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Product Name: Lose Manboobs In 30 Days – High Converting Offer

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9 Must to have eCommerce features | 9 Top Ecommerce Features जो आपकी Website को कामयाब बना देंगे |

Doston , yeh video hai ecommerce ke baare mein, Aaj kal ecommerce ki dhoom hai aur aage bahot scope hai… is video me maine baat kari hai 9 top ecommerce features ke baare mein jo ke bahot zarooori ho sakte hai kisi bhi ecommerce site ke kaamyaab hone mein,

Know about ecommerce personalization, mobile optimized responsive site, and many more ecommerce site features. This video talks about 9 must have ecommerce features that your ecommerce website must consider if you want it to be successful

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Setting up an Ecommerce store | Webflow Ecommerce series – Episode 1

– Hey designers, welcome
back to my channel.If you're new around here,
then I'm Charli, I'm a designerand in this series, I'm
gonna be taking you throughmy process in depth and all
the details of building outmy online store using Webflow Ecommerce.(upbeat music)I've been running an online
store for almost a decade now,and in that time I've used
various different platformsfor running it, but I've always feltvery limited in terms of what I coulddo with the design of my store,either because the platforms
had limited amount of themesor there wasn't many
customization options,or with some, you have to know
a specific coding languagein order to be able to do
anything cool in custom.I'm super excited that Webflow
has brought out Ecommerce.Using Webflow Ecommerce,
building a store in it,is just like building any
other page in Webflow.You can do anything you like.I know it's gonna be super easy for meto code up my design visuallyand I know that I can make use
of Webflow interactions too,to do some cool interactive
and animated stuff with my sitethat I've never been able to
do with my online store before.When I was designing my
store that meant thatI wasn't just designing a
skin for an existing template,I wasn't just designing what settingsI was gonna change to
make it look how I want.I can really put items
wherever I like on the page.That was a lot of fun to work through.This is a quick look
at some of the designsthat you'll be seeing me build outthroughout the series, but
here in this first videoin the series, I'm gonna
give you an introductionto Webflow Ecommerce,
show you around the tool,get you used to it, show you how it works,how I'm setting up products and categoriesand things like that.Let's get our bases covered
before we get into building.Alright, here we are in
Webflow and the first thingthat we have to do is enable Ecommerce.I'm gonna come over here
to this little cart icon.And let's get going, it's gonna
create two new collections,Products and Categories,
'cause this is how it organizesall your things in your store.Let's do this.Once you've enabled Ecommerce,it'll show you this checklist hereof all of the things
you need to work throughand make sure that you've sortedand thought about before you
launch your online store.Let's just take a look through
the set up stuff mainly.I think we should startwith showing you how you add product.For my store, I have
set up four categoriesand six products already.Products and categories in Ecommerceare pretty much like a CMS collection,where there's a bunch of fieldswhere you're gonna create items for itand then you can do certain thingsin your design with them.There are fields that come as
standard when you're addinga new product, things like a description,a main image, the price
obviously, you can put in a SKUif you do that sorta
thing with your store.But there's also custom fields,so let me show you some
of the custom fieldsthat I have set up.If you click on the little
cog there, you can addwhatever custom fields
you like to your products.I added space for a couple more imagesand I also added this reference one hereto get the main category.So basically this talks to
the categories collectionand I'm telling it what the
main category is for my product,because I wanna use that
later on in my design,as you will see.For categories, I haven't
added anything extra yet.Let's go ahead and add
my last product, for now,to my store.
(keys clicking)And all I have to do for this isfill out the fields, essentially.(electronic music)I'm setting its main
category to be Matte Prints,but then up here in the category tags,I'm setting it to be matte prints,as well as in my all products.Again, 'cause this is
gonna come up in my design.As you can see in here,
for the product as well,you can add in the measurements of itand you can also add the weight,which comes in handy later onwhen you're working with shipping.It can calculate the
weight of the total order,based on what you tell it
each item weighs in here.Now I wanna add something elseto the custom fields for my categories.You might have noticed in
the designs that I showedup on screen earlier, I make
use of a lot of bold colorsin my design and I want those colorsto be matched to a certain category.All the screen prints
have a pink background,that sort of thing.What I'm gonna do is add a field herein my categories collection for color.This means that I'll be able to able seta main color for each category.Let's save that and go in and
edit my categories to show it.Because I'm working within
my personal site project,I already have saved
all of my brand colorsto the color pallette, which
is definitely somethingthat I would recommend
you do as you get startedwith a Webflow project.(electronic music)Now there's a color
assigned to each category,and I'm gonna be able to use
that later on in my design.The next thing I should think aboutin setting up my online
store is shipping, obviously.I need to send these products somewhere.I'm gonna click on Add Shipping Zoneand get started planning this all out.I'm gonna start with my local shipping,which for me, is the UK.(keys clicking)You can charge it based on weight,like I showed you just beforewhen you're setting up a product.If you tell the system how
much your product weighs,it'll calculate the
shipping cost based on that.You can charge a percentage
of the price as shipping.Whatever you like.I'm gonna go with quantity
based for my shipping bow,and I'm also gonna give my
customers two different optionsfor the shipping, either
tracked or untracked,just so they can have a
cheaper option for shipping,if they want it.Let's go for quantity based
and I'm gonna call thisSingle Print Untracked.
(keys clicking)Just to spell it out,I'm gonna put a little
description in here,saying no tracking provided,so they know what they're doing.This is for minimum of one,maximum of one and it's
gonna be three pounds,and then add my tracking options.(electronic music)Then for in case someone's
buying two or more prints,I'm gonna set this minimum
quantity of two, maximum of none,can be as many as they like
and it's gonna cost themfive pounds for untracked.(electronic music)Alright, that's my first
shipping zone done.Let's add another one,
let's go add Europe,And what I like that
Webflow has done here,is instead of me having to go
through and select the flagof every single country in Europe,it's got shipping groups that workkind of like post office ones do.I can just select Europeand all of the countries in
Europe will be selected for me.And also because countries can
only be in one shipping zone,you can see that United
Kingdom is grayed out here,'cause it's been used previously.Now that I have all my shipping sorted,another thing to take a
look at is taxes, obviously,if you're running business,
you gotta make sureyou pay your taxes.My business is registered for sales tax,which means I have to charge
tax on products that I sellto anyone in the UK or in Europe.I can go in here and turn on or off,if I want to charge tax for that region,which is really useful.It doesn't have to be
like a store wide thing.You can do it based on country.With the U.S. for example I
don't have to charge tax there,so I can just turn this off and
people who buy from the U.S.won't have that included.And of course, a very
important part of setting upan online store is
enabling people to pay you.That's always a good thing, right?I'm gonna connect my
Stripe account right hereto get that working.Now I have my categories set up.I've got my products set
up within those categories,got my shipping all figured out,looked at the tax stuff,
connected my payment provider.I think that means we are ready to get inand start building the store.I'm gonna end this video here though'cause that was a whole lotta stuff.In the next one, we're gonna start withbuilding out the product page.This is the page for displayinga single product in my store.I'm gonna show you how all those fieldsthat I showed you in the
set up here come into play,and how that's all gonna be built.If you're already excited though,and you wanna just get
straight into Webflowand get started building your own store,then they'll be a link
on the screen right now,and also in the description,
where you can go do that.But, give this video a
thumbs up if you enjoyed it,if you're excited for the series to comeand I will see you in the next video.Alright, bye.(upbeat music)


The High Performance Handbook

Product Name: The High Performance Handbook

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How to Choose the Best Font For Your Ecommerce Website

Choosing the font style for your ecommerce website is an important decision, and your choice of fonts can make or break online success. Web fonts speak volumes about your business, and the best web fonts will reinforce your brand and are easily read by humans. You may think using the default font design of a theme is appropriate, however learn the best tips for choosing the right font for your website from one of Volusion’s in-house Design professionals.

1. Pick an appropriate font to reinforce your brand identity and message (1:12)
2. Proper legibility & readability ensures font letters are easily distinguishable and the text is arranged in a way that’s easy to understand (1:47)
3. Consider pairing different font styles that complement each other (2:47)

We hope you found these font design tips useful and consider implementing these font changes on your own ecommerce site. Need a little more help deciding which font style is best for your site? Visit our blog on this topic and leave a comment — we’d be happy to provide custom font recommendations to make your decision easier. Happy Selling!

Blog post: https://volu.sn/2A5BSr3

Start your own online store with Volusion: https://volu.sn/2JPX6Zr


The Natural Pcos Diet

Product Name: The Natural Pcos Diet

Description: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (pcos) Is Hot Niche Topic. The Natural Pcos Diet. Professional Information. Author Jenny Blondel Is Qualified Australian Naturopath And Hormone Health Expert. Low Return Rate. Bonus Pcos Cookbook. Get Started At Our Aff Page.

$0 To $100 A Day Shopify eCommerce – Part 4 – We Made Money!

hey what's up guys : here look this isthe reason that's this right here thisvideo right here was super delayed wasbecause I actually got involved with myreally really really involved with mysoftware launch profit funnel you know Ijust decided I wanted to go all-in Iwanted to focus 100% on my software sobasically I took a little bit of a breakfrom like teaching that whole thing andI just focus 100% on my software withthat being said right now we're about todive in and show you guys like did thiswork that does not work how manyconversions we got we're going to diveright into the Facebook ad campaign andI'm going to show you all theconversions we tracked and all that goodstuff so I'll see you guys inside mycomputer we're about to hop in beside mycomputer anyways I'll see you guys thereon average 49 cents the conversion andthe relevancy score was six which wasn'tgreat but it was alright it was stilldefinitely profitable especially afterthe upsellsbut anyways long story short this adcampaign was definitely a win guys asyou can see I ran it for exactly tendays you can see I ran it from Augustthird to August 13th and it did reallywell I'll actually show you I'll showyou the ad right here so as you can seeI got pretty good engagement this isonly $200 I mean this is only $200 an adspend and you can see it was a verysimple straight to-the-point ad and itreached 16,000 people for ten thousandand got 27 likes fourteen shares and abunch of comments people were basicallylike wow this is funny I'm going to graband that's exactly what we wantedbasically so as you can see itdefinitely worked well so let's go aheadand go back here so the reason why thisvideo got a little bit delayed wasbecause actually launching my newsoftware profit funnel and what that isis a Shopify funnel builder and the longstory short I had a devote my hundredpercent to building an awesome productthat people would love um so thetutorial got a little bit delayeduh-uh so with that being said I'mactually going to redo this whole seriesso now I know you're probably like whatwhy would you do that but the long theanswer is I think I can make this seriesa whole lot better and help you out awhole lot more if I redid this serieswith my new software because you know Isolved a problem intentionally justbecause Shopify lacks a lot of marketingfunctionality that you know marketerneeds so that's exactly why I madeprofit funnel that's exactly why thisvideo was so delayed but just to followup with you guys this this campaign wasdefinitely a winI mean this was so profitable we got 414conversions for an average of 49 cents aconversion and we made a ton of saleslong story short okay so as you guys cansee this most definitely worked and Ijust wanted to show you guys hey youknow it's not really that hard to dothat to you know make a successfulFacebook ad campaign and linking up withShopify and you know it's just supereasy to do that find a product make anad blah blah blah so super easy this onedefinitely worked all right guess so asyou can see you know we put together asuper simple store super super simple adcampaign and just basically ran trafficand all it was from there was a convertconversion game I mean all we had to dowas convert the traffic and you knowit's not that hard to do that guys sowhat that being said I'm actually goingto be recreating this whole series ifyou were in my facebook group you wouldhave seen the whole progress it's econblitz destroying the group I'm actuallypretty active in it and you would haveseen me progress from you know when wefirst made that ad campaign to when itwas profitable and then blah blah blahbut like I said I'm going to berecreating this whole thing just becauseI think profit funnel is really reallyreally I'm going to help you increaseyour profit just because of the way itworks and I'm going to be explainingthat later on anyways guys I hope youlike the series it just kind of showshow suit like stupid stupid stupid easyit is to make profitable ad campaignanyways make sure to add me on FacebookInstagram all the cool stuff because I'msuper active on that guys I may not beall that active on my youtube channelalthough I'll start now I'll start beingalone we're active since profits on alaunch is done make sure to add me onthose because I'm super active and moretraining coming soon like I said I'mgoing to recruit this whole series so ifI'm going to implement profit funnelbecause I want to show you guys like howpowerful it really is and how much ithelps I mean in what areas it helps soanyways hope you like the tutorial andgo make some moneyColten out


Il Programma Scientificamente Provato Per Guarire Dal Colesterolo

Product Name: Il Programma Scientificamente Provato Per Guarire Dal Colesterolo

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How to Create an Online Store (eCommerce Website) for FREE 2017!

hello guys Steven here back with anothervideo and today I'll be teaching you howto make it online a story using Wix forfree I made a website tutorial with Wixhowever this is still kind of a websitebut it's more directed towards sellingstuff rather than providing informationso if you want a tutorial on how to makea website I'll be in the description Imade it a couple months ago it wasreally well received so me personally Ihave a web store or online stores whosell graphics so I sell eg banners Isell all the templates and stuff I'mplanning on selling presets in thefuture so if you guys want that oh youknow just tell me in the comment sectionbut today I'll be teaching you guys howto make a website that sells things sothis could be physical and you have toship it out or it could be like me itcould be like a digital good and couldsell that as well so we'll be using WixI'm going to go through the process fromthe very beginning everything of everylittle detail so you guys understand thebest if we could get six hundred likeson this videos that be I really reallyreally really you know really reallyreally really really cool uh so yeahthank you for the support take for fiftyK let's just get into itokay so right now I'm on the Wixdashboard obviously you have to sign upfirst if you haven't yet after you signup you will be directed to this anywaysso that's why I'm starting here so I'mgoing to make a new website I alreadyhave a website here but when show youguys from scratch like from the verybeginning you just want to press thisplus button right here in the top rightand then I'll direct you here this iswhat kind of website do you want tocreate if you want to see a tutorialwhere I actually talk about how to makelike an actual like website not anonline store but a website to showinformation and stuff like that maybeyour services you can check the link inthe description but in this tutorialI'll be teaching you how to make anonline store so obviously the choicesonline store and you can choose from twodifferent like designing techniques orwhatever or you can start with the Wixeditor the Wix editors basically you doeverything you drag all the features andyou drag all the text customize the textyourself and basically the Wix EDI isyour choosing from a set of likequestions and you're giving yourpreference onso they may ask things like what type ofluck to you like a materialistic look avery colorful look and basically itcreates a website based on yourpreferences and what you select so it'sup to you I find the Wix ad ID very fastcompared to this because you have to doeverything here but it kind of does itfor you so I'm just going to select thisone and then it shows load here and itshould ask like what your business isfor so right here I've online computersoftware store obviously if you go ontolike online to search up online there'sgoing to be a bunch of options here itdepends on what you really you know whatyou're intending on selling for me it'scomputer software because I kind of sellgraphics I'm planning on selling otherstuff as well like let's just saypresets for software's and stuff so yeahI'm going to press next now and just totell you guys the look of the Wix editoris nothing like this it will just godirectly to the website and youbasically just edit from there but hereactually ask you stuffso there's your website need any of thefollowing features maybe take bookingand appointments maybe I sell graphicsand I need to set appointments and justlike know when like due dates are maybeI need that but in this case I don'treally need that once again it doesdepend on what you're doing I don't seemyself really setting deadlines this wayI can set deadlines through emailthrough you know other ways but I'm justgoing to skip this part now what is thename of your business or website I'mjust going to type in my name even thenand press next obviously if yourbusiness is only online like mine youcan just skip this but if you actuallyhave a business location somewhere youcan obviously type that I'm gonna skipbecause I don't and here you can uploadyour logo you can type in the name oryou can add some other you like um justdetails so I'm going to do this one soshake clear calm can use vim gununderscore and you can add you know yourphone number email stuff like that justfor contact just for you know otherdetails they might you know may need andnow it's going to load it's going totake a couple of seconds I'll fastforward every time it does this becausethere's gonna have a bunch of other likepreferences that they ask you for likehow like what style of the website doyou want and just some other stuff soI'll fast forward and like this partokay so it's done loading and you justwant to press start and now like I saidcan ask for what kind of style you wantand I'll just go for a high-risecontinue and it's going to load onceagain so I'll just you know fast forwardthis part ok so now it's done loadingand I want to press create my home pageand here you can kind of like addwhatever you want it has a littletutorial it has like this movement thingright here and just press section seepage and here you can choose to addwhatever section you want one thing youwant to choose first is kind of thelayout everything I honestly like all ofthem but they're just selecting onebased off of my preference so once againit loaded and then product slider andthen it's going to choose one based offmy preference once again I can edit itafter which is good but it's justsetting everything up for me right nowand I can literally watch a movie orlike watch a TV show while they do thisso let's just press on this and as youcan see in the bottom right here it'sloading everything so this is buildingyour homepage steps 2 of 4 so they'regoing to do about us contact and you getto choose the optional stuff so likeproduct gallery or maybe have like aphysical product that you're clearingout you're going to ship out mepersonally I'm not going to do thatbecause I don't have a physical productI could however put a picture likeprevious YouTube banners I made forpeople as a product gallery there's alsoan option for a for answering questionspage this could answer any you knowshipping questions or return thequestions and stuff like that just toreduce the amount of questions you getyou know emails you get it's less stresson you and right now it's still loadingyou can also add meet the team so if youhave more than one staff member you cankind of explain their role so there'sabout us they're choosing it and yeahthe difference between the Wix editorand this Adi is that you would literallychoose a template and you have to editevery single text like drag it like youhave to drag these out yourself and thewhole layout of this whole editors a lotdifferent as well I'll show you just abrief look at the Wix editor so you guysknow but this is kind of how the ADIlooks like okay so it's done right nowand you can change the colors and stuffso it says right here here is there yourfirst version of your home page I'llshow you how to create the rest of yourwebsite click the circle below rightso preview your site you can preview itso it opens up in another tab for youguys to see like how an actual personvisiting your site will see it okaylet's just exit out there's also amobile version I like how it is onmobile change your website design showme how in case you have any questions soin case you didn't like how it lookedlike you can choose a different designtheme there's a bunch more I'm justgoing to keep it the same for you knowtime sake let's just select the websitecolors they never ask us for that solet's just show me how click site designcustomize and now can choose the colorso me personally I'd you red so anythingwith the red would be good so that'sbasically my color scheme for my youtubechannel and then it should load up andnow it looks really cool it has red keepit now we're going to press on here thewebsite fonts I like a really clean fontlet's just show me how once againcustomize high-rise and now can chooselike this one I like that one that'sreally clean and it's spaced out whichis really cool and once again it's goingto load so I'm going to speed it up andnow I'm going to go skip over some ofthe things that I find uninterestingmaybe some things that you guys need toknow so like how to add a new page soI'll just give it skip it let's just adda new page here so we press add sectionto page or page and then here once againI'll show you in here like I said beforeyou can add like a product gallery andabout us that's very important just likewhat your brand is about like what yourcompany's about so it says I have arange all policies all possible pages byrelevance of your type of business whichis really good on you saves a lot oftime one reason you would choose the ADIover the Wix editor so here I like apretty simple look so let's just add aproduct gallery right hereand then to load there's a lot ofloading and then right here it shouldload up and then there's a bunch ofother things like I said beforetestimonials a blog a book now maybe youtake appointments and stuff like thatyou can also add a blank one so you canlook edit that yourself and now you canjust press manage here and it shouldshow up like a store dashboard and youcan edit like the details of theproducts just to you know set up thebusiness promote the store so likepayments like how you getting paidthrough PayPal through you know debitcard shipping and tax are you going tocharge people for taxes stuff like thatyou can promote the store through emailmarketing and coupons and it's reallyorganized so if you compare this tothings like self ID which you know youcan't really customize anything but theheader of the I guess a website this isway betterthe dashboards also way more advancedand you can edit everything and a wayyou better organize so here it just kindof shows you everything you do if youcompare once again to self I self I youhave to do it all yourself it doesn'treally tell you it doesn't have a toteit doesn't have a tutorial and in thisit also basically shows you how tochange colors change fonts change themesadd pages you can't even add a page onself I once again so let's just add ourproduct so I'm a product you can seethat just press new product and you canrearrange them but here we're going tosell Steven event channel we're going tomake it a dollar Canadian dollar andit's on sale for one one cent off andthen you can write like signups off instock yeah in stock you can track theinventory so let's just put one stevenvan use in one pound you can add otherproduct options to like walk color youknow steven van you want and if you likesell i should say a custom case if youwant them to personalize with you knowcustom text you can do that as well solet's just say you want a steven van inlarge and then another one in likeand lunge and then once you're donepress save and then you'll see righthere it's right there and then you justwant to you know set everything up andyou can also see there's on mobile tabright here and this is basically amobile app for your online store sothat's really cool that they have thatas well something or not a lot of onlinestore like website builders really have[Music]also here you can kind of rearrange thenavigation menu you can make somethingsub menus if you want to you can hidethem and now what I'm going to do isshow you guys how the Wix editor lookslike so I'm just going to manage my oldsite I made here edit this site and thisis how the Wix website editor looks likeif you guys are wondering it's a lotdifferent just look at this look howthis is laid out and once you look atthis it's a lot different so it's justloading here so as you can see here it'sa lot more crowded and there's a lotmore options to choose from here likeyou can add text buttons everything herethis kind of has the layout itselfalready done as soon as you set it up Ipersonally recommend you guys to use theWix Adi it is a lot cleanersometimes your judgement isn't as goodas um I guess a robot who like kind ofknows how to make a website look goodlike the ad I actually chooses thecolors and how well they go togetherthat's why there's certain colorpalettes and stuff like that in certainthemes because they know what goes welltogether you may not and sometimes yoursmay be a little bit crowded while theirsis like I guess they're organized as youcan see right here yeah but basicallythat's it I hope you guys enjoyed thevideo hopefully it helps you guys createyour own online store to help you guysmake money in the future but yeah that'sabout it if you guys enjoy this videohit that thumbs up button my name isStevenOh[Music]you
