Certified Internet Marketing Practitioner (CIMP)

internet marketing jobs have beengrowing rapidly and this is becauseinternet marketing is still much morecost efficient than other mediums ofmarketing such as print and televisionpeople with strong internet marketingknow-how are moving into highlylucrative and rewarding management levelcareers because they know how to managethe performance of revenue and growtheir company with scale in anintelligent manner which can then betracked back to their efforts there is awide variety of strategies in internetmarketing and this class will teach youhow to decide which strategies to employestablished goals create objectivesimplement the tactics and techniques andthen continually optimize thosetechniques and track everything alongthe way so that you can take credit forthe strong growth that you will beresponsible for in your organizationgain clarity on what moves to make andthen learn the steps that it takes toestablish a competitive advantage overyour competition in this class we willcover topics such as strategicpositioning lead generation customeracquisition marketing automation bigdata for marketers ecommerce b2b onlinemarketing b2c online marketing webanalytics search engine optimizationsocial media marketing onlineadvertising email marketing mobilemarketing affiliate marketing videomarketing blogging and podcasting alsowe will take a close look at businessesthat have put into place winninginternet marketing strategies and howthey compare to direct competitors thathave not and are just spinning theirwheels this class is designed for anyonewho has contact with web marketing webdesigners developers business ownersmarketing team members and anyone whowants the power to advance a businessthe right way this class will help youto distinguish yourself among your peersimagine the power that you will gain andtherefore the advantage you will haveover your peers when you have theknowledge to sustainably acquire newcustomers convince more people to buymanage return on investment and beatyour competitors because you have theknow-how to build a winning internetmarketing strategy from the ground upand on top of all that you can achievethe certification to back up your skillset so get started on your certifiedinternet marketing practitioner classtoday


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Top 5 eCommerce Niches For 2020 | SAMIR CHIBANE

all right what's going on everyone'sMisha bein here founder of the econincubator and in today's video I want toshare the top 5 ecommerce niches for2020 okay now it's actually New Year'sEve so before the shenanigans start Iwant to record a quick video to providesome value and hopefully help any of youguys out that have just been thinkingabout starting an e-commerce businessall of 2019 to make it a reality 2020okay so the one thing that I want toshare with you before I actually diveinto it is what the great Jim Rohn saidwhich is nothing changes unless you doso unless you change your habits unlessyou change your actions your thinkingthen unfortunately you're just gonnahave the same exact results that you'vehad throughout the past year okay now tobegin this topic right here I first wantto clarify on why you want to go nicheokay why you want to go specific as amatter of fact in 2020 you want tobecome very very specific and the reasonfor that is because consumers are justreally looking to belong to a communityand no longer just buying products forthe sake of buying the product when wefirst started our e-commerce business mybusiness partner foine and I hadactually been doing door-to-door salesand we had no clue what type ofproducts to sell you know what thingswere already selling what niches wereyou know what kind of tools of resourceswe should be using what type of data weshould be looking at to determine whatkind of products we sell so therefore bythe fall and this is the exact mistakethat a lot of people make one decidingor thinking about what kind ofbusinesses are is we looked in wordsokay so we were thinking about hey whatkind of products do we want to sell dowe want to buy to our friends and familywould like to buy or sell and at the endof the day it's it's the worst thing todo because you and your friends and yourfamily are not going to be the onesbuying the products off of your store sowhat you want to do is you really wantto look out into the market and analyzewhat the trends are what's going to bethe next big thing so that way you canride the wavealright and my mentor tie loop has alsoshared a great quote which isyou never want to be the first person tosell something and you surely don't wantto be the last so again it's all aboutcatching the trends as they come and gonow these niches here are by no meansthe absolute best you know niches to getinto it's just really the top five basedon some data and based on some researchthat I did myself okay so the first oneis going to be eco-friendly products ifyou've been paying attention or keepingyour awareness levels high you'll noticethat people are really really takingthis whole global climate change thingvery very seriously I myself don'treally have much of a clue what's goingon but all I know is that people outthere are going nuts about theenvironment and they're really reallybecoming more conscious of the everydayproducts that they use to not you knowmake it even worse so for example I wasat a restaurant the other day and I sawthis girl take out a straw out of herbag and it was a metal straw so that gotme really thinking there is somebody outthere willing to carry it strong withthem everywhere they go and there mustbe a ton of other people out there alsodoing the same thing and besides juststraws you're talking about renewable orreusable diaper bags that I saw on SharkTankreusable dog pads as I saw on Aliexpressand tons of other products likeeco-friendly toothbrushes and the listgoes on and on but really you should payattention to eco-friendly productsthat's the first one the second one isgoing to be car accessories okay so Ihopped in an uber the other day and thishappened a couple times and I'm sure youguys can relate if you take ubers aswell and I hopped into an uber it waslike an old Honda old Honda Civic andthe driver actually had a rear-viewcamera installed to the car okay so it'sa pretty outdated car and he literallyhad a rear-view dash camera hooked up toa camera tied or stuck on the back ofthe trunk to be able to drive moresafely and obviously record whatever isgoing on on the car for his safety aswell okay so car accessories a lot ofpeople out there trying to tune up theircars without having to buy a whole newcarand rearview cameras and other caraccessories like car mounts or just tomake you know your car more comfortablelike backseat massagers for the car aswell that's the second issue the thirdniche is going to be weight loss okayobviously there's tons of people goinginto 2020 hoping that they get you knowin better shape and better health and sotherefore you could be one of thosepeople to provide them with the solutionto their problem by providing eitherworkout tools or unique you knowtechnology like cellulite removers thosewere real big in 2019 I'm sure there'sgonna be new variants coming out in 2020as wellthe fourth niche is going to beshapewear okay and the reason whyshapewear is huge is because a lot ofpeople are just too busy to workoutdon't want to work out whatever the listis so they'd rather just hide their fatby wearing these things called shapewearand we're actually going to start ane-commerce brand around this producthere but we decided to go with somethingelse and therefore I just want to goahead and share that with you I thinkit's gonna be a huge huge industry hugemarket in 2020 for shapewear and so beon the lookout for that you candefinitely google some other brands outthere now the fifthokay the fifth niche out there is goingto be print on demandokay people unfortunately are no longerreally just trying to go to the mall orgo into a random story they see to findsomething they want people nowadays arereally really into expressing theirpassions with the things that they wearso if you're able to tie somebody'spassion like either did the love fortheir dog or their cap onto a pillowcaseor a t-shirt or a hat or socks then youcan be the person to really help themexpress that passion of theirsokay now the three things that you wantto consider before picking one of theseniches is actually doing your researchto see if you can actually get yourhands on those products if they makeeconomical sense for you and theposition that you're starting in sothat's the first thing the second thingis you've got to be able to understandthe target market okay you have tounderstand where they hang out whatblogs they follow what magazinesthey read what celebrities they'rekeeping up with okay and more importantI think I already said this but whatsocial media platforms they hang out onso that way if you're trying to go aftereco-friendly products you're nottargeting people on I don't know on Bingor on Facebook because it's mostly theelders are on those and obviously thepeople that are more environmentallyconscious are gonna be millenials sothey're gonna be hanging out onInstagram maybe even on tick tock onPinterest so that's very very importantand the last but not least the thirdthing that you need to consider beforepicking one of these niches is you haveto understand that it's gonna be a hitor miss okay because when you go superspecific you have to be really committedto those products that you're sellingand if that means doesn't really kickoff for you then you have to understandthat you're gonna have that scrap it andmove on to the next niche now the onething that I want to encourage you to doif you are actually very serious aboutbuilding your ecommerce business in 2020is to join us at the 2020 EECOMresolution workshop okay two dayslivestream that you can access fromanywhere in the world where we're gonnadive in and really just pull the curtainback on our whole ecommerce ecosystem toeliminate the guesswork for you okaymassive right now if you're watchingthis on New Year's Eve it is still theearly bird special so you can get yourtickets for a lot less than whether itwould be the day or the week before theactual event because that's gonna behappening on January 11th and 12th againit's live stream you can access fromanywhere in the world and we're gonnacover literally every single step of theprocess starting off with how to pickthe exact products that you want to sellin what niche how to develop them into alittle micro grain because again in 2020people are not just trying to buy aproduct they're trying to be part of acommunity part of a story part of acause and we're going to be talking allabout micro branding in the workshop andalso the 2020 marketing strategies okaywhat worked in 2019 in 2018 or 2017 whenwe first got started with e-commerce isnot gonna work in 2020 okaya whole lot different of a ballgamegoing into the new year so you got to beready for that otherwise you're justgonna keep getting the same results thatyou got in 2019 okay so it is theperfect perfect way to completelyimmerse yourself in a weekend full ofother like-minded individuals that sharethe same goal as you do so that way youdon't have to go at it alone okay lookforward to seeing you on there hopefullyyou got some valuehopefully gave you some ideas on whichniche to go into and why all rightlook forward to seeing you in the 2020econ workshop happy new year thank youguys so much for subscribing and likingand leaving a comment below on yourthoughts and what kind of videos youwant me to share going into the new yearall right peace out love you guys byebye


Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint

Product Name: Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint

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COMO VENDER CASAS POR INTERNET: Marketing Inmobiliario – Podcast Negocios y Marketing Digital EP6

COMO VENDER CASAS POR INTERNET: Marketing Inmobiliario – Podcast Negocios y Marketing Digital EP6.

Me encanta hacer marketing digital para proyectos inmobiliarios. He tenido el privilegio de tener como clientes y alumnos a personas que trabajan en esta industria.

Servicios de Marketing Digital Inmobiliario. Para más información:

Decidí por eso crear este nuevo episodio del podcast Negocios y Marketing Digital para hablar sobre el Marketing Digital Inmobiliario.

Te hablaré sobre cómo vender y alquilar propiedades en internet, especialmente en Facebook, así como algunas recomendaciones para crear mejores campañas.

Cualquier pregunta sobre el contenido del episodio de hoy, no dudes en dejarme saber.

-¿Cómo vender casas por Facebook?
-¿Cómo alquilar apartamentos por Internet?
-Consejos de Marketing Inmobiliario


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Instagram: @pixel.do
Facebook: @pixeldoceballos
Grupo de Facebook: Marketing Digital para Pymes y Emprendedores https://www.facebook.com/groups/336703010072508/


INTERNET MARKETING for beginners 2019 + TAX ADVICE for internet marketing

this computer all right we're livewelcome welcome everybodyproject apex mastermind tonight ten fromcoming to you from a frozen house onupstate New Yorkjust put the here on what's I'm freezingso hopefully you guys can warm me upespecially you out in Florida how's theweather there brolet me welcome everybody first of allthen I'll meet you guys so we gotMichael we got yeah we got Lancewe got Alma's Richard Chris Norma Aidengot more people coming in so okay solet's start um I'm gonna try to keep itshort but to the point we gotta followthis coming up I don't know how this youcelebrate whatever the holidays youcelebrate i new york it's bigHanukkah just I think just ended soChristmas is coming up Kwanzaa is comingup I don't know what other holidays am Imissing but it's what's important rightnow guys is to really focus like a laserand you know was there and closing thefinancial 2018 is closing up it's veryimportant – hey rich good to see youah yeah guys don't be shy turn on yourcameras because people that turn oncameras make more money welcome Chris soyeah the years ending so very importantto focus on what tell me in the chatit's important to focus on andfestivities celebrating gifts all thatgood stuff but let's not forget if youwant to make 2019 your best year ever onwine right what do you gotta do yougotta focus like a laser and how do youdo that while you drive traffic youbuild a list and you monetize that listright so ah final acts cranking likecrazy um you know I want to show youresults like people are getting crazyresults like I can show you my resultsbut what's me what's more inspiring tome seeing other people succeeding inthis brand new people and peopleobviously that have experience as wellso multiple income streams is where it'sup guys don't rely on one paycheck orone eat up stream ever please promise menot to rely on income stream because I'mnot gonna be like one of those leadersthey're gonna preach to youhey you only promote this this is ourhouse this is our forum or MLM thismagical water that's all we sell youknow we blast people people's houseswith this holy water no I'm gonna tellyou make as many paycheck payJax as you want okay but if you'renewbie if you're brand-new focus on onefunnel one system until you get to apoint where you can kiss your jobgoodbye say adios to your boss right andthen you have more free time at home andyou can you can create more incomestreams so focus on one system right nowuntil you get to where you can gofull-time whatever it is for you fivecame on ten came on twenty came on sothat's my advice to you and I'll answeryour questions guys I'll check the chatand if you know in a second I justwanted to touch base important stuffbecause traffic solos it's easy what'smore important is what will not behindyou come in between your ears likewhat's happening on a daily basis areyou feeling your mind with the positivestuff like how'd you like did you guyslike that media it's only five minutevideo but if you watch that video everysingle day before you go to work to yourjob that you hate I'm telling you you'renot gonna be the same person marrieddays from now 30 days from now if youwatch that every single daythank you mama it's absolutely awesomevideo and it's short and I would suggestyou download it to your phone and watchit every single morning because that'sgonna propel you and push you to takeaction okay because technical stuff isbelieve me is easy you can teach amonkey to do it but unless you know whyyou're doing what you're doing everysingle day right if you have action planif you don't know why you're signingthis email why is your responder signingthis follow-up email why nobody'sjoining why nobody's buying well thenyou have a big problem so we want you tobe stuck and I want you to be stuck I'vebeen in line for 10 years and first fouryears I would say I was stuck right moreor less I have a little success here andthere but nothing consistentright why because I was ignoring thestuff that I'm teaching you guys rightnow I was ignoring you know people andmy sponsors and my gurus if you willthat I was following a mine didpreaching personal development they keptpreaching this building they keptpreaching you know like what are youthinking like when you're doing certainthings right it's your business yourbusiness all right so you really have tothink put your business owner hat on andbefore you take action think about whatdo you do that right what are youcomfortable and uncomfortable because ifyou know success lies outside of thecomfort zone right but sometimes youhave to push yourself or maybe you lookat other people doing what you not doingand they're getting results but you'renot right so you need to model andimplement what they do it right sogenerating leads is easy right believeme it's easy especially now in socialmedia days you can chat up with peopleon Facebook you can shut up you canupload videos to YouTube you can do somany things right you can send voicemailbroadcasts you can send solo ads you canrun traffic of being Google YouTubewhatever the bigger sites are out thereyou know Instagram but you need to pickyour own weapon ready you to developyour TMO what is DMO somebody told methe early martyrdom operation right howmany hours you dedicating to yourbusiness right how many hours do youdedicate to this I'm actually curiouscan you get back in the chat how manyhours do you dedicate to your businessevery single day and just be honestso he 4/7 help that's how I am like Ialways think about business like evenlike when I'm kind of like picking up mykids from school I'm blessed to be ableto pick up my kids from school everysingle day how many parents can say thatyou know right it's to us one of thebest things in the world being flexibleand working on your schedule around yourfamily around your otherresponsibilitiestwo three hours that's awesome Christhat's how that's how you start everysingle day you know that's how I startedoutside of my full-time job right so Iwant to edify people on getting resultslet me share screen real quick with youguys let's see if we scratch on it wellfirst of all I wanna put a spotlight onthis guy she went crazyI as soon as I showed him final acts himon absolutely ballistic Paulo but alsohe he crushed$57,000 $57,000 468 and 71 cents inseven weeks right how crazy is thatthat's absolutely insane so easy one notforty almost forty four thousand dollarsprobably over by now this was likeyesterday are now lifestyletwo thousand dollars this is importanceof having multiple income streams thisis my final wax works so wellry panel almost four thousand dollarspanel X advance three over threethousand and advertising boost over fourthousand dollars that's crazy like likeless than two months it's absolutelyinsane so can you get there absolutelyright will you get there next month Idon't know depends on you how crazy youwant I mean how bad do you want it rightI'm about that's 25,000 I thinkpersonally so easy one map is almosttwenty thousand and the rest of theincome streams are maybe run thirtythousand something like that but that'sonly two months right like seven oreight weeks of promotion so this is likewhere you can create the six your firstsix figures online this is like nextyear set a crazy goal to hit like when Iset my goal when I wanted to quit my jobI'm like man I need to make eightthousand dollars a month in order for meto draw a full-time no actually I saidtwelve thousand because you gotta countfor taxes you got an account foradvertising and tools and all that stuffright insurance health insurance forfamily if you have itsso yeah it's a $12,000 so it took meonce I really got serious I stoppedplaying around I said enough is enoughI'm not getting any younger right I needto make money like this year right Ineed to start generating full-timeincome I went to the first one I had mybreakthrough I spoke to my mentor rightthis is so important why to have amentor whether it's virtual physicalmentor that you can look at and see likethat there's nothing different betweenyou and Dan is the only difference isusually is that they're takingconsistent daily actiondo they make mistakes absolutely everysingle dynamic mistakes I'm not perfectby any means nobody's perfect so if he'sseeking perfection before taking actionman that rhymes seeking perfectionbefore taking action then you shouldstop doing that because perfection doesnot exist no matter how many times youhear that Laxus commercial which theydon't say anymore when relentlesspursuit of perfection what perfectiondoes not exist you can pursue it allyour life and you'll never achieve itand if passion if you don't take actionright you'll never achieve any resultsso my number one goal for you guys is toinstill that belief that you can do thisand you can start taking action as soonas tonight as soon as if you haven'ttaken a single action take the action gothrough all the videos set up all theincome streams activate them this isyour income or this is your taxdeduction for this year as well rightyou guys realize when you have a funbusiness advertising system toolsmonthly costs for autoresponder nowlifestyle are easy one up investmentinto products product purchases for yourbusiness or internet right I'm not anaccountant so disclaimer marriage anaccountant but there's so manyadvantages when it comes to phonebusiness cell phone bills hello are partof your form office right part of yourmortgage part of your rent taxdeductible talk to your accountant yourtraffic purchases right your investmentinto advertising 100and tax-deductible man I need to brandedthe main 100% tax deductible that comeso every single expense I suggest youput them a separate credit cardah you probably want to set up abusiness account right if you reallylike serious about business if you wantto run it as a real business well set upa corporation name so that like let'spick on somebodyRichard Deakins marketing but um writesomething like that our Richards ourventures some incorporate something likethat whatever whatever your brand iswhatever your name is whatever the kindofthink about like being you as asuperhero if you will like like if youwant to be a superhero now you can writewho's gonna stop you nobody's gonna stopyou so whatever you want to resonatewith whatever the cause or whatever themission you have the mission statementin your life well you can brand thatnight if you're for freedom you needfreedom influencer your travel travelforever.com well that's who you areright and you can brand it and you canregister that business so all yourexpenses should go on that business sideof things right on your business cardand then you get to deduct a lot ofmoney you save a lot of moneyand you make more money so traditional1099 w2 employees don't have nearly asmany tax breaks so that's enough of thatI think right so you should talk to yourtext tax guy or girl and figure outwhat's best for you because dependingwhere you live which take like people inFlorida know based a tax like I keeptelling my wife that you need to move tofly I would say like time for some I waslike I just have like $10,000 to NewYork State ah thanks commissioner rightit's just I'm crazy I'm like likewhere's this money going like I stillsee particles on the roads I steal allthese imperfections you know in New YorkCity garbage on the streets rats runningaround on subway you know like who'staking my money right but we have nochoice rightso anyways um enough of that um how youguys doing hey guys celebrating you guyswhat are your breakthroughs are like Iknow that's last time washbasinhe had like first like $350 they wasfinal acts which it was awesome multipleincome streams I like to hear yoursuccess stories guys your breakthroughsnormally 24/7 awesomeI was 24/7 presence to three hours a dayLanza's two hours a day ago so it's whathe has a full-time job and he's crushingit two hours a dayso once once you get to a point of youlike taking action every single dayshouldn't take you that much time lookif I look at my daily method ofoperation I wake up in the more you guyswant to hear this like I wake up in themorning before I respond to emails andFacebook messages and skype messages andall that stuff I'm thinking okay I needto create content I create the videoupload the video YouTube Facebook ah Icreate the mouse broadcasts I schedulethat how long does it take me about onehour two hours maybe the mouse but I'mjust hanging out checking messagesresponding to people then it's time forme to pick up kids from school then wedo homework together and then we decidewhat to do like sometimes we just gowatch movies like you know what I meanit's like oh I took them to dentisttoday um so they have they clean up thecleaning today so that was fun um buthow many like whatever you're saying I'mpreaching to the choir you guysunderstand flexibility and time freedomit's not just money it's what you can dowith your day every single day it'sabout traveling world you knowsomebody's like should be comingtomorrow I cannot tell you who head toNew York and you're probably gonna seeFacebook lives and pictures at leastyou'll see photos on Facebook butanyways um are you guys doing I want tohear from you guys I want to keep it toolong I wanna just get to the I need tofix a few things in this house and Iwant to see how you guys doing maybe Ohso before the end of the year so this iswhat I would recommend guys ah figureout how because I saw a couple of peoplesome of you guys passed up sales okay soyou don't want that to happen to you Isaw a couple of people pass top sales Isaw $250 sale I saw 500 dollar sale andI believe at $1,000 sale so if you notposition at the highest level by the wayI cannot search may tell you thisin a few days I might be meeting withPeter wolf in as well New York so we'regonna have some some a lot of great newscountry will come out from that so justkeep an eye keep keep your ear to theground but I'll share some of the newsas soon as I happenbut anyway so what am i driving you todo for 2018 for your own sake don't passup sales so figure out how there's alabor program there you can tap into thecredit whatever maximize your profitsposition yourself at the thighs levelsome of you guys have two tiles ofMattie's my map that's it there's nohigher level there's not five thousandand ten thousand or fifty pals but someof you guys don't have our white panelsome of you guys which used which comeon which is crazy because you needtracker need to track where you salesare coming from right um and also I'mpresume all of you guys stuff orresponder set up now lifestyle Aweberwhatever you using what am I missingmissing something the travel dealadvertising boost and final ex advanceso those are the high ticket products Ithink final ex advance is a thousand mybelief is low microwave or is it 2000I get confused now but what I'm sayingis position yourself a success so youdon't pass up those sales okaytraffic setup your traffic right soevery traffic purchase until the end ofthe year stags deductible on your taxpaperwork that you're going to be doingbefore April and you can get some someof that money back obviously and more sotalk to your tax person 1k yeah that'swhat I thought I think it's 1k you guysall right so let me see if you guys havequestions and I actually want to hearyour success result so anybody hasresolved to share with whatever it issuper affiliate network final eggsor I don't know em way if you chasingpeople in the Walmart and you'reconvincing your cash cash registerpeople to join you in that way you canshare that story – I can sharedefinitely share plenty of horrorstories from my Milan in my limitedcareer online and offline but anybodywants to share any good stuff there'sart or art we had some breakthroughs aswell I saw him on Facebook get somegreat results I don't know if it was 4%or something else but it's all aboutconsistency right so taking action andtaking names and I mean it's all aboutmultiple income streams it's all sayingwhich I was talking about like 20minutes agowhich you'll have to watch replay I'mlike am i repeat myself so for what arewe doing it like American high schoollike if you're showing up late to classwould've eat you like with the steak orsomething like don't do this again welltalk to your parentsanyways ah world of correction there yougo there you go that's what they do herehuh if you miss school huhif you hang out with the wrong people ifyou hang out with the wrong people manthat's where you end up so all rightmy responders still sends to spam heyDon was asking okay so best thing to dois to test domains like differentdomains ideally you want a mail fromolder domain meaning if you have likeall domains you can try it testing themif not get another domain ins to startsending from another domain so let's sayyou're signing from I don't know whatemail address make sure you're notsending from Gmail or Yahoo becausethat's definitely gonna go to spam so goto like GoDaddy or Namecheap andregister domain work with a dong comm orsomething like that and then send emailsfrom support at work with a m.comokay always use domain name okay and ifthat's still proud still a problem thencontact now lifestyle support and saywhat can I do so that my emails don't goto spam also there is a spam filter thatyou can test right what like spammykeywords if using too many spammykeywords like make money online loseweight now date beautiful Asian girlsright now any any of those spammykeywords will go to spam so think aboutyour messaging type of keywords andusing in your emails um what else sothat helps you but yeah email once youfigure out email game you basicallywrite you on paycheck right because thenyou immediately think about thosekeywords or you test different subjectlines you're not gonna learn thisovernight so you're on the right paththat's what I'm sayingbut it takes time to master email gameyou know I took definitely took me timebut if you speak perfect English unlikemyself don't easier for youI'll date a beautiful dish Lance I'llsend you the link later man after thiswebinar I'll send you the link you cansign up for that deal so don't worryI'll get you hooked up let's see whatelse uh yeah I mean Richard R soRichards asking uh basically uh that'shistoric he registered domain was BillDaley then posted was blue cause thatwas a messah for email auto-responder you don'treally need Faust II all you need islike email forwarding so you're justforwarding email like if you don't knowhow to do that what do I dolike if I don't know something do I callyou guys know I go to youtube and Isearch how do I forward email to build aand there's like lots of free videosdone by started showing me how that'show I resolve my problems or obstaclesand my business everybody has obstaclesyou have to embrace them welcome jaiswalso that's that's how you resolve thatemail issue youtube has all your answersif you can't find answers on youtube youalso also have support right nowlifestyle easy one up ah for Analectsadvanced david beckham is really good hehas really good support people so tosend support tickets back they replywith him usually like within a day or soin the given resolution where elseusually beautiful angel young lady lol Ithink I covered that already directedall right advanced leaders 1990 soundcorrectso 2k houseokay Norma I did find out that mysubscriber now lifestyle autorespondercame from a so lack but I that I boughtit was from final tax awesome so thatmeans your final is working you'recollecting those subscribers it's anumbers game like I told you guys heylet me show you listen yeah check thisout share my screenI was freaking out right I told you guyslast time like I was getting unpaidmembers here and I remember like I waschatting with Paul because Paul wasalready getting sales and he had likeall like $1,000 sale already and I waslike oh I don't know if my father isworking I'm like and until I got I thinkto like 60 or 70 unpaid members thenpeople after they started gettingfollow-up emails you know text messagesand all the follow-up I'm doing thenthey started converting right so nowit's more than 10%last time it was 10% like you see like99 people are up 925 I was like 12% palright and I know conversions didn't goin entire so that means I need to drivemotor off I need to start being a wussyand take it to the max well right I wantto get six figures by next couple monthsby March maybe February maybe middle ofFebruary that'd be awesome so I need tocrank up my stuff but but that's whatI'm saying is your final is workingpeople reading those follow-up emailsjust put yourself in our shoes of aprospect like how many emails did ittake you before you decided to join andpay for your products for yourmembership well probably more than oneEEMAsome people action takers like myselflike if I see something that's good I'mlike I'm going out credit card numberright now sure I mean but something mostpeople need to need to think about itthey need to see what else is out therethey need to talk to a wife to herhusband to a dog if you will before theydecide so they need to see cage time ifyou need to see other people gettingresults I'm like oh this guy's gettingresolved this fight is getting resolvedthe single mom is getting the sauce wallit's working so let me do it right sothat's that's what it takes for forhuman beings to take action they need tosee multiple angles they need to seemultiple case studies and then theydecide to join you but if you do anadditional follow-up like I teach youguys always like how to get more saleswell don't be lazytake that email go on Facebook or Skypeand look for those people add them as afriend and catch up when I'm like heywhat's up John how's it going I know youlooked at final acts you looked easy whynot how can I help you what is yourincome goalhow can I help you achieve your goalwhat are you trying to do you want tobuy a new car you want to put your kidsthrough college whatever you want totravel more so you got to dig deepinside like emotional triggers rightwhat's driving people what's motivatingpeople right it's not just necessarilydollar signs for me it's dollar signsbecause I'm a numbers game analyticalguy but for most people it's emotionalstuff it's just being able to you knowmaybe I don't know buy a TV that's keepJohn from the back and you're like yeahlike in that kind of like that's likeevery time I see you like imagine youjumping into like cannot but I don'tknow how clean the water is there butwhatever whatever is motivating themthey can achieve it here because oneextra thousand dollars a month I meanthere was a case study that I think mostAmerican families and I was listening tothe Saudi boo cannot tell you guys tolisten to crash on it I was listening tocrashing it by a Garabedian most peopleget into credit card game and like mostpeople don't have financial educationthey don't teaches specific financialeducation and schools so we get it tocredit card app right average family has$7,000 credit card app they play thosecredit cards they don't pay them on timethe credits force offers and so on andso forth right so how do we becomebetter well we listen to a better peopleright we choose who we listen to we weimplement selective hearing if you willwe don't we don't listen to block peoplebecause what are they going to teach ushow to stay broke forever no thank you Idon't want that program right I want tochoose different bro I want to switchthe channel right from that channel Iwant to switch to Shark Tank I want toswitch to you know people that actuallyknow what the hell they're talking aboutand they achieve success right businessowners entrepreneurs so that's what youneed to surround yourself that's whatyou need to listen to so if you don'thavehorrible action call for tonightdownload horrible vomit Gary me crashingit or crash it the first book or if youlisten listen or read that book alreadyget the second book which is crushingtraffic as far as traffic I alwaysrecommend to you guys to go Igor trafficwe IP if you brand-new and I still buytraffic from eager go to your traffic behappy that job why because it's teentraffic it stopped here and I trust theguy right he's not one of thosequestionable people online he has awhole support staff that will attempt toevery question you have and he backs uphe puts a guarantee behind the clipsright he gives you five generate taughthere guaranteed and people getting setthat's what's important so go to I can'tsee my link but if your sponsor issomebody else this is my favorite linkfor your traffic if your sponsor isLance or Paul or any other leader go toyour leader and ask them for the linkbut if I'm your sponsor in any of theprograms you can go to this link whichis w/e your traffic VIP but um no yourbudget right you can drive tiles andthousand lakes a week awesome if you canonly do it once a month awesome but stayconsistent it's taken system that's howyou get to consistent sales that's howyou wake up and you have a thousandvalve you have two thousand dollarsthere right that's how you do it keep itsimple then if you are like fancy stufffancy-schmancy stuff like Facebook Adsmarketing and how to get like connectingwith people is simple like if you speakEnglish just just be yourself and beconfident and talk to peopleobviously the gonna probably cross crosspromote something they probably crossthe crossteach you something else but you knowsay well may have found the croissantCommission's how much they get paidforty percent forty percent well youwanthundred percent Commission's that's whatyou want right you breakeven was onesale you guys realized that's howpowerful that angle is like any time youtalk to anybody and this is likebuilding block like like another bigcompany wanted to meet to recruit meright which happens like on theconsistent basis and bring my databaseover and and they're like well Alex wecan do this for you we can do this wecan fly in blah blah I'm like what isthe building block like what does ittake for average Joe to break even inyour compensation plan oh it's notcomplicatedAlex it's only you have to put threepeople here and three people here whichjust six people to break even onauto-ship and I know I know with myheart that it's impossible for a brandnew person without having a robustfunnel like funnel ax with tons offollow-up emails or 90 follow-up emailscase firings and all that stuff to breakeven with having six people thisperson's gonna quit after like oneperson is gonna join and that person isgonna quit and that person who recruitedthat person's gonna quit big why becausethey cannot sustain paying 200 or 250dollar ownership before they havemagical six people rightmy right or my right right I'm justtelling you how is I'd been there I'vebeen there I've been doing this for tenyears and I know how compensation planswork that's why I never promote you guyssomething that's not duplicatable foryou guys to succeed and I hope you guysappreciate a– so for take it for whatit's worth I'm just trying to help youto grow to the next level that's mymotivation that's what drives me all Ihave to do whatever I donobody does like once a week meetingswith their teams most people don't justa few of us are why because honestly ifyou guys like like all the way like atthe highest level you keep the salesright you keep the sauce I don't getlike anything from that except for thesecond cell which is so there's only oneperson but first I'll you break even andwe teach you guys how to be profitablehow to go from zero where you are rightnow to your first five game on 3k amonth whatever the full time incomedefinition for you is 10k a month ifyou're in New York or California withthe highest fan sense of living you knowfor Florida people maybe like 5kwill do 7k maybe but you know once youhit that level then you becomeunstoppable then you make 20km on youmake fifty came on hungry came on and soon and so forth but my goal is to copyguys break to have the firstbreakthrough and then you believe inyourself and then you take more actionto move some more emails and you buythis traffic so more emails and youcaching caching caching man I need toregister this business so I can deductmore money here I need to like spreadout my traffic so I rotated this offerthis offer I mean it gets fun it getsfun gets fun like I don't know any otherprofession where it gets more fun thanthis so unless you know but yeah I justlove hanging out with you guys all haveto see you guys you guys want to speaklike but I presume it's like okayunmute me I'll speak our mute L as wellour mute lands because you guys alwaysshare good stuff so don't everybody goat once but Yolo mea quick question in regards it to yourlist how true is it that for every youshould make at least $1.00 persubscriber well there is a saying in outsort in internet marketing that youshould be making $1 per subscriber itvaries man with the offer it varies withall when you email your list various howhow warm relationship with yoursubscribers is but I'm a breach I wouldsay it's more or less true so for myselfpersonally it's about its part aboutit's about $1 sometimes it's like 80cents sometimes it's a dollar fifty butwith GA it was like I'll tell you it wasmore like two dollars and 250 right justlike my highest mom was like ninety fivethousand or was just the eighth incomeso yeah I would say it's more or lessaccuratesome people like look there are somegurus out there there have like supersegmented lists for whatever offers theyhave maybe coaching clients like highticket offers like oceans where theycharge fifty thousand dollars a person afunnel or whatever hundred thousandright like frankart just sent like Idon't know if you guys saw the post likethis is a true story um when he wasstarting out when he did a mass controlback in San Diego which was 2005-2006 Idon't know Atacama 2007 maybe he did thefive million dollar three or fourmillion dollar launch was that productalone then he did a conference in theHard Rock Cafe at San Diego um some ofyou guys watch those videos and then hehis cousin Trey and they had this geniusidea well we have all these buyerslet's monetize them right so they servea direct mail piece to all the buyers ofthe proud of the course they sold forlike a thousand dollars right no itwasn't two thousand dollar courses I wasup stalls but then they started Lehrenlike an errand ball like I didn't Iwasn't doingadding a personal coaching back in a daythat's for Frank Frank admits and he putChrist basically out of the art of likehe pulled out from you know what he justput hundred thousand dollars and he sentit to a thousand people and here a checkfor $100,000 next week after him l thatdirect mail campaign so what is the whatis the earnings per subscriber thereright do the math right hundred dollarsbasically right so if it's thousandswires comes it grabbed well he pulledout basically $1,000 for each subscriberwith just one sale and then obviouslyhad more sales than that what coachingclients so that's why I'm telling youguys the more real you are with yoursubscribers the more real and authenticand vulnerable one gonna be like I'dlike a lot of times like I am all thisand that like on Facebook but I'm notperfect but I have my down moments likeI sometimes now help myself and theylike loose autoresponder or something Iwant to cry for all day right so I'm notI'm a human being right so if you guyslike being real vulnerable and I'd meetyour mistakes sometimes and you sayyou're not perfect people relate to thathey you don't have to be always much ofgood much a man all the time onlineright you don't have to be aa super heream i right – right right does this makesense no speaka delusion list is therestatute of limitations in regards to ifa Weber or get response shut youraccount down how long you can go beforeyou action for your video subscribersback I'm not sure I understand yourquestion correctly of what I mean blessyour stance you can I'm under theimpression that you can actually if theyshut your account down you can emailthem and they'll del email you all yoursubscribers the grants news but everytime it happened to me in the past Ispoke to them and they send me themy cup so I'm asking do you know howlong cuz I didn't I just recently foundthat out I found that out about a monthago and Aweber my countdown lastDecember and I'm wondering if I canemail them to see if I can get thoseleads back oh man I don't know I don'tknow follow the caper that's what I'msaying yeah it depends on their policiesand procedures but that's what I tellyou guys always back up your list everyweek right every other day if you wantif you want to but just set up acalendar reminder recurring calendarmiring reminder like basically outcreating other words but make a reminderfor yourself to back up your list on aregular basis that's my advice to youlike if that keeps you like motivated totake action that's what I do sometimes Ijust thought hey Siri remind me likethis is like the best creation in theworld like virtual assistant right likeI tell her like remind me at nineo'clock I need to send text message heywe might be at one o'clock to send thisemail right remind me to call Lancewhatever right blasting in the worldespecially if you because you like me Iforget stuff that's why I need calendarreminders yeahoh my I sure something too somethinglike that I believe is a good practicethat I noticed that Alex did that Ipicked up on is at the end of youremails your ad copy always you canalways say something like PS if you nolonger wish to be received these emailsunsubscribe below so that also keeps yousafe gaurds you from them because aweberwill look at that saying well you'vebeen telling these subscribers they havea chance to unsubscribe instead ofcomplaining you know hitting thatcomplaint button or whatever and so youyou tell it you know you and you canprovide to unsubscribe link right underthat too because it has a choice underpersonal settings for you to put it soyou know that and so that's a goodpractice to kind of you know let themknowsubscribe if they are not recommendedyou know seen seen that before notrecommended but you have a choice tounsubscribe yes the ones we're going towear a good reminder I always do it so Iused to do it like on top of the emailsas well because people forget and theycomplain I don't know it's a commonsense it's like there's a subscribebutton you would think people wouldthink that they can be removed by justclicking that button but some peoplejust don't yesI don't know why they just don't get itI just wanted to say something um forthose of you who are using your emailautoresponder and emailing list doesn'tmatter if it's a small list or fitnessdo not hammer them with sale after saleafter sale pitch we're gonna lose yourlist then I don't want to open youremail you open rate is going to dropbecause they're seeing the same thingover and over and over again you knowgive them some value from time to timemore than the actual sales pitch youknow when you set up your sequences oryou know your email when you'rescheduled email because like I sketchI'm pretty sure Alex and everybody elsebeen in marketing for quite some timeyour schedules for days weeks months inadvance of how you want to structureyour emails to brought to your to yourluminous but you know don't hammer themso much with the sales pitch all thetime we use different sourcesmotivational videos from you to your ownvideos to your lists or they can be morefamiliar with who you are what you'reabout and you know that creates thatrelationship that Alex was saying youknow they get to trust you you know bythe relationship that we'd be able tothis emails because that's the only realengagement that you have is reallysending them those emails because youcan't just call them up go to theirhouse or visit them their email is thebiggest asset you have that we all haveis really mail so you know just a quicktip for you guys when you don't hammerthem so much with your sales look for away to create value you know it'syou know how you're so right then Icatch myself doing that not doing likeyou said by mixing in added value alittle more often and scheduling thoseat that ad cup could go out in themorning or evening and in the past ithasn't right I put the link in it forthem to go ahead and check out theopportunity and get startedversus providing something you knowthat's added back and letting them knowyou know something about you buildingthat bond I guess so to say like I Imean I have quite a few videos I meanI've been quite I know you haven't beenhere in the group for quite some time ismy head down and I've been working likethis I've been building funnels I'vebeen making videos building websites soI had just been grinding all day latenights early mornings you know I don'teven sleep what I take is power naps twothree hour power that thing I'm grindingno different from some of you guys haveyour grub family kids and take them toschool pick them up so are no differentfrom Alex and maybe some of you guysknew right a little not doing time topick up you know your kids as we workfrom home you're not being us one of thebest things at being an online marketerif you're a full time online market isworking them all you know you have theflexibilities to do things take breaksgo out what if when you want to be onalert you put in the effort you knowconsistent the results to a show sothat's what I've been doingyou know they're working hard thiswebsite of almost done it's just minortweaks that I have to do here I've beenbuilding for most I have a couple ofprograms that I'm promoting some booksthat I sell baby sellers rights to stufflike that so there's quite a few thingsthat I've been working on in thebackground so that's why I hadn't but Idefinitely wanted to come to Alex alwaysshoots me and it emails to come jointhen I also been dealing with sincefounded issues with my mom having backsurgery as their vessel then I trying tofit in all the space you know I wantedto mention that I did see that in thatside and I just want you know that we'rethinking every and keeping that prayer Iappreciate that yeah yeah you know youmake that just like that video saysyou're either gonna go after that videoyou watched in the beginning we're gonnaeither go after it and go get it andmake it happen and give everything wegot to get there you know kind of thatattitude right and you can do what ittakes because I'm still in my cubiclelifestyle right I still do and I'veworked those hours but I sure doing wellwhen I get done coming on the end of theevening after fixing dinner WonderbraI'm gonna I'm taking action with thetime I have the time to vote time eachand every day and on weekends becauseand I'm making you know steady progressand achievement with results because ofconsistent action so so that it makes adifference it makes it so absolutely youknow we get so distracted very easytoday's work media the TV it shows andwe get so comfortable in our own littleworld we work for those who work 9:00 to5:00 you know might have a hard day atwork so I think exhausting day in thetraffic you know yeah you get home andthen all you want to do is relax but ifyou just do that on a consistent basisand just relaxyou don't go no you know you have tobuild yourself sacrificed certain timesthroughout the day to you know createprogress and whatever you buildingwhatever you try to create for yourselffor the family for the future you knowbuild every day whether it's a me knowan hour two hours it's four hours youcan cut that time on TVyourself a chance to educate yourself onwhatever niche that you'll be pluggingin with you know whatever motivationalstuff that helps you go out work theyhelp you become a better person theseare things that are so easy when youtake it for granted if you want tobecome successful follow Alex you knowsome of the food guys here who show usthe path to success he's here working inhis time you know top leaders amongmultiple companies that takes his timeweekly to show us and teach us man ifyou are not here you are stupidI mean really I know I mean if you don'ttake the time to listen to somebody whoordering those the ropes and knows howto do this and get mentor you knowmentored virtually or whatever and Toddthen I would say you're near losing thatyou're you know you're not well you'renot willing to do what it takes and payattention and learn and learn to do itthe right wayI mean honestly you're right I couldn'tagree more if you really stupid by notquite by really I mean I'm actuallystupid for not charging it but besidesthe point it's equivalent of like payingfor college education I'm not going tocollege like you didn't get along lookslike you actually paying from yourpocket for education but you use keepingthat's cool you know you're not evenshowing up and it's like a novel that'sall so you guys watching this this ishow simple this is like this is likewhile you dream an email I want toGoogle I search for thinking grow richPDF which is a free public domain bothyou can easily share it you're not gonnaget in trouble so it's really like thatbook changed my life that was my firstpersonal development book that I readit's probably the first book for manymany many entrepreneurs a lot of peoplechangedreading that book so I'm just sharingthat and right people will download itand read it but it's gonna be a smallpercentage of people but it creates agoodwill with subscribers I'm notpitching all the time and they'll belike if they read that book and they'llbe like man yeah I get this book andthen they get email from Alex asked likebasically pitching final xry next weekand I'm like oh okay the time is rightnow I'm understand why I need to startmy own business that's power of goodwillright so super simple so what am I doingthis email short email ah to increaseyour open rates we are an email tackwhich does every auto responder has ornow lifestyle has equivalent of that sobasically it will going to be replacingyour sub the subject will say your emailaddress so it's gonna be reallypersonalized so we don't collect namesif you have first name you can do firstname last name three four actions sothey can download it here they can clickit here they can I can probably add ithere as well but instead of that I choseto connect with my facebook profile sothis is how easily to do and then I'mreminding them if you making more moneythan I do you don't want this anymorego ahead and subscribe yourself rightand then psychological treatment notlike a magnet for that we're notrecommend it let it go back to like ohmaybe I need to download this so anywayso that's like couple of tricks thereyeah that's that so anyways guys I'mgonna a recording of this let me showoff so that's every client you put likedon't put the direct word free you canput like the period and yeah I mean Iget away with three it seems to box justas good but sometimes people do that soyou can preview and task before you sendin boxes but many are responders usedifferent IP addresses so sometimes evenif it in box but then you dobulk mailing and they switch you to adifferent IP address when you go andboth miles so you gotta toss differentthings but before you break it soundlike you wanted a break but before youdo that I wanted to I want to share youknow because I was talking to my son orsomething I just want to share with yousome short short you know or resultseven though Alex showed his results it'sbeen a really really great time withfunnel eggs because once you wentthrough and set up everything and becameactive at whatever level you could butmaking sure all those income streamswere active and began turned on thetraffic and fan and I really like you tome because I've been researching andlooking over solo ad sellers andreviewing them to determine and Istarted some traffic but all it did likelast week my bad let's say yeah about aweek ago or so it was already at 1300but now it's already up a little over2,000 just by keeping that steadyconsistent trend I will tell you withyou to me you can find a good solo adseller them you know a couple Mauriziobased and you know Hubbard's you know acouple of those and and then we'll youcan get yourself a couple of hundredclicks for right around a hundred bucksyou know so and and and we you know insome so ad sellers depending on you goto you know can be more expensive butbut you know me is a really good placefor people are unlimited no kind oflimited budget to find decent trafficand get things rolling but I can tellyou right now with it at the rate it'sgoing it's already one jumped up becausewhen they hit they immediately attend itappears to me is that easy one up is theone they like to pick up mostly andthere may go and Alex can speak to thatbecause I I didn't put myself rightneeded to be and I saw that that go pastme and I said stop and I went right inand I made sure I got myself to where itneeded to be and not to miss any becauseI you just don't want like to not bepositioned to miss out on those goodCommission drink but the but don't gothrough and go through that that next tobecause they need theresponder so now that's a recurringincome to run a lifestyle and as they gothrough but it keeps stacking up itstart stacking up as they go through andactivate all these different incomestreams and and that's what it's beendone so about a week to week and a halfago is it 1300 now it's a little bitover 2k and it's just still and thenyou're ten of course you take yourprofits and begin to scale up find thoseplaces those sellers that are workingthe – you know producing results andkeep working on that concept of scalingup and for me anyway that's my approachto and and so it's the follow X isdefinitely for especially for newbies Imean I really like the system because itprovides simplicity step-by-stepdirections percenter activating tellsyou and and deal with the trim then juststart the traffic I'm just typing him ohso easy well not what's awesome twothousand dollars you said Allen's twogrand no and cut no not easy one intotal of people going along andactivating the different income streamswhere I where I got started about fiveweek and then by the way let me showthat first so when you first get goinglike me and may have taken a week to geteverything all set up and going and lateand then some traffic so I was goinginto the second week so you gotta giveyourself at least ten days around geteverything set up solid make sure it'sworking test it out and then begin thetraps so maybe you know seven to tendays maybe in that energy and this theflow starts coming in allow that emailseries to trigger around to thesubscribers and then you'll start likelike Alex said started getting aroundthat sixty subscribers coming into thenow lifestyle on responder and all thesudden you begin to see cells coming insome cells coming and popping it so justgot to give it a little bit of timeI'm just typing and hanging out with youguys well this is what I do every daylike two emails from ez wound up mailerone in the morning one at night arebasically back to David echo like why doI need to reinvent the wheel like youasked me how my converting more salesthis one I'm doing I'm sending peopleback to David dials case studies thisguy I think I know him but he madetwenty five hundred dollars in one dayhi guys this is Nick Pratt and I'm doingthis Nick Bradso he made twenty five hundred dollarsin one day while I'm paying attention tois my affiliate link here three six zerotwo seven let's seeright and I use clip magic to shortenthe link you can use any tracker rypanel like I'm just using click magicfor the last seven years nowso that's all I'm doing right I'm justusing the mailer I'm sending them backto the freaking video and people willwatch it and don't pull the trigger anddon't buy this is how you make moneydoesn't get simpler than that warningyou actually my food sleep this is likeI'm just playing I'm just getting funnow it's like just do somethingdifferent don't be like like talk thesame way like I took like in my mouthlike differently so they people relaylike different people to relate todifferent people so that way I'mmaximizing my conversions because I havedifferent people on my list right that'swhy I use different case studies becausepeople relate that's why when people sayoh what a how many results while you useI don't have results either I use otherpeople's results before I create my ownresults when I create my own results andI'm not lazy I'm going to record thevideo and show my results but until thenI show other people's results and thisis why it's duplicatable for anybodyokay so I'm just saying a is still upare you gonna pay for all those personalgift then you will need to watch thisnow watch this warning in mindto sleep smiley face Pacific Ocean blahblah blah cheering for youalik z PS I trained you guys week we forF dot r dot e dot beep boomI think it's good crab meI just took now but how you talk topeople conversation with you right likeyou talk to other people just you don'thave to be like all professional andstuff right show them that you willdrive them to your YouTube channelFacebook whatever Instagram right it'sdoesn't yet it's not rocket science waswatching alum mask videos today all daythat's rocket science him where he wassmoking what's the big deal like peoplelike take everything so out ofproportion so praising Jesus Christ yesbut I like his project about likehumiliating the traffic congestion indelight having those tunnels andeverything he's a genius he's avisionary he definitely is a visionaryyeah you gotta listen to his audiobooksas well like I listened to one I forgetwhat it's called but you have tounderstand he doesn't quit eitherno genius you could be a visionary butyou could give up he didn't give up andthat's what that's what kinda music 6success by the way if you want subjectlines for emails I have tons of them inthe Facebook group if you gotten to mylots of ideas for emails swipe copies ifyou go to project a but my computer ison phrase because I'm sharing the screengo to filesTod's of goodies in there tons of likestuff you would pay unlike warrior forlike I'd wait for a lot of stuff I'mworried for him like forty seven dollarproducts and seven dollar W so like alot of F copy and swipe stuff isn't heredeadlines powerful words to use on youremail marketing cool subject lines youshould guys utilize this in yourmarketing make more money anyways I'mdone with my email so I'm gonna send itright now this is how you make sure itsays unpaid programs my program membersonly because I don't want to send to youguys because you guys already join soI'm setting that to one pageare you still up blah blah and that's itput my facebook link it from me onFacebook I'll say hello on Facebookthat's itthen you just send email and it takesabout five minutes for it to go throughso as long as you see waiting for easyone up at the bottom that means themailer is working it's sandy so that'sitall right guys I'm gonna wrap this up Ithink you guys know what to do end ofthe year maximize your earnings do yourtraffic purchases upgrade to the highestlevels thank you everybodyhere's some kids alright thanks thanksAriso anyways guys I'll see you guys on thetop take massive action if I see anybodyin New York somewhere I'll see somepeople this week maybe you guys come Idon't know what's these I have somewhereI think I'm debating whether I need tobuy new winter tires in my truck I'mdebating if this winter is going to besnowy enough because I have an odd setto set to sell from the old x6 now Ineed they they don't fit the new x5 theBMW they the braids the like so muchbigger than next six for whatever reasonso they don't fit so I need to solvethose and my goal is real right anywayso cheer guys take massive action I knowyou can do itI'll see you guys on top warm plate


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Top Ecom Product? Let's Find out! Galaxy Glass Pendant Unboxing

hi everyone and welcome back to dropshipping product reviews if this is yourfirst time tuning in please don't forgetto Like and subscribewe are your go-to source for honestreviews of popular drop shippingproducts today we are looking at thecosmic Galaxy glass pendant offAliexpress so let's get to it I'm justgoing to be opening it up I'm going totell you a little bit about the item[Applause]alright so the item name is the lkoNebula cause cosmic handmade galaxyglass pendant with rope necklace luckyman women couple jewelry Valentine's Daypresent if you wanted to search it onAliexpress or I can just leave a link tothe in the description box below for youthis is how it came sorry this is how itcame in the mail the item cost is 14.51cents the name of the store is lkoofficial store it came from China from apacket the method of shipping is apacket the days after ordering the itemwas shipped was two days and then thedays after ordering item arrived was 10days reminder we're on the west coastand so that the shipping times will varyacross the u.s. let's see what we gothere it looks like very nice packagingof a felt box that opens up into thisnecklace the necklace is not damaged atall it doesn't look like and thepackaging is not damaged eithersometimes we have a when a box it justcomes and you can hear it rattlinginside and so you're a little concernedabout that when that comes that way itlooks likea little bit that this glass piece evenconnecting to the necklace is not brokenso that's really important I think you'dbe confident that this item would showup unbroken to your customers if youwere to order it because it comes insuch a box such a nice box I would sayfive of five on the scale of one to fiveand shipping packaging item condition isalso a five it's beautifullet me just take it out of its packagehere it looks like even the back thechain it's not a chain actually that'sum well actually it says with rope it'sa rope type chain so it looks prettylong and you looks like you're able toadjust it based on the size of your neckand then it looks like it's on the theitem quality looks well and the visualappeal is beautiful so you can kind ofsee y'all zoom in for youand then on the backand then the rope it doesn't feel toolow-quality it actually is very nice itdoesn't seem like it would bend or breakunderneath I'm distressed with my nailand then these wouldn't be to make italso very nice it doesn't have a lot ofextra packaging to so that's really goodI don't like a lot of extra bubble wrapI could probably sell this necklaceprobably for fifteen to twenty dollarson my online online store so I don'tthink it would have a huge profitabilityor a market of it but it does definitelyhas marketabilityum you see the little swirls in therethat's pretty coolmakes it really unique the other thingto kind of think about is also how heavythis would be around your neck I've hadnecklaces that I don't really like atall because they were so heavy that theywere uncomfortable to wear but this oneI think would be okay here we go do yousee the swirls that are kind of in thereit's very cool okay well that's it fornow make sure that you join us next weekwe're gonna be posting a video everyweek for more 100% honest reviews of topproducts you want to add to your dropshipping store thanks for watching


How To Be Soul Strong: A Users Guide To Life On Planet Earth

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