hey guys Jared here and today I havesomething really cool to share with youI'm gonna show you how you can automateyour business so you don't have to spendmore than 20 minutes a day on it nowbefore I jump into specifics I want toshare a little story with you when Ifirst got started with dropshipping Iwas actually really lucky because I hadto drive from California to Florida infive days which means I'd have spentabout 10 to 18 hours on the road and nowyou can imagine what the new businessand getting orders coming in every day Iwas like how can I handle this right badcustomer service order fulfillment I'druin my facebook ad I had littleproblems here and there I had talked tomy supplier and I thought it would bereally overwhelming to be honest withyou so I had to drive 10 to 18 hours aday for five days straight and I reallydidn't know what to do so the firstthing I did was I went off work and Ifound a virtual assistant and Ibasically just took all my customersupport emails I forwarded them to herand you know there's only so manydifferent communications you could haveas a customer so she made a database ofall my answers and started answeringcustomers with the same answers as methe next thing I did was I found someoneto run my facebook ads and for that Iactually need to just give him rules Ibasically said you know if the cost peracquisition is lower than $5 you knowduplicate your ads or if it's over $10kill the ads and basically I gave him aset of rules to use now for me thisfreed up about 4 or 5 hours a day that Iwas actually putting into the businessand with all that extra time and while Iwas driving it gave me a chance toreally clear my mind you know when youdrive and you get an autopilot with me Iwas totally on autopilotmy business was running itself so duringthat timeframe my store went from doing$2,000 a day the second day we did about7,000 the third day to about 14,000fourth day about 35,000 by the fifth daythe store did $50,000 in sales now Idon't think I would have ever gottenthere and I not automated my businessbecause I would have been thinking aboutthings I would've been focusing myenergy and my thoughts into the Facebookad managerto answering customers and I would betoo tired to think about creative waysto grow the business so automating yourbusiness is not just important so youhave more time to go play golf or go onvacation although of course that's whateveryone wants out of e-commercebusiness it's also really importantbecause you get to free up that reallycreative energy that you have inside ofyou that you can use to actually growyour business so let me give you somepractical tips on whether you couldautomate your business and actuallyspend twenty minutes or less per dayrunning it so the first thing as Imentioned before is virtual assistantsnow there's a lot of different placesthat you can get virtual systems you'regonna up work on freelance or on Fiverrthey're all over the place and a lot ofthe times people make the mistakes ofjust getting the cheapest ones possiblevirtual assistants range from fourdollars an hour to 20 dollars an hourand you think about itsometimes someone who's four dollars anhour and it takes three hours to do atask that would take someone else onehour who maybe charges $10 an hour youwould save money if you got the personwho did it in one out aside from justthat you mitigate your refunds andcharge backs by having a really goodcustomer support and really goodmoderation so I'd actually rather spenda little bit more money on reallytalented virtual assistants then justget the cheapest virtual assistants Ican because I know what actually savesme time saves me money and it saves methe headache of having poor customersupportso cheaper is not always betterthat's number one so virtual assistantscan do order fulfillment for you theycan process refunds and they can meanthey can maintain supplier relationshipsfor you during the whole process nowwhen I say that can free up if you'redoing a thousand orders a day that couldtakealone going in and processing all theorders making sure that you're payingfor the right orders making surecustomers getting refunds on time if youguys are big drop shippers you know alot of people order products inimmediately email you and ask for arefund or two weeks later they'll hityou up but you have to go search and seeif it got delivered yet and it's a wholeheadache nobody wants to do that sovirtual assistants will do all this foryou actually a giant tip I want to sharewith you for those of you who alreadyhave your own virtual assistants isbeing proactive with your customersupport what do I mean by proactiveI mean don't wait for customers to cometo you to complain before you reach outto them what I'm saying is a littletrick that we use and this is somethingthat I haven't shared yet is right whena customer orders from our website if weknow that it's getting shipped fromChina we ship some things from the USbut if it's getting ship from China weknow it's gonna take 10 to 15 days toget to the customer will automaticallyemail them and we'll say hey thank youso much for your order just letting meknow that we're shipping this fromoverseas and it may take 10 to 15 daysto get to you and to be honest with youthe majority people don't care they sayoh thank you for letting me know asopposed for them waiting you know twoweeks and being where's that order andgetting mad and then going to go out ofmy way to reach out to this company andask them where my order is that getspeople angry but if you're proactive andyou send them an email right away whenthey order from you they actually reallyappreciate it and that's somethingthat'll help your business a lotanother thing that your virtualassistant can do is cig matter at yourpage your social media posts yourfacebook Messenger account your livechat and your email now not all virtualassistants are created equal over thelast three years we've built a lot ofstandard operating procedures for ourassistants so they know exactly what todo and when to do it if you guys aren'treally experienced virtual assistantsthere's a service called eek on virtualassistants comm where you can gettrained highly sought after virtualassistants that'll automate yourbusiness for you nextyou want to figure out how to automateyour ads because a lot of people spendall day in their ads and you know withthe right help and the right softwareand the right tools you really don'tspend much time at all but you can'tstart by automating your ads it'sactually really important that you runyour own ads first and I recommend youdo this for at least two to three monthsbecause it's important to understand thefundamentals and what to look for andthen create rules and processes that youcan then catch off to humans or tosoftware's what do I mean by that wellfirst of all you need to be familiarwith what's going on if you don't knowwhat aspect of your businessyou need to be an expert in every sectorof it before you start hiring otherpeople so for me when I was moving fromCalifornia to Florida and I had to drivefor five days I had rules set in placeand then basically if this then that wasso one of my rules was and don't takethis specifically because it varies onevery product one of my rules was if ourcost per acquisition was under fivedollars we would duplicate or add fivetimes food over ten dollars we wouldkill the ad and it allowed us toduplicate and scale really quickly and Iactually hired someone to do this for mewho I paid $25 an hour and he washands-on all day and should be honestwith you at the end of the day I was andthen a pain and released $50 an hourbecause he made us so much money now ifyou don't want to hire a human there aresoftware and tools out there and thereare also rules you can use withinFacebook now rules are cool becausethey're free and if you're not doingmuch volume they're pretty good but thebenefit of using certain software isover search just Facebook rules are thatthe rules only update about every 30minutes you can actually miss out onthings if you're waiting now one of thesoftware is that we like to use it'scalled reveal BOTS I'll actually leave alink underneath this video for you tocheck it out review mine is actuallyreally good because they have such goodcustomer support and there's so manydifferent automation options and itupdates every five to ten minutes soyou're not missing out on things of yourCPAs are rising or you know if you'resetting rules it's getting cut orthings are getting duplicated but thingsare getting scaled right away you canalso set your ads to turn back on thenext day is what's happening to waituntil midnight and then turn your ads onmanually you can do a lot of stuff toreview about again I'll post a linkbelow for you to check out so anotherbig factor especially for dropshippingis testing products as you guys all knowif you're watching my videos as part ofmy program you want to be testing atleast ten products before you find awinning product for us we like to betesting at least ten products a weeksometimes twenty depends on our mood butI always recommend testing a lot ofdifferent products now that could betedious especially if you don't planahead so what I like to do is everySunday make the list of ten to twentyproducts that we want to test for theweek so we'll go through our spy toolswe'll figure out what products we wantto test and then we'll put them in aspreadsheet and then that spreadsheetwill of our margins will have all of ourbreakeven row eyes now that's soimportant if you don't know when youbreak even on a product you're not goingto know one to kill ads or scale ads soevery one of these products in thespreadsheet we have what return onadspend we need to break even on thatproduct so if it's one point five weknow that if it's one point two we knowwe could spend more money you know ifit's 2.0 we know it's gonna be kind ofhard to make money with it so everyproduct these have your breakeven row asother than that we like to havesuppliers and a bunch of information aswell but it's important to have anorganized spreadsheet that you'replanning every Sunday so that when youwake up the next day or you're you knowyou don't have to use your brain tothink of all that stuff cuz I'll that'lldeplete your energy for the day everyonehas a limited amount of energy they putinto what they're doing so planningahead on a Sunday putting everything aspreadsheet is a game-changer now fivenew products there's a lot of differentways you can go about it you know youguys can go like people's Facebook adsgo to pages there's a lot of spy toolswe have our own product called ehproduct finder calm I'll link below thisvideo we're basically a syndicate of allthe other spy tools out there we havescores rating scores power scores forthe product videos you can use toadvertisewith descriptions targeting details andthere's about 1300 winning products inthere right now where we're adding about1 to 2 per day and you can get startedfor only $7 a month so you guys want tocheck that outeach product finder comm you could takethose products you can plant them forthe week you can get your spreadsheetgoing and then you don't have to thinkabout where you're testing you just putyour rules in place and you go now thelast piece of the puzzle for automatingyour business is your bookkeeping if youdon't know how you're doing how are yougonna scale or how you're gonna grow ifyou don't know if you're profiting ornot it's can actually tell us a lot ofdifferent thoughts and anxieties insideyou so you need to know how your booksare doing we use a service called benchCo which are the link below for 20% offbasically you get paired with adedicated bookkeeper anytime you needyou can log in and talk to yourbookkeepers and then you know tax iskind of get confusing by the end of theyear you get a financial summary thatyou can just hand off to your accountantthey can file your taxes for you sosometimes bookkeeping can be a pain inthe neck if you're just getting startedyou can have your virtual assistant doyour bookkeeping for you and yourspreadsheets but if your business isgrowing bigger and you need a dedicatedbookkeeper and you don't know how tohire we recommend bench comm againthere's a 20% discount in thedescription below so anyway guys I hopethat helped I've used these exact sametactics to take a store that is a fiftythousand dollars a day and only spendabout 20 minutes per day on it and thesetactics we've used for the last threeyears it's something that when we put anew store together we know exactly whatprocedures to put in place so we don'thave to spend our valuable time andenergy doing the legwork and we canactually use our creative energy and ourbrainpower and how to scale and grow ourbusiness so I hope you guys enjoyed ifyou do please comment below answering asmany questions as I could and if you gotvalueI just asked me to share with a friendor two and I hope you subscribe to mychannel guys thank you very much
