Prasara Yoga: Flow Beyond Thought

Product Name: Prasara Yoga: Flow Beyond Thought

Description: Coach Sonnon Walks You Through Transitional Movements, Breath Integration And Structural Alignment In Prasara Yoga That Provides Low Impact, Total-body Cardio, Strength Training, Dynamic Flexibility And Mental Focus Techniques In One Complete Package.

Wix Ecommerce | The Ultimate Guide To Building An Online Store in Wix | Introduction

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Are you asking: How do I build an online store in Wix?

I wanted to create a series to help fill a major need in the Wix market. People want to know how to build a Wix Ecommerce website and what the capabilities of the platform truly are. With that in mind, I listened to my community, read comments and engaged with Wix Design Pros.

Today, I am bringing you the Introduction of a multiple part series. The series is called: “Wix Ecommerce: The Ultimate Guide To Building An Online Store in Wix”

The Introduction video of this series is all about explaining what makes a great ecommerce website while also discussing the brand new series details. Between learning how to customize your online store in Wix to discovering the possibilities Wix Code has on your Wix Ecommerce website. I wanted to be extremely clear on who could benefit from this series and why.

This series is specifically made for entrepreneurs, CEO’s, Founder’s, President’s and Co-Founder’s looking to build an online store for their startup/business or re-design their existing online store. The goal is to bring you quality Wix Ecommerce training videos while also displaying the capabilities you have with Wix Code too.

I want this series to serve as your main resource when building an online store in Wix. Ecommerce is an entirely huge market at the moment and I have not found a Wix Ecommerce full inclusive series, so I wanted to pioneer it.

If you are interested in hiring my team and I to build your online store in Wix, email me: [email protected]
Series Schedule: (x1 Video Per Day)

Friday January 18 – Part 1 | The Introduction
Saturday January 19 – Part 2 | Wix Ecommerce Setup/Planning
Sunday January 20 | Customizing Your Wix Store
Monday January 21 | Discovering Administrative Functions in Wix
Tuesday – Thursday January 22-24 | Wix Code + Wix Stores
Friday | Wix Stores Marketing Strategies
Stay Connected:

Email: [email protected]
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Assured Soccer Profits Trader

Product Name: Assured Soccer Profits Trader

Description: Comprehensive Soccer Trading Membership Site For A One-off Single Price. Asp Uses Videos, Manuals And Blogs To Teach The User How To Create Profit From Live, In-play Soccer Matches. Huge Value.

Building an eCommerce Store with Magento and AWS

[Music]welcome to this episode of AWSQuickStart series on hosting yourecommerce store with AWS my name isArtie and I'm a Solutions Architect withAmazon Web Services today I'll bewalking you through the steps needed toconfigure your Magento eStore usingAmazon lightsail Magento is a verypopular open-source ecommerce platformbased on PHP it offers you a lot offlexibility to customize and extend yourecommerce store Amazon lightsail on theother hand is the virtual private serveroffering from AWS it was primarilydesigned to make it very easy for you toget your workloads up and running on thecloud you do not need to have anybackground expertise on running ormanaging infrastructure on AWS there area few unique features about Amazonlightsail that sets it apart from otherAWS services I sneak a look at whatthose are first light co is a bundledoffering this means when you sign up forAmazon Lite 0 it comes as a package thatincludes compute storage and networkingfurther each of these components arepre-configured for you nextAmazon lights here comes with a fixedpricing plan prices start from as low as$3 50 cents a month for UNIX and Linuxbased operating systems and $8 a monthfor Windows what this means is you caneasily predict your costs at the end ofeach monthlight Co has its own console that isdesigned to make it very intuitive foryou to get your applications up andrunning with just a few clicks of abutton although designed to be easy touse you still have the ability to growand build complex workloads as yourbusiness grows for example you canprovision additional storage for yourAmazon Lite zero instances or you couldset up a load balancer to distribute thetraffic across multiple like zeroinstancesyou also have the ability to integratewith other AWS services for example youcould run your website on Amazonlightsail but choose to host yourrelational database using Amazonrelational database service or RDS forthose of you in the audience who preferprogrammatic access you have an API anda command-line interface to interactwith but that let's look at a demo ofhow exactly you can set up your Magentoecommerce store using Amazon lightsailthere are three important steps to thisthe first you would log into yourlightsail console second you will usethe pre-configured Magento blueprint toset up the e-commerce store and finallyonce your store is up and running youwill be able to log in and monitor theapplication we are now logged into ourlightsail console let's go ahead andclick on create instance you will seethat the region has defaulted toSingapore in this case but lightsailhowever is available across differentregions in the world we will stick withSingapore for this demo the next thingyou see here is an availability zonealso referred to as the ez ez czarisolated locations within a region youcan distribute your resources acrosseasy and design your applications suchthat if one resource fails the resourcein another away the body's own can takeon the load so this is a great way tomake your applications highly availableon it of the yes for this demo we willchoose with the default selection ofzone a the next thing we will do isselect our operating system you canchoose between Linux and UNIX basedoperating systems and Microsoft Windowsfor this demo we'll be using a Linuxbased operating systems blueprints onAmazon light sales give youpre-configured applications on theoperating system itself you however havethe option to start with the plainoperating system and install theapplication of your choice on thisagain for this demo let's make use ofthe pre-configured Magento blueprint youcan also customize your instance as itstarts by specifying additional launchscript here next since we have chosen aUNIX based instance lights you willprovide you an SSH key in order toconnect to the instance you will seethat is I set up a default key for youto use you can download this key locallyand use it later on to SSH into yourinstance next you need to pick theinstance plan and we will choose thefive dollar plan please note todaythough lights here plans start from$3.50 next we will just create one copyof our Magento instance let's click oncreate now you will see there areMagento instance now shows up on thedashboard with the status as pendinglet's take a quick look at the othertabs here amazon light sale gives youthe ability to associate a fixed publicIP address with your light co instanceif you do not have a static IP everytimeyour machinery stouts it will come upwith a new IP address a static IPaddress on the other hand will persistacross restarts also if you are buildinga customer facing website you willlikely want to associate your own customdomain name with this website solightsail provides you basic DNSmanagement capabilities as well finallyyou have the option to configure a loadbalancer to distribute your trafficacross multiple light Co instances thisis a great way to scale as the usageincreases on your Magento instance nextunder storage you'll see that you havethe ability to configure additionalstorage for your Magento instances byclicking on create a disk make sure herethat you choose the same region in whichyour Magento instance was created youhave the option to allocate sizesstarting from 8 gigabytes all the way upto 16 terabytesyou should see an estimate of your costfor the dischargefor this demo we will not be creatingany additional storages snapshots arenow point and time images of your lightsail instances and there are a great wayto build your disaster recovery strategyyou can snap shot the entire instance orjust the storage components and use thesnapshot to create a new light Coinstance now if we go back to ourinstances tab we can see that ourMagento instances are been running solet's go ahead and look at the detailsof this instance the first tab you seehere is the connect tab that tells youtwo different ways to connect yourMagento instance you can directly SSHinto this instance or you can connect toit over the public IP address so let'slook at both of these connection optionslight Co gives you an option to SSH intoyour instances directly using thebrowser you also have the option do youuse the SSH key you downloaded earlierto connect your instance so let's clickon connect using SSHand you will see the status takes you tothe terminal of your instance and youcan type commands in here for example inthis case I have listed the contents ofthe current directory you will also seea clipboard icon in the bottom right ofyour screen which makes it very easy foryou to copy commands from your localinstance to your Magento instance forexample here let's use the cat commandto view the credentials that we can useto connect to a Magento instance pleasenote that the reverse is also possiblethat is you can copy details from theterminal on to your local instance sofor example in this case let's try tocopy the password for a Magento user andif we go and click on the clipboard iconat the bottom right you will see thatthis passport password has been copiednext let's go ahead and actually try toconnect to our Magento instance usingthe public IP address here let's copythis address and paste it in a new tabon the browser and you will see thatthis takes us to the landing page onMagento the next thing we will do hereis we will use the credentials thatMagento has set up for us to log intothis instance so let's make sure we copythe password again the default usernameit's just user the admin terminal onMagento is available in the URL slashadmin please note that your browser doesnot block any pop-ups otherwise youmight not see this login pageonce this page loads up we will specifyour user as user which is the defaultusername and the password that we copiedearlier on so when you click on sign-inthis should now take you to the defaultpage you will see here that you get amessage to install some importantupdates on this Magento image and atthis point we do not have any userconfigured so if we go back and click ona metrics tab we should see usefulinformation about the Magento instancelike CPU utilization the amount of dataflowing in and out of our Magentoinstance and also the overall health ofour Magento instance if we hover overthe graph you can see the actual valuesfor these metrics the history tab herekeeps track of all the actions that wereperformed on your Magento instance if Ichoose to create additional storage thenthe action will show up here you canstop and reboot your instance usingthese two buttons on the top and finallyyou can use the delete tab to deleteyour Magento instance and with thatwe've concluded this demo as a next stepI would encourage you to visit the Litesave console at AWS store amazon.comslash light sale and find out more aboutthe different features that light co hasto offer you can avail the free freetrial for the first month of your lightco usage you can use light co to buildyour web applications blogging sitesecommerce stores or even your testenvironments also note that ADA biasitself offers you a 12-month free trialperiod in which you can play around withmany different services if you'resomeone who's aspiring to build your ownstartup then you can leverage the AWSactivate builders program this gives youfree credits and access to freetrainings you can find out more aboutthis program by visiting activate and with that I'd like tothank you for watching[Music][Music]



[Music]hi guys and welcome back to starvesubstance and welcome to a slightlydifferent video today as you can see I'mjoined by a lovely guest I'm gonna lethim introduce himself in a secondtoday is the first video in a seriesthat I'm doing talking to young blackmale entrepreneurs rising stars in theirfield about what they do and kind ofgiving you guys a little bit ofinspiration and just sharing somedifferent stories because you don't wantto be hearing from me all the time soI'm here with James today so I thoughtI'd get him on here to talk to you guysa little bit about what he does and Iwill hand over to him pretty much metell everybody who you are what you doand so I'm James James prosper is thefull nameI'm a digital marketer and entrepreneuras well so I've been in this space forabout they say six years since I startedin 2012 come from a legal background yesoh yes studied law yeah went to lawschool yeah well if you read prestigiouslaw firms about five years my early 20syeah and that was in risk and compliancein particular so it's like a reallycorporate job yeah nine to five as usualyeah but just under the table I wantedmore you know I wanted an extra income Iwanted to have a side hustle yes Istarted to Google and YouTube how tomake money on the internet and now I'vegot burned a couple of timesbought some courses that's a really badcontent I also had some really goodcontent and bought some really amazingcourses as well and I spent about onehundred and fifty thousand pounds on myagh laughs on my education to get it toget good but it's really frustratingjourney you know there's not a lot ofgood content out there for free so youalways have to invest in yourself to getto get to a certain level in thisbut you know other titles people call methey say performance market ouraffiliate marketer it's just aboutselling products yeah I mean today I'mall about just how to sell stuff and itcould either be a digital productbecause no products so what do you lovemost about what you do I love most aboutjust being a digital marketer being anentrepreneur he's been able to solveproblems and I know that the bestentrepreneurs they that help peoplesolve recent problems or a lot of peoplesolve small problems or a few peoplesolve big problems but they were justsolving problems and I encounterproblems every single day there'snothing less you know to to to good forme to be humble to and it's inside partthe journey to know there's a futurewhere I have fixed it there's nothingthat I see that can't be done calm downif I have moneyyeah and if I have the time and theexpertise to do it I think there's notliterally nothing that I can't do whatan examples are when people work for methey are safe something to do somethingabout Cody so it could be about awebsite that I need changing there's aguy that just the other day you know youlooked me in the eye and he saidwhatever you're asking me to do yeahcannot physically be done and itliterally took me three minutes onGoogle and destroyed Google search yeahto find the solution and they said ohyeah it seems like you can and this is aPhD IT expert yeahbut for me it's all about what I canconceptualize what I can bring outsideof my mind and just having that mindsethas really helped me to just get betterresults also intro just to giveeverybody like a pigof what typical day for James involvesname like three things that you might doon any given day that I like noconsulate so mine things are quite busyreally chance to start waking up a lotearlier in the day so if I wake up at5:00 or 6:00 in the morning and I saidshe'd get a longer day yeah so first upin the morning is I meditate I relax for20 minutes and just in silence put onsome music and just chill out and I'lltry and fit in some exercise but I'veactually I don't exercise as frequentlyas I as I should just because I'mthinking about business all the time andthen after that I just catch up on someemails because they're people from allof the wallah that's what I love aboutInternet as well its globalyeah so there are partners orconnections and networks that I've gotthere are people in Germany and Americaso I am either responding to queriesthat they have is there in differenttime zones or asking them to do certainthings for the company for for thebusiness and so then after that yeahI'll check social medias so I'll checkmy Instagram I'll check my Facebook alot of time on you Scott andspecifically for business because it'sjust it's just one of the moreprofessional um chat services there'sanother one called slack that I also usefor my employees but from talking tooutside networks I just check my skypeand then after that and it should getonto the campaign's and when I say thisword campaign elaboration break thatdown yes proper layman's terms yeseverybody is you're not sorry yes yes sowhen people sell stuff online and theyuse their new word now traffic sourcesit's essentially places where people areso if it's Google yeah if it's Facebookright or if it is YouTube you can seeads are is public ad at the bottom ofthis video now on the side or you knowbefore the video starts press the skipbutton yeah that would be where my adappears and to set that up on thoseplatforms I need to go into YouTube's adcap for more Google's ad couple moreFacebook's a platform they allow you tocreate campaigns to organize which adgoes where and does what and how muchyou spend on it and which audience youwant it to go to so when I say campaignthat's what I mean it's like it's likeyou're you're the the type ofadvertising you're trying to do and putin accounting and typical trafficsources that you would use to run yourcampaigns would be so and so like theforce of the Google yeah and Facebookand because they own Instagram and useof Google and YouTube and Facebook onInstagram those are definitely my go-totraffic sources and a further one isnative native traffic sources is thatword sounds weird as well but it'sessentially saying an ad that blends into the website Europe okay so if you'reon and you've just finishedreading an article and you get to thebottom of the odds when you've got theseimages that look like there are otherarticles yeah but they've got a bitclickbait ewording and it says you know find outhow you can get slim online that how youcan you know make more money all thesetypesthere are a little bit salacious thosethat but you'll see them at the bottomand as soon as you click on one it willgo to another person's website or wouldgo to my website and from therethat's how I'll monetize that person bygiving them a solution to their problemor a way to help them enjoy theirpassions more and essentially that's themodel but I literally just do that everysimply yes this is fun are to you is youknow people talk about the internetdigital marketing why don't you displacea common myth about the industry yeah sothe biggest common myth is overnightsuccessI've heard this phrase so many timeshave seen adverts coming up about how Ican you know become a millionaire in onenight I can sip martinis on a beach andtravel and travel lives now you're neverreally gonna become an overnight successme and I'll tell you why so there'scertain people that today I'm broke yeahand the next day you're rich you can getrich very quickly but you don'tunderstand what they put into it it'snormally you like this pre-loaded yeahthey've already done the hard work aboutten years of hard grind ten years ofzeros ten years of investing in theireducation trying to get to the levelthat they need or you can save it up thefunds you know some people just don'thave the economic background to make itwork also you know certain people don'thave you know family members oreducation enough to get into a field dayit's actually quite competitive I'mcontentSimon there's no such thing as thatovernight success just because he saw mewhich today doesn't mean I've not beenyou know preparing for five yearsyou're very inspirational who would yousay is your likeso internet affiliate digital marketingso I've got some mentors so these areusually people that have either workedfor in the digital marketing space orjust books that I've read yeah but letme talk about the real person before soand when I officially quit law that wasquite you know it's a top conversationwith my mom yeah but I wanted to putmyself around people who are doing itevery day I didn't want to be doing itunder under the table or in my lunchbreak or at the gym and that I used toyeah in the Lord to try and teach myselfI needed to see making money every dayso I joined a couple of private forumsthere's lots for online forums whereonline marketers and digitalentrepreneurs they that's where theythat's what it's all yeah so I met thisguy on one of these private forums and Iput myself out this and I've beenadvertising for about a year or two onmy own made a little bit of moneyprobably lost more than I've made butI'm king keen to learn and I have alegal back yeah so the owner of theforum literally reached out to me andsaid hey would you like to come and workhere and see how this is done on a largescale he really really taught me how tooperate a large company quietly yeah youdidn't there are seven people andthey're you know a seven eight figure ayear company that's that's youand that was just a proof that I neededthe last kind of source of informationyeah there is books and I want to saybooks yeah I want to say bookscompletely but it's not just books it isessentially information so the thingsthat I can Google yeah things that I canwatch on YouTube things that I can youknow read on blog posts they kind ofgive me what I need either mentally orpractically yeah it looks like thinkrich Grow Rich Rich Dad Poor Dadeveryone's going to say that one andthose are my voltage sources but thenthey say for marketing I've got anotherbook called cash fertilizing and anotherbook by David Ogilvy I forget I forgetthe name but things like that yeah Ijust continually buy books and AmazonKindle whatever way I can digest it it'sjust information I mean as muchinformation as I can and those authorsthey become a yeah yeah I'm just makingsure I can boost my skills on lowexpenditure yes that's a great skill butnow when you start to move into fivefigures a day I imagine you spend like a5k 10k every single day that is a lot ofmoney yeah and to make a mistake where Imean just like last week I lost 7,000pounds all right you know that in aboutI can use about two hours yeah thatwould that makes my I don't know herebut that would fall out yeah but becauseI'm dealing with such big numbers is nota big deal yeah but before if I had nomoney another 7,000 yeah yeah but it wasit was really a good eye-opener to sayhey lookthe same skills that you're using herecan just be multiplied just put no moneyinto it yeah and then it's like what Ineed more money no I don't need moneyit's not a money barrier to getting intothis industry you can do it on a smallamount every single day and I'll tellyou for free right now though the actualformula is get the right product infront of the right audience and use theright medium to do it that's it you allmake money if you do that yeah becausesometimes you know certain things don'tresonate certain products don't resonatewith the right audience and you're usingthe wrong channel to promote it so whenyou can work out a really really goodproduct show it to the right people inthe right place where those people areyou will definitely get money and alsothe final kind of secret is believe inthe data we've spoken about it's alreadybut believed in the data makedata-driven decisions don't makedecisions based on your opinion just trysomething tested yeah and look at whatthe results are and I know you know thiscan get really complicated and I can gointo a lot more detail now but you knowI've no doubt that much time so if youwanted to you know find out if you wantto find out more you can go to Jamesprosper calm that but loads and loads offreebies and now drop the socialstowards the end of the video but reallyreally powerful stuff you can just ifyou forget everything that I said todayyeah find the right product yeah give itto the right audience on the rightmedium all right well I don't want torinse this guy of all his knowledge asmuch as these don't worry really gonnagive it that work but I just want toclose off by saying thank you so muchfor coming on absolutely because it hasbeen and just so you guys knowfrom a credibility standpoint like I'vebeen working with James quite a bit onother things that I can be doing to addvalue to you guys so he's not just heretalking air like I am I am a live casestudy and you guys will you'll come tosee that this this and things come inbut he's got a lot of a wealth ofinformation that he's willing to shareso James where should people wherepeople come to find you everything bythe way there James mentions will belinked in the description box but justso they know what's the best place tocontact you find your resources findinformation that way as you do so themain place to finding will be my sitesthat James prosper comm literally that'swhat that's we need to do to get to ityou'll find lots of blog posts you'llfind some free content you'll find somesome free ebooks average there's also anemail newsletter so this is something soI always give things away stuff what thecore book authors seven seven deadlymistakes affiliate marketers need toknow for 2018 every other day I'll sendan email that talks about a particularmarketing principle or just a skill or Imight recommend other people's productsor I might recommend products outlookfor myself as well that's definitely thebest basic info James prosper calm butfor socials as well I'm always onInstagram love Instagram China and youknow boost that to find me on Instagramthat hack is at underscore James prosperunderscore and you'll find me there andI'm also on Facebook as well so if yousent you just type in James prosperyou'll find my Facebook page and you cansend direct messages you don'tian's on instagram but that's where I amthe most Instagram and Facebookand also yeah hope you find my eachaccount so yeah that that will be soonbut you'll get everything as possibleokayand that would be linked in thedescription box below but we're gonnaclose it off here I hope you guys haveenjoyed itJames hopefully we'll be back if youwill have me out of course and maybewe'll be talking about how he's helpedme to build my online brands and youknow extended far past YouTube but fornow we're gonna close off there makesure you subscribe for more videos likethis there will be a few more in theseries give the video a like give it athumbs up so James knows that you guysenjoyed and comment down below if youhave any questions what we'll do is whenthis goes up I will make sure that Jamesis there at least for the first hour butyes otherwise um do come back for thenext video I don't know when this isgonna go up but as you guys know I haveknown on a Wednesday and Sunday soeither one of those daysbe something new for you thanks forwatching and we'll see you next one seeya[Music]


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hello my beauties welcome back to mychannel we have another excitingskincare video and it's all about pixiebeautynow pixie beauty for anyone living underthe rock is a very established skincareand makeup brand especially here in theUK in the u.s. they give off a vibe as adrugstore makeup and skincare brand inthe UK in my opinion they are not adrugstore on an affordable skincare andmakeup brand that's for sure becauseeverything is priced about 20 pounds andanything that goes about 20 pounds about30-40 is slightly on the high end okaythey are not luxury but at the same timethey have placed themselves reallycomfortably very well on that mid rangethat people can afford if they arelooking out for a very good skincarebrand and so I have a lot of yourskincare products in front of me I'malso part of the pixie PR okay but manyof the things that I have in handI have bought it for myself so I lovepixie when it comes to your skin caremuch more than your makeup their makeupis unbelievable but their skin care isoh my lord you really need to give thisone a shotokay now before I start I have to putthat disclaimer out there this iscompletely my opinion opinions are verysubjective especially when it comes toskincare so what works for me doesn'tnecessarily have to work for you viceversa another thing before I start veryquickly there is a giveaway and I'mgiving away the pixi by petra this istheir eyeshadow this is the eyereflection shadow palette in naturalbeauty this is such a stunning eyeshadowpalette it has all the makings of thatsmoky eyes perfect for weddings or forfunctions for events and yeah all youneed to do is subscribe to my youtubechannel follow me on Instagram theinformation is then the description barmy Instagram account is a charitablejournal and over here just hit that redbutton it's very important for you tohave an Instagram account and I don'twant an account where it is meant onlyfor giveaways all right just like youraffection be really genuine and use theword participated below the video aswell as on my Instagram last picture theword participated is very importantbecause if you don't then I wouldn'tknow whether you are taking part or notas simple as that that's it and I shallcontact the winner in two weeks and letme know if you would like to see me domy top makeup products from Pixy beautyas well alrightso I've got my book over here because Ihave written my favorites and I wannahave some pointers as well from what Inoticed from each and every skincare nowI'm going to show you the products goingwith the flow of my night skincareroutine all right now it might comeacross a lot but you guys know I don'tlike to layer too many products butbecause we are doing not top ten overhere I'm just going to show you what Iam going to apply and when the first oneI'm introducing you to is pixie +Caroline hyerin's double cleanse this isthe two-step system and oh my god thisis freaking amazing this is the kind ofcleansing ritual a – double cleansingwhich will meant for us lazy girls whodon't know how to you know to do what -how to take out the makeup what step howmany steps you know etc etc for those ofyou who have no clue about Caroline hireand she's an amazing beauty blogger sheis all about skin care okay she's theskin care Queens so in this product oneside there is a solid cleansing balmthat which is my favorite kind and youjust massage that into the skin it'svery soft and very gentle and melts likeabsolute butter now there is amisconception that only people who applymakeup needs to put a cleansing balm oilor a lotion all right I'm talking abouta cream but know what happens in themorning is whatever skincare productsthat you have applied on your face evenif you don't have any makeup there is acompact there's sunscreen and sunscreenwhat it does is when you touch up yoursunscreen after every three hoursit does create a little bit of a buildupon your skin and you need something tobreak it down and an oil usually acleansing balm or a cleansing oil breaksthat down and it is very very importantto take away that excessive buildupcreated by sunscreen or makeup ingeneral so at night time I applied thestep one and then after I cleaned myface with the damp muslin cloth I takestep two which is their cream itcompletely full proves it and it's sogentle it's so light it moisturizes yourface and because it contains peptides itplumps up your skin there is absolutelyno fragrance or whatever your skin typeincluding sensitive skin can also enjoythis product and this is why this is thenumberone cult product here in the UK now thesecond product which is also a step toin my night skincare routine especiallyafter I've used a cleansing balm andthat is the peel and polish okay this issuch a beautiful exfoliator if you'restarting off with an exfoliator makesure that you introduce it slowlygradually introduce at once a week andthat's more than enoughif you exfoliate your skin a lot or infact you're bringing it more harm thangood the granules in it are so fine andso gentle for your skin it has to be oneof the best exfoliator of their in theskincare market the element out here isfine sugar so it's actually very goodfor the skins and the best part aboutthis one is that it's got 6% lactic acidwhich is so good for yourhyperpigmentation and for your skin ingeneral what I also love to do whilescrubbing it at the same time I like toleave this on my face for about a minuteI brush my teeth I you know floss andthat's because of the lactic acid thatworks you know that's amazing forresurfacing basically so it's like atwo-in-one and it's a beautiful peel andpolish I cannot recommend this any morethan I have alreadyplease go and get this because this ismy second tube alright my third and thefourth product are two tonics or atwhich pixie Beauty is very very famousfor the first one is the glow tonicwhich everybody loves this is the OGthis is what started the entire cult ofpixie beauty and when it comes toglycolic toner do you know that pixiebeauties were the pioneer of it theywere the first one to introduce glycolictoner and everyone else copied this ideafrom this has got 5% glycolic which isactually really good for the skin now Ihave mentioned about glycolic being oneof my favorite toners to use in my partone skincare routine I apply this atnight it's amazing it helps in thathyperpigmentation acne scars it evensout your skin tone when it comes toglycolic toner it has a tendency ofsensitizing your skin just a tad bit soyou really need to be careful when youapply this in the morning when you goout under direct sunlight I would askyou to put a lot of sunscreen even ifyou apply this at night you have tofollow up with the sunscreen in themorning that's a complete must now thishas got that high amount of 5% glycolicwhich gives you great exfoliation andthe witch hazel acts like a greatastringent which is amazing for youracne prone skin they have added slightfragrance to it nowit adds zero benefits when they do thatI just wish in the future going forwardthey wouldn't do that because that'swhere the ordinary winds it also hashast just not which acts like ananti-inflammatory so people who are newto black Alecto know that will actuallysimmeryour skin down very important for me asI grow older I need a toner that is notharsh that is going to make thatdifference to my skin and this reallydoes the for product is also anotherrecommendation and that is the newestlaunch that is the retinol tonic and forpeople who are scared of retinol and whoare new to retinol can definitelyintroduce this toner into your skincareritual at night now please keep in mindthat if you are using one day theordinary one the second day you can putthe retinol one don't mix it togetherand with the retinol toner also you arebound to see a huge difference to yourskin if you're new to retinol like Isaid you can simply introduce this tonerbecause it's very very gentle and mildand your skin will definitely see thebenefit of it as well it's not somethingthat is potent and strong like a usualretinol is which I highly recommend foranybody that is above 30 to introduceretinol in their system because retinolis great for it's an anti-aging productagaina retinol toner is something that youonly apply at night and if you arepregnant please stay away from retinolit's not very good for the body it's notgood during pregnancy so if you'rescared of retinol or if you're new tothe whole retinol system this is a greatway of introducing it into your skincare now product number five is a maskand this is the glow mud mask one of myfavorites in my opinion it is pixiebeauty's best mask because this is likea facial inner tube it gives you afacial within 10 minutes and it justcleans out your post so beautifully atthe same time giving you a glowI love to apply this and just steam myface with a facial steamer and I justknow because of how rich the minerals isit's actually doing something for myskin this is not a mass to be playedaround with once a month or twicemonth is more than enough and you applythis one because this actually comesalive in your pose you can feel the heatyou can feel it doing something to yourskin and your skin is going to feelsupple and squeaky clean so once I takeoff my maskI need a hydration to my skin and that'swhen I introduce the pixi hydratingmilky mist you guys have been asking metime and again what is my favoritefacial mist and I did explain two orthree of my favorite mists from theIndian skincare brand but in theinternational ones this is my absolutefavorite because the amount of hydrationthat it gives on the face this has to bethe best of the best facial mist it hashyaluronic acid it has black oat whichis so good for the skin and if your skinis feeling tired and dull and it needsthat pep talk this acts like a fantasticcounsellor for your skin it just makessure that your skin is hydrated andcomes alive and suddenly feels allbrighter and glowy there's somethingabout it that's really really lovely andI tell you what that something is numberone hyaluronic acid which I haveexplained how important it is it almostacts like a humectant now what ahumectant does is it basically takes inthe moisture and retains it onto yourskin because there many facial mist oncethe water evaporates it actuallydehydrates your skin this does thecomplete opposite of that brilliantbrilliant brilliant do yourself a favorgo buy this whatever your skin type iswhatever skin type you have or skinissues you have your skin will send youa thank-you postcard after this this isbeautiful alright the next product ittook me a while my skin sometime tounderstand this too like this but onceit did it has been enjoying it a lotthis is the phenomenal gel and if yousee it it says pH phenomenal alright itstarts with a P and H basically the pHbalance of your skin it actuallyneutralizes this so this is termed as aneutralizing moisturizer which meansthat whenever your skin has applied toomuch of acids and glycolic and retinoland chemical peels chemical exfoliantsthat is great for your pose for youracne hyperpigmentation is amazing foryour skin but it kind of shifts thatskin's pH basicallyin layman's words it's just messingaround with the fatty acids that'sexcreted from your skin sebaceous glandsand it's a non-greasy formula becauseit's a gel-like thing so it's actuallylovely so pH balance is very veryimportant because it relies on yourskin's acid to fight against pollutionbacteria and at the same time it retainsmoisture what more do you want this isactually phenomenal the product number 8pixel Beauty created a moisturizer stickmeant for people who travel a lot forgetpeople who travel a lot even if youdon't this on the glow stick is agame-changerthis is not for the weak-hearted it'sdefinitely heavy but for my dry skinbeauties that have been looking out forthat moisturizer to really give thatskin a lot of hydration when you have itright now and this moisturizer is sothick so it's perfect for that nightskin care routine and it's also greatfor that dry dehydrated makeup free daysthis is great for people who travel youapply this before you get into theflight which I feel is so important forthat hydration not your in-flightroutine and all after once you you knowreach your room and you're just restingit out and your skin feels a lot moreparched there on the glow stick which issuch a convenient travel friendlymoisturizer and this moisturizes yourface like you wouldn't believenow the second last product is the inshower steam facial from pixie beautyand I tell you why this is my favoriteproduct alright it's a no-brainer I'mreally surprised why no other brandthought about this okay but when itcomes to pixie they pioneer and the ideaskincare which was so well more than anyother brands I think and that's amazingbut if you're anything like me becauseI'm a bit of everything I'm an OscarAward winner in my shower I'm a GrammyAward winner I give out Grammys I danceI sing I do a bit of everything even myacting all is done in the shower I takethat long I feel that it alwaysdehydrates my skin and they created a inshower steam facial that you just applyon your dry skin before you get into theshower you do whatever take however longand this one just comes alive okay thesteam activates this gel and turns itinto an oil giving you theamazing hydration and moisturizes yourface it is truly remarkablethe idea behind this the logic behindthis it's fantastic actually so this isfilled with collagen and peptides andhumectants all right because glycerinacts like a humectant and one thing Ihave to tell you is that when you applythis because it has got that littlehigher percentage of glycerin thenglycerin is a natural humectantbasically it attains moisture makes yourface really hydrated but too much aglycerin can also dehydrate your skin soonce you come out of the shower and youwipe away this gel okay or the oil thatis remaining on your face okay Iwouldn't advise you to wash it off justwipe it away you'll feel your skinfeeling so soft and hydrated and plumpbecause of the peptides infused in itbut because of glycerin okay acting as ahumectant I would still suggest you toput another moisturizer over it justgive this one a shot you'd be reallysurprised of the kind of heat that thisone radiates as soon as you apply itgoes on like a clear gel but the momentit hits your skin and the steam comesout of the shower you will seeconverting it into an oil it will startheating up and it converts into an oilform and the last product from pixieBeauty which I have been absolutelyloving is the detoxify okay which isquite a clever name it is detox if Iokay so it's eye patches basically thatyou just apply it under your eye this Ido this as my last step in my skincareritualI usually don't rely on eye creams andeye patches as much okay I have beenenjoying to Indian skincare I creamswhich I mentioned in my Indian skincarewith you and I rely a lot more on my DIYat the same time but sometimes when I amdoing my makeup or in the morning I haveenough time and I feel I need myunder-eye area needs that little bit ofthat hydration needs something that willimmediately pep it up alright andbrighten it I have been seeing a lot ofdifference with this eye patchit also has hyaluronic acid which is ano-brainer it gives you that hydrationand it just makes sure that itmoisturizes the under eye area and italso has caffeine like most eye creamand eye patches has caffeine and whatcaffeine does is it D puffs your eyeokay especially if you have thatEbanks I love the gel-like consistencyI love how cooling it is I keep it in acool place so when I apply the patch itstays it doesn't slip away and itactually does something to my under-eyeareait soothes it even if I apply it in themorning like I said before you knowright after my skincare ritual and Istart my makeup and when I'm putting onthe camera and setting up my lights orwhatever I just applied this and it doessomething for the skin it I can't seethat hydration and I can see it coming abag down especially if I haven't sleptthis completes my top 10 picks askincare treats okay these are myrecommendation definitely beautifulproducts I have been absolutely lovingit my skin has been loving it when itcomes to skincare you guys make surethat you always be patient with it giveit more than a month okay that's exactlywhat I've been doing I give it about amonth or two of testing it properly andI hope I have made it easier let me knowin the comment section what are yourfavorites from pixie beauty also let meknow if you'd like to see my makeupfavorites from this brand and don'tforget to participate in the giveawayand I'll so see you when I see you[Music]
