Flatsome WordPress Theme Review 2018 – Best eCommerce WordPress Theme?

what is up guys my name is Darrell andtoday I'm gonna be reviewing the flatsum theme now if you guys ever kind ofwanted to buy flat sum but you weren'treally sure about it because you kind ofwant to know the features about it andyou want to know what the page builderactually offers today in this review I'mgonna be reviewing the flotsam thing andshowing you what this theme can do nowguys I've been messing around withWooCommerce and e-commerce for years youknow and the flotsam theme is theultimate WordPress theme for e-commerceit does so much for your store and I'mjust going to be going over some of thekey essentials it does like imageresizing and decorating shop pages checkout pages and all sorts of stuff so theflotsam theme guys by default does a lotthat you normally can't do with otherWordPress themes for example you cantotally have a customizable header righthere and they have like pre-designedtemplates or you can just simply justlike pick one of them you know choose aheader that works for you and they alsohave this like really cool like you knowthese buttons right here that makes itreally easy to sign up for your websitesalso you can fully customize thecheckout page so for example right herelet's say you have the checkout page andyou're saying you know I don't like ittoo much with flats um you can kind ofdesign your own your own checkout pageand they have just great templates youcan add more in the checkout page now bydefault guys WordPress teams usuallydon't offer this you know but flat sumis designed for e-commerce so again it'sjust some amazing stuff so I'll be goingover some of these features in thisreview but first let's go ahead and talkabout the page builder I'm sureeverybody wants to know about the pagebuilder because visual visual composerwas used on flotsam about a year ago butflats I'm kind of moved away from visualcomposer because I realize it's not thebest page builder and in fact I havealways hated itand flat semester they're owned usbuilder and another really amazing thingabout this is if you guys suck atdesigning websites which I do too theyhave a flat 'some studio so right hereif I click on flotsam studio they haveover 500 templates that you guys can addfor your e-commerce websites and nomatter what you're looking for theseguys have it you know they have about uspages banners call to actions contactpages just amazing stuff I even havelike grids right here so they just offerso much the I mean you can likeliterally import an entire ecommercewebsite from their home page the aboutUs page and contact page and just justuse their stuff you know then charge theclient ten grand or you know whateveryou want to charge you know but let mejust give you an example of how thisworks so let's say right here for mycall to action I want to just select youknow one of these call to action so I'mjust gonna click on import and click onstart and it's going to import thatspecific section and it's really fastso here I basically you know I I tookthe templates and then here I'll just dolike an amazing sale and then I justclick on okay save the changes etc andguys it's that quick and fast to make awebsite with flat some also if you guyslike the full width page they also havethat as well so in the options when youdesign this page you can have it eitherboxed or full width so a lot of theirdemos have the only boxed looked but youguys can make it full width that's whatI first thought I was like I want thefull width look they have it so righthere on this gear icon I'm gonna clickon that and I'm goes to my template andgo to full width and voila now it isfull width also you guys might bemessing around with the templates quitea lot which I was – now it's reallysimple to get rid of all this all I needto do is click on the gear icon and justclick on clear click on OK and that's ityou can start all over again so it'sreally simple to make websites of theflat sum and the page builder isincredibly easy to learn I have a fulltutorial on it in the description belowyou guys want to check it out but let'sgo ahead and keep talking about otherfeatures besides just the flat slimstudio which is probably one of the mostamazing features I've seen about flatsum I mean they have over 500 templatesthat you guys can simply just grab andjust you know check out you guys canpreview it see how it looks and thenjust simply grab any one of theirtemplates for your e-commerce websitesok so that was a quick preview of theflotsam Studio now I'm gonna talk aboutthings that I love about flotsam andthings that really stood out to me andsaying this is amazing one of them isthe image resizing now by default guyswhen you're using other WordPress themesthe image sizing can be the biggest painin the butt if something's likemisaligned a little bit it's going tocome out weird flotsam has theoption to force the height for all yourproducts now this is not the productpage right here but this is the moduleitself now they have different stylesthat you guys can use so right here youguys can see the style of products soright here we have overlay we have shadewe have just and the thing is guys theselook really clean like these look likethese look amazing you know like there'sthere's so much you can do you can addthe description you can add the reviewsyou can take out the reviews you can putin whatever you want you can mix andmatch whatever you want you can havethis animation fade from you know up thebottom like that really clean just justamazing you know simply amazing and ifyou're not using flotsam for youre-commerce website you're missing outbecause it's just a very clean theme andit's just it's so easy to use you shoulduse it you know and people who aren'tusing it I could I get upset with themI'm like dude use this theme it haseverything now also right here forimages now right here you got some kindof mess around with the image sizing soright here we have like 75 cent or sevenfive percent two hundred percents andyou guys can kind of mess around withthis they kind of get what you guys wanton your websites but the image sizingfor this is simply amazing and then youcan also change the width of its likethat and you can also change the radiusas well so let's say for example youkind of want a more circular kind ofapproach here we can add in a radius ofa hundred percent and it's going tocreate that circle effect now you cannotdo this without custom CSS so flats upnoses and you don't have to use CSS youdon't need any CSS at all and also wecan have like the size you can changethe size and here we can add in a quickoverlay so here I'm I put in blue yourblue right here and then maybe just likethat you guys get the idea now that's asuper ugly color but I'm just showingyou the possibilities of what you can dowith the flat some theme also you canchange the text alignment you can changethe size of the text you can change thefont you can customize each andeverything on the product section soalso right here it says sale you canchange the color you can change the textso there's there's no limits on what youcan do with flat sum so it's simplyincredible of thethe possibilities and the combinationsyou can have with the flotsam theme sothat is a quick little preview of likethe product module that where you canadd props on your front page now let'stalk about the actual productsthemselves so this is my shop page andyou guys can actually decorate andcustomize the shop page so here I justadded like a slider you know somethingsomething quick and easy no this isquick and easy now we also have like thegrid style where you can have like theAdd to Cart feature you can have no Addto Cart or you can have the epic art onthe picture so for example right hereyou see that we have the Add to CartI'll click on this it's gonna change nowthe Add to Cart is actually on thepicture and you can add the cart rightthere simple and easy so it's just it'sreally really amazing what you can dowith this theme so next to say you wantsto put it right there you know you canactually change it so now the Add toCart is gone but you know I'm justgiving you an idea of what you can dealwith the store so if you don't want toadd to cart you can take it out but Ikind of like that's a cart you knowbuttons are clickable and people love toclick buttons so I kind of want thosebuttons there you can show thecategories you can show the ratings youcan show the short description also forthe sale level right here this littlebubble we have you can change it to likea square so now you see like it's thesquare you can add it like a little bitdifferently so it's like in the actualbox etc you can change the color you canchange the font so right here you canchange the custom fonts you can alsoshow a percentage discount so instead ofsaying sale like you know a lot ofboring WordPress themes you can put thesale percent of what the product is onsale for and websites like wish do thatif you guys seen that website whichwhere they sell those those Chineseproducts where they said like 99% offthey do that on their app and theirwebsite so it's it's it's worth lookinginto you know you guys can also changelike the categories you can do all sortsof stuff you can also this is a greatfeature right here so equalized imageHeights so no matter what size the imageis it's going to align them properly tomake your site look amazing so if youtake that out depending on your imagesit's going to come out kind of skewedbut my images are all the same size sothatnot gonna be the case but for mostbeginners a lot of beginners actuallyused just all different image sizingbecause they don't know what they'redoing and this is the cold reality of itall so the image height so you can kindof like you know make the image heightbigger and smaller and you can list theproduct per page product per row it'sjust it's just limitless on what you cando with the shop page and you can alsodecorate it so you can build on the shoppage so right here I added a slider youguys can add whatever you wantuse their flotsam studio stuff on yourpage you know their designs are amazingso that's just a quick example ofsomething you can do with the shop pagenext is like I said the car page youguys can also add content like bannersright here or you guys can build on thischeckout page and guys you cannot dothis with other WordPress themes I loveDivi I think Debbie has the best pagebuilder unfortunately Divi can't do whatflotsam again I know I'm playing devil'sadvocate here but if there's somethinggood if there's a good product out theremy job wants to talk about it you knowthat's my job my job is not to playfavorites it's not to be biased it's toprovide the best value for my viewersright so I love Divi I think their pagebuilder is amazing I would use it forany other websites but if I'm running ane-commerce website as of right now Iwould use flotsam because the things youcan do with this you can't do this withyou can't do this with Elementor youcan't do this with beaver builder youcan't do this with Divi but you can doit with flats um so here you can likeadd in blocks and if you watch mytutorial I talk all about blocksbasically like their sections like wehow we design the shop page you can dothe same exact thing on the checkoutpage also the header the header isamazing you guys can add buttons here sofor example right here we have buttonone button – you guys can even add athird button you can add social icons sohere I'm a dragon social icons and theheader is just so customizable it isamazing and I like the header or the ThePresets you know I mean why work harderyou know I'm just gonna just grab apreset and if you look at the thepresets right here it's pretty simple onhow they do everything and here like youcan take the logo and drag the logo toanywhere else you want you can virtuallydo anything you want they also have atutorial on it as well you can alsomodify it for theand also the mobile device as well so Iknow you guys might have been skepticalon flat sum it took me a while to usethe page blur to fully understand it andto you know to realize that the themehas a lot to offer and I'm not a hugefan ofenvato I really am NOT but thedevelopers on Novatowhen I see good development teams and Isee really good teams and companies outthere like flats um I have to recognizethem you know as much as I don't likefire and vato just because I have my ownpersonal reasons why I don't like Envatobut the developers on it are incrediblytalented and again some of the work theydo is just amazing so if you guys arelooking for an e-commerce theme I highlyrecommend the flotsam theme because thepage builder is easy you can do imagesizing you could customize everythingthere's no limits on what you cancustomize they have tons of templatesand virtually I wouldn't see a reason touse any other commerce theme because ofwhat you can do with flats um okay so Ihope this review was helpful if you guyswant to purchase the flotsam theme thereis a link in the description of thisvideo I do make a very very smallCommission so if you want to buy throughmy link or knots it's up to you it'sreally up to you if you do I appreciateit if not no big deal I'm not gonna sitthere and cry about itso make sure to check out the possumtheme you guys can probably see like ademo of it I do have a fold to taunt aswell it's just really uh it's it's greatguys it's really amazing what this thinghas to offer so again I hope this reviewwas helpful hopefully by now you mightbe encouraged to switch over to theflotsam theme so I've got a lot ofviewers saying they got like a femalewitch or I'm sharp or mush it was thething called the shopkeeper a shopkeeperis not as good as this because a lot ofthe features with a shopkeeper you can'tdo with flats um you know you have toyou have to throw in a tons of customCSS and if you also go to Envato marketsif you just simply go to Nevada marketright here and go to their page righthere and go to their section you guysare going to see that flotsam is thenumber one most sold ecommerce theme solet me just give you an example righthere we go to ecommerce forWordPress their ties being a littleweird CR here we'll go to e-commerce andI'm gonna go to best best sellers theykind of changed this little it's kind ofweird and right here you guys can seeflotsam it just has an overwhelminglyamount of positive reviews and alsosales compared to shopkeeper shopkeeperis actually kind of you know they'relosing stars but I'm sure it's it's it'sa decent theme but I've used it beforeand it just nothing compared to theflotsam thing you can be so much morecustomizable with the flotsam theme alsoif you guys are using like elemental Ilove elemental unfortunately fore-commerce it's just not the best it'snot really designed for e-commerce likeit has the capabilities of e-commercebut it's not it's not designed for ityou know there's its it's doable butit's like not the best Divi is the sameway Davi it's an amazing page builderbut it's just not designed fore-commerce flotsam is so that's why Ipurchase flotsam I use it and if youlook at the ratings five stars five starratings with like 60,000 plus sales soagain it's a it's a really amazingWordPress theme just just get it now I'mtelling you guys to get it all right soI hope this video was helpful and makesure to check out flotsam and I will seeyou all latertake care


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4 Must Read Internet Marketing Books

youthis is the mountain that we're about tohike hey guys Stephanie fromprojectlifemastery.comI just did an amazing hike here in Rioand there's a gorgeous view behind meand it's a good opportunity for me totake a my phone real quickand answer some of the questions thatI've received from you guys so someoneasked me a question the other day on myblog which was what internet marketingbooks do I recommend for someone that'sinterested in getting started makingmoney online now I want to share withyou guys four books okay four books thatcome to mind up at the top of my headright now that have really benefitted meand helped change my life and reallyinspired me to get started making moneyonline so the first book that I want torecommend for you guys is a book thatyou probably already heard of andespecially if you're an internetmarketer you've probably already read itand if you haven't then this is a goodbook to start with but it's a bookcalled the 4-hour workweek by TimFerrissokay the 4-hour workweek by Tim Ferrissand this is a book that I read years agois probably one the first books I readthat really motivated me to get startedmaking money online because it reallychanged my paradigm of what was possibleyou know I was always raised with thetraditional belief that you got to go toschool you got to get great grades yougot to get a good education and then youwork your ass off for your entire lifeso that one day when you're 65 years oldyou can eventually retire and travel andjust live your life and he kind of makesfun of that in the book and he describesthere's a new rich there's a new way ofliving your life and the book is abouthow to escape the 9 to 5 and create alifestyle that only requires about fourhours a week of work so that you cantravel the world living your dreamsdoing whatever it is that you wantmaking passive income and beingfinancially free and so it's a greatbook highly recommended you know in thebook Tim Ferriss describes how hetravels the world how he goes to Brazilhe does jujitsu he goes to Thailand he'sdoing Muay Thai he's doing Samba classesall types of stuff and that is possibleand the possibility of it is what reallyis the biggest thing I got from thatbook and it also goes into a lot aboutautomating your life oats orseeing leveraging herself so it's areally great book to recomm that I'dstart with the second book that Irecommend is a book that I read recentlywhen I was in Bali and it was actually agift from someone on my blog and I heardabout it four years before but I nevergot a chance to read it till just thisearly this year and it's a book calledThe Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarcoand this is a book that was really wellwritten I love the style of this bookand it really changed it's another bookthat shifts her paradigm and yourmindset of how to get rich fast now I'mnot really big and just telling peopleyou can get rich overnight or anythinglike thatbecause getting rich and making money issomething that requires a lot of hardworkfailures experience developing yourselfand everything but there's definitely away of doing it faster than a lot of thetraditional ways of how we've beentaught and you know we've been taughtthat you can get rich by investing inmutual funds and stuff like that and inthis book The Millionaire Fastlane isall about how to get on the fast trackbecause even that strategy of what mostpeople learn from their banks and andother finance books about investing inmutual funds pay yourself first thatstrategy is it gets lowI started get rich slow strategy and souh MJ DeMarco talks about how theinternet is making more people rich thananything and how you can leverage it andtake advantage of it so it's a reallygreat book that I recommend reallyinspired me it's probably one of thebest books that I've read on the subjectso that's why I'm recommending it thethird book I want to recommend is a bookthat is going to be a little bitchallenging for you guys to find butit's a book that I read when I went toThailand when I was first building myinternet business and has a book calledfu moneyok fu money by Dan Locke Dan Locke andI'll try to find links to all thesebooks and link to them in my blog postand in the video description but this isa book that really changed my life DanLocke is from Vancouver and he actuallygave me his book for free at a seminarthat he is speaking at and I read thisbook when I went to Thailand I wasbuilding my first online business and Iwas so motivated driven my goal is tomake $300 a month passive incomeread this book when I was there and itwas just a life-changing book for mebecause it really helped me with mymindset with internet marketing thepossibility of it had some really greatexercises and it just shifted my beliefsso really great book highly recommendedI love his style of writing as well it'svery direct like a few kind of you knowa few money is the book what is calledso it's a very direct powerful way thatreally got through to me the fourth bookI'm gonna share with you guys is a bookthat helped me to build my blog and it'scalled crush it by Gary Vaynerchuk andGary Vaynerchuk Gary Vee is got somegreat books out there but crush it Ithink was his first book that he put outand as all about how to make money doingwhat you love how to edit cash in fromyour passions make profit from yourpassions and it really inspired me atthe time because that was when I wasfirst building project life master command when I read that book it just reallymade me believe and had helped me havethe right mindset to build my blog andbuild it into the success that it is nowso those are the four books that Irecommend for you guys okay the 4-hourworkweek The Millionaire Fastlane fumoney and crush it by Gary Vaynerchukthose four books are definitely amazingan amazing start now there don't reallygo into the practical logisticalstep-by-step how-to of making moneyonline but it will help with the mindsetthe beliefs and motivate you to actuallydo it so I want to thank you guys forwatching this video I'll see you guysagain soonyouyou


TOP ECOMMERCE PLATFORMS – Best Platform To Build Ecommerce Website [ NEW ]

alright. alright. alright alright so this
video is talking about the best platformto build ecommerce websites so a lot of
you guys are ecommerce marketers or youdo e-commerce marketing I put it that
wayShopify and all that type of stuff so
you're trying to learn how to build yourown e-commerce site where it looks good
it's clear and you can attach yourfunnels to it and everything like that
I'm gonna make this very brief realquick this is a platform called build a
rock so what I want you to do is writethat name down build a row and then I
want you to make plans to yourself tocancel any other website builder you may
have been thinking whether you'realready with WordPress whether they're
already with Weebly and Wix you need tocancel those and I'm gonna tell you why
as marketers we have a whole lot ofexpenses monthly payments they go out to
different marketing tools and platformswell this builder our platform is an
all-in-one marketing platform and I'llshow you guys everything that's in it so
you know exactly what you need to do andthen you can go through my link in the
description so that I can send you a lotof free goodies they have a transfer
feature where I can transfer everythingthat I have that's making me money and I
can transfer it straight to you once youbecome a member so this is what I want
you guys to do alright so you come inhere you come in here as a member you
log in then you go to builders you'realready in your dashboard right here you
go to builders and then you click ondrag-and-drop
pixel-perfect this is another thing youdon't need to know how to code you don't
need to be super technical you don'tneed to know how to build websites or
have any experiments they have templatesset up where you can just switch out
images which our videos switch outwording and text and all of that and
connect whatever you need to connect tomake it look very good you don't have to
know how to do itthing is already mobile-friendly is
already responsive it'll work and lookwell on any type of device and I'm
trying to show you now so you come hereyou can see that they have categories so
there's categories for everything overliterally categories for everything any
type of businesses even if you do anytype of local marketing as you can see
they have moving company funnels thatthey have HVAC sites and all of it so
you want to type in e-commercelet's see retail oh I'm sorry
local marketing all right so onlinestore this is what you would go for as
far as e-commerce you would check outthe online storage online stores that
will be the template you will use andyou can literally just plug and play and
go alright so we're doing one right nowthis is just an example like I said you
can add whatever you need to to italright they got the cs3 css3 on it
alright so sunglasses free shippinghigh-top or you can just type in
whatever you have you can switch outthese offers with what you have it's
very very very simple guys very verysimple this is just a you know an
example sitealright so this platform has ecommerce
type sites for you now you come out herethe reason why you want this is because
it's not just a website builder todayyou are on YouTube or a Google looking
for how to build a you commerce a arethe best platform to do that on well I'm
also gonna show you how you can makemoney with this and that you can use
this as everything this is your go toyou don't need anything else no longer
are the daywhere you need a website platform over
here and then you need a sales funnelClickbank account and then you need a
MailChimp email responder you can usebuild a role for all of those things and
let me show you alright so here the cellphones and it's just like the websites
is as easy as the website so over herein the sales funnels they have the video
sales letter they have invisible funnelproduct lunch so you guys might be using
that or even better the storefront phoneSeoul is multiple products similar to an
e-commerce website and push people todifferent individual funnels let's say
you're giving away something you can usethe lead magnet funnel you can use the
webinar funnel you can use a bridge thesales letter funnel you can use the
survey funnel if the you know want themto serve a different products or
whatever in the application phonealright so they have all of these
funnels that you can literally just plugand play into your information or your
product on and start making sales todayalright so I just showed you the
e-commerce website and I showed you thee-commerce funnel that comes all this
stuff once you're on the inside iscompletely free alright so you're really
trying to get your amazon shopping i andand all of that on and you try to sell
your products from your online storethen you want to be like the big boys
you want to have your own app you wantto have your own app so people can
install beyond your app as long asthey're on their phone and making
purchases all day this has a free appbuilder you can literally create the
free ecommerce website in here and bringthe link over here and turn it convert
it into an app within like 10 minutes soyou and you can do free push
notifications to whoever have downloadedyour app alright and start letting them
know when you have specials of deals orcoupons or anything like that so you can
make a killing with this platform withyour e-commerce site or your ecommerce
business everyis mobile optimized mobile friendly
responsive and everything if you want tochange the backgrounds of images and do
all of that extra stuff they have thestudio you need a presentation builder
you doing some kind of presentation ifyou want to set up a webinar as the
webinar platform you set up automatedwebinars everything is in here so you no
longer need multiple memberships withdifferent sites or platforms you no
longer need multiple expenses so nowlet's say you're using let's say you
you're you're following up with yourleaves and you're using a platform like
MailChimp MailChimp will charge youlet's go over the mention MailChimp
pricing all right so as you can see youcan use the free forever but then you
have a cap you can only have 2,000subscribers over there a builder all you
that you can have an unlimited amount ofsubscribers you can only send 12,000
emails a month that limits you but overa builder or you can send unlimited
amounts all right well they have a tendollar plant okay that's good and you
can stand on lemonade with both of thesebut then this is where it stops it right
here no support all rightadvanced segment is cut off you can't do
comparative alright so a lot of thatmight not be important to you but to get
unlimited everything you have to pay$1.99 a month that's a lot remember this
is only an email platform builder allcan do all of this stuff that's on
unlimited and automate your follow-upsequences and all of that it can do all
of this but it's not just the emailplatform it has the websites as a sale
funnels I just showed you the appcreator I showed you the webinar play
so let's say that you do webinars withwebinarjam and all of that crap and you
paying three hundred and sixty-fivedollars a year or something like you can
cut that right now cuz it has theautomatic webinar funnels and the
automatic webinar platform you can startyour webinars today and start making
killing over and night alright so if youneed to build email I mean ecommerce
sites now you know the best platforms tostart building your ecommerce site zone
effort Shopify every Amazon effort anyof those type of sites when you can come
here and you can get all in one and youremail follow-up your arm your scripts
and everything and even have a scriptgenerator inside here so that's why you
want to do this because all of thesethings is only thirty bucks a month all
of this is only thirty bucks a monthcompared to you paying hundreds and
hundreds just for your email platformjust for your WordPress platform your
Wix Weebly just for your freakingclickfunnels you're paying $2.99 the 330
bucks will get you all of that the linkis in the description and I'm going to
transfer you everything I have over thatwill start making you a lot of money I
say transfer because the only way thatwork is if you're a member I'm gonna
transfer you everything I have they willstart making you money this week go to
the link in the description it's 30bucks you can start making money so you
can start creating your own testimonialinstead of cruising around YouTube
looking at other people's testimonialslet's live your life the link is in the
description I'll talk to you guys on theinside


How To Find Best Sellers On Shopify | SECRET Tool 2018 | Ecom Musa

what's up guys Iko Moussa here I justwanted to show you real quick thispowerful tool it's called commercialinspector it is the Chrome extensionwhich allows you to find the bestselling products of certain Shopifyshops[Music]it's really powerful I will show you ina second how it works but before we dothat I just wanted to mention that youshould not fall in love with a certainidea or a product many people strugglingto get momentum to get started due tothe fact that they have an idea and theyjust want to make it perfect I wouldsuggest for example to find alreadyproducts that you know they are sellingwell in the market and to start this wayit's much easier than inventing thewheel so this Chrome extension workspretty simple once you find Shopifystore I will show you in a second howyou can find Shopify stores once youhave your inspector I guess you can getit here exactly in commerce inspectorcomm you just install the free pluginand once you have it attached to yourchrome you can simply go to any Shopifystore and use this tool I have a hugelist of the most popular Shopify storesin the world here you can see the numberone actually it's colour-pop calm theladies might know it it's cosmetic shopand the guys might know or the ladies aswell Jim shark calm this is one of thefastest-growing fashion online store forfitness and you can get this list in myFacebook group I just created a Facebookgroup you will find the link down belowthis video and you simply join the groupand there you will find somewhere thelink of this page so you can check outyourself and just browse through all ofthe Shopify storesso I've pre-selected some stores where Iknow that these are definitelydropshippers I will show you right nowwhat I foundthe first one is be a bigger calm andthis is a general store so you cansimply go over here click best-sellingand after that you will see their bestsellers of their shop so this one is theball cutter you can see they sell it for$9.99and I already searched in Aliexpresscalm you can get it here easily betweentwo and three dollars and another shopthat I found was my free ship deals calmthis is a general store too so they sellalso all kind of products and if you hitthe commercial inspector best sellingover here you can see their best sellingproduct is actually cycling sunglassesand this one they sell for $20 you cansee all the images over here and I tryto find that product and not Express Icouldn't find the exact same product butit comes pretty close you don't have tosell the exact same product you cansimply get some ideas so over here yousee this one cost only 120 has a lot ofboats over 50,000 views and the averageis 4.8 stars so it's a pretty coolproduct that you could sell to yeahbikers and this is a pretty cool nichethe season is just starting and you cango out there and target all the bikerswith your Facebook ads then I found thisstore Express then or expert team Idon't know also a general store andlet's check what they have if you clickhere best sellingand okay you can see over here theyalready know that some people like usare going to check their page so theysimply made a page of funny page likethis did yeah we can search somewhereelse but I can show you a trick later onhow you can do the same so nobody canspy on your shop that requires a littlebit coding but I can show you that inanother video but you can see over herealso best-selling products in their homepage so though you can get simply someideas and we see here again the saladcutter Bowl they sell it actually formuch more than the first shop for $19.99dollars and I recommend you definitelychoose a higher margin doesn't makesense to have a little bit of margin andyou're running out of profit at the endso better to have some margin on top soyou can play around and that's prettymuch from me I hope I could help youfind some good selling products and seeyou next time bye


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E-Commerce formation : tutoriel E-Commerce complet gratuit (cours ecommerce)

Cours E-Commerce gratuit pour tout savoir en 30 minutes! (Tuto e-commerce)

Ce tuto vous permettra d’apprendre le ECommerce rapidement. Dans cette formation E-Commerce, vous trouverez notamment :

– 7 clés pour réussir en e-commerce
– Créer votre boutique en ligne : le drop shipping avec Aliexpress, Shopify et Facebook
– Le secret du panier infini
– Comment maximiser le taux de conversion
– Comment vendre sur Amazon et faire un best-seller en 3 étapes
– Comment utiliser Amazon FBA pour gérer un stock virtuellement
– Les 5 facteurs à manier pour se positionner en tête des résultats sur Amazon
– Comment promouvoir en ligne

↡↡↡ Voir aussi ↡↡↡

▶ Tutoriel Marketing Digital : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4FVO_nZn5w

Et pour terminer :
▶ Découvrez plus de 1000 astuces marketing ici : https://www.StrategeMarketing.com
▶ Sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/strategemarketingcom
▶ Pas encore abonné à cette chaine Youtube ? Abonnez-vous ici: https://goo.gl/7G9mVQ


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