Digital Marketing Bangla Tutorial – What it is? How does it work?

Digital marketing Bangla Tutorial and complete guide – Learn everything about digital marketing.

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Digital marketing is a process of selling products or services using digital media through internet.

There are some most popular digital marketing tactic in this video i will give you clear ideas about most common digital marketing tactic.

SEO ( Search Engine Optimization)

Online Advertising

SMM ( Social Media Marketing )

Email Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Content Marketing

Inbound Marketing

Online PR

Search Engine optimization (SEO): Search engine optimization is a process of making your site search engine friendly. There ar a lot of tactic people use to rank their site on search engine like google, yahoo, bing.

kinds of Search engine: there are two kinds of search engines.

On page / Site SEO ( Technical )

Off Page SEO ( Link building )

Online advertising: Online advertising mean advertising with search engine like google adwords, bing advertising, social media advrtising.

There are many types of advertising online like

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Cost Per Action (CPA)

Cost Per View (CPV)

Display Advertising

Sociaal media marketing: Social media is a great way to connect with customers. You can connect and engage with your audiance using social media. Now a days social media is one of the best marketing channel. Most popular social media are as follows





Google +




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The Future of Marketing – in 2020 and Beyond

I'm a bit exhausted I didn't get enoughsleep crying baby wakes up every twohours so today I wanted to talk to youguys about the future of digitalmarketing where's my slides all right asyou guys can see and the future is notwhat you thinkbut don't worry not everything has to begrim there is some good news as well andI'm gonna share with you guys a lot ofstats and data so we deal with companiesof all different types of sizes fromlarge corporations like you know fortune100 all the way to small mom and popsand when you're dealing with companiesof all sizes then you would do this forroughly 1617 years you start noticingtrends and patterns and what Eric and Iwanted to leave you with is changes thatyou can implement so that way you'regoing to be better prepared for the nextalgorithm updates the next platformupdates so that way you can keepthriving and surviving and doingextremely well so my twitter handle eventhough the hashtag I'm the co-founder ofad agency called Neil Patel digital as Imentioned work with all different typesof companies from the Facebook's of theworld to the Microsoft's you know yadayada yada tons of quotes testimonialsnow the point of all that isn't to sayI'm great or I'm amazing I don't thinkI'm the best marketer out there I stillthink I have a lot to learn and improveupon but it's more so to show that heywhen I'm giving data and facts it'sbased on what I'm seeing and it's notjust me making stuff up and I truly seeboth sides of the table not only am ientrepreneur and a marketer myself Ialso work with companies like Google butthis one's actually Facebook companieslike Facebook who hit me up and pay memoney to speak at their own conferencesto their own customers as well ascompanies like Google will hit me up tohelp market Google as well in essence Ireally do see every single side ofmarketing I see it from the entrepreneurside the business owner side themarketer side the platform side from theGoogle's the Facebook's of the world nowfor we get started and go into thefuture marketing I wanted to play alittle bit of a game with you guys sonumber one how many blogs do you thinkare there on the weblet's see how many of you guys list somemarketing school alright take a guessthat's rightso I even may have a different numberhow you may have a different numberyou're like Nana there's a billion 100WordPress blogs do you know the realnumber okay so from what we know and allthe stats online there's at least abillion blocks how many people are inthe world take a guessyeah roughly seven-billion do you thinkwe need that many blogs that's roughlyone blog for every seven people justhonestly no we don't need anothermarketing blog so don't try to copy mealright but in general there's just toomuch content at this point how manyenterprise companies do you think areleveraging digital marketing you knowlike these old-school companies some ofthem are like big corporations like fort'v how many of you guys have heard afour t'v did you know they're worth likethirty billion dollars and they selllike gas pumps and industrial equipmentthat you guys use on a daily basis butyou never know about okay how manyold-school companies like that do youthink are leveraging digital marketingtake a guess who said all of them that'sright all of them are pretty muchleveraging digital marketing those guyshave a ton of money literally pilesand piles of it they make more ininterests on any given day than we makein a whole year working right so theycan all spend us in they when they makemistakes it doesn't really hurt themanother question startups they raisemoney what do you think most of moneythat they're raising is used for thesedays ads what elsewhat else what else what do you do youdo sales don't try to lie to peopleyou're salesmen I know you're on payrollthat if that guy tries talking to youhe's a Salesman okay so startups thesedays when I was starting my firstcompany back in the name we would raiseventure capital the money was raised forcreating a product engineering serversall that kind of stuff now mostcompanies raise the majority of theirmoney for sales and marketing in otherwords growth they're trying to figureout how to get more revenue and thatusually involves sales and marketing youcan talk about growth hacking and lupinesome product changes but in essencethat's where they're spending theirmoney how many of you guys or whatpercentage of voice searches will be in2020 what do you think what percentagego for it yeah you you really do listento marketing school a lot50% of this thing's are changing how areyou gonna monetize when someone's doinga search over a Luksa device or Googlehome how are you gonna monetize thathave you guys ever thought about that50%I want that revenue for that 50% don'tyou guys so there's a lot of things thatare changing I'm gonna give them go overeven more you're gonna see me turning myhead a lot back a bit cuz there's a tonof stats and data I hope you guys don'tget overwhelmed and then we'll go intosome of the things you guys can do toensure that you continually succeedso here's Google's revenue 2008 was arecession we're worried about apotential recession coming in the futurewhat happened to Google's revenue duringthe recession it went up what do youthink is gonna happen to their revenueduring this recession it's probablygonna go up they'll figure out ways tomake it go half if the cost per clicksgo down you may see more pay listings onpage one right generally speakingperformance advertising continues to goup if you spend a dollar onhey dad's you expect to make more moneythan what you spent would you guys agreewith that statement so during arecession if you still spend a dollar onGoogle and you make $2 do you thinkyou're gonna slow down because it's arecession no it doesn't matter if it's arecession a bull market a bear market ifyou can spend a dollar and make $2 aslong as its profitable including allyour other costs you're gonna keepspending as much money as you can andthat's what you'll see people will startmoving their traditional ad dollars moreover to performance based marketingduring recessions so let's go over whatI've been learning and the future ofmarketing and where it's going backnumber one and we talked a little bitthis during our podcast marketing isgoing on the channel but I have the datato show you why right so I'm gonnaactually go over here because it'seasier to see the television screen thanthe projector here's marketing spend bychannel no shocker which place gets themajority of the revenue Google who hasthe largest market cap Google next oneFacebook as makes sense Facebook has ahuge market cap then you get into SEOand content marketing and social mediamarketing and then other SEO yeah mayget a lot of the clicks but paidadvertising you spend a dollar make $2you don't have to wait a long timepeople keep spending conversion rate byChannel Google AdWords Facebook Ads SEOcontent marketing social media other whydoes Google AdWords convert better thanSEO if you had to take you guess peoplelike oh this is paid ads we wouldn'ttrust it as much why do you think paidads converts better the what ibottle-fed ok intent landing page usrightif you Sayid has wpbeginner you get aton of visitors millions a month onthose pages that get a millions ofvisitors a month can you just put asqueeze page and make them sign up forhosting and my pug ins you could butyour rankings would go down if youremove the content you just put that itwould go down with pay-per-click if yougive them money youput whatever you want as long as youkeep paying them right SEO you gottahave content sure you can get a lot oftraffic but that content you know if youlook at auto insurance you click on thefirst pay list encoder and that's itdoes even have a hundred words the texton the page including the title tag youlook at the text-based version thatranks on page one that's like a thousandwords about auto insurance Facebook adsintent isn't thereyou can still convert them cost perclicks or a lot less and if you canstill convince them to convert you justgot to get more clicks SEO as we alreadymentioned social media you guys alreadyknow that one other we'll go into othera bit later average number of socialshares per post it's been continuallydeclining what do you think is gonnahappen in the future you think it'sgonna go back up no if you want to goback up what are you gonna have to getFacebook money that's the reality of itand I'm not here to say Facebook sucksit's a great platform in channel formarketers you can also start gettingcreative and leverage like messengerchat and all this stuff helps as wellthat Larry talked about earlier but ingeneral social shares are decliningthat's just the stats now here's wherepeople are publishing content it yousuggest be where would be on their ownblog but now everyone's leveragingmedium Tumblr Facebook YouTube LinkedInTwitter Google doesn't penalize forduplicate content you release somecontent once publisher it every whereyou release one video take that samevideo reuploaded it to Facebookreuploaded to LinkedIn re-upload it toPinterest actually I don't thinkPinterest takes videos but everywhereelse that takes videos upload it getthat traffic what do you have to losewhat percent of organic search trafficgoes to your blog you see a trend herenot only are people continue to blog butthose pages give information they don'tnecessarily sell products or service andthis isn't Google's fart for doing thisthere's nothing wrong with what they'redoing this is the trend their trends theway they adapt kugels based off of usageof you and i searching so if we allsearch for something and we want to readthe informationarticles what do you think they're gonnashow more of informational base articlesand that's what they're doing right whatportion of your customers first foundyou through your blog it's increasingwhy because blogs are ranking betterthat's what people want to see so ifyou're not blogging whether you like itor not you're not gonna end upgenerating all those extra conversionsin Google Analytics users report calledassisted conversion so you guys similarwith this report raise your hand if youare assisted conversions will tell youthings like are people reading your blogand then eventually converting this isreally important because this will helpyou put a ROI to some of these otherchannels what has led to your biggesttraffic gains shockinglytranslations most people don't know thisnumber two updating content that worksbetter than creating more content againbillion-plus blogs we don't need morecontent we need to steal content that'soutdated outdated to be reuptake itremembers how you talked about hey whenI create three pieces of content a weekon one of these sites I'm not reallyreleasing three pieces of content one ofthem is updated article why because ifyou don't keep updating you're not gonnakeep maintaining your rankings it's nolonger you create a blog and you justget the traffic it's now you create ablog you promote it you get the trafficif you don't constantly update remarketthat content you're gonna lose thattraction and someone else is gonna takeyour spa so if you look at thistranslations has the biggest opportunitybecause the United States is competitiveBrazil all these other countries likeIndia they're up-and-coming there ismoney there and if you translate yourcontent into their local dialects youcan do extremely well because there'snot that much competition Google needscontent within those regionsyou'll dominate fast you'll maintain atleast a bit longer in the short run andyou can generate revenue as well whenpeople talk to me they're like Neil inIndia why would we go after the marketthere's barely any moneydo you think Walmart would pay like 15or 17 or whatever billion dollars forFlipkart if there wasn't money in Indiado you thinkAirbnb would be doing investments theredo you think Microsoft and Amazon andAdobe and all these companies would beinvesting billions of dollars no so yougot to get on these regions fast that isa big future if you translate yourcontent you can find a lot of thesepeople from upward you can do reallywell so what channel provides thebiggest ROI for companies can you guystake a guess on this out of all thesurvey data there's one channel thatprovide the biggest ROI and it waslumped into other if you guys had aguess what this channel was what wouldyou think it is Instagramemail what else conversion rateoptimization it's the least sexiestchannel out there from every company weinterviewed and serve it and we surveyedhundreds of these companies and some ofthese guys are doing like millions andmillions and millions of dollars a monthin profit not billions some of themconversion optimization out of all themarketing channels provided the biggestROI but the smallest investment by farif you can boost your conversion ratesby double what does that mean to yourpaid advertising or your SEO or yourcontent marketing you can spend morethese channels will become moreexpensive whether you like it or notpaid ads will keep going up whether youlike it or not you're gonna keep doingit because it makes you more money ifyou don't optimize for conversionsyou're gonna get slaughtered by all thecompetitors and there's a huge trend indigital marketing right now where a tonof companies are finally starting tospend time in a be testingpersonalization and all this other stuffthat very few people talk about and Iknow this because if I release a blogpost on AV testing or personalization noone wants to read it if I really saidanother article on how to get moretraffic I was like yeah show me this itjust shows what you guys want to readthe trend the trend is going todifferent opposite directions so reallystart getting into conversionoptimization well it's also cool bygoing on the channel is that it's alsonot hardsee what the competition is doing rightbecause all these channels are gettingsaturated fast and that is a big trendyou have no choice but to leverage allof them used to be able to create abusiness off of one channel Facebookcrew just from the referral programDropbox crew from social media tweetthis to get more space you no longer cangrow business through one channel it'sbecoming more and more competitive thepeople who are early on sure Sayid hasaccess to huge WordPress community he RTis integrated has access to all theseusers do you think someone can just comein right now and compete with him Sayidif you were coming into this right nowdo you think you can do well compared toyou being in this for 10 yearswhy not it's much harder and you got anearly enough which gave you that headstart hence he was able to leverage onechannel and explode now even Sayid eventhough he's done really well he's stillexpanding into other channels andplatforms because that's how youcontinually grow but you can use toolslike the SEM Russia's see I won't getcomplaints I'm not just promoting my owntools I'm not getting paid by themeither you can use SEM Russian toolslike that to see what people are goingafter from an SEO perspective or paidadvertising perspective you can use whatruns where to see what kind of media adspeople are doing you can use built withto see what technologies people areusing so that way you know someone'sdoing a/b testing and stuff you can uselike a trust to see links to yourcompetition see if you can get them tolink to you you can use Wayback Machineto see if a someone's doing AV testingvery few people do this I don't know whyuse wayback machine go back see all thevariations of their pages you can seetheir transitions typically the one thatthey're with now is the one that booststhe conversion rates the most that'llgive you idea where to start linkexplore by Moz another tool that givesyou a lot of marketing insights so whatdo you think happens to your CPAs whenyou go omni-channel on everything yourcost per clicks all of that you guysfamiliar with Expedia yeshow old is Expedia exactly they'rereally old you guys have known about itfor a long timeExpedia recently ran a test where theywent Omni channel by doing televisionradio pay-per-click etc do you know whathappened to their CPAs on pay-per-clicklike their cost per clicks and CPAs wentdown by double-digit percentilesomni-channel helps improve your numberson all channels all rightfact number two user metrics are the keyto beating Google you don't have toincrease rankings to get more searchtraffic here's the old site that I haveI eventually got rid of it nutritionsecrets it was a nutrition site I got mytraffic up into the right and yeahthere's writing content and buildinglinks and all that kind of stuff but thereal way we grew nutrition secrets wedid something really manual at that timethere was no software that could do thisnow there is and I'll tell you about thesoftware in a bitI don't have a screen shot but you go inthe Google search console I still likethe old version I don't know why youknow you could click CTR and you see thepages that are getting the traffic andthen from there you look at which youclick on to the page that has a low CTRyou look at the keywords the ones thatare driving a lot of impressions but lowclicks and then you're like all right Ineed to adjust my page with thesekeywords so I can get more clicks simpleconcept you look for keywords I haveless than a 5% quick rate look for pagesthat have a less than a 4% CTR a andmake sure the keywords that you want torank for in your title tag and withinyour content and Meta Description onceyou make that change you submit toGoogle and they recrawl it and here aresome cures a help skyrocket CTR thatwe've tested how to's list numberresults free you tips great tricks BES Yblog posts you guys get to gist thesehave all worked really well fromeverything we've tested and as yousubmit it back to Google and youfetching you submit the URL click submitto their index and boom you're in yousay you're not a robot and you give it30 days and you see results we used todo all this manually that's how we grewour traffic it's one of the best waysbecause Google is looking for usersignals everyonefocuses on links but not enough of thisif you don't want to do it manually likehow I used to do it there's a toolcalled click flow you can harass someoneon the single grain team they canprobably tell you about itsorry single grain team but nonethelessyou know that's what we do now and wejust automate it and it works mucheasier but I kid you not this is wherewe're seeing the biggest search gainsright now for SEL we're just optimizinggoing after user signals it's not sexyno one talks about it works again I knowif I write a blog post on this itdoesn't get read as much but this iswhere we're getting the trafficincreases and luckily because I have youin front of me you're forced to listento whatever I want to talk abouttechnically you could walk out quickflow CLI ck f ello w it's not calledquick flow do not sign up for thatcompany that's what it's come I'mkidding so eventually here's the thingthat most people don't talk about usermetrics are gonna go on all platformsdid you know on Facebook InstagramLinkedIn what is the number one metricthat they look out on if a post shouldgo viral if you have to take a guesswhat do you think it is what is it takea guesstime okay that's one shares engagementwhat's engagement mean comments commentsthe more comments you get legitimatecomments that impacts how viral a postgoes more than anything else I kid younot if you had 50 of your friends go toyour Facebook page and start leavingcomments interacting with each otherthat post goes viral don't believe meall people in this room go comment on mylatest Facebook post and you guys willsee seriously just if you don't believeme go and try it you can write whateveryou want and I'll respond to you and ifyou want to respond back and leaveanother comment to your watch I'llrespond back again as well that's howcome I'm that overworked but I know youneed to see it to believe it so go andleave a comment on my Facebook page makesure it's the latest post so that onegets the most traffic but that's howeffective user metrics are I useto put in all my YouTube videos andFacebook videos leave a comment ask aquestion my comment numbers startedgoing up really high my videos wentviral and then YouTube and a lot ofthese platforms have now built in ifpeople are asking for comments in theirvideos and I noticed the day it hitbecause my numbers started going downI'm like man so now I'm trying to thinkif I could put a visual image they leavea comment to see if that works but itworked for a while back number three yougot to focus on brandy brands are thefuture you need a build a brand now thisis a quote from Eric Schmidt the ex CEOof Google brands are the solution notthe problembrands are how you sort out the cesspoolthe best part of this air can I say thiscode on our podcast so often we neverget the quote right oh we always butcherit but now we have the real one right infront of us so you know what Google isdoing to help try to solve fake news andfigure out which sites to rank higherwhat do you think they're looking atbrand signals that's right what do youthink Facebook's doing to try to combatfake news what do you think they'retrying to promote what type of pages andcontent versus others brands that'sright if you have a bigger brand you'regonna do well you don't have to build acoca-cola but if you build a brandwithin your niche and you're the leadingplayer your content within that space isgonna go more vile than the others andthe Expedia example we all know aboutExpedia Expedia owns a lot of propertieshotels.comthey used to own trivago TripAdvisor allthese other properties they still own alot that no one I don't even know whatthat one's called I think Orbitz orsomething like that or Travelocity or Idon't know they just have too manyproperties so with Expedia even thoughpeople knew their properties when theystarted running TV more digitalcampaigns more pay-per-click all theircost to acquire from all the channelswent down because people had their brandtop-of-mind it wasn't that they didn'tknow who Expedia was it was Oh Expedia Iforgot about that company we forgotabout every single company remember howEber was a talked-about company back inthe day and now not so much other thangoober went publictheir stock didn't do as well as they'relike Dropbox such anamazing company this company isrevolutionary yada-yada-yada nowoh yes another public huge company I canjust upload my information on my iCloudI can upload it on my G Drive I canstill use Dropbox but I got all theseother things as wellwe all have patterns of what's in andout it doesn't matter if you built a bigcompany you still need to be top of mindso you want to keep pushing your brandthe key to building a brand whether it'sa personal corporate one is a rule ofseven how many times can people see youare you continually doing emailmarketing to get people back to yoursite are you doing push notificationsare you doing things like messenger bossall these things will help you getpeople back to your site so much moreoften you can build a good brand howmany of you guys get a hundred thousandvisitors a month to your site how manyget more than that raise your hand howmany get less than that raise your handI just want to see if you guys are lazyor not or tired or I suck as a speakerokay so majority raise your hand I focuson being omni-channel approach puttingcontent everywhere I get over a hundredthousand visitors a month from peopletyping in Neil Patel I'm not saying I'mgood at building a brand I think I'm notthat great there's way better peoplelike Gary Vee Tony Robbins etc and I'mmore of an introvert as Eric knows I'veknown him for a long time I stay insidemy house I watch Netflix a lot badBloods is amazing if any of you guyshaven't watched that and you know I'mwaiting for season three though so andsneaky pete by the way on Amazon thatwas amazing in two weekends I watchedall three seasons and I work while I amon or watching TV like that's how I workI don't go to office I sit on my bed andmy team will tell you they'll FaceTimeme like we'll be on the client call andI'll be in my bed talking to the clientover zoom or while they work cuz that'show I get the most done but the way Ibuilt a brand is the rule of seven youkeep getting people back now over a yearago Eric mentioned this I card a companycalled ubersuggestand that guy was from Italy and I paid Ithink around 120 grand for it hebuilt a better brand than me and hedidn't do anything that I did I thinkhe's smarter than I am and what I did isI just leveraged what he did and I puton steroids by just going to the nthdegree being like let me just updateyour tool and give away more for free Inow get three times the brand queriesover three hundred thousand visitors amonth from people looking for ubersuggests than I do from people lookingfor Neil Patel those brand queries helpskyrocket your rankings you gotta builda brandevery time I grow my brand queries Inoticed that my rankings for all myterms like online marketing pop up onthe top of page one it's not that I tryto build more links or any of that it'sI focus on brand queries it's thatpowerful so here's some tips emails arestill effective push notification incombination with email marketing isreally good combine that with messengerBOTS then you're really doing well rightwhich was the next one and then you wantto use tools like google correlate tohelp you figure out what people arelooking for that's similar to yourkeywords so for example if I'm in thehotels hospitality industry I want tosee what other things people are lookingfor Google correlate shows you all theother relevant keywords with similarpatterns make sure you have content onall those keywords that way you'rehelping people out because if you'rehelping people out what do you think itdoes it helps build a brand puttingpeople first is the right thing to dojust like when Eric and I threw thisevent we are debating we both decided wewanted to do it for free why cuz we'relike let's help people out we didn't doit to try to close revenue we didn't doit to try to generate business oranything we're just like this will befun let's just help people out peoplehelped us and yeah the positive side isit may help us increase our brand not bya ton I don't mean to be in a rude waywith 200 max people it's not gonnaskyrocket our brand but it's about justgiving and helping and if you trulyenjoy that and whatever you're doingit'll help build your brand as well butthat's a side effect it's like peoplesaying I want to make money you don'tmake money by making money you makemoney by helping people and help themsolve their problems put other peoplefirst and eventually you will build abigger brand and nutrition secrets as westarted doing all this stuff ourbranding started going up and we starteddoinggetting higher rankings more pages andthat's how we continually climb buttraffic and all this kind of stuff isgreat but it's not everything I see andrush showed one of my past startupsKISSmetricsI think we raise like 17 million bucksfor it it didn't turn out well I boughtout the domain name from the investorsfor five hundred thousand bucks and thenredirected the traffic and then theyrecently did an asset sale now I hadgood traffic my competitor Mixpanelwho copied my product at the beginningthey even had a TechCrunch articleshowing similar screenshots had roughly1/3 of the traffic they raised money atan eight hundred and sixty-five milliondollar valuation what do you think wewere worthI'm the traffic guy I'm getting all thistraffic on beating them what do youthink we weren't anyone want to take aguess you could be honest won't hurt myfeelings you can say something good orbad take a guess your managementconsultant what do you think more than15 because we're a seventeen buttechnically not when I bought the domainname but we were worth roughly 1/10 datatechnically not even 1/10 that so maybeone fifteenth one twentieth that'sbrutalright think about it I'm a marketer I'mon cloud nine getting all this trafficit shows you traffic isn't everythingand I realized at that point the realformula to success especially in thefuture is traffic plus conversions cubedeco success the more you focus onconversions the better off you guys aregonna be I'm hammering that so muchbecause I know in a year you guys won'tbe able to do a lot of the marketingtechniques that you're using right nowunless you focus on conversions whichgets into fact number four canconventional CRO techniques won't workwell interactive quizzes I use a lot ofthis stuff on the neil patel site itgives you some conversion lifts I evenleverage two sub checkouts fore-commerce I even do pop-ups they'relike do you want more traffic yes or noif you click yes you're gonna get a guythat teaches you how to get more trafficif youclick no what do you think you get no ifyou click no I'll be likecongratulations on having massivetraffic now let's help you double yourconversion rate we didn't even emailfunny enough that actually works reallywell it's kind of creative so what'swrong with all the tactics I mentionedpop-ups all this stuff they're not badbut what's wrong with them they'reannoying that is true they still workbut they're annoying I hate them butthey're annoying what else is what'sissue you see them everywhere andbecause you see them everywhere do youthink they work the same that they didfive six years ago no the effects werenow personalization is a new conversionrate optimization it's all aboutpersonalizing the experience so here'san example now I operate my day in whichI have a few companies and there's a CEOin place of a lot of these companiesthey're starting to use tools likeintercom and I'm not saying this cuzintercoms a sponsor this was actuallydid the opposite once Eric and I someonetold us you need he's like why are youguys putting your money out of your ownpocket for the event why don't you get asponsor and Eric and I were like that'sa smart idea we're really stupid for notthinking of this that's really whathappened am i right Eric we're just likewe're like how much should we each spend20 30 grand each and then you need likeyou guys are dumb a company will giveyou the money we're like oh my godyou're brilliant where'd you come upwith this he's like every conferencedoes this we're like oh yeah so when welook at a lot and you can use any toolyou guys want out there it doesn't makea difference to me being honest but whenyou start personalizing that experiencestart chatting you'll notice that youcan adapt what you do to each personwhether you do that through facebookMessenger BOTS whether you do it tothrift intercom the big point I'm tryingto make is you need to start creatingpersonalized experience for every singleperson that's where we're seeing theconversion lifts because then you'regetting data on everyone and you'reseeing the lead type the quality whatthey even thought about yourconversation if they raiseit's amazing conversation do you thinkyou have a higher chance of convertingthat person of course if they startasking you through chat about pricingand how they sign up you can tailor youryour messaging in your content totallydifferent than if they asked you how doI use your product that would be moresupport or why should I buy you or useyou over the competition you need topersonalize everything chat is nowresponsible for 28% of our sales youneed for Nextiva I believe his chat isresponsible for roughly a third of hissales one third we're even seeing a helpwith e-commerce you guys need to startusing it but don't just rely on thingslike intercom for a chat you need to goabove and beyond that you need to startleveraging product tours and I know thiswhole you know stigma out there like ohproduct tools really for SAS companiesand when people log in I'm gonna showyou something different here's Googlewhat do you think is on the right rightthere that's a functionality of aproduct tour I'm trying to get you intomore features more reports more sectionsof Google's products and platformshere's something within their Gmail appdid you know you can also schedule asend notification that actually happenedon my phone my designer I'm like whodesigned this makes us look prettyhe gave me one with the ghetto iPhonecuz he's like you're too cheap to get areal life uh-huhI still have an old-school iPhone I'mlooking in my pocket I still have like areally old iPhone so he's like you getthe design of an old iPhone until youupgrade so I was like okay I don't wantto spend the money but even then they'redoing product related stuff so checkthis out this is animated on a checkoutpage check this you see that moving parton that animation that's examples of howyou can use product tours on things likecheckout pages and lead forints is thatslick no the conversion rates go throughthe roof when we started doing all thisand started testing this conversionslifted by 13% so you start combining allthese little things you're not gonna getone thing that grows your sales by 50%we start combining all these littlethings what do you think this allows youto dospend more on paid ads as googleincreases their prices as Facebookincreases their prices and they're notincreasing it for the sake of it they'reincreasing because more people arejumping on and you're competing withmore people it's supply and demand factnumber five to win you'll have to thinklike a winner what do these people havein commonMichael Jordan Mark Zuckerberg MichaelPhelps other than their names start withthe M yes they all want to win theyactually all have won two of them arebillionaires Michael Phelps is amazingtalented swimmer he's a Aussie like Ryanhis is the Aussie or he's an American nohe's American my dad he's not Aussieright they all have coaches and mentorswho helped him get to where they aretoday you need to invest in mentorshipit doesn't have to be paid this is afree event you can you know you can goto other free events you can listen to apodcast Eric has this podcast calledgrowth everywhere where he'sinterviewing people and they'rerevealing their revenue numbers ifthat's one of your competitors do youlisten to it you can figure out how theygrew and you can copy some of it look ifyou're gonna climb Mount Everest wouldyou just fly over to Nepal climb to thetop and get there no you'd probably dieyou would get a Sherpa to help you onand do your training the same goes withanything you do in marketing in businessgo read articles find people who canhelp you out again you don't have to payfor it there's a lot of free stuffonlinethe reality is marketing never stopswhat works today may not work in thefuture so the best approach is tocontinually test and keep learningyou're gonna be overwhelmed by theinformation and you know what just goafter the low-hanging fruit try onething if you're gonna take one thingaway from this presentation try some CROstuff if you don't you're gonna get beatby all your competitors in the few yearsprobably in 12 months because that iswhere the market is going is socompetitiveeveryone's raising money to pile onmarketing scales are using ReidHoffman's constant of blitzscalingspend money at all costs to generaterevenue even if you're not profitableit's screwing up the margins for most ofcompanies you need a focus onconversions there's three types ofpeople those who make things happenthose who watch things happenthose are wondering what just happenedbe the person who makes things happenthen you guys for attending later we'llget into QA during our marking schoollot[Applause]


Penis Enlargement Holy Grail

Product Name: Penis Enlargement Holy Grail

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Ecom Express: End-To-End Logistics Service Provider | Startup Central

On The Startup Central,  End-to-end logistics service providers, Ecom Express has raised $215.4 mn in four funding rounds. Here’s Director & Co-founder K Satyanarayana to give an outlook on the company, going forward.

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Assista e aprenda O Que é ECOMMERCE (Comércio Eletrônico)

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Passo #1: O Que é Ecommerce / Comércio Eletrônico?

Passo #2: Como Escolher Nicho de Mercado no ECOMMERCE / COMÉRCIO ELETRÔNICO

Passo #3: Como Montar Planejamento para o Começo do seu ECOMMERCE / COMÉRCIO ELETRÔNICO


Passo #5: Construindo, Engajando e Gerando Valor para sua Audiência no ECOMMERCE / COMÉRCIO ELETRÔNICO

Passo #6: Devo Construir Minha loja Virtual?

Passo: #7: Como Receber os Pagamentos no ECOMMERCE COMERCIO ELETRÔNICO

Passo #8: Como Enviar os Produtos no ECOMMERCE / COMERCIO ELETRÔNICO

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4 Stages of Better Ecom Product Fulfillment

what's going on guys Travis Patel herewith King penny thank you so much forjoining me in today's video I want totalk about the natural progression thatyour ecomp store needs to be goingthrough to kind of improve that qualityof product now a lot of you guys whenyou're starting out you don't have anyinvestment funds you have no idea whatyou're doing or any product or nichethat you're wanting to dive into you'regonna probably start off with somethinglike print-on-demand or drop shippingand again this is where we're able totake products that we don't have alreadysell them to a customer when thatcustomer buys we're then able to orderthat product and ship it to thatcustomer now this is very convenient forthose in that newbie situation or notknowing what products and niches theywant to dive into but it causes a lot ofissues for the long-term longevity ofyour business and of your brand for onedelivery times can be very long ifyou're ordering from manufacturing inChina or overseas and selling to the USit can be weeks before your customeractually receives their product and ifsomeone hasn't received their product inthree or four weeks they're veryunlikely to come back and buy from youagain and those repeat customers arereally what makes your brand last beyondjust always looking for new products arealways looking for that impulse productso you're starting on drop shipping butthat's not where you want to end youwant to use drop shipping to find theproducts are gonna sell for you get thein the starting customers under theright wing and then you're able to kindof improve quality control from therethere's nothing wrong with drop shippingearly on but it's not a long termbusiness model you need to be movingaway from that and establish betterrelationships with your vendors andstill might be able to drop ship but youneed to have all those negativitiestaken care of that delivery time thatpoor quality product that you don't evenknow that's coming through and all thoselittle things that aren't gonna helpcustomers come back to you so we want totalk about that progression and whereyou want to go from drop shipping now ifyou're starting off drop shipping one ofthe best sources that people like to useis just Aliexpress here this is justgiant database of warehouses across theworld that you're gonna be able toconnect with and pretty much find anyprivate product that you possibly want Imean it says camera lamp right here butjust type in camera lamp and see whatgoes on so we're able to find a wholebunch of different products out therethat we could start selling that fitunder this criteria now these are allsecurity camera can't light bulbs whichactually I've been searching in the pastcouple days so that's probably why thiskind of shot up but what we see is wecan also choose to be able to ship fromthe US or China and this typically ifit's coming from the US that means thatthese Chinese companies are puttingstocks and inventory into US warehousesand that will help that delivery timebut still you don't have much controlover that product and every othermarketer Andy calm or out there hasaccess to this same product so you'renot really standing out from the crowdyou don't have personalized branding youdon't have that customized packaging andall those little thority cues that makeyou a quality long-lasting householdbrand so we might start with Aliexpressand drop shipping with all thesenegatives but once you find that productthat works we want to start looking atimproving that quality control that'sreally what your first money coming infor your business should go to don't bepaying and buying new toys and stufflike that upgrading your living expensesand anything of that nature you want totake that money that you make from yourdrop shipping pretty much count most ofthose early customers probably as alittle bit of a loss they probablyaren't gonna come back or you might beable to convince them here and there ifyou fix these issues quickly but youwant to make sure that the next set ofcustomers is going to be in the rightspace in the right line becausetypically you're gonna prove yourselfthat this product works with dropshipping and that's really all you cando with this type of drop shipping sothe next step progression would beimproving where that location is wherethat that drop shipping location is thenwe're still remember moving up thespectrum we don't have a huge amount ofinvestment we still want to do dropsshipping but we want to improve thatdelivery time the number one thingthat's gonna keep customers from comingto you again like I mentioned you can goto Aliexpress and look at the ship fromUnited States section this will give youa little bit better idea of productsthat are shipped actually from the USand have a little bit better deliverytime but you can also look at inventorysources like inventory source calm andthis is a tool that kind of anotherdatabase that connects you with ussuppliers that dropship you need to signup and you're gonna have to pay it'sabout I think $150 per month per dropshipping directory or per supplier thatyou connect with so they have a lot ofgreat suppliers here depend on theproducts and the offers that you want toput in play but for every one of theseyou're gonna be paying a hefty monthlyfee and then you can also arrangenegotiations outside of using tools likethis by going and just reaching out tocompanies that are selling the productsand have the offers that you want to putout there see if you can set up a dropshipping arrangement but something likethis is a great next step I mean ifyou're doing well with the opening dropshipping from Aliexpress put that moneyinto the next step and this would be thehundred fifty dollars a month that goesinto connecting is one of these sourcesso if we wanted to do security cameraswe will look for a company that sellsthat that kind of electronics that typeof product and there's lots of suppliershere that have whole bunch of products Imean us Direct has two hundred and tenthousand products listed so connectingwith them will give you a wide range ofoptions you're also gonna have companiesthat are a little bit more specific towhat you want to sell I mean these arejust eldorado it's only adult productswe have sporting gear and outdoors gearby sportsman supplies fragrance X weknow that's probably gonna be perfumesPetra electronics and accessories soyou're gonna kind of deep dive intothese sources and there's a few othertools out there as well to be able toconnect with a quality FULFILLER andthese guys also can ship from the UShave a little bit higher in qualityproduct here maybe have to set up areseller license and stuff like thatthose are the steps you grab to take ifyou want a dropship higher qualityproductsand cut down on that delivery time nowafter this step after figuring out thatdelivery time you're gonna really wantto step into the private labeling orwhite labeling and this is pretty muchmoving from that to that dropship modeland buying an inventory actually havingsomething with your brand on it withyour custom packaging with those thoseAuthority cues that are gonna make yourbrand and your names stand out from theothers so what we can do with that nextstep is we can use a source like Alibabathis again is a database same thing asAliexpress just more of the bulkpurchaser which we're gonna be able tolook for manufacturers around the worldthat can create our product so if we gowith again camera land so these are justdifferent options here here we go so youcan see we're about you have to buy forsome of these you have to have a minimumorder and the more you buy the lower theprice you can negotiate and the littlethe more things that you're gonna beable to do let me look for somethingmore that's more like gaming glasses sothese are like the blue light glassestwo computer glasses you can wear andwill cut down the blue light will takeaway your headaches so you havedifferent options out here we can buythese in bulk now what's great aboutthese is you negotiate having your logoetched on the side you can have custompackaging for certain things so you havea whole bunch of different options thatthis adds a whole nother element a wholevalue perception to your product and youknow it adds more steps to what you'regonna have to do to fulfill and havethat inventory but it is the nextprogression of your econ business youreally you know you don't want to bedrop shipping forever unless you havejust that perfect source but eventuallythat's probably going to wear out you'regonna have a lot in third control ratherthan if your private labeling and youhave your own product with your ownbrand your own pieces and such like thatbut you can see like these kind ofglasses they sell for fifty seventy-fivedollars you can buy them from three tonine dollars have your logo on the sideall that good stuffas well now again this isfrom China and sometimes you don't knowthe quality of the actual product soit's a good idea if your privatelabeling or bulk buying that you want toget a example sent to you a sampleproduct sent to you and go to like fouror five or ten vendors and buy samplesand say hey I'd love to check these outplease send them to me and this way andpay whatever it needs usually gonna be afifty to a hundred bucks for a one thingjust because they want that bulk orderand you're gonna maybe custom do it foryou so you want to make sure that youhave the quality product then you'regonna go in your book in a bulk orderyou're gonna set up your custompackaging which sometimes theseFULFILLER zafar as well you're gonnaneed that warehousing set up so there'salways middlemen warehousing out therethat you can arrange you can put theseon Amazon with FBAyou can do all those type of things andreally kind of improve now from here ifyou want to improve even another stepfurther you can look for othermanufacturers maybe US locatedmanufacturers may be higher qualitymanufacturers around typically you'regonna find anything you really need onAlibaba but you can do something likesoar safai which is kind of that nextprogression of improving your econbusiness this is going to kind of takeyour sourcing system to the next levelnow I think it's something around threehundred four hundred dollars per monthfor this to just kind of start out soit's a little hefty price but at thispoint you're probably making a solidamount of revenue from your products andthis is gonna help you increase thatrevenue as well they're getting you knowincrease of sixty four percent fromtheir streamline sources they help yousource products around the worldthey you know have a whole bunch ofstuff going on here that just reallyimproves what's going on including thatmiddleman warehousing set up yourproducts how you're delivering and allthat good stuff so this is kind of theprogression of where you're going withyour econ product from here obviouslyyou can have your own productmanufactured something completely newcompletely different but if you're justkind of selling gaming glasses there'snot really gonna be much new to that ofthere may be a design here and there butreally any of these manufacturers thatyou reach out to an Alibaba or source offive you're going to be able toafter a while especially of doing orderswithin you're gonna be able to give yourspecifications and create new productsthe way that you want that's a greatthing about these manufacturers outthere is that you just have your custommock-up of what you want created and youcan find someone to create that so guysdon't be afraid to start with dropshipping if you're just starting out butknow that it's not the end you have tocontinue progressing you need to improvethat poor quality and that poor deliverytime ASAP we do that by one step youcould take again is finding us FULFILLERmight cost a little bit more but it'sgonna be worth it then you got theprivate labeling and you can still go tochinese manufacturers or you can use asource like source if i here to find alittle bit higher quality have some kindof automated system for you and have alot of help along the wayso guys hopefully your econ journey isgoing well you've any questions orcomments feel free to let me know i willsee in the next one[Music]
