7 Things You Must Know Before You Start An Ecommerce Business

hey what's up today I want to share withyou seven things you must know beforeyou start an ecommerce business theseare seven things I wish I knew when Igot started five years ago these willhelp you to be a lot more successful tostay a lot more focused and to set theright expectations for your business soif you want to learn exactly what theseseven things are then make sure youwatch this entire video welcome backthank you so much for staying on thisvideo I really appreciate it if this isyour first time here my name is CurtBohannanand on this channel I teach people tostart and grow their own e-commercebusinesses so if you have always wantedto learn exactly how you could start andgrow your own e-commerce brand andbusiness then I highly suggest you getsubscribed to my channel because I'malways putting out great quality contentto teach people just like you exactlyhow to do that okay with that said letme talk to you guys about the seventhings you must know before you startyour e-commerce business okay so thefirst very important thing that you mustknow about e-commerce before you startyour own e-commerce business andsomething I wish I knew before I gotstarted five years ago is the fact thatecommerce is still relatively new soecommerce has been around for less than30 years and it's still quite earlywhich means you should be patient withyour e-commerce business so every singlebusiness takes a long time to developand to mature but most people who aregetting into e-commerce know want toreap major benefits from theire-commerce businesses immediately butyou have to understand that ecommerce isstill relatively new and a lot of peoplestill don't understand ecommerce and arestill afraid to use e-commerce to maketheir purchases to put things intoperspective for youecommerce makes up just about 10% ofglobal retail sales which means thatbrick-and-mortar is still winning as itrelates to retail they account forapproximately 90% of the sales in retailso as you can see ecommerce is stillrelatively new so there is a far way togo so if you play the long game inecommerce you can read major benefits inthe next in our 20 or maybe even 30years so be patient it is stillrelatively new and it is quite early toget into e-commerce so that's the firstthing I wish I knew and I would havemade a lot better decisions as itrelates to my business so make sure thatyou keep that in your mind and you knowthat ecommerce is young it's new andit's quite early so start your businessand be patient the second thing that youmust know about e-commerce before youstart your business is that once youstart your e-commerce business your jobnow becomes a full-time marketer soyou're know in the marketing game whichmeans you have to be constantlymarketing your business and you have tolearn all the marketing techniques thatare available and this is what's gonnaset you apart from the competitors andthis is how you will be able to scaleyour business and take your business tothe levels that you want so if you'replanning to start your e-commercebusiness or maybe you've just startedyour e-commerce business I highlyrecommend that you keep educatingyourself keep learning differentmarketing techniques keep learningmarketing psychology and I highlyrecommend that you take differentcourses on the topic so you could starttaking courses on Skillshare for examplewhere you pay just a flat monthly feeand you can take as many marketingcourses as you want but you have to keeplearning the new marketing techniquesand you have to keep marketing yourbusiness so you're know in the digitalmarketing business so make sure youfully understand every single thingthere is to know about digital marketingokay so the next thing that you mustknow about e-commerce before you startyour business especially if you want tohave long term success with yourbusiness is the importance of brandingso branding is extremely important ine-commerce so if you want to have abusiness that is around for a very longtime you have to create a brand when youhave a brand you can create what iscalled brand identity and a brandidentity is basically just how theconsumers perceive your brand all rightso let's say for example you created abrand and you create a really goodproduct and then two years from now youcreates another product then people willI associate that product would be enoughgood quality because they've createdthat brand identity before by releasinga good quality product on your brandwe could take Apple for example so Applehave really good strong brand identityin the marketplace they create reallygood products and people associateuploads amazing products so if Apple wassupposed to release a new producttomorrow or next week or next yearpeople will automatically think of it asbeing of good quality and that is whatbrand identity does for a business soyou want to make sure that you'recreating brand identity and brand equityso start creating our brand okay so thefourth thing that you must know beforeyou start your ecommerce business if youwant to be successful is to understandthat the importance of being visible onsocial media so social media is a veryimportant part of our day-to-day livesand your customers are on social mediaso it only makes sense for you to bethere as well you have to be visible onsocial media so Instagram is one ofthose social media that works great fore-commerce because it's visual it's allabout what you can see on Instagram soit makes sense for you to have yourbrand front and center on Instagram ifyou want to be successful so it's veryimportant that you have a very goodsocial media strategy and that's yourvisible on social media if you want yourbusiness to be successful so I neglectedsocial media for my business for a verylong time but then I found out thatsocial media is very important andthat's when I doubled on my social mediastrategy and ever since I did that mybusiness took off so you want to makesure that you're extremely visible onsocial media the fifth thing you mustknow before you start your e-commercebusiness is that you have to be preparedto consistently optimize your businessso I've been running my own e-commercebusiness for approximately five yearsnow and trust me when I tell you thatit's a constant optimization of strategyevery single day so the first adcampaign you launched may not work thefirst product you release may not workthe first label you design may notwork but it's a matter of testing to seewhat works and optimizing your businessconsistently so you have to be preparedto optimize if you're trying to set up abusiness no and then hopefully generatesconsistent income for you without youdoing anything else that is not how itworks you have to be prepared tooptimize your business to test whatworks and to see what doesn't work andconsistently optimize your business andthat is what's gonna bring you successin the long run number six on the listof things that you must know before youlaunch your ecommerce business is thatyou can hack your way to six and sevenfigures if you have an audience beforeyou launch your brand and business soI've seen countless people on Instagramfor example who have launched differentproducts and I've scaled theirbusinesses to six and seven figureswithin six months and the reason whythey are able to do this is because theyhad an audience on Instagram before theylaunched their products so I know mostof you guys want to start your businessno and you don't want to wait until youhave an audience and I highly recommendyou start no because there are just somany different things to learn but whileyou're building up your business makesure you're focused on growing youraudience on social media as well if youhave an audience already great but ifyou don't start focusing on buildingthat audience it's the easiest possibleway to scale your business to six andseven figures okay so the seventh andfinal thing that I want to share issomething that is very important for meto share because of the misconceptionsthat are out there and you as one of myviewers watching this video I want youto know and fully understand what toexpect from your ecommerce business justso you can have the right expectationsgoing forward so most people thinkecommerce is a get-rich-quick scheme itis not you are not going to get richover night you have a lot of competitionin the marketplace and you have to be init for the long run for you to seesomething from your business so I doknow that a lot of other gurus aretelling you that you can start a dropshipping business or start a privatelabel business and make a milliondollars witha month are two that is not the caseI've been doing this for five years andI can tell you that that is far from thetruth so unless you're willing to grindand to build your business from theground up then maybe this is not thebusiness that you should be in becauseyou are not going to get a milliondollars overnight approximately 98% ofpeople who start ecommerce businessesfield if you want to be in that 2% ofpeople that actually make something fromtheir e-commerce business you have to bewilling to invest a lot of time andenergy into your e-commerce businessokay so there you have it guys those arethe seven things that you must knowbefore you start an e-commerce businessif you know these seven things they willhelp you to be a lot more focused to bemore successful and to set the rightexpectations for your business I reallydo hope you found a lot of value in thisvideo and if you did let me know bydropping a like on this video if youhave any questions leave them in thecomments and don't forget to share thisvideo with a friend thank you so muchfor watching and I'll see you in my nextvideo
