Top 10 Ridiculous Infomercial Products

they're seen on TV and silly as can befinally there's a better way Comfortwhite being a big guy certainly has itsadvantages and its disadvantages this isa great product welcome to watchmojo.comand today we're counting down our picksfor the top ten ridiculous infomercialproducts and the teddy bear works sogreat he got one for himself too number10 the wearable towel robes are heavyand hot and towels with fasteners Ithink not such poetry know if there'sbeen wearable towel ever find yourselftrying to get ready but your peskytowels getting in the way the wearabletowel is perfect for any situation greatfor getting the paper although we'dsuggest not leaving the house in it ifyou're feeling is specially patriotic itcomes in good old red white and blue howwill you wear it can be worn in a tunicstyle and in a toga style does theshoulder strap in your car cut into yourshoulder number 9 the teddy bear it maynot be the most ridiculous product onour list but the teddy bear wins theprize for the most ridiculous namethat's tid BY bear so ridiculous theyhave to literally spell it out for youjust to make sure you're not thinkingexactly what you are thinking myshoulder strap used to pull so tight Icould hardly breathe we know that's ourbiggest concern when driving and it fitson all makes and models of cars or oftittiesthat's ti ddy kayo call now we'll giveyou a second titty bear absolutely freenumber eight thoughwhere do we start with this one youcan't take the work out of your workoutthat's kind of the point but forargument's sake let's ignore that oh mygosh this is amazing can you imagineyour colleagues sitting idly by if youwere doing this at work Hawaii chairwhile answering phones using thecomputer balancing books or filingpaperwork it's a chair with a motor anda tropical gimmick and it's supposed togive you abs feels great on my abs butapparently all it does is make your butthot I just really feel this workingnumber seven rejuvenate and slide theheadband over the top of the headyounger looking skin is only oneterrifying mask we're away just get intoyour silk pajamas sit in your favoritefireside chair and get ready for a realtreatenjoy facial toning sessions that sendimpulses from a nine volt batterydirectly into your 12 facial zones andwhatever you do don't forget your lubeplace a small amount of gel on the endsof each of the contact areas of the maskdoes this sound to anyone else likeshock therapy side effects may includeredness burning memory loss and violenthorror film inspired nightmares have aheart pacemaker a pregnant have ahistory of epilepsy or seizures haveactive skin cancer of the face thank younumber six the flow bead with the flowbeam you can do any kind of a cutimaginable and of course with kids thesedays we're talking about any kind of acut imaginable absolutely we get it haircuts are expensive but is there nomiddle ground between salons and vacuumsbrought to you by inventor Rick hunt andyes that is his real name the flow beetakes the mess out of home hair cutsthis is how I turn myself around theyears you might do yours a littledifferently it doesn't matter you mightwant it to hang over it doesn't matterwhatever you like you can get with theflow be but the instruction video ispainful and may or may not feature atime-travelling Hilary Swankno hassle no mess easy to do thisamazing discovery has been around solong it's even made its way into some ofour favorite movies drink a lot of waterI really have to gonumber five the Euro club introducingthe Euro Club the discreet sanitarysolution for your urgent relief inventedby a urologist it looks like youraverage club but contains a reservoirbuilt into the grip to relieve yourselfgolfers who can't wait till the 18thhole will be relieved pun intended tofind a hollow reservoir where they candiscreetly empty their bladders theuroclub comes with a towel and appearsthat you're just checking out your clubhowever even with the attached towel westill don't think it's that discreetthink we'll ever see this at the Mastersthe euro Club the only Club in your bagguaranteed to keep you out of the woodsGLH means great-looking hair number 4GLH number 9 that's great-looking hairformula number 9 and it's hair in a canwow that's incredible at least youbaldies wish it were unbelievable Wowhey Emmet look at me now a full head ofhaireh anyway no yes incredibly Ron Popeilis the king of infomercials that's greatif you are homesick in the 90s you canbet your ass you are begging yourparents for a food dehydrator or a pastamaker the minute they walked in the doorgreat pasta but the most ridiculousRonco product was GLH number nine Inever dreamed that I'd look like thisthink that before and afters would be aseffective in HD Oh more days laughingcalled old man but babes are back numberthree the Snuggie so you can stay warmfrom a head to toe no more cold feetaren't blankets the worst alwaysrestricting us with their excess fabricand when you need to reach for somethingyour hands are trapped insidenow there's the Snuggie cue the blanketwith sleeves otherwise known as theSnuggie so now you can work the remoteor read a book in total warmth andcomfort stay warmget close to loved ones and ensure yourelectricity bill stays where it belongsperfect for chilly outdoor eveningsstaying cozy and warm it's sportingevent okay you know what this one looksridiculous but it's actually kind ofhandy and unlike some people we are notashamed to say that we own one misslemon you dummy I'm wearing it as a jokenumber two sham well slap shop andsticky hi it's Vince with ShamWow forthose klutzes who can't get through aday without dousing their surroundingsand gallons upon gallons of liquid comesthe sham well maybe Germany you know theGermans always make good stuff what I'msaying this is a ridiculous product perse but sarcastic spokes creep Vincebrings everything to that next levelright there you follow me camera guytake for example this laptop stop havinga boring tuna stop having a boring lifeor the sticky problem with that shitty pickup cat hairs from clothes whatelse can this dinky do Vince stickymakes you look your best Karen for thoseunforgettable moments like when you beatup a hooker you're gonna love my nutswatch this number one the shake weightI'm feeling it in my chest and my bicepsand my triceps you know what else is agood arm workout do it faster actuallywe're not even gonna make the joke ifyou had to shake weight in your handsright now women are always trying toavoid the dreaded Oprah arms and theshake weight is the revolutionaryproduct that exercises your biceps andtriceps while making you look like acomplete jackass and it's not just forladies obviously and it's going to kickyour in just six minutes a day thislittle guy will work its magic guaranteedo you agree with our list before youanswer listen it even comes with amatching fork to make carving a pleasurehave you ever bought an infomercialproduct I had to pick a favorite it's apink tank top girl yeah for more top 10sabout your favorite ridiculous things besure to subscribe to youcan experiment you can create good kidsare willing to do that these days not me


BEST eCommerce Products To Sell On Shopify In 2019 | SAMIR CHIBANE

all right whats good everyone Samia Bainfounder of the e-comm incubator welcomeon over to another training right hereanother tutorial I am still here inBoston but as a matter of fact I justbought my ticket back to Los Angeles onSaturday and luckily enough I neverreally fully unpacked when I got backfrom Algeria so therefore I'm prettymuch ready to go all right now what Iwill say is that if you are in LA youwant a mastermind you want to link upmaybe grab a cup of coffee let me knowokay let me know in the comments shootme DM on Instagram and maybe I'm notguaranteeing anything but maybe ifeverything works out if the stars alignwe can make it happen alright secondthing I want to let you know is that ifyou've probably looked behind me thereis a flap on the side of that AC rightthere because funny enough I wassleeping the other day and it got supersuper high woke up like all sweatingfroze and I had to go get an AC okaythere's no central cooling in this houseI had to go all the way to the basementgrab an AC okay there's about threedifferent ones and the one that I choseokay since I was about half asleep Igrabbed the one without the other flapokay I don't know where it went I don'tknow what happened to it so I have touse a piece of cardboard to make surethat mosquitoes don't get it okay sureyou guys know how ruthless how vicioussome of these mosquitoes can really getduring the summer timenow let's get into it okay what are wehere for today we are here to learnabout the best e-commerce products tosell in 2019 I'm going to show you thetools the resources that I use theprocess the mindset that I have goinginto my product research where I advisemy team to go into it when they're doingour product research and also show yousome examples ok so make sure you stayall the way tuned if not I don't reallyknow what to tell you if you have theattention span of a goldfish I can'thelp you ok but what I will say is thatmy actual is just dive into ok what Iwill say is that the products that youchoose alright the products that youchoose to promote to sell through yourecommerce store is only one piece of thepuzzle ok in the last video or two Icovered the e-commerce ecosystem okayand as you can see it's made of of acouple different pieces okay that thatpuzzle okay is made up of a coupledifferent pieces alright just like anypuzzle right and so the first one beingstore design and positioning rightgeneral store niche store one productstore branded store dropshipping storethat's something you got to figure outdepending on where you're out in yourjourney okay the second part isobviously the product and the productoffering okay which is probably one ofmy favorite parts is taking a productcrafting a great offer around it willactually touch on that here in a secondbut right crafting that offer todifferentiate yourself from all theother people that are probably sellingthe same product as you are last but notleast okay marketing for customeracquisition creating the Facebook adsYouTube ads Google display ads whateverit is that you choose to go with butjust keep down on my Akkad's a productthat you choose okay your success ine-commerce is not exclusively dependentupon your product it is just one pieceof that puzzle okay this is just a sidenote just in case you're comingto this training like oh my god I'mgonna learn the number with the bestproducts and I'm gonna crush it fromhere on out okay that's most likely notit you need to learn the other pieces ofthe puzzle and get other things in lineto be able to you know have a welloperating a well-oiled machine all rightnow if you want to learn more aboute-commerce in general especially ifyou're just starting off I highlyrecommend you check out the e commincubator mastermind okay every singleweek we go live do more trainings likethis except in an open manner right it'slive you get to ask all the questions Iget to answer and other people get toanswer them we have a telegram groupchat with over five hundred and thirtymembers okay all like-minded individualsand it's amazing to have a communitylike that especially if you're just canstart right as a matter of fact I havemy Plata o Plomo t-shirt on okay this isa t-shirt that I got from clickfunnelsprobably see it okay so two comma Club Xmastermind that my business partner andI enrolled in last year when we went tothe funnel hacking live event in Orlandowe got pitched we bought okay it'seighteen hundred dollars a month I thinkit totaled out to like something liketwenty one thousand and twenty twothousand dollars last year that weinvested in only one program okay nowthe e-comm incubator mastermind is noteven a fraction of that cost okay it'sprobably like a couple cups of coffeeall right go check it out highlyrecommend it and yeah all rightthat's my plug right there I probably doa couple more throughout this video herenow the one thing I will say is thatwhen it comes to winning ecommerceproducts they have literally nothing todo with you okay and everything to dowith the market demand okay so take outtake yourself out of this picture as amatter of fact the reason why a lot ofpeople love ecommerce me being one ofthem is because it has nothing to dowith youyour gender your height your color yourskin tone how muchmoney you make or don't make it haseverything to do with what the market isdemanding what the trends are in themarket and you pretty much just supplythat demand really what I like to say isdon't rely on your own opinion andemotions okay unfortunately we live in anarcissistic world when somebody'sthinking about business to star or aproduct to sell they often just lookwithin themselves all right takeyourself out of that pictureall right just look into the marketingthe tools and the the research toolsthat I'm going to show you here aregonna make that very very easy for youand also a side another side know theproducts that you're probably gonna selland make the profits that you're lookingto make in e-commerce probably gonna besome products that you've never seenbefore products that you would never buyand products that you probably never useeither alright and I'll give you aperfect example one of the best productsthat we've actually sold was these magicsticky bras okay they're like this likethis bra without it's just with a stringin the front kind of look we'redemonstrating this on video but you knowgirls would stick it onto their breastsand then they'd pull the stringstogether and then it would createcleavage boosting their confidence andessentially just making them feel goodabout themselves and look at all rightand so that was a probably that I'll beI would obviously never buy never useand I never thought I really evenexisted but it was a huge trend when wewere first game started back in 2017 sotherefore we sold it and we soldthousands of units all right and so andthat's just an example all right nowlet's keep going on here after a whileokay after we had failed with so manyproducts and succeeded with a handfulthat made all the failures very veryvery tolerable and much more okay Iguess what I'm trying to say is that oneproduct will make up for a bunch offailed product tests but after a whileJuan and I sat down my business partnerand I sat downliving down in Irvine which is rightbefore we move to LA and we just saidhey like what are the best products okaywhat characteristics do they have versusthe ones that we fail okay what do thetop 20% share versus the 80 percent Ijust completely failed and brought us noresults and essentially we realized thatthey fall in either one two or all threeof these categories the first one beingproblem solving the second one beingpassion based products and third onebeing perishable products okay when Ishare this diagram here with a lot ofpeople it just helps them make a lot ofsense out of their product research andwhat to look for essentially you wantproducts that are solving the problemsthat people lose sleep over okay thesecond one passion products being youknow as humans right we connect withothers through our passions and so welike to express those passions so thatway we can potentially attract othersthat share similar interests or passionof ours right so if I'm wearing a shirtthat says this one says blot the elPlomo but if I'm wearing a shirt thatsays Bulldog fanatic right like or aBulldog owner right like I own a bulldoghorrible example but if I'm wearing thatI'm walking down the street and somebodyelse also has a bulldog they'll be likewow that person you know I can relate tothem there they have a bulldog I have abulldog and so imagine if two people arewearing Bulldog t-shirts then obviouslythey're gonna be able to connect rightaway again not the best example but ashumans we love to express our passionsthat's that last but not leastperishable products okay like toiletpaperyou know shaving creams razor bladesright that you used to shave obviouslywhen those things expire when youconsume them you have to buy more okayand so you can be that new source thatthey replenish their perishable productswith okay so these are the threecategories that you want to focus on andalso just as a side noteif a product falls in two or all threeof these categories you probably have ahuge winner on your hands now my mustuse product research tools just a fewdifferent research tools that we use tofind hot and trending products the firstone okay the first one being our ownthat we personally develop a guide andliterally code it okay I'm not a coderbut hired a team of developer softwaredevelopers to help us create a productresearch tool that really justeliminates all the guesswork out offinding hot and trending products andessentially just aggregates and alldifferent kinds of data points fromFacebook Aliexpress Amazon Alibaba eBayto just be able to generate and list outthe best trending products okay thatalso fall under the profitable productindex put a description to it below butas you can see right on here as soon asyou log in to econ profits buying toolwhich by the way you could check out byclicking the link below you can getaccess to it if you'd like personallyeverybody that has gotten the e-commprofits by toolunderstands why it's so valuable and whyit took us so long and so much money tobe able to create something like thisbecause it literally just eliminates theguesswork okay so the first thing youcan see is for zel apps roller obviouslyfor people who are passionate aboutworking out then you got bit help okaymosquito bit reliever what did I sayright I probably need one of thosebecause there's still some mosquitoesgetting and right through there alrightand so obviously this would be a hugehelp and let's just check this one outfor example so what econ profits buyingtool can do for you is literally justgive you a perfect product descriptionso you know all the benefits of this andthe perfect pictures for you to use okayso I guess you just press it on amosquito bite and sucks out the venomokay if that's what mosquitos puttingunder your skin I also gives you theprofit margin andyou know analysis like how much you cansell it for how much it costs and notonly that but also gives you the ordersright over the past 30 days the reviewsand also the Aliexpress links to it okayto the direct supplier eliminates theguesswork on that finds you reliablesuppliers okay like this one right here98.3%positive feedback okay so you can sidedrop shipping right from here and alsogives you a product or facebook adtargeting suggestions okay for examplepeople are going camping okay in thisage group a teen is 65 obviously cantarget all genders because mosquitoesare not sexist so they're targeting bothmale and women and then you got a videookay which is probably my favoritefeature that we were able to create okaya video that you can use to stoppromoting this product with all rightright away you can literally take thisvideo edit it up a little bit maybe addyour logo on there and just startrunning ads with it on Facebook onYouTube wherever you'd like okay againif you need help with that just checkout the econ incubator mastermind wherewe do live trainings on how to runFacebook ads as a matter of fact thisFriday I'm gonna be going over a July4th marketing campaign that generatedinsane returns for one of the brandsthat we manage so check it out you canonly get access to that training ifyou're inside the economy computermastermind it's not something that I golive with on YouTube or anything likethat on Instagram it's exclusive to ourecon incubator mastermind so rightthat's about my second or third plugthere for the mastermind really reallywant to get it packed up with someawesome inspiring motivated individualsbut yet we can actually keep going hereso you know that obviously solves a hugeproblem right the bite reliever theforbes ab roller you got the hip trendOh fight phone holder okaythere we go this looks like anotheranother great product to test out forpeople who are passionate about ridingtheir bikes you got adjustable airconditioner deflector okayknee joint support pads okay definitelyfor people who write this solves a hugeproblem a lot of people have kneeproblems so this could definitely be ahuge help so let's check this one outand and the best part about econ profitspy tool is it actually shows you thestore that's selling this item as wellso you can literally go in there and youcan start doing some digging on theproducts that they sell and as you cansee this store right here this is myother tool that I recommend that I use alot intelligence again I'll just put alink to it below you could probably geta discount since we're good buds withthe guys over at intelligence and itjust helps me see you know what's therebest sellers at the moment and also howmuch traffic they're generating okay soit looks like the best sellers tools forcar kick dent lifter so you can get tonsof ideas just kind of scrolling aroundecon profits by once you land on a storeand you can check out their best sellersand keep going about it that way anotherreally good tool that I like to use is aspy which is all about just finding youthe best ads oh look a great night forthen nice leaf right for people who haveknee problems so you could find theirads on at spy comm okay if you type infor example knee up here on add Tex thenit will go ahead and load up all the adson Facebook with the word knee in themokay so you can see a lot of good ideasfor knee padssuppression cat so there you go this isthis is really the the idea behind youknow product research is all aboutfinding a product doing some digging onand seeing if it's still in demand andthen cross-referencing it between acouple different tools okay again my thefirst one that we start off withobviously because we developed this sowe use it more than any other tool isour EECOM profit spy to which i highlyrecommend you check out a spy as wellfor finding the ads for the specificproducts that our econ profit spy toolpulls up and then intelligence to justinspect the stores that we land on andsee what else they got going on whatelse they're selling what else they'retrying to promote what else are theygetting some traction with alrighthonestly I don't really like toovercomplicate product research becauseat the end of the day it all comes downto actually testing the product soeverything come look all gravy and andamazing and all the green lights can bethere but at the end of the day untilyou actually take that product or thatad or that product offerI shouldn't say or until you take theproduct the product offer and the adsand target the specific market thatyou're trying to go after then you'llnever really know how well that productcan do so until you actually test theproduct you're not really you know gonnabe able to see any results so myrecommendation is just don'tovercomplicate product research justfind some good tools that you can relyon that you can trust to provide youwith the right data to be able to testthat problem okay cuz that's a whole lotbetter than emotions and looking inlooking within yourself to find somegood products or I are asking yourfriends or your family that have nothingto do with your e-commerce businessabout what you should be selling allright now here is some bonus tips aswell so first let's just find some newvariations of the hot product thatsolves the same problem okay so forexamplethe what was it the nice oppression wellis it called the knee pad their the kneejoint reliever knee joint support padsokay once you find these right heremaybe you find some other ones that looksimilar to them but yet still solve thesame problem and then you can go aheadand and try to sell those another tipwould be find new best sellers fromstores that crushed it with anotherproduct okay so for a store crush itwith another product then you go on thatstore and you find that they have a newbest seller then you could probably testthat out because there's obviously areason why they shifted from the oldbest seller to focusing on the new oneokay last but not least create anymiserable offers around that trendingproduct to restore the target marketsinterests okay because here's whathappens obviously if you're sellingsomething from Aliexpress it's possiblyit's it's most likely available onAmazon as well okay and the thing thatreally frustrates me with a lot ofe-commerce entrepreneurs and what I tryto really teach a lot of othere-commerce entrepreneurs inside areEECOM make you bitter mastermind is thefact that consumers are not stupid okayso they're gonna hit ctrl T right toopen up a new tab on their browserthey're gonna type the name of thatproduct and try to find a better priceespecially if you're not providing themvalue in any other way so we get aroundthat by creating inimitable offers okayand offer that they can't find anywhereelse you can easily do that by eitherattaching you know a free physicalproduct and extra servers like 24/7customer support or a money-backguarantee or a digital product like ane-book or something like that andthere's all different kinds of ways thatyou can create an offer to reallyseparate yourself from the competitionso you're not having to compete on pricealone but you can actually dominate withvalue because if you've ever watched anygood infomercials obviously you know allthey do on they're just craft greatoffers right they're not just sellingyou on one item for a specific pricethey're giving you a bundleif you order now you get free shippingand if you order right now call us upright now you'll get a whole nother setfor absolutely free so you guys get mypoint just try to create in a minutewill offers again we go over that insideour econ incubator mastermind where weteach people how to create offers andit's just kind of fun so we do it allthe time anyway but that that's thatreally okay the last core that I want toleave you by is don't rely on your ownopinion and emotions instead find datathat backs up your research and givesyou conference to test the productbecause that's ultimately what it comesdown to okay there's so many productsavailable right there's millions ofproducts that you can literally millionsof products that you can sell but whathappens when there's so many optionswell we get overwhelmed we get anxiouswe get almost scared to even get into itbecause we're just you know we're allover the place and so once you startusing tools like econ profits buyer tolike a spider intelligence you're ableto find data to see what's actuallytrending what's in demand so you canjust come in and supply that demand aseasily as possiblealright so thank you so much forwatching if you got value make sure youleave a thumbs up leave a comment belowand subscribe to the channel cuz why notright peace out see you guys in the nexttutorial


Automobile Electronics & 4-stroke Engines

Product Name: Automobile Electronics & 4-stroke Engines

Description: Automobile Electronics & 4-stroke Engines Book Explains The Vehicle Technology, Electronic Engine Management, Diagnostic And Testing Procedure As Well As Function And Operation Principle Of Each Engine Component On New Automobiles Generation With Overview

How to Make Money with eCommerce

[Music]sure this looks great but what are theyselling I'm Rachel to program thefounder and CEO of Mi'kmaq in the year201985% of Internet traffic is going to comefrom mobile video view so the internetis about to become what big video yousee companies like BuzzFeed refinery29now this news fire their editorial staffand replace them with short form videoproduction teams I'm a big believer thatwhatever happens to media will soonhappen to commerce shopping is anemotional experience it literally sendsdopamine to your brain if you thinkabout e-commerce it often is the leastemotional place online if you just thinkabout the history of the infomercial itfirst started as a 60 minute segmentbecause it was born in the golden age oftelevision it then got truncated to athree minute spot and then the internetcame where you literally only have amatter of seconds not only get someoneto stop scrolling through their feedbuild an emotional connection with theviewer and then cause them to hit Add toCart social is the first place thatpeople interact with your brand if it'snot the heartbeat of what you're doingfrom a marketing standpoint then you'vecompletely missed the boat Instagram isactually the world's largest mall andyou come there to do window shoppingKaspar Warby Parker away glossier all ofthem understood that that's where peoplewere gonna discover engage and buildcommunities around their brands here aresimple tips to drive sales conversionthrough social video you literally havethree seconds to not only hook theperson but convince them that this isthe product for them to buy a greatexample is from our clients BenefitCosmetics they recently launched amascara called the bad gal mascaraimmediatelyyou see a host hold the mascara say badgal mascara the before and aftertransformation is communicated and shetold the viewers to swipe up you need toconvert people and the places where theyspend time and then ensure that you havetechnology in place that removes all ofthe friction from checkout so you can gofrom consuming a video to the endtransaction in a matter of seconds notto toot our own horn but at Mi'kmaqgoods we do here we have software calledMi'kmaq attached that's literally acommerce layer for Instagram stories andsnap we've completely collapsed thefunnel and shortened the path to revenuethe power of the infomercial industry iswhat psychologists call a parasocialrelationship where you the viewerbelieve that I the host and your friendan easy example is Flo from progressivewhen we all see Flo we smile and we knowthat flow equals Progressive Insuranceyou're lucky if someone watches morethan three seconds of your video to keepthem viewing your video you have to justkeep delivering on the climaxI think BuzzFeed was actually thecompany that really honed in on thisinside of climax climax climax breakingnews here's a clickbait headlinefollowed by a really funny facialreaction followed by an explosion climaxclimax climax when you're trying to sellan item online you don't try to hide itthis is why you should buy my productand this is why it's for you and then ifyou really want to drive sales up youpoint to the Add to Cart button EECOM isabout to become the backbone of theentire internet and that content andcommerce is going to look a whole lotlike QVC except with three second videosall over the[Music][Music]


Surf Fishing – The Quick Start Guide To This Exciting Sport

Product Name: Surf Fishing – The Quick Start Guide To This Exciting Sport

Description: Easily Find, Hook And Land More Fish & Bigger Fish On Any Beach Using The Secret Techniques Of The Old Salt Pros.

Types of E-Commerce – B2C, B2B, C2B, C2C and Peer to Peer with Examples – ECMC Lectures

Types of E-Commerce – B2C, B2B, C2B, C2C and Peer to Peer with Examples

#ECMC Lectures

E-Commerce and M-Commerce Video Lectures in Hindi/English


Get Rid Tattoo – Now Promote Hottest Selling Apply Easy Cream

Product Name: Get Rid Tattoo – Now Promote Hottest Selling Apply Easy Cream

Description: Get Rid Tattoo Is A Pioneer In Tattoo Removal Niche. Now Totally Revamped! New Apply Easy Cream Upsale And 75% Commissions, Physical Product Upsale!! New Vsl & Highly Successful Apply Easy Tattoo Removal Cream. Hurry! Endless Earning Opportunity!

Divi theme tutorial | How to design an ecommerce page in Divi

hello everyone and welcome to WP use theTV in today's video I'm going to showyou step-by-step how I managed to buildthis landing page for an e-commercewebsite I'll be showing you step-by-stephow I build this website the workinvolved involves going to Photoshoppreparing our images and do a/b anddoing a bit of customizations and thengoing into DV and putting everything alltogether now if you're brand new to webdesign I have a free course that I'mgiving away called a wordpress masteryyou can go ahead right now the link isin the description below you can goahead and sign up for that course andstart learning if you'd like to learnhow to design websites using Divi I alsohave a course all that information is inthe comments box below if you haven'tbought dv8 great news if you buy Diviusing my affiliate link I will give youaccess to my Divi blueprint 3 coursewhich shows you everything that you needto know in order for you to buildawesome looking websites again all thatinformation is in the show notes belowso without wasting a lot of time let'sdive in and let me show you how Imanaged to build this landing page okayso first of all I got all my images thatI'm going to use throughout thistutorial from this website calledpixabay okay so all I've got to do hereis to click on search and then you haveall these handbags come up so Idownloaded all the handbags onto mycomputer and then I went on and chose animage which I use as my hero image andthe image I chose is this one right hereso I'm gonna click on it so you can seeit so all you got to do is to come overhere to this green button click on freedownload and this image now getsdownloaded onto your computerokay so now that you have all yourimages that you need the next step nowis to go into Photoshop and prepare orour images okay so I'm gonna come overhere to my downloads folder where I haveall my images so I'm gonna start offwith the hero image so I'm gonna rightclick and open with Photoshop like thatso now our image is open in Photoshopokay so what I'm gonna do is to comeover here to my crop tool and then I'mjust gonna drag like that until I'mhappy with the width that I need okay sonow that I'm happy with that I'm justgoing to hit enter now we have thiswhite space over here but don't worryabout that we are goingfix it so over here to my layers I'mgonna add a brand new layer so I'm goingto click on create a new layer okay sonext what we need to do is to justdouble click on this layer to get rid ofthis lock icon and then the next stagenow is to drag this layer one layer onto the bottom like that ok so now wehave this main image on the top and wehave this blank layer on the bottom thenext stage now is to delete this whitepart of the image so I'm gonna come overhere and select this white part likethat and it doesn't matter if you go abit in into this color here so now thatI have my selection all I have to do nowis to hit delete ok so now you see thatmy this area now is transparent so thenext stage now is to paint over and makesure that we match this color that wehave over here so to do that I need tocome over here to my eyedropper tool soI'm going to select my eyedropper tooland then I'm just gonna click here wherewe have this color so now my foregroundcolor has the same color as I have herenext I need to add my brush tool so I'mgonna press on B and then I'm just gonnastart painting ok so I'm just gonnacontinue doing that okay so I'm gonnazoom in so you can actually see what ishappening here so making sure that it'snow seamless okay so our hero image isalmost ready but we can always add a fewcustom shapes to make this look a bitmore stylish so let's go ahead and dothat so I'm gonna come over here to myshape tool and then I'm gonna come overhere to custom shape tool so over hereon the top you can see the shape that'shighlighted is the heart so if we clickthis little down arrow we get even moreshapes there so let's start off with theheart so I'm gonna start off by justadding my heart like that and anotherone but slightly smaller now what we canalso do here since these hearts are alladded on to a separate layer I canalways reduce the opacity just bydragging like that so we don't want tomake them really like in-your-face sothat to me it seems fine okayalso add some more shapes so I can comeover here again to my custom shape toolchoose the line tool and then I can justadd a few holds a few diagonal lineslike that okay maybe another one righthere maybe we might need to add a fewmore hearts to just balance this designout so I'm gonna come back over here tomy shape tool do the same add a littleone right there another one there andmaybe one more just here okay great andthen finally I'm gonna come over here tomy opacity and just reduce this all theway down to about say nineteen percentokay so that looks that's looking greatnow I'm ready to export this image infact before I do that I just need toreduce the opacity for these two heartshere right that that will do and thenfinally I'm gonna adjust the opacity forthis one okay so that's looking greatI'm ready now to export my image and useit as my hero image okay so to exportyour image you help you hold down theshift alt command S okay so here I needto add the width of my image so for thisexample here I'm just gonna add 2,000for my width and then click on save andthen you can save this now on to yourcomputer so our I already have minesaved so I'm just gonna hit cancel nextwe need to now add our images for ourproducts so to do that I'm gonna comeover here again to my finder now theseare the images for the handbags so theeasiest thing is to select all four ofthem like that come over here toPhotoshop create a brand new documentsso I'm gonna come over here to file andthen click new and the dimensions forthis are going to be 600 by 800 so I'mgonna select that click create and thenI'm gonna come over here to my files inmy downloads folder and then just drageverything onto my canvas so I'm gonnajust do that like that and then one byone these images now are going to showon my canvasand now I can just add them quickly andthen export them because this will bethe right size so in a moment I'llexplain why I'm bringing these imagesinto Photoshop and then ik and then reexporting them okay so let's start byadding our image so that's our firstimage I just have to resize this onehere like that hit enter now this onehere is filling up the page a bit toomuch I'm gonna hit enter and thenfinally we have this one right here thenjust make sure that it's in this it's inthe center and then hit enter so now Ihave all my images okay and you can seethem here over here on my layers okay sothe reason why we're bringing theseimages into Photoshop and then reexporting them is because we need toreduce the file size and also make eachimage the same size because when wedownloaded these images from pixabaythey all come in different sizes and thesize that it comes into is high-res soif you upload these images straight intoyour website or straight from yourcamera this file size is way too bigthis is going to slow down your computerso let me show you now how we canoptimize them when we save these imagesokay so I'm gonna save my image righthere and you can see that the file sizehere is way smaller this is only 401okay now this is in PNG 24 now when yousave this image you have to make surethat this is saved as a JPEG so I'mgoing to come over here select JPEG andnow this is optimized you can see herethe quality of just put that down toabout 80% and over here you can see thefile size is only a hundred and thirtyseven point two K now let's go and checkand see the file size that we that wehad when we downloaded this imagestraight from pixabay okay so for nowI'm just gonna go ahead and save andthen if you want to continue and savethe rest of them you just go through thesame process you just come over heredisable this layer select your other onesave this image disable this one selectthe other one save it and so on so let'sgo ahead now into a foldersee the size of the image so I'm goingto minimize this then I'm just going tobring this over here so you can see herethe size of this image when wedownloaded it is about 643 kilobytes sothis is much bigger and afteroptimization in Photoshop this file wasreduced to 137 so this is why we'redoing this this will help your websiteload faster so I would recommend thatyou go in and customize your files whenin Photoshop now let's go ahead andbuild our page so right now I'm loggedin to my WordPress website and I alsohave Divi installed so what I'm going todo now is to add a brand new page so I'mgonna come over here to pay just clickon add new so I'm just gonna call thispage handbags click on use the DiviBuilder and then I'm gonna to gostraight into the visual builder so hereI'm gonna start off by going straight toadd our background image so I'm gonnacome over here click on this gear iconclick on background and then I'm gonnaclick this third tab click the plusbutton and as you can see I have all myimages already installed but in yourcase you would have to come over here toupload files and then use these imagesso I'm gonna select my hero image clickon upload image so you can see now myimage is added for now I'm gonna goahead and save and then I'm gonna comeover here and click this button here toadd our column structure and the columnstructure we need is this one right hereI'm gonna select it and we are going toneed a text module first I'm gonna hatestext and then over here I'm gonna cometo lorem too and just use this as mydummy text so I'm gonna highlight thetext that I need and then I'm gonna comeover here and paste it next I'm gonnacome over here to design in fact beforeI go to design on each make sure thatthis text is set as the heading text soI'm gonna come over here to paragraphand change that to heading 1 so you canalso see here on the top that this nowhas changed now nice and boldI'm gonna come over here to design clickon heading text and because this is h1this these changes I'm going to makeover here are gonna take effect so I'mgoing to change my font from default toletoand then I'm going to change this fromregular to heavy I'm going to select allcaps and then I'm going to increase thesize so I'll say 60 is finethat the heading text I'm going tochange that to white and then over hereon my header letting spacing I'm justgoing to increase that to about say 10and then I'm gonna come over here to mytext shadow I'm gonna select this oneright here and then I'm just going to doa few adjustments so here I'm just gonnadrag this over to the right a little bitand then I'm also adjust the verticalheight just a little bit like that okayso that's looking great I'm really happywith thatI may want to increase the size here aswell like that maybe 62 so that'slooking great let's go ahead and savenow it's time to add another text moduleso this is going to have our descriptiontext so I'm gonna come over here clickthis plus button and I'm going to searchfor my text module like that come overhere to lorem – and I'm just gonna copythis paragraph now in your case the textthat you're going to have here is goingto be your text for the description ofyour shop so right now I'm just usingthis dummy text because it just saves mefrom typing and coming up with a copyright so I'm just gonna paste this comeover here to design click on text now mydefault font is going to be later so I'mgoing to select that now let's changethe size I'm just gonna increase thesize this say to about 30 maybe 30okay our text color is going to be whitejust like what we have there on the topjust add a bit of letter spacing in factfor this we don't need a letter spacingwe just need line height so I'm add myline height and we may want to increaseour size a little bit okay so thatI think 36 will do okay that's lookinggreat now I can go ahead and save okayso now that we have all the elementsthat we need for this section we aregoing to go ahead now and add somespacing so that we get to see more ofour image so to do that I'm going tostart off by adding dividers so I'mgoing to come over here click this plusbutton I'm gonna add my first dividerlike that come over here to designsizing and I'm gonna make this heightquite big maybe even a hundred I'm gonnasave that now right now I can't see mydivider and this is where now you can gointo our wireframe view so I'm gonnaclick here on the wireframe view so Ican see here my divider is right thereand I'm gonna clone it and then dragthis divider to the top like that andthen I'm gonna go back to my normal viewso we can see right here that our imageis now showing so next what I'm gonna dohere is to add some padding to mysection so I'm gonna increase that tomaybe let's say 180 and then on thebottom here I'm gonna increase that tomaybe the same great and then finallyI'm just gonna add some padding on to myrow so I'm gonna come over here click ondesign sizing spacing and then margintop I'll just add maybe 50 to start offwith and then on the bottom let's try it30 okay so now I'm happy with this nowthese dimensions that I've used here maybe different with your monitor so I'mjust trying to design it this way sothat you can see everything that we areadding on to this page next I'm going tocome over here and add our parallax soI'm gonna come over here to my sectionsettings click on design click onbackground and then I'm gonna come overhere where it says use parallax effectI'm going to say yes and then I'm gonnachoose CSS okay that's great I'm gonnago ahead now and save now it's time toadd our second section which is going tohave all our products so let's go aheadand do that so to do that I'm just goingto click this plus button click onregular now the products that we'regoing to have are four so I need fourcolumns so I'm gonna select that andthen I'm gonna start off by adding a andmodule so I'm going to select or searchfor my image module selected and thenover here I'm gonna come to my image URLand the first image I'm going to selectis right here click upload image so youcan see now that's my first image greatfor now I'm just gonna save now let'sadd a background color to this sectionso I'm going to click this gear iconcome over here to background click theplus button and I'm gonna make thisblack go ahead and save now it's time toadjust the size of our row so I'm gonnaclick the row settings click on designsizing we're gonna make this row fullwidth then I'm just gonna say for nowand then over here we're going to addour text and our call to action buttonso I'm going to click this plus buttonsearch for my text module so we're gonnagive this bag a name so the first namewe're gonna use here is I'm so I'm justgoing to select random names from herepaste it like that now we need to do abit of styling to this I'm gonna comeover here to design text and then I'mgonna make sure that the textorientation here is set to centered I'mgoing to choose all caps and then overhere for our text font I'm going tochoose later just so that we haveconsistency okay so my text size hereI'm gonna increase that a little bit toabout say 22 or maybe even 20 and thenwe're going to add some letter spacingso 6 will do and then finally we need toadd our color so I'm gonna come overhere to text color and set it to whiteokay so so far this is taking shape nowlet's add a button so I'm gonna comeagain over here click this plus buttonand add our button module like that andthen our call to action on our button isjust going to be by now now we also needto add some styling to this button sothat it looks exactly how we want it solet's go ahead and do that so I'm gonnacome over here to design click on buttonand you need to make sure you kick offyou click on use custom styles forbutton select that okayand then our button text color needs tobe set to white like that right let'scome over here to our button letterspacing okay so let's go with four fornow and then let's choose our font againit's gotta be later all caps now thesize is a bit too big and it's notcentered so we need to go ahead andadjust that so let's come over here toour button text size and reduce thatmaybe even to about fourteen okay sothat's looking great over here on thetop we can choose our alignment and wejust have to make sure that it'scentered so now we can see that thatlooks much better in fact the size ofthe button is a bit too big let's goahead and adjust it one more time soright now it's 14 let's reduce that toabout 12 okay so that's looking muchbetter nowokay so I'm really happy with that now Ican go ahead and save I can see herethat my row is way too big let's reducethe size a little bit so I'm gonna comeback over here to my row settings clickon design sizing and then we're going touse our custom width so let's use thisin percentages so let's set this toabout 70 percent see how that looks saveokay that looks much better now now tomake things easy for me I'm just gonnaclone these the image module and thenhave it all and then just update all myimages so let me show you how I do thatso I'm gonna come over here clone thisabout three times like that and thenjust drag these images into position sothis really saves me a lot of time bydoing this process over and over againokay so what I'm gonna do now is to justcome over here into the settings clickon upload and then I can just updatethis with the back that I ate so I'mgonna take upload save that sectionsettings upload select my bag uploadimage save then finallyagain I go into my settings click onupload choose my bag upload an image oknow you saw how fast that was thisreally saves you a lot of time so Irecommend that you use the clone tool towork much faster in Divi now we're goingto do the same thing but this time isgoing to be with the names of our bagsso I'm going to come over here clonethis a few times and then drag this intoposition so I'm gonna drag that overhere now if you can't see what you'redragging here's one quick tip you canalways come over here to the wireframeview and you can do this even faster soI'm gonna come over here to my wireframeview and now I can see all my textmodules I'm just gonna drag this intoposition like that and then while I'mhere in my wireframe view I might aswell welcome the buttons so I'm gonnaclone them again like that drag theminto position great so now I can go backto my to my view and see everything nowin place so you can see here everythingis looking great everything is takingshape now here's one really reallyimportant thing so what you want to dohere is to come over here into thesebuttons and add your links if you don'tadd their links you know your landingpage won't work effectively becauseobviously people won't be able to go tothat product so let's come over here toour module settings and let me show youwhere you can add that link so thisright here is where you get the link youcan add the link right now I'm justgonna add a blank link like that but inyour case you need to add a link thatgoes into your website where thatspecific product is so for now I'm gonnago ahead and save since you know wherethat is now great so what we're gonna donext here is to add some animation tothis so I'm gonna come over here to mysection settings so I'm going to comeover here to my row settings click ondesign animation slide now we want thisto slide up so we're gonna chooseanimationdirection up great but you can see herethat things are a bit abruptso let's customize the timing okaythat's a bit slower that's much betterthat's even better now the animationdelay we can also adjust that greatright I think I'm happy with thatI'm gonna go ahead now and save okay nowwe are going to use one of the featuresthat was added recently to Divi and thisis the section dividers let's go aheadand do that so right now I'm gonna cometo this top section I'm gonna click thisgear icon to go into my section settingsclick on design and then I'm gonna comeover here to my divider now we can seehere that our images have this littleshape over here we may want to replicatethis on this section so let's go aheadand do that so I want to choose bottomand then I'm going to choose my style solet's add it right there so we can seehere that already that's really lookingstylish and really like the way that islooking so that's looking great I'mgonna go ahead now and save now it'stime to add one more section so let's goahead and do that so I'm going to clickthis plus button here I'm gonna click onregular for a regular section and thisone just needs one column so let's goahead and do that now this column hereis going to need a text module so let'sgo ahead and do that I'm gonna searchfor my text module and select it andthen over here I'm just gonna say newcollection coming soonokay so that's the text I'm gonna havefor this section I'm gonna go ahead nowand click on design and then I'm gonnaclick on text make sure that this iscentered and then I'm just gonna makesure that over here it's set to letothen I'm just gonna increase the textsize I would say maybe even 40 – we needsome letter spacing so let's try 10 so10 looks fine and then over here I'mgonna make sure that this is set tolight okayso for now I'm gonna save it's time nowto add the image that's gonna go withthe background so let's go ahead and dothat so i'm gonna click over here likehere icon click on background click onmy third tab click the plus button andnow we're gonna add our image and Ialready have my image here in my medialibrary so I'm gonna select it clickupload an image so there's our imageright there so the next thing I'm goingto do is to darken this image becausewhen we have our white text here itneeds to be easy to read on thisbackground so let's go ahead and do thatso to talk in our image all I got to dois to come over here to my my imageblend I'm gonna change this to multiplyclick on my background color and thenI'm just going to drag here until I'mhappy with how dark it is so I think I'mgonna settle with this dark grey rightthere and then I'm gonna go ahead andsave now let's do a bit of work ontothis so here I can click on my modulesettings and let's change the color ofour text to white like that great I'mgonna save this now we're gonna add ourbutton so let's go ahead and do thatso as you can see here I can't add my mybutton module so I'm gonna come overhere to my wife reign view and let's dothat right here I'm gonna take this plusbutton here and search for my my buttonin fact it's right here I'm gonna selectit and then my button textjust gonna say get notified like thatclick on design and let's stylize thisbutton so I'm gonna come over here tobutton use custom styles for button nowsince I can't see what is happening hereI'm just gonna click this icon here so Ican see what is happening here on mydesign right so let's start with ourtext size I'm going to increase that toabout let's say 26 and then over here onour little spacing I'm gonna increasethat to about let's try 10 okay sothat's looking greatwe need to Center the text so I'm goingto come over here to alignment Centerthis button come back over here to ourbutton and we are going to change ourbutton text color to white okay so I'mreally happy with that now I just gonnaadd some spacing between my my title andmy button and to do that I'm gonna comeover here to spacing margin top let'stry 20 yeah I think that will do thatlooks perfectI'm going to save and now we are goingto add some padding so we can get to seemore of this image so this is going tobe maybe let's start off with 120 andthen the same on the bottom let's dothis 120 now let's add some dividers soI'm gonna click this plus button here atmy divider click on design and then mysizing here is going to be let's try 70I'm gonna save that and then I'm gonnaclone this divider and add it to the topdrag it to the top like that now we cansee that we have an idea that that is abag so that's looking really really nicenow finally as I'm looking at thisdesign I'm not really happy with thebuttons here they look too small and soI need to go ahead and adjust them soI'm gonna come over here to my modulesettings click on design button andwe're going to increase the size alittle bitso let's try 16 okay I'm going to savethis now because I have to do this on onall the other buttons instead of mewasting time going into each button oneby one I am going to clone this a fewtimes and then drag the button intoposition like thatnow what amay wants to do here as wellis to increase the padding for thissection it's good to about a hundred Iwant to make sure there's enoughbreathing space let's do that over hereas well said 100 or maybe even 120 okayso that's looking great now I can goahead and publish my page and exit thevisual builder so let's take a look atour page one more timeokay so what you want to do is to makesure that this website looks great onmobile devices so you need to go in andcustomize each and every item and makesure that is it's looking great so to dothat all you got to do let's start offwith the title here I'm gonna come overhere to my settings click on design soI'm gonna come over here to my textmodule and click on design text in factit's heading text I need so now I canadjust this and make sure that it'slooking great on all devices so if Iclick here on this icon here I can clickon tablet and here let's say I want tohave a bit of more line height I canjust increase it like that and make allmy tweaks okay so maybe that's the sizeI need for the tablet and then I'm gonnacome over here to my smart phone and formy smart phone I think I'm happy withthat now let's go on to the save andlet's go ahead and do the same for thistext right here this description textI'm gonna click the gear icon click ondesign text and then like we did beforeI'm going to click this little iconclick on tablet so definitely here Ihave to reduce the size so let's goahead and do that so I think I'm happywith about 28 and the smart phone I canreduce that a little bit maybe to about23 so as you can see I'm reallyoptimizing each and every item here andthen you may want to go ahead ahead anddo the rest here so you can see so farthis is looking great and things are notlooking great right here so let's goahead and fix that okay so over here I'mgonna come into my text module click ondesign text and then I'm going to clickhere on this little icon click on tabletright so first of all here on the tabletI want to reduce the size so until itfits the screen so I think 22 is perfectit fits the screen and then I'm gonnacome over here to my smart phone okay Idon't mind having this in two lines butyou canour line height isn't looking great solet's fix that okay so that's lookingmuch better I may even try and increasethe size here okay so 26 works and thenif this button looks way too big for youagain you can go in and make that changebut to be honest in this case it's notreally messing up our design it looksgreat so I'll leave it as it is so it'salways a good rule of thumb that whenyou design your layout you go in andmake sure that your pages are optimizedfor all mobile devices so now that I'mhappy with this layout I'm gonna savethe page so if you want this layout anduse it in your designs you can eitheractually go in and make some changes toit I am going to save it and make itdownloadable so you can just go in andimport it into your designs so onceagain I'd like to say thank you verymuch for watching if you'd like to learnmore about Divi I have a course whichyou can access free by buying Divithrough my affiliate links so go aheadand do thatif you already have Divi no problemthere's also a discount for this coursethis course will show you everythingthat you need in order for you to designawesome looking websites using Divi nowif you really have all that in place oryou're just starting off I also have awordpress course which I'm giving awayabsolutely free now information to allof that is in the show notes below okayso we've come to the end of our tutorialthank you very much for watching and Iwill see you in the next one


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Ecom Expert At Top EXPLAINS ALL-Is Ecom and Dropshipping Dead?

what's going on everybody how you doingI'm live here with a Cody near I thinkthat's how you say his last name officerright but I'm actually I met this guywell let me ask for engagement first ifyou're watching this live you know I'mash tagged live watch it on the replayhashtag replay and you guys know how wedo it here we're always moving so youknow what object at rest stays at restso you know unless is you know actedupon by equal and outside force so wealways want to keep moving so we hashtag ABM to let everybody know you knowthat we would keep moving but actually Imet Cody and junior rebuses at then inAtlanta I think it was around what wasit October so somewhere around in thereand he gave a lot of value dropped a lotof value and I really you know someonerelated to his story right now you knowI'm kind of in a transition or whateveryou know I'm live back in the sciencesyou know the background but I actuallyknow I'm going into marketing I'm doingthings you know as far as in marketingtrying to grow my agency and all thatstuff so my plans pretty much gotsidetracked so I'm at and he'll tell thestory you know how his plans andeverything got sidetracked as well but Ido appreciate him joining us on a Sundayevening prime time I guess there's nofootball or anything on you know itmight be basketball along but I knowhe's a big sports fan so as you know isthe privilege to have a meal but I'lljust go ahead and let him open up withhis story and how he got to do prettymuch everything let me tell you aboutyou know yeah he does have an e-commercebrand and he also owns the you know asits agency has a lot of people in hisagency whatever social media marketingagency so and here's Cody he can goahead and what's up Mike he has apleasure meeting you down in Atlanta Isaid I should say up and land being inFlorida but you're down in Atlanta cosyou're in the Carolinas so yeah yeah Iwas a good event in Atlantawhy shared and Lana was kind of thestart of my journey as an entrepreneurstarts basically with me being a littlekid obviously had dream Ellen playsports oh I'm going to be a baseballplayer my whole life that's what Ifocused onand as I focused on baseball I startedrealizing you know school and educationwas important so pretty much made thatan easy route or an easy thing so goingthrough school I never really struggledI had straight-a student fogey me theability to focus on my sports coming outof high school I start with Universityof Florida the Gators they are you knowa major powerhouse baseball program andyou know so I was quote-unquote livingthe dream rightand after I played college baseball hada pretty good college career and I wentinto professional baseball professionalbaseball seemed to be where where thereal world really kind of caught up withme you know and after a few years of proball realized man it's nothing but abusiness and as soon as I was doneplaying baseball I had a few things thatreally deterred my track you know writerecords in my career one of them being Ithink I shared this in Atlanta was Iremember going into like the third orfourth series at the end of my careerand my dad had surgery and they my momcalled said hey you know dad didn't dotoo well in surgery it's supposed to beenough surgery really easy and youshould you should probably come homedoesn't look good and I'm like what whatdo you meanso anyways had to get on a red-eyeflight fly home spend a couple weeksdown there missed you know a bunch ofgames and then going back into the intobaseball just things were not really thesame mentally took me a while to get outof that funk so I into that in thatseason have really good offseason goingto the next year thinking you know heyI've overcome my hurdles and my trialsand tribulations in life you knowthinking I figured out and next thingyou know let's get traded going to thestate that state long story short youknow I made uh I ended my my vacation ofa baseball player that's really where myentrepreneurship journey started andmuch like many people they don't reallyknow where to go what to do who to talkto what to assyou know questions and that's that'swhere I started the number one thing Idid ask myself was you know number onewas how am I gonna do ithow long is it gonna take and who can Ifind out who can I learn from Who am Igonna find out how to do this from inthe future right so first thing I didwas I found that mentor I found thatindividual much like you Mikeyou have coaches mentors and strategiesput a friend you by those peopleI just basically rode the coattails andfigured those things out I found mylittle niche a couple of those littleniches were ecommerce and in thisecommerce niche I've had some successwith building some brands and scalingsome e-commerce stores doing things alittle non-traditional II as otherpeople do and I've come a long way from2005 to now now I have a 20 plus personagency who deals with large brands ande-commerce stores where we focused ondirectly scaling their e-commercebusinesses and then on the flip sidethat we have roughly I'd say about 350commerce stores that we manage as anasset and you know there's a lotinvolved with that there's a lot ofscalability you know a lot of hiring alot of dealing with systems andfoundations and processes and proceduresand SOPs and this is the fun part nowyou know sometimes people look back andfellows regret or whatever but I feellike we're right in the middle of thefun partso really enjoying the input yeah that'smy story that's where comfort ooh nowecommerce business owner and an agencywell that's not that's an interestingintroduction I was wondering how longdid it take you because I would say Igot some new members here in groupthey're just starting out with theiragency just as well as I am only maybeabout a year or so year and a half or soin my agency but I mean howhow quick did it take you to how fast atyou did it take you to scale to 300 andyou know 50 stores agency you know 20employee you know because obviously youknow right now we're the only onesrunning our our agencies pretty muchwell I have developed the team on thefront and the back got a call centerthat's working for me and then I alsohave a fulfillment center on the backendbut um I mean it's I guess what type Iguess what time I actually how long didit take you to scale to that goodquestion most people say it took me 10years to become a millionaire overnightright so the reality is since since thelast day I took off my baseball cleatsuntil today right now that's how long ittook me so 2009 to 2019 so roughly 10years to get to that you know to wheream I nowso the the reality is we have aninteresting business model most brandsor agents or e-commerce you know brandsthey see the success that I share orhave shared in in in person online sothey approached us and so we'll getinbound leads and people that comethrough not ever we don't work witheverybody obviously but that's reallyhow we've gotten a core of our clientsunder the agency the internal assetsthat we manage are part of a portfoliowhere basically investors can investinto this portfolio and they get amonthly net return and that net returnis guaranteed to them so the reality isthat's a portfolio business and you knowthere's hundreds of brands underneath itand it's pretty unique we do everythingyou know direct response ads throughFacebook Google being Instagram we doprogrammatic ads the whole nine yardsand it's unique because we're sourcingproducts from all over the world anddrop shipping them we have directrelationships with suppliers and vendorsand the team you know growing like Isaid 20 plus individuals now you knowwe've got strong relationships with ourVA team and strongcore operations teams and strong paidmedia teams and strong projectmanagement teams strong vendorrelationship teams so it's all a pieceto a bit really big puzzle but thee-commerce side of this thing is it'sfun because it's never the same thingevery day so like I said the questionanswered your question is take us 10years to get here but it's steadilyevolving every day as we go you knowthat's interesting to say that cuz Iknow just watching the developmentespecially now with everything that'sgoing on with social media and justwatching that development I guess ofsome of the other people that haveinterview you know because everybodypretty much now just starts our solo soI mean it's pretty much different foreverybody else but at what point in yourbusiness did you say I need some helpfor this you know would you say I'mgonna have to have I mean how manyclients that you have or I mean what Imean what a at what point whatcircumstances from the outside did yousay I'm gonna have that you know hireour team so that's a great question2012 part of this journey I had startedI started really getting my handswrapped around what I was good at thatwas direct response paid traffic throughFacebook and Google and I took a team atTarget Corporation I was in downtownMinneapolis 22nd floor the targetbuilding it was awesome right took ateam of about 30 people and we startedrunning Facebook Ads on for target commthe mobile app and and on the websiteone of our missions were to get as manypeople as we could to download thiscartwheel app people know cart world thediscount shopping code app offer fortarget so in that time I basically wasgiven I wasn't giving it but on file wasa was a Target Corporation and next cardand they said you know hey go to workfigure this thing out me and our teambasically we spent 57 million dollarstwo hundred fifty plus million dollarsin gross sales I think we got the theapp we got fifty thousand downloads inlike the first week notice a you knowwe've got there's a million plusdownloads now and then app probablymultiple more now but anyways soonI finished that I realized man thiswhole selling stuff online is it's notthe heart and you know I'm tired ofdoing it for somebody else and it wasaround 2014-15 that I started what whatmost people know or see is this box thisbox of America brand and that'sbasically print on a man apparel hatsdecal shirts I needed something to sellright need something that I could ownthat no one else could could rip offright so that's when I started that wasby myself I created a screen printingembroidery shop by myself and started toprint shirts and embroider hats and Iwould try to make the shirt make the Hatsell it meant something to hat Seles soI got in this little cycle I was justdoing everything right and I realizedman this isn't gonna take me far soeventually got someone to help me heyyou make the shirt you make the hatsobfusco selim that one person turned into 203 next thing you know our businesshas expanded to where we were doingreally well monthly and I realized manthis online business now if I justfocused on this if I just had moreproducts to sell then I could you knowreally you know the word scale thisbusiness and 2016 ish 17 ish I took anopportunity and I sold my stream brandworkshop everything and I partnered withwhat most people know is KevinHarringtonfrom shark tank and we had an agency anadvertising agency called quantum mediathere's people Maxwell Fenn was a partof that and there were some otherindividuals that came along in thatagency that we hired when we built thatduring the time of you know that agencyKevin Harrington being the shark therewere so many businesses and so manypeople that through the products andthrew themselves at you know a shark andthat's really where the agency model andmy mindset started that's when I startedmy first quote-unquote agency really allI did was what I already did but then Istarted doing for other people on thisagency together with with KevinHarrington we did that for a little overa year and a half we had some reallyawesomeproducts as you can see right up here isa it's a Donald Trump $100 bill that'spainted whatever not because I care somuch about that but because we startedthe Shrunk coin that we sold onclickfunnels and we did five and a halfmillion dollars in about four and a halfmillion dollars in five and half monthsas what we did four and a half and fiveminutes well we've killed that fansaround the election time 2016 ish youknow it's awesome you know we learned somuch then at that time tooyou know that whole group of individualsare part of that team so we basicallygot to the end of like our success thereyou know the elections over things arejust kind of like getting a stalematethere's so many people throwingthemselves at the shark so manyopportunities that you know members ofthat business start saying hey we'regonna do this I'm do this I'm this whatin end up happening is that agencybasically decide hey we're going to youknow go our separate ways we have otherthings that we want to start pursuingnow well during that time that agencythere was individuals that were hiredthat I was a part of hiring into agencyso when that thing kind of folded thesepeople looked and was like well what arewe gonna do now you know like one ofthem moved from Miami he was with GrantCardone one of them and moved over fromIronman you know was running theirsocial medium they're smart individualswhat we're gonna do so Mimi and me I'mjust like well I'm gonna keep doing whatI do let's just do this thing togetheryou guys join me let's rock and roll andofficially became my own agency owner2017 a little year-and-a-half after withquantum media you know whatever theirintent and first year you know was outthere you know when you're firststarting agency or sustaining businessand every business and e-commercebusiness whatever the good thing was isI know we're good at I knew what wecould do I knew the skillsetswe knew you know direct response whenFacebook ads and Google and Shopify anddropshipping and e-commerce we we had areally good understanding of how to makethat moneyoh we lost I don't know that's all my inor is it me yeah I don't I don't knowwho you're back now so is it good yeahthat's goodall right awesome bad dawn yeah we'regoodokay cool right on so basically we allstart together great our own agencythat's when we create seven to sevendigital seven to seven digital calm andwith scalar agency six figure agencywithin a year easily we had our ownbrands next thing you know businesspartnerships have arrived and come alongand now I look at it we have 300 pluse-commerce brands that would managedozens that you know do six figures thisyear our goal is to do 60 plus milliondollars in sales right now I guess that20 plus person team you know it's justthat's the day-to-day now is is reallywhere we're at with it so we managede-commerce we do e-commerce and then onthe flip side that we have our agencywhere we manage e-commerce and we doe-commerce for other brands ofbusinesses well that's a less interestin that you know you can keep themseparate because I mean it's just likeyou know there was a large mass on thisside and a large mass on that side sothat's some it's probably prettyinteresting how you can I'm keep themtogether and then have another questionas far as you know there's notnecessarily a lot of people after thereis a lot of people getting into theagency side but there's also still a lotof people that are don't let me put yourname back up there looks like it wentaway but um there's also a lot of peoplethat are getting into the ecommercestock as well do you think that it istoo late to get I mean is it too late toactually start a brand new e-commercestore or because I mean a lot of peopleare saying that that as you know it'stoo late the market is already saturatedand I mean is that a true rumor is thatjust a myth you really I mean you knowso leave false let's put it this waythere's new there's new burger jointspopping up left fromthat are doing well and being successfulMcDonald's has been around forever andthey pretty much conference that's forthe great festive burgers Amazon is theking of online you know product salesright the reality is as retail storesclosed and as the consumer attitudechanges for how they buy products themore opportunity arises for people tocreate their own e-commerce stores themore brands and the more products thatget sold online the online transactionsyou know as you see the last ten yearshave steadily gone up and that's goingto continue to go up as consumers wantto get their products delivered to theirhouses directly they don't want to drivesomewhere people start living evenfurther remote off the grid becauseconnectivity from Wi-Fi and the internetallows people to be you know outside ofa city and still be very connected tothe world so I truly believe that youknow ecommerce as a whole we'rescratching the surface I mean thoughthat's such a myth that you know you'relate to the party or we're like this ifit's so early still that you can stillcome in this thing and really create areally good mark on this mission we'regonna see 10 15 20 years from now youknow we're not even gonna remotelytouched what's gonna happen in thefuture of online product sales well yeahthat's um because you know a lot ofpeople are saying yeah the marketssaturated there's no need to go in herebut looks like we have a few people joinus in my wife is on a hey how you doingsweetie and my just like michelle is onhere how you doing michelle and will andi'm not gonna try to pronounce his lastname it says i'm hey guys this is quickquestion it says what's the first thingyou outsource when when scaling and iwas told to outsource the ad creationand management but I just feel thatpeople wouldn't do as good on a job anyinsights my first thing that Ioutsourced was my operations things thatare repeatable that don't take a ongoingskill set evolving so for instance beingan advertiser a dark response toadvertisersinvolves being a really high creativemarketer it involves understandingalgorithms and Facebook ads and thechanges in whatnot those are all thingsthat take a lot of skill set rightthings that you don't need a you knowtruly evolving skill set or yourday-to-day operations for this yourproject management you know you'redesigning your graphic design youronboarding of your clients you knowpeople create systems and processes forthese things for a reason you can evenquote-unquote outsource using softwareto me to help you scale first right youdon't technically have to get people todo the outsourcing your outsourcing canbe a software there's those things thatare just foundational from your day today that will get you more leverage timeso then you can spend your your focus onthe money making things which ithands-down I mean the agency what mostpeople do is they get caught up on doingactivities that that they think aregoing to help them but the reality isthe only thing that helps you inbusiness is making a sale you know youhave to go sell something to be inbusiness so if you're not focused onmoney-making activities everything elseis irrelevant right so as a businessowner you've got to constantly belooking for the next opportunity andthen sale the next project the nextwhatever it may be and then get yourday-to-day operations and stuffrepeatable tasks you know together andthen everything else kind of falls inplace lungs are out there selling andpushing something and you have someskills or some you know creativity oryou have something of value thatsomebody else is willing to pay you forthen the rest will take care ofthemselves yeah that's pretty much youknow I put I'll agree with you know asfar that but I'll say I'm still you knowtrying to scale my industry you knowpretty much it's just me like I said Ihave a call center and I have afulfillment center on the back end but Iknow that what I've heard is the thingsthat you should actually do are scalingor outsource is pretty much like Codywas saying I guess the repetitive motionthings that you constantly do you knowyou know making post something like thatyou know something you pretty much doevery day you can actually outsourcethat you know hire somebody you knowthat isyou know obviously capable I meanactually I think a couple of peopleactually just higher you know I've heardsomebody say they actually hired internsin college and they actually get collegekids close to you know if you have acollege or something close to your inthe vicinity of your house or your localarea you can actually outsource and getsome people in there and even like coldcalling now I mean it's just that youknow a hassle to coke I don't know ifyou guys know I'm Chad coterie at -clicks or not but he helps with myfulfillment on the vacuum but um yeah hetalked about how when he was killing hisagency he got people to actually youknow make calls form where you know allthat repetitive it especially theinitial cold call you really as abusiness owner you really don't I meanyeah you wanna for me I want to get inthe trenches and do it every now andjust just to state see what it's likebut I mean constantly doing it every dayafter day after day know you can justoutsource that and then also I meanunless you really want some people getkind of you know sketchy and finickyabout I guess outsourcing theirfulfillment and their Facebook adsbecause they really want to be in theback doing analytics and all that stufflooking at it you know as far as dealingbecause does somewhat deal with themoney of the money of your clients andeverything so that's pretty you know Imean it's up to you whether you want tooutsource it or not but the thing is ifyou have twenty thirty clients you'rereally not gonna have time to sit thereand look at their Facebook ads or theirgoogle analytics or anything like thatso it might be something you want toconsider doing in just developingsystems I know actually yes Ralphtalking Rob Queen is talking a littlebit about systems and how he developssystem I was wondering how did youdevelop your systems because I meaneverybody that uses the word systems andeverything but I mean you know what doesit actually mean to you what is a systemto you and how did you develop all ofyour systems yeah absolutely so systemsare key in creating scale and the wayyou gotta look at it is the only way youcreate a system is by tracking ordocumenting the things that you do inyour business on a day-to-day right solet's just say that you're constantlycreating new ads for your business oryou're constantly sending outboundemails or you're you're constantlyhaving to fill out documents or aprocess of onboarding for your clientsright you can create the process theysomething the things that you do overand over and over creates a process whathappens as you create the process thenyou can hire someone else to come in todo the process and then you build on topof it and then you go up to the nexttask for the next things that you haveto do on a day-to-day you build theprocesses there you bring some in youhave them do the task and you keep goingup that's technically what the wordscaling means is you go the process getsomeone else to do it you build up youkeep going and going and going going andthat's the the word scale right so thefirst thing I did was I found out whatexactly happens when I sell somethingwhat when I sell a new client lever howdo we want to communicate with them howare they gonna get their reports to themwhen are they gonna get the reports andI had to document all those things and Ihad to make some concrete foundationaldecisions to say okay they're gonna giveFriday reports they're gonna get it likethis they're gonna get it in thisspreadsheet they're gonna get it on thisway and then once I figured that out Ican say okay individual one come in anddo this for this client and we're gonnado this over and over and that's how Istarted the scale we use everything youknow Google Docs simple stuff you canshare files and we'll know the clientsDropbox you can share your your creativeassets and Dropbox large files videosand whatnot Dropbox is great tool forthat Trello for project management asanaeven if you do that and then your day today communication so number one I'mgonna communicate with a 20 plus remoteteam we use slack and slacks likecritical in our business because we havechannels in there for every single storethat we only have channels for it whichteams are doing what and communicationchannels with RBA's in the Philippinesand then you know communications betweenour leadership team we have data thecertain weekly meeting set these are allthings that you know just epiphaniesright like then just all sudden happenedthey had to they had to be strategicallyplanned and that's just basically theday-to-day now you know now if there's aprocess procedures channels flows onprocesses SOPs for things that I cankeep focusing forward on the businessand as you'll notice like Elon Musk ElonMusk is very much an outward facingyou know directive for SpaceX and Teslaright do you think he turns around andfaces into his business very muchtelling people you need to do this youknowhe faces outwards telling him where hewants to go right and then he turnsaround people say hey we're gonna gothere and he says you need to do thisthis and this do you think he's backthere building you know battery-poweredcars no he's telling his engineers Iwant you to build a battery-powered carbecause we need to go over here we'renot using gas right and that's the modelwhere the leader of the of the agencycan take them is they're basicallycoming up with things that are just veryvery very large goals and then they justbasically lead the way you know tellingpeople that's where we want to go andthen the team has really good processand procedures and foundations andsystems in place to help them get thereand without those things team's gonnalook when I say well how are we gonnaget there you know but as long asthere's those things in place so theleader of the business can continuetelling people where they want to gowhat they want to go as a team nowthat's the the best that has been thebest thing that's happening for mybusinesses is being able to just visionwhere I want to go and then know I havea team and processes in place behind meto get there yeah that's interesting yousay that because when you were I guessmentioning all that stuff you know asfar as I could just picture you knowElon Musk out front and I just thoughtyou know that about you know vision andI guess how important is it forentrepreneur or you know a businessowner to have you know great vision andhow do you develop vision so yeah how doyou develop a vision and how importantis it okay so the old saying goes thatsales clears all right and what mostpeople don't know is that for the firstten plus years in Tesla they never mademoney right and they still to this dayhave not made much money and but thereality is he constantly went back in isgetting hundred billion dollars hundredmillion dollars to investors because hehad the vision of what other peoplecould not see and it was his job not tojust create the vision it was his job heconvinced the people behind him of thatvisionand that's all a matter is he had toconvince those investors he had toconvince his team he had to convincethem of his vision right so a vision isvery much whoever's that visionarieswhat they call them it's their job tomaybe to come up with a way to convinceyou literally have to convince people ofthe vision that you have because a lotof people don't understand that you knowthey were like for instance Elonhe's been very much losing money hedidn't have a clue a couple years agoone of the big hurdles in in Tesla'sbusiness was they have all these cars todeliver so many people had alreadyordered them and they didn't have muchmoney to actually go out and say we'regonna start delivering these cars andwe're gonna we're gonna explode growthso what Elon must did is he had a visionhe said you know what I have to projectourselves that we have so many cars andthat we're so we have so much over youknow so much over of our builds of ourcars so what he did was he literally gothis company to drive you know big trucksfull of cars to parking lots out in themiddle of big public spots aroundAmerica probably about 400 cars realityis but as you drove by man look at allthose Tesla's over there's 20 of themthere and 20 of them there in a big cityyou know people saw that and I meanTesla's got a bunch of cars what thatdid was it showed man there's a ton ofTesla's out there you know more tehsilsare more available so what to do it hadmore people go buy more Tesla's spike insales right he had a vision ah I canjust show people that we got more carsthan we actually do they will think thatthey'll go buy well when they startbuying more cars all over the UnitedStates were one he had a problem thenthat came up again visionary he had noway to solve this yet um he said man Ihave no idea how I'm gonna get all thesecars delivered because we don't haveenough money to be delivered cars youknow we're so far behind on productionhow many of these things deliver one ofthe individuals who bought a carhe actually said dude I love Tesla somuch you know what I'm retired I got atruck hauler I'm gonna throw a couplecars on here man I'm gonna go deliverthese cars for you you know because Ilove Tesla so muchwell that's glad to say wait wait waitwe can't just let you strap it on toTesla's and go driving away with itright so they had to go back to theboard meeting they had everything andTiffanyvision missionary what Eli must do hesays hey I'll create a delivery systemthrough our customers so now actuallythat no one no knows this if you don'tthen you really cool story learned isthat Tesla's cars actually get deliveredby their customers cut when you buy aTesla your car actually gets deliveredfrom another customer um is that youtalking about a visionary you're talkingabout buying a car from from a companyyou think it's gonna be at a car lockthat you think you see a car lot it'snot really from there next thing youknow card is delivered by another guywho owns a Tesla when he shows up it'slike man I'm gonna show you all aboutthe car I got one myself you know I'vebeen customer for a year whatever yeahagain the vision in the visionary justovercome those goals and tell me wouldgo what what happened now these cars aregetting delivered at such a fast ratethat you now see freak companies man youknow using other people using customersto be their delivery to be theirpoint-of-sale systems for theircustomers whatnot he can't be createdanother industry that like to it'sbooming just those two things of puttingcars out there and then gettingcustomers to deliver himthis all happened in the last year and ahalf Elon Musk in order to be profitablehad to pretty much double the size ofhis revenue and since he started thosetwo very visionary things on theyactually had for the first time ever in2018 they actually hit their goal ofwhere they had to be at from both carsbeing built and cars being delivered forthe first time in the history of Teslaever and it took them been near 15 plusyears and so many things that you don'teven know are gonna happenthat's what visionaries have to do theyhave to go and do things that you don'teven know we're gonna happen yet youthink he knew he was gonna park cars onthe United States to give he would fileif you think he knew and return or crazycustomer tell him yeah I'll deliver yourcars for you absolutely not but he knewhe was the visionary he knew it wouldhappen and that's kind of what you gotdoing your business he's gotta just knowyou're gonna do it and as you go you gotto build and be creative and lead theway so when I kind of a tangent therebut the reality is as a visionary mostof things that you're going toaccomplish you don't even know howyou're gonna accomplish them yet youjust know you're going to that'sinteresting as interesting aside sincewe're talking about theseI mean where do you see I guess as faras online what's the next trend that isI'm actually coming online I know wetalked about you knowyes different goals and visions for youknow an individual company but you justmentioned Elon Musk but as far as justin general what do you see the nexttrend is everybody screaming about youknow chat box now and then obviouslythere's a lot of people in to socialmedia marketing helping companies with asocial media marketing so where do yousee the next trend that is actuallycoming you know online yeah absolutelyso it's about five years ago I foresawthat Facebook groups were going to be ahuge deal I foresaw that you're gonna beable to direct a consumer what I'veunder what I feel is going to happen isthat the consumer is going to become soconnected through their social media youknow through their smart devices throughtheir platform of email and whatnot thatthe the trend is actually going to comein your handheld devices I believe thatyour handheld devices can mean what wasit 20 plus years ago teach you to tellme you're not gonna be able to carryaround a calculator in your pocket allday well now we do and plus I have everysingle answer to every question thehistory of the earth right on thislittle handheld device I believe thatthe future in the marketing world hasgot to come will come through yourmobile deviceI thought apps we're gonna be that didthey really boom I'm not sure I thoughtyou know social media is gonna be thereright now social medias up is it goingto boom I'm not quite sure you knowFacebook seems to be doing well but thereality is I think the the technology oryour handheld devices in the future willbe what advertising terms too forinstance your smartphone for google yourWi-Fi when you connect to your Wi-Fipeople are going to start doingprogrammatic ads through your IPaddresses although so they just soundslike far fetched in the future but thereality is we're doing that right now wedo that for our businesses right nowwe're doing programmatic ads right nowthere's some of the most successfulthings we do so that's where I think thetrend is going it's going to be less ofpeople trying to figure it out and it'sgoing to be moreit's already figured about you just youknow it's all out there it's wide openis transparent wow that's uh that's aninteresting interesting take I know thatI say my wife says this is good andwe'll owe you you understood thequestion to answer to a question so hesays thanks and I guess as far as I'mwhat I guess in your come up what wasyour aha moment as far as when dideverything just pretty much click yeahso I always felt like I had thiseverything as an entrepreneur right outnumber one I just I hate being told thatI can't do something that won't dosomething I hate being put in likeceilings on meI hate when my wife hugs me for too longsometimes I'd report constraint you knowit's crazy because the feeling ofconstraint is what like you know ties medown in the feeling that I felt wasessentially when I realized man I don'thave any money you know how am I gonnabuy a car I can't pay rent you know whatare we gonna do those type of thingsthat feeling of just constraint is whatyah-ha that was about 2011 I rememberdoing near the freaking guy that Ibought my car from came as I hate whereI come bring up your trunk because youdon't you owe us money you know andthose around 2011 those things you knowjust the money like come on money moneymoney you know that's really the ahamoment and the reality was I just feltthat constraint and the one thing I setout to do was I'm gonna find out how I'mgonna be able to remove the barrier ofrelying on somebody else or some otherthing to make me money or to pay mybills or to make me successful and thatwas my ahayou know that was my that was my changein mindset time when I realized men whyam I going to get a job working forsomebody else relying on their businessto do well so I can get paid the realityis I could do my own business and I canyou know I can worry about my own moneybeing made and pay my own those that wayso the year is 2011in the aha moment was basically when Ialways was looking at somebody else tomake sure that I had money or that Icould get paid and that was then when Ireally started you know they don't knowsocial media of figuring out advertisingfigured out marketing creating my ownbusinesses and basically doingeverything most people do Google andYouTube and and figure it out right yeahthat's that's what a lot of people doingthat's kind of where I am too you knowas far as I actually had that sir eversince pretty much I came out of collegeit was like well I'm going to need tofigure out a way to make money on my ownbecause I mean there's always I guess abit of resistance in me I think I toldthis story before the last time Iremember that was actually I was goingto work one day I don't know if youremember when BC I don't even know if itwas out where exactly are you they'restill rocking down here in the southsouth south of Jacksonville Floridawinn-dixie oh no um yeah that was one ofmy first jobs and I actually showed upto work dorks and my manager sent mehome and I just live and I told my momand my dad I didn't want to go back butobviously my daddy was like you need togo back and you know finish up yo yourears don't want to quit right there butI mean I just had you know had a senseof resistance do I have to do is likewhy can't I just wait I'm doing my jobI'm going to work what is it what doesit matter that I have you know specificamount of clothes on but it's just likeyou know control man so that's the wayyou know where I was in that situationit was like yeah I'm glad to figure outhow to do something you know on my ownbut I guess even growing up I mean whenyou were little because a lot of peoplesay you know Gary Vee talks about how hewas selling lemonade you know iteliminates Dan when he was like maybewhat six seven years old and is Janesmiley this same question as far as theyou think entrepreneurs are born or canthey be made what do you think I mean Ithink entrepreneurs can be made come inbecause a lot of people yeahentrepreneurship is made when you pushsomebody against the wall you push themso far back against something to wherethe only way they can get out of it isif they choose to either go tuck theirhead and tuck your tail and succumb tothe overcome of that feeling or bash tothat wall and figure it out in that bashinto the wall is then becoming an hourcertain its life hanging out how theymake moneythe reality is there's businesses outthere the people who built thosebusinesses have no idea how to even login Facebook right but their businesssurprised some of the largest brands onthe internet they had to figure thatthing out do you do you just give upbecause you don't know you you figure itout right and that's what's crazy isthat I think entrepreneurs candefinitely be built I do think thatthere is a time or a feeling or aexperience that happens to create them Ithink that they're I mean surely you cancreate an entrepreneur as a kid you knowgrowing up parents could tell them youknow build your own things and do yourown things and create your own thingsthat's surely that's awesome I mean Iwish I had that mindset growing upmyself but you know if you can see yourparents being entrepreneurs if you seeyour friends being entrepreneurs if yousee goes around you being entrepreneursI think you can create or mold yourselfinto that as well yeah yeah I don't knowif I lost you there I don't know if it'sa lion or Orion I know we had a littlelag but yeah that's not that's what Iyou know I'm starting to realize nowthat I know what somebody told me I waslike yeah you gotta be born to beentrepreneur and I was like no I don'tthink that's true at allthere's no way I mean it I mean it's toomuch you know too many entrepreneurs nowyou know around that pretty much startedyou know from from scratch I meanthere's actually people that juststarted from scratch and now they'reentrepreneurs so let me go ahead and endthis you know rather guys I mean if youif you have any value of you see anyvalue in a drop of one in the commentbox I know you got somewhere you guysare on the lab or if you're watching thereplay just drop with one in the boxbecause Cody is governed a lot ofknowledge in the amount of you knowvalue is giving you you know reasons oryou know how you can scale your agencyhow you can you know develop systems foryour agency and also giving youmotivation know just when you get downand all right you peak you may not havewhat it takes to be an entrepreneur buthere you have Cody telling you you knowyou do you do have what it takes to bean entrepreneur and I guess usually Iask this question last some people thinkis it's a laid-back question some peoplethink you know it's kind of acomplicated question as a thoughtfulquestion but so the question you know ohI put one in there but um can you if youwere to have one superpower what wouldit be and why my superpower would beunderstandings people love being able tosense or feel and understands people'sfeelings in the moment in the reasonbeing is I already feel like I'm reallygood at this I feel like this is mysuperpower but if it was like if I canmake it like a ten-time 10x where Icould just pop in and feel man I'm aboutto figure out what you're feeling rightnowum so I feel like sales are based onfeelings and emotionI feel like relationships are based onthem obviously if you can you know havethe argue someone because you know ifthey're feeling you can sense thegenuine reaction of what they're feelingand I think the feelings that you canfeel from another individualtransactions aren't made you knowthrough the computer they aren't madefood cell phones they aren't madethrough text message wherever they'remade they're people right and it'salways driven by an emotion and feelingthat they get right so I feel like mysuperpower would be understand people'sfeelings in the moment so that way I canjust get to the point in figure out manwe're gonna do this or not right or youknow I can apologize right up front tomy wife I know exactly how she's feelingwhen she's pissed at me record it makethings a lot easier rightso that would be sweetest fullestsuperpower in my mind yeah that'sinteresting you say I know there's asaying that say you know I'm pretty sureyou heard it before as far as you knowif you can make them laugh you can makethem die so I mean obviously laughter isyou know an emotion you know it's prettymuch a feeling so therefore you knowyou're not really buying you knownecessarily the product but your mindyou know you're paying into the to themotion so you know how Cody how canpeople reach out to you Cody they wannaget in touch with you or anything likethat you got a website you want to dropor you can just send me the link andI'll put it in the comments once theinterview is overyeah so I have a I have a mentorshipgroup it's free join ecommerce brandAcademy I share my life I shared what mywife and I are doing I've got a publicFacebook page as you'll see it Codynearly entrepreneur I put it on therebecause I hitmax of friends on my personal Facebookpage but you can follow there Iliterally share facebook lives and I domy stories there how I live questionsthoughts reactions current news howeverin the business my hurdles my challengesand even some of my successes theire-commerce brand Academy is the groupI've my like I said I have my Facebookpage you can follow along and then ourwebsite 727 digital Commons or agencyalright so you just heard there fromCody thank you for joining me and thenyou guys if you have any questions theother questions you can drop them in thecomment box or just reach out to Codyyourself during one of his groups one ofhis connection one of those outlets getin touch with him and I'm sure he willbe more than happy to answer yourquestion because obviously I met him atJr's conference and I just made acomment actually somebody else that youknow he's a real nice down there aperson and I'm pretty much agreed with Imean really is you know you think youknow a lot of times you know theseentrepreneurs or you know me and there'sI'm not saying you're me I don't knowhow much you know what you got in yourbank account but ya know obviouslyyou're making a lot of money if you have350 company you know companies in youragency ecommerce brands and everythinglike that but a lot of people think youknow rich and successful and wealthypeople or you know just rude andarrogant and all this stuff you neverhear and pretty much most of the peoplein Cody fits in that boat as well youknow the people that I asked tointerview they're more than you knowgenuine and they're more than willingand helpful to come on here and give youguys some knowledge and actually theywant you to succeed I mean they want youto be up there with them and I think Iknow some of them you know what exactlythe push you will over them so I meanthat's always a good sign of a goodleader so obviously we understand thatI'm Cody a good leader so I appreciateyou coming on here and thanks for allthe wisdom information knowledge thatyou draw any thanks Mike push on Yumaall right you guys have a good one andwe'll see on the next time and alwayshashtag ABM always be moving I would gowe'll see you the next all right
