11 Online Marketing Tools

11 online marketing tools that can
help your business. Now, these are toolsthat I use in my business. I currently
make millions of dollars in my marketingbusiness. And you may just be starting.
But I'm going to explain why each of thesetools is useful and going to help take your
business to the next level online. So,let's go check them out. So, eleven online
marketing tools. These are all tools Iuse in my business. I do millions of
dollars a year. But even if you're juststarting, these, all these tools I'm going to
go over can help out your business insome distinct way. Now, I'm going to be
talking about email marketing, keywordtool, site builder, ad spy, deep analytics,
marketing automation, SMS text, analytics,photo editing, screen capture and an
integrations tool in this training. AndI'm going to be doing it right here on my
computer. So I'm going to walk through eachof these 11 different tools. I'm not
going to go deep into each tool but I'mgoing to explain what my favorite tool
is in each of these categories and how Iuse that in my business so hopefully you
can learn how these can help you in yourown online business. Let me get
comfortable. I have a bad knee I don'tknow if you know. I ACL soccer injury. It
might got severed. And might I have tohave a reconstructive surgery on my knee.
I won't bore you with the details.But let's check out these tools online.
So, for email marketing, one of the besttools there is is MailChimp. Now,
MailChimp is a free email marketingsoftware. It's very easy if you want to
build an email list. MailChimp is perhapsthe best place to get started because it
doesn't cost you anything. And you canemail people and create a big list of
hundreds of thousands of people so thatyou can reach out to the people you want
to consistently with your business.MailChimps a fantastic tool. Once again, the
price tag it's one of the only freetools in the marketplace. Most other
email providers also, they don't want youto put up any affiliate links whatsoever.
So, if you're in mybusiness model which is affiliate
marketing, companies can be kind of hardon you because they don't want you
constantly marketing stuff. MailChimp isgenerally alright with a lot of that
stuff as long as you're on a paidsubscription. Once you start building
your email list, you want to get on apaid subscription. So, check it out and
again, you can sign up free. So the next3 tools, I'm going to go over actually
all keyword tools. So, I you know, I knowthat I said the numbers 11. This kind
of brings up to 14 or something.But these tools are very useful.The
first tool is Google's keyword planner.So, it looks sort of like this. Choose the
right keywords and Google's keywordplanner is probably the original
marketing tool and it's also probablythe most commonly used marketing tool
around even today. And it's 100% free.Okay? Free. So, what you're doing Google's
keyword tools, you can find how muchsearch volume in there is for a
particular keyword. So, let's say you'rethinking of creating a company around… let's say you're
thinking about creating a company aroundUber for you know find… You know, finding
a personal trainer. You know? Find apersonal trainer. You can get an idea of
how many people are searching for thatterm in your particular area. Now, this
can be very useful if you're marketingsomething. Or if you just want to know
how expensive that term may be if youare bidding on it. So, you can see here. We
have… Let's let's zoom in. You know, we cansay, “Okay, we'll cost us $2 to place an ad
on this, on the search term for everytime somebody clicks.” Or you can also see
the amount of number of of searches… Youknow? Of clicks. You can expect to get for
somebody searching. Find a personaltrainer. Whatever business you're looking
to go into, you kind of want to have anidea of if people are searching for that
product or service that you are offering.And also, how much that costs. So this
this helps me out a lot. What I use thisfor in my business is you know, for my
YouTube videos for instance, I want tomake sure I'm putting out content that
people are ininterested in. You know, a good example
would be if I searched the word “Bestclick tracker” Okay? That's something that
I think is pretty important. How to findthe best click tracker. But what I'm
seeing here is that nobody actuallysearches for that term. And what I could
do is I could actually just you know, Icould go back and I could try to type in
multiple different ways. Best clicktracker
top click tracker, click tracker. Andclick tracker. And I could see if people
are searching any sort of variation ofthat word. And what we're seeing is that
people search for click tracker withspaces in it. And but nobody… Very few
people are actually searching for bestclick tracker. Only about 2,000 people
per month around the world or evensearching for that term. –Click tracker. So,
maybe that's a video I put on YouTube.Or maybe that's a blog post I put up or
maybe not. Again, I use Google's keywordtool to figure out what's important to
people because I'm biased. What I thinkas important to people may not
necessarily be important people on abroad spectrum. And you always need to
keep that in mind when you're marketing.Again, in marketing, there is no ego.
You're giving the audience what theywant. Another tool that I really like is
called answer the public. Now, this isit's got a really funny homepage. Like
you see right here it's this weird guywith the beard kind of pacing back and
forth. And what you can do is you canfind ideas about keywords that people
search for. So what I might search for isclick tracker. And I want to see what
questions people actually ask aboutclick trackers, okay? So, I would just type
in my term right here and then I'd askeddo this. Now, questions are great because
if people are asking questions about aparticular topic. It generally means they
are interested. The topic is important tothem. People only ask questions or type
questions into Google about things thattheir actual pain points. And this gives
you insight into the customers mind andwhat they're thinking.
So here we go, here we have a search howto create a click tracker.
Okay. And let's let's actually find thedata. “What is a click tracker?” And we
also have “How to create a click tracker?”But we have very few terms. But maybe, if
you know, I would want to do a video onwhat is a click tracker, so I could
explain what a clique tracker is justthe people who are wondering what it is.
Again, nobody's asking how can it help meor other stuff. There's it seems like
there's not a lot of action on thiskeyword. So it might not be something
that I actually pursue. Where as if Ityped in a… You know, let's type in my own
name actually. What's interesting? If Ityped in get questions, let's see what
questions pop up. I get 0 questions. Sonobody wonders anything about me which
is good. I guess I'd like to keep it thatway.
Now, the next thing the keyword tool thatI really like is called ubersuggest. And
ubersuggest helps you find longtailkeywords about certain topics. Now once
again, this helps us give us insight intothe customers mind. Doesn't necessarily
give us those questions that people areasking but it gives us an idea of what
other things people are thinking aboutin relation to whatever we're doing. So,
I'm going to enter in my keyword here whichis click tracker. Let's check it out. Now,
what's nice about uber suggests is NeilPatel, who is the guru bind that says,
“This keyword is easy to rank for. There'sa 76% chance you can rank in the
top 20.” So that's kind of cool. I knowthat simply if I put up a video about
click trackers,I can probably rank pretty high for that
and get some traffic. And you know, I didsee that 2000 people were searching for
that word. So here it says 2,900people a month. So, that
could be pretty cool. That's a very easyterm to to rank for. And you know, just by
putting up a video on YouTube, I couldget some traffic for that. So, you know,
maybe there aren't specific questionspeople are asking just what it is. So, if
I were to do a video, maybe I just put upa video about what is a click tracker,
okay. That's kind of interesting. There'sa lot of searches in September for it.
But here are the other words. This iswhat's more interesting to me is here
are the other words peoplein relation to clique tracker. So people
are looking for click tracker, clicktracking Google Analytics. So, knowing
about click tracking in relation toGoogle Analytics might be something I
want to address if I put up a blog postabout this topic. Also, I see here free
click trackers. Again, if I put up a blogpost or a video blog about this topic, I
might want to address whether there arefree click trackers out there. And I
would want to up, you know… And that kindof gives me insight into… I wanted to
talk about prosper 202 which is a selfhosted tracking and analytics platform
for digital marketing. So that'syou know, it's free. so that
could be something pretty interesting toaddress if I'm talking about click
trackers. Software, double click tracker.Click tracker URL. Then we have some
weird thing right here which I'll justcross out. Okay, so that gives us some
information. We know, I know if I'mputting up a video or a blog post about
clique trackers, I'm gonna want to bringup the topics of Google Analytics and
also a free option for a click trackerwhen I talk about this subject. This has
really given me insight into what peopleare looking for in relation to click
tracking. Obviously, I use volume and Ihave no qualms about paying 300 dollars
per month to use volume. But in this case,it's, you know, it's clear to me that
I should be talking about you know, thefree versions and the Google Analytics
integrations.The next tool I'm going to discuss is a
site builder. Now, a site builder is suchas click funnels, helps you just build
websites without knowing any programming.Now, I'm a big advocate of click funnels.
I use it for my websites. I'm a hugeaffiliate for click funnels as well they
have a great affiliate program. It's agreat company overall. And I use it quite
a lot. We have a million visits to mysites every single month. And we're using
click funnels to manage all of thattraffic. So click funnels is a great
company. If you don't have programmingskills or technical skill
like I do, I mean I don't have thoseskills. I suggest you use clickfunnels to
help you run your internet business. It'sa great option and there will be a link
in the description of this videowhere you can sign up for clickfunnels
if that's what you want to use to buildyour websites. So, great option right
there. Now, the next set of tools is adspy tools. Ad spy tools are pretty
important. The 2 tools I like the mostor ad beat. Which lets you look up a lot of different ads on displaynetworks and native ad networks such as
Google or Outbrain or whatnot.Everything except Facebook essentially.
But it's very effective and their searchfeatures are amazing. I've been using ad
beat for a while.Another great ad spy tool is Spyfu, okay?
Spyfu allows you to find google searchads very effectively and what I could do
is I could simply search you knowsomething like TaiLopez.com and find
where else they are advertising and whatkeywords they are showing up for. Okay, so…
That's very helpful if we're doing… We'retrying to find competitors or keywords
to bid on. Last ad spy tool is socialad scout. Now, social ad scout will allow
you to see Facebook ads. And it's an adspy tool specifically for Facebook ads
as you see right here, you can just spota bunch of Facebook ads to spy against.
There's a very easy way if you… If youdon't have swipe files for the affiliate
program that you're advertising, you cango on social ad scout and find some… Find
some ads from from competitors and copythose so you can advertise whatever
product you want. Really great andeffective. Volume is our next tool. This
is what I call deep analytics. And thisis a tool I use very often in my
marketing to get deeper insights into mymarketing campaigns so I can optimize my
ads. This allows me, Voluum allows me tosplit test my landing pages. It also
allows me to figure out which landingpages are working
with which adds and it automaticallyoptimizes based on what's going to make
me the most ROI.What's going to make me the most money. It
also allows me to get insight into whatUS states or what countries are the most
effective. It allows me to check out whatis PS or IPS or devices or device models
or device types are the most effectivefor my advertising to allow me to figure
out whether to optimize a certainlanding page, experience or to change out
my landing pages for a different country.And a lot of other very advanced things
that are really important to affiliatemarketers such as myself who are doing
big volume. You don't need a deepanalytics tool unless you're making over
$10,000 a month. That's whatI tell people. But after you're making
$10,000 a month. A deepanalytics tool will help you take your
marketing game to the next level bygiving you better insights and the
better allowing you to split test whatyou're doing in your marketing. So, big
fan of volume. They helped me scale mybusiness from doing $50,000
a month to $500,000a month. And I just found this is
kind of funny. They actually have a quotefor me here. So, volume contributed
massively to my business growth from 1million a year to 3 million a year.
It's intuitive and user friendly givingme the ability to manage large sets of
advertising data. That's pretty cool.They've featured my quote on their
homepage. I'm also friends with the owner.So we hang out sometimes but he doesn't
really run the company anymore. We justjust kind of go off and do fun things
like… I don't know, smoke cigars and jacuzzisand stuff like that. So, that sounds
really douchey. So, here's the nextprogram which is… This is this is called
a marketing automation program. It'scalled keep or Infusionsoft as it's
known.Here's Infusionsoft through advanced
automation. And Infusionsoft is software.Really, it's a CRM that I use very often
in my marketing to help mefigure out, you know, sending emails to
people. Sending texts to people. Sendingyou know, I have a bunch of different
marketing channels that I use in for myown product which is my 6-week course
called the super affiliate system. Thisallows me to talk to all of my customers
effectively and people in differentstages of learning about my educational
courses. So, great product, it costspricing I think it starts at about $200 per month. It's more ofan advanced software for when you start
building an email list. MailChimp isgreat as a free program for email lists.
But Infusionsoft is really the nextlevel. Once you start moving beyond email
lists and doing other forms of marketing,this really helps you manage you know,
attribution and all these other thingsthat MailChimp… MailChimp is just kind of
a little tool whereas Infusionsoft issort of a toolbox where you put all your
tools and helps keep out all yourdifferent marketing channels organized.
The next marketing tool I'm going totalk about is CallLoop. Now call loop is
something I like a lot. This allows me tosend SMS texts and also RVMs, ringless
voicemails to my customer.So, RVM –ringless voicemail, SMS text
messaging is right there. And thisis a great way to market. If you have the
phone numbers of your customers, if it is…You should be sending them text
messages, you should be dropping themvoicemails. Now, don't overdo text
messages or voicemails. People will getvery annoyed. I send about, you know, maybe
one text message a week. Maybe oneringless voicemail week is kind of good
on the annoyance scale. You might, maybeyou send more, maybe you send less. Donald
Trump sends me one text message 5hours. It's kind of crazy he sends a lot
of text trying to get more money out ofme. But the point being is this is a
great cheap effective software thatallows you to reach your customers in a
very, very, very effective way. And I can'tstress enough how effective SMS text
messaging and ringless voicemailif you do indeed have your customers
phone numbers. So, totally use this. It's4 cents to send a text. 4 cents to
drop a voicemail on somebody's phone. Soit's cheap, its effective and it's easy.
So, use it.Now, another analytics program that you
can use which is I just kind of considerfoundational analytics is Google
Analytics. Google Analytics is right here.You see is the base foundation for
really all marketing analytics. If youdon't have Google Analytics on your site,
you are missing out on a huge amount ofdata that is available to you. So here we
are in my site, we see there's… I don'tknow, like a 118,000 people. There's 116 peopleon my site right now and it's late at
night, okay? So we have… I mean, I don'tknow why so many people are on my
website and it's so late at night. Soundskind of crazy. But you can learn
a lot about your customers. You can seewhere they're coming from. Where
in the world they're coming from. Youknow, 35. I mean, this is kind of
interesting.Only 35% of the people
that visit my website are from the US.And we can also look at various
other information how manypeople are using desktop computers
versus mobile devices. I can see… You know,I can also look at the demographics. So,
let's say I wanted to look at thedemographics of my users. I could say,
“Okay, most of them seem to be kind ofyounger and then it's kind of… We have
you know pretty even distribution ofolder people.” I can also see that I'm
more popular among males than I am amongfemales. It's about two-thirds male and
one-third female. Now, if you're a femaleI highly suggest you visit my website to
get this ratio more even. But there's alot of other interesting information
that you can gather from GoogleAnalytics that can help you make
marketing decisions. Again, if I'madvertising on Google, this will allow me
to figure out what categories that myaudience is in. For instance, in market
segments is a really important categoryin
Google AdWords. Now, if you you can be anaffiliate for my program, this
information is pretty helpful. And we seethat most of the users are in this
category. Business services, advertising,marketing services which makes a lot of
sense. We can also see that thesecategories are pretty niche down. These
are pretty specific categories. And thesewould be categories that we'd want to
focus on. Categories like employment arebroad. So almost everybody's going to be
in them. Again, the correlation might beoff. But this is all data that can help
us be more effective at what we do whichis advertising and marketing. It gives us
more data. And that's that's the point ofanalytics is giving us more data, more
options available to us to really bespecific and get the most bang out of
our buck. Now, we have 3 more tools togo through. I know this has been a
mammoth episode. But I hope you'resticking with me and learning some stuff
here. Give this… Give this video a big fatlike first of all if you are getting
some value out of this. Because, yeah… Imean, if you're still here you are pretty
crazy because we're going through allthese tools. And also, by the end
of this video, let me know what tool youlike the most. I'll talk about that in a
second. Now, for photo editing, what I use…I use this I've been using this since
2009. I never took a course in photoediting. I took some like… You know, I
watched some videos online and it tooksome tutorial courses. But I never
actually took a formal course in videoediting. But I use Adobe Photoshop.
Photoshop is my preferred go to photoeditor. Now, photo editing is a super
essential skill if you're marketer. Ifind it very helpful. It's not super
essential but it's very helpful.Especially if you're putting up ads that
include images. You can also impressfamily and friends and what-have-you. But
being able to edit photos has helped mea lot in my career as a marketer because
it's allowed me to be able to createadvantages for myself that other people
may not have. It's allowed me to makephoto stand out more. It's allowed me to
make things pop. It'sI'd meet another layer of optimization
that has been very helpful for me. Now,photos have been moving towards video.
Video is actually I'd say the new bigskill in advertising. Back when I got
started in advertising, there was novideo. There was no way to advertise
video back in 2009. So, that brings me upto my next software, online marketing
software tool which is Camtasia. Camtasiais so cool.
Okay? I'm a big fan of Camtasia. It allowsyou to record your screen and capture
video. I'm actually using it for thisvideo on YouTube right now. Isn't that
cool? And it allows allows me to draw onmy screen. It allows me to highlight
things, it allows me to point to things.And allows me to do all manner of cool
doodads that allows me to share morestuff with the world. Now as an educator,
I'm on YouTube and I also have trainingprograms. You know, I have my six-week
training course. And I also have an armyof affiliates that want to learn how to
better advertise and how to bettermarket my own products. And part of
the reason why a lot of people market myproducts is because I try to be a good
teacher and show people how to market myproducts in the best way possible. And to
do that, I need a very good screenrecorder and video editor to share with
people what I'm doing and how to marketeffectively on the computer. So, this
helps out a lot. And there's a free trialof it. If you are going into YouTube or
if you are sharing things with otherteam members, let's say you have virtual
assistants or whatever, contractors.Camtasia is a fantastic tool to help
share stuff with them. This brings me tomy last tool. And I'm actually going to give
one bonus tool on top of this whichyou'll like. And you'll have to
subscribe to my channel for the bonustool. No, not really. But you just keep
watching the video. But zapier. And thisis an automation software. Zapier helps
connect all of the different kind oftools that were working
with. Google analytics or can help youconnect slack with with SMS or all these
different things that we're using. It canhelp piece together the puzzle. If
certain puzzle pieces don't fit together.Zapier is really it's like a one size
fits all. It's an essential thing tokind of mop up whatever… Whatever.
MailChimp doesn't connect withInfusionsoft correctly, zapier will make
it connect correctly. So zapier is greatat just connecting all of these
marketing programs together. And makingsure everything in your business runs
without you having to touch my businessruns. Without me having to do anything at
this point. I didn't really domuch in my business today. But everything
runs. And everything runs without mehaving to worry too much about it
because I use tools like Zapier to keepeverything connected. Now, the one bonus
tool that I'm going to show you is a… Isactually a really cool one I just came
across. I totally forgot about. It'scalled gifiam. This is how you make
animated gifs. Very simple, very effectiveand it's a free gift maker. I've gotten
really big into gifs lately. So thesemoving gifs. I'm not going to go too deep in
that. But if you enjoyed this video,please give it a big thumbs up, make sure
if you want to learn more about onlinemarketing and learn how to make money
online, you know, make sure you subscribeto this channel. I do affiliate marketing
and by subscribing to this channel, youwill get a free course. It's 10 videos
on affiliate marketing. It will show youfrom soup to nuts how you can get
started and help you understand thebusiness model so you can go out there
on your own. Also, I have my own course. Ihave a 6-week course on affiliate
marketing showing a more advancedstrategies and kind of longer… You know,
takes a while to go through. 6-weekcourse. But basically, we're going through…
You know, I'm going through advertisingplacement on these different ad networks.
Also, leave a comment. What tool was themost useful to you?
Okay? Once again, comment below what toolwas the most useful to you because when
you comment what the tool was mostuseful to you, I may make a video on
going deeper into using that tool moreeffectively for my business and for your
business. So, looking forward to seeingyou in future videos. Thank you for
tuning into this mammoth episode onInternet marketing toolsto help your business.
