How to add eCommerce products & payment details in eCommerce blogger template 2019

How to add eCommerce products & payment details in eCommerce blogger template 2019 in Hindi. Please don’t forget to Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe to our Techno Vedant Channel for more videos.

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Part – 1 How to create a professional eCommerce website in blogger | eCommerce blogger template customization:

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Part – 2 How to create Flipkart, Paytm, Amazon associates affiliate marketing professional blogger website:

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How to Make An Ecommerce Website with GODADDY 2019 – WORDPRESS

what's going on everyone is Jamison fromNYC tech club and I am the instructorfor this udemy course on how to make ane-commerce website with the flats intheme and WordPress go ahead and checkout the tour of this website that we'regonna learn how to make today and I hopeyou guys enjoy if you want to learn howto make a wordpress website step-by-stepand you want to learn how to make ane-commerce website watch this video andI'll show you how you don't need to knowany type of coding or programmingwhatsoever enjoy the tour and I hope tosee you guys inside the course what's upeveryone is Jamison from NYC tech cluband today I'm gonna show you how to makethis beautiful and professionalecommerce website step by step with nocoding or programming whatsoever and thebest part about it you're gonna savethousands of dollars building out thiswebsite yourself and as you can see thiswebsite is just beautiful it'sprofessional it's easy to navigate andit has everything that you need to run asuccessful online store when I createdthis website I wanted to createsomething that you can be proud ofsomething that represents you and yourbrand so what I did was I tookinspiration from fortune 500 companiessuch as Apple Alibaba and Amazon all ofwhich are multi-billion dollar companiesthat have spent hundreds of millions ofdollars on web design research and whatI came up with was this web design whichhas everything that you need and in thisvideo tutorial we're going to teach youhow to setup your WordPress websitedesign your own layouts and pages we'regonna teach you how to integrateWooCommerce and different paymentoptions and you're also going to learnhow to create different types ofproducts including variable products anddownloadable virtual products and thebest part about it we're gonna be usingWordPress the number one contentmanagement system on the internet so ifyou want to learn how to create ane-commerce website with no programmingor coding whatsoever and you want tosave thousands of dollars building thisout yourself keep watching this videobecause I'm gonna show you howby step with no step skipped but first Iwant to give you a quick tour of exactlywhat we're gonna build so if you'reready I'm ready let's get startedso this is the custom home page thatwe're gonna learn how to make for oure-commerce website using the flat 'sometheme and we're gonna have a customslider with as many different images asyou want and then we'll insert thisbutton section right here to link yourvisitors to different parts of youre-commerce website and then we can havethis featured product sectionsshowcasing some of the products that yousell and then we'll have a blog postsection to keep your visitors updated onthe latest happenings with youre-commerce website and at the bottomdown here we can have a footer with somecustom links and your copyright and thenwe can insert some icons for yourpayment options or some social mediabuttons down here and at the top of eachof your pages we will have a header menuand we can customize this to have adrop-down with different submenu itemsand we'll also have a top bar where youcan have a sign up for your newsletterso if your visitors click on that you'llget this pop-up right here and then yourvisitors can just sign up for yournewsletter ok so this is the home pagethat we're gonna learn how to make andnow what I want to do is show you whatthe about page is gonna like so this isthe about page that we're gonna learnhow to make and you can see that we'regonna have a custom page title at thetop with some social media buttons righthere and you can customize the layout ofthese pages however you want but you cansee right here what we're gonna do isinsert an About section right here andthen we'll have an employee sectionright here with some profile photos anda little biography and then we can havesome social media button links righthere to the employee social media pagesand then below this what I'm gonna do isshow you how to insert this sectionright here with some icons and thenlittle description sections right hereso this is the about page that we'regonna learn how to make and I want toshow you another page that we're goingto learn how to make in this ecommercetutorial so this is another page thatwe're gonna learn how to make in thisecommerce tutorial and you can see thatwe're gonna have a custom page title andinsert some social media buttons anddepending on the e-commerce website thatyou have you can insert whatever imagesor background title images that you wantso I will show you how to do that inthis video tutorial and down here wejust have some text for this page righthere and really this page just helps youlearn how to use the flat sum page butso I'll show you how to make this pageand what I want to do now is just showyou what the blog post page that we'regonna learn how to make looks like sothis is the blog post page and you cansee that we have a featured image forour blog post right here with the blogtitle and the category name and thensome details about when this blog postwas written right here and you can seebelow the featured image that we have anexcerpt section with a button to link tothe actual blog post and on our blogpost pages we will have a custom sidebarjust like this so I'll show you how tocustomize your sidebar however you wantand you can see that we have someadditional blog posts down here so whatI want to do really quickly is just showyou what one of these blog posts lookslike so I'm gonna click on this oneright here so you can see right herethat this is a blog post page and downhere is where all the text is so in thisvideo tutorial I will show you how toinsert images and how to format yourtext however you want and then down atthe bottom of this page we do havesocial media buttons to share our blogposts and then down here if you want tohave a comment section for your visitorsso they can leave you a comment I willshow you how to add that also so this isa blog post and we're gonna create a fewof these for our e-commerce website butright now what I want to do is move onand show you the shop page that we'regoing to learn how to create for thisecommerce tutorial so this is the shoppage that we're gonna learn how to makein this ecommerce tutorial and you cansell any types of products that you wantso for my demo website I have macaroonsand you can see when we hover over theseimages we do get an alternative imageand if you want you can add this to yourwish list or you can click on thisbutton to get additional productinformation and you can see on thiscustom page that we do break out oursections into different productcategories so if you're sellingdifferent products I'll show you how toadd these different categories righthere and by the end of this video youwill learn how to customize your shoppage however you want but this is thepage that we're gonna learn how to maketogether so what I want to do right nowis show you what some of the productsthat we're gonna learn how to make areso the first type of product is going tobe a simple product so this is what theproduct page looks like and right nowwe're on a simple product and a simpleproduct is when you have one price andone option so we'll have someinformation right here for our productyou can see that we have a main imageright here and if we click on it we canexpand it and we can go through ourimage gallery right here and below thisyou can see that we can have as many ofthese and below this we can add as manyof these to our shopping cart as we wantand then we have the category names andour product tags right here we caninsert some share buttons right here andthen we can have a longer descriptiondown here in the description tab and ifyou want we can enable the reviews sothat your customers can review yourproducts after they purchase them and atthe bottom of all of your product pageswe will have a related product sectionthat you see right here and this isgoing to be based on the productcategories and similar products that youcreate so this is a simple product whereyou have one option and only one priceand what I want to do now is show youwhat a variable product looks likeso what we're also going to do is learnhow to create a variable product andwhat a variable product is is when youhave different options for your sizes ordifferent colors or anything like thatand for this variable product I createdit with different price points so youcan see if I go into my variable and Ichoose 12 ounces it's $6.99 and then ifI choose these other options you can seethat the price actually changes so I'mgoing to show you how to create variableproducts with as many differentvariables as you want and if you want tohave different price points for theoptions I'll show you how to do thatalso and for all of these product pagesthey are very similar so you can seethat we have the description sectionright here and then the related productsection down hereso for this video tutorial we will learnhow to create simple and variableproducts so if you have any questionsabout that you can leave them in thecomment section below but right now Ijust want to move on and show you theother pages that we're gonna learn howto make such as the frequently askedquestions page so you can see right herethat this is the frequently askedquestions page so if you want to haveone of these what you can do is have theaccordion feature just like this whereyou have the question and then yourvisitors can click on this and make anexpand to show the answer so this isjust a premium function that you havewith the flats and themes so I'm reallyexcited to show you how to use it tocreate the frequently asked questionspage and one of the last pages that Iwant to show you that we're gonna learnhow to make is the contact us page sofor the Contact Us page if you havea physical location I'll show you how toinsert this map that pinpoints whereyour location is and you can have youraddress right here and then below thiswhat we can do is customize this page tohave some additional information andthen have a contact form so yourvisitors can fill this out and contactyou directly so if you want to learn howto create all these pages in this videotutorial keep watching this video and Iwill show you how step-by-step butreally quickly what I want to do is justrun through a transaction with you justto show you how this ecommerce websiteworks so back on the shop page I'm justgoing to open up this product right hereand on the product information page I'mjust gonna click and add three of theseto my shopping cart and once the productis added to my shopping cart I can goand view the cart and on the shoppingcart page if I want to remove thisproduct I can click on the X right hereor it can adjust the quantity if I wantto change this but all I want to do isjust proceed to checkout so I'm gonna goright here and click on this button andonce I'm on the checkout page if I havea coupon code I can insert that righthere but I don't have one so I'm goingto close that and just to save some timeI did fill out my billing informationright here and then on the right handside of the checkout page you can seethe order details right here includingthe shipping rate and also the tax rateso we have our total right here and formy demo ecommerce website I integratedPayPal as the payment option but I willshow you how to add some additionalpayment options if you want so all Iwant to do right now is click on theproceed to PayPal button and once I'mredirected to PayPal I can just log inand now what I can do is just come downhere and make my payment and once thepayment is madeI should see this notification righthere and now I can go back to thee-commerce website by clicking on returnto merchant and once I'm back on mye-commerce website you can see that theorder is completed right here and I havemy order details right here and I havesome additional information right hereso this is how you complete atransaction on the e-commerce websitethat we're learning how to make todayand what I want to do is quickly showyou how you can see the orderinformation on your WordPress dashboardso I will have a video link on how touse WooCommerce but WooCommerce is whatwe're so I will have a link on how touse WooCommerceand MOOC commerce is what we're using tobuild out our ecomp so I will have alink on how to use WooCommerce andWooCommerce is what we're using tosupport our e-commerce website and onthe orders page right here on yourWordPress dashboard you can see that wehave the order that we just submittedand the status is processing right hereso if we click on this link it's gonnaopen up this page right here so on theorder page this is where you can go toget the billing information and theshipping information and also where youcan go to get the product informationand the quantity that's ordered so youcan always come in here and see theorder details for all the orders thatyou get from all of your differentcustomers and the email that you'll getas the owner of your e-commerce websiteis this one right here where you get anotification of the payment received andyou can see that you have all thedetails right here and then as a buyeryou're gonna get this email right herewhich is a receipt for the order thatyou just created so your customers aregonna get an email in their email INBOXand you'll also get one whenever you getan order on your e-commerce website okayso this is how you create a transactionfor your e-commerce website and now whatI want to do is quickly talk about theflat something which is what we're gonnause to build out our e-commerce websiteso this is the flat 'some theme and thisis what we're gonna use to build out oure-commerce website and create all of ourcustom layouts and options that we wantfor the online store that we're learninghow to make and the flat zone theme isthe number one best-selling ecommercetheme for WordPress so I'm reallyexcited to show you how to use it andthis is a premium theme so there is asmall one-time charge but again you'regonna be able to build whatever you wantwith this theme and you can see rightdown here that over 80,000 people areusing this theme and it has a five-starrating and with this theme if you everneed any help you can get customersupport or and with this theme if youever need any help you can contact thedevelopers and you can get support 24/7and again with this theme you do have abunch of different layouts and optionsthat you can select from or you can usethe custom page builder which is whatwe're going to use in this videotutorial to create all of our differentlayouts so I'm gonna link you to thispage and you can come here and check outall the custom options and thefunctionalities of the theme but againthis is thenumber one best-selling ecommerce teamfor WordPress and I'm really excited toshow you how to use it so if you'reexcited to use the flat Centene or youwant to learn how to use it keepwatching this video tutorial because I'mgoing to show you how to make this exactwebsite step by step so if you like whatyou see and you want to save thousandsof dollars building out an e-commercewebsite on your own then keep watchingthis video because we're gonna learn howto build this exact website step by stepso if you're ready I'm ready let's getstarted the first thing that we have todo is register a domain so we're goingto go to GoDaddy to register our domainso what I want you to do is click on thelink to the text tutorial on how tocreate an e-commerce website withWordPress and it's gonna bring you tothe NYC tech club website and this is atext tutorial with all the steps thatwe're gonna go through in this videotutorial so once you come to this pageright here what I want you to do is comedown on the right-hand side to thisbutton right here and this is anaffiliate link that's gonna let youregister a domain for $0.99 with GoDaddyso once you see this go ahead and clickon this and once you come to thisspecial GoDaddy page if you'reregistering a domain would GoDaddy forthe first time you can see that you canregister one for $0.99 so make sure thatyou click on that link on the texttutorial and what you're gonna do iscome down here and type in the webaddress that you want to register soI'll just type in flats in theme command push search and once the searchresults come back if you see that yourdomain is available then all you have todo is click Add to Cartif it's not available what you want todo is type in a new web address and seeif that one's available because the onethat you search for is probablyregistered by someone else so once youadd your domain to your shopping cartall we have to do is click to continueto cart and once you come to this pageright here you can see there are someadditional options here so for theprivacy I just like to select no thingsbecause this is an extra cost and youcan always add this back a little bitlater and then down here for the websitebuilder we don't need this because we'regonna use WordPress to build out oure-commerce website so we can just clickno thanks and then for the email withour domain we don't need this because wecan actually create an email for freeusing our domain and I do have a twotoriel on how to do that on the NYC techclub website so I'll link it to that soonce you're ready go ahead and click oncontinue with these options and once youcome to this page right here what youcan do is go into this drop-down andselect the number of years that you wantto register your domain for so I'm justgonna select one year right here becauseyou can always renew this after everyyear so you can see that it only cost me99 cents and what I want you to do nowis pause the video and create a GoDaddyaccount or sign in to your existingaccount and then go through the processof registering your domain with thesefour steps right here and then onceyou're ready push play and then we'llmove on to the next step which is goingto be signing up for hosting so I'll seeyou in just a few minutes and once youregister your domain you should bebrought back to the GoDaddy page andwhat I want you to do is click on yourusername and then click on managedomains and you should be brought tothis page right here and you can seethat I have the flat sum theme comand we can click on this really quicklyjust to go to the domain settings pageand we're gonna come back to this pagein just a little bit but right now whatI want you to do is click on the link tothe text tutorial on how to create ane-commerce website with WordPress andthis is the text tutorial with all thesteps that we're gonna go through inthis video tutorialand what I want you to do once you cometo this page has come down to stepnumber one and this is where we're gonnaget our hosting service and you can seeright here that there is a link tohosting or to Hostgator and that's whatwe're gonna go to get our hostingaccount so go ahead and click on theHostgator link and once you come to thispage right here this is what we're gonnaget hosting and hosting allows you torun your website and store all of yourcontent so you need to have hosting inorder to run a WordPress website or anywebsite on the Internet so go ahead andclick on the link on the text tutorialor come to wws gator comm and once youcome to this page I want you to click onthe web hosting link right at the topand once you come to this page you'llnotice that you have a few differenthosting plans to choose from and we'regonna focus on the hatchling and babyplan because the business plan is alittle too expensive and more than whatwe needso the hatchling plan is if you want tobuild one website and one website onlythen all you need is the hatchling planif you want to build more than one website and you want to host them on thesame account then you want to select thebaby plan so for this video I'll justselect the hatchling plan so once you'reready go ahead and click on the Buy Nowbutton and once you come to this pagethis is what we can go to sign up forour hosting service so what I want to dois go through all these steps togetherjust to make sure that you filleverything out correctly so for thefirst step where it says choose a domainsince we already registered our domainwith GoDaddy we want to select I alreadyown this domain and once you do go aheadand type in that domain name right hereso I'll just type in flats in theme command push enter and once you see thesesearch results you should see the greencheck mark and it should say added andwe can just come down to the bottom tostep number two and step number two ischoosing a hosting plan so what I wantyou to do is go into this drop-down andselect the hosting plan that you want soremember the hatchling plan is if youwant to build one website and onewebsite only and then the baby plan isif you plan on building more than onewebsite and you want to host them on thesame account then you want to select thebaby plan so I'll select the hatchlingplan and then you can choose yourbilling cycle right here and what Iusually recommend to my clients iseither 6 or 12 months just to giveyourself enough time to know whether ornot you want to run a website or not butfor this video example I'm just gonnaselect 1 month so go ahead and selectwhatever you want and then create ausername and a security pin and I'm notgonna do this with you because I'vealready created my account but onceyou're ready let's go down to stepnumber 3 and step number 3 is enteringyour billing information and again I'mnot gonna do this with you because I'vealready created my account but if youneed to pause the video fill out allthis information right here and thenonce you're ready push play and we'llmove on to step number 4 otherwise we'lljust move on right now so step number 4is adding additional services and bydefault Hostgator selects some of thesefor you so we really don't need any ofthese extra services so we're gonna gothrough these really quickly so for thefree SSL certificatethis is gonna be included with yourhosting plans so you want to leave thisone checked because this is gonna secureyour website so whenever information istransferred such as billing informationor anything like that it's gonna besecuredso we want to leave this one checkedespecially since it's free but we don'tneed the SiteLock monitoring and againthis is an extra cost so we want touncheck this and then for the email Ihave a free video tutorial on how tocreate an email address with your domainfor free so we don't need to check thisone and we don't need the backup optionbecause you can use free plugins tobackup your WordPress websiteso again I do have video tutorials onhow to do that and I'll link you to themin the video description and we don'tneed the hostgator SEO tools so makesure that you leave these ones uncheckedand then once you're ready let's go downto step number five and step number fiveis entering a coupon code and by defaultHostgator puts in a coupon code for youand you can see what your discount isover here and for this coupon code youcan see that there isn't really adiscount so what I want you to do in anycase is delete this coupon code and typein NYC tech 3-0 and then click validateand this is one of the largest couponcodes on Hostgator so you want to makesure that you type in NYC tech 3-0 andyou can see that you save almost 65% offright here and again this is one of thelargest coupon codes available withHostgator so type in NYC tech 3-0 andclick validate to save up to 65% off andthen the last thing that you want to dois just come down to the bottom andcheck this box to agree to the terms andonce you're ready go ahead and click onthe checkout Now button and once you getyour hosting from Hostgator I want youto go to your email inbox and you shouldsee this email from Hostgator titledyour account info and then down herethere should be some links to yourcontrol paneland the first and second name serversand what we want to do right now isconnect our GoDaddy account with ourHostgator account so that we can run ourwebsite so what I want you to do is openup a new tab with your email fromHostgator and then I want you to have atab open for the GoDaddy domain and inyour domain settings right here for thedomain that you just registered what Iwant you to do is come down to thebottom to the additional settingssection and then down here where you seethis link that says manage DNS click onthat and once you come to the DNSmanagement page come down to the nameserver section and what we want to do ispaste in the first and secondnameservers from our Hostgator accountso we're gonna go in here and click onchange and you want to go in here andmake sure that you select the customoption and then we're gonna paste in ourfirst and second name servers in thesetwo boxes so I'm gonna go back to myemail right here and just copy the firstname server and then go back to myGoDaddy account and just delete this oneand paste this in and then I'll go andget my second name server so you want tomake sure that you do this too becausethis is how you're gonna connect yourHostgator account with GoDaddy in orderto run your WordPress website so pastein your first and second name serversand then once you're ready just clickSave and once everything is saving itmight take a few minutes for Hostgatorand GoDaddy to connect so if you wantyou can take a little pause and thencome back to the rest of this videotutorial in about five or ten minutesand then we can move on to the next stepbut you can also just keep going if youwant so if you have the name serversconnected to Hostgator now then we aregood to go and we don't need to doanything else with GoDaddy it should beconnected to Hostgator so we can closeout of this tab right here and now weshould be on the Hostgator email righthere and what we want to do is go andlog in to our cPanel so that we can goand install WordPress so on this emailright here you should see a link thatsays your control panel go ahead andclick on this link and now you should beon your cPanel and if you ever need helpgetting to this page go back to yourHostgator email titled your account infoand then click on the control panel linkand just type in your username andpassword and once you log in you shouldbe on this page right here okayso what we're gonna do right now isinstall WordPress so come to where itsays popular links and then hover overbuild a new WordPress website and clickon this link and once you come to theinstallation page just come into thisdrop-down and select your web domain andthen leave this blank and then clickNext and now what you're gonna do isjust put in your blog title right hereso we'll just type in shop shop and thenI'll type in my username so I'll justtype in admin and then my first and lastname and then my email address righthere and then once you're ready justcheck these two boxes to agree to theterms and then once you're ready clickonInstall Now button and once theinstallation is complete you should seethis notification right here and youshould have your login details righthere so you can save this information ifyou want or you can go to your emailinbox and you should have this emailfrom Hostgator titled install completeand down here you should have all ofyour details to log into your WordPresswebsite and we're gonna login to theadmin URL so that we can go andcustomize and build out our e-commercewebsite so if you want to do that rightnow all we have to do is click on thislink or what you want to do is type inyour web domain name and then put inslash WP dash admin at the end okayso let's click on this and now youshould be on the login page for yourWordPress e-commerce website so go aheadand type in the username and passwordfrom your installation details that yousee right here or in the installationemail that you have right here so onceyou type in that information we're goodto goand we can click on the login button andonce you're logged in this is yourWordPress dashboard and you're gonnabecome very familiar with the WordPressdashboard as we go through creating oure-commerce website because this is whereyou go to build out all of yourdifferent pages and posts and uploadmedia and different images andeverything so you're gonna become anexpert with the WordPress dashboard aswe go through this video tutorial butbefore we do anything what I wanted youfirst is just show you what youre-commerce website looks like now thatyou installed WordPress so I'm gonna goto my website by hovering over mywebsite name and clicking on visit siteon the upper left and once yourWordPress website loads this is what itshould look like right nowso it should look very basic and nothinglike an online store but don't worrybecause we're gonna go into WordPressand customize our entire ecommercewebsite to look very much like the demoWordPress website that you see righthere okayso let's go back really quickly to ourWordPress dashboard and I'm gonna hoverover my website name on the upper leftand just click on dashboard and onceyou're on the WordPress dashboard nowwhat we're gonna do is go and get theflat 'some theme to build out oure-commerce website so if you haven'talready I want you to open up the texttutorial and there islink to this page on how to create ane-commerce website with WordPress in thevideo description and then come down tostep number four which is going to begetting the flat 'some theme and you cansee right here that there is a link tothe theme force website where we'regonna get the theme so go ahead and comedown here and click on this and youshould be brought to the theme forestwebsite and you should be only flat sometheme page right here and again as Imentioned before this is the number onebest-selling WooCommerce theme forWordPress and it does have a five-starrating and you're gonna build out abeautiful and professional ecommercewebsite with the flat sum theme so onceyou come to this page all we have to dois click on the Buy Now button and onceyou're on the checkout page if youalready have a theme forest account goahead and click on the sign-in buttonright here if you need to create anaccount go ahead and pause the video andthen create an account by filling outthis information and then going throughthese other steps by clicking on thenext button right here and then onceyou're ready go ahead and push play andyou'll be logged in and then I can showyou the files that you have to downloadso that we can install them into ourWordPress website so I'll see you injust a few minutes and once you checkoutyou should be logged into your themeforest website now and you can see righthere that I'm on the Downloads tab andif you need to get to this page you canhover over your username and click ondownloads and you'll come to this pageright here and what I want you to do iscome to the flat sum theme and we'regonna click on this download buttonright here and we want to download allthe files and documentation so go aheadand click on that and download the zipfile that's going to download and thenwhat I want you to do is keep this tabopen because we're gonna come back tothis page in just a little bit but nowlet's go back to our WordPress dashboardand what we want to do is install theflat 'some theme so that we can startbuilding our online store so on the lefthand side go ahead and hover overappearance and then click on themes andthen once you're on the themes page andwhat we're gonna do is just click on theupload button right here and once youcome to the add themes page just clickon the upload theme button and youshould see this little pop up sectionand go ahead and click on the Browsebutton right here and what I want you todo is go to wherever you just saved thefiles that you just downloaded from thefor s website and then you should see afolder called flat sum – main go aheadand open this up and you should see somefolders right here we're gonna go to thetheme files folder and you should seethe flat some zip file right here soright now the version is three point sixpoint two but you might have a newerversion as you watch this video tutorialdepending on when you watch it so goahead and choose the latest versionright here and then once you're ready goahead and click on the Open button andnow you should see the file name righthere so let's go and click on theInstall Now button and once the theme isinstalled let's go ahead and click onthe activate button and now what we cando is go through the setup wizard forthe flat some theme and we can also goto the theme settings a little bit laterand customize our settings there so I'llshow you how to do that in just a littlebit but first let's go through this flatsome setup wizard so the first thingthat we can do is activate our theme sothat we get automatic updates and accessto the flat some theme developers so ifyou want to do that you want to put inyour purchase code and to find yourpurchase code you can go back to thetheme forest website and on thedownloads page right here just click onthe download button and then downloadthe PDF with the purchase code rightover here and you'll get a document withyour purchase code and then you can justpaste that in right here I'm gonna dothat on my own so that I don't show youwhat my purchase code is but once you'reready go ahead and click on the continuebutton and now what we can do is installa child theme and we should have a childtheme so that we save all of ourdifferent customizations and settingswhenever the flat sum theme needs toupdate so those updates won't getoverridden so what we can do is justleave the name right here and then clickon the blue button that says create anduse the child theme and once you'reready going to click on the continuebutton right here and now what we can dois install the plugins that we need forthis WooCommerce tutorial and you shouldsee them right here and plugins aretools that really just help youcustomize and build out your e-commercewebsite there's a bunch of differentplugins that you can get on WordPress soI'll show you that in just a little bitbut right now let's go ahead and justclick on the continue button and oncethe plugins are installed now we shouldbe on the content tabwhat you can do here is install the democontent from the flats in theme demowebsite if you want I'm gonna unchecksome of these boxes because I don't wantto install everything just because we'regonna have to go in and create a bunchof different pages and posts in thisvideo tutorial so I don't want to go inand have to delete and edit a bunch ofdifferent stuff so all I'm gonna installis the contact forms the blocks thewidgets and the settings but you canselect whatever you want but you willcreate a little bit of a mess if you doselect everything so once you're readygo ahead and click on the continuebutton and once you're on the logo anddesigns tab if you want to upload a newlogo you can replace the flat sum logoby clicking on the upload button righthere and then finding the logo imagethat you want to use if you want to usea new logo but you don't have one rightnow I will show you how to go to thetheme settings a little bit later andthen you can upload your logo bear sodown here in the select preset we wantto select this option right here so onceyou're ready let's click on continue andonce you're on the supports tab all wehave to do is just come down here andclick on the agree and continue buttonand now we have just setup oure-commerce website using the flat 'somesetup wizard and we will go through ourWooCommerce settings a little bit laterto create the settings that we want forour e-commerce website but right now weare good to go so let's just click onthe view your new website link and onceyour e-commerce website loads this iswhat it should look like with the flatsand themes so it looks a littledifferent than what we saw a littleearlier when we just installed WordPressbut it doesn't look like the demoecommerce website that you see righthere right now but don't worry becausewe're gonna go in and customize thisentire website to really build whatevertype of online store that you want okayso let's go back to our WordPressdashboard right now so hover over yourwebsite name and click on dashboard andonce you're on the WordPress dashboardlet's come down to the plugins tab onthe left hand side and click oninstalled plugins and once you're on theplugins page just come down to your listof plugins and make sure that you havethe contact form 7 the social loginWooCommerce whoo sidebars and thewishlist plug-in if you have those thenwhat I want to do is come back up to thetop and I want to add another plugins so that we can activateour SSL certificate so that our websitehas a secure connection so click on theadd new button once you're on the addplugins page all I want you to do iscome to the search box and type in SSLand if you push enter you should see thesearch results show up and what we wantis the really simple as a cell so youcan see right here that has over amillion active installations and it hasfive stars so let's just click on theInstall Now button and once the plug-inis installed what we want to do isactivate it and once you come back tothe plugins page and if you see thisnotification right here go ahead andclick on the blue button that says goahead and activate SSL and once you seethat the SSL is activated now what Iwant you to do is come down on the lefthand side to settings hover over thatand click on general and you're going tobe asked to login again so go ahead andtype in your username and your passwordand click login and once you're on thegeneral settings page just come down towhere it says WordPress and site addressand make sure that it says HTTPS righthere so if you see the S that means youhave a secure connection so whenever avisitor sends you information for apurchase or anything like that it'sgoing to come through a secureconnection ok and also on the settingspage right here you can change the sitetitle or the tagline we can also do thisin the theme settings a little bit laterso I will show you how to do that but ifyou do make any changes always make surethat you come to the bottom and click onthe Save Changes button okay so ifyou're ready we can move on to the nextstep and now what I want you to do is goback to the text tutorial on how tocreate an e-commerce website withWordPress and on this page what we'regonna do right now is go and downloadthe demo content if you need some demoimages similar to the ones that you seeon the demo ecommerce website right hereso if you have your own images you canuse those but if you do need someplaceholders go ahead and click on thislink right here on step number seven soyou'll get a zip file with some demoimages very similar to what you see onthe demo ecommerce website they mightnot be exactly the same because I dohave to pay for the copyright in orderto have those images but once youdownload the zip file what I want you todo is go back to your WordPressbored and let's go and upload all theseimages so on the left hand side toupload your imagesyou're gonna hover over media and thenclick on add new and once you're on theupload new media page all I want you todo is click on select files and you'llget this little pop-up right here andwhat you can do is go to wherever youjust downloaded the zip file so I'll goto my e-commerce folder and you shouldsee a zip file or a folder calledecommerce demo content if you open thisup you should see all the images thatyou need right here so again these aredemo images and I'm just gonna selectall of these and I'm just gonna uploadeverything all at once but if you wantyou can select these one by one andupload them so I'll just click on thebutton right here and you should see allthe images uploading right here so whatI'm gonna do is just wait for everythingto upload and then we'll move on so I'lljust wait just a little bit and so Itook a few minutes just to leteverything upload so you should see allthe images right here and if you everwant to edit these images you can clickon the Edit link right here or what youcan do is hover over media and thenclick on the media library tab and onceyou're on the media library this iswhere you can see all the images thatyou just uploaded on to your WordPresswebsite and you can use any of theseimages and if you want to edit any ofthese images just click on the one thatyou want to use and then click on theedit image button and what you can dohere is you can crop the image byselecting the area that you want to cropor you can flip or reverse this imagehowever you want and you can also editthe size of this image over here so ifyou do make any changes you want toclick on the Save Changes button butwe're not going to do anything here soI'm just gonna close out of this andthat is how you edit your images thatyou have for your WordPress website andyou can also upload some additionalimages over here in the media library oryou can do it as you go through creatingyour pages and posts so show you how todo that a little bit later ok so ifyou're ready we are going to move on tothe next step and now what we're gonnado is go through the theme settings forthe flat sum theme website so what Iwant you to do is just hover over theflat 'some tab right here and you shouldsee this little pop up and we want to goto the themeoptions and once you're on the customizepage this is where you can go throughthe theme settings to customize thelayout and the styling options for youre-commerce website that you're learninghow to make and you can see that I'vealready changed some of these stylesettings for my demo website over hereso we have different colors a logo anddifferent font styles so what I want todo is just show you what I selected forthe demo ecommerce website and you canalways pause this video and go throughthese tabs in more detail on your ownwe're just going to go through theoptions that I selected and if I go alittle too quick you can always go tothe text tutorial on how to create ane-commerce website with WordPress usingthe flat Centene and on step numbereight right here it has all the layoutsettings so you have everything fromwhat I changed to all the color codesand everything like that so if you needyou can print this out and just gothrough it on your own to make the sameexact look and feel that you see on thedemo ecommerce website right here okayso back on the e-commerce website thatwe're learning how to make the firstthing that I want to do is go to theheader tab and once you open up theheader tab you should see the headerbuilder pop up over here so if you wantto customize your header which is thissection right here then what you can dois drag whatever icons or widgets thatyou want into these different sectionsso this first row right here is your topbar and that's going to be this sectionright here so you can see I put somesocial media buttons and then I'm gonnahave a navigation menu at the top andthen a little newsletter signup formright here so you can always pause thevideo and just make sure that you havethe same layout as I do down here so wehave our logo a navigation menu and thensome login stuff and the shopping cartright here and don't worry about thecurrency that you see right here rightnow I think this is a British Pound butwe're gonna go into our WooCommercesettings a little bit later andcustomize the currency and all theWooCommerce settings okay so you canalways click on any of these such as thenewsletter widget and you'll get thissection right here where you cancustomize the label for the newsletteror anything like that so again you canalwayswhat we do on the text tutorial but whatI want to do is just go through the tabsthat we go through for the demoecommerce website so I'm gonna jump tothe logo and site identity tab and ifyou open this up this is where you canchange the site title and your taglineand this mainly shows up on your tabsright at the top so you can see it saysmacaroons and cookies with the Flair soif you want you can change that and thenyou can customize your options righthere such as your logo position if youdon't want it on the left hand side butI like to leave it as default and thendown here where it says logo image thisis where you can upload your own logo ifyou haven't already and you can alwayscome to the section a little bit laterif you don't have a logo right now allyou're gonna do is click on the selectFile button and you should get yourmedia library and if you want to uploadyour own logo go to upload files andthen click on select files and then findthe image or logo that you want toupload if you want to use the democontent make sure that you're on themedia library tab and you should see allof your images that you uploaded alittle earlier in this video tutorialand what you want to do is just find thelogo PNG so select that and then justclick on the blue button and you shouldsee the logo appear right here and itshould refresh on the preview screenright here and that's all we do but ifyou want to add a cite icon you canwrite down here but we don't do that forthis video tutorial so once you're readygo ahead and click only back button andonce you're back in the header sectionright here before we move on I do wantto note that you can always save yoursettings by clicking on the publishbutton right here and you can always dothis at the end or whenever you make anychanges and then down at the bottom youshould see some icons right here so youcan see what your website looks like inthe PC or the tablet device or themobile device so if you ever want tocheck out what your website looks likewith these different devices and youwant to make sure that it's responsivego ahead and click on these little iconsright here okay so once you're readylet's go to the top bar tab and overhere is where you can disable the topbar if you don't want this littlesection to show up up here but I thinkit looks pretty professional and prettygood so I likedleave this enabled and if you want tojust change the background color for thetop bar right here you can do that byclicking on select color right here andthen dragging this wheel to whatevercolors that you want or you can type ina color code here so I don't change thebackground color here because I go intothe styling tab a little bit later and Ichange all of my different colors that Iwant for my e-commerce website so thisis the primary color that I have for thee-commerce website so I'll show you howto do that a little bit later but if youjust want to change the top barbackground color right now you can dothat right here okay so I'm gonna clickback right here and I want to jump tothe mobile menu tab and I just want toshow you really quickly that in thissection where it says menu elements thisis where you can select what you want toshow up in the mobile menu so we canalways come back in here a little bitlater after we create all of ourdifferent pages and everything and wecan select which elements that we wantto show up but if you just want toselect some of these default options toshow up all you have to do is click onthe eyeball right here and then you cansee that the color for this sectionchanges to a dark blue and then theseare the items that are gonna show up inyour mobile menu okay so again justremember that you can always click onthe publish button to save the changeswhenever you want and I'm gonna go backhere because we're not gonna mess withthis right now we can always come backto this a little bit later so let's goto the sticky header tab and what youcan do here is if you look at thepreview screen right here and I scrolldown you can see that the header sectionright here shows up so this is a stickyheader and we have the default settingsright here so if you want to remove thesticky header you can just uncheck thisbox right here and then you can choosethe style that you want for how thesticky header shows up when you scrolldown so there are a few differentoptions here but I like the jump downoption so that's the one that I selectedso again you can play around with thison your own and once you're ready we'regonna go back right here and I just wantto skip down to the shopping cart tabright here and what you can do here ischoose your cart style the icon styleand if you want the same cart icon asthe demo ecommerce website choosethe middle option right here and onceyou're ready let's go back and the lastthing that we're gonna do is come downto the bottom to the follow icons and ifyou click and open that up you canchoose the icon style that you want solet me just scroll up on this previewscreen so my social media icons show upon the top bar up here but you can placethis widget wherever you want but if youwant these icons to show up what youhave to do is come into this section andtype in the URLs to the social mediapages for those social media buttons andthat's the only way that these buttonsare gonna show up if you leave a blankthen they're not gonna show up okay soonce you type in everything what I wantto do is just go back right here and wecan go back to the main page right herebut if you made any changes let's clickon the publish button just to saveeverything really quicklyand once everything is saved and onceeverything is saved now what I want todo is come down to the style tab andwe're gonna go into the colors tab righthere and you'll notice that it has allthe different color options so I don'twant to go through these one by one withyou but again I do want to remind youthat I have each of these color codes inthe text tutorial on step number eightand you can see all the color codesright here so if you want these samecolors what you're gonna do is justhighlight and copy the color code foreach of these and then go back into thecustomize tab over here and then for theprimary color just click on select colorand then you can paste in the color coderight here and then do that for each ofthese color options and then you'll havethese same colors as I do for the demoecommerce website okay and a lot ofthese are pretty self-explanatory so youcan just go through all of these andchoose whatever colors that you want andthen once you're ready click on the backbutton and what I want you to do is comedown to the global styles and type in0px right here for the button radius andthen we can go to the typography tab andthis is where you can select the fontthat you want for your e-commercewebsite so for the demo ecommercewebsite we go into this drop-down forthe font family in each of thesesections and I just choose the Laurafont so its ello RA so if you want thesame font go aheadput in the Laura font for all of theseif you want to choose another fontthat's fine go ahead and just choosewhichever one that you want and that'sall you have to do to change the fontstyle for your e-commerce website andthen we can go back right here and wedon't need to go through these other twotabs so let's click back right here andnow what we can do is come down to theshop tab open that up and go to thepayment icons and what you can do hereis select the payment icons that youwant for your e-commerce website so if Icome down to the bottom of this pageright here you can see that we have somepayment icons for the different types ofpayments that we accept on oure-commerce website and if you want toedit this you can just come over hereand select the icons that you want toshow up so you can see if I selectAmazon then that's gonna show up overhere now and what I did down here andthe placement section is I selected theabsolute footer so that's gonna show updown here but if you want this to showup on the cart sidebar also you cancheck this box but all I want is thisone for my demo ecommerce website ok sonow we're gonna go back and we don'tneed to go through the product imagestab right now we can always go to thislater and edit this section and thensame with the checkout tab we can comeback here a little bit later and set theprivacy policy page and the terms andconditions page after we create them soI'm just gonna go back to the main pageright here and we want to skip theLayout tab because we're gonna use thedefault layout settings so let's go tothe footer tab right here and what Iwant you to do if you want to have thedemo ecommerce website look is disablethe footer ones so uncheck this box andthen disable the foot or two right overhere by unchecking this box and thenwhat I want to do is come down to theabsolute footer section and I want tochange the background color reallyquickly so I'm gonna go in here and justtype in the color code pound sign threethree three and that's gonna make it adarker black or gray color right hereand then if you want these same textthat I have on the footer where it sayscopyright beer and then your companyname what you can do is go to the NYCtech club text tutorial on how to createan e-commerce website with WordPressand then just come down to step numbereight with all the layout settings andin this section right here there shouldbe some text in a yellow box and whatyou can do is just copy this and thenyou can put in your own company name inthis section right here between thesebrackets and you can also change thename right here or the year okay so goahead and paste that in and then if youwant to add some additional text such asthe social media buttons that you see onthe demo ecommerce website at the endover here on the footer what you can dois go back to the text tutorial and thencopy and paste this section into thesecondary section right here and that'sgonna put the footer or the social mediabuttons in the footer over here but Ikind of like the payment icons so I'mgonna use that instead of the socialmedia buttons but if you do make anychanges go ahead and push the publishbutton right here and then once you'reready click back and once you exit outof the customize page you should bebrought back to your dashboard and ifyou're not you can just hover over yourusername and then click on dashboard andyou'll come back to this page right hereand what we want to do now is create thehome page and the blog post page so whatyou can do is hover over new and clickon page or if you're on the WordPressdashboard just hover over pages andclick on add new and once you're on theadd new page all we're gonna do rightnow is create the pages so we're notgonna go in and customize them so I justwant to type in a home for the pagetitle right here and then for the homepage I want to come to the pageattributes and in the template drop-downright here there are a few differentlayout options so what I want to do isjust go with the page full width optionso go ahead and select that one for thehome page and then once you're readyclick on the publish button and once thepage is published I want to create onemore page so click on add new and onthis page we're gonna type in blog righthere and we don't need to change thetemplate option in the page attributesso go ahead and click on the publishbutton and once the page is publishednow what I want you to do is come downon the left hand side to the Settingstab and go to the reading tab and clickon that and on the reading settings pagewhat we're gonna do is set thepays and the blog page so click on astatic page right here and then go intothe home page drop-down and select thehome page that you just created and thenfor the post page we're gonna set thisas the blog post page so once you havethese options selected come down to thebottom and click Save Changes and oncethe settings are saved we are good to goand we can move on to the next step andnow what we're gonna do is show you howto create the home page using the flatsum page builder so everything that yousee right here we're gonna learn how tocreate on the home page right now so ifyou want to create a home page thatlooks just like this what I want you todo is go back to the wordpress websitethat you're learning how to make and wewant to go to our pages so hover overpages and click on all pages and onceyou come to this page right here youshould see a list of all your pages andyou can delete the sample page if youwant by clicking on the trash link righthere I'll do that a little bit later sowhat we're gonna do right now is justedit the home page so that we cancustomize it using the page builder sohover over home and click on edit andonce you come to the home page just makesure in the page attributes that in thetemplate drop-down that you have thepage full width options selected becausethat's what we're gonna use to build ourhomepage with and we can turn on the UXpage builder by clicking on this tabright here and once you come to thispage this is the flat sum page builderand we're gonna create our pagestep-by-step so I'm gonna show you howto add all the different elements anddifferent sections either by clicking onthe plus button right here or the add tocontent button right here but reallyquickly I want to show you how you caninsert one of these pre-made templatesright here and then you can go in andcustomize them however you want so ifyou want to use one of these templatesyou can but you're not gonna get thedemo images you're just gonna getplaceholders so what I want to do isjust show you really quickly whathappens when you click on one of theseso I'm gonna click on the classic shopright here and now you should see thetemplate get inserted right here withthe template layout and again you won'tget the demo images but you will haveplaceholders and what I want to do isjust quickly show you how you can editsome of these elements but you're gonnaget a better understanding of how tocreate all this and how to edit thisstuff as we go through making oure-commerce home page togetherso really quickly just on the left-handside you do have all of your elementsright here so you can see right at thetop you have a slider and then belowthat you have a row and you can expandthis section and you can see you havethree different columns and you can gointo each of these and you can go andedit all of this stuff if you want todelete anything all you have to do isclick on the wheel and you'll get thislittle pop-up and you can delete righthere or you can go into the options andthen you can customize these differentelements or you can make a copy of themif you want also and you can also justdouble click on the element and you willget the options right here so reallyquickly if you wanted to edit the textright here I can double click on it andI'll get this pop-up and then I can justedit the text however I want and thenall I would have to do is click OK rightthere and that's going to change thingsand if I want to remove one of thesebuttons I can click on it and then youget this little blue button I can clickon the wheel right here and then I canclick on the delete link and that'sgoing to remove that button right hereand then I can just go into these andedit the text however I want and if youdo make any changes you want to click onthe apply button right here and then youwant to click on the Update button righthere in order to save your changes okayso that's just a quick overview of howto use these templates and how to editeverything now I know I want a littlequick but again we're gonna go overeverything step by step as we go throughcreating the homepage on our own with ablank template so really quickly whatI'm gonna do is remove everything andthen we can start building out ourhomepage together okay so let me justclose out of this and once I'm back onthe blank canvas for the flats and pagebuilder now we can build out thedifferent sections on our custom homepage so you can click on the plus buttonright here to add your first element oryou can click on the add to contentbutton and that's gonna open up thislittle section right here on the lefthand side and there is a button calledflat 'some studio if you click on thatthere are a bunch of different pre-madetemplates for different sections thatyou can add to your different pageswe're not gonna use this in our videotutorial but I didn't want to mention itso I'm gonna close out of this and thefirst thing we're gonna do for our homeis a day slider so right down here inthe layout tab go ahead and click on theslider button and you should see theslider get inserted right here and ifyou ever want to delete this elementjust click on the wheel and you'll getthis little pop-up and you can click onthe delete link right here or you canclick on the options link and that'sgonna open up this section that you seeright here and if you go back to themain page right here if you ever want togo into your options you have the wheeloption right here or what you can do isjust double click on this and it's gonnaopen up the options right here so what Iwant to do for each of these elements isjust show you the options that Iselected for each of these elements thatwe add into our different pages so forthe slider I'm just gonna come down tothe navigation section and I want toremove the bullets so I want to justhave the arrows for navigation andyou'll notice what I'm talking aboutonce we add our background image for ourdifferent slider images and then down inthe auto slide what you can do is changethe amount of time that you stay on eachimage for your slider so right now it'sat 6,000 milliseconds so that's sixseconds and I want to put in fivethousand milliseconds so that we stay oneach image for five seconds before itautomatically switches to the next imageokay so once you're ready you can clickon the apply button right here and thenclick on update and what that's gonna dois save the element that you insertedand then the options that you selectedbut you can always do this at the end sonow we have our slider and what we wantto do is add some elements inside ourslider so you can click on the plusbutton right here or the add to sliderbutton right here and again that's gonnaopen up this little tab right here andwe want to add some banner images orbanner sections so I'm gonna click onlybanner right here and you should see thebanner get inserted right here and thereare a few different options for thedifferent layouts so if you wantdifferent text options you can selectany of these ones right here we're gonnause the blank one though for this videotutorial and we can just click in hereand what I want to do is go into theoptions for this banner so if you don'tsee this section right here just clickon the wheel and then click on theoptions tab and you'll come to this pageright hereand what I want to do is change theheight for this banner so in here I'mgoing to delete this and type in 700 pxand then down here in the backgroundsection I want to add the backgroundimage so I'm gonna click on select mediaand once you get the media library toshow up if you want to use the demoimages just find this image right herewhich is the slider JPEG and select thatand click on use image and now youshould see the image inserted here andyou can always remove this if you wantso we have our background image for thisfirst image slider and now what we cando is just go into this text box righthere and if you click on it you can editthis text so what we're gonna do is adda few different text elements so we candelete all of this by just going in hereand Deline this or what we can do isopen up the text editor and you shouldsee this pop up to edit this text boxand what you can do is just type in yourtext right here so I'll type in welcometo the macaroon shop and you can see onthe demo WordPress website on thisslider image right here we have a textblock and then a divider line and thensome additional text so all we're gonnado for this text block is just add thewelcome to de macaron shop and I have itas heading 4 and if you want to changethe font size you can do that here oryou can change the heading size and thenin the formatting tab right here you canchange the styling for this font or youcan add animations and all that stuff soit's really up to you but we're justgonna type in this text right here andthen once you're ready push OK and thenwe can go back right here and now inthis section right here what I want todo in this text box is I want to add alittle divider line so I can click onthe plus button right here and I can getthis little pop-up and I'm just gonnaclick on the divider option and youshould see it pop up here and you cancustomize the width and the height andall that stuff for the divider line ifyou don't like it but I like it just asthe default right here so i'm gonnaclick back and now we can add anothertext box so we can do that by clickingon the plus button right here and thenwe can just click on the text optionright here and now you should see thislittle pop-up with diffoptions and we can just choose the onethat we want and I'm just gonna go withthe blank paragraph right here so I'lljust click apply and what we can do isjust double click on this to open upthis text box right here and we canactually go and edit the text whateverwe paste in in the text editor so if Iclick on this and open this up we canjust paste in or type in deliciousgoodies and I have this on two linesright here and you can see that it'sheading 1 and I actually want tohighlight this and I want to go andchange the font size to 160% just tomake it larger and again you can formatthis text with animations and differentstyling options if you want but onceyou're ready click OK right here andthen let's go back and we can addanother divider line if we want so youcan click Add to text box or you canjust hover over the divider line andclick on the wheel and then duplicatethis and then just go back right hereand then just drag this to ever you wantto place it so you can see we have alittle divider line down there now andnow let's add our button for this firstslider so click on the add to textbutton and then find the button optionand click on that and what you can dohere is choose the type of button thatyou want so we're going to use theoutline option so click on that and youcan click apply and you should see thebutton right here and if you don't seethe options right here you can alwaysclick on the wheel to go to the optionsand I just want to change the text righthere so I'll type in learn more and youcan change whether you want tocapitalize all the letters or you don'tright here and then for the color I wantto change the color to white right hereso you can just choose whatever you wantso you have all your different coloroptions and then I'm gonna come down tothe bottom and I want to link this tothe about page now we're gonna make alittle bit later so if you want to linkthis right now you can just type in thesame URL that I'm gonna type in so HTTPcolon slash slash W W your website nameso I'll type in flat some theme commslash about so just type in your websitename and then put slash about and whatthat's going to do is link this to theabout page so that your visitors canclick on this and then they'll go toanother pageokay and once you're ready go ahead andclick on apply and now we have our firstslider image right here and we're gonnaadd another one really quickly togetherbut before we do that let's click on theUpdate button to save everything andonce everything is saved now we have ourfirst banner so we want to add a secondbanner to our slider so we can collapsethis and just click on add to slider andwe want to go through these same stepsagain and then we can add whatever textthat we want to our new banner so clickon add banner and you should see thissection right here and again we're gonnago with the blank option right here andthe first thing that we can do is justclick on this banner section so that weget the banner options and we can go inhere again and just change the height to700 px and then I want to add abackground image so if you want a sliderimage you can click on select media butif you just want to use a backgroundcolor you can just click in here andthen choose the color that you want soI'm gonna click on select media and Ishould get the media library right hereand if you want to use the demo imagesfind the second slider image so itshould be saved as slider to orsomething like that and if you needthese sizes that I use for all of myimages they are over here and again justas a reminder some of these images mightnot be exactly the same as you see inthis video because I do have to pay fora copyright for a lot of these imagesokay but I will have placeholders orsomething similar for you to use but itshouldn't really matter because you willbe creating your own e-commerce websitesso you should substitute all your imageswith your own images as you go throughcreating your site so once you're readycheck the box and click use this imageand you should see the image appearright here and I don't think we have todo anything else over here so we canjust go back and now in this sectionright here we have our text box so wecan put our first headline so if you seeon the demo website it says all yourfavorites and then deliver to your doorso let's go in here and just doubleclick this and then we can just paste inall your favorites right here and if wewant we can change this to heading 4just to change the font size and thenagain you can go into theseoptions to format your text however youwant and once you're ready come back tothe main section and for the secondbanner we're gonna add a divider soclick on add to text box and then justclick on the divider and that's gonnaadd it right there and then we can addsome more text so again you can alwaysjust click on the plus button right hereand we want to add the text option righthere and we can just go with theparagraph option right here so we'll gointo the text editor and I'll deletethis demo text and I'll just paste indelivered to your door which is what Ihave on the demo website and fordelivered I'm gonna change it to heading1 and then in the font sizes I'm gonnachange this to 130 percent just to makethe font a little larger and then if youwant to change the font for the sub textright here you can do that I'll leavethat as heading 3 right here and onceyou're ready click OK and then we canjust go back right here and now what wewant to do is add another divider so youcan duplicate this or click Add to textand then just click on the divider andit should get added or right over hereand the last thing that we're gonna dofor this banner or image slider is addanother button so I'll just click on thebutton option right here and I want touse the simple option because I like thebackground color in this one so I'llclick on apply right here and it shouldbring me to the button options and I canjust type in browse products right hereand I don't need to change any of theformatting I like how this looks but ifyou want to change the color you can dothat right here and at the bottom overhere if you want to link this button tothe shop page that we're gonna create alittle bit later then what you want todo is type in the URL right here and youcan always type this in a little bitlater if you want also so I'm just gonnatype in HTTP and the S is for anyonethat has an SSL certificate so if youdon't have an SSL certificate just typein HTTP and then colon slash slash WWFlat some theme com so put in your ownweb address and we're gonna create ourown custom store page so what I'm gonnado is type in products right herethe default store page is just gonna bestore so you can type in whatever youwant but we're gonna create a custompage so I want to put products righthere and once you're ready we can justsave everything so click apply and nowwe can just click on the Update buttonright here and once everything is savednow what we're gonna do is create thissection right here so we want to createa new section so I'm gonna collapse theslider and then click on add to contentand I want to add a text boxso click on text and then just clickapply and if we scroll down down hereyou should see it so I'm gonna click onopen text editor and I want to deletethe sample text and I just want to pastein the text from the demo website and wecan format this text by centering it andthen changing it to 120%and if you want to change the color youcan go into this option right hereand just select the color that you wantand I want to give this some morespacing because everything looks prettyclose together right now so I'm justgonna come here and just add a line andthen just click OK right here so you cansee we have our text right here and thatlooks pretty good so I'm gonna clickback and now what we're gonna do is adda row for our different buttons so clickon the add content button and then clickon the row element and we're gonna usethe three column options so just clickon that and we can just close out ofthis so now you should see the threecolumns right here and we can add abanner into each of these to havedifferent images for our buttons so whatwe're gonna do is just go back righthere and in each of these I'm gonna openup a column and then click Add to columnand what I want to do is come down andfind the banner option and click on thatand we're gonna use the blank optionbecause we're gonna put a text box inhere so we can close this and I want togo into the banner options so if youneed to you can click on the wheel righthere and go into the options and we wantto change the height for this banner sowhat I'm gonna do is just delete thisand type in 160 pxyou can see that the banner gets resizedright here and what we can also do isjust link this button to a certain pageso if you want to do that right nowwe're gonna link this button to a randompage that we're gonna create called Ymacaroons so I'll just type in the URLright here and you can do the same ifyou want just make sure that you put inyour own domain name and at the end overhere after the slash I'll type in Ymacaroons so I'll just go through thisreally quickly you can see that it saysHTTP colon slash slash W W your websitename com /y macaroons and you can alwaysgo in here and update these links alittle bit later also okay so the otherthing that I want to do is actually addthe background image and we should dothat right now so in the backgroundsection in the banner click on theselect media button and once you get themedia library I'm just gonna select thisoption right here or this image and thenclick on use image and you should seethe image show up right here and if youwant you can drag this little blue dotto Center the image with whatever partof the image that you want and you canalso type in the position right here andthe last thing that I want to do for thebanner is come to the hover section andI want to select the zoom fade so whensomeone hovers over this it's gonna havethe animation like that okay so the lastthing that we can do is just edit thistext by double clicking on this and thenwe'll go in here and we'll type in Ymacaroons with the question mark andthen I'll just change this to headingtwo to make it larger font and if youwant you can change the font color oranything like that but I'm pretty happywith this so I'll just click OK and thenwe'll go back right here and now whatwe're going to do is add the other twobanners to these two sections right hereso if you want you can pause the videoand just follow the same steps that wedid for this section or I can show youhow to do it again really quickly soI'll click on add elements and thenwe'll just go in here and we'll add abanner and we can just closeand now we have our banner options andI'm gonna go in here and change this to160 px and then we'll click to add abackground image and I'll just selectthis one right here and you should seethe image show up right here and you canalways reposition this if you want we'llleave it just where it is right now andthen for the hover again I'll use thezoom fade and then I want to link thisto another page so I'll type in the URL8 t TP s : / / w WB website name so goahead and type in your own and for thispage we're gonna have it go to the aboutpage so just type in slash about righthere and the last thing that we're gonnado is just change the text right here sogo and double click this and I'll typein meet the team and I'm gonna changethis to heading 2 and that looks prettygood so I'm pretty happy with that sowe'll just click OK right here and thenwe'll just go back right here so I'llshow you how to do it one more time justbecause we are linking these two pagesthat we haven't created yet so we'llclick and add another banner and you canalways just bypass this and fast forwardif you want if you think we're going tooslow so we'll go in here and change thisto 160 and then we'll add our backgroundimage and I'll go in here and selectthis image right here and click useimage and again you can drag this aroundto recenter this and then down here inthe hover will select zoom fade andwe're gonna link this to another pagedown here so go ahead and type in HTTPcolon slash slash WWF let some themecalm slash products and this is going tolink to the shopping page that we haveso the last thing that we have to do isjust double click on the text and we canjust type in some text right here soI'll type in shop and change this toheading 2 and then we should be good togo so click OK and then just click backright here and now what we want to do isadd a little space between this sectionand our next section so we can do thatby clicking on add to content and oncewethis little pop-up I want to find thegap options so click on this elementright here and then you can change theamount of spacing that you have but Ilike 30px it just gives a little bit ofroom right here so that's pretty good sowe'll just click back right here and nowwhat we want to do is we want to addthis title section with the title in thecenter like this so to do that we'regonna go in and add a new section soclick Add to content and what we want tofind is the title options so it shouldbe down here so go ahead and click onthat and you should see the title showup right here and you should have yourtitle options right here so what we wantto do is just go in and change the styleto the center option so that it has thetitle in the middle and then you havethe border lines on the side and then wecan go in and change our title righthere and I'll just type in featuredproducts and if you want to change thefont size you can do that right here orthe color but we're gonna leaveeverything else as is so let's clickapply right here and let's click on theUpdate button just to save everythingand once everything is updated now whatwe want to do is add a section for ourfeatured products and you can see on thehomepage right here then we're gonnahave eight different featured productsthat show up in this section so we don'thave any products yet because we haven'tlearned how to create them but we cancreate this section and it'll populateand show up once we create some featuredproducts so let's add this into our homepage right now by clicking on the add tocontent button and what we want to do isgo all the way down to the bottom overhere to the shop section and we want toadd the products element so click onthat and what we can do here is selectthe featured products options so clickon that and then click on apply and onceyou see the featured products optionsright here all I want to do is go intothe style tab and click on the normaloption and you can see right here thatyou do have the option of having acertain number of columns for yourproducts and we want to leave this as 4if you want the same as the demo websiteand there's pretty much nothing elsethat we have to change we have 8 righthere forthe number of products and then we'rejust gonna order these by whenever theywere created and we're gonna show thefeatured products right here okay soonce you're ready go ahead and clickapply and then click update and againthis section is gonna be blank right noweven though we do have the productswidget because we haven't created anyproducts yet so after you create someproducts and you select them as featuredproducts they will show up on the homepage so don't freak out if you don't seeanything right now okay so the lastthing that we're going to do for thehome page is add another section righthere for some blog posts so we're gonnaadd a title and then our post sectionright here and then we'll be donecreating our home page for thee-commerce website so let's go back andthe first thing that we're gonna do isadd a little spacing underneath theproduct section so let's click Add thecontent and you should see the productoptions show up right here and I justwant to go into the style tab and selectnormal and then if you want to changethe number of columns or products thatshow on the same row at one time you canhave more columns or less we're gonnaleave this as four right here and thenfor the number of products we're gonnahave eight total so we don't need tochange anything there and then if youwant to order your products in adifferent order you can go in here andselect the way that you want to do thatwe'll leave this as normal and we'regonna show all the featured products sowe'll just select feature right here butif you want to show all your productsyou can just select all but we do havethe option of selecting certain productsas featured products so that's whatwe're gonna show okay so once you'reready go ahead and click apply righthere and let's click update just to saveeverything and once everything is savednow we have the product section downhere for our featured products but againnothing is gonna show up because wedon't have any products created yet butonce you create some products and youselect them as featured products they'regonna show up on the home page so don'tfreak out if you don't see anythingright nowit's normal so we will go and learn howto create products in just a little bitbut right now all we're gonna do iscreate our last section for the homepage which is the blog section so againwe're going to have eightand then some blog post right here solet's go back to the ecommerce websitethat we're learning how to make andlet's add another title section downhere so let's click on add the contentand what we want to do is just come downand find that title widget so it's rightdown here so I'll just click title and Iwant to go into the style and select thecenter option and then we can justchange the title right here so we'lldelete this and just type in deliciousideas and once you're ready we can justclick on the apply button right here andif you want we can just update this andthen we're gonna add the blog postsection right underneath so click on addto content and what we want to find isthe blog post widget so click on thatand we're just gonna go with the normaloptions so just click apply and youshould see the options right here and wedon't really need to change too muchwe're just gonna have three columns toshow three blog posts or the most recentones and then down here in the postsection we're gonna change the number tothree blog posts right here and then forthe title size I'm gonna go in here andchange this to large and you'll see thatthe font doesn't really change here butit's gonna make a small littledifference and then we can just go downhere and just look at these otheroptions really quickly I think the onlything that I'm gonna do is just makesure that the text is centered and Iwant to make sure that I have thecomments turned on so right here whereit says comments I want to make surethat these are visible so if anyoneleaves a comment it will show the numberof comments that we have and I'm gonnahide everything else so we're gonnaleave everything else as default so youcan customize this however you want butonce you're ready go ahead and clickapply right here and then click updateand if we need to since we don't haveany real blog post right now after wecreate them and we see this sectionpopulated if anything looks a littlefunky or weird we can always come backto this page and edit whatever thingsthat we need to do okay so again clickupdate just to save everything and nowwe have just created the home page forour e-commercesite and now we can actually close outof this if you want so we can go andcheck out the page and once you exit outof the page builder you should bebrought to your home page right here andyou can see that we have our page allset up and down here we have our rowsection and then we have a featuredproduct section and our blog postsection so these two sections might notreally have anything because we haven'tcreated any products and we don't haveany blog posts other than the defaultone which we can delete a little bitlater okay so really quickly I want toshow you a few of the things that I didwhen I looked over this page before Irecorded this section so I'm gonna goback to the page builder really quicklyand really quickly on the page builder Iwant to go to the slider options andjust show you at the bottom of here inthe auto slide section that you can turnon and off the pause on hover so if youhave your mouse over the slider imageand this is on it's not gonna switch tothe other images automatically but ifyou turn this off then the slider isgoing to switch to the other imagesevery five seconds or whatever you putin over here so I turned this off andthat's something that I did on my own soif you want to do that go ahead and dothat and click apply and then clickupdate and then the other thing that Idid was I went to the blog post optionsand in the title section I change thisto extra-large and if I scroll down hereyou can see that it just makes the fonta little larger right here and then forthe font for the text I change that tomedium so if you want to change that goahead and do that but if you like howeverything looks then you don't need tochange anything but if you do make anychanges just click on the update buttonright here and then you can just closeout of this okayso this is the home page that we justcreated and we're gonna come back here alittle bit later to create our footerand our header menu and then we canalways customize anything else wheneverwe need to so right now we are good togo and if you're ready we can move on tothe next step the next thing that we'regonna learn how to do is create thisabout page right here so if you likewhat you see and you want to learn howto create this template and then you cango in and customize it however you wantlet's go back to the e-commerce websitethat we're learning how to meand we can just hover over new righthere and let's create a new page andonce you're on the add new page allwe're gonna do is just type in our pagetitle right here so I'll type in aboutand then down in the page attributes Iwant to select the page full widthoption and you'll notice that thepermalink shows up right here if you putin a page title then the defaultpermalink is gonna have the same name asthe page title if you ever want to editthis you can just come in here and typein whatever you want and then click OKand that's gonna be your new URL afteryou click on the publish button or theUpdate button ok so once you change thetemplate to the page full width let'sclick on the publish button to createthis page and once the page is createdwe can go to the UX builder tab to openup the page builder and once we're onthe page builder we're not gonna use anyof these templates so we're gonna buildthis from scratch so let's click on theplus button right here and we want toadd a banner so we're gonna use a bannerfor our page title so go ahead and clickon that and we'll just go with the blankoption right here so I'll come down tothe bottom and click apply and whatwe're gonna do is just change the sizeright here so I'm gonna change this to300 px so it makes it a little smallerand then if you want to change any ofthis stuff you can so we'll just changethe background image so I'll click onselect media and once the media libraryshows up I'm gonna select this imageright here for all of my different pagetitles so I'll click use image and nowwhat I want to do after we have ourimage inserted is just double click onthe text box so we get this littlepop-up and then I can just type in thepage title which I'll put as our storyand I'll change this to heading 1 andthen I think I go in here and change to105 percent so that's gonna give youthis font size right here and onceyou're ready go ahead and click on OKand then we can just click on back righthere and I add a divider so I'll justcome in here and click on this and thenif you want we can add some social mediabuttons so click add to text and thenjust come down to the share icons andclick on that and if you want to showthis text box using an animation so whenit uploads itflipz in or something like that what youcan do is go to the text box right hereand then click on the options tab andthen down here in the animate drop-downwhat you can do is select the animationthat you want so I'm going to use flipand X and that's just going to make thisstuff flip in on the x-axis as it loadsso you'll see that when we upload orshow this page a little bit later soagain I'll click update right here andnow we have our first section so now wecan add the section right below this sowe can collapse this banner and clickAdd to content and what we want to do isadd a new section right here so click onthis and then we can use the defaultoptions so we can just go down to thebottom and click apply and all I want todo here is in the class because this isa full width page template I want totype in container right here and whatthat's gonna do is make this into acontainer so that you have a gap on eachof the right and left hand side forformatting issues okay and if you wantedto you can add a background color orimage but we don't need to do that hereso I'll just click apply and clickupdate and now what we're going to do isadd a text box to the section so just goin here and then click on the textoption and we'll just go with theparagraph option right here so clickapply and then we'll open up the texteditor and I'll just go in here andpaste in the same text as the demowebsite and I'll change the font to 110percent right here and just change thecolor to this color and I'll Center thisto make it look pretty nice and onceyou're ready go ahead and click OK righthere and let's just save everything byclicking on the Update button and onceeverything is updated now we're gonnaadd a little title section right herefor the About section so I'll click onadd to section and then find the titleelement which should be at the bottom ofhere and click on that and then we canjust go in here and we want to Centerthis and then I'll change the title to afamily-owned business so you can type inwhatever you want and I'll leave this ash3 and I'll leave the color asthis but if you want you can always goin here and change this if you want soI'm happy with this so I'll just clickapply and then click update and nowwe're going to add the content sectionright here for the About section solet's click Add to section and we'rejust going to add a text box so go aheadand click on that and then just use theparagraph option and click apply andthen we can open up the text editor anddelete this text and just type in yourAbout section right here and you canformat this however you want so all I'mgonna do is just highlight everythingand just Center this and if you don'tsee all of these buttons just click onthis button that says toolbar toggle andyou'll see all of these so that you canformat the text colors and everythinglike that and then once you're readyclick OK and just click back right hereand we can update this just to saveeverything and once we do that we wantto add another title section for themeat d-team section so again we're gonnastay in this section so just click onadd section and just scroll down andfind the title element down here andclick on that and then we'll change thestyle to center again and we can justdelete the demo text and just type inmeet the team and I like this formattingand I don't need to add any gaps oranything like that so I'm pretty happywith that so I'll click OK and thenclick update and once everything isupdated now what we're gonna do is addsome rows over here for the employeesection for the meet the team so goahead and click on add to section andthen click on the row element and I wantto have four employees for this firstrow so I'll click on the four columnoption and then just click apply and youshould see the columns right here andwhat we're gonna do is add some teammember elements into each of these so wecan hover over this and just click onthe plus button and I want you to comedown and find the team employee or teammember so click on that and you shouldsee the image show up right here andthen if you want to change the name goahead and do that right here and you canchange the title of this employee righthere and you can also link this buttonor the section to another page if youput in a URL right here but I'm gonnaleave that blankall I want to do is come down to thesesocial media icons and if you want tohave some buttons show up right herewhat you want to do is type in the URLsfor these different social media pagesright here and you can make them so thatthey go to this employees pages if youwant so you want to type in those andthen the buttons will show up right hereand then if you want to put in a littledescription for your employee you canhover over the text box right here andjust double click this and you shouldget this pop-up and you can just pastein or type in your description righthere for this employee and then you canformat it if you want and then onceyou're ready go ahead and click on theok button and then just click back righthere so that's how you create the teammember and what I'm gonna do is justhover over this team member and make acopy of it a few times and drag it intothese other elements right here but ifyou want to you can just pause the videoand then create the additional teammembers and then once you're ready pushplay so right now all I'm doing is justmaking a copy of all these so you cansee I have four team members right hereand I can just go into each of these andedit them if I wanted and then to dragthem to these other sections all I haveto do is just hover over it and thenjust move it into these other columnsright here and you can see that theypopulate on the page right here okay soonce you're ready go ahead and pause thevideo create this section and then pushplay and what we're gonna do to roundout this page is create this valuesection so I'm gonna show you how tocreate this section right here okay soI'll see you in just a few minutes allright and welcome back so if you pausethe video you should have someadditional employees right here and ifyou didn't pause the video we're justgonna move on to the next section rightbelow so we want to add a title sectiondown here so we can just click on theplus button right here and we want to gointo the content section and find thetitle element and click on that andwe're just gonna go in here and Centerthis and then we'll type in values righthereand then just click apply and clickupdate to save everything and then whatwe're gonna do is add two rows at thebottom over here so for the first rowwe'll click Add to section and we'lljust click on row and we want to do twocolumns right hereand close this so we have the first twocolumns and then what we're gonna do isgo in at the second row right now justso that you have everything because I'mjust gonna show you how to create theicon box once and then you can pause thevideo and add the other sections overhere just like the employee section soyou should have four different columnson two different rows right here and wedon't need to change anything with therow options so we can just hover overone of these elements and click on theplus button and we'll get this pop upand we want to find the icon element sofind the icon box and go ahead and clickon that and once you see the icon boxright here if you want to add an icon goahead and click on select media and inthe demo images you should see someicons right here so you can just selectwhichever one that you want if you wantto upload your own you can always justclick on upload files and then uploadyour own images and once you're readyclick on the blue button down here andyou should see the icons show up righthere and what you can do is resize thisicon to whatever size that you want soI'll just put it at 44 px and I want toCenter this so I'll change the iconposition right here so it puts it in thecenter and that's pretty much all wehave to do we're not going to doanything else but if you want to editthis text right here just go ahead anddouble click on this text box and youshould see this pop-up right here andwhat you can do is just put in the textright here so this is the value sectionfor my demo website so you can see Ijust put in a value called quality righthere so I'll just Center this and if youwant to format any of the stuff you canI like how this looks right here so I'lljust leave this as is so once you typein your value or whatever descriptionsection gonna click OK and then just goback right here and click on the Updatebutton to save everything and prettymuch that's all you have to do to createthis icon section for this section righthere so you're gonna do this a few othertimes for these other boxes so if youwant you can pause the video and do thatright now what I'm gonna do is justquickly pause the video and create theseother sections and pretty much we'regonna be done with the about page so goahead and pause the video and createthese sections and then push play onceyou're readyand we'll review this page together andthen we'll move on to the next page thatwe're gonna learn how to create okay seeyou in just a few minutes alright andwelcome back so if you pause the videonow you should have some additional iconboxes here and you can see in thissection right here that I do have someadditional icon boxes in all of mydifferent columns so we have the iconsand then the values right here so ifyou're ready just click on the Updatebutton to save everything and now onceeverything is saved we can close out ofthis and we should be brought to theabout page right here so you can see wehave the URL up here and we haveeverything that we just created downhere so if this is what you see then weare good to go and now what we can do ismove on to the next step and now whatwe're gonna learn how to make is thispage right here so this is just anotherpage and it doesn't really have to be onyour WordPress website but if you wantto learn how to make this I'm gonna showyou how so you should know how to makethis and now what we're gonna do islearn how to make this page right hereso it should be pretty easy because youalready know how to create page titlesand different sections with text but Ijust want to create this page just forthe demo ecommerce website so I'm gonnashow you how to make it really quicklyso if you want to create that page let'sgo back to our wordpress website andhover over new and click on page andonce you're on the add new page go aheadand type in your page title right hereso I just types in why macaroons andthen for the template I want to choosethe full width options so go ahead andselect that and then once you're readyclick on the publish button and once thepage is published let's go to our flatsum page builder so click on this tabright here and once you're on the newtemplate for the new page all we'regonna do is click Add to content andthen we're gonna add a banner so findthat and click on that we'll go with theblank banner and I'll just close out ofthis and I should be in the banneroptions right here and I want to changethe height to 300 so I'll just type in300 px and then we can add the bannerimage that we want to use so click onselect media and then if you want to usethe demo image just use this image righthere and click use this imageand you should see the image show upright here and we can just double clickon the text and change the page titleright here so I'll type in y macaroonsand I believe this is 110% but I'm notgonna format this because it lookspretty good just by pasting it in fromthe demo WordPress website and it doeshave heading 1 right thereso I'll click OK right there and we'llgo back and then we can just put in alittle divider right underneath this sowe'll come here and put that in andthese steps should be pretty easybecause we've already done a lot of thisstuff a few times so if I am going alittle too fast you can always pause thevideo or rewind and the last thing thatwe're gonna do for this title section isadd some social media buttons so clickon add to text and then find the shareicons right here and click on that andyou should see these social mediabuttons show up right here and you canformat this if you need to we'll leavethat as is so we're gonna come back tothe main page here and now what we wantto do is add another section that we cancreate and put in our text and all thatstuff so I'm gonna click on the big addto content button and I want to add asection right here just so that we cango and create this as a container sothat it's not full width so in thesection options I want to type incontainer right here and then that'sjust going to give us some gaps on theright hand left hand side and then wecan click on add elements and we want toadd our title section really quickly sojust come down here and click on titleand we have this option so we'll go inand click center and then I'm gonna goto the demo website and just copy thistext right here it's just because Idon't want to type it in and for thetitle I'll just delete this and pastethat in so you can see it says that'seasy because they're delicious and nowwe'll go back and we want to add a textsection now so click on add to sectionand then find the text element and clickon that and we're just gonna go with theparagraph options so I'll click applyand then we can open up the text editorand delete the dummy text and just pastein the text that we want to put intothis page and I'll highlight everythingand just Center thisand if you want to format the text to adifferent color you can do that by justselecting whatever color that you wantor font size or anything like that sothere's one other thing before Iactually forget so if you want to everlink any of this text to another pageyou can just highlight the text that youwant to link to and then you can clickon this link button right here and thenyou can type in the URL right here oryou can go to the link options andyou'll show this little pop-up and whatyou can do is select the page that youwant to link to and then you have someadditional options here okay so we'renot going to do that for this but I didwant to just show you that you can dothat and you can do a bunch of otherstuff using all of these other buttonsso you can also add images andeverything like that so I do have avideo tutorial on how to use WordPressif this is your first time usingWordPress and that's a beginnerstutorial so I will link you to that inthe video description okay so back ontrack now we are done with the textsection so I'm gonna go back and we haveeverything that we need so let's justclick update right here and you can seethat we have our complete page so thispage was really easy to make andhopefully you had no trouble whatsoeverand if you're ready we can just closeout of this and take a look at it andnow you should be on the page that wejust created so you can see all of thecontent that we added right here sousing the flats on page builder isreally easy to build out some custompages for our online store and we'regonna take a break from creating pagesfor just a little bit and before weactually move on to the next step I wantto ask you if you liked this video andit's very helpful to give it a bigthumbs up and leave a comment in thecomment section letting me know and alsomake sure to subscribe to the NYC techclub YouTube channel because I doappreciate the support okay so now wecan move on to the next step and whatwe're gonna do right now is start theprocess of creating our online store sobefore we can create this custom onlinestore page we have to create someproducts so the type of products thatwe're going to create are singlevariable products such as this where youonly have one option and no variablessuch as colors or different sizes andthen we're going to learn how to createvariableproducts like this where you have aprice range and you can have as manydifferent variables as you want such assizes or different colors or anythinglike that but before we actually createany products what I want to do is gothrough our WooCommerce settings to setthe currency and the shipping rates andeverything like that so if you want todo that what we want to do is go back toour e-commerce website and I want you tohover over the website name and let's goback to our dashboard once you're backon the WordPress dashboard we want tocome down to the WooCommerce tab andhover over that and click on settingsonce you're on the settings page youshould see all these tabs here and youcan go through them one by one to setyour settings for your e-commercewebsite or what we can do is hover overhelp and click on that and open thislittle section and we can run the setupwizard for WooCommerce so let's do thatby clicking on this link right here andthen we can click on this button righthere and once you're on this page thisis the setup wizard so you can gothrough all these different steps andwe'll go through them together so thefirst thing that you want to do is typein where your store is going to be basedonline so I have the United States hereand then I filled out my address righthere and then what you want to do ischoose the currency that you want tosell in so we're using US dollars forthis demo site and then you can selectwhether or not you're going to sellphysical or digital products so justselect whatever you want and you cancheck this box if you want and then onceyou're ready click lets go and onceyou're on the payments tab you can seethere are some default payment optionsright here and there are some additionalpayment options that you can use alittle bit later so I will show you howyou can get to those after we go throughthe setup wizard so right now we havethe stripe and PayPal option and thensome offline payment options right herethese ones are all turned off right nowbut you can turn these on if you wantwhat I want to do for my e-commercewebsite is I just want to use PayPal soI'm gonna turn off stripe right here andthen you can put in the email addressthat you want to use for PayPal righthere so I'll leave that as this emailaddress and once you're ready go aheadand click on the continue button andonce you're on the shippings page youcan see thereour different shipping zones right hereso you have your country that you'relocated in and then all other locationsother than your current country so youcan put in different shipping methods ordifferent prices that you want to chargefor shipping over here so you can selectthe flat rate or free shipping for thesedifferent shipping zones so I'm gonnahave a flat rate for both of these soI'll put in five dollars for my defaultcountry and then for all other locationsI'll put in ten dollars right here and Iwill cover shipping zones again in moredetails when we go through theWooCommerce settings pages but sincewe're just going through the setupwizard right now if you want to use anyof these methods right here then goahead and select what you want and thereis another option called live rateswhich gets the rates from differentshipping carriers if you want to useUnited States Postal or UPS or FedEx orsomething like that what you can do isclick on this link right here and it'sgoing to open up this page right hereand WooCommerce creates additionalplugins that you can use to get therates that you would have to charge yourcustomers if you were to ship somethingbased on these different carriers so ifyou want to use FedEx or any of theseother companies then you can justpurchase these WooCommerce plugins andthen install them and then you can getthe actual rates that you have to chargeyour customers whenever they make atransaction and that's gonna be based onthe size and weight of your products soas we go through making our products forour e-commerce website I will show youwhere you can add the different weightsand different sizes and everything sothat you can get an accurate rate fromthe live rates option if you want to usethat but again we'll cover shipping in alittle bit more detail when we go to thesettings page but right now since we'rejust running the setup wizard go aheadand choose whatever you want right hereor you can turn these off and then onceyou're ready go ahead and click on thecontinue button and before I click onthe continue button right here I do wantto note that you can choose themeasurement options right here for yourweight and also the dimensions righthere so I'm gonna leave everything asthe default but if you need to go aheadand change or select whatever you wantand then once you're ready click on comecontinue and once you come to this tabright here I'm going to turn off theMailChimp option but I want to have theautomated taxes just to make my life alittle bit easier so I'll leave thatchecked and once you're ready click oncontinue and now all we have to do isactivate our jetpack so if you want goahead and click on the continue withjetpack button and you should beredirected to the jetpack page and whatyou want to do is create an account sothat you can log in so go ahead and typein your email address or whatever yousee right here and then click on thecontinue button and once the jetpack isconnected you are good to go and if youwant to subscribe to some newsletters orsomething like that you can click onthis button we're not going to do thatwe're gonna come down to the bottom andwe want to go and review our settingsand then go through the WooCommercesettings and a little bit more detailbefore we start creating our products sogo ahead and click on this button righthere that says review settings how touse WooCommerce for beginners on the NYCtech club YouTube channel so you cancheck that out I will link you to it inthe video description and we do go intomore details about how to useWooCommerce in that video so I'll goover as much as I can in this videotutorial but we can only cover so muchbecause this is a tutorial on how tobuild a WooCommerce website so I will goand once you're on the products tabbefore we move on I do want to note thatI do have a video tutorial on how to useWooCommerce for beginners on the NYCtech club YouTube channel so I will linkyou to that and you can check that outto go into more details on how to useWooCommerce alright so once you're onthe products tab there are some links uphere and I'll let you explore theinventory and downloadable products tabon your own we're gonna stay on thegeneral tab right here and what I wantto do is just show you a few things soonce you go through the setup wizard theWooCommerce plug-in it's gonna installsome default pages for you so by defaultthere is gonna be a page called shop andif you want to create another page thenyou can set it as the shop page and theshop page has a default layout whatwe're gonna do is create a custom pagethat looks like this but if you want touse the shop pageWooCommerce puts in by default you canuse that also so I'll show you what thatlooks like in just a little bit when wego over the step of creating your shoppage so everything here looks prettygood if you want to change themeasurements for the weight and thedimensions you can do that right hereagain make sure that you click on SaveChanges if you do make any changes okayso let's go to the text tab once you'reready and once you're on the text tab wedon't really do anything here because weenabled the automated taxes and we haveeverything that we need but if you domake any changes make sure that youclick on the Save Changes button sothere are some additional links here butagain you don't need to go through themsince we enabled the automated taxes sowe're just going to move on to theshipping tab and once you're on theshipping tab you can see that we havethese zones that we saw in the setupwizard right here and if you ever wantto edit these zones you can just hoverover them and click on edit and then youcan change the shipping method or theprice that you're charging for thesedifferent zones and you can also addsome additional zones if you click onthis button right here and we're notgoing to go through these links in thisvideo tutorial but in the WooCommercetutorial for beginners we do go throughthese so you can go and check that outand again I will have a link to thatvideo in the video description but whatI can't show you is if you want the liverates option what you can do is click onthe extensions link right here andthat's gonna open up this page righthere and if you go to the shipping's tabit's gonna open up this page where youcan download some of these plugins ifyou purchase them and then you can pullthe rates that they would charge foryour products or whatever your shippingbased on what these carriers are gonnacharge so there's everything from UPSFEDEXto all these other internationalcompanies so you can explore this pageon your own and again we do go throughthis stuff in more detail in a weirwoodcommerce tutorial for beginners so I'lllet you do that on your ownbut I did want to note that you can uselive rates instead of the flat rate orfree shipping options that you see righthere okay so let's go to the paymentstab but once you're ready and onceyou're on the payments tab you can seethere are some default options righthere andI just want to turn on this PayPaloption and I also want to make sure thatthe PayPal checkout is enabled and whatwe can do is go through the setupoptions over here to integrate PayPalwith our e-commerce website but beforewe do that I also want to note that youcan add some additional payment methodsby again clicking on the extensions linkand you'll go to this page right hereand we're on the payments tab now andyou can see there are some additionalpayment methods that you can use if youdownload the plugins for these so theymight cost additional money I'm not toosure but you can just click on the onesthat you want to use and download themand again install these plugins and thenyou can use these different paymentoptions for your e-commerce website soI'll let you explore that on your ownand again we do cover additional paymentoptions in our WooCommerce tutorial forbeginners so for this demo website thatI'm creating I'm just gonna use PayPaland PayPal checkout so for PayPal I wantto go through the setup options so onceyou enable this if you want to usePayPal click on the setup option andonce you come to the PayPal setup pageyou want to make sure that this isenabled right here and then you want toput in your paypal email address righthere and then if you come down toreceiver email you want to put in theemail address so that you can get anotification whenever you get atransaction and if you want to hoverover all of these other sections with aquestion mark then you can see thislittle pop up to see what these sectionsare about but we can leave this stuffblank all I want to do is just come downto the bottom to the API credentials andwhat you want to do is put thisinformation in if you want to be able toprocess refunds via PayPal so if youwant to do that you want to click onthis link right here and then go and loginto PayPal and what you want to do iscome to the API access section and youwant to click on this link to get theAPI credentials and you're going to beredirected to the API credentials pageand what you want to do is come down tothe API integration section and thenclick on manage API credentials andthat's where you can go and get theinformation that you need for a usernamepassword and signature so you're gonnahave to gointo PayPal and generate that and thenyou can copy and paste the informationinto these sections right here and Ican't show you my username password andsignature because they're distinct andunique so I have to use them from my owne-commerce website so once you put thisin all you have to do is click SaveChanges right here and then you're goodto go so go ahead and do that on yourown and then once you're ready I wantyou to go back to the payments tab andthen what we're gonna do is just comedown to the PayPal checkout and makesure that that's enabled and then clickmanage right here and once you come tothe PayPal checkout page there shouldn'tbe anything that you need to do becausewe did everything in the setup wizardbut if you want you can update thepaypal email address right here and youcan change your website name and insertyour logo so if you want you can pausethe video and go through this page righthere if you do make any changes makesure that you click on the Save Changesbutton but we don't need to do anythinghere so we can just move on to the nextstep but again if you want to integratesome additional payment options makesure that you click on the extensionslink and then go to the payments tab andthen you can just download whateverpayment plugins that you want tointegrate into your e-commerce websiteok so once you're ready let's move on tothe accounts and privacy tab and onceyou come to this page there's reallynothing to do we're gonna leaveeverything as the default but in theprivacy policy section once you create aprivacy page you can go into thisdrop-down and select that page so thatwhen you have the registration privacypolicy and checkout privacy policy showup on these respective pages you'regonna have a link to that page over hereso if you want to update this text youcan do that if you do make any changesmake sure that you click on the SaveChanges button but again we're gonnaleave everything as a default right nowand if we do create a privacy policypage together we can come back in hereand select that page together ok so onceyou're ready let's go to the emails taband on the email tab you can see thatyou have a bunch of different types oftransactions and for the first three anemail is going to be sent to this emailaddress to notify you so if you want toupdate your email address just click onthe manage button right here and thenyou can update your email and then forthese other trendsactions and emails going to be sent toyour customer so if you want to updatethese you can click on these buttonsright here and then down here is whereyou can update the sender information sowhenever a customer gets an email it'sgonna come from this name right here andfrom this email address so if you'regoing to create an email just using yourwebsite domain then you can update thisafter you create that email address andagain we will have a link in the videodescription to how to create an emailaddress using your own website domainfor free so you can check that out andif you do make any changes click on theSave Changes button here but we're gonnaleave everything as is so the last tabthat we have to go to is the Advancedtab and once you come to the Advancedtab this is where you can see that thereare some default pages selected for youand again once you run the WooCommercesetup wizard you should have these pagescreated for you and they should alreadybe selected so if you have this thenyou're good to go and you do need tomake a terms and conditions page alittle bit later and then you can justgo in here and select that page so thatit is set to the terms and conditionspage and other than that pretty mucheverything is set up for you so youdon't need to do anything but again ifyou do make any changes make sure thatyou click on that Save Changes buttonand we don't need to go through theseother links so this is pretty much theWooCommerce settings and again if we docreate a terms and conditions pagetogether I will remind you to go in hereand select the page but these are thingsthat you can do on your own since youknow how to create pages and all thatstuff so if you're ready let's move onto the next step and now what we'regonna do is learn how to create thedifferent types of products for oure-commerce websiteso the first type of product that we'regonna learn how to make is called asimple product and what that means isyou're gonna create a product with novariables and no price variations sothere's only one option here and you canpurchase as many of these as you want soyou can see this is what the productpage looks like for a simple product soif you want to learn how to create asimple product what you want to do is goback to your e-commerce website and thenhover over new and click on product andonce you're on the add new product pagewe're just gonna fill out theinformation on thisto create our new product so the firstthing that we're gonna do is just typein the product name right here so I'lltype in butter orange and then thissection is where you're gonna type inthe long description and then at thebottom over here is the shortdescription and then this section isyour product data so we're gonna gothrough all of this but really quicklylet me just show you where the longdescription is on the demo ecommercewebsite so at the top over here this iswhat you call the short description andthen down here in the descriptionsection this is where you can put in alonger description and on the e-commercewebsite it might be a little confusingbecause you see this section for thelong description and then at the bottomover here you have the short descriptionbut that's just how they set things upso what we can do is just go to the demowebsite and I'll just come up here andI'm gonna highlight the shortdescription right here and just copythat and paste then just to save sometime so again this is the shortdescription that we want to put in righthere and if you want to add any imagesor anything just put your mouse whereveryou want to have the image and thenclick on add media and then you canupload your own images and all thatstuff so now what we can do is just putin the long description and then we'llput in the price and all that stuff andit doesn't really matter what order yougo in but I just want to put in thedescription stuff right now just to getout of the way and then we can talkabout how to add the information for thesimple product so this is the longdescription and I'll just paste it inright here and once you're ready we cancome down to the product data sectionand since we're creating a simpleproduct in this drop-down you want tomake sure that you select simple productand if this is a virtual product you cancheck this box and you can see that theshipping tab disappears and then if thisis a downloadable product you'll getthis section right here to upload thefiles but this is gonna be a realproduct since it's a macaroon so I willleave this unchecked and what I can dohere is just type in the price and if Iwant I can put in a sale price and youcan also schedule the sale by clickingon this link right here and then you canput in the dates right here if you wantso once we have our price now we canjust go through these tabs and I'llgo through them with you but we're notgonna actually add everything into eachthese tabs we're just gonna go intocertain one of these but I might as welljust show you what each of these arereally quickly so in the inventory tabthis is where you can add the SKU numberand you can manage your stock and saywhether or not this is in stock or outof stock and then for the shipping tabif you're using the live rates option orif you would just want to put in theweight and the dimensions you can dothat right here and you can also selectthe shipping class if you have shippingclasses but we didn't set any up in ourWooCommerce settings so we're just goingto use the flat rate or the freeshipping option that we set up duringthe setup wizard and then we can go tothe link products tab and what you cando here if you have some additionalproducts created is put in the productnames or the product IDs to upsell orcross-sell these products on the productpage but we're not gonna do that forthis tutorial so we can just go to theattributes tab and this is where he canadd some variables and everything likethatso we're gonna do some stuff with theattributes tab when we create variableproducts but we don't need to doanything right now for a simple productso we can just go to the Advanced taband on the Advanced tab this is whereyou can put in the option of enablingreviews or if you have a note for thecustomer you can put that in right herebut we don't need to do anything we justwant to make sure that this box isselected so that when someone buys thisproduct they can also review it so onceyou're ready we can go to the extra taband this is just a tab with additionalcustomizations for the product page soyou can go in here and see all thedifferent options that you have if youwant to custom bubble you can just go inhere and enable it and then you can putin the title maybe it says new or onsale or discontinued or something likethat and then you have some additionaloptions here we don't really do anythinghere but it is a cool little feature soit's really up to you and now what wecan do is just jump over to the productimage section and this is where you wantto add your product image so we can justclick on set product image and we'regonna go to our media library and I'mjust gonna select thisimage right here and click on the bluebutton and you should see the image showup right here and then if you want toadd some alternative images you can comedown to the product gallery and click onthis and then what you can do is justclick and add or update or upload asmany different images as you want sowe'll just click in this one and maybewe'll add this one also so we have twocheck marks and we can just click Add togallery and now you see the two imagesright here and you can always removethese by clicking on the X over here andthen if you want you can put in productcategories which is going to help sortyour different products and also thishelps with showing recommended productsin the product page so if you put inproduct tags and categories that aresimilar to other products than in theproduct page down here in relatedproducts those products are going toshow up over hereok so what we can do is just go aheadand add some new category names so clickon add new category and we can just typein cotton right here and push enter andyou'll see that the category name showsup right here and then we can type insomething like cream-filled and reallywhatever you want and you can alwaysedit these categories by clicking on thecategories link over here and you candelete them or anything like thatso I'll just add those and maybe I'lltype in macaroons right here and I'lltype in cream filled so again thecategory names and the product tags aregonna help with the related productsthat populate on the product page so youwant to be smart about what you put inif you put in anything but you canalways just leave it as uncatted eyesalso and if you want this product toshow up on the homepage remember we'regonna have a featured product section sowhat you can do is right here where itsays catalog visibility if you click onthis link you can check this box righthere that says this is a featuredproduct and if you check this then it'sgonna show up on the homepage since wehave a featured product section so ifyou don't check this box then thisproduct isn't gonna show up on thehomepage and only on the shop page orthe custom page that we create ok soI'll click OK here and I'll make it afeatured product and once you're readyto create this product all we have to dois click the publish button and once theproduct is published we can go and checkit out by clickingon view product and once you come to theproduct page you should see this and itlooks a little different than the demoecommerce website so I want to go intomy settings and I want to change a fewthings I want to change the link colorsthat you see on this page to this colorright here and then I want to remove thePayPal buttons because I don't thinkthey look that good so if you want to dothat first we can go and remove thePayPal buttons by going to our dashboardand then clicking on the settings optionunder WooCommerce and then if you cometo the payments tab to remove the PayPalbuttons I want you to come to the PayPalcheckout option and then click on themanage button and once you come to thispage I just want you to scroll down tothe button settings and I want you touncheck the smart payment buttons optionand then you can uncheck the check outon cart page and check out on singleproduct and that's just gonna remove thebuttons on those pages so you're stillgoing to be able to use PayPal and ifyou want to disable PayPal credit youcan do that by unchecking this box alsoso that's all we have to do to removethe PayPal buttons from the pages so wecan click on Save Changes right here andonce the settings are saved now what Iwant to do to change the product pagelayout and some of the link colors is Iwant you to hover over flat sum andclick on theme options and you're goingto come back to the customize page thatyou see right here with all these tabsand to change the link colors we can gointo the style tab and then go to thecolors tab and just come down to thelinks section right here and what I wantto do is put in the color code that yousee for the widget link colors into thisone right here so I'm gonna go into thisone and just copy this color code andthen go into the link colors right hereand just paste that in so you can seethe color changes right there and thenif you want to change the hover coloryou can do that right here also so youcan do whatever you want but I want tochange the link colors right here sothat you can see they change right hereand then also down here in thecategories and tags section ok so oncewe do that we can go back and I want togo back to the main page and go to theshop taband then I want to go into the productpage tab and I just want to change thelayout to the left sidebar option andonce this refresh is over here you cansee that we're gonna have a sidebar thatwe can customize in just a little bitand then we have our section down hereso this looks a lot better and I'm gonnaclick on the publish button just to saveall my changes and once everything issaved we can go back to the product pageright here and now we can just refreshthis and once the product page loadsthis is what you should see now so atthe bottom over here we're gonna have arelated product section that willpopulate as you create some additionalproducts with similar categories andproduct tags and we can go in andcustomize our sidebar and just a littlebit so if all you're creating are simpleproducts for the e-commerce website thatyou're learning how to make go ahead andpause the video and create as manydifferent simple products as you wantand then push play once you're ready andI'm going to show you how to create somevariable products otherwise if you'reready we can just move on to the nextstepand now what we're gonna do is learn howto create some variable products for oure-commerce website so you can see righthere the product page looks very similarexcept that you have different sizesright here that you can choose from soyou can see if I choose 12 ounces it'sgonna be $6.99 and then if I wanted to Ican create a different variable that hasa different price and you can have asmany different variables as you want soif you want sizes and colors you cancombine them so I'll show you how to dothat in this part of this video tutorialso if you want to learn how to createsome variable products let's go and dothat right now so again if you wanted toyou can pause the video and create somesimple products but if you want to learnhow to create variable products let'sjust go and create a new product byhovering over new and click on productonce you're on the add product pageyou're gonna do these same steps as thesimple product so you're gonna put in aproduct title right here and then yourlong description right hereand then at the bottom you can put inyour short description and then aproduct image and any alternative imagesif you want and you can also add someproduct tags and product categories sothat when you have related productsthey're going to populate on the productpage so once you do that you can alsoclick on the edit button right heremake this a feature product to show upin the featured product section if youwant we're not going to do that for thisproduct but just remember that you wantto do that if you want the product toshow up on the homepage since that'swhat we did for our custom homepage soto create a variable product what youreally have to do is just focus on theproduct data section and what you wantto do is go into this drop-down andselect the variable product option andyou can see that this tab changes alittle bit so we'll go through all thesetabs and I'll show you how to add thevariable and then the price and all thatstuff so we don't really need to doanything for the general tab and for theinventory tab if you want to add an SKUnumber or manager stock you can do thaton your own and then for shipping youcan put in the weight and the dimensionsif you want and we already set theshipping rates in the WooCommercesettings so we don't really need to doanything here for linked products wedon't really cover this but I do coverit in my tutorial on how to useWooCommerce so you can check that out orread up on this on your own and forvariable products what you really wantto do is go to the attributes tab and inthis drop-down right here you want tomake sure that you select the customproduct attribute and to create yourfirst variable you want to click Addright here and once you see this sectionright here what you want to do is typein the name for the variable so we'll dosize for this variable and then you'regoing to type in the values right hereand you want to read the instructions sothat you know how to sort these valuesor separate them you want to use a lineand this line is going to be shift andthe slash signs so you don't want to usea comma and what we can do is just typein some values here so you can see I putin the line right here to break this upand we'll just put in three differentsizes so we'll do eight ounces one poundand ten pounds and once you're readywhat you want to do is make sure thatyou check both of these boxes so visibleon the product page and also used forvariations and then once you're ready goahead and click on save attributes andonce that's saved you can always go backin here and change the values or thevariable name and all that stuff and ifyou want to add some additionalvariables you can just go back in hereand click Add and then you'll addanother variable over here also so ifyou want its size andor something like that you can add asmany different variables as you wantjust make sure that you click on saveattributes and check those two boxesthat you see right here whenever you goin here okay so once you're ready what Iwant you to do is click on thevariations tab and once you're on thevariations tab right here you're gonnasee this drop down and we just want tomake sure that we select add variationright here and then click go and onceyou see this little section right hereyou can expand this and you'll see allthe details for this variable right hereso you can put in the price or the saleprice and everything like that what youcan do is select the different variableoptions right here so you can do justfor 8 ounces and then put in a priceright here and then if you click go youcan add another one of these lines andthen you can go in and select one poundand put in a different price so I'llshow you how to do that in a secondvariable product that we create togetherbut right now all I'm gonna do is justcreate a basic variable product where wehave one price for all the differentsizes that we have for this variable soI'll just come in here and just type in$15.99 for the price and that's all I'lldo so I'll just click Save Changes righthere and once that's saved if you wantyou can go into the Advanced tab andmake sure that the reviews are enabledand then if you want to go to the extratab right here you can always go in hereand then just customize whatever youwant and the last thing that you have todo is just publish this product onceyou're ready and once the product ispublished let's go and check it outreally quickly and once the product pageloads don't worry about the sidebarright here we can always customize thisa little bit later and we can remove theuncatted eyes category also but rightnow you can see on this side that wehave our size variable so we can just goin here and select whatever size that wewant and we can add as many as we wantto our shopping cart so this is how youcreate a very basic variable product butwhat I want to do is show you how youcan create a variable product withdifferent price ranges based on thesedifferent sizes and also how you can addmultiple variables so if you want to dothat I'm going to show you how to dothat really quickly so let's go andcreate a new variable so let's click onadd new and once you're back on the addnew product I already added the newproduct title and then I putthe description right here and the shortdescription down here and I put in myimage and I put in some category namesand product tags right here and againyou want to put this in so that when therelated product section shows up you'regonna have products similar to this oneso it's gonna be based on the productcategories and the product tags and justas a reminder if you want to make this afeatured product you want to go in hereand check this box right here so whatwe're gonna do is come back to theproduct data section and again we'recreating a variable product with morethan one variable this time and we'llmake prices based on the values that weselect so we're gonna go in here andselect variable product and we're gonnaskip all this stuff and just come downand create our variables so I'm gonna goto the attributes tab and once I come tothis tab I'll click and add my firstvariable and right here I'll put in thefirst variable so I'll just type in sizeand then I'll put in eight ounces andthen I'll put the spacer one pound andten pounds and then I'll click on thisbox right here to say use for variationsbecause you want to make sure that youdo that and then click Save attributesand once that's saved if you ever wantto go back in here you can just clickand expand this section right here andyou're gonna see the values and you canalways go in and edit this stuff okay soI want to add another variable becausewe want to have two variables for thisproduct so I'm gonna click Add again andthis is all you have to do to add asmany different variables as you want sofor this variable I'll call it roast andthen we'll just put in light and we'llput in dark and then I want to checkthis box again that says used forvariations and click Save attributes andonce that's saved now we can go to thevariations tab and once you're on thistab you should see two options righthere so I'm gonna show you the easy wayfirst and then the more complicated wayafter that so if I just click on addvariation and click go right here andyou're gonna see this section right hereand you should see all your sizevariables right here and then all ofyour roast variables right here and forthis example if I want to make a pricefor the light roast and then a differentprice for the dark roast what I have todo is I have to have two rows of theseso that I can select the light roast inthis row and then I can have nowhere I select the dark roast so whatI'm gonna do is just add anothervariation and you can see right herethat we have another drop down and wecan just select the roast that we wantso I'll do light here and dark here justto make it in order and if I want to puta certain price for the light roast Ican just go in here and click and expandthis and I should see this entiresection and then we can just type in$6.99 for the light roast and then forthe dark roast if I collapse this I cango into this one that has the dark roastselected and then I can put in tendollars and 99 cents and then I'llcollapse this one so you can see thatyour visitor can select any size andthen if they select the light roastthey're gonna get one price and then ifthey select any size and the dark roastthey're gonna get another price so ifyou want to save this all you have to dois click Save Changes and onceeverything is saved you just want to goto the Advanced tab make sure that thereviews are enabled we're gonna comeback to this section and I'm going toshow you how to use the createvariations from all attributes after Ishow you what the page looks like rightnow so I just want to publish thisreally quickly and once the product ispublished let's go and check it out byclicking on view product and once you'reon the product page don't worry aboutthese sidebar right now we can always goin and customize this a little bit laterbut you can notice on the right-handside that this is a price range righthere for this product because we havemultiple variables and based on thevalues that we select we're gonna getone price you can see right here andthen if we select another value we'regonna have another price so this is howyou can create a variable product withmultiple variables and different pricesand if you want you can always just havemultiple variables with one price allyou have to do is just have that one rowof variations instead of two so I justwant to show you how to use the otherway of creating variations so I'm gonnago back to the Edit product page andonce I'm back on the edit product pageI'm gonna come back down to thevariations and just open up this tab andI'm gonna remove everything reallyquickly and then just show you how touse the second drop down option and onceeverything is removed if you remember inthis drop down wellcreated our first values and prices weused add variation now what I want to dobecause we have multiple variables isuse the create variations from allattributes just to show you what happenswhen we click go right here so let mejust choose this option and click OKright here and once everything loads nowwhat you can see is that you have all ofyour different size values right hereand then you have all of your differentvalues for the second variable righthere so if you wanted to have a certainprice for this combination and then thiscombination and so forthyou can have all of your combinationsright here of the different values forall of your different variables and thenyou can just go into each of these andput in your prices and your otherinformation right here okay so this is alittle bit more of a complicated way butthe way that we did it with just addingthe variations is perfectly fine also soit's really up to you what you want todo based on the e-commerce website thatyou're learning how to make and buildbut this is just another option usingthe create variations from allattributes okay so if you're confused atall with the variations and all thatstuff go ahead and just rewind this textentry watch it and I broke it down intotwo simple ways of creating variationsand I broke it and I broke it down intotwo simple ways of creating variablesand different prices and all that stuffokay so I'm not gonna click on theUpdate button right here because we'rejust gonna leave the product as is withthe different prices and all stuff andagain this is just a demo website so ifyou want what you can do right now ispause video and create some additionalvariable products if you want or what Ican do is I can show you how you cancreate variables that you can use as ashortcut in this section so that youdon't have to go into the attributes tabeach time and create new variables ifyou're going to be using the sizevariables over and over again or colorvariables or anything like that so letme just show you how to do that reallyquickly before you actually pause thevideo to create some variable productsso what you're going to do is underneathproducts over here click on attributesand once you're on the attributes pagethis is where you can go to createvariables and values that you can useover and overand it just saves a little bit of timeso you don't have to retype the valuesand the variables each time you create anew product so I'll just show you reallyquickly so I'm gonna create a sizevariable and then I'll type in slug forthe size right here so you can orderyour variable values however you wantbut we're gonna go with the customordering and just click on addattributes and you should see the newsize variable right here and you canalways edit the name by clicking on thislink or what you can do is just comeover here to where it says configureterms and this is where you can put inthe different values for this variableso I'll click on configure terms andwhat you can do here is type in all thevalues for this variable so we can typein small and we can type in small righthere and click add new size and thenwhat we can do is just type in mediumright here and type in medium for theslug and click add new size and you'llsee them get added over here and then wecan just type in large really quicklyand also click on the button right hereand you'll see that the order looks likethis and if you want to rearrange thisso maybe you want to make small at thetop and large at the bottom you can putthese in the order when you type them orwhat you can do is just click and dragthem around and now you should have thesize variable with your different valuesright here so now look at what happenswhen I go and create a variable productwith this variable so I'm gonna hoverover products and click on add newjust to show you really quickly and onceyou're on the add new product pagepretend that I filled out all thisinformation and I'm just gonna come downto the product data section and I wantto create a variable product so I justhave to come down to the attributes taband before when we created a variableproduct we have to use this option andclick Add but now that we created avariable and we stored it in thisdrop-down you should see that variableand you can just select it and click Addright here and now you should see thevariable show up right here and insteadof typing in all the values all you haveto do because you stored the valuesalready is click on this button andyou'll see the values show up right hereand you can always remove any of theseor add as many as you want so this justsaves a lot of time because if you haveto type in the stuff each time it doesadd up if you create a bunch ofdifferent variables so again justrememberuse for variations and click saveattributes and then all you want to dois just go to the variations tab and youcan just go in here and click on addvariation and just go in here and justexpand this and then just go through thesteps of creating the price and all thatstuff so really the attributes linkright here to create variables justsaves you a lot of time especially ifyou're gonna use variables over and overagain okay so really I just wanted toshow you how to do that so if you needto go ahead and create a bunch ofvariables and B values and save those sowhen you create variable products you'rejust gonna save a lot of time so whatwe've done so far is we've learned howto create simple products and variableproducts and we've learned how to storevariables so if you want you can pausethe video and create as many differentsimple and variable products as you wantI'm gonna do the same so that we canfill out the store page when we go andcreate it and once you're ready pushplay and then what we're gonna do islearn how to customize our sidebar tolook something like thisor however you want and then we're gonnago in and we're gonna create our customstore page so what I'm gonna do is pausethe video also and create some simpleand variable products and once you'reready go ahead and push play and we'llmove on to the next stepso I'll see you in just a little bitalright and welcome back so if you pausethis video to create some singleproducts and variable products youshould have a product list that lookssomething like this now so if you'reready what I want to do now on theproduct page is show you how you cancreate or customize the sidebar that yousee right here and before we actually gothrough that I do want to note that Idid change the product page layout againso if you want this layout where youhave the description and the relatedproducts show up on the right-hand sideover here and you have some spaceunderneath for the sidebar over here youwant to go back to your customize pageand go into the product page and justselect the left sidebar full heightoption and then click Save so it's justa little different than the one that weselected a little earlier but I did wantto just tell you that I did change itjust so that you know for your ownwebsite okay so once you're ready let'sgo and learn how to cutsummize our sidebar so if you want to dothat go back to the e-commerce websitethat you're learning how to make and wewant to hover over appearance and clickon widgets and once you're on thewidgets page this is where you can go toedit your sidebar for all of yourdifferent pages and we're gonna focus onthe product side bar right here butthere is the shop sidebar so if you'reusing the default shopping page and youwant a sidebar you can go in here andcustomize the sidebar however you wantbut we're creating a custom shop page sowe don't need to touch this one so let'sfocus on the product side bar and whatyou can do for the sidebar for theproduct page is go into your availablewe're just right here and then just findany widget that you want to add and thenclick on that and then select theproducts sidebar and then click addwidget and you'll see that the widgetgets added to your products sidebar andthen if you go in here and edit anythingyou want to click on the Save buttonor what you can do is always just removethese by clicking on the delete linkright here so the widgets that I addedfor my sidebar or the product categorieswidget so you can see once I add this Icustomize it with these options righthere so if you want to add this one goahead and do that and then just selectthese options and click Save or selectwhatever you want and then the otherwidget that I added is the recentlyviewed products widget and I change thenumber of products to show to 5 righthere so if you add this one and youchange anythingagain click Save right here so what youcan do is pause this video and addwhatever types of widgets that you wantinto your product sidebar and there area bunch of them here for all of yourdifferent products and everything likethat so do that pause the video and thencustomize your sidebar and then onceyou're ready we're gonna move on to thenext step which is showing you how youcan format and customize your categorylinks and names for the product pageokay so once you're ready push playotherwise we're just gonna move on rightnow and what we're gonna do is show youhow to customize the category names foryour products so if you want to do thatwe're gonna go back to the e-commercewebsite that we're learning how to makeand we want to hover over products andwe want to go to the categories link andclick on that and once you're on theproduct categories page if you want toremove thecategorize name what you want to do ishover over another product category nameand then make that one as your defaultand then you can hover over the uncattedeyes one and you'll be able to deletethat right here so you can see I canjust click delete and that's gonna makethat disappear and now you should haveanother default category name so I havemacaroons right here and then you cansee that we have this little dash marksso what that means is that I have aparent category which is coffee and thenunderneath that I have somesubcategories so if you want to make anyof these a subcategory of a parentcategory name just click on the one thatyou want to make a subcategory and thenyou can go and edit it and then onceyou're on the Edit category name forthis category if you want to make it asubcategory of coffee or any othercategory name just go into thisdrop-down and select the parent categoryname and so now coffee is gonna be theparent of this category name and onceyou make any changes just come down andclick on the Update button right herejust to save everything so you can dothat with all of your different categorynames so that you have parents and subparents for your different categories soI have the category names right here andthen for macaroons I have differentflavors as subcategories okay so if youneed to go ahead and pause the video andedit and customize your productcategories and then once you're readypush play and we're gonna move on to thenext step and now what we're gonna do islearn how to create a custom shop pagethat looks just like this so if you wantto learn how to separate your productsinto different sections I'm gonna showyou how in this video tutorial byshowing you how to create this customshop page and you can just use thedefault shop page which is alreadycreated for you and you can see that itlooks just like this so if you just havea bunch of different products that youwant to put on a page you can just usethe default shop page also so thelayouts are a little differentbut if you want to learn how to createthe custom shop page with a custom URLlet's go and do that right now so we'regonna go back to our e-commerce websitethat we're learning how to make andwe're just going to hover over new andclick on page and once you're on the addnew page what we're gonna do is createour shop page but before I do that I dowant to just go tohomepage and just show you since wecreated our products a little earlieryou should see this featured productsection show up now if you selected someof your products to be featured productsso make sure that you select those andcome to your home page and just check tomake sure that this section populatesokay so I'm gonna close out of this andI'm gonna go back to the add new pageand we need to put in a page title and Ilike to type in products right here wecan't type in shop because that's gonnacreate a custom URL with the shop URLfor WooCommerce and that's just gonnamess up our website so type in somethinglike products and we can leave this asthe default template so once you'reready go ahead and click on publish andonce the page is published let's go andturn on our page builder the first thingthat we're gonna do is add a page titleto our custom page so let's go in hereand just find the title widget and thenwe can go into the style and just Centerthis and then we can change the title toFrench macaroons and we're just gonnaadd a bunch of different products righthere so there are a bunch of differentways that you can customize your shoppage so if you wanted to add differentproduct categories and then link peopleto those category pages you can do thatbut since I just created enough productsfor this page right here and you can seethat I have about what I think this islike 24 different products then it's allgonna match up evenly like this but ifyou don't have an even number ofproducts then you can always justcustomize the product page however youwant okay so now that we have our titleright here I'm gonna go into the contentsection and I want to come down to thebottom to the shop section and I want toadd the custom products widget so clickon that and you should see this sectionshow up right here so your productsshould populate and then you should havethe options right here and what you cando is select the number of products thatyou want to show up and then you canhave the number of columns that you wantright here so you can see that I changethis to 6 right here and now we have 6columns per row and you can see that itjust adds all of your different productshere but if you want instead of justadding all of your from productsin any random order since this is thecustom widget what you can do is go intothis drop-down right here and it shouldshow you all of your different productsthat you created and what you can do isjust find the name of the products thatyou want to add and then just selectthese in reverse order and you'll seethat they start showing up in yourproducts list over here so this is allyou have to do to create this sectionfor your products on the shop page sowhat I'm gonna do is just pause thisvideo and create all the twelvedifferent products that I want to showup in this section for these two rowsand then we'll push play and then we'lldo the same for the other sections inthis custom shop page okayso go ahead and pause the video and dothe same add this little widget and thenjust find the products that you want toadd and then just select the ones thatyou want and then they'll populate rightover here in reverse order alright soI'll see you in just a few minutesalright and welcome backso I pause the video and I added mytwelve different products right here soyou can see in the custom section overhere that I selected all of my differentproducts and again they are in reverseorder so the last one that you select isgonna be the first item over here sowhat I want to do for this shop page isI want to duplicate these sections againa few different times just to showcasesome additional products and later on wewill go and add a navigation menu withdifferent category links and everythingso that your customers can go todifferent pages that have differentproducts and again you can always go toadd to content and add whatever you wantso there are a bunch of differentwidgets here and you should know how touse them now you can always just clickon them and then customize them howeveryou want but if you want to follow alongwhat we're gonna do is just add a newtitle and we'll go in here and we'lljust Center this and then we'll go inhere and we'll delete this and type inhandmade desserts and then we're gonnago in to add to content and again I'mjust gonna go down and select theproducts custom widget so click on thatand once you see this section right herewith the power of video editing I didchange the number of products to six andthen the number of columns to six righthere and then I just selected theI want to show up in this section righthere so go ahead and pause the video anddo that on your own or add whatever youwant and then click on the apply buttonand then click on update just to saveeverything and really quickly becausewe've already gone through these stuffstwo times now I'm just gonna add anothersection with the title and the productsection really quickly so just go backin here and again you can always add asmuch as you want or different things youcan customize this however you want youdon't have to follow along exactly thesame the goal of this video is reallyjust to give you the power and the toolsso that you can make whatever layoutthat you want so you can see right hereI put in roasted coffee for this titleand then we'll just add another customproducts widget really quickly for thecoffees so come down to the bottom andjust click on this one right here andyou can see once this section shows upagain I change the number of products tofour and this time around I have fourcolumns and then I just selected thecoffee products to show up right herebut you can customize this however youwant with as many different products asyou want and the number of columns thatyou want or you can always just go backand you can choose any of these widgetsdown here in the shop section oranything else and just link these to anypages that you want okay so what I wantyou to do is go ahead and pause thevideo because I've already created myshop page just like this and then goahead and customize yours however youwant and then once you're ready we aregood to go and all I want you to do isclick on the Update button right here tosave everything and then we can move onto the next stepso what I'm gonna do is just close outof this and then I'm gonna move on tothe next step but if you need to goahead and pause video and customize thelayout for your custom shop page howeveryou want okay I'll see you in just alittle bit and if you're still watchingthis video and you close out of yourpage builder this is what you should seenow for your custom shop page and thisis the URL for this shop page so we willlink it in the navigation menu what somecategory links a little bit later butright now what we're gonna do is justmove on to the next step and what we'regonna do is show you how to create theblog post page so you can see right herethat these are the blog poststhe demo ecommerce website and whatwe're gonna do is learn how to createsome blog posts just like this and thenwe'll create the blog page which shouldbe already formatted for us but we'lljust double check so if you want tolearn how to create some blog postslet's go to the e-commerce website thatwe're learning how to make and thenhover over new and click on posts andonce you're on the add new post pagecreating a blog post is really easy so Ialready filled everything out and I'lljust walk you through what I did so thefirst thing that you want to do is putin the blog title right here and thenyou can come down here and type out yourblog post and you have all these buttonsright here to format everything and ifyou don't see the second row just clickon this button right here that saystoolbar toggle and you'll unhide thesecond row and you can just type inwhatever you want and then if you wantto have a featured image like this onthe demo ecommerce website where youhave a big image like that what you wantto do is just insert your featured imageright here so you can just click on thissection and then you'll go into yourmedia library and find the image thatyou want to use if you want to uploadyour own image click on upload files andthen click on select files and then justgo and find the image that you want toupload and since we're using the demoimages this is one of the blogpostimages and then you can just click onset featured image and you should seethe image show up right here and then ifyou want to add a category name you cando that and you can add these sharingbuttons which show up on the bottom ofthe blog post down here if you want andthen all you have to do is just come uphere and click on the publish button topublish your blog posts and once thepost is published I can go and check itout and once the blog post loads this iswhat you should seem so we have ourfeatured image a comment section andthen a sidebar right here which you cancustomize in the widgets page on thedashboard so I'll show you how to dothat in just a few minutes but if youwant you can pause the video and createsome additional blog posts I'm gonnacreate three in total for this demoecommerce website and I'm gonna do thatright now so I'm gonna pause the videoalso so if you want pause video hoverover new click on posts and then createsome blog posts and then I'll show youhow tothe sidebar for your blog post page andthen we can move on to the next stepokay so I will see you in just a fewminutes alright and welcome back so ifyou pause this video to create someadditional blog posts then if you go tothe blog post page which is your websitename comm slash blog you should see thislayout right here which is the samelayout as the demo ecommerce website soif you do see this then we are good togo and we can move on to the next stepand now what we're going to do is showyou how to customize the sidebar for theblog post pages and the main blog pageand we did cover this a little earlierso we'll go over it really quickly sowe're gonna go back to the widgets pageso you can hover over your website nameand just click on widgets and onceyou're on the widgets page you should befamiliar with this page because earlierwe customize the product sidebar and ifyou're using the default shop page youcan customize the shop sidebar righthere but for the blog post what we wantto do is edit the sidebar right here soagain all you have to do is just drag orclick on any of these widgets and thenclick on sidebar and click add widgetand you'll see them get added over hereso these are the widgets that I haveright now on my sidebar so if you wantthe same one you can just add them andwhat I want you to do is just pause thevideo go through these available widgetsand then just add whichever ones thatyou want to your sidebar for yourblogpost pages and then just saveeverything if you do make any changes tothese widgets and then once you're readypush play and we'll move on to the nextstep and really quickly I do want tonote that if you do have the commentswidgets or anything like that you canalways edit your comments over here oryou can check them out if you click onthis tab right here and again we covereverything in our tutorial on how to useWordPress for beginners so there is alink to that in the video description soyou can always just check that out onyour ownso again pause the video edit thesidebar and customize that however youwant and then once you're ready pushplay and we'll move on to the next stepand now what we're gonna do is learn howto create the frequently asked questionspage for our e-commerce website so youcan see right here on the demo thatwe're just going to add aaccordian right here with some questionsand answers and you can expand thesesections so if you want to learn how todo this let's go to the online storethat we're learning how to make andlet's create a new page once we're onthe add new page the first thing thatI'm going to do is just type in the pagetitle right here and I want to changethe template to the default Center titlebecause we're gonna use this title righthere for the page but I want to changethe permalink and you don't have to dothis just to FAQ so I'm gonna click OKright here and you can see that thatjust changes that permalink and onceyou're ready all we have to do is clickon the publish button and once the pageis published let's go and turn on theBuilder and once you only flat some pagebuilder the first thing we're going todo is just add a section right here andwe'll use the default option so we'lljust click apply and then I want tochange this to the Container class sotype that in and then come down to thelayout section and for formatting I justwant to change this to 20 px and thenclick apply right here and we can clickupdate just to save everything and thenwe can add a section so let's go overhere and click on the text widget andthen we'll just use the paragraph optionand what we're doing right now is we'rejust adding the text right here so we'lljust go into the text editor and I'lljust delete this and paste in my textfrom the demo website and then I'm gonnahighlight this text and just change itto another color and if you want to linksome text to your email address all youhave to do is click on the link buttonright here and then just type in male 2colon and then your email address andthen you can just click and add thatlink and then that's gonna link thattext to your email okay so once you'reready go ahead and click OK and now whatwe can do is just go back right here andwe want to add another section so comedown and find the accordion and this ishow you're gonna add your questions andanswers so we don't need to put a titlehere because we have our headline sojust click back and you should see theaccordion right here and what you wantto do is expand this and you should seesome panels right here and you canalways add additional panels but this ishow you're gonna add your first questionso you can go in and double click thisand you can type in your question righthere so I'll dotype in what does it cost for shippingwith the macaron shop and then we can goback and what you want to do is go intoeach of these panels and expand them andthen click to add a text box so we'llclick on add to this panel and we'llfind the text box right here and thenwe'll use the paragraph options so we'llclick apply and then we'll just open upthe text editor and all we have to do isjust type in our answer right here andthen just click OK and then we can goback right here so you can see that wehave our question right here and then ifwe open this up we have a text box withour answer right here so creatingquestions and answers using theaccordion is really easy so if you wantyou can pause video and add someadditional questions and answers and ifyou need to you can always add someadditional panels for more questions andif you ever want to remove any of thesejust click on the one that you want toremove and then click on the wheel andthen just click delete right here andthen that's going to delete it so whatI'm gonna do is just click and save thisreally quickly and I'll probably add onemore question just for this demo websitebut if you want go ahead and pause thevideo and then add as many differentquestions and answers as you want andthen once you're ready push play andthen we'll move on to the next step andnow you should be back on the frequentlyasked questions page and if you insertedsome more questions you should see themright here so that's how you create thefrequently asked questions page and ifyou're ready we can move on to the nextstep and now what we're gonna do islearn how to create this Contact Us pageso if you want to learn how to createthis page let's go back to the onlinestore that we're making with WordPresshover over new and click to create a newpage and once we're back on the new pagelet's go ahead and type in contact righthere and then change the template to thefull width page option and once it letsyou go ahead and click on the publishbutton and once the page is publishedlet's turn on the flats on page builderand once you're on the page builderlet's add a new section so just click onthis and we'll use the default optionand then click apply and we don't needto change anything here so we can leaveeverything as is and what I want to dois just add to this sectionI'm gonna add the map widget reallyquickly so go ahead and find that andclick on that and you should see thissection show up and what I want to do isjust change the height to 400 px andthat's just a personal preference andwhat you want to do for the pinpoint forwhere your map location is is you wantto put in the latitude and longitude soI have this tab open for Google Maps andwhat you can do is type in your addressand once you do you should see thepinpoint right here and what you want todo is right click this and then click onwhat's here and you'll see that thelongitude and latitude show up righthere and what you want to do is copy andpaste that into these two sections righthere and then once you do the map willshow up so the maps only gonna show upon your actual web page it's not gonnashow up in this page builder so don'tworry if you see this message right hereor it just looks like a white screenokay so after you put in the latitudeand longitude if you want to put in theactual address right here in text youcan just double click this and then youcan type in the text right here so I'lljust put in my address and click OK andthen I'll go back right here and thelast thing that we're gonna do is addsome columns on the bottom for someadditional information for our store soI want to click on add to section and Iwant to add a new row and I want toselect the two column options so clickon that and now we can just close out ofthis and what I want to do is I want toadd to this row on the left hand side soI'll just click on the plus button righthere and then I'll find the text widgetand click on that and we'll just go withthe paragraph option right here and thenI'll open up the text editor and justdelete this text and then I'll just typein my store information right here andyou can just pause the video if you needto to fill this out and then you canformat it however you want and then onceyou're ready just click OK right hereand now you can see I have all myinformation right here and the lastthing that I want to do is add a contactform on the right-hand side so I'm gonnaclick on the plus button right here andthen I'll go in here and I'll findthe forum cf7 and click on that andyou'll see the sections show up righthere and in this drop down you shouldhave some contact form options and ifyou select contact form that should bethe default option so you'll see thissection show up right here so go aheadand just select this one or you canalways go in and customize your contactform however you want and I do have sometext in the text tutorial with somedifferent options so if you want to havea subject line or something like thatso I'll show you how to do that in justa few minutes because we are done withthis contact form page and I do want toshow you where you can go in casesomeone does contact you with this formso let's just click on the apply buttonright here and just click update just tosave everything really quickly becausewe are done with this page now and againdon't worry if you don't see the mapright now because it will load on youractual page so once you're ready let'sjust close out of this and now youshould be on the contact us page and youcan see that it has everything that weinserted and the map actually shows upso really quickly I just want to showyou how you can customize your contactforms if you want so you can see on thedemo website that we have everythingthat you saw on the page that we justcreated but also has the subject linesso if you want that what you can do isgo to your WordPress dashboard and thereis a link on the left hand side tocontacts and you can create a new formand you would just go in here and typein a new title and then come to the formtab and then you can paste in this textthat you see right here I'll have it inthe text tutorial and if you do create anew form and you paste in this textyou're gonna have the subject line foryour contact form also okay and whenevera customer shoots you a message you willget them into your email inboxassociated with this WordPress websiteso if you ever want to update that justgo to your settings and then click ongeneral and that's where you can updateyour email address okay so what we'regonna do now is just really reallyquickly show you how you can add someadditional pages such as the privacypolicy page and terms and conditionspage since these are both reallyimportant for an online store so theseare going to be very basic and reallyeasy to make so I'm gonna do them reallyquickly but that's gonna be the nextstep so what we're gonna do is justhover over new and click on page and nowwhat we're gonna do is create theprivacy policy page which you need foryour WooCommerce website so what we'regonna do is just create a page and Ialready did this because it's reallyeasy so just type in the title righthere and then all you have to do youdon't even have to turn in the pagebuilder you can just type out yourprivacy policy right here in this textbox so you can see I formattedeverything right here and I'm using thetemplate option the default templatewith the center title so if you need toyou can pause the video and create yourprivacy policy page and then the otherpage that I created was the terms andconditions page and again this is areally easy page to make you're justgoing to type in the title and type outyour text right here and again thetemplate that I use for both of thesepages is the center title defaulttemplate page so if you need to you canpause the video and create these twopages and this is what they look likeafter you make them so go ahead andpause the video if you want and thenwhat I want you to do is push play andthen we're gonna come to the WooCommercesettings once you're ready and we'regonna set the privacy policy page so ifyou want we're just gonna continue onright now otherwise you can pause thevideo on your own so after you createthe privacy policy page what I want youto do is come to the WooCommerce tab andclick on settings and then come to theaccounts and privacy tab and you'regonna come down to the privacy policysection and just go in here and allyou're gonna do is just select theprivacy policy page and this drop downso once you do that it's gonna set thispage for your settings for wheneversomeone purchases anything or anythinglike that so once you set that page justclick on Save Changes and then you'regood to goand once everything is saved we are goodto go and we can move on to the laststep in this video tutorial on how touse WooCommerce so if you need to playcatch-up go ahead and pause the videoand create those pages from the laststep otherwise we're just gonna move onand now what we're gonna do is learn howto create our navigation menus right atthe top and also at the bottom of thepagedown here in the footer so if you wantto learn how to create your header andfooter menus for your e-commerce websitekeep watching because we're going to dothat right now so back on the e-commercewebsite that we're learning how to makewe have to go to our menus so we'regonna hover over appearance and click onmenus and once you're on the menus pagewhat we can do is create a new menu solet's create the header menu first sotype in header and then click on createmenu and once the header is created comedown to where it says display locationand check the boxes next to mainnavigation and the mobile device becausethe header menus gonna be for our mainnavigation and then come to where itsays pages and click on View all and youshould see a list of all the pages thatyou created right here and what you cando is just check the boxes next to thepages that you want to have a link to inyour main navigation so I'm gonna go inhere and just check these boxes and thenclick on add to menu and you should seethe items show up right here so what youcan do is just drag these around to putthem in whatever order that you want andit's gonna go from left to right and I'mjust gonna move these to a differentorder and then if you want to rename anyof these links what you can do is justclick and expand and just change thenavigation menu or the navigation labelright here so that's what I'm gonna doreally quickly so I'll just change someof these to different names and you cando the same if you want or you can leaveeverything as is and for the productspage remember this is the custom shoppage so instead of products I'm gonnaput in shop right there and if you wantyou can just save this really quicklyand once the menu save now what I wantto do is just quickly show you how youcan have some submenu items like thisand what I already did was I opened up afew different tabs with the URLs todifferent category pages so if you needto you can go to your shop page andclick on the links over here to open upthe pages so that you have differentURLs so I have the macaroons categoryand then I have the subcategory forchocolate and same with cotton and thenalso coffee and so forth so let me justshow you how you can add some sub menuitems really quicklyunderneath the shop menu itemso what we're gonna do is create somecustom links so if you go over here andexpand the section what you can do isjust type in the URL right here so I'mgonna get the macaroons submenu URLright hereand I'll paste that in right here andthen for the link I'll just type inmacaroons and then I'll click Add tomenu and you should see the menu itemright here and if I drag this and I putit underneath shop and I indent it youcan see that it's a submenu item so nowwhat I want to do is have the childcategories of macaroons right underneaththis so I'm gonna show you reallyquickly I'll just get the chocolate oneright here and then we'll copy that andthen we'll paste in that URL right hereand we'll type in chocolate right hereand click Add to menu and now I can justdrag this over here and I want to indentit again so I'll just do this and let mejust show you what this is gonna looklike really quickly so I'm gonna savethis and once that's saved I'm gonna goto a new home page so I'll hover overthis and just click on visit site andopen up a new tab and now you can seethat we have the navigation menu at thetop and if I hover over this you can seethat we have some items right here sothat's how you create some subcategoriesand what I'm gonna do is just go back tothe menu page and you can see right herethat I added some additional categorylinks underneath shop so we have themacaroons and then the subcategories andthen I have another parent category thatis a link underneath shop so it'sindented so it's coffee and then I havethe other items right here okay so ifyou want you can pause the video tocreate the rest of your header menu andthen once you're ready just make surethat you click on the Save button righthere and then we're gonna go and createthe footer menu once you're ready so ifyou want we can just do that right nowso we're gonna click on create a newmenu and now what we're gonna do is justtype in footer right here for our footermenu and click on the blue button andagain what you're gonna do is come downhere and check the box next to footermenu and now you can just select theitems that you want to show up in thefooter menu so I'm gonna select theseones right here and click Add to menuand once the items show up if you wantrearrange these you can or you canrename them and then just click on theSave menu item once you're ready and nowwe should have our footer menu righthere and the last menu that we're gonnacreate is the top bar menu that you seeup here so we don't have a wishlist pageright now and we don't have a shippingand returns page but you can always makethat on your own so what I want to dofirst is just create the wishlist pageand then we can create the top barheader menu and then we're pretty muchdone with this video tutorial so I'mgonna go to the flats and theme pagethat we're making right now and I wantto go and create a new page but before Ido that I'm gonna go to the dashboardand once you're on the WordPressdashboard we're gonna create a wishlistpage really quickly so hover over pagesand click on add new and all we have todo is just type in the page title righthere so we'll type in wishlist and thenwhat I want you to do is paste in someshortcode to integrate the wishlist pagewith the wishlist plug-in that weinstalled earlier in this video tutorialso you can see the text right here orwhat you can do is go to the texttutorial on how to create an e-commercewebsite with the flat some theme andwordpress and right here on whateverstep that we're on to create a wishlistpage just copy this text right here andthen just paste it in right hereand then once you're ready just click onthe publish button and once the page ispublished that's all we have to do tointegrate our wishlist page for oure-commerce website so now we want to goback to the menus page and create a topbar menu and once you come back to themenus page just to save some time Ialready created the top bar since youshould know how to create the headermenus already so if you want you canclick on create a new menu and then namethis the top bar menu and what you wantto do in the display locations is checkthe top bar menu and then add whateveryou want to the top bar menu right hereand what I did was I added the createaccount page the wishes page and then Icreated another page called shipping andreturns and just added that right hereso if you want you can pause the videoand create your top bar right now andthen once you're ready click on the Savemenu button and then you are good to goand once the top bar is created then weare good to goso again if you need to you can pausethe video and create your top barand then push play once you're readyotherwise if you are done then we havejust completed our tutorial on how tocreate an e-commerce website with theflat sum theme so really quickly I wantto go and check out the website byclicking on visit site and once youre-commerce website loads this is whatyou should see so we should have our topbar navigation up here and then at thebottom of the page we should have ourfooter navigation down here so there'sonly one more thing that I want to talkabout and that's the sign up for thee-newsletter link over here if I clickon this I'll get this pop up with thesignup form and if you want to customizethe signup form what you want to do isclick on the customize link and it willbring you back to the theme options pageand you can just go to the header andthen double click on the newsletterwidget and you're going to open this upand you can customize your signup formhowever you want including adding abackground image and changing the heightjust make sure that you click on theSave button once you're doneand what I'm also going to do is showyou how to integrate MailChimp with yournewsletter so whenever a visitor signsup for your newsletter you can savetheir email addresses and then you canemail them a newsletter or anypromotional email whenever you want soif you want that video tutorial on howto integrate MailChimp with yourWordPress website make sure that yousubscribe to the NYC tech club YouTubechannel because that video will be upand I will link you to that video in thevideo description whenever I get thatdone okso pretty much we are done building outour e-commerce website with the flat sumtheme and WordPress but what we want todo is make sure that we go and publishour e-commerce website so let me justshow you how to do that really quicklyby going back to the wordpress dashboardand once you're back on the wordpressdashboard what you want to do is clickon the publish link right here just tomake your website public for every oneof you so make sure that you click on mylinks so that everyone can go and accessyour WordPress website and then you aredone building out your e-commercewebsite with the flat son theme andWordPress so let me be the first to saycongratulations on learning how tocreate your own e-commerce website withthe flat sum theme and WordPress I hopeyou enjoyed this video tutorial and ifyou did make sure to give it a bigthumbs up and make sure to subscribebecause we're always coming out with newvideos just like this and we will havesome additional add-onon how to use the flat sum theme andalso videos on how to create asuccessful e-commerce website withWordPress so make sure that you watchout for those videos on the NYC techclub YouTube channel and again I want tosay congratulations and if you have anyquestions or comments leave them in thecomment section belowotherwise Congrats again and I'll seeyou in the next video[Music][Music]


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Dan Kennedy on Essential Truths of Internet Marketing

hey welcome to the essential truths ofinternet marketing that never changesI'm Dave Dee from GK I see and here wehave Mr Dan Kennedy enthusiasticenthusiastic they are because you wereso nice to them before oh yeah beforethe camera rolled yeah Wowwell we have for our ever beenthusiastic if they're not verygood-looking so you got to kind of bringsomething you absolutely do well we havean incredible program planned for youtoday it's four hours of Dan teachingyou what he knows about real the realtruths about internet marketing so Danassumes the two through the tubes wellbecause the here's the truthalmost all the big name gurus that youknow if internet marketing go andconsult with Dan they pay him eighteenthousand eight hundred dollars a daythey hire them to do copy and all kindsof things so what we're going to betalking about here are things thatactually positively work and we'llcontinue working so we're not talkingabout things that are going to come andgo or the newest whiz-bang trick we'retalking about fundamental directresponse marketing principles that youcan use on the Internet so Dan thisfirst segment is called the foundationsof internet marketing and so I want tostart with this a lot of people thinkwhenever there's a new media that iscompletely different that everything'schanging that this is going to wipe outall the other media talked a little bitabout that well if you live long enoughyou will see that and you will hear thata number of times so as you say it isalways thought it is always believed soevery time something came along aboutthe only time it's ever been true Ithink is is the destruction of silentmovies replaced with sound that prettymuch actually happened although a coupleyears ago wasn't getting me one rightone of the Academy Award but um butother than that so everybody hasbelieved it as radio happened as talkradio happened as satellite radioeverybody has believed it about everymedia it's never really been true hardlyany media has actually perishedgenerally speaking theyhave gained reinforcement assistancefrom each other has has they have grownI think the big caution to watch out foris sort of the Wizards of the new mediain whose best interest it is to have youbelieve that there are new and prettymuch incomprehensible rules for the newmedia because otherwise they're not asnecessary as they would like to be andso from a foundational standpoint mediais a toolbox and it gives as we addmedia it gives us more tools but itdoesn't really change the successfulapplication of the tools and it'ssomewhat dangerous to buy into the ideathat it does I think some of the peoplethink that you may be anti internetwhich is completely false now there's adistinction between personal bias andpragmatism so from a personal standpointyeah I am anti Internet right if I andthere's sort of an increasing littleconsensus growing you know that it maynot have been the best thing to let outof the box from a societal standpointand now from a security standpointthere's an editorial in the New YorkTimes literally today as we are aredoing this by somebody who who is wellrespected and not viewed as a as an oldas a grumpy old man who is reallytalking about the security problems thatthis thing unleashes and I so I don'tcare for it personally and I don't useit personally and if I want somethingfrom Amazon that's what a post-it noteis for and in a fax machine yeah and afax machine but but that's personal youknow from a business standpoint againit's more tools in the toolbox so I haveno pragmatic objection to any of itand in our businesses as an author andfor clients make a great deal of use ofit and not grudgingly and in fact Iwould I would like some of what peoplebelieve to be true about it now to betrue so if we really could for exampleeliminate the expense of offlinemarketing and get the same results withonline only I'd be the first guy in thecheering sex section that doesn't happento be true but if it were true so now Ihave no application bias against it infact in fact like you said you we use itfirst of all in our own business you useit as an author you every every one ofyour clients I have won you it yourclient doesn't use it I have one clientwho does absolutely nothing okayonline but but only one everybody elseis you know somewhere between knee deepand shoulder deep in itmostly integrated right but but I have acouple clients who are heavily weightedsure to online sure and I think one ofthe best things I've heard you say oneof the greatest distinctions was thatyou don't know how to make the printingpress work either so talk a little bitabout tax I think a lot of people gethung up on yeah well we were so we wereat a seminar Joe Sugarman seminar forthose of you know Joe and this is someyears ago and Joe encountered aMicrosoft executive on his morning walkon the beach who he invited to come inand talk to us small group and smallgroup of direct-response small group ofhello response heavy hitters right andso sitting next to me was a guy at thetime who was probably probably sell himwith his entire client base selling moregoods on QVC than anybody else on homeshopping and so we come back from abreak in the Microsoft guy has paperedall four walls of the room with diagramswhich you know is not a good sign and heproceeds now to describe how the tubesworkand after about 15 minutes the QVC guystands up and says Kennedy doesn't knowhow a lumber mill works either the guydidn't even like get it but the pointwas I'm mailing paper and ink and Idon't know how we get to paper and inkhe's selling 100 million dollars worthof stuff on TV and he has no idea howthe signal gets from here to Martha'shome you know nor do we care right Imean so there's there's the technicalwhich generally speaking marketingpeople always have somebody else do thetechnical you don't go run the printingpress right you don't you don't youdon't make the signal move there'speople sitting over there who know howto do that neither you or I could go dothat I don't think you could go do it sowhy would we need to know this right Imean so I got the part that makes youthe money that's exactly not the partthat Mitch makes makes you the money solet's talk a little bit about by the wayyou can even get in your wayokay so the people who come to this fromthe tech side and are and think becausethey understand the tech that they aresmarter than those of us who don'tunderstand the tech you know run therisk of being monkeys with typetypewriters trying to do a novel rightyeah got it let's talk about nodisrespect to you monkeys over therewith the typewriter you know you're justendearing yourself to everyone youhaven't insulted the viewing audience of5,000 people yeah we'll get therethat'll get we'll get there so that'sfour days young so one of the key thingsthat is having a good online marketingis having a good direct response websitewhat are some of the key elements thatyou need in a good direct responsewebsite and are there different types ofwebsites for different businesses yeahand I'm kind of going to run throughthat right when I get over there butyeah absolutely there are first of allthere are reasons to have non non directresponse sites and there are legitimatereasons to have them as long as youdon't expect them to create responsebecause that's not what they're forrightbut yeah there's all sorts of differentsites and and when you get into directresponsesytze has in any other media again whereyou're going to put the word directresponse in front of it it dictates thatit function in a way that creates directresponse so that's really the biggestfact is if the site is engineered in anyway that interferes with distracts fromthe derails the completion of an act ofresponse then it's not a true directresponse site and and a lot of peoplewill we'll turn that over to people whoare again not direct response people andwill sort of bow to what they now adviseright because they're confused by the bythe knowledge ecology and they believebecause it's a different media thatdifferent rules apply and again this isa new you know I mean the Yellow Pagesfor years tried to convince everybodythat different rules applied to a YellowPages ad then to an ad say in anewspaper or magazine and they tried todo that mostly so that the Yellow Pagesad would not be held has ruthlesslyaccountable for responses so you knowJohn puts a newspaper ad in on Tuesdayhe expects results on Wednesday so theYellow Pages folks really didn't wantthat sort of day-to-day expectation youknow and so people like me literallypioneered direct response Yellow Pagesads that were held to the standard andpurpose of does this drive directresponse does this element drive directresponse if it doesn't why give up anyreal estate to it and the other dangerwith websites is the idea that there'sunlimited a real estate so if we buy ifwe're paying for a full-page ad in amagazine a we have limited amount ofspace and we've written a check for itin every word matters every word mattersevery square inch matters and graduateand people sort of understand that wherethey're not directly writing a check forit and there's an unlimitedMount of it which is basically a websiteright people get kind of sloppy aboutconsidering every square inch every wordevery page every function is this movingus to direct response or isn't it movingus to direct response you talk aboutthat a lot with email too which is partof internet marketing obviously we'reyou know kind of we have to send out asales letter we've got to pay for thatletter to go out we've got to focus inon every little detail when somebody'swriting a check for 2,000 or 20,000 or$200,000 depending upon their businessfor stamps let alone the printing andyou know all of that they tend to beless casual about it then when they canslap it together push a button and outit goes right the hidden costs of allthat are that you are using up customerand audience interest and so you knowwrite a check for that but if you doenough bad sloppy hasty unthoughtfulcommunication gradually people stoppaying attention to you at alland that's very very expensive so you'renot writing a check for it but whatyou're saying is it is coming out ofyour pocket it's coming out of yourpocket yeah it's coming you will all ofItaly have to write a check becauseyou'll be digging yourself out of a holeyou suddenly fight find yourself eeehand then even more insidious or the guysthat say oh okay I heard that Dan say Igot to go offline so I'm going to do itbut then use those same sloppy tacticsthat they're using online to put it inthen they say well it doesn't work wellbecause you know the number probably thenumber one cause of failure andmarketing is under estimating thedifficulty is Rask rightand unfortunately online encourages thatunderestimation more than offline butthe people who have survived as onlinemarketers only and actually have beenone step away from spamwhich by the way so I just quoted it I'mnot gonna remember it exactly but Ithink it's 134 billion emails and 86billion of them are spam so if yousubtract that and then you take out thepersonal stuff me emailing you a jokeand you take all that out and you takeout the porn industrythere's like 12 commercial emails leftat the bottom of that pop but yeah theguys that have been living on it's freeso let's send a lot of it and let's notworry about tiny response percentage ordiminishing response percentage and areaction to the diminishing responsepercentages let's send more rightexactly let's send more and let's sendmore and let's send more and you sawcycle of one a day to two a day to threea day to five a day all that doesbecause it is still fundamentally theequivalent of a phone call or a knock onthe door right and so if you come aroundthe neighborhood and knock on the doorswants and that doesn't get you theresults you want and you try knocking onevery door five times a day that willstill not get you the read it willultimately get you banned from theneighborhood but that's exactly whathappens great fantastic so you talked alittle bit about websites you're gonnago show some shar you ready to talkabout saman show something fantastic allright do it all right let's hear it forDan Kennedynow while we're waiting for Dan to getset up and get ready here we do have avery special offer for you if you wouldlike the DVDs and the CDs of today'svideo training absolutely unedited uncutso because there's gonna be so muchgreat information during this four hourperiod you're gonna have the opportunityto get it in addition to that as part ofthis package you're going to get amanual of today's training now this isnot just a transcription this is reallyit's edited it's enhanced making it veryvery easy for you to use in addition tothat Dan's going to be showing you someexamples we have so many examples toshow you that quite frankly we can't fitthem all in we would be here for threedays so there's a hundred plus pages ofexamples that are do not make it intothis training you're going to get thatas well on top of that there's a bonuswe have our head copywriter right nowtaking live notes during this trainingyou're going to get a copy of his notesand which are really really goodprobably with some of his insights aswell there's also a number of differentbonuses that you're going again and youcan see all of those right online nowreally important we've got a specialbonus for you just for people who investin this package today and that bonus isa teleseminar that Darcy Juarez andmyself we're going to be doing a followup advanced to tell us some what I willbe doing live Q&A as well also you'regoing to get access to the replay linksof this starting at 3:00 p.m. tomorrowby the way there is no rebroadcast sothat's the only way to get this is toinvest in this package all right and sonow let's move over so take action andget it immediately let's move over toDan Kennedy by the way you'd be here forthree days I would never say thatregardless of how many examples youwanted to show so so what we were doneon is the website is essentially yourplace online and so that might be yourstore that might be your seminar thatmight be your catalog but it's reallyyour place online and there are criticaldecisions to make about what you do withthat place or places which is reallywhat in this segment we'll talk about sowebsite design is a situational issuethere is no onepill for this there is no one right wayanymore than there is with any othermedia so if we had the same conversationabout what's the best brochure what'sthe best sales letter form format what'swhat's the best speech form format theanswer would be it depends and so thereare different types of sites fordifferent purposes there's the issue ofonline and offline integration sometimesthere are controls forced upon youdepending on what you are trying to dowith the site and what environment thatyou are in so we'll go through some ofthe types of the purposes some of themI'll just skim through quickly some ofthem we'll spend some time on the firstthree we'll just mention very quicklyone there is a place for a non directresponse site where we're not trying tomove anybody to any action we're noteven trying to do any capture we arejust dispensing information these areoften customer service sites rather thanthey are marketing sites so it's theafter you've bought this stuff at IKEAand you are now at home and you have 12screws and one shelf left over there's aplace to go to see the video of what itis you're trying to build a lot ofutilitarian purposes news releasesinformation to to media and so forthsometimes you have sites that have tomeet requirements Google's for examplebut these are the ones that really getinteresting because they're where we canmake things happen so lead generationsites that lead into a sales processthey're soft captura leads there's hardcaptura leadsthere's forced capture of leads there'scapture of leads plus gettinginformation there's making a direct saleand there's a direct sale with a salespresentation that's where we're going tospend our time before we get therethough let me quickly take you throughsome of the dangers when you havewebsites built and online marketingbuilt so one is the tech crowd and weDave and I just talked a little bitabout that we don't let mechanicsactually design the carwe don't let bricklayers actually do thearchitect texture and so we we don't letgraphic artists control the copy and sowe don't let the mechanics actuallycontrol what it is that we do on the webthere's a lot of hazards with that ifthey have a box full of gadgets theyfeel compelled to use all the gadgetsevery single time we don't necessarilywant them to use all the gadgets there'sthe art crowd which anytime you turngraphic designers loose on directresponse media without adult supervisionyou are asking for trouble often uglybeats pretty function beatsaward-winning graphics and so we have tobe very careful about turning them loosehere just as we would be very carefulabout turning them loose anywhere elsethere's the culture crowd which makesthe argument that there's a culture tothis place on the internet that we darenot violate if we have a exit pop-up weoffend people if we have forced capturewe offend people this same argumentagain has been made about every mediaevery place every marketing environmentit's made about trade shows so you can'tsell at trade shows it's a waste of timeyou should just hand out brochures andso there's a culture argument made aboutthis media that you have to learn toviolate and ignore if you are going todo direct response there's the issue ofcontrol the let the traffic control theprocess crowd let the customer meanderabout as they wish we will talkextensively about solid walls singlepath narrow road to what it is that wewant them to do there's the new metricscrowd which is hey we can't apply moneymath to this media this has new metricsand so we have to think in terms ofvisitors and likes and friends and youknow the best answer to that I've heardis is from the CEO of j.crewwho said if you to his own team if youwould like to talk about new metricsthat's fineas long as it's okay if on your paycheckI pay you in new metrics if however youwant to be paid in dollars then we haveto hold all this media accountable fordollars so what do you want on yourcheck on Fridaythere's the concealed costs to beconcerned with we just talked about oneof them Dave and I we're we're notwriting a check for these thingsnecessarily certainly not for themrunning on a continuous basis but thereare other costs involved so let's talkabout soft capture our fourth item soone type of a site soft cancer is whereeverything is optional we are lettingthem have access we are letting them getstuff we are letting them go behind adoor and see things without stoppingthem at the door and checking theirpapers so we are making everythingoptional a hard capture is where all theoptions are replaced with demands inorder to get through this door uf youmust give us certain things or docertain things in order to get throughthe next door you must do certain thingsor give us certain things you see doublesqueeze page used in this environment alot where email is collected first thatgets them through door number one andallows them to do certain things butthen they run up against door number twoat which point they have to give hardand full contact information to getthrough that door there may even now bea third door where they have to fill outa survey fill out a questionnaire giveus additional information aboutthemselves or their businesses in orderto get through that door those are hardcapture sites then you have on the wayoutthose who have not done you have theColumbo which actually came all the wayback from Ellery Queen but is the oh bythe way one more thing and mostly inthis world that's theexit pop-up this is a gold member of ourdo you remember who this is Craig Iforget Freddie thank you Greg press Tand so this is an example of you'retrying to leave and up it comes and sayswait a minute are you sure you want toleave and we want some information so wecan at least send you X Y Z rightso that's a hard capture this is to giveyou a brick-and-mortar example so thisis my gardeners mattress friends this istheir little opt-in page which is drivento of all things by a billboard in theoutfield wall of their minor leaguebaseball team and it drives them to thisto enter a contest to win a freemattress so here's the results 34 homegames this season average attendance of4,000 at a game which by the way I thinkthey're beating the Cleveland Indians soif I'm not mistakenaverage attendance of 4,000 they havebuilt a list of 3,500 people opting inso pretty much they got everybody that'sgoing to the Amesthey've directly sold 27,000 dollarsworth of stuff which is the meaningfulnumber here is we actually sold 27,000dollars worth of stuff they also gotSerta to pay for the 16,000 dollars itcost for the billboard because they candemonstrate that they have a realprocess to convert leads so this is apure simple registration site the ThankYou page is a pure simple thank you forentering and then the game begins withthe thank you email which goes to anoffer an information offer which nowconverts people who just entered thecontest to actual leads versus peoplewho just entered the contest which thenB gets different follow-up for each oneone size fits all site probably theworst thing you can do right andeverybody likes to do it because it'ssimple is everybody likes do one siteand then wedge everything into that sitewith a bunch of select buttonsthat just allow people to get confusedand wander around and meander andthere's no solid walls there's no narrowpaths the best direct-response approachis almost always multiple landing pagesand sites tied to different leadgeneration ads and purposesso there's which I just showed you thatthe only traffic driven to that isdriven to it from that one billboard inthe baseball park that's it and it's anarrow track it's a single track thenthey have a different landing page andwebsite for their Yellow Pages ad thatdrives to it and they have a differentone and a different one and a differentone and a different one so lazinessabout this is costly these are doctorBurleson's and so here's a bywedding-day which again is ahard capture because you can't getthrough door number one without at leastgiving an email and behind that there'llbe a hard capture of contact here's howmuch do braces cost find out instantlyfor free here's does your child reallyneed braces here's when should kids getbraces and who said braces are pain nowthe enormous temptation would be onesite with a bunch of buttons and mostweb designers would do one site with abunch of buttons and feed all theirtraffic into that one site but whenpeople are drawn to a door by a certainmessage when they enter the door theyshould see consistency and congruencewith the message that drew them to thedoor and the more matched everything isall the way through the better you willdo so the six type is forced so theminute they land on the landing pagenothing is possible without thecompliance that is required andsometimes that can be full contactinformation the seventh type of site asI said perhaps in stages not onlyrequires contact information from thembut it asks them qualifying questions itmakes them selfs all to select it putsthem through a survey etc the reason forthat is to get to multiple lists insteadof a single list so that we can thenfollow up which we'll talk about lateras the day drags on but so that we couldfollow up two separate lists separatelyso in the case of gardeners again theyimmediately separate based on people whojust entered the contest and people whoentered the contest and now requested abook about how to get a good night'ssleep they will follow up on lists bevery differently then they will followup on list a in fact the follow up onlist a will be all about getting them tostill come back and request that bookbecause if they're not going to regardsthe book about how to get a betternight's sleepodds are we're not going to be able tosell them a mattress now once they'verequested the book what can we get themto do that makes them even betterprospect so we can split them out againand continue to spend more and more timeenergy and money on the highestqualified prospects let me show you asite with a dramatic change in it sothis is a registration site for peopleto participate in coaching calls this isfrom a titanium member of mineAdams Hudson so here's the old site andI have marked actually what you will seedisappear on the new site so the oldsite here's the registration for thecoaching here's a bunch of other stuffyou can click on and go meander aroundin and go do and here's a bunch of otherstuff you can click on and meanderaround and go do so it wasn't enough tohave one place that you could be enteroff this web designer managed to maketwo places that you could be under oftenokay so here's the site 29 percentincrease in registrations now first ofall you will notice it's visually betterand has more sales copy about theexperience that you are going to have onthe call however the most significantthing about it is all the other placesare gone this is here's what we want youto do here's the place to do itthat's it dedicated for this purpose allthe traffic driven to it29 percent boost in resultsviii kind of site I'm just going tomention very quickly but it is one thata lot of marketers ignore is a catalogsite now you still have to makedecisions about how you let them enterand what you make them do before theycan enter but almost every business hasan opportunity at some point to presentwhat they do cafeteriarather than bundled or rather thansingle path usually to unconverted leadsand to regular customers and the mostimportant thing to know about what youcan do with an online catalog that youcannot do with an offline catalog isright here the online catalog allows usto expand its pages has people expressinterest so every product every page canbe a portal to more information and afull-blown a sales presentation behinditpeople can select ok I read twoparagraphs about this product I'm reallyinterested in seeing a 30 minute videoabout this product I'm really interestedreading a full-blown sales letter aboutthis product I'm interested in seeing apowerpoints presentation about thisproduct so our online catalogs becomeendlessly expandable and really becomeads that lead to full salespresentations retail site physicallocation sites these are a brick youhave a brick and mortar store of somekind you have a car dealership you haveany place people would walk in and buyfrom a restaurant those types ofbusinesses you are going to have a sitefor them the smart marketers still makethis about selling by appointment notselling by wander and they still playthe lead generation game so this is arework very recent of gardeners basicretail site for a mattress storeit looks pretty different if you go tomost mattress storesites because they are going to be aboutthe store the mattresses the price sortof a newspaper ad turned into a websitea Yellow Pages ad turned into a webwebsite this is all about getting a leadgetting somebody to opt-in to request abook a video comes on in plays and soforth the site then leads to you beingable to get so the first version offeredyou a digital version email only thisthen now tells you why you want ahardcopyand goes for full contact informationwhich by the way has given us two listsimmediately because the person willingto give us the hard contact informationand request the hard book is a betterprospect than the person who would onlygive us email and only let us give us adigital so this version of their retailsite is only two weeks old and it hasbooked five appointments so far theysold all of them and a total amount insales of $48,000 now if they did a herewe are come on in whenever you feel likeitthey might might get more people comingin whenever they feel like it but theywould not be prepared to buy a fourthousand six thousand eight thousanddollar mattress particularly when theaverage price of a mattress in Americais eight hundred so by doing whatthey're doing and it just so that youknow this is just the follow-up I'm notgoing to talk you through it it'll be inyour manual by the way they said wecould share it so this is theirInfusionsoft follow-up system just forpeople who visit that site it's fairlysophisticated it's fairly complicatedit's a lot of steps the last type ofsite is the one many of us are familiarwith from the kind of business of Gigi Isee is in which is the direct sale via apresentation at a site so there's asales letter there's an audio assistedsales letter there's a video assistedsales letter there's pure video there'sthe infomercial on demandthere's the webinar on demand there'slaunches all of these types of formatswhere you are getting a completesales presentation online a lot ofpeople have drifted away from the puresales letter it is still working this isRyan dices are we are you going to putthe whole letter in the manual yeah ofdices okay so this is I don't how manypages but it's thick it looks like abouta 16 to 18 pager to me in print done asa sales letter online of a client who'susing a 48-page sales letter onlinetraffic is driven to it there's no audiosisters no video cyst there's no nothingthere's a sales letter literally stuckup on a website with duct tape and thumpthump acts and it's converting just fineso we'll talk about the reasons forconversion in in the fourth time blockthat we have together because mostpeople don't understand what reallycauses conversion and what doesn'tyou


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How to Track Transactions with Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce Functionality

in this video you're going to learn howyou can track transaction with theenhanced e-commerce trackingfunctionality of Google Analytics andwill install all this with the help ofGoogle tag manager a lot more coming upso let's dive in hi there and welcome toanother video of measure school commwhere we teach you the data-driven wayof digital marketing my name is Julienand today we want to talk about how youcan track enhanced e-commerce trackingtransactions within Google Analyticswith the help of Google tag manager andwe have done this before in anothervideo because they are actually twodistinct methods of capturingtransactions one is the classicecommerce tracking functionality withinGoogle Analytics and the second onewould be the enhanced e-commercetracking functionality within GoogleAnalytics now I won't be able to explainall of the different integrations youwould need to do to get a completeunderstanding of enhanced e-commercetracking but if you're interested in amore comprehensive course about this I'mactually thinking about building onejust for this purposeplease signalize your interest atmeasure school comm slash enhancede-commerce tracking course but today wewant to talk about just the transactiontracking part of the enhanced e-commercetracking and this is actually what Iwould recommend to install if you arethinking about installing equalstracking on your website so instead ofthe classic ecommerce tracking I wouldrecommend to start out with the enhancede-commerce tracking although you mightnot install the whole enhancede-commerce tracking functionality solet's get started first of all we wouldneed to prepare our Google Analyticsaccount to receive this enhancede-commerce tracking data how would we dothis we go over to Google Analytics andin the admin section under our viewsettings will find ecommerce settingsand we need to enable e-commerce butalso enhance ecommerce which we can doin the next step we can also put anour checkout labeling which we willignore in this video because we are onlyinstalling the transaction tracking ofthe enhanced e-commerce capabilitieslet's submit this and Google Analyticsis now ready to receive our data allright on our demo shop we have GoogleAnalytics installed and Google tagmanager now we want to add to this ourtransaction tracking there need to betwo things in place in order to do thisone is a correct data layer and thesecond are the write tags that forwardthe information on to Google Analyticsso let's talk about the data layer for asecond data layer would need to beinstalled on the final checkout pagewhere the data of the purchased itemsare available so in our case that wouldbe the Thank You page so let's gothrough a checkout process reallyquickly and we get to the checkout pagewhere we will have the data available tosend on to Google Analytics such as theproduct that was bought the total amountthat was paid the order number and so onand so on now in this page we would needto install a code that carries theinformation and if you do this withGoogle tag manager you would install itinto our data layer which is a centralrepository for all our data hidden fromthe user but visible to Google tagmanager and what we need to installexactly is documented in the enhancede-commerce tracking Help section wherewe have our developer guide on how toinstall enhanced e-commerce tracking nowas I said there are many different datalayers to implement to have the fullfunctionality of the enhanced e-commercetracking available we are only going totalk about the transaction trackingwhich is the purchase action within theenhanced e-commerce tracking so let'sclick on this and we actually get thedata layer or the data layer push thatneeds to beout on our thank-you page and valuesneed to be dynamically replaced such asthe ID would need to be replaced withour order number the revenue with ourtotal here and so on and so on nowinstalling this can be done in severalways you could do it right through thebackend of your system by editing thetemplate files and replacing dynamicallythe values of those fields with theactual value of the transaction youcould also install a plugin thatprovides that data by default or sendthis documentation over to yourdeveloper to have them implement it thisdata layer but be aware you can't justcopy it and paste it into your templatebecause then the products and the onlinestore and all these values would staythe same you need to have a dynamicreplacement of these values luckily weare on WordPress and WooCommerce hereand there's a very good plugin by ThomasGeiger which is the duracell to meGoogle tag manager plugin which I haveinstalled on my wordpress website and itgives you a lot of functionality on theimplementation of Google tag manager andfortunately also under the integrationsin WooCommerce functionality we can turnon the track enhanced e-commerce datawhich will transfer the data into ourdata layer automatically so let's checkout what is in the data layer let's goover to Google tag manager and actuallygo into the preview and debug mode andgo through a transaction againwe get to the Thank You page and we canlook with our preview in debug mode intothe data layer and the data that isavailable now we see here this is a bigobject that was pushed into the datalayer with the key GTM for WP ordercompleted and we have an e-commerceobject available with the data that weneed for enhanced e-commerce trackingthis is modeled after what we see herein the data layer push of the officialintegration now if you see any problemshere that's something that happens quiteoften you would need to make sure thatit's modeled after the officialdocumentation here in order for ourenhanced e-commerce tracking to work nowall we need to do is send the data on toGoogle Analytics how would we do thatlet's go over to Google tag manager andcreate a new tag this will be good aGoogle Analytics tag which will send anevent with our enhanced e-commercetracking data of the transaction overlet's go with Google Analytics here andwe are going with Universal analytics Ihave a tracking ID prepared in ourvariables if you don't know how toinstall this please Google for theGoogle Analytics ID my video will pop upand then we choose the track type ofevent now sending data over for enhancede-commerce tracking will not require youto send over a transaction track typeyou can send it either with an event ora page view but this data needs acarrier in our case we already have thepage you tracking installed so I don'twant to duplicate the page view on theThank You page I want to send in anevent to transport the data to GoogleAnalytics so let's go with event hereand then we can fill out anything thatwe want but please be sure to fill outthe category in action I usually callthis my enhancedecommerce tracking data and then theaction would be a purchase I will setthe non interaction hit to true becauseI don't want this tag to affect mybounce rate and then under the moresettingsI have ecommerce tracking featuresavailable and I can enable the enhancede-commerce tracking features now you canchoose to use a variable but in our casewe will use the data layer because thedata is available here let's continueand fire this tag upon a new trigger andwhat will this trigger be like let's goback we see our data here and we want tobe able to trigger our tagline that datais available and the actual checkpointfor this is in the event and we have anevent available here which is the GTMfor WP auto-completed let's copy thatand go back to Google tag manager andchoose custom event and as the eventname we simply put our GTM 4wp ordercompleted you call this trigger thetransaction trigger and we don't need toadd in any filters because this ispretty unique to this website let'screate this trigger and create this tagrefresh and go through a anotherconversion againhere we go and we see that upon ourfirst GTM for WP order a large EA eventee transaction has fired correctly nowwe can look into that unfortunately wedon't see any very revealing informationabout our sent enhanced e-commercetracking data and unfortunately we arealso not able to see any sign of ourenhanced e-commerce tracking in thereal-time reporting but we would be ableto see that an event came through and besure that our enhanced e-commercetracking data was sent it takes a whileto populate then in our conversionreports on the e-commerce you would haveyour enhanced e-commerce trackingreports available where you also haveall your sales performance report whereyour transaction should be showing upwithin the next half hour to 48 hoursplease be patient for this the otherreports will not be filled by defaultyou will need to install the fullenhanced e-commerce trackingfunctionality at the end don't forget topublish your version so it goes out toall your users so this was a quickoverview on how to install enhanceecommerce transaction tracking with thehelp of Google tag manager if you areinterested in building out the fullenhanced e-commerce tracking on yourwebsite please signalize your interestat measure school comm slash enhancede-commerce tracking courseand that's already it with this week'svideo of measure school , hope youenjoyed it and if you like this videoplease subscribe to this channel so wecan bring you more videos every week myname is Julien til next time


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