5 Easy Marketing Tips For Your ECommerce Store

By Jon Allo | Submitted On August 14, 2019

Expert Author Jon Allo

If you have an eCommerce store, whether you sell physical products or digital products, here are 5 easy ways to market your products.

1. Build an Email List

To build your list, you can offer coupon discounts if they sign up, sign up everyone who buys from you, and maybe give away a free digital product to your subscribers that relates to them and solves a problem for them. It’s easy to create a free PDF checklist or something that relates to the types of products you sell.

2. Start a Niche-Specific Group of Users

Another great tip for marketing your eCommerce store online is to start groups and forums using social media (like Facebook groups, for example) to create user-specific groups. So if you sell cat toys, you may want to start a cat lovers group where you can interact with cat lovers and then also give them first dibs on any sales or new products.

3. Run Facebook Advertisements

Instead of running a Facebook ad for your entire site, run advertisements for selected products or services individually. If you grab a Facebook pixel, you can install it onto your site by following the directions given by Facebook, or by hiring someone who knows how to do it such as your web designer or a virtual assistant. The pixel will then target only people who have already visited your site with the advertisement that you run.

4. Post Informative Content Often

Even an eCommerce site can have a blog that enables you to post informative content that engages, educates, and informs your audience about your products, as well as how to use them. You can publish case studies, user-generated content showing users of your product using it in action, examples of how to use your product, tips on using your product, and so much more.

The more useful, valuable, and informative the content is, the better. If it’s interesting and engaging, that’s even better because people will share it. It also gives you something to promote on social media.

5. Mind Your SEO

Product descriptions, product titles, and how you name the images of your products are all very important for the health of your search engine optimization. Don’t ignore any of that, thinking it doesn’t matter just because your customers can’t see it. The search engines see it and they use it to deliver your content to your audience, so don’t skimp on these important aspects of SEO.

Every successful online entrepreneur has made mistakes in their business at some time or another. It’s all part of the learning process. Although mistakes are going to happen, you can avoid a number of common business mistakes. Download my free checklist, The 10 Most Common Business Mistakes at https://jonallo.com/mistakes

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jon_Allo/1079948


How to Create an Ecommerce Website with WordPress ONLINE STORE! – 2018

SUPER PROFESSIONAL! Create an amazing ecommerce website using wordpress Demo site: http://www.nyctechdemo.com
Important links:
UPDATED VIDEO 2018: https://youtu.be/ZHdgiLV3kfU
TUTORIAL: http://nyctechclub.com/make-ecommerce-website-wordpress-online-store-2016/
GoDaddy: http://www.nyctechclub.com/godaddy
HOSTGATOR: http://www.nyctechclub.com/hostgator/ (affiliate link)
Hostgator affiliate coupon code: NYCTECH30 (save up to 60%). Hostgator pays us a commission if you use our link or coupon code. No charge to you, so thanks in advance.
SHOPKEEPER THEME: http://www.nyctechclub.com/shopkeeper
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20:04 – Step 1: Register Domain & Hosting – Ecommerce Website

25:01 – Step 2: Go to Email Inbox

25:24 – Step 3: Log into Cpanel

25:44 – Step 4: Install WordPress

27:47 – Step 5: Log into WordPress Website

28:34 – Step 6: Get Shopkeeper theme by Getbowtie

30:17 – Step 7: Install WordPress Ecommerce Theme (online store)

32:39 – Step 8: Install Plugins for Online Store

37:17 – Step 9: Download Demo Content (not necessary)

37:44 – Step 10: Upload Demo Content

38:58 – Step 11: Create Homepage and Blogpost page for Ecommerce Website

41:36 – Step 12: Set up WordPress Website Homepage and Blog page

42:39 – Step 13: Modify Online Store Website Permalinks

43:31 – Step 14: Add WWW. to wordpress URL

45:42 – Step 15: Select Layout Settings for Ecommerce Website

59:56 – Step 16: Create Logo and Favicon for WordPress Website

1:08:44 – Step 17: Create Slider for Ecommerce Online Store

1:42:24 – Step 18: Customize Ecommerce Homepage

2:04:50 – Step 19: Create Shop Page for Online Store with WordPress

2:07:13 – Step 20: Add Widgets to Shopping Page Sidebar

2:09:52 – Step 21: Create Single Product for ecommerce website

2:23:44 – Step 22: Create Variable Products for online store website

2:41:33 – Step 23: Customize Category Pages for ecommerce website

2:44:10 – Step 24: Create About Page for WordPress Website

3:09:21 – Step 25: Create FAQ Page for online store website

3:22:26 – Step 26: Create Contact Us Page for Ecommerce website

3:27:34 – Step 27: Create Terms and Conditions Page

3:32:44 – Step 28: Create Privacy Policy Page

3:36:31 – Step 29: Make sure all the pages have been created

3:38:47 – Step 30: Create blog posts for your ecommerce website

3:45:18 – Step 31: Create Header and Footer menus for wordpress online store

3:48:24 – Step 32: Links everything together

3:54:01 – Step 33: Select Woocommerce Settings for Ecommerce Website

4:05:39 – Step 34: Test Transaction using your ecommerce website / online store with wordpress !

Learn how to create an ecommerce website with WordPress. This is a step by step tutorial on how to make an online store so you can sell whatever you want.

This free tutorial on how to use wordpress to create an ecommerce website will teach you everything about wordpress. You’ll also get step by step help on how to set up your online store so it looks super professional.


Whether you want to make an ecommerce website to sell jewelry, clothes or anything else. This tutorial covers making an online store to sell simple products, variable products, virtual products and downloadable products. Want to see affiliate products through amazon? You can do that too if you make an ecommerce website following this wordpress website tutorial.


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How to make free Ecommerce website with free domain & hosting

most guys wanna back here with anotherexciting video and in this video guysI'm going to show you how I can create afree ecommerce website with free domainand free hosting which means you do nothave to spend any money at all to getyour local business online if you have asmall shop even if you have a big storeyou probably want to get your localbusiness online so this video for youguys in this video I'm going to show youhow you can get a free domain and freehosting so following that we're gonnacreate a ecommerce store for you guysand I'm gonna show you step-by-step howyou can add your product into that storein addition to that I'm gonna show you Ican create a WordPress website just likea Vic's comm if you're familiar withwix.com where you can drag and drop somecertain elements to your site to givehis unique look to your site and wegonna have almost the same feature inthe WordPress website so I'm going toshow you guys that thing as well so keepwatching this video to learn and you cansee I can create your ecommerce websitewithout having knowledge thosecomplicated coding so guys let's getstarted and let me show you how you canget your business online if you need tochannel make sure you subscribe or youcan turn on notification by clickingthis notification Val I can and youwon't miss my new uploads and also youcan leave a like if you've been enjoyingthese videos so guys this is the mainsite that we are going to create in thisvideo you can see some categories overhere and some products below the siteand you can see the product categoriesover here the cool thing about this whenyou hover your mouse on any products youcan see a little preview of that productand you can see a hot button as well andpricing and the categories of the pageand the name of that part and of courseyou can see beautiful cart page overhere this is the checkout page so guyslet's get started les create the samewebsitethat we have in this video so firstthing we need to get a free hosting andfree domain so let's go with freehosting so I'm gonna type raw free hostand you need to open this website let'sopen this website in a new tab and nowwhile this website is loading we need toperform another Google search for freenom and open up this website as well inthis website we are going to get a freedomain and this is the website where weare going to get a free hosting forlifetime okayso let's go to the free Nam and letspurchase a free domain ok click on checkavailability now select your domain typeand then click on checkout now changethe time period to 12 month free clickon use DNS now click on use your own DNSand then go to free unlimited hostingwebsite and now click on a resistor nowso guys if you already sister then youneed to click on login login to myaccount so guys as you can see here weneed to click on create new account soguys this is the name server we need tocopy this name server and we need to goback to the Phenom allows just pastedthat claims over one more time and let'schange this one to two okay then clickon continue so guys you can login byyour social networks because they do notwork at the moment but you can do youcan log in via email account let's clickon thatso as here I'm gonna type my emailaccount then click on loginso guys here you need to enter yourbilling address if you want to otherwiseyou can click this boxI read the agreement terms and conditionand then click on complete order now weneed to click on to go to your clientarea now click on the services and clickon my domains so guys this is the domainlet's just copy the domain here so guyshere we need to click on custom domainand we need to enter that domain and oryou can paste that remain here onceyou've done that you need to click onthis check box button ok just wait oneor two minute I guess after that youwanna click on this button manage soguys data sets your account under theprocess you have to wait one or twominutes so does let's try to reload thisokay as you can see guys now this statushas active now you can create yourWordPress website now let's just go tocontrol panel you have to wait for 5seconds and it will redirect to yourcPanel so guys as you can see this isthe cPanel and now you can scroll downand when you see this soft applause appsinstaller then click on that ok now weneed to install this WordPress click oninstall now here we need to change somesettings here let's delete this WP fromthe directory give a name to your sitethis is a hit bowl but it won'tokay you can this is just fordemonstration purposes now let's justenter the username let's just enter thepassword here now let's just enter youremail account then scroll down now youneed to click on install so guys now youcan access your WordPress dashboard bygoing to this link let's open this linkin a new tab okay guys now we are in thefresh installation of WordPress so thisis the dashboard now we need to installthe team let's go to the appearancelet's go to the themes now click on addnew now come over here now search for ustrough now we need to install this Astratheme click on install then click onactivate so guys now we need to installthe Astra pluginlet's go to the plugins and then clickon add new so guys come over here unlesssearch for Astra type Astra and theAstra starter sites appear and you needto click on install now so let's makesure this plug-in should be by brainstrong force then click on activate andthere you go now you can go to theappearance and you can see the Astrasites appear under the appearance andclick on that so guys make sure you arein beaver builder and then you wannascroll down until you see this themeright here and you wanna click on thatteam now you have to click on thisinstall plugins so this button willinstall all of these plugins so it willtake a while in that time I'm gonnaspeed this video and I'm gonna come backafter it's done so guys as you can seenow we have this import site button soguys now we need to click on import thissite and this pop-up message comes upnow we need to click on OK toimport this site into our WordPress siteso that as you can see this themeimporting some pages post and mediafiles into our WordPress dashboard socuz it will take a while so I'm going tospeed this video up and I will come backafter it's done so as you can seeimporting is done now we need to clickon done and view our site and we can seehow our site looks like okay as you cansee this is our site if we go to thesedoors and we click on some products overhere so because if I scroll down you cansee we have some products on the genescategory but we do not have the ad cutbutton by default we need to add thatbutton as well let's go to customizeclick on that so there's our mainconcern is layout let's open the layoutand then pacifically WooCommerce andthen you wanna click on the shop buttonand then we need to click on thiseyeball to turn back on the Add to Cartbutton let's put that button over thetop or you can turn on and off thesethings as well let's say you don't wannashow the categories and you can erasethe categories as well let's turn thisback on once you've done that click onpublishlet's close this unless go to the homeand let me show you the Add to Cartbutton over here as you can see so guysthis is the default website looks likeyou can make some changes over here ifyou go to the dashboard of your side andlet me show you how you can add theproducts if you go to the products youcan see all products by clicking on allproducts button so guys these are theproducts you can delete these productsby clicking on the trash and you canafter that you can empty the trash aswell if you want to add your own productyou want to click on this addbut in our add new button over here aswell click on that so guys here you needto give the part name and you're hereyou need to type the 300 minimum 300words description of your products andthen you want to click on the prize youwanna set the price after that you wannaadd the product into some categories youcan add tags you can add the featureimage or product image and of course youcan add the part of galleries means youcan add more images of the same productsonce you done that click on publish itwill publish your product very simple isthat just go back to the dashboard andlet's go to our site or you can visit toyour store as well this is your storelet's go to our site so guys I'm notgonna go very deep in this full commerceplug-in but I will have the fullin-depth video tutorial into my channelabout this WooCommerce plugin where youcan learn all the things about thee-commerce platform so for now you canexperiment with this website in order toknow how this newcomers plug-in works sothis is your WordPress website lookslike and now let me show you thedrag-and-drop feature that can be seenin the fix dot-com so now click on thisspace builder click on that so once youclick on that button it will ask youwould you like to take a tool if youclick on yes place it will take you tothe tour and it will tell you whatexactly these are the things you simplyclick on next next and next ok now letme show you the few things over here ifyou click on this plus icon you can havethe modules under the modules you havestandard or youhave overpass widgets you can add theword widgets ads as well to your siteyou can add the rows column the overhere anywhere on your page so thatwhenever I hover my mouse cursor at anyof these elements it display the boxesand with that box you have some otherbuttons to add some elements to that boxsheep and you can add anything you wantso guys you can play around with thisdrag and drop features again I'm notgonna go very deep in this feature if Ido so this video will be gone at that Italked really want my purpose show thisto you that we have the same kind offeature that wix.com have right insidethe WordPress and now you're at leastknow how easy it is to create theWordPress website so I need to end thisvideo right here so that's the end ofthis video guys I hope you enjoy thisvideo if you did enjoy you can leave alike if you want more video just likethis one you can subscribe to my channelfor more awesome videos so thank you somuch guys for watching this video I willsee you guys next time[Music]


Top Magento Extensions To Optimize Your eCommerce Store

By Prince N | Submitted On June 01, 2016

Expert Author Prince N

Magento has gained immense popularity in the eCommerce market and it is an incomparable eCommerce platform that allows business owners to increase the revenues and target more audience all around the globe. So, if online retailers are willing to gain the most benefits from this feature rich Magento development platform, it is very important to install an effective extension in the shopping website. This helps to extend various functionalities and offers the users great online shopping experience and brings in high returns and optimized profits.

Today, there are plenty of extensions available over the web and it is vital to choose the most useful ones. This task can be a daunting one for the business owners. So, to guide you select the best extensions, we have come up with the list of magnificent Magento plugins that you can install and enhance your site’s performance and help you gain a competitive edge.

Some important plugins:

One step checkout: This excellent extension helps to reduce the entire process to just a single page. Magestore developers have reduced the unnecessary fields and questions and features like Google Suggest, Ajax and multi checkout mode supports this extension. This extension works on all the devices from tablets to smart phones. It makes easy to apply for multiple payment methods based on your choice and the customers enjoy the way check out information appears.

Advanced SEO suite from Mirasvit: If you are searching for an all-inclusive SEO solution that can enhance your online presence and rank your site in the top engines, then purchasing the SEO Suite from Mirasvit extension would be a great choice. The prime functions of the extension are improving the visibility of Magento eCommerce website and cutting the search optimization workload. The extension works in such a manner that it allows optimizing particular product categories for certain search terms on a template. It offers optimization for key phrases, sitemap and canonical URLs.

ShipWorks: All the business owners around the globe want to expand their business and make the utmost profits from it. But growth and popularity requires a lot of efforts, and shipping plays a vital role in making an eCommerce site successful. To ease the task of shipping, ShipWords is a Magento plugin that offers the functionality like labels creation, updating orders, sending mails and etc. It is used by reputed carriers like FedEx, DHL and etc.

Fontis SecurePay: Transactions are a major part of all Magento eCommerce websites and security plays a vital role in it. Customers who purchase products or services online are not willing to spend money on shopping from sites unless they are sure that the transaction process is highly secured. Fontis SecurePay plugin is an ideal solution that completely sorts out this issue and ensures the online customers that the payment process is safe.

Yotpo product reviews: This is the most widely used Magento extension. Before purchasing any product, customers evaluate the reviews or feedback of the item on the web. This extension provides the business owner evaluate the products on your site instead of going somewhere else, which increases the bounce rate of the online store. Any positive reviews of the products help to drive more potential customers and boost the revenue.

Choosing Magento eCommerce development and few extensions for your website can help to enhance the functionalities and this will provide great benefits to your online store and help to remain ahead in the competitive market.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Prince_N/2122804


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Top 10 Best-Selling Retail Products

Brand X brand y Franzi not once takesbut ab and a plastic strip with newsuper stick sticks tight instantly thesecommodities are the cream of the cropgenerating respect and dollars from theeveryday consumer my name is dean itrust my heart to lipitor welcome towatchmojo.com and today we're countingdown our picks for the top 10 mostsuccessful retail products for this listwe've looked at items that are on saleto the general public and whichdominated the segments in which theywere categorized we've chosen Goods withhigh and consistent sales numberspositive customer satisfaction andfavorable reputations number 10 red Bullchakra way known for their quirky adsand endorsements of extreme sports thisproduct introduced in Austria in 1987was inspired by an earlier Thailandversion of the energy drink introducedby Chile oh you Whittier who wasapproached by his Austrian partnerDietrich Mateschitz to take the beverageglobal beautiful night guysyou take it the lemon I respect that hitme on the cell this week with changes tothe formula to cater to internationaltastes and account for the West's loveof carbonation as well as ingeniousmarketing the duo scored thebest-selling energy drink in the worldwith average sales of over 5.5 millioncans a year spread across almost 170countries it's no wonder this companystands by the slogan that its productgives you wings how shall we escape umI'm afraid that might take some time noRed Bull no wingsnumber nine band-aid we can lift the eggeven boil it and the band a plasticstrip never comes loose maybe you don'twant to boil eggs this way but you dowant the extra protection of band-aidplastic strip conceived in 1920 byThomas Anderson & Johnson & Johnsonemployee Earl Dickson this medicalproduct was invented to provideDickson's injury-prone wife with quickfix solutions to dress her cuts withouthelpinitially an unprofitable material whenfirst introduced to the public thisbranded product was not successful untilafter it was sent to aid in World Wartwo it has since become a generictrademark used as shorthand for adhesivebandages and general quick fixesband-aid brand waterproof tough stripsdesigned with a four sided seal theJohnson and Johnson brand itselfcontinues to top competitors in thissegment through design collaborationswith Disney comic book publishers andother pop cultural phenom this one isthe cloak of Bandai eat I here it'ssuper painful to take off you want totry it on well no but thank younumber eight Nikes Air Jordans thoughhis Airness didn't need a trademark tosecure his immortality this brand whichrakes in between one and two billiondollars a year certainly reinforces itthe ha1 was first worn by Michael Jordanin 1984 and this imprint from Nikestands as a flamboyant and profitableNike subsidiary with prices that haverun between fifty and two hundred andfifty dollars per shoe Jordans wereoriginally marketed on the strength ofthe fact that the shoes had beenoutlawed by the NBA but Jordan wore themanyway and accepted a fine of five grandfor every subsequent infringement of theruleit's all in the imagination today theAir Jordan brand is not only associatedwith the NBA but also with sponsorshipsof NFL errs major leaguers and Hollywoodstars I got six kids you know how muchmoney that is to put them through schoolyou know how many Air Jordans six blackkids we're number sevenNescafe get your day off to a greatstart with the rich full flavor taste ofthe original good morning boom grab lifeby them woke also known as Taster'sChoice in the US and Canada this productwas created with convenience in mind allcoffee lovers have to have their coffeeand since its introduction in 1938Nescafe has given it to him instantlyrestart your day with the new Nescafethe product was developed by the Swisscompany Nestle in conjunction with theBrazilian government as a way to ensurethe South American countries excesscoffee crop didn't go to wastebut the caffeine high doesn't end therewe tend Nescafe SCAP into an alarm clockaside from their beverage productsNestle's rebranded their coffee empirewith new products and marketing tacticshaving introduced a line of instantespresso machines in 2006 and recentlyimplemented relationship marketing as apart of their core strategy is thiscoffeeit's Nespresso virtual line how do theymake this froth it's coffee crema numbersix Android OSdeveloped by the leaders of everyone'sfavorite search enginethis mobile operating system currentlysits at the throne of the smartphoneWars commanding a global market share of85 percent by 2014 noted for its lowercost and flexible customization AndroidOS much like its parent company wasdeveloped with accessibility in mindlolli lolli girly wooden ding with over1 million apps published for the OSGoogle's little green mascot has foundmillions of homes not only throughsmartphone users but also tablet usersand with its recent expansion totelevision automobile and wristwatchinterfaces those numbers will only growok Google what's the syracuse courseyeah number five lipitor I stoppedkidding myselfI've been eating healthier exercisingmore and now I'm also taking a lipitorcardiovascular diseases are some of theleading causes of death in the world soit was a matter of time before a productwould come along to help lowercholesterol one mechanism that canexacerbate heart disease if you havehigh cholesterol you may be an increasedrisk of heart attack and stroke don'tkid yourselfenter the miracle drug that is lipitorknown to the pharmaceutical industry asa torva statin this statin pill becamethe best-selling drug of all timegenerating over 125 billion US dollarsin sales in under 15 years thoughlipitor esperen company Pfizer hassuffered profit losses since theirpatent for the drug expired in 2011 andgeneric brands began to flood the marketthe product success for the company wasalready clear do what you can to takebetter care of yourself my name is DeanI trust my heart – lipitor number 4Toyota Corollathe all new 2014 Corolla Corolla likeyou've never seen it beforelaunched in 1966 this line of compactand subcompact cars managed to becomethe best-selling car worldwide by thestart of its third generation eightyears after its introduction itsaccumulated sales have since made itToyota's crowning jewel as thebest-selling car model in historyhitting 40 million units sold across 11generations by 2013 the Toyota Corollais just the car to get you from A to Bwhen a is an intern and B is the CEOaffordable reliable and safe Corollasstill sell like hotcakeseach year hundreds of thousands are soldacross the world proving its broadappeal to global consumers yogayou know this ain't no roll well you seeme when I roll obey my AG bout to blownumber three evie in bottled water fuelI am a VN Muta the French are admiredfor their excellent taste in fashionfood and more so why shouldn't we trusttheir judgment in water the water itselfcomes from an area near Lake GenevacalledEvian lid bang and that h2o wasoriginally sourced due to its so-calledmiraculous properties this brand ofwater has been portrayed as a high-endversion of the world's healthiestbeverage and transformed the bottledwater industry you know what Eddie youshould be really embarrassed becauseyour parents named you have two bottledwater in addition to bottled waterEvans name has also been used by itsparent company clipped and on for a lineof organic skincare products as well asa French resort how appropriate for amulti-million dollar year brand with theslogan live young and whose name spelledbackwards is naivenumber two the iPhone today today Appleis going to reinvent the phone and hereit is let's face it almost everyone youknow owns at least one eye something anda lot of them are likely I phones withover 700 million units sold worldwide byearly 2015 it's the best-sellingsmartphone in numerous countriesincluding the US where it's creditedwith breathing new life into thesmartphone industryApple is renowned for its innovation andcustomer service so it's no surprisethat all generations of the iPhone havegarnered consistent praise among userswho in turn have made it Apple's mostpopular and profitable product when Igrow up Bobby good and strong I'llcreate a worldI belong when I grow up before we unveilour top pick here are some honorablementionsthe truthlooks like pooping is easy these daysand familial I'm is an everyday formulathat has a blend of two prebioticsdesigned to promote soft comfortablestoolsin three weeks all of my big kind ofstick out bumps have gone flat it was anamazing blessing to have clear skin newProactiv sells for $40 but get it herefor just 1995 number one coca-cola hedid modeled on May that wrong forcoca-cola wrong for anything with nearly130 successful years and an average of1.8 million servings of the stuff downevery day it should come as no surprisethat this product takes the gold on ourlist first sold in 1886 by JohnPemberton as a health tonic that waspurported to cure ailments like morphineaddiction headaches and impotence thisproduct has definitely evolved since itsintroduction by removing the cocainefrom its formula for one thing for himthe coca-cola is spinning his senses atale of surprisingly contrasting flavorsand tingly flourishes today it's foundin over 200 countries with the trademarkcalligraphy and the sweet beverage itrepresents being seen experienced andloved by billions whether they enjoy itfrom a bottle or poured from thefountains of fast-food establishmentsalways coca-cola do you really want tolive in a world without coca-cola do youagree with our list which retail productdo you think crushes all competition formore mass produced top 10s publishedevery day be sure to subscribe towatchmojo.com Nespresso where to alignexperienced a revolution of coffeeyou


5 Top-Most PHP Based Platforms For Building Stellar eCommerce Sites

By Rob Stephen | Submitted On November 02, 2017

Expert Author Rob Stephen

Online presence is an absolute necessity for every small and large business to thrive in this modern-era competitive marketplace. At the first stance, getting a premier eCommerce website might be an expensive affair. Fortunately, there exists a plethora of open-source, feature-packed and credible eCommerce platforms, some of which are even available for free. These are backing up the development of stellar online stores for all types of retail businesses in accordance with their specific demands. Some of them help businesses to soar up unmatched heights of success in the industry with avant-garde websites because of their enhanced customisability, scalability and robust community support. Hereby, choosing a great platform is challenging. After all, different platforms have some pros and cons.

To help you a bit, this article brings 5 befitting PHP eCommerce platforms that can help a site stand out from rest in terms of utility and popularity.

#1 Magento

Hailed as one of the best PHP platforms, Magento offers utmost flexibility and power to mould the content, design, layout and functioning of the website. It’s impressive interface coupled with robust marketing, SEO support and tools for catalog management, makes it a perfect solution for businesses aiming for a large-sized web store. Further, it comes in three edition, Premium, Community and Enterprises, suiting for different types and sizes of businesses. Thus, with no doubt, Magento triumphs as the ideal platform for business requiring huge database support in their stores, selling about thousands of items.

#2 ZenCart

ZenCart is known amongst the eCommerce businesses for being the easiest and lucid platform when it is about installation, operating and management. Perhaps, it is the perfect eCart solution for those seeking for a simple yet effectual framework. ZenCart’s immense preference among retailers is because it provides multiple shipping options, too many plugins to set up multilingual stores and has support for multiple currencies. Besides, it also has own analytics system to generate reports for monitoring the site’s performance.

#3 OpenCart

It is originally written in Perl but later scrapped and re-written in PHP programming language. Being a free and open-source platform, it’s an out-of-the-box eCart, preferred especially by small businesses that do not have enough expertise and technical staff in programming. Besides being easier to use, it empowers store owners to deploy a bunch of plugins to create their site in the most flexible manner.

#4 OsCommerce

It has ample of cutting-edge features that allow any eCommerce owner to build, deck up and run his store with lesser efforts and without any constraints. OsCommerce platform has been a winsome one for its potentiality to offer maximum options for customisation to stores with 5000+ add-ons. Moreover, it’s unparalleled admin tool on the backend and catalog management at the front-end, together make a complete solution for online merchants.

#5 PrestaShop

Developed back in 2005, this platform to triumphs as a superior platform for eCommerce merchants. One of its earmark features is the support for 60 over languages. Alike other shopping carts in the market, it also comes with a number of extension modules and templates to craft dream sites for the merchants.

Now, which platform will best suit your site among these is a debatable topic as your business-specific requirements will determine the features of your site. While all the above are most preferred options for online businesses nowadays, make sure the one you are opting for, caters to all of your requirements easily.

Rob Stephen is one of the competent PHP developers in Brisbane, who works at PHPProgrammers, a renowned company for web development services that creates powerful website solutions for businesses incorporating bigger ideas.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Rob_Stephen/2369700


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*Disclaimer* I am not in any way a certified financial advisor, nor do I pretend to be one. Any information or advice I give you on any social media platform is simply my opinion based my own own experience and research. There is no guarantee on anything due to the fact that there are many variables that play a factor in your success. Do your own research, do the work and take everything as an opinion.
