1.3 Million Dollars Dropshipping on Ebay – Ecom Tom Interview

this time I want yo what is good guys itis hustle Williams back with anotherepisode and today I got my boy he calmTom up in here and it's a goner but whatis good and if you guys did not knowecon Tom did approximately 1.3 milliondollars in sales last year alone sothat's why we're gonna call this videoecon Tom the 1.3 million dollar man andwithout further ado let's get into itTom go ahead and introduce yourselfalright how's it going everybody I'mEECOM Tom I'm sure some of you guys haveseen me on my youtube channel I've justbeen making videos about Amazon and eBaydropshipping mainly Amazon recently butyou know still doing a lot of eBay dropsin the back back-end and yeah I've beenmaking videos dropshipping on YouTubefor about I mean on eBay for about twoyears making videos on YouTube for abouta year and a couple months now I believeand yeah I just I've been selling a lotlast year as Brian said I did almost 1.4million in sales on eBay but it wasdifferent times back then where thesales you know it is money make a lot ofmoney doing so but you know it was a lotlower profit margins back then than itis now with the new methods we've beendoing and the best part about that isyou don't have to do as many sales tomake as much money and that's reallywhat I love about what we're doing rightnow so we've been calling it manual eBaydropshipping with Amazon is just regularbut it's pretty much the same methodsand techniques just with a and just afew different software and yeah I meandoing right now about probably like 8090 thousand a month in sales and theprofit margins are wild on eBay it'saround 10% front-end and then on AmazonI've been getting some crazy numberslike I was just telling Brian beforethis we hit I headed up a sale that wasone hundred and eighty dollars profittwice the other day so I was I'm around$380 altogether in profit from those twoorders and yeah I've been hitting likethree hundred four hundred dollar profitbased on Amazon pretty regularly acouple five hundred dollar days in thereeBay you know a couple hundred twohundred dollars a dayand yeah I mean we're just killing itpushing pushing forward and I meanthere's still more items to be listedout there that's fantastic once againthis is Tom EECOM Tom the 1.3 milliondollar man so Tom I wanted to talk toyou have a course it's a manualdropshipping course you want to let usknow a little bit about it and what youteach in that course so in case peopledon't know and like how you learned itso yeah so basically for anyone that'snew to drop shipping since the beginningof 2019 is actually towards the end of2018 but nobody really accepted the fateof it yet you know I was still I waslike oh well my sales are dropping myimpressions are dropping everything'sdropping and I'm trying my hardest justto make more sales with a flaggedaccount so eBay finally admitted aboutthree four or five months ago I'm noteven sure and their spring seller updatethat they are in fact flagging accountsand they're flying accounts that arebreaking their drop shipping policy andthey're dropping policies that youcannot use retailers in order to dropship on to eBay same thing with Amazonthey basically made the same exact rulesas Amazon now and you are not allowed touse any API related software forrepricing and in and out putting youritems in and out of stock and API isjust a way for a program to connect intoeBay and pretty much just direct aconnection to eBay so they said you'renot allowed to do that that's actuallybeen a rule for a while but they neverenforced it and they really just I feellike just suddenly got sick of it anddecided to take action upon it so sincethat happened you know we had to come upwith a new method and the new method wasbasically first off really taking careof your account throw the number onethings I'm trying to teach siding you acourse because which got completelyredone in the beginning of April soApril 1st it just relaunched somethinglike four months five months old now butit's really just taking care of youraccount customer service cases andeverything like that over the last yearand a half two years eBay's made youknow it very hard to be doing what we'redoing and neglect your account becausein the beginning when I first startedabout two years ago you could neglectyour account for days literally it's noteven answer questions have all thesecases open all these negative feedbackcustomers pissed off at you and itdidn't really matter they didn't doanything about it but eBay is finallystarting to take themselvesseriously and you can't be you can't notpay attention to anything and still runa drop shipping store you're gonna knowit's not gonna work gonna get banned ofsome sort so it's pretty much the numberone thing besides that it's also usingsoftware but in the right way in a smartway a way that's not connecting to a bea Bayes API in a way that is really it'smanual in the sense that there's morework but you're not in in your storedoing everything manually like you canstill upload tracking numbers notmanually but it's it's really justusually just using Chrome extensionsthat aren't connecting into eBay sowhile using those chrome extensions andutilizing virtual assistants which Ialso also have a course on you canpretty much do exactly what we used tobe doing but you don't have to be doingon a large scale because your your flatear accounts not flagged you don't haveto have tens of thousands of items onyour store and I've seen people makingit killing with only like five hundredsix hundred listings and they're storedlike seventy thousand eighty thousanddollars a month in sales and you know II did a video the other day where Istarted a brand new account I only had ahundred and twenty six items on it atthe end of the first thirty days I endedup selling twenty thousand or twenty onethousand in sales so that account stillgoing and you know we're just buildingit up and just taking it to the nextlevel it's a completely different methodthan it was before and I'm really lovingbecause the fact that it's a lot lesswork and it might sound harder cuz it'smanual but it's really a lot less workbecause there's so many less sales youdon't have to sell a ton I remember lastyear in 2018 I sold three hundred andseventy three items I believe in one dayin August you know it really didn't evenequate it probably equated to the sameamount as me selling you know 25 30items a day on eBay now right sobasically tom has in his new course it'sjust a restructured way on how to dropship on eBay that basically doesn'tconnect to the API anymore uses a seriesof software that works with a few Chromeextensions and he's been able to finddifferent ways and new suppliers thatare less mainstream such as like Walmartand Amazon and find these other hiddengems that not a lot of people have foundand as you guys know I currently workwith Zig analytics I work with Naharevery Thursday and I do webinars withhim so tom is like broken down sickanalytics to like figure it outso in depth that he can actuallydiscover new stores based off of how aseller is doing which is prettyphenomenal and this is why he does sowell on eBay so also along with that umTom is been working on a couple ofthings in the background I know you'redoing your Amazon store I know you justput out your new Amazon video lately tooum but we're gonna stick a little bitwith eBay so I wanted to ask likethere's a new rumor that's going aroundabout these unflagged accounts and Iwanted to get your opinion so me and weboth know we each had a flagged accountI have one of mine still in thebackground and I haven't jumped onto ityet but I've been seeing all thesecomments that are coming out on Facebookthat eBay has unflagging accounts andI've reached out to some top dogs that Iknow within the game yesterday and theywere like yeah this is true someaccounts are on flag so I haven't takenit out yet but I'm actually gonna testthat account out during the end of thisweek to see what happens and I want toknow your opinion are what what do youwant to do about it and how do you feelabout it what do you think is going onyeah so I mean I have seen them as wellwe have a couple students in our courseand the private group for the coursethat are talking about it I've seen itin the free groups as well and I mean asgreat as it sounds sure it's awesome youget your account unflagged that's sweetyou put a lot of work into the accountbecause that was the number one thing Isaw when with these new methods that I'mteaching I'm like you have to justcreate a new account that accountsflagged you don't it doesn't getunflaggedas far as I knew and as far as I knownow still I mean I'm not gonna saythey're getting unflagged right awaywhich but it does seem as if there is apossibility that that is happening butyou have to also take any considerationthat eBay has been extremely hard onpeople over the last eight monthstalking about you know flagging accountseverything like that so if you're stillusing the automated repricing and theautomated in and out of stocks and thehuge bulk listing of thousands of itemson your store at a time when all ofthose items arechanging prices non-stop and everythingit's gonna be pretty easy for eBay tocheck and tell that your accounts youknow breaking their Terms of Serviceagain so although it is great that youput all this time and effort into thisone account and that was the one thing Isaw or if you like I have 5,000 feedbackon this account like I can't let it goand I'm like well would you rather makeno money and not let it go and just haveyour account with a bunch of feedbackbecause it looks cool or to start abrand new account because I've sold onbrand new accounts numerous times withzero feedback and you get sales the sameday next day as long as you know whatyou're doing so I mean in my opinion Ihave seen a lot of people talking aboutit I haven't tested it out myself and Idon't know if I am going to test it outmyself just because I really don't wantto risk just doing just hopping on aflagged account again and it's gonnatake a bunch of time to do so I mightlist a couple items up this is a testbut in reality if you go back to doingwhat used to be doing just because youraccounts unflagged and I have there's ahigh likelihood in my opinion thatyou're just gonna get flagged againright but maybe eBay had you know achange of heart where I was sayingyou've never seen you're never gonna seeher account unflagged again and myaccounts had been flagged for you know Idid a video on it flagged verseunflagged accounts probably about twomonths ago three months ago two and ahalf months ago and you know it that thedifference was like crazy between theimpressions and everything I was makingsales on this brand-new one flaggedaccount when the flagged account hadlike 10,000 feedback on it looked like abig baller account but in reality stillwasn't even getting anybody to see theitems right so I mean if you hop back onyour old account just make sure thatyou're still following the new ways ifyour accounts unflagged but in realityit sounds great and I know a lot ofpeople are excited about it but I don'tI don't see really any big difference orchange that has happened – the fact thatmaybe eBay's unflagging the accountsthat haven't had that haven't been usingsoftware api related software in a whileand they just decided to give it back toyou but if you just go and do what youused to do it's probably just you'reprobably gonna fall right back in thesame place yeah either way I totallyagree I just find it extremelyinteresting that eBay just decided likerecently like okay there we need to makea dire change andI had read this in one of the posts Idon't know where I saw it but itactually said that once eBay makes ahard reset everything kind of likeresets itself so like all those flaggedaccounts could be seemed unflagged nowand I've seen this happen in the pastI've had an MC oh one one restrictedaccount where I've been able to open upother accounts shortly afterwards so itisn't unfathomable unfathomable to thinkthat eBay would do a hard reset on thisso like you have to take this with agrain of salt but I have also seen someof these forum posts where people arejust like after this happened they werelike oh the competition has become sofierce and I me and Tom can speak aboutthis because I'm pretty sure we wereboth dominating when this was firstgoing on anyways and I would I did halfa million and Tom did over 1.3 millionand like we this we were in the midst ofthe most competitive eBay dropshippingphenomena you guys could ever imagine atthat point so it was ten times ascompetitive as it is now and I know Isee some people who are posting like ohmy god it's gotten so hard now that theyhave you know unflagged the people whowere flagged it hasn't gotten harderit's not gonna get harder it's just youhave to list a few more items and be alittle bit more competitive with yourpricing you still have all thegame-changing aspects in your graspright now especially I don't know for melike it was unbelievable how my saleswere flourishing with non API integratedsoftware so for instance when I run mystore I just put out a video about thisbut I'll talk about it again I run onspot and paste which is a fantastic timesaver it saves you hours and hours andhours of time of copy and pastingespecially when you have great salesok so spot and paste is one of the keyso another thing to say about spot basisanybody can use spot base it's not justfor dropship areas right all it does isI asked Jenny the other day I was likehow does it actually work and you have asoftware that's doing the same thing nowand all it is is just regular HTML ofthe page that's next that's behind thepage that you're on it's not connectinginto eBay's API it's just literallyreading the HTMLthe page behind it which is just the waythat the page is built and then it'sjust pulling it to the forefront andputting it there and on your screen it'sreally doing absolutely nothing andthere's no way it can be detectedyeah and it's fantastic and it's one ofthose software's that you should startutilizing now so like while theunflagging is taking place and let'sjust say you have software that's APIintegrated and then all of a sudden likeyou know a few weeks down the lineeBay is just like all right enough soonenough and they cut the floods again andthey do that reset and they stop all thepromoted listings again like you gottayou gotta take it with a grain of saltyou got to play the risk game you got toknow which is higher risk than theothers we've already seen that runningAPI software is a way higher risk thanit is to do non-integrated API softwareright now so stick with the Chromeextensions stick with the non APIsoftware so I was saying spot and pasteI run I use sik analytics for myresearch all the time doesn't connect toyour account at all nothing does andthen I also use tracker bot non API aswelland then I'm also using skew grid whichis you know using it for the uploadfactor you can do that but I personallylike to do my listings manually on eBayand then upload them which has evengotten easier with the new summer updateso with the new summer update you'reable to actually add users into youreBay account which is phenomenal so likenow like it's just even getting easierfor you guys to do this and like allthese non um you know API integratedsoftware's are competing with this andunderstanding like okay we gotta listento the users and they're actually makingthe adjustments and now you're gettingable to create an automated system againwhich is what we all want okay so like Idon't know Tom like is there anythingelse you want to add to that yeahthere's one thing I want to talk aboutum well first off physic analytics whenI said like it's not even connected toyour account it's never been connectedto your account and it literally hasnever connected to a person's accountall it does is read it read it goes intoeBay's API but it just reads eBay foryou it's never gonna connect to youraccount you don't have to put yourin there you don't have to do anythingso all that is is just a research tooland it's the same thing as if you wantedto go through and do it all on your ownbut all it's doing is just helping youout while doing so those what all thesesoftware is doingthere's helping you out get done whatyou could get done on your ownexcept you know it's just a little bitlonger or process to not use them andanother thing is you know when I cameout of the gates talking about APIrelated software and everything it'sjust it's a way to make it so that themasses can understand that you likedon't don't connect any API to youraccount okay any API to your account butin reality if you go into eBay's APITerms of Service all you have to do istype type an eBay API Terms of Servicemight be Terms & Conditions but there'sa section section 9 if you scroll downit's called what you can't use it forand section 9 point 7 talks about don'tuse it to automatically don't use asoftware to help promote sellerarbitrage or retail arbitrage which isyou taking an item from Walmart orwherever and putting it onto eBay sothat's why these software that's why I'msaying don't use API software like allthese other automatic lists there's andall these automatic read prices andstuff but there's tons of other ways touse API like if I came out my firstvideo and said you can use this API butyou can't use this if you can do thisand you can't do that it's gonna confusemore people and it's gonna help but youknow there's any there's endless amountsof possibilities that you can connect tothe API to there's a program called sayPR out there where you can connect toany things API and all it does is itbrings calls in so you can connect saybeer to your eBay and then every timeyou make a sale on eBay you can say heyput bring this information from thissale into an excel sheet so my EAS caneasily you know process profits oranything like that it doesn't matterthat's perfectly fine but as long asyou're using API software that's notbreaking the rules that are clearlystated in their terms and conditionsthen you're good but it's very hard forsomebody like me who has a decentlylarge following on YouTube come out andsay alright this is what you're allowedto do this is what you're not allowed todo but in this instance maybe you can doit it's just a lot easier to make itmore black and white right so I'll breakthat down a little bit for all you guysthat are kind of wondering exactly whathe's tryingsay and Tom is explaining it extremelywell but I just wanted to reiterateexactly what he's saying so like thereare software's out there that are knownas Lister's and reprice errs okay and alot of those software's eBay has beengoing against recently and they don'twant them on there because it causes aflurry of competition and there's a lotof you know price altering that happensand it's just a distraction to the endcustomer on eBay so what they're gettingrid of is a lot of these listing andrepricing software's and are not reallyallowing it so these are the APIintegrated software's we're talkingabout now as opposed to using otherssuch as like SKU grid which doesn'tconnect to the API so SKU grid hasanother way and there's also somebodyelse who just reached out to me who cameout with a new listing and repricingsoftware that doesn't connect to the APIas well and I'm going to be testing thatbut if you go back and you read in theTerms of Service what eBay doesn't allowfor the API integration they don't wantyour prices to be automatically adjustedthey don't want tracking to beautomatically added and they don't wantlistings to be automatically added thesethings are like a no-no in eBay size andthat's what Tom's trying to get acrossto you guys what he is saying isconnected to an API are softwares thatfollow eBay's rules that do othercharacteristics of the job to get itdone by exporting certain data andmaking it easier for his VA s tounderstand like some of this would be gofor it Tom what what software would yousay is falling the world what exactlydoes it do what I mean I use a peerzippy and balls a beer does is itconnects any program to any otherprogram as long as it's on there theyhave like 1500 apps so I do anythingwith it from uploading something toGoogle Drive I can have it automaticallysend that video to my virtual assistantswho are using a program like slack whichis a communications program you can doanything with this program but they dointegrate with eBay eBay zon they'reAmazon's on there and Ihave it so that every time I make a saleon Amazon it sends a message to myvirtual assistants on slack and says heya new sale came in that being said youknow my BAC and say hey a new sale camein let's go process itwhat if item goes out of stock if theydon't process it for six hours thingslike that that's just that's more toplevel top tier things but you can do itwith eBay say hey oh every time I get anorder send this orders information to aGoogle sheet and then it just makes it alittle bit less work for my virtualassistant to have to fill out in theGoogle sheets it's all about automatingyour work but automating it in the rightway in a smart wayso that whatever program you're using isokay with it and that's I mean I don'twant to go too down too far down thisrabbit hole because it does getintricate complicated but I mean as longas you're not using all these othersoftware's out there and you know theyare but I mean anything besides skewgrid really there's a couple others atthe moment that are trying to come outwith their their non API integratedsoftware but I mean just stick withstick with skew grid and manuallyuploading your items and you should begood right so basically that was ourtopic about the new unflagged accountsand how we feel about it we still in myheart and I still believe thoroughlythat you guys should stick with the nonAPI ride the wave and don't let you knowdon't let that risk reward take over youknow what I'm saying be careful withyour risks take calculated risks sowithout further ado let's slam somecorny air with some top notchquestions we got this 1.3 million dollarguy on here we are gonna annihilate himwith some questions right now and get tothe nitty-gritty so these aren't gonnabe too crazy I'm trying to figure outwhat you guys want to know and what Ican get out of him to help you guys topall right for a basic eBay dropshippersjust getting started what do yourecommend where should they start andlike name some software's they can getfamiliar with to help them get startedso go for it thenI mean first off if you're looking toget started with eBay and you know whatyou're doing or you just started likeright out of the blue they don't knowwhat they're doing so no idea whatthey're doingfirst off just take the time out to makean account and then understand themetrics I think that's one of thebiggest things I've you'll don't dothey get all excited because it's likeoh I can make all this money online andyou know there's a lot of people outthere telling him you can make tenthousand dollars a month doing this andyou can't but you have to do it in thesmart way and you have to have yourprocesses and your system set downproperly so if you're gonna hop on startlisting a bunch of items right away andthen all of a sudden you know you're notpaying attention to your returns you'renot paying attention to your casesyou're not doing good customer serviceyou're probably gonna get in trouble inyour accounts most likely gonna getbanned in some way shape or form so youwant to make sure you understand yourmetrics understand you know I have a lotof beginners come to me and say oh myaccount just went below standard I don'tknow why like how do I fix this but ifyou just took the time to read themetrics that are down there like allyour you know you're tracking uploadedon time cases closes out sellerresolution other things like that soundsboring sounds mundane but if you want abusiness that's gonna last for a whilethen you're going to have to actuallypay attention to it if you want abusiness that you're gonna make somequick cash and then you're probablygonna get banned then you can if youwant you don't have to pay that you gofrom there I mean ask questions in thegroup forums and the group Facebookgroups anything any question have theseI mean I run a Facebook group like16,000 people right now so all thesepeople asking answering questions andalso just you know take your time growslowly and don't blow your account upbecause if you don't know what you'redoingand you're making all these salesbecause you can't make a decent on saleson eBay and especially on Amazon rightoff the bat then if you don't know whatyou're doingthere's hi-hi-hi room for error there soI mean you don't want to be making anymistakes and you really want to makesure that your account is in goodstanding for at least the first threemonths of either your eBay or yourAmazon journey just because that'spretty much the high-risk time for anybrand new account right so I'm justgonna even make it simpler than what Tomjust said but I want to hit you guyswith my criteria for what you guysshould be doing right off the bat tomhas a free Facebook group that is justjam-packed with knowledge and what Iwant to iterate to you guys you guys mayget you you're probably gonna get hypedbecause you saw how much he made off theright off the bat 1.3 million dollarsand I can't express it enough that is aton of money correct but this takes timeokay sosome problems you may face if you startgetting into eBay early is you're gonnayou may find an item that sells like youmay go ahead start up a store and goahead and list an item that you foundoff of one of your retail websites thatyou thought was a good item to sellhowever because you didn't set up youraccount right you're gonna come to findout that this item is being shipped toPuerto Rico you need to show this toPuerto Rico and it happens that mistakeon my last brand-new economy the first Idon't want to Puerto Rico oh yeah thishappens more often than you could everimagine so what I want you to do is totake some time and learn the basics likereach out to me or Tom Cormier I'm inTom's group too and just talk to usabout how to set up your eBay accountsfirst because there's a strict guidelineyou guys want to meet my second opinionabout this as well is before you evenget into drop shipping I highlyrecommend going out and thrifting firstbecause you're gonna learn the basics ofhow things sell and how to get themstarted so I know myself I started outthrough thing and I'm sure Tomchlorinator started off their thing aswell and I think it is the basicintroduction to eBay and what eBay wasoriginally built for so you guys may notlike this off the bag you just want toget started you know go and find someitems that sell well and start listingthem on your account to make sales onyour account not only will you be oneBay's good side immediately and haveless restrictions in the future you'llknow how to sell items you know how toupload tracking appropriately you'llknow when to upload trackingappropriately and you'll make sales in afew bucks if you do this right so thatwould be my guideline get inside Tom'sFacebook group I'm gonna post the linkin the description below you guys needto go check this out Tom what is thename of your group in case people justwant to type it in their phones rightnow called dropshipping University eBayAmazon mastermind eBay Amazon drops roommastermind I think there's a lot ofwords in there yeah just look for it onthe Facebook rooms I've been dropshipping University add and you'llprobably get athey have like a small intro you'regonna be you know gone through a vettingprocess but as soon as they add you tothe group it's nonstop knowledge anddon't be afraid to ask questions there'sno such thing as a stupid question evenif somebody asked answers it with likeyou know some kind of sly remark ifthere's people there who are there whoare gonna help you everybody has theirown opinion and you know you're gonnaget the right answer maybe somebody mayleave like you know a slight commentevery once in a while but for themajority apart like we're all there tohelp and I'll reach out to you guys ifyou if I see the question and tom'llanswer it just tag us and we'll come inand we'll you know answer and tell themyou saw it from this YouTube video andwe'll come in and we'll guide youbecause I know a lot of you guys want toget started with this and you may haveliked some questions or like not enoughtime like we can walk you through theprocess like you just got to reach outto us and we'll show you how to getstarted we did this ourselves like westarted from scratch and this is how wegot here so I'm gonna show you guys sodon't be afraid to reach out alright sothose are some basic introductions forbrand new sellers on eBay Tom just annihilated that for you guys sonext we're gonna answer some questionsabout this guy right now econ song Iwant to know why did you want to getinto online businesses what made youmake that decision what what was whatwas the catalyst to make you jump intoonline business um well I mean first offI feel like anybody that's working theirnine-to-five job and says that that'swhat they actually want to do or istheir dream job sure it might be theirdream job but if you could wake up everymorning like I had a pretty cushy joband it's pretty good job but yeah Ididn't if I want to sit there make$60,000 a year and do absolutely nothingthat's what I was doing but I feel thatthere's potential in my life I feel likemost people do feel that they're workingtheir job whether they like it or notand they really wish that they could bedoing doing something else and also notto mention the fact that the onlineselling is only going to get biggerthat's where everybody's going that'swhere everything is going it's onlygonna get bigger from here so it'spretty obvious that if you want to getinto something new and exciting andsomething that really is scalablewithout ever having to touch items oranything like that the whole onlineindustry whether it's drop shipping oranything you're gonna be mademoney as long as you're doing it rightand properly so I mean I was working asa chemical engineer or a chemistry typeguy but you know it's chemicalengineering job right out of the gatesin college I worked there for a year anda half and I mean I was making goodmoney like like I said 60,000 a year butin reality I knew that I needed to domore and I was sitting at work sure Ionly worked like three out of the eighthours a day most people say that soundsgreat but in reality I'm sitting therefor five hours just twiddling my thumbshating what I'm doing like while I'mwasting time why not just figure outsomething else make more money and alsobe able to wake up roll out of my bedthat's like right here two feet away hopon my computer and make more money thanwhat I was doing so I was kind of thebiggest catalyst pusher for me like yousaid start with thrifting I started withflipping cell phones that I would buyersor video games off the internet fromCraigslist or Facebook marketplace it'sbasically the same thing finding an itemfor less a physical product for lessthat you hold inventory of you knowputting it on eBay and flipping it so Istarted doing that cell phones I startedmaking more money doing so but then allof a sudden I was like this is just it'stoo physical it's too much like youyou're relying on somebody else sure ifyou go to the thrift store you're notwearing or relying on somebody else toshow up to sell you the item but youalso have to you know realize that it'snot always gonna be great items at thethrift store items that come and go allthe time they're so to me I didn'treally want to do anything where I hadto go out and really try to find thesethings and rely on somebody else where Icould rely on myself and list what itemsI know have a high probability ofselling and with drop shipping you don'thave to buy the item until it sells onyour store so I mean the worst thathappens is you list an item that's it ifit doesn't sell then you just take itdown I mean it that's really that'sthat's the worst that could happen Ithink so I mean it really isit'sthe Altman business model in my eyesjust because of the fact that you areselling products from selling hundredsof thousands of dollars of products amonth a year a million dollars for theproducts last year and I didn't see anyof them I mean some of them becausepeople would send it back like send areturn back to my home address withouteven telling me or something not evenopen up returningbut that's the anomaly you don't have toworry about that I never saw any ofthese items I did 55,000 sales last yearlike 55,000 individual sales it's insaneso I just want to break this down to youguys – in case you're like oh my god yougot to be a genius to run this businessI am a college dropout and I am on thislive right now with econ Sam who is achemical engineer and guess what we bothfigured this out we both did this so itdoesn't matter if you're a genius or ifyou're individual like me who didn'teven wind up finishing college I'm notsaying I'm dumb as rocks but I couldn'tget through college and I still made ithappen still made over a half a millionlast year while Tom made 1.3 millionthat's his college education kicking inin the background just extending thathalf a million much further but itdoesn't mean it's impossible half amillion was still nothing to frown uponwhen I go to the bank and they're likeoh my god he did half a million in salesit's pretty it's a pretty bigaccomplishment so just be aware of thatyou don't even need to be like thesmartest man in the room to get thisaccomplished all you need to do is payattention ask questions and be dedicatedand like follow the guidelines that meand Tom are giving you guys right nowstart out with drifting and work yourway up all right so next question I wantto draw up on Tom Tom what are you up tonow what is the future for EECOM Tomwhere are you going well currentlycurrently I mean I've just had my VA ispretty much running my entire eBaybusiness for the last like a couplemonths you know I started the new storemade videos on that I really just wantedto prove that to anybody out therethat's doubting it you can start a brandnew store and hit twenty thousand in amonth and in sales at like 10 pluspercent profit and in your first monthyou already have a decently profitablebusiness so after that I started tofocus more on Amazon I had been doingAmazon in the background since Novemberearly November of 2018 so inching up ona year into that and that's pretty muchwhat I've been growing a lot in thebackground because I've realized thatthe Amazon onto eBay the automatedamazon to ebay of 2018 that just doesn'twork anymore you know the samethings going on with Amazon Walmart ontoAmazon people are doing that at the samerate and with the same low profitmargins and fighting for scraps anddoing all these sketchy things on theback end I realized that I hated thatmethod towards the end of when theystarted flying accounts I was happy theywere flagging my accounts because I knewI had to go out and find somethingdifferent and I'm happy that thathappened because it was just anunsustainable business practice andthat's how I feel about Walmart or HomeDepot on to Amazon it's the same thingit's really fighting for scraps and it'sjust pretty unsustainable there's alwaysan issue and I was doing it for thefirst from November until about Marchand I was like I can't be doing thisanymore so towards note from Novemberuntil May so in the past three monthsI've actually you know changed my modelup and it's really been pretty much thesame thing as what I'm doing on eBay nowwith all these obscure suppliers and isgoing where other people aren't goingand I realized that you hit way higherprofit margins I'm averaging like 13%14% but I get some wild profit marginsup there like 50 70 % profit marginsthings like that and you know I'm morehappy doing that because it's less itemsold and more money made and from thereI mean with Amazon I'm looking intogetting and doing my first FBA shipmentsometime next month hopefully I'm in theprocess of moving in the next two weeksso I don't really want to have to go buya bunch of stuff and not then just haveto bring it with me 14 hours in the carride so at the next month I'll probablystart my first FBA shipment in andthat's really dissolved based off of anitem that I was selling very well onAmazon that I realized was a great dropshipping product so why not buy it andthen send it into prime FBA and thenmark it up because FBA is usually orprime items are usually way moreexpensive than they should be becausethey're gonna get it to you in two dayson their answers building other socialmedia platforms Instagram I've beenfocusing on a lot I mean we went from nofollowers on Instagram in February orbarely any I think 460 it may have beenand now we're at almost 35,000 so Iwouldn't grown that up YouTube andeverything so so like so basically youhad an item that you noticed was like akiller and you justwhen out find the wholesaler for thatproduct and I'm gonna buy a wholesalebasically no I'm gonna buying itstraight from the retailer but it's aretail wholesale supplier you get adiscount if you buy more okayand I contact that I was like well thisis a discount if I buy three at what ifI buy a hundred what's the discountthere it should be a lot less and fromthere it's just an item I had dropship aton and I realized the listing keptgetting more and more and more popularand into and I sold the item on Amazonthree hundred times so to me it's prettymuch where I was just like it I'd belosing money to not send it into FBA andmake more money doing so yeah she's solike even with the business he's runningnow and he's learning how to improve itto make even more money so this is whyyou want to pay attention to him we'regonna drop his link in the descriptionas well you need to be following econTom he comes out with some of the mostamazing videos that teach you guys howto get started with literally nothing ifit wasn't excited if it wasn't for thisguy right here I might still be tryingto figure out how to make a dollar so sowithout wood that being said all rightso I want to know what you think thefuture holds for dropshippers and how doyou feel about eBay constantly makingall these changes what is your opinionabout it and what do you think it holdsfor dropshippers do we have a place oneBay in the future yes I do believe soso the future I believe and it's rightpleased so e-base making all thesepolicy changes I mean the Amazon ontoeBay business model that we were runninglast year was extremely abusive anybodythat did it you can agree that it wasextremely abusive policy and you know noplatform if you run a platform if you'rethe owner of eBay and you see likethousands and thousands of people justlisting fout hundreds of tens ofhundreds of thousands of items and it'sneglecting their stores I would dosomething about it as well so I dobelieve there will always be a placeobviously they're pushing more of thewholesale drop shipping route nowadays Ido think that then I'll probably end upbecoming like the majority of what needsto be done but at the moment I meanwe've been doing this wave now themanual eBay dropshipping for eightmonths and nothing's changed honestlyeightwith no change to me that's that'sHeaven Sent that's great because thee-commerce sphere no matter what youhave to think about it it's pretty damnnew it's a very new thing I mean peoplehave been selling things in stores forhundreds of thousands of years for along long time but the online storefrontif you think about it hasn't been aroundfor that long nobody was really buyingAmazon Prime more than fifteen years agoI think they came out 2007 with AmazonPrime so you have to realize that thesethings are constantly changing and theseplatforms really are just trying to finda new way to stay ahead of otherplatforms and they're gonna change it'skinda it's gonna happen you have to justbe there to adapt with them and thenyou're good I totally agree I couldn'tagree less I think dropshippers aregonna have a place in the future if notbe substantially better off than wherethey are now I feel like they are goingto own real estate within the e-commerceatmosphere if you want to go that depthinto it and I feel like this opportunityis just prime right now you're in thegoldmine of this century to be a hundredpercent as you know I don't know whatthe word I'm looking for is but I'mtrying to tell you like right now is isa good time to get involved in to jumpinto it and learn because it's onlygonna get bigger from here and thecompetition is only gonna grow so getstarted now all right so with that beingsaid Tom I want to know what do you wantto accomplish next what is econ tom the1.3 million dollar man sitting hissights on and his goals onto next whatis next so I'll give you a little sneakpeek I don't want to go towards ShopifyI just think that it's is it's overtalked about its overhyped and I thinkthat you can tell based off of its stockprice recently if anybody follows astock market that it's blowing the hellupand I think it's blowing up for thewrong reasons I think there's way toomany gurus out there gurus out therethat are you know just pushing Shopifybecause they know that it's the big buzzand key word right now you don't see toomany big gurus up there in the eBaydropshipping sphere there's literallyonly like six of us that make videos orseven of us that make videos on YouTubewe're for Shopify it's all over theplace so I don't really want to doand I don't think it's really the way togo but I really want to start lookinginto and Jason and I my business partnerJason has been talking about it recentlywe want to start looking at like somealternative marketplaces not eBay notAmazon and just seeing how those smallermarketplaces go like at sea or somethinglike thatbecause I do believe that although thereare less people that are going on tothese websites every day there's alsoway way way less people that are dropshipping on there or really know how tosell on these websites so if we becomeproficient in it then we can teach otherpeople and other people will be makinghuge profit margins I I can guaranteeyou that the margins are huge on theseother websites so it's kind of what Iwant to start looking into after youknow we drop the Amazon course whichshould come out in about two or threemonths and you know really start tobuild up an Amazon keep it at asteady-state place it's completelyautomated on my side with my virtualassistants so it's just more of listingmore items I don't really know lie on myAmazon store right now I'm hitting about45,000 in sales at like pretty highprofit margins and yeah there's lessthan them there's less than 50 items onit so it's if I list I already haveanother spreadsheet like 80 items that Ialready have vetted out so once I listthat on there I'm sure it'll get closeto a hundred thousand dollar range andyou know from there I don't want to growit any higher I don't want to be the guythat's saying hey I sold a milliondollars a month on Amazon it eventuallyjust becomes very unsustainable and I'drather just have a steady source ofincome if I have $50,000 at ten percentprofit margin coming in from Amazon amonth that's five thousand bucks that'swhere I was making it my-my chemicalengineering job I got eBay coming in Ihave course sales and other things likethat at that point I'm okay with it I'drather go into another Avenue and learnsomething else that's so amazing that'sso fascinating like you're I think youguys for me I'm grasping thisinformation and I'm just holding on toit but like what I just heard from Tomjust say is I am going to pioneer thenext wave of new entrepreneurs to learnhow to make money in alternativeatmospheres or e-commerce venueswhere it's an untapped market and thecompetition is low so when I hear thingslike that it gets my mind going becauseit's just fascinating to me that whatyou can learn with your basicdropshipping skills to bring into thenext evolutionary state to only growfurther so this is it's it's just achain like this is a web that's gonnakeep building and building and buildingeventually Tom Cormier is gonna own awayfarer or something like that andyou're gonna see it coming so no it'sgonna happen it's gonna happen but inthe time being he's setting his presenceup in other retail websites until hedoes that so I don't I I'm thinking thefuture here guys but honestly you'reseeing it happen and this is unfoldinglike this is how Tom did 1.3 milliondollars okay like I I can't explain thisenough like it's a lot of money tomanage if you ever touched a milliondollars then you've no trust me I wasdoing 50 to $100,000 in a month it's alot of money to manage so when you canhold that much money and move it theseare how you get to that next level sowe're talking about moving into thehundred millions of dollars after thisthis is just the the beginning of what'sgoing to come from this okay so likethis is why I'm trying to express to youguysthe dropshipping atmosphere is gonnakeep growing if you start learning itand getting the basics down and learningthe fundamentals you're just openingyourself up for future opportunities forbusiness growth and development andyou're hearing it first so with thatbeing said Tom I got one more question Ikind of want to know and this is gonnabe the most frustrating question you'regonna get and we're gonna hit it becauseI know you can't answer it but I want tojust throw it out there see if you cameup with something so Tom what issomething no one knows about you I don'tknow anything that no one knows about meI'm sure I'm sure there's something outthere but I can tell you there's stuffthat majority that people don't knowabout me like honestly I mean I went tothis engineering school and whatnot butlike I don't even know if I would havegotten in there without wrestling andthat was a big part of my background inmy original you know when I was youngerso when I was 18when I was 14 to 18 I got really intowrestling and I think that that was veryintegral in what taught me the mentalitythat I try to bring into my everyday inbusiness and my coaches would alwaystalk about it at the club that I went toand stuff whereas like people lovehiring wrestlers and everything likethat but it's definitely a things it'sjust it's a grueling sport it'sabsolutely insane that I would cut likeI would I wrestled 138 pounds my senioryear of high school that I'm the sameheight I'm at now at like a deathly sicklike low body fat yeah you definitelydon't look 138 anymore but it's justthat mentality really got me you knowgoing and just grinding it out every dayand it's doing what I don't want to doeven though I have I know I have to doit like there's tons of things that I doevery day that I'm like wow this isawful but I do it anyway so I think thatthat was one of the biggest things andalso it set me up to get put into apretty tough school that I got recruitedfor wrestling for and you know beingthere that was also not a very easyendeavor and I I pushed through thatyeah so like all right so you basicallyturned something that you didn't knowwould be something phenomenal intosomething phenomenal and pushed you intoa great school and you took advantage ofit there's nothing to be you know that'sjust that's just really good that's asmart move on your you know your partall in all so I think that's amazingthat's cool I'm glad to hear thatwrestling helped you out with that manall right you did yeah it sounds like itdid alright so now we're gonna drop intothis so I also wanted to give a shoutout to all these people who asked theseFacebook questions so I'm gonna postyour name in this and I'm gonna give youa shout-out on Tom's Facebook group foreven asking these questions we're gonnamake sure you guys are still doing okayand I just want to reach out and saythank you guys for even dropping somequestions onto this post so that we cananswer them and this is us giving backto you showing that we are listeningthis is happening right now I know ittook a little bit longer than it wassupposed to but hey we're here now andwe're answering these ok so firstquestion is we got somebody on here isit's Eric s Camellia I hopeannouncing that right and they want toknow I still can't put multiplelocations on my items every time Iremove the zip code and add multiplelocations it just shows my hometownwell this caused a problem with eBayI've sold about 2,200 in the last 30days and 3,000 in since I started May2nd I just got done going over the freemini-course and I'm about to purchasethe full course so I want to know howwould you answer that question so well Ido believe he is in the full course nowso I think he might have his answer butfrom everything I've seen and I've neverrun into this issue and I know that themain reason why I've never run into thisissue from what I believe is the answeris that you need to have an eBay storein order to have this to work for somereason if you don't have a store on eBayif you just you know use your regularbasic eBay account then it won't let youdo multiple locations I have no idea whybut if you get the eBay store I alwayssuggest starting off with a basic storeright off the bat and you know not onlydo you get lower eBay final value feesit goes from 10 percent to nine pointone five percent if you're doing overtwenty nine hundred dollars in sales amonth you're losing money not having astore but I do believe it's just becausehe didn't have a store and I have seensome people in the course talk aboutthat and eventually realized that it'sbecause they hadn't bought a store yetalso listen to what I say is basicallythe answer that question alright awesomeI appreciate it I think that's afantastic answer I want to give out someshoutouts to the people who actuallyresponded to this too because not onlyis the question important but it's alsothe people who responded as well becausethese are the people you want to talk toso Jason Reeves I want to say thank youfor even commenting on this trying tohelp you gave great answers to this whoelse do we have that jumps in here wehave an fan Watson Oh Finn Watson wantedto know how to get up to 5k profit amonth ie research tips margins SEO andhow many listingsoh that's a good one all right so TomI'm gonna let you answer this I'm gonnadrop my two cents so let's go we got Imean my the real question is like whereare you at right now because I feel likea lot of people and this happens a lotofGraham and I think because there's somany like Shopify gurus on Instagramthen I get hit up constantly first off Italked about drop children they alwaysthink I'm behind my shop fight eventhough it says ebay but I mean it'sreally where are you at right nowbecause if you're thinking about gettingfive thousand dollars in profit a monthright off the bat or in your second orthird month without knowing what you'redoing I think you're looking at it wrongand you're gonna set yourself up forfailure because you're constantlythinking about how you're gonna hit thispretty pretty awesome amount of moneythat hit every month you're hitting fivethousand dollars profit a month like Isaid you're making as much as I did atmy chemical engineering job so thinkabout it that way if you're already inthis and you've been doing this for awhile then I would say with the newmanual method that we've been doingyou're probably gonna need about 650good listings and you'll hit about youknow maybe a little bit less and you'llhad about 50,000 in sales and around50,000 in sales you'll hit about 10%mark profit margin so as long as you'redoing that and that's pretty much whatyou need to do for research tips I meanalways using analytics it's just thebest way to go about itI mean I'm not even saying that becauseI affiliate it I don't care if you usemy link you can just music analyticsI've been using it since the first evercourse I bought on eBay dropshippingover two years ago or almost two yearsago and I've been using it ever sinceand I've never I've never cancelled thesubscription even before I add anaffiliate or before I had a youtubechannel I never cancelled it it's agreat program to use if you're using sikanalytics look for items that have soldat least three times the last 30 daysfour times last 30 days to snipe frompeople besides that I mean SEO I don'tthink really matters that much based offyour title I think if you copy the otherperson's title then you should be goodbecause that person's already proventhat the item is selling at that priceand selling that many times per month soif you take their title I mean justtweak it a little bitbesides that fill out everythingpossible when you're making your listingyour item specifics make your picturelook nice and everything like that andyou should be good to go yep you thinkthat's a great response so I'm gonnajust add a couple of things into this aswell then Watson I think you're asking alot for 5k profit a month first off Ineed to know where you're at right nowand what I mean by that is if youhaven't generated a thowI would reduce it I would start trymaking out 100 once you make $100 monthbump it up to 500 once you make 500 thenbump it up to a thousand you got it yougot to do this in steps if you don'tyou're gonna you get you're biting offtoo much of the elephant without beingable to take it down like you're tryingto take down an elephant by yourselfright now5k is an elephant it you just heard Tomjust say it's as much as he made in amonth doing his chemical engineering joband you know how much it cost him toprobably be able to get that chemicalengineering job when he paid for schoolin the first placeso that's your elephant okay you need totackle your elephant and your elephantis you got to start you got to startwith one foot at a time then I want youto get to $100 first and then work yourway up what I am gonna drop you sometips here because I could tell thatyou're interested in this so my one tipTom he has a really good advantage overhere and I know he uses webstaurantwhich is fantastic but it takes a littlebit of a curve to know it so I'm a dropin extra tip on you guys you need to getinvolved with jet jet is anotherwholesaler that is basically a dropshipper for Walmart and I use jet likeno tomorrowI sold so many items from jet it wasridiculous you need to learn how tocombine double items that are selling Iused to sell this fan it was a black fanand I would combine it because I knewhow how well it would sell and I'd selltwo at a time and Walmart was always outof stock in the black fan but peoplewanted it in color black so I wouldconstantly sell it from gedcom and makea killing now you got this other stupidthing that was like a turkey roasterthat everybody sold and it's where youput your turkey inside and it's theextra attachments that are forbarbecuing okay and you could get theitems straight from Walmart or you couldgo to gedcom and get it even cheaperincluding shipping being cheaperincluding having no tax exemption beingcheaper so you need to learn yourresearch and you need to look foroutside sources other than Walmart andAmazon and Home Depot there's a lot ofmoney to be made out there then you needto look into your cash back credit cardsyou need to make sure your maximayour cash back you want to make sure allareas are taken care of because in orderto maximize your profit you need toincrease where your money's coming fromand what I mean by that you need tobuild like channel funnels for all yourmoney okay and you want to look fordiscounts where you can on the itemsthat you're purchasing whether it beprice matching from one supplier toanother you want to increase yourprofits using cash back credit cards youwant to make your customers happy bygetting tax exempt and showing them thattheir prices are reduced compared towhat your competitors are paying youwant to maximize your when a price sellsby yuning using alternative apps such aslike ernie and swig 'l and looking forprice drops you need to combine allthese things to maximize and increaseyour profit okay so that's one thing Iwould tell you to do right now thatincludes your research tips and yourmargins you need to keep your marginslow competition is always high so if Iwere you I generally stay in the 5%margin when I did seven grand in a monthI had a seven percent margin and I movedover a hundred and five thousand dollarsin one month if it wasn't combined withmy other store that was doing twentythousand a month I combined I did onehundred and twenty five thousand Ialmost did eight grandif not more in that one month was itawesome it was terrific but it took alot of work and it took months andmonths of building up to that point okaySEO and how many listings these arethese are questions that are kind oflike hard to answer because you couldhave a small amount of listings and dothis exactly right I had less than 70listings and I had already reached over$50,000 in sales so it's not thatimpossible you just got to learn what isselling how to reduce your price overyour competitors and how to take thatadvantage over your competitorsokay all right so Renzo VillenaHerrera wants to know how do how does heavoid getting flag is still viable todropship from Amazon Walmart eBay youcan answer this time I want to know whatyou got I mean if you're not using anyAPI software like we've talked all atthe beginning thelive interview whatever it is if you'renot using any of that you're probablynot gonna get flagged I do not suggestusing Amazon at all just because of howoften the price changes and how oftenyou know and the fact that they havetheir own Amazon tracking numbers andthings like that just avoid Amazonnowadays you're gonna get an MC 0 1 1restriction probably pretty early onbesides that you can still use Walmartyou can still use Home Depot but asBrian said as long as like the coursethat I provide the course that I teach Iprovide 20 suppliers for my students inthere so you're gonna have othersuppliers and all these other suppliersare gonna have hundreds and hundreds andhundreds of less people selling themhundreds in love less people there hasto be there's times I was on an Amazonitem where there was 400 people sellingit last year and Walmart I'm surethere's still tons of people that areselling Walmart items 6070 hundred on alisting but if you take out the time toeither you know make your differentiateyourself with bundles or multi packs orsomething like that or if you go andjust use a different supplier not everysupplier can be on eBay's radar and aslong as you're doing and providing greatcustomer service and running your storeproperly you will be fine and I mean wehave tons of students that are provingthat and it's really just don't won't dothings eBay doesn't want you to dowhatever y'all which we stated all ofthem at the beginning of this hell yeahso that's your answer for that Renzo Ihope that helps Justin Davis when willthe video be on youtube can you post alink for all of us this is about onemonth shy of when it was actuallysupposed to be out so it is coming outshortly and we are finishing up thisrecording we got about two morequestions so I just want to give you ananswer for thatthanks for even asking that question manall right Bobby Bobby over here bigBobby Bobby Surratt I hope I'mpronouncing his last name I'm probablynot quite sure it's very hard Bobby yourlast name is crazy hard to pronounceplease change it but how to skyrocketyour sales Bobby wants to know how toskyrocket your sales hit him Tom hit himwith the 1.3 million dollar answer whatis it I mean if you want to skyrocketyour sales you can't be doing thison your own that's number one thingthere's different yes yes differenttricks there's all sorts of differentthings you could be doing but if you'redoing it all by yourself then you'respending too much time working in yourbusiness and not on growing yourbusiness so if you don't hire virtualassistants after a while then you arecompletely screwing yourself over andyou're limiting yourself honestly I'vehad virtual assistants since before Ilisted my first ever item on eBay justbecause I heard it was a thing to donowadaysI have probably I have for for eBay andAmazon virtual assistants we have two orthree for Instagram we just hired sixnew VA s last week to run a lot ofdifferent things going on the back endyou need to be hiring virtual assistantsand it's not like you need to be hiringthem full-time right off the bat I knowa lot of people that start this areshort on money they're short on cashthey don't really have the money to payfor a PA but you don't have to pay 250$300 a month full-time for your virtualassistant you can pay them ten hours aweek five hours a week hell you can evenpay them one hour a week they're notgonna help you out very much at one houra week but you see what I'm talkingabout if they list five five hours aweek if they find in list items for youand some of those items sell like sayone or two or three and you end upmaking $30 profit you paid for your BAat that point in time for one week atfive hours you over be more than paidfor your VA because you're not payingthem you're paying about two threedollars an hour so you probably paid foryour VA at that point in time why notkeep give them more hours or go getanother oneyou know it's really all about thinkingabout where you are now and don't thinkabout how to save as much money you'donly save as much money if you have thismany expenses in one month $1,500 anexpense is one month two thousanddollars in expenses in one month you canonly save so much money so you somehowmanaged to save money on all of yourexpenses no matter it's your livingexpenses or a business expenses say yousaved at all if you saved all of ityou're still not saving as much money asyou could be making if you did threeinvest if you could just reinvest andreinvest and keep getting virtualassistants and outsourcing and teachingthem and then you're not running yourbusiness anymore somebody else's you canonly work probably 14 hours a day andrun to a computer for your eyeballsfollow your head yeahand I did that for a while but it'sdefinitely not fun I can tell you thatbut what if you're working eight hours aday well till your eyeballs almost fallout of your head and then you have a VAalso doing that at eight hours daysthat's 16 you're already at more thanwhat you could do on your ownso you know that's my answer I can'tpush VA s enough and I feel that's stillas much as I try to push it I feel likesome people just don't realize the powerof the virtual assistant it's hard and Iget it I get what you guys are goingthrough but Tom just gave you the answerlike the golden the golden goose egg ofwhat you really need like it is avirtual assistant so I just did somemath over on the side right here to helpyou guys figure this out so basically ifyou were to go to online jobs at pH andfile for one subscription I believe it's$60 a month still currently right Tom itmight be surprised all right so if weincrease it by 15 extra dollars becauseI put it in as I put it in at 60 if it's$75 a pop you make one payment post onthere one time to hire a virtualassistant now you don't want to justhire one you want to hire a bunch ofthem and let them all out at once okayyou want to hire like five or six andsee which one is the best one and whichone is going to work if you paid them tofind you two items a day at $3 per itemand $6 and you multiplied by that by 30after all your expenses that's twohundred and fifty five dollars for oneentire month and they're working to findat least two items a day which ishelping increasing your sales on eBayand helping to show eBay that you'reconstantly listing that's two items nowyou could do that as well when you gethome and now you're doubling up for aless than an hour you can now list fouritems and you're paying 255 and yoursales will probably cover that as longas your margins are decent enough so Idon't know that's just a basic breakdownif you guys want to get into it well Ifeel like that's just not a lot of moneyand you can at least start with that 255dollars is really good so I think that'sphenomenal and then I want to get intothis last question right here and I'mafraid we can't answer this one I thinkI'm gonna do my own video on this Ithink you should too Tomthis one is from Carlos Alvarado and hewants to know how to set up skew gridhe's struggling with that so I thinkthat's a phenomenal question and I thinka lot of people have struggle with it Ican't tell you how many times I've beenhit up about this and like I just thinkyou should do a video on it and I madetwo just to show people I can do a basicvideo on it but review a full video onit it would probably take like fourhours you should do a basic video on itor maybe a video series I'm a point wentout too but I get it because I like alot of people are struggling with thatbut they have a lot of good support likethey have support reps that haveanswered all of my questions I had anitem on Amazon I connected one item onto secure at Amazon using it for myAmazon store because it's a supplierthat web scraper app doesn't have and itwas you know pricing with the person Ihad it set up to you know it's stay attheir lowest price and then all of asudden I sold it one day I said well Ihaven't sold it for like three weeks Idon't know why it sold and then it turnsout that it dropped down to like mylowest possible price I was like whatthe hell happened and it turned out thatI had like the weirdest setting set thatdidn't trip it until like three weeks inuntil like what this dude repriced it atthe same time I was trying to read priceand follow his price it was some stupidjust coincidence and series of eventsthat happen when all of a sudden myprice went down to the very bottom Istill made money on it I am they makinglike 20% on it because some dude boughtexpedited shipping with it but eitherway there's always little tips andtricks and things that are gonna come upthat you don't even know what's gonnahappen contact their support read theirsupport forums watch their videos onYouTube you should be good right andI'll probably put out a littlemini-series on this too because I knowthere's so many questions about it nowso contact their support too but I'lltry and run something by you guysalright so wanna last but not least Iwant to give a shout out to everybodythat even liked or supported this postbecause we got a lot of people on hereso I want to give him a shout out toJason yo your business partner JasonI'll have him on here too cuz he'sphenomenal and I know he's doing hiswholesale thing and he's not he's got inthe background a lot and I want to givehim some face time so I'll have him onhere so he's gonna have him on alive andbe like who's that guy nextcool sale four or five days ago Ibelieve on his whole sales eBaydropshipping and it was some likelaboratory in Oregon that needed stufffor their laboratory was selling likelaboratory type stuff and it was a fivethat was a dollar sale one sale like oneyou may like over a thousand dollarsprofit from that one sale you guys needto learn from these two or that one ofthe items is out of stock and he has acall so he contacted like oh do yougot it with this one's out of stock wecan only get you 2 and not 3 they'relike oh well we'll take that and thenwe'll also take like 3 more of these sothey ended up buying like anotherthousand dollars nice good Jesus andthat's phenomenal so I want to shout outRon Meyers Rob Myers for being the manstill cool as hell and I got to reachout to him because he runs his ownsoftware company and it's phenomenalBobby so he's up here – what up BobbyStephen hang who's always around likeStephens really good guy Jason MohammadAbdullah I want to say hey what's up toyou Devin Qi eBay DS Hirowe got Dmitri and a lot FML Jana of ohwe got Chrissy Mateus and dan Elissavirtual assistantoh she's awesome and she is hereyeah and we got Janna Leia's Atlas soshe's saying hands up and thumbs up tothat too so I want to tell all you guyslike thank you so much and I hope weanswered as many questions as we couldyou got it interesting topic here likeI'm selling this is whatentrepreneurship looks like right herethis is it so you got half a million byme and you got 1.3 million by Tom sothis is what you guys want to learn fromokay and I hope we know that thebackgrounds in art and where we'reliving in our videos don't live aboveyour means live in a shitty apartmentyou honor yourself it's actually ahundred percent true like I have a checksitting right in front of me for another200 extra dollars like I it I wish Icould show it to you guys but somebody'sgonna copy all the information go cashit okay like that's why I'm not showingit to you guys but you've seen our postlike I will post like images of whatI've done like you got a live small makesure that you're safeand all your money and Counting it backup and just just keep grinding just keepputting in the work and asking questionsand reaching out to everybodyobviously Tom's group is over you knowsixteen thousand people they don'tfollow him because he's not doingsomething he's out there working andgrinding so that's proof of its ownright there okayand he's his followers on YouTube andInstagram it's phenomenal so he's doingsomething right and you guys got tounderstand that this isn't just BScoming out of both of our mouths we'reactually trying to help you guys okay soif you guys have any more questionsplease drop them in the chat box downbelow if you have any other things youwant us to see if you want moreinformation about me or Tom Tom's linksare gonna be posted in the descriptiononce again he owns his own Facebookgroup he has his own course if you guyswant to get involved with that we alsohave what else does Tom runs his ownInstagram page as you can following themon Instagram he's everywhere he's doingeverything and he's got his own YouTubechannel most of crywhat's importantly his own YouTubechannel EECOM Tom get on that andsubscribe to him it would mean the worldto both of us and I don't know I wantedto say thank you guys for even being apart of this and sticking around andlet's continue grinding and keep puttingin the work alright guys and that's itTom you want to finish off with anythingI mean you pretty much hit it on thehead right there it's never give up putin the work it's not a get-rich-quickscheme you're gonna have to actuallylearn things and you're not just spentten thousand dollars profit pop in yourbank account month one let's be honesthere but if you put in the work if youquickly you know you come home from workeveryday nine-to-five whatever it is youhave a certain amount of hours and youcan choose to do what you want with themand if you're gonna sit there maybegonna watch the newest thing on Netflixor whatever series just came out or TheBachelor or whatever the hell justhappened last night right so I won justsnapped rants about it then you're notgonna be you're not gonna be makingmoney you can't expect to at that pointtime but if you sit down or if you'refriends that this is the biggest thingme not going out on the weekends andalthough I did this weekend it's thepast weekend since I've become anentrepreneur worked on my own I there'sbeen many a weekends where I don't goand that was like the biggest change ofmy lifestyle you're gonna go out getdrunk spend $100 at the bar and notremember half of it where you could notspend the hundred dollars learnsomething and work towards building upyour career and your future self why notdo that so it's what I suggest thank youfor having me on go check out my youtubechannel any of the free mini courses thepaid course anything like thatask me if you have questions comment onmy youtube videos any questions you gotand it's about all I got here yeah sojust follow and subscribe if you likeeyes like this stuff I'm trying tochange up my style be a little bit morehype in my videos so I can give you guysa little bit more extra so if you guysliked it give me a thumbs up if youdon't somebody like go back to youroriginal stuff we don't like this is toocrazy or not it's just jam-packed withenergy or if you guys really reallyliked it hit that subscribe button andI'll give you a smile see alright I wantto say thank you guys for even being apart of this and we'll catch you laterpeace peace[Music]
