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Five Ecommerce Marketing Tools You Need to Know

By Tyler Tafelsky | Submitted On May 03, 2012

Expert Author Tyler Tafelsky

More and more people are using the Internet to conduct their shopping, especially with the growing use of smartphones and mobile-based product browsing. For this reason, it is wise for almost any type of retailer to consider having an ecommerce store to help sell more products.

But what’s more than just selling products on the web, is effectively marketing those products to prospective customers. Search engine optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising are two marketing channels that are ideal for ecommerce stores. SEO and PPC are both important because they increase the advertising exposure of certain products of an ecommerce site in search engine results pages (SERPs). The more visibility an ecommerce website has, the more traffic and sales potential the site can earn.

There are several SEO & PPC tools available that will better your ecommerce marketing campaigns. Many of these tools are free, so take them each into consideration when building or optimization your Internet marketing strategies.

SEO Digger

SEO Digger is a free online tool that is used to help optimize websites for Google. To use this handy SEO tool, simply visit the website (, enter your URL, and click on ‘search’. The tool will give you the top 20 Google rankings of your website.

This tool is advantageous in that it helps you determine if your website is clearly defined in Google. The tool is also nice because it allows you to check some of your top rankings without needing to buy rank checker software. In addition, SEO Digger enables you to know your competitor’s best keywords, enabling you to devise an effective ecommerce SEO strategy.

Google AdWords Preview Tool

Another helpful tool designed for Pay Per Click advertising is the Google AdPreview (Google AdWords Preview Tool). Google AdWords is the most popular paid search advertising platform, and this tool helps you fine-tune and optimize your campaigns. The AdPreview tool will display your text ads, as they will appear in the Google results.

This tool does this without applying the impressions towards your account, meaning a preview will not lead to decreased CTR (click through rate). Google AdPreview allows you to select the location where you are promoting your ads so that you can see the ads as they would appear for a user in a certain location. In essence, the AdPreview tool in AdWords can help you determine how effective your ad placement is with respect to your bid price.

SEO Book’s Firefox Plugin

Yet another helpful tool for search engine optimization is SEO Book’s Firefox Plugin. The Mozilla Firefox plug-in shows 22 different SEO metrics on the standard Google SERP. These include incoming links, Domain age, Technorati Rank, Alexa rank, Cached, DMOZ listing, WhoIs, Bloglines and PageRank.

This data is highly valuable for competitive analyses. With information like incoming links and PageRank, Internet marketers can gauge how powerful their competitor’s pages are with respect to their own.

Google Sets

Google Sets (Google Search Engine Tools) is unique tool from Google Labs. In short, the Sets tool helps marketers get keyword ideas and insights for SEO. All you need to do is enter the keywords you are interested in and Google will give you related search terms. There is word that Google Sets may be shut down, however many professionals are petitioning to have this tool remain because they find it much nicer to use than the Google Keyword Tool.

AdCenter Keyword Mutation Tool

The last tool on our list that helps for both SEO and PPC optimization is the AdCenter Keyword Mutation Tool. This unique tool helps you find keywords that have unique spellings (sometimes misspellings) and typos. This helps you optimize your website since Web users will not find you if you have misspellings or typos in your keywords. This is among a number of Microsoft AdCenter Ad Labs Tools.

Well there you have it – five handy tools for ecommerce Internet marketing. We hope these tools will help you pinpoint opportunities in your strategies and better your overall marketing efforts.

As an Internet marketing manager at website optimization company the Web Presence, I build, manage, and optimize both Pay Per Click and SEO campaigns. We are always helping businesses both large and small through our PPC optimization services. Don’t hesitate to contact me for any questions or comments. Thanks for reading.

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How Augmented Reality Is Transforming the Face of ECommerce Industry?

By Anuradha Badone | Submitted On September 24, 2019

Expert Author Anuradha Badone

Augmented Reality’s foray into eCommerce has transformed the future of retail unprecedentedly. Its beautiful trait of creating immersive shopping experiences to products by its ability to superimpose the digital information onto the physical environment has opened an avenue to brand new consumer experiences.

The AR-powered eCommerce apps are enhancing the online shopping experience by bringing the products to life using realistic and interactive versions of products.

Online shoppers have always faced an inadequacy in testing the products and experiencing them in a real-time environment which often led to increased cost, time and money. But with the invasion of AR in the retail landscape, technology shoppers can get the truer sense of the dimensions and details of the products.

Here in this article we will explore in detail how Augmented Reality is positively impacting the eCommerce or online retail experience of consumers and directly affecting the bottom line of brands.

1. The Virtual Try-on Feature to Enhance Shopping Experience

This AR feature allows consumers to virtually see the product in the real physical environment. Makeup tutorials, 3D virtual try on glasses, home furnishing apps are some of the popular sectors taking advantage of AR solutions. This feature helps shoppers visualize how the products will look in the real-time.

2. The Virtual Cloth Fitting App to Personalize Online Shopping

This AR-based body measurement app is changing the way how customers shop. It helps consumers personalize the shopping experience by allowing them to see what clothes will look like on them and what size would fit them.

3. Improvising the Purchase Rate by Reducing the Return Counts

AR helps in improving the purchase rates by helping consumers to guess the actual size of the product that would best fit their body through which they can nail the right apparel fit by processing accurate measurements and reduce the count of product returns.

4. Replication of In-Store Experiences

AR is helping brick-and-mortar businesses get innovative by helping them turn their store layouts into an interactive shopping experience. The virtual shopping stores provide consumers a fabulous retail experience without the need to stand in long queues.

5. AR for Marketing Campaigns to Boost Sales

AR offers brands an opportunity to win over the marketing edge. Brands are now able to create user-generated content via AR apps. Advertisements created by AR apps help marketers to build an emotional connect with customers.

Final Words: Brands are trying to push AR forward in their eCommerce apps as a tool to realistically motivate customers to believe in their product. There is a wide range of top-selling brands using this technology and creating personalized interactive digital apps. From Sephora, Quiver, Net-a-porter to Lacoste and Ikea many companies have tested their campaigns and are now running them successfully!

Augmented reality app development is still a new feature on the eCommerce landscape but is poised to become a necessity in the coming years. For the brands that are looking to develop eCommerce apps should invest early in the AR and enhance their customers’ shopping experience.

Anuradha Badone is a content writer and marketing strategist at Codiant software technologies Pvt ltd. She is interested in writing stuff on leading technology trends and digital marketing.

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Blogging, a Completely Free Internet Marketing Technique

By Ramon Tarruella | Submitted On March 02, 2018

Expert Author Ramon Tarruella

An addicting trend.

It’s been years since running a blog has been used. Yet it’s just lately that it has been regarded as 1 of the addicting fads. Various teens have resorted to blogging as an outlet for their feelings, a small online nook exactly where they can blurt out anything simply bugs them or what ever causes them feel excited. Experienced marketers have found out that blogging is one of the greatest Online marketing strategies that will not cost you a cent.

What precisely is blogging?

Blog is the broadly used term that relates to web log. Essentially, a blog is an on-line diary. A blog could be build to no cost at all, and can certainly be used for simply for the fun of it or for business factors.

Methods to increase your world-wide-web advertising with all the help of a blog.

Blogging for your Online business is one guaranteed method to raise the presence of your products and services. Here are an a few methods to enhance your advertising on the internet with the help of a blog:

1. Make your customers abreast on your web site’s modifications. Your fresh products and affiliate websites may also be released throughout your blog.

2. Maintain track of your business goals and programs with the aid of open writing. Your blog content can easily be quickly kept throughout archives. What precisely could be greater than searchable info that can be very easily utilized by any person looking the internet, right?

3. Air your views, guidance or reviews on particular services or products that are associated with your business. Publishing is a quite simple procedure with blogging.

4. Incorporate web links that will bring back links and consequently strengthen your rating on search engines. This could be considerably better carried out throughout placing nicely written articles in your site. Affiliate links may possibly also be built-in your blog to generate even more extra cash flow.

5. Secure response by using the capability of blogs to retrieve feedback from your blog visitors. You can boost your products and services throughout with the opinions from your readers.

6. Hook up conveniently with additional bloggers. Once other bloggers see that you have some thing great in your blog, they will likely place you in their favorite lists that will instantly link you to their blogs.

How do you set up a blog?

Right here are a few of the choices you can utilize to make use of this great way to advertise your Online business. Possibly you load a blogging software program or let a blogging hosting service do it for you. Host services including LiveJournal, and are well-known in this discipline. Those hosts will offer you with convenient guidelines on how you can put up your blog.

Learn Internet Marketing and start making money right now! Take my Free Internet Marketing Email Mini Course. Also make sure you visit my Internet Marketing Blog [] to read more similar articles of this topic.

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Top 10 BEST Tech Products of 2019

so this video is almost completelyunplanned and unscripted I literallywrote a list of 10 things that I want totalk about and that's all I pretty muchhave to go off ofso 2019 has been quite the year in therealm of Technology and as a techcontent creator I've been able to useand cover a wide variety of differentproducts that were released this yearand of these devices I managed to cherrypick 10 which make up my top 10 favoritetech of this year and I'm here to sharethis list with you today well before wecontinue here I'd really appreciate itif you leave a like on this videocomment if you have any questionssuggestions or opinions as the algorithmlikes this and will help push my contentto more people so after totally notreciting that intro that you just sawlike 20 times because once again I'mgoing unscripted we've seen the launchof a variety and we've seen the launchgod why am I like thiswe finally in my case get to item numberone which is the MacBook Pro 16 inch Ihave had this product for about a monthnow and I gotta say Apple finally nailedits bigger laptop lineup for years wehave been suffering with the butterflyswitch keys with thermal issues andother bugs and problems that existedwith you 2016 to early 2019 MacBook Pro15 inch but finally Apple created alaptop that is in line with what the procommunity of Apple users wants it has agreat keyboard it has better thermals ithas a bigger more modernized display ithas insane speakers great performanceand yet it's just an overall wellrounded laptop and if it was logical forme to keep it I absolutely would and Iactually plan on buying a higher specmodel next year probably a Cori 9variant with like 32 gigs of ram and thehighest end GPU inside so yeah if youhad been holding off upgrading now isdefinitely the time the performance isdefinitely there with Final Cut editingeven with the bassline it's super smoothand gaming surprised me too I was ableto play some triple-a titles at somepretty decent frame rates even at fullresolution and max settings and onceagain the keyboard is just so muchbetter in terms of typing experience andmost importantly it's not gonna break onyou from dust or debris when you need itmost tech item number 2 is the galaxyfold and I recently acquired this thingand although it's very fragile and veryexpensive I'm happy to be an earlyadopter because I love the form factorof this thing I love the fact that I canhave like an iPad Mini size displayright in my pocketit's great for gaming is great for emailit's great for web surfing and justoverall UI navigation I have never lovedthe Samsung device more 1ui isdefinitely not my favorite flavor ofandroid but this form factor makes itabsolutely usable and yeah I've justreally enjoyed my time with this deviceand I'm very excited for the future offoldable tech and while there are moreambitious designs like the mate X andthe Flex Pi whatever that was called Ithink that Samsung nailed the mostutilitarian folding concept of a phoneand I want to see more phones like thisonce again in 2020 and onward tech itemnumber three is the iPhone 11 pearl Maxxand although iOS is still boring youknow it hasn't changed much the hardwarein the 11pro Maxx is just phenomenalthe display is just out of this worldawesome it's super super bright andcontrast II supports HDR as well we alsohave I think one of the if not the bestcamera setup in a smartphone buttelephoto mixed with the ultra wide andthe wide-angle and just the imageprocessing is just phenomenal as of thisyear and video quality from the iPhone11 Pro max is so good I use it in myyoutube videos all the time and I'msomeone who's really stickler aboutvideo quality the a13 is also reallyfast and I love my midnight green colorscheme that I got with it and if you'rethinking about switching over to iPhonenow is definitely a good time to do soas the iPhone 11 pro and pro max arereally the most refined version of theiPhone 10 launched in 2017 tech itemnumber four is the sony a6000 hundredI'm actually staring into it right nowthis is my new primary camera and I lovethis thing two pieces for its videoquality it takes excellent 4k video anddoesn't have the most insane file sizeswhich is definitely awesome it also hasreally really awesome autofocus here's akind of walk up to the camera and itwill follow my face which is something Iwas totally not used to with thePanasonic g7 although that's anexcellent camera I am loving this camerasetup and although it isn't the perfectcamera it has definitely enhanced myconstant creation experience by a longshot autofocus is something youabsolutely need if you're a one-man show95% of the time this camera body costsaround 900 ish and there's a lot ofgreat glass for it I got the 35 milSigma F 1.4 with it and it's beenawesome so far tech item number five isthe one plus seven pro and I guess wecan count the oneplus 70 Pro becausethey're so similarI got this device all the way back inMay when it initially launched and damnthe display and this the overall UI andthis thing make it just a deliciousdevice to interact with I love it if Iwas an Android person and I didn'treally care too much about cameraquality this would be my phone albeitthe oneplus 7 does have decent cameraquality it just isn't the best on themarket yet but yeah the design of thisphone is insane the build quality isgreat and with all that said the priceis still really decent as well though ithas been creeping up over the years Ithink it's totally fair for what you'regetting and oneplus still really offersa great bargain with their smartphonelineup and to top everything off as ifoxygen OS isn't already blazing fastenough they included a 90 Hertz displayin this thing and just overallinteraction with it it's justmind-blowing ly good tech item number 6is rather budget and that's the pixel 3aXL and this is a pretty cool devicebecause number one it was the firstphone any company had ever sent me freeof charge so Google acknowledged me andthat was really awesome but yeah it's areally awesome device it has a decentplastic build which feels more premiumthan you would think it of course has anamazing camera that was launched withthe pixel 3 and the stock Androidexperience even though it was runningoff of a mid to your chip was more thangood enough for me and is definitelymore than good enough for the averageconsumer and also if I remembercorrectly with speakers on that thingwere awesome – they were front-facingbassy and loud and I really enjoyed mymedia consumption experience with thatdevice tech item number 7 is more of abehind-the-scenes thing if anything butit is my 2019 IMX 5k I'm the newer oneswere launched in March of this year andI maxed my now pretty much except forthe RAM and the storage which I kind ofupgraded externally and internallymyself because it's cheaper but I gotthe 8 core 9900 K inside I also got Vega48 graphics and man it is an awesomedevice for editing 4k with it is myworkstation it is the device thatenables me to make money and have mycareer here on YouTube and it wasdefinitely an upgrade over my previoushackintosh computer which served me wellfor like four years but after a whileits lacking power and just lackingreliability drove me nuts so I finallysaved up enough money to buy thisawesome device and it has served meamazingly since June when I got it andbesides the amazing performance of thedisplay on this thing as you couldimagine it's just mind-blowing ly goodprobably not as good as thePro display XDR that costs almost twiceas much as this computer amazingly the5k display in this thing is just superbright and color accurate and if you'resomebody who is considering you know adesktop and you can't afford an iMac ProI would definitely consider buying theiMac 5k it has just been an amazingdevice in the months that I've had ittech item number eight is something Idon't have my hands on yet but soon willand that is the Motorola RAZR I rememberseeing the release trailer and I don'tthink I've ever smiled more for a newproduct it is just so cool of courseit's not the most high-end in terms ofspecs or camera but the concept of it isjust amazing I've always loved theoriginal RAZR phones and I rememberpeople having them even though I wasborn in 2000 but yeah this phone is justsuper cool and I am so excited to get myhands on it so much so I have created aline with horizon which I'm paying foras the Motorola RAZR is unfortunately anexclusive but I think is gonna makeamazing content especially comparing itto the Samsung Galaxy fold which ofcourse folds but in a completelydifferent way tech item number nine isactually a recent acquisition on my partand it's the surface laptop three onthis device is the MacBook of Windowscomputers it is distinct thank God I'mglad that Microsoft made it differentfrom Apple's Mac books and all I gottasay is damn the design is just stellarthe hinge is just amazing the display iskind of square like but I love it andit's super bright and contrasting andlike using the surface pen with thisdevice too and it's been great for mybusiness classes where I need to uselike Microsoft Excel and MicrosoftAccess and there's other windowsoriented apps and honestly if I was nota Mac person this might be my personallaptop it's just that good although thebattery life is kind of and I'll kind ofhighlight that in my full review it'sjust an excellent Windows laptop and ifyou're a student and you want sort of aMacBook experience but you are kind ofmore oriented towards Windows this isdefinitely the device that you shouldconsider getting I have really enjoyedmy time with it once again for itsstellar design and also for its reallyawesome typing experience and displayand I cannot wait to share my fullreview on it with you guys and last butabsolutely not least tech item number 10is the iPad pro and although it'stechnically not a 20-19 device I boughtit in july 2019 for college and it'sbasically jumpsstarted my business I mean I went fromlike no views to all the views obviouslynot I'm still kind of small but stilliPad pro has enabled this channel togrow so much and I think all of you guysfor watching my iPad pro content you arenow really the backbone of this channeland I appreciate everybody who is stuckwith me since like I don't know theiPhone 5s days if you can remember thatbut yeah iPad pearl is still an amazingproduct Apple did not release a new onehonestly because the current one is justso good it's great for media consumptionof course but it's also great for actualwork tasks like video editing anddrawing and photo editing it's just anamazingly designed device it is a littleprone to bending though although in themonths that I've had it nothing hashappened yet but yeah the amount ofpower that you get with it for the pricewith this display which is 120 Hertz bythe way which is just so amazing tointeract with just every aspect of thisdevice pretty much it's just the bomband Android and iOS users can affirmthis is one of the best devices releasedby Apple in a while and I cannot wait tosee what the next generation iPad prolooks like and that about wraps thingsup here thank you for such an awesomeyear this year my channel has once againgone from here to here in the matter ofmonths and I know it's hard work on mypart but none of this would have beenpossible without you so thank you forwatching liking and subscribing asalways and as I always say I'm gonnarepeat myself here I'd really appreciateit if you leave a like on this videocomment if you've any questionssuggestions or opinions and subscribefor more content like this and as alwaysI'm Noah and I will catch you all in thenext one


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