9 Internet Marketing Hacks (That Actually Work)

ix internet marketing hacks let's gohere's one of my favorite tricks that mycustomers on my website have usedhundreds or thousands of times and thatis the hidden party coupon so the ideais this when people go to your checkoutand they're met by this box that sayscoupon code if they don't have a couponcode they're often turned away and theydon't want to buy and so they sometimesleave the cart or they go search aroundon Google trying to find a coupon you'veprobably done the same thing right wellsince you know your customers arealready googling the name of yourwebsite and coupon just go ahead andmake a page yourwebsite.com slashcoupons and then make people feel allexcited when they get itconfetti and balloons and everything andjust make it a little 5% coupon I'vefound that it's converted really reallywell back to when you're gonna havelinks to affiliate products whether it'son Amazon or elsewhere rather thanhaving some big Buy It Now button or orjust a you know a big image that justkind of looks like an ad or rather justuse a text link that says something tothe effect of click here to check outcurrent pricing on Amazon when you dothat it just comes across as less salesyless spammy and people are likely toclick the link just to go check theprice and if they go check the pricethey get the cookie and if they do makea sale earth they do make a purchase ofany kind you get a commission for it ohlook this one's available on Amazon letme click to check the price sweet it's$19 I'm gonna buy pack 3 another optionto really increase your conversion rateis by doing something with abandonedcart in your checkout so what I use forall my checkouts for info products issend owl and I've really enjoyed thatand they have great software that ifsomebody puts a one of my info productsin their cart and thenand I don't know they change their mindand leave which about 12% of people onmy website do they put it in their cartand then they decide man never mindthey're gonna leave so one thing thatreally helps is to have some kind ofoption for abandoned cart usually howthat works is you've already got theiremail address at the start of the signup and then when they abandoned cart yousend them an email I don't really likedoing it that way because I don't wantto take their email in this in thecheckout process I want it as quick aspossible just give me your paymentinformation and it's done so I don'thave their email yet so what I wouldrecommend doing is on Cinda all the wayit works as if they have send in theircart and then they clip you know pressback to leave it pop something up andsays wait would it change your mind if Iknocked 20% off the price that littlechange earned me thousands of dollarsjust last month from from adding thatoption a lot of people take it in factabout one out of ten people are going totake that option so that can workanother option for abandoned cart is ifthey abandon cart as soon as they're inthe cart you tag them with the FacebookFacebook pixel or Google pixel and thenyou can show them retargeting adsknowing that they've left so there are alot of options for abandoned cart highfor our next hack is the just-in-timewebinar with the just-in-time webinaryou're gonna send your users from yourYouTube channel you're gonna say heywe're doing a series of webinars gocheck it out at my website comm slashwebinar when they get over there they'regonna see a timer countdown that's gonnasay hey next webinar starts in fiveminutes and what that does for you is itit gives you a much higher conversion ofpeople you know when you say we're gonnado a bunch of webinars you send themover to the site maybe they register avery low percentage of those people willactually attend the webinar and by doingthe just-in-time webinar you get a muchhigher percentage of people attendingwhich of course increases your audienceengagement and converts a lot more saleshak5 the next hack is smart marketingsomething that used to be reallyexpensive ordownright impossible but now you can domuch less expensive let's say we have awebsite in the fishing industry well wehave all kinds of different people whofish we have people who are red who areinto fly fishing we have people who areblue and purple who are interested insaltwater fishing people interested inbass fishing and ice fishing and allkinds of different fishing so when Irelease an ice fishing course if I sendout an email to everyonewell 3/4 of them are just annoyed by myemail it doesn't apply to them they liveon the ocean where the water doesn'tfreeze and so we have to get the rightoffer to the right person if we want tomake the sale and so the smarter way todo this is to make your website theintermediary on your website you'regonna have all different categoriesyou're gonna have one category of icefishing stuff another category of saltof salt water fishing fishing and bassfishing etc and we have all the peoplecoming to the website and many of themwill sign up to your email list now whenthey sign up to your email list you gettheir IP address and then you can seewhat pages what categories on yourwebsite that IP address has has visitedso if you have a good internet or goodemail marketing system it can do thisfor you it can make it can when somebodysigns up for your email email list andthey've been to a nice phishing pagethey get tagged in your email system sothat you can send just the peopleinterested in ice fishing that offer andwhen you have a new bass fishing courseit goes out to just people who areinterested in your bass fishinginformation it used to be that you couldreally only do this with Infusionsoftwhich was way too complicated and muchtoo expensive for most website ownersbut now I've switched to a really greatnew email marketing system I've beenwith them for almost a year now and theymake this supersuper easy so I can highly recommendactive campaign go to income school commslash hacks and you'll see more abouthow this works and why we'rerecommending active campaign for youremail list it's really really coolhack six all right this one's a littlebit old-school you've probably heard itbefore and so let's send this one overto an old man to explain it to us whenyou have an item on your website forsale the conversion rate will increasedramatically if you have a timer if it'stime limited for the people to be ableto buy it problem is that means that youcan only sell for a certain amount oftime so what if you could have thatcountdown timer and have the saleactually truly end you're not lying topeople but it was an honor on anindividual basis each person only had 48hours 24 hours to make a make a purchasedecision well that's what deadlinefunnel does for you on with deadlinesfunnel it's software that has a salespage that as soon as somebody clicks thelink their timer starts for them and soas people enter your sales process theyget the opportunity to buy for a limitedamount of time on that sales price buteverybody gets that same opportunity forthe first twenty five or four hours thatthey're on there it makes yourconversion rate go way up and it's anhonest way to run your sale you're notlying to anybody about the sale endinghack said why are we counting on ourfingers our next tip is the upsell nowthe upsell is when you have a productpeople are already there it's in theircars to purchasing it and then you makethem an offer for another product thistends to work really really well whenthe second product you offer issubstantially less expensive than thefirst no more than about half the priceof the first if you if they're buying a$50 product you know what's anotherseven dollars to tack on to the top ifit's a related product that they'rethey're likely to want anywaythis doesn't tend to make a lot of senseif you have a really dedicated base ofor community or subscriber base ofpeople that are going to probably buyall your products anyway but for thereal transactional businessit makes a ton of sense you might aswell try to get the extra sale whileyou're at it now the tool that we reallylike for this we're using sundial forthis and the reason why is thatsend al what they allow us to processthe card they everything's already donethe customers already made the order andthen afterwards it just says hey do youwant to add this as well for anotherseven dollars and they just say yes orconfirm and and it's done they don'thave to enter their payment informationagain now the reason we like it there isif we try to do the upsell before theyenter their credit card informationit'll actually get some people to backout completely of the first purchase soagain the tools working really reallywell for us and tends to just add thatextra boost to sales and just get alittle bit more out of the people thatwe're not likely to see again I'd likethree business tacos please would youlike fries with that I've had eight onethat I've used for years is to make gooduse of that first email to somebody assoon as they sign up for your email listthat email is often wasted usuallypeople just have their autoresponders sothe first email just says yoursubscription is confirmed thank you somuch you're gonna love this emailnewsletter and instead I make thesubject line that says subscriptionconfirmedhere's your coupon that I promised andthey on the site somewhere it says thatthey're going to get a coupon but mostpeople didn't even know that they weregoing to get itso they subscribe to the website thatfirst email gets them to the store onyour website so they can buy an infoproduct or whatever and they feel likeooh they have a coupon and often I'llsay you're on there if it's true but theway I had a set up for years is that wasliteral of the only coupon for any of myproducts was that one and so in thatemail you can say hey here's the couponI promise it's for 50% off any of my ofmy info products and this is literallythe only coupon that will ever exist tothese info products it converts reallyreally well and so it's something to tryhack nine all right this next hack is agreat way to boost your Google rankingsfor a certain article when you talkabout that articleor the same principle from an article ina podcast or in a YouTube video whatyou're going to do is instead ofcreating a pretty link or a short linkto send people to that article on yourwebsite you're going to have them Googlethe exact name of that article and whatthat's going to do is it's going to sendGoogle a signal that people are googlingthis topic and then they're going tothis to your website and that's going toboost those rankings way up so ratherthan creating some pretty link for thisvideo so that you can go get all of ourresources and and learn more about thesedifferent tips we're gonna have youGoogle 9 internet marketing hacks incomeschool and when you do that and you gofind the post by income school you'regoing to get all sorts of informationmore details as well as all of ourresources and links to help you toimplement these hacks on your ownwebsiteno more hacks that's all we've got[Music][Laughter]
