, let’s
take a peek at what our website is lookinglike.
Alright, so this our home page or front page- and we can see all the products here that
we’ve added to our “frontpage” collection.If we click on any of these products we will
be taken to their product page, where we cansee the different photos and our product description.Okay, so now that we’ve added a few products,
it’s time to customize the look of our store.To do this we’ll head over to our themes
section.So the theme of a shopify store controls all
aspects of the store’s appearance and layout.Now, Shopify actually automatically sets us
up with an introductory theme called “launchpad”,which you just saw.This is a great starter them and it might
suit all our needs but let’s quickly headover to the theme store and see if anything
else grabs our eye.Okay, so we’re now in the Shopify themes
store and scrolling down we can see that thereare 100s of themes. Personally, I’d like
a free theme, that is mobile responsive – solet’s narrow our results a little bit here.To do this, we’ll select free from the left
side and we’ll also filter by features andselect “responsive” and we’re selling
t-shirts so we’ll narrow it even more toour industry.Our list of themes have been narrowed down
significantly and I like the way the REACTtheme looks. This particular theme comes with
3 different styles and I’m kind of drawnto the OAK & CO theme and we’ll just quickly
view the demo here to get a better view.Cool, so I’m pretty satisfied with the overall
layout of this theme so let’s close thedemo and we’ll go ahead and click get theme.Okay, so it’s just letting us know that
we’re about to install this theme to ourstore and we’ll click to publish it. It’ll
just take a few moments to download the theme.Awesome, so it’s installed – let’s head
over to our theme manager.We can also access our themes manager from
the panel on the left hand side and from withinour themes manager we can easily customize
our theme.Okay let’s take a quick look atthe theme we just installed to see where we’re
at.Awesome- as you can see the home page is a
pretty blank slate, except for the productsthat we’ve added to our frontpage collection.
We’ll definitely want to add a nice bannerimage, and logo and maybe write some copy
to start giving our store some personalityand character. Let’s head back to our themes
manager and click on customize theme.So the cool thing about Shopify is that we
don’t need to know code, or necessarilyeven be very tech savvy to be able to tweak
and edit the design options of our store.We can see all the colours for our theme here,
and we can easily change those colours. Aswe scroll down we’ll see that we can customize
our typography our fonts and font sizes andthere are plenty of things we can play around
with.First things first, we’ll want to get our
logo in there and to do this, we’ll openup the “header” tab and this is where
we can upload a custom logo. Let’s clickoff that box there and select choose file.
For this particular theme, it’s suggestedthat our logo be no more than 700 pixels in
width. I’ve already got my logo createdso i’ll select it now.Okay, let’s publish changes and take a look.And as you can see our logo has been added
to our store. Next let’s add a photo tothat big banner image to give our store some
personality. Again, it’s important to notethe pixel ratio that our theme is suggesting
– in this case we want the width to be 966pixels wide and we’ll want to keep the height
of our images consistent if we plan on addingmultiple images.Let’s head back to our theme’s editor
and for this we’ll open up the “homepage” section. Okay let's locate slideshow image oneAnd choose file – I’ve already
optimized our images so I’ll just locateI've already optimized our images so I'll just locate it here.let’s publish that and take a peek.Great – as you can see our image has been
added and that really spices up our storea bit. We can also add additional photos to
our slideshow here if we like but I’m prettyhappy with having just one image for now,
so what I’m going to do is head back toour theme settings and let it know I only
want to display one image.For this we'll open up the “homepage” tab andLet’s locate “slideshow image 2” and
uncheck the display option.We’ll click publish changes and make sure
that’s working.Awesome, looks good. So our store is starting
to look pretty good and I think it’s a goodtime to add some copy to our store to give
it a bit more personality and character. Let’sstart with an “about us” page.To do this we’ll click on the pages tab
on our left panel. As you can see there’salready an “About Us” page setup and ready
for us to customize.As shopify points out, a great “About Us”
page helps you build trust between you andyour customers so you’ll want to take the
time to craft a really solid write up.Try to include who you are, why you sell the
items you sell, and all other relevant information.The “about us” page is a real opportunity
to share your story with your potential customersso try to focus on what makes you and your
products unique.So Shopify makes it very easy to format our
posts. We can bold and italicize words andeven add photos and videos to our post by
using these icons.I'll just add a “team photo” to give our
about us page as an example. We’ll select upload file – and choose our
photo. Now we’ll want to select our photoand choose the size. And Shopify wants to
know what size we want the photo to insertas. I’ve already cropped mine to the size
I want – so I’ll select the “originalsize” option.Awesome – we can see our photo has been added
and I personally think it would look betterif it was in the center so, I’m going to
click on the image and select alignment fromour toolbar and click “center align”.Let’s hit save and take a look.and I'm just going to refresh -Cool, so we'll just click on the “About Us” section. Awesome, so we can see its been customized – our photo is right there in the middle and it looks greatLet's head back to our admin – Okay, let’s head back to our pages. As we
can see there’s also a “frontpage” sectionset up in addition to our “about us” page.
This is the text that will show up on ourfront page. Right here – and this text offers
us a chance to welcome customers to our storeor communicate our message or mission to our
customers as soon as they land on our website.Now, we’ll probably want to change the title
– let’s go with “Welcome” and we’lljust add a quick message.Cool, let’s save and take a look. And there
is our welcome message – I’m happy withthat.So, just below our welcome message there is
a “contact us” section. I’ll quicklyshow you how to update that.For this we’ll head back to our theme’s
manager and customize theme. We’ll openup the footer section and we can see the contact
information is here. If we have a physicaladdress we can add it or any other information
we might think is relevant. The bracket brslash bracket is used to put a break in between
lines so Shopify store, space attention onlineHere – I'll show you. So Shopify store – space – attention departement space etc.We strongly suggest that you do display your
contact information somewhere on your website,just so customers can easily reach you if
they have a question. But if you don’t wantthis information, we can also very easily
just turn that off if we don’t want to displayour contact information on the front page.
Also, you have may have noticed these sociallinks on bottom of our store. To facebook,
twitter and all the others. So, Shopify hasmade this very easy to link these to our social
channels.Again, we’re in the footer section of our
theme’s editor and all we have to do ispaste the appropriate link in the corresponding
section.If we don’t use a certain social channel,
we’ll simply leave the field blank and theicon will be removed from our page. Let’s
say we don’t have a vimeo account – we’lljust delete the link here. And right now these
links have defaulted to link to Shopify’schannels – so let’s change the twitter link
so it links to my account. And we’ll publishthe changes and have a look.So the vimeo icon is now gone – and the twitter
icon now links to where we want.Okay so, our store is looking pretty good
– we’ve added products to our catalog, we’veadded an “about us” section. What we can
now do is add our first blog post.To do this, we’ll head over to the left
hand panel and select “blog posts”. Toadd new blog posts we can simply select the
add a blog post button from the top rightcorner – but much like the about us section,
there is a template setup for our first blogOkay – so like the other pages our title is
the first thing we can add.Again, we can very easily format our text,
add photos, videos – we can add links.Then we have an excerpt section – which is
really great, especially if we have more thanone blog post on our page. This section is
the preview or teaser for our blog post thatwill be displayed on our main blog page.Let’s add a bit of text.Beneath this area we can determine the author
of the blog post. We can choose which blogit’s in and even create a new blog for it.
We’ll keep ours in “news” for now.Next, we can add some relevant tags – these
are similar to the product tags in that theyhelp with the organization of our blog and
below tags, we have the Search Engines section.Much like when we were adding a product, this
section is for Search Engine Optimization.The information helps determine how our blog
post will be displayed in search engines likeGoogle.And this section has automatically been created
from the information above but of course wecan customize it if we like.Next, we have the visibility section – which
lets us choose if our blog post is live onour site. It will default to “hidden”
and we can switch to visible if we’re readyto publish it. This really comes in handy
if we’re working on a post and we want torevisit it later. We also have the option
to schedule a post to be published on a specificdate.Okay let’s save and have a look.So here’s our first blog post – you can
see only the excerpt section is immediatelyvisible and once we select the post we can
read our whole blog post.Cool, so our store is looking pretty solid,
we’ve added products, we’ve added a theme,and we’ve customized it to give it some
personality and character.Let’s keep on moving and head back to our
admin and go over to our settings on the lefthand panel and select payments.So, one of the most important parts of running
a business is being able to take paymentssecurely and shopify makes this just as easy
as anything else. For merchants in the USand Canada our stores have automatically been
set up with Shopify Payments, which allowsus to start accepting payments from all major
credit cards instantly.All we have to do is click to “complete
shopify payments account set up” and fillout the relevant information.And for our merchants outside of the US, and
Canada, don’t worry – Shopify has integratedwith over 70 different payment partners so
there are plenty of hassle free options available.Additionally, as soon as we open our Shopify
store, we will be set up with a Paypal ExpressCheckout account with the email we used to
sign up for our Shopify Store. As soon aswe receive our first order through PayPal
Express Checkout, Paypal will send us an emailthat contains the link and instructions to
complete our Paypal account set-up and claimour funds.Okay, next up let’s quickly set up our shipping
options. To do this we’ll select the shippingtab on our left panel.Okay, within the Shipping page we can decide
which countries we want to ship to – Lookslike we’ve already been set up with some
basic shipping rates.We have a standard shipping option for Canada,
which is based on weight – so anything between0-5kg will cost $10 and for heavy goods shipping
it’s set up to charge $20 for anything between5kg and 20kg in weight.We can open each of these options here and
easily change the price per weight or evenif we want to base our shipping off purchase
price instead of weight. Let’s say we wantto make deliveries in Canada free with orders
over $75. We’ll change our price range to$75 and up and and make our shipping price
$0.We can also select what regions we want to
ship to. If we uncheck the box from a regionwe will no longer offer shipping to that area.Additionally, we can decide whether or not
we want to charge more money for certain areas.Nunavut for example is pretty remote so we’ll
add an additional $10 to our shipping rate.And then we’ll click save.We also have a basic International shipping
rate set up. We can easily tweak these ratesas well or perhaps lets say we want to ship
only to the united states and canada – wecan very easily remove shipping to the rest
of the world. Shopify just wants to confirmthis is what we wanted to do.And we’ll click add country search for the
united states – I’ll select to add the defaultfederal tax rates and the default tax rates
for the regions. And then select “add country”From there we can very easily edit and set
up our shipping rates much like we did withour Canadian rates.Okay, so we’ve added products, we’ve selected
and customized a theme, added an about uspage and set up shipping and payments. What
we can do now is register a custom web address.Let’s head over to the “domains” section.We have the option to register an existing
domain if we already have one or the optionto register a new one if we don’t.So we can choose from a bunch of domains – .com,
.info, .org and this really takes the hassleout of finding a domain name – you can search
to see if your domain name is available rightwithin shopify and the domains are even offered
at a discounted price – generally we can expectto pay about $15/year for a .com address.As you can see the domain
is available and we can easily purchase it.And there you go, just like that, you’re
all set up with your custom branded ecommercewebsite.If you’re looking for more information we’ve
linked to a bunch of great resources in thedescription of this video that might be useful
to you on your journey of running an ecommercewebsite. I’d also encourage you to take
a look through the Shopify App Store, whichhas 100s of apps that can extend the functionality
of your shopify store. There are a varietyof free and paid apps that offer powerful
features, and services in a number of differentcategories.If you have any questions please don’t hesitate
to leave a comment below – and if you foundthis video helpful, please let us know by
clicking the like button. Thanks for watching.Ready to put what you learned into action? Click to head over to and sign up for you free 14 day trial.


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