Top Ecommerce Platform Shopping Cart Review

this video we're gonna do a completereview and talk about what ecommerceshopping cart is right for you so thereare a lot of shopping carts out therebut most of them are outdated not builtfor e-commerce or just lacking vitalfeatures that you need in your businessso that leads us with just these threeright here so we have shopifybigcommerce and WooCommerce so first offright off the bat I got to tell youthere is a difference between hosted andunholstered shopping carts so Shopifyand big commerce are very similarthey're both hosted shopping carts whichis what you want a self-hosted shoppingcart means that you need to either hostit on your own computer or your ownserver or that you need to buy athird-party server which is much morecommon so you might need to buy Bluehostto run WooCommerce but let's first offlet's look at Shopify and BigCommerceand compare the two very similarplatforms except for in my opinionShopify is much better it has bettertemplates it's easier to use much easierto use in my opinion better add-ons andplugins that go right into it and on topof that BigCommerce has a limit if yousell too much you actually get bumped upto the next here so let's eliminate bigcommerce from this so now we're leftwith really Shopify in WooCommerce andbefore I go any further I do have linksup here and down below in the show notesshopify bigcommerce both if you usethese lengths you get a free 14-daytrial or if you want to go withWooCommerce you are gonna have to payfor Bluehost a hosting service so youcan use those links up here but for nowlet's go back into Shopify versusWooCommerce so let's start off talkingabout Shopify so Shopify is built fore-commerce which is really important ifthat's what you're trying to do ifyou're trying to build an e-commerceshopping platform you're gonna wantsomething that's built from the groundup specifically for those needsWooCommerce on the other hand is aplug-in to WordPress which is made forblogging and we'll talk more about thatlater top of that it has a lot of betterfeatures in my opinion a lot of thingsthat are just automatically built intoit that are perfect for selling yourproducts and it has amazing apps amazinglittle plugins and apps that go alongwith it things that will help increaseyour salesnow what commerce does have some pluginsas well some appsthey go with it except they're notnearly as advanced as shop fives are sosome other things is it integratesreally well with Facebook Pinterest abunch of other platforms that's one ofthe things I really like about Shopifyis they're on top of their game everytime a new feature comes out if Facebookreleases now all of a sudden you cansell on Facebook for instance which theydid not that long ago they will releasethat feature a WooCommerce since it'stechnically a free plug-in to WordPressthey don't release those features quiteas readily as Shopify Shopify's entirebusiness model is served around itse-commerce customers they're just thereon top of it overall one last thing tonote about Java is they have greatcustomer support if you have an issue oryou can't figure out how to do somethingyou can give them a call and they willhelp you do thatWooCommerce does not have nearly as goodof customer support so that's a veryvital feature especially when you'refirst getting started Shopify butWooCommerce does have some advantages aswell it is technically free it's reallynot you have to still pay for hostingbut it is cheaper it is cheaper thanShopify so if you're on an extremelytight budget and very technicalWooCommerce might make senseanother thing it might make sense is ifyou have lots of small stores becauseyou'd only pay for hosting one time andthen each additional store is more orless free I mean there's sometechnicalities to this but if you'regonna have let's say five small storesit's much cheaper to go with WooCommercethan it is Shopifyanother use case where it might makesense is if you're selling info projectproducts or digital products I sell aneffective e-commerce stock conferencesince I sell courses on how you canstart an online store and I saw courseson Facebook ads and I use a wordpresswebsite and the WooCommerce plug-in tosell those info products now my mainecommerce stores are I'm actuallyselling physical products you better betI'm gonna be using Shopify so it's likeI said very good for blogging becauseit's built on WordPress which is thebest blogging platform out there in myopinion I'm sure some people woulddisagree with that but it's the mostpopular for sure top of that it's not asprofessional when I talk to someone thatuses lucamI assume they're new to e-commerce theydon't really know what they're doing Iwill say there's one exception out aboutliterally hundreds of e-commerceentrepreneurs that I know only one usenew commerce and he does sell a digitalproduct every single physical productsell or e-commerce seller that I knoweither is on Shopify or wishes they wereon Shopify so you are also more likelyto get hacked with new commerce becauseitself or because you have to self hostit there's a better chance of gettinghacked on top of that I've had a lot ofpeople that I've known in the past thatwe're using new commerce and they saidthat they had some issues with that it'snever happened to me personally but thatis something to be aware of because alot of the plugins need updating onWordPress there could create somebackdoor issues with that it is also alittle bit harder to customize Shopifyis much more user friendly when it comesto customization if you're verytechnical you can still do it with mucommerce but Shopify is much easier andfinally last but not least WooCommerceis more complicated to set up Iliterally have a video where I set up aShopify store in four minutes super easyto do you could never do that withWooCommerce it would take much muchlonger I've I'll link that down below ifyou want to see the video on how I setup a shop size site in just four minutesso let's talk about when you would useeach platform when it would make senseif you have info products or digitalproducts WooCommerce may make sense I'mnot saying it makes sense in allsituations you still might want to useShopify but I personally am using it formy digital product my info productwebsite it also might make sense if youhave lots of small stores and you'retrying to save money and if blogging isthe main focus of your business you alsomay want to take a look at WooCommercelast but not least the only way I thinkyou should even consider WooCommerce isif you're very technical if you are abeginner you're new to this world 100percent go with Shopify so 99% of thepeople watching this video I highlyrecommend Shopify there is a smallpercentage of you out there thatWooCommerce might be a good fit for youso not surprisingly Shopify is thewinner I have link up here and if youuse that link I will not only do you geta free 14-day trial I get a smallkickback because it is an affiliate linkso as a thank youI'm gonna give you a free 30-minuteconsultation session to help you set upyour store no strings attached I'm nottrying to upsell you it's merely just athank you so you can get the link upthere or down below in the show notes infact this is how I can prove to you thatit's an unbiased review I don't carewhat platform you choose I highly thinkthat you should go with Shopify but evenif you want to go with big commerce orif you want to go with WooCommerce whichyou'll need hosting for you'll needBluehost is what I recommend andpersonally use if you use my link forany three of those up here or down belowin the show notes I will gladly give youthe free 30-minute consultation bothBigCommerce and Shopify do you have afree 14-day trial so if you want to testthem out and determine it for yourselfyou get the the links here and last butnot least before you go don't forget toget the online source success packsespecially if you're starting an onlinestore I have a checklist that I think iseverything I've learned about startingan online store put in checklist formthings that you might not think aboutsuch as setting up Google Analytics andyour Facebook pixel right away as a lotof things on there you probably haven'tthought of unless you've started a fewecommerce businesses like I have on topof that make sure you click thatsubscribe button if you like this videosubscribe down below and I have a tonmore free YouTube videos coming outtutorial videos how to start your onlinestore all kinds of great videos downbelow if you click Subscribe you'll getthose for free obviously last but notleast if you have any questions pleaseleave it down below in the commentsection I answer every single one sofeel free to leave your question downthere and thank you so much for watchingthis video I really appreciate it andgood luck on starting your ecommercebusiness


Learn About the Different Types of Internet Marketing

By Satarupa Majumder | Submitted On February 14, 2018

Don’t you think that the business world would completely stop if there is no internet marketing? It has become a part of marketing and to reach customers, internet marketing has become the easiest mode. Though, it is a challenging task, and you would definitely be in need of an expert who can manage all the search engine marketing services.

To overtake your competitors in regard to traffic, it is essential to opt for internet marketing. There are different services involved such as pay-per-click advertising, search engine optimization, social media marketing etc.

How to market your product online?

Want your business to gain a significant position in the world of the internet? There are different ways through which you can easily market your product. Just make use of Google AdWords or Yahoo’s overture advertising network, cost per click, eBay etc. It is essential to have an exceptional network marketing strategy while adapting different online marketing tools.

No matter what you deal with, a good online presence can always be created through help of an internet marketing company so that the website can be highly optimized while providing positive results. It seems that the use of any network marketing can give return on investment through cost per click online tool. Google AdWords and Yahoos Overture programs are dominating the world of internet marketing. If you are really interested in making your company No.1 and want to rule the top position, then opt for cost per click campaign.

Common types of internet marketing

Internet marketing can possibly be done through three different means and so they can be distinguished in three different types. In this article, you will get to know the types which can act in favor of your business and definitely can benefit from it:

1. Video marketing: It is an advertising strategy that is quite similar to the television ads which is capable of promoting specific products and services. Video marketing has made its way to digital world and enables internet surfers to learn about products that are available. Make use of YouTube and Tube-mogul for video marketing.

2. Article marketing: It is also a known marketing strategy which is ignored by many people around. Article marketing is a proven strategy that can surely bring leads to business, but it needs to be done on regular basis. So, it demands consistency in your approach. Being consistent it is possible to drag leads and generate income in no time, but it is essential to maintain consistency.

3. Social media marketing: It can possibly generate a good number of leads which is why it is said to be an amazing marketing tool. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are some of the places where you can easily market articles and videos. There are other websites too where you have the possibility to post articles and videos.

Social media can certainly be as useful as that of Google in order to drive more traffic to your website. Though fans might not convert into customers, but making use of Facebook can be as good as Google ads or video ads.

Article Source:


Pinterest Make Money Online – Internet Marketing & E-commerce

Product Name: Pinterest Make Money Online – Internet Marketing & E-commerce

Description: Pinterest Traffic – Maximum Commissions On All My Products + Sales Funnel In A $5billion Per Year Industry… Make Money Online, Internet Marketing, Business E-commerce.

How to Build an Ecommerce Business with Klaviyo

hey everyone as you know our YouTubechannels primarily focused aroundselling on Amazon but we've alsodiscovered that the majority of ouraudience also has their own smallecommerce stores so we wanted to bringon Joe from Clay vo which is a marketleading marketing automation platform totalk to us a little bit more aboutselling through your own e-commercestores and some of the things that wecan be doing from a marketing standpointto ultimately grow our business Joe howyou doing today I was going thank youfor having meI've been with clavia for about sixmonths now and we have a really amazingproduct that I'm super happy to hear totalk about todayunlike most marketing platforms that areout there clavia really focuses onhelping ecommerce businesses grow we dothat through a lot of different ways butthe main differentiators that we werenatively built to help ecommercebusinesses really listen and understandwhat their customers are actuallytelling them either through likebehavioral data that they're sharingthrough you know their web browsingactivity or through their actualpurchasing or web browsing on productpages things like that but then we allowyou to do is create really customizedemail marketing and advertising messagesto share with your customerswe believe that segmentation andpersonalization are what really helpsyou build true customer relationshipsand that's the big clavia differentiatorwe believe that by building reallystrong customer relationships and doingthat at you know a pretty sizeable scalethat's how you can really start to drivegrowth and value for your business soJoe I think the majority of the peoplewatching this they you know they sell onAmazon oftentimes people looking todiversify their sales off of Amazon andprobably what's most common of ouraudience is to have a small Shopifystore or another econ platform wherethey're they're getting started to sellsome of their products off of Amazonmost of them are a little bit smallerand the majority of are probably kind oflike just getting started in thee-commerce game so why don't we startthere and talk a little bit about whatyou see is some of the most importantthings for these people who are you knowjust getting started with their firste-commerce store to be thinking about asas really just general marketing goes Ithink in today's day and age the biggesttenant that you should really bethinking about is what do you know aboutyour customers and what data points doyou have on those customers that you canuse to really help craft really specificmarketing one of the things that wealways say Flavio is the days ofbatching blast email are dead those werethe days when you would sort of look atwho you had on your customer list andyou would decide to send every singlecustomer whether it was a hundred or10,000 or more all the same you knowpeople don't really respond to that Ithink what we've seen as time has goneon is their expectations for what goodmarketing is has really elevated they'relooking for you know brands andadvertisers to provide them with reallyspecific messages that are about theproducts about the content about what'sof interest to them as an individual andI think one of the things with that isunderstanding the data that you have soreally being cognizant of the differentpoints that you're getting from yourecommerce platform for instance and howyou can really use that information tocurate the marketing messages thatyou're sending and some of these emailfunnels can get pretty complex you knowa lot of people who are verysophisticated marketers have some reallypretty amazing email funnels if you arejust getting started what do you feellike is like the lowest hanging fruit orlike the first maybe two or three oreven five different types of just kindalike email funnels or marketingautomation you should set up for yourcustomers definitely for us we alwaysrecommend that first and foremost whensomeone comes to your website and theysign up to receive your newsletter orthey sign up to be on your file thatyou're actually sending them a welcomeseries that you're welcome welcomingthem and thanking them for the actionthey've just taken you're sharing someinformation about your brand maybeyou're sharing what some of your topproducts are that other customers whohave subscribed are interested in sortof just giving them some cues on how toengage with your brand how best to youknow approach your products what yourdifferent product selection is dependinghow many individual items you have youwant to give them you knowsome highlights what are the top sellerspeople love those types ofrecommendations the next one that Ithink is really important and it'sdefinitely a moneymaker for ourcustomers is really thinking about yourabandoned card series so what that meansI'm sure you've all received an emaillike this before but you have someonewho's on your website and say they'rebrowsing you know hair care products orsomething along those lines and they putsomething in their cart but they don'tactually go through and purchase that'sa prime opportunity to you know sendthem an email shortly thereafter sayinglike hey Greg like you left this in yourcart did you want to buy it they wereobviously very close to making thatpurchase what we see is that thatadditional sort of just it's a gentlepush it's a gentle prompt like are yousure you didn't want this product reallyhelps to drive conversion additionallyanother flow that we really recommend tothink about is abandoned browse behaviorso similar to abandon cart you seesomeone who is engaging with the productmultiple times that's a really bigopportunity to reach out to them andmaybe send them a small offer for youknow five or 10% or 15% whatever yourthreshold is on that particular productjust to get them to sort of push overthe edge you know through their behaviorthat they're engaging with the productthey're looking at it so they'reinterested it's the perfect time to sortof incentivize them and say like hey areyou you know is this product right foryoucool thanks for those Joe's so welcomeseers the abandoned cart email is anabandoned browser serious all I agreethose are all kind of like low-hangingfruit items on forgetting our buildingcustomer kind of like engagement andloyalty than getting them come back tofinish kind of that purchase the way Ithink about it you may think about alittle differently Joe's like when we'rethinking about kind of marketingautomation to me like email is probablythe easiest to set up and probably thelowest hanging fruit I know when you usea platform say like Clay vo the way atleast my brain works like the next stackof kind of complexity on top of that orif you want to get a little bit moresophisticated is stacking on top someperformance marketing ads something likeFacebook ads do you want to talk alittle bit about like taking it to thenext level and how you canbuild segments and target for differentfor example Facebook ads great questionso this goes back to what we weretalking about a little bit earlier theidea of using your data to buildsegments and to really drivepersonalization through those segmentsof people's buying behavior you canbuild a segment through play videoreally based on any sort of data pointthat you have about a customer thinkingabout it in the most simplistic way wehave something we often talk aboutcalled like our VIP shopping list oryour VIP customers those are thecustomers who are shopping with youfairly regularly they're spending quitea bit of money with you and they're youknow average order price is fairly highthey're kind of your brand advocates sothose are the individuals when I thinkabout how I want to grow my business Iwant to go find more people who matchthose same sort of customer attributeswith Clay vo what you can do isessentially build out that VIP segmentand then you can essentially sync itwith Facebook and then throughFacebook's targeting you can actuallysay hey go find more of these VIPshoppers using their look-aliketargeting you would create your adsdirectly in facebook and then you youknow give them some sort of a brandvalue message something to drive thoselook like VIP shoppers to your site andhopefully convert them what are someother items that you see e-commercestores doing right now that are kind oflike in your mind just kind of likeno-brainers you know like we talked alittle bit about creating good segmentsabout some like the low-hanging fruit asfar as the like the email automations goif you wanna be a little moresophisticated you can stack up pay twoads kind of like on top of that what aresome other things that you feel likeit's like men when you get you know yourmarketing platform like clay vo set uplike in the first month like you need tomake sure to do this because this islike highly impactful and not a lot ofwork to get set up kind of when I thinkabout it it's like creativity is yourlimit so if you know that for yourproducts going back to the haircareexample for instance if you aremarketing to an individual who's abrunette wouldn't be so much better toactually deliver marketing to them basedon their actual hair color for instanceso you canwe'll use clay vo forms to set up aforum in its most simplistic way youcould just collect someone's emailaddress that's great for building youryour newsletter file for instance butwhat's really impactful is you could saylike hey what type of you know haircolor do you have and then they selfselect so then you can actually use whatthey've provided with you as a new datapoint to then deliver personalizedmarketing so thinking about what newdata points you can collect like howoften someone might be looking topurchase or what their favorite productsare favorite colors are those are reallybasic types of questions that you canask but you could then tailor marketingto them so long story long answer isthat really thinking about whatadditional data points would be helpfulfor you to have on your customers andthen asking them directly for it throughyou know our forms functionality it'sgoing to be a huge opportunity for youto just find more ways to market to themin a really personalized manner that'ssomething we do here at Jungle Scott isyou know whenever someone signs up forour email list or we try to segment allof our customers this way we just askeda simple question like are you alreadyselling on Amazon or are you kind oflike looking to get started and then thetype of content that we're giving youand the helpful resources whateverarrows are more tailored to kind of likewhere you're at in your business andjust by doing that we've really seenlike engagement grow quite a bit andthat would probably be like the start ofit right like if we want to take it onestep further now we can say like okay noif you're not selling on Amazon maybelike why do you want to or like worryabout right now or is this gonna be aside hustle or a full-time thing andthen people who are you know we could betalking about the amount of revenuethey're at their biggest pain pointswhatever else so it's pretty cool howlike sophisticated you can get with thisand at the end of the day it'sultimately better for your customer aswell right because no one likes gettinglike is you know sent a whole bunch ofemails that maybe aren't really relevantor whatever else so by sending just likemore target it's like you can help themmore by like giving them what's mostimportant to them and it's like whatthey're looking for maybe in their inboxor maybe in their ads that day yes yousort of put yourself back in their shoeswe're all consumers to like we receiveemails we know what we like and what wedon't like and what's gonna resonatewith us so thinking through that is kindof via like your gut reaction like isthis gonna be something that would workfor me is this gonna make senseto me we're thinking about optimizinglet's use eBay Ellis to start for anexample like optimizing the ultimategoal is likely going to be to get peopleto come to your site and to purchasesomething what are what are some tipsthat you have for optimizing kind ofemail flows and you know like as anexample here at jungle scale we'realways testing different types ofsubjects to see what gets the betteropen rate and they're once they're inthere like longer form versus shorterform versus a CTA versus there's endlessamounts of things that you kind of liketest and optimize do you have any tipsfor what you think is kind of like thehighest impact things or the things thatyou should be testing first yeah sofirst and foremost I'm glad youmentioned testing and that's somethingthat I always sort of preaches makingsure that you are testing with clearlythat's very easy to go and in tests youknow subject lines delivery times thingsof that nature so you can't you can'timprove or optimize if you're nottesting so first and foremost that's thenumber one thing I would say beyond thatI would really make sure that you'regoing through and when you're gonnadeliver an email to a particular groupof people say you have like a you know afairly large list you have 10,000 peoplebut you know 2,000 of them have not beenengaging with your emails we wouldrecommend that you sort of pull thatgroup out what's going to help youdeliver more emails is making sure thatyou have high engagement on your emailsso getting to the inbox is the ultimatelike goal and when you sort of structureyour emails and optimize them to sayLouis and I want to just send to asegment of users or segment of customerswho have recently engaged so they'veopened an email that's gonna help yousort of put one like threshold down I'msaying like these are actually engagedcustomersdo you've any other deliverability bestpractices that's obviously veryimportant as you pointed out yeahdefinitely deliverability is sort of ahot topic I would say across the spacein the industry I think one of thethings that we really try to explain toour customers is to make sure that youare sort of cleaning your lists and thatyou're using the most up-to-date listfor friends that have been establishedfor a while sometimes they have customernames on there their list that they'vehad for a long time there they might notnecessarily know how some of thosecustomers even came toexist it's always a best practice in oureyes to go through and clean your listand pull out people who have not beenengaging ultimately pulling those peopleout should help you drive betterengagement better deliverability keepingthem those non engagers in the ones thatwe kind of label sometimes is avoidthey're ultimately going to drive downyour deliverability if you don't gothrough that cleaning action so it'sdefinitely something we push for ourcustomers to think about and definitelya practice that will help so Joe I justgot done with a number of South bySouthwest talks here in Austin one ofthe hot topics right now throughout thetech industry is machine learning or AIare you guys integrating this into theColegio tool or how are you guysthinking about integrating it looks likethe future of technology now yeah greatquestion first I'm jealous that you'reon South by Southwest I've never beenready here it's absolutely incredibleyes so data science AI all a main partof the clay vo as an organization andhow like we're structured and how ourteams are built we're doing some reallyamazing exciting things there one of myfavorite features that we actually justlaunched at the start of the year is ourpredicted date of next order so what'sreally amazing is once you've hit acertain threshold of orders in clavia wecan actually go out and predict for yourfull customer list when they're nextmost likely to purchase so we'll be ableto tell you exactly how much we believethat they're going to spend and whenthey're actually likely to spend andwhat that allows you to do is kind oftake two different actions depending onwhat happens so first you could say likeokay Greg is about to purchase XYZproduct and he's gonna do that on August30th say no it's August 20th and Greghasn't made that purchase but we reallyhope he does we could send him a messageand say like hey like here's what here'sa you know small discount or here's yourfavorite product like is it time toreact or resupply yourself so givingthem that gentle nudge just in advanceto really hold you know push themforward to make that purchase or on thesort of other side of that if you'resupposed to purchase on August 20th andyou haven't we can actually through playvo send themautomated flow and say hey like wenoticed that you haven't read yourcoffee supply for the month like here's10% off you know that type of a messagelike are you interested in resupplyingyourself so you can actually recoupthose sales that we predicted you wouldbe getting and that youth miss so it'sjust an another additional opportunityto try to drive more revenue for yourbusiness well joy I want to thank youvery much for coming on giving a lot ofthis valuable information to ouraudience I also want to personally thankclavia for sponsoring the five-minutepitch those who aren't familiar with thefive-minute pitch you can search it onYouTube right now it's a shark tankstyle pitching competition where smallbusinesses most likely yourself can wina $50,000 prize to help them grow theirbusiness Columbia is generous enough tosponsor it to help us raise the $50,000they've also been very helpful to ouraudience helping them think about howthey can grow their marketingspecifically with their e-commercestores so Joe if the people who arewatching this are interested in signingup for a clay we're learning more aboutit where does the best way for them tofind that out definitely I would GooglePlay do que la vie iyo comm and come onover we have free trial if you haveunder 250 contacts and then which reallymeans mo clay do is we offer sort ofmonth-to-month pricing and it'sbasically depends on how many contactsyou have in your list so what you getwith that is you know a ton offunctionality it's very easy to use andit's definitely going to be impactfulfor helping you make more money sodefinitely check us out if you have anyquestions I'm always here to help -awesome thank you very much John have anice thing[Music]


Shopify: The Best Platform For Ecommerce

By Satish Chandra | Submitted On November 13, 2017

Expert Author Satish Chandra

Shopify provides everything you are looking for or need from end to end. This cloud-based ecommerce platform powers more than 175,000 businesses in over 150 countries. Shopify is a one-stop shop for merchants, particularly small to medium-sized who want to leverage all their digital channels with one tool. There are plenty of reasons on why shopify is the best platform for ecommerce.

Start Your Ecommerce Business Promptly With Shopify

You want to start an ecommerce business but do not have a lot of money to invest in startup costs. This is where Shopify comes handy and you can get access to plenty of tools such as the business name generator, business card maker, terms, and conditions generator, slogan creator, business loan and profit margin calculators and many others. Apart from these tools, you can use many other tools you can use once your ecommerce business is set-up and running. For example-Invoice generator, Gift certificate templates, Shipping labels, Image resizer, Pay stubs, etc

Shopify App Store

Shopify provides a large number of additional things in the Shopify App Store, These things let you to additionally use most of your business equipment and promoting channels and information. Regardless of whether you need to incorporate your bookkeeping programming and connect your email promoting with MailChimp, synchronize your client administration and deals endeavors, or extend your marketplace simply by offering on leading online marketplaces. You’ll discover applications for Accounting, Marketing, Sales, Customer service, Inventory, Social media, and Reporting.

Abandoned Cart Recovery

What if a visitor visits your store online and places an item is his or her shopping basket but leaves without buying it? Do you know 70 % potential customers do this? With help of Shopify, you can send reminder messages to these customers to complete their purchase.

Own Payment Gateway

Shopify, a complete ecommerce has integrated with lots of payment gateways but provides its own as well. So, if you use this then you will not incur any transaction fees as well as will get benefit from lower credit card fees as well. You can use it without a merchant account.


Shopify’s starter package comes at a very affordable price. The very little monthly cost of Shopify is one of the key reasons that small store owners start a Shopify store. It also provides free day trial to ensure people try it at least once.So, if you want to develop your online store, then hire a Shopify development company.

SAM Web Studio leading Ecommerce Website Development Company. Hire the best Shopify Development Company in India to innovate your ebusiness.

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Internet Marketing Sinhala – E Money Sinhala 2017 Lessons Introduction

SUBSCRIBE E Money Sinhala

මේ චැනල් එකේ introduction වීඩියෝ එක. SEO, internet marketing, graphic designing, web designing and web developing also E money Sinhala. ඉගෙන ගන්න ඕන නම් දැන්මම SUBSCRIBE කරලා සෙට් වෙන්න.

If you want to learn Internet marketing Sinhala subscribe to this channel and wait. This is the introduction video of this channel. In this channel I will talk about SEO, internet marketing, graphic designing, web designing and web developing also E money Sinhala.

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Intellgynce Ecommerce Research Software Platform

Product Name: Intellgynce Ecommerce Research Software Platform

Description: Discover 650,000+ Ecom Stores And 3,200,000+ Dropshipping Products At Your Fingertips. See Hot And Trending Sellers. Chrome Extension And Ali Inspector Included!

Best Products to Sell – Women's Fashion Ecommerce Store

Hi, it’sAndrew with Oberlo,
and in this video we’re going to share 10of the top trending women’s clothing products
to sell in 2018.And, we’ve got good news.Our research found that Women’s Clothing
and Accessories was the top performing nichefor dropshippers in both 2016 and 2017 — and,
it’s still leading the pack in 2018.So, let’s jump in.First up?Beach kimonos and shawls were a big hit last
summer, and the trend is poised to keep growingthis year.And, it’s not difficult to understand why.They’re comfortable, stylish, and help to
protect wearers from the sun — a must-havefor all fashionable beach-goers.Now, one downside to selling clothes online
is sizing.Every customer hates ordering something online,
only to try it on and find it doesn’t fit.But, that’s what’s so great about this
product.Beach kimonos and shawls don’t need to fit
perfectly to look brilliant.And because of this, you should hopefully
receive fewer returns.Next up?Number 2: Ruffle SocksThere’s been steady upward trend in ruffle
socks for while now, and they can make a greataddition to your catalogue.These products pair perfectly with sleek shoes,
or some well-chosen ankle boots.And, with plenty of colors and styles to choose
from, you should be able to find somethinga little different that not many other people
are selling.However, Ruffle socks are more of an alternative
fashion product, so the key here is to honein on your exact target market.To do this, start by defining exactly who
your ideal customers are.First, how old are they?Where do they live?What kind of jobs do they have?Then, once you’ve got a basic idea, dig
a little deeper: What are they into?Who do they follow online?How do they like to spend their time.And crucially, will they love ruffle socks?Bottom-line:To succeed in your marketing efforts, it’s
crucial to know exactly who your ideal customeris.Third on Our List of Women’s Clothing Products:
CardigansCardigans have been steadily growing in popularity
since way back in 2008!And, this is a fantastic product for dropshipping,
as there are tons of colors, patterns, andstyles available.This means there’s a higher chance of you
being able to find a product that stands out.But best of all?Unlike many women’s clothing products, you
can sell different types of cardigans allyear-round.And once more, the loose fitting nature of
cardigans means that sizes don’t need toperfect for your customers to look and feel
great.So, consider adding this classic women’s
clothing product to your store in 2018.Women’s Clothing Product Number 4: Crop
TopsCrop tops have crept back into fashion, and
are once more a must-have item.One of the best things about this product
is its versatility.A quick Google search will return tons of
articles showcasing all of the ways that croptops can be worn.So, make sure to highlight this benefit when
selling this product.You can do this by showcasing plenty of pictures
featuring the product being worn in many differentways.Use the opportunity to inspire your customers,
and impress upon them what an essential itemof clothing the crop top is.Okay, Number 5: BlazersBlazers have also made a huge comeback in
recent years.And if you’re looking to establish a more
upmarket brand, adding this product is a must.However, getting the right fit is very important
when it comes to blazers.So, make sure to have detailed sizing information
available, and showcase it clearly on yourproduct page.What’s more, make sure that your return
policy is helpful, efficient, and clearlyvisible.You want to reassure customers that if their
blazer doesn’t fit, it’s not too difficultor costly for them to return or exchange the
item.That way, customers who are on the fence will
be more likely to buy.Next up on our list of the top women’s clothing
products to sell in 2018?Number 6: The Tank TopTank tops have seen a resurgence in recent
years, and they’re a staple of any summerwardrobe.And, our research shows that the tank top
is set to remain a popular item this year.However, this isn’t a new trend, so you’ll
need to cut through the competition to landsales.A good way to do this is to find a unique
product design that’s different in someway — and so, is more likely to catch people’s
eyes.You could also focus your marketing efforts
on other, more eye-catching products, andthen work to cross-sell customers this item
once they’re browsing on your store.This would help boost your average order value,
and increase your revenue.Next up?Number 7 on Our List: Sports BrasSports bras have been steadily increasing
in popularity since way back in 2011.Thanks in part perhaps, to other trends like
yoga.Just be careful when you’re marketing these
products, especially if you decide to useFacebook ads.Because any ads that contain seductive imagery
are likely to be rejected by Facebook.But, if you’re looking to dive into the
activewear or athleisure niches, sports brascan be a great addition to your catalog.Number 8: Floral DressesThis classic piece of women’s clothing has
been steadily growing in popularity everysummer since 2012 — with high amounts of
interest during the summer.Now, with so many options to choose from,
the challenge will be pairing the right typeof dress and floral pattern, with what your
target customers are going to be most likelyto buy.So once again, make sure you have a clear
idea of exactly who your target customer is.Thankfully, if you use Oberlo, you’ll be
able to test plenty of floral dresses quicklyand easily.So, 9th on Our List of Women’s Clothing
Products: GinghamGingham is now anything but square.The chequered patterns made a real come-back
last summer, and are set to become even morepopular this year.This is particularly great if you’re just
starting out with your store, as you couldcreate an entire store based on this fashion
trend alone.And, as you would expect, there are tons of
different products, styles and colors to choosefrom.So, if you’re looking to create a dropshipping
store with a unique angle, consider gingham.And Last on Our List of Women’s Clothing
Products to Sell in 2018, is Number 10: RompersRompers have stormed back to popularity in
recent years, and are sure to be hugely popularin 2018.But, like Tank Tops, this steady trend has
been happening for a while, and there willbe plenty of competition already out there.This is why differentiating your store is
so vital to success.In other words, why should customers buy from
you instead of your competitors?One great way to stand out, is to build a
strong community around your brand on a socialchannel like Instagram.For more tips on how to do this, check out
the resources linked below.And, that’s it!Those are our top ten women’s clothing products
to sell in 2018.Which of these products are you most excited
about?Let us know in the comments below — we read
all of them!Thanks for watching, and if you liked this
video, be sure to hit the subscribe button,and turn on the notification bell for more
help and advice on growing your ecommercebusiness.And until next time, learn often, market better
and sell more.


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The Role of Data Entry Services for the Success of an Ecommerce Site

By Kanchan Thakur | Submitted On November 28, 2014

An e-commerce site can be defined in many ways. It can be said that it is an online inventory where virtually products are available. The consumers needed to skim through them and pick the one he or she wanted. It can be said, in other words, a single site is a virtual market place where products are available for the consumer. There are a few more ways the ecommerce can be defined, but the article is not regarding the definition of an ecommerce site but the facts of success one site can enjoy.

The success of an ecommerce site is not only standing on the offers that they are offering or the products they have in their online inventory. But there is another aspect that determines the success of the ecommerce site. It is the update of the products that are available and also making sure that if there is a new product out there in the market or upcoming in the market, then it needed to be included in the products available list i.e. inventory.

Product entry services are a matter of careful observation and thorough inspection. The former is needed because every product has its own identity and own institution, i.e. a specified smartphone model should go under the name of the vendors or retailers i.e. institution, it belongs to; the latter, the inspection, is needed to check the exact prices of the item and the selling cost of the item that’s being offered by the competitor site. Ecommerce data entry services, as it can be seen, needed the help of experts who are well known with these factors.

When the ecommerce site owner determine to update site’s inventory, the things that should be kept in mind are: the firm that is undertaking the service is well known and has a good feedback in developing the site competing and complete, i.e. flawless; the team that will be undertaking the project should be well aware of the current market scenario and a thorough knowledge of data entry using the latest technologies or ways.

There are a few more that needed to be consider like the cost aspect, the quality of work, etc. To conclude, it can be said that ecommerce data entry services determine the success of an ecommerce site. If the site is not well maintained or updated then the venture may be a failure. So before determining the services to be taken from, the site owner should be cautious and attentive to keep his or her site to be preferable by the consumers.

We are offering incredible ecommerce data entry services at very minimal price. The success of an ecommerce website totally depends upon the products entry services and the quality of ecommerce products.

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