Another Top 10 Ridiculous Infomercial Products

buyer beware is a mantra that customerswould do well to remember welcome and today we're countingdown our picks for another top 10ridiculous infomercial products beforewe begin we publish new content everyday so be sure to subscribe to ourchannel and ring the bell to getnotified about our latest videos forthis list we're looking at even morecrazy infomercial products if you don'tsee one you thought would be here besure to check out our first list on thetopic number 10 poo trap introducing pootrap an amazing new innovation thateliminates the need of picking up afteryour dog though dog waste might seemlike little more than an inconvenienceit can contain bacteria and parasiteswhich if exposed to the eyes can resultin blindness meaning that when you don'tpick up after your dog you expose othersto more than just some poop on theirshoes it's easy to install on your dogand makes your walking experience funpoo trap is a product with goodintentions but an incredibly bizarreexecution it's a brightly coloredharness you strap onto your dog's rearwith a tiny bag attached so that whenthey squat to do their business the poowill in theory go straight into the bagwithout you having to actually pick itup nice and simple poo trap is availablein eight sizes and three colors butunfortunately it's simply too odd formost people and probably dogs as well asyou can see his poop is in the bagthat's the poo trap I would notrecommend this for anybody or anythingnumber 9 car valet if you frequentlyfind yourself frustrated by your car'scupholders both the space they offer andthe number of them available fret nomore because car valet is here to helpspilled coffee everywhere all becauseyour cup holders never have room foractual cops this product is basicallyjust attachable cup and other accessoryholders but while it is a pretty goodidea the way it's advertised leaves muchto be desired inc lemonadethank you you know I don't have a cupholder can I just give that in theinfomercial we see people dropping allkinds of stuff at one point a womanwho's talking animatedly on the phonedrops the device but luckily car valetis there to catch it it just feels likea stretch so when you're facing thoseextreme situations you'll have just thesolution you need right when you need itthe most number eightbooty pop it's here Hollywood's hottestnew trade secretbooty pop think of it like a Wonder Brabut for your butt booty pop isadvertised as push-up panties designedto make your butt pop no matter whatyou're wearing to help raise yourconfidence and make you look good bootypop turns a droopy derriere into ayouthful-looking head-turningbootylicious booty despite this being aproduct that some women would surely buythe commercial is downright patronizingclaiming that the only thing women careabout when buying a pair of jeans is howtheir backside is gonna look now you canget that fabulous figure thatbootylicious perky pop that all womenwant without lifting a finger it alsoimplies that booty pop is used bycelebrities though they never actuallynamed these alleged users Hollywood'shottest new trade secret indeed Alicefor this booty number seven talking TPwhile some infomercial products aregenuinely useful and ingenious this isnot one of them it's about as a noveltyminded as you can get let me did a hookup cable in here or something you needDirect TV well it's probably too latefor this dump but you know if you doactually site talking TP is a toiletroll holder with a built-in speaker andmicrophone so you can record a messageon it this recording will then triggerevery time somebody takes some paper towipe with this would obviously beterrifying if you were going to thebathroom in the middle of the night orif you're a guest in somebody else'shouse but what makes it even weirder arethe example recordings used in thecommercial and the uproarious laughterthey'll supposedly inspire and bathroomvisitorsnumber six big hot dog big hot dogsolves all the problems inherent to tinyhot dogs this product aims to eliminatethe problem of having your hot dogsrolling around on the grill or worsefalling onto the ground when you'retrying to cook them by creating amonstrous seven pound 16 inch hot dogI'm just getting a hot dog we're allgetting hot dogsthe makers recommend that you chop themassive hot dog into hot dog pattiesbefore trying to cook it for the momentlet's just forget the fact that it'sobviously easier to just buy burgers ifyou're gonna slice them into that shapegot a big hunger cut a big slice insteadlet's bask in the glory of thiscommercial which is one of the mostsurreal infomercials you're ever gonnasee with the craziest thing of all oneof these costs just 170 dollars tiny hotdogs come in packages of six while theirbuns come in packages of eight numberfive potty putter golf clapgolf clamif the talking toilet paper wasn'tenough ridiculousness for your bathroomyou can now buy your very own miniaturegolf set to put on the floor in front ofyouI'll practice your putting every timeyou take care of your other businessjust aim and shoot the ball into the cupthis is advertised as a way to help youpractice your putting and uses the samefake green as real golf courses dothough on a real golf course youprobably won't be trying to use thebathroom at the same time when you'rebored in the bathroom you rush andthat's unhealthy but with the pottyputter you'll take the time to playunfortunately the potty putter raisesmore problems than it solvesmainly the question of whether you setit up permanently or do you only take itout whenever you need to go your bodybutter is the perfect gift for the manon the go he'll relax and think of youevery time he practices Puttock numberfour doc bottoms a spray are yousuffering from pungent pits foul feetbeastly butt odor how do you stop thiscommercial was deemed so shocking andinappropriate that the network runningit had to pull it shortly after it firstaired doc bottoms Aspray is the world'sfirst all-over deodorant but theinfomercial doesn't play around when itcomes to describing exactly which areasthose problem smells arise from it canbe used anywhere and I mean anywhere onyour body a spray goes where otherdeodorants can it targets specific odorzones including pungent pits foul feetand beastly butt odor this entirecommercial is offensively over-the-topit's that simple no bacteria no stankdoes it work we honestly don't know butthe branding and marketing certainlydon't do much to endure it to mainstreamconsumers I work hard for a living Isweat a lot I got I got older in specialplaces and with a spray I don't have toworry about that anymorenumber three free flexor you will buildstrengthyou will get ribs if you thought theshake weight was the most suggestiveinfomercial product out there you aresorely mistaken because the free flexorhas more than earned that title I'mgonna flex and bust out of here it'scalled the world's first flexingdumbbell but all it appears to be is twocircular weights on either end of astick the free flexor works your musclesat every angle in every directionapparently waving this ball stick aroundwill guarantee you get rippedunfortunately various fitnessprofessionals disagree with these claimsstating that the free flexor is mostlikely nothing more than a gimmick I'llbe at a very sexual gimmick should startgetting them oh man I'm swinging itstarts to go deep you can feel it if youreally want to get buff like the guys inthe add a gym membership seems like amuch wiser investment number 2 facialflex this device looks more like itbelongs in a dental clinic than as partof your daily beauty and fitness regimeadvertised as a product that gives you anatural facelift the facial flex isalmost as odd as the reactions of thewoman trying it out in the infomerciallisa is a flexor she's a user and youcan see how all of these muscles andlook at her neck do you see how tighther neck is and yet there are reportedlymany people who swear by the facialflexes positive results I say theapartments not the only thing getting afacelift a similar device is theneckline slimmer a very unusual gadgetpromising to tighten your jaw lineeliminate your double chin and takeyears off your appearance by having yourepeatedly push your head against itthey say beauty is pain but this stufflooks like downright torture number oneTV hat private portable and hands-freefor any sci-fi writers who predicted adystopian future in which TV replacessocial interaction TV hat was exactlythe nightmare they were worried about sothat hat is dope thanks Tom if I rockthat bad Larry on my domeit's a visor with a very long cap thatyou can put your phone inside creating aportable movie theater perfect forblocking out the rest of the world iteven includes a custom lens to make thedisplay bigger and is shown as analternative to the expensive vr gamingsystems currently on the market watchwhat you want on your lunch break onlywith TV hat while watching things onyour phone hands-free is a nice ideaanyone who actually wears a TV hat willnever live it downyou're about to lose all your friends soquickly if you get this but you knowwhat I'm okay with that do you agreewith our picks check out these othergreat clips from WatchMojo and subscribefor new videos every day[Music]
