10 Best TOP-RATED Amazon Products YOU NEED!

hi guys welcome back to my channel todayI'm gonna be sharing a 10 awesome andtop rated Amazon products for you guys Ifilmed a similar video to this about afew months ago and so many of you lovedit I loved filming it I am such a suckerfor Amazon Prime and I'm always orderingthings from them so I decided to roundup ten of the most top rated things thatI do have and I think these things areso cool they're so interesting so if youjust hit the see more button down belowit will open the description box andI'll have everything linked right thereso you can check it out further checkthe pricing you can read the reviews andlike I said everything that I'm showingtoday our top rated things these arethings that people absolutely love so ifyou do end up ordering it I have areally good feeling you're gonna love itbecause I love it too before we getstarted though I would love for you toconsider subscribing it down below justby hitting that subscribe button you canalso like the video if you like Amazonbut I would love to have you back we areon our way to half a million subscribersbut it's just crazy it's crazy it'scrazy but enough with me babbling let'sjust jump into the first thing because Iknow that's why you guys are all herethe first thing that I want to show youis for all you ladies out there that arescared of bugs myself included heck whenI saw this big freaking plastic spiderthat this product was sent like thatlike freaking scared me but I decided tokeep it because I knew within like aminute I would be showing this in avideo because this thing is so cool it'scalled my critter catcher so what you doit's like this long thing you can get itin a lot of colors I decided to go forpink because to me this is kind of likea girly thing and I don't know about youguys but when I see a spider when I seea house centipede when I see I don'teven care what it is I don't like bugsokay I don't like bugs but I know someof you out there in like the desert andlike warmer climates have really bigbugs occasionally we have big ones buteven little ones I still don't likemessing with so all you do is squeezethis handle and that makes this open upand it allows you to catch the bug seeit catches the bug and then you can goto the toilet you can go outside if youwant to keep it alive you can dowhatever you want with it but it likesafely picks up the bug and then you cango wherever you want and then releasethe bug and dispose of it or do whateveryou want with it so this has helped mewhen Josh isn't around maybe he's justnot home or maybe he's on a trip likefor work or something this has just beena really big lifesaver it alsolike a little hook so you can hang itlike in your pantry or wherever thoughas soon as you see a bug you can run andget this and you're not like trying tosmush it with a shoe which is the nextthing is kind of funny I like to keep mychannel very clean but these are winecondoms so this is for all of you winelovers out there I know there's so manyof you out there I personally am just acopy lover but my husband does like wineand then this is actually a gift for afriend at work she's obsessed with wineand I actually saw these used bysomebody else and I thought it was likethe coolest invention because when youopen a bottle of wine a lot of times youdon't want to finish the entire bottleand you have to like squeeze the corkback in and you like want to put it inthe refrigerator this comes in a reallynice like little gift box and you openit up and it's the funniest thing theylook like little condoms and it's kindof weird to be talking about on mychannel but anyway they are specificallyfor wine bottle so you open it up youdrink half the bottle of wine and youjust put the little wine condom over theneck of the bottle and then you canstore it back in the refrigerator and itdoesn't go bad I think these are reallywell priced you can obviously get themfor yourself and keep them in your ownhome or you could get them as a gift andyou could also maybe even bring themalong if you are gifting somebody wine Ijust think they're really interestingand really funny and it's really cutetoo in a weird way the next thing that Iwant to talk about I actually orderedthis because of YouTube I started seeingwhen I would edit videos I wouldactually see like a rogue nose hair likein my nose if you go back on some othervideos I'm sure you guys can see themoccasionally it's like few and farbetween but occasionally I can see it soI decided to go on Amazon and I wantedto order a nose trimmer but I found thisawesome four-in-oneshaving suite and I've used it manytimes but I did decide to keep the boxbecause again if I really like somethingI want to be able to show you guys so Iput it back in the boxand basically it comes with a nosetrimmer it also comes with a skin shaverso you could do your legs but you couldalso do your face and I've been talkingabout derma planing a lot lately andthat is where you take off like thepeach fuzz on your face and I think somepeople are really scared about doingthat but I'm telling you it makes yourskin feel so amazing and just removingthat peach fuzz from your face reallymakes your makeup application so muchbetterit also trims body hair so that'sperfect for like the bikini line andthen finally it comes with an eyebrowtrimmer so some people have really longeyebrows and you can really just kind ofbrush through your eyebrows and it trimsthem really nice and then you can go inand really define them either withtweezers or with this shaver probablywouldn't do the shaver maybe go withtweezers so this has been surprisinglyconvenient I really think this is a goodlittle kit for all females out there tohave body hair isn't that fun but thismakes it very manageable people lovethis top-ratedamazing reviews and I can understand whythis next item is so cool like it'sseriously almost magic it's amazing soit's by Vaughn chef and it is adefrosting tray now this is for peoplethat have frozen meat in their freezerand they don't have all day for the meatto defrost this happens to us literallylike every single day we have we justhave so much meat and we don't planahead we're very bad planners this isactually an aluminum tray and all you dois lay the meat out on this tray and I'mtelling you within 30 minutes sometimesless the entire chunk of meat and I meanbig chunks of meat like thick meat willdefrost like that depending on thethickness of the meat maybe in like 15minutes you can just flip it over butI'm telling you it works like a charmand within like a half an hour you canstart cooking the meat and it tastes sogreat there's no chemicals there'snothing weird about this all it is is analuminum tray and just the way the heatconducts within that metal it naturallydefrost the meat and it's so handy andso convenient and you just clean it andyou can actually eat the frozen meat inyour freezer without planning out yourwhole life super top rated people loveit and again very well priced I feellike everything that I'm showing youtoday is very very well priced speakingof well priced I think I'm gonna jump tothe most expensive thing of this videowhich honestly to me this isn't thatexpensive but I've been looking for avery very good clothing steamer for ageswhat was that okay so this steamer is bypure steam it has amazing reviews Ireally dated my due diligence beforefinally pulling the plug and ordering asteamer because I just wanted somethingreally good and now that we're movinginto a new house I'm going to have adressing room I'm going to have aspecific section in mysome room where I can immediately andlike on-demand seem clothes I can't tellyou how many times I pull out a shirtfor my closet and I look at it it's toowrinkled I don't feel like ironing so Iput it back I have tried other handheldsteamers I have one I've used otherpeople's and they're okay but they don'treally get the job done like I want themto and so again I just don't use it andthen I default to ironing so like I saidthis is by pure steam I think it'saround $80 which I know it's kind of alot but at the same time this gets thejob done you can do anything with thisthing you can seem like window curtainsyou can steam shower curtains you cansteam thick heavy coats you can steamanything and this will work there'sdifferent settings this raises up twodifferent levels you could hang pantsright here you don't even have to havethis on I usually don'tI usually just hang the clothes rightthere and then I just start steaming assoon as I hit the button to turn it onit's usually ready to go within 30 or 40seconds so it's so fast and it actuallylets me wear clothes that I used to notwear purely because I didn't feel likeironing them when you're done you canjust stick it right there you can lowerit down and I guess that's about it it'sjust a very professional steamer thatgets the job done so the next thing Iwant to talk about is another householditem that has made my life so mucheasier I feel like most of the items inthis video even the remaining thingsthat I still have left to show you arevery unique very interesting this one isnot this is just a cordless vacuum so Iknow this isn't revolutionary but it'sdifferent than other cordless vacuumsout there and I wanted to mention itbecause I love it so much so again it'scordless obviously you just charge itwhen you're done with it it lasts a longtime and what's different is it'sactually for your carpetso most cordless vacuums are for like inthe kitchen or like hardwood floors tolike suck up any crumbs or whateverwhich this does do and then it doesbecome just a normal like cordlessvacuum that people are used to seeingbut I do have carpet I do have pets Ihave a cat and she is a long-haired catas you can see some of her hair is inhere but there's like Tufts of furdifferent places if you have pets youguys know exactly what I'm talking aboutand sometimes I don't have time to runmy entire carpet with the vacuums so Ijust take this thing and I just suck upthe places that have fur it's such alife saver seriousbut then if you have kids you guys knowthat the kitchen often has crumbs on thefloor I swear they eat over the tablebut somehow things always land on thefloor and I can then take this aroundwithout this attachment I can either useit just like this or it does come withthis more narrow attachment you justslide right in there and that lets youget into corners and like little nooksand crannies a lot easier I'm prettysure this is one of like the number onecordless vacuums on Amazon I just thinkit could make your life a lot easier soagain that's why I want to show it thenext two things are actually for yourcell phone and they also will make yourlife a lot easier so this first thing isreally weird-looking it's called theYosh and this is really cool for manyreasons so it is a water proof youactually stick your phone right in hereand you might think like what do I needthat and I'll tell you why you need thatthis is amazing for vacations it'samazing for going in the pool but it'salso amazing for bath time I absolutelylove taking a bath and playing with myphone and there's been so many timesI've almost dropped my phone in the bathand that is not good so all you do isopen it these clips and you just kind ofopen this little bag you slide yourphone right in there and then you justwant to try and like squeeze out all ofthe air and then clip it back togetherand then your phone works completelynormal it's not even hard you can justplay with your phone you could stick itin the water submerge it whatever thisthing is completely waterproof andnothing will happen to your phone it'sit's seriously amazing it does come withlike this little lanyard thing so youcan put it around your neck so if you'reswimming in a pool you're on vacationlike floating around it is totally finesafe and secure it's just really reallycool and a very cool invention and againvery very well priced the next reallycool and top-rated Amazon product I wantto show you is this portable phonecharger by Ankur I know phone chargersaren't anything new but I love this onebecause it is the size of a lipstick soall you do is just put it in your bag oryour purse or whatever and anytime yourphone is a little bit low on the chargeall you do is plug it directly into yourphone and it charges it right up it'sjust so handy and it's not so big andbulky and clunky it's literally the sizeof a lipstickit's pink I think you can get othercolors but it's just so cute and sohandy handy is the theme of this videoit's a great thing for you to have butit's also like a really cool present ifyou like all of these things are justreally good presents I should be doingthis video around Christmas the nextthing that I want to talk about isanother girly thing it's actually a hairtowel but it is different it's adifferent hair towel I've used itprobably like three different times andI can definitely tell it makes adifference what it is is an ultra likeabsorbent hair drying towel so it savesme time because it really sucks up allof the moisture it really reduces frizzactually I do notice that it's kind ofweird I don't really know why it doesthatmaybe it explains it on Amazon I don'tknow so in turn my hair does lookshinier I don't know if you guys cantell but I feel like in the last fewvideos my hair has been a little toofrizzy but today it like feels a lotbetter so like I said I've used thisprobably two or three use it three timesI've had this for about maybe like twoweeks a few times I've forgotten to useit because I'm not like in the habit ofusing it but I think it makes a bigdifference this comes in a lot of colorsit's for people probably with longerhair that probably don't want to spendtons of time on their hair and yeah Idefinitely have you know longest hairand I just think that it's really coolalready so we're onto the tenth andfinal thing that I wanted to share withyou and they're actually glass mugs butwhat is a little bit different is Iactually have glass straws this kind oflooks summery but I think that they aregreat year-round and the reason I ammentioning this is because a lot of youout there really enjoy essential oilslike myself I know everybody keepstelling me I need to do a full video onit and I totally will but I love puttingcitrus or lemon drops directly into mywater but if you guys don't know whoactually can't use essential oils inplastic bottles because they are sopotent and there's just something inplastic that like doesn't work well withthe oils so you should always use glasscontainers now if you don't useessential oils that obviously thiswouldn't matter but I do still reallylike these little glass mugs they docomment with matching stickers so youcan actually write your name on them andhave one designated for every familymember like pax is always green haze isalways blue I'm always yellow and Joshis always redreally seem that fragile or anything Imean obviously they could break but wehaven't had that problem yet and thisset does come with like a cute basket soyou know that's great for picnics youcan just take it outside to your deck oryour patio or whatever and yeah I justreally like them so I wanted to includethem in this videoalrighty so that does it for this videoI hope you enjoyed the 10 really uniquefun and cool top rated Amazon productsif you like Amazon if you enjoyed thisvideo I would love for you to give thisvideo a thumbs up and also subscribe ifyou haven't already like I mentionedbefore everything shown in this videowill be linked directly down below ifyou want to check anything out butotherwise thank you again for watchingand I will see you very soon in my nextvideo bye[Music]
