Ecommerce Website Design | Complete Ecommerce Website Tutorial (UI) HTML CSS JAVASCRIPT

[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]watching things on folk like a bottlewith a dollar in ityou found your mama and your Papa did ittheir piece of the pie hat Devilschocolate in it a shot of vodka to keepthe doctor splendid no fingers pointedthe expected condition of ungodlinesscarries through the times like the sideof our consciousness though we consciousof what the problem is never see theconsequent opposite of causing it andwhat we see the objects of ourcompliments and honesty broI'm surprised that's what I focus on thesame every time I floated on the ridethis roller coaster barely holding onwonder how we hope it on home eitherholding your soul is gone that don't ripyou by your throat ago and they lookingat me wrong like who is this guy whothinks he's so hot what I'm saying thisCooper mine[Music]see watching things unfold like a basketwith your downs reading it by you hungout the dryers on the line a string andlast line beside you bet made inside ofyour designer image Eagle mix 55% becomeGod in your mind you figure Sigmasipping the cigar while you go when Adiscrimmage figure you can get out and getit if God won't give it if he didn'tgive it then you figure this yourinterest to be committed to making itgetting big guys so you could differencewhat you're wishing sip tea and licksoff the fool think that is why for thewise man meditate in the pool but youcan't walk on water prosperity canfalter clarity can't conquer the ups anddowns of life trade a compilation allwork where Yahweh is revealed in everystroke every breath every joy everymodel every Sun every daughter everyslam at the altar every moment that youthought of giving up and breaking downlift up your hands as you call them sayyou have been in this place for so longescape anything thatwhat my house is so we lovegod I don't see that I know you know Iknow you're not[Music]I've been in this place for so longescape anything that I knowlove my Han Solono you know[Applause]I know you know[Music]you know[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]could it be[Music][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]watching things on folk like a walletwith a dollar in it you found your mamaand your Papa did it their piece of thepie had devil's chocolate in it a shotof vodka to keep the doctor splendid nofingers pointed the expected conditionof ungodliness carries through the timeslike the side of our consciousnessthough we can't just tell what theproblem is you never see the consequentopposite of causing it and what we seethe objects of our compliments tonightasleep bro I'm surprised that's what Ifocus on the same every time I floatedall-beef ride this roller coaster barelyholding on wonder how we hope it onhomie – holy your soul is gone theydon't rip you by your throat ago andthey looking at me wrong like who isthis guy who thinks he's so hot what I'msaying this group of mine[Music]my god I don't see[Music][Applause][Music]watching things unfold like a basketwith your laundry in it by you hung outthe dryers on the line a stringing guysline beside your bed made inside of yourdesigner image beagle mix 55% become Godin your mind you figure Sigma sipping acigar ye go when are these premisefigure you can get out and get it if Godwon't give it if he didn't give it thenyou figure this waitress to be committedto making it get and get guys so youcould live with what you're wishingsifting licks off the fool think that iswhy for the wise man I meditate in thepool but you can't walk on waterprosperity can falter clarity canconquer the ups and downs of life tradea compilation all work where Yahweh isrevealed in every stroke every breathevery joy every model every son everydaughter every slam at the altar everymoment that you thought of giving up andbreaking down lift up your hands as youcall them say you have been in thisplace for so long escape anything thatwhat my hands are so low god I don't seethat I know you know I know you know[Music]I've been in this place for so long butthey've been attained that I knowwell my house is solodon't say that I know you know[Applause]and those who know[Music]you know[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]to be[Music][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]watching things on folk like a bottlewith a dollar in it you find your mamaand your Papa did it their piece of thepie hat Devils chocolate in it a shot ofvodka to keep the doctor splendid nofingers pointed the expected conditionof ungodliness with carries through thetimes like the side of our consciousnessthough we can't just say what theproblem is never see the consequentopposite of causing it trust and what wesee the objects of our compliments andhonesty bro I'm surprised that's what Ifocus on the same every time I throw thedolphins ride this roller coaster barelyholding on wonder how we hope it on homeeither holy your soul is gone that don'trip you by your throat ago and theylookin at me wrong like who is this guywho thinks he's so hot what I'm sayingthis Cooper mine[Music][Applause][Music]watching things unfold like a basketwith your laundry in it but you hung outthe dryers on the line next ringing lastline besides you bet made inside of yourdesigner immature ego mix 55% become Godin your mind you figure Sigma sipping acigar ye go when are these scrimmagefigure you can get out and get it if Godwon't give it if he didn't give it thenyou figure this traitorous to becommitted to making it get in get guysso you could live with what you'rewishing sifting licks off the fool thinkthat is why for the wise man I meditatein the pool but you can't walk on waterprosperity can falter clarity canconquer the ups and downs of life tradea compilation our work where Yahweh isrevealed in every stroke every breathevery joy every model every song everydaughter every slam at the altar everymoment that you thought of giving up andbreaking down lift up your hands as youcall them say you have been in thisplace for so long escape anything thatwell my house is so low god I don't seethat I know you know I know you know[Music]I've been in this place for so long butthey've been attained that I knowwhat my heart is so lowdon't see that I know Gino[Applause]you know[Music]you know[Music]I[Music][Music]welcome into bed[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]


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How to make free Ecommerce website with free domain & hosting

most guys wanna back here with anotherexciting video and in this video guysI'm going to show you how I can create afree ecommerce website with free domainand free hosting which means you do nothave to spend any money at all to getyour local business online if you have asmall shop even if you have a big storeyou probably want to get your localbusiness online so this video for youguys in this video I'm going to show youhow you can get a free domain and freehosting so following that we're gonnacreate a ecommerce store for you guysand I'm gonna show you step-by-step howyou can add your product into that storein addition to that I'm gonna show you Ican create a WordPress website just likea Vic's comm if you're familiar where you can drag and drop somecertain elements to your site to givehis unique look to your site and wegonna have almost the same feature inthe WordPress website so I'm going toshow you guys that thing as well so keepwatching this video to learn and you cansee I can create your ecommerce websitewithout having knowledge thosecomplicated coding so guys let's getstarted and let me show you how you canget your business online if you need tochannel make sure you subscribe or youcan turn on notification by clickingthis notification Val I can and youwon't miss my new uploads and also youcan leave a like if you've been enjoyingthese videos so guys this is the mainsite that we are going to create in thisvideo you can see some categories overhere and some products below the siteand you can see the product categoriesover here the cool thing about this whenyou hover your mouse on any products youcan see a little preview of that productand you can see a hot button as well andpricing and the categories of the pageand the name of that part and of courseyou can see beautiful cart page overhere this is the checkout page so guyslet's get started les create the samewebsitethat we have in this video so firstthing we need to get a free hosting andfree domain so let's go with freehosting so I'm gonna type raw free hostand you need to open this website let'sopen this website in a new tab and nowwhile this website is loading we need toperform another Google search for freenom and open up this website as well inthis website we are going to get a freedomain and this is the website where weare going to get a free hosting forlifetime okayso let's go to the free Nam and letspurchase a free domain ok click on checkavailability now select your domain typeand then click on checkout now changethe time period to 12 month free clickon use DNS now click on use your own DNSand then go to free unlimited hostingwebsite and now click on a resistor nowso guys if you already sister then youneed to click on login login to myaccount so guys as you can see here weneed to click on create new account soguys this is the name server we need tocopy this name server and we need to goback to the Phenom allows just pastedthat claims over one more time and let'schange this one to two okay then clickon continue so guys you can login byyour social networks because they do notwork at the moment but you can do youcan log in via email account let's clickon thatso as here I'm gonna type my emailaccount then click on loginso guys here you need to enter yourbilling address if you want to otherwiseyou can click this boxI read the agreement terms and conditionand then click on complete order now weneed to click on to go to your clientarea now click on the services and clickon my domains so guys this is the domainlet's just copy the domain here so guyshere we need to click on custom domainand we need to enter that domain and oryou can paste that remain here onceyou've done that you need to click onthis check box button ok just wait oneor two minute I guess after that youwanna click on this button manage soguys data sets your account under theprocess you have to wait one or twominutes so does let's try to reload thisokay as you can see guys now this statushas active now you can create yourWordPress website now let's just go tocontrol panel you have to wait for 5seconds and it will redirect to yourcPanel so guys as you can see this isthe cPanel and now you can scroll downand when you see this soft applause appsinstaller then click on that ok now weneed to install this WordPress click oninstall now here we need to change somesettings here let's delete this WP fromthe directory give a name to your sitethis is a hit bowl but it won'tokay you can this is just fordemonstration purposes now let's justenter the username let's just enter thepassword here now let's just enter youremail account then scroll down now youneed to click on install so guys now youcan access your WordPress dashboard bygoing to this link let's open this linkin a new tab okay guys now we are in thefresh installation of WordPress so thisis the dashboard now we need to installthe team let's go to the appearancelet's go to the themes now click on addnew now come over here now search for ustrough now we need to install this Astratheme click on install then click onactivate so guys now we need to installthe Astra pluginlet's go to the plugins and then clickon add new so guys come over here unlesssearch for Astra type Astra and theAstra starter sites appear and you needto click on install now so let's makesure this plug-in should be by brainstrong force then click on activate andthere you go now you can go to theappearance and you can see the Astrasites appear under the appearance andclick on that so guys make sure you arein beaver builder and then you wannascroll down until you see this themeright here and you wanna click on thatteam now you have to click on thisinstall plugins so this button willinstall all of these plugins so it willtake a while in that time I'm gonnaspeed this video and I'm gonna come backafter it's done so guys as you can seenow we have this import site button soguys now we need to click on import thissite and this pop-up message comes upnow we need to click on OK toimport this site into our WordPress siteso that as you can see this themeimporting some pages post and mediafiles into our WordPress dashboard socuz it will take a while so I'm going tospeed this video up and I will come backafter it's done so as you can seeimporting is done now we need to clickon done and view our site and we can seehow our site looks like okay as you cansee this is our site if we go to thesedoors and we click on some products overhere so because if I scroll down you cansee we have some products on the genescategory but we do not have the ad cutbutton by default we need to add thatbutton as well let's go to customizeclick on that so there's our mainconcern is layout let's open the layoutand then pacifically WooCommerce andthen you wanna click on the shop buttonand then we need to click on thiseyeball to turn back on the Add to Cartbutton let's put that button over thetop or you can turn on and off thesethings as well let's say you don't wannashow the categories and you can erasethe categories as well let's turn thisback on once you've done that click onpublishlet's close this unless go to the homeand let me show you the Add to Cartbutton over here as you can see so guysthis is the default website looks likeyou can make some changes over here ifyou go to the dashboard of your side andlet me show you how you can add theproducts if you go to the products youcan see all products by clicking on allproducts button so guys these are theproducts you can delete these productsby clicking on the trash and you canafter that you can empty the trash aswell if you want to add your own productyou want to click on this addbut in our add new button over here aswell click on that so guys here you needto give the part name and you're hereyou need to type the 300 minimum 300words description of your products andthen you want to click on the prize youwanna set the price after that you wannaadd the product into some categories youcan add tags you can add the featureimage or product image and of course youcan add the part of galleries means youcan add more images of the same productsonce you done that click on publish itwill publish your product very simple isthat just go back to the dashboard andlet's go to our site or you can visit toyour store as well this is your storelet's go to our site so guys I'm notgonna go very deep in this full commerceplug-in but I will have the fullin-depth video tutorial into my channelabout this WooCommerce plugin where youcan learn all the things about thee-commerce platform so for now you canexperiment with this website in order toknow how this newcomers plug-in works sothis is your WordPress website lookslike and now let me show you thedrag-and-drop feature that can be seenin the fix dot-com so now click on thisspace builder click on that so once youclick on that button it will ask youwould you like to take a tool if youclick on yes place it will take you tothe tour and it will tell you whatexactly these are the things you simplyclick on next next and next ok now letme show you the few things over here ifyou click on this plus icon you can havethe modules under the modules you havestandard or youhave overpass widgets you can add theword widgets ads as well to your siteyou can add the rows column the overhere anywhere on your page so thatwhenever I hover my mouse cursor at anyof these elements it display the boxesand with that box you have some otherbuttons to add some elements to that boxsheep and you can add anything you wantso guys you can play around with thisdrag and drop features again I'm notgonna go very deep in this feature if Ido so this video will be gone at that Italked really want my purpose show thisto you that we have the same kind offeature that have right insidethe WordPress and now you're at leastknow how easy it is to create theWordPress website so I need to end thisvideo right here so that's the end ofthis video guys I hope you enjoy thisvideo if you did enjoy you can leave alike if you want more video just likethis one you can subscribe to my channelfor more awesome videos so thank you somuch guys for watching this video I willsee you guys next time[Music]


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Top 10 Best Infomercial Products

you know you want them and it's not justcuz it's 3 a.m. how much would you payfor a knife like this before you answerlisten it even comes with a matchingfork to make carving a pleasure welcometo and today we'recounting down our picks for the top 10best infomercial products now grow awhole collection of fun with gia teddybears puppies kittens Rams wool purplebunnies and a chia tree to keep your petcovered for this list we're looking atthose products that graced our TVscreens and managed to peak ourcuriositywhile the infomercials themselves mayhave been a little bit on the corny sidethe products themselves either becamecommercially successful or a notablepart of pop culture either way they'reworth a mention the Snuggie keeps youtotally warm and gives you the freedomto use your hands so now you can workthe remote or read a book in totalwarmth and comfort number 10hi master like I've been saying somepeople are born with great legs but therest of us have to work at itthank goodness there's five master evenif you weren't in need of an inner thighworkout this classic 90s infomercialitself was pretty interesting spreadeagles and spandex aside Suzanne Somersmay have played a ditzy blonde on TV butshe was a shrewd businesswoman inrealityremember we may not have been born withgreat legs but now we goshe saw an opening in the market so tospeak and decided to help creator JoshuaReynolds fill the hip adductors specificexercise void and thus she bestowed uponthe world a highly successful andsurprisingly versatile piece of exerciseequipment easy to squeeze squeeze yourway to shapely hips and thighs I thoughtI'd never fit into these jeans againThank You time Astor number nineShamWow hi it's Vince with ShamWowyou'll be saying WOW every time you usethis towel it's a dude speakingenthusiastically into the headset mic inthe wee hours of the morning didn'tcapture your attention certainly theefficiency of this cleaning tool shouldhave I can't live without it I just loveit oh my gosh I mean buy paper towelsanymore you're gonna wash your cars orany kind of vehicle you'd be out of yourmind not the only one all I can say SamWowyou could basically clean up a two-literbottle of soda and then towel your boatoff and still be able to soak up somemore or something like that doesn't ripdoesn't make a mess bring it out youwash it in the washing machine maybeGermany you know the Germans always makegood stuff but it actually does hold tentimes its weight in liquid they knowthey've done tests either way it lookslike a good way to conserve thoseexpensive paper towel funds you're gonnaspend twenty dollars every month onpaper towels anyway you're throwing yourmoney away number eight Ginsu knives theGinsu can cut a slice of bread so thinyou can almost see through it the Ginsuis so sharp it can cut through a tin canand still slice a tomato like this itcan chop wood and still remain razorsharp if you ever needed to cut througha can and then immediately slice atomato these are the knives to turn tothe more you use it the better it cutshow's that for sharp that's what we callmultifunctional the genius behind themarketing of this late 70s earlyeighties tool wasn't that they wereactually Japanese it's the idea thatthey were foreign sounding that madethem much more appealing in Japan thefoot can split wood but it can't split awatermelonthis is Ginsu to a complete set ofknives like this ginzu chef's knife thatcombined with their innovateand groundbreaking hard-sell infomercialapproach seemed to work the knife soldlike crazy thanks in large part to theimpressive knife wielding commercialsyou get the Ginsu knife the matchingcarving fork the versatile six in onekitchen tool a set of six steak knivesand the spiral slicer you get them allguaranteed in writing for 50 years foronly 995 number seven the clapperwe love our simple conveniences likeinstead of getting up to turn off ourlights sometimes we'd like the abilityto just clap our hands together and getthe job done just plug it in turnsthings on turns things off just byclapping first sold in 1986 with helpfrom a clappy jingle the clapper is aningenious invention not just forconvenience sake but also forindividuals with limited mobility whostill want to conserve electricity Pluswho wouldn't feel like nobility enteringtheir house and clapping theirappliances on the clapper plus worksfrom anywhere even through windows andwall or switch on the clapper and theclapper plus number six life call youjust press this button and speak intothe air and I'm calling paramedics andyour family mr. Miller if you've everfallen and couldn't get upthis handy product would have beenhelpful I'm we're sending helpimmediately mrs. Fletcher see her folksin their golden years and plenty ofpeople in need of immediate medical carethis commercial wasn't just anunintentionally comical product pitch itwas a godsend protect yourself with lifecall and you're never alone having theability to call for help while you'restuck on the floor can save a life or atleast a hip unfortunately it couldn'tsave this company which went out ofbusiness only to be replaced by thesimilar Life Alert but their ads are farless amusingnumber five Bowflex what happens betweenconsenting adults in the privacy oftheir own home is their business even ifit's working out together on a Bowflexhome Jim want to get ripped want to quitthe gym because you have social anxietyor just don't like hearing gym ratsgiving themselves hernias do you have anextra bedroom to dedicate solely to themajesty that is the Bowflex then thiscompany has got plenty of not-so-subtlepieces of exercise equipment just foryou with ten simple exercises you canwork your chest abs arms legs back andmore in no timelaunched in 1986 Bowflex provided analternative to bulky and heavy exercisemachines as demonstrated in manycommercials and infomercials withfeatures like a built in aerobic rowingexercise convertible grips andconvenient folding capabilities it'seasy to see why a Bowflex was selectedby Fitness Magazine as the best home gymfor 1997 of course most of us probablywatch them while binging on sliders andcheese puffs but that's another storyHere I am 50 and I can keep up with my24-year old daughterI could even keep up with myfive-year-old granddaughter – beinghealthy and fit it's very important tome yes I'll be fit all my life numberfour OxiClean it cleans it brightens andeliminates odors all at the same timedon't just get it clean get it oxy cleanit's always cool when you find acleaning product that's powered by themagic of oxygen because oxygen ismagicalwatch how oxy clean unleashes the powerof oxygen making tough stains disappearlike magic without fading or bleedingthe colors founded in 1997 thisinvention was famously promoted by theever enthused Billy Mays until his 2009death sculptures clean it off seecleanin and oxy clean is not justlaundry detergent either you could useit for almost anything actually the mostimpressive aspect of this infomercialproduct is its ability to remove stainsincluding blood[Music]the matter optically lifts away stagedetergents can leave behind because youknow sometimes a crime scene needs agood cleanup it'll make your whiteswhiter it'll make your brights brighteras a stain remover it's the best grassstains clay stains long live yourlaundry OxiClean the stain specialistnumber three magic bullet but the bulletfast magic that we like best frozendrinks sometimes you just want a singleserving of frozen margarita not a wholepitcher and if you're the type ofindividual who doesn't want to makeenough frozen margarita for theirfriends then this product is right upyour alleynow you can hoard all the deliciousbeverages in your bedroom makingsmoothies guacamole and scrambling eggsall by your lonesome any chance ofgetting a real breakfast how about anomelet friends and family what's thatit's the Magic Bullet the personalversatile countertop magician thissingle sized blender slash foodprocessor slash juicer is all you needfor a party for apparently the morningafter not so loud number two Proactivecome on let's be honest when you'redealing with breakouts you don't justwant clear skin you want really greatfabulous amazing perfect skin and youdeserve back if you ever feel ashamedbecause your face looks like it'sexploding on itself fret not before youare not alone I tried everything to getrid of my acne but nothing workedJustin Bieber acne riddled JessicaSimpson with pimples could it beapparently yes and they also apparentlymanage to get it under control with this3-piece kit why make things hard[Music]developed by dermatologists and launchedin 1995 proactive features benzoylperoxide and glycolic acid as activeingredients this is a benzoyl peroxideproduct the same as the cleanser whichis benzoyl peroxide in fine grains useit over the entire face every eveningand you'll stay clear and while that'snot spectacularly different than manydrugstore brands the celebrityadvertising has worked like gangbustersensuring this company makes upwards ofeight hundred and fifty million dollarsa year there are some things that justcome with being a teenage girl likecrazy hormones freakin I don't want tostop thatand then there's it that's why I useProactiv because there's no way I'mgonna let a bunch of zits get in my waybefore we unveil our top pick here are afew honorable mentions blankets are okaybut they can slip and slide and when youneed to reach for something your handsare trapped insidenow there's the Snuggie the blanket thathas sleeves there's a new pet chia-chiapet the buttery that grows bending overto put your shoes on it's aback-breaking chore one wrong step youcan end up on the floor and trying toget them often hurt even morewell now this shoe Dini the world'sfirst shoe Hornet lets you get yourshoes on and off with ease number onethe George Foreman grill knock out thefet with the George Foreman lean meansfat reducing grilling machine has myname on it it's a winner this innovativelean mean fat reducing grilling machineis a tabletop grill that allows thehealth-consciousand tons of college students to cookburgers in their bedrooms or WIPApaninis in their office paninis is easysalmonmy speciality vegetables naturally fromfrozenenjoy wider variety and reduce the fatwith a lean mean fat reducing grillingmachine from George ForemanForeman himself became an idealcelebrity spokesman andeven influenced the grills design afterhe regained the heavyweight title at age45 and attributed his success to healthyeating that signature George tells uswhat I guarantee you yeah put your nameon it it better work while draining offthe fat appeal to those looking to shedpounds the ease of use and idiot-proofdesign made it a no-brainer for over 100million since its launch in 1994 it'sreally quality and it makes you proudyeah I've done many endorsements of alot of things but never of I find myname sign your name you're gonna have toanswer that this is a good answer forthose who want to knock out that do youagree with our listwhat's the best infomercial product youever used for more entertaining top 10spublished every day be sure to subscribeto here's how to order[Music]


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Internet Marketing Explained

any intelligent fool can make thingsbigger and more complex it takes a touchof genius and a lot of courage to movein the opposite direction AlbertEinstein well al we hope this makes youproud this is internet marketingexplained SEO PPC Facebook Twitter andGoogle oh my it seems like a lot andalthough there is no wizard behind thecurtain when it comes to internetmarketing a little education solidplanning and hard work can lead you downthe yellow brick road onto you confusedfeel like you're already effective ininternet marketing maybe your currentwebsite company is telling you they'vegot you covered SEO PPC and more forjust 599 dollars a month or is it yourmother's cousin once-removed that hasyou convinced that he can now ChannelSteve Jobswell ouch we know this may sting alittle but that's just not possiblehere's the secret wait wait for itthat's the thing there isn't one maybethere used to be but with the crazyanimal updates in the social mediafrenzy your hopes of buying your way toinfer me or the first page of searchengine results have been eliminated thealgorithm has taken control it's allabout strategy which takes timeinvestment and measurementGoogle and their peers have successfullydeclared war on junky sites lack of orpoor content and especially lazymarketing like letting a vendor post thesame content everywhere they're in thebusiness of information that if yours isnot informative relevant unique andpopular above I hear me when I tell youthat they will sock it to you tryposting the same content over and overacross your sites and social media it'sa surefire way to guarantee the demiseof your internet presence so where do webegincontent this is a big one social mediaauthorship SEO oh and did we mentionthis encompasses everything PPCretargeting reputation likes links andwait there's more it's all verycomplicated but we'll handle itdon't you worry says the parade ofvendors all convincing you their way isbest get about it it's all prettylogical if you grasp the basics andunderstand that every part is importantand it all works together successfulinternet marketing simply takes a bit ofunderstanding holistic strategy and goodold-fashioned hard work so let's startthe journeysearch engine optimization seo searchengines loyalty has to be with the userthe one who is searching in a nutshellGoogle's life purpose is to tune downthe stupid and tune up the smart focuson the user create amazing content thatpeople will love and then share that'swhat it's about videos pictures articlesinfographics etc that's right it takestime money resources and smart peoplebut with great content comes legitimatebacklinks which are similar to votesthat say you are relevant and will serveyou up first that's right Google wantsgreat content and proof that you'relegitimately popular no spam linksplease so if you're not producing greatcontent then you need to examine yourmarketing philosophy and maybe your headwhile you're at it social media socialmedia serves as the transportationsystem for any worthy content it's notjust about getting likes or followersthat's not the name of the game think ofsocial media as the popularity contestfor your content good content equalsengagement which equals strong socialsignals to the search engines and youmust be measuring Facebook TwitterLinkedin Pinterest and moreand who will be prom queen or king wewill decide Google+ is a social platformtoo but it stands alone we'll discussthis a little later take note thatsocial media is all about interactionand engagement with your targetcustomers and whether they find theinformation you're sharing is valuableor not on to reputation management thinkabout it how many prom kings and queenscan afford to not be concerned abouttheir reputation companies operate in anera where the consumer can make or breakyou with a few clicks of the buttonimagine seeing your company's name nextto the words fraud scam rip-off badservice or zero reviews you have toprotect your company through listeningproactivity and the correct reactionsgetting bad reviews or complaints are apart of business it's hard to satisfyeveryone all the time so when a madcustomer decides to ruin yourcredibility you want to make sure youhave taken the correct steps toaddressing it and prevent it fromshowing up on the first page of GooglePPC and retargeting well if I told youthat you could pay to jump right infront of someone who is activelysearching for your exact product wouldwe fall in love what if I told you thatwhen people visited your site you canthen continue to follow them around theinternet like a magnet and continue tomessage them over and over again imaginewhat that could do to your business thisis what PPC and retargeting can do foryou it's a must and it is the quickestway to get in front of your targetaudience seriouslyten minutes and out video so wementioned video in the content sectionbut let's further clarify the need forvideo video marketing is huge and infact the second biggest search engine isYouTube if you're not creating video getanother head check and they get startedcreating video right away but rememberthe rules of great contentstill apply to videos now let's talkuser experience clean simple and easyare in confusing ugly and cluttered areout take a look at your website and seeif you feel a sense of anxiety if somake the adjustment quickly Google+authorship okay we decided to mentionGoogle+ by itself because Googlecontrols the search industry so youbetter be playing on their social mediaplatform they're making people takeownership of their content and rewardingthose who create great content often sowhat's the conclusion when youunderstand the basics internet marketingis pretty illogical but it is imperativeto remember that these activities trulyare connected codependent andinterdependent and they cannot standalone in silos yeah it is hard work butdone correctly and consistently wellworth the time effort and investment
