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How To Start An E-Commerce Business

– One of the companies I used to ownis actually E-commerce business.It's one of the most successful venturesthat I have done in my career.And, we were doing millions and millionsof dollars every year and actually wonthe Online Retailer of the
Year Award by Canada Post.So, when it comes to E-commercemaybe you're thinking about startingan e-commerce business, you
don't know where to start.Today I wanna give you three
keys, kinda three lessonsI've learned during that time
before I sold the company.Number one, when it comesto E-commerce conversion matters a lot.Conversion matters a lot.So, you should be constantly measuringyour conversion rate on different pages.Your bounce rate, meaning
people hit your homepage.Where are you seeing people
exiting from your site?Where are you losing people?Now, one of the things that we noticewhen I was running an E-commerce businessthat we were losing a big chunkof the customers at the checkout, right?At the checkout page, we're losing a big,so they like the product,
they click the product,they add to cart by the
time they get to buy,we lose a whole lot of people.So, I was saying to myself,
okay, this is not good.What could we do?So, then we added a lot
of different things.Example, we added actually testimonialsduring the checkout process.We streamlined it and
simplified the checkout process.So, in the beginning,
back then I didn't know,we had a multi-step process.And then, we changed all of thatto make it much shorter, right.They see the product, they click,if they are add in the cart,
they continue as a guest,that's fine, all right,
credit card information.Instead of that many steps,we shorten it to this many steps.And, we noticed sales
dramatically increased.So, conversion matters.You have to measure everything.You're looking at data,
you're looking at your pages.You have to know exactly what is going on.It is not so much just about the product.It's about your customers,
visitors behavior, right.And when you have got some
products that are selling well,make sure you feature
those on your homepage.That's key number one.Key number two, you need
to have a content strategyas well as a paid strategy.So, we were running a
lot of ads on Google,Pay-Per-Click, we were
spending a lot of money, right.But, in the beginning
especially no one knowswhy they should come to
our store, online store.So, we were just doing a lot of that.But then, later on, we also
spent quite a bit of moneyoptimizing our website
for search engine traffic,just organic traffic.So, we were creating a lot of pagesand rank certain key words in Googleso people could find us just organically.So, in the beginning what's interestingis 90-somewhat percent of our
sales were coming from paid.Pay-Per-Click, we were
spending a ton of money, right,To get some traction. But later on,actually later, a few years afterwardswithin the company, the
revenue, then it's almost 60-40.60% of our sales were coming
from organic, free traffic.Well, I wouldn't say they're
entirely free because wedo invest time and money
creating content for them.But, only 40% comes from paid.So, to do E-commerce I believeif you have your own store,
meaning you're not sellingthrough Amazon 'cause Amazon
already has all the traffic.But let's say you're not
selling through Amazon,you have your own E-commerce store.I believe you need to have
a very good organic strategyas well as a paid strategy.And, last lesson I wanna share with youwhen it comes to E-commerce
is, inventory kills.Inventory kills.What would kill you the most is youhave way too much inventory of
products that you don't sell.Depends on what kinda products
you sell, do they expire?Assuming your products don't expireyou're gonna sit on a lot
of products that don't sell.And, you're sitting in
a lot of cash, right?So, you've gotta be very, very carefulwhen it comes to inventory management.Now, before I sold the E-commerce company,we were sitting on millions,millions of dollars worth of inventory.Now, I'm glad I could
sell all of that, right.And get all that money back, otherwiseif there's any problem,we would have been sitting
on a bunch of dead inventory.So, be very, very careful,very mindful when it comes to inventory.I would rather you have fewer
products in the beginning.Test it out to see what your customer,your marketplace likes, right,
whoever your audience is.See what they like first,
before you go crazyand have so many skew, have
so many units and products.Oh, I'm gonna buy 1000
of these, 2000 of thesebecause you'll be tempted.Wow you know, if I order way more,my cost per unit goes way down.But, what you don't think
about, you don't consider,factor in is, what if it doesn't sell?Now, you're sitting on
thousands of somethingthat it doesn't sell.It becomes a big problem,
so inventory kills.And, this is also why I
stress if you're thinkingof earning more money,
before you go out thereand start an E-commerce business, I talkabout that through my wealth triangle.You should develop your
high income skill first.You can go watch my
high income skill video.I talk about why it's so criticalto develop your high income skill firstbefore you go out there and
start that scalable business,before you start that E-commerce business.So, go watch that video.


How to Make At Least $400 an Hour Flipping eCommerce Websites

By Beausil Slowbenga | Submitted On February 01, 2016

Expert Author Beausil Slowbenga

There are a lot of ways to make money on the internet, and eCommerce has to be one of the fastest ways to make money online because you don’t need to convince anyone that they need something, you just need to get them in your store!

Creating and running eCommerce sites isn’t as hard as one thinks, but you do have to know what you’re doing and how to set prices right to ensure that you get maximum profit.

There is a Ninja making money strategy called ‘Flipping’ which is to create/ buy a website at a low price, then change it to your liking and then sell it for profit; some people don’t even change anything besides the ownership of the site and they sell it. Flipping In eCommerce means, you find products to sell ‘Wholesale’ and make a ‘Retail’ site out of it, then sell to make money.

Of-course there is more to this business than just buying/ creating and selling. Below are some of the things you need to create and flip your eCommerce website to make at least $400 an hour.

Use Terapeak for Find Hot Selling Products:

First, you need to find products to sell on the site and since this will be an eCommerce website; you will need to find wholesale products on Amazon or eBay using a tool called Terapeak (it’s not free- but you pay $1 for 2 week trial).

Once you have found hot products to sell (Wholesale), then you need to scan the items to your eCommerce site; for example, if you decide to sell books- you will scan the ISBN of those books and they will show on your site, and all you need to do is to calculate shipping and how you will price them.

Use Flippa or eBay To Sell Your Website:

Once you are happy about your website setup and feel that is it ready to be sold to someone else, then you can list it for sale on When you are selling your website, please keep in mind that you are selling it as a turn-key business for someone who wants to get in the business of what you’re selling, so when marketing it-your words should speak only to those you want to listen! Another good place to sell these kinds of websites is

You can list your websites there for sale and make sure the ‘list title and description’ is optimized and fully explains how everything will work and mention that this is a business opportunity for someone who wants to get into the retail business. In order to avoid less bids, you should start your bids at minimal prices (average site is about $400-$800), so if I were you, I would start with the minimum bid price at no less than $150 or $200!

To create a website like this, will not take you longer than 2 hours, it’s simple, but not as straight forward as it seems now. It won’t take 2 hours if you’re doing it for the first time, but once you are used to it you can do it in much less time. After, you have gotten used to creating and selling these sites and it takes you about 2 hours to complete the whole website setup and you sell the website for $800; no matter how you slice that up- you make an easy $400 an hour (could be more, depending on what you’re selling).

As you can see that making money with your eCommerce website is possible and actually quite easy to do once you’re used to it. Research more about this if you have to but below are a video where I got most of the information I am sharing here and hope you take action and make money with your website.

Are You Serious About Making Money???

Click Here Now And Discover How You Can Create A Simple WordPress Website That Will Use FREE Targeted Permanent Traffic To Make You Lots of Money Consistently On AutoPilot!

Article Source:


Super Affiliate: How I Made $436,797 In One Year

Product Name: Super Affiliate: How I Made $436,797 In One Year

Description: Start Your Own Home-based Affiliate Marketing Business With Super Affiliate Rosalind Gardner’s Expert Guidance! Topics Include Blogging, Market Research, Affiliate Programs, Web Design, Problem Avoidance And So Much More! Updated Regularly.

How Do Businesses Use Internet Marketing?

By Jon Allo | Submitted On September 05, 2016

Expert Author Jon Allo

Internet marketing is simply the process of promoting a product or service on the internet, which makes it possible for businesses to reach to a huge number of internet users from all over the world.

There are many different kinds of internet marketing strategies. These include email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, display advertising, affiliate marketing or search engine marketing.

Focused And Targeted Marketing

The reason that businesses use internet marketing is because it has allowed unprecedented levels of focused and targeted marketing. Customers are looking online for solutions to their problems that work and offer good value for money.But with so many businesses online, you need to clearly present your prospects with exactly the kinds of solutions they are looking for.

Here are 5 ways that businesses use internet marketing to their advantage.

1. Know Your Market

A market or niche is the specific industry that your online business focuses on. Remember that no business can sell to everyone. The more focused you can make the content on your website, videos, social media posts, and any other marketing messages, the more successful your online business will become.

2. A Professional Website

If your website looks unprofessional, prospects won’t hang around for long. Even if you implement every internet marketing strategy to get visitors to your website in the first place, if it looks shoddy and unprofessional, it’s highly unlikely that they will consider buying from you.

3. You Provide Value

Just because the information on your website is free doesn’t mean it should be rubbish. In fact, producing high quality content on a regular is a great way internet marketing strategy. Make sure your website has information on every product and service you offer.

4. Build A List Of Prospects

Use your website to capture email addresses and build your email marketing list. By doing this, you can connect with your prospects on frequent basis. By delivering valuable information via email, it will help you to develop a relationship with your prospects and show you know what you are talking about. That way, they will be more likely to buy from you.

5. Monitor The Trends In Your Marketplace

Success in internet marketing comes from giving your prospects what they want and need. Demonstrate to your potential customers that you know all about all the top products and services available, not just your own. If you study your niche and keep up to date with the latest trends, you can make use of this information to position your business as the go to brand.

Success in business is mostly about marketing, especially online. Great marketing can sell an average product but poor marketing cannot sell a great product. To learn more about building a successful online business you can get access to a FREE Online Business Marketing Video Series at

Article Source:


Build a Full Featured Ecommerce Website With Opencart

hey guys in this video I'm going to showyou how to create a full-featured onlinestore in e-commerce website with opencart which is an open source platformnow I know I don't have to say this tomy sister my subscribers but there's alot of paid hosted ecommerce programsout there and I would definitely adviseyou not to fall for that crap most ofthe time you don't have access to thesource code which makes it almostimpossible to customize it and make itoriginal an example of this would besomething like wicks or Squarespace orsomething like that there's plenty ofgood open source platforms out therethere's open card Magento PrestaShop andthey're all free not only that they comewith their own community where you canget support you can get answers and soon all right you don't have to just dealwith one company like you would with Wixso in this video what we're going to dois we're going to download opencartwe're going to actually upload it to alive web host with a domain name andwe're going to set everything up alrightnow as far as web hosting goes I wouldsuggest in motion hosting to for anyshared hosting I've used them for yearsand they've been just awesome and ifyou're looking to get shared hosting andsee how cheap it is $7.99 per month youknow which is nothing and you get a fullcPanel you get full access an unlimiteddatabases and so on I do have a link andaffiliate link in the description so ifyou guys are going to purchase a packageI'd appreciate it if you could gothrough that link alright so before weget started I'm going to show you whatwe're going to be building which is awebsite called DJ outlet which is aonline shop that sells DJ equipment nowthis is actually the default Open Carttheme I just edited the CSS a little bitto change up the colors and they alsocreated this custom logo which isn'tthat great but you know it makes it morecustom and I'll also show you how to dothat in Photoshop okay I'm going toinclude all the files or a link to allthe files in the description so you'llbe able to get the logo if you don'twant to create it yourself alright so wehave this slideshow here which i thinkis really cool you don't have to use itbutyou can and it's a way to showcasecertain products and then down here wehave the four products that I created Ibasically just took the info from Amazonalright and I'm not going to go throughthe entire front end right now because Idon't want it to take too long but justjust to give you the gist of it we canadd products to a wish list for if wewant to save them for later now if I tryto do that now it's going to tell us tolog in or create an account there's afull authentication system for customersand they can log in they can track theirorders they can you know contact supportand all that stuff so let's say we wantto look at this here this DJ controllerit has a product details page and youcan upload multiple images alright andyou can scroll through those images andthere's a description you can addrelated products reviews que customerscan write reviews and let's see they canshare listings there's just a ton ofstuff here now if we wanted to purchasethis we could add it to our cart and uphere you'll see one item if we click onthat it will show us kind of a drop-downof the cart and if we go to view cart wecan see the full the full cart alrightwith all our products we can change thequantities we can remove themthere's even coupon codes we can use Ithink I created one called Brad so seehow it's $99 if I apply the coupon nowdown here it's 89 it's a 10% coupon allright we can estimate shipping we caneven add gift certificates alright sothere's there's not too much that youcan't do with this platform now I'm notgoing to go through the whole checkoutbut I'll show you some of it so you caneither make customers register for anaccount or you can enable guest checkoutwhere they don't have to actually createan account but I would probably suggestthat you disable guest checkout just soyou get all that info and so yourcustomers have a way to track everythingand so on it might you know it mighteliminate some confusion for the futureand then once you do that they can entertheir ship it their address details andall thatI'm not going to go through this entirething but you see they'll check they'llpick delivery details delivery methodpayment method I think I have PayPalenabled and also CEO Dr Cobb cash ondelivery and then they can just checkout all right and they'll get an emailand all that stuff everything's takencare of all right so I think that that'sall I'm going to do for net for showingyou the front end for nowyou see there's also the categories inthe menu here so this is exactly whatwe'll be building now I'm not going togo through the back end right now butit's it's very intuitive and verycustomizable so to get started here youneed obviously hosting if you don't wantto upload this on to a live post I wouldsuggest xampp which I'm sure many of youhave used before basically it gives youan Apache server on your local machineit gives you PHP and by the way OpenCartis a PHP platform and it also gives youMySQL so you can use that what I wantedto kind of do you know I wanted to builda live application I don't do that toooften all right so this is my C panelfor in motion hosting if you usesomething like Hostgator or GoDaddy theyalso have cPanel that you can use and itshould look very similar to this so weneed a database to store everything userinfo product info it all has to gosomewhere so we're going to use a MySQLdatabase and cPanel makes it really easyto create ok so if we go to databasesand we go to let's do MySQL databasewizard so we're going to create adatabase here let's say just call itcall it DJ outlet and click next stepwe're going to create a user I'm goingto do the same thing DJ outlet actuallywe can't do that many characters let'sjust do this to prod alright it's goingto be prefixed with your domain ifyou're using cPanel and by the way Idon't know if I mentioned it but we'reusing the domain code demos comalright so password let's see I'll justdo I'm going to delete all this afteranyways so let's go ahead and createpassword strength must be at least 20all right so let's do ABC 1 2 3exclamationABC 1 2 3 exclamation and create userall right now right here we need to pickthe permissions for the user I'm justgoing to click all privileges and clicknext step and we should be all set so wehave this as the user and this as thedatabase now if you're using xampp orlamp or something like that you'llcreate a database probably through PHPmyadmin which is also available forcPanel so if we go back and we go todatabases phpMyAdmin it should redirectus ok you can see we have the databaseright here code demo DJ outlet and it'sempty right now all right when we gothrough the installation of Open Cartit's going to fill everything up it'sgoing to create all the tables and so onso now that we have the database we cango to Open Cart calm and go ahead anddownload everything so a free downloadand click on download now and it's goingto give you a zip package ok the currentversion is two point three point zeropoint two yours may be different buteverything should still be the samealright now I already downloaded it Ishould have it in my downloads righthere alright so I'm not going to do thatand then you want to upload those toyour web host ok and the easiest way todo that is through FTP so if you'reusing cPanel you should have alreadyhave an FTP account with the same thesame details as your you know yourusername for your cPanel and so on yourpassword but you can create more FTPaccounts if we go to right here FTPaccountsand yeah you can see I already have anFTP account with the actual details ofcPanel but you can create another onehere for instance you could say Brad atcode demos comm or whatever your domainis password and so on okay once youcreate that you need a way to log inthrough FTP and I would suggestFileZilla so if you go to FileZillaproject org you want the client okay youcan download that so I already have thatopen I'm going to bring that down I'malready logged into code demos and I'vealready uploaded what I need to alrightso what you need to upload let's goahead and open up that zip package thatwe downloaded ok we'll just go ahead andextract that so take everything outalright now this includes everything allthe source code you don't want to uploadeverything what you want to upload toyour hosts is everything that's in thisupload folder so if we open that up thisincludes all the actual files that weneed now this is very important you seethis config disk file file there's onehere there's also one in the adminfolder you need to rename these ok youneed to just take off the – distso it's just config dot PHP alright samething in the admin folder I'm just goingto remove the disk alright and Iactually didn't do that to the filesthat I uploaded so I'm going to justoverwrite those alright so once you'relogged in to your host via FTP you wantto just grab everything here in theupload folder and just drag it over anddrop it in and it'll all upload alrightyou can see I didn't rename my configfiles so what I'm going to do is justgrab this one and bring it over oopsokay let's reload okay now I'm justgoing to delete the dist okay and thenin the admin folder same thing let's goover here and bring over config.php andI'm going to delete the dist all rightso now that everything is uploaded andthe config files are renamed we can goahead and install it so let's close thisup and we're going to go back to the webbrowser see which one we add here allright and we're going to go to well I'mgoing to go you want to go to yourdomain name but I'm going to go to codedemos comm all right and it's going tostart the install it should beredirected to install slash index.phpall right so this is just the thelicense and so on so we'll clickcontinue and then it's going to run acheck on everything it's going to checkyour PHP versions going to check some ofthe PHP config and you can seeeverything is ok if you have these greenchecks now if you didn't rename theconfig file right here you're going toget it's not going to say writable it'llsay error or something like that orpermissions denied all right but we didrename it so everything is okay all thedirectories is ok so we should be allset to click continue and then here weneed to put in the parameters of ourdatabase so if you're using xampp orsomething like that you're probablyusing the root user so you want to keepthat and then put in your password we'reusing live hosting here so I'm going tograb the user name for the password copythat and put that right in there alrightand this is going to be localhost in youknow 99 percent of fall cases all rightand then let's grab the database nameand put that in there right right hereand then we're going to put the passwordfor the database which is abc123exclamation and then down here we wantto create aadmin account for our system so I'm justgoing to leave admin as the username andI'll just put that for the passwordalright and then for the email I'm goingto put my one of my actual emailsalright and we'll click continueand that should set everything up andyou can see it says don't forget todelete your installation directorythat's very important for securityreasons go over to FileZilla and goahead and delete that install folderalright so that will delete and then wehave the option to go to our shop andalso the option to go to the back endall right so let's first go to the shopand we have our front end okay and it bydefault it's going to give you all ofthe sample data I'm going to show youhow to delete that in a few minutes butyou can see we're actually at code demoscomm we have a live ecommerce site onthe Internet okay with and we didn'teven write any code all right so let'sgo ahead and go to the backend which youhaven't even seen yet and we see it'swe're at code demos comm slash admin sowe're going to put in our credentialsand see it says install folder stillexists because it's actually stilldeleting or it should be I think it'sstill going but that will disappearthere we go and this is the dashboardokay so this will show you all youranalytics your sales analytics yourcustomers some customers that are onlineyour sales all that stuff all yourtracking data and over here we have allthe different options I really reallylike this interface so we have ourcategories and you can see there's allsample stuff here that's what you'reseeing on the front end if we go toproductsproducts all right so you can see theseare all the different products that areon the front end there's a lot of sampledata but I'm going to show you exactlyhow to get rid of all that and startfrom scratch if we look at some of theseother menu items we have differentattributes and options you can giveproducts let's take a look at thatso attributes now these are certainattributes for certain products forinstance clockspeed that's probably foryou know one of the computers number ofcoresobviously these are you can see they'rein the group processor and we see ourattribute attribute groups right here somotherboard processor technical we'regoing to delete all these but just toshow you you can do it and you can setup different options for with a checkboxcheckboxes radios selects all that stufffor instance if we go to let's go toApple cinema 30-inch and over here theyhave some available options okay andthese they just named it's small mediumlarge which doesn't really make sensefor this product but you can do that forinstance if you wanted to choose ascreen size or something like that allright and they have a bunch of stuffhere I think they have every type ofoption available just to show you how itworks all right but we're not going touse options for our products so let'ssee what else we havemanufacturers okay so you can createcertain manufacturers they have all thetech companies and if we look at thefront end if we look at the homepagethey have a slider with all thedifferent manufacturer logos okay so youcan do that as well now when it comes tothose sliders on the front end those areactually extensions if we go toextensions and there's a bunch of thesealready set up and you can also installother ones you can also purchase themthere's premium extensions but if we goto modules and down here you'll seeslideshow on the home page and if wewant to edit that we can do that fromhereall right actually the module itself wecan edit from here okay so the width andthe height and all that if you want toadd images to the sliders then you willgo to see where is itwell is it layouts no banners and hereit is a homepage slideshow if we clickEdit you can see we have the two imagesthat are in that and this should also bethe manufacturers slideshow right herewith those images alright so what elsecustomers this is where all yourcustomers will be listed all your orderseverything affiliates you even have abuilt in affiliate system where you canget you can have users sign up and theycan get paid for for sales on your onyour site and what else settings userswhich includes the admin users and so onanalytics I'm not going to go througheverything but it's just a ton so what Iwant to do now is start to delete thesample data okay so there's a few areaswe need to do that and let's start withcategories okay so we're just going tocheck all of these and then go up hereand click delete click OKlet's get these ones as well delete allright then we're going to go to productsand we want to delete all the productsok and let's see we want to go to let'ssee products out at rebukes I'm going toget rid of attributesokay and also attribute groups all rightand now for the banners let's go tobanners and I'm actually not going todelete them I'm going to just disablethem alright so let's go to edit andwe'll click disabled save same thingwith this one or the manufacturersdisabled alright and let's see what elsemanufacturers themselves let's go aheadand delete those and I think we shouldbe all set so if we go back to thefront-end and reload we basically havejust an empty and empty site here okayall the functionalities there but theproducts and all that stuff is gonewe're going to create new ones so nowwe're going to do is start to customizeour store so let's go back to the backend and we're going to go to let's seewhere is it settings right hereall right now you can actually createmultiple stores with the same platformall right but we're just going to usethis default and click edit so let'schange some stuff up we'll change thename to DJ outlet meta tag descriptionwe could say cheap and professional DJequipment ok keywords so you could dolike DJ equipment turntables mixers andso onok and then the theme there's only oneby default which is default and you caneither create a separate theme or youcan buy a separate theme you can get afree one well there's all differentoptions for that and then default layoutwe're just going to keep default allright now if we go to store we're goingto once again change this to DJ outletswe're going to store owner put miningaddress I will just say 55 Main StreetBoston Mass we don't need the geo codeemail we're going to keep that telephonefax now image right here you probablywant to chain but we're going to get tothe images in a minute all right andthen let's go to local and you canchange up this stuff I'm just going toleave it actually let's change thecountry-region state I'll sayMassachusetts and we'll leave the restyou can change your currency and so onall rightoption so these are just differentoptions for instance if you want todisable reviews you can do that taxesaccount information we're just going toleave yeah we're going to leave all thatstuff and then image so your store logowill take care of that in a secondyou can even link your FTP account butwe're going to leave all that stuff youcan put it into maintenance mode so thatpeople can't you know do anything on thefront endand then let's just go ahead and clicksave up here alright so let's go aheadand create a logo so I'm going to go toGoogle Images let's just search forrecord ok let's seeI want X let's do record icon becausethis is specific one I want which isthis one right here alright I'm justgoing to show you the process that I gothrough to create simple logos and likeI said the it will be available in thedownloads if you don't want to do thisyourselfso let's go ahead and click save imageas and you can see I already haveeverything that I need in this folder solet's see I'll just create another one Iguess so let's say new folder and we'llsay DJ outlet underscore images alrightand then I'm going to create a folder inthere called original ok we're going todelete that into that file and I'm goingto save it as record icon dot thing okso we have that so I'm going to openthat in Photoshop ok and then let's seewe're also going to go back to our storeand let's go to the front end and yousee they have a logo here I'm going tojust go open image in new tab and let'sgo ahead and save this alright we'llsave it in original as logo.png ok sowe're also going to open that inPhotoshop and then what I'll do is dragthe record image into our logo here andI'll do ctrl T and resize it okay I'lljust yeah we'll just look that looksgood and let's minimize that and thenthis opencart logo here I'm just goingto get rid of that so just to delete andthen let's put some text in hereand it's a DJ outlets okay and the typeof thought this is is century gothicalright but you can do whatever you'dlike and then I'm just going to changelet's see I did the just a DJ and I'mgoing to click up here into the colorand just make that black and click OKalright and then I'm going to selectboth of these layers and just kind ofmove it to the middle alright and that'sour logo so let's go ahead and do saveas and I'm not going to do it inoriginal we're going to go here and saveit as well go dot PNG alright and thenlet's go back close that up and see ifwe can close all these things up ok andthen in the backend let's go back tosettings and click Edit and see we'll goto image and store logo we're going toclick Edit and then this upload buttonright here and we're going to grab ourlogo okay so it's been uploaded oh youknow what it's it's not showing becauseit's the same name as this and that filedidn't get deleted so what I'll do isjust go back and change the name solet's see go down here and I'm justgoing to change it from logo – let'sjust say DJ logo all right and thenwe'll upload thatall right so it's a success and what thehell is it that is sorry so we'll clickthat and now save and then if we go toour front-end and reload there we go sonow we have a custom logo now if we goback to our settings and go to store youmay want to change this as well so whatI'll do is open in a new tab and thenwe'll save that save it in original openthat up in Photoshop and then what we'lldo is bring over the record so I'm justgoing to bring that in hereand get rid of that layer underneathwe'll just delete that and then let'ssave that right here and we'll just saveit as DJ logo 100 times 100 and it'llsave it go back over here and we'llchange this upload we want this one hereoh I guess the logo.png did actuallychange so for this we're going to choosethat record icon alright and we'll savenow we can also change this up here toeven customize the back end so if we sayopen image in new tab and it's reallysmall but we're going to save that intooriginal let's save it as a small logookay and then we'll open that up andlet's bring over this okay do a ctrl Tso we can resizeall right and then we'll get rid of theoriginal layer let's save it and we'llsave it here a small logo PNG and thenwhat we'll do is just replace it in ourfiles okay so actually I want that openagain we know that the location is anadmin view image logo.png now I'm doingit this way because I couldn't find anoption to change it in the backend sowe're just going to replace the image soif we go to our files and go to adminand view image it's this logo.png righthere so let's go ahead and why does thatkeep closing well there we go so we'regoing to go and upload small logo PNGand then delete this logo PNG and thenjust rename this to logo dot PNG allright and then we'll go back to ourstore and reload okay we might have toclear the cache with ctrl f5 and I seewe have our own logo alright just makesit a little more custom now I'm going touse manufacturers for our products aswell so let's first create those andthen we'll create our products ok solet's go to manufacturers and for theimages I actually prepared those alreadyI'm not going to do that because it'sjust going to take too much time so youwill have this DJ outlet images folderfor download and then the paste in afolder called manufacturers and we'regoing to use these for bearing our newmark Pioneer and Sony okay so let's goahead and add a new manufacturer andthis will be let's say new mark on SEOURL you want to fill that out as well sothey can just go to you know slash newmark and see all those images and let'ssee we're going to upload it so sayupload and manufacturers and I'm justgoing tograb all of these and click open allright so let's choose the Newmark oneand save alright and then we'll do thesame for the other three so this will beSony ok and let's choose that and saveok let's choose to add another one thiswill be berenguer whom i'm sure ifthat's felt right but that's fineall right so let's see right here saveand then we just want to add pioneerall right so now we have ourmanufacturers now we're also going towant to create some categories so let'sgo to categories and let's click add newso this is going to be DJ controllersand for for a description I'm just goingto go to lorem ipsum our lips um calmand just grab a little bit of text sowe'll just grab like a sentence or twocopy that and put that here now as faras meta tag title we're going to use thesame as the category name and then youcan put a description and stuff if youwant and then let's go to data and thisis where we can put the image so I alsohave a folder called products in theimages let me just paste that in okay soproducts and these are all the productsagain you'll have the link to downloadthese in the description so we're goingto use just each product for thecategory image as well so it's an imageand let's go ahead and just upload allof those product images oopsall right so we get success let's grabone of these DJ controller images nowtop this is if you want to add thiscategory to the top menu and I do so I'mgoing to just check that off alright andyou can change the sort order as welland we don't need anything InDesign sothat should be good let's go ahead andsave and now if we go to our front-endand reload we have our category DJcontrollers click that and we have thatinfo we just added so let's add a couplemore categories so this is going to beturntables and again I'll just grab sometext let's go to images okay and we'llgrab this top and save all right andthen we're going to have one morecategory which is going to be headphonesokay and we'll add the image let's dothattop save okay so now we have our threecategories so now it's time to add someproducts so let's go over to productsand let's click new now for the text I'mgoing to be just pasting it in you guyscan copy it if you want and then let'ssee description we'll just grabparagraph okay meta tag title is goingto be the same as the title alright andlet's see for the modelI guess this doesn't really have a modelnumber so I'll just make one up we'lljust say x100 and then for the SKU let'sdo 0 0 1 and let's see the quantity thatwe have let's say we have 200 of theseand there's all types of options I'm notgoing to go through every single one youcan also put all the weight info andstuff so it calculates the shipping andthen let's see links manufacturer thisis going to be new mark categories thisis going to be DJ controllers storesalways going to be default relatedproducts you can add if but we don'thave any yet and you can even adddownloads for instance the manual orsomething like thatalright we're not going to useattributes or anything like that let'ssee oh I don't think I put the price soif we go to data you want to put theprice in alright and then let's see youcan apply discounts is just a lot guysimage we're going to just add that thisright here and then we can addadditional images so if we click righthere what score let's throw these two inthere as welland that should be good let's go aheadand save all right so let's go to thefront end now if we go to the home pageit's not going to show by defaultbecause the home page is actually amodule if we go to DJ controllers you'llsee it but let's add it to the home pageso we need to go to where is itsextensions and then we're going tochoose modules and go down to featuredand this home page right here so we'llclick Edit and for products we're goingto choose that product ok will do let'sdo limit 8 all right so let's save andnow if we go to the front-end and reloadthere it is alright so I'm going to goahead and just add the rest of theproducts just to save a little time I'mgoing to do this off camera basicallyjust repeat what we did here for thethree other products alright guys so Iadded the rest of the project productsnow I did mess up with the manufacturerand I put barriner when it shouldactually be technics but that's fine Ijust took I just chose behringer's ofthe manufacturer for the turntable nowwe need to add these to the home page solet's go to extensions and go to modulesand let's see featured home page editand we're just going to add the rest ofthese alright we'll save and now if wego to our home page and reload we haveall of our products and we have ourdescription pages our images I alsochose some related products and so onalright so let's let's change the colorsbecause we want this and all the buttonsto be red so this is the only file thatwe actually have to edit so we want togo to the CSS which is going to be let'ssee it should be in systemno oh it's going to be in catalog andthen view theme default and stylesheetall right so we have a style sheet dotCSS what I'm going to do is bring it tothe desktop and let's go ahead andminimize this and here it is right hereso I'm going to edit with let's saysublime text you can use any code editorand we basically have some colors tosearch for and replace so I'm going togo to C replace and we want thishexadecimal value and we're going tochange it to this one all right so I'mgoing to say replace all alright thenext one we are going to search for thisvalue and we're going to replace themall with this one ok so that replacedthat let's do it again replace and nowwe're going to search for this one andreplace with this one replace all andthen one more and again these files willbe available so you don't have tomanually do this and replace it withthat or place all and then we're goingto save this and then just re-upload italright and then we'll go back to oursite and reload and nothing let's do acontrol f5 that clears the cache so nowwe have our red navbar okay so we'realmost there guys now let's do theslideshow so we're going to go to let'ssee where was it late banners and let'screate a new banner and we'll just callthis DJ banner make sure it's enabledand then for the imagesI'm going to make those available foryou guys so you'll have a folder calledslide and slide one two and three so wewant to go ahead and add those titlelet's just say slide one and we'llchange the image let's go ahead andupload those images alright and we'regoing to choose slide one you can put alink if you want as well so let's createthe next one let's do where is it slidetwo and then slide three and let's goahead and save that and then to let'ssay enabled we have to go to ourextensions I believe and then modulesand go down to slideshow homepage andthen edit and let's change it to DJbanner and save and there we go is oursliderokay very easy now for payment we'regoing to we're going to go to where isit says extensions if you can't findsomething in here chances are it's anextension so payments and you can seethere's a ton of is a really good one butobviously you need an account with thesecompanies cash-on-delivery you'll see isenabled by default and everything elseis disabled but we're going to go toPayPal payment standard and let's seeinstall okay once we install it we canedit it and then you could put yourthere are paypal email address there youcan choose sandbox mode if you wantwhich is kind of like just testing andyou have some other stuff here but let'smake sure that this is enabled and we'llclick Savealright so now they should be able touse PayPal so I'm pretty sure that's itguys I mean let's go ahead and just testout the login system and so on so let'ssay we want to add this to the cartalright and then we'll go to view cartoh the coupons if you want to add acoupon you can go to where is it couponsand you can see there's a 10% onealready created the code is two two twotwolet's go ahead and let's actually changethat – I will say 10% and you can seeit's already 10% and let's make sure youcan choose specific products or leaveleave it for all of them you can choosespecific categories alright let's goahead and enable it for everything andthen if we go to our front-end and wesay 10% apply coupon and now it's 8910alrightand then shipping you choose that stufflet's go to checkout and let's go aheadand create an account alright so sayregister account continue and then I'mgoing to just put everything in herealright so I just added everything tosave some time I'm going to pick apassword okay we can also use anewsletter if we want but I'm just goingto click this check box and clickcontinueok delivery details will click continueshipping flat rate continue and you cansee we have the PayPal option so we'llcontinueand it gives us a summary we can sayconfirm order and it should redirect usto PayPal all right I can't actuallymake a purchase because I can't use myaccount to purchase from my account butit'll go through this and it'll add thecustomer and their orders in yourback-end so you can see what they'vepurchased all right so really cool butwe're just going to go back and that'spretty much it we have a fullfunctioning ecommerce site that we didin what less than an hour now one thingI want to mention is the pages down herefor instance about us and so on if youwant to change those you can go to seemarketing I believe no that's not itinformation all right you see the aboutus you can edit that and so on yourdelivery information your privacy policywhich they had to agree to you can editthat here as wellall right guys so that's going to do itfor this video hopefully you found thisinformative and maybe you'll use this inthe future you can see there's reportsit's just about this way more stuff thanI can I can go into but that's thebasics of it we created a basic workingecommerce site so that's it guys if youlike this please leave a like pleasesubscribe or and you know commentwhatever you can do so thanks forwatching guys I will see you in the nextproject


Top 5 Ecommerce Business Ideas

if you're eager to start your owne-commerce businessbut struggle to come up with a relevantand unique idea of what to sellwe have great news for youwe have prepared a list of five types of
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of everythingthat's going on in the e-commerce worldfollow the trendskeep up learning what people want to buyand you're gonna make itthanks for watching this videogive us your thumbs upleave a comment and don't forgetto check some of our other videos


3 Smart Ways to Revamp Registration Process of Your ECommerce Site

By Rob Stephen | Submitted On January 17, 2018

Expert Author Rob Stephen

Before getting into the details of making registration process easier, you need to clearly understand why such eCommerce registration is important. Well, if a user completes the registration process, even if he or she doesn’t buy anything from your online store, you can get the details of that particular visitor. This information would help you in making a future marketing strategy for that visitor. You can approach that potential buyer with a personalised approach in future. Here is a list of a few smart ways to revamp the registration process for your eCommerce website.

Make it Easily Visible

When you offer the users or the visitors a smooth navigation process, they would automatically love your website a bit more than other websites where they become confused with the complex navigation process. Make registration or the login button clearly visible. You should not make your visitors look for it. Moreover, try to avoid fancy words for the registration button, use simple and clear words so that the viewers can understand at the first glance that “OK! This is the button for signing up”. There is no fixed place to keep this button. However, the common practice is to place it in the right upper corner of the page.

Shorten the Forms

You should ask only such user information that is relevant for updating your database and that would help you in making marketing strategy. If you ask the visitor to fill up unnecessary, irrelevant and too much information, that would take too much time and the visitors would not give a second thought before leaving your eCommerce website. Asking for the name, email id, to some extent asking for a mobile number is fine. However, if the users find out that they need to put up their bank details to register on your website, they won’t feel safe and would immediately leave it. Hence it is advisable to keep it short, simple and precise.

Make Proper Use of Social Logins

Today, using different social logins to complete the registration process on an eCommerce website is pretty much trending on the market. Using such social logins not only saves a lot of user time but the users don’t need to remember another login password and username as well. Thus, the users become happy as well as you also get the information you needed. More interestingly, such social logins are more valuable as these not only give you a particular user’s information but you get access to his or her friend list along with the products and brands they follow and like. All these information would help you in devising your next marketing strategy or approach that would leave an impact on your eCommerce business growth.

Apart from all these above-mentioned aspects, You should keep in mind that the more distractions you use on your registration page, the users would get more distracted by those. Keep the page simple. More importantly, you should not assume that your visitors know everything about the form fill up process. You should give them clear instructions throughout the process.

Rob Stephen is a veteran software developer of Visions & Solutions, one of the leading software development companies in Sydney that has years of experience in serving diverse businesses with business-driven eCommerce solutions in Sydney. He keeps himself updated with the latest technological enhancements and loves to pen down his thoughts on the ongoing market trends.

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