7 Proven Ways to Grow eCommerce Sales By 50% or More | Increase eCommerce Sales

you want to grow your e-commerce sitewell you know what the way that youthink you're gonna grow your e-commercesite isn't the real way to grow heyeveryone i'm neil patel and today i'mgonna share with you seven ways you canincrease your e-commerce sales by over50% the first tip I have for you is tofocus on one product yes you do not needto be selling millions of products likeAmazon to do well I met some lady theother day and I'm like what do you sellshe's like oh I make high heels morecomfortable I'm like wait why don'tpeople who buy fancy shoes just makesure that they're comfortable and she'slike oh no these fashion designers don'twant to make them comfortable andbecause they think comfortable shoesaren't fancy and nice I'm like alrightwell I don't really care but she wassmart she came up with the concept ofhey people like Gucci and Prada andchanel aren't willing to make shoes morecomfortable well I'm gonna sell someinsoles that make it way easier andnicer for women to walk she had oneproduct and that's it do you know howmuch she makes well into the sevenfigures per year you don't need a lot ofproducts to do well and if you're onShopify you can use over lo and that'llhelp make it so you don't have to worryabout the logistics if you're only doingone product your life becomes so mucheasier sure you can eventually add moreproducts but first focus on one productthat solves a pain point if you're justtrying to sell some product cuz youthink it's cool and it doesn't solve apain point well you have another thingthat it's gonna end up happening inwhich you're not gonna make any salesyou won't see a 50% increase you'llprobably see a 50% decrease compared towhat most people are seeing so make sureyou focus on one product that solves areal problem and there's not a ton ofother creative or unique solutions outthere my second tip for you is upselland down sell the reason I'm saying upsettling down so isn't because I'mtrying to tell you to add 50 products toyour ecommerce store it's because it'seasier to get someone who's bought fromyou wants to spend more money with youthan it is tonew people to buy from you so upsell anddown so if you're selling women shoesthat are nice and comfortable right oryou're selling the insoles that makeswomen choose nice and comfortable you'reup so it could be a pack of threeinstead of just one that's an easyupselldoing simple things like that willincrease your lifetime value which willopen up more possibilities and this getsinto my third tip it's advertisedthere's Facebook advertising and there'sGoogle AdWords they both work extremelywell in e-commerce marketing Facebookadvertising is excellent when peopledon't know what product or service thatthey're going after for example ifyou're in the beauty space you cantarget everyone on Facebook who'sinterested in beauty and show them somecool new product that they're notfamiliar with on the other hand ifyou're using Google AdWords and you knowpeople are looking up for a makeup brushyou can show ads on Google for yourmakeup brush and people are looking forthat could see it Facebook ads and bothGoogle ads are a great way to reallyboost your e-commerce sales and ifyou're not sure where to get startedwith Facebook ads or Google Ads justleave a comment below and I'll answeryou and I'll give you feedback on how torun the perfect Facebook ad campaign ora Google AdWords campaign the fourth tipI have for you is leverage subscriptionshave you noticed on Amazon they can getdiscount if you subscribe to a productso make sure you offer subscriptionoptions for example if you're sellingmakeup or lipstick people are gonna runout of it the question is just when sowhy not give them an option where theycan subscribe and continually get newmakeup why do you think Dollar ShaveClub sold for a billion plus dollarsit's because they did raise theirsubscription everyone's already buyingrazors why not make it easy and justautomatically deliver them rightsubscriptions is huge and if you'reusing Shopify which you probably are youcan use a tool called recharge to makeyour product a subscription you don'thave to pay some fancy engineers to dothis with you you can just use a simpletool the fifth tip I have for you is wecovered the band and shoppers do youknow how many people are going to yourshopping cart and abandoning in 2017roughly 75 points6% of shopping carts were abandoned thatmeans if you have a hundred peopleadding to your shopping cartroughly 75 of them are gonna balance andleave they're not going to come back andthey're not going to buy so you need tocome back or more so you need to makethem come back and buy how do you dothat recovering abandonment solutionssuch as collecting their emails so whensomeone's buying from you you'reprobably collecting their name and emailfirst before you're showing the creditcard information for all the people youcollect the name and emails for thatdon't finish the purchase you should beemailing them and convincing them hey bynow you can even do things like exit andtown offers using tools like helloBarbara show my exit offer saying heythinking about leaving put in your nameand email and I'll send you a 10% offcoupon or a free shipping coupon tipnumber six optimize your checkoutprocess there's a company called BayMart and they did a study looking ateveryone's checkout pages do you knowhow much money's recovered by optimizingthese checkout pages I know this soundscrazy you think that someone adds up tothe car that they're gonna buy but whatthey found is when companies optimizetheir checkout pages they found thatthey made an extra 260 billion that'snot million that's billion with the beextra dollars don't forget to optimizeyour checkout process and the way you dothat is by first removing unnecessaryfields why would you ask someone fortheir name and email and addressmultiple times that's unnecessarykeep it simple the other way you canoptimize your checkout process is bymaking it two-step psychologically youwould think oh it's more convenient foreveryone to just have all the fields onone page no it's not because if they see1020 fields on one page what's gonnahappen they're gonna be like this is waytoo overwhelming but if the first pagejust said putting your name and email orcreate a count putting your name oremail and password and then on thecheckout page they only showed theremaining credit card and shippingfields you're much more likely toincrease your sales roughly by 10percent all by making your checkout pagetwo steps inonce up the last tip I have for you isto leverage a referral program ifsomeone's buying from your e-commercesite they probably know other peoplehave the same problem and need yoursolution so create a referral programand you can do this through referralcandy it's a simple tool app that makesit so you can have a referral programand you can do simple things like youget 20 bucks when you refer someone thatalso signs up and buys so that way youboth save twenty dollars or ten dollarsor ten percent off or free shipping orwhatever and maybe you can pick theincentive that you're giving to peoplewho refer people and for the people whosign up through the referral program sothe key with the referral program is notto just incentivize a person who's doingthe referring it's also to incentivizethe person who's accepting the referrallook at uber when you use a bursaryFerol program both parties the personmaking the referral and the personjoining both get compensated and that'swhy you want to make a referral programbe on both ends or else it won't besuccessful follow those seven tips andyou'll do really well with yourecommerce site and you should generateat least fifty plus percent more insales now those are a lot of tips andyou're probably wondering which one youshould be doing first leave a commentbelow and just say hey here's myecommerce store which one of these tipsshould I be using first and I'll respondtelling you which one you should dofirst second etc so that way you'redoing the ones first that are gonnacreate the biggest ROI and I can't justtell everyone hey go do them in thisorder because it varies for each andevery single ecommerce site out therebut if you leave a comment I'll makesure that I give you a detailed responsethat will help you grow faster
