Arowana Secrets Revealed! – The Leading Guide To All Things Arowana

Product Name: Arowana Secrets Revealed! – The Leading Guide To All Things Arowana

Description: The Internet’s Leading All-in-one Quick Start Guide On Asian Arowanas With Secret Rearing Techniques That Professional Breeders Never Want Revealed! Affiliates: Earn A Whooping 75% Commission With The Internet’s Leading Arowana Guide.

The Real Vince Reed Internet Marketing Story – How I Went From $0 To 8 Figures

today we're talking about my realinternet marketing story how I went from$0 to eight figures people have beenasking me Vince how did you do it youknow tell us more about you know yourstory you know how did you actuallystart making money online well that'swhy I'm making this video I'm gonnashare with you guys my complete storythe real story on how I went from zerodollars to eight figures so let's diveright into it so as a kid I actually youknow can remember you know driving inthe car and seeing like kids at practiceplaying football and I remember sayingthat's what I want to do like at a veryearly age before I was even here I thinkI'm like 7 or 8 years old and whatyou're looking at here is a picture ofme and pop water and you know when I gotto play it was just a passion of mineand I was you know I loved the game youknow I wanted to run a football onSundays and I was a star athlete in highschool went on to play Division onefootball and unfortunately my career wascut short and I want to share with youguys a quick story about this andtypically I usually just kind of likebreeze over this part of my life becauseit's a pain point in my life because Iknow exactly why I didn't make it to theNFL and the lie that I used to tellmyself years ago before I became anentrepreneur before I started working onmy mindset the lie that I told myselfwas that I got injured and the coachdidn't like me and he didn't play me butthat was you know not true okay I waslying to myself and a lot of us as ashuman beings we often lie to ourselvesto protect ourselves and we make excusesfor ourselves and the real reason Ididn't make it to the NFL was becauseway back you know back in high schooleven before high school I can remembernot giving it my all in wind sprints Ican remember not giving it my all in theweight roomI couldn't remember just you know justslacking and doing certain things thatended up catching up to me and life is asnowball all right you don't think thethings that you do today affect thingsten years from now okay I'm here to tellyou that you're mistakenso you know me not making it to the nextlevel was my doing because I definitelywas gifted I definitely believe I hadthe tools to get there but I didn't dothe little things and it caught up to meand I realized at the very second Iwalked into the locker room in college Irealized that this is a different animalthese were guys that literally wereliving eating and breathingin the next level and that just wasn'tmy life and I didn't make it I didn'tmake it and you know I didn't actuallystart thinking about being anentrepreneur till my senior year when Irealized I wasn't gonna play in at thenext level and I said what the heck am Igonna do with my lifeam I gonna be one of these guys thatgoes home and like has nothing else todo and we kind of get into that now myonline journey began in 2007 okay that'swhen I actually started to think aboutonline marketing and you know when Ireally was like okay this may besomething that I want to do and I was inthe real estate industry out of collegeso I fell into the real estate industryI had like a small little mortgagecompany and if you want the completebackstory of that whole industry I'dsuggest you actually going and grabbinga copy of my book internet traffic andleads I kind of go in more my realestate days but I got into real estatethe market collapsed I didn't make thenecessary adjustments so another lie Iwould tell myself back then was themortgage industry collapse that's why Ilost everything but in the realityeveryone knew that that was a bubble andthere were people because theyunderstood and prepared for the bubblemade a lot of money I was one of theindividuals that chose to look the otherway again okay I could make thatexcuse-excuse and say I lost everythingand market collapsed and that's why Ilost everything which a lot of peoplestarted this day blamed the economy andthe recession of 2008 on their currentsituation and I remember thinking tomyself okay I lost everything but I needto take ownership for this because youknow it's my doing and when I say I losteverything I had to short sell my home Iremember I had from the mortgage days Ihad this really nice car this truckit had TVs and crazy rims and I wasblowing all this money a stereo systemand I'm a young kid just blowing allthis moneyI remember I was leasing the car but andthe good thing was the lease was up andso I didn't like you know not make thepayment or anything had to drive it backand I couldn't even afford to get a newcar so I had to like give the car backand but it was perfect timing so I endup short selling my house I had no carso I was like sharing a car with mygirlfriend at the time now my wife and Ihad no money had no idea when my nextpaycheck was gonna come from I meanliterally Bank stopped lending and I waslike I am going to be homelessliterally I really believed that I wasgoing to be homeless so one day I got acall from a broker friend and this waswhen the economy was going down and he'slike hey dude you can come back to theindustry you know thethese things called FHA loans and fundedby the government and they're stillgoing through and mind you banks weregoing out of business and I'm like dudeit's over so I came back and I startedlike doing deals again with him he kindof sucked me back in the real estateindustry and within the first week I hadsubmitted like seven or eight more dealsI don't like this is crazy nobody knowsabout these deals they're gettingapproved like right away and I was gonnamake a ton of money so I get seven dealsin like five days that would pay outlike commissions of over fifty thousanddollars I'm like man I am going to crushit everybody's leaving the industrynobody knows about these deals and I waslike so pumped I was like ArnoldSchwarzenegger as you see here I'm backI'm back I'm gonna be able to maybe savemy home I'm gonna be have a better carthat I had before I'm counting the waysI'm gonna actually spend the money andthen I remember I was driving into workthat day and I know you're like well howare you driving in the work you didn'thave a car I was sharing a car with mygirlfriend I'm driving into work thatday and I had this feeling in my gut I'mlike dude this something's not rightlike this is too easy people are losingeverything like how like is this gonnahappen right like something's not rightI like fulfill and this was the day Iwas driving in that all those deals weresupposed to go through like we weresupposed to get the docs send them out anotary was gonna go out and people weregonna sign these deals and I got to theoffice and I turned on my my owncomputer and it opened up I opened up myemail and the subject line literallysaid sorry and like I knew what wasabout to happen so the email says sorryI opened it up and it basically sayssorry we can't fund these deals we'vebeen basically you know told that wehave to cease all funding you need tolet all those people know that you can'tdo these deals like my heart fell out ofmy chest right so now I don't have a carmy house is about to you know I'msharing all my girl like it's just theworst of the worst I'm really gonna loseeverything like what the heck is gonnahappen right so I have to call all thesepeople back and I call him back one byone you know it was it was probably likeeight deals five or six we're about togo that day so I call all them back andthen I have to call the other peoplethat I have deals submit it with becauseyou know tell them that those aren'tgonna go through that weren't supposedto get signed that day so you know Icall them back and they start going inon me and they were like I knew that youcouldn't do because I'm like assuringthemold time yet these are special type ofdeals they're government deals they'regonna go through and I'm sending themthe approvals and they're thanking menobody could get this down you're gonnasave my house in my lifeThank You Vince thing and they're likethis is like the day before they're likethanking me too like cursing me out andthere were racial slurs and it was itwas really tough but I faced it I'm likeI'm gonna call him all back when I couldhave just sent him an email and said heysorry these aren't going through rightso long story short I call them all backcurse debt called all kind of names andI just felt like the worst person in theworld I'm like sitting there at my deskjust defeated and I remember I packed upall my files and I started to walk outthe door I was gonna quit I'm like Ican't take this anymore I am done withreal estate I'm out of here and I packedup all of my files and I didn't evenwant to tell the broker friend who gotme back in the industry that I wasquitting because I thought he tried tolike talk me into staying so I justpacked up my files and this was me I'mliterally opening up the door to leaveand something stopped me at the door andit said do not leave this office untilyou have something else that you can gohome to because at this time I'm losingmy house and I gotta tell my girlfriendwho by the way I'm like she's gonnaleave me I'm a loser why would she staywith me have nothing I'm using borrowingher car it's like just ridiculous rightso you know I go back on the computerand I'm like I'm at least gonna go findanother job so I can go back and tellher that I got something else now mindyou the night before I'm like you knowdancing around all excited we're aboutto make 50 grand bla we're back thingsare good people don't know about thesedeals like the day before it so you knowwhen I go home this day she's expectingme to be like oh we're back everything'sgood not the case so I go on Craigslistand you know I started to look for asales job and I'm looking for the salesjob and I hit the sales button onCraigslist because back then that'swhere you you know I guess you went forto look for a job I couldn't tell youwhat people go today because I haven'tyou know knock on wood I've been had towork for anyone else so I go for a salesjob and I'm looking through and I'mscrolling down Craigslist and this adpops up and it like stood out like asore thumb and the ad said make money onGoogle that's what the ad said nowmine's you at this time even though Ihad been mortgage I had all these thingsI could barely send an attachment on anemail I'm not kidding I had people thatwould help me and people to this dayfriends of mine that worked with me inreal estate can't believe that I'm theguy people go to for marketing and leadgeneration because theyhow you know computer illiterate Iliterally was so you know the ad led meto going to Google and I'm like wellGoogle may be something cool and to meit sounded better than flipping burgerscuz I literally contemplated like wheream I gonna go work cuz I got it likebring something home right so I click onthe ad and I started going through itand I like I'm pretty pumped up and Iremember I went home and you know I hadto go tell my girlfriend now my wifethat I was gonna make money online so Iclick on the ad and the ad seemedpromising it was this lady basicallysaying that she could do stuff and I'mlike okay I'm gonna I took theinformation and I went home I packed upall my files and that was the last timeI ever thought about or looked in thereal estate now mind you again as I justwant to be sure that you understand thisI had zero internet marketing experienceonline I could like I said barely sendan attachment an email and all of asudden I'm gonna make money on Google sothe first thing my girlfriend you knowsaid to me she's like well okay cuz whywhen I walked in she's like oh how didit go she's all excited and she couldtell I was like not excited and I'm likewhoa still didn't go boo but I foundsomething else and she's like what andthen I go like I basically say I'm gonnamake money on the internet and then shegoes well at least do some researchright and that's probably one of thereasons I think I married her becausethe average person will be like you'recrazy you don't even know how to doanything online like what are you doinglike you need to go find something elsein real estate or you know anything Idon't know but you know she's like wellat least go do some research right yeahshe believed in me so I researchedeverything and I started to research sothe first person that I googled was thelady from the Craigslist ad so the makemoney on Google ad that I saw inCraigslist it was this lady and she wasselling this ebook or offering thisebook that was basically saying makemoney on Google and the e-book was wasenticing cuz I look at this lady at thistime I don't know anything about theInternet she's a best seller like shehas his book on making money on Googleand then I found out that she wasliterally just giving away this bookwhich probably she just wrote real quickwhich was an e-book to people who wouldjoin her direct sales company and atthis time I didn't know what directsales was or anything like that and Icalled and I ended up basically callingher and figuring it out some informationabout directwhat's direct sales I don't even knowwhat direct sales is so direct sales islike a it's like basically high ticketyou know affiliate company so basicallyyou know this companies selling theseproducts and to get started in thecompany you're gonna start off andinvest like two thousand dollars andthen you can sell their products and youget like a thousand dollars for everysale you get but then there's differentlevels start stuff they're like twothousand and then like eight grand andthen like twenty grand so they go allthe way up so I joined this direct salescompany oh I didn't join the directsales company but I didn't I now I'mexposed to direct sales companies I'mlike okay well now I'm curious aboutwhat these are because I didn't knowanything about making money online orany of this stuff right so I continuedto search but now my search shifts frommaking money on Google to searchingdirect sales companies so I'm like okaywell this lady's making money and shehad showed me all these like videos andstuff of her making money of whateverreason like I didn't like feel rightabout the lady like I just didn't likego write about her so I said googlingher and I found some negative stuffwhich by the way could have been anyonebut at that time again I don't know theinternet so I started searching directsales companies and this is where Istumbled onto the first online marketingguru that I found and I'm like okay I'msearching company one and then thisperson pops up I search company two andthen this course person pops up so everydirect sales company I searched for thisone particular Goo's ads kept showing upand he was in direct sales and he waslike walking across stage getting thesebig checks and everybody loved them andI'm like man like this must be real soin my head I'm like okay well the ladiesad said make money on Google but she wasjust selling me in the direct salescompany and when I search Google I don'tsee her but when I search this guydirect sales company this guy comes upon Google so makes more sense for me tolike look into what this guy is doingand that's when I had my big aha momentI started putting two and two togetherI'm like hold on one second here I amsearching the internet first like tryingto find a way to make money and I seethis lady pop-up about making money onCraigslist and I said this guy poppingup everywhere and he's offering thisopportunity there's got to be otherpeople like me that's sitting here thatjust lost everything and it's trying tofind a way to make money what if I couldlearn how to do that and that's likewhen I had my big aha moment so all Ihad to do was figure out a way tomaster marketing I'm like if I justlearn how to run ads like this personand you know the lady had put the Googlething into my head and now the directsales thing was in my head and I'mthinking this is how you make moneyonline its direct sales and itsmarketing I didn't know anything else Ijust think I have to be in direct salesand I have to learn how to do Google Adsso at the time I knew there was only oneperson I wanted to learn from and thatwas the Guru that was the person that Isaw everywhere that I went and when Icalled him just like the lady he saidhey it's two grand to join my directsales company but if you join my companyinvest two grand I'll teach you all mymarketing strategies on Google and Ididn't have any money at the time sowhat I did have which was a blessing wasa lot of used equipment from my mortgagedays in my garageso I started turning Craigslist intomaking money so yeah I guess I was doingmy first retail arbitrage because Istarted selling everything and to getcash and I borrowed some money andsomehow I came up with the $2,000because I believe that every person hasa handful of opportunities to make itbig so a lot of times people always saywhat they can't do instead of figuringout ways to like actually do somethingso I sold stuff I didn't even thinktwice I'm like I see itthis person's clearly making money it'spossible I asked myself the question isthis real it was real I said I know thatI can do thisI have what else do I have to lose themoney losing everything and I believeagain I believe that every person has ahandful of opportunity to make it big soI came up with $2,000 I think this is abig crucial point like a lot of you youhave opportunities but you let the moneystop you and if you can't affordsomething that's the very reason why youneed to figure out a way to do itbecause that's part of being anentrepreneur because you're gonna alwayshave to figure out a way to get to thenext step I found I've found that peoplethat struggle they always that money betheir excuse for not doing it but if youwant something bad enough you'll do itit's like if you were to go and need aheart today for some father yourself orsomeone that you loved and they saidit's ten grand you don't have ten grandI bet you'd come up with a way to getthat ten grand you have to have thatkind of mindset as an entrepreneur andso I came up with $2,000 and I opened upthe door and I went in and it happenedto be one of the best decisions of mylife so let's kind of break down why Iactually joined this individual so I hadno I no interest actually in the directsales opportunity it was like somepersonal development thing I didn'treally care about that I just was like Iguess I need that if I want to learn howto do the Google thing because I got Iguess I have to have something to sellso I wasn'twas like hand-over-fist excited aboutthis direct sales thing it was justsomething I thought I needed I wanted toknow how he ran ads on Google so I waswilling to invest anything cuz I saw himactually doing it and I realized hismarketing skillset was an invaluableresource I was looking for remember Ihad just lost everything in real estatethat the market collapse and Bankstopped lending and I realized at thattime that I wasn't an invaluableresource I was just a resource so Iremembered I vowed at that moment tonever be an a just a resource again Iwant to be an invaluable resource sowhat's the difference when I was in realestate I was a resource as long aspeople wanted a loan but the bankstopped lending they were the invaluableresource I needed the bank in order tosubmit to finish the transaction so Isaid if I learned marketing there'salways gonna be businesses they'realways gonna need customers if I canmaster the skill set then I can makemoney for a long time and I was willingto do whatever he would've told me was10 grand I would have figured out a waywith no money to come up with 10 grandto learn because I had seen him do itand and at that time that's all I knewand I just trusted you know a lot oftimes people today they don't trusttheir mentors they're constantlyquestioning everything instead of sayingoh is this person successful let me goall-in and you know give it six monthsto a year and just do everything thisperson says and see what happens andthat was me I'm like I'm gonna be thestudent I'm gonna sit back and learn so$2,000 to master it so I asked him youknow once I got in I gave him the moneyand I had and at this time you had tolike send them like the cashier's checkin the mail right so I send it to himI'm out of $2,000 and I get on the phoneand he like you know tells me some basicstuff about Google AdWords and I'm likeokay cool so you mean to tell me allI've got to do is bid on a keyword likethe ones I was bidding on how to makemoney online and I can have an ad pop upand they only charge me when a personclicks it so a million people couldsearch but if they don't click it Idon't get paid I'm like I'm gonna be amulti-millionaire I'm like runningaround the house and I'm so pumped upI'm excited I'm like this is like easy Ican't believe everybody's not doing thisright so here's what I didI somehow again come up with $1,000because you know I just I'm gonna go inand I'm gonna go in big at the time thatwas like a million dollars to me I wouldsell more stuff come up with $1,000 andI load my Google AdWords account and Iset up my ads and I literally had joinedthe direct sales company so they gave methis like company page to sell theseproducts and I just put that up I don'treally know anything about Google I justknew that I had to put up an ad and putup a pageand money would come flying through mycomputer alright so I put up the pay offthe ad on Google and I drove people tothat page and I was so pumped up and Iremember going bed that night and wakingand I'm gonna wake up to millions ofdollars in my bank I was like so noteven like and like dumb all again didn'treally know much about Google just heardthose basic concepts and jumped in andtried to do it so how many of you guysgot can guess what happened next thatwill definitely shock you did I wake upto millions did I wake up to nothingwell I woke up to absolutely nothing myresults were just terribleso you know I looked I woke her up Iwent to the computer so excited andfirst thing I was really excited becauseI saw I had all these clicks like threeor four thousand and by the way backthen you can get clicks pretty much anykeyword for like you know one to liketen cents I'm talking any keywords youcan keywords that would cost you five orten dollars today back to them acrosslinear like one to ten cents it wasn'tit was not so the first thing I saw withall these clicks I was like pumped I'mlike okay now where's the money and Isaw like maybe like one or two leads orlike zero sales right I'm getting allthese clicks but no one is buying I'mlike what the heck is going on like likeis there something wrong and then atthat point I just felt like everything Idid was fail I had failed I felt like acomplete failure I'm like so now youknow I'm not only am I broke I don'thave a car and I was now I'm threethousand dollars more in debt because Ijust were sold everything it was likethis is crazyI lost a thousand dollars on the Googleads it didn't work I invested twothousand dollars in direct sales companyI really had no interest in that I wasout of that moneymy girlfriend was paying the bills and Ihad to tell her that I just lost thethree thousand dollars and like what isshe gonna say now she's gonna be likeyou just got I'm thinking she's gonnasay you just got scammed on the internetright like most people do right mostpeople go with that what happened I goit's a scam they just took my moneyGoogle took my money the direct salescompany took my money I want a refundthat's the natural reaction that mostpeople are gonna do most people wouldquit ask yourself this questionyou know comment below if you'rewatching this and you know and be honestyourself at this point if this is you doyou quit okay most people are gonna quitso what did I doI ended up calling my mentor and sharedmy results and the mentor was theindividual who I paid the two thousandtwo to join the direct sales company onmy smartphone not my smartphone on myflip phone at the time there were nosmartphones back then and you know hegoes well youso I asked him I said look dude like Iput up the ad like you told me and thisis my results is there any way I canlearn how to like run better ads becauseI remember thinking to myself well 3,000people clicked if I just learned how todo this the right way like I know thatsome of those people obviously theyclicked for a reason so as much as I wasjust disappointed I saw the good in it Isaw the big picture and I think a lot oftimes people don't look at what happenedor how far they've comeI see this a lot with my students likeI'll teach them a bunch of stuff andthey don't get the reacts the resultthat they want immediately but I'm likedude you didn't even know 99% of thestuff that you've done that got you evento this point a week ago and you're madthat you didn't get the instant resultand you probably haven't even invested Ithink to myself you know how much moneyI invested and failed to learn thisstuff you want to come in here in oneweek and get it it's not realisticokay comment below hit the like buttonif you agree with that all right so he'slike dude okay here's the deal there'sthis guy his name's Jonathan but he justcame out with this system this trainingand it teaches traffic and leadgeneration strategies you should checkhim out and you know learn from him solong story short I did I went into hissystem I joined it was only fifty bucksa month and I came up with the money andI was excited and it was like a goldmineit was every marketing tactic andstrategy that you could possibly thinkof I remember I would fall asleep atnight I remember my girlfriend at thetime now my wife you can see there it'sa picture of us actually my mentor andhis his wife and you know my girlfriendat the time I was actually well we weremarried my wife at the time in thisphoto in fact she was pregnant with mywith my daughter and Jonathan's wife waspregnant we're both babe we both toldeach other at the same time so we areboth of our girls were pregnant at thesame time so this is pretty cool butanyways I mean you can see we'redefinitely feeding the baby healthy foodwith this announcements owners we go andwe were talking here but before thislike I started learning from them andI'm like man like I'm just so so excitedI'm watching every training fallingasleep and I can remember my girlfriendat the time coming in know my wifesaying like woohoo you listening to whois this Jonathan bug I'm like sick ofhis voice all you do is listen to histraining and like all day long and Iwould watch it over and over again agoimplement over oh I mean like hundredsof times like I was hungry and I wasobsessed with learning this marketingstuff and it just it just changed mylife and the biggest thing that hetaught me was that online marketingsuccess was really all about math okaywas all about mathso for example like it's all about thenumbers so if you look at thisparticular campaign this is one of ourwebinars and at the time this one wasdoing like 20 grand a week and you cansee it's only $18 per attendee andconversions rates about 3% and a lot ofpeople would look at it like oh my costper lead is let's say your cost per leadwas $12 they go I'm gonna stop that addthe cost affiliates hi they're likelooking at the wrong thing he told me tolook at the numbers and math you knowand I started realizing that marketingwas all about math it wasn't reallyabout what people most people arelooking at the complete wrong thingsthey're not focusing in on kpi's they'relooking at the wrong thing by the waythis doesn't mean you're gonna earn asingle dime my results are not typicalbut this was me understanding it wasabout math and he taught me theimportance of building my email list andcustomer list and building a true assetand he compared your email list and yourcustomer list to like investing in likein like you know a an asset that'sbuilding like sports memorabilia orsomething that starts off where it's notworth that much but as you build it itstarts to gain value and here's how heexplained it to me I've shown this slidefor years and it's really understandingthe value of a lead I'm gonna just shareit with you real quick so one lead is alifetime value of $1 per month and thisto me remains true to this day I know alot of people go what email is deadI beg to differ email is the first microtransaction that your customer makes ifthey give you the email they're givingyou a window into their life and even ifthey don't open up the email okay it's amicro transaction I think that's whyit's so valuable so an example here youif you invest 25 dollars to generate 10leads the actual cost of each lead wouldbe two dollars and 50 cents but thevalue of the lead would be $1all right so for example month one youinvest twenty-five dollars in ads that's500 a month you get ten leads a daythat's 200 leads per month so theaverage person is going to go say okayVince I understand that they're gonna goinvest $500 or whatever they invest andlet's say again your average is twodollars and fifty cents you know perlead you would got do dapat $2.00 tohundreds and you would be at a netnegative 300 in terms of the asset ofyour list right now most people wouldquit especially they didn't make anymoney from those 200 leads they say thatbarking stretch didn't work I just lost$500 but they don't understand howyou're building an asset in month twoyou invest the same amount of money youget 200 more leadsthe value of your asset is negative101:3 now it's positive one hundred fiveyears from now now you're making a lotof money which means that you know ifyou're averaging a dollar per lead okaythen you could get up to let's say youhave ten thousand people on your emaillist if you're maturing it and you'regetting the right type at least that'sten thousand dollars a month and Iunderstood this concept I got it it madesense and still to this day you knowthis is the metrics that I focus on andyou've got a lot of people email is deadthis and that and they don't realizeit's the first micro transaction from anemail list you can upload those emailsto social media and run ads to themagain like there's so many things thatyou can do with your list that peopleunder undervalue alright so when Ilearned this and when I saw how much Ilearned from my mentor I just startedinvesting in online education everythingthat I could and I would do whatever ittook I'd sell stuff all the money that Iwas making and you know it didn't ittook me a long time as I'll talk abouthere to make money I would just put backinto learning and going to seminars Iremember my first seminar I put money Iscrambled up money to get to that firstseminar and I remember I was like takingnotes and every speaker I'd went outinto the hallway and calm her girlfriendout my wife at the time and say man Ijust learned this I'm gonna crush it Iwas so inspired and so motivated to likejust learn and implement and I don'tknow if it's still there today I thinkthat like you know today people justwant it so fast and not like didn't Idon't know yeah that's just my opinionanyways I started investing in onlineeducation and I failed for six monthsyeah I got sorry I didn't make a singledime literally for six months and Iprobably at the end of the day outsidethat three thousand testing things youknow I had probably got up to like maybeeight sixteen thousand in debt sellingstuff um there was one point where Ifound like an old retirement accountthat I had been building from realestate that was like lost in a stack ofmail that I had and I ended up cashingthat money out to reinvest in mybusiness it was like I was doingeverything because I believed in this somuch so finally after six months Iearned my first Commission's of sixdollars and 73 cents online and to methis felt like a million dollars andthis was after six months I want you toask yourself would you have continuedwould you put yourself in ten thesixteen thousand dollars in debt tryingto learn internet marketing as youbelieved in it so much to get excitedover six dollars and thirty and 73 centsokay that was me I was so excited I madethis money and I was I had so anaffiliate commission to Aweber so a weblike this autoresponder service andsomeone bought an a Weber account fromme and I made six dollars and 73 centsand at that moment my career as aninternet marketer began it became realand I don't know what it was and thatfirst Commission came in it was likethey started to just spiral I started tocome in and they start to come in at arapid pace all right so since then youknow if you fast forward to today okayI'm the founder of set up my ads calmthe author of the book internet trafficand leads and I'm a proud to comma Clubowner I host events all over the world Ispeak at events all over the world andit's all because of my ability to drivetargeted traffic and leads not only formy businesses but for the for my clientsas well and here's one of the bestmoments of my life okay and this isactually my mentor Jonathan but at oneof my events thinks it was my thirdevent I brought him back and I sharedthis same story I'm sharing with youand I asked him and I was like who wasyour best student ever and he said meand by the way this is the guy thatearned over 27 million dollars on theinternet bias I think its 27th birthdaynow he's the owner of a company anenergy company I'm and changing theworld so he said I was his best to thanever and I remember I made that my goalI made it my goal when I first went intohis system I said I want to be your bestdude I'm gonna make you a lot of moneyand I focused I made they got a lot ofmoney but he made me more money thanthen he could ever be you know I can'trepay him for what I learned from himand I want it to be as best student andso many people now especially studentsthey just so like almost a little bitlike leeches in a way where they justwant to suck everything from the mentorand they they don't really value thementor as much as I value my n– and youcan see it because I see a lot of peoplewhen they do well they forget about allthe people that helped him I made it apoint he spoke at my first eventactually and I brought him back for mythird and I want to make sure peopleknow who he is like where who I learnedinformation from because it was soimportant to me and because it changedmy life but this was a proud moment Imight imagine you learning even from meand later you invited me to your eventand saying this is where it all startedand then I say this you were my beststudent okay could you imagine that andthis was like one of the proudestmoments of my life and I definitely wantto see that from you guys so that's mystory guys like that's how I got towhere I am today and it was a lot ofhard work a lot of bumps more failuresand successes but I just stuck to it Iwas just extremely consistent I believedwhat I was doing I was passionate moreimportantly I think for me that I reallytruly care about my students and myclients I want the best of them and Iwant to practice what I preacheverything that I teach I do you knowfor example I don't sell courses on howto create courses and I've never soldcourses I don't you know teach peoplehow to start their digital agency andI've never served clients you know thisis one of those things where I you knowI love what I do and I practice what Ipreach and I live for my students and ifyou take that same approach and if youjust put your head down and you buckledown and you you have vision you canmake anything and everything happen sodo me a favor guys if you got value andyou were inspired comment inspired intothe comments area okay because againthat's really what it's all about ourjob on and I believe in the world is toinspire motivate motivate people andpush them towards their goal becauseit's possible you have one life okay wedon't know what happens when we take ourlast breath after that I mean hopefullywe go to the next level and that's greatbut at the end of the day what can wecontrol what we're doing right now and Ihope that this story inspired you I hopethat you do take the action and even ifyou never normally comment or hit thelike button before I encourage you to dothat because I want as manyentrepreneurs to see the story to knowthat it's possible you know to know thatyou can come from nothing and havenothing and still make it happen if youjust stick to it all rightso that being said guys I hope you got aton of value and for those of you whoyou know want to take your business tothe next level and you want to learn youknow how to build a business or you wantme to help you with marketing you wantme to help you with marketing and helpyour business okay you can go to set upmy ads com if you want more customers Ican definitely help you and if you're aperson that wants to make more moneyokay and you want to build a businessyou can go to ad agency allright so if you want more customers goto setup mass comm and if you want tomake more money go to ads agency networkcomm but we've got a ton of value fromthis story you know even sometimes whenI go back through it I forget some ofthe like things that I went through soit's kind of cool even for me to go backthrough it because it motivates me Ican't wait to get off this video and getback to workbecause I have more people to inspireand I hope that this video inspired youand changes your life but that beingsaid as always I'll see you on theinternet later


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Top 10 Products That Killed Competitors

the free market can be a competitiveplace where some products claim victoryover others welcome to andtoday we're counting down our picks forthe top 10 products that kill'dcompetitors and the PlayStation 2 pushedits way to becoming the best-sellingconsole of all time for this list we'llbe taking a look at the products thatovercame their rivals either by takingover an established brand or by edgingout a product from the same era whetherfrom a more recent conflict or one thatplayed out decades before these are thesurviving products that withstood theodds just to be clear the product thatwas defeated does not necessarily haveto be dead and gone just overtake it atits peak blockbuster had 8000 storesworldwideget a bus tonight now the few remaininglocations will soon be holdinggoing-out-of-business sales number 10gmail killed hotmail with the dustsettled Google's electronic mail servicestands tall when was the last on usingyour email got you free stuff yet thiswas not always the case its competitorhotmail established in 1996 as one ofthe world's first webmail providers hada foothold for quite some timeI just log on check my messages but findout where I need to be next weddingsporting integration with Microsoftowned programs and being free to usehotmail certainly stood out until April1st 2004 when Google Inc launched theirsimply titled Gmail service with itsmore flexible interface greater amountof storage space and general polishGmail rose in popularity and lefthotmail to be slowly phased outMicrosoft has finally decided to shut urhotmail for good migrating all formerusers to its newly unveiled outlook.comnumber 9 dell killed gateway well yourcomputer quandary is easily solved bythe folks at dell just colored go onlinethey'll help you figure it out the worldof computer technology can definitely bea heated onetreat yourself to a delving spur onlaptopwith intelligent intel processors Dellyours is here such was the case with theconflict between Dell and Gateway twocompanies competing for the computerhardware market in the late 90s andearly 2000s with a gateway essential PCyou know exactly what you're gettingmonitor great software award winningtech support and free internet accesswhile Gateway buckled under the effectsof the dot-com bustnow thrived with its embrace of directsales and customizing one's PC to fitthe consumers intent struggling tocompete gateway scaled back itsoperations further and further it's atonce sad and fascinating Dell and Intelencourage you to do what you love andshare it with the world number eighttransformers killed go bots but robotcommand center leader one income toreach sold separatelysometimes success can be a fleetingthing take for instance the gobots lineof transforming toy robots introduced in1983 by Tonka the year before Hasbrolaunched the Transformers brand of toysdespite being similar in design andthemes the transformers proved to be themore enduring toy line while salesdropped for the Gobots after initialsuccesszero flip-top and you need a one eachsold separately in the end Tonka ceasedproduction in 1987 four years beforeHasbro would buy the gobots brandaltogether integrating them into theTransformers franchise it is time tostand with us and who's there is one ofyou at NBC I number 7 Internet Explorerkilled Netscape bills you know messageto the company was let's go find lots ofways for us to to now engage in this newbattle there was nothing quite like thebrowser Wars of yore in the 1990s theworld saw an influx of internet browserswith two of the most competitive beingMicrosoft's Internet Explorer andNetscape Navigator my Netscape has alimited internet access and free webaccelerator for just nine ninety-five amonth you know net zero charges youevery time you call for tech support forseveral years Netscape and Microsoftupdated their respective browsers at abreakneck pace though Microsoft'sgreater resources and decision to makeInternet Explorer free for Windows userseventually gave them the victorywe're like a deer in the headlights withMicrosoft in front of us so you knowwhat do we do what do we do you knowthey're gonna crush this they're gonnacrush this though netscape browser codestill lives on through mozilla firefoxit's clear that internet explorer wonits place in historynumber six the smartphone camera killedthe digital camera a picture can bewhatever you want it to be because nowKodak gives you the power to takepictures further cameras have always hadtheir place but the technology has seenits share of conflict with a 23megapixel camera I can catch all of themspecial or everyday momentsno matter the light condition with theadvent of the smartphone people havetaken to its plethora of featuresincluding cameras with increasingquality of images thus the digitalcamera has been overcome in spite ofbeing known for high quality photographyit said that from 2012 to 2013smartphone sales rose to over 1 billionwhile digital camera shipments fell byaround 30 percent it would seem themarket has spoken every day more photosare taken with the iPhone than any othercamera number 5 IBM killed Commodorecoming back to computers there was atime when Commodores stood tall from itsestablishment in 1954 Commodoreinternational made a name for itselfin the production of home computers fromthe Commodore pet to the Commodore 64 weasked the computers which one was betteron the basis of price and memory theApple 2 preferred the Commodore 64 thenwe asked the IBM and it picked theCommodore 64 unfortunately its rivalcompany IBM made strides in developingcomputing technology further than everbeforewhile Commodore was increasingly seen inthe 1980s as the producers of cheap anddisposable hardware this computer systemis another example of innovation at IBMin fact it's the most advanced voicerecognition system of its kind periodIBM's constant evolution and risingprofits coupled with Commodores existingtroubles may very well have led to thelatter company's bankruptcy in 1994 theCommodores kicking up with you are younumber four Sony Playstation 2 killedSega Dreamcast 9 you're gonna get rudeshut up why'd you pick Sony and Segaboth innovators both participants in theconsole wars Sega's final home consolewould be the Dreamcast built to cutcosts and contrast it's more expensivepredecessor the Sega Saturn Sega Saturnit's how play the game while theDreamcast started out with a stronglaunch in America in the late 90s thepublic's interest in the system soonfaded only to be replaced by a growingfixation with the then upcoming SonyPlaystation 2 Sony Playstation 2 will bethe biggest thing to come along since TVwas invented the buzz on this product isthat straw Sony's eventual embrace ofthird-party developers and generalfinancial security contrasted Sega'sfinancial losses and limited third-partysupport leading the ps2 to succeed wherethe Dreamcast could not gee number threeNetflix killed Blockbuster farewellrental stores your time has passedonce upon a time video rental chainssuch as Blockbuster cornered the marketin terms of providing people with filmstelevision and other media but get realyou rather be playing video games youcan rent them from Blockbuster howeverthat all changed with the 1997 foundingof Netflix initially a video rentalservice that transitioned into mediastreaming sometimes you even think Iwant to fucking Mikey in prison it is Ithink you in the wrong placesee that's what got you in here in thefirst place attitude the ease of viewingfilms and TV on Netflix matched by areasonable service fee ensured thedownfall of traditional rental outlets Ihave Netflix account with searchkeywords prison escape I have seen everyprison movie ever madeincluding blockbusters liquidation as of2014 in a few weeks tours like this willsimply be a memory of Americana and formost folks a very good memory number 2Facebook killed myspace you guys onmyspace or two social media servicesenter one service leaves acquired byNews Corporation in 2005 myspace stoodtall as the world's largest socialnetworking site for three years evenbriefly surpassing Google as the mostvisited site in America Tom startedmyspace just to get friends I knowso they say the more friends you have onmyspace the less friends you have inreal life that all changed with therising appeal of Facebook which wasbased around fulfilling the desires anddemands of users rather than sticking toa firm portal strategy myspace is justreal busy with a lot of links a lot ofads and a little too much action goingon and when you navigate pages you'realso at the mercy of the users personallayout which can be painful contrastingwith my spaces owner mandated planningthis looser approach served Facebookwell their worldwide visitor count rowswhile myspace is user count steadilyshrink you hate bloggers you mockTwitter you don't even have a Facebookpage you're the one who doesn't existbefore we unveil our number one pickhere are some honorable mentionsshould be funthe Snuggie keeps you totally warm andgives you the freedom to use your handsso now you can work the remote or read abook in total warmth and comfort in factyou'll find endless places to cover upthis winter with the soft fleecy warmthof the Slanket various theories persistabout why Oreo won the cookie war eventhough Hydrox was invented first mostagree that the name wasn't tasty andthat Oreo outspent them in advertisingsubscribe to playboy and start enjoyinglife to its fullest I like my spine atingle I never missed a singleaustralian penthouse don't be a rapidnumber one the iphone killed theblackberry dun dundun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dunthough the iPods triumph over mp3players is certainly notable it's theiPhone success that draws our attentionfor several years BlackBerry'smulti-purpose devices had a strongfoothold in the market particularly withtheir focus on email services yet whenApple's iPhone device came on the scenewith its sleeker interface and higherquality of design blackberries struggledto compete the glory days of thetrackball of course they are over itsmarket value is plummeted for more than85 billion dollars to about five and ahalf billion while they did make effortsto challenge Apple blackberries share inthe market fell while Apple rose toprominence truly there can be only oneif it's not an iPhone do you agree withour list Facebook reigns victorious inanother slobberknockerwhat competition killing productinterests you for more productive top10s published every day be sure tosubscribe to we havepeople to see possibilities to pursueand moments big and small to liveyou


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The 3 Keys to Ecommerce Success | [Ecommerce Webinar Part 1]

everyone this is Eric dick coming at youlive from Victoria British Columbia weare about 10 minutes to go here nineminutes until go timewe have people starting to filter inhere we have well over a thousand peopleregistered and so and only 500 slots soI'm really excited hopefully if you knowpeople that are out there wanting to geton this webinar make sure they know thatthis thing is gonna fill up quick onceonce we get going here so make sure thatyou know people that want to be on thisreadjustment so you'll get on herethere's only 500 slots so we're gonnafill them up I'm super excited we gottons of information that we're gonna becovering we've got our special guestwe've got I'm gonna be giving away my Istack training ecommerce strategy thathave employed to build eyesight traininginto seven figures we've got the threebiggest mindset shifts you need to makein order to become an all EECOM all-starand we've got some fun prizes we've gotsome comedy as usual we're gonna get aquick recap of ecml our amazing event inBarcelona so yeah and about eightminutes here we're gonna give peoplechance to jump on but we will be backand coming at you soon so for now justchill out if let's just get that makesure that questions are working like ifsomeone cannot see me Jan can't see me Ibet you can now it's all working out aDavid and so you got your questions inhere stop building the anticipation nonever I will never stop building theanticipation and backing value just justwait it's good to see you too James ifyou're on the broadcast right now ifyou're one of the 38 people on thebroadcast yeah shoot a question or achat about whether you might ECML whoohere it was at ECML I want to see ashout out of all the people who came allthe way to Barcelona I know David Hayeswas there yeah David Hayes was totallythere Jane can see me now that's goodhey Nicholas welcome this is funny thisis a aside from doing you know liveevents and masterminds which I justabsolutely love there's like a totalrush doing those butbut the next biggest thing of these livewebinars I am a huge russell brunson fanand and these live webinars you knowfollowing his model are just absolutelylove I love speaking over presentationsspeaking with presentations speakingwith my special guests it's like myfavorite thing it's kind of like apodcast but with the presentation so I'mreally excited to be showing you guyssome of the stuff that we've beenworking on and provide you guys someserious value when it comes to startingup your incredible ecommerce businessesso I'm just gonna hang out a little bitmore here sip my coffee and while wewait for people to come on so I'm goingto turn off my camera quick did I turnoff my mic just in case I say somethingoffensive which I never do quickly tomeet you so you can say hey – hey cuzyou're on this bad boy yeah yeah heyeverybody hey I'm excited to be here I'min Greece right now made it I was acouple days ago when in Barcelona withwith Eric – for the affiliate oneconferences and the ECML had an amazingtime and today I'm super super pumpedI'm gonna be sharing some great stuff tohear some some of the big misconceptionsabout what people think about the comersand we'll try to make to break downevery single little belief that you havefor e-commerce and hopefully you will wewill make you a believer if you're notyet because we have prepared somethingsome amazing stuff with the whole thinghere and with Eric our captaincoordinating and I can't wait for thenext for the next 1 hour and a half thatwill be setting some golden value withyou so take right now a pen and a paperBig Bird close out all the distractionsno Facebook messages no notifications noin fact you're on you got a scare youcan answer to your girlfriend rightthere because what you're going to belearning here today it might be reallyeasyOhwe had a quick freeze up there Demetriusis either asleep or frozen but can youjust to make sure can you guys stillhear me here are we all good lightingthey've had the problemokay I think we had a little freezingissue there can you guys hear me it yougot you gent you're you're you can'tbelieve it's true but it is true andjust confirm that you can hear me againokay we can hear me okay had a littletrouble with Dimitri's audio there butpeople can hear me nice anyone else atECML here over here we can hear Nyna canhearfaith can hear John can hear that's goodyou guys all have ears I think we justhad a little issue with with Dimitri'saudio there okay hello Sarver how areyou hiding a bill welcome to the webinarhere we're gonna get started willprobably just be about five minutes latewhat we let people whoa here we go herewe go it's kicking off now everyone'sfine Sarah I'm pretty good I'm a littletired we had a you know this epic tripto Barcelona which was just close myslack you can see that right there I hadan epic trip to Barcelona went superwell but it was extremely tiring a lotof fun was had by it by everyone it wassuper Brienne says we could see my slacknot anymore you won't get to see all myall my inner workings of the companyhere just yet so you like the electricunit Nabil yes this is uh this is mypodcast studio here I can just do alittle while you guys you guys are allon a little early so I can just go aheadand like give you a little backstagethree or so this is where I do all mypodcasts and because this is live todayI don't have my green screen up usuallyI have a green screen behind me whichjust gives like a nice solid backgroundand but because we're doing this livetoday and there's no editing I just Ican't put a green screen in real time soI just use what was behind it which isthis big electrical transformer whichI'm sure it's really good for me rightto get all this they'll get all thatsweet electricity pumping through me butif you feel excited to be here so yeahthat's what that is it's a bigelectrical thing Oh services it's okgood from you guys give me a thing aboutyep you are back ok so just waiting forfor Nick to join us here to I'm surehe's gonna join us anywaydoes he nick message us if your makesure you log in as a teacher here or asa staff so that we can make sure we caneasily hand you the presentation whenit's your turn we've got a really goodturnout pumping air we got 60 peopleI'm really hoping hoping a few more joinus if you want to give us a shout out onthe questions heregive us a give us a shout out hopeeveryone is readyratchet how's it going nice okay we aregetting ready for this epic webinar Ilike I was saying to the people who werehere earlier these webinars areridiculously fun to do it's crazy thatwe can just you know flip a switch andbroadcast directly to hundreds of ourfans hundreds of these ecommercesearchers out there it's a very coolpiece of technology we're really excitedto the for this presentation that we puttogether you know usually I work withother people's presentations so usuallyI am the host tonight ask that's thequestions but today I'm excited to betelling you a bit more about what we doand what I've been doing what where myexpertise really lies then just show youa little bit of a blueprint that we'veused to the e-commerce blueprint thatwe've used to scaleI guess act crazy so we're gonna give ita few more minutes here it's ten o'clockwe're right on time thanks everyone forbeing on time you guys are fantasticagain Dimitri said it but we want tomake sure that you are ready to rollmake sure that you've got a notepad andpaper make sure that that your your allyour your other tabs are closed downbecause this there's gonna be a lot lotsof great knowledge shared on thisI'm really excited for this presentationwe put together we've got Nick Peroni tomeet you guys it's going to be extremelyabout us and we're gonna have lots oftime for questions at the end so makesure if you have questions you can writethem right in there and we'll just sortof knock them off one by onegot my staff just in the other roomBrianne and Angela we did such a goodjob in e-commerce mastery live they aregonna tell me what I'm doing somethingembarrassing like showing my slackscreen or other other things like thatso that was fantastic okay we're up to80 I want to get to abefore we start just because it's justit's all people coming in Fast andFurious now we just started the time andanyone else want to get Machado tell mewhere you the rest of you people arefrom in here I want to see how globalour audience is so in the questions justshoot out a tell me where you'reactually from India Romania South AfricaEric are you in a crazy bunker serverroom yes Mike I am in my electricalpanel room in my office here and so Ican turn off the juice should I justturn off the whole light grid for thisstreet just back just like turn it offthat would be bad newsSouth Africa whole India Italy Romanialots a couple Romanians Morocco PolandEngland France well we got Romania is apowerful powerful place here Nebraskajust kill it says Mike okay Oh kill thepower that's what you're saying okay yougot Fort Wayne France Morocco VirginiaOh Vancouver I know I knew Mike was inVancouver Montreal – Canucks fantasticcanvas Mexico Indianapolis Wow a trulyinternational bunch fantastic anyway wegot Boston got a Bruins fan up in thehouse as a king and I have to bringeverything back to hockey all youinternational people forgive me it'sjust in my blood I it's like I imagineit's like Cricket in India it's a it's abig dealwhat's the big thing in Romania leakexplain Romania shout-out to Demetriuswhat about my beard Brienne I know it'snot quite at Dimitri's level 99attendees a hundred attendees okayfantasticwhat what's our time now we are at fivetwo minutes after 10:00 let's give it atleast till five minutes after 10:00let's just keep riffing here on on thisfun thing we got we got someone inCanada what's a de why can't I think ofthat sound like a o somewhere in CanadaThanks Stone it to my beard you play alot of soccer in Romania of courseRomania wants to be rich I think that'sfair what are the four oh the ECHL theEast the East Coast Hockey League thereused to be a team in Victoria called thesinKayne's and they were terrible and theirname was also terrible but the fortwayne komets sound pretty dope therewill be a recording of this webinaravailable afterwards but there are somefantastic prizes on this webinar andthat I'm going to tell you about it assoon as we get kicked off here and onlypeople who stick around to the end onthe live webinar are able to access thiswe really want you to stick around onthe actual live webinaryeah giant this is a funny story justbecause we have a lot of people fromIndia here I'll tell you I do climb withone of the only Canadians who playscricket here in Victoria there'sactually a really thriving cricketleague and I play like a 16 / version ofcricket which is just like a shortversion of cricket where you have to hita lot and and I love it I've beenplaying for like 10 years I'm stillpretty bad at it but I have a lot of funit's a one of my favourite sports toplay so I'm the token Canadian on theteam I'm actually the only Canadianthere's lots of people from Australiaand New Zealand England India andPakistan I'm the token Canadian on theteam so that's that's the story oh I'mhere watch the prizes oh yeah I'm abatsman I'm here I'm at either openingI'm usually an opening bat or like anumber five bat when I pretty much justcrash and bang I'm pretty much gonna ina 16 / game you pretty much just have tohit all the time we've gotlet it and let any is that Alright letany from Brussels nice a new countrynice we've got lots of people who lovecricket I'm a spinner a Spiner a spinnera spoke I can't get fit as a that's onething I have a lot of trouble if I canhit pace if you get it if you if youhave a good pace in your bowling I cansmack it but but not but not much moreon the spin okay I think we shouldprobably get kicked off here we are fiveminutes in maybe let's just give it alittle few more minutes it's you guyscompare with me here we keep you knowgive me give me some more chats heretell me tell me some more stuff initiofrom Los Angeles welcome man you're acomplete newbie we've come to the rightplace that's what this webinar willcover yeah Jason Foster has been playingcricket for 40 years and he is stillterrible that's just the way cricket isit's a cruel sport you know you can getout on your very first ball as you knowIJason have you ever had a golden duck Ibet you have nice I'm on the slide Ilike to watch the game I like soccersuck is pretty good I'm more of a hockeyguy when it comes to teams where you'retrying to score goals or games whereyou're trying to score goalshey my Aletta welcome never knew thiswebinar would be so really old justbecause you've got this guy talkingabout cricket I don't have any goodcricket ecommerce metaphors but I'll seewhat I can work out wait why wait forthe procrastinators you are ready tolearn you'll land a Yolanda you're ahundred percent right and Jason has hadmore than a few golden tuxgolden duck and cricket is when you getout on the very first ball and you don'teven get ever again that day you're donethe day and it's cruel and unusualpunishment the server hopes to gain muchknowledge from this webinar bro that'sexactly what we're trying to do talkingmore about the hockey and the cricketbut I think we're good we've got 120we're holding steady here so let's getthis thing kicked off are you guys readyyou guys ready to kick off they'll allstart you commerce webinar I hope youare because today we are covering atopic that's very near and dear we arecovering starting out how to get starteda step-by-step strategy and execution sowe just came back from e-commercemastery lab I know a couple of youpeople were able to make it toe-commerce mastery lab David Hayes a fewothers we had 400 people in Barcelonakicking it with us we had seven amazingspeakers talking from everything fromhow to select products how to runeffective Facebook ads however oninfluencer marketing campaigns how torun many chat acquisition campaigns wehad so much good feedback it was themost beautiful event like the the placewe were in was absolutely beautifuland and it was absolutely thrilled toput this on and the people on thiswebinar were there helping us outputting it on and and I hope if you guysget a chance to join us in Bangkok inDecember for our next commerce masterylaminate lab of that I highly suggestthat you that you join us kind of itwill be well worth your time well worthyour money justjust for the content and none and andthen on top of the concept health peopleyou're gonna meet the contacts you'regonna make and like this super like highlevel of inspiration you're gonna getfrom attending an event like this so Ihope you guys have been following whatwe've been doing with ice tech trainingand e-commerce all-star secrets whichhas been like the the really longcampaign that we've been building justtrying to add value to two peoplerunning ecommerce we created first weinterviewed we have like a 50 questionssurvey to fly and we got five hundredfull-time ecommerce experts to fill itout which was crazy we're out about mytickets we had our prize winner join usthere for our amazing vendor masterminddinner and then we used those 500answers about you know the distributionstrategies people were using the productstrategies people were using theacquisition strategies people were usingand we've built it into this into theseries of three infographics that areall available on our Facebook group allthis content that we produced includingthe mini course that hopefully some ofyou guys have taken it's all availableon our on our Facebook page which I'llshow you in a second so we produce theinfographics we produce these amazingcase studies with greta van real andnick Shackleford where they're talkingabout like really high level scaling wedid a series of six interviews with eachof the all-stars which was part of mypodcast but we were able to really divedeep on the pacific topic and they wereable to put ecommerce all-star secretswhich is a six part free mini coursethat covers six sort of unique skillsets that you need to master if you wantto have like massive ecommerce successand and that's what this webinaressentially is is the first three ofthese of these units we're going to bediscussing on this first webinar fore-commerce or secrets if you haven'tjoined the group you know all of thiscontent can be found on the units tab ofthe group so if you look at the sidebarthere if you get on our group if you goto units that's where you can find allof this content accessible to you at alltimes so make sure you go join thatgroup we've got over seven thousandmembers of the group it's been anawesome journey to growing it but butyeah so on this all-starwebinar we are covering how to start outstep-by-step strategy and executionfruit ecommercewe've got Nick brownie Dimitri's Gatosonfortunately then the law was not able tojoin us for this it's the the perils ofdoing a live webinar but I'll be coverin his top his tactic mystify i've beenclosely following him for a while nowI've taken up taking this course I put alot of it into practice already so Ifeel perfectly fine to talk about Ben'slevel so here's the one thing this isthe one key thing I want you all tounderstand if you leave this webinar andyou understand this one thing I willhave done my job if you don't I've gotmore work to do essentially but here itis the best opportunity to live yourdream life is by selling physicalproducts onlineaka e-commerce now this doesn't meannecessarily that it's all smiles andrainbows puppies and giggles you knowliving the e-commerce life is hard workbut it is your best opportunity to livelife on your own terms like travelingaround the world meeting all thesepeople who do e-commerce the people whoare able to get their feet wet buildecommerce stores and then iterate onthem and build higher and higher qualityecommerce experiences these are thepeople that are that are travelingaround the world that are making greatmoney they're living like truly on theirterms not relying on notes they're notrelying on jobs that they don't like orjobs that they feel trapped in they'rebasically in in their lives navigatingthe world you know leveraging thisamazing opportunity of e-commerce theamazing opportunity of selling physicalproducts online so this is the one thingI really need you to believe for thiswebinar to be a success you need tounderstand that this is the bestopportunity that that there it isso after this webinar this is whatyou'll actually walk out of this webinarwith you'll walk out with the three keyskills you'll need to build a scalable asustainable ecommerce business so notonly a business that you can start andget your feet wet with but one that youcan scale and one that you can sustainover time these if this webinar isdedicated to the three key skill setsthat you need to really jump in and getyour feet wet and that's why we have thethree best people here to talk about itthen you need to know the three keymisconceptions you need to shatter ifyou're going to succeed a lot of peoplehave ideas you know mindsets aboutthat just aren't effective anymore andit's such a rapidly changing this needto to really understand the corestrategies and principles the mindsetsand a lot of people have these wrong sowe want to make sure we correct themmake sure that we get people started offon the right foot so we're gonna shatterthese three key misconceptions and thenif you stick around to the end I'm goingto show you is to teach in a strategicblueprint for the exact strategy that werecommend getting started with withe-commerce and I'm gonna back it up withmy own case study for I stack trainingand then the the biggest thing you'regoing to get on this webinar you can beleft with after this webinar is zeroexcuses absolutely zero excuses to notstart taking action to build a businessthat lets you live life on your owntermswe're gonna show you why this is theopportunity in the generation there'ssome really cool statistics I'm going tobe talking about and by the end of thisyou're going to be super fired up you'regonna have zero excuses when it comes toto starting your e-commerce businessonline you all know the opportunity isthere I'm sure everyone on this on thiswebinar knows the opportunities there bythe end of this you're going to bepretty much forced into into takingaction on this e-commerce opportunitywhen you become it is so big and somassive so this is part one we coverstrategy and execution if you took ourlittle mini chat quiz you know that webroke you all down into three categoriesif we possibly could so we wanted toknow who of you were dreamers and sodreamers as you could imagine don't beoffended but dreamers are people thatknow the opportunity is there buthaven't taken action yet they haven'tstarted their Shopify store they havesome ideas they have initiatives maybethey want to target and probably take ina few courses they've taken a lot offree content but they just haven'tjumped in because I haven't felt sureenough about how to start how to growand how to scale things so so those arethe dreamers then there's the castawaysthe castaways was a term invented forthe people in the middle the people whoprobably started a Shopify store they'vemade some sales they've spent a littlemoney but they haven't been able to makeit profitable they have a they'rethey're wondering what's left like whatwhat haven't they done in order to toget it to these six-figure months thatyou see on screen shots and stuff sothose are the castaways Dave and maybethey did maybe they didn't have asix-figure month or a five-figure monthbut then they weren't able to sustain itthey crashed out and weren't able tobuild a long-termso they're cast away in a sea ofscreenshots as we like to say and thenapologies for the dabbing emoji I can'tbelieve I found that but there's alsothe experts and these are people thathave steady incomes they're probablydoing e-commerce full-time or or theiror they're using it to supplement theirincome heavily on something that they dofull-timethese people are banking on e-commerceand these people want to know how totake it to the next level thirty dayssix figures they want to do seven ifthey're doing seven they want to doeight and so this particular webinar ismainly for the first two categories ifyou're an expert on this panel they onthis webinar thank you for showing upwe're gonna be coming up a lot of thefoundational mindsets and skills youneed to know you probably probably havea lot of those mastered all baby but ifyou don't there's always there's alwaysroom for a brush up and like I saidthere's gonna be lots of other fun stuffon this webinar that you'll wanna stickaround for but part two of the webinaris on Friday we're gonna read we'regonna do another webinar with MohammedNick and Greta we're all eight figureecommerce entrepreneurs they're allproviding that the more advanced levelcontent on this course when it comes tohow to take things to the next level andwe're gonna do a webinar with them onFriday so make sure you register forthat if if you aren't already okay andif you stick around you're gonna get mytop strategic move print for startingwith ecommerce including my case studywe're gonna use the same ribbon show youthe same strategy we've used to grow isecretary to a seven-figure educationcompany in one year and then at the endit will do a full Q&A with myself andDimitri and M Nicky and we have Nick onboard note to that's fantastic welcomeNick okay cool this is gonna be awesomeand then at the end we're gonna giveover ten thousand dollars away in bonusto those who stick around to the end andtake action and this one I'm reallyexcited about I just told my team aboutthis I don't want to stick screw up tothe very end of this webinar so everyonewho's around at the end we're gonna takenote of your nameseveryone who's around at the end getsone of these sweet lids we built thesefor ECML Italia we actually built themfor it we got them made for ecml andthey got stuck in customs becausethere's because our company who we won'tbe using again makes great hats thatdidn't follow instructions and we endedup having all of our hats stuck youcustoms so because we weren't able toget them to the people at ECML everyonewho sticks around to the end of thiswebinar the bitter end of this webinarwe're gonna arrange to send you one ofthese sweet hats we also have them inblack we could send you a black versionas well in case you're worried aboutwhite getting dirty but white would begood for your cricket team all you guysfrom India and anyone complains toforget so you might be wondering who isthis dick well it's me I'm Eric dick I'mthe CEO of ice act trading I do make alot of dick jokes for instance all mypics are dick pics because they're justof me and my family in French and I'm adick there we go I got out of the wayhopefully I don't have to make too manymore of those but as I said I do of iceact training I've been doing this forabout a year and a half I've been we'vecreated 15 courses three sold-out liveevents three different masterminds afull mess with mine in Phuket and thento mess for my dinners it's been I'vedone a bunch of these webinars I've justbeen having the time of my life buildingthis company building this brand whichhas been been really exciting I thinkISEC training is already in a year and ahalf pretty well recognized as a highlevel you know infoprovider for fouraffiliates and entrepreneurs ande-commerce people and I'm really excitedabout how that how that's been I've aCuban in e-commerce or I've been indigital marketing for over 12 years Istarted in affiliate marketing in 2006and I said I started as an internalmedia buyer at a team and I basicallydone all forms of affiliate marketingI've had two of my own startups whichI've exited I have been the marketingdirector at a mobile company and that'show I actually got this job I stand Istack training and so I basically when Itell you that ecommerce is theopportunity of a generation this isbecause I've been doing this for 12years and I've never seen a trend orkind of marketing or the opportunity forpeople be as big and possible for asmany people with as low a barrier toentry no matter where you are in theworld then ecommerce and I can say thisbecause I've literally done almost everyform of marketing Under the Sun mysuperpower I'm a pretty good marketer II love marketing and it's a huge part ofmy skills that I love creativity I loveproject management I love I loveideation and coming up with ideas but myreal superpower is bringing peopletogether both on my podcastat our events through our courses theexperts the people I'd love to bringpeople together to share valuableknowledge and advanced skills to changelivesI also mentioned to hope you guys knowmy podcast as well the robust marketerif you don't go on iTunes or Apple sorryiTunes or Google Play go on YouTube andsearch it so that the algorithm sayspeople like this podcast it's reallystarting to grow I'm going to show you alittle statistics on how much it's grownover just this year in a little bit butbut it's and as you can see from thesepictures here I love holding clipboardsand Jeffster being with my ex it's whatI my favorite things did you do and thenif you look in YouTube you look at thatfirst picture on the top left in Berlinover to the one in December and rightdown to the one that I just did here inBarcelona when I tell you we're allabout personal transformation it'spartially because I lost a bunch ofweight I've lost like 20 pounds over thelast little while just working my assoff and kind of loving what I'm doing sowhen I tell you that this stuff istransformational you can you can believeit it's not like I still got a littlebit I still got a ways to go but it butit's been an incredible year of personaltransformation I stopped trainingquickly is from the family of STM anaffiliate world affiliate world are theconference's that happen before mytraining day every day in Barcelonaevery year in Barcelona and Bangkokthere's a two-day event called affiliateworld Europe and affiliate world Asiaand then I always have the third I putthe training day on and on the third dayan affiliate world is part of the parentcompany that I work for and so I'm allabout leveraging the amazing speakersand the talent from affiliate world andbringing it to the community that we'vecreated with STM and with affiliateworld we really have this like globaltribe with people all of us arecurrently these different events and youjust have an extremely fun time we havenext we have a lot of value valuableknowledge that gets shared SCM if youdon't know answer stack that money whichis one of the original affiliatemarketing communities we're stillthousands of members are on there everyday discussing affiliate marketingentrepreneurship ecommerce a highestlevel doing follow along sand thingslike this so we're really formed thissort of like trifecta of community andexpertise and we're sort of that we'redefinitely the the the industry standardwhen it comes to quality of communityand quality of content we reallystrongly feel and so we're proud to bepart of this this family that does it sowhat is ice decoratingfirst of all we are a platform that'sthe one thing that's a little bitdifferent from this you know thatthere's a lot of gurus in the spacethere's a lot of people that that youknow have that sell info productsbasically but the one thing that'sdifferent about us is that if first ofall it's all we do at AI sectoring weare a platform that connects the world'sbest you know and current practicingteachers with with students who want tolearn these skills essentially fromaround the world so that's that's a realgoal we're not a guru we're a platformin fact we have a no guru guaranteewhich means that we only work withteachers who make more money in theirbusinesses and their agencies and theire-commerce businesses in their fromtheir campaigns than they do sellingtheir information and so that's that'sone of our policies that we stand by theother thing we believe is the power ofperformance marketing and so when I sayperformance marketing you guys probablyknow what I mean but essentially I meanyou know there's kind of two kinds ofmarketing the road there's there's thetraditional style of marketing which isyou know by agencies and localbusinesses that basically will throwbrand the throat budget out there on TVstations and radio stations but theydon't always drive a direct responsethey don't always throw tribe ameasurable action that people take inorder to to measure the success of acampaign and so much of the world'sadvertising is spent without a directaction that's ever that's ever reallyrequired of a user and this is changingand it's it's just this kind ofmarketing just works way better so ourgoal is to help people harness the powerof performance marketing to change theirlives and to change the world which issomething I'll get into a little bitmoreokay so here's let's just set the stagehere with the opportunity that we'retalking about so the big opportunity isecommerce so if you look at 2017 size ofthe e-commerce industry we're talkingthree trillion dollars that is a lot ofmoney that's a huge huge pie that justshows you the massive opportunity ofe-commerce but then you look at thekinds of things that people sell ine-commerce sorts of retail sales sothings like clothes gadgets you knowthings like that only 15% of e-commerceproducts are our sole online only 15% ofretail sales happen on lines withmassive opportunity for people to to bejumping into e-commerce and that trendis only going to continue more and morepeople are coming online more and moresales are happening online so if you canlearn to master some of these basicskills you're gonna put yourself in aposition to grow personally andprofessionally the really cool thingthat we just learned in the mastermindwe did in Barcelona is that only 1% ofglobal CPG goods or consumer packagedgoods so things like that you buy thegrocery store essentially only 1% ofthose are currently bought online and ifyou think about the trends think abouthow many people are gonna start buyingmore and more consumer packaged goodsonline both as services evolved likeAmazon and things like that in order tohelp people with their groceries there'sjust a massive opportunity withe-commerce and with performancemarketing so if you look at the globalsize of advertising in general it's sixfoot six billion or sorry six sixhundred billion let's say five hundredeighty billion dollars is the globalsize of the advertising industry andthen you look at the share that's heldby performance marketing now performancemarket as I said is marketing that isalways dry and and as always is verydirectly attributed and essentially thisessentially ideal performance marketingis you always need to make more in salesand in revenue than you spend in orderto drive those sales and that's thereally simple basic principle ofperformance marketing and if you lookthat's only nine percent of the globalbuilding so you think about the globaladvertising share so you think about allthe agencies in boardrooms and thingslike that they're spending ninety onepercent of the marketing budget andthey're not using the tactics that weknow work better than their tactics soif you can learn these performancemarketing tactics you're going to putyourself again in an incredible positionso if you're able then to combine thisecommerce opportunity with theperformance marketing opportunity youliterally create an exponentialopportunity or what we like to call theopportunity of our generation so youknow just just looking at those numbersyou can see that that we're in thisincredible era of opportunity and thatthe other thing we like to talk about isthe scrappy startup mindset so I'm sureeveryone on this webinar and those sothe dropshipping phenomenon you knowthat you don't have to hold inventory inorder to profit you can find you canfind products you cansuit them to an audience you can come upwith an angle for those products andthen you can put them on your store andjust flip them from aliexpress and overlo using Facebook Ads in a really simpleprocess so what we advocate always isthat when you're starting out withe-commerce you don't necessarily tingbrand some of our teachers have breadoven rows been real started directlybuilding a brand she knew people wouldlove put a lot of money behind it andmade it happen she's four for four withdoing this so it's possible but what weadvocate is that you use low barrier toentry methods like Shopify or barilloAliexpress print-on-demand the hybridmodel that we're going to talk about alittle bit you use Facebook Ads andbecause what you do is you learn theskills you learn the skills by doing youtake action on the low barrier to entryprojects drop shipping print-on-demandthe hybrid model we're going to talkabout and you learn the skills so youcut your teeth by doing and then you'reable to apply these things to higherquality forms of e-commerce as youevolve we always add my advice that youbuild with your audience in mind thatyou have an audience in mind and youfind products that suit that on it tofind angles that speak to that audiencewe always advise them you give thoughtto both brand and community because inthe long run you're going to need tohave a brand you're going to need tobuild a community around your productsand content is such a huge part ofbuilding your community so that'ssomething we also talked about as welland then while you're doing this whileyou're are when you're driving trafficwhen you're running ads you're pickingproducts you're always looking for waysto improve once you're along the way soyou don't need to start by having adistribution you know Center in the USnecessarily you don't need to start bybuying inventory and holding it andshe's giving it out yourself a lot ofpeople do you can start with thesesimple kinds of e-commerce like uber Loand Aliexpress but all the way along youshould be looking for opportunities toimprove your customer service improveyour advertising improve yourdistribution chain and this is the sortof scrappy startup mindset where youstart with sort of relatively simpleforms of e-commerce and you evolve tosomething else so what is the e-commercelife you guys know this you basicallythis is this is one of my one of theguys who owns I stack Holdings actuallyLorenzo travels around the world worksfor his laptop so you have with thee-commerce lifestyle extremefreedom you can usually work from yourlaptop you can work from wherever I knowa ton of people who are stop succeedingat a high level ecommerce and they areliterally digital nomads living fromwhatever they want they just went to theRunning of the Bulls before our event abunch of my friends who are doing thisand you just have an extreme amount offreedom you don't have to be at anine-to-five you don't have to besomewhere where your boss wants you tobe you're living your life on your ownterms which is why you're able to havesuch a high level of freedom again it'snot all rainbows and sunshine you'regonna work your butt off but you'regonna be able to do it in the mostbeautiful place and when you're doneyou're gonna be able to have a mojito bythe pool you're gonna make money ifyou're operating at a high level you'reyou know I know a lot of people makingsix figures a month I know people makingseven figures a month and these peopleare living the life of their dreamsthey're not all obsessed withmaterialism a lot of them have nice carsthough I'll tell you thatand and it sort of depends on who youare what you want but you're able tohave the freedom that comes with makinga really solid earning and not havingyour earnings cap that's a sort of anunderrated thing as well when you have ajob you're gonna get a 2% raise a year5% raise a year when inflation isprobably gonna be five to ten percentover the next couple years going the waythe world is you can't rely on a salarynecessarily to give you financialfreedom at all and so that's one of thereasons that we advocate ecommercebecause it uncaptured earning potentialyou're able to make as much as you wantto make and then you also get thisamazing community community that'sdedicated to both good times theself-improvement there's a shot of our400 people at ecommerce mastery livethese people were all hungry to learnand they were all hungry to go out andparty afterwards as well and that's notthat's what my favorite thing about thisspace are the amazing people you get towork with how instantly you start onceyou hang out with a bunch of otherentrepreneurs you started realizing youthink about life you think about theworld in very similar ways and it allowsyou to make very fast very strong bondswith people very quickly and some of mybest friends I've made over the pastyear just from putting myself insituations with like-minded individualscreating a community the Facebookcommunities that I'm a part of every dayI get to see these people see whatthey're doing on Facebook and it's areally really awesome thing to be a partof so we are on to the next slide herewhat's going on and I'm you troublecontrolling let my mouse here Ohso the three keys to starting upsuccessful e-commerce stores these arethe three skill sets that we're going tobe discussing here in this webinar thatwe think with these three skill setsyou're given you're good to go to startyour e-commerce business just with thesethree you're gonna have Syracuse's toget started up so the first thing youneed to understand is a holisticecommerce startup strategy you need toknow what you're gonna do you need toknow where you're gonna find yourproducts you need to know what audienceyou're going to target you're going toneed to have some idea of how you'regonna build brand and community aroundthis idea and so we have Nick Peronihere on this webinar to discuss thisparticular topic then of course you needFacebook Ads Facebook Ads is the mostimportant aspect of user acquisitionwhen it comes to e-commerce I would saylike we just did this panel at ecml andevery one of the panelists was said thatover ninety percent of their advertisingbudget was on Facebook ads so it's notgoing anywhere it's the most powerfuladvertising tool ever created you needto know under you need to understand howto use it you need to understand thatthe nuts and bolts of Facebook ads arejust a very actual small part of makingFacebook ads work and the other half isthe other bigger part of it is creativewhich we'll get into a little bit I'llbe covering that topic and then we havedimitri status here to discuss keymetrics and google analytics which ishow you have to know your numbers howyou take ecommerce from being a hobby toan actual job by really understandingyour metrics because everything that isnot creative and the nuts and bolts offacebook is numbers remember systematictesting finding you know testing thingsover and over again finding what worksbest and optimizing all the time towardswhat works so with your startup strategywe wanna be able to start quicklyflexibly but with a long term strategyin mind for audience branded productswith facebook ad you want to be able tomaster the nuts and bolts the levers andtoggles of facebook but you always needto know that stories sell better thanthen ads and then you realize that afterstory everything is testing in numbersso we're about ready to jump over tonick Peyronie's presentation here youguys probably all know Nick Brody he'sprobably helping more people than anyoneelse gets started with e-commerce he's aseven-figure entrepreneur in his ownright was the string of very successfule-commerce stores he was the firstperson that came to mind when it came toteaching people the essential mindsetand basics that they need to understandto get into honors and so I want towelcome him here you can see these aresome of the testimonials he's helped somany people he's helped people get theirfirst saleshe's helped the tens get their millionthsale he has helped so many people in anyCongress he is probably the ultimateperson to be teaching you know the theentry-level stuff when it when it comesto e-commerce all the way from strategymindset product selection productsourcing through the testing ads whichis why we brought him on to this courseand I'm gonna say hello Nick and I diditawfully it'll be here and I'm gonna makeyou yes I canI'm about to make you the presenter okayif you are now presented but I'm usingall right yeah I kit here let's see Nickis to die forall right that's awesome thank youwhoever said that hey I'm still usingthe same screen though I think righthold on let me uh yeah but you you justpull it up on yours you share yourscreen now you're using the samepresentation but pull it up at yourscreen and then click the screen icon sothat you show your screen okay give meone second guys I will be with you I'mactually in live with you right now froman undisclosed location in thePhilippines enjoying that freedom thatEric talked about really just reallyjust having a blast out here just gotdone from the event the events inBarcelona and whoo right over here toookay so it's been pretty also alrightlet me show my screen yeah can we see itright now there we go good to go meokay there we go alright guys so I amloving to be here right now with you andfor everybody that we have on here rightnow and you can see everything right isor is it still loading the screen ohit's still loading right now okay so letme just give an idea while it's loadingwhat I'm what I just want to talk aboutfor a few minutes there we go I think wecan see it now is is really just as itsays the e-commerce startup in strategyand just a few of the things quicklyhere as part of this presentation thatEric's doing and let you know exactlywhat it is about e-commerce that is notonly such an amazing opportunity ingeneral right now but really for you theunderstanding I have of this to be ableto make this extremely exciting for youso the foundation for seventy years withe-commerce what I want to talk aboutreally quickly here I have a screenshothere just to kind of show you a littlebit of the background because one of thethings important to me as Eric mentionedand what I'm so humbled by constantlyeverywhere I go is just the results I'vebeen able to help other people get weall you know it's amazing that I've beenable to get my own results and that'sone of the greatest things of course andin anybody's success story but I thinkwhat's most important to you and why Ireally like to share other people'sresults is knowing that this stuff worksfor more than just me right it's not mehere saying that oh I've been able to dothis or that it's me here saying thatthese principles and these things thatwe talk about have been able to helpother people and there's all this socialproof out there of other people thathave been able to use this informationto be able to get get not only the startfrom first sales and finding that thatfirst success of being able to make alittle bit of money and prove that thisis possible but all the way toseven-figure I mean this year is almosttwo million dollarsin in a single year from from being ableto learn and master this kind of stuffas you can see the shout out here thatI'm getting for the tutorials that I'vebuilt in the foundation and I've reallyhelped people master and for me it comesdown to four main pieces all rightnumber one understanding your businessmodel okay and and really looking atwhat type of business are you buildingwith Shopify alright this is extremelyimportant because this is the foundationof everything that you do when you lookat people out there that are getting alot of success and hitting big numbersthere's a reason for it it's not it'snot just a random right so your businessmodel from the start what kind of stuffare you sellinghow does dropshipping work as a businesshow does print-on-demand work how areyou combining these types of things toform the right business and that you'regoing to be making your money withShopify that's step number oneand then to looking at the storestructure okay having something reallyspecific in place where you're not onlyjust randomly putting a store togetherright there's a lot of specific strapand use when you're building a storeokay and this is one of the biggestthings I think people miss is the ideaof exactly what you're doing in the waythat you present yourselves to onlineshoppers all right it's a huge hugeindustry there are millions of storesout there and without taking the rightsteps without using the right tacticsand strategies on the way that you'representing yourself you're not going tostand out in a crowd so there's somereally specific things that we do oncewe figure out what type of businesswe're running to build the type of storeand have a really nice structure that isgoing to convert people and it's goingto give you that foundation of beingable to scale brand identity of coursebranding right now I think is one of themost misunderstood things and e-commerceyou hear it it's a buzzword people talkabout it but a lot of people don'tunderstand it and it's one of thereasons that ecommerce right now is likeit's such a great opportunity but somany people don't really know how totranslate that being able to create abrand IDwhether you are drop shipping or doingprint-on-demand or privately boy likeit's the brand translates to all thosethings and so really looking at the bestpractices of building a brand aredefinitely important and then finally amarketing strategy you're going to get alot of that you're going to hear Erictalk without all the amazing speakersand people that are part of this entirebecome also these secrets that weresharing that go into marketing strategybut you know you really need to havesomething specific right a lot of peoplejust get started and it's like let methrow some products up and let me justput some things together and not havinga specific intention of what you'redoing so I really look at these fourthings together and for those of youthat saw my free mini-course videoalready you know that I talked aboutsome of this and this is this is itright here like a lot of you guys mightbe looking at this in your cupcakebusiness – you know brand I've heard ofthis stuff but it's really more aboutunderstanding it because when you seescreenshots like this and you see peoplethat are that are thanking me andthey're like for getting these resultsI'm telling you that it comes down toreally understanding these types ofthings and really knowing exactly whatit is that you're doing from the verybeginning so one big misconception withEECOM that I want to shatter right nowfor everybody and this was so importantfor me to talk about because I run agroup of over 62,000 people right nowand I see this question getting you knowpeople just struggle with it right andthe idea that you're hearing out therethat dropshipping doesn't work anymoreor that it's too difficult to be aprofitable business model this year andbeyond okay and I am here to tell youthat that is 100% absolutely broaddropshippingthe misconception that so many peoplehave dropshipping is just a businessmodel okay it's not like this schemeit's not like this this idea of you knowmaking money by sewing products fromChina or this annette dropshipping issimply a model where you are arbitragein third party productswholesale supplier and you are doing aplatform like Shopify to sell them topeople all around the world or hopefullyin your market or wherever right and asa business model drop shipping has beenaround for decades all right and it'snot going anywherethere are so many ways that you can dropship products and so many differenttypes of suppliers that you can use infulfillment solutions drop shipping issuch a great opportunity now as much aseveralright and I like I said I travel theworld for those of you they don't knowabout EECOM empires and what i do i domasterminds all over the world ispeaking events and so i meetentrepreneurs i have a network that isover 60,000 people at this point frompeople just getting started the peoplewho are crushing it and doing you knoweight figures and even 19 years a yearin your business so i've seen it all andthere are still people that are stillgetting started with drop shipping andbeing successful when they have theright strategy and they know whatthey're doing and so this is whathappens right here with the rightfoundation just a little bit more truthand awareness to you guys so you can seethe type of conversations I'm having andtype of impact this this type ofinformation is having with people thisis from my messager this is a coursesome of it is sensitive here so it'spoured out because it's not everybodywants they're not everybody wants peopleto know that they're crushing it butthey tell me when I've been able to helphave an impact and I've been able tochange their life and so this issomebody who is having an $80,000 weekalright and you can see they're they'resaying thanks to you you took my handand told me after this course whichthey're referencing a course that I madepart of econ vampires after this courseyou'll be a master of Facebook ads andyour course was the right foundation allright that's the key part that I want todistinguish right there that word thathe chose to use foundation the rightfoundation to be able to grow andunderstand and have an $80,000 week withShopify that's what we're talking abouthere thatI really want to bring to this is givingyou that foundation and understandingthat this is not just low-level stuffsome people sometimes think like oh whenyou're talking about you know this andthat business model structure identitylike you know but like this ishigh-level stuff here that we're talkingabout that builds seven-figurebusinesses helps people crush out eightythousand dollars in a week that's athat's a high salary that only somepeople like you know less than 20% ofpeople in America even make to be ableto crush out eighty thousand dollars ina week in sales is insane and then ifthat's not enough I want to give you onemore here with somebody who doesn't mindbeing shared jad can't re and you cansee here now you can't see the very topof that but this is a fairly screenshotforty seven thousand dollars in a day ina single day and then you can see at thebottom is saying your course was theturning point much of of I appreciatedniche so I just want to help bring someawareness to the fact that drop shippingis still this is recent by the way thisthis screenshot is very recent and Ijust want to bring on awareness the factthat this is still a great opportunityit's still amazing and really to theidea of anybody that's here watchingthis and and thinking about this andjust like in this moment right nowasking yourself like what what if thisis the turning point for you right nowwhat if this webinar what you'rewatching could be a turning point justlike jad is telling me in this messengerthat when he first discovered my coursethat it was the turning point the himbeing it would hit forty-eight thousandhours in a day which Shopify right whatif that is this turning point for youright now that's what's so excitingabout this opportunitywhatever talks about this being theopportunity of a generation i 100% heyand I'm on board with that and that'swhy I was so thrilled to be part of thisbecause I am constantly getting messageslike this seeing how it changes people'slives by having the right foundation byhitting the right breakthroughs byhaving the right turning points so I'mreally happy to be part of this I don'twant to taketoo much time because I know we also gotto get the me trees on here and been onhere and it just don't I'm afraid encodethe air cast to share so thank you forlistening gods I just wanted to sharethat with you I'm really excited aboutthis nice yeah thanks so much Nickreally cool to see some of those resultsand this it's funny you talk about thisthis strategy that we you know werecommend people start with and thenafter Ben's presentation which I'll bedoing and Dmitry will give you thisstrategy that we sort of are you knowobviously it's not a it's not the it'snot a bulletproof strategy we're notgoing to give you you know it's not ahundred percent but it's a strategy thatis a great way to get started and agreat way that's gonna allow you tobuild your skills will tell you exactlyhow to do it right after both of thesepresentations so naked you can hand backmy presentation ability I think that'sgood there yeah I just stop there okayand I think I'm good now so I can showmy screen you can make the presentershow my screen perfect awesome and Iwill go to my screen right here and wewill get into okay so Ben Maillol is youknow living the e-commerce lifestyleright now which is why he couldn't makeit on this presentation you guys canalso see my screen now okay awesomeso that's good so where do we go hereright there bend the law so Ben Malonewhen I was looking for someone to handlethe Facebook aspect of of our course inour project bend the law was an obviouschoice the guy has been on the newsmultiple times talking about Facebook'salder algorithm he's sort of like anationally recognized expert on FacebookAds he's taught thousands of people howto get these kind of results on FacebookAds you can see he's got a Facebookcourse that he that he made I think lastyear I think that has just helped a tonof people get their feet wet withFacebook wet your Facebook Ads he reallyunderstands the nuts and bolts of how toset up your campaigns how to optimizethe campaign but before that he is areally strong understanding of whatneeds to happen before you ever even loginto facebook with how you story tellabout your productand that's what we're going to talkabout today just a little bit so ok solet's start let's start on the 90/10rule so basically like I said when Iinterviewed like the tans and timberedand all the top experts on on Facebookads on e-commerce out 90% of or everyone of them spent over ninety or overpercent of all their advertising budgeton Facebook so it's super important andand so but then within Facebook ads welike to say it's probably 90% about theproduct and the story the products thatyou pick in the story that you tellabout them how you frame them how youbuild your creatives so that you getpeople to stop and actually view yourads this is the most key part aboutFacebook guys that kind of people don'ttalk about it's easy to talk about okyou need to have this campaign namingstructure you need to have here's howyou should be optimizing you shouldoptimize first engagement and then at acarpet and then perfect I should buildup your audiences here's what the sizeof your budget should be and we'll justcover a few of these these top-linethings from from Venice presentation butreally 90 percent is how you pitch yourproduct and your story ten percent arethe nuts and bolts and then when itcomes to the nuts and bolts the somereal secret to facebook ads and thesecrets to all forms of marketing wecan't I come from this affiliate worldwhere essentially you're really just youhave less control of your product thanyou even do it ecommerce where you'rereally just arbitrage attention you'rebasically paying people to come on yourwebsite you're paying Google to bringpeople to your website and then you hopeenough people do enough actions to payfor the traffic that you that youbrought them there with and and so whenthat come when it comes to that there'snothing that is a substitute for masssystematic testing it's not the mostsexy thing always Demetrius is going toget more into into numbers as whythey're so important but obviously theonly way you're really going to be ableto build an incredible ecommercebusiness is by testing a lot of thingstesting a lot of audiences and whatwe're going to give you of course givesyou is the structure that you're goingto be using for all this testing how todo it in the most efficient way possiblehow to look at your Facebook ads andknow that you're hitting every ad groupevery interest that you need to andyou're going to have all your creativeslined up andway your budgets tight and then you'llbe able to see when something jumps outat you when you set your pixel up rightyou set your ads up right you set yourcampaigns up right you'll all of asudden see that a group right therethat a group is making 3x return on myad spend time to scale that I heard soeverybody but I'm really you're onlygoing to get that by doing mathsystematic testing and that's whatthat's what all of our lessons kind ofkind of teach you how to do so when itcomes to optimization you want tooptimize on purchase whenever possiblethat's kind of a no-brainerthat's the top-line learning I want youto take from optimization wheneverpossible you want to tell the Facebookpixel when it picks it went up purchasehas occurred and optimize towards thatand there's some ways that you can buildup to that because you can't will beable optimize on purchases right awayuntil you have some but essentially youalways want to focus on purchases whenit comes to setting ad set but it getsit through the rule of thumb is CPAtimes 3 this is something to note thatso say you're selling a product that isten dollars and for you to make money onit in the in the long run for your LTVyou need to be making you need to beselling it for six dollars so that makesyour CPA six dollars that's your targetCPA that you need to sell that productfor and then so a good testing budgetfor an upset would be eighteen dollarson the low end when you're testingdifferent Adsense ad sets or where youput all your different kind of targetingand your targeting is your audience andso you so you essentially you create agroup of interests that you'reinterested in targeting and then you aimto build up an audience size that'sbetween one and three million people andtest it with a budget that is aroundthree times your targets CPA and yourvariable and test as many of these asyou can you're gonna have to stackinterest on top each other in a lot ofcases in order to get those audiencesizes but you really want your audiencesizes big enough so that Facebook canreally search for your exact audiencemembers within each of them thenlocation I know you know when I firststarted Facebook advertising especiallycurt for eyesight training right out ofthe gate I was throwing up at and and Itook me about a week before I realized Iwas getting amazingly cheap clicks butthey were all from countries wherenobody bought my products at Nepal Idon't know if anyone hears from the PALbut we had a ton of people from Nepal onmy original advertising campaign so whatwe do now is something that advocates aswell if you break your campaigns intotwo tiers youyour top 5 gos by either by GDP which iswhere where people are making thecountries that are making the most moneyor if you already know where your targetmarket is to break it down into your top5 places and then your second tier wouldbe your second top 25 either GDPcountries or countries where you knowyour sales are coming from make surethat you're targeting groups withincountries that you know we're peoplegonna buy out of products or if you notstart with these GDP countries becausethey're the ones that are most likely tomake online purchases and then your adyour ad is the most important part ofyour Facebook campaign we'll talk aboutthat a little bit more here so you wantto make sure that you are selling yourproduct s or your story of your productand not necessarily the product itselfpeople don't buy products they buy thestories they play in their heads whenyou advertise their product they thinkabout they have to hit people not justwith here this product will you needthis product it's you need this productbecause it's going to make your lifebetter in the fog race or even morepowerful it's going to prevent thisreally bad thing from happening which isan example we're about to show people bythe stories that they tell aboutproducts they buy the transformationthat they will undergo by buying thisproduct not the product itself so youalways need to think about like what'sbehind the product which is why you needto have angles for the things that yousell ok so here's an example right herewe've got an LED dog color the first oneon the on the Left here it offers red upabout a 50% coupon and just shows apicture of it and says here buy itthere's this little scarcity aspectthere's only 250 left and then the oneon the rightstarts with over 8 over 6 million dogswere killed last year dog car accidentsare car accidents are very scary andvery real so it starts right out of thebag right off the front with a veryemotional very you know fear-basedcall-out that essentially allows peopleto to make sure that their that theirstory is inspiring or that their storygrabs people by the throat and lets themknow that this product is going to solvea problem in their life even a problemthat they don't have a problem that theymight have in the future this productwill solve it and so instead of justadvertising the product you advertise astory behind the product or anangle into that product and whenever youthink about price whenever you scan overcompetitive research intelligence whenit comes to driving or running newproducts make sure you're alwaysthinking about the story behind theproduct that angles into that productthat can resonate with your audience andthat that's a super important key soFacebook mastery we don't need to dwellon this too much obviously Facebook ishow everyone who's driving huge amountof sales is doing most of it and so whenyou do master Facebook ads fore-commerce you can expect to drive tensof thousands of dollars a week per daysin some cases six figures a month andmore because when you find a productthat works when you find one of those adgroups those ad sets essentially thathas a positive return on adspend you'reBilly especially if you're a if you'vedone what we said and build youraudiences to between 1 and 3 millionyour ability to scale into that audiencegoes up massively so when you can buildout an enterprise where you're testingproducts at scale targeting them to thecorrect audiences building ads thatthose odd no resonate with thoseaudiences the potential is nearlyunbridled you look at Nick Shackleford'scase study that he did with us wherethey scale for a million dollars insales on 1 million dollar ad sent orderalong 30 days which is absolutelyludicrous he did that with a greatproduct product called puff Sox whichagain into the pet market plays onpeople's love for their pet s allowedthe look another box they did for amillion dollars in revenue on 30 days ononly 1 million spent without for a 400percent return on adspend 4 times whichis just absolutely amazing ok great sonow we're on to Dimitri's Tim I'm aboutto make the Beatrice the presenter herebut first of all you need to knowDemetrius is just a longtime ecommerceexperthe's certainly expert to the experts ina lot of ways you look at this quotehere from Don Wilson who's an absolutelegend in the space here he's consultedwith dimitris and just gotten amazingresults from them a lot of peopledemetria's is sort of like the numberswhisperer he's able to look at storesand see all the money that people havesitting on the table because they're notpaying enough attention to their keymetrics and so he's here to talk aboutwhy beyond creative numbers areeverything and definitely very sexy so Iam going to go ahead and make Demetriusthe presenterwelcome to the webinar Dimitri how youdoing I'm doing greatlet me open my mic let me open my cameraso my screen saw the cursoroh yes I think that you can see me rightnow you you can see my screen let me gofull mode here also ending you know whatwhat's the funny story about even evenwe are you know we are working togetherwith naked men it's really reallyimportant to always remain a student andlearn from each other so one of thethings one of the things that you needto know about me is that I always liketo remain a student and thank you verymuch Eric for the awesome introductionbut always always always I like toremain student so even when Nick wastalking even for the things you saidabout the Benz part about the Facebookclass we always need to keep our eyesreally really open and what are thethings that we what are the new thingsthat we need to learn and obviouslyimplement so a little things about meI'm really a numbers guy but I wasn'talways like that I wasn't always likethat one thing that really helped merealize why numbers are really reallyimportant is the power is when I go tounderstand that numbers are everythingand I have this misconception where Isaid to myself you know Google Analyticsis not sexy Google is boring but GoogleAnalytics and that's a bold statementthis is the only way to know exactlywhere your traffic is coming from whereyour users are coming from who is buyingwho is not buying where do you help themmaking your funnel and I'll tell you onereally really bold statement right nowand I stand a hundred percent behind upif you don't know your numbers you don'thave a business you have a hobby andthat comes from a month when I had whenI was in my days where I was workingnothingness as an assistant accountant Ireally really saved it every nanosecondof that business know I had the reallybad boss he was screaming at meand he was always complaining aboutsomething but this is the number 150told me and that was way back in 2010 ifI recall correctly what he always saidthat I was looking at the side Oh likethis year we made 2 point 1 milliondollars and you see that we had a reallyreally big loss so knowledge iseverything and one really great toolthat I found a hundred percent behind isGoogle Analytics and everybody isintimidated by Google Analyticseverybody says oh man like I openedthis up and I don't know where to looklike it's frightening and you know theyturn it out to me but I'll tell you onething you might see majority of thepeople have 90 percent of the people Italk they have Google Analyticsinstalled but only a 25 to 30 percentare actually doing something with thenumbers and I will try to help yousaying that a little bit today in thiswebinar but also we have created thisawesome mini course where I think it's ala around 30 35 minutes long where I getto help you on how to get started how toinstall on analytics which are the mostimportant metric so I highly suggestthat you go watch it and see all themini course from the mini course fromNick groaning starting from make gettingdown to Ben Milou then I will get toshow you how to install analytics andthen you can take it to the other guysMohammed Ali a girl Greta an excitingfor what do you have a really a reallyreally crazy system overall ecommercesystem to get started I'll tell you onething inside Google Analytics you seeboring numbers I see money makingopportunities and people say thatanalytics is not sexy okay I agree aboutyou know what is sexy making moneymaking money is super sexy and I don'tknow if there's anyone right here in theroom who doesn't want to make money sois there someone here that things thatthey want to make they want me be makingmoney more money by the power of GoogleAnalytics let me know in the chat let meknow in the great here okay if I can seeall right all right yeah we got I seesome excitement over here so let me tellyoureallyquickly whatever they think that youneed to do first of all install GoogleAnalytics it's really really easy to doand I have there are free step-by-stepvideos inside there the main course youneed to enable enhanced e-commercereporting because you will be able tosee way more data about how people howmany our people are at this card or theydon't buy how many people are startingthe checkout process but they don't buyyou see where is the leaking your funnelwhere people are dropping off and letthe data roll okay depending on what isthe amount of traffic that you aresending okay you might need from one twodays up to a month okay typical in inabout a week if you don't have at alldata right now typically in about a weekyou will be start you start having agood picture of how your how your storelooks like and I'll tell you two threelittle tips over here that you can applytoday okay so the biggest thing that youcan do that you can see is the averagepage load time and it's really reallycreative coach as being has been talkingas I have been be talking with a lot ofpeople I've seen a lot of stores I thinka lot of numbers people who are alwaysmajority with people a people are alwayscomplaining why it doesn't work and faceyou got suck and it doesn't work in theproducts act no the facing cards don'tsuck your product doesn't suck theywould you know what sucks your averagespades load time I see so many peoplecomplaining and I go inside their dataand it takes them like 10 seconds foryour fates load how many of you wouldyou would you wait for 10 12 15 secondsI've seen some crazy numbers like fortyseconds for a page to load let's saywhat do you do and they are like oh manfor me it loads really really quicklyyeah because for you when you're endingin every entering your store everysingle day they the Google has castmajority of your base so it loads peoplebut that's not the case for all users inthe or so I gotta tell you one thing ifit takes more than four seconds to loadfour seconds okay you just lost 50percent of the users what does that meanif you're spending hundred dollars perday you just spend $50 out like that outso make sure that you go inside yourGoogle Analytics and see your what isyour average page load time again don'texpect to show you everything herebecause we have the mini codes where weexplain step by step and the main courseis how nervous and free the other thingthat they see here the bouncer and thebounce rate is how quickly someonebounces off your website as soon as theysee I go inside the store and say oh manPaige got the work and Facebook andno basic God's work great okay if I goinside and I see bounce rate 80% thehigh is the bounce rate the words so 80%bounce rate it really means that if youspend a hundred bucks okay from theremaining people who will get to seeactually logged in your website 80% ofthe people just go away right awaybecause it takes so much time to load oryou didn't load and your and your yourwhole site does not breathe sorryit does not be trustworthiness okay soit usually means that you spend theyou're giving money out to not toFacebook you're making marks you get butreally really richer but you're notgetting but that money if you need towork on I won't even get to get down onother things but if you you really getto work on those two thingsyour average face a little time and thebounce rate I can guarantee you rightnow and I put my sign under loud okaythat you will make back a lot of moneythat you're spending right now the nextthing you will get understand who isyour ideal customer okay where does heor she leave really really easy to go togo inside Google Analytics audiencegeo-locationand this is the exact path and I'll tellyou one really really big misconceptioneverybody is like oh yeah I'm targetingthe United States when the United Statesis really 300 million people even ifone-third of those people which is moreis on the United States even you even ifyou have $500 but they out budget athousand dollars per day you can not getall the tokens right away okay so youneed to get to understand if you goinsideaudience your location if you say if youtarget the whole United States you willsee which are the states butworking best for you so you mightunderstand that okay I'm doing a goodjob in California but in Colorado not somuch so you might want to start doingyour offsets based on specific States ifyou want to take it on a step furtheryou can even see specific cities okaynext thing that you can do let me moveon the slide here is hit the man or awoman okay how old is he or see you cango inside audience demographics overviewthis is the path to Google Analytics andsee who are you selling to okay I have Ihave down this this mistake myself towhere I had the misconception that I wassaying oh no man this yoga product isbeing sold from women 25:34 and youcould see that our best selling audiencewere indeed woman but they're women overat 45 so if you don't really know yournumbers you don't really know who you'retargeting it's like you're throwingmoney out of the windownext thing does he use this mobile phoneor he's visiting from computer you cango into audience Mobile overview and seewhich are people are using majority ofyou are using their the mobile mobileads right now you're targeting on yourmobile and this is working real good butyou know you're leaving so much money onthe table because then we always alwaysalways even if it's a slight 15-20percent there would always be peoplethat use and visit your website throughtheir desktop so you want to see whowhere are your siteís where are yoursite visitors are visiting you and youwant to make it really easy for themreally really easy for them to buy ifit's mobile which specific device are weusing because the audience you go mobileyou go to devices and this is one of thebig misconceptions – okay we'll thinkall iPhone app like oh man or Apple iPodit's not like that I can guarantee youthat there are specific productsspecific store specific nieces that theAndroid devices or events morespecifically like the Samsung Galaxy s7or si or whatever that are specificdevices is working great next thing thatyou can do we are talking about AOB andwe're going to be talking about that inlaw inside the main course toolet's say that you have on average a 10to 20 dollar average order value whatwould happen if you could take that todouble double that amount easily and getthat into $40.00 there are literally somany things that you can do one of themis by using an actual app that you canabsol people and you can increase youryour average order value you can usebundle you can give out incentives forpeopleincreasing the or average total value bygiving away free shipping if they get tospend more than 75 or 100 bucks it'scrazy but people will spend more inorder to save more ever so many tricksthat you can do the conversion ratelet's say that how many people arevisiting your website okaya 1% buys what would happen if you canmake a small tweaks by fixing andeverything is relatable okay the speedis relatable the bounce rate isrelatable the absence are relatable thepricing the CPU okay what if you couldmake some small tweaks to make it doublebus to take it to 3 per to 2% 2% itliterally means that we just double theamount of money that you're making sothere are so many things that you can doand you don't have to complicate it andI like to solder the biggest econmisconception it's about GoogleAnalytics I'm a Google Analytics guy I'mthe numbers guy I always liked about Ilike I always liked the numbers butthere were so many people mean cludingin the beginning where I said man GoogleAnalytics is born who really lovespending time inside a dog for somethingthat looks like an endless Google sheetfull of numbers warning or I feel somany people say come up to me and say atevents even now in Barcelona that theguy told me hey dude I know you thoughtyour Google Analytics guy but every timeI log into there like I feel lost Ididn't know where to start I don't knowwhere to what am I looking for and I'mgonna tell you I'm gonna suffer this bigmisconception right now this is wrongbecause you as I prove you right now youjust need to know where to look and youdon't need to look everywhere ok even meit's my business this is what I do for aliving teaching othersConsulting others but you don't need toknow everything about ityou just need to know exactly where tolook and this is the biggest thing whathappens when you know exactly where togo you see here this guy owes by usingthis guy over here I was able to go to41,000 in the first seven days that withjust a little simple teeth I taught himabout GU stay you see this guy here allof he was making some really goodnumbers he was making up around childrenper day and if he was able to scale to15 to 17 K for a per day with a 5kadspendsimply because I saw him step by stepwhat to look for inside this number hewas another guy who he because I don'talways like to show you stuff thatpeople are already making money so hugeHui who is from a country he's fromVietnam where people don't have accessinto a lot of things so he easily gotstarted from zero zero dollars per dayand you see he said I braked fivethousand dollars okay in a day with abrand new store and after day after 30days look at that today is 30 days of mystore and I'm in five figures Bob yousee that today ten thousand dollars easyit's not impossible to have anythingknow exactly what you're looking for andnot only with analytics this is a wholeecommerce system and personally myfavorite of all meat is miles so this isthis was a guy who literally and shesees it right here which all started sixmonths ago when I sold my playstation 4and TV to buy the course okay so he gotstarted with the course but the coursecan be only there one percent ninetynine percent was really hard workdedication and this is what he says he'smy favorite let's say case study becausehe had nothing to lose and she startedon working okay he started realizingthat google analytics and actually knowyour numbers with finding really good atFacebook girls plus having the rightoffer the right angle in your productcan make you miracle guys okay noteverybody is going to be making millionsbut I can guarantee you right now wehave people all over the world how$58,000 could change your life I didn'tdo I wasn't making that money in a wholeyear I used to make in a whole yeareighteen thousand okay and Greece iskind of a country where it's not theworst but it's not the best either soeven when you start small and you knowwhat you're looking for you can turnthings around so I hope that I reallyreally change your misconception aboutabout Google Analytics and we startersome big of those beliefs let me bringthat back to Eric let me see how I cando that okay I just speaking I just wasbefore this presentation show my screenhere I was just looking at reddit rightbefore this and I he can't really seethis maybe but it basically shows thatin 1977 the medium in the median incomein the United States was $34,000 and themedian income in 2016 was $34,000whereas the price of bread in 1977 was32 cents and the price of bread now is 2bucks so everything is getting moreexpensive in the world but wages in thetraditional systems of wage-earning arenot going up so this kind of shows usthat we that's one of the main reasonsthat he converses such an incredibleopportunity for people one of kaiserlive panic you might wear senior slug weeverything oh yeah always hear all thesecrets I can't give me all these thingsI think we should be good to go now ohok so go through your presentation okaywe got to get through the rest of thispretty quickly but I wanted to share theblueprint that I it's funny I learnedthis from Nick Nick Peyronie'smini-course and from his main course andit's it's funny I looked at what we'redoing a nice doctrine it's actually thesame strategy so I was gonna articulatewhat I stack training strategy has beenin the e-commerce space and and it'ssort of very similar to what Nick andothers that I know advocates so what weadvocate is is focusing on a passionMiche understanding your audiencefinding an audience that has a passiondoing competitive andalysus on other people that are alreadyoperating that space and then leveragingwhat we call a hybrid product ordistribution model in order to servethat audience multiple products untilyou can really find what they're intoand what they like so this is mypersonal econ or starting to startupstartup strategy that we used with Istack training so when I say hybrid oklet's first start with passion issues sohere here are some things that make gooddirect response passion teaches sopassions are things that people use tobuild their identities and ideallythey're things that are also targetableby Facebook X so when you're thinking ofwhat kind of passion niches you might beinterested in in building your storearound it's always good to jump intoFacebook Ads and just check and so whatkind of audiences you can build aroundthese around these groups of people soyou know you Fitness family hobbies workwithin Fitness you've got things likeketo that's one that I'm interestednight I will actually lost 20 poundsdoing this keto thing where I eat highfat and low sugar and and it's reallyhelped me lose weight it's something Ithink you know I think there's a lotthere's some really interesting culturesaround kita but really an interestingcommunity you know and I think justwaiting for your upgrade ecommerce storeto pop up around this name CrossFit bodyI can go to the gym self-improvement allof these things are are things thatpeople love to define themselves by theylove to yeah essentially that's whatthey love to sort of like value signallike I'm this kind of personI do keto I go to the gym and you'reable to build things around things thatpeople are passionate about things likenewlyweds things like grandparents thinkof all the the old people online which Iknow a lot of businesses are based onmarketing to people over the age of 60and these people are one of the fastestadopters of the Internet at this pointas the boomers age they're getting moreand more online and they're becoming amore addressable audience so if you canfind a product that they love a productthat they're gonna buy for theirgrandchildren they are going to bethrilled about it so really think aboutthese kinds of things things that arereally strong direct response nicheslike bowhunting that's one that I keptcoming up through again and again peopleare really into bowhunting maybe throughJoe Rogan's because he talks about itall the time cooking or grillingspecifically for the summer travel yogameditation all are things that peoplelove to build their identityand those are things that you can buildcommunity and you can build contentaround you can create products thatpeople love in a hybrid fashion withinwork we've got entrepreneurshipmarketers ecommerce people teachersfirefighters nurses all these things arethe things that people are passionateabout they like to build theiridentities with now when I say hybridmodel I'm talking about not a lot ofpeople just start up and they'll juststart a general store selling Aliexpressproducts trying to find trendingproducts and work and that's that's oneway to make it happen but what weadvocate is that people can play ahybrid model because when you focus onthe niche first and you have youraudience you have things that thisaudience is interested in then you cancome up with a whole range of productsyou can do Aliexpress you can find theproducts that fit that niche in that youcan find angles in to serve them to thatniche you can also use print-on-demandproducts to say hey I love my grandkidsor I love I love Cricut as a lot ofpeople on this webinar do or things thatyou know things that people arepassionate about you can build thoseinto print onto movement and createlearning products you can go ontoClickbank comm which is a website fore-learning products you can findelearning products that fit your nicheand you can add them as upsells to theproducts that you sell you can add themon your store you could create your ownelearning products I've shown within ayear we've created 14 different courseshere you can create your own elearningproducts and I love that the trend ofpeople using e-learning products inorder to upsell you know use case it'sbasically telling people how to buyproducts that they use how to get themost value out of various products thatthey that they use and so that way byselling Aliexpress things where you usesimple like Birla plugins in order toarbitrage products combining them withprint-on-demand type things combiningthem with a products you can create astore that serves a niche but has ahybrid approach to the kind of productsyou sell and then within that when youfind winning products then you have theopportunity to white label specificproducts to build brands potentially onyour winning products and it just givesyou those learnings and the diversity ofproduct that allows you to go in andfind the stuff that's really working andscale it so here's the little that wedid from our expert survival a lot ofyou guys have a chance to check out theexpert survey here's here's what what wewere able to show people who haveemployed this hybrid model of productand distribution that involves dropshipping products branded productsprint-on-demand the people they werethat were leveraging this hybridaffiliate mod or this hybrid model madeby far the most on average almost ahundred and thirty thousand dollars amonth people that were doing this hybridmonth more so a lot more so than thepeople who are just doing Aliexpressproducts so we want you to have adiverse mindset when it comes to thekind of products you're gonna sell toyour niche audience then once you have aniche and you have some product that isgo and find what you know who in thisspace is running an RT you similarwebcalm which is an incredibly toolincredible tool for reverse engineeringtactics and strategies of stores thatare doing this already you can see theirads their landing page their productsand more there's lots of current toolsout there I know Nick's unit talks a lotmore about competitive intelligence he'sa competitive television expert outthere and what you can do is go onto thewebstock up on our mailing list see whatkind of mail you may get you see whatsee how they start remarketing to yousee you know if you if you want to goand buy a product see what the packaginglooks like see what the experience islike as a customer and then find waysthat you can kind of either create anangle on that on that experience that'sthat's better and more preferable orjust a different angle that it's aslightly different audience in aslightly different way but there's a lotof people that are doing this stuffsuccessfully and you can figure out howand do it yourself by reverseengineering so another part of the ISTATblueprint is to create a huge amount ofcontent you can see we're doing thesewebinars we've done these live eventsyours you research existing communitiesaround your leash on reddit on YouTubeon Facebook you see what theconversations people are having you seewhat their pain points are you see whatthey're proud about you see what kind ofproducts that are interested in and thenonce you actually start running stuffyou're able to create your own Facebookgroups which is a strategy that I knowmo is employed and Nick is employedwe've employed as well you create acommunity and that you provide value tothat community and then not only are yougonna get way more eyeballs on yourbrand because Facebook prioritizesFacebook groups in a really great wayyou're gonna be able to get more andmore people engaging with your brand andyou're gonna learn more and more aboutyour audienceand especially if you produce valuablecontent on Instagram YouTube andFacebook you put that kind of stuff outthere you're gonna see how people reactto it and you're going to help informthe product selection and youradvertising and it's gonna allow you tomake offers to audiences that you knowthat they'll love so so when it comes toice tech let's talk about I second whatwe've done in the year and a half wefocused on a patch of each entrepreneursaffiliates dropshippers self improverspeople that are leveraging performancemarketing these online trends to changetheir lives that's our passion neat andour product a strategy is a hybrid modelwe have unlike a courses courses the iceeconomic coupon check them out we havelive events we have masterminds we havea merchandise coming soon so we're ableto sell all sorts of different productsto our audiences at the diverse set ofprice points and that and that allows usto see what works best when it came tocommunity and competitive research westarted on STM which is where are thebase of our communities will be athousands of members each of them istelling us what kind of stuff they wantto learn tell us all about their painpoints and struggles then we went out tounity and Linda and max Finn and smartmarketer and clickfunnelsall of these different places werecompanies that were already selling eepproducts to our audience and we went indigital marketer ryan guys's digitalmarketer was another one we went andsigned up for these products see howthey operated see what their funnelslook like and we've been trying toemulate and improve on them with ourspecific focus which is right nowecommerce of course my podcast is anincredible competitive research tool Ihave these high-level conversations withhuge marketers I got Neil Patel aboutezra firestonei'm gonna have ryan die son soon I'mgonna have a pseudo Helen Joe Roganthat's my big goal let's have joe roganand i can learn all about half of theybuilt their podcasts how they builttheir businesses do all the incrediblekind of competitive intelligence whichis which is what we recommend and thenwhen it comes to content producevaluable content that people love likemy podcasts the infographics the casestudies the free training mini coursethat we just put up the webinars ourInstagram page our Facebook group all ofthis stuff is designed to provide valueto our core audience which is everyonewho's on this pocket or everyone who'son this webinar so that by the time wehave an offer ready to go that you guysare primed and ready you recognize ourvalue and your and you're ready so whatdid the blueprint get us so we did 15courses five sold-out events we've doneseven figures in revenue in our firstyear and growing and we have a veryhealthy net margin which is create agreat thing about eight productsessentially it's the margin that you'reable to create we've built an incrediblebrand people know andknives are bred everywhere I go everyconference I go to I have dozens anddozens of people come up to me tell methey love my podcast somebody they lovewhat we're doing with I stack trainingit's amazing but it's also a hugeinvestment that we've made into buildingthe industry-leading education brand fordigital marketers that's basically whatwe've been doingand that's a great yuuta to followaltitudes kind of growing slowly andorganically we have over a million viewsof our content on YouTube which iscreate our average view time on YouTubeis like 10 minutes it's incrediblythat's insane we have people watching 10minutes we have people watching the fullhour a lot of people watch the full hourof the podcast but on average tenminutes of view time we have 10,000Facebook fans where we put most of oureffort right now and we have over 15million audience members reached we havemillions and million we have over 10million views of our content it's justabsolutely fantastic so this is whathappens when you're able to leverageyou're able to do the right competitiveintelligence you're able to pick us up asort of hybrid model that allows you tosell multiple kind of products to aniche audience to a passion audience andthis is the all-star blueprint that werecommend to get started with e-commerceif you haven't and Nick Peyronie'scourse goes into a lot more depth onthat so here we go now you've got achance to taste how valuable theknowledge that we bring to the tablewith I set trade from our mini courseour infographic center our network ofmentors that we bring to the table we'vecovered the three key skills you need toget started profitably and scale yourecommerce store for a prodigy toFacebook Ads to Google Analytics anddoing your numbers you've learned thethree limiting beliefs you need tochange transform your success which isdropshipping is still crazy possibleeveryone's doing it or a lot of peopleare doing it I met dozens of people whojust started in the last few months atour conference in Barcelona you learnedthat creative is the biggest part ofFacebook advertising 90% of Facebookadvertising and then the 10% is notgenius and not hacks necessarily it'smath systematic testing with a reallystrong background on how to do thatwhich is what we teach there of courseas well and Demetrius came in and saidif you don't know your numbers you'rejust doing a hobby not a business and sothese are the three main misconceptionsyou need to blow up if you want to buildmassive e-commerce success you've alsolearned my personal strategy forecommerce success we're about to launchour own store these these amazing hatsthat you're about to get if you stickaround to the end hereand okay so what if you had thisopportunity to master an incrediblyvaluable set of skills I think about theskills that I've mastered over the pastyear with Facebook ad and Shopify andcliff buckles and email writing andcopywriting all these different thingsOber Lo and Aliexpress managing that thedrop shipping stuff imagine you hadfinancial freedomimagine you were making tens ofthousands of dollars a week or hundredsof thousands a month millions a month insome cases imagine the financial freedomthat you had in that case imagine youcan live life on your own terms you wererelying on an employer to give you a 5%raise every year when inflation was 30%every yearimagine these were your opportunitiesnow the e-commerce dream is happeningall over the world right now forhundreds of thousands of people and itcan happen for you but you have to beable to take action you have to have theright guidance and support network whichis what we're all about here at iStocktraining so if I were to be able to sayto you guys okay I had an offer that Iwas able to put it I put together adream course where we broke down thee-commerce security into six parts wewent out and got the best possibleteachers for each part if I don't offerlike that would it be okay with you guysif I made it to you right now I hope sobecause I'm about to you know we've beenon this for an hour and I want to justlet you know the if there isn't an offercoming here I'm really excited to shareit with you and let's just play thisawesome video it's a minute long videoOh Nookay just realized you guys can't hearthe volume on this so I'm gonna link youto that video but essentially tells youthe philosophy of the course which issix all-stars six amazing parts of thee-commerce journey all broken down intoa full course so let's move along herehere's what you're going to get with thee-commerce all start training you'regoing to get Nick Peyronie's ecommercestartup strategy you're gonna get soyou'll learn how to build your storeyou're gonna learn how to build anamazing holistic strategy you're gonnafind an audience find amazing productsand tests Facebook Ads and profit that'swhat Nick Peyronie's lesson basicallydoes it so that ultimate if this coursewas just that one course it would beenough to get you all started he's to belaunched a thousand people with thecourse that he created on e-commerceempires over the past couple years thiscourse is an update to that and takesinto account all that he's learnedbetween now and then and it's an amazingopportunity now on top of that you'regonna get been my well seven three yourface book guide for e-commerce that buysstuff complete how to set up test runscale optimize Facebook Adshe's got a five-hour case study or fivehour course plus a case study Nick'scourse by the way is over ten hours ofamazing content that he's put togetheron exactly how to get started then wegot Demetrius is know your numbersGoogle Adwords and analytics so not onlyis he covering Google Analytics which wetalked about here he's also doing GoogleAdWords which is the way that you canlearn all your key metrics greatecommerce store exactly how to set upand optimize your analytics account aswell as how to run AdWords it's a fivehour course plus case study as well soall of that so easily know we've learnedfifteen different courses and I can tellyou that each of those courses could bevalued at $2,000 there's no you know wewould have no problem selling thosecourses for $2,000 but what we wanted todo was create a package that had so muchvalue for so many people that we couldbring it to a whole new level which iswhy we involved all these theseall-stars so basically that course wouldbe worth about six thousand dollars andit would be totally worth it if you wereto pay $6,000 for this content becauseit has Nick is incredible content of howto find a market niche how to evaluate aproduct how to sell it to worldwidecountries how to leverage conversionrate optimization as a marketingstrategy on your exact ad testingdo you want to run you can see theoutline right here on our website whichI'm about to tell you in a second herebut it shows you how to pick me she'skind of validate me she's how to selectproducts you know how to advance youryour your ecommerce owner so you'removing beyond Aliexpress fulfillmentinto new other things so for a twothousand dollar value this course wouldbe worth it on its own so you're gonnaget these three amazing units whichwould have a value of about six thousanddollars but we're not going to turn tosix thousand dollars I'll tell you thatso you got been malala's course herewhere he covers a doozy blueprint on howto get started with Facebook guys how torun Facebook Ads how to optimize themand how to scale Facebook Adsyou can see he's done in a week likethis is a fully in-depth Oris on exactlyhow to run Facebook Ads for e-commercespecifically again then created a courseabout a year and a half ago this is acomplete update on that includes all thedifferent changes on Facebook ads thatis superable so you get these threeamazing units you get Demetrius thisunit on exactly how to think aboutGoogle Anik analytics how to run GoogleAnalytics how to run Google Adwordsit's a five hours course plus a casestudy from Demetrius you can see hisoutline right here so if these threemaster classes were what we were sellingyou and we were selling you them for sixthousand dollars if you think about itif you got one successful product if youwould if you employ these three cohesiveunit step-by-step how to get started howto run Facebook Ads how to monitor yourkey metrics six thousand dollars wouldbe totally worth it you could make thatback in less than a week's timeno problem once you're up and running atscale so if that was the price it wouldbe totally worth it this but this courseisn't just for e-commerce strategy andexecution the cool thing about thiscourse is it provides you those threeunits that allow you to get fullystarted fully up and running but then weprovided three units that really allowthe gas to be put on to your yourcampaigns and your your enterprises hereso you made a three-match pull of aclasses for six thousand dollars then wethrow on greta van rales eight figureinfluencer marketing you can learn howto approach set up track scale andoptimize the influencer marketingcampaigns this is the only course of itskind it's nothing like this has everbeen made beforeinfluencer marketing is such a new fieldthat there's no definitive resourceand this course is it I'll tell you thiscourse could sell for the full price ofthis course we have a gear at $2,000 itcould easily sell for more we have a tonof interest in this onehers is over five hours and she's gotthree eight figure case settings as partof it she's one of the top influencermarketers in the world and we gotMuhammad Ali a gal that were throwing onhere as well and he is doing a courseagain one that hasn't really been builtbefore one that focuses on conversionfunnels how to drive higher averageorder value and conversion rate usingspecial apps in your in your Shopifystore like zip fi how do use clickfunnels once you have single productsthat you know are working well how tobuild click funnels in order to scalethose products to massive Heights usingsingle product funnels again this is afive hour plus course but he he'spromoting then the granddaddy of thiscourse the crown jewel is Nick shotbefore it's an advanced customeracquisition retention and frequency sothis is Nick Shepherd runs eight figurebrands he's he's marketed for Apple andPepsi he's launched his own e-commercespreads he launched the fidgets spinnercrates and launched that two eightfigures he is on the front lines of hardcore Facebook advertising and he'steaching a lesson on not only how toacquire customers but how to bring themback again and again this is anotherfive hour lesson this is probably one ofthe highest level Facebook marketingcourses of their appear if you're anexpert who stuck around till the end ofthis of this webinar you need to knowthat this particular course you knowwill make it worth your whilethere is no other higher level facebookcourse that has been created it outthere and the best part is if you're abeginner by the time you get to thiscourse you will be ready for it as wellyou will have been Maillol sound ational course on facebook ads so by thetime it gets to Nick Shackleford's andadvanced stuff on how to scale thingsfrom six or seven all the way to eightfigures you'll be ready for it and andfully ready to go and that's why webuilt this course the way we did webuilt it so that you'd have yourfoundational skills and that you'd haveyour more advanced skills as well soimagine we were selling all six of theseunits for twelve thousand dollarsimagine that at twelve thousand dollarsyou get greta's first-of-its-kindinfluencer marketing course you getMuhammad Ali's first-of-its-kind funnelconversion funnel based course and youget Nick Shackleford's first of its kindadvanced customer acquisition retentionfrequency of course these would be beworth itall on their own but you're gonna getthe first three masters level masterlevel guides on the 3p skills you needto create a successful e-commerce Empireall top industry experts you're going toget the three acceleration units whichare again five hour units in their ownrights and that will allow you to takethings to that totally next level sothat price would be twelve thousanddollars and I have twelve thousanddollars it would be worth it if youthink about it you'd be starting yourbusiness getting it to six or sevenfigures you'd be scaling it from sevenor eight figures perhaps so at twelvethousand dollar investment would benothing in the grand scheme of youmaking millions of the year it would betotally worth it if you're humming alongmaybe about a few products now maybeyou're building a brand and your peopleare loving it you're building up contentyou're fine you're leveraging singleproduct funnels from oh you're usinginfluencers in your fledgling brand youryour remarketing to people using theinvisible architecture that NickShackelford talks a lot about twelvethousand dollars would be a hundredpercent worth it you would not only begetting these six courses you alsogetting a private Facebook community oneyear access with expert mods all-starmentors fresh case studies and we doinga six part ask me anything series witheach of the ulcers so if you think aboutthat cool guy in the middle they'rebeing surrounded by six of the bestmentors in this entire industry we havethat value at ninety seven bucks a monthto be easily more you're getting thatincluded as a one-year membership tothis amazing private group that we'recreating so let's let's say that's abouta thousand dollar price here here's alook at what the private community willlook like so you're gonna get the firstthree master guides you're gonna get thesecond three guys to take it to the nextlevel so we're are you well close totwelve thousand dollars that's thirtyover three five hours and the mostcutting-edge ecommerce training evermade you're gonna get access to ourprivate group stock with mentors modscase studies ask me anything so we'reover at thirteen thousand dollars rightnow thirteen thousand dollars would beworth it now let's get into the bonusits bonus one Ezra Firestoneessential ecommerce we know he's agreedto make a course just for I stacktraining and we're super excited aboutit it's all about the twelve part postpurchase sequence that generates thehighest a V and the most upsells crosssells and reviews that's all you needwith email you need to know what thatkey post purchase sequence is he's gonnashow you how to design emails so thatthey get click how you should send whyyou should send more than youand the exact email strategy you shouldemploy plus more if we're gonna do emailthen we have to do messenger marketingso I went and found the best possiblemessenger marketing teacher this guySeth Smith multiple seven-figuredropshipping store builder he'sharnessed the power of many chat andmessenger marketing in order to build acustom platform that's specificallydesigned for e-commerce people he'sgonna show you exactly how to use ithe's going to do a three-part differentmessenger case study he's gonna show youall the different kinds of automationsthat you need to make messenger work foryou and it's really like a new kind ofedge if you can master messengermarketing within e-commerce along withall these other skills you're prettymuch set so here's what you're going toget the three master class guys sevenfigure econ all starters explain step bystep how to start and scale incredibleecommerce businesses you're gonna getthe three additional advanced modules oninfluencer marketing conversion funnelsand advanced consumer customeracquisition retention frequency to helpscale your business to that next levelthat's 135 hours the most cutting-edgee-commerce training ever made you'regiving it access to our privatecommunity stuck with all-star Mentorsyou can get bonus module one EzraFirestone you have both of the bonusmodule two sets Smith's messengermarketing for e-commerce so where are weat now thirteen thousand seven hundredand forty dollars now no matter whereyou are in your journey whether you're adreameryou're a castaway or your expert theselearnings are just take you from whereyou are to where you want to go reallysimple maybe that should in the webinarwhere do you want to go where are youknow where do you want to gothis course will get you there that's itbottom line no matter where you are sowhether it's in startup strategyFacebook Ads Google Analytics or AdWordsinfluencers conversion bottles orremarketing an e-commerce company thatis mastered let's say three or let's sayfour or five or all six of theseincredible skills seven or eight whenyou count email and messenger marketingif you were to master any number ofthese skills especially the first threeor the last three all six you would befully unstoppable you would generatemillions in profit in a year seriouslyif you mastered the think about it we wenot only we didn't just do a course withone person with one set of expertise wedid of course with six people where theygave the very best what their highestvalue learning was for each of theirtopics now if you could be the best atall six of those things by learning fromthe best think about how good you wouldbe as an econmarketer that would mean millions inprofit for a year or billions over alifetime which is serious impossiblethat we live in now okay so we're atthirteen thousand seven hundred fortydollars we're not gonna charge youthirteen thousand seven hundred andforty dollars our course sells for twothousand nine hundred and ninety sevendollars and spots are limited so go tothat link right there i stacked linksslash all-star you can take a look atour sales page we are standing by toanswer questions for youyou've got your six master class levelsyou've got your one you one yourmembership and our private group we'vegot six all-star classroom sessions thatwill happen in that group you've gotyour two bonus modules like emailmarketing and messenger marketing thisis easily the highest value ecommercetraining that has ever been producednothing has ever been attempted like yesI'll tell you working with sixmillionaires like high-levelmillionaires on this course gettingtheir content launching a presentationlaunching their their live talk it hasbeen an incredible labor of love but I'msuper happy about it like I said nothinglike this has ever been made and for thefirst 10 action takers if you're on thiswebinar the first 10 action takers onthis webinar are gonna get a huge bonuspackage so not only will you get thereplays from our live event that we justdid in Barcelona valued at about 300bucks we are going to give the first 10people that plus tickets to our nextevent in Bangkok you can't make it toBangkok we'll give you the replay ofthat event as well or we can push it toour next event which will be inBarcelona next year around this time soyou get a ticket to one of our futureevents if you come if you can't travelthen we'll give you the replay of thecourse of whichever other one you wantand then you also get me sick I sacktraining hats which is great so that's athousand dollar value times ten sets tenthousand dollar mouth value that we'regiving away just for the live webinarwatcher just working people to takeaction an ISTAT link all star right nowbasically so we're waiting or we arestanding by so these sales to startcoming through of this amazingopportunity at I stacked link slashall-star $13,000 almost fourteenthousand dollar value that we're sellingfor three thousand dollarsit's the highest value ecommercetraining ever prettythis course will never be offered againin this you know we're launching thiscourse this course along just August 7thand once it launches it will not beavailable anymore in this format we willnot be selling all six of these unitsput together for this price I can tellyou this is the best price you will everget on on this course package for thebeginner through the first three unitsand the last three units nothing willever come close to this price that we'reoffering right now so make sure we onlyhave a couple of hundred spots on thiswe've already sold a bunch so make surethat if you want in on this you don'tdelay you but I stacked link /all startas soon as possible there if you onlygot red of course so beretta again thestandalone of course on influence ormarketing nothing like it out there ifyou only got greta's course for thisprice it would be worth it and in thefuture we might just sell in this courseat this price you will never have anopportunity to get this much trainingthat you own for your life once you buyit here it's yours to own forever youcan reference it anytime on our platformall six of these units all eight of theunits when you count the bonus unitsnever again will we offer this muchvalue in one course so do not delay Istack that link slash all star the spotsare limited go to that domain rightthere here's what the checkout pageslook look looks like use PayPal revertand reserve your seat now the trainingbegins on August 7 that's when thecourse actually launches well if youwant to take action if you want to takeadvantage of the replays the live eventthe hack all that fun stuffmake sure you act quickly because those10 spots are already gone we've alreadyhad a few sales come through which isfantastic and so if you want to getthose bonuses do not delay act right nownow I want to just ask if you had anyquestions if we could take up with Nickand the team let me just see if there'sany questions that are outstanding hereit's getting a little I don't know whereyou guys are in the world right now butit's crazycheck check check all right let's justchange okay was I muted that whole timenice well we have some questions herelet's see did I married yeah that'sright Ezra sells his email course onsmart marketer for $1,500 and here isgiving added as a bonus nice okay coollet's just see if we've got anyquestions here we've got a Nick on aswell so let's see we've got reallyexcited and created my first Shopifystore my biggest concern is spendingmoney on Facebook Ads what apps are mustask Nick what do you recommend if you'reStu Nick and jump on and make his micactive Nick what are some apps that youthink their must-haves to operate withyour Shopify store hopefully yourstrategy I think with the hybrid modelthat we talked about I think should havea little over Lois the best dropshippingout there is and I think I'll be prettyfull when it comes to when it comes toprint-on-demand app so I think thatwould be another one to have one thatMoe talks a lot about is zipa Phi whenit comes to creating upsells andpre-sales ways to raise your averageorder value so those are three that Ithink are absolutely essentialalong with obviously Facebook ads andGoogle Analytics I think those are someof the most important ones what elsehere we've got some one should be fillerfamiliar with installing and trackingbut I couldn't find a way to do thatjust part without a landing page youtell me the easy way to get theprerequisites for the course by the wayin this case we're gonna be usingShopify as your landing page most of thetime right so I'm a little confused byyour question there Aaron if you want tomaybe rephrase that what percentage ofthe sales are profits I'm not sure whatthat refers to butnice okay which apps are needed tocreate a professional store I'm gonnalet maybe Nick handle that one in thesecond can you show the e-commerceall-star blueprint one more time I willset and everyone here are these slidesif they want it so we'll make sure we'llmake sure that everyone gets theseslides if they want Suzanna says this isgoldthank you very much yeah we will we willshare the I sex that the slack slideshere yeah we recommend a passion Irecommend a passion you store that Ithink that's the the most like one ofthe best ways to start in this businessyou share again the Facebook so theFacebook's name is ecommerce all-starsecrets so if you search that you shouldbe able to find it if not you should beat we will send out an email you cancheck your email we definitely emailedyou about it sound okay I think we'reall goodwhy are all courses ending in 97 I don'tknow that's just something we decided todo a while agothat's just how we how we price things Idon't know exactly why but that's justwhat we've always done so that's what wedonice okay so let's talk a little bitabout Nick Shackleford scores here likeif you only got Nick Shackleford'scourse this course would be worth it at$3,000 this guy is one of the highestlevel Facebook advertising markers todayhe's never put something together withthis much of his high-level tactics inthere so if it was just this one courseit would be amazing let's go back tosome questions hereso many here what apps are needed tocreate a professional source Shopify /low printful those are some big onesdoes the three times CPM rule apply ifyou've got very tight ads budgets it'sit's the rule of thumb it's it's what welike to say is the rule of thumb fortesting and I know people are startingstarting with very tight budgets but butthat's that's what we like to say so ifyou can't do three times do do – timefor your budget and depending on theproduct you're trying to sell but thebottom you will need some you know youyou will need to invest in this in yourstore there's no two ways about that youwill need – you will need to invest tomake a go of this and so you can't youcan't get by with with zero investmentwe say between one and three thousanddollars is what you need to kind of getinto the game literally when it comes tospending on ads spending on your storethat's what we do that's what werecommend I think yes you can start withthe basic Shopify plan and you can testmultiple stores yeah I think you shouldstart with the first tier and build upto it this is being recorded correct andwhen it comes to registering companiesI'm not the biggest expert for that Iyou know we were registered in Hong Kongas I said actually I think in the USDelaware is definitely a good suggestionis one of the places that allows you todo it as a non-us citizen I'm notexactly sure the pros and cons versus aplace like Hong Kong and Delaware sothat's something you'd have to take outwith a bit more of an expert there Iwill send the slides for the e-commerceAll Star blueprint for everyone one moretime the group name is become worseulcers yeah David as yours course sellsfor fifteen hundred dollars and he'sgiving us a condensed version his is isonly going to be an hour or two hourslong but this is the dream course ThankYou Susannah I hope you take us up on ityeah it's pretty awesome deal althoughnot as kind of fordedlet's see the Bangkok event is inDecember December should be I thinkDecember 5th or 6th we haven't actuallymailed the date down entirely Anna isconsidering it very nice Violeta iswishing a day says hello and a chance Icould win the course there won't be giveaway a complete course we like like wesay this value that we've added on hereis you know just maximum amount we couldso we won't be discounting or this willbe the cheapest you'll ever be able toget this course where I can tell youthat this course will be available untilAugust 7th that's when the courselaunches and that's when sales close ifyou want to take us a band to takeadvantage of all the bonus stuff that isbasically over the next hour if you wantthis amazing bonus stuff you have onehour to act on that the course will beavailable until August 7th that's yourlast time now if you're still on thewebinar and you want a hatcongratulations you've made it that'sfantastic there's 93 people here so ifyou send an email to team and I stacktraining comm will sort you out we'regoing to create a lead generation formso we can get your address your phonenumber a bunch of stuff that we'll do inorder to be able to send you that happenif you guys are still herecongratulations you made it to the Hatterritory so you guys can be fresh freshdeaf like me super hot in here but welllike you know we have to we have a blackperson and a white person we'll be ableto send you one of these two so wereally appreciate you doing that andsend an email to team and I stacktraining calm and let us know in thenext 30 minutes and let us know that youwere on this webinar until the bitterend so thank you very muchhey you bought earlier we will includethe bonuses for you I want to thank youfor being an early bird on the courseone of the many people who bought earlyso we will make sure we include thesebonuses for you as wellsur Mer has 100 bucks what should I doah good question with a hundred bucksit's not gonna be enough to get startedyou're not gonna be enough to get thecourse of this and it's not gonna beenough to to launch your EECOM empirebasically with a hundred bucks so you'regonna have to save up saygot some money let's see hey Nick is itnot advised to go into the saturatedniches Nick can you talk a little bitabout the saturated niches yes sure uhand yeah I'm here can you hear me yeahokay coolyes so you know saturation like it'sit's kind of there's a fine line thereof understanding I think you knowbecause it's it's there's a differencebetween looking at say something that issaturated as a product like some ofthese dropshipping products we see thecopycat type of industry that it'sbecome in a large way where you see abig store launch of product and theneverybody else jumped on board andcharged the launch of the same productand eventually that product is going toreach a point of saturation with theaudience and the audience is just notgoing to want it anymore but in terms ofactual niches you know when you thinkabout big niches which which is what I'massuming this question is based on likethe pets niche or the family niche orhobbies and interests like nurses andengineers and veterans or you know homeand garden or kitchen and dining likethese are of course really really largecategories and it may seem to some thatthe idea here is that oh because they'reso large and so many people are sellingalready that it's saturated but and inmy opinion and in my own evidence and inmy own networking and just experienceyou want to actually look at where thelargest categories are especially whenyou're getting started because these areplaces you know the people are spendingmoney and what we try to do as marketersand and this is something that I learnedyears ago that it changed my entireperspective what we try to do ismarketers is not think of ourselves ascompeting with others but looking forthe large market opportunities andtrying to find ways that we can createopportunity for ourselves so instead ofcoming from this place of just copyingand competewhere it becomes really difficultbecause you're in a mindset of alwayslooking at what somebody else is doingand trying to do the same thing you aregoing into big market opportunities andyou're trying to find ways that you canbe different and you can be creative andof course we use market research to seewhat our competitors are doing but weuse that research not only to modelwhat's working but also to find waysthat we can be different and I thinkthat is really the best advice that Icould give on that I know it's served mewell where there's always going to bethese massive categories like health andbeauty for example these aremulti-billion dollar industries but thereality is that no matter how manypeople start a store this month andhealth and beauty there will still bepeople who start a store next month itwill still be able to be profitable andlaunch profitable businesses that willgo on to be success stories because youcan always find a new creative anglethere's always new products coming tomarket audience segments that you cantarget a lot about like what Ben talksabout is just understanding how to becreative in your marketplace and how toreally create a story around what you'redoing and when it comes to storiesthere's an infinite number of ways wecan all sell the same thing so like inmy opinion the saturation is really justkind of a mindset thing and of coursethere is some real saturation when itcomes to specific products but at thesame time when you're looking at anindustry or a category as a whole Idon't really think it's aboutinspiration I think it's just aboutcreativity and what we do I fully agreewith it you know there's angles arelimitless and so when you come up with areally good angle it sort of doesn'tagain it cuz it's not always the productit's the story behind the product thatyou're selling and so I I totally agreethere so we've had a few other questionshere so people want to know it courseslive or online it's a fully onlinecourse you can take it from wherever andwhenever you want we had someone want toknow if they could share with theirbusiness partners generally yeah if youknow we do advocate that you when youyou know you buy a seat for the coursebut if you want to share it with yourkey business partnerwe're we're okay with that as well soyou can access this content whenever andwherever you want and you'll have it foryour life it's once you buy the contentit's yours forever and so yeah you'lldefinitely get access to it is thiscourse going to be available in thefuture for a different price we don'tknow this entirely yet we know on August7th it won't be available and then whenwe you know then then this content mightget relaunched but it I can tell you itwon't you won't ever get all six ofthese these courses for this pricethere's no chance and that and that whenwe if we ever were to launch it but useany of these courses individually I'lltell you they would be at least you knowat least $2,000 at least sorealistically if you want this contentnow is the time to buy it 100% so theemail for you guys that are still aroundis team I stack training comm T EAM Istack training comm if you send us anote there we will make note of your ofyour presence on the email or presenceon this webinar and and make sure thatwe get out get out your hat to you soteam at I stack training calm cool Erinhad some questions he tried to emailwhich I will make sure we take a look atgiant wishes he could afford it chris isin for the hack that's awesome servers18 stick the course manjust keep your wits about you to save upsave up your money and and keep your eyeon the prize keep keep researching keepkeep like there's so much freeinformation out there that can help youso many free groups out there that canhelp you as well so just continue tobuild your knowledge base and save somecash for when you're able to make aninvestment yeah so how much money do weneed to have apart from spending on thecourse for ads and tools Shopify andother platforms Nick what's yourexperience on that particular topic mymy estimation is you know the more thebetter obviously but between one andthree thousand dollars seems like a goodanswer for for being able to test andfind what's been your experience withthat youI agree and I'd actually like to go alittle in-depth on this question becauseI see that it's been commented a fewtimes questions like startup in in inaborting the course and you know this inthat so number one yestotal investment into e-commerce I wouldsay that you you want to have at least athousand to three thousand I thinkthat's a good number I usually actuallysay right around two thousand dollarsbecause not only do you want to havemoney to invest in ads for testing rightand that's not to say that you'll spendall that money before you find a winnerbecause some people find it quicker thanothers but you want to have acomfortable amount of money to be ableto test ads and you're also going toneed money to float your fulfillmentright because you aren't going to getpaid upfront but when you first getstarted that that money takes sometimestime to process through Shopify paymentslike it takes a couple days and you knowdepending on where you might be ifyou're an international seller then itmight even take you more like a week toget that payout because you got totransfer it through a wild and this andthat so like you definitely want to havea little bit of a comfort zone there tobe able to invest and you know foranybody that may be looking at it likeoh you know I just I don't know if I canget it like you know like air alreadysaid just just save state money and andcheap like keep working I always getthis question people have like well howdo you know like people talk about acertain startup amount and you know thereality is when I got started and Iinvested in the course I end up over theyears but like if I pinpoint it to anexact level where I invested in ofcourse I had about three thousanddollars to start I put a little over twothousand dollars into investing into acourse and I was still like working atthe time right like you you need to havesomething there to not only supportyourself but to really be able toactually make the investment work in itso when you have it all right now orwhether you need to find something tosupport yourself while you're investingin thisyou know either strategy works butsomething like this for sure if you ifyou think about its realistically interms of the type of businesses you'reinvesting in here the type of type ofpotential it's possible for scaleliterally even if you don't go on to bea setting that you seeSasori and you just managed to do sixfigures which is very realistic if youdon't think that's realistic in your onthis webinar you really need to go likeread the science of getting rich or youknow like thinking Grow Rich and investin your mindset because doing sixfigures even over the rest of this yearwith this type of information is veryrealistic and very possible especiallyconsidering q4 some people do multiplesix figures just in the span of a coupleweeks when they hits q4 time so like youhave to think about what you'reinvesting in here yes the course isgoing to be the three thousand dollarsand then yes there's going to be moneythat you also need probably additionallyone with three thousand that you havewhich you don't necessarily need rightaway but you just need to know that themoney is there like that you have thefinances there to be able to supportgetting this business up and started andrunning and think about the fact thatyou know you're literally being handedthe keys right now to a seven and eveneight figure business model for whatyou're investing in so you know yes itdoes and not everybody on this might beable to just say yeah right now I havethree grand and put it into the courseand that's fine you know I'm the moneyor and or work and you know get themoney and you have time before the saloncloses but the reality is you are gonnaneed to have some investment gear somemoney to put into this and compared tocompared to like college or compared tostarting a traditional business like thepotential here is just massive so youknow that's kind of my long-windedanswer on this but I think it's a reallyimportant mindset topic just to go overwith anybody that's all here stillI see we still have almost 100 peoplewatching and probably considering thisand where they're at with this so Iwould really try to think about it fromthat perspectiveEric we can't hear you right now thankyou very much I totally agree with whatyou're saying that Nick but I wanted todo I want to let you know one otherthing here this course does have what wecall a money-back guarantee essentiallyso if you when you offer online coursesit's important that you let people knowthat if the course isn't what they'reexpecting and if they take the actionthat you requested them so basicallylike if you take this course in itsentirety if you take the suggestedactions that we make at the end of eachlesson if you reach out on our privategroup that you're gonna get if youattend our live Facebook Facebookcoaching sessions if you feel youweren't able to get your money's worthfrom this purchase honestly in allhonesty we'll do a call and if it reallyis not what you're anticipating which wereally don't have it have any worry thatit won't be we will refund your purchaseso if you're wondering about making thispurchase and and whether or not if it'snot for you you can get your money backthe answer is yes we do offer amoney-back guarantee which we think isreally important when we offer this kindof stuff but again we're very confidentin the product we've created here so I'mnot not super concerned about that soearnest X great guy he recommends dropyeah drop the files good too they'revery similar products I don't I've onlyused over low actually so I don't knowthe ins and outs of overload versus dropaffine necessarily but they're all goodproducts and you can make them workbasically so let's see yeah Indra you'reright you couldn't see you can see myslack oh geezit's Locke again but but nice we've gota bunch of cool people still on thiswe've got an inventor that Aaron who'san inventor is there were two containersof a product he knows his demographicand psychic psychographic and US Patentwill be connected in three days that'ssuper exciting art it sounds like that'sa more traditional way to get intoe-commerce thereby owning the productbut I think you'll I think you know thiscontent would be an amazing way to helpyou help you handle the marketing aspectof it help you handle the Facebook andads aspect of it is slow so I want totake a look at your pre-launch checklistnow so say youryou're looking on what you need to getstarted with this course do you have atleast $1,000 1,000 the 3000 test fundsto use on campaigns to actually putthings in motion do you have the drivedo you have the motivation to getstarted with e-commerce entrepreneurshipare you actually willing to take actionnot only take in all the content butactually take action sign up for Shopifysign up for a few apps start testingproducts are you willing to actuallytake those steps if you are then thiscourse is going to be a good investmentfor you I guarantee it so go to Istacked link slash all start we'vealready had a few people hit us up on onintercom here a few purchases which isawesome let's see here what else do wehave in store on this so this is aninteresting one this is like that'salmost like a picture of me the firstguy while I was working at my last jobwhich I had I had exited the startup andI would sort of I was working as amarketing director at a company that wasgrowing but but it was just sort of likeit was a very inspiring job it wasn't Iwasn't inspired to like it you know alot fired for what I was doing and so Iwas really sort of on the on the edgebasically I was just sort of just sortof sitting there I was not what you callan action taker you look at the guy onthe right jumping into that that bluethat blue water there you know he's anaction taker you know that he's willingto take the jump to something somethingspecial and that's what I did basicallywith I stacked training when I got theopportunity to move from a position thatI didn't feel was really going anywherethat didn't really inspire me I got theopportunity to start I stack trainingand I it wasn't even really a question Ijust I knew it was an amazingopportunity and so I just took the leapand I got a stay I'm super glad I did ifyou are one of these people wonderingabout whether you should take action ornot yeah really to think about the kindof person you want to be do you want tobe someone who lets opportunities passthem by or do you want to jump in andtake this this real opportunity to jointhe all-stars in this amazing coursethat we put together so will this be alive course this is a question we get alittle bit will they be interacting withthe presenters so the course is a videocourse you're going to get access to the35 plus hours of video training but thenthereis a private Facebook group as well andthat's where you can do a bit moreinteracting there's also like I saythese live classroom sessions whichyou'll get access to the presentersdirectly each of them will prepare alittle presentation each of them willtake a bunch of questions we're lookingat ways that they can potentially evenreview potentially the stores that youguys are building so that you can getfeedback at a high level from each ofthem so there definitely is aninteractive live component to the coursethe video courses themselves arerecorded but the community is live sothat's definitely something to to keepin mind yes you will have access to theupdated content of this course in thefuture we will can we we don't haveplans right now for ongoing updates tothe course but we will be producing moreand more content that will be accessiblethrough the pragmatics group and soyou'll get access to all of that and anyupdates we do make to the course youwill also get for sure sorry I'm sorry Ihave missed what your actual questionwas there what advice would you give soNick kind of answered what you wouldgive for someone with zero money at themoment can I try a product with aroundhundred 20 sales on my Shopify store inclickfunnels it sort of depends on theprice point but I think that that wouldbe a good number to consider trying asingle product funnel for it click prosincredibly powerful tool and most coursewould specifically address this but Ithink 120 sales would definitely beenough to consider you know you canbuild out a click funnels page in a dayor a couple hours even so I don't thinkthere's any real barrier to entry totrying that I seen so I would definitelyconsider that you please share one tipfor product research that would beanother one maybe for Nick to handlebecause he's got a lot of experience inin in sort of product research heactually did a talk at ecml aboutproduct research so Nick what's your toptip or for product research for peopleokay top tip for product research well Imean it kind of there's two differenttypes of product research in my opinionwhether we're doing drop shipping orprint-on-demand so I don't I don't knowwhich one we're talking about but I canget quick tip for both of them I guessfor for a job shipping really you know Ithink that a lot of a lot of productresearch comes down to the mindset ofunderstanding what you're looking forokay and and we talk a lot in thiscourse I really go in depth with a bunchof different product research methodsand actually doing some live productresearch where the case that is storedthat I built specifically for thetraining in this course to actuallydemonstrate what we're doing so you knowI think with drop shipping one of thebiggest tips that I can give and it kindof goes into what we talked about itECML is looking for trends before theyhappenall right a lot of people right now aredoing a copycat method I mentioned thisa little bit earlier and while that cancertainly get you some sales okay I'mnot gonna say that it doesn't work butwhere people are finding the mostsuccess right now and when I'm reallyseeing again not only not only formyself but people that are doing biggernumbers that may write even people thatI'm networking with they're doing muchbigger numbers than me where they arefinding their best products is they areselling something they're researchingideas and they're finding product ideasout there that are not yet being sold byother people all right because the thepower and when you can create a trendbefore other people start copying and ofcourse there will be some people thatare copying but think about which sideyou want to be on right now for anybodyjust getting started of course you knowthe idea is yes you know you want to goand look at places for product ideas andusing the tools that are out there we'vetalked about some of them in the courseand looking for trending items that areout there that you can then put on yourstore and sell and maybe create a uniquemarketing angle or and I would say forpeople that are starting that's kind ofone of the biggest tips if you findsomething that's working well out thereand adds a really nice audience rightlooking for mass appeal kind ofaudiencesand try to create a unique angle to itdon't just try to sell the same thematrix actually has a great story whereme talking about a product that he helpssomebody sell that was already a productthat was being sold in and kind of outthere already and they were able todiscover a new audience for it thatnobody else was really hard today andwhen they discovered a new audience theyrecorded their own video and theycreated their own marketing angle theywere able to blow up with that productand make a ton of sales so I thinkthat's one thing about you know whenyou're just getting started right and Iunderstand it can be a little bitdifficult when you're just trying tomake money to start the trend but onceyou do have some experience and you'vebeen able to start creating goodmarketing angles on products are alreadytrending you really want to startshifting to how can I identify trendsand get ahead of them and there's someways that you can do that like with youknow looking at just doing your marketresearch right just looking at thingslike Google Trends and some sites thatare out there that we'll talk about inthe course I don't want to give thewhole course away but you know GoogleTrends is a great resource where you canidentify a trending things rightGoogle's the largest search engine inthe world so you can identify trendingthings as they're happening as peoplestart searching about them and if you'reconstantly looking and you're constantlydedicated like kind of keeping your earto the grindstone as the saying goes andsometimes you can really find you canspot those things before they happen andyou can get in front of them anothergreat way is looking at Amazon ok AmazonMovers & Shakers Amazon it's its ownsearch engine but an Amazon Movers &Shakers is a great place that you canlook to identify items that are trendingon Amazon that may not be trending inthe rest of the dropshipping world yetand so you can start looking for stuffthat isn't necessarily already beingsold on the place that isn't necessarilyalready trending and you can create youcan create a product page and want tostart selling you can push that intoyour own single product funnel and andthis is how some of the biggest peopleout there that are doing massive numbersand drop shipping or doing it byfollowing that type of mindset that typeof strategy right thereyou know once again it all comes back tostrategy right it comes back to howyou're approaching what you're doing howyou'rebeing about market opportunities andwhat you're trying so and then wouldprint on demandthe biggest tip really and I'll coverthis a little bit more in depth and inthe courses it's just going to Pinteresthonestly every print-on-demand expertthat I know everybody doing well inprint on demand and even myself and myown print on demand success has beenfinding ideas from Pinterest soPinterest is an amazing resource forprint on demand and the reason behindthat is because that what works well andprint on demand is having a strongmessage that is translated into a gooddesignalright and we'll cover lots that stuffmore in detail but hopefully that was areally good answer to that questiontherefore you can lay out some you can Ihad seen I feel it would be left out youknow every questions about me I'm justkidding like every everyone when it'sgetting solid let me open mine welcometo so you know that I'm here I'm hereand alive I've been watching everythingwill want you and I'm super superexcited for for this course one thingthat I need to stress I can't stress outenough right here is that this is notjust another course and why do you needto invest in a 3,000 dollar course whichyou know you can you can go ahead toYouTube or you can go into Facebookgroups or there are so many there are somany other courses that are way cheaperor for free because it's for the veryfirst time in the history that you havesix people that have a super super hugebackground on working with stores wereworking with clients scaling to sevennine eight figures and they have all thedata to back it up and the most amazingthing is that I like to considerourselves us and I don't like to talkabout myselfbut I will talk about me and all theother guys us as an amazing as anamazing team that we put out more than35 hours of content is that we think asmarketers we don't think as a dropshipping as a really really quick way tomake some cash and then move on to thenext thing what you can do about whatyou can do about this you can getstarted by realizing what is yourpotential how you can get started andyou have one check list that you can sayokay this is amazing so I built my storeI started doing product resets the rightway I've set up my doddsI did dive into my numbers and GoogleAnalytics I seen my page speed or mybounce rate then how can I increase myaverage of the value with what mortisesthen how can I tap in into theinfluencer marketing and Instagram wheregreat a is amazing and then obviouslyhire more advanced page we've gotstrategies from Nick stock report whatis really way more important I think inthese that you really need to you reallyneed to understand it's all aboutmindset okay some most of the successsuccess stories I've seen from peoplethat information alone is not gonna getyou go far but if you have the rightmindset that you can make things happenthat you believe that you're reallyreally close to find that one winningproduct plus the fact that you need tostart thinking as a marketer it willhelp you come come closer to your dreamsso it doesn't matter if you're juststarting out or you have some workexperience if you started out and lostmoney and you go to the schools becausewe've all been there we understand it'snot that wygor we found money somewhereelse and we said okay let's do this dropshipping thing it's literally we've allstarted literally personally me I hadthree years ago I was a nine-to-fiveemployee but I wanted something more formy life and you know it's not easy forme it wasn't course for me it was amastermind that I attended and I have tofly 43 hours here from Greece to Mexicoand spend five thousand dollars intothat mastermind for you it might be thatcourse which is a three thousand dollarsthe thing is that if you don't bet okayyou hope you're never going to win buteven if you bet then you decide thatokay this is the course for me you needto bet on this course like your wholelife dependent maybe I've seen so manypeople I've sold courses myself in thepast and you go inside and especiallythe lower the course I've sold coursesfor for seven dollars and you go insideand you make 800 sales right which iswhich is great and you go and seehow many people have logged in insidethe course and you realize that 600people 75% of the people never logged ininto the course because they didn'tvalue the course and I can tell youanother thing like you can find a realgood information in books but oopspeople say that oh man it's only like 10bucks or or 20 bucks you can find thesame information more laid out in avideo course and I'm so so confidentthat this course is going to help youthat you will personally have our ownattention inside the Facebook group wewill always be there for you to help youand we will hold your hand you will haveto do the work and this is the this isthe part where you need to be involvedand giving to be confident but anytimeyou need help all six of us plus Ericplus the whole team 9 stack training wewill be there to call you hard becausethis is what we do guys we really dogenuinely do care about your successbecause the more success stories wecreate it's not only about the moneyit's about you know helping someonegetting success and lasting from me youmight find you might find people thatmade like millions of dollars but youwill also might find people who made acow who made a couple of thousanddollars for me I have received messageslike hey dude I made 1.5 million dollarsin the past six weeks and 20 percent ofthat was profit but I will also whichwhich is amazing of course but I havealso received we received messages whichtell me a dude do to you I managed to gointo a bigger house or I managed to getto pay my student loans or I'm honestbuying my wife a small present or thenew iPhone or something it's not alwaysabout the hundreds of thousands of themillions like you can change your lifethink about how you can change your lifeeven with an extra twenty thirty grantsper year imagine how can does the twentythirty grand per a month how they couldchange your life it's not only about theLambos but it's about the freedom ofthis course can provide and my boldpromise to you and I know that Ericfeels the same and Mike who is on theline here feels the same that we will beright hereto help you we do all of us we dogenuinely ha give we will give our fullattention to you so we can be successfulyou will have to do the war the worldbut I promise you that we will be righthere hung holding till you becomesuccessful nice yeah I fully agree andif you think about it like if we didoffer this course that at about of smallat a much lower price if we offered itat at 479 or something like that thenthe officers wouldn't be incentivized tocontinually help people but the reallike we offered this course at a siteyou know obviously the value is therefor this price and it ensures that itgive it that it gives the all-stars thechance to really help people you knowyou know in a way that makes it worth itfor everyone so that stuff so reason theprice is $3,000 versus versus somethinglow I think to involve this many peopleat this level the price had to be atleast that high it's pretty amazingactually that it is only that price aswe kind of demonstrate here Lisa had aquestion she wanted to know she alreadybought the ECML replays if we wouldrefund that amount because she gets itas a bonus for buying the course yesLisa if you buy the course we'll refundyour ECML purchase and allow you to yepjust get the bonus from from buying thecourse fantastic yeah Nina you'rewriting the value of this course is whatit should bethank you very much that's that's oftenwas also very nice of you tocongratulate on building this course itreally was an absolute labor of lovejust working with all these great peoplehas been a lot of fun but pulling it alltogether and pulling the whole funnelstogether has been has been a reallyamazing process for sureI seen will buy the course he just needsto sign time to save that money that'sreally coolcongratulations there's so there's abunch of should we start coachingthere's just a few more we've got to getoff in about five minutes probably or sowe only have time for a few morequestionsshould we start testing new productswith Add to Cart or view content or justwhat sort of clicks we attract on theproduct ad at Facebook Nick you have ananswer to that one I I generally like itdepends on on the budgets that I'moperating with but I like to start withAdd to Cart andand then go in to purchase of funnelsafter that that's generally how we go wealso add we also will run parallelengagement campaigns with in order todrive engagement on our ads as well soto get the engagement through engagementcampaigns and then we also will run themon on add to cart and purchase as wellyeah I think both can workI personally personally I usually startwith purchase even on a brand new storejust because so I said to jump back asecond view content is kind of aworthless thing to just optimize for inmy opinion because it's not hard to getlink clicks add the car is a greatstepping stone when I created myoriginal course I talked aboutoptimizing for add to cart first andthen moving the purchase now I tend tojust go for purchase because I like tostart with purchase but what I have seenis that a lot of times if you optimizepurchase you can get high speeds and ifyou if you go back down and optimize foradd the car instead you'll see lower CPMso that you can still be optimizing fora buying intent objective and gettinglower CPM and then work yourself up thefunnel once you have enough conversionso I think both can work and also thestrategy of running and engagement atfirst I do the same thing I'll talkabout that in the course where I createan engagement at first then take thepost ID and use that exact same post tothen go create the conversion campaignso that will help you with your resultsas well nice ok cool just a few more didyou all study marketing like full-oncollege marketing no Nina I have a filmdegree it's funny I studied like I madefilms but I also like studied thepsychology behind films I have a filmdegree from a Canadian University andthen I was a kindergarten teacher andthen I went full-on into e-commerce anutty commerce but entrepreneurshipspecifically after that I don't thinkNick studied marketing in specific thekey thing that we want to say to andDimitri's touched on this is that Ithink Demetrius was in school form to bean accountant which is interesting aswell all of this stuffthe age that we live in now there's somuch opportunity in this digitalmarketing world that it's just all abouttaking action it's all about getting inthere getting some good guidance andthen figuring it out figuring out whatworks you're gonna learning will onlytake you so far whether it's in collegeor whether it's your courses like thisyou really have to be able to takeaction and and and learn for yourselfand you know once once you combine goodguidance with actually taking actionthat's where you're really gonna startseeing results and and specifically likeI I don't personally recommend people goto school for marketing any more I thinkI think we live in an era where there'sso much amazing knowledge out thereavailable specifically not how to youknow not how to go to you know what theyteach in marketing schools it feel likeis like five to ten years behind thecurve when it comes to the kind ofmarketing that we're practicing you'rein that we're teaching it here so wedidn't I don't think any of us went toschool the market you guys can chime inif you did but but we did it there'sthere was another question here aboutabout whether you you haven't launched aShopify store never done drop shippingnever done Facebook Adswith this course be beneficial to me yesyes 100% yes you get you know you getthis course you get lifetime access tothis course so not only you get thesefirst three units that are exactly whatyou need in order to get your firstsales and start learning the ropes ofthis stuff but then you also havelifetime access to the other coursesthat can help you really take things tothat higher level so that's you'reexactly who this course was made for soI don't think you need to take aseparate course and then take thiscourse this course will have everythingyou need and then especially when youcombine it with the private communitythat we're giving you access to theaccess to the mentors this course willbe everything you need to build yourecommerce empire as the mostcomprehensive course ever created soyeah Nina you're welcome great work hereall right James yeah we can accommodateyou for sure so so thanks for stickingaround I think that's probably all wehave time for guys we're gonna be doinganother webinar on Friday so I'm reallyexcited for that so if you guys havemore questions you should come to ourwebinar on Friday we're gonna bemessaging you retiredyou may be chatting you about that somake sure you sign up and attend ournext webinar where we'll go over some ofthis information again but we'll featurethe 3/8 figure entrepreneur all-stars sothank you guys so much for stickingaround at the end you guys are the truethe two hat getters I think I think wehad 90 before who we're still here whenwe were giving away the hats but youguys definitely make sure you email teamat I stack training comm will have youfill out a little form and and we'll getyou one of these sweet lids I guess wegotta get them for Nick and to meet youtoobecause I think I don't know if theywear hats as much as I do but but buthopefully they can keep the Sun offtheir faces increase and undisclosedlocations in Manila there's a fewquestions about VA s we don't have wedon't have time right now but we willtry to get to these questions on on thebut on Friday to make sure you attendthat thank you guys so much for comingon this thanks for being for listeningto this is this office bitch I reallyhope you guys have a chance to take usup on this course like I say the rocketship launches on August 7th and you willnever get an opportunity to get thismuch value in a single ecommerce courseever again and so you really want tomake sure you get in under that deadlinedo what you got to do and join us onthis journey because if you want to takethis you know launch yourself into thisgenerational opportunity you will neverhave a better opportunity than whatwe're providing you right now and theinvestment though it feels like a lotfor some will not be in the grand schemeif you're able to take action put thisstuff into practice there's no limit towhat your earnings can be that you knowthere's no there's no salary that youcan't reach there's no trip you can'ttake there's no lifestyle you can'tafford when you're able to really buildout your business and I'm super excitedfor it I wanna thank Ken Dimitri's forcoming on it's been it's been a greatwebinar today we're at we're up at twoand a half hours it's a doozy we willput on the the full replay for everyoneand again join us again on Friday wherewe'll do it all again back from theelectrical grid here at I stack trainingheadquarters okay cheers everyonehey that's notteam and I stacked training with morequestions will be will be here a serversaysbro don't leave for server hit me up hitme up on Facebook or team and I stacktraining calm and we will get you my myInstagram user name is Eric Allen EriCala and it should be dick pics I see Ihad to get one more dick joke in therethanks very much dick dy ck just in caseeveryone's worried but it is Eric Allenyou can hit me up on Instagram if youemail us at team and I stack traineecalm I'll send you the presentationslides happily and again we'll get thesehats out to you thank you guys so muchwho's hello and Cheers


Shopify vs Woocommerce | Best Ecommerce Platform? | Ecom Insiders

hey guys what's going on it's James hereback with econ insiders in today's videoI'm going to be talking about Shopifyfirst WooCommerce and which platform Iuse them what I think you should use Ido get this question quite a lot in theFacebook group and you can join thegroup down below with over 20,000members but let's jump in it I'll letyou know what I think of Shopify unrealcommerce and give you my opinion and youcan make a decision for yourself to goahead and set up your store on whateverone you want so today is there two of 30day video challenge you're going to befollowing along make sure and drop alike down below and subscribe to yourmetas videos but yeahShopify first week Commerce so justbefore I start I've never actuallyhosted any of my stores on wood commerceI have built client sites on WooCommerceback probably two three years ago notfour years ago possibly backgroundsbuilding websites for clients and Ibuilt them back then and it is a littlebit more complicated from a shelf placeon point I'm from a beginner standpointjust coming into this sort of tackycommerce Speirs Shopify is going to bemuch easier for you just set up and getgoing so basically like with with me Ican set up a shelf life store within inless than an hour we can have a storewith all the basics in it up and runningand that's done too you know it has allthe app so that you need basicallyanything I teach or anything on thischannel is none of your little Shopifysue it probably is similar apps on youknow WordPress but the thing but she'llfly is it's all in one place so you'vegot your Shopify go in there you can buyyour domain from Shopify the hostingwith Shopify all the apps are withinshell provides app store whereas withWordPress and WooCommerce you know it'snot only would commerce its WooCommerceis just a plugin for WordPress and againyou're gonna have to go to if you wantto get certain plugins you want to getapps so like Oh Barlow or shop light upto fulfill your ordersI think there is actually alternativeson WooCommerce but again you have to goto different website and find them plugthem it's a lot longer process and it'sgoing to take you a lot longer to set upreally compared to Shopify where she'llfight got these great templates greatfree templates like a lot of my storesrun on free templates right up until acouple of months ago when we moved itover but they have these great freetemplates are that they just workthey're clean you don't have to do anycoding you don't have to do any realcustomization you can change colorsaround put your logo in and doeverything you need to do basicallythat's all there for you without havingto do any of the techie side of stuff Ido have my ecomp insiders blog who siton WordPress and just from moving fromshelf way to WordPress it is a littlebit more complicated it is a lot moresort of functionality and it's a lotmore to customize direction open optionswhich are grids but when you're gettingstarted it's just going to confuse youyou don't need to be generally of thatsort of stuff you're going to probablystruggle to find some of the apps I'msort of in this spacethe Shopify dropshipping sort of naturethat's been created any plugins that arebeing made any sort of apps that are beamazed and it seems that are being madethey're all being made specifically forthis community and it there's a reasonit's called Shopify dropshipping versuswith calmer structures because Shopifyhas really a lot of people to just goahead and get in quickly on start thesestores for me it's just Shopify shouldbe easy to use like you know as I saidstarted the video I can go in Kritastore in under an hour and have it upand running you know it's just type inyour login details download your appsthat you need a solder super-functionalyou know the apps just work when youplug them in you most of them you knowthere is a few that you have to do somecustomization with but a lot of them arejust plug and play ready to go whereason with commerce I find when I was maybethis has changed in the last few yearsbut back when I was chattingsetting up the stores for clients you dorun into a lot more problems andsometimes takes a bit of time to fix emor you have to tweak a little bit ofcode so that's why I prefer Shopifyeverything's just plug and play ready togo be one of no worries about you knowkind of configure your hosting trying tosort out your domain against badinshaallah find get goingthe shelf i planned you know i thinkthis is the biggest reason why peopleare confused when they come in becausethey're like you know i can start a woodcommerce site to just have for myhosting and demand I'm pretty much readyto gowhereas on the travel fight is a littlebit more expensive probably and we'vegot your $29 a month plan or the $79 I'mum but you know if you're really goingto take us further I'm really gonna youknow move forward I'm not worried about$30 or a couple of $5 app fees becauseI'm going to be a lot more positivepositive and I'd rather just have thespeed to functionality without havingeyes over here then you know spend a lotmore time trying to figure this I'd kindof fix the problems just to see of a fewfew dollars because I'm really aboutopportunity and moving forward quicklyrather than trying to you know scrimpand see if Penny's over here instead ofcondiment you know dollars over here andthat's really my V on it I do recommendgoing for Shopify if you want to grabShopify I have a twenty one there freetrial 10% off for a year you can getthat done in the link of this video andyou can check it out there Iyou can make a decision or child flyvirtual commerce but again a lot of thistutorials that I do a lot of tutorialsthat anybody does are BSN Shopify supersimple to use you'll be set up withinyou know if you're brand new andbeginner you can set up a website withAnna dad no butter with Shopify whereaswith WordPress and WooCommerce I'm notsure that's possible but again how doyou do your own research and make yourown informed decision but fordropshipping Shopify if you're in any ofmy coursesyou're gonna want to be in champ ughthat's what I teach but I see a lot ofpeople also migrating from WordPresslogical commerce over the shelf lifejust because it's so simple and easy touse in the functionalities thereforeeverything you need everything pluggedin the and also shelf life support isinsanely good so though it was prettymuch instant reply they'll help you outlook when your store and change thingsfor you and make sure everything'sworking and I think you get I guess afree are off like that when added stufffor you which is pretty cool so let thisI'll see you guys in the next videotomorrow if you enjoyed this video likethe video down below make sure andsubscribe I'll see you guys in the nextone


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