4 Stages of Better Ecom Product Fulfillment

what's going on guys Travis Patel herewith King penny thank you so much forjoining me in today's video I want totalk about the natural progression thatyour ecomp store needs to be goingthrough to kind of improve that qualityof product now a lot of you guys whenyou're starting out you don't have anyinvestment funds you have no idea whatyou're doing or any product or nichethat you're wanting to dive into you'regonna probably start off with somethinglike print-on-demand or drop shippingand again this is where we're able totake products that we don't have alreadysell them to a customer when thatcustomer buys we're then able to orderthat product and ship it to thatcustomer now this is very convenient forthose in that newbie situation or notknowing what products and niches theywant to dive into but it causes a lot ofissues for the long-term longevity ofyour business and of your brand for onedelivery times can be very long ifyou're ordering from manufacturing inChina or overseas and selling to the USit can be weeks before your customeractually receives their product and ifsomeone hasn't received their product inthree or four weeks they're veryunlikely to come back and buy from youagain and those repeat customers arereally what makes your brand last beyondjust always looking for new products arealways looking for that impulse productso you're starting on drop shipping butthat's not where you want to end youwant to use drop shipping to find theproducts are gonna sell for you get thein the starting customers under theright wing and then you're able to kindof improve quality control from therethere's nothing wrong with drop shippingearly on but it's not a long termbusiness model you need to be movingaway from that and establish betterrelationships with your vendors andstill might be able to drop ship but youneed to have all those negativitiestaken care of that delivery time thatpoor quality product that you don't evenknow that's coming through and all thoselittle things that aren't gonna helpcustomers come back to you so we want totalk about that progression and whereyou want to go from drop shipping now ifyou're starting off drop shipping one ofthe best sources that people like to useis just Aliexpress here this is justgiant database of warehouses across theworld that you're gonna be able toconnect with and pretty much find anyprivate product that you possibly want Imean it says camera lamp right here butjust type in camera lamp and see whatgoes on so we're able to find a wholebunch of different products out therethat we could start selling that fitunder this criteria now these are allsecurity camera can't light bulbs whichactually I've been searching in the pastcouple days so that's probably why thiskind of shot up but what we see is wecan also choose to be able to ship fromthe US or China and this typically ifit's coming from the US that means thatthese Chinese companies are puttingstocks and inventory into US warehousesand that will help that delivery timebut still you don't have much controlover that product and every othermarketer Andy calm or out there hasaccess to this same product so you'renot really standing out from the crowdyou don't have personalized branding youdon't have that customized packaging andall those little thority cues that makeyou a quality long-lasting householdbrand so we might start with Aliexpressand drop shipping with all thesenegatives but once you find that productthat works we want to start looking atimproving that quality control that'sreally what your first money coming infor your business should go to don't bepaying and buying new toys and stufflike that upgrading your living expensesand anything of that nature you want totake that money that you make from yourdrop shipping pretty much count most ofthose early customers probably as alittle bit of a loss they probablyaren't gonna come back or you might beable to convince them here and there ifyou fix these issues quickly but youwant to make sure that the next set ofcustomers is going to be in the rightspace in the right line becausetypically you're gonna prove yourselfthat this product works with dropshipping and that's really all you cando with this type of drop shipping sothe next step progression would beimproving where that location is wherethat that drop shipping location is thenwe're still remember moving up thespectrum we don't have a huge amount ofinvestment we still want to do dropsshipping but we want to improve thatdelivery time the number one thingthat's gonna keep customers from comingto you again like I mentioned you can goto Aliexpress and look at the ship fromUnited States section this will give youa little bit better idea of productsthat are shipped actually from the USand have a little bit better deliverytime but you can also look at inventorysources like inventory source calm andthis is a tool that kind of anotherdatabase that connects you with ussuppliers that dropship you need to signup and you're gonna have to pay it'sabout I think $150 per month per dropshipping directory or per supplier thatyou connect with so they have a lot ofgreat suppliers here depend on theproducts and the offers that you want toput in play but for every one of theseyou're gonna be paying a hefty monthlyfee and then you can also arrangenegotiations outside of using tools likethis by going and just reaching out tocompanies that are selling the productsand have the offers that you want to putout there see if you can set up a dropshipping arrangement but something likethis is a great next step I mean ifyou're doing well with the opening dropshipping from Aliexpress put that moneyinto the next step and this would be thehundred fifty dollars a month that goesinto connecting is one of these sourcesso if we wanted to do security cameraswe will look for a company that sellsthat that kind of electronics that typeof product and there's lots of suppliershere that have whole bunch of products Imean us Direct has two hundred and tenthousand products listed so connectingwith them will give you a wide range ofoptions you're also gonna have companiesthat are a little bit more specific towhat you want to sell I mean these arejust eldorado it's only adult productswe have sporting gear and outdoors gearby sportsman supplies fragrance X weknow that's probably gonna be perfumesPetra electronics and accessories soyou're gonna kind of deep dive intothese sources and there's a few othertools out there as well to be able toconnect with a quality FULFILLER andthese guys also can ship from the UShave a little bit higher in qualityproduct here maybe have to set up areseller license and stuff like thatthose are the steps you grab to take ifyou want a dropship higher qualityproductsand cut down on that delivery time nowafter this step after figuring out thatdelivery time you're gonna really wantto step into the private labeling orwhite labeling and this is pretty muchmoving from that to that dropship modeland buying an inventory actually havingsomething with your brand on it withyour custom packaging with those thoseAuthority cues that are gonna make yourbrand and your names stand out from theothers so what we can do with that nextstep is we can use a source like Alibabathis again is a database same thing asAliexpress just more of the bulkpurchaser which we're gonna be able tolook for manufacturers around the worldthat can create our product so if we gowith again camera land so these are justdifferent options here here we go so youcan see we're about you have to buy forsome of these you have to have a minimumorder and the more you buy the lower theprice you can negotiate and the littlethe more things that you're gonna beable to do let me look for somethingmore that's more like gaming glasses sothese are like the blue light glassestwo computer glasses you can wear andwill cut down the blue light will takeaway your headaches so you havedifferent options out here we can buythese in bulk now what's great aboutthese is you negotiate having your logoetched on the side you can have custompackaging for certain things so you havea whole bunch of different options thatthis adds a whole nother element a wholevalue perception to your product and youknow it adds more steps to what you'regonna have to do to fulfill and havethat inventory but it is the nextprogression of your econ business youreally you know you don't want to bedrop shipping forever unless you havejust that perfect source but eventuallythat's probably going to wear out you'regonna have a lot in third control ratherthan if your private labeling and youhave your own product with your ownbrand your own pieces and such like thatbut you can see like these kind ofglasses they sell for fifty seventy-fivedollars you can buy them from three tonine dollars have your logo on the sideall that good stuffas well now again this isfrom China and sometimes you don't knowthe quality of the actual product soit's a good idea if your privatelabeling or bulk buying that you want toget a example sent to you a sampleproduct sent to you and go to like fouror five or ten vendors and buy samplesand say hey I'd love to check these outplease send them to me and this way andpay whatever it needs usually gonna be afifty to a hundred bucks for a one thingjust because they want that bulk orderand you're gonna maybe custom do it foryou so you want to make sure that youhave the quality product then you'regonna go in your book in a bulk orderyou're gonna set up your custompackaging which sometimes theseFULFILLER zafar as well you're gonnaneed that warehousing set up so there'salways middlemen warehousing out therethat you can arrange you can put theseon Amazon with FBAyou can do all those type of things andreally kind of improve now from here ifyou want to improve even another stepfurther you can look for othermanufacturers maybe US locatedmanufacturers may be higher qualitymanufacturers around typically you'regonna find anything you really need onAlibaba but you can do something likesoar safai which is kind of that nextprogression of improving your econbusiness this is going to kind of takeyour sourcing system to the next levelnow I think it's something around threehundred four hundred dollars per monthfor this to just kind of start out soit's a little hefty price but at thispoint you're probably making a solidamount of revenue from your products andthis is gonna help you increase thatrevenue as well they're getting you knowincrease of sixty four percent fromtheir streamline sources they help yousource products around the worldthey you know have a whole bunch ofstuff going on here that just reallyimproves what's going on including thatmiddleman warehousing set up yourproducts how you're delivering and allthat good stuff so this is kind of theprogression of where you're going withyour econ product from here obviouslyyou can have your own productmanufactured something completely newcompletely different but if you're justkind of selling gaming glasses there'snot really gonna be much new to that ofthere may be a design here and there butreally any of these manufacturers thatyou reach out to an Alibaba or source offive you're going to be able toafter a while especially of doing orderswithin you're gonna be able to give yourspecifications and create new productsthe way that you want that's a greatthing about these manufacturers outthere is that you just have your custommock-up of what you want created and youcan find someone to create that so guysdon't be afraid to start with dropshipping if you're just starting out butknow that it's not the end you have tocontinue progressing you need to improvethat poor quality and that poor deliverytime ASAP we do that by one step youcould take again is finding us FULFILLERmight cost a little bit more but it'sgonna be worth it then you got theprivate labeling and you can still go tochinese manufacturers or you can use asource like source if i here to find alittle bit higher quality have some kindof automated system for you and have alot of help along the wayso guys hopefully your econ journey isgoing well you've any questions orcomments feel free to let me know i willsee in the next one[Music]
