B2B eCommerce – 6 Best Practices

hey everybody I'm Ryan with Magento youknow not everything that gets soldonline goes right to an end consumer inthe past decade there's been anaccelerating trend ofbusiness-to-business or b2b commercemoving its way online with 93% ofbusiness to business buyers saying theyprefer to purchase on the Internet ifyou've got businesses as your customerseven if it's just a small portion ofyour buyer base it's time to startpaying close attention today I'm goingto show you six ways to do b2b commerceright so just how different is b2bcommerce from traditional online sellingwhile a lot of the process seems like itshould be similarthere are touch points throughout wherethe right technology makes all thedifference let's take a look first upquotes the b2b buying process can becompletely different from a traditionalcustomer experience business buyersoften require an itemized quote ofeverything they're planning to buy sothey can get approvals or funding tocomplete the transaction this means youneed the ability to lock in both thecontents and the price of your customershopping cart and arm them with thematerials they need to finish theirprocess now this does represent a prettymajor feature enhancement to the cartbut it could bring in some huge ordersnumber two negotiation b2b customersspend a lot of money and that meansthey'll want to negotiate which issomething you rarely see in the directconsumer world if you've a sales staffthat negotiates special rates for yourb2b customers for example you'll need atool where the sales staff can log inmanage quotes and apply these specialdiscounts and negotiated prices thesemanual overrides empower your staff andare critical if you want to becompetitive as a b2b player number threemultiple logins if you're a b2b buyeryou might need many people at yourcompany to be able to log in and additems to a quote submit approvals orreview details sharing a password orhuddling around a single computer screenare pretty bad practices and that's whythe best b2b sites offer individuallogins for each employee an ability toset roles and permissions and a way tomanage them all through a master companyaccount number four buying in bulk we'reall used to browsing product andcategory pages on websites but what ifyou want to buy hundreds of items thishappens to business buyers constantlyand they usually already have seebe files or lists of items they want bySKU a great b2b commerce site allowsshoppers to upload a bulk list of itemsthey want to buy the items go right intothe cart saving potentially hours ofprocurement time and increasing yourchances of closing the salenumber five order an inventorymanagement b2b customers are oftenbuying in bulk and have strictrequirements around how and when theyreceive their products so it pays thatvisibility into your inventory andorders this means knowing real-timeinventory from across your supply chainand using automated business rules tooptimize fulfillment costs and deliverytimes with this in place not only willyou deliver a better experience to yourb2b customer you'll also increaseprofitability and finally b2b analyticswhen dealing with business buyers thewhole customer journey changes and soyour analytics have to change toeverything we've talked about hereimpacts how you study and optimize yourbusiness quotes are an extra conversionstep negotiation impacts marginsmultiple users means new actions andhandoffs that could trigger specializedmarketing you have to make sure youranalytics are optimized for b2b so howdo you get all these best practicesrolled out on your sitewell Magento 2.2 has it all Magento isnamed a b2b commerce leader in theForrester wave and powers morebusinesses on internet retailers b2b 300than any other platform and with ourcomplimentary tools like Magento ordermanagement and Magento BusinessIntelligence you can become anunstoppable force in b2bheader over Magento icon to learn morethanks for watching
