2018 Best Car Detailing Products I Use | Auto Fanatic's Top Picks

[Music]hey guys Auto fanatic I'm gonna do aseries of videos based on requests fromsubscribers they wanted to know what arethe exact products that I'm using thedetail all my cars and customers carsand other projects every single week soif you guys know way before I startedthis YouTube channel I have spentthousands and thousands of my own moneyevery year buying testing discarding andgoing back to the drawing board offinding products that work for my needsof doing an exceptional job they'reaffordable they're easy to obtain andlike I said they just do what they needto do no BS no crazy marketing becausethere's just hundreds of products outthere what a lot of marketing behind ita lot of you know viral marketing thateverybody thinks it's the greatest butI'm gonna show you step by step we'regonna do several videos we're gonna doconsumables we're gonna do equipment andwe're gonna do applications towels andall of that stuff so I'm gonna probablybreak it up into three or four videosfor you guys just because I don't wantto make this an hour-long video foreveryone so what I have on the table areall consumables these are all liquidproducts these are polishes soapscleaners drying aids degreasers spraywaxes metal polishes plastic polisheskala Knight wax leather cleaner clay allthat good stuff so I'm gonna move thecamera and I'm gonna go through each andevery one and I'm gonna explain to youwhy I use them the stuff is great youget the stuff in 48 hours off Amazon Ialso want to let you guys know if youbuy a lot of stuff in Amazon I get a lotof coupons so for a lot of Chemical Guysstuff up here I get a 15 to a 25% couponso a gallon of vo7 cost me recently 28bucks so you know that really makes alot of sense if you guys spend a lot ofmoney on prime wait for the couponsplace your order get the gallons andyou're good to go so let me just movethe camera aroundalright guys first up on the block ourcarwashfoaming soaps you guys if you've been onmy channel if you're a new subscribercall back I got so many videos ontesting soaps that I'm tired of testingsoaps so I have four soaps up here thatI use regularlywe have Chemical Guys honeydew snow foameverybody saw videos on that we got thehoneydew version and we have thewatermelon version I've been using thewatermelon version more because I justlike the way it smells better but theyboth are pretty much identical formulasChemical Guys gloss works outstandingproduct I love this stuff and recentlythe mastersons wash and shine shampoo sothis is a great shampoo to domaintenance washing remove pollens dustif you guys go to the beach and you wantto get some you know sand dust orwhatever's on your car from being in theparking lotshoot it with this suds it up good withthe power washer let it dwell you'll geta good maintenance wash out of thatanother thing I want to show you guysand tell you guys a lot of had a lot ofsubscribers contact me about mixing andmatching components now believe it ornot I sometimes take one pump of snowfoam and one pump a gloss works throw itin the foam cannon it works incredibleabsolutely incredibleI love it same thing with the wash andshine if you want a little bit more sudsa little bit more working time throw ahalf a pump or one pump of the snow foaminto this and you're gonna get the shineproperties of this you're gonna get thelonger work time of the snow foam andthat's just what's cool about this stuffI mean this is not medicine here it'sjust chemicals you could mix and matchand play around and you know play withyour dilution ratios and mix ratios andthat's where we're atalso you guys got to get the plasticpumps and the rubber caps this is amust-have you got to buy the stuff in agallon these two consumables the stuffis gonna last you for a while so I meanthink about it this stuff is like 27bucks a gallon 30 bucks a gallonit's like $12.99 or 30 99 depending onwhat it is on Amazon so you know for themost part you don't need all of this butif you were gonna take two I wouldsuggest get a snow foam get the glossworks or get the snow foam and get thewash and shine and play around and youcould you know throw a little bit ofthis and throw a little bit of thattogether throw it in your bucket foamcan or whatever you want to do so thisis what I'm usingI've been using snow foam since it wasintroduced this is a new product that'sbeen addedmy detailing bin and this is a newproduct that's been added to my thinkingbin so I like them so much that I boughtmultiple bottles of it so this is thestuff that Auto fanatics using on aregular basis for various differentwashes let's move over to the next batchof productthe current polishes that I'm using todo all my car detailing now all my newcar detailing including single stagevintage car detailing the grills garagebest of show system I feel is incredibleit's outstanding it works so damn wellyou guys go on my channel you see someof the project projects that I've donefrom furniture to beat up old cars toeverything in between I love it I lovethe scentI love the working time I love the factthat there's little to no dust you getvery good yield out of these smallbottles the applicator bottles areoutstanding to load up the pads and justeverything about them this is the stuffthat I'm using hands down so guys I'mstill using the 3m perfected seriessystem and the Maguire's professionalwith my high speed rotary buffers for myother business that's just a differentapplication you don't really need thataggressive of materials and rotary toolsto go and do any of your new cars todayyou just don't need it so the Gredosbest of show system I've been using thisexclusively with the makita p0 5000 Cwith the Flex 3401 and with the griotgarage boss G 15 outstanding system youguys haven't tried it go pick this stuffup buy the kit the stuff goes on salesometimes they'll sell you all thepolishes with the pads as a kitincredible you're not gonna freakingregret it the fast correcting cream isby far my favorite this is my go-tochoice on every project that I work onfrom start then I'll bounce over to theyellow and possibly the orange and thendepending if I'm doing like a black carI'll do the finishing sealant with thefinishing seal and exclusive pad andthen I'll do a coat of 911 we're good togoso this is the stuff that the Autofanatic is using for car polishing usingthose various dual action and forcerotation machines the Greer's garagebest of show system let's move alongalright guy moving along to the nextbatch of products up on the table areproducts that I use exclusively forinterior detailing and cleaning first uphere is the mastersonsinterior detailer I absolutely love thisstuff Gregg sent this to me to test outI've been using this a lot if you goback and see my full interior detailvideo of the Mustang California specialI use this exclusively on the interiorthe one word of advice these bottles aregreat the sprayers not so great as youcan see here so what I'm going to showyou all of my spray bottles I buy thesefrom Chemical Guys okay and it's just abetter trigger sprayer they don't leakthey give better atomization and all youdo is pretty much unscrew this put thisin there and you're good to go so I leftthat one on the bottle just fordemonstration purposes because I wantedto show you guys but all of my spraybottles that are small 16-ounce all havethese Chemical Guysspray spray trigger sprayers I thinkthey work awesome this stuff smells sodamn good that customers say it almostthinks that they put air freshener intheir car it's got like a really strongcherry scent and it just smells reallygood doesn't leave any residue it worksgreat as far as wiping down plastics anypolish trim gauge clusters all that goodstuff and if your rag is damp you canspray some of this on your rag and cleanleather microfiber or whatever you gotin your car so stuff is awesome so movethat to the side can exes adil soap ifyou guys saw some of my videos in thelast couple of months on leathercleaning I highly suggest a can ofsaddle soap this stuff is great don'tuse harsh degreasers and chemicals andsolvents to clean leather you will ruinit because leather today is not dyed theway leather was dyed 30-plus years ago alot of its water-based a lot of its notsoaked all the way through and thefinish that they're using is like anacrylic topcoat some protective finishand a lot of cleaners will wear thatdown so saddle soap stuff is cheap pickthis stuff up you got to have this inyour detailing bin if you have somestubborn stains and some leather thisworks outstanding on ivory light graysand natural color leathers especially onNapa grain leathers this stuff is greatdoesn't leave a residuethis is the money's worth and bestleather lotion I did a video on thismonths back the stuff is outstandingI've been buying a lot of these bottlesoff Amazon and I take these things onthe row of me super great they work withas a cleaner as a conditioner they smellgreatno residue it's affordable easy to getso these are the two that I'm using forleather now over here these are my Novusplastic polishes not sure if you caneven still get this stuff but I have acase of this stuff left for many manyyears and I use this to do a lot ofplastic cleaning and scratch removaleven on convertible top back windowsdoor panels – is anything where youcan't get heavy scuffs and scrapes outthis stuff is outstanding so do a Googlesearch see if you can pick this stuff upNova's plastic polish they have a finescratch remover then they have a heavyscratch remover and I think there'sanother version but I just don't have itthese are dealing two that I have onhand so this is what I'm pretty muchused for interiors also for glasscleaning I've been using the mastersonsglass cleaner and like I said you knowhere's the upgraded spray trigger that Iwas just showing you this stuff is greatit's safe for tinted windows no streakstakes off the film like I showed you ipair this glass cleaner with the criasgarage dual weave pfm glass towels theiroutstanding they're my favorites so staytuned that videos coming soon with allthe towels and equipment and everythingelse but for now this is pretty muchwhat I'm using for my interior stuff andI also use for interiors some vo7Chemical Guys in a small spray bottle idilute this sometimes 5050 this alsoworks great as an interior detailerthat's because the VL 7 is ultraversatile if you know how to use it andhow to apply it does not harm plasticsdoes not leave any greasy coatings offersome UV protection and smells great aswellalright guys moving right along theseare my spray waxes spray sealants dryingaids all that good stuff I'm just usingtwo products right now Chemical Guys vo7you guys have seen this on my channelfrom the beginning I use this every timeI dry my car I spray the grills garagepfm drying towel with the vo7and I spray the panel's just worksoutstanding as a drying aid no film noresidue almost every single detail spraythat I've ever tried if you spray it onthe panel it'll dry too quick when yougo over it you leave smudges marksresidue it sucks this is the onlyproduct that I've found that doesn't dothat this is a keeper moving forward I'mactually gonna work on a similar productof my own line that's gonna probablyeither be equivalent or best thisproduct this is outstanding one of myfavorite products from Chemical Guys andI don't like a lot of their productsthere's only a handful of stuff that Iuse but this is one that I go throughseveral gallons a year this here is thebest of show spray wax this stuff isawesomesmells awesome works awesome I keep asmall bottle all time in my small 16ounce Chemical Guys spray bottle and yougot to have the pumps you got to havethe caps of course this stuff is greatif you're just gonna do like amaintenance washing your car and you'regonna blow dry you want to give it alittle bit of extra shine to go to a carshow go to an event or whatever thisactually does have carnuba and it doesgive protection you have to use a pfmmicrofiber towel with this product ifyou use any other towel you're gonnahave smudges you're gonna go throughhell trying to get it off so fYI you gotto have the right towels to do the jobnow with the vo7 you can use theChemical Guys yellow towels or any othertowels from the rad company or Gyanwhatever that'll work fine with thisproduct but the bestest show spray waxyou got to use a pfm towel FYI so movingright along you guys know about the waxthat I use : it– nine one five handsdown this is the best I've receivedhundreds of emails every single month ofguys buying this stuff after watching myvideos and they're blown away I getpictures sent to me every single dayfrom people all over the world that arebuying this and they're blown away thestuff is great I prefer a pasteI don't like liquid waxes that's just mypersonal preference I enjoy the paste Ienjoy the smell of this product I enjoythe longevity I do this about 6 times ayearthis makes your washes and upkeepsignificantly easieryou won't have to clay the car you won'thave to go crazy this is your first lineof defense right here : eight nine onefive do your clay do your paintcorrection throw a coat of this stuff onthere and you know be blown away and ifyou guys haven't tried it yet please tryit I think you're gonna freaking go nutsas soon as you see the results todiscuss especially on black cars darkreds you know dark Gray's or whateverthis stuff is incredible so moving rightalong we're gonna go over some cleanersnowthis is my cleaner degreaser of choicefor well over 20 years been using thisstuff since the 90s malko right downthere this is a professionalbiodegradable cleaner and degreaserremove silicone grease and wax frompaint the surfaces you could actuallydilute this red thunder and strip thewax off your car before you do a paintcorrection fYI if you guys are tired ofusing the IPA 50/50 with alcoholwhatever you guys are using this stuffworks great you could also use a verystrong citrus cleaner as well but Ipersonally like this a lot of mysubscribers have been finding this oneBay there's some sellers sometimes anAmazon I just like it some of you guysare probably gonna use super cleansimple green or all that good stuff Ijust think this is a little bit saferthe formulas been around hell of a lotlonger than some of those other productsand I feel the dilution ratio is alittle bit easier to work with on thisproduct vs. super clean or any of thatstuff out there from Zep or any of theother you know cleaner and degreasersthat you can get at the local big-boxstores so same thing here I keep a 16ounce bottle i dilute 5050 with water Igot the Chemical Guys trigger sprayerlike I'm showing you here these are amust-have so I use this for a lot ofstuff I use this for stubborn interiorcleaning carpet cleaning aisle pretreatthe carpets like I showed you in myvideos with the scrub brush I don't usethis for wheels I also use this to cleanengine apartments if you have any oil orgrease on especially a vintage car oryou know leaking valve covers you've gotto get some grease this stuff worksgreat you pretreat it go in there withthe power washer or scrub it with awheel wooley and the engine compartmentcomes out outstandingso Malka red thunder if you haven't usedit you haven't found it in a local storeGold do a search online pick some upstuff is cheap its I pay 19 bucks agallon for this stuff and it lasts me awhile so I think you should give it ashotmaybe you guys will like super cleanbetter but let's this is the stuff thatI've been used in since the 1990s and ifit works and you're happy with it whychange that's my whole philosophy andeverything that I do there's no reasonto keep trying different cleaners anddegreasers and spending money if youalready have a product that works forall your needs and you know how todilute it and apply it for yourapplication so let's keep moving alongyoualright guys we're back this is my mywheel cleaning system of choice wheelsand tires you guys have seen my demovideos of the wheel cleaner the foamthat I'm coming out with please bepatient it's taking forever because wehad some problems dyeing the solutionand having issues with the pigmentchanging the color to brown and blackand everything in between so we'repretty much gonna not go with the purplethe purple pigments not working withthis formula we're gonna probably gowith a cobalt blue just FYI this is theway to go cleans the wheels if yourwheels are protected this becomes atouchless system non-acidic doesn'taffect anodized brake calipers will notaffect you your hands you don't need towear gloves you don't need to wear amask no more iron activators no moreSonax smell at night this is gonna bethe game changer wait and see until thishits the market you guys are gonna gonuts when you start using it I alreadysold about 50 samples to customers allover the country and they're blown awaytrying to buy more so we should have5,000 bottles in inventory most likelyin the next couple of weeks so staytuned websites being built Auto -fanatic calm I'll post a link to mywebsite URL in the description of thisvideo so you guys can stay put put youremail in there get on the mailing listwhen we launched it your guys will get ablast and the East door will be open soI pretty much use this inside the barrelmaybe I'll use small wheel will be verysimple but the formula is gonna knockyour socks off as far as tires ChemicalGuys g6 hyper coat been using this stufffor years I like it because it doesn'tgive that greasy finish doesn't turntires Brown doesn't sling all over thebottom of my white car and it just workswell I just apply this with a microfiberlacks pad applicator on the tiresafter I scrub them and clean them afterI foam up the tires with the autofanatic wheel cleaning foam I use thetire brush scrub on power wash them offto get any contaminants do a coat ofthis stuff last also this is not solventbased this is not silicone based andthis is a water-based product and it'ssafe to use I've had this bottle forabout a year so I don't I'm not big ontire shine sometimes I clean my car anddo me in this wash I just run out thedoor because if the car hasn't if ithasn't seen rain this stuff is still onthe tire but if we go through severaldays of rain thiswe'll wash off but it's cheap last youlong you don't need a gallon of thisstuff unless you have a freaking carwash and you're doing hundreds of cars amonth so a 16-ounce bottle will last youa very very long time and it's cheap somoving right alongnow we got detailing clays this is oneof my very first detailing car carevideos on my channel almost I think itwas like eight months ago so I'm stillusing the same stuff the Maguire'sprofessional I use mild they also haveit aggressive but I used a mildMcGuire's professional almostpractically whenever I need it3m perfected fYI I have stock of thisversion 3m has changed this version tonow a purple product that's made inBrazil it is legit a lot of emails havebeen coming to me based on my video heyis this stuff real it's legit becausethere is some phony 3m perfected claysold in amazon and sold on ebay so yougot to be careful so the new perfectedclay I'll throw a photo of the bottle upright now this is the legit stuff it'spurple it's made in Brazil not made inJapan anymore if you guys want the realdeal you got to get the professionalcleaning clay stay away from that bigbox store junk that gives you two barsand the spray mist and the towel forlike you know 1999 it stuff sucks thisstuff is gonna do the job the first timeand the best hands down always when youdo in pain correction or any kind ofdetailing on the car keep a little liststuff on hand if you can't get somestubborn black spots and marks from thelower belt line of the car down off thepaintwork this is your first line ofdefense to get it off I'd rather see youguys do this then use a harsh solventlike mineral spirits prep Saul or youknow anything else so we're almost donehereall right guys rounding out the productsthat I'm using we're gonna finish offwith metal polishes if you guys haveseen some of my videos these are thepolishes that I use the clip tone liquidmetal polishes fine medium and coarseand mother's mag aluminum polish –isI've tested and tried all of this stuffover the years I use this stuff on aregular basis with high speed rotarytools and dual action tools for mybusiness to polish stainless steelaluminum bronze copper anything inbetween you guys have seen me do somedemos on the videos on my channel thisis the stuff to get don't waste yourtime with anything else if you want thebest product to get the job done thequickest and has the most yield theseare the products the glib tone polishesthese are the best for doing stainlesssteel exhaust tips go back to my channelsee the video on how I refinish the tipson my gt350 I just can't say enoughabout it so on a rotary tool or apolishing tool I use a microfibercutting pad I put a couple of drops ofthis it goes a long way you could polishyou know a muffler on your car if youtook the time to do it so if you'regonna take a piece of metal and you wantto go to a mirror number 8 mirror finishyou could take a DA sand it up to 800grit throw some of this on a woolcutting pad boom now you got a mirrorfinish so this is what I'm using formetal polishing I am not changing I'mnot gonna try anything else I've triedeverything over the years this is whatI'm sticking with and I have bulk of allthese products so hope you guys likethis video on everything that the Autofanatic is using everything is you knowhas evolved over so many years of tryingand testing and spending and I want toshare you this one video with you guysso you know everything that I'm usingeverything is you know bought with myown money none of this stuff is given tome for free and this is the stuff thatworks for my personal needs and for mybusinessso it's twofold for me it's got to makemoney for me it's got to be easy to getit's got to be affordable and asconsumables it can't break the bank withany of the the fancy price tags of someof these products have in the marketAuto fanatical yahoo.com stay tuned forthe equipment video and the applicationvideo and everything else in this seriesseeguys soon all right guys thanks forwatching this video and stay tuned forthe remaining videos please like shareand subscribe to my channel there's manymore videos to come on this particularcar care content and please be patientthe auto fanatic wheel cleaning foam iscoming and I'm gonna make an exclusiveoffer to the first 500 customers thatnobody out there is ever gonna do sostay tuned see you soon Auto fanatic atyahoo.com any questions comments postedbelow see you later[Music]
