$0 To $100 A Day Shopify eCommerce – Part 4 – We Made Money!

hey what's up guys : here look this isthe reason that's this right here thisvideo right here was super delayed wasbecause I actually got involved with myreally really really involved with mysoftware launch profit funnel you know Ijust decided I wanted to go all-in Iwanted to focus 100% on my software sobasically I took a little bit of a breakfrom like teaching that whole thing andI just focus 100% on my software withthat being said right now we're about todive in and show you guys like did thiswork that does not work how manyconversions we got we're going to diveright into the Facebook ad campaign andI'm going to show you all theconversions we tracked and all that goodstuff so I'll see you guys inside mycomputer we're about to hop in beside mycomputer anyways I'll see you guys thereon average 49 cents the conversion andthe relevancy score was six which wasn'tgreat but it was alright it was stilldefinitely profitable especially afterthe upsellsbut anyways long story short this adcampaign was definitely a win guys asyou can see I ran it for exactly tendays you can see I ran it from Augustthird to August 13th and it did reallywell I'll actually show you I'll showyou the ad right here so as you can seeI got pretty good engagement this isonly $200 I mean this is only $200 an adspend and you can see it was a verysimple straight to-the-point ad and itreached 16,000 people for ten thousandand got 27 likes fourteen shares and abunch of comments people were basicallylike wow this is funny I'm going to graband that's exactly what we wantedbasically so as you can see itdefinitely worked well so let's go aheadand go back here so the reason why thisvideo got a little bit delayed wasbecause actually launching my newsoftware profit funnel and what that isis a Shopify funnel builder and the longstory short I had a devote my hundredpercent to building an awesome productthat people would love um so thetutorial got a little bit delayeduh-uh so with that being said I'mactually going to redo this whole seriesso now I know you're probably like whatwhy would you do that but the long theanswer is I think I can make this seriesa whole lot better and help you out awhole lot more if I redid this serieswith my new software because you know Isolved a problem intentionally justbecause Shopify lacks a lot of marketingfunctionality that you know marketerneeds so that's exactly why I madeprofit funnel that's exactly why thisvideo was so delayed but just to followup with you guys this this campaign wasdefinitely a winI mean this was so profitable we got 414conversions for an average of 49 cents aconversion and we made a ton of saleslong story short okay so as you guys cansee this most definitely worked and Ijust wanted to show you guys hey youknow it's not really that hard to dothat to you know make a successfulFacebook ad campaign and linking up withShopify and you know it's just supereasy to do that find a product make anad blah blah blah so super easy this onedefinitely worked all right guess so asyou can see you know we put together asuper simple store super super simple adcampaign and just basically ran trafficand all it was from there was a convertconversion game I mean all we had to dowas convert the traffic and you knowit's not that hard to do that guys sowhat that being said I'm actually goingto be recreating this whole series ifyou were in my facebook group you wouldhave seen the whole progress it's econblitz destroying the group I'm actuallypretty active in it and you would haveseen me progress from you know when wefirst made that ad campaign to when itwas profitable and then blah blah blahbut like I said I'm going to berecreating this whole thing just becauseI think profit funnel is really reallyreally I'm going to help you increaseyour profit just because of the way itworks and I'm going to be explainingthat later on anyways guys I hope youlike the series it just kind of showshow suit like stupid stupid stupid easyit is to make profitable ad campaignanyways make sure to add me on FacebookInstagram all the cool stuff because I'msuper active on that guys I may not beall that active on my youtube channelalthough I'll start now I'll start beingalone we're active since profits on alaunch is done make sure to add me onthose because I'm super active and moretraining coming soon like I said I'mgoing to recruit this whole series so ifI'm going to implement profit funnelbecause I want to show you guys like howpowerful it really is and how much ithelps I mean in what areas it helps soanyways hope you like the tutorial andgo make some moneyColten out
