Andrew Tan Talks About How To Start An Ecommerce Business | ecommerce business in singapore

cool so today I'm here with mr. Newtonhe's an e-commerce expert he has beendoing e-commerce for the past 13 yearsit has been teaching with a provensystem on how to use the internet tomake money right so maybe we can share abit about your journey like how manyfirst after you have successfully or youfeel that will be what yeahinteresting question I actually feelmany many times and my journey tosuccess or my journey to my firstmillion dollars actually I came a lot ofprice for wrong things like I followed afew men thought previously from Americathat promises that while we they'reshort for your time we have got a thirdand you can grow to become making atleast five six figures a man even hitmillion dollars a month so those aretimes like in2005 that I was buying intoa lot of these Americans because uh andturns out quite a lot of them don'tdeliver on what they promised on andthey take your money and then after theyteach you things that are so superficialwhat's the things that along the way Ialways felt that the internet had itsfuture of his own as you know that wealready see signs in retail where onlinebusiness is slowly slowly affectingoffline business so he saw this a longtime ago and then when I was starting myeBay journey in in to 0 second of when Ifirst started selling on ebay the firstmu T was ET yeah first on ebay and thetime I wasn't making a lot of money Iwas like trying out everything on my ownto see what works or notmaking about five hundred three hundreddollars us a month which I know wasn'tenough fluffysee I was net profit there are fear butstill the net profit wasn't yeahmeliha yeah but Syria thank you andwe've with eBay I decided that myself ofinfo and I picked my mentor quite a sumof money and he's from he's from Canadaand when I had to even travel quite farwhen learning this skill but then onecool thing that I really discoveredabout about selling on eBay okayyou can make use of big data you canmake use of software to do research toreally find out what can make moneyfirst then you spend your money to buystocks that's why right from the earlydays I already had this concept thatthat making money somebody can make youcan't lose but if you know how to findout things where the profit is there andyou will not lose money and that'sdemanding in those thingsyou almost 95% sure of making money withhow many products are you selling knowhow many shops do you like I actuallyhave quite a few businesses and Istarted off selling electronics andelectronics was my main niche for forabout seven years and then SS myevolution when like I started withproducts where it is like Oh am or nobrands and products they're justfunctional and they may even perform aswell as a brand of good but then theprices are people so from China all myall my stuff and from from thoseproducts they started I realized it is areally easy way to start you find outwhat actually sells well then after thatyou go on to websites in China you canfind out these products is it stillselling welland after think those products and alower price and redirect to SingaporeSouth okay so I see you see that if thatmarket sock they put up yeah the poorshould be yeah exactly thing it wastheir super crown arrow but then ofcourse their products way they are quiteno-brainer like your phone's bluetoothearpiece speaker /o iPhone covers Ithought everyone else is selling thesame thing there was a competitive edgesee yes what I see as the evolution ofe-commerce many people when I startedecommerce that time they will start offselling things that everybody areselling but then the problem that iscompetition your credit competition thethis you can be selling well for onemonth and suddenly someone else comewith with the same for that and thenthere'll be a price one that's right theway I look at ecommerce is when youstart knowing what sellswe're already you should have an edge ofpackaging things together bundlingthings together or as what yourcompetitors don't do and then when yougain sudden market share and at the sametime gain some database of customerswhen when you get your so backtrack onesaying is that when you sell online youalways get the customers name contactdetails order you should keep that as aformal database so while on one handyou're selling these database isaccumulating then when you ask when youaccurate database even though competitorcan come in to sell the same productthat you're selling you can always havethis database where you can bundlesomething new and go goes out to thesame existing customers a new for acondo so new product liner in in a waylike a new frock package well ultimatelywhat I see as the way that you can meetyourself differently ecommerce is yougot to have your Odin brand and andthat's why I createdSingapore's first type of brainand peekaboo and I just tell you I'm noteven a dyke expert on the mean the mainthing was that I did a bit of homeworkand I found out that this was anindustry that could be deducted and andbecause this is naturally had a lottraditional distribution channels whenthey go through so distributorwholesaler and so now I become themanufacturer where I do private labelingin other words that means go find asupplier they have existing formulas orexisting ingredients existing moles andall you do is just change that thatbranding to your home by train sothere's a big thing I've got privatelabeling is a huge business modelaltogether and what I'm showing you heretoday is really the cutting edge ofe-commerce what's the future going tohappen in e-commerce and and once youhave your own brand now you are themanufacturer brand owner making soreinternet to go to the end consumer andwhat does this meannow you can literally give consumers abetter quality product but at the sameprice that's why your company thewrestling and because you have that yeahyou become a low-cost producer you willhave an economic mode means it is not soeasy for someone else to compete withyou because you can produce it peopleall you have the bread and all that nowwe say that there are four levels of abusiness right the first level isproducts right products and services allright let's say I buy a normal shoeso maybe five dollars for like ChinaRussia was right there are say thismarketing shoes and branding right solike why LV bag is worth like $2,000$8,000 is because of mocking seasonreading mmm-hmm of business right it's aplatform so you BoAlibaba faced with a platform businessright but doesn't hold any taxes is thebiggesttaxi provider Alibaba doesn't own anyinventory is the because biggestmarketplace soplatform businessthe fourth level because the highestlevel is an ecosystem sense that's whyAlibaba comes like a leap a grab alsocome by grab a basically create hopebecause it's an uber has goober itsecosystem there or support each otherand when you can create a business as anecosystem business right then that'swhere you have a very strong economicmove right and number one investors whoinvest in you and what do you havecompetitive aging about the tree you canyeah all these sounds really great youknow thank you for that and and you seea TRD whoever what you was we still Ifeel is the good thing about yeah at themost basic thing you know where they arestarting why is what should they belooking at and and like you do Facebookmarketing and it's all if you reallyfind the correct thing or correctvehicle to start then Facebook marketingjust enhances it to mix it give me onesec no coming back to really about wheredo I come from when you are total newbieand you have no idea where should bestarting I give you a bit of abackground of mine my journey aboutdoing a lot of wrong thingsthere was actually when I started off Idid drop shipping and it on just to whenI did drop shipping and that was in mythought the easiest way to make moneybecause I could don't hold inventory andthen I can I can go I can still makemoney by sending just customers to buyfrom manufacturers okay just a big dropshould be is right so it's basically Tlet's say I hold a shop right on theonline shop so customers buy from anonline shop but from let's say Chinaships directly to the miss the Chinadoesn't ship to me then ships otherships irony to them so this way youdon't go in venturi and you can you knowanything is you can basically your jobis in sales and marketingyeah therefore few money doesn't keepthe care of put upfactory order to take care of all theseknow things yeah all these actuallysounds good you know but this is thereality of what what happened when I diddrops you mean you see that days likemanufacturer was the remote themanufacturer to manufacture the productsright then that is the customer what'sthe raw the customer buy the productsthen there is you also known as theseller what is your role is to find thecustomer to buy the product frommanufacturer correct in thisrelationship you find the customer okaythe manufacturer delivers the product tothe customer but then also oh sorry andone more thing then the money isactually split between you and themanufacturer a lot of people think wowit is such a wonderful model but this isthe reality of this model you willalways be spending advertising dollarsto find customers and in fact which ismore expensive to get I mean you youanswer me to spend money to find a newcustomer to buy from you or to get anexisting customer to buy a game from youbecause 7 times more yeah right so youknow that it's always the new customerthat's the most expensive so in thischart scenario we always spend theadvertising dollars to find a newcustomer but when the new customer getsthe products when the manufacturerdelivers the products within the packagethey'll put their own contact detailstheir own brochures and order again therepeat sales both to hook thatmanufacturer the manufacturer yeahthat's why in then story I realized thatI can be spending so much money drivingand driving driving driving truck IndianI don't hardly anything yeah an innerlogic that found out work that if let'ssay the the spot the the risk ofclearing that inventory is onhands of the manufacturer then I willobviously the manufacturer would commandthe higher profit margin yes No so inthis relationship you always be givingvery very small Commission's only itdoesn't make sense for you yeah so Imean the kind of of mistake but thenagain there are people who do you thinka lot of money they do if they if theyactually find a drop shipper that firsthonest human that they want they willput in their own starter here and therethey have a good budget to spend on assand heating in the car relationship thatactually works is the seller himselfmust be willing to commit to themanufacturer a very high volume everymonth so that person must be really goodto commit the high body that's rightwhen we come for for newbies the easiestway is my opinion for newbies to starteris this time now to start an internetbusiness you must always have a websiteagree of course of ityou must have products you must havesales copies or sales like this and youmust have traffic internet business nowthen then the thing is so manybusinesses on the internet require allthese four and traffic in my opinion noteveryone as a new person has got thatmuch talent and really skills totranscribe traffic yeah you agree that'sright when I started my journey ofreally I need to make money and I needto make money fast and I need my moneyto be secure and safe then I realizedthat okay say this is the whole internetworkwhoa okay internet marketing right andyet there are things like affiliatemarketing as all the direct responds allthese actually all can make money yeahbut yet the learning curve for the newperson was so big you know include meand then in the end in the internetworld I decided to choose you know rightand why all these because all thesewebsites have got one thing in commontraffic traffic so the four things thatsaid just my right website now you don'teven need to worry about website anymoreokay then products products sales copyanything means just a few bullet moreIndia from the instruction where youknow or the box of the item so salescoffee don't even need the water anymoreand the most big thing traffic anymorethat's why that time when I be honest -yeah I'm not technically savvy at all mycomputer skills are like close to homeplus enough okay okay I just know how touse emailsomething very common and yeah nowrealized that if I choose this littlecircle yeah I only need to focus onfinding the correct products and that'swhy I made it easy remember I saidearlier about big dataokay that's why when I realized thatthat the Internet has got software thatyou can use to study human buyingpattern that tells you one is in trendnow how much does it sell how muchcompetitors there are can you make agood profit margin how sustainable isthis product when you can answer allthese questions suddenly making moneybecame a lot more easier compared to therest yeah I think I think making moneyat the LD writes a lot about I'll betrash the money supply how do you findthat get right between divided supplywhere the supplier doesn't know how toget to the consumer and that's wherewhen you come in to buy the programmerand sell your higher that that's whereall the opportunities are whether is itreinstate its buying and selling rightwhat is it my chestbuying and selling when is he buyingproducts buying and selling whether youown a business buying and selling yeaheverything's for saleeverything's about buying and sellingnot finding the the arbitrage yeah and Ithink he has a cristóbal niche softwareyeah I got BT that software he has a bigdealer so answers there that watch notshine so which so there's so manyplatforms right what would you recommendfocus on one platform or do multiplefolks yeah that's also an interestingthought you know like like many peopleare sure you'll be selling overseas orshould be saying locally which I meanamazon she listened be quite funding onit I come back with a in a question likewould you prefer to be a small fish inthe big ocean or would you like to be abig fish in a small pond okay soeveryone ever asking the same samequestion then is the answer like I wantto be the ocean you know what to be theoceanyeah but you need to first rememberbefore you even become a no-show yeah gofirst be a droplet of water okay and andyou if the person who ever wants toconquer the internet or have a bigInternet recess if they don't even havethe little bit of basics okay sobasically what we are talking about eventhough we are talking in like analogiesright he's saying do you want to be abig player in a in a small market so youbecome you have the monopoly you don'tneed a monkey or you would rather be asmall play in a big market so there's alot of competition the other fish caneasily eat you because you do have aneconomy mode right and I said I ratherbe the ocean means you become theplatform if you are Emmas on itself ifyou are cuter itself then everyone'sswimming within your ocean right but ofcourse it's not so easy to build aplatform at the size of that level thefourth level be social ecosystembusiness yeah and and I really have aheart for people who are new and on thistable and my thing is this if you alwaysstart that where you're most comfortablewith the least amount of effort thatmakes correct me first then as you trainyourself well and you get get moreunderstanding of what is this thisbusiness that you are in then you canexpand and scale a lot more to overseasmarkets so which is why after selling oneBaywell the answer is both both the answeris really both right there is a sequencethe sequence is not trying to bite offtoo much until you cannot chew but is tostart off with some manageablebusiness model like selling on q10 whichis very local to local selling to largethat are local to local yeah so that iseasily control you know because anythingthat happens that can go wrong all ittakes is one phone call the customerthings are set up in the USA is so faraway you can get one back review youraccountsuspended and shut down and Indians likeyou could have already spent in 30 or 50thousand dollars to buy a huge amountstop and put it into into in the USA orif I mean I don't mention any othermodels just to be fair but it could bethat people already spend a lot of moneyon inventory and me inventory getstaxing cannot be so because no accountwhatever business beats person isteaching with regards to internetmarketing right applies for business aswell applies for any kind of businessyeah big fish in a small place forbusiness not just internet marketingokay so you recommend going local firstdominate the market first they my my wayof doing things is the the sequenceworks find out what is the niche thatyou are looking at actually that's wellokay test it out on local marketplaceswhere is easily control okay then let'sadd a Sharpie carousel etc so that onceyou know that this product is selectedactually starts selling well then you gomultiple channels multiple channelsmultiple websites you can do deal sitesyou can will start your own websiteusing Shopify whatsoever but only whenyou're tested the product to know thatit sells well and and then you move onto multiple platforms and when you startto move to multiple platforms at timeremember that is not always about justselling one for that base mom what oneproduct can be deadly for that where youcan cross-sell and upsell multiple otherproducts so the customer has got achoice to buy more bundles and one whenwhen that happens ready then you moveoverseas so that's so the strategy is toknow how to write an adjustor one butare you create yourself and those yeahjust like if you go to any I mean retailshop any retail shop even even I justwent to the Iand I bought electric scooter but thenthe electric scooter always come theabsence of the one this this lights togo we do you wonder whatever meat so itonly makes sense that customer so say Idon't mind buying more because itenhances the is related to the firstproduct than one and it's alwaysimportant to remember that that your SSseller your job is to offer it is thechoice of the customer to say whetherthey want to buy and do not want to buybut it's like you offer and you offerthings that are related to what thecustomers gonna buy yeah even if not ahundred percent why say fifty sixpercent why it's not miss a ten percentthen you have even coming from theinternet always ten percent but in themarketplace worldit's actually about fifty percent okayit's a very much smaller ecosystem andand the the ten percent of this is kindof like fifteen percent of this and itscolor to two different kernels and whatyou realize it in marketplace marketingyour control of your bundles or youryour response is nuts or bundle sayswill always be higher so you see youryour competitive edge lies in thedifference between a good set and a petseller on marketplace in my people isnothing is how they how do you researchopera yeah so much how they sell ahottie pursue your hobby they can writea copy yeah because out of these fourstep trigger the next step would be tocreate your own branding on things thatyou already know sell very well yeah andyou know exactly what bundles you needto playokay so remember the fish that's rightthe the beginning is really aboutselecting the correct for that and andmy take on this is that too many peoplefall in love with products it does notsound and we hear people do business tosee oh this this this is so amazing thewhole world can meet and you know peoplesee it contains a corner product but tome is like if the data does not showthat their customers buying this productand making the amount profit margin Iwon't even touch it so what do you thinkis the outlook of the trend of yeah Ihave actuallyevery way I can make money is thequestion of where what needs you youwant to focus on and how big is yourincome if you just sell maybe oncharacter alone I think not so good yeahwell I think that is a product sell outse sell on every platform that's why Icame out this concept for the one nichedominate social on every platform soevery platformokay you start off with where you'recomfortable with and then so once youknow that this projects gonna workalready works with implication duplicatethis on as many website as you can seelocal and overseas okay yes as long asyou know that this product sells eachplatform has got traffic where do wepick up small traffic yeah it willalways bring you a certain amount ofsales yeah and there are actually sothere's no need to drive any ads oranything at all no need to other thanbuying products is there any otherinvestment that people need to come upwith um in the beginning you don't haveto drive any else whatsoever in fact byselecting the correct for that itself islike half the better onethen once once you there are strategieson how you can do promotions to enhanceyour sales so the key things once youhave found a correct for that that emailwould attract the customer come in theback then after that you'll be thingslike how do you appear on top of pageone such page and the another thingabout marketplaces is that when you arewhen your product starts picking up theywere always attaching account manager toyou and it's kind of like you have astaff that works for you but you don'thave to pay for their salary and yet weare dedicated to helping you internetaccount so let's take you take forexample a q10 Account Manager they willask you what you need in order to sellbetter and then do they even help youwith a promotion some by Sponsorpromotions for you sometimes they evensponsor you money so for example theyhave a big campaign Kamiya say yourproduct is originally selling for like$45 you know and then they will say canyou say thirty-nine ninety you know andthen and then they will say okay I'mwilling to sponsor you that differencebetween thirty nine ninety to forty fiveand you start thirty-nine ninety so thatwe can have that big push our customersso they actually do sponsor money aswell so no other money they've spent youhave to sometimes release theadvertising mostly is what advertisingplacement position or place or placementon the pageare you advertise on the platform itselfso less effort I think was yeah now yeahlike they are thenegative ads yeah that's Facebook adsthat's Google ads all these are the adnetworks that are all watering correctbut yet we didn't marketplaces they havetheir own ad networks are in their ownecosystem where it allows you toposition yourself in the high rankingpages so for example on the top of pageone of the search page on the home pageof the eggs actual website or on thedeals patient order sometimes you need alittle money but yet the mud that youpay can be very small it can be like onedollar a day to five dollars a day okayyou know I was reading this book byPhilip ConnorSophie Lee Connor is the father ofmodern marketing right he's theprofessor he writes all the businessbooks about marketing and he said andthe title is marketing 4.0 so staymocking one bio is product centricmarketing means the the companies have aproduct and it's product centric so theway the market is based on how to sellthis product marketing 2.0 is customercentric okay which means they think whyis the needs of the customer and thecritter products to satisfy the needs ofthe customer so they don't suffer theprocess this time for the customer firstand they work backwards to work but Idid my thing 3.0 is humans and treatmentclean means they look at consumers sactual people they interact with peoplelike people rather than just a messemail or that now they interact withtheir clients so that less humans thatwe marketing and marketing for / / isfrom traditional to digital fromtraditional to digitally which meansright now all rightkind of changes in the way people domarketing number one communications notdo is every platform that you see rightbook reorder or call feedback scoreresolved so nowadays right is where toscam people or is very hard to get awaywith it because if you just do one thingthat one time the repetition yeah that'sitit goes viral yeah social media so rightnow right because of social mediabecause of how interconnected the worldis right now the power goes back to theconsumers where they get to share by theexperience so now that we knewleaving in McLean for parole we need touse marking for pyrotechnics rather thanbeing stuck in or how to sell put out acell for that we nearly thinking how canwe you know be part of this wholeecosystem I like the things in power andI wanna Amazon when when I had theprivilege of going to meet up with theexecutives of Amazon to understand howthey work things out they alwaysremember one thing that Jeff Bezos saidthere was an interviewer that asked himso tell me what's going to change youknow next 10 years you know so that wecan be prepared you know yeah and thenJeff Bezos said why talk about what'sgonna change in the next 10 years butrather I would work on what will neverchange in the next 10 yearsfor example customers always want betterquality cheaper price yeah fastershipping correct so if you know thatthese count things will never changethen like what you you say walk backfrom the customer so we was engineerfrom in the end what you know is the endresult of the customer one and withrespect to give the one I think reverseengineers huge business big space a hugesuccess the Marling's about reverseengineering your customer thinking whois your target market and then who whowill want your product and then workingbackwards okay how do I reach the personI wish them to Facebook s I wish them toa Matthew please The X Factor I feelthat the X Factor is still relationshipsbecause it's always be from 5,000 yearsago yeah and at the truth and a lot ofmarketers forget that sometimesautomation feels robotic yeah but if youcan communicate with your customer likeas though you're talking there as afriend or you you even market to them orthat you are not trying to sell them butyou are really trying to be a friend tosay that hey these are your needs firstfind out these aretheir needs then I noticed that theremight be dish product that could caterto your needs and chat with them as afriend the sales the the transactionhappens if everything is not automatedit's we have two skills all rightbasically ten buyers how you gonna carryeach otheryou need software you need software thatcan customize human touch that's nothuman touch anymore even a software tocustomize human touch that's not humananymoregive you an example you know many manymany cat is like like whatsapp or likefacebook Messenger check yeah but in away you can lead the customer down likerole playing game style so customersthey get started you can ask a questionthey know by stupid they know isautomated and before webinars right andbefore webinars their life when you dothat is actually to you an answerofficial or they actually see or Davidayou know that is that feeling like youknow and I'm before webinos that there'sno change they say well I do it so I dois automate aware you know I meanthere's nothing wrong with that it'sjust with automation automation means nohuman touchthere's no way you can automate humantouch unless you see employees that youknow way yes you you've got a pointthere yeahat the same time the the main point andthing is why you have automation thecommunication style is automated needsto feel like it's a friend of interfriend then that way automation humantouch kind of just in degrees it's afine line you can say that there's nolonger human and one but then what thewhen what the customers remember isalways what they feel about you and ifthey can feel that you are friend tothem the transaction happens much easierso right now which is your strongesttelephone directed to the boss strongestplatform right now it is still q10 andlazada q10 patellas are locally on theside I use shorty 5 for my own brand okand how I integrate the two is I butsince you believe this is a veryimportant point every website is alwaysconcerned about traffic and leads yes orno yes and to spend a lot of money toget traffic and leaves and you'd stillhave to put your traffic at least downto a conversion path before they buysomething years alone okay so in when Iuse marketplace marketing why is he cuteunless that I student number one for meis because q10 in lozada already has gotalready traffic for me to use productsto leave the customers in yes but onceI've got them in ready I've got ways toget them converted to become my leads tobuy on my Shopify website okay so okayso basically what he's doing is takingthe leads from the marketplace bringinghim to his own ecosystem where he hasdefault products and because if let'ssay k my while I would never channelFacebook Ads leads to an Amazon pagerise because Emma's all view like tearup hey do you want this other productwhich is my competitors but are insteadright so why he does is he sells onAmazon and he takes the lead scientiston the into his own yeah and then onceonce those leads come back and theybecome part of your database meet thatrelationship with them yeah and ofcourse my my niche is the baby is a babyyeah so this company Kabu Kabu PE k APor is peekaboo comm basically yeah andand and when I've got all these databaseof people come in therefocus on buying baby perhaps I can givethem educational tools give them so andyou feel a whole community oh yeah thenext the next Papa marketing is acommunity marketing because the best wayto create customer loyalty right yeahyes yeah no good put on order but abetter to create customer loyalty rightis that you must create your your yourbusiness like a religion it was creativebusiness like a family when we got goodidea at home in your in the communitywhere accuracy you clear SG mum'sFacebook group so everyone else isactive and if you did about thecommunity contribute oh I bought is badpass on my son is good yeah and we needin every community there will always beinfluences yeah that we always thatinformal leader and somehow rather whenwhen within your own database from evenif you use forms you know once youidentify that person make that person aspecial friend make that person somebodyyou did that you give something extrajust to say help me do a shop and thatone person suddenly brings you a wholelot morethen you can put them through the systemagain and get the database and then Icome to data everything influencesmarketing before yes I have and and notdirectly but I do have a team that takescare of social media marketingno influences yeah yeah the cosmetics ohyeah I will engage followers yeah onepost a post could get like 4,000 likespictures I spend money on fees because Imight not get as much I have used quitea few before and I'm I'm the kind of guywho try not to spend that much yeah soso I always make use of productsexchange yeah for the chance so ifthere's one last tip that you wannashare them on how to get started or howdo you just open a store find a Buddhathere's one lastthis may sound out of context what weare talking about internet marketing andall that but it's definitely got a lotto do with success and we can talk aboutall the vehicles and all the techniquesand whatever that we are doing at theend of the day what makes a personsuccessful or not in my opinion is thisone word great GRI Tgrit is more than perseverance no it'slike when when it's a sense of knowingthat once you keep continue doing whatyou're doing focusing on giving thevalue that you're giving the money willcome along the way and that grid is sucha survival instinct within every humanbeing that I feel if each individual canhave some form of hunger some that woulddevelop some form of grit they willbecome successful and I also alwaysbelieved that every successful personhas some form of responsibility ofburden that they have to fulfill justlike some you need to take care of afamily you need to put food on the tableyou need and and and it's kind of likethe polarization in order for you to tobe wealthy you need to recognize povertyI don't say you need to be poor but youneed to recognize what is that in orderto appreciate that yeah you don't sayright yeah and and it all comes down tothe individual understanding that thisis my spectrum way am I on that spectrumand if I ever want to get to that nextlevel I need to first inside me havethat hunger and the survivors do andagree to say I want to go up I want tobe more successful and that itself nomatter what you do you'll be successfulon top of that maybe I said last secondlast tip would bebe careful who you hang out with youyour your people that you hang out withthe most either will pull you down orthey'll push you to go further so reallychoose your friends wisely and if youwanna up your net worth up yeah yeah sowhat what gives you your grid what Ifeel I feel enough times to have grit inwho I feel enough times with with themaybe I hit I really hate filming and Idid not like the feeling of being afailure so because of that every time Ifail I look at it as what did I reallylearn from this did it feel bad yes itdefinitely did feel well but as a resultthat made me feel bad for the fewmoments one hour two hour after it getup go and find that next thing that youneed to do that makes this even betterand and that finishes people like peoplelike no one has any idea how manyappointments I made you got to bewilling to pay the price implies thatsuccess is yeah very beautiful yeah theeasy you are if you're earning thousandsyou will not hesitate spending tens okayright but if you're earning thousandsyou spend hundreds suddenly you feel ohthis is uncomfortable ready right but ifyou're earning tens of thousands youwill not bother about spending hundredsbecause it doesn't feel that bad yeahyou know if you are earning that millionthen spending the thousandwouldn't feel so bad so if youunderstand that this is how the worldworks then your goal should be whereveryou're at make sure you hit that nextzero then you realize that in my opinionlike when I was an employee making fewthousand dollars a monthspending a few hundred dollars is verypainful but the moment when you start tobreak through the next level you startto get ten thousand twenty thousanddollars in camel mine thirty thousand inyou realize that you spend 1000 20002000 if you came for long and one thingis that making money right isn't is hemaking money he I would say why I haveexperience of is that there's always aprice to pay for success right thesacrifices that you have to make rightit could be number one time we write tolike crazy grind right number three itcould be quality time with your familyright number four it could be yourmorality right like there are people wholose the morality in order to besuccessful who who do illegal stuff inorder to be successfuleverything is a price tag right thequestions are you willing to pay theprice and how do you want to pay theprice you wanna pay true time truehassle but you wanna be true news trueimmense pain is there's a price to payfor success and for me for example I'veleft so much money on the table rightI've left I have an FIR gone a lot ofopportunities because I was willing togive up my values or because like a babytoday I also serve an appointment my dadasked me out for dinner and cause Ihaven't eaten dinner envelope I saidokay so that is that is a price to payfor success the questions how howwilling are you to sacrifice how farwill you go to sacrifice are you willingwith 18 hours a day 20 hours a day fourhours of sleep you know maybe maybe wedon't scare them too much it's not thatdifficult to be really honored it's justthat that choice that's always a choiceyou do you wanna do this or do you wannado that it's not difficult I always sayalways stick to righteousness yes alwaysthecan always do things based on integrityand never harming anyone and the reasonwhy I like to do things that arerighteous and order is because numberone branding is super important do ismore sustainable yeah and I'm sure youfeel better by yourself yeah at nightyou feel that okay you didn't how manybuddy yeah I believe karma existsthere's always cause and effect or notso one last thing use it or kind of saythe last thing I do want to wisheverybody viewing here all the best inyour success and whoever whatever stateyou are in your life now whether you arefeeling burdened or Taft or depressed Ijust want to encourage you hang in therebecause as long as you seek to givevalue and you seek to give value to manypeople the more value that you give yourealize that money comes that with theright hand of giving value I mean I justmetaphorically speakingbut many comes with you learn more fromyou or you can google me look for Andrewthank you Oh ten okay ten or my websiteis a freedom maker calm freedom makeryeah and then if you are interested comeand listen to my e-commerce talks my webmy website is workshop SG comm slash q10is workshop workshop SG comm slash q10much yeah hey and it's been a pleasurechatting thank you thank you as one[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Music]
