How to thrive in the Amazon age of ecommerce

[Applause]all right hello um thanks for the introuh so my name is MonicaI'm a product manager at web flow andI'm super excited to be chatting withyou guys and giving you a sneak peek onwhat we've built here at web flow in thee-commerce space it was really greatactually chatting with a couple of youguys beforehand just figuring out whatare you guys are using to build with webflow and seeing the possibility ofbringing ecommerce into what youimagined on building and I think we'reactually onto something really big hereso let's talk a little bit more aboutthat I named this talk kind ofunderstanding what's going on in thegeneral space of e-commerce and you knowAmazon is one of those formidableplayers in the space and it's more onhow do you thrive how do you how are yousuccessful when something is as big asas Amazon that's competing in the samespace as you and so we'll go throughthree big things we'll talk about whatthe landscape looks like what what doesthe competition look like we weunderstand that ecommerce is actually areally difficult space to be in we'lltake a look at two case studies ofsuccessful companies that have done welland they've done so by focusing on twovery important key pieces in buildingout their businesses and then we'll talkabout a little bit on how web flow hasmade a lot of our decisions onempowering you to make sure that you canactually continually create and evolveand be very very successful withcreating an e-commerce business foryourself so usually these talks startoff with some kind of statistic or somekind of graph I made a very generic oneand the trend goes upwards as you cantell and as we can all perceive thatecommerce is actually gaining in marketshare right nowit comprises about 13 or more depends inthe market percent of retail sales thisis about like five or six percent in2007 and so a lot of this you know wecan all tell that ecommerce is becomingmore and more important in our dailylives we've even changed the way that weexpect things to be purchased online wehave expectations for finding the lowestprice for having the greatest amount ofselection available and then we also nowhave new standards on how quickly we canget those products into our hands andthere's been no other company that hascapitalized on these needs than Amazonand so there's a shocking statistic that49 percent of all product searchesactually start on Amazon that's actuallyoutpacing other types of search engineslike Google and so you can see here Ithink I searched for a notebook and Ihave around 200,000 results for that onenotebook and if you're selling thingslike a planner or a journal and you'reselling on a platform like Amazon it'sreally difficult for you todifferentiate because as you imagineyou're showing the first out of 16results in the first page and so it'sreally difficult for you to stand outfor customers to trust you and tocontinually choose you over theircompetition to add to this there are alot of platforms out there that havereduced the barrier to you creating astore a lot of platforms give you thevillage to just set up a store using atemplate and because of this there'sbeen a massive influx of store merchantspeople creating stores it's never beeneasier to create one and to startselling things online and so right nowthere's about 600,000 active onlinemerchants and so that combination ofknowing that you're working with andagainst Amazon as well as othermerchants makes makes it really reallytough for you to to compete in thisspaceand so one of the things I would say oneof the most important things for you tobe able to be successful in the space isto focus on your brand and this isn'tnecessarily one of those like how-toe-commerce talks and we're gonna go intowhat Brandon brand is and and dig intothose details but I just wanted tostress that a brand is more than just alogo or any type of photography that youuse on your site a brand is somethingthat your customers will remember youfor it's a reason why they continuallychoose you to come back to when theyhave all these other options availableto them it's an opportunity for you toattract the right types of customers foryour business you can think of yourbrand as this magnet that makes surethat the right customers are coming toyou and choosing you and then you thinka really big part of your brand is thevalues of your company as well as yourproducts so appealing to them at anemotional level is really important andyou can connect with them in manydifferent ways and so having this brandthat this ephemeral thing that nobodycan really put their finger on what itmeans it needs a good delivery mechanismand that's usually done through a bunchof different touch points throughout thecustomer journey and the customerjourney has a lot of different parts andyour website is actually just a smallpart of that when you're sellingphysical products in the sense you haveto be thinking about all these touchpoints of packaging your return policybecause that actually changes the waythat people perceive you as a companyand as a business the way that youtarget them with relevant content theway you really make sure that theyunderstand you as a business and so thebest way of taking all these differentcustomer touch points and tying themtogether is through using your brand andweaving that in to your customerexperience and I think that thiscombination of your brand knowing aboutall these different touch points andweaving those inin a very seamless and consistent way isone of the key differentiators for youto stick out and to have customerschoose you time and time again and sowe'll take a look at two successfulbrands that have done this really welland then we're gonna focus on two or atleast one key part of their journey inwhich they are able to tie in theirbrand into that part of the customerjourney and the first case is all birdsI have a feeling that it was justreleased here in the UK but it's I'm notsure if are you guys familiar with thebrand not not yet so this is a shoebrand and they're a little bit specialbecause they make shoes that areentirely made out of wool but that's notthe thing that sets them apart the factthat they make wool shoes what they havedone is that they have focused theirentire branding their entire valueproposition on being sustainably focusedthis sustainability focused and so theyreally focus on making sure that theresources that they use to source theirshoes the way that they actually makeshoes changes the way that things aredone right now and so they do that in aconsistent way by using things likeplayful illustrations throughout theirwebsite and then they have all theselike photos of images that evokelightness they kind of make you want tofloat when you're wearing their shoesand one key part of the customer journeyin which they're able to represent whothey are really well is their productpage and they've actually it's muchlonger than this I kind of just took outa few tidbits on it but what they'vedone is that they've described whysustainability is important for theproduct and they've actually taken theshoe they've broken it down piece bypiece and they've shown why each layermatters and why you should care aboutthat and so they didn't take a typicaltemplatea cookie cutter template of what aproduct page should look like theycontinue down the product page isactually pretty expensive it's prettyeducational it's pretty long but by theend you have a good understanding of whysustainability is important to thiscompany and why you should care and howyou can be a part of that the next casestudy we're looking at is this companycalled glassy-eyed imagine not too manypeople in this room are familiar buthopefully this is a good a good casestudy of how a beauty brand has actuallybeen able to be to evolve their theirtheir company beyond the productsthemselves but really create a communityaround their values and who they are soeverybody that really buys from glossierreally feels that they're they'reparticipating in a community and thatthey're all kind of interacting witheach other they've given places withintheir websites dedicated to sharingtidbits on how how to apply the makeupactually it's more like skincare basedroutines and just being able to sharethat with each other and some of thethings that they they use throughouttheir branding are these fun iconicstickers they actually send you thephysical stickers when you buy theirproducts and a really key thing that youleave with when using this this websiteor actually completely buying is youfeel a sense of empowerment that beautyis beyond you know anything that'ssurface level and so one key part thatglossier really takes advantage of thistheir branding and leaving that in is atthe checkout and so you can see herethat it looks a little bit differentthan other types of platforms where theykind of give you a cookie cutter step bystep process they've broken it downthey've instilled there are colorsthey're branding you can't see this butas you transition into each step herethey they have all these like cutecutesy little animations that reallyshow that they're leading you all theway through the journey ofso they don't like drop you off at thecheckout and this is a really big partbecause as you all know that seven outof 10 of all shopping carts areabandoned and so they're really tryingto make sure that they're leaving youthrough their experience so that you'reable to come to that end result of youknow leaving empowered with their brandnew products and so that's that's thesecond case study and like I saidcheckout is one of the biggest pieces Iwould say in an e-commerce journey andso what do we do with you know these twocase studies it sounds like we weretalking about stickers and illustrationsand those are fun and you should juststick them all over your website and itshould sell like hotcakes the fact ofthe matter is is that you know surprisewhatever works for one brand will notwork for you whatever you're selling isvery special to who you are and you haveto make sure that your branding actslike a magnet to attract the right typesof customers to you and applying andtaking tidbits of other branding andkind of mashing it together and treatingit as your own is not necessarily thebest approach and so what's reallyimportant for you to do is to ensurethat the platform that you're usingallows you to consistently evolve anditerate on those ideas it's reallyimportant for you to be listening toyour customers and actually changing howyou talk to customers keeping theconversations active and engaged and soone of the key ways that we thoughtabout building this at web flow is howcan you quickly come to iterate ondifferent pieces of that customerjourney and we decided to actually openup all these different touch pointswithin that customer journey you shouldbe able to apply the same principles ofcreating a totally custom landing pageas you're able to do so at the checkoutor in the cart you should tailor thatentire experience to however you wouldimagine your customers wouldwould enjoy that that whole process andso checkout is a really really big piecethat we spent a lot of time and thoughtthinking through because it is that oneplace where a lot of customers drop offand you should be able to have the fullfull full control of being able to leadpeople into completing that transactionand so here is a sneak peak of this isthe beta here there's a beta flag to itand I'm currently on the checkout pageand this is kind of you know the thebasic version of it but you're able totake you know using the same principlesof full customized design you're able totake that checkout page and tweak it toexactly how you would imagine yourcustomers to respond to it best and soyou know we've applied the sameprinciples of you know design first intohow we've built the ecommerce solutionfor web flow but it turns out that youknow there's a lot of great sidebenefits that come with this the topfour is obviously because you're able toiterate really quickly on your brand youcan actually evolve it and make surethat you're targeting the rightcustomers to your store obviously in thesame way that you're able to spin uppages you can spin up new stories orpromotions that are relevant and you canactually do that within minutes insteadof days or weeksthere's no handing off process umanother thing is you can stay seasonalso you don't have to you know set yourwebsite and forget it you can make surethat it evolves it changes based on theseasons and people really know thatyou're active that you're involved and Ithink my favorite piece is it actuallylowers your operating expenses typicallyan e-commerce site is you know easy toset up but it's difficult to maintainespecially if you're still looking tofigure out who your customers are you'restill evolving as a brand you're stillevolving as a business and you probablyhave more than a couple developers onboard especially I talked to a couple ofpeople here where they're working at astartup and they're building hardwareand you know it's really important tomake sure that you havethe engineer is actually focusing on thestartup product itself what you'reselling rather than the interface or theinterface in which you're selling it onand so you can use all of thatadditional cost savings that you'dnormally be using towards hiringdevelopers into things that actuallygrow your businessthings like ads marketing inventoryusing you know the most common trends ofinfluence or marketing and other typesof things that I'm sure you can find alot of resources and talk talks aroundand so you know focusing on design firstobviously has been and empowering you asa designer has been the way that we'vebuilt web flow from the ground up it'svery natural for us to think aboutadding the capability to sell on top ofthat and we wanted to make sure that youwere completely in charge of every stepof that entire customer journey so thatyou can really tell the story of who youare at each of those critical touchpoints and so I think it's reallyimportant for your yeah just to standout and continually be collectinginformation about your customers andthis platform the web flow helps you dothat so thank you


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